Job description of the head of the road construction section. Job description of the head of the repair and construction site. Preparation and delivery of objects

1.1. This job description defines the functional responsibilities, rights and
responsibility of the site manager of the enterprise.

1.2. The head of the site is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order.
1.3. The site manager reports directly.

1.4. A person who has a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in production for at least 1 year is appointed to the position of the head of a section.

1.5. The site manager should know:

  • legislative and other regulatory legal acts, regulatory and methodological
    materials related to the production and economic activities of the site;
  • technical characteristics and requirements for products manufactured by the site, technology of its production;
  • site equipment and rules for its technical operation;
  • methods of technical, economic and production planning;
  • forms and methods of production and economic activities of the site;
  • labor legislation and the procedure for tariffication of works and workers;
  • norms and prices for work, the procedure for their revision;
  • current provisions on remuneration and forms of material incentives;
  • advanced domestic and foreign experience in production management; fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • rules and norms of labor protection, fire safety and industrial sanitation.

1.6. During the period of temporary absence of the head of the section, his duties are assigned to


Site manager:

2.1. Carries out in accordance with applicable laws and regulations
acts regulating the production and economic activities of the enterprise, management of the production site.

2.2. Ensures that the site fulfills production targets on time
by the volume of production of products (works, services), quality, specified nomenclature
(assortment), increasing labor productivity, reducing the labor intensity of products based on rational loading of equipment and the use of its technical capabilities, increasing the shift ratio of equipment, economical use of raw materials, materials, fuel, energy and reducing costs
2.3. Prepares production in a timely manner, ensures the placement of workers and
teams, monitors compliance with technological processes, promptly identifies and eliminates the causes of their violation.

2.4. Participates in the development of new and improvement of existing technological
production processes and modes; and production schedules.

2.5. Checks the quality of products or work performed, carries out
measures to prevent defects and improve the quality of products (works, services).

2.6. Takes part in the acceptance of completed works on site reconstruction, repair
technological equipment, mechanization and automation of production processes and manual work.

2.7. Organizes the introduction of advanced methods and techniques of labor, as well as its forms
organization, certification and rationalization of jobs.

2.8. Ensures that workers meet production standards, correct use
production areas, equipment, office equipment (equipment and tools), uniform (rhythmic) work of the site.

2.9. Carries out the formation of teams (their quantitative, professional and
qualification staff), develops and implements measures for the rational
maintenance of brigades, coordinates their activities.

2.10. Establishes and timely brings production assignments to teams and
individual workers (not part of the brigades) in accordance with the approved
production plans and schedules, regulatory indicators for use
equipment, raw materials, materials, tools, fuel, energy.

2.11. Provides instructions for workers, takes measures to comply with the rules of labor protection, safety and industrial sanitation, technical operation of equipment and tools, as well as control over their observance.

2.12. Promotes the introduction of progressive forms of labor organization, makes proposals
on the revision of production rates and prices, as well as on assignment in accordance with the Unified
a tariff and qualification reference book of jobs and professions of blue-collar workers,
takes part in the tariffication of work and the assignment of qualification categories to workers
2.13. Analyzes the results of production activities, controls expenditure
the wage fund established by the site ensures the correctness and timeliness
registration of primary documents for accounting of working time, production, wages, downtime.

2.14. Promotes the dissemination of best practices, the development of the initiative, the implementation
rationalization proposals and inventions.

2.15. Provides timely revision in the prescribed manner of labor standards
costs, implementation of technically sound norms and standardized tasks, correct and
effective application of salary and bonus systems.

2.16. Takes part in the implementation of work to identify production reserves for
quantity, quality and range of products, in the development of measures for
creating favorable working conditions, improving organizational and technical culture
production, rational use of working time and production
2.17. Monitors the observance of labor protection and safety rules by workers,
production and labor discipline, internal labor regulations,
contributes to the creation in the team of an atmosphere of mutual assistance and exactingness, the development of a sense of responsibility and interest in workers in the timely and high-quality performance of production tasks.

2.18. Prepares proposals for encouraging workers or applying material
impact, on the imposition of disciplinary sanctions on violators of production and
labor discipline.

2.19. Organizes work to improve skills and professional skills
workers and foremen, teaching them the second and related professions, conducts educational work in the team.

  1. RIGHTS.

The site manager has the right:

3.1. Give assignments to subordinate employees of the site, tasks on a range of issues,
included in his functional duties.

3.2. Monitor the execution of production targets, timely execution
individual assignments by subordinate workers of the site.

