1 pc information about additional professional education. DPO and software: up-to-date information on data collection and processing. Maximum Internet Access Speed

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The respondents in the form No. 1-PC "Information on the activities of an organization carrying out educational activities in additional professional programs" are legal entities carrying out educational activities in the implementation of additional professional programs of all forms of ownership and departmental affiliation:

  • organization of additional professional education;
  • professional educational organizations;
  • educational institutions of higher education;
  • scientific organizations;
  • other organizations.

Other organizations include organizations that provide training in additional professional programs as additional to their main activities, other than the types of organizations listed above.

The respondents provide the federal statistical observation form to the subject of official statistical accounting.

Respondents with separate subdivisions (including branches) fill in the information:

  • on the activities of a legal entity, including separate subdivisions located on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the place of its location (implementation of activities);
  • on the activities of the legal entity and separately each separate subdivision carrying out activities on the territory of this subject of the Russian Federation;
  • on the activities of each separate division located on the territory of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and send them to the subject of official statistical accounting at the place of their location (implementation of activities) at the specified address.

Separate subdivision of an organization - any subdivision geographically separate from it, at the location of which stationary workplaces are equipped. Recognition of a separate division of an organization as such is carried out regardless of whether its creation is reflected or not reflected in the constituent or other organizational and administrative documents of the organization, and from the powers vested in the said division. In this case, a workplace is considered stationary if it is created for a period of more than one month (clause 2 of article 11 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

A professional educational organization, an educational organization of higher education, a scientific organization and other organization provide a form only in terms of the implementation of additional professional programs.

The head of the legal entity appoints officials authorized to provide statistical information on behalf of the legal entity.

The address part of the form indicates the full name of the reporting organization in accordance with the constituent documents registered in the prescribed manner, and then in brackets - the short name. On the form of the form containing information on a separate division of a legal entity, the name of the separate division and the legal entity to which it belongs is indicated.

On the line "Postal address" the name of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, legal address with postal code shall be indicated; if the actual address does not coincide with the legal address, then the actual (postal) address is also indicated. For separate divisions that do not have a legal address, a postal address with a postal code is indicated.

The legal entity puts in the code part of the form the code of the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) on the basis of the Notice of assignment of the OKPO code sent (issued) to organizations by the territorial bodies of Rosstat.

In the case of delegation of authority to provide statistical reporting on behalf of a legal entity to a separate subdivision, a separate subdivision in the code part of the form indicates the OKPO code (for a branch) or an identification number (for a separate subdivision that does not have the status of a branch), which is established by the territorial body of Rosstat at the location a separate subdivision.

The data are given in the units of measurement indicated in the form.

Data are given for the reporting year, unless otherwise specified.

All indicators of the form must be filled in according to the data of the primary accounting documentation available in the educational department, accounting, personnel department and other departments of organizations that implement additional professional programs. When filling out the form, the completeness and reliability of the statistical data contained in it must be ensured.

Information is submitted within the timeframe and addresses indicated on the form.

Section 1. General information about the organization

1.1. Organization type

The subsection contains information about the type of organization.

In column 3, an organization carrying out educational activities for the implementation of additional professional programs puts down code 1 in one of the lines 01-05 in accordance with its type, determined in the constituent documents. The rest of the lines are marked with code 2.

For a separate subdivision of a legal entity, the corresponding code of the type of organization to which it belongs is indicated.

1.2. Information on the presence of a license to carry out educational activities and management bodies

The subsection provides information on the availability of a license to carry out educational activities and management bodies.

A professional educational organization, an educational organization of higher education, a scientific organization and other organization fills in only information on line 01 and indicates the presence of a license for the right to carry out educational activities to implement additional professional programs.

In column 3, line 01, code 1 is put down if there is a license for educational activities, otherwise code 2 is put down.

In column 3, on line 02, code 1 is put down when the organization passes public accreditation, otherwise code 2 is put down.

Public accreditation means recognition of the level of activity of an organization carrying out educational activities that meets the criteria and requirements of Russian, foreign and international organizations. The procedure for conducting public accreditation, the forms and methods of assessment during its implementation, as well as the rights granted to an accredited organization carrying out educational activities, are established by the public organization that conducts public accreditation.

Column 3, lines 03-10, reflects information on the presence of collegial management bodies in the educational organization.
Collegial management bodies include: a general meeting (conference) of employees and students, a pedagogical council, an academic council, a board of trustees, a management council, a supervisory council and other collegial management bodies provided for by the charter.
In column 3, on line 03, code 1 is put down if collegial management bodies are created, otherwise code 2 is put down, and then on lines 04-10 the type of control bodies is indicated.

In column 3 on line 11, if there are trade unions of workers, code 1 is indicated, otherwise code 2 is put down.

Column 3 to line 12 indicates the presence of collegial management bodies with the involvement of the public - parents and (or) employers. This line is selected from line 03. If the code “2” is put on line 03 - there is no phenomenon, then on line 13 the code “2” must be set.

1.3. Information about educational programs implemented by the organization

This subsection provides information on additional professional programs.

Column 3 on line 01 indicates the total number of completed educational programs for advanced training, on lines 02.03 the total number of programs is distributed by hour.

Line 01 is equal to the sum of lines 02.03 for all columns.

In column 3, line 04, the total number of completed educational programs for professional retraining is indicated, along lines 05.06 the total number of programs is distributed by hour.

Line 04 is equal to the sum of lines 05.06 for all columns.

In column 4 of column 3, the number of programs that have passed professional and public accreditation by employers and their associations is highlighted.

Professional and public accreditation of professional educational programs is a recognition of the quality and level of training of graduates who have mastered such an educational program in a specific organization carrying out educational activities that meet the requirements of professional standards, the requirements of the labor market for specialists, workers and employees of the corresponding profile.

Column 5, lines 01-06, indicates the total number of students trained in educational programs.

Line data 01 gr. 5 should be equal to the data of line 01 gr. 4 subsections 2.1.

Line data 02 gr. 5 should be equal to the data of line 01 gr. 5 of subsection 2.1.

Line data 03 gr. 5 should be equal to the data of line 01 gr. 6 of subsection 2.1.

Line data 04 gr. 5 should be equal to the data of line 01 gr. 7 subsection 2.1.

Line data 05 gr. 5 should be equal to the data of line 01 gr. 8 of subsection 2.1.

Line data 06 gr. 5 should be equal to the data of line 01 gr. 9 subsection 2.1.

Columns 6-12, lines 01-03 provide information about the implementation of programs using the networked form of learning.

Column 6 (from column 3) reflects information on the number of educational programs implemented using the network form. The network form of implementation of educational programs (part of educational programs) is carried out using the resources of several organizations carrying out educational activities, as well as, if necessary, using the resources of other organizations (scientific, medical organizations, cultural organizations, physical culture and sports and other organizations that have resources necessary for the implementation of training, training and industrial practice and the implementation of other types of training activities provided for by the relevant educational program).

In column 7, the number of students trained in educational programs implemented using the network form is allocated from column 5.

Column 8 (from column 7) shows the number of students trained using the resources of foreign organizations.

When using the network form of implementing educational programs, contracts are concluded between organizations. Column 9 indicates the total number of contracts concluded with organizations for the implementation of educational programs using the network form.

Column 10 (from column 9) shows the number of contracts concluded using the resources of foreign organizations.

Column 11 reflects information on the number of organizations with which contracts have been concluded for the implementation of educational programs using the online form.

Column 12 (from column 11) shows the number of foreign organizations with which contracts have been concluded for the implementation of educational programs using the network form.

Columns 13-15, lines 01-06, provide information on the implementation of programs using e-learning.

Column 13 (from column 3), lines 01-06, shall reflect information on the number of educational programs implemented using e-learning.

In column 14 of column 5, the number of students trained in educational programs implemented using e-learning is highlighted.

Column 15 (from column 14) shows the number of trainees trained in programs using exclusively e-learning.

Columns 16-18, lines 01-06 contain information about the implementation of programs using distance learning technologies.

Column 16 (from column 3) reflects information on the number of educational programs implemented using distance educational technologies.

In column 17 of column 5, the number of students trained in educational programs implemented using distance learning technologies is highlighted.

Column 18 (from column 17) shows the number of students trained in programs exclusively using distance learning technologies.

1.4. The structure of the educational organization of additional professional education

The subsection provides information on the number of available structural units in the educational organization of additional professional education. Information is given as of the end of the reporting year.

A professional educational organization, an educational organization of higher education, a scientific organization and other organization implementing additional professional programs, do not fill in the information on lines 01-15.

Column 3, lines 01-15, indicates the number of scientific, design, scientific and educational units, educational (faculties, departments, institutes) and other units.

1.5. Specialized structural educational units of the organization created for the implementation of additional professional programs

The subsection provides information on the number of specialized structural units available. This subsection is filled in by a professional educational organization, an educational organization of higher education, a scientific organization and other organization that implement additional professional programs. Information is given as of the end of the reporting year.

A professional educational organization, an educational organization of higher education provide information on the number of structural units carrying out educational activities for the implementation of additional professional programs (departments, faculties, institutes, etc.). Scientific organization and other organization - on the number of specialized structural educational units.

For the implementation of educational activities by the organization carrying out training, a specialized structural educational unit is created in its structure. The activities of such a unit are governed by a regulation developed and approved by the training organization.

1.6. Information about the branches and representative offices of the educational organization of additional professional education

This subsection is filled out only by an educational organization of additional professional education that has the status of a legal entity. The subsection provides information on the branches and representative offices of the educational organization of additional professional education located both on the territory of Russia and on the territory of foreign states, including the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

Line 01 contains information about branches. Column 1 indicates the full name of the branch in accordance with the constituent documents registered in the prescribed manner. Column 3 reflects information about the educational programs they are implementing. In this case, the corresponding code is put down, giving information about the implementation of educational programs:

1 - professional development programs;

2 - professional retraining programs;

3 - training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel;

4 - residency programs;

5 - vocational training programs;

6 - additional general developmental programs.

If the branch implements several educational programs, the corresponding codes are put in the column in the format X, X, separated by commas. For example, 1,2,3.

Columns 4-5 reflect information about the location of the branch. Column 4 indicates the country code according to the All-Russian Classifier of the World Countries (OKSM). Column 5 - code of the territory of the Russian Federation according to the All-Russian Classifier of Administrative Territorial Formation (OKATO) up to 11 characters

Line 02 provides information about the representative offices. Only data on the location of the representative office is filled in (columns 4-5). Column 4 indicates the country code according to the All-Russian Classifier of the World Countries (OKSM). Column 5 - the code of the territory of the Russian Federation according to the All-Russian Classifier of Administrative Territorial Formation (OKATO) up to 11 characters.

Section 2. Information on the number of trainees trained in additional professional programs

2.1. Distribution of students by programs

This subsection contains information about the students who completed training in the reporting year on additional professional programs: advanced training; professional retraining.

The implementation of the advanced training program is aimed at improving and (or) obtaining new competencies necessary for professional activity, and (or) improving the professional level within the existing qualifications.

The implementation of the professional retraining program is aimed at obtaining the competence necessary to perform a new type of professional activity, acquiring a new qualification.

The forms of training and the terms of mastering the additional professional program are determined by the educational program and (or) the contract on education. The term for mastering an additional professional program should ensure the possibility of achieving the planned results and obtaining a new competency (qualification) declared in the program. At the same time, the minimum permissible period for mastering advanced training programs cannot be less than 16 hours, and the period for mastering professional retraining programs cannot be less than 250 hours.

Column 3 indicates the total number of students trained in additional professional programs. In columns 4-10, the number of students is distributed by programs.

Column 4 reflects the number of students trained in advanced training programs, from which the number of students trained in programs up to 72 hours (column 5), in the amount of 72 hours and more (column 6) is allocated.

Column 7 provides information on the total number of trainees trained in professional retraining programs. Of the total number (column 7) in column 8, the number of people trained in programs ranging from 250 hours to 500 hours is allocated, in column 9 - 500 hours and more, in column 10 - the number of those who have undergone professional retraining with the assignment of a new qualification.

Column 3 data must be equal to the sum of the data in columns 4.7.

Column 3 in columns 11-13 indicates the number of students who have completed training in the form of an internship (in whole or in part).

An additional professional program can be implemented in whole or in part in the form of an internship. The internship is carried out in order to study advanced experience, including foreign, as well as to consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained during the development of professional retraining or advanced training programs, and to acquire practical skills and abilities for their effective use in the performance of their duties. Column 11 shows the total number, in column 12 - the number of students trained in advanced training programs, in column 13 - professional retraining.

In column 14, women are singled out from the total number of persons trained in the reporting year (column 3).

When completing the subsection, the total number of trainees trained in additional professional programs shown in line 01 should be categorized.

Line 02 indicates employees of enterprises and organizations. This line does not include employees of educational organizations, employees holding government positions and positions in the state civil service, employees holding municipal positions and municipal service positions. On line 03 of line 02, heads of organizations and enterprises are allocated.

