Responsibilities of the Production Manager. Job description of the head of the production department. Labor appointment of the head of the planning and economic department

Analyze the effectiveness of the application of existing forms and systems of remuneration, systems of material and moral incentives. 2.23 Ensure the development of proposals for the introduction of progressive forms of remuneration and incentives, as well as the development of provisions on bonuses for employees of the enterprise in relation to the specific conditions of their activities, monitors the correct application of these provisions. 2.24 Participate in the formation of payroll funds for structural units depending on their working conditions and wage structure, planned growth in production volumes, tasks to reduce labor intensity. 2.25 Ensure control over the expenditure of wage funds and material incentive funds, over the correct application of forms and systems of wages, tariff rates and prices, the establishment of wage categories and official salaries.

Job description of the head of the production department

Introduction of means of mechanized and automated processing of planned and accounting information. III. Job Responsibilities To perform the functions assigned to him, the head of the planning and economic department is obliged to: 3.1.

To manage the work of economic planning at the enterprise, aimed at organizing rational economic activity, in accordance with the needs of the market and the possibilities of obtaining the necessary resources, identifying and using production reserves in order to achieve the greatest efficiency of the enterprise.3.2. Lead the preparation of draft current plans by the divisions of the enterprise for all types of activities in accordance with the orders of consumers of products, works (services) and concluded contracts, as well as justifications and calculations for them. 3.3.

Russian Federation; - rules and norms of labor protection. 1.7. During the absence of the head of the planning and economic department (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his official duties are performed in the prescribed manner by the appointed deputy, who is fully responsible for their high-quality, efficient and timely implementation.
II. Functions The following functions are assigned to the head of the planning and economic department: 2.1. Implementation of management of work on economic planning at the enterprise.2.2.

Organization of work on accounting and analysis of the results of production and economic activities.2.3. Accounting for all indicators of the enterprise, preparation of established reporting.2.4.

Methodological support of relevant issues.2.5. Development of unified planning documentation, economic standards.2.6.

Job Descriptions

Fundamentals of labor legislation. 4.14. Rules and norms of labor protection 4.15. . 5. The head of the production department reports directly.


During the absence of the head of the production department (business trip, vacation, illness), his duties are performed by a deputy (in the absence of such, a person appointed in the prescribed manner), who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for their proper execution. II. Job Responsibilities of Production Manager: 1.

Supervises the work on operational regulation, using computer technology, communications and communication, the course of production, ensuring the rhythmic release of products in accordance with the production plan and supply contracts. 2.

Head of planning and production department job description


Manages the development of production programs and production schedules in accordance with the production plan and supply contracts. 3. Manages the development of production programs and production schedules for the enterprise and its divisions, their adjustment during the planning period, the development and implementation of standards for operational production planning.

4. Organizes operational control over the course of production, over the provision of production with technical documentation, equipment, tools, materials, components, transport, handling equipment, etc., as well as over the preparation for the production of new types of products. five.

Head of planning production department job description

With the energy department, the design and technology center, the capital construction department, the mechanics department on: - obtaining: data on consumed electricity, data on the costs of mechanical, electrical, plumbing repairs, estimates for the repair of buildings, structures, equipment, capital repairs costs and construction of buildings. 5.3 Accounting for: - obtaining: data on prices for materials; on the balance of goods for resale; the amount of balances of finished products in the warehouse; the amount of services rendered for non-core activities; information on the set, reporting data on accounts 10,23,25,26,28,44; balance sheets of business units; summary data on actual costs by items; data on the workshop cost, tabulagram transcripts for materials; — providing: report on cost; cost statements.
Coordinates the work of the departments of the enterprise, takes measures to ensure the rhythm of the implementation of production schedules, the prevention and elimination of violations of the production process. 2.6. Ensures timely registration, accounting and regulation of the fulfillment of orders for cooperation and inter-shop services.

2.7. Controls the fulfillment of mutual requirements and claims of the company's divisions, analyzes the results of their activities for the previous planning period in order to identify opportunities for a more complete and uniform utilization of capacities, equipment and production areas, and to reduce the production cycle. 2.8. Carries out work to identify and master technical innovations, scientific discoveries and inventions, best practices that contribute to the improvement of technology, the organization of production and the growth of labor productivity.

