Assembly drawings of the destroyer thundering pr 956. Domestic weapons and military equipment. The Appearance and Propaganda Meaning of Aesthetics

The ships of this project could become the most massive in their class. They planned to launch them in huge quantities for our Navy. Fifty destroyers of the first rank - such an armada is enough to equip the whole fleet. In addition, the multi-purpose purpose assumed their use for solving a wide variety of tasks. The lead destroyer Sovremenny (project 956) was laid down in 1975, the last ship of the series was launched at the end of 1993. Of the planned fifty units, 17 units were put into service with the USSR and Russia. Four more go under Two ships are mothballed, two are under modernization, two more are in combat strength, the rest are decommissioned. What is the reason for such a massive cutting of non-old, according to naval concepts, units into metal?

Why did the USSR need new destroyers

The reasons for the abandonment of a large number of Project 956 ships should be sought in times already distant. It was then, in the mid-fifties, that an unfortunate phenomenon took place, called the “Khrushchev defeat” by the sailors. Intoxication with the successes of domestic rocket builders led to a major strategic miscalculation. The probability of a global conflict decreased due to mutual destruction, but this did not mean at all that there was no need for the regional presence of the Soviet Navy, and it turned out to be extremely difficult to ensure it without the presence of large ships in the arsenal. The actions of squadrons on combat duty in various remote sectors of the World Ocean were difficult (due to the small number of units that form their "core" and determine stability). Aircraft carriers were not built in the USSR because of their high cost, the destroyers of early projects (project 30-2 and 78) and cruisers (project 68), built under Stalin and “undercut” by Khrushchev, not only morally obsolete, but also physically worn out. The fleet required replenishment with modern ships of large displacement, equipped - along with rocket launchers - with powerful artillery. This is exactly what the newest destroyer of Project 956 was conceived of, the urgent need for which was fully realized after the large-scale exercises “Ocean”, which took place in the spring of 1970.

What is it and why is it needed

The concept is rather traditional than filled with real meaning. Of course, the armament is not limited to mines, but according to its purpose, the ship rather corresponds to the class of frigates adopted in many fleets of the world, which, in turn, also have little in common with old sailing ships. The destroyer of the project 956 "Sarych" (such was the code) was intended to perform a wide range of combat missions that could be beyond the strength of the Soviet Navy in the late sixties. Officially, its main purpose was formulated as fire support for the landing, expressed in the suppression of small-sized ground targets, providing air defense and missile defense for the landing units and destroying the potential enemy's watercraft. It was also planned to be used jointly with the BOD (project 1155), which brought the effectiveness of such a pair closer to the combat capabilities of the most modern American Spruence frigates at that time. Based on the tasks set, the project 956 destroyer was created. The ship is expensive for the budget, it is built on the basis of a specific defense doctrine, especially when it comes to a large series.

The Appearance and Propaganda Meaning of Aesthetics

It is believed that for military equipment, the appearance is not as important as its functionality, but this is not entirely true. The impression it makes on a potential enemy often depends on how impressive the model looks, that in the absence of war it can play an important role in the development of the conflict, and possibly even prevent it. Based on this premise, the project 956 destroyer was also created. The model, the photo of which was presented to the IMF Commander-in-Chief Admiral S. G. Gorshkov at the end of 1971, was approved largely due to the formidable appearance of the ship, its sinister exterior and the propaganda effect that could produce its silhouette after the appearance of the ship in the ocean. The naval authorities liked the layout, built on a scale of 1:50: it fully corresponded to the foreign policy doctrine of the USSR and demonstrated progress in science and technology in the second half of the 20th century. But, of course, it was not only in appearance - S. G. Gorshkov was not so simple to evaluate the destroyer of project 956 by the general impression. The characteristics of the ship were more important, and they spoke of very good seaworthiness.

Shipbuilding innovations

The expert in the field of shipbuilding liked the preliminary design not only aesthetically. The main features of the external appearance of the ship were the smooth deck of the hull, the sheerness of its bow, the successful placement of artillery weapons of the main caliber, the location of anti-aircraft systems on the sides (which provided excellent opportunities for setting barrage fire) and the high elevation of the radar antennas (to improve the location review). The length of the hull was limited by the capabilities of the shipyards of the plant. A. A. Zhdanov and should not exceed 146 meters with a width of 17 m. In the development of the general shipbuilding ideology of the ship, many technologies were used for the first time. The shape of the bow set the non-flooding (up to 7 points of excitement) by the oncoming wave, the side was made with a double break in the surface to reduce visibility. There were other features that distinguished the project 956 destroyer. The deck drawings were made in compliance with their strict horizontality, regardless of the contours, which significantly improved the manufacturability of the equipment installation. The hull is divided into fifteen watertight compartments, the bow "bulb" underwater part not only reduces resistance, but also serves to accommodate a sonar post (MGK-335MS, aka the Platinum complex). Rationally applied elements of force hardening in places of greatest stress.

Power plant

The disadvantages of the ships of this series, experts include a deliberately outdated power plant. There were reasons for this. When choosing the type of turbine, S. G. Gorshkov gave preference to the boiler scheme, rejecting the gas one. This was done under the influence of the Minister of Shipbuilding of the USSR B. E. Butoma, who argued his opinion with the large load of the Southern Turbine Plant and the fact that it would be easier to arrange fuel oil supplies in a special period than diesel fuel. As a result, the Project 956 destroyer was equipped with a twin boiler-turbine unit with a total capacity of 100 thousand liters. With. Today it is difficult to give a comprehensive assessment and speak purely in favor of this decision or against it. The fact is that at the beginning of the 70s there was an ambitious project to create technologically revolutionary direct-flow CTUs, which, if successful, promised to become unique, but it was not crowned with success. Ultimately, I had to stop at ordinary outdated high-pressure boilers, proven and, in general, also not bad. And another argument in their favor was the relative cheapness of fuel oil. The world energy crisis also affected the USSR.

Cannon armament

The underestimation of the role of artillery in the maritime theater of operations over the past decades prompted the Sevmash Design Bureau to equip the Sovremenny destroyer (project 956) with two twin AK-130 installations equipped with Lev-218 (MR-184) multi-channel control systems. Guidance of the trunks is carried out on the basis of information received from the radar, range finder (laser) and television devices, and processed by a digital computer for firing parameters. The supply of ammunition is mechanized, the rate of fire reaches 90 rds / min, the range exceeds 24 km. In terms of artillery power, the Project 956 destroyer surpasses the battleships of the First World War, which had no other weapons than cannons. The weight of projectiles delivered to the target (in one minute) exceeds six tons.

Anti-aircraft artillery systems provide protection against complex targets (including cruise missiles) and are represented by two 30-mm AK-630M systems located on the side. These installations include six-barrel water-cooled systems controlled by the Vympel automated control system. They are capable of hitting high-speed objects at a distance of up to 4 km with a rate of fire of 4,000 rounds per minute.


The missile armament of the destroyer "Sarych" is designed to combat air and sea targets. The Uragan complex (in later modifications, the Uragan-Tornado) is equipped with single-beam launchers firing missiles. In the ammunition load of each of the two launchers - 48 guided missiles. "Hurricane" - a universal weapon, it is quite suitable for destroying surface ships of small tonnage (for example, missile or number of targets tracked and destroyed - up to six (when launched every 12 seconds).

The Project 956 destroyer carries out specialized anti-ship defense with the Moskit (Moskit-M) complex, equipped with ZM-82 missiles. There are two installations, they are protected by armor, each contains four shells. The combat radius of the complex is 120 km (170 for Mosquito-M). Supersonic missiles (M = 3), the mass of explosives in the combat charging compartment is three centners. All eight ZM-82s can be fired within a half-minute salvo at the command of the ship's control system.

Terms of service

"Sarych" favorably differed from many ships of the Navy with improved habitability conditions. The destroyer is equipped with a single microclimate unit that provides a comfortable atmosphere at outdoor temperatures ranging from -25°C to +34°C. 16 cabins with a capacity of 10 to 25 people are used for rest of the rank and file, while each sailor has an area of ​​more than 3 m². Midshipman (quadruple) and officer (single and double) cabins have an area of ​​10 square meters. m. Two spacious saloons and three dining rooms are used for eating. On board there is everything you need for life away from your native shore: a cinema, cable TV, a library, an internal radio system, comfortable showers, and a sauna. In hot weather, by order of the ship's commander, a pool can be assembled.

Inside the medical block there is an outpatient clinic, a two-bed isolation room, an infirmary and an operating room.

The habitability and comfort conditions on the Project 956 destroyers are not inferior to foreign standards, which has affected the export potential of these ships.

Hard times

The project was created exclusively for internal use, and before the collapse of the USSR, there was no question of selling ships of this type. Fourteen destroyers became part of the Soviet Navy in the period 1976-1881, each of them was built for an average of four years. The ships entered the Northern (six) and Pacific (eight) fleets, took part in large-scale naval exercises, made long-distance voyages and friendly visits to foreign ports.

In the last Soviet years and immediately after the collapse of the USSR, the situation changed. Public funding has dropped sharply. Maintaining a warship is expensive. Over a decade, a dozen of them were decommissioned, five destroyers of this type remained in service, the rest were dismantled or mothballed. Ten years later (in 2011), the only Project 956 destroyer Admiral Ushakov was in combat service in the Northern Fleet. "Persistent" was the flagship of the Baltic Fleet, and "Fast" was in the Pacific Ocean. Only three of the seventeen ships built remained in operation.

By this time, most of the weapons systems of the Sarych class were obsolete. The planned modernization of the Project 956 destroyers involved re-equipping with cruise missiles and new air defense and missile defense systems. The replacement of anti-submarine and anti-torpedo defense was required. At the same time, the running characteristics of the destroyers remained very good. An autonomous navigation range of 4,500 miles, high speed, and powerful onboard artillery prompted the fleet command to refrain from completely withdrawing ships from combat strength.

Modernization and export deliveries

Two unfinished ships, which received the names "Important" and "Thoughtful" at the laying, and then renamed the "Yekaterinburg" and "Alexander Nevsky", were completed and sold to the PRC at the turn of the millennium. The project in the export version has undergone changes and received the code 956 E. The names of the Chinese ships are "Hanzhou" and "Fuzhou", they have been serving in the Eastern Fleet of the Navy of the People's Liberation Army of China since 2000 to the present. The modernization of the destroyers of the project 956 series "E" (export) concerned only the power plant and some weapons systems.

The following two units, intended for the Chinese fleet, have undergone more serious changes. The project 956EM destroyer differs from the E modification in size, Moskit-ME extended-range anti-ship missiles (they reach targets within a radius of 200 km) and new Kashtan anti-aircraft missile and artillery modules. The aft gun mount has been replaced by a helicopter hangar. Under this project, two destroyers (Taizhou and Ningbo) were built in 2005 and 2006.

If the sale of the first two ships to China was mainly explained by the difficult financial situation in the initial post-Soviet period, then the contract for the supply of the next pair can be called a successful foreign trade operation. In the middle of the first decade of the new century, a line was already outlined for the systematic modernization of the Russian armed forces, including the fleet. At that time, ships were being designed that were more advanced than the Project 956 destroyer, whose photo already evoked associations with a bygone era. Massive superstructures and numerous antennas corresponded to the appearance of the fleets of the last century. However, China did not lose, having bought powerful and reliable combat units that strengthened its Navy.

Project 956 Sarych ships forever remained the best destroyers created in the USSR. They were developed and built at the peak of the country's economic power and embodied the most advanced technical solutions of that time. The Sarych destroyers have taken the place of multi-purpose ships in the fleet, capable of independently solving tasks anywhere in the world.

Sarych project - a ship on the march

The main parameters of the project 956 "Sarych"

The history of development

Artillery light cruiser "Kuibyshev". The predecessor of the "Buzzards" did not have missile weapons and could not be upgraded

By the end of the 60s, the main combat force of the Navy of the Soviet Union - artillery cruisers, had completely exhausted their resources. Their guns were powerless against the missile systems of the American fleet, which upset the balance of power.

To replace them, it was decided to develop modern Russian destroyers Sarych for the far sea zone, installing the latest Soviet anti-ship missiles on them.

The project received the code 956 "Buzzard".

The new modern destroyer of Russia had to solve many problems at once:

  • cover for missile submarines;
  • counteraction to enemy submarines;
  • projection of power to remote coastal areas;
  • counteraction to UDC, frigates, corvettes, enemy patrols;
  • struggle against enemy communications.

Employees of the Leningrad design bureau were able to give the warship the appearance of a real predator. The swift silhouette brings to mind the squat hulls that Russian Navy destroyers used to fight in the Russo-Japanese War.

Aggressive appearance was reinforced by impressive weapons. On the sides were placed 2 quadruple anti-ship missiles "Moskit" and two twin 130-mm guns, ready to unleash up to 180 shells per minute on the enemy.

Sarych-class destroyers are armed with artillery, which is still the best in the world. No US Navy destroyer is capable of defeating the 956 in a gunfight. "Sarychi" demonstrated the power of Soviet weapons during demonstration exercises and long-distance campaigns throughout the oceans. Project 956 destroyers are the legendary ships of Russia.

In total, it was planned to build 32 "Sarych", but the collapse of the Soviet Union did not allow these plans to come true. For the fleet of the USSR / RF, only 17 units were commissioned. Another 4 ships were sold to China. One building was demolished. How many destroyers will remain in Russia in a few years, no one knows.

3 destroyers

currently in the combat composition of the Russian fleet

The Russian fleet currently has three destroyers in service, and three more can be returned from the reserve. The remaining destroyers of Russia in the amount of 12 units have either already been cut into scrap metal, or are waiting for the same fate.

