Where to find scrap. Search for scrap metal in the ground without georadar, metal detector. Main sources of copper

Scrap copper will be happy to accept many scrap metal collection points from you. exceeds the cost of ferrous metals, so you can make good money on the delivery of unnecessary copper products, parts and other equipment containing copper and its alloys - brass or bronze.

What old appliances can contain copper?

An old tube TV can bring about one and a half kilograms of copper. All copper in this case falls on the transformer, inductor and installation wires. Aluminum is almost non-existent in older TVs.

A kinescope TV on semiconductors does not have a large amount of copper (no more than 400-500 grams). But it has expensive resistors and capacitors that an experienced assembler can put together.

A true find for professional scrap metal collectors is an old Soviet refrigerator. Recently, they are often thrown away due to the impossibility of repairing and the lack of spare parts for it. The refrigerator motor alone can contain up to three kilograms of pure copper. Often refrigerator cooling tubes are also made of copper or other expensive alloys. Freezing chambers of two-chamber Soviet refrigerators will bring scrap collectors a kilogram of pure aluminum or even more stainless steel

Copper for scrapping can also be found:

  • in transformers;
  • starters;
  • relay;
  • magnetic starters;
  • fittings for fluorescent lamps.

The cost of copper depends on its purity and the percentage of copper in the product - the higher the amount of copper contained in its alloy, the higher the price will be. Since impurities reduce the electrical conductivity of copper (arsenic and antimony reduce the electrical and thermal conductivity of copper most of all), the purest specialized grades of copper grades are usually used in the production of current conductors: "M00k" - cathode copper, "M00b" - oxygen-free copper, it contains no more 0.001% impurities. This type of copper is used for the manufacture of transformers, refrigerators, office equipment, cables with high flow rates.

How to collect copper?

To optimize the collection of scrap metal, it is necessary to develop an algorithm for collecting devices containing copper, organize their delivery to the place of dismantling, organize the dismantling itself and deliver copper to the scrap metal collection point. Copper scrap can often be found at construction sites, landfills, abandoned transformer booths. You can disassemble and store copper in the garage. Although you can get copper at the location of certain equipment or items, but for this you will need to always have the necessary tools with you, so this option is appropriate for people with vehicles.

Getting copper for scrapping is still half the battle. It is also important to profitably sell it. Please note that prices for non-ferrous scrap metal fluctuate greatly throughout the year. Usually, copper prices fall in summer, so it is better to save the mined copper until winter and wait for its price to rise.

Please note that even with the current level of development of scientific and technological progress, there is no worthy replacement for copper, and in the future its price will only grow. It should also be taken into account that the reserves of copper ore in the world are decreasing, which means that the cost of copper scrap will rise.

The search and collection of non-ferrous scrap metal for many is a way to earn extra money. For some, such an occupation seems frivolous.

But people who have been searching for and selling scrap for a long time confirm the opposite.

Non-ferrous scrap prices, unlike ferrous metal, significantly above. Therefore, this type of activity can provide a comfortable existence for a person.

Search for copper

Copper considered to be one of the most valuable metals kilogram can get up to 300 rubles. Therefore, people who specialize in the search for scrap metal strive to find as much copper scrap as possible.

Where to look for copper for scrap:

  • on the city ​​dumps- unusable, contain a lot of copper spare parts;
  • on the abandoned factories and factories;
  • near power plants you can find decommissioned cable wires or failed transformers.

To extract copper, it is not enough to find a Soviet refrigerator and sell it in its entirety. It is important to separate all parts containing copper. For example, in an old tube TV, it is located in the transformer and wires. In the refrigerator, valuable metal is contained in the compressor (more than a kilogram).

Where else can you find copper for scrap metal?

Old electric motor and contain a copper winding, and burned-out luminescent ones - fittings made of copper weighing up to 200-300 grams. Given that many businesses periodically throw away such lamps in huge quantities, you can get a good income.

Equipment for the search for non-ferrous scrap

If a person Really is engaged search for scrap non-ferrous metals, without additional equipment not enough. Searching for a non-ferrous metal with a metal detector will make the search for scrap easier, but more productive.

metal detector

An acquisition that will undoubtedly be needed to search for non-ferrous metals in the ground -.