APPROVEDGeneral Director D.D. ChiefJSC "Trest" P.P. Petrov "" 2018 Job description of the head of the planning and economic department of JSC "Trest" 1.

General Provisions 1.1 This instruction establishes the rights, duties and responsibilities of the head of the planning and economic department of JSC "Trest" (hereinafter referred to as the enterprise). 1.2 A person with a higher professional (economic) education and work experience in the field of economic planning of at least three years is appointed to the position of the head of the planning and economic department (hereinafter referred to as the head of the PEO) of JSC "Trest". 1.3 The head of the PEO reports directly to the director for economics of the enterprise (hereinafter referred to as the director for economics). 1.4 The appointment, transfer and dismissal of the head of the PEO from his position is carried out by order of the general director of the enterprise on the proposal of the director for economics.
Ensure the organization of labor and management processes at the enterprise in accordance with its goals and strategy, based on the rational use of the labor potential of each employee, the use of effective forms and methods of labor motivation in order to increase labor productivity and quality of work. 2.16 Lead the development of draft plans for labor and a system of labor indicators based on the analysis of indicators achieved by the enterprise in earlier periods of time or achieved by similar enterprises, taking into account the situation on the labor market, external and internal factors. Ensures that the approved plans are communicated to the structural divisions of the enterprise. 2.17 Organize work on labor rationing, calculation of norms, analysis of their quality level and revision, implementation of technically sound labor standards.

  • Carries out work on the identification and development of technical innovations, scientific discoveries and inventions, best practices that contribute to the improvement of technology, the organization of production and the growth of labor productivity.
  • Supervises the work of production warehouses, ensures the participation of the department in the inventory of work in progress.
  • Organizes the development of measures to improve operational planning, current production accounting and mechanization of the dispatch service, the introduction of modern computer technology, communication communications.
  • Carries out methodical management of the work of production and dispatching divisions of the enterprise, supervises the employees of the department.
  • III.

With economists of the shops of the main and auxiliary production on the issue of: - obtaining: reports on the cost price, on the use of basic materials, data on work in progress, explanations on the cost price. 5.9 With the design and technology center, the department of energy, the department of mechanics, the department of industrial safety and environmental protection, production, the department of management technologies on the issue of: - providing: data on economic effect measures. 5.10 With the engineer on the organization and rationing of the work of the shop on the issue of: - obtaining: wage standards for manufactured products, for the labor intensity of products. 5.11 With economists (not on the staff of the PEO) on the following issues: - obtaining: cost standards for other shops (wholesale prices for shops), material cost standards; - providing: wholesale prices and amounts for services.
Manages the work of economic planning at the enterprise, aimed at organizing rational economic activity in accordance with the needs of the market and the possibilities of obtaining the necessary resources, identifying and using production reserves in order to achieve the greatest efficiency of the enterprise. Leads the preparation of draft current plans by the divisions of the enterprise for all types of activities in accordance with the orders of consumers of products, works (services) and concluded contracts, as well as justifications and calculations for them. Participates in the development of the company's strategy in order to adapt its economic activity and management system to changing external and internal economic conditions in market conditions.


1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the Head of the Production Department.

1.2. The head of the production department is appointed to the position and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the director of the enterprise.

1.3. The head of the production department reports directly to ________________.

1.4. A person who has a higher professional (technical or engineering and economic) education and work experience in operational production management in engineering and management positions is appointed to the position of the Head of the Production Department.

1.5. The head of the production department must know:

Legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on issues of production planning and operational management of production; prospects for the development of the enterprise; production capacities of the enterprise and its production base; specialization of enterprise divisions and production relations between them; product range, types of work (services) performed; basics of production technology; organization of production planning at the enterprise; the procedure for developing production programs and calendar schedules for output; organization of operational accounting of the progress of production; organization of warehousing, transport and loading and unloading operations at the enterprise; means of computer technology, communications and communications; economics, organization of production, labor and management; fundamentals of labor legislation; labor protection rules and regulations.