Tactical and technical characteristics (TTX)

Draft, m 6 meters
Displacement of the first 11 ships, t 6500 - 7904 tons
Displacement after modification, t 6600 – 8000
Length, m 145.2 - 156.6
Width, m 17.2
Propeller, number of propellers 2
Engine 2 boiler-turbine GTZA-674
Engine power, hp 100 000
Maximum speed, knots 32
Cruise speed, knots 18.4
Peacetime crew, people 296 (25 officers)
Crew during the war, people Up to 350 (31 officers)
Electronic warfare equipment Two paired installations of passive interference PK2M, starting from the 9th case, from 4 to 8 (depending on the modification) of the 122-mm jammer PK10 were added to them
Artillery 2 twin 130mm gun mounts
air defense 4 AK-630 units
Anti-submarine weapons GAS "Platina-S", 2 RBU-1000 bombers
anti-ship missiles 2 quadruple installations of missiles "Mosquito"
anti-aircraft missiles SAM "Hurricane"
torpedoes 2 double tube calibers 533 mm
Aviation Helicopter Ka-27

Russian destroyer "Modern"

Project 956 Sarych destroyers have six decks divided by bulkheads into 16 watertight compartments. The kink in the bow reduces radio visibility, although the destroyer itself is not made using stealth technology. Aluminum alloy was used to create superstructures.

The Sarych ship is equipped with an air conditioning system, cinema halls and even a collapsible pool. These are one of the best ships of the Russian Navy in terms of comfort for the crew. Reasonable use of internal volumes made it possible to obtain more than 3 m2 of living space for one person.

Overview of the weapons of the destroyer of project 956 "Sarych"

Installation AK-130, developed in the 70s, remains one of the best to this day. It can fire up to 90 shots per minute, sending 30-kilogram projectiles to a distance of 23 kilometers. Projectiles with radar fuses allow you to shoot down aircraft.

The AK-630 guns protect the Project 956 Sarych destroyer from aircraft and missiles flying closer than 2,000 m. By firing up to 5,000 shells per minute, they can be effective not only against aircraft, but also to sink surface targets. Civilian vessels often used by pirates, such an installation on the EM Sarych can simply be cut in half in one burst.

Mosquito anti-ship missiles, although somewhat outdated, can still eliminate any enemy, except for an aircraft carrier - that will need 3-4 missiles. Rocket bombers are effective against submarines.


Project 956E

The first example of Russian-Chinese cooperation in the naval sphere. Two unfinished hulls were completed for the Chinese Navy with minimal changes.
Project 956EM
Another pair of 956EMs was built specifically for China. A full-fledged hangar for a helicopter has been added. The GAS was replaced by a more modern one. Mosquito missiles have increased their strike range to 200 km.

Russian destroyers of the Sarych project

"Fast" Russian Pacific Fleet
"Admiral Ushakov" Northern Fleet of the Russian Federation
"Persistent" Baltic Fleet of the Russian Federation
"Stormy" Reserve
"Combat" Reserve
"Fearless" Reserve
"Restless" Reserve
"Thundering" Waiting for recycling
"Winged" Waiting for recycling
"Quick" Waiting for recycling
"Modern" Dismantled
"Desperate" Dismantled
"Great" Dismantled
"Prudent" Dismantled
"Irreproachable" Dismantled
"Persistent" Dismantled
"Impressive" Dismantled
"Rampant" Dismantled
"Hangzhou" Navy of the People's Republic of China
Fuzhou Navy of the People's Republic of China
"Taizhou" Navy of the People's Republic of China
"Ningbo" Navy of the People's Republic of China

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages that the Sarych project has:

  • Universal firepower - the Russian destroyer pr.956 has the ability to effectively act as a destroyer of enemy ships with the help of the Moskit anti-ship missiles. Ship guns can grind to dust any coastal fortifications - resisting landings or threatening communications;
  • Long autonomy - a good supply of food and fuel allows you to operate cut off from supplies for at least a month;
  • Thoughtful living area - the convenience of the crew has always been underestimated in the Russian fleet, but comfort on a long voyage saves sailors from unnecessary stress.


  • Lack of upgrades - today the "Buzzards" of project 956 are outdated. They need radar, sonar and new generation missile weapons;
  • Capricious machines - advanced for their time, boiler-turbine plants produce high power, but are large and often require repair.

Project 956 destroyers.

Project 956 destroyers (Sarych type, NATO code - Sovremenny class destroyer). The main purpose of the ship was considered to be providing fire support to the landing in the landing area, destroying antiamphibious defense, equipment and manpower, delivering artillery strikes on enemy warships and ships. Lead ship "Modern". Project 956 destroyers, officially classified as ships of the 1st rank.

Currently in the Russian Navy:

- KTOF - "Stormy" (repair), "Fast", "Fearless" (reserve)

- KSF - "Admiral Ushakov".

- DKBF - "Restless" (reserve), "Moskovsky Komsomolets" / "Persistent".

Total: operating destroyers of project 956 for 2013 - 3 units

Destroyer Modern.

Destroyer Modern- Launched on November 18, 1978, and entered service on December 25, 1980. and already February 3, 1981. became part of the Northern Fleet (SF - 56 Brem 7 Opesk).

April 1984 took part, as part of the KUG, already in 3 exercises of the Northern Fleet - "Atlantic-84", "Arctic-84", and May "Squadron-84".

January 15 to June 4, 1985 military service in the Mediterranean Sea with the TAKR "Kiev", the cruiser "V Vice Admiral Drozd", BOD " Marshal Timoshenko"," Slender"And the destroyer" Desperate".

August 28 - September 26, 1988 exercised control, together with BOD "Slender" and Em "Unstoppable", for the NATO exercises "Team Work-88" in the Norwegian Sea with tracking of the US Navy aircraft carrier "Forrestal \ Forrestal".

Board numbers: 670(1980), 760(1981), 618(1982), 680(1982),402(1982), 441(1984), 431(1988), 420(1990), 402(1992), 431( 1998), 753

Decommissioned: 1998

Destroyer Restless.

Destroyer Restless- Launched on June 9, 1990., and entered service on December 28, 1991. and already February 29, 1991. Andreevsky flag was raised on the ship.

August 24, 1992 became part of the Baltic Fleet, part of the 128th brigade of surface ships of the 12th division of missile ships.

From 10 to 20 October 1994 ensured the visit of the English Queen to St. Petersburg, for which he was awarded a diploma of the President of Russia.

In 1995 took part in the exercises "Baltops-1995".

In 1996 was the flagship during the exercises "Baltops-96".

In 1997 participated in the exercises "Baltops-97".

In 2001 participated in the exercise "Baltops-2001".

Board numbers: 678 (1992), 620 (1993).

It is currently in the reserve of the 1st category.

Destroyer Fearless.

Destroyer Fearless- Launched on December 28, 1991, and entered service on December 30, 1993. and already April 17, 1994. became part of the Northern Fleet (SF - 56 Brem 7 Opesk).

May 1994 paid a visit to Oslo (Norway)

Since December 21, 1994 to March 22, 1996 military service in the Mediterranean. During the service, they visited Tartus (Syria) at the end of January, and Malta in February.

In 2004 received a new name "Admiral Ushakov", the ship inherited the name from the Red Banner heavy nuclear missile cruiser of the Northern Fleet, expelled from the Navy in June 2002.

Board numbers: 694 (1993), 678 (1995), 434 (1996).

Destroyer Rampant.

Destroyer Rampant- Launched on September 30, 1989, and entered service on June 25, 1991. and already on July 30, 1991. became part of the Northern Fleet (SF-43rd division of missile ships of the 7th operational squadron)

From December 1991 until December 1994, the destroyer was in the Ura Bay, providing security and defense for the TAKR " Admiral Kuznetsov» at the base point.

July 5, 1992 participated in a joint exercise with a detachment of American ships in the Barents Sea.

May 26 to May 31, 1993 paid an official visit to the port of New York to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic, after which they conducted exercises in maneuvering and communications with the US Navy.

December 9, 2007 was renamed "Thundering" and the guards flag was raised on the ship.

Board numbers: 682(1991), 444(1992), 435(1993), 406(1994). Decommissioned: 2012

Destroyer Irreproachable.

Destroyer Impeccable- Launched on July 25, 1983, and entered service on October 6, 1985. and already on January 7, 1986. became part of the Northern Fleet (SF-56 bram 7 opesk)

August - December 1986 military service in the Mediterranean.

From 4 to 17 March 1989 military service in the Mediterranean Sea monitoring the NATO exercise "Nord Star" and following the aircraft carrier "America".

January 4 to July 25, 1991 military service in the Mediterranean Sea (together with the Kalinin TARKR).

Board numbers: 820(1985), 430(1986), 681(1987), 459(1987), 413(1990), 417(1992), 455(1994), 439(1995). Decommissioned: 2001

Destroyer Stormy.

Destroyer Burny - Launched on December 30, 1986, and entered service on September 30, 1988. and already November 9, 1988. became part of the Baltic Fleet (BF-76 brrk 12 drk). November 13, 1989 transferred to the Pacific Fleet (TOF-193 brplk).

From January 3 to July 20, 1991 military service in the South China Sea based in Cam Ranh (Vietnam).

In August 1998 participation in Russian-American exercises to provide assistance in emergency situations.

In August 2005 combat service in the Sea of ​​Japan and participation, together with the BOD " Marshal Shaposhnikov” in the joint Russian-Chinese exercises “Peace Mission 2005”.

Board numbers: 677(1988), 795(1989), 722(1990), 778(1994). Decommissioned: Since 2005 is under renovation.

Destroyer Fast.

Destroyer Bystry - Launched on November 28, 1987, and entered service on September 30, 1989. and already October 30, 1989. became part of the Baltic Fleet (BF-76 brrk 12 drk). November 13, 1989 transferred to the Pacific Fleet (Pacific Fleet - 175 brigade of missile ships of the 10th OPESK).

From 21 to 23 June 1990 participated in the exercises of the Baltic Fleet under the flag of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy.

September 15 to November 3, 1990 made an inter-fleet transition to the Pacific Fleet together with the cruiser RKR Cherovna Ukraine.

From 24 to 26 April 1991 the destroyer participated in exercises to ensure air defense and anti-aircraft defense of the TAKR.

February 17, 1992 assisted in extinguishing a fire at the Admiral Zakharov BOD in the Amur Bay.

from 18 to 22 April 1992 military service in the Sea of ​​Japan, together with EM "Fearless" conducted a search anti-submarine operation.

During the period from 11 to 17 December 1997. accompanied the nuclear submarine K-500, which was returning from combat service.

from 17 to 19 May 2010 participated in exercises in the area of ​​the Sea of ​​Japan, together with TAKR "Peter the Great", RKR "Varyag" and BOD " Admiral Panteleev".

In September 2011 participated in the exercises of the Pacific Fleet, as part of the RRC "Varyag", BOD "Admiral Vinogradov" and BOD "Admiral Tributs".

June 29 to August 7, 2012 participated in the international naval exercises "RIMPAK-2012".

Board numbers: 676 (1989), 786 (1991), 715 (1993).

In line.

E destroyer Combat.

Destroyer Combat- Launched on August 4, 1984, and entered service on September 28, 1986. and already November 5, 1986. became part of the Baltic Fleet (BF-76 brrk 12 drk). November 13, 1989 transferred to the Pacific Fleet (Pacific Fleet - 175 brigade of missile ships of the 10th OPESK).

Since April 4, 1989 to September 23, 1989 military service in the Persian Gulf and the South China Sea.

July 31 to August 4, 1990 together with BPC Admiral Vinogradov"and the tanker "Argun" under the flag of Admiral G. Khvatov made a friendly visit to the naval base of San Diego (USA).

Board numbers: 678(1986), 640(12/20/1987), 728(1989), 770(1990), 720(1993)

Decommissioned: 2010

E destroyer Leading.

Leading destroyer - Launched on May 30, 1987, and entered service on December 30, 1988. and already on August 7, 1989. became part of the Northern Fleet (SF-56 Brem 7 Opesk).

August 18, 1988 was renamed "Thundering" and the guards flag was raised on the ship.

From 26 to 31 August 1991 as a flagship took part in the celebration of the anniversary dedicated to the memory of the 50th anniversary of the first northern convoy "Dervish".

From 25 to 1 June 1993 paid an official visit to Liverpool (Great Britain) to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic.

May 9, 1995 took part in the anniversary parade to the 50th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Board numbers: 680(1988), 684(1989), 605(1990), 420(1990), 739(1991), 439(1991), 429(1995), 404(2005).

Decommissioned: 2006

Esk adren destroyer Winged.

Destroyer Winged- Launched on May 31, 1986, and entered service on December 30, 1987. and already March 26, 1988. became part of the Northern Fleet (SF-56 Brem 7 Opesk).

March 4-17, 1989 with "Inspired" carried out control over the NATO exercises "Nord Star" and tracking "America".

From December 21-30, 1988 combat escort TARKR "Kalinin" to ensure the inter-fleet transition.

March 4-17, 1989 in the Norwegian Sea, as part of the KUG, it monitored the NATO exercises "Nord Star" for the aircraft carrier "Ark Royal" and "Intrepid".

Since December 1, 1989 to June 13, 1990 military service in the Mediterranean Sea, monitored the aircraft carrier "D. Eisenhower.

January 4-23, 1991 escort TARKR "Kalinin" for combat service in the Mediterranean Sea.

Board numbers: 670 (1986), 424 (1988), 444 (1990), 415 (1996).

Decommissioned: 1998

Esk adren destroyer Prudent.

Destroyer Prudent- Launched on April 24, 1982, and entered service on September 30, 1984. and already on December 7, 1984. became part of the Baltic Fleet (BF-76 brrk 12 drk).

August 21 - November 22, 1985 crossing from Baltiysk to Vladivostok around Africa as part of the KUG KR. "Frunze" and BOD " Admiral Spiridonov"after which he was enrolled in the 175 brigade of missile ships of the 10 operational squadron - Pacific Fleet.