Line 04 shows employees of educational organizations. Line 05 (from line 04) indicates the number of heads of educational organizations. This category includes those who manage the organization. On lines 06-13, the number of managers is distributed according to the types of organizations: on line 06, the number of heads of preschool educational organizations is indicated, on line 07 - general educational organizations, on line 08 - professional educational organizations, on line 09 - heads of multifunctional centers of applied qualifications, on line 10 - organizations of higher education, on line 11 - organizations of additional professional education, on line 12 - organizations of additional education that implement additional general education programs for children; on line 13 - organizations of additional education that implement additional general developmental programs for adults.

Line 05 is equal to the sum of the period 06-13.

Line 14 indicates the number of teachers in educational organizations. This category includes persons whose main functions include the direct conduct of training sessions with students. According to lines 15-22, the number of teachers is distributed according to the types of educational organizations.

Line 14 is the sum of lines 15-22.

Row 23 includes persons holding public office and public civil service positions. This category includes persons holding public office and public civil service positions in accordance with the Federal Law "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation" dated July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ (with subsequent amendments). From it, on line 24, heads are allocated. These include positions: heads and deputy heads of state bodies and their structural divisions; positions of heads and deputy heads of territorial bodies of federal executive bodies and their structural divisions; positions of heads and deputy heads of representative offices of state bodies and their structural subdivisions, replaced for a certain term of office or without limitation of the term of office.

Line 25 includes persons holding municipal posts and posts of municipal service. Persons who fill municipal positions include deputies, members of elected bodies of local self-government, elected officials of local self-government, members of election commissions of municipalities, acting on a permanent basis and being legal entities, with a decisive vote. Municipal employees include citizens who perform, in accordance with the procedure established by municipal legal acts in accordance with federal laws and the laws of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, duties in the position of municipal service for pay paid from the local budget.

On line 26 shall be indicated persons dismissed from military service; on line 27 - unemployed persons in the direction of the employment service; of these, line 28 identifies the unemployed.

Lines 29-36 show students enrolled in programs of secondary vocational education and higher education, mastering additional professional programs along with the main programs.

Line 29 shows the number of students mastering secondary vocational education programs, of which lines 30, 31 indicate students enrolled in training programs for skilled workers, employees (line 30) and programs for training mid-level specialists (line 31).

On line 32, the number of students mastering higher education programs is given, of which, on lines 33-36, the number of students is distributed according to programs: bachelor's degree (line 33), specialty (line 34), master's programs (line 35), training programs for highly qualified personnel ( line 36) - programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (postgraduate study), residency programs, assistant-internship programs.

Line 37 identifies other categories of listeners. These include the unemployed population, including pensioners and other categories not listed in the indicated lines.

The data of lines 01 must be equal to the sum of the data of lines 02,04,23, 25 - 27,29,32,37. From the sum of lines 02,04,23, 25 - 27, 37 on lines 38-45, the total number of students trained in additional professional programs is distributed according to the level of education.

Line 38 indicates the number of persons with secondary vocational education. From line 38 on line 39 there are persons with secondary vocational education according to programs for the training of skilled workers, office employees, on line 40 - with secondary vocational education according to programs for training mid-level specialists. Line 38 must be equal to the sum of lines 39.40.

Line 41 indicates persons with higher education. From line 41, persons with a bachelor's degree (line 42), with a specialist's diploma (line 43), with a master's degree (line 44), persons with a postgraduate degree (adjunct), residency, assistant-internship (line 45) are distinguished. Line 41 must be equal to the sum of lines 42-45.

From line 01, line 46 contains information on the number of disabled people, line 47 - children with disabilities.

A disabled person is a person who has a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body functions caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects, leading to limitation of life and necessitating his social protection (Article 1 of the Federal Law of 24.11.1995 No. 181-FZ "On Social Protection disabled people in the Russian Federation "). Depending on the degree of disorder of body functions and limitation of life, persons recognized as disabled are assigned a disability group, and persons under the age of 18 are assigned the category “ disabled child"... The recognition of a person as a disabled person is carried out by the federal institution of medical and social expertise in accordance with the rules approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of February 20, 2006 No. 95.

2.2. Distribution of students by programs and sources of funding for training

In this subsection, the number of persons trained in the reporting year on additional professional programs is distributed by sources of funding for training and programs.

From column 3, columns 4-9, according to the sources of financing for training, the number of persons who have undergone training in continuing education programs is distributed, from column 10 in columns 11-16 - the number of persons who have completed training in professional retraining programs.

The following sources of funding for training are identified:

  • budgetary allocations:
    • budgetary allocations of the federal budget;
    • budgetary allocations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
    • budgetary allocations of local budgets.
  • under contracts for the provision of paid educational services:
    • funds of individuals;
    • funds of legal entities.

The data in column 3 must be equal to the data in column 4 of subsection 2.1 on the corresponding lines 01-37.

The data in column 10 must be equal to the data in column 7 of subsection 2.1 for the corresponding lines 01-37.

2.3. Distribution of persons trained in additional professional programs by forms of training

In the subsection, the number of persons trained in additional professional programs is distributed according to the forms of training.

Column 3 indicates the number of students trained in additional professional programs.

In column 4 (from column 3), the number of students who have been trained in full-time education is highlighted, in column 6 - in part-time education, in column 8 - in correspondence education.

In columns 5, 7, 9, students are allocated who have been trained at the expense of budget allocations.

Column 3 data for all lines must be equal to the sum of the data in columns 4, 6, 8.

On lines 02-08, the number of trainees is distributed by programs

The data in line 01 must be equal to the sum of the data in lines 02.05.

The data in line 02 should be equal to the sum of data in lines 03.04.

The data in line 05 must be equal to the sum of the data in lines 06.07.

The data of line 02 of column 3 must be equal to the data of line 01 of column 4 of subsection 2.1.

Help 1

Line 09 shows the number of students in additional professional programs at the end of the reporting year (according to the list).

2.4. Distribution of persons trained in additional professional programs, according to enlarged groups of specialties (areas of training) and programs

In the subsection, the number of trainees in the reporting year is distributed according to programs and enlarged groups of specialties (areas of training) and programs. The distribution of students by specialties (areas of training) is carried out in accordance with the List of specialties and areas of training for higher education (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1061 dated September 12, 2013) and the List of professions and specialties of secondary vocational education (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 29 October 2013 No. 1199).

2.4.1. Professional development programs

Line 01 shows the total number of persons trained in advanced training programs, line 02 shows the number of persons trained in accordance with the enlarged groups of specialties (areas of training). According to lines 03-46, 58-68, data on the number of trainees are distributed according to separate groups of specialties (areas of training). Line 69 shows individuals trained in programs that are not classified with the above Lists.

Lines 47-57 indicate persons trained in programs related to the implementation of educational programs of the corresponding level.

Line 01 data should be equal to the sum of lines 02, 69.

Line 02 data should be equal to the sum of lines 03-46, 58-68.

Column 4 indicates the total number of students trained in continuing education programs, in columns 5-32, the total number of students is divided into separate categories. From the sum of columns 5, 7, 18, 20, 21, 22, 32 in columns 33-40, the number of students is distributed according to the level of education. In columns 41-43 (from column 4), the number of students is distributed according to the forms of training.

Column 4 is equal to the sum of columns 5, 7, 18, 20-22, 24, 27, 32.

The data of column 4, line 01 must be equal to the data of line 01 of column 4 of subsection 2.1.

The data of column 5 line 01 must be equal to the data of line 02 of column 4 of subsection 2.1.

The data of column 6 line 01 must be equal to the data of line 03 of column 4 of subsection 2.1.

The data in column 7, line 01 must be equal to the data in line 04, column 4 of subsection 2.1.

The data in column 8, line 01 must be equal to the data in line 05 of column 4 of subsection 2.1.

The data of column 9 line 01 must be equal to the data of line 14 of column 4 of subsection 2.1.

The data in column 10 line 01 must be equal to the data in line 15 of column 4 of subsection 2.1.

The data in column 11 line 01 must be equal to the data in line 16 of column 4 of subsection 2.1.

The data in column 12 line 01 must be equal to the data in line 17 of column 4 of subsection 2.1. etc.

The data in column 32 line 01 must be equal to the data in line 37 of column 4 of subsection 2.1. etc.

The data of column 40 line 01 must be equal to the data of line 45 of column 4 of subsection 2.1.

The data of column 41, line 01 must be equal to the data of line 02 of column 4 of subsection 2.3.

The data in column 42 line 01 must be equal to the data in line 02 of column 6 of subsection 2.3.

The data in column 43 line 01 must be equal to the data in line 02 of column 8 of subsection 2.3.

2.4.2. Professional retraining

Line 01 shows the total number of persons trained in vocational retraining programs, line 02 shows the number of persons trained in accordance with the enlarged groups of specialties (areas of training). According to lines 03-46, 58-68, data on the number of trainees are distributed according to separate groups of specialties (areas of training). Line 69 shows individuals trained in programs that are not classified with the above Lists.

Lines 49 - 57 indicate persons trained in programs related to the implementation of educational programs of the corresponding level.

Line 01 data must be equal to the sum of lines 02.69.

Line 02 data must be equal to the sum of lines 03-46,58-68.

Column 3 indicates the total number of programs implemented during the reporting year.

Column 4 indicates the total number of students trained in professional retraining programs, in columns 5-32, the total number of students is divided into separate categories. From the sum of columns 5,7, 18, 20, 21, 22, 32 in columns 33-40, the number of students is distributed according to the level of education. From column 4, columns 41-43 show the number of students by forms of education, column 44 - the number of students who have undergone professional retraining with the assignment of a new qualification.

Column 4 is equal to the sum of columns 5,7,18,20-22,24,27,32.

The data in column 4 line 01 must be equal to the data in line 01 of column 7 of subsection 2.1.

The data of column 5 line 01 must be equal to the data of line 02 of column 7 of subsection 2.1.

The data of column 6 line 01 must be equal to the data of line 03 of column 7 of subsection 2.1.

The data of column 7 line 01 must be equal to the data of line 04 of column 7 of subsection 2.1.

The data in column 8 line 01 must be equal to the data in line 05 of column 7 of subsection 2.1.

The data of column 9 line 01 must be equal to the data of line 14 of column 7 of subsection 2.1.

The data in column 10 line 01 must be equal to the data in line 15 of column 7 of subsection 2.1.

The data in column 11 line 01 must be equal to the data in line 16 of column 7 of subsection 2.1. etc.

The data in column 32 line 01 must be equal to the data in line 37 of column 7 of subsection 2.1. etc.

The data of column 40 line 01 must be equal to the data of line 45 of column 7 of subsection 2.1.

The data in column 44 line 01 must be equal to the data in line 01 of column 10 of subsection 2.1.

The data in column 41, line 01 must be equal to the data in line 05 of column 4 of subsection 2.3.

The data in column 42 line 01 must be equal to the data in line 05 of column 6 of subsection 2.3.

The data in column 43 line 01 must be equal to the data in line 05 of column 8 of subsection 2.3.

2.5. Distribution of students by age, sex and programs

This subsection provides information on the age and gender composition of trainees trained in additional professional programs in the reporting year. Column 3, line 01, shows the total number of trainees trained in additional professional programs. According to columns 4-13, the number of trainees is distributed by age, depending on the number of full years as of the beginning of the year following the reporting year.

On line 02 (from line 01), the number of women is allocated according to the corresponding columns.

By lines 03-06 - data is distributed by programs.

Line 03 indicates persons who have completed training in continuing education programs, of which line 04 indicates the number of women.

In line 05, persons who have completed training in vocational retraining programs are indicated, of which the number of women is highlighted in line 06.

Column 3 data must be equal to the sum of the data in columns 4-13.

The data of line 01 of column 3 must be equal to the data of line 01 of column 3 of subsection 2.1.

The data of line 02 of column 3 must be equal to the data of line 01 of column 14 of subsection 2.1.

The data of line 03 of column 3 must be equal to the data of line 01 of column 4 of subsection 2.1.

The data of line 05 of column 3 must be equal to the data of line 01 of column 7 of subsection 2.1.

Section 3. Information about the personnel of the organization

The section provides information on the number of personnel of the organization, whose main activity is the implementation of additional professional programs.

3.1. Distribution of the number of personnel by education level and gender

The subsection provides data on the distribution of the number of personnel of an organization carrying out educational activities by level of education and gender. The data are given without external part-time workers and working under civil law contracts. Information is given as of the end of the reporting year.

Column 3, lines 01-29, provides information about workers whose main place of work is the reporting organization carrying out educational activities. Column 3 does not include employees working as part-time workers, hired from other organizations (external part-time workers); employees performing work under civil contracts. An employee hired on a part-time basis in accordance with an employment contract is counted in the actual headcount as one person. An employee registered in the organization as an internal part-time worker is also counted as one person by the main position held... If the rector (director) carries out teaching activities, then information about him is taken into account only once in line 03. Thus, information about the employee is shown once and only for the line that corresponds to the main place of work of this employee. An employee who is absent due to a prolonged illness, maternity leave or childcare leave is included in the report if his regular position is not filled by another employee employed during his absence. Otherwise, the employee who actually worked instead of the absent one is taken into account.

According to columns 4-11, the organization's personnel are distributed according to the level of education. Column 4 indicates persons with higher education.

Column 4 stands out:

persons with a scientific degree (columns 5-6). If the candidate of sciences has a PhD, then the data about him should be taken into account in columns 6 and 7.

persons with an academic title (columns 8-9). Moreover, if an employee has an academic degree and an academic title, then he is included in column 5 or column 6, as well as in column 8 or column 9.

Column 10 indicates persons with secondary vocational education, trained in training programs for mid-level specialists, in column 11 - persons with secondary vocational education, trained in training programs for skilled workers, employees. In accordance with Article 108, Part 1 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", primary vocational education is equated to secondary vocational education according to the training programs for skilled workers (office workers); secondary vocational education - to secondary vocational education under the programs of training mid-level specialists.

Of the total number of employees (column 3), the following are distinguished:

employees with the highest (column 12) or first (column 13) qualification categories;

women (column 14).

Column 15 shows the number of employees in units of full-time equivalent for the main position held.

K \u003d ∑ Chk / Nk, where

K \u003d 5 * (175/350) + 3 * (150/350) \u003d 2.5 + 1.6 \u003d 4.1

Employees hired at rates of 0.25, 0.5 or 0.75, provided for by the staffing table, are counted as whole units.

On line 01 the total number of employees of the organization is reflected, and then on lines 02-29 it is distributed according to individual categories of personnel and positions held. The data of line 01 must be equal to the sum of the data of lines 02, 06, 15,18,21,24-29.

On line 02, all management personnel of the organization are taken into account, the main functions of which are related to management in accordance with laws and other regulatory legal acts, the charter of the educational organization; with the organization of educational (teaching and educational), research and administrative and economic (production) work. These include: rector (director), vice-rectors (deputy directors), heads of structural divisions (branches, institutes - hereinafter the structural division of the university, academy (except for directors of institutes involved in educational activities), laboratories, management, department, department and other structural subdivisions), the scientific secretary of the organization's council, the academic secretary of the faculty (institute), the head of educational and production practice and others.

On lines 03-05 (from line 02), separate categories of executive personnel are distinguished: on line 03, information about the rector (director) of the organization is indicated, on line 04 - the number of vice rectors (deputy directors), on line 05 - information about the head of the branch. The branch manager is considered only in the report of the respective branches. The data of line 02 must be greater than the sum of the data of lines 03-05.

On line 06, the faculty is taken into account. This category of personnel includes deans of faculties (line 07), heads of departments (line 08), directors of institutes of structural units (line 09), participating in educational activities, professors (line 10), associate professors (line 11), senior teachers (line 12 ), teachers (line 13), assistants (line 14). The data in line 06 must be equal to the sum of the data in lines 07-14.

Lines 15-17 provide information about the teaching staff of the structural units that implement educational programs for vocational training. Professional educational organization, educational organization of higher education, other organization does not fill in these lines.

Lines 18 - 20 contain information about the teaching staff of structural units implementing additional general developmental programs for adults. Professional educational organization, educational organization of higher education do not fill in these lines.

Lines 21-23 contain information about the teaching staff of the structural units implementing additional professional programs. Information on these lines indicates: a professional educational organization, another organization.

An educational organization of additional vocational education, an educational organization of higher education, a scientific organization fill in the data on these lines only if the organization has created subdivisions, which include teaching staff who are not related to the teaching staff.

Line 24 shows the number of researchers. This category includes chief researchers, leading researchers, senior research assistants, junior research assistants, etc.

On line 25, the number of engineering and technical personnel is indicated - employees who have the qualifications of an engineer or technician and perform organizational, technical management functions (for example, labor protection and safety of the organization), ensuring the technical functioning of hardware and software complexes, telecommunications equipment in the distance education system , programmers, etc.

Line 26 shows the number of administrative personnel. These include accountants, economists, HR specialists, lawyers, etc.

Line 27 reflects the number of production personnel - employees directly related to the implementation of the production process and its maintenance, carrying out the production of products (works, services) (for example, on the basis of training and production workshops, educational enterprises of the organization), as well as workers carrying out repair construction activities.

Line 28 indicates the number of training and support personnel. This category includes specialists in educational and methodological work, laboratory assistants, librarians, faculty dispatchers, teaching masters, etc.

The assignment of employees to a certain category of executives, teaching staff, teaching and auxiliary personnel is carried out in accordance with the Nomenclature of positions of pedagogical workers of organizations carrying out educational activities, positions of heads of educational organizations (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08.08.2013 N 678 "On approval nomenclature of positions of teaching staff of organizations carrying out educational activities, positions of heads of educational organizations "), with the Appendix to the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of January 11, 2011 N1н" On the approval of the Unified qualification reference book of positions of managers, specialists and employees, section " Qualification characteristics of the positions of managers and specialists of higher professional and additional professional education. "

On line 29, other personnel are shown - employees who are not directly involved in the training process. This group includes: medical workers, commandants of hostels, workers for the maintenance and repair of buildings and structures, electricians, carpenters, joiners, locksmiths, cloakroom attendants, janitors, watchmen, cleaners of production and office premises, cooks, etc.

Help 2.

On line 30 of line 06 of column 3, the number of faculty members (without external part-time workers and working under civil law contracts) is indicated, the annual training course of which includes the use of personal computers.

On line 31 of line 21, column 3, the number of teaching staff of structural divisions implementing additional professional programs is indicated, the annual training course of which includes the use of personal computers.

3.2. Distribution of personnel by length of service

The subsection provides data on the distribution of the organization's personnel by general and pedagogical work experience. The data are given without external part-time workers and working under civil law contracts. Information is given as of the end of the reporting year.

In column 3, lines 01-29, the total number of employees is indicated. Of the total number of employees (column 3), the number of employees with a total work experience of up to 3 years (column 4), from 3 to 5 years (column 5), from 5 to 10 years (column 6), from 10 to 15 years ( column 7), from 15 to 20 years old (column 8), 20 years or more (column 9). Column 3 is equal to the sum of columns 4-9.

Column 10 (from column 3) shows the number of employees with pedagogical work experience up to 3 years (column 11), from 3 to 5 years (column 12), from 5 to 10 years (column 13), from 10 to 15 years ( column 14), from 15 to 20 years (column 15), 20 years or more (column 16). Column 10 is equal to the sum of columns 11-16.

Column 17 reflects information about employees who do not have pedagogical work experience.

The sum of the data in columns 10 and 17 must be equal to column 3.

3.3. The number of external part-time workers working under civil law contracts and on the terms of internal part-time jobs and combination of professions (positions)

The subsection provides data on the number of external part-time workers and employees performing work under civil contracts. Information is given as of the end of the reporting year.

A professional educational organization, an educational organization of higher education, a scientific organization and other organization in this section indicate only the number of employees whose main activity is the implementation of additional professional programs.

3.3.1. Number of external part-timers

The subsection provides data on the number of external part-timers

External part-time workers are persons hired part-time from other organizations.

In column 3, lines 01-26, the number of external part-time workers is indicated.

According to columns 4-11 (from column 3), the number of external part-time workers is distributed according to the level of education. Column 4 indicates persons with higher education.

Column 4 stands out:

Persons with a scientific degree (columns 5-6). If the candidate of sciences has a PhD, then the data about him should be taken into account in column 6
and 7.

Persons with an academic title (columns 8-9). Moreover, if an employee has an academic degree and an academic title, then he is included in column 5 or column 6, as well as in column 8 or column 9.

Column 10 indicates persons with secondary vocational education, trained in training programs for mid-level specialists, in column 11 - persons with secondary vocational education, trained in training programs for skilled workers, employees. In accordance with Article 108, Part 1 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", primary vocational education is equated to secondary vocational education according to the training programs for skilled workers (office workers); secondary vocational education - to secondary vocational education under the programs of training mid-level specialists.

The data in columns 3 can be greater than the sum of the data in columns 4, 10,11 (at the expense of persons with a different education), or equal to the sum of the data in columns 4, 10-11.

Of the total number of employees (column 3), the following are distinguished:

Employees with the highest (column 12) or first (column 13) qualification categories;

Women (column 14).

Column 15 shows the number of external part-time workers in units of full-time equivalent for the main position held.

A conditional calculation of the number of employees hired for part-time work, in terms of full-time employment, is carried out based on the number of hours that the employee has to the set number of hours for full-time employees.

K \u003d ∑ Chk / Nk, where

H is the load (hours) in the academic year that the employee has;

H is the statutory working hours that a staff member must work during the school year.

Simplified example of calculation based on statutory hours - 350 hours:

In the organization, 5 employees in the academic year have a workload of 175 hours each, 3 employees 160 hours. The number of employees in full-time equivalent units will be:

K \u003d 5 * (175/350) + 3 * (150/350) \u003d 2.5 + 1.6 \u003d 4.1

On line 01 the total number of employees of the organization is reflected, and then on lines 02-26 it is distributed according to individual categories of personnel and positions held. The data of line 01 must be equal to the sum of the data of lines 02, 03, 12, 15, 18, 21-26.

From line 03 of column 3 to line 27 and from the sum of lines 19 and 20 to line 29, the number of employees of enterprises and organizations of various types of economic activities (with the exception of educational organizations) carrying out educational activities on the basis of external part-time employment as teachers and masters of industrial training is allocated. On lines 28 (from line 27) and 30 (from line 29) employees of enterprises and organizations of the real sector of the economy are indicated.

The organizations of the real sector of the economy include enterprises and organizations that produce tangible and intangible goods and services, with the exception of enterprises and organizations that carry out financial, credit and exchange transactions related to the financial sector of the economy.

Help 3.

On line 31 of line 03 of column 3, the number of teaching staff working on the basis of external part-time employment is indicated, the annual training course of which includes the use of personal computers.

On line 32 of line 18, column 3, the number of teaching staff of structural units implementing additional professional programs, the annual training course of which includes the use of personal computers, is indicated.

3.3.2. The number of employees performing work under civil law contracts

The subsection provides data on the number of employees performing work under civil contracts. An employee who is on the payroll of an organization and who has entered into a civil law agreement with the same organization is not included in this subsection.

Column 3 on line 01 takes into account the total number of employees performing work under contracts of a civil nature. From line 01 to line 02, the number of employees involved in educational activities (teaching) for the implementation of additional professional programs is allocated.

In column 4, lines 01-02 (from column 3), employees of enterprises and organizations of various types of economic activities (except for educational organizations) are allocated, in column 5 (from column 4) - employees of the real sector of the economy.

3.3.3. The number of employees engaged in educational activities for the implementation of additional professional programs on the basis of internal combination and combination of professions (positions)

This subsection indicates the number of employees engaged in educational activities (teaching) for the implementation of additional professional programs on the basis of internal combination and combination of professions (positions).

Column 3 on line 01 shows the number of employees engaged in educational activities (teaching) for the implementation of additional professional programs on the basis of internal part-time employment.

Internal part-time work - performing other regular paid work on the terms of an employment contract during free time from the main job at the place of the main job, including in a similar position, specialty, profession.

Column 3 on line 02 shows the number of employees engaged in educational activities (teaching) for the implementation of additional professional programs on the basis of combining professions (positions).

Combining professions (positions) - performing additional work in another or the same profession (position), along with the work specified in the employment contract, during the established duration of the working day. At the same time, additional work assigned to an employee in the same profession (position) can be performed:

By expanding the service area;

By increasing the amount of work;

To fulfill the duties of a temporarily absent employee (for the period of sick leave, vacation, business trip), for whom the workplace is retained during the absence.

3.4. Information about additional professional education of personnel

The subsection provides information on the additional professional education of workers of certain categories without external part-time workers and working under civil law contracts. Information is given as of the end of the reporting year. Data are given from subsection 3.1.

Column 3 indicates the total number of employees as of the end of the reporting year. Column 3 for columns 4-7 provides data on the number of personnel who have undergone advanced training and (or) professional retraining over the last 3 years. Column 4 shows the number of persons who have undergone advanced training and (or) professional retraining over the past 3 years, of which in column 5 - according to the profile of pedagogical activity, in column 6 - in the use of information and communication technologies. If an employee has undergone training several times over the course of three years, then data about him is reflected in column 4 just one time. If an employee has been trained in the same profile for three years, then the data about him is reflected in columns 5 or 6 just one time... If an employee has been trained for three years in the profile of pedagogical activity and in the use of information and communication technologies, then the data about him is indicated in columns 5 and 6. The sum of data in columns 5 and 6 may be equal to or greater than the data in column 4. In column 7 indicates information about the development of additional professional programs in the form of an internship (in whole or in part). If the employee has participated in internships more than once, information about him are given only once.

Columns 8-13 provide information on employees who have undergone promotion and (or) professional retraining in the reporting year.

Column 8 (from column 4) shall indicate persons who have undergone advanced training and (or) professional retraining in the reporting year.

From column 8 in column 9, persons who have undergone advanced training and (or) professional retraining in the profile of pedagogical activity are distinguished, in column 10 - on the use of information and communication technologies. Columns 11-13 (from column 7) indicate information about the development of additional professional programs in the form of an internship (in whole or in part).

Column 11 indicates persons who have completed internships. From column 11, persons who have completed internships in leading Russian and foreign educational organizations and research centers are distinguished (column 12). From column 12 - persons who have completed internships in foreign educational organizations and research centers (column 13).

The leading Russian educational institutions of higher education include classical universities, federal universities and national research universities.

The accounting of employees who have repeatedly passed training is carried out similarly to the accounting of employees in columns 4-7.

Further training is aimed at improving and (or) obtaining new competencies necessary for professional activity, and (or) improving the professional level within the existing qualifications.

Professional retraining is aimed at obtaining the competence necessary to perform a new type of professional activity, acquiring a new qualification.

Further training or professional retraining can be carried out in whole or in part in the form of an internship in order to study advanced experience, including foreign, as well as to consolidate theoretical knowledge gained during the development of professional retraining or advanced training programs, and to acquire practical skills and abilities for their effective use. in the performance of their official duties.

The staff is assigned to separate categories and positions (pp. 01-19). On line 01, all leading employees of the educational organization are indicated; of these, information about the rector (director) (line 02), vice-rectors (deputy directors) (line 03), and the director of the branch (line 04) is highlighted.

Line 05 provides information about the teaching staff; of these, deans of faculties (line 06), heads of departments (line 07), directors of institutes of structural units (line 08), participating in educational activities, professors (line 09), associate professors (line 10), senior teachers (line 11), teachers (line 12), assistants (line 13).

Lines 14-16 contain information about the teaching staff of the structural units implementing additional professional programs.

On line 17 scientists are given, on line 18 - engineering and technical personnel, on line 19 - educational support personnel.

Data in column 3 subsections:

on line 01 should be equal to the data in column 3 of line 02 of subsection 3.1.

on line 02 should be equal to the data in column 3 of line 03 of subsection 3.1.

on line 03 must be equal to the data in column 3 of line 04 of subsection 3.1.

on line 04 must be equal to the data in column 3 of line 05 of subsection 3.1.

on line 05 must be equal to the data in column 3 of line 06 of subsection 3.1.

on line 06 must be equal to the data in column 3 of line 07 of subsection 3.1.

on line 07 must be equal to the data in column 3 of line 08 of subsection 3.1.

on line 08 must be equal to the data in column 3 of line 09 of subsection 3.1.

on line 09 must be equal to the data in column 3 of line 10 of subsection 3.1.

on line 10 must be equal to the data in column 3 of line 11 of subsection 3.1.

on line 11 must be equal to the data in column 3 of line 12 of subsection 3.1.

on line 12 must be equal to the data in column 3 of line 13 of subsection 3.1.

on line 13 must be equal to the data in column 3 of line 14 of subsection 3.1.

on line 14 must be equal to the data in column 3 of line 21 of subsection 3.1

on line 15 must be equal to the data in column 3 of line 22 of subsection 3.1

on line 16 must be equal to the data in column 3 of line 23 of subsection 3.1

on line 17 must be equal to the data in column 3 of line 24 of subsection 3.1

on line 18 must be equal to the data in column 3 of line 25 of subsection 3.1

on line 19 must be equal to the data in column 3 of line 28 of subsection 3.1

3.5. Information about foreign workers

This subsection provides information on foreign workers as of the end of the reporting year. If the employee is a citizen of several states, then from the existing ones, the citizenship that was obtained earlier than the rest is taken into account. .

Column 3 displays the number of foreign workers without external part-time workers and working under contracts of a civil law nature, of which column 4 indicates citizens of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), column 5 - citizens of the European Union and the United States (list of states - members of the CIS and the Countries of the European Union are given in Appendices 1 and 2 to the Guidelines). Data are given from subsection 3.1.

Column 6 displays the number of foreign workers working on external part-time employment, of which column 7 indicates citizens of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), column 8 - citizens of the European Union and the United States. Data are provided from section 3.3.1.

Columns 9-10 show the number of foreign workers without external part-time workers and working under civil law contracts (column 9) and the number of those working on the terms of external part-time employment (column 10) in units of full-time equivalent. The recalculation is carried out similarly to column 13 of subsection 3.1 and subsection 3.3.1.

On line 01-07, the number of foreign workers is distributed according to separate categories and positions held. On line 01, the number of foreign workers related to the teaching staff is displayed, on line 02 - to researchers, on line 03 - to engineering and technical personnel, on line 04 - to teaching and auxiliary personnel, on lines 05-07 - to teaching staff structural units implementing additional professional programs.

IN help 4 line 08 shows the number of foreign specialists involved in educational activities (teaching) for the implementation of additional professional programs under civil law contracts. From it, on line 09, citizens of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) stand out, on line 10 - citizens of the countries of the European Union and the United States.

3.6. Worker movement

A professional educational organization, an educational organization of higher education, a scientific organization and other organization in this section indicate only the number of employees of units for the implementation of additional professional programs, i.e. employees whose main activity is the implementation of additional professional programs.

Column 3 shows the number of rates for the organization's staffing table. Columns 4-5 show data on actually occupied positions in accordance with the staffing table. Column 4 shows data on actually occupied positions, including part-time workers. Column 5 contains data on the actually occupied positions by employees who have the main place of work in the reporting organization.

In the absence of a staffing table of teachers in the organization, the calculation of the number of rates of teachers is determined by dividing the number of hours according to the curriculum by the rate of hours of teaching work per rate for these workers.

Columns 3,4,5 are allowed with two decimal places.

Line 01 shows the total number of bets. On lines 02-29, the number of rates for the respective positions.

Columns 6-12 provide information on the movement of workers. These columns provide information on the number of employees without part-time workers and who worked under civil law contracts. The movement of employees characterizes the change in the number of employees due to hiring and leaving for various reasons.

Column 6 shows the number of employees as of the beginning of the reporting year.

Column 7 reflects the persons enrolled in the organization during the reporting year by order (decree) on employment.

From column 7 in column 8, graduates with secondary vocational education (with a diploma of mid-level specialists) are separately allocated, who are admitted to work during the reporting year; in column 9 - with higher education (with a bachelor's, specialist's or master's degree).

Graduates are individuals who completed secondary vocational education or higher education programs during the previous academic year, i.e. for the period from October 1 of the previous year to September 30 of the current year.

Column 10 shows the number of employees who left work in the reporting organization during the reporting year, regardless of the grounds (termination of the employment contract on the initiative of the employee, the initiative of the employer, agreement of the parties, conscription or enrollment in military service, transfer of the employee with his consent to another organization and etc.), the departure or transfer of which was formalized by an order (decree), as well as those who left in connection with death.

Column 10 stands out (column 11) the number of those who left the organization of their own free will: employees who left the organization at the initiative of the employee; when elected to positions replaced by competition; moving to another area; transfer of a spouse to another locality, abroad; enrollment in an educational organization; dismissal of their own free will in connection with retirement; the need to care for sick family members or disabled people of group I; voluntary dismissal of pregnant women, women with children under the age of three, single mothers raising a child under the age of 14 (a disabled child under 18).

It should be borne in mind that the number of hired and retired employees on the payroll does not include: employees hired under special contracts with state organizations (military personnel and persons serving sentences of imprisonment); external part-timers; employees who performed work under civil contracts.

Column 12 indicates the number of employees of the organization at the end of the reporting year. The data in line 01 of column 12 must be equal to the sum of the data in columns 6 and 7 minus the data in columns 10. In lines 02-29 of column 12, a violation of similar equality is possible due to internal displacements (transfer to other positions).

Column 12 data on lines 01-29 should be equal to the data of gr. 3 of subsection 3.1 along the corresponding lines.

3.7. Distribution of personnelby age and gender

3.7.1 Distribution of personnel without external part-time workers and working under civil law contracts by age and gender

In the subsection, information on the number of employees is given without external part-time workers and those who worked under civil law contracts. Information is indicated at the end of the reporting year. Data are given from section 3.1.

Data are filled in for the following age groups: up to 25 years old, 25-29 years old, 30-34 years old, 35-39 years old, 40-44 years old, 45-49 years old, 50-54 years old, 55-59 years old, 60-64 years old , 65 years or more.

All personnel (p. 01) are divided into separate categories and positions held (p. 02-29). Line 01 must be equal to the sum of lines 02, 06, 15, 18, 21, 24-29 for all columns.

The data in column 3 along lines 01-29 must be equal to the data in column 3 of subsection 3.1 along the corresponding lines.

3.7.2. Distribution of personnel working on external part-time jobs by age and gender

The subsection provides information on the number of external part-time workers holding positions of the teaching staff, research workers, engineering and technical personnel, teaching and auxiliary personnel. Information is indicated at the end of the reporting year. Data are provided from section 3.3.1.

Column 3 shows the total headcount. According to columns 4-23, the number of personnel is distributed by age, depending on the number of full years as of January 1 of the year following the reporting year, and gender.

Data are filled in for the following age groups: up to 25 years old, 25-29 years old, 30-34 years old, 35-39 years old, 40-44 years old, 45-49 years old, 50-54 years old, 55-59 years old, 60-64 years old , 65 years or more.

Column 3 data must be equal to the sum of the data in columns 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22.

Line 01 indicates the number of teaching staff, lines 02-04 - teaching staff of structural units that implement additional professional programs, line 05 - researchers, line 06 - engineering and technical personnel, line 07 - educational support personnel ...

The data in column 3 on line 01 must be equal to the data in column 3 of line 03 of subsection 3.3.1.

The data in column 3 on line 02 must be equal to the data in column 3 of line 18 of subsection 3.3.1.

The data in column 3 on line 03 must be equal to the data in column 3 of line 19 of subsection 3.3.1.

The data in column 3 on line 04 must be equal to the data in column 3 of line 20 of subsection 3.3.1.

The data in column 3 on line 05 must be equal to the data in column 3 of line 21 of subsection 3.3.1.

The data in column 3 on line 06 must be equal to the data in column 3 of line 22 of subsection 3.3.1.

The data in column 3 on line 07 must be equal to the data in column 3 of line 25 of subsection 3.3.1.

Section 4. Property of the organization

4.1. Availability of fixed assets

The subsection is completed as of the end of the reporting year.

In line 01 in column 3, all the fixed assets of the organization recorded by it on the account for accounting of fixed assets and located in the organization on the basis of ownership rights, economic management, operational management, lease agreements are reflected; fixed assets acquired by the organization at the expense of funds from entrepreneurial activities, earmarked funds and gratuitous receipts. Fixed assets are stated at their full carrying amount. The full accounting value of fixed assets in statistics is understood as their initial value reflected in accounting, changed during the revaluation of fixed assets and in other cases provided for by the current regulatory enactments for accounting for fixed assets. The full book value for objects that have undergone a revaluation of fixed assets is equal to their replacement value as of the date of the last revaluation, that is, the cost of reproduction in prices that existed on that date. For objects that have not undergone revaluation, it is equal to the initial cost (the cost of acquisition in prices that existed at the date of acquisition), taking into account its changes as a result of completion, retrofitting, reconstruction and partial liquidation.

The same objects cannot be included in the total of the availability of fixed assets at the same time by the lessor and the lessee. Therefore, the leased fixed assets are included in the general total for fixed assets by the organization in which they are accounted for on the balance sheet account as fixed assets. Accordingly, the organization that records these fixed assets on an off-balance sheet account does not include them in the volume of its fixed assets.

On lines 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, all the fixed assets of the organization are distributed according to the species structure in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Fixed Assets (OKOF), introduced from January 1, 1996 by the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated December 26, 1994 No. 359 (as amended by Amendments 1/98, approved by the State Standard of the Russian Federation on 04/14/98).

Data on the availability of fixed assets at full book value (column 3) must be consistent with the corresponding data of Form No. 11 (short) annual "Information on the availability and movement of fixed assets (funds) of non-profit organizations".

Line 01 in column 3 is equal to the sum of lines 02, 03, 07, 08, 09.

From the data of column 3, line 03, on line 10, machines and equipment are indicated, the cost of each unit of which exceeds
1 million rubles.

4.2. General information about machines and equipment (except for computers) used in the educational process

The subsection is completed as of the end of the reporting year. The purpose of the subsection is to obtain information about machines and equipment (except for computers) used in the educational process in the implementation of programs based on expert assessments of the relevant specialists of the organization (managers).

The assignment to machines and equipment is carried out in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Fixed Assets (OKOF), entered into force on January 1, 1996 by Resolution of the Gosstandart of the Russian Federation No. 359 dated December 26, 94 (as amended by Amendments 1/98, approved by the Gosstandart of the Russian Federation on April 14 .98).

If line 01 contains code 2, then lines 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07 are not filled.

Line 04 gives the results of the assessment of the initial age of the equipment, i.e. the number of years that have passed from the moment of its manufacture to the end of the reporting year, on average (for equipment purchased on the secondary market, when determining the age, the period of time is estimated from the moment of its manufacture, and not from the moment of purchase by this organization, for objects acquired in the reporting year , code 1 is indicated).

On line 07, the results of assessing the level of utilization (use) of equipment (machines) are given. The level of workload is defined as the ratio of the working time of an asset for the production of products, the provision of services for the main activity to the total working time in the organization.

4.3. Characteristics of the building (s)

The subsection is completed as of the end of the reporting year. In the subsection, information is provided on all educational and laboratory buildings (buildings) and buildings in which hostels are located, owned by the organization on the right of ownership, operational management, or operated by it on other property rights (including buildings used by it on a leasehold basis).

This subsection does not indicate hotel-type dormitory buildings. Information about them is shown in Help 5, in subsections 4.4, 4.5 and 6.2.

It is not allowed to indicate in the subsection buildings for which there are no relevant documents for the right to use, etc., as well as buildings in which educational activities are not carried out.

If an educational organization uses a part of a building, for example, several rooms in a building, then this building is not included in the subsection; information on the availability and use of the areas of these premises is shown in subsection 4.4.

If the teaching and laboratory premises and dormitories are located in the same building, then only line 01 is filled in.

Please note that the indication of the postal address of the building is not provided in the section.

Column 3 indicates code 1 if the building is equipped with a video surveillance system (designed for visual monitoring and documenting the situation around the building perimeter and (or) in its interior by means of television equipment; the system, as a rule, includes: indoor and outdoor video cameras ; video processing and conversion devices; video recording and playback equipment; video signal control and switching equipment). Otherwise, code 2 is indicated.

In column 4, code 1 is indicated if the building has security (its own personnel or professional structures under the contract).
Otherwise, code 2 is indicated. Security can be provided by security services, private security under the internal affairs bodies or on a contractual basis by private security companies.

Column 5 indicates code 1 if the building is specially designed and built for a specific educational organization.
Otherwise, code 2 is indicated.

Column 6 indicates code 1 if the building is available for people with limited mobility (see the Code of Rules SP 59.13330.2012 "SNiP 35-01-2001. Accessibility of buildings and structures for people with limited mobility" approved by order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation dated 27 December 2011 N605).

Column 7 reflects the year of the initial commissioning of the building on the basis of column 5 of section 1 of the inventory card of the object of fixed assets (form No. OS-6). In case of alterations, superstructures, reconstruction of a building, the year of its commissioning is considered to be the year of initial construction.

Column 8 indicates the year of the last major overhaul (complex or selective). If the building has not undergone major repairs, then the sign "X" is indicated on the corresponding line. Overhaul of a building is the repair of a building in order to restore its resource with the replacement, if necessary, of structural elements and engineering equipment systems, as well as improving operational performance. Overhaul of the building is subdivided into complex overhaul and selective overhaul. Comprehensive overhaul is a repair with the replacement of structural elements and engineering equipment and their modernization. It includes works covering the entire building as a whole or its individual sections, in which their physical and functional wear and tear are reimbursed. Selective overhaul is a repair with full or partial replacement of individual structural elements of buildings and structures or equipment, aimed at fully reimbursing their physical and partly functional wear and tear.

Column 9 indicates the appropriate code that gives information about the material of the walls of buildings. Building codes:

code 1 - building walls made of natural stone;

code 2 - brick;

code 3 - from panels;

code 4 - block;

code 5 - buildings constructed from wooden structures and parts (chopped, cobbled, and others);

code 6 - monolithic buildings;

code 7 - mixed (the walls of the building were erected from several types of materials);

code 8 - buildings constructed from all building materials not listed above.

Column 10 indicates the code for the presence in the building of wireless Internet access based on Wi-Fi technology.

For educational and laboratory buildings (buildings) (p. 01) with Wi-Fi, depending on the coverage of the building area and the availability of the network for employees of the organization, students, one of the codes 1-4 is indicated: code 1 - Wi-Fi covers more than half of the building area and is available for employees of the educational organization and students; code 2 - Wi-Fi covers more than half of the building area and is available only for employees of an educational organization; code 3 - Wi-Fi covers less than half of the building area and is available for employees of the educational organization and students; code 4 - Wi-Fi covers less than half of the building area and is available only to employees of the educational organization.

For dormitories (page 02), if there is Wi-Fi in the building (regardless of what area of \u200b\u200bthe building it covers and who has access to), code 6 is indicated in column 10.

If there is no Wi-Fi in the building, in column 10, code 5 is indicated in the corresponding line (1, 2).

Help 5. Line 03 shows the total number of hotel-type hostels on the balance sheet of the organization. Line 04 shows the number of rooms (rooms) listed according to inventory data at the end of the reporting year. A room is considered to be an isolated, furnished, temporary residence, which can consist of one, two or more rooms *.
Line 05 shows the number of beds listed according to inventory data at the end of the reporting year or the number of beds as of the month (day) of their maximum deployment in a year.

4.4. Availability and use of space

The subsection is completed as of the end of the reporting year.

It is filled in on the basis of the information of the technical passport for the building of the organization. It is not allowed to indicate areas for which there are no relevant documents for the right to use, etc.

The total area of \u200b\u200bbuildings (column 3) includes all the area owned and assigned to the organization, including the area used by it on a lease basis, as well as the area leased to other organizations (including other educational organizations).

Column 4 indicates the area leased by the organization to other organizations under contracts.

Column 5 contains data on the area of \u200b\u200bpremises undergoing major repairs.

Columns 6, 7 indicate the area of \u200b\u200bpremises requiring major repairs and being in emergency condition. These columns are filled in on the basis of an act (conclusion) or another document drawn up in accordance with the established procedure, characterizing the technical condition of the premises of the organization.

Column 8 shows the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises equipped with security and fire alarms. The security and alarm system is a complex set of technical means that serve for the timely detection of unauthorized entry, as well as the timely detection of fire, smoke, messages about a specific place of fire, warning about a fire in a building, people there and generating control signals for automatic systems. fire extinguishing; as a rule, it is integrated into a complex that combines security systems and building engineering systems *.

Columns 9-12 show the distribution of the total area (column 3) of the organization by forms of ownership, use in accordance with the documents of title. The form of ownership of the premises is determined in accordance with agreements on ownership, operational management, lease and other forms of ownership. Repeated indication of the same areas under different forms of use is not allowed. The lease agreement for the premises must have state registration.

A state (municipal) educational organization founded by federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government bodies owns, uses and disposes of the areas assigned to it only on the basis of the right of operational management.

Column 12 shows areas that are in other forms of ownership, not accounted for in columns 9-11.

Lines 02-12 give the distribution of the total area of \u200b\u200ball premises (line 01) by the nature of its use.

Line 01 is equal to the sum of lines 02, 09, 11.

On line 02, the area of \u200b\u200beducational and laboratory buildings is given, from it, educational (line 03), educational and auxiliary (line 05), intended for research units (line 06) and ancillary (line 07) areas are allocated. Line 02 is the sum of lines 03, 05, 06, and 07.

The training area (line 03) includes the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises in which the educational process takes place: classrooms, training laboratories, classrooms, drawing rooms for course and diploma design, training workshops, demonstration, assembly and test rooms, indoor sports facilities (gyms of all types , indoor swimming pool). On line 04 of line 03, the area of \u200b\u200bindoor sports facilities is allocated.

The educational auxiliary area (line 05) includes the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises in which work is performed that is auxiliary in relation to the educational process: teaching rooms, offices of heads of departments, administrative premises, premises of public organizations, library premises (reading rooms, book depositories), office production premises, rooms for employees' rest, office of the rector, archives, vivariums, computer center, assembly hall premises (assembly hall, rooms for amateur groups, cinema room, radio center, storage room for inventory).

Line 06 shows the area occupied by the research units of the organization.

The utility area (line 07) includes the area of \u200b\u200bcanteens, cupboards, kitchens, wardrobes, staircases, vestibules, passages, bathrooms, rooms for independent studies, utility rooms, clinics, outpatient clinics, first-aid posts, technical and sanitary facilities (boiler room, heat supply control units, switchboards, pumping stations, boiler rooms, local telephone exchanges). On line 08 of line 07, the area of \u200b\u200bcatering points is allocated.

Line 09 shows the area of \u200b\u200bthe dorms. Line 10 indicates the area of \u200b\u200bhostels used for housing.

On line 11, the area of \u200b\u200bresidential buildings, buildings in which the socio-cultural divisions of the organization are located, as well as other buildings, not indicated in lines 02-10, is indicated.

Line 12 shows the total area of \u200b\u200bthe organization's land plots. Of the total area of \u200b\u200bland plots (from line 12) on line 13, the area occupied by training grounds is allocated, and on line 14 - by experimental fields. Organizations in which the technological requirements do not provide for the area of \u200b\u200btraining grounds (respectively, experimental fields) on the land plots they occupy on line 13 (respectively on line 14) indicate the sign "X".

Help 6. Line 15 shows the total number of training places in the laboratories. Line 16 shows the number of training (work) places in training and production facilities (in workshops, training grounds, technodrome, training shops, etc.). On line 17 of line 16, places are allocated, provided by organizations with which contracts for personnel training have been concluded.

Line 18 shows the number of automated training complexes. An automated training and training system is an automated hardware and software functionally oriented complex for training a person and practicing certain skills and abilities.

4.5. Provision of students with hostels

The subsection is completed for the reporting year.

Line 01 indicates the number of students in need of hostels; of these, line 02 marks the number of students provided with hostels.

On line 03 of line 02, the number of students living in hotel-type hostels is allocated.

On line 04 of line 02, the number of students provided with hostels of third-party organizations (including hotel-type hostels) on a commercial basis or under agreements with other educational organizations providing places in their hostels at no cost is allocated.

Line 02 is less than or equal to line 01; line 03 is less than or equal to line 02, line 04 is less than or equal to line 02.

Columns 3-5 show the distribution of students in educational programs.

4.6. Availability of catering places

The subsection is completed as of the end of the reporting year.

Line 01 indicates the number of seats in the catering establishments of the organization, determined by the number of visitors, for the simultaneous service of which the catering facility is designed. Line 02 of line 01 allocates the number of seats that are actually used. Line 03 shows the number of leased seats in the catering establishments of the organization.

Column 3 shows the number of seats in catering establishments located in the educational and laboratory buildings of the educational organization (including catering establishments located in separate buildings), and in column 4 - in the hostels of the organization.

Section 5. Information base of the organization

The section is filled in by organizations of additional professional education; educational institutions of higher education that have geographically separate subdivisions (branches) that implement only additional professional programs; professional educational organizations with geographically separate subdivisions (branches) that implement only additional professional programs.

This section provides information on the availability of computers, information and computer networks, software, the use of e-learning, distance educational technologies and the formation of the library fund.

Given the specialized nature of this section, to fill it out, it is necessary to involve specialists who ensure the use of ICT in the organization.

Information technology refers to technologies that use microelectronic means for collecting, storing, processing, searching, transmitting and presenting data, texts, images and sound.

5.1. Number of personal computers and information equipment

The subsection is completed as of the end of the reporting year. This subsection takes into account all personal computers (hereinafter referred to as PCs), equipment installed in the organization, regardless of whether they are the property of the organization, leased, used, at disposal or received on other terms.

Lines 01 - 07 indicate the number of PCs installed in the organization as of the end of the reporting year. Personal computers can be of any type - desktop, portable (laptop), portable. The number of PCs includes terminals. The terminal consists of a screen and a keyboard, is intended for input and output of information, communicates the user with a PC. Usually, its capabilities are limited by the ability to display information transmitted to it, process information entered from the keyboard, and transmit it to a computer. Multi-terminal systems can be deployed in classrooms; for example, a PC is installed at the teacher's workplace, and terminals connected to it are on the students' tables. If the organization uses multi-terminal systems, then the sum includes both terminals and the PC itself to which they are connected, if it is an additional workplace (for example, a teacher), equipped with a monitor and keyboard.

If there is no PC directly in the organization, but they are used by students and teachers in other places, lines 01 - 07 are not filled.

On line 02, out of the total number of PCs accounted for on line 01, the number of laptops, netbooks and other portable computers (other than tablets) is allocated.

On line 03, of the total number of PCs counted in line 01, the number of tablet computers - laptop computers containing a touch screen - is allocated. Text input and control of tablet computers is carried out through the screen interface.

On line 04, out of the total number of PCs accounted for on line 01, the number of PCs that are part of local computer networks is allocated.

A local area network connects two or more PCs located within the same building or several neighboring buildings, and does not use general-purpose communications for this. This line also takes into account the use of multi-terminal systems, which actually provide the ability to network multiple users. The connection of one PC with peripheral devices (for example, a printer) is not a local area network.

On line 05, the number of PCs with access to the information and telecommunications network "Internet" (hereinafter referred to as the Internet) is entered.
In this case, it does not matter how the access is organized (separate computers are connected or access is carried out through the gateway of the organization's local network, whether dial-up or dedicated communication channels are used, etc.).

On line 06, the number of PCs that have access to the organization's Intranet portal is entered. Intranet is a distributed corporate computer network based on Internet technologies and designed to provide access for employees studying to corporate information electronic resources.

