Group of companies pik diamonds alexey. Opening Center. PIK Group: key facts

Statement of material fact

"Reporting Insider Information"
1. General information
1.1. Full corporate name of the issuer (for a non-profit organization - name) Public Joint Stock Company
PIK Group of Companies
1.2. Abbreviated corporate name of the issuer PJSC PIK Group of Companies
1.3. Location of the issuer Russian Federation, 123242, Moscow, st. Barrikadnaya, 19, building 1
1.4. OGRN of the issuer 1027739137084
1.5. TIN of the issuer 7713011336
1.6. Unique issuer code assigned by the registration authority 01556-A
1.7. Address of the Internet page used by the issuer to disclose information http://www..aspx?id=44

2. Message content
“On Certain Decisions Adopted by the Board of Directors of the Issuer”
2.1. Quorum of the meeting of the Issuer's Board of Directors: 9 out of 9 members of the Board of Directors took part in the meeting of the Board of Directors of PJSC Group of Companies PIK. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 32 of the Charter of PJSC PIK Group of Companies, there was a quorum for holding a meeting of the Board of Directors.
2.2. Voting results on decision-making issues:
According to paragraph 3 of Art. 32 of the Company's Articles of Association, decisions on these issues are made by a majority of votes of the voting members of the Board of Directors.
2.2.1. On the formation of a new composition of the Management Board of PJSC PIK Group of Companies.

2.2.2. On the approval of a non-deliverable forward transaction for global depositary receipts concluded between PJSC PIK Group and VTB Bank (PJSC) on June 30, 2017 under the terms of the general agreement on futures transactions in financial markets dated June 30, 2017, as part of determining the priority areas of activity of PJSC " PIK Group of Companies" in accordance with subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2 of Article 29 of the Charter of PJSC PIK Group of Companies.
Voting: For: 9, Against: none, Abstaining: none.

2.3. Contents of decisions adopted by the Board of Directors of the Issuer:
2.3.1. Establish the Management Board of PJSC PIK Group of Companies in the following composition:
Board members:
1. Ivakin Denis Anatolyevich - Vice President - Director of the Design Department of PJSC PIK Group of Companies;
2. Titov Alexander Valentinovich - Vice President for Economics and Finance - Financial Director of PJSC PIK Group of Companies;
3. Prygunkov Alexander Sergeevich - Vice President - Operations Director of PJSC PIK Group of Companies;
4. Sviblov Vladislav Vladimirovich – Vice President for Development of Land Assets of PIK Group of Companies PJSC;
5. Semikova Natalia Alexandrovna – Vice-President for initial permits and land and property relations of PIK Group of Companies PJSC;
6. Almazov Aleksey Andreasovich – Vice-President for Design of PJSC PIK Group of Companies;
7. Kondratiev Stanislav Vladimirovich - Vice President - Director of the Product Department of PJSC PIK Group of Companies;
8. Maksim Evgenyevich Yakushechkin – Vice-President – ​​Director of the Directorate for Moscow, PJSC PIK Group of Companies;
9. Rosso Gennady Genrievich - Vice President - Director of the Sales Department of PJSC PIK Group of Companies;
10. Aleksey Alexandrovich Kozlov – Vice-President – ​​Director of the Directorate for the Moscow Region of PJSC PIK Group of Companies;
11. Farber Igor Arkadievich - General Director of Mayak LLC;
12. Borisenkov Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich – Vice President for General Affairs of PJSC PIK Group of Companies;
13. Gobeev Elbrus Kermenovich - General Director of JSC "PIK-Industry";
14. Tikhomirov Ilya Vasilievich - Director of the Department of Information Technologies of PJSC PIK Group of Companies.
The functions of the Chairman of the Management Board are assigned to the President of PJSC PIK Group of Companies Sergey Eduardovich Gordeev.
The term of office of the new composition of the Management Board of PJSC PIK Group of Companies begins on July 28, 2017 and ends on July 27, 2018.
2.3.2. Approve the non-deliverable forward transaction for global depository receipts concluded between PJSC PIK Group and VTB Bank (PJSC) on June 30, 2017 under the terms of the general agreement on futures transactions in financial markets dated June 30, 2017, as part of determining the priority areas of activity of PJSC Group PIK Companies" in accordance with subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2 of Article 29 of the Charter of PJSC "PIK Group of Companies" on the terms set forth in Annexes 1,2,3, which are an integral part of this Protocol.
Other terms of the transaction according to the Annexes:
Appendix 1: General agreement on futures transactions in financial markets dated June 30, 2017;
Exhibit 2: Confirmation under the Non-deliverable forward transaction on global depositary receipts dated 06/30/2017;
Appendix 3: Agreement for the sale and purchase of global depository receipts dated June 30, 2017