In the middle of 1986 military service in the South China Sea.

February 15 to September 9, 1988 military service in the Persian Gulf, where he carried out escort and escort of ships.

Board numbers: 672(1984), 780(1986), 755(1986), 730(1992), 735(1993), 730(1997).

Decommissioned: 1998

Esk adren destroyer Great.

Destroyer Excellent- Launched on March 21, 1981, and entered service on September 30, 1983. and already on December 15, 1983. became part of the Northern Fleet (SF - 56 Brem 7 Opesk).

January 17-24, 1985 joint exercises "Moncada-85" with the Cuban Navy with tracking of the aircraft carrier "Eisenhower".

January 20 to April 30, 1986 he served in combat in the Mediterranean. During his military service, he participated in the anti-submarine search operation "Molizit", took part in the Dozor-86 exercises of the DKBF, and also monitored the aircraft carriers "Saratoga", "America", and "Enterprise".

May 26 to December 18, 1988 military service with TAKR "Baku" in the Mediterranean Sea. During the service, he monitored the Eisenhower aircraft carrier, and also took part in joint exercises with the Syrian Navy.

Board numbers: 671(1983), 403(1985), 434(1988), 408(1990), 151(1991), 474(1992).

Decommissioned: 1998

Esk adren destroyer Desperate.

Destroyer Desperate- Launched on March 29, 1980, and entered service on September 30, 1982. and already November 24, 1982. became part of the Northern Fleet (SF - 56 Brem 7 Opesk).

October 17 to November 6, 1983 military service in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean.

April 1984 took part, as part of the KUG, already with 3 exercises of the Northern Fleet - "Atlantic-84", "Arctic-84", and May "Squadron-84".

January 15 to June 4, 1985 military service together with TAVKR "Kiev", BOD " Vice Admiral Drozd", BOD " Marshal Timoshenko"," Slender" in the Mediterranean Sea.

From 3 to 23 September 1987 combat service in the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, monitored the aircraft carrier Forrestal.

March 9-17, 1987 combat service in the Atlantic Ocean with the provision of inter-fleet transition from the Baltic to the Northern Fleet of the Marshal Ustinov BOD.

September 3-23, 1987 combat service in the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, monitored the aircraft carrier Forrestal.

Board numbers: 431(1981), 684(1982), 460(1984), 405(1987), 417(1990), 433(1990), 475(1991), 441, 417(1998).

Decommissioned: 1998

Esk adren destroyer Quick.

Destroyer Quick- Launched on June 4, 1988, and entered service on December 30, 1989. and already on July 7, 1990. became part of the Northern Fleet (SF - 56 Brem 7 Opesk).

From 26 to 31 August 1991 took part in the celebration of the anniversary dedicated to the memory of the 50th anniversary of the first northern convoy "Dervish".

Board numbers: 447(1989), 673(1990), 633(1990), 400(1992), 420(1993).

Decommissioned: 2012

Esk adren destroyer Persistent.

Destroyer Stable - Launched on 07/27/1985, and entered service on 12/31/1986. and already February 24, 1987. became part of the Pacific Fleet (Pacific Fleet - 175 brrk 10 opesk).

From October 1987 to April 1988 military service in the Persian Gulf, conducting convoys during the Iran-Iraq conflict.

January 15 to July 1990 military service in the South China Sea, Indian Ocean, passage through the Suez Canal to the Mediterranean Sea.

Board numbers: 679 (1986), 645 (1987), 719 (1989), 727 (1990), 743 (1993).


Missile weapons

  • 2 x 4 - anti-ship missiles P-100 "Mosquito" launchers (8 missiles);
  • 2 x 1 - PU SAM M-22 "Hurricane" (48 missiles).

Anti-submarine weapons

  • 2 x 6 305-mm RBU-1000 Smerch-3 rocket launchers.

Mine and torpedo armament

  • 2 x 2 533-mm TA DTA-53-956 (4 SET-65 torpedoes);
  • 22 minefields.

Radar weapons

Built ships

Project 956 destroyers, also known as destroyers of the type "Modern"- the last of the destroyer-class ships developed and implemented in the USSR, they belong to the third generation of destroyers. Design code - "Buzzard", NATO code designation - " Modern class destroyer".

General information

Project 956 destroyers were built at the shipbuilding plant No. 190 named after A. A. Zhdanov in the period from 1976 to 1992 inclusive for the USSR Navy. The last ships of the series were completed for the Russian Navy. After the collapse of the USSR, the laying of new and the completion of several already laid down ships of the project was discontinued due to funding problems. Two hulls were completed in 1997-2000 according to project 956E (in export version) by order of the Naval Forces of the People's Liberation Army of the People's Republic of China, two more newly laid down ships in the 2000s were built by order of the Chinese Navy according to the modernized project 956EM .

From the moment they entered service until the end of the Cold War, Project 956 destroyers were intensively operated in various maritime theaters, from the Barents Sea to the Persian Gulf and the South China Sea, actively participated in the combat services of the Soviet Navy, demonstrated the Soviet military presence in the world oceans, including in areas of armed conflict.

History of creation


For a long time, the last destroyers in the Soviet fleet were a series of Project 56 ships (of the Spokoyny type) and their direct development with missile weapons - Project 56M ships (of the Bedovy type). Both were massively built in the 1950s and were quite modern and powerful combat units for their time. Project 56M destroyers became the first ships in the world to be armed with anti-ship cruise missiles, which subsequently gave grounds to reclassify them into large missile ships (BRK).

Over time, the design of these ships became outdated, moreover, the hulls and mechanisms of the destroyers that actively served at all latitudes gradually wore out and required more and more expenses for their repair and maintenance.

Prerequisites for creation

Project 56M destroyer/large missile ship Elusive

In the 1950s, a significant part of the large surface ships were decommissioned from the USSR Navy - both due to their moral and physical obsolescence, and due to a reassessment of the role of submarines in solving any tasks of the fleet. In the 1960s, an objective need arose again to build up surface forces: the Soviet Navy entered the World Ocean, increased quantitatively and qualitatively, and began to actively carry out combat services in the ocean zone. In the process of carrying out combat services, a number of new tasks were assigned to the fleet: combat protection of Soviet strategic missile submarines, search and tracking of enemy submarines in readiness for their destruction, reconnaissance of aircraft carrier groups, forces and means of enemy anti-submarine warfare, identification of sea communications and the degree of readiness of potential theaters of military operations, the implementation of foreign policy actions of the USSR.

The solution of most of these tasks could be carried out with the help of formations led by aircraft-carrying cruisers with attack and anti-submarine aircraft on board, but large-scale construction of aircraft-carrying ships turned out to be impossible due to the high cost of their construction. The problem was partly solved by the creation of large anti-submarine ships, but the latter had to be covered by missile or rocket-artillery ships, which were not enough. The problem of the shortage of escort ships in the ocean zone was especially acute in April 1970 during the large-scale maneuvers "Ocean".

Project 56 destroyer "Experienced"

Already by the 1970s, the service life of destroyers with 130-mm artillery in the Navy approached the limit, and in the future the number of such ships in the Soviet fleet was to decrease. In addition, the old destroyers of projects 30-bis and 56, as well as artillery cruisers of projects 68-K and 68-bis, were not armed with anti-ship missiles and began to physically become obsolete. Most of the newer combat units either belonged to the BOD class with low strike capabilities, or, if we talk about cruisers, they were too expensive and not suitable for mass construction. Thus, the aging destroyers and the DBK needed a direct replacement - a new generation destroyer. To emphasize the continuity in relation to the project 56, the project of the new ship received the designation "956".


The development of project 956 destroyers was started on the basis of the resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 715-250 dated September 1, 1969, which approved the "Program for the construction of ships and vessels in 1971-1980."

In the operational-tactical task, the destroyer was called the "landing fire support ship", since it was planned that the ship would operate mainly in conjunction with the landing units. According to the OTZ, the ship was intended for:

  • suppression of small-sized ground targets, as well as antiamphibious defense facilities, accumulations of enemy manpower and military equipment;
  • fire support for anti-aircraft and anti-boat defense of the landing force in the landing area and at the sea crossing;
  • destruction of surface ships and landing craft of the enemy together with other forces of the fleet.

The lead ship of project 956 (EM "Modern") in the Mediterranean Sea, February 1985

In addition, Project 956 ships were supposed to be used in conjunction with large Project 1155 anti-submarine ships: it was calculated that when performing typical tasks, a pair of "destroyer" - "large anti-submarine ship" would surpass in combat effectiveness a pair of American destroyers of the Spruence type.

The preliminary design of the ship was developed in Leningrad at TsKB-53 ("Northern Design Bureau"). In the course of pre-sketch design, the combat missions of the ship were constantly expanding, which required multi-variant pre-sketch work from the designers. It was decided to consider various combinations of weapons in combination with various types of power plant (PP): gas turbine, diesel-gas turbine and steam turbine. Prototypes for variants of the destroyer with different power plants were chosen by A. K. Shnyrov. The variant with a steam turbine plant (the prototype of which was the BOD of project 1134) had a mast-pipe, and the variant with a gas turbine power plant was equipped with two twin pipes like the BOD of project 61.

The silhouettes of the ships of the preliminary design stage were characterized by: a smooth-deck hull and sheer in the bow; linear or linear-elevated arrangement of artillery installations of the main caliber; on-board location of a battery of small-caliber anti-aircraft artillery systems AK-630M and SUO MR-123 "Vympel"; priority-elevated location of antenna posts of the radar for lighting the air and surface situation.

Since the large-scale construction of ships of the type (50 units) was supposed to be deployed at the A. A. Zhdanov shipbuilding plant, the main dimensions of all destroyer options were limited by the size of free construction sites (length - no more than 146.0 m, width - 16.8 m), available in the Soviet Union at the beginning of the 1970s. At the stage of the preliminary design for a mechanical plant, four options for a traditional echelon steam turbine plant were proposed, as well as two options for a propulsion system with main gas turbine engines (both with linear and echelon arrangement). At the same time, the total cost of a gas turbine plant and its operation turned out to be almost 80% higher than those of a steam turbine plant. The results of work on the preliminary design became the basis for the development of technical specifications for preliminary design.

By order of the head of TsKB-53 A. K. Perkov in January 1971, K. A. Maslennikov became the chief designer of the ship (deputies - I. I. Rubis and Yu. T. Vasiliev). On June 18, 1971, the Main Directorate of Shipbuilding of the Navy of the USSR Ministry of Defense concluded an agreement No. 927 / e / 1017-71 with the Northern Design Bureau (TsKB-53) for the development of a draft design of a new destroyer, the project of which received the number 956 and the code "Sarych".

Project 956 destroyer "Excellent" at sea, October 1985

Work on the preliminary design began with an analysis of thirteen options for the composition of weapons and the choice of the type of power plant for the future destroyer. For all options, evaluations of shipbuilding elements were performed; their results were used by the Central Research Institute named after academician A. N. Krylov in calculations of military-economic efficiency. In the conclusion presented by the Central Research Institute and organizations of the Navy, option No. 4 of the draft design was recognized as the optimal appearance of the destroyer. But the fact that the relative weight of weapons and ammunition turned out to be lower than on ships of previous projects was one of the reasons for the development of additional options for the draft design. So, in December 1971, at the first review of materials on project 956 by the Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Navy, Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union S. G. Gorshkov, the Northern Design Bureau was recommended to continue searching for the best version of the ship. This decision was strongly influenced by information about the development in the United States of the project of a multi-purpose destroyer of the Spruence type; largely due to this, the purpose of the 956 project was revised, accompanied by the abandonment of the previous concept and the addition of multi-purpose functions to the ship. The change in the purpose of the ship was reflected in the reclassification of the project from a "fire support ship" to a "destroyer", as, starting from 1971, the project under development was classified in most working documents. These ships were officially listed in the class of "destroyers of the 1st rank" only according to the classification adopted by the USSR Navy in 1977.

The draft design was reviewed a second time and approved by S. G. Gorshkov on December 16, 1972. The refinement of the terms of reference during the secondary review of the preliminary design led to the development of the final version of the preliminary design under No. 10. For the first time during the design period, option No. 10 provided for an emergency landing site for the Ka-252 helicopter. The Hurricane was chosen as the anti-aircraft missile system, four P-15M Termit anti-ship missiles were abandoned in favor of eight Moskit anti-ship missiles. The automated AK-130 guns were finally chosen as the main caliber guns, and the boiler-turbine (steam turbine) power plant was chosen as the power plant.

The final choice of the type of power plant (boiler-turbine instead of a more modern gas turbine) was made by the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy S. G. Gorshkov after a meeting with the USSR Minister of Shipbuilding Industry B. E. Butoma. This is not an indisputable decision due to several reasons. To begin with, the main supplier of marine gas turbine engines in the 1970s was the Southern Turbine Plant, but at the time of choosing the type of power plant for the project, it was loaded with orders and could not cope with additional volumes. At the same time, in Leningrad, at the Kirov Plant, the steam turbine shop was idle.

EM "Fearless" pr. 956. A feature of boiler-turbine ships is thick smoke when igniting boilers or changing the power plant mode

In favor of the boiler and turbine plant, the argument was also made that at that time there were many consumers of diesel fuel in the fleet, and in the event of interruptions with it, ships with KTU that consumed fuel oil would be in an advantageous position. But at the same time, the fact was not taken into account that in the event of interruptions in the supply of fuel during hostilities, consumers of both solar oil and fuel oil would be in an equally disadvantageous position. An important argument in favor of the boiler and turbine plant was its quality. The power plant of destroyers of Project 956 was to become the ancestor of a new generation of KTU with outstanding characteristics, which were to be achieved through the use of once-through boilers. In practice, once-through boilers KVG were not yet ready for the start of construction of the series, as a result of which they had to be replaced on the first six destroyers with high-pressure boilers KVN. An additional reason for choosing CTU was the low cost of marine fuel oil in comparison with gas turbine fuel (during the years of the energy crisis of the early 1970s, this argument was important).