In the modern market, their choice is huge, there are cheap models, and there are expensive ones, costing several tens of thousands of rubles.

But it is not necessary to buy an expensive model, the main thing is that the metal detector has the following functions:

  • discriminator- which will allow the model not to react to ferrous scrap;
  • possibility of adjustment sensitivity;
  • Availability special regimes- "Coins", "Precious metals".

The best budget models are:

  1. Bounty Hunter Tracker IV- one of the cheapest models, the price is not higher than 7,000 rubles. The device is very light compared to other models (1.3 kg), the maximum detection depth is almost 92 cm. There is a discrimination function and 3 general search modes.
  2. Garret Ace 150- an inexpensive model, the price is not higher than 12,000 rubles. Easy to operate device, light in weight, but with an excellent sensitivity range and depth of search. There is a discriminator function.
  3. Garret Ace 250- an inexpensive model costing up to 15,000 rubles. Compact metal detector, ideal for beginners. Runs on 4 AA batteries. You can adjust the sensitivity level and search depth, there is a universal mode "All metals", when an unnecessary scrap of ferrous metals is detected, the device will emit an appropriate sound.

How to work with a metal detector:

  • before use it is important to adjust the search depth, sensitivity and tonality (sound signals);
  • study of the nature of sound it is necessary to understand what information the device gives out;
  • it is necessary to lead the search coil as much as possible closer to the ground, while you need to move it not only straight, but also to the sides;
  • when triggered sound signal (metal detection), you need to look at the display - the target indicator located at the bottom of the display indicates the presence of a small object (up to 1-1.5 cm in diameter), at the top - about a larger one (more than 3-4 cm);
  • after finding targets can be carried out scrap.

search magnets

A specialized search magnet is another device that can make scrap mining simple and effective. The principle of operation is based on the ability of some non-ferrous metals magnetize. It is especially popular to search for scrap metal with a search magnet in:

  • rivers,
  • lakes,
  • ponds,
  • fountains,
  • wells.

Popular inexpensive models suitable for collecting non-ferrous scrap metal.

  1. Search unilateral F-120 magnet is small in size, its diameter is 7 cm, height 1.4 cm. Load capacity - 120 kg. An excellent indicator at a low cost - 1000-1100 rubles. The body is durable and corrosion resistant.
  2. double sided search magnet F-120 * 2 has small dimensions, height 2.8 cm and length 6.7 cm. But despite this size, the load capacity is surprising - 120 kg. The demagnetization rate is very low - less than 1% in 10 years, so the device will last a long time. Given the low price (2000 rubles), such a device will quickly pay off.
  3. Single sided search magnet F-600 at a price much more expensive (4000 rubles), but the maximum load capacity of this device is 600 kg. The model itself is compact, diameter 14 cm, height 2.5 cm, weight about 3200 kg. This magnet is ideal for searching from bridges and boats, with an easy attachment and a durable, rust-resistant housing.

How is it carried out search for scrap with a magnet:

  • first, a place to search is selected;
  • a strong rope is tied to the fastening in the form of a loop or hook, securely fixing it;
  • lower the body of the magnet into the water and simply move it to the side - the magnet collects all the scrap;
  • after that, the magnet is taken out and the scrap is separated.

Cutting tool

When collecting scrap of non-ferrous metals, the presence of a cutting tool will not interfere. There are situations when the found scrap has impressive dimensions, which makes it difficult to load and transport. Therefore, the presence Bulgarians help out. In addition to it, for cutting scrap, you can use scissors for cutting metals. Their price is low - from 300 to 700 rubles, so everyone can afford such an acquisition.

Some use for cutting non-ferrous scrap circular saws, but their disadvantage is high cost and bulky size.

Reciprocating saws perfectly cope with hollow structures (pipes). Another option is a regular hacksaw, manual or mechanical. But this method requires physical effort and takes a lot of time.


Another device, expensive, but useful when detecting non-ferrous metals, is an analyzer, or spectrometer. It can be used to accurately determine what metals is it made of detail or metal object. Another important function of such devices is the possibility of alloy quantitative analysis.