3.3. Request and receive necessary materials and documents related to issues
activities of the site master.


The site manager is responsible for:

4.1. Results and efficiency of production activities of the site.

4.2. Failure to ensure the fulfillment of their functional duties, as well as work
subordinate workers of the site on production activities, the state of labor discipline, compliance with safety regulations and fire safety.
4.3. Inaccurate information about the status of the work plans of the headed
4.4. Failure to comply with orders, orders and instructions of the director of the enterprise.
4.5. Failure to take measures to suppress revealed violations of the Internal
regulations, safety measures and fire safety on the part of subordinate workers of the site.


5.1. The work schedule of the site manager is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.

5.2. Due to production needs, the foreman of the site can go to
business trips (including local ones).

Head of structural

(signature) surname, initials

(signature) surname, initials

(signature) surname, initials

I have read the instructions:

(signature) surname, initials

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Job description refers to the local documents of the enterprise and cannot be a formal paper. Although the current legislation does not refer the development and approval of such a document to the obligations of the employer, nevertheless, the instruction allows you to describe the entire range of duties and rights of the employee at a particular place of work. Also, a written acquaintance of the newly hired employee with the job description allows one to prove the fact that a person takes certain responsibilities upon himself, understands the "chain" of responsibility.

The legal nature and meaning of the job description

The presence of job descriptions at the enterprise is to promote the correct understanding of their range of responsibilities by the personnel, rational distribution of labor and the correct selection of personnel. The document describes the requirements for work experience and education, his rights and responsibilities, the instruction allows you to avoid duplication of functions performed in the position of "section chief". The responsibilities of such a leader are also paramount. Entering the rights of the head of the site, a person must understand what is required of him and what may be the responsibility for failure to perform the functions assigned to him, how the assessment of work takes place.

What is a site in production and construction

In the production and construction process, a site is a unit entrusted with the function of performing a specific task within the framework of a general production or construction cycle. The overall deadline for the completion of work on a specific project also depends on the coordination and timeliness of the execution of work on a specific site. As a result, we can conclude that a lot depends on the head of the site, how he can organize the process and rally the team to complete the task.

Site manager in construction

The position implies management, organization of the construction process at the entrusted site. The duties of the site manager in construction involve the coordination of the work of subcontractors. For the position "head of the site" responsibilities include: the timeliness of providing a front of work for subordinates and subcontractors, as well as providing all auxiliary devices and tools.

Before starting construction work, he must familiarize himself with the project documentation, know the exact start and end dates of work and adhere to the plan.

Other duties of the site manager in construction:

  • filling out work logs;
  • preparation of all accompanying documentation, acts of hidden works, acceptance and transfer;
  • compliance with labor protection and safety regulations;
  • prevent emergencies;
  • scheduling of work and going to work of the construction team;
  • paperwork for consumables, from receipt to write-off.

Responsibilities also include the rational distribution of materials and avoidance of overruns.

Professional skills

In order to perform his duties efficiently, the site manager must not only know the provisions and norms of SNIPs and GOSTs, read the drawings, but also have a number of personal qualities:

  • be responsible and resilient to stress;
  • have leadership qualities;
  • be able to consolidate a team, resolve disputes between subordinates;
  • be in good physical shape.

General description of the job description of the site manager in construction

General Provisions

This section describes the subordination at the enterprise, if it is small, then the head of the section can report directly to the head of the enterprise, can report to the director of production, and so on. The process of appointment to the position and how the release from it takes place is indicated.

The paragraph also indicates the general requirements for the employee's education and the required work experience. It is indicated who replaces the specialist in case of his absence.

Knowledge requirements

The position implies knowledge of SNiPs and GOSTs, rules for the technical operation of construction equipment and tools, work technology, rules and norms for writing off materials. The supervisor must know the safety rules for construction and installation work. You can specify what other specific local, sectoral and state acts should be used by the head of the construction site.

Job responsibilities

The main task of the chief is to organize the construction process and provide workers with the necessary materials and components. Adhere to the work plan, to prevent violations of the quality standards for a specific construction stage of work. Plan the entire construction process, draw up reports and all the necessary documents that accompany certain stages of the construction.

The responsibilities of the head of the construction site include the coordination of the work of subcontractors, if they are involved at a certain stage of the construction.

The chief is directly involved in the selection and assessment of personnel. Coordinates the work of all subordinate employees and keeps track of working hours. Monitors discipline and comes out with proposals to the management for bonuses or for the imposition of disciplinary sanctions for their subordinates.

The official is obliged to monitor compliance with safety regulations.


The head of the section has the right to establish official duties for his subordinates. Participates in the preparation of local documents for subordinates. Has the right to demand that the higher management comply with the norms of the current labor legislation and make proposals for improving working conditions.


The head of the site is responsible for non-compliance with the requirements of the job description, legal norms that govern labor relations, safety rules and fire safety standards.

Production site manager

Depending on the scope of production, a specific section performs its functions, but in general, the duties of the head of the section in production are as follows:

  • general management of the personnel of the assigned unit;
  • timely and high-quality performance of the assigned tasks;
  • full control over the planned operation of technological equipment and tools;
  • placement of personnel on the site;
  • prevention of violations in the field of labor safety;
  • discipline control.

General requirements for job descriptions

In general, the rules for drawing up the job description of the site chief differ little in production and construction. The position belongs to the management. To take up the post, the candidate must have a special technical education and work experience in a related field of at least 3 years. Knowledge of the basics of the technological process in a particular production is a fundamental requirement for taking up the position of "site manager". Responsibilities include:

  • assignment of personnel for specific operations;
  • control over the quality of work;
  • control over the observance of discipline by entrusted personnel, observance of labor safety rules;
  • participation in the selection of personnel.

The head of the site is also obliged to organize specialized training of personnel. Job responsibilities also involve the need to meet the deadlines for specific work, help reduce labor intensity and efficiently load production equipment. Analysis of the results of production activities, the introduction of advanced technologies and the identification of production reserves in terms of quantity are also assigned to the person holding the position of "site manager". The duties of the chief are quite broad, but they also include the rights:

  • get acquainted with the requirements of senior management and long-term plans in a timely manner;
  • demand from their subordinates to comply with the production plan;
  • make proposals to improve the organization of work;
  • make submissions for encouragement or disciplinary action against their subordinates;
  • make proposals for the reconstruction of equipment and the production site itself;
  • transfer personnel from one production operation to another.


The management of any enterprise is obliged to understand that it is not allowed to restrict the rights and freedoms of a citizen by local documents. This applies to both age restrictions and gender, family or social characteristics. Failure to comply with these rules when drawing up the instructions may lead to labor disputes.

I approve

[position, signature, full name

Leader or other

Official authorized


[organizational and legal form, job description]

organization name, [date, month, year]

enterprises] M. P.

Job description

head of the repair and construction site [name of organization, enterprise, etc.]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts governing labor relations.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The head of the repair and construction site (RSU) belongs to the category of managers and is directly subordinate to [position name] in his work.

1.2. The head of the RSU is hired and dismissed by the order of the head of the organization.

1.3. A person with a higher technical education and work experience in construction organizations in engineering and technical positions for at least 3 years or secondary specialized (technical) education and work experience in construction organizations in engineering and technical positions for at least 5 years is appointed to the position of the head of the RSU.

1.4. During the absence of the head of the RSU (vacation, illness, business trip), his duties are fulfilled by [write in the required information].

1.5. The head of the RSU should know:

Resolutions, orders, orders of higher authorities, methodological, regulatory and other guidance materials related to the production and economic activities of the site;

Organization and technology of repair;

The device, technical, operational characteristics of road-building machines and mechanisms and their systems, which are on the balance sheet of the site, their design features;

The procedure and methods for planning repair and construction works;

Technical conditions for the repair, installation and testing of equipment;

Fundamentals of Economics, Organization of Production, Labor and Management;

Fundamentals of planning, methods of cost accounting, rationing and remuneration systems and forms of material incentives;

Advanced domestic and foreign experience in the maintenance and repair of construction machines and mechanisms;

Types and forms of technical documentation, accounting and reporting, rules for their registration;

Fundamentals of Labor Law;

Norms and rules of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection;

Internal labor regulations.

2. Job responsibilities

The head of the RSU performs the following job duties:

2.1. Organizes and ensures the functioning of construction equipment in accordance with the technical, operational and repair documentation of the factories - machine manufacturers, current state standards, building codes and regulations.

2.2. Forms applications for material and technical and energy resources, transport, technological equipment, mechanisms, spare parts, overalls, personal protective equipment, etc.

2.3. Provides: fulfillment of planned tasks in a timely manner, as well as compliance with established technological processes; carrying out certification and rationalization of workplaces; development and implementation of measures for the mechanization and automation of labor-intensive processes and manual work; efficient use of production areas and equipment, machines, tooling and tools; timely preparation of production and rhythmic work of the site; control of the availability of spare scarce and wearing parts, assembly units and their restoration and repair; reducing the cost of repairing construction equipment; maintenance of accounting and reporting documentation of the site.

2.4. Introduces progressive forms of organization, rationing, payment and labor incentives at the site.

2.5. Participates in the selection of personnel, forms teams and teams in terms of quantitative and professional composition.

2.6. Participates in the work to improve the qualifications of employees.

2.7. Prepares proposals for bonuses to individual employees.

2.8. Provides the creation of favorable working conditions; improving production culture; rational use of working time; observance by employees of labor and production discipline; carrying out measures to comply with the rules of labor protection, safety and industrial sanitation, as well as monitoring their compliance.

2.9. Ensures the safety of technical equipment and other inventory items at the site.

2.10. Takes part in the periodic verification of the knowledge of the workers of the site of the rules and norms of labor protection, controls the timely receipt and use of overalls and protective equipment.

2.11. Participates in the investigation of accidents at the site.

2.12. He supervises the work on rationalization and invention, provides the necessary assistance in the development and implementation of inventions and rationalization proposals.

2.13. Promotes the dissemination of advanced domestic and foreign experience on the site.

2.14. Participates in the development of a collective agreement and the implementation of its activities.

3. Rights

The head of the RSU has the right:

3.1. For all social guarantees provided by law.

3.2. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise concerning its activities.

3.3. Submit proposals for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for the management's consideration.

3.4. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

3.5. To interact with the heads of the structural services of the educational institution, to receive information and documents necessary for the performance of their official duties.

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Job description
Head (construction) site
Job descriptions taking into account professional standards 2016-2017

Sample job description of the head (construction) site

A sample job description was drawn up taking into account the professional standard Organizer of construction production

1. General Provisions

1.1. The site manager belongs to the category of managers.

1.2. A person is accepted to the position of the head of the section:

1) having higher education (bachelor's degree);

2) who has mastered additional professional programs - advanced training programs, professional retraining programs;

3) completed advanced training in the direction of professional activity in the field of construction at least once every five years;

4) with at least five years of experience in the field of professional activity.

1.3. The site manager should know:

1) the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation to the composition, content and execution of project documentation;

2) the requirements of technical documentation for the organization of construction production at the construction site;

3) the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation for project documentation, for the procedure and technologies for the production of construction work;

4) the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of technical regulation in construction;

5) the composition and procedure for preparing documents for the registration of permits and approvals for construction production;

6) the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation to the procedure and documentary registration of the acceptance and transfer of completed capital construction projects and stages (complexes) of work;

7) the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation to the procedure for the arrangement and preparation of construction sites (on-site preparatory work);

8) technologies for the production of various types of construction work;

9) normative and design indicators of the needs of construction production in material and technical resources (by type of material and technical resources);

10) types and properties of basic building materials, products and structures;

11) types and characteristics of the main construction machines, mechanisms, power plants, vehicles;

12) methods of consolidated planning of supply, distribution and expenditure of various types of material and technical resources;

13) the procedure for documenting applications for various types of material and technical resources;

14) rules for insurance of various types of material and technical resources;

15) the rules for the acceptance and documentary registration of material assets;

16) the composition and classification of costs for the creation and storage of a stock of material assets;

17) the procedure for economic and financial relationships of a construction organization with customers and contractors;

18) methods and methods of operational management of construction production (project management, network planning, scheduling, project planning, master planning);

19) methods for determining the types and volumes of construction work and production targets;

20) the procedure for calculating costs associated with losses (damage, obsolescence) of material resources;

21) the procedure for registration of applications for construction machinery, equipment and technological equipment;

22) methods of technical and economic analysis and assessment of the main indicators of production and economic activity;

23) methods for identifying reserves for increasing the efficiency of construction work;

24) means and methods of organizational and technological optimization of construction works;

25) modern achievements in the field of construction production and the construction materials industry;

26) the basics of the quality management system and features of its implementation in construction production;

27) the procedure for the development and execution of local regulatory technical documents (organization standards);

28) means and methods of documentary and instrumental assessment of compliance with the requirements of the organization's standards;

29) the main methods of metrological support of instrumental assessment of compliance with the requirements of the organization's standards;

30) the requirements of technical documentation for the procedure for accepting hidden works and building structures affecting the safety of a capital construction facility;

31) rules for the implementation of work and construction control measures;

32) means and methods of documentary and instrumental control of compliance with technological processes and results of construction work;

33) methods for eliminating the causes of defects in construction work (use of alternative construction technologies, advanced training of workers);

34) the requirements of the construction contract to the specification of the object, the procedure for the delivery and acceptance of the completed capital construction object and stages (complexes) of work, the availability of accompanying documentation and the deadlines for the delivery of work;

35) the grounds and procedure for making decisions on the conservation of an unfinished capital construction project;

36) the rules for documenting the acceptance and transfer of completed capital construction objects and stages (complexes) of work;

37) rules for documenting the conservation of an unfinished capital construction object;

38) the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the construction contract for the state of the capital construction object transferred to the customer;

39) types and characteristics of technological equipment used in various types of construction work;

40) the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation to the rules for the maintenance and operation of machinery and equipment;

41) features of construction production at dangerous, technically complex and unique capital construction projects;

42) methods and methods of planning construction production (network planning, scheduling, project planning, master planning);

43) rules for maintaining executive and accounting documentation of construction production;

44) rules for reporting on the types and stages of construction work performed;

45) the procedure for drawing up reporting documentation on the use of material assets (statement of expense and write-off of material assets);

46) methods for calculating the needs of construction production in labor resources;

47) methods and means of managing labor collectives;

48) principles of distribution of functions of organization and management, methods of collective management of construction production processes;

49) types of documents confirming professional qualifications and the availability of admissions to certain types of work;

50) the main harmful and (or) dangerous production factors;

51) types of negative impact on the environment during various types of construction work and methods of their minimization and prevention;

52) requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the areas of labor protection, fire safety, environmental protection;

53) basic sanitary rules and norms applied in the production of construction work;

54) the basic requirements of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, the rights and obligations of employees;

55) requirements for workplaces and the procedure for organizing and conducting a special assessment of working conditions;

56) rules for maintaining documentation for monitoring compliance with labor protection, fire safety and environmental protection requirements;

57) the main methods for assessing labor efficiency;

58) grounds for bringing to responsibility and measures of administrative and criminal liability for violation of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

59) Internal labor regulations, job descriptions, employment contracts;

60) rules for labor protection and fire safety in the production of construction work;

61) ……… (other documents, materials, etc.)

1.4. The site manager must be able to:

1) to check the completeness and quality of the design documentation, assess the compliance of the technical information contained in it with the requirements of regulatory technical documentation;

2) apply normative, technical and project documentation in planning and allocating production resources;

3) prepare documents for obtaining permits and permits for the production of construction work on the construction site, including in security zones;

4) develop plans (network, facility, calendar) construction production;

5) make calculations of the compliance of the volume of construction work with the regulatory requirements for labor and material and technical resources;

6) determine the composition and scope of auxiliary work to create the infrastructure of the construction site (communication and dispatching facilities, transport communications and engineering networks, household premises);

7) determine the nomenclature and calculate the volumes (quantities) and delivery schedule of building materials, structures, products, equipment and other types of material and technical resources in accordance with construction production plans;

8) develop schedules for the delivery, operation, maintenance, repair of construction equipment, machines and mechanisms in accordance with construction production plans;

9) determine the required list and volume of resources supplied through external engineering networks (water, electricity, heat) in accordance with construction production plans;

10) plan the supply and control of the distribution and expenditure of material and technical resources at the construction site;

11) draw up and check applications for material and technical resources, construction equipment, machines and mechanisms, resources supplied through external engineering networks;

12) carry out documentary, visual and instrumental control of the quality and volume (quantity) of supplied material and technical resources, construction equipment, machines and mechanisms, resources supplied through external engineering networks;

13) plan and control the performance of work of contractors that carry out maintenance and repair of construction machinery, equipment, technological equipment;

14) carry out and verify the calculations of spending funds for the provision of construction production with material and technical resources;

15) develop and control the implementation of the consolidated plans for construction production at the construction site;

16) determine the types and complexity, calculate the volume of construction work and production assignments in accordance with the available material and technical resources, specialization of contractors, specialization and qualifications of construction site workers;

17) carry out documentary support of construction production;

18) establish the reasons for the deviation of technological processes from the requirements of normative technical documentation, technical conditions, technological maps, work process maps;

19) establish the reasons for deviations of the results of construction work from the requirements of regulatory technical and design documentation;

20) carry out documentary support of works and construction control measures;

21) carry out documentary support of work and acceptance control measures for completed types and stages of construction work (capital construction objects, elements, structures and parts of capital construction objects, engineering networks);

22) to develop executive and technical documentation for completed capital construction projects, stages (complexes) of work, conservation of unfinished capital construction projects;

23) take measures to ensure the compliance of the state of the results of construction work with the requirements of sanitary and hygienic standards and the terms of the construction contract (cleanliness, absence of surplus materials, technical condition);

24) analyze and summarize the experience of construction production;

25) develop local regulatory technical documents (organization standards) in the field of organizing construction production;

26) assess the compliance of the processes and results of construction production with the requirements of local regulatory technical documents (organization standards);

27) carry out a technical and economic analysis of production and economic activities at the construction site;

28) analyze the efficiency of using production resources;

29) develop and plan measures to improve the efficiency of the use of production resources;

30) carry out a technical and economic analysis of the results of the introduction of new methods and forms of labor organization, rationalization proposals, the introduction of new equipment and technologies, mechanization and automation of construction work, optimization of the use of material, technical and other resources;

31) determine jobs that are under the influence of harmful and (or) dangerous factors in the production of construction work and the use of construction equipment;

32) determine the list of works to ensure the safety of the construction site (fencing of construction sites, fencing or marking hazardous areas, lighting, provision of fire extinguishing equipment, emergency communication and signaling);

33) determine the list of necessary means of collective and (or) individual protection of workers of the construction site;

34) determine the list of necessary measures to provide workers of the construction site with household and sanitary facilities;

35) carry out and control documentary support of the results of monitoring the implementation of labor protection rules, fire safety and environmental protection requirements, industrial safety requirements;

36) determine the required number, professional and qualification composition of employees in accordance with production tasks and schedule of construction production at the construction site;

37) determine the optimal structure for the distribution of workers for the implementation of construction production processes;

38) evaluate the effectiveness and quality of performance by the heads of the work sites (capital construction projects), individual work sites, production assignments, job (functional) duties;

39) assess the psychological climate in the work collective and its impact on the performance of production tasks;

40) determine the missing competencies of the heads of the work sites;

41) ……… (other skills and abilities)

1.5. The head of the section in his activities is guided by:

1) ……… (name of the constituent document)

2) Regulations on ……… (name of the structural unit)

3) this job description;

4) ……… (names of local regulations governing labor functions by position)

1.6. The head of the section reports directly to ……… (name of the position of the head)

1.7. The head of the section is in charge of ……… (name of the structural unit)

1.8. During the absence of the head of the site (vacation, temporary disability, etc.), his duties are performed by a deputy (an employee appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the relevant rights and is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the duties assigned to him in connection with the replacement).

1.9. ……… (other general provisions)

2. Labor functions

2.1. Organization of construction production at the construction site (capital construction facilities):

1) preparation of construction production at the construction site;

2) material and technical support of construction production at the construction site;

3) operational management of construction production at the construction site;

4) acceptance and quality control of the results of the types and stages of construction work performed at the construction site;

5) delivery of the results of construction work to the customer;

6) implementation of a quality management system at the construction site;

7) development of measures to improve the efficiency of production and economic activities at the construction site;

8) ensuring compliance with the rules and regulations on labor protection, fire safety and environmental protection requirements at the construction site.

2.2. Management of subordinate employees.

2.3. ……… (other functions)

3. Job responsibilities

3.1. The site manager performs the following duties:

3.1.1. As part of the labor function, preparation of construction production at the construction site:

1) carries out incoming control of design documentation for the construction site, organization of incoming control of design documentation for capital construction objects;

2) draw up permits and approvals required for the performance of construction work on the construction site;

3) carries out planning and control of the preparation and equipment of the construction site;

4) carries out the planning of construction production at the construction site.

3.1.2. As part of the labor function, the material and technical support of construction production at the construction site:

1) determines the need for construction production at the construction site in building materials, structures, products and other types of material and technical resources;

2) carries out consolidated delivery planning and control of the distribution, storage and consumption of material and technical resources at the construction site (capital construction objects and individual work areas);

3) determines the list of construction equipment, machines and mechanisms required for the implementation of construction production;

4) carries out consolidated planning for the supply, operation, maintenance and repair of construction equipment, machines and mechanisms at the construction site (capital construction facilities and individual work areas);

5) determines the need for construction production in resources supplied through external engineering networks (water, electricity, heat);

6) carries out consolidated delivery planning and control of the distribution and consumption of resources supplied through external engineering networks to the construction site (capital construