Sourdough for cheese French series. French series. Standard delivery by courier in the Moscow region

So, let's see what kind of cheeses can still be made using our mesophilic cultures of the Italian series.
We will not list an infinite number of types of cheeses that you can produce with this sourdough. Let's take a better look at what are the main processes that take place in milk so that it turns into this wonderful product.
Thanks to its unique properties, cheeses of the "pasta filata" group acquire their characteristic elastic texture and pronounced sour-milk taste. And it is an absolutely indispensable microorganism in the production of soft and pickled cheeses.

1) Nutrition of cows - general

2) Milking milk - general

3) Milk cooling

The temperature of the milk at the outlet of the udder is about 37°C. Freshly milked milk from a healthy cow is virtually free of bacteria, but must be protected from bacteria immediately after milking. Microorganisms that can cause spoilage of milk can be on the surface of the udder, the hands of the milkmaid, dust particles in the air, water droplets, straw, the animal's coat and in the soil. Contaminated milk must be filtered. To obtain milk of high bacteriological quality Special attention should be given to sanitation. However, despite all precautions, it is impossible to prevent microorganisms from entering the milk. milk itself
in itself is an excellent environment for the growth of bacteria - it contains all the necessary components for this. Therefore, as soon as the bacteria enter the milk, they begin to multiply rapidly in it. On the other hand, freshly milked milk contains bactericidal substances that have a depressing effect on microorganisms for a certain period of time. In addition, before the start of reproduction, microorganisms need some time to adapt to a new environment.
If the milk is not cooled, the rapid growth of microorganisms begins in it (t freshly milked milk 37 ° C). Therefore, immediately after milking, the milk must be cooled down to approximately 4°C. At this temperature, the activity of microorganisms is very low. However, as the storage temperature rises, bacteria begin to multiply again. Therefore, it is necessary to store milk at low temperatures.

On fig. 1.9 shows graphs of the rate of development of bacteria for various
Under certain circumstances – such as lack of water and/or electricity on farms or small quantities of milk produced to justify investment in farms – it is necessary to set up grassroots plants to collect and pre-process freshly milked milk.
Milk cooling equipment used on the farm
Farms that supply milk to dairies in flasks use jet or immersion coolers. In a jet cooler, circulating cold water is sprayed onto the outer surface of the flasks to keep the milk chilled. The immersion cooler consists of a coil lowered into a flask. Cold water circulates through it, maintaining the required temperature of the milk (see also fig. 1.19 and 1.21).
During machine milking, milk is collected in special tanks (see Fig. 1.11).
Such tanks are produced in different capacities and are equipped with built-in cooling equipment that cools milk to a certain temperature for a certain period of time. These tanks are also often fitted with automatic washing devices to ensure that the equipment is properly sanitized.
On large farms and grassroots factories for rapid cooling a large batch of milk (over 5 tons) from 37 to 4 ° C, the use of cooling tanks is insufficient. In these cases, such a tank is used mainly to maintain the temperature necessary for storing milk. The cooling itself is carried out in heat exchangers installed in the piping system on the milk supply line. Such a system is shown in Fig. 1.12.
Washing and sanitizing
Bacterial contamination of milk is largely caused by equipment: any surface that comes into contact with milk is a potential source of microorganisms.
That is why it is so important to thoroughly wash and disinfect equipment. When hand milking, the accessories used must be washed by hand using suitable detergents and brushes.
Settings for machine milking are usually equipped with circulating cleaning systems (CIP) with instructions and recommendations for the use of suitable detergents and disinfectants.

4) Storage and transportation of milk

In the old days, milk was sent to the factory twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. At that time, factories were located near the farm. But as the factories grew larger, their number, zones
coverage expanded, causing a change in the average distance between the farm and the dairy
factory. This led to an increase in the intervals between milk collections. It has become common practice to collect milk every other day, and it is no longer uncommon to have these collections every three or even four days.
Preferably milk should be processed in a closed system to minimize the risk of bacterial contamination. It should be rapidly cooled to 4°C (as soon as possible after receipt) and then stored at this temperature until processing. All equipment that comes into contact with milk must be clean and disinfected. With an increase in the intervals between collections of milk, quality problems arise. Some types of microorganisms, called psychrotrophic, can grow and multiply at temperatures below 7°C. They are found mainly in soil and water, which is why it is so important that the water used for washing is of high bacteriological quality. Psychrotrophic bacteria will grow in raw milk stored at 4°C.
After adaptation to this temperature, after 48–72 hours, bacterial growth passes into an intense logarithmic phase (see Fig. 1.13). This leads to the breakdown of fats and proteins and the appearance of an undesirable taste in milk, as well as the risk of deterioration in the quality of products prepared from this milk.
All this must be taken into account when scheduling the collection of milk.
If it is impossible to avoid long intervals between its collections
cooling of milk to 2-3°C is recommended.

5) Storage and maturation - general

6) Heat treatment of milk

7) Fermentation

The starter culture is introduced into milk at a temperature of 32-37 C. It is advisable to treat hands, scissors and packaging with alcohol in order to avoid contamination of milk with pathogenic microflora.
The powder must be evenly distributed on the surface of the milk and allowed to stand for several minutes for partial dissolution. Next, the milk mixture must be thoroughly mixed.
Avoid foaming while stirring. Leave the milk alone for 30 minutes.
From the end of mixing, the lag phase of the life of the starter culture begins. It is important that this time be as short as possible and consistent with the ripening curves.

The composition of the microflora of cheeses of the Swiss series includes a symbiosis of mesophilic and thermophilic microorganisms. Under the action of the high temperature of the second heating (56-60 ° C), the volume decreases
microflora in the cheese mass due to the partial death of mesophilic lactic streptococci, while
how thermophilic lactic acid rods remain viable. In this regard, the total number of microorganisms in this series is maximum.

8) Setting the clot

The higher total proteolytic activity of milk-clotting enzymes compared to chymosin, as a rule, has a negative
influence on the quality of cheeses, especially with long periods maturation. For example, the loss of milk fat with whey was higher, and the density
The curd and quality of Cheddar cheese is lower when using pepsin instead of chymosin to curdle the milk. However, cheeses produced with
crystalline chymosin, have a less pronounced taste and ripen more slowly, compared with cheeses made from the same milk and
the same technology, but with rennet powder. Therefore, the total proteolytic activity of milk-clotting enzymes to a certain extent
needed to produce high quality cheeses.

9) Cutting

10) Drying/mixing

11) Grain washing

12) Cheese drain

13) Pressing

13) Salting

14) Drying

14) Ripening

We will tell you a secret that depending on minor manipulations in the processes listed above, you will end up with the desired type of soft cheese.

The south of France is famous for its most delicate soft and semi-hard cheeses, because it is there that our unique composition of several types of mesophilic lactobacilli is found. We have carefully preserved these bacteria, and now, thanks to our starters, you can cook French and other soft cheeses yourself - these are Camembert, Brie, Philadelphia and various blue cheeses such as Gorgonzola, etc.

Preserving and maintaining life in milk is not an easy task, which was previously only possible for highly qualified specialists. But now everything has changed.
With our starters, everyone will be able to taste high-quality and exquisite cheese made with their own hands.

The only series of freeze-dried starters in Russia for cheese production at home that meets the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union.


Mesophilic bacterial starter culture “MEZO E”.

Composition and description

Concentrate of lyophilized lactic acid bacteria Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris, Lactococcus diacetylactis subsp. biovar diacetylactis and Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. cremoris.
The sourdough is a creamy white powder.
Natural product, does not contain allergens and GMO/GMM.

Mode of application
Open the bag, pour the entire contents into a clean container with milk mixture. The opened package with the starter is not subject to storage and division into parts.
Starter culture activation temperature: 28-32 °C
Main advantages
. 5 sachets of 3 g

1 sachet for 20 liters of milk
. For cooking 10 to 15 kg of cheese (depending on humidity)
. 100% natural product

Packing dimensions

Dimensions (mm): 115*90*45

Weight: 52g


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Making cheese

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Lactose is a sugar found only in milk and belongs to the group

chemical compounds called carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates are the most important source of energy in our food.

Bread and potatoes, for example, are fortified with carbohydrates and are a nutrient reservoir. Carbohydrates break down into compounds that have a high energy value. These compounds participate in biochemical reactions, providing them with the necessary energy. Carbohydrates also provide material for the synthesis of some important chemical compounds in the body. They are present in muscles

as muscle glycogen and in the liver as liver glycogen.

Glycogen is an example of a very high molecular weight carbohydrate. Other examples of such carbohydrates are starch and cellulose. Such complex carbohydrates are called polysaccharides and have giant molecules built from glucose molecules. In glycogen and starch, these molecules are often branched, while in cellulose they exist as straight and long chains.

Rice. 2.38 shows schematically some disaccharides, that is, carbohydrates consisting of molecules of two types of sugars. The sucrose molecule (formerly called cane or beet sugar) is made up of two simple sugars

(monosaccharides) - fructose and glucose. Lactose (milk sugar) is a disaccharide, the molecule of which contains the monosaccharides glucose and galactose.

Table 2.3 shows that the lactose content of milk is

3.6–5.5%. Rice. 2.39 makes it clear what happens when lactose is attacked by lactic acid bacteria. These bacteria produce the enzyme lactose, which breaks down lactose molecules into glucose and galactose. These monosaccharides, under the influence of a number of enzymes, also produced by lactic acid bacteria, are converted into lactic acid through complex intermediate reactions. The enzymes involved in these reactions act in a specific order. Cleavage of lactose is possible with the formation of other end compounds.

This is determined by the specific characteristics of the microorganisms involved

during its fermentation.

When milk is heated and kept at a high temperature, it turns brown

and tastes like caramel. This process is called caramelization and is the result of a reaction between lactose and proteins called the Maillard reaction.

Lactose is water soluble and forms an ionic-molecular solution

in milk. In cheesemaking, there is a large waste of lactose into whey. The evaporation of whey during the preparation of whey-albumin cheese further increases the concentration of lactose. Lactose does not taste sweet like other sugars; its sweetness, for example, is 30 times less than that of cane sugar.

The Farmer Academy French Series Cheese Sourdough will provide the flavor and aroma you need for all the soft and semi-hard cheeses you want to produce. It can be camembert, brie, gorgonzola, philadelphia and others.

Thermophilic bacterial starter culture “MEZO E” - concentrate of lyophilized lactic acid bacteria Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris, Lactococcus diacetylactis subsp. biovar diacetylactis and Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. cremoris. The sourdough is a creamy white powder. Natural product, does not contain allergens and GMOs/GMMs.
Mode of application
Open the bag, pour the entire contents into a clean container with milk mixture. The opened package with the starter is not subject to storage and division into parts. Starter culture activation temperature: 28-32 °C. Detailed information for usage see
  • The set includes 5 sachets of 3 g;
  • 1 sachet is designed for 20 liters of milk;
  • 5 bags are enough to prepare 10 to 15 kg of cheese (depending on humidity);
  • Shelf life and storage conditions: 12 months at a temperature of +4±2 °C or 6 months at a temperature of up to +25 °C from the date of production.


Mode of application:

Main advantages

5 sachets of 3 g

1 sachet for 20 liters of milk

100% natural product

Packing dimensions

  • 480 rub. per piece
Not available

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  • Delivery of goods worth less than 3,000 rubles. - 400 rubles.
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  • Delivery of goods: with a total value of more than 5,000 rubles. - IS FREE .

Same day delivery in Moscow within the Moscow Ring Road is from 600 rubles, depending on the size and weight of the order.

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  • Delivery in the Moscow region up to 5 km. from Moscow Ring Road - 600 rubles.
  • Delivery in the Moscow region from 5 km. up to 10 km. from Moscow Ring Road - 700 rubles.
  • Delivery in the Moscow region from 10 km. up to 20 km. from Moscow Ring Road - 800 rubles.
  • Delivery in the Moscow region from 20 km. up to 30 km. from Moscow Ring Road - 900 rubles.
  • Delivery in the Moscow region from 30 km. up to 40 km. from Moscow Ring Road - 1100 rubles.
  • Delivery in the Moscow region from 40 km. up to 50 km. from Moscow Ring Road - 1200 rubles.
  • Delivery in the Moscow region from 50 km from the Moscow Ring Road -1200 rubles. + 25 rub. per kilometer.

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After placing an order, the ShopBarn manager will contact you to confirm the availability of all ordered items and agree on the date of order pickup. Order processing takes place in working time store, the assembly of the order takes from several hours to several days, depending on the availability of the ordered items in the warehouse of the pickup store. After agreeing on the order, the order is placed in reserve for 3 days.

Sourdough for cheese Farmer Academy "French series" 100 l

The south of France is famous for its most delicate soft and semi-hard cheeses, because it is there that our unique composition of several types of mesophilic lactobacilli is found. We have carefully preserved these bacteria, and now, thanks to our starters, you can cook French and other soft cheeses yourself - these are Camembert, Brie, Philadelphia and various blue cheeses such as Gorgonzola, etc. Preserving and maintaining life in milk is not an easy task, which was previously only possible for highly qualified specialists. But now everything has changed. With our starters, everyone will be able to taste high-quality and exquisite cheese made with their own hands. The only series of freeze-dried starters in Russia for cheese production at home that meets the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union.


Mesophilic bacterial starter culture “MEZO E”.

Concentrate of lyophilized lactic acid bacteria Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis, Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris, Lactococcus diacetylactis subsp. biovar diacetylactis and Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. cremoris.

The sourdough is a creamy white powder. Natural product, does not contain allergens and GMOs/GMMs.

Mode of application:

Open the bag, pour the entire contents into a clean container with milk mixture. The opened package with the starter is not subject to storage and division into parts. Starter culture activation temperature: 28-32 °C

Main advantages

5 sachets of 3 g

1 sachet for 20 liters of milk

For cooking 10 to 15 kg of cheese (depending on humidity)

100% natural product

Packing dimensions

Dimensions (mm): 115*90*45 Weight: 52g


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