The use of the analyzer will be useful in the case when the capacity of the transport for loading scrap is limited. We have to choose the most expensive metals (copper, brass) from all the scrap metal mined. Cheaper ones (stainless steel, aluminum, lead) can be left.

The only disadvantage of the analyzers is high price Therefore, not everyone can afford such an acquisition. Even used devices are sold at a price of 600-800 thousand rubles. New models, depending on the type and functionality, can be bought from 1 million rubles. and higher.

Loading aids

When digging scrap, the simplest loading device can come in handy - cart.

A small cart will even fit in the trunk of a car and will help transport non-ferrous scrap from the spot to the place of loading and transportation.

Indeed, often the sources of scrap are far from each other, and a truck or a gazelle cannot drive everywhere.

It is easier to collect 20-30 kg of scrap in a cart and load it onto a trailer than to walk with 2-3 kg countless times. To make it easier to unload scrap onto a trailer, you can do scaffolding for easy lifting of the trolley.


If a person collects non-ferrous metal scrap on a large scale, and the volume of daily production exceeds 100-300 kg, the question arises of the need for transport for loading and exporting scrap. Passenger cars are not the best option, the trunk holds little. And often metal recyclables are located in places where it is difficult to travel by car.

Optimal options:

  1. Usage trailer. The trailer is also suitable for cars. You can buy a trailer (new or used), some make it yourself. Capacity - 750 kg.
  2. UAZ 3303- a truck with increased cross-country ability, capacity - a whole ton. This car can be bought from hand, for loading and transporting scrap UAZ is one of the best options.
  3. cargo gazelle GAZ 3302 has an even greater capacity, 1.5 tons. Will pass on any road and off-road. Perfect for those who collect scrap on a large scale.

Mining scrap of non-ferrous metals in detail

To detect a non-ferrous metal, you need to carefully prepare. This occupation is not easy, you need good physical strength and endurance. Better if the cop exercise company of several people- help is always needed.

Immediately before collecting scrap, you need to prepare equipment:

  • verify charge level (or take an extra set of batteries) and set up the metal detector;
  • not forget related equipment: magnets, analyzer (if available), shovels, cutting tools, trolley.

Safety precautions should not be ignored, when collecting scrap, injuries (bruises, cuts) are possible, so you need to take a complete first aid kit and clean water(2-3 l).

Clothing must be appropriate. The cop is always connected with the earth, garbage, dust, so you need to protect yourself. Better choose canvas suit with long sleeves and pockets. Headdress also desirable, a cap (in summer) or a hat will do. Shoes should cover the entire foot, have a high instep and a thick sole.

When collecting scrap, in no case should you look for easy prey - cut wires, take equipment and household utensils from summer cottages, operating factories and protected facilities. The consequences can be sad - in the form of criminal punishment and dangerous injuries.

Algorithm cop of non-ferrous scrap:

  • after discovery scrap source is excavated;
  • collected scrap are loading, and the place must be buried;
  • further scrap transport to a warehouse or garage, cleaned of debris and dirt;
  • equally important to make sorting scrap by type of metal using an analyzer or external signs;
  • change scrap metal and receiving proceeds.

Preparing scrap for delivery

Before delivery to scrap metal collection points, it is necessary to prepare and sort the collected non-ferrous metal scrap.

If this is not done, the price of collected recyclables at any collection point will decrease due to the presence of pollution, litter and elementary ignorance of the price difference for different types of non-ferrous metal.

For prepared and sorted scrap, you can get more money.

Scrap preparation process:

  • sorting, during which the scrap is separated depending on the material (copper, aluminum), it is convenient to lay out the scrap in containers;
  • decontamination is needed, the price at collection points depends on it - the higher the percentage of garbage, the less revenue a person will receive;
  • analysis scrap, dismantling - scrap metal is cut into pieces for convenience during export, a cutter or grinder is suitable for cutting;
  • cleaning from non-metallic elements- many products and equipment made of non-ferrous metals have wooden, glass, plastic parts; before delivery, they must be removed, this indicator affects the cost of scrap;
  • stripping may be necessary for wires made of copper, aluminum; stripping is often done by firing. But it is better to find out in advance from the receivers whether it is worth cleaning. It may turn out that the price will be lower.