At the stage of the preliminary design, the Platinum complex was chosen as the sonar complex of the ship. It turned out to be impossible to install a more advanced digital SJSC "Polynom" on the ship due to the very impressive weight and size characteristics of the SJSC "Polynom" and the lack of reserves on the project 956 destroyer, which were previously spent on the installation of powerful artillery weapons (the mass of two AK-130 guns with the system supply of ammunition was over 300 tons). As a result, the Soviet destroyer failed to reach the level of the American counterpart ("Spruance") in terms of PLO capabilities, so the large anti-submarine ships of project 1155 were supposed to provide the PLO of the Soviet KUG.

As a result of all the improvements in the draft design, the displacement of the ship increased by 1000 tons. The total cost of developing a draft design amounted to 165.6 thousand rubles.

In July 1973, the Main Directorate of Shipbuilding of the USSR Navy signed an agreement with the Northern Design Bureau for the implementation of a technical project. The author of most of the options for the technical project was V. A. Konoplev. Ensuring the scientific and technical guarantee of the 956 project was entrusted to the basic research institutes of the Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry and specialized research institutes of the Navy. The total costs for the development of the technical project amounted to 204.3 thousand rubles. The cost of counterparty work carried out in the period 1972-1982 amounted to 9.447 million rubles.

In 1973, the Minsudprom appointed V.F. Anikiev as the chief designer of the project, and captain 2nd rank V.G. Basov, and later captain 1st rank I.M. Stetsyura, was appointed the chief observer from the Navy. The development of the technical project was completed before the end of 1973, but later it needed to be adjusted and clarified. In the course of work on the technical project, due to the unavailability of the once-through boilers KVG-1, it was necessary to replace them with natural circulation steam boilers KVN 98/64-PM. Also, when adjusting, a sliding hangar for a helicopter was introduced into the project and provision was made for refueling the latter.

Construction and testing

November 1, 1973 is considered the official start date for the construction of project 956 destroyers at shipyard No. 190 named after A. A. Zhdanov. The detailed design was carried out in the period 1973 - 1978 on the basis of contract No. 1087/668 of July 4, 1974, concluded between the Northern Design Bureau and the shipbuilding plant named after. A. A. Zhdanova. The cost of the working project, taking into account counterparty work, amounted to 2.220 million rubles. On the basis of the concluded contract, in the period 1978 - 1981, acceptance and delivery and operational documentation was developed, the technical design for the construction of the lead ship was adjusted. The total cost of these works amounted to 1.743 million rubles.

Lead "Modern" during tests in the Baltic, August 1980. Missile systems and universal artillery have not yet been installed

The construction of the lead ship Sovremenny (serial No. 861) began in June 1975; ).

The number of ships of the series planned for construction in 1976 was reduced from fifty to thirty-two, and in 1988 it was decided to limit the series to twenty ships.

Of the twenty-two Project 956 destroyers laid down in the USSR, seventeen were delivered to the Navy of the USSR and Russia, two were completed in export configuration (Project 956E) and sold to the PRC. Three more laid down, but unfinished ships were disposed of at the Severnaya Verf OJSC on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 6, 1995 No. 683-33 “On the State Defense Order for 1995”. In the future, the series was continued by two more destroyers of the modified project 956EM laid down by order of China.

During the construction of Project 956 ships at the Zhdanov plant in Leningrad, a proposal arose to organize the construction of ships of this project in Nikolaev at the 61 Kommunar plant. By the decision of the Navy and the Ministry of the Shipbuilding Industry, the Northern Design Bureau handed over the destroyer drawings to the plant and the plant named after 61 Kommunar in 1983 began its construction; in parallel with this, the reconstruction of the plant and the construction of a slipway with horizontal stocks on the right bank of the Ingul River were carried out. However, in 1986, this program was stopped and then closed, and two buildings already laid down ("Impressive" and "Eternal") were mothballed.

Before the collapse of the USSR, fourteen destroyers of this project managed to enter the Soviet Navy, the remaining three ships ("Restless", "Persistent" and "Fearless") were already being completed for the Navy of the Russian Federation. The average duration of the construction of one serial ship in the basic configuration was about four years (from the moment of laying to the transfer to the Navy). For the period of construction, the ships were included in the 13th brigade of ships under construction and repair of the Leningrad naval base, and for the period of testing they were transferred to the 76th brigade of missile ships of the 12th division of missile ships based at the Liepaja naval base. It should be noted that by the time the head Sovremenny was completed, the Baltic test sites were not yet ready to test the latest weapon systems with which the destroyer was armed, so it was sent for testing to the Feodosia test site in the Black Sea.

Destroyer "Otlichnyy" during trials in the Baltic, 1983

During the construction of destroyers of project 956, a sectional method of assembling hulls was used with the formation of blocks from the mortgage area (engine and boiler rooms) to the bow and stern, with the aggregate method of mounting mechanisms and autonomous-regional technology for electrical work, thanks to which the launching of ships into the water was carried out with technological readiness is about 70%. The formation of the hull took place in an open slipway (in the first position). In a closed boathouse (at two positions), loading and installation of steam boilers, large-sized equipment, main and auxiliary mechanisms were carried out; installation of superstructures, cable tightening and some other work was also carried out there. The maximum mass of the bottom sections of the hull during its formation reached 50 tons, and the deck and side sections - up to 35 tons. The descent of the ships was carried out through the launching dock of the shipyard No. 190.

From 1980 to 1991, during the construction of seventeen serial ships of the project for the USSR Navy, 218 joint decisions were made by the Main Directorate of Shipbuilding of the Navy, the USSR Ministry of Defense and the USSR Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry. The goals of these decisions were very diverse. Among them were: protecting the environment, reducing the underwater noise of ships, increasing the resource of mechanisms, replacing obsolete weapons with more advanced ones, and implementing the proposals of the State Commission for Acceptance of Ships aimed at improving the combat and operational qualities of destroyers. The total cost of these works amounted to 10.721 million rubles. All costs were included in the cost of ships under construction at the time of the occurrence of these costs.

The price of one destroyer of project 956 at the time of construction of the lead and the first two serial ships averaged about 90 million rubles, with the labor intensity of the shipyard's own work equal to 3814 thousand standard hours. At the stage of stable mass production, the price of one ship in the basic configuration decreased to 71.1 million rubles (at the same time, the labor intensity of the own work of the shipbuilding plant named after A. A. Zhdanov decreased to 2900 thousand hours per hour).

Design description

Hull and architecture

In order to carefully refine the architectural appearance of the Project 956 destroyer, a three-dimensional model on a scale of 1:50 was made at the stage of the technical project.

Project 956 destroyer Fearless, general view

As noted by foreign naval researchers (E. Breuer, N. Palmer, J. Kehoe and others), a common feature of the ships of the Northern Design Bureau projects is external showiness along with a strict, expressive and even sinister exterior, designed for the greatest possible propaganda the effect. This was explained by the fact that in addition to solving military problems, surface ships "often served as a means of political persuasion and an instrument of influence, a manifestation of national pride and the achievements of scientific and technological progress in the USSR." At the same time, priority in the creation of the ship was given to the requirements of ensuring maximum functionality in terms of the use of weapons. In accordance with this requirement, under the leadership of the leading designer V. A. Konoplev (together with B. P. Degtyarev), antenna posts, artillery towers and missile launchers were placed.

"Excellent" in the campaign, 1985

Ships of project 956 are typical ships of a long-profile design with an S-shaped sheer in the bow, which ensures that the deck is not flooded, as well as providing good firing angles for the bow artillery installation. Case elongation factor - 8.7. The smaller hull lengthening compared to previous destroyer and BOD projects was a forced measure due to restrictions on the construction site. Thanks to the "short" hull, the ships of the project have relatively good surfacing on the wave. The side sail area is approximately 1700 sq.m. All decks of the ship are located parallel to the structural waterline, which greatly facilitated the installation of equipment and weapons, and also made the ship more technologically advanced. Along the entire length of the hull, the frames have a strong collapse in order to improve stability. The freeboard of the ship is made with double scrapping - at the level of the second and main decks of the ship - in order to reduce radar visibility and increase the internal volume of the hull. The hull contours are optimized taking into account the reduction of water resistance and ensuring non-flooding during waves up to 6-7 points. In the podkilny bulb, located in the bow of the hull, there is an antenna for the Platinum hydroacoustic complex MGK-335MS.

With the help of fifteen main impenetrable bulkheads, the hull is divided into 16 watertight compartments. The ship has six decks: the forecastle deck, the upper, second and third decks, the first and second platforms (the latter goes into the flooring of the second bottom). The main hull structures, as well as foundations and reinforcements, are made of low-alloy steel. In the surface part of the hull, in areas of the highest stress concentration, steel sheets with an increased yield strength were used. Two longitudinal bulkheads are located aft of the aft engine room, providing increased rigidity of the aft end.

The moderately developed superstructure consists of two blocks - the bow, ending in a tower-like fore mast, and a squat aft block with a chimney and a sliding hangar, on which the main mast is installed. Superstructures are made of aluminum-magnesium alloys. With the help of riveting, they are connected to the structures of the upper deck and forecastle deck.

Shipbuilding elements, seaworthiness

Basic shipbuilding elements

  • Standard displacement of the technical project - 6500t;
  • Full displacement - 7904t;
  • The largest displacement (with fuel in overload) - 8480t;
  • Maximum length - 156.5 m;
  • Waterline length - 145m;
  • Maximum width - 17.2m;
  • Width at the waterline - 16.8 m;
  • Average draft - 5.96m;
  • Draft overall with a podkeel bulb (at the highest displacement) - 8.2 m.

The seaworthiness of Project 956 destroyers is unlimited. Under normal conditions, the use of weapons is possible with sea waves up to 5 points, rolling up to 15 ° and pitching up to 5 °. The roll damper with two controlled rudders contributes to the reduction of roll and pitching at speeds up to 6 knots. Due to the presence of two highly efficient steerable propellers, the ships of the project can safely moor in any conditions and be able to move in an emergency 3-knot course in case of failure of the main power plant. In combat mode, the ships of the project are capable of being at sea with a 6-point wave at a speed of up to 24 knots. The height of the wave at the limiting wave was taken by the designers to be 12 meters.

Project 956 destroyers can safely maintain their course in any sea state and have good controllability, allowing destroyers to maneuver at various heading angles relative to wind and waves without any restrictions.


There is no structural protection on the ship. Only the towers of the AK-130 artillery mounts and the launchers of the Moskit anti-ship missiles are protected by anti-fragmentation armor.

The combat survivability of Project 956 destroyers is ensured by the allocation of steel structures in the ship's hull to local fire zones of ammunition magazines, explosive rooms and power plant compartments.

Power plant and driving performance

Project 956 destroyers became the only ships of the third generation in the world with a boiler-turbine installation (KTU).

Destroyer "Rastoropny" on the move, Baltic, 1994

The main power plant of Project 956 ships consists of two GTZA-674 boiler-turbine units with a total capacity of 100,000 hp. with., one of which is located in the bow engine room, and the other - in the stern. The turbo-toothed unit is equipped with an automated control system with a speed controller that maintains the set speed when changing the operating modes of the units. In the forward engine room there are two boilers and the right turbine, in the aft engine room there are also two boilers and the left turbine (its propeller shaft is shorter). Reducers with a numerical ratio of 1:17 have vibration-damped housings and give up to 300 rpm on the shaft.

On the first six buildings, high-pressure steam boilers KVN-98/64 were installed, producing 98 tons of steam per hour at a pressure of 64 kgf per square meter. cm. Starting from the seventh hull (the destroyer Stoiky), more advanced and reliable KVG-3 boilers with natural water circulation were installed (the steam output of each boiler was 115 tons of steam per hour at a temperature of 460-475 ° Celsius). The energy of the flue gases is used to heat the air in the economizer (heater) and to drive the compressor from the turbocharger unit (small gas turbine) that blows air into the furnaces. Excess or lack of air for the boilers is regulated by an additional turbine or cut off through a damper.

"Excellent" in the Mediterranean, March 24, 1986. For 8 years of service, this destroyer has traveled over 150,000 miles, confirming the reliability of the power plant design

Feed water is supplied through the economizer, from where water is fed through a feed pipe to outlet pipes located behind the screen, which connect the water and steam headers. Steam generation occurs in the screen row and the convective tube bundle. Next, the steam enters the superheater, and then to the turbines. The condensate-feeding system includes ion-exchange filters for water purification and softening.

The water treatment system of the Project 956 destroyers after 1991, in the face of cut funding and deteriorating personnel qualifications, had a negative impact on the service life of these ships. Boilers of the KVG-3 model, in comparison with their predecessors, have become extremely demanding on the quality of feed water, in particular, in terms of oxygen content. Unlike nuclear power plants, the feedwater system remained “open” (communicated with atmospheric air), so the water treatment provided by the designers required increased discipline and deeper knowledge from the personnel than usual. The insufficient quality of the feed water led to the rapid failure of the boilers, so the destroyer needed repairs. At the same time, it should be noted that the first six ships of the series, equipped with less demanding KVN boilers, also served very short periods: by the beginning of 2001, five of these six (except for the Combat) had already been decommissioned or put into reserve. Thus, the shortcomings of the power plant with high-pressure boilers were not the main reason for the reduction in the service life of the destroyers of the project; the main prerequisites for this should be sought in the lack of funds for the repair and maintenance of the ship's composition, which the fleet faced after 1991.

An auxiliary boiler with a steam capacity of 14 tons per hour is also installed on the ships of the project. The steering device consists of an electro-hydraulic machine and a semi-balanced steering wheel with an area of ​​14 sq.m.

A twin-shaft installation with two low-noise fixed-pitch propellers allows the destroyers of the project to develop a full speed of 32 knots and a maximum speed of 33.4 knots. With a normal fuel supply of 1740 tons of fuel oil, the cruising range at maximum speed reaches 1345 nautical miles, and at economic speed (18.4 knots) it increases to 3920 nautical miles (4500 nautical miles with fuel in overload, while the maximum range exceeded 5000 miles) .

The ship's power plant (with a total capacity of 4900 kW) includes two AK-18 steam turbine generators with a capacity of 1250 kW each and four standby diesel generators with a total capacity of 2400 kW.

Auxiliary equipment

To collect sewage and fan waters at parking lots in the strict sanitary regime zone (with their subsequent removal to special waste collection vessels), project 956 destroyers are equipped with five tanks with a total capacity of 50 cubic meters.

For receiving on the go in a traverse way from ships supplying fuel, water and dry cargoes, two Struna cargo transfer devices are installed on board in the midship frame area. It is possible to receive liquid cargo from the bow and from the stern of the ship in the traditional wake method when towing at a distance of no more than 200 m.

Crew and Habitability

The crew of the lead ship consisted of 343 people, including 25 officers and 48 midshipmen. With the construction of new units and the improvement of on-board equipment and weapons, the crew was slightly increased. On the sixth in the "Combat" series, the crew reached 364 people - including 37 officers, 44 midshipmen and 283 sailors. The peacetime and wartime staff differed only in the replacement of the midshipman, the commander of the MZA battery, with an officer, while maintaining the same crew size. Starting from the seventh in the Stoyky series, the crew was increased by another regular OSNAZ group engaged in radio reconnaissance - on early-built ships, these tasks were performed by temporarily seconded specialists or a regular EW and RTP group of the ship.

The destroyer has twenty-two one- and two-bed cabins for officers (for 38 seats), midshipmen are accommodated in two- and four-bed cabins (48 seats in total). All cabins for officers and midshipmen have the same area - 10 sq.m. The commander lives in an accommodation block located next to the flagship block; at the disposal of the commander is a cabin and a separate bathroom. The team is placed in 16 cabins for 10-25 people (310 seats in total). The specific living area is 3.03 sq.m per person. The officers are fed in the "large wardroom", which is located in the superstructure under the wheelhouse (GKP), midshipmen eat in the "small wardroom", located under the helipad. The rest of the team eats in three canteens located in adjacent compartments.

All living quarters are radio-equipped. The ship has a library, a film installation, a gym, for swimming in the summer there is a collapsible pool. The ship's equipment includes a standard cable television system. The medical block includes a surgical operating room, an outpatient clinic, a sterilization room, an infirmary for four people and an isolation room for two people. In addition, the ship has sanitary facilities: laundry, ironing, sauna (bath), bow and stern household appliances, each of which includes a latrine with a wash basin. Officers and midshipmen use separate latrines. Washing of personnel takes place in the shower room, midshipmen - in a separate shower room, officers - in the sauna.

Corridors and passages, as well as a number of combat posts on Project 956 destroyers are tighter than on large Project 1155 anti-submarine ships, which have similar dimensions. This feature is due to the fact that the project 956 has a larger (compared to the compact gas turbine plant of the project 1155) boiler-turbine plant, as well as larger weapons.

Accommodation and service premises, posts and magazines of ammunition are equipped with an air conditioning system that ensures the habitability of the ship, the life of the crew and its performance at an outside temperature of -25°C to +34°C.

Stocks of provisions are stored in six pantries (for meat, fish, fats, fresh frozen products, wet provisions and vegetables and for dry products) with a total area of ​​150 sq.m, in which the required temperature regime is maintained from -18 ° C for fresh frozen products to + 10°C for dry provisions. The ship's supply of fresh water is designed for three days. It is stored in three tanks with a total capacity of 106 cubic meters. Replenishment of fresh water is carried out by a desalination plant with a capacity of 25 tons per hour. Autonomy in terms of provisions - 30 days.


Main strike complex

The anti-ship armament of Project 956 destroyers is represented by the Moskit anti-ship complex (starting with the Rastoropny destroyer, the improved Moskit-M complex with the ZM-82 missile was installed) with two quadruple non-guided launchers, in which there are eight anti-ship missiles. The range of missiles is 120 km (Mosquito-M has been increased to 170 km), the probability of hitting even in conditions of active radio countermeasures is 0.94-0.99. Marching flight speed - Mach 2.5-3, launch weight 3930 kg, warhead weight - 300 kg. The ship's control system (KSU) allows you to perform an eight-missile salvo in just 30 seconds.

Anti-aircraft missile weapons

Launch of a 9M38 SAM missile "Uragan" from a destroyer of the "Modern" type

The anti-aircraft missile armament of the ships of the project is represented by the multi-channel anti-aircraft missile system M-22 Uragan (starting from the 14th corps, the Uragan-Tornado air defense system was installed). The complex is designed to protect the ship and ships of the formation from modern air attack weapons and includes two single-beam homing launchers, one of which is located in the bow, on the forecastle superstructure, and the second - on the aft superstructure, behind the runway. The mass of one air defense system is 96 tons. The total ammunition load consists of 48 missiles of the 9M38M1 type, which is stored in two magazines on swivel drums with 24 missiles each. The air defense system control system consists of six radio projectors for target illumination and a computer complex. The target for illumination can also be surface ships.

The Hurricane air defense system is capable of simultaneously firing 4-6 air targets at altitudes from 10 to 15,000 m and a range of 3 to 25 km (the Hurricane-Tornado air defense system has a range increased to 70 km, and the minimum flight altitude is reduced to 5 m ). The mass of the air defense system is 96 tons, including the ship's control system weighs 36 tons, the launcher - 60 tons. The rate of fire is 1 launch in 6-12 seconds. The probability of hitting an aircraft with a two-missile volley reaches 0.81-0.96, and the probability of hitting a cruise missile is 0.43-0.86.

Universal and anti-aircraft artillery

Project 956 destroyers are equipped with an artillery system consisting of two twin AK-130 artillery mounts of 130 mm caliber, a multi-channel control system (CS) MP-184 ("Lev-218"), consisting of a dual-band radar MP-184, a TV set, a laser rangefinder and digital calculator; a tower optical device, a complex for the mechanized supply of ammunition and interface equipment. The mass of the gun mount is 98 tons, the mass of the Lev-218 control system is 12 tons, the mass of the cellar mechanisms is 40 tons. The rate of fire of one gun mount is from 20 to 90 rounds per minute, the maximum firing range is 24.1 km. Ammunition per barrel - 500 shots, of which up to 180 are always ready for automatic firing. The four barrels of the Project 956 destroyer are capable of ejecting 6012 kg of metal and explosives in one minute. In terms of the power of an artillery salvo, the Project 956 ships are superior to the German battlecruiser of the First World War era Von der Tann.

Reticle for manual aiming of AK-630 assault rifles on the destroyer "Combat"

Loading and reloading mechanisms make it possible to conduct artillery fire until the ammunition is completely depleted with little or no manual reloading of ammunition, which differs from foreign 127-mm caliber guns. A special sighting post is used as a control system, which ensures effective firing at coastal targets. The capabilities of the Lev radar do not allow the destroyer's artillery mounts to work from one control system on two sides at once, although at close ranges it is possible to conduct separate aiming through televisions.

Rapid-firing anti-aircraft artillery, designed for self-defense of the ship from cruise missiles in the near air defense zone, is represented by two batteries of 30-mm anti-aircraft artillery systems AK-630M (one battery per side). Each battery has two six-barreled artillery mounts with a rotating block of water-cooled barrels and one Vympel firing system. The effective range of fire is up to 4 km, the rate of fire is 4,000 rounds per minute, and the total ammunition capacity is 16,000 rounds. Guidance of AK-630 assault rifles is carried out exclusively remotely - either in automatic mode according to data from the Vympel radar, or manually from the sighting column. With its outstanding combat performance, a battery of two AK-630Ms, due to the worst capabilities of the radar, and also due to the placement of the latter at a considerable distance from the firing axis, was inferior in accuracy to the later developed American 20-mm ZAU Mark 15 Phalanx CIWS. Estimated number of anti-ship missiles hit by one AK-630 battery Harpoon was estimated in the mid-1970s at 0.4-1.0 units.

In the forecastle area, ahead of the forward launcher of the Uragan air defense system, a pair of 45-mm 21-KM salute guns is installed on the ship.

Mine and torpedo armament

To combat submarines on the ships of the project, two twin-tube 533-mm torpedo tubes are installed onboard in the middle part on the upper deck. Torpedo firing was carried out with SET-53M guided torpedoes, later replaced by SET-65 and USET-80 torpedoes.

The anti-submarine armament of Project 956 destroyers also includes two RBU-1000 305-mm rocket launchers with a firing range of 1000 m and a total ammunition load of 48 reactive depth charges with a 99-kilogram high-explosive warhead. Rocket bombers are located in the stern, on the superstructure in the area of ​​​​the helipad. The tasks of the RBU-1000 include the destruction of submarines in the near zone at shallow depths, as well as the destruction of torpedoes going to the ship.

Project ships are equipped with standard mine rails and can take on board up to 22 mines of RM-1, PM-1, UDM types.

Aviation armament

Helicopter Ka-27 landing on the runway SKR "Neustrashimy"

The designers did not provide for a permanent helicopter hangar on the ships of the project - the design for the hangar, saturated with weapons, left no room. However, a telescopic (movable) aluminum alloy hangar was placed behind the chimney, in which one Ka-27 helicopter could be temporarily sheltered. The helipad is located almost in the middle of the ship (behind the aft superstructure), due to this, when landing a deck helicopter, the pitching swings affect much less. There are no helicopter forced landing systems on the ship. Depending on the configuration, the helicopter can fight submarines within the air defense support zone of the ship, or conduct radar reconnaissance to provide target designation to the anti-ship complex. Stock of jet fuel (kerosene) - 5 tons. This reserve ensures the performance of two full refueling of the ship's helicopter.

On Project 956 destroyers, a helicopter on board in an extended hangar reduced the metacentric height of the ship, which led to a greater pitching amplitude and could reduce the ability to fight for damage. In addition, the extended hangar added windage and radar visibility. For this reason, as a rule, destroyers did not take a helicopter on long trips. Nevertheless, during the exercises, helicopters were regularly taken on deck - mainly for training pilots and ship crews.

Communications, detection, auxiliary equipment

The destroyer Boevoy (pictured left) refuels on the move in the Gulf of Oman, summer 1989. Right - BOD "Admiral Spiridonov"

On the ships of the project, radar stations (RLS) for illuminating the air and surface situation in the centimeter range MR-710 "Fregat" (from the 1st to the 3rd building), MR-710M-1 "Fregat-M" (on the 4th and 5th buildings) and MP-750 "Fregat-MA" with a viewing range of 2 to 145 km (on all other buildings). These stations, even in conditions of intense interference, can solve the following tasks:

  • provide coverage of air and surface conditions;
  • detect air targets, including small ones;
  • detect surface targets;
  • provide state recognition.

Over-the-horizon target designation is carried out at a distance of up to 200 km using the Most system, which has a four-band passive detection and target designation radar KRS-27, a radio station (processes information from an aviation remote observation post and provides coordinate reference) and an information exchange system (VZOI). As a means of target designation for the anti-ship weapon system, the Mineral complex is used, equipped with both an active radar channel with the possibility of over-the-horizon detection of surface targets, and a passive radar channel. There is also a channel for receiving target designation from helicopters and aircraft.

To detect submarines and torpedoes, the ships of the project were equipped with the MG-335 Platinum-S hydroacoustic station, developed in the 1970s, with an antenna in the bulb nose cone. From the sixth building, Platinum-MS was installed with the SU PLO "Blizzard". The guaranteed detection range of underwater targets is 1-2 km, the maximum possible detection range (under normal hydrological conditions) is 10-15 km. To detect underwater saboteurs, a special MG-7 station was installed on Project 956 destroyers.

As a combat information and control system (CICS), a modernized Sapphire-U environment tablet was installed.

Evaluation of the CICS "Sapphire-U" from the point of view of the destroyer commander

The tasks of the combat information control system on EM pr. 956 are performed by the Sapphire-U automated computing system (modernized tablet), which deals with issues of mutual information binding. Sapphire-U receives information about the air situation from the Fregat radar, about the surface situation from two Vaigach MR-212 navigation radars with three antenna posts and one Volga navigation radar. The CIUS, as expected, is connected to the AK-130 and AK-630 SLA (computer systems), as well as the 3P-90 KMSUO with the ARCS of the Uragan air defense system. "Sapphire-U" fully ensured the fulfillment of the tasks of the destroyer. Of course, the destroyers' BIUS differed from the larger-scale anti-submarine and aircraft-carrying CIUS tasks: Root - pr.1134A, Lumberjack - pr.1155, or Alley and Alley-2K pr.1143 (I name those that I studied and worked for). But there the tasks of the ships are completely different. As the commander of the destroyer pr. 956, Sapphire-U suited me perfectly. Very informative. And to solve the problems of tactical maneuvering and safety of navigation (divergences from oncoming targets) - for which, mainly, remote indicators of the BIUS on the BOD were used - on the destroyers in the wheelhouse there was a device of the Pobratim complex. It was also at Novorossiysk, so the BIUS was also used there only for its main purpose.

Yuri Romanov, in 1989-1991 the commander of the EM "Combat"

The electronic warfare equipment includes the MP-401 electronic intelligence complex (RTR) and the MP-407 complex (station) for setting active electronic jamming (SREP). Passive means of setting false targets are represented by the PK-2M complex with two 140-mm double-barreled ZiF-121 launchers and the Smeta control system. From the 9th Corps, the PK-10M decoy set was additionally installed with four (according to other sources - with eight) 122-mm ten-barreled launchers, as well as additional active and passive means of detection and suppression, such as SREP and RTR "Sprint- 401C".