Of the total number of PCs on line 07, computers are allocated that are acquired or leased, for use, at disposal, obtained under other conditions in the reporting year.

In column 4, of the total number of PCs installed in the organization, those used for educational purposes are highlighted, of which in column 5 - those available for use by students in their free time from basic classes.

The use of a PC for educational purposes is possible in one or more ways, listed below:

  • during classes by teachers or students;
  • in the process of preparing homework by students;
  • in the process of preparing for classes by teachers.

The gap in the data of columns 3 and 4 can be due to PCs used for administrative purposes, for accounting, personnel records, etc., and not used in the educational process.

Line 08 shows the number of electronic terminals (infomats, information kiosks) installed in the organization (own, rented, used, disposed of or received on other terms). An electronic terminal is a touch screen device designed to inform students, employees of the organization about the schedule of classes, plan of events, electives, etc.

Of the total number of electronic terminals installed in the organization (page 08), line 09 indicates the number of electronic terminals that provide access to the Internet.

Lines 10-14 indicate the number of multimedia projectors (line 10), interactive whiteboards, both stationary and mobile (line 11), printers (line 12) available in the organization (own, rented, used, disposable or received on other terms) ), scanners (line 13), multifunctional devices performing printing, scanning, copying (line 14), as of the end of the reporting year.

5.2. Availability of special software (except for general purpose software)

The subsection is completed as of the end of the reporting year.

The presence of special computer software aimed at solving problems of a certain class is shown, regardless of whether these software tools were developed on their own, purchased from other developers, ordered by the organization by third-party firms or specialists, or received for use on other conditions. It does not include general-purpose software, for example, operating systems, compilers, standard software used to solve a certain class of problems (for example, text or graphic editors, spreadsheets, database management systems), unless a special application has been developed on their basis , antivirus programs, e-mail programs, etc. In case of a positive answer to the question posed, code 1 is put in the corresponding line in column 3, otherwise code 2 is put in this line. Code 1 is put in column 4 if students have access to the appropriate software.

In column 4, code 1 can be indicated only if there is code 1 in the corresponding line of column 3.

On line 01, code 1 is put in if there are training programs for any academic subjects or specific topics, professional software packages and databases for specialties that are being trained in the organization.

On line 02, code 1 is put in if there are computer testing programs that can be used in training courses to assess the knowledge of students in subjects or specific topics (in this case, they can be part of training programs), for any other purposes.

On line 03, code 1 is put down when using in the organization special software for computer virtual simulators, designed to practice basic skills in working with equipment, the procedure for conducting various processes, operations.

On line 04, code 1 is put down when using electronic reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias and other general materials useful for the educational process in the organization.

Code 1 is put on line 05 when using electronic versions of training courses, materials on individual subjects and topics in the organization.

Code 1 is put on line 06 when using special software for scientific research in the organization. These can be software systems for obtaining and processing information for research, control, automation of experiments, etc.

On line 07, code 1 is put down if there is an electronic library in the organization - an information system that includes an ordered collection of electronic documents and software for creating, using, processing and storing this collection.

Code 1 is put on line 08 if the organization has electronic reference and legal systems, which include legislative, regulatory and legal acts, equipped with a search apparatus, links and comments.

Line 09 contains code 1 if there is software for solving accounting problems, personnel accounting and other types of resources, planning the needs of the organization, analyzing the financial condition of the organization, supporting management decisions, etc.

On line 10, code 1 is put down when using an electronic document management system in an organization - a software product that allows automating the processes of performing search operations, organized storage, sighting, registration and tracking actions with documentation.

On line 11, code 1 is put down when the organization uses hardware and software, software that provide restriction of access to Internet resources that are not compatible with educational tasks.

Code 1 is put on line 12 if any other special software is available, except for those listed in lines 01-11.

5.3. Maximum Internet Access Speed

The subsection is completed as of the end of the reporting year.

The subsection is filled in by organizations with access to the Internet (in subsection 5.1. Page 05, column 3 is completed). The subsection indicates the maximum speed of access to the Internet both for all types of access to this global network used by the organization, and separately for fixed wired, fixed wireless, mobile Internet access.

Lines 01-04 in column 3 indicate the interval of the maximum Internet access speed:

  • below 256 Kbps - code 1;
  • 256-511 Kbps - code 2;
  • 512 Kbps - 999 Kbps - Code 3;
  • 1.0-1.9 Mbps - code 4;
  • 2.0-30.0 Mbps - code 5;
  • 30.1-100.0 Mbps - code 6;
  • above 100 Mbps - code 7.

On line 01 of column 3, the interval of the maximum speed of access to the Internet for the fastest of the types of Internet connection used by the organization (code from 1 to 7) is indicated. The code indicated on line 01 must be reflected in at least one of lines 02-04.

Line 02 indicates the code of the interval for the maximum speed of Internet access for the fastest type of fixed wired Internet connection used by the organization (modem connection via a dial-up telephone line, ISDN, digital subscriber line (xDSL technology, etc.), other cable communication (including leased lines, fiber, etc.).

Line 03 indicates the code of the interval for the maximum speed of access to the Internet for the fastest of the types of fixed wireless Internet connection used by the organization (satellite communication, fixed wireless communication (for example, Wi-Fi, WiMAX)).

On line 04, the code of the interval of the maximum speed of access to the Internet over mobile cellular networks is put down, for example, broadband CDMA (W-CDMA), universal mobile telecommunication system (UMTS); CDMA2000 1xEV-DO and CDMA 2000 1xEV-DV; LTE and other types of narrowband and broadband mobile access (codes 1 to 8). When using these technologies, Internet access can be carried out using a mobile cellular phone, as well as using a special modem with a built-in SIM card of a mobile cellular operator, connected to a desktop or laptop computer.

If the organization does not use any type of Internet access (lines 02-04), the corresponding line 02-04 indicates
code 8. Moreover, code 8 cannot be simultaneously specified in all these lines.

When filling out the indicator, one should be guided by the technical conditions for access to the Internet, determined by the contract for connecting to this network.

5.4. Information transparency of the organization

The subsection is completed as of the end of the reporting year.

Code 1 is put on line 01 if the organization has its own official e-mail address used among other details of the organization (address, telephone, fax, etc.); it does not take into account the personal addresses of teachers or students, even if they are used to send and receive documents for their organization.

On line 02, code 1 is put down if the organization has at least one own web page on the Internet, on which it publishes and regularly (at least once every six months) updates information about its activities. An organization's web page must have a unique address where it can be accessed by anyone on the network. At the same time, it does not matter who exactly posts this information on the network (teachers, students, graduates, etc.), as well as on what conditions the organization uses this address space on the network.

With code 1 on line 02, the organization fills in line 03, indicating one of the codes in it: 1 - with a positive answer, 2 - negative. Code 1 is put down if there is information on the site in accordance with the normative list of information on the activities of the educational organization set forth in Article 29 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ. The rules for posting this information are defined in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 10, 2013 N582 "On approval of the Rules for posting on the official website of an educational organization in the information and telecommunications network" Internet "and updating information about an educational organization." In accordance with this document, the educational organization posts on the official website:

a) information:

on the date of creation of the educational organization, on the founder, founders of the educational organization, on the location of the educational organization and its branches (if any), mode, work schedule, contact numbers and e-mail addresses;

about the structure and governing bodies of the educational organization, including:

the name of the structural divisions (management bodies);

surnames, first names, patronymics and positions of heads of structural divisions;

location of structural units;

addresses of official sites on the Internet of structural units (if any);

e-mail addresses of structural divisions (if any);

information on the availability of regulations on structural divisions (on management bodies) with the attachment of copies of these provisions (if any);

about the level of education;

about the forms of education;

about the normative period of study;

on the validity period of the state accreditation of the educational program (in the presence of state accreditation);

on the description of the educational program with the attachment of its copy;

about the curriculum with a copy attached;

on annotations to the working programs of disciplines (for each discipline as part of the educational program) with copies of them attached (if any);

about the educational calendar with a copy attached;

on methodological and other documents developed by the educational organization to ensure the educational process;

on the educational programs being implemented, indicating academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), practice, provided for by the corresponding educational program;

on the number of students enrolled in educational programs being implemented at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets and under agreements on education at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities;

on the languages \u200b\u200bin which education (training) is carried out;

on federal state educational standards and on educational standards with their copies (if any);

about the head of the educational organization, his deputies, heads of branches of the educational organization (if any), including:

surname, first name, patronymic (if any) of the head, his deputies;

the position of the head, his deputies;

contact phone numbers;

e-mail address;

on the personal composition of teaching staff, indicating the level of education, qualifications and work experience, including:

surname, name, patronymic (if any) of the employee;

position (positions) held;

taught disciplines;

academic degree (if any);

academic title (if any);

name of the direction of training and (or) specialty;

data on advanced training and (or) professional retraining (if any);

general work experience;

work experience in the specialty;

on the material and technical support of educational activities, including information on the availability of equipped classrooms, facilities for practical classes, libraries, sports facilities, training and education facilities, on the nutritional conditions and health protection of students, on access to information systems and information telecommunication networks, about electronic educational resources to which students are provided access:

on the number of vacancies for admission (transfer) for each educational program, profession, specialty, direction of training (for places financed from budgetary allocations of the federal budget, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets, under agreements on education at the expense of individuals and ( or) legal entities);

on the availability and conditions for providing students with scholarships, social support measures;

on the presence of a hostel, a boarding school, the number of living quarters in a hostel, a boarding school for nonresident students, the formation of a payment for living in a hostel;

on the volume of educational activities, the financial support of which is carried out at the expense of budgetary allocations from the federal budget, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets, under agreements on education at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities;

on the receipt of financial and material resources and on their spending at the end of the financial year;

employment of graduates;

the charter of the educational organization;

licenses for educational activities (with attachments);

certificates of state accreditation (with attachments);

a plan of financial and economic activities of an educational organization, approved in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, or a budget estimate of an educational organization;

local regulations stipulated by part 2 of article 30 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", internal regulations for students, internal labor regulations and a collective agreement;

c) report on the results of self-examination;

d) a document on the procedure for the provision of paid educational services, including a sample contract for the provision of paid educational services, a document confirming the cost of training for each educational program;

e) instructions of the bodies exercising state control (supervision) in the field of education, reports on the implementation of such instructions;

f) other information that is posted, published by the decision of the educational organization and (or) placement, the publication of which is mandatory in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Educational organizations implementing professional educational programs, in addition to each educational program, indicate:

a) educational level;

b) the code and name of the profession, specialty, areas of training;

c) information:

on the directions and results of scientific (research) activities and the research base for its implementation (for educational institutions of higher education and organizations of additional professional education);

on the results of admission for each profession, specialty of secondary vocational education (in the presence of entrance tests), for each area of \u200b\u200btraining or specialty of higher education with different conditions of admission (for places financed from budget allocations of the federal budget, budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets, agreements on education at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities) with an indication of the average amount of points scored for all entrance examinations, as well as the results of transfer, restoration and expulsion.

Lines 04-06 address the availability of information on the website for individual areas of the organization's activities, indicating the code 1 for a positive answer, 2 for a negative answer.

5.5. Implementation of educational programs using e-learning, distance educational technologies

The subsection is completed as of the end of the reporting year.

The subsection reflects the implementation in the organization of educational programs using e-learning, distance learning technologies. In each of the lines 01, 02 for educational programs implemented by the organization (columns 3,4) one of the codes is indicated: yes - 1; no - 2.

E-learning is understood as the organization of educational activities with the use of information contained in databases and used in the implementation of educational programs and information technologies, technical means, as well as information and telecommunication networks that ensure the transmission of this information through communication lines, interaction between students and teachers. ...

Distance learning technologies are understood as educational technologies implemented mainly with the use of information and telecommunication networks with indirect (at a distance) interaction between students and teachers.

5.6. Formation and use of the library fund (including dormitory libraries)

The subsection is filled in by organizations that have a library (including dormitory libraries) or a library fund.

When filling out, one should be guided by the Procedure for recording documents that are part of the library fund, approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated October 8, 2012 No. 1077.

Line 01 shows the entire library fund registered in the accounting documents, including textbooks. Information to fill in this indicator is available in the "Book of summary accounting of the library fund". It should be borne in mind that the magazines are shown in numbers (print units).

Columns 3-5 on line 01 indicate the number of copies of all printed, electronic publications, audiovisual documents newly included during the reporting year in the library fund (column 3) and excluded from it (column 4), as well as at the end of the reporting year (column 5): books, brochures, periodicals, sheet music, cartographic and graphic publications, special types of scientific and technical literature and documentation, video and audio cassettes, CDs, films and video films, transparencies, microfilms, microfiches, floppy disks, optical disks, etc. ...

Column 6 indicates the total number of issued copies; is filled in on the basis of the summary totals of the corresponding sections of the library diaries. Issuance includes renewals. Column 7 from column 6 indicates the number of copies issued to students.

On line 02 of line 01, the number of educational documents (educational literature) is allocated. Educational documents include textbooks and tutorials. Textbook - an educational publication containing a systematic presentation of an academic discipline (subject), corresponding to the curriculum and officially approved as this type of publication. Textbook - an educational publication supplementing or partially (completely) replacing the textbook, officially approved as this type of publication. Teaching aids include: teaching aids (educational publications containing materials to help study, teaching or upbringing, for example, atlases, albums), teaching aids (educational publication containing materials on teaching methods of teaching a discipline or on methods of upbringing) , a self-study guide (a textbook for self-study of something without the help of a leader), a reader (a textbook containing literary, artistic, historical and other works or excerpts from them that constitute the object of study of the discipline), a workshop (an educational publication containing practical tasks and exercises that contribute to the assimilation of what has been passed, for example, a problem book), a curriculum (an educational publication that determines the content, volume, and also the procedure for studying and teaching any academic discipline).

On line 03 of line 02, it is required to indicate the amount of compulsory educational literature (the literature provided for by the curriculum is mandatory).

On line 04 of line 01, the number of educational and methodological documents is highlighted, which include methodological instructions for the implementation of certain types of work in the curriculum of a particular discipline (its section, part): laboratory work, practical and seminar classes, homework assignments, term papers, coursework and diploma projects, organization of independent work of students.

On line 05 of line 04, it is required to indicate the amount of compulsory educational and methodological literature (the literature provided for by the curriculum is mandatory).

Line 06 shows fiction, line 07 - scientific.

The sum of lines 02, 04, 06, 07 must be less than or equal to line 01.

From line 01 to line 08 the number of printed editions is given.

Line 09 gives the number of copies of audiovisual documents. Audiovisual document - a document containing pictorial and (or) sound and text information reproduced by technical means. Audiovisual documents include photo documents, video documents, phono documents, film documents.

Line 10 gives the number of copies of microform documents. Microfiche documents include microfilms and microfiches.

Line 11 shows the number of copies of electronic publications. Electronic documents include documents on removable media (CDs, flash cards); documents located on the hard disk of the computer (server) of the library and available to users through information and telecommunication networks; documents posted on autonomous automated workstations of the library; documents placed on external technical means received by the library for temporary use through information and telecommunication networks on the terms of an agreement, a contract with information producers.

Line 01 is the sum of lines 08-11.

5.7. Information services and other characteristics of the library (including dorm libraries)

The subsection is completed as of the end of the reporting year.

Line 01 indicates the total number of footprints the library is making available to users. This figure includes seats equipped for users in reading rooms, information services, at catalogs, group work spaces, spaces in audiovisual rooms, booths for individual work, etc. This number should include the number of seats in libraries at the hostels of the educational organization. The number of seats in the library also includes seats in the reading rooms of dormitories, working without a librarian. Study spaces in dorms are not counted.

Line 02 of the total number of footprints provided by the library to users is allocated to PCs, and line 03 is allocated to PCs with Internet access.

Line 04 gives the number of registered users of the library based on the registration forms. A registered user is a person or organization, business, registered by the library in order to use its documents and library services. This line indicates the total number of re-registered and newly recorded users in the reporting year, served by the library. Users * are:

Legal entities served under contracts (agreements) and one-time requests for library and information services - enterprises, organizations, companies, firms, public associations, etc .;

Individuals - readers using the services of the library;

Information subscribers (collective and individual), served under agreements for information and bibliographic services and on one-time or permanent requests;

Event visitors - participants in the library's events;

Users accessing the library through electronic information networks registered on the library server.

On line 05 of line 04, the number of registered users who are students in the organization is allocated.

Line 06 indicates the total number of visits (hits) of the library. The unit of accounting for visits * is one visit registered in the library documentation, while the unit for accounting for calls to the electronic library and information network is one call to the library server.

Lines 07-08 provide information about the library's information services.

Line 07 indicates the number of registered information subscribers (collective and individual) served by the library under contracts for information and bibliographic services and on one-time or permanent requests during the reporting year. Information service subscribers can be both individuals and legal entities. Line 07 must be less than or equal to line 04.

Line 08 indicates the total number of references (requests, consultations) made by the library.

Code 1 is put on line 09 if there is an electronic catalog in the organization's library. Otherwise, code 2 is indicated.

Code 1 is put on line 10 if there is access via the Internet to the library's electronic catalogs. Otherwise, code 2 is indicated.

Code 1 is put on line 11 if there is access via the Internet to the full-text electronic resources of the library. Otherwise, code 2 is indicated.

Section 6. Financial and economic activities of the organization

The section is filled in by organizations of additional professional education; educational institutions of higher education that have geographically separate subdivisions (branches) that implement only additional professional programs; professional educational organizations with geographically separate subdivisions (branches) that implement only additional professional programs.

The indicators of the section are filled in on the basis of the documentation available in the organization on the issues of its financing and expenses.

On line 02 of subsection 6.1., Column 4 of subsection 6.2., Columns 8 and 11 of subsection 6.3. indicates funds (expenses) received (carried out) by the organization from (at the expense of) funds from the budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation (including those received from the founding agency, as well as from other managers of budgetary funds in the form of subsidies for the implementation of the state (municipal) task , subsidies for other purposes, within the framework of the federal targeted investment program, financial support for the implementation of a government order or government contracts, etc.).

6.1. Distribution of the amount of funds of the organization by sources of their receipt and types of activity

On line 01, all funds actually received by the organization during the reporting year are shown. Line 01 is the sum of lines 02, 06, 07, 08 and 09.

On line 02 the funds received by the educational organization from the budgets of all levels are indicated. This line reflects budget allocations and other targeted funding received by the organization from the federal budget, the budget of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets, off-budget funds, state subsidies for the development and implementation of statutory activities. These funds include funds received from the founding agency, as well as from other administrators of budgetary funds in the form of subsidies for the implementation of the state (municipal) assignment, subsidies for other purposes (targeted subsidies), within the framework of the federal targeted investment program, financial support for the implementation state order or government contracts, etc. This line also shows receipts within the framework of federal target programs, for centralized or other activities that are financed in excess of the cost estimate for current maintenance, as well as grants from the President, heads of administrations, etc., as a special form of budgetary targeted financing.

Line 02 is the sum of lines 03-05.

On line 06 funds received by the organization from other organizations (legal entities) are shown.

Line 07 reflects the funds received by the organization from the population - individuals.

Line 08 takes into account funds received from extra-budgetary funds to finance the organization, for example, from employment funds, social insurance, etc.

On line 09, funds received by the organization from foreign sources, that is, from legal entities and individuals outside the political borders of the state, as well as from international organizations, should be taken into account. Funds transferred in foreign currency are converted into rubles at the exchange rate established by the Bank of Russia at the time of transfer.

Borrowed funds (bank, commercial loans, etc.) provided on a repayable basis are not shown in this subsection.

Columns 4-9 indicate the distribution of the amount of funds received by type of activity. Column 3 is equal to the sum of columns 4, 8, 9.

Column 4 shows funds received from all types of educational activities, including educational and methodological (development and examination of educational and methodological documentation; development of the structure and content of basic educational programs in areas and specialties, as well as proposals for their updating and improvement; development of publication plans textbooks and teaching aids; creation of educational, methodological literature, audiovisual means; reviewing of manuscripts of textbooks and teaching aids prepared for publication; consulting on educational and methodological issues, providing the educational process with educational and methodological materials; development of sample curricula and programs of disciplines that provide professional training), as well as activities to ensure and maintain the educational process (providing the educational process with an auditorium fund, educational equipment, providing library services, etc.).

Of the total amount of funds received from educational activities (column 4), the amounts of funds received from the implementation of programs are indicated separately: training of scientific and pedagogical personnel (column 5), vocational training programs (column 6) and additional professional programs ( column 7) Column 4 may be more than the amount of columns 5-7, at the expense of funds received from other educational programs implemented by the educational organization, and not listed in columns 5-7.

If it is impossible to fill in the lines of columns 5-7 using direct counting on the basis of primary accounting, these indicators can be determined by calculation (for example, in proportion to the number of man-hours worked by teaching staff for the reporting year under the relevant programs).

Column 8 shows funds from scientific activities.

Column 9 shows the funds from the publishing and printing activities of the organization (publication of literature on educational, educational, methodological, scientific, popular science areas; publication of methodological recommendations, collections of scientific papers, conference materials, abstracts, dissertations, etc., reference and advertising literature; preparation and editing of works accepted for publication; production of printed forms, bindings of books of all types, other binding works; sale of printed products; provision of publishing and printing services to other organizations), production activities of the organization (production and sale of products (works, services ), which are carried out on the basis of training and production workshops, educational enterprises of the organization); funds received by the organization from the implementation of consulting (consulting) services, as well as from the sports, physical culture and health, cultural and educational activities of the organization, etc.

If it is impossible to distribute in columns 4, 8 and 9 budget allocations received by the organization under the "Education" section, as well as subsidies allocated for the implementation of the state assignment, which are aimed at providing a full range of measures related to training, they should be shown in column 4 "Educational activities" and corresponding columns 5-8.

Help 7. Line 10 shows the balance of unused funds at the beginning of the reporting year. Line 11 shows the balance of unused funds at the end of the reporting year.

On line 12 of line 02 of column 3, funds received from government (local self-government) bodies for the implementation of research and development under contracts are shown.

6.2. Organization expenses

The subsection provides information on the organization's expenses in the reporting year, regardless of the sources of origin of funds (column 3), including those financed from budgets of all levels (column 4). Column 5 (from column 4) shows the costs incurred at the expense of funds received for the implementation of the state (municipal) task. If the organization does not receive funds for the execution of the state assignment, then in column 5, in line 01, the sign "X" should be indicated, the remaining lines in column 5 are not filled in.

The subsection shows cash expenses.

Line 01 shows the organization's expenses, which include the following elements: labor costs and charges on labor remuneration payments (line 02); payment for work, services (line 06); social security (line 13) and other expenses (line 14).

Line 01 is equal to the sum of lines 02, 06, 13, 14.

Line 02 reflects payments related to wages and charges on wages. Line 02 is the sum of lines 03, 04, and 05.

Line 03 shows the expenses for the payment of wages, carried out on the basis of agreements (contracts), for the payment of vacations, for the payment of benefits and compensations, other payments (incentive payments, material assistance from the wage fund, etc.), other similar expenses , as well as the costs of paying deductions made from wages (payment for the services of credit institutions, personal income tax, etc.)

Line 04 takes into account the costs of payment by the employer in favor of employees and (or) their dependents of additional payments and compensations not related to wages, due to the conditions of employment relations or the status of employees.

Line 05 shall reflect the costs associated with accruals for wages. These include the costs of paying insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and territorial compulsory medical insurance funds, benefits paid by the employer at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation to full-time employees, other costs associated with accruals for payments on wages.

Line 06 shows the cost of paying for work and services. Line 06 is the sum of lines 07-12.

Line 07 takes into account the expenses of the organization for payment of postal services (forwarding of postal items; payment of marked postal notifications when sending items with notification; forwarding of postal correspondence using a franking machine; purchase of postage stamps and marked envelopes, marked postage forms, etc.); services of telephone and telegraph, facsimile, cellular, paging, radio communications, Internet providers (subscription and hourly fees for using communication lines; fees for providing access and use of communication lines, data transmission over communication channels; fees for registering a shortened telegraphic address, faxes , modems and other means of communication; payment for connection and subscription services in the electronic document management system, including with the use of certified means of cryptographic protection of information; payment for the purchase of sim cards for mobile phones, payment cards for communication services; payment for the provision of services on the reservation of network resources necessary for the implementation of connection to the public network; payment for the provision of detailed invoices for payment of communication services, provided for by the contract for the provision of communication services, etc.); other similar expenses.

Line 08 provides information on the cost of purchasing transport services.

Line 09 reflects the cost of utilities. This line shows the payment of contracts for heating and technological needs, as well as hot water supply; gas consumption (including its transportation through gas distribution networks and payment for supply and marketing services); electricity consumption; water supply, sewerage, sewage disposal; other similar expenses.

Line 10 records the organization's expenses for paying rent in accordance with concluded lease (sublease) agreements for property in order to meet its own needs, including premises, structures; land, vehicles and other property.

Line 11 reflects the expenses of the organization for the payment of contracts for the performance of work and the provision of services related to the maintenance of non-financial assets under operational management or leased in order to meet their own needs, including for the maintenance of cleanliness of premises, buildings, courtyards, etc. property (cleaning and removal of snow, garbage, disinfection, pest control, etc.); commissioning, maintenance, overhaul and current repairs of property (buildings, structures, premises, machinery and equipment, inventory, etc.); other similar expenses.

Line 12 contains the costs of performing work, rendering services not accounted for in lines 07-11. These include security services purchased on the basis of civil contracts with individuals and legal entities (departmental, non-departmental, fire and other security; installation (expansion) of unified functioning systems, such as: security, fire alarm, local computing network, video surveillance system and other similar systems, including the arrangement of the "panic button", as well as work on the modernization of these systems and other services and works.

Line 13 takes into account pension, social and health insurance benefits (for example, temporary disability and maternity benefits), as well as social assistance benefits.

On line 14 there are other expenses not listed on lines 02, 06, 13.

Line 15 reflects the organization's expenses related to the acquisition, creation of objects of non-financial assets.

Line 15 is the sum of lines 16, 17, 18, and 19.

Line 16 shall reflect the costs of paying for contracts for construction, purchase (manufacture) of objects related to fixed assets, as well as for reconstruction, technical re-equipment, expansion, modernization and additional equipment of fixed assets.

Line 17 reflects the expenses of the organization for the payment of contracts for the acquisition of exclusive rights to the results of intellectual activity or means of individualization (for example, to software and computer databases).

Line 18 reflects the organization's expenses to increase the value of non-produced assets.

Line 19 reflects the organization's expenses for the payment of contracts for the purchase (manufacture) of items related to material stocks (for example, medicines and dressings, soft inventory, building materials, dishes, food).

Help 8. On line 20, code 1 is indicated if the organization has an energy saving and energy efficiency program. Otherwise, code 2 is set.

Help 9. The data on line 21 is filled in by organizations that have hostels on their balance sheets. This line from line 01 of column 3 shows the costs associated with the maintenance of hostels.

6.3. Information on the number and remuneration of employees of the organization

Column 3 of the form provides data on the average number of employees on the payroll or the average number of employees for the reporting year, in column 4 - data on the average number of external part-time workers.

The average number of employees for the reporting year is determined by summing the average number of employees for 12 months and dividing the amount received 12.

The calculation of the average number of employees is carried out on the basis of daily records of the payroll number of employees, which must be updated on the basis of orders for the admission, transfer of employees to another job and termination of the employment contract. At the same time, for each day of the reporting year, it is necessary to distribute employees on the payroll by categories of personnel, summarize the wages accrued for this period, calculate the average number of employees for each category, which will make it possible to reflect the transition of an employee during the reporting period from one category to another ( for example, if an employee worked for 6 months as a research worker, and for the next 6 months as a head of a structural unit).

The number of employees on the payroll for a weekend or a holiday (non-working) day is taken to be equal to the payroll number of employees for the previous working day. If there are two or more weekends or holidays (non-working) days in a row, the number of employees on the payroll for each of these days is taken to be equal to the number of employees on the payroll for the working day preceding the weekend and holidays (non-working) days.

The number of employees on the payroll for each day must correspond to the data of the time sheet of employees, on the basis of which the number of employees who showed up and did not appear for work is established.

Employees are not included in the payroll:

a) hired part-time from other organizations;

b) those who performed work under contracts of a civil nature;

c) transferred to work in another organization, if they do not retain their wages, as well as sent to work abroad;

d) directed by organizations for training in educational organizations with a break from work, receiving a scholarship at the expense of these organizations; persons with whom an apprenticeship contract for vocational training has been concluded with payment of a scholarship during the period of apprenticeship;

e) those who filed a letter of resignation and stopped working before the expiration of the warning period or who stopped working without warning the administration. They are excluded from the payroll number of employees from the first day of absence from work;

f) military personnel in the performance of their military service duties.

When determining the average number of employees, the following should be considered.

a) The following employees on the payroll are not included in the average payroll:

Women who were on maternity leave, persons who were on leave in connection with the adoption of a newborn child directly from the maternity hospital, as well as on parental leave;

Employees studying in educational organizations and being on additional leave without pay, as well as those entering educational organizations who were on unpaid leave to pass entrance exams in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

b) Persons who worked part-time in accordance with the employment contract, the staffing table or transferred with the written consent of the employee to work part-time, when determining the average number of employees, are taken into account in proportion to the hours worked.

c) Employees who, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, have reduced working hours, including persons with disabilities, are counted as whole units in the average payroll.

d) Persons who worked part-time at the initiative of the employer are counted in the average number of employees as whole units.

e) The average number of employees in organizations that have worked for an incomplete month (for example, in newly created organizations) is determined by dividing the sum of the number of employees on the payroll for all days of the organization's work in the reporting month, including weekends and holidays (non-working) days for the period of work, by the total number of calendar days in the reporting month.

The average number of external part-time workers is calculated in accordance with the procedure for determining the average number of persons who worked part-time.

The average number of external part-time workers for the year is determined by summing the average number for 12 months, and dividing the amount received by 12.

Columns 5 to 7 include the sums of remuneration of payroll and external part-time workers calculated for the reporting year.

The accrued wages fund in columns 5-7 includes all amounts of payments, regardless of their funding sources, budget items and tax benefits provided.

According to columns 8-13 - the accrued wages fund of all employees (from column 5) and the accrued wages fund of external part-time workers (from column 7) are distributed by funding sources: columns 8 and 11, respectively, reflect the data on funds received from the budgets of all levels, in columns 9 and 12 - information on the means of compulsory medical insurance (compulsory medical insurance), in columns 10 and 13 - funds from income-generating activities and other funds.

An employee who receives two, one and a half or less than one rate in one organization or is registered in one organization as an internal part-time worker is counted as one person (a whole unit). At the same time, an employee who is on the payroll of an organization and performs work on an internal part-time job is recorded once at the place of his main job, the wage bill in column 5 shows the amount of wages, taking into account part-time pay; in column 6 of column 5, the amount accrued to the employee for work on the basis of internal part-time employment is allocated.

If an employee for his main job belongs to one category, and for an internal part-time job - in another, then he must be reflected once - in the category to which his main job belongs. At the same time, in column 5, this line reflects the total earnings - for the main job and for internal part-time work, and in column 6 from column 5 the amount accrued to the employee for work on the terms of internal part-time is highlighted.

An employee who is on the payroll of an organization and who has entered into a civil law agreement with the same organization is counted once at the place of his main job, and the wages accrued to him under an employment contract and a civil law contract are counted as the total amount in the payroll of payroll employees. composition (in column 5); in column 6, remuneration for work under a civil contract is allocated. Within the framework of this statistical observation, work under a civil law contract concluded by an employee on the payroll with his organization is considered as internal part-time.

Columns 3 and 4 do not include persons who work only under a civil law contract and are not included in the payroll and the number of external part-time workers, and column 7, respectively, does not reflect the amount of remuneration to persons working only under civil law contracts. Column 7 also does not take into account the amount of remuneration under civil contracts paid by this organization to persons who are external part-time workers.

More detailed methodological instructions for filling out data on the average headcount and the accrued wages fund are given in the "Instructions for filling out federal statistical observation forms No. P-1, P-2, P-3, P-4, P-5 (m)" approved by order of Rosstat dated October 28, 2013 No. 428.

Data on the average headcount and the average number of external part-time workers (columns 3 and 4), as well as on the accrued wages fund (columns 5 and 7) on line 01 must be consistent with the corresponding data of form No. P-4.

Help 10. It is filled with data that are used to calculate indicators characterizing the use of PCs by students, areas of educational and laboratory buildings and dormitories, seats at catering establishments of educational organizations, etc. statistical indicators.

Line 10 shows the number of people of simultaneous training (training), i.e. shows the approximate number of persons studying as of the day of their maximum number per year.

On line 11, the number of people of simultaneous training is shown (excluding persons trained using exclusively distance educational technologies), reduced to full-time education, which is determined by the formula:

a + (b × 0.25) + (c × 0.1)where:

a - the number of full-time students as of the day of their maximum number per year;

b - the number of full-time and part-time students as of the day of their maximum number per year;

c - the number of students of extramural education as of the day of their maximum number per year.

On line 12, the average annual number of students for the calendar year is given, which is determined by summing the number of students in all forms of education on each first day of the month and dividing the amount received by 12.

When determining the average annual number of students with training periods of less than a year, the number of students is multiplied by the number of months of training and the work is divided by 12.

Line 12 is equal to the sum of lines 13, 14, 15.

Appendix 1

List of CIS member states(http://www.cisstat.com):

  • Azerbaijan
  • Armenia
  • Belarus
  • Kazakhstan
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • The Republic of Moldova
  • Tajikistan
  • Turkmenistan
  • Uzbekistan
  • Ukraine

    Appendix 2

    List of countries in the European Union(http://europa.eu/about-eu/countries/index_en.htm):

  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Bulgaria
  • Great Britain
  • Hungary
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Denmark
  • Ireland
  • Spain
  • Italy
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Malta
  • Netherlands
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Finland
  • France
  • Croatia
  • Czech Republic
  • Sweden
  • Estonia


The order is mandatory for all educational organizations and organizations engaged in educational activities. Despite the absurdly long name, it is an instruction to fill in a fairly simple table and send it to the local education authority, naturally taking care to preserve traces of such dispatch. Terms of provision - until February 15 for the previous year.

Filling in the seemingly huge table, in the case of a driving school, comes down to filling in a few lines, the rest remains empty. Moreover, the Order itself contains detailed instructions for filling out this table.

The funny thing is that it is almost impossible to verify the accuracy of the information provided. The question "Who needs all this?" - a rhetorical question, although it has a quite definite answer: only to the authors and only to report on their own need. Nevertheless, one has to remind of the existence of Article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses "Failure to provide primary statistical data" Fine up to 20,000 rubles for a manager and up to 70,000 rubles for an organization.

By the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2014 No. 256-r, amendments and additions were made to the Federal plan of statistical work, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2008 No. 671-r. Among others, a clause was introduced on the inclusion in the Federal plan of the annual collection of statistical data on training in organizations that carry out educational activities on additional professional programs.

Form No. 1-PC, developed by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and approved by Rosstat, is used as a statistical tool for federal statistical observation. Since 2005, several editions of this form have been developed and approved, and the amount of information required to provide is constantly growing.

The Federal State Autonomous Institution "State Research Institute of Information Technologies and Telecommunications" (FGAU GNII ITT "Informika") electronically collects, processes and analyzes federal statistics on the functioning of the system of additional professional education. These tasks are successfully solved by the developed and constantly developing specialized automated information system. The system address on the Internet is http://as-dpe.mon.gov.ru.

By order of Rosstat No. 409 of August 10, 2016, the current statistical toolkit was approved for the organization of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of federal statistical observation of the activities of educational organizations carrying out educational activities in additional professional programs (form No. 1-PC) and organizations carrying out educational activities in basic programs vocational training (form No. PO).

Form No. 1-PC "Information on the activities of an organization carrying out educational activities in additional professional programs" includes six main sections with subsections:

1. Information about the organization.

2. Information on the number of trainees trained in additional professional programs.

4. Property of the organization.

5. Information base of the organization.

The respondents in Form No. 1-PC are legal entities that carry out educational activities to implement additional professional programs of all forms of ownership and departmental affiliation:

Scientific organizations;

Other organizations (organizations providing training in additional professional programs as additional to their main activities).

It should be noted that sections 4-6 of the form should be filled out only by organizations that have geographically separate divisions (branches) that implement only additional professional programs.

Form No. PO "Information on the activities of the organization carrying out educational activities in the main vocational training programs" also includes six main sections with subsections:

1. Information about the organization.

2. Information about the number of trainees trained in vocational training programs.

3. Information about the personnel of the organization.

4. Property of the organization.

5. Number of personal computers and information equipment.

6. Financial and economic activities of the organization.

The respondents in the form №PO are legal entities that carry out educational activities on the main vocational training programs of all forms of ownership and departmental affiliation:

Professional educational organizations;

Educational organizations;

Educational institutions of higher education;

Organizations of additional education;

Organizations of additional professional education;

Scientific organizations;

Other organizations (organizations that carry out educational activities on basic vocational training programs other than the types listed above).

It should be noted that sections 4-6 of the form must be completed by legal entities and their separate divisions (including branches) that implement educational programs for vocational training as the main type of educational activity and do not implement educational programs for secondary vocational education.

These innovations required a significant improvement in the functionality of the automated information system for collecting data in two different statistical forms. The corresponding work was carried out by the specialists of the Federal State Autonomous Institution GNII ITT "Informika" during 2016.

The improved automated information system provides:

Automation of collection, processing and complex analysis of statistical information on the implementation of additional professional programs and basic vocational training programs in the Russian Federation (based on forms No. 1-PC and No. PO);

Automation of the calculation and control of statistical indicators on the implementation of additional professional programs and basic vocational training programs based on data accumulated in the system;

Consolidation of statistical data and the formation of statistical reports on the implementation of additional professional programs and basic vocational training programs at the level of federal and regional executive authorities;

Formation of an updated list of analytical reports of various types based on statistical data and their subsequent analysis.

The collection of statistics on additional vocational education and vocational training based on reporting forms No. 1-PC and No. PO will be carried out in an automated information system, starting in 2016. Data collection for 2016 will take place between December 15, 2016 and February 15, 2017.

Corresponding information letters from the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia will be sent in the near future to organizations, federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that manage education.

It should be noted that violation of the procedure for submitting statistical information, as well as submission of inaccurate statistical information, entails liability established by Article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation No. 195-FZ dated 30.12.2001, as well as Article 3 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated 13.05. 1992 № 2761-1 "On responsibility for violation of the procedure for submission of state statistical reporting."


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