After preparing the scrap, there are a couple of options:

  1. pass accumulated lot,
  2. keep collecting to a larger size.

Which option is preferable - everyone chooses independently. If the room where the scrap is stored is small, it is better to hand it over as it arrives.


The collection of non-ferrous metal scrap is gaining popularity, because metal recyclables have been valued at all times. According to people who have been collecting for several years, such activities draws and captivates, and detecting non-ferrous metal becomes an original hobby for many.

So that the benefits from detecting and handing over non-ferrous scrap metal are maximum, you need the appropriate equipment (metal detector, magnet) and knowledge of the properties of the non-ferrous metal, plus the desire and desire to earn.

Learn more about how non-ferrous metal is searched for in this video:

In contact with

Scrap metal collection is gaining more and more popularity. This activity captivates, addicts, becomes an original hobby for people, and also helps to clean up the natural environment from pollution and brings a good income. But for this you need to know where to collect scrap metal and what is needed for this.

Scrap metal collection points

Many who have heard about such an event as metal collection know that special items accept recyclables, and you can make money on it. Searching for scrap metal may seem like a frivolous task. But many turn this hobby into a good source of income. The main places for collecting metal are:

  • fields and landfills;
  • abandoned factories;
  • former military training grounds;
  • repair bases.

sowing fields

Searching for scrap in the sowing fields gives excellent results. Here you can find leftover spare parts from heavy agricultural machinery. During the sowing or harvesting period, tractors and combines are repaired directly at the workplace. Broken knots are left right here. These parts carry a lot of weight. And if you're lucky, you can expect to collect 100-200 kg in one day.

City dumps

And in the city dumps, in addition to ferrous metal, there are a lot of old household appliances: refrigerators, washing machines, TVs. It is these items that are the source of non-ferrous metals (copper, aluminum, zinc), which are much more profitable when buying. With all the accompanying troubles (the presence of unsanitary conditions and an unpleasant odor), collectors of non-ferrous metal from landfills claim that more than 50 or even 100 kg of valuable recyclables can be collected per day.

Large household appliances that have served their time, small kitchen utensils made of stainless steel and steel, electrical appliances containing non-ferrous metals can be found on the outskirts of settlements. Most often, such impromptu scrap metal dumps are arranged at the exit from villages and rural settlements, where there is no regular service for the removal of garbage containers. It is near them that the population leaves everything that is no longer needed in the house.

Old repair bases

Abandoned enterprises, former repair bases, store decent deposits of metal in their "bowels". Here you can find complete machines, as well as spare parts:

  • motors;
  • cylinders;
  • pistons.


It is not recommended to bypass abandoned shooting ranges, which are full of shells, and from large-caliber guns. Port cities are very profitable for searching for scrap metal. You can also try your luck on the beaches. The collection here consists of the following elements:

  • ship details;
  • chains;
  • castles;
  • anchors;
  • aluminum cans.

We must be prepared that in the process of searching for scrap, ferrous metal will often come across. Due to the large quantity, it is more profitable to collect it. But professionals in this business strive to find exactly copper waste, for a kilogram of which you can get from 300 rubles or more. And there is a lot of copper in the wires, so another source where scrap metal is mined is places near power plants.

Scrap metal search equipment

To go to the collection of scrap metal, you need not only comfortable clothing, but you also need to have the appropriate equipment with you, such as a metal detector or a magnet. Finding scrap metal with these devices will be much easier.

Working with a metal detector

The choice of metal detectors on the modern market is huge. There are very expensive models, and there are also cheaper ones. The price does not play a big role here. The main thing is that the device has the following functions:

  • sensitivity level adjustment;
  • maximum detection depth;
  • the presence of different modes - "precious metals", "coins", "ferrous metal".

To search only non-ferrous metals, it is better to purchase a metal detector with a discriminator - it does not allow the model to react to ferrous metal, or when it is detected, it makes a specific sound.

The sequence of work is as follows:

  • Adjustment of depth, sensitivity and tone of sound signals.
  • Location of the search engine closer to the ground.
  • Move the searchcoil straight and to the sides.
  • At the sound signal, pay attention to the display, which will display information about the size of the object.
  • After that, you can copy.

search magnets

A special magnet is another device that can effectively find scrap metal. The principle of its operation is based on the ability of metals to be magnetized. It is especially convenient to search for scrap with a magnet in natural reservoirs or wells.

Such magnets are popular, with the following load capacity:

  • unilateral- 120 kg;
  • bilateral- 120 kg;
  • bilateral- 600 kg.

It is important not only to purchase a magnet, but also to know how to use it. To begin with, a search location is selected. If any body of water is selected, then a rope is tied to a special fastening in the form of a loop. The magnet is lowered into the water and led to the sides. The device helps to find ferrous metal and other scrap metal. And after lifting it from the water, it is sorted. In the tool kit, it is useful to have metal scissors or a grinder, since the scrap found can be of impressive size.

Metal is not only a practical material to use, but also cost-effective. Especially when it comes to collecting. Since the times of the USSR, enterprising citizens have been collecting scrap, which was subsequently handed over to state reception points. The economic model of the country has now changed, and private business is engaged in this method of earning.

Many consider the collection of ferrous metal as a real source of income, while others are looking for more precious products and expensive alloys with the help of special equipment. Legislatively, there are practically no restrictions that would prohibit citizens from searching for metal products in neutral territories.

Where they look for scrap metal is an interesting question. Many users share their own experiences in search of scrap on thematic forums. They say that they found tons of iron in the form of abandoned equipment in the middle of the forest. Such a find can bring a person a small fortune. Therefore, it is worth considering the topic in more detail.

Why is scrap metal collected?

The scrap metal collection point collects various alloys almost around the clock. There are such private organizations in almost every city in the country. Their remarkable feature is that for each type of product or alloy they set their own price. In addition, organizations accept absolutely all scrap in any quantity.

The main purpose of the collection and delivery of scrap is aimed at obtaining benefits. Many abandoned cars and other devices are stored in and on the ground throughout the country. In the Soviet period, there were many enterprises that, in order not to engage in recycling, got rid of old and damaged equipment, burying it or driving it away into the dense forests. After the collapse of the Union, many of these state-owned companies went bankrupt, and thousands of tons of various metal alloys are still on their territory.

In addition to the economic function, there are practical benefits. Citizens, collecting metal, carry out its disposal, clearing the territory from the negative impact of all scrap and other materials. It is cost effective and useful. Additionally, metal collection points provide its secondary processing and remelting, which is also useful for enterprises - manufacturers of metal structures.

How cost effective is it?

Before you sort out the question of where they are looking for scrap metal, you should think about how profitable it is. It would be wrong to search without a goal. It is important to know where approximately there are good burials of scrap and whether it is the property of the state or a company.

Receiving organizations offer different prices depending on the alloy and grade of metal. On average, from 10 to 20 rubles are paid per kilogram. If we are talking about here, the price will be almost twice as much. It turns out that you can earn up to 2000 rubles per ton.

Finding an abandoned landfill, where there are a lot of old cars and spare parts, you can get up to 2 million rubles. However, it is important not to violate applicable law. It is also worth thinking about costs here. Usually, the one who searches independently delivers the found scrap to the collection points. Therefore, you should find a loader and several trucks to transport all the objects found.

Often users discuss stories about professional searchers who can earn up to 10 million rubles in one year. However, they are engaged in searches throughout the country and have a team of people from different professions.

Search features

Speaking about where to collect scrap metal, you need to consider all the nuances that are associated with this activity. Searches can be lengthy and not always successful. Therefore, it is important to study in the region all large enterprises and their test sites that operated earlier. Depending on the location of the city and the main areas of industry, you can buy and rent various lands from the municipality, where there may be abandoned metal objects.

If you plan to engage in prospecting professionally, you should get a team to extract a large amount of metal. Going to a new place, it is worth chatting with old-timers and local residents to learn more about the various businesses and organizations that operated many years ago.