The navigator's armament includes: the Kurs-10A gyrocompass, the IEL-1 log, the AP-4-956 autoplotter, the NEL-M2 echo sounder, the KPF-3K and KPI-7F navigation systems (from the Route, Loran, "Tropic", etc.), radio direction finder "Rumb", space navigation systems ADK-3M, "Parus", "Cicada", magnetic compass KM-145-4 and navigation radar stations MR-212 radar (with three antenna posts ).

The composition of stationary fire extinguishing equipment includes:

  • fire-fighting system with an annular main with offshoots to consumers and seven pumps;
  • volumetric chemical extinguishing systems, foam extinguishing systems with installations for eliminating local fires, water spraying in compartments and water irrigation of bulkheads and exits (located in the compartments of the power plant);
  • volumetric chemical extinguishing systems, foam extinguishing systems with installations for eliminating local fires, water spraying in compartments and water irrigation of bulkheads and exits (located in the compartments of the power plant).

In addition to fire extinguishing systems, the ships of the project have:

  • ballasting systems for tanks when solving problems of unsinkability;
  • drainage, drainage and bypass systems;
  • a universal water protection system for washing the outer surfaces of the ship in conditions of contamination from external sources;
  • bilge water treatment system by means of removal through separators with a capacity of 2.5 cubic meters per hour with the combustion of sludge from separated oil products in an auxiliary boiler.

The boat device consists of a command boat of project 1390, a work boat of project 338M and one six-oared yal.

Modernizations and conversions

Project 956 ship modifications under construction (1980s)

As the series was built, the destroyers underwent partial modernization. From the seventh building (serial number 867, "Stoykiy"), more advanced KVG-3 boilers were installed on ships. On the fourth and fifth buildings ("Prudent" and "Flawless"), instead of the Fregat-M radar, a modification of the latest Fregat-M1 was installed with one flat and one parabolic antenna. From the sixth building, the Fregat-M2 radar was installed, which has two flat antenna arrays. From the 14th building (modification 956A) an improved Hurricane-Tornado air defense system was installed on the ship, as well as new electronic and navigation equipment was installed. As a result, the appearance of the ship has not changed much, but the displacement has increased by almost 100 tons.

Export modification (1977, for ATS countries)

The question of the possibility of creating an export modification of the Project 956 destroyer was considered by the leadership of the USSR Navy back in 1977-1978. After the return of Admiral S. G. Gorshkov from a trip to Poland (from the next ATS exercise) in 1977, the head of the 1st Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense was given an oral instruction to develop a tactical and technical task for an export modification of the project for the Naval Forces of the Polish People's Republic. The flagship of the Polish Navy at that time was the destroyer "Warsaw" - the former "Fair" project 56, transferred to Poland by the Soviet Union in 1970; a rather old ship, it should have required replacement in the next decade.

The export version of the Project 956 destroyer was supposed to differ in configuration from that adopted for the USSR Navy in order to prevent information leakage on the latest anti-aircraft missile and anti-ship systems. The Moskit anti-ship complex was replaced by 4 anti-ship missiles P-20, instead of two Uragan air defense systems, it was supposed to install two Osa-M air defense systems, instead of the Fregat-M radar, the Angara radar. Also, options were considered for replacing the GAS Platinum with the GAS Titan-2 or even the Argun. Replacing the AK-130 130mm gun mounts with smaller caliber guns was also considered, although it was banned by the Navy High Command. The development of TTZ for the export modification of the destroyer was discontinued due to mass strikes in Poland and the introduction of martial law in 1981 in this country. In the end, the Poles limited themselves to replacing the flagship of their fleet with a large anti-submarine ship "Brave", also transferred to them from the Soviet Navy in 1988, and also renamed "Warsaw".

Design studies in the 1980s, project 956U

In 1981-1982, a number of design studies were carried out at the Northern Design Bureau to improve the combat and operational capabilities of the ships of the project and the possibility of installing new types of weapons and equipment on it. In the course of research work, various options for a power plant were considered, at the same time the possibility of replacing a boiler-turbine power plant with a gas turbine one was found out. In total, five variants of the power plant with different composition and different capacities were worked out, the displacement range of the designed ship ranged from 8,000 to 14,000 tons.

In the process of design studies, a number of potential changes in the composition of the ship's armament were considered, due to which the modernized ship should already be considered as a multi-purpose ship. In terms of changing the composition of ASW assets, options were worked out for placing more powerful sonar systems on the destroyer to increase the range and improve the accuracy and probability characteristics of detecting underwater targets. The option of strengthening the aircraft armament of the ship to two anti-submarine helicopters with the appropriate ammunition was considered.

Improving the capabilities of radar facilities for illuminating the air situation and providing target designation of weapons was to be ensured by the placement on the ship of the second antenna post of the general detection radar system. From two to four combat modules of the Kortik anti-aircraft missile and artillery self-defense complex were added to the Uragan medium-range anti-aircraft missile system.

The results of the analysis of military-economic efficiency showed that the modernization of the project 956 destroyer by simply adding all types of weapons on one ship can make the project multifunctional. However, in the course of the analysis, modernization by this method was recognized as unreasonably expensive, so consideration of deep modernization projects was postponed until the end of the 1980s.

Work on the project of a destroyer with a reinforced armament (Project 956U) was started in the Northern Design Bureau in the late 1980s. I. I. Rubis remained the chief designer of the project, the main observer from the Navy was first captain 2 rank S. N. Surgaev, and later captain 2 rank M. A. Tsyukh. The project provided for three options for modernization. The difference between the first version and the basic project 956 was that instead of launchers for the Moskit anti-ship missiles, the ship was equipped with inclined universal launchers SM-403 for 16 anti-ship missiles and cruise missiles of the KRBD class. The difference between the second option and the first one was that, in addition to replacing the launchers of the Moskit complex, instead of the stern AK-130, the ship housed the ZS-14 vertical launcher for 16 cruise missiles. The third modernization option provided for the placement of only the aft UVPU for 24 missiles with the dismantling of the Moskit SCRC launcher.

In the UPU and UVPU of all three options, it was supposed to place Onyx and Caliber cruise missiles in any combination. Target designation for cruise missiles was supposed to provide a new radar complex (RLC) "Monument", installed instead of the RLC "Mineral" (KRS-27). RBU-1000 installations and all ZAK AK-630M were removed. Instead, it was supposed to place 2 combat modules ZRAK "Kortik" (for the first two options) and 4 similar modules for the third option. The standard displacement of the modernized ship in the final version approached the level of 6700-6750 tons.

All necessary design work was completed by the end of 1991. However, due to the lack of financial resources and the almost complete cessation of funding for military shipbuilding, the completion of the ships already laid down under the 956U project was not carried out, and all further work on it was curtailed.

Export modification (1997, project 956E for China)

Due to the reduction of the defense budget, there are practically no prospects for completing the construction of the 19th and 20th destroyers of the series (serial numbers 879, 880) for the Russian Navy. For this reason, the Northern Design Bureau in 1993 carried out a study passenger ship based on convertible hulls of Project 956 ships.

Order 878 - the destroyer "Important" (the future "Hangzhou" of the PLA Navy) in completion, the end of the 1990s

The vessel with a displacement of about 7,000 tons and a passenger capacity of 450 people belonged to the class of passenger liners and was intended for linear transportation of passengers, as well as short-term (up to 10 days) cruise voyages. The main dimensions of the design waterline remained the same as those of the basic project, but the maximum length of the hull increased to 159.2 m, and the draft, on the contrary, decreased to 5.4 m. The full speed was to be 18 knots, and the cruising range reach 10,000 nautical miles. The crew was planned to consist of 161 people. To accommodate passengers on the ship, it was supposed to arrange 11 deluxe cabins, 18 single cabins and 205 double cabins. The ship was also to house two 360-seat restaurants, four bars, a casino, an arcade, a video store, a gym, two saunas, a lido beach, and a general store. The project remained unfulfilled; the hull of order 880 was eventually disposed of, however, the destroyer of order 879 found a new buyer - the Chinese Navy.

In 1997-2000, two buildings (No. 878 "Ekaterinburg" - the former "Important" and No. 879 "Alexander Nevsky" - the former "Thoughtful") were completed according to project 956E and delivered to the Navy of the People's Republic of China. The technical design of the project 956E destroyer was corrected by the Northern Design Bureau; new working drawings were also developed, necessary for the construction of ships according to the modified project.

The contract for the sale of ships built under this project was signed on November 19, 1997, and already in December 1999, the first destroyer was handed over to the commission, and then transferred to the Chinese crew under the name "Hanzhou" (b / n 136). The second ship, Fuzhou (number 137), was handed over to the Chinese crew in December 2000. In terms of its tactical and technical characteristics and design, the 956E project almost completely repeats the 956 project. The changes affected only the composition of electronic equipment and weapons installed in the export version.

Export modification (2002, project 956EM for China)

Project 956EM, developed by the Northern Design Bureau under the leadership of the chief designer V.P. Mishin, differs significantly from the basic project 956 and from project 956E. With increased main dimensions, these ships received a modernized Moskit-ME SCRC with an increased firing range of up to 200 km. Four ZAK AK-630s were replaced with two combat modules of the Kashtan anti-aircraft missile and artillery system, and due to the abandonment of the universal caliber aft artillery mount, the aft launcher of the Shtil air defense system was “shifted” in its place, which made it possible to provide for in the aft superstructure under the mainmast is a permanent helicopter hangar for basing a helicopter. Two ships built under this project - "Taizhou" (number 138) and "Ningbo" (number 139) - were commissioned into the PLA Naval Forces in 2005-2006.

Service History

Destroyer "Combat" in the Gulf of Oman, November 1987

The first ship of Project 956, the destroyer Sovremenny, entered the Soviet Navy on January 24, 1981. Already on December 30 of the same year, according to the ship armament test plan, he made the first inter-naval transition among all destroyers of the 956th project, circled Europe and, leaving the Mediterranean Sea, arrived at the Sevastopol naval base. March 20, 1983, while in the first combat service, the destroyers "Modern" and "Desperate" as part of the KUG of several ships conducted a training minelaying.

Of the fourteen Project 956 destroyers transferred to the fleet before December 8, 1991, eight ships ("Modern", "Desperate", "Excellent", "Flawless", "Inspired", "Thundering", "Quick" and "Unrestrained") became part of the 56th brigade of destroyers of the 7th OPESK of the Northern Fleet of the USSR Navy, six other ships ("Cautious", "Combat", "Resistant", "Fast", "Stormy" and "Fearless") became part of various formations Pacific Fleet - mainly in the 175th brigade of missile ships.

While serving in the USSR Navy, Project 956 destroyers took an active part in a large number of combat services and naval exercises, such as Ocean-83, Atlantic-84, Polar Region-84, Squadron- 84", "Moncada-85" and others. The ships of the project carried out control over the exercises of the navies of the NATO countries in the Norwegian and Mediterranean seas, followed the ship and aircraft carrier groups of the fleets of the United States and Great Britain. In addition to combat missions, Project 956 destroyers also carried out peaceful missions, paid official and friendly visits to the ports of a number of countries: Algeria, Vietnam, East Germany, Greece, Egypt, India, China, Cuba, Libya, Syria, USA, Germany, Yugoslavia, African countries and others, demonstrating the Soviet Naval flag.

The collapse of the USSR led to a sharp - up to 20 times - reduction in the state order for the Navy, including both the construction of new ships and the comprehensive repair of combat units already in the fleet. Underfunding also affected the ships of Project 956: the construction of new destroyers was stopped (only those already laid down were completed), and the current and medium repairs of already built ships were either delayed or not carried out at all. This was superimposed on a drop in discipline and qualifications of the personnel, and, combined with the exactingness of the boiler-turbine power plant to comply with operating conditions, led to the fact that most of the Project 956 destroyers were in service for less than ten years, although their estimated service life should have exceeded two decades. So, the destroyer Stoykiy was operated for only five years, Winged for six years, Rampant and Prudent for seven years, Flawless, Thundering and Quick for eight years, Combat for nine years and "Fearless".

As a result, by 2002, out of the seventeen destroyers built for the Navy of the USSR and Russia, only five ships actually remained in service: Battle, Stormy, Restless, Persistent and Fearless, the rest of the ships were either cut into metal, or sent to the reserve or conservation. By 2011, of the five ships listed, three (Combat, Stormy and Restless) were retired or put into reserve, but the Bystry, which had previously been in reserve, was put into operation - thus, the number of Russian destroyers remaining in service became three.

After 1991, the activity of operating Project 956 destroyers decreased many times, so that these ships managed to participate in only a few combat service as part of the Russian Navy. In December 1995-March 1996, the destroyer "Fearless" as part of the AMG (takr "Admiral Kuznetsov", nuclear submarine "Volk", patrol ship "Pylky", 3 tankers and 2 rescue tugs) carried out combat service in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic with visits to ports Tunisia, Syria and Malta.

From February 17 to April 30, 1997, the destroyer Persistent from the Baltic Fleet under the command of Rear Admiral V. N. Apanovich made a trip to the southern part of the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean along the route Baltiysk - Abu Dhabi - Simonstown - Cape Town - Baltiysk. The participation of the ship in the international arms exhibition in Abu Dhabi contributed to the conclusion of a contract for the sale of two Project 956E destroyers.

In September-October 2004, the destroyer "Admiral Ushakov" (formerly "Fearless") as part of an aircraft carrier multi-purpose group (TAKR "Admiral Kuznetsov", TARKR "Pyotr Veliky", missile cruiser "Marshal Ustinov", 2 BODs, a tanker and 2 tugs) participated in the exercises of the Northern Fleet in the North-East Atlantic.

From November 2, 2015 to January 26, 2016, the destroyer Bystry participated in the combat service of the KTOF warship detachment led by the Varyag guards missile cruiser; Russian ships paid a visit to the Indian port of Visakhapatnam and took part in the joint Russian-Indian exercises Indra Navy-2105.

In 2011, out of seventeen destroyers in the ranks of the Russian Navy, only three ships remained: "Persistent" - as the flagship of the DKBF, "Fast" - at KTOF and "Admiral Ushakov" (formerly "Fearless") - at KSF. As of 2017, these three destroyers are still in service with the fleet; "Fast" and "Admiral Ushakov" continue to make trips to the sea, and "Persistent" is under repair at the plant. The fate of the Pacific "Stormy" and "Fearless" remains uncertain - both destroyers remain in the technical reserve, and the possibility of re-commissioning one or even both of them is not ruled out yet. Another destroyer - "Restless" in the Baltic - is supposed to be converted into a museum object. The remaining 11 units, built for the domestic fleet, have either already been cut into metal or are awaiting disposal.

As for the four destroyers of projects 956E and 956EM, sold to China, they formed a powerful homogeneous unit in the Eastern Fleet of the PLA Navy, and continue to actively serve under the new flag. In 2015, the first of them - the former "Important" (now "Hangzhou") - was delivered to the plant for a comprehensive modernization, which indicates the desire of the Chinese Navy to keep these destroyers in service for a long time.

Name Project Head No. Laid down Launched Commissioned Fleet, destiny Notes
"Modern" 956 861 March 3, 1976 November 18, 1978 December 25, 1980 Recycled
"Desperate" 956 862 March 4, 1977 March 29, 1980 September 30, 1982 KSF, decommissioned on September 30, 1998 Recycled
"Great" 956 863 April 22, 1978 March 21, 1981 September 30, 1983 KSF, decommissioned on September 30, 1998 Recycled
956 864 October 27, 1978 April 24, 1982 September 30, 1984 Recycled
"Irreproachable" 956 865 January 29, 1981 July 25, 1983 November 6, 1985 KSF, decommissioned July 20, 2001
"Combat" 956 866 March 16, 1982 August 4, 1984 September 27, 1986 KTOF, decommissioned December 1, 2007
"Persistent" 956 867 September 28, 1982 July 27, 1985 December 31, 1986 KTOF, decommissioned September 30, 1998 Recycled
"Winged" 956 868 April 16, 1983 May 31, 1986 December 30, 1987 KSF, decommissioned on September 30, 1998 Recycled
"Stormy" 956 869 November 4, 1983 December 30, 1986 September 30, 1988 In reserve at KTOF Modernization and return to service are expected by 2020
until 14.09.1988 - "Leading"
956 870 November 23, 1984 May 30, 1987 December 30, 1988 KSF, decommissioned December 18, 2006
"Fast" 956 871 October 29, 1985 November 28, 1987 September 30, 1989 In the ranks of KTOF
"Quick" 956 872 August 15, 1986 June 4, 1988 December 30, 1989 KSF, decommissioned in August 2012 09/16/2014 towed to Kronstadt for disposal
"Fearless" 956 873 January 8, 1987 February 18, 1989 December 28, 1990 In reserve at KTOF
after 9.12.2007 - "Thundering"
956A 874 February 24, 1987 September 30, 1989 June 25, 1991 KSF, decommissioned in December 2012
"Restless" 956A 875 April 18, 1987 June 9, 1990 December 28, 1991 DCBF, decommissioned in 2016 Planned conversion into a museum ship
until 15.02.1992 - "Moscow's comsomolets"
956A 876 April 7, 1988 January 19, 1991 December 30, 1992 In the ranks of the DKBF, VMB Baltiysk Flagship of the Baltic Fleet
after 06/29/2004 - "Admiral Ushakov"
956A 877 May 6, 1988 December 28, 1991 December 30, 1993 As part of the KSF
in the PLA Navy "Hangzhou"
956E(previously 956A) 878 November 4, 1988 May 27, 1994 December 25, 1999 Eastern Fleet of the Chinese Navy On modernization since 2015
in the PLA Navy Fuzhou
956E(previously 956A) 879 April 22, 1989 April 16, 1999 November 25, 2000
"Rampant" 956U 880 1992 - - Building stopped at 20% completion Recycled
"Impressive" 956 2211 August 30, 1983 October 17, 1987 - The order was canceled, the hull was launched as a floating warehouse Scrapped in 1996
during construction "Impressive"
956EM 891 July 3, 2002 April 27, 2004 December 28, 2005 In the ranks of the Eastern Fleet of the Chinese Navy
during construction "Eternal"
956EM 892 November 15, 2002 July 23, 2004 September 28, 2006 In the ranks of the Eastern Fleet of the Chinese Navy

Project evaluation

Comparison with other ships of the third generation

The destroyer "Rastoropny" pr.956 next to the "O" Bannon "of the type" Spruance ", 1992. You can see how much more carefully the Soviet designers approached the reduction of radar visibility of ships

The main combat enemy of Project 956 ships in the 1980s was its American counterpart, the third-generation destroyer of the Spruance. A comparison of the shipbuilding elements of the two projects allows us to note that the destroyers of the Spruance type had a more “run-out” (narrow) hull and, as a result, less seaworthiness and increased rolling and flooding compared to the ships of the 956 project. The elongated hull of American destroyers was partly forced a measure to ensure high-level running performance with a less powerful power plant.

gas turbine power plant"Spruance", significantly inferior in power and resource, also has important advantages over the boiler-turbine power plant of project 956 - such as lighter weight, relative ease of maintenance and repair, as well as increased survivability during concussions and combat damage. Spruance's gas turbines develop full power from cold in just 12 minutes, while the boilers installed on Project 956 take 1.5 hours to do so. At the same time, the compactness of gas turbine engines relative to steam turbines and boilers, which is usually called among the advantages, more than compensates for the volumetric gas ducts that gas turbine engines need - so, taking into account the gas ducts, this gain in the size of the power plant units disappears.

By artillery and anti-ship weapons Project 956 is significantly superior to the Spruance type. but anti-submarine capabilities the latter is higher - due to the more powerful AN / SQS-53 hydroacoustic station than the Platinum-S and the presence of the ASROC guided anti-submarine complex in the armament.

regular crew project 956 destroyers was almost equal to the crew of the Spruence-class destroyers (343 versus 330 people), despite even the more progressive design of the latter's power plant. In the late 1980s, Soviet destroyers made official visits to US ports, and visiting sailors had the opportunity to get acquainted with the living conditions on the host destroyers. At the same time, the Soviet destroyers noted significantly more advanced superstructures on the Spruens, thanks to which the American sailors were provided with more comfortable conditions at combat posts and more spacious corridors. At the same time, the flip side of this comfort was also noted: the greater radar visibility and vulnerability of American destroyers.

The installation on the Spruances during the modernization of two ABL four-shot launchers, designed to accommodate Tomahawk cruise missiles, gave the US destroyers advantage in the form of the ability to attack remote coastal objects and deployment of anti-ship modification "Tomahawk" RGM-109B TASM (Eng. Tomahawk Anti-Ship Missile). Similar upgrades of Soviet destroyers with their re-equipment with Onyx and Caliber cruise missiles remained in the project. At the same time, it should be noted that the TASM long-range anti-ship missile turned out to be ineffective: due to its low speed, its flight time turned out to be too long, which made it possible for the attacked target to leave the zone of confident capture of the missile's seeker. Already in the 1990s, the unsuccessful TASM was removed from service, having converted the manufactured samples into standard Tomahawks for attacking stationary targets, so that in terms of anti-ship weapons, Soviet destroyers remained unsurpassed.

Project 956 destroyers are third-generation Soviet destroyers, the construction of which lasted from 1976 to 1992. The ships of this project were the last destroyers built in the USSR. Project 956 code - "Sarych", in NATO they were called Sovremenny class destroyer - by the name of the first ship of this series, the destroyer "Modern".

The construction of the ships of the project 956 was carried out at the plant number 190 named after. Zhdanov in Leningrad, the Russian Navy was already the customer of the last ships of the series. Today, the Russian fleet has six Sarych destroyers: three in service, two in reserve, and one more ship undergoing scheduled repairs.

After the collapse of the USSR, the laying of new ships of project 956 "Sarych" was stopped due to insufficient funding, two ships were completed for the Navy of the People's Republic of China under the export project 956-E (1997-2000), in the zero years more were made for the Chinese two "Sarych" according to the modernized project 956-EM.

It was originally planned that Project 956 destroyers would become the most massive not only in their class, but throughout the entire Soviet fleet. In total, they planned to build about fifty. In total, 17 destroyers of the Sarych project entered service with the Soviet Navy (and then Russia).

History of creation

A destroyer (destroyer) is a class of multi-purpose, high-speed, maneuverable ships capable of solving a large number of combat missions: to fight submarines, destroy enemy aircraft (including missiles), work on enemy surface ships, cover formations of ships and escort convoys. Destroyers can also be used in amphibious operations, carrying out patrol and reconnaissance services, and laying minefields.

The first destroyers appeared at the end of the 19th century. At that time, their main task was to destroy enemy destroyers with the help of powerful artillery weapons. The prefix "squadron" meant that these ships could operate as part of a ship formation in the sea or ocean zone.

Destroyers were actively used during the First and Second World Wars. A wide range of tasks that these ships could solve significantly increased their importance in the fleet. The displacement of modern destroyers is approximately equal to the cruisers of the Second World War, but much more powerful than them. The role of destroyers increased even more after the appearance of rocket weapons.

In the early 1960s, the active development of the surface fleet began in the USSR. In the 50s, a large number of large surface ships were disposed of, the main emphasis was on the submarine fleet and missiles. It was a clear mistake.

In the 1960s, the USSR Navy became oceanic, and a number of new tasks were assigned to it: guarding patrol areas for Soviet missile submarines, tracking enemy strategic submarines, detecting and reconnaissance of enemy aircraft carrier groups, monitoring sea communications, and conducting foreign policy actions.

Aircraft-carrying ships would be best suited to perform such tasks, but their construction was very expensive. Large anti-submarine ships (BODs) became the Soviet alternative to aircraft carriers, but they had to be covered by escort ships, which were sorely lacking. In addition, the destroyers that were at that time in service with the Soviet Navy were already considered obsolete. The ships of projects 3-bis, 56, 68-K and 68-bis did not have missile weapons and could not compete on equal terms with their foreign counterparts. Especially clearly all of the above was shown by the large ocean maneuvers "Ocean", carried out in 1970.

The Soviet fleet needed a modern destroyer with powerful artillery and missile weapons and capable of operating both as part of ship groups and independently.

The creation of such a ship was provided for in the shipbuilding program for 1971-1980, which was adopted in 1969. The military wanted the new destroyer to be able to take part in amphibious operations, destroy small targets on the coast, suppress the enemy's antiamphibious defenses, and provide air defense in the landing zone. The future destroyer was called the "landing fire support ship." The destroyer of project 56 was chosen as its prototype, so the new project was assigned the number 956.

Work on the creation of a new destroyer started in 1971 and progressed rather slowly.

The fact is that customers changed the purpose of the ship several times right in the design process. The program to create the American destroyers Spruance, the first truly multi-purpose ships of the US Navy, had a strong influence on the Soviet military. It was the appearance of such a program among the Americans that contributed to the transformation of the "landing fire support ship" into a multi-purpose destroyer.

In addition, the Project 956 destroyers were planned to be used in conjunction with the Project 1155 BOD. Together, Soviet strategists believed they would be more effective than a pair of American Spruance destroyers.

The preliminary design of the new ship was developed by the Leningrad TsKB-53 (Northern Design Bureau). In the course of the work, the designers were given more and more new tasks, the ship's armament options and the type of its power plant were constantly changing. The developers were limited by the capabilities of the shipbuilding plant. Zhdanov, where they planned to build new destroyers: its length should not exceed 146 meters, and its width - 17 meters.

In total, thirteen variants of pre-draft designs were made, all of them were carefully studied in terms of combat effectiveness and cost.

As a result, the following requirements were put forward for the future destroyer:

  • steam turbine power plant (PP);
  • the presence of anti-ship missiles "Mosquito" in the armament;
  • SAM "Hurricane";
  • placement on the deck of the ship of a helipad for the Ka-252;
  • the presence of AK-130 gun mounts.

The draft design was approved by Admiral Gorshkov at the end of 1972. However, even after that, changes continued to be made to the project. The steam turbine power plant was replaced by a boiler turbine, which is recognized by many experts as a rather unfortunate decision.

SJSC Platinum was chosen as the main sonar complex of the future destroyer. It was not possible to install a more advanced Polynom complex on the Sarychi due to the significant weight and size characteristics of the latter.

For this reason, the ships of Project 956 were never able to approach the capabilities of the PLO of the American destroyer Spruance, but the Soviet ship significantly outnumbered its opponent in terms of the power of artillery weapons.

The result of all the improvements and changes was an increase in the displacement of the ship by a thousand tons. The development of the destroyer project 956 cost the Soviet budget 165.6 thousand rubles.

On November 1, 1973, the design of a new ship began, the next year with the shipbuilding plant. Zhdanov, a formal contract was concluded for the construction of ships. The cost of detailed design was 2.22 million rubles.

In June 1975, construction began on the first ship of Project 956, the destroyer Sovremenny. The Sarych project was completed in 1993, when the last ship from this series was accepted by representatives of the Russian Navy.

Initially, in 1976, it was planned to build from 32 to 50 Sarych destroyers, that is, Project 956 was to become one of the most massive in the history of the Soviet fleet. In 1988, the number of ships was reduced to twenty units. However, in total, 17 destroyers of this project were transferred to the Soviet and Russian fleets. On average, each Project 956 destroyer took four years to build.