2.4. Date of the meeting of the issuer's board of directors, at which the relevant decisions were made: July 25, 2017.
2.5. Date of compilation and number of the minutes of the meeting of the issuer's board of directors, at which the relevant decisions were made: Minutes No. 10 dated July 25, 2017
3. Signature

3.1. Vice President for Economics and Finance - Chief Financial Officer
PJSC PIK Group of Companies
A.V. Titov
signature I.O. Surname

This notice was provided directly by the subject of information disclosure and published in accordance with the Regulations on the disclosure of information by issuers of emissive securities or the Regulations on the requirements for the procedure and timing of disclosure of information related to the activities of joint-stock investment funds and management companies of unit investment funds, as well as the content of the information disclosed . The Interfax Agency bears no responsibility for the content of the message and the consequences of its use.

Public Joint Stock Company "PIK Group of Companies"
25.07.2017 18:22

Statement of material fact

"Reporting Insider Information"

1. General information

1.1. Full corporate name of the issuer (for a non-profit organization - name) Public Joint Stock Company

PIK Group of Companies

1.2. Abbreviated corporate name of the issuer PJSC PIK Group of Companies

1.3. Location of the issuer Russian Federation, 123242, Moscow, st. Barrikadnaya, 19, building 1

1.4. OGRN of the issuer 1027739137084

1.5. TIN of the issuer 7713011336

1.6. Unique issuer code assigned by the registration authority 01556-A

1.7. Address of the Internet page used by the issuer to disclose information

“On Certain Decisions Adopted by the Board of Directors of the Issuer”

2.1. Quorum of the meeting of the Issuer's Board of Directors: 9 out of 9 members of the Board of Directors took part in the meeting of the Board of Directors of PJSC Group of Companies PIK. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 32 of the Charter of PJSC PIK Group of Companies, there was a quorum for holding a meeting of the Board of Directors.

According to paragraph 3 of Art. 32 of the Company's Articles of Association, decisions on these issues are made by a majority of votes of the voting members of the Board of Directors.

2.2.1. On the formation of a new composition of the Management Board of PJSC PIK Group of Companies.

2.2.2. On the approval of a non-deliverable forward transaction for global depositary receipts concluded between PJSC PIK Group and VTB Bank (PJSC) on June 30, 2017 under the terms of the general agreement on futures transactions in financial markets dated June 30, 2017, as part of determining the priority areas of activity of PJSC " PIK Group of Companies" in accordance with subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2 of Article 29 of the Charter of PJSC PIK Group of Companies.

2.3.1. Establish the Management Board of PJSC PIK Group of Companies in the following composition:

Board members:

1. Ivakin Denis Anatolyevich - Vice President - Director of the Design Department of PJSC PIK Group of Companies;

2. Titov Alexander Valentinovich - Vice President for Economics and Finance - Financial Director of PJSC PIK Group of Companies;

3. Prygunkov Alexander Sergeevich - Vice President - Operations Director of PJSC PIK Group of Companies;

4. Sviblov Vladislav Vladimirovich – Vice President for Development of Land Assets of PIK Group of Companies PJSC;

5. Semikova Natalia Alexandrovna – Vice-President for initial permits and land and property relations of PIK Group of Companies PJSC;

6. Almazov Aleksey Andreasovich – Vice-President for Design of PJSC PIK Group of Companies;

7. Kondratiev Stanislav Vladimirovich - Vice President - Director of the Product Department of PJSC PIK Group of Companies;

8. Maksim Evgenyevich Yakushechkin – Vice-President – ​​Director of the Directorate for Moscow, PJSC PIK Group of Companies;

9. Rosso Gennady Genrievich - Vice President - Director of the Sales Department of PJSC PIK Group of Companies;

10. Aleksey Alexandrovich Kozlov – Vice-President – ​​Director of the Directorate for the Moscow Region of PJSC PIK Group of Companies;

11. Farber Igor Arkadievich - General Director of Mayak LLC;

12. Borisenkov Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich – Vice President for General Affairs of PJSC PIK Group of Companies;

13. Gobeev Elbrus Kermenovich - General Director of JSC "PIK-Industry";

14. Tikhomirov Ilya Vasilievich - Director of the Department of Information Technologies of PJSC PIK Group of Companies.

The functions of the Chairman of the Management Board are assigned to the President of PJSC PIK Group of Companies Sergey Eduardovich Gordeev.

The term of office of the new composition of the Management Board of PJSC PIK Group of Companies begins on July 28, 2017 and ends on July 27, 2018.

2.3.2. Approve the non-deliverable forward transaction for global depository receipts concluded between PJSC PIK Group and VTB Bank (PJSC) on June 30, 2017 under the terms of the general agreement on futures transactions in financial markets dated June 30, 2017, as part of determining the priority areas of activity of PJSC Group PIK Companies" in accordance with subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2 of Article 29 of the Charter of PJSC "PIK Group of Companies" on the terms set forth in Annexes 1,2,3, which are an integral part of this Protocol.

Other terms of the transaction according to the Annexes:

Appendix 1: General agreement on futures transactions in financial markets dated June 30, 2017;

Exhibit 2: Confirmation under the Non-deliverable forward transaction on global depositary receipts dated 06/30/2017;

Appendix 3: Agreement for the sale and purchase of global depository receipts dated June 30, 2017

2.4. Date of the meeting of the issuer's board of directors, at which the relevant decisions were made: July 25, 2017.

2.5. Date of compilation and number of the minutes of the meeting of the issuer's board of directors, at which the relevant decisions were made: Minutes No. 10 dated July 25, 2017

3. Signature

3.1. Vice President for Economics and Finance - Chief Financial Officer

PJSC PIK Group of Companies

A.V. Titov

signature I.O. Surname

This notice was provided directly by the Subject of Information Disclosure and published in accordance with the “Regulations on Information Disclosure by Issuers of Equity Securities” (approved by the Bank of Russia on December 30, 2014 N 454-P). The information agency "PRIME" is not responsible for the content of the message and the consequences of its use.

Statement of material fact

"Reporting Insider Information"
1. General information
1.1. Full corporate name of the issuer (for a non-profit organization - name) Public Joint Stock Company
PIK Group of Companies
1.2. Abbreviated corporate name of the issuer PJSC PIK Group of Companies
1.3. Location of the issuer Russian Federation, 123242, Moscow, st. Barrikadnaya, 19, building 1
1.4. OGRN of the issuer 1027739137084
1.5. TIN of the issuer 7713011336
1.6. Unique issuer code assigned by the registration authority 01556-A
1.7. Address of the Internet page used by the issuer to disclose information http://www..aspx?id=44

2. Message content
“On Certain Decisions Adopted by the Board of Directors of the Issuer”
2.1. Quorum of the meeting of the Issuer's Board of Directors: 6 out of 9 members of the Board of Directors took part in the meeting of the Board of Directors of PJSC Group of Companies PIK. In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 32 of the Charter of PJSC PIK Group of Companies, there was a quorum for holding a meeting of the Board of Directors.
2.2. Voting results on decision-making issues:
According to paragraph 3 of Art. 32 of the Company's Articles of Association, decisions on these issues are made by a majority of votes of the voting members of the Board of Directors.
1. Appointment of new members of the Management Board of PJSC PIK Group of Companies.

2. On making changes to the list of candidates to the control bodies of PJSC PIK Group of Companies for election at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of PJSC PIK Group of Companies in 2018.
Voting: For: 6, Against: none, Abstaining: none.

2.3. Contents of decisions adopted by the Board of Directors of the Issuer:
2.3.1. 1. To appoint the Vice-President - Director of the Moscow Directorate of PJSC PIK Group of Companies Ivan Nikolaevich Polandov as a member of the Management Board of PIK Group of Companies PJSC from March 13, 2018.
2. To appoint the Vice-President for Development of Land Assets of PIK Group of Companies PJSC Alexey Aleksandrovich Zolotarev as a member of the Management Board of PIK Group of Companies PJSC from March 13, 2018.
3. Appoint Alexander Lefel, Vice President for Regional Development of PIK Group of Companies PJSC, as a member of the Management Board of PIK Group of Companies PJSC from March 13, 2018.
4. In connection with the appointment of new members of the Management Board, the composition of the Management Board of PJSC PIK Group of Companies since March 13, 2018 consists of the following persons:
Board members:
1. Ivakin Denis Anatolyevich - Vice President - Director of the Design Department of PJSC PIK Group of Companies;
2. Titov Alexander Valentinovich - Vice President for Economics and Finance - Financial Director of PJSC PIK Group of Companies;
3. Prygunkov Alexander Sergeevich - First Vice President - Operations Director of PJSC PIK Group of Companies;
4. Semikova Natalya Aleksandrovna – Vice-President for initial permits and land and property relations of PIK Group of Companies PJSC;
5. Almazov Aleksey Andreasovich - Vice-President for Design of PJSC PIK Group of Companies;
6. Kondratiev Stanislav Vladimirovich - Vice President - Director of the Product Department of PJSC PIK Group of Companies;
7. Yakushechkin Maxim Evgenievich - Vice President - Director of the Directorate for Moscow, PJSC PIK Group of Companies;
8. Rosso Gennady Genrievich - Vice President - Director of the Sales Department of PJSC PIK Group of Companies;
9. Aleksey Aleksandrovich Kozlov – Vice President – ​​Director of the Directorate for the Moscow Region of PIK Group of Companies PJSC;
10. Borisenkov Vyacheslav Alexandrovich – Vice President for General Affairs of PJSC PIK Group of Companies;
11. Gobeev Elbrus Kermenovich - General Director of JSC "PIK-Industry";
12. Tikhomirov Ilya Vasilievich - Director of the Department of Information Technologies of PJSC PIK Group of Companies;
13. Polandov Ivan Nikolaevich - Vice-President - Director of the Moscow City Directorate of PJSC PIK Group;
14. Zolotarev Alexey Alexandrovich - Vice President for Development of Land Assets of PJSC PIK Group of Companies
15. Lefel Alexander Olegovich - Vice President for Regional Development of PJSC PIK Group of Companies.
2.3.2. 1. Remove candidate Elena Alekseevna Osipova from the list of candidates for voting at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of PJSC PIK Group of Companies in 2018 for the election to the Audit Commission of PIK Group of Companies PJSC.
2. To include in the list of candidates for voting at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of PJSC PIK Group of Companies in 2018 for elections to the Audit Commission of PJSC PIK Group of Companies candidate Yelena Ivanovna Yermolaeva.
2.5. Date of the meeting of the Issuer's Board of Directors where the relevant decisions were made: March 12, 2018.
2.6. Date of compilation and number of the minutes of the meeting of the issuer's board of directors, at which the relevant decisions were made: Minutes No. 2 dated March 12, 2018
3. Signature

3.1. Vice President for Economics and Finance - Chief Financial Officer
PJSC PIK Group of Companies
A.V. Titov
signature I.O. Surname

This notice was provided directly by the subject of information disclosure and published in accordance with the Regulations on the disclosure of information by issuers of emissive securities or the Regulations on the requirements for the procedure and timing of disclosure of information related to the activities of joint-stock investment funds and management companies of unit investment funds, as well as the content of the information disclosed . The Interfax Agency bears no responsibility for the content of the message and the consequences of its use.

The Board of Directors of PJSC "PIK Group of Companies" elected a new composition of the board of the company, the company said on the corporate information disclosure website.

The functions of the Chairman of the Board are assigned to the President of PJSC PIK Group Gordeev Sergey Eduardovich.

The Management Board also included: Vice President - Director for Industry and Construction of the company Mikhail Tyasto, Vice President for Economics and Finance - Financial Director Alexander Titov, Vice President for Planning and Coordination of Operations - Director of the Financial Planning and Analysis Department Alexander Prygunkov, Vice -President for Development of Land Assets Vladislav Sviblov, Vice President for Government Relations Natalya Semikova, Vice President for Design Alexey Almazov, Vice President - Director of the Department Stanislav Kondratiev, Vice President - Director of Moscow Directorate Maxim Yakushechkin, Vice President President - Director of the Sales Department Gennady Rosso, Vice President - Director of the Directorate for the Moscow Region Alexei Kozlov, Vice President for Organizational Development and Technological Development Boris Khapachev, Vice President for General Affairs Vyacheslav Borisenkov.

The term of office of the new Board of Directors begins on July 29, 2015 and ends on July 28, 2016, the message adds.

JSC PIK Group of Companies is one of the largest residential real estate developers in the Russian Federation, operating in the market of Moscow, the Moscow Region and eight other regions. .3 billion rubles, revenue amounted to 61.3 billion rubles in 2014. The developer's net profit in 2014 under IFRS amounted to 3.8 billion rubles.

GK "PIK" in Moscow it's like Putin in Russia. You can talk a lot and badly about her, but she will still always move forward and remain the No. 1 developer in the eyes of potential buyers. If only because it almost always rents out its residential complexes on time. Well, because every highway in the area is hung with its advertising.

Today I suggest that you analyze in detail all the information that I collect on the channel and in my head - and finally decide: is the PIK Group as good as it is portrayed?

In this article, we will consider a brief history of the company, the figure of its main owner, Sergey Gordeev, the pros and cons of the corporation, and the iconic new buildings of PIK Group. Go!

PIK Group: key facts

It was not Sergei Gorodeev who founded PIK Group of Companies, as many people mistakenly believe today. It was founded by Yuri Zhukov and Kirill Pisarev in the now distant 1994.


PIK is an abbreviation, and means it is nothing more than “First Mortgage Company”. True, users on the network seem to have forgotten about this for a long time and are ironic about “PIK” as much as they can. I quote: “Calling this company “PIK”, I believe, is incorrect. It simply has to be called "PUK".

PIK Group is a public company, 17.8% of the shares are in free float, 74.6% belongs to Sergey Gordeev, 7.6% belongs to VTB Bank PJSC. But first things first.

Short story

The first years of the company's existence cannot be called particularly outstanding, it is difficult to recall some amazing facts of this period. Really vigorous activity, in fact, begins here in 2001, when PIK buys DSK-2 in Moscow, and in 2005 PIK acquires another plant - DSK-3 - from a very famous in the "Luzhkov" times company - "Inteko", which was owned by Elena Baturina herself - the wife of the famous mayor of Moscow.

More numbers!

Thus, PIK combined the capacities of two enterprises: DSK-2 could produce up to 450,000 m² per year, and DSK-3 even more: 500,000 m².

Thanks to the received capacities, the company has become one of the largest manufacturers of "panels", which is famous to this day.

PIK Group in 2006

Since 2006, "PIK" begins "expansion" (almost the same as Christopher Columbus organized when he discovered America) to the regions. Boxes of various series, but of the same style, are beginning to appear in Kaliningrad, Kaluga, Obninsk, Yaroslavl, Nizhny Novgorod ...

PIK Group in 2007

2007 becomes a landmark year for the company, it announces an IPO and reaches a capitalization of $12.3 billion. 15% of the shares were sold for $1.85 billion.

PIK Group in 2008

2008 hit PIK just as unexpectedly and hard as it hit all other organizations. The volume of housing under construction has decreased by almost 2 times compared to 2007. But help came from an unexpected source: the government of the Russian Federation made the company a list of backbone enterprises, which, in general, did not have a very positive effect on the economic situation of PIK.

PIK Group in 2009

2009 was marked by the loss of a controlling stake by the founders of the company in favor of Suleiman Kerimov. They gave away 25% of PIK's shares in exchange for restructuring the company's debt.

At the same time, the developer received state guarantees from the government.

PIK Group in 2010

The summer of 2010 brought sad news. First, the real estate of Yuri Zhukov, the founder, was arrested by the decision of the Meshchansky Court, since it acted as a pledge to Nomos Bank, which provided the loan. And then one of the structures of the First Mortgage Company, PIK-Development, was declared bankrupt.

PIK Group in 2010-2012

In 2010, the company received $425 million from Sberbank to replenish working capital, optimized internal processes, commissioned 740,000 m² of housing, increased its sales and, as a result, reduced the loss by 47%.

An interesting fact: despite this, PIK Group did not pay dividends in 2010. Such a difficult decision was made following the results of a general vote of shareholders.

In subsequent years, 2011-2012, the company was engaged in the restoration of construction volumes and strengthening of economic stability.

Hello, Sergey!

Efficiency, new sites, increased construction and sales volumes - it seems that all this began to grow only with the advent of this particular person to the company. Competitors, by the way, Gordeev eliminates as skillfully as a matador operates in the arena.

In 2016, he buys Alexander Ruchiev's Morton, with almost all existing projects and problems, and becomes a major player in the field of “standard-class” housing, as they like to say these days, and also ranks 90th among the richest businessmen in Russia in the Forbes list. In April 2018, it rises almost 40 lines higher - to 57th place.

And already in 2017, the company takes the first places in various ratings of developers in Russia, thanks not only to construction volumes, but also to the active, and I would even say, aggressive, advertising activities of the company.

Post by PIK Group on Ilya Varlamov's blog

It is worth noting that the Internet promotion of new buildings from PIK is becoming very targeted: Yandex.Direct, Google Adwords, Cyan, Ilya Varlamov's blog.

But not a single (not a single!) major transport artery of Moscow can do without a colonnade of numerous standard PIK billboards. Sometimes it seems to me that this is not even brand building, but something from NLP.

Yes, PIK loves outdoor advertising. Have you ever wondered how much this billbord-happiness costs? Let's reveal a secret: the rent of 1 shield in Moscow and the region varies within 31,000 - 465,000 rubles / month depending on the location.

But back to history. In the summer of 2017, Mr. Gordeev (for some reason, he doesn’t dare to call him anything else) buys 16% from Alexander Mamut, and 9.8% of PIK shares from Mikail Shishkhanov. And already in October he gets his "cherry on the cake" - 24.6% of the shares of minotaries. Thus, by 2018, a simple shareholder becomes the holder of a controlling stake, having consolidated 74.6% of the shares in his hands.

Unbelievable, but it is a fact

But, surprising as it may seem, the company seems to benefit from this. At the end of January 2018, the Moscow Mayor's Office published the TOP housing developers for 2017, where PIK Group (oh my, how amazing!) took 1st place.

Sergey Gordeev prefers to donate his trading assets in the name of residential construction. On March 26, 2018, it became known that he was ready to sell 2 objects: the Riviera shopping center and the Salaris shopping center (by the way, near the Salaryevo Park residential complex under construction by the same PIK Group) to the Kyrgyz company KLS Securities. While the deal has not yet been concluded, but experts have already expressed their forecasts about the possible cost. The deal could bring the president of PIK Group 45 billion rubles.

With all this, Gordeev can hardly be called a media person. In large programs and interviews, it is shown no more than once a year. Even in the movie Home for everyone: How it's made | PIK Group”, his comments did not take more than a few minutes.


As of April 2018, PIK employs 14,263 people. And hardly any of them can be called media. They, to match the president, flaunt, basically, only on the official website of the group, in the “Management” section.

At the moment, the Board of Directors consists of 9 people, 14 more represent the Management Board. Surprisingly, few of them took part even in their own film about industrial construction. Or rather, only, in fact, Mr. Gordeev and Alexei Almazov, Vice President for Design.

Key employees of PIK Group

Governing body Board of DirectorsOther Key Personnel

  • Sergey Gordeev- President and chairman of the board;
  • Alexander Prygunkov1st Vice President and COO;
  • Denis Ivakin- invice president and director of the design department;
  • Alexander Titov- inVice President for Economics and Finance;
  • Gennady Rosso- inVice President and Director of Sales Department;
  • Stanislav Kondratiev- invice president and director of the product department;
  • Natalya Semikova- invice-president for initial permits and land and property relations;
  • Alexey Almazov- invice president of engineering;
  • Vyacheslav Borisenkov- inVice President for General Affairs;
  • Alexey Kozlov- inVice President and Director of the Directorate for the Moscow Region;
  • Ivan Polandov- inVice President and Director of the Directorate for Moscow;
  • Elbrus Gobeev- GGeneral Director of PIK-Industry JSC;
  • Ilya Tikhomirov– ddirector of the department of information technologies;
  • Alexey Zolotarev- inVice President for Development of Land Assets.
  • Marina Zinovin- Pchairman of the board of directors;
  • Alexander Varennya
  • Sergei Vorobyovmember of the board of directors;
  • Zumrud Rustamovaindependent member of the board of directors;
  • Alexey Blaninindependent member of the Board of Directors;
  • Georgy Figinmember of the board of directors;
  • Marina Grönbergmember of the board of directors;
  • Alexander Dolzhychmember of the board of directors;
  • Alexey Karpenkomember of the board of directors.
  • Yesatia Badri- chief architect of PIK Group of Companies;
  • Natalya Dubrovskaya- chief architect of the design department;
  • Pavel Turkov- Head of regional administration.

If you are one of those people who are wondering: who developed this "chic" design of the Peak houses - and dreaming of looking the chief architect of "PIK" in the eye, I hasten to disappoint you: Yesatia Badri, who holds this post, also does not appear in the film . Therefore, we can only admire its architectural solutions.


The central office of PIK Group of Companies is located in Moscow, on the street. Barrikadnaya, 19 building 1, near the metro station Barricade. It works 12 hours: from 9 to 9 (or rather, until 21:00) and is nothing special, in general, not remarkable. Except for the fact that on May 18, 2017, the investigative committee conducted high-profile searches here during the investigation of a criminal case on causing damage to the Dynamo sports society (one of the contractors of the PIK Group of Companies).

Oratory lessons from PIK Group of Companies

Participation in renovation

PIK is one of the developers participating in the Moscow renovation program. Under the needs of the state, areas in such LCD companies as:

  • (100,000 sq.m. will go to the program);
  • (80,000 sq.m.);

GK "PIK": reviews

Reviews about PIK Group on the net are very different. So that you can study the main claims here, without going to numerous forums, I will analyze everything that I know and hear right here, dividing all the references into positive and negative. Well, if you really want live reviews, you are welcome to.


Undoubtedly, the main advantage of the company is its predictability. You know for sure that no matter what times are outside the window, your house will be built. Yes, it is possible with a failure to meet deadlines, but it certainly will not turn into an unneeded long-term construction. There is good evidence for this:

  1. The company has 2 own factories of reinforced concrete products. The former DSK No. 2 and No. 3 turned into the Ochakovsky Concrete Concrete Plant and the Vostryakovsky Concrete Concrete Plant. And their "union" is now known throughout the country as "PIK-Industry".
  2. 99% of new buildings from PIK Group are very affordable, which means that they are sold well and quickly, replenishing the treasury of the enterprise.

The second significant plus of the company is the construction of new buildings with finishing. In almost every new house you can find apartments with this option, which means that after receiving the keys you can safely move into the received housing.

Another significant advantage I indirectly already voiced above - availability. Most of the new buildings from PIK are well-known to us panels, however, a little improved. Due to the ease of production of panels and their versatility, one floor of a 9-apartment section is built in 2 days. This is what determines the pleasing prices for new buildings by PIK.


Everyone who has ever looked at the new buildings of the PIK Group has seen: their houses do not have ANY individuality. The same type of panel boxes of regular geometric shapes and bright colors - that's what these houses are like. Can you, dear reader, distinguish the Buninskiye Luga residential complex from, for example, the Izmailovsky Forest residential complex?

Okay, okay, I agree, the task is too complicated. Then one more try. Let's compare yards LCD "Salaryevo Park" and LCD Green Park.

Does not work? Dont be upset! Even market experts in this matter are often powerless.

The second serious minus, which is often talked about, concerns the violation of the rights of equity holders of Morton, a company that PIK absorbed in 2016.

Perhaps the most striking example is the story of the residential complex "Peter I" in the Lefortovo district, which was originally sold as a business class complex of 6 buildings. After the transfer of the project into the hands of PIK, the territory of Peter I was divided into 2 buildings, in fact, the Peter itself and the new Lefortovo Park project. “Thanks” to such a move by the developer, instead of the promised 6 buildings, 14 will now appear here.

Those. people who preferred the residential complex "Peter I" over, for example, the residential complex "Symbol" due to the fact that the first one promised to be more intimate, with fewer buildings, as a result, they lost the advantage, because of which they made their choice .

The third minus is the failure of deadlines. Despite the fact that PIK does not have a single long-term construction project, the developer does not always adhere to deadlines. At the same time, it is rather difficult to restore the initial deadlines, because the company removes all project declarations from the site as soon as the hull is put into service. But we can say for sure: there were delays in the deadlines for the residential complex “Meshchersky Forest”, residential complex “Peter I”, residential complex “Mosfilmovskaya”.

The fourth minus is non-compliance with safety regulations at construction sites. It's no secret that during the construction of the complexes, the company's workers have suffered more than once. In May 2017, a construction crane collapsed in the Lyubertsy residential complex, in September of the same year, in the Novokurkino residential complex. If safety is violated, are other standards followed? Here's a question potential buyers are asking.


The bankruptcy of PIK Group is one of the most favorite topics of all representatives of the real estate market. "PIK" did not pass the complex on time? Bankruptcy is near! The company's profit fell 6 times in 2017? Go bankrupt! PIK postponed the placement of bonds? Bankrupt!! And it doesn’t matter at all that new large-scale facilities are being prepared for launch on the market, investments in which were required in 2017, and the profit from the sale of which will come only in 2018-2019.

In fairness, it is worth noting that the company once was on the verge of bankruptcy. One of the "daughters", "PIK-Development", until 2009 expected to sell apartments for 5 billion rubles, which did not happen due to the crisis that covered the country. Then 25% of the shares were sold to Suleiman Kerimov, who stabilized the situation in the entire group of companies, but PIK-Development had to be sacrificed.

In 2018, PIK is not threatened with bankruptcy, the company is confidently selling the apartments it has built and is preparing new and new projects to enter the market, so only the author of a publication eager to hype can call it bankrupt.

New buildings of PIK Group of Companies


Top news of 2019:

  • On January 22, 2019, the company announced the results of work in 2018. PIK put into operation 102 new buildings over the indicated period (against 99 in 2017), put 13 new projects on sale (against 11 in 2017), the volume of real estate sales increased by 5.6% to 1,941 thousand sq. sq. m (against 1,839 thousand sq. m. in 2017), and the volume of cash receipts increased by 20.4% to 245.0 billion rubles (against 203.4 billion rubles in 2017)
  • Top managers of the company told Interfax that in 2019 PIK is not going to acquire new construction sites.
  • "PIK" according to the results of the calculation "Metrium" is the largest developer in terms of sales of housing in the "old" Moscow.
  • 03/20/2019 PIK Group announced that launches development franchise sale in Russia and abroad. Developers who are open and focused on innovation, players in the new project finance market, real estate market consultants and holding companies that do not have internal expertise will be able to use the new PIK service. - commented in the PIK Group.
  • On April 1, 2019, it became known that PIK Group and LSR Group may receive special conditions when switching to escrow accounts. The government started talking about the formation of a pool of "backbone enterprises", Vedomosti writes. And the 2 companies mentioned above may be on this “white list”. The requirements for “backbone enterprises” are as follows:
    • The company operates in at least 5 regions;
    • Builds over 1 million sq. m of housing;
    • Is public.

Only PIK and LSR meet such requirements. Apparently, these companies will be allowed to build under the old rules if the house is 10% ready (instead of the standard 30% for other developers). If we are talking about a project for the integrated development of territories, the readiness may be 6% (example -).

  • 01.04.2019 Standard and Poor's upgraded PIK's credit rating to B+. The forecast is stable.
  • 04/02/2019 PIK Group announced IFRS financial results for 2018:
    • Total revenue - 245.8 billion rubles. (+40.4% compared to 2017);
    • Margin - 22.4%. (+6.2%);
    • EBITDA - 42.8 billion rubles. (+214.7%);
    • Net profit - 21.3 billion rubles;
    • Net debt - 2.5 billion rubles (at the end of 2017 - 15.0 billion rubles).
  • 07/04/2019 PIK Group entered the TOP-50 Brand Finance Russia 2019. The company of Sergey Gordeev is located on the 41st line of the rating of the most expensive Russian brands. Brand Finance Russia 50 valued PIK at 22.220 billion rubles.
  • VTB is increasing its stake in PIK Group to 23.05%. VTB Group buys a 15.48% stake in the developer company from Sergey Gordeev. Sergey Gordeev retains 59.15% of shares, VTB Group - 23.05% of shares.
  • 07/08/2019 Fitch Ratings (rating agency) assigned PIK Group a credit rating of BB-. The forecast is stable.
  • 07/10/2019 . They are:
    • The volume of real estate sales increased by 15.1% to 101.2 billion rubles (against 88.0 billion rubles in the 1st half of 2018);
    • The total volume of cash inflows amounted to 114.5 billion rubles;
    • The total area of ​​real estate put up for sale is 687,000 sq. m. m. This is 21.1% less than in the 1st half of 2018;
    • The volume of commissioning - 513 thousand square meters. m., (against 286 thousand sq. m. in the 1st half of 2018).
  • The developer bought out 2 O'Key sites. Two plots purchased by a previously well-known network went to Sergey Gordeev's company. One of the sites is on Bolshaya Ochakovskaya Street. The location of the second is still not known for certain, but it may be a site in Dubrovsky passage. The area of ​​each of the territories is 4 hectares.

Top news of 2018:

, sharing the site with the former developer Spartak Stadium. Here will appear LCD "Tushinsky Park".
  • PIK bought from Shater Development.
  • The financial results for the 1st half of 2018 have been released. The total revenue amounted to 90.3 billion rubles. (+139.7% compared to the 1st half of 2017), revenue from the sale of real estate - 87.1 billion rubles. (+ 146.6%), net profit - 0.3 billion rubles, net debt, however, also increased - up to 15.4 billion rubles (+2.7%).
  • According to Moskomstroyinvest, PIK owns 16.4% of the residential real estate market in Moscow as of August 2018.
  • In 2018, social tensions against the company increased. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the PIK Group of Companies has taken up the so-called point building and. For example, the most notorious conflict was the clash between the developer and residents of the Kuntsevo district, where PIK was supposed to start building a 26-storey tower house as part of the reconstruction program for the quarter, but the locals were against it, and the company temporarily stopped construction. 11/22/2018 The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation confirmed the legality of building a house on the street. Ivan Franko, 20.
  • Sergey Gordeev sold the shopping center "Riviera", with an area of ​​298,000 sq. m, fund from Kyrgyzstan.
  • PIK Group took 1st place in terms of revenue in Moscow in 2018, according to the rating (organized by Urban Awards). It is estimated that the company earned 111 billion rubles, which is 17.7% of the entire market of the capital.
  • On June 18, 2019, the Expert RA agency upgraded the credit rating of PIK Group of Companies. Now the developer's rating is at the level of ruA. Previously, PIK, according to Expert RA, was at the level of ruA-. The rating outlook is stable.
  • Participation in renovation

    PIK Group takes an active part in the renovation program of Moscow. Projects for the planning of quarters and houses have been developed. At the end of 2018 - beginning of 2019, it is known that 5 residential complexes of the company will go under the needs of the state program. This is , and . They will have 764,000 sq.m., 80,000 sq.m., 100,000 sq.m. 30,000 sq.m. residential real estate for the needs of the state program, respectively, for the first 4 residential complexes and 236 apartments in.

    The PIK Group of Companies is without a doubt the leading player in the real estate market in Moscow and the Moscow region. How long his story will last and whether he will repeat the fate of the sensational SU-155, only time will tell. However, at the moment it is difficult to imagine that anything can prevent the company from building and being prosperous.


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