1.6. During the period of temporary absence of the Head of the Production Department, his duties are assigned to ___________________________.


Note. The functional responsibilities of the Head of the Production Department are determined on the basis and to the extent of the qualification characteristics for the position of the Head of the Production Department and can be supplemented, clarified when preparing the job description, based on specific circumstances.

Head of production department:

2.1. Supervises the work on operational regulation using computer technology, communications and communications, the progress of production, ensuring the rhythmic release of products in accordance with the production plan and supply contracts.

2.2. Manages the development of production programs and production schedules for the enterprise and its divisions, their adjustment during the planning period, the development and implementation of standards for operational production planning.

2.3. Organizes operational control over the course of production, over the provision of production with technical documentation, equipment, tools, materials, components, transport, handling equipment, etc., as well as over the preparation for the production of new types of products.

2.4. Provides daily operational accounting of the progress of production, the fulfillment of daily tasks for the release of finished products in terms of the quantity and range of products, control over the condition and completeness of work in progress, compliance with the established norms of backlogs in warehouses and workplaces, over the rational use of vehicles and the timeliness of loading and unloading operations.

2.5. Coordinates the work of the departments of the enterprise, takes measures to ensure the rhythm of the implementation of production schedules, the prevention and elimination of violations of the production process.

2.6. Ensures timely registration, accounting and regulation of the fulfillment of orders for cooperation and inter-shop services.

2.7. Controls the fulfillment of mutual requirements and claims of the company's divisions, analyzes the results of their activities for the previous planning period in order to identify opportunities for a more complete and uniform utilization of capacities, equipment and production areas, and to reduce the production cycle.

2.8. Carries out work on the identification and development of technical innovations, scientific discoveries and inventions, best practices that contribute to the improvement of technology, the organization of production and the growth of labor productivity.

2.9. Supervises the work of production warehouses, ensures the participation of the department in the inventory of work in progress.

2.10. Organizes the development of measures to improve operational planning, current accounting of production and mechanization of the dispatch service, the introduction of modern means of computer technology, communications and communications.

2.11. Carries out methodical management of the work of production and dispatching divisions of the enterprise, supervises the employees of the department.


The head of the production department has the right to:

3.1. To give instructions to subordinate employees and services, tasks on a range of issues included in his functional duties.

3.2. To control the fulfillment of planned tasks and work, the timely execution of individual instructions and tasks of employees and services subordinate to him.

3.3. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the activities of the Head of the Production Department, subordinate services and divisions.

3.4. Enter into relationships with departments of third-party institutions and organizations to resolve operational issues of production activities that are within the competence of the Head of the Production Department.


The Production Manager is responsible for:

4.1. Results and efficiency of production activities of the department.

4.2. Failure to ensure the performance of their functional duties, as well as the work of subordinate employees and services of the enterprise on issues of the production activities of the department.

4.3. Inaccurate information about the status of the implementation of the work plans of the department, subordinate services and employees.

4.4. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the director of the enterprise.

4.5. Failure to take measures to suppress the identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise, its employees.

4.6. Failure to ensure compliance with labor and performance discipline by employees of subordinate services and personnel subordinate to the Head of the Production Department.


5.1. The mode of operation of the Head of the production department is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.

5.2. In connection with the production need, the Head of the production department may go on business trips (including local ones).

5.3. To solve operational issues related to the provision of production activities, the Head of the Production Department may be provided with official vehicles.


6.1. The exclusive area of ​​activity of the Head of the Production Department is to ensure the planning and organization of the production activities of the enterprise.

6.2. To ensure his activities, the head of the production department is given the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues that are part of his functional duties.

Other instructions in the section:

I. General provisions

1. The head of the production department belongs to the category of managers.

2. A person who has a higher professional (technical or engineering and economic) education and at least 3 years of experience in operational production management in engineering and management positions is appointed to the position of head of the production department.

3. Appointment to the position of head of the production department and dismissal from it is carried out by order of the director of the enterprise.