There was an attempt to establish production at the shipyard named after 61 Communards in Nikolaev. They even started building a new boathouse and received documentation from the Northern Design Bureau, but in 1986 this idea was abandoned, and two already laid down destroyer hulls were mothballed.

Until the collapse of the Soviet Union, 14 Project 956 destroyers were transferred to the Navy, three more ships were being completed for the Russian Navy (Restless, Persistent and Fearless).

The construction of the ships of project 956 "Sarych" was carried out using the sectional method of assembling the hull. The cost of one destroyer (at the time of construction of the lead and two subsequent ships) was more than 90 million rubles. The price of building subsequent ships decreased to 71 million rubles.

The destroyer project 956 was created exclusively for the needs of the Soviet Navy. It was the newest ship, and no one was going to sell it abroad. However, after the collapse of the USSR, the situation changed: insufficient funding forced us to look for customers on the side. In addition, by the beginning of the 90s, the weapons of the Sarych were somewhat outdated.

In the mid-90s, an export modification of the destroyer, 956E, was created. In 1999, the first Sarych entered the Chinese Navy. It is armed with anti-ship missiles with a slightly longer range (up to 200 km), instead of four AK-630s, two Kashtan missile and artillery systems are installed on it, there is no aft artillery installation, but a full-fledged helicopter hangar is equipped. The displacement of the ship has been slightly increased. Until 2006, four project 956E and 956EM destroyers were built for China.

Design description

Domestic and foreign researchers of the history of the fleet note that almost all warships created in the "Northern Design Bureau" have a characteristic "spectacular" appearance. Project 956 is no exception. In the descriptions of the appearance of the destroyers of this project, the terms “aggressive”, “sinister”, “expressive” are often used. And this can hardly be considered a coincidence.

Warships are not only a tool for conducting military operations at sea, they are also a serious geopolitical tool, a symbol of the power of the country whose flag they represent. The navy is a means of political persuasion and influence, a demonstration of the achievements of the scientific and technological development of the country and the power of its economy.

Naturally, the "expressiveness" of the external appearance of the ship should not reduce its combat effectiveness. However, Project 956 ships are fine with this: most experts believe that the destroyers of this series are an example of an excellent combination of high functional qualities and aesthetic perfection.

The destroyers "Sarych" have a long-deck design with a sheer bow. The shape of the hull reliably ensures that the deck is not flooded and optimal firing angles for the ship's artillery armament. The contours of the hull provide non-flooding during waves up to 6-7 points. The deck elongation factor is 8.7. The hull of the ship is made taking into account the requirements to reduce the radar visibility of the ship, although it should be noted that the destroyers "Sarych" do not belong to the "stealth ships".

In the bow of the hull, in the podkilny bulb, there is an antenna of the SJSC "Platinum".

The destroyer's side sail area is 1700 m2. The decks are placed parallel to the waterline, which simplified the installation of equipment during construction and made the Project 956 destroyers more technologically advanced.

Fifteen main bulkheads divide the ship's hull into sixteen watertight compartments. Project 956 ships have six decks: the second, third and upper decks, the forecastle deck, two platforms, one of which smoothly passes into the second bottom flooring. The main hull structures, reinforcements and foundations are made of low-alloy steel. There are two longitudinal bulkheads from the stern to the engine room, they provide additional rigidity to the stern of the ship. The destroyer's frames have a significant camber, which increases the ship's stability.

Project 956 destroyers have high seaworthiness (unlimited seaworthiness). Sailors can use on-board weapons systems with sea waves up to five points. Vessels are equipped with stabilizers. With sea waves of six points, the destroyers are capable of developing a speed of up to 24 knots.

The superstructures of Project 956 ships are made of aluminum-magnesium alloy, they are connected to the hull and decks with rivets.

The superstructure of the ship can be divided into two large blocks: bow and stern. The bow ends with a fore mast, and the stern consists of a block with a chimney and a sliding hangar, on which the main mast is located.

The standard displacement of the destroyer is 6500 tons, the total displacement is 7940 tons, with an overload - 8480 tons.

The power plant of the Project 956 destroyers consists of two GTZA-674 boiler-turbine units (total capacity of 100,000 hp) located in two engine rooms - bow and stern. It should be noted that the Sarychi are the only third-generation warships in the world with a boiler-turbine power plant.

The turbo-geared unit has a control system that is able to adjust the rotational speed in different operating modes of the unit. Each of the engine rooms has two boilers and a steam turbine. More reliable KVG-3 boilers were installed on all destroyers, starting from the seventh ("Stable"). Despite this, the boilers are called the weakest point of the ships of this series. They are very demanding on the supplied water, quite often fail.

The water treatment system installed on the ships of the project does not provide adequate water quality, which led to rapid wear of the boilers. Unlike nuclear submarine missile carriers, it is open, that is, it communicates with atmospheric air.

The experience of using high-pressure boilers has shown that the domestic fleet (both Soviet and Russian) is not yet ready to switch to such power plants.

In addition to the main ones, the ship's power plant also includes an additional emergency boiler, which can produce 14,000 kg of steam. The destroyer has two shafts and two low-noise propellers. The maximum speed of the ships of this project is 33.4 knots. The fuel reserve is 1.7 thousand tons, which provides a cruising range of 3900 nautical miles.

The steering unit consists of a hydraulic machine and a semi-balanced steering wheel.

Project 956 destroyers are equipped with two steam generators (total power 2500 kW) and two diesel generators (600 kW each), which provide ships with electricity.

Under normal conditions, the crew strength is 296 people, including 25 officers and 48 midshipmen. In wartime, the ship's crew increases to 358 people. The Sarych destroyers have created comfortable conditions for the crew to live: single and double cabins are equipped for officers, and two and four-bed cabins for midshipmen. Sailors are accommodated in sixteen cockpits of 10-25 people each. There are more than three square meters of living space per person.

On board there is a separate mess for feeding officers, another one is designed for feeding midshipmen and several canteens where sailors take food. There are several showers and a sauna on board. The crew has a library, a cinema room, cable TV, and even a prefabricated swimming pool.

All living and working areas of the destroyer are equipped with an air conditioning system, which provides comfortable conditions for the crew to work in the temperature range from -25°C to +34°C. It should be noted that the Project 956 destroyers compare favorably with other Soviet and Russian-built ships in terms of crew living conditions.

The autonomy of the destroyers "Sarych" in terms of provisions is 30 days.


The anti-aircraft missile armament of the Sarych destroyers consists of the M-22 Uragan air defense system, which is a naval modification of the Buk complex. On ships of later construction, the Hurricane-Tornado air defense systems were installed. Two anti-aircraft missile launchers are located on the bow (forecastle superstructure) and on the stern (behind the runway) of the ship. The mass of each air defense system is 96 tons, the total ammunition load is 48 guided missiles, which are located in cellars on special drums.

The characteristics of the Uragan air defense system allow you to simultaneously fire at 4-6 targets at altitudes from 10 to 1 thousand meters and at a distance of up to 25 km. The capabilities of the Uragan-Tornado air defense system are even more impressive: the maximum range of destruction is 70 km. The rate of fire is one rocket launch every 6-12 seconds. The probability of hitting an aircraft with a volley of two missiles is from 0.81-0.96, a cruise missile - 0.43-0.86.

The destroyers of the "Sarych" project have a powerful artillery armament, consisting of two twin AK-130 artillery mounts (caliber 130 mm) and rapid-fire anti-aircraft artillery, which is the last line of air defense of ships. The artillery armament of the destroyers also includes the MP-184 multi-channel fire control system, consisting of a radar, a laser rangefinder, a TV and a ballistic computer.

Each gun mount has a mechanized supply of ammunition, which allows it to fire at a rate of 30 to 90 rounds per minute at a distance of over 24 km. Ammunition for each barrel is 500 shells, of which 180 are always ready for use.

Automation of the processes of loading and supplying ammunition allows you to fire until the ammunition is completely depleted.

The weight of one gun mount is 98 tons.

The rapid-fire anti-aircraft artillery of the Project 956 destroyers consists of two batteries of AK-630M automatic systems. Batteries are located on each side of the ship and are designed to destroy cruise missiles at low altitudes. Each of the batteries includes two six-barrel gun mounts with a rotating block of barrels and a Vympel control system. The firing range of the AK-630M is 4 km, the rate of fire is 4 thousand rounds per minute.

The main anti-ship weapon of the Sarych destroyer is the Moskit anti-ship missiles. The modernized Moskit-M complex was installed on the Bespokoinny and all subsequent ships of the project. Project 956 destroyers have two fixed launchers, each of which houses four Moskit anti-ship missiles.

The range of hitting a target for "Mosquito" is 140 km, and for "Mosquito-M" - 170 km. The missiles have a combat weight of 300 kg and develop speeds up to M=2.5-3 in flight. The ship can fire all eight missiles in just 30 seconds.

On the upper deck of the destroyers, two twin-tube torpedo tubes of 533 mm caliber are installed. Mine weapons are represented by two RBU-1000 rocket launchers, which can fire at a distance of 1 thousand meters. Bomb throwers are located in the stern of the ship. Their main task is to destroy enemy submarines at shallow depths in the immediate vicinity of the ship. The warhead of each of the jet bombs is 98 kg. Project 956 destroyers can install barrage mines (up to 22 mines are accepted on board).

Project 956 destroyers do not have a permanent helicopter hangar, but a temporary, movable one is provided. It can be based on the Ka-27 helicopter. The heliport is located almost in the center of the ship, so it is less affected by pitching.

The helicopter can be used for anti-submarine warfare, it can also conduct reconnaissance and give target designation for anti-ship missiles.

Several types of radar stations are installed on the Sarych destroyers: Fregat, Fregat-M and Fregat-MA. For over-the-horizon detection of enemy targets and target designation, the Most system is used, it can search at distances up to 200 km. Target designation for the anti-ship missile system is issued by the Mineral system, which has both an active and a passive radar channel. The ship can receive target designation from aircraft or helicopters.

Project 9566 destroyers do not have an on-board information and control system; its functions are performed by the Sapphire-U environment tablet.

Project 956 ships are equipped with a set of electronic warfare equipment, which includes electronic intelligence equipment and a jamming system, as well as passive and active countermeasures.

Project 956 destroyers have a well-thought-out survivability system. Around the potentially dangerous premises of the ship (cellar, engine room), fire departments were created by reinforcing the hull with steel structures.

There is a fire main with several pumps, volumetric fire extinguishing systems, foam extinguishing systems, water irrigation of exits and bulkheads. The ship also has systems for rapid irrigation and flooding of cellars.

To eliminate the water threat on the ships of the project, there are: systems for draining, dewatering and balancing tanks. There is an external washing system in case of contamination of external surfaces.

Armor protection (anti-fragmentation) is provided only by artillery installations and PU anti-ship missiles "Moskit".

Project 956 "Sarych" ships

ship name Date of launch Write-off date Notes
"Modern" 18.11.1978 30.09.1998
"Desperate" 29.03.1980 30.09.1998
"Great" 21.03.1981 30.09.1998
"Prudent" 24.04.1982 30.09.1998
"Irreproachable" 25.06.1983 20.07.2001
"Combat" 4.08.1984 in 2010
"Persistent" 27.07.1985 30.09.1998
"Winged" 31.05.1986 30.09.1998
"Stormy" 30.12.1986 Under repair
"Thundering" 30.05.1987 18.12.2006
"Fast" 28.11.1987 As part of KTOF The ship "Fast" is the oldest of the ships of the project, which is in service
"Quick" 4.06.1988 decommissioned For recycling
"Fearless" 18.02.1989 In reserve
"Thundering" 30.09.1989 decommissioned
"Restless" 9.06.1990 In reserve DCBF
"Persistent" 19.01.1991 As part of DCBF Flagship of the Baltic Fleet
"Admiral Ushakov" 28.12.1991 As part of the KSF
"Impressive" 17.10.1987 Broken into metal
27.05.1994 Part of the Chinese Navy
16.04.1999 Part of the Chinese Navy
"Rampant" - Construction stopped


27.04.2004 Part of the Chinese Navy


23.06.2004 Part of the Chinese Navy


Displacement, t:
Standard 6500
Complete 7940
Dimensions, m:
Length 156,5
Width 17,19
Draft 5,96
Max. speed, knots 33,4
Cruising range, miles:
at 32.7 knots 1345
at 18 knots 3920
Autonomy, days 30
Crew, pers.
peacetime 296
wartime 358
Main power plant 2xGTZA-674
Total power, l. With. 100000 (2х50000)
shock missile RCC "Mosquito"
anti-aircraft missile M-22 "Hurricane"
Artillery armament AK-130
Artillery anti-aircraft weapons AK-630M
anti-submarine 2xDTA-53, 2xRBU-1000

Project evaluation

Project 956 Sarych destroyers were created during the Cold War era, and their main opponent in the oceans was an American ship of a similar Spruance class. This US Navy destroyer and its characteristics had a great influence on the future appearance of the Buzzards. There was a competition between the two superpowers and the Soviet admirals demanded that our ship be no worse.

The first thing that catches your eye is the difference in the power plants of the two ships. Moreover, the Spruance gas turbine power plant looks much more preferable both in terms of performance and reliability. An American power plant can reach full capacity in twelve minutes; a Soviet destroyer needs an hour and a half for this.

Artillery weapons, of course, are more powerful than the Soviet ship (it was originally designed as a landing support ship), but the American destroyer surpasses it in anti-submarine warfare. Initially, Sarych had more powerful missile weapons, but after modernization, universal launchers for Tomahawk missiles were installed on Spruance, which gave a significant advantage to the American.

However, at present, the main US destroyer is the Arleigh Burke class. This ship was designed in the mid-80s and is significantly superior to the Project 956 ships in almost all respects. The Arleigh Burke is a fourth-generation destroyer, so comparing it with the Sarych is not very correct.

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