You can’t dig up equipment with your bare hands, and even more so you won’t deliver it to the delivery point. Therefore, it is important to have special equipment and machines for fast transportation. It is advisable to purchase all this for rent, since at the initial stage the large investments associated with the purchase of equipment may not pay off.

Search in the city

Speaking about where to find scrap metal in the city, it is necessary to study its border areas and abandoned industrial enterprises. Equipment can usually be found nearby in the fields or in the buildings themselves. Having discovered such an organization, it is necessary to find out all the legal nuances of the object, so as not to turn from a metal collector into a kidnapper.

Often, the municipalities themselves hold auctions for the sale of land and adjacent objects. Knowing that the place will be economically profitable, you can consider buying it. Usually these items are not expensive. The administration itself sells the land due to the fact that there are no funds in the budget for their maintenance, repair, cleaning and restoration. But before entering into such a deal, it is worth going to the object and assess how profitable it will be.

Sometimes large industrial cities have landfills and landfills in the area adjacent to the city. Various types of waste from a working enterprise are brought there. These are mainly waste materials and various scrap metal. If you get permission to collect such garbage, you can make good money. However, safety precautions must be observed in such areas.

Search in the village

A common question is where to look for scrap metal in the village. The fact is that the old villages of an abandoned type are rich in black scrap. But, in reality, the situation is ambiguous. Even if the settlement practically does not function, it may have an administration. This means that almost all property will belong to her. If we talk about completely abandoned settlements, then you should go to the old workshops and farms.

There are most of all various metal beams, partitions and equipment. It is worth being careful, as abandoned buildings are always in disrepair. For the dismantling and processing of metal, you will need special equipment. You should first evaluate the scope of work and make a list of the necessary devices, and only after that proceed with the extraction of scrap and its processing.

The richest places in scrap metal

On thematic forums, you can often find the question - where are experienced users looking for scrap metal. Surprisingly, many note that a significant part of metal products is in the ground. It is necessary to look for abandoned fields near workshops and enterprises. As practice shows, in order not to pay for the disposal and processing of damaged machinery or equipment, it was usually simply buried in the fields in the ground.

The second most popular place is forests and swamps. There is a lot here. Searchers from other countries have found entire ranges of outdated military vehicles in the middle of a dense forest. All objects were without an owner, so they could be used.

Where to find a lot of scrap metal, divers can still tell. There are many different boats and ships in small reservoirs and coastal sea areas. If we take into account that the average weight of the ship is over 500 tons, then with the proper approach, you can earn several million rubles. The main thing is that the metal should not be in a completely deplorable state, since the collection points do not accept parts destroyed by rust.

What do you need to search?

Scrap metal collection points do not provide any equipment. Therefore, the searchers themselves, based on the characteristics of the search, select all the equipment and devices individually. If it comes to hidden searches, mostly underground, you will need a metal detector.

It is also worth getting a mini excavator, a loading boom and a car with a lifting capacity of at least 5 tons. You can’t dig a tractor buried in the ground with an ordinary shovel and you can’t get it with your bare hands. If the search is small and aimed at detecting non-ferrous metals, then in addition to a metal detector, a hand tool may come in handy.

Are there any restrictions?

When discussing where to find a lot of scrap metal, users often complain about bringing them to administrative and sometimes criminal liability.

It is important to understand here that the search should not be carried out on someone's property. Even if there is an ownerless metal object on it, using it will be qualified as theft. All actions must be carried out only with the official permission of the owner of the site or facility.

Scrap search as a business

Where do entrepreneurs look for scrap metal? The question is not only relevant, but also interesting. Many who have been searching have decided to turn their hobby into a real business. For searches they use expensive equipment. In addition, entrepreneurs study archival records in order to find previously operating enterprises and lands that belonged to them. It is at such facilities that you can find hundreds of tons of unnecessary scrap.

If we talk about where to look for scrap metal with a metal detector as an amateur, then there is no better place than beaches and forests. Many engage in such activities as entertainment. Search engines are delighted to find ancient metal artifacts. The activity is quite interesting, and you can feel like a treasure hunter. At the same time, as practice shows, luck smiles at some, and they find treasure chests.


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