4. The head of the production department must know:

4.1. Legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on production planning and operational management of production

4.2. Prospects for the development of the enterprise.

4.3. The production capacity of the enterprise and its production base.

4.4. Specialization of business units and production links between them.

4.5. The range of manufactured products, types of work (services) performed.

4.6. Fundamentals of production technology.

4.7. Organization of production planning at the enterprise.

4.8. The order of development of production programs and calendar schedules for output.

4.9. Organization of operational accounting of the progress of production.

4.10. Organization of warehousing, transport and loading and unloading operations at the enterprise.

4.11. Means of computer technology, communications and communications.

4.12. Economics, organization of production, labor and management.

4.13. Fundamentals of labor legislation.

4.14. Rules and norms of labor protection

6. During the absence of the head of the production department (business trip, vacation, illness), his duties are performed by a deputy (in the absence of such a person appointed in the prescribed manner), who acquires the relevant rights and is responsible for their proper execution.

II. Job Responsibilities

Head of production department:

1. Supervises the work on operational regulation, using computer technology, communications and communications, the course of production, ensuring the rhythmic release of products in accordance with the production plan and supply contracts.

2. Manages the development of production programs and production schedules in accordance with the production plan and supply contracts.

3. Manages the development of production programs and production schedules for the enterprise and its divisions, their adjustment during the planning period, the development and implementation of standards for operational production planning.

4. Organizes operational control over the course of production, over the provision of production with technical documentation, equipment, tools, materials, components, transport, handling equipment, etc., as well as over the preparation for the production of new types of products.

5. Provides daily operational accounting of the progress of production, the fulfillment of daily tasks for the release of finished products in terms of quantity and range of products, control over the condition and completeness of work in progress, compliance with established norms of backlogs in warehouses and workplaces, over the rational use of vehicles and the timeliness of loading and unloading works.

6. Coordinates the work of the departments of the enterprise, takes measures to ensure the rhythm of the implementation of production schedules, the prevention and elimination of violations of the production process.

7. Ensures timely registration, accounting and regulation of the fulfillment of orders for cooperation and intershop services.

8. Controls the fulfillment of mutual requirements and claims of the enterprise division, analyzes the results of their activities for the previous planning period in order to identify opportunities for a more complete and uniform utilization of capacities, equipment and production areas, and to reduce the production cycle.

9. Carries out work to identify and master technical innovations, scientific discoveries and inventions, best practices that contribute to the improvement of technology, the organization of production and the growth of labor productivity.

10. Supervises the work of production warehouses, ensures the participation of the department in the inventory of work in progress.

11. Organizes the development of measures to improve operational planning, current accounting of production and mechanization of the dispatch service, the introduction of modern computer technology, communication communications.

12. Carries out methodical management of the work of the production and dispatching divisions of the enterprise, supervises the employees of the department.

III. The rights

The head of the production department has the right to:

1. Act on behalf of the department, represent the interests of the enterprise in relations with other structural divisions of the enterprise, organizations on issues of production management at the enterprise.

2. Request and receive the necessary information from the heads of structural divisions of the enterprise and specialists.

3. Check the activities of the structural divisions of the enterprise in the field of production management.

4. Participate in the preparation of draft orders, instructions, instructions, as well as estimates, contracts and other documents related to production management.

5. Interact with the heads of all structural divisions on the issues of the production activities of the enterprise.

6. Within its competence, sign and endorse documents; to issue, under his signature, orders for the enterprise on production issues.

7. Independently conduct correspondence with the structural divisions of the enterprise, as well as other organizations on issues within its competence.

head of production department


1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the head of the production department "_____________" (hereinafter referred to as the "organization").
1.2. The head of the production department is appointed to the position and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the organization.
1.3. The head of the production department reports directly to _____________ organization.
1.4. A person who has a higher professional (technical or engineering and economic) education and at least 5 years of experience in operational production management in engineering and management positions is appointed to the position of head of the production department.
1.5. The head of the production department must know:
- legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on issues of production planning and operational management of production;
- prospects for the development of the organization;
- production capacity of the organization and its production base;
- specialization of organizational units and production relations between them;
- nomenclature of manufactured products, types of work (services) performed;
- basics of production technology;
- organization of production planning in the organization;
- the procedure for developing production programs and calendar schedules for output;
- organization of operational accounting of the progress of production;
- organization of warehousing, transport and handling operations in the organization;
- means of computer technology, communications and communications;
- economics, organization of production, labor and management;
- basics of labor legislation;
- Rules and norms of labor protection.


Note. The functional responsibilities of the head of the production department are determined on the basis and to the extent of the qualification characteristics for the position of the head of the production department and can be supplemented, clarified when preparing the job description based on specific circumstances.

Head of production department:
2.1. Supervises the work on operational regulation using computer technology, communications and communications, the progress of production, ensuring the rhythmic release of products in accordance with the production plan and supply contracts.
2.2. Manages the development of production programs and production schedules for the organization and its divisions, their adjustment during the planning period, the development and implementation of standards for operational production planning.
2.3. Organizes operational control over the course of production, for providing production with technical documentation, equipment, tools, materials, components, transport, handling equipment, etc., as well as for preparing the production of new types of products.
2.4. Provides daily operational accounting of the progress of production, the fulfillment of daily tasks for the release of finished products in terms of quantity and range of products, control over the condition and completeness of work in progress, compliance with the established norms of backlogs in warehouses and workplaces, over the rational use of vehicles and the timeliness of loading and unloading operations.
2.5. Coordinates the work of departments of the organization, takes measures to ensure the rhythm of the implementation of production schedules, prevent and eliminate violations of the production process.
2.6. Ensures timely registration, accounting and regulation of the fulfillment of orders for cooperation and inter-shop services.
2.7. Controls the fulfillment of mutual requirements and claims of the organization's divisions, analyzes the results of their activities for the previous planning period in order to identify opportunities for a more complete and uniform utilization of capacities, equipment and production areas, and to reduce the production cycle.
2.8. Carries out work on the identification and development of technical innovations, scientific discoveries and inventions, best practices that contribute to the improvement of technology, the organization of production and the growth of labor productivity.
2.9. Supervises the work of production warehouses, ensures the participation of the department in the inventory of work in progress.
2.10. Organizes the development of measures to improve operational planning, current accounting of production and mechanization of the dispatch service, the introduction of modern means of computer technology, communications and communications.
2.11. Provides methodological guidance to the work of the production and dispatching divisions of the organization, supervises the employees of the department.

The head of the production department has the right to:
3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the head of the organization relating to the activities of the department headed.
3.2. Participate in the discussion of issues related to their official duties.
3.3. Submit proposals to the head of the organization to improve the activities of the headed department.
3.4. Liaise with the heads of other structural divisions of the organization.
3.5. Sign (vise) documents within their competence.
3.6. Make proposals to the management of the organization on encouraging distinguished employees, imposing penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.
3.7. Require the head of the organization to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.


The head of the production department is responsible for:
4.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of their duties under this job description - in accordance with applicable labor laws.
4.2. For offenses committed during the period of its activities - in accordance with the current civil, administrative and criminal legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.3. For causing material damage - in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.4. For violation of the Internal Labor Regulations, fire safety and safety regulations established in the organization - in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


5.1. The mode of operation of the head of the production department is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the organization.
5.2. In connection with the production need, the head of the production department may go on business trips (including local ones).
5.3. To solve operational issues related to the provision of production activities, the head of the production department may be allocated company vehicles.
5.4. In accordance with ____________________, the employer evaluates the performance of the head of the production department. The set of measures for evaluating the effectiveness was approved by _________ and includes:
- _____________________,
- _____________________,
- _____________________.

We bring to your attention a typical example of a job description for the head of the production department, a sample of 2019/2020. A person who has a higher professional (technical or engineering and economic) education and at least 5 years of experience in operational production management in engineering and management positions can be appointed to this position. Do not forget that each instruction of the head of the production department is handed out against receipt.

It provides typical information about the knowledge that the head of the production department should have. About duties, rights and responsibilities.

This material is included in the huge library of our site, which is updated daily.

1. General Provisions

1. The head of the production department belongs to the category of managers.

2. A person with a higher professional (technical or engineering and economic) education and at least 5 years of experience in operational production management in engineering and management positions is accepted for the position of head of the production department.

3. The head of the production department is hired and dismissed by the director of the organization.

4. The head of the production department must know:

— legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on issues of production planning and operational management of production;

— prospects for the development of the enterprise;

- production capacity of the enterprise and its production base;

- specialization of the company's divisions and production relations between them;

— nomenclature of manufactured products, types of work (services) performed;

— basics of production technology;

- organization of production planning at the enterprise;

- the procedure for developing production programs and calendar schedules for output;

- organization of operational accounting of the production progress;

— organization of warehousing, transport and loading and unloading operations at the enterprise;

- means of computer technology, communications and communications;

— economics, organization of production, labor and management;

— basics of labor legislation;

- internal labor regulations;

— rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

5. In his activities, the head of the production department is guided by:

- the legislation of the Russian Federation,

- the charter of the organization,

- orders and orders of the director of the organization,

- this job description,

- The internal labor regulations of the organization.

6. The head of the production department reports directly to the director of the organization.

7. During the absence of the head of the production department (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by the director of the organization in the prescribed manner, who acquires the appropriate rights, duties and is responsible for the performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities of the head of the production department

Head of production department:

1. Supervises the work on operational regulation, using computer technology, communications and communications, the course of production, ensuring the rhythmic release of products in accordance with the production plan and supply contracts.

2. Manages the development of production programs and production schedules for the enterprise and its divisions, their adjustment during the planning period, the development and implementation of standards for operational production planning.

3. Organizes operational control over the course of production, over the provision of production with technical documentation, equipment, tools, materials, components, transport, handling equipment, etc., as well as over the preparation for the production of new types of products.

4. Provides daily operational accounting of the progress of production, the fulfillment of daily tasks for the release of finished products in terms of quantity and range of products, control over the condition and completeness of work in progress, compliance with the established norms of backlogs in warehouses and workplaces, over the rational use of vehicles and the timeliness of loading and unloading works.

5. Coordinates the work of the departments of the enterprise, takes measures to ensure the rhythm of the implementation of production schedules, the prevention and elimination of violations of the production process.

6. Ensures timely registration, accounting and regulation of the fulfillment of orders for cooperation and inter-shop services.

7. Controls the fulfillment of mutual requirements and claims of the enterprise's divisions, analyzes the results of their activities for the previous planning period in order to identify opportunities for a more complete and uniform utilization of capacities, equipment and production areas, and a reduction in the production cycle.

8. Carries out work to identify and master technical innovations, scientific discoveries and inventions, best practices that contribute to the improvement of technology, the organization of production and the growth of labor productivity.

9. Supervises the work of production warehouses, ensures the participation of the department in the inventory of work in progress.

10. Organizes the development of measures to improve operational planning, current accounting of production and mechanization of the dispatch service, the introduction of modern means of computer technology, communications and communications.

11. Carries out methodological management of the work of the production and dispatching divisions of the enterprise, supervises the employees of the department.

12. Complies with the Internal Labor Regulations and other local regulations of the organization.

13. Complies with internal rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

14. Ensures cleanliness and order in his workplace,

15. Fulfills, within the framework of the employment contract, the orders of the employees to whom he is subordinate in accordance with this instruction.

3. Rights of the head of the production department

The head of the production department has the right to:

1. Submit proposals for consideration by the director of the organization:

- to improve the work related to the duties provided for in this instruction,

- on the promotion of distinguished employees subordinate to him,

- on bringing to material and disciplinary responsibility of employees subordinate to him who violated production and labor discipline.

2. Request from structural divisions and employees of the organization the information necessary for him to perform his duties.

3. Get acquainted with the documents that define his rights and obligations in his position, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization's management regarding its activities.

5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance, including the provision of organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

6. Other rights established by the current labor legislation.

4. Responsibility of the head of the production department

The head of the production department is responsible for the following:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the organization - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Job description of the head of the production department - sample 2019/2020. Job duties of the head of the production department, rights of the head of the production department, responsibility of the head of the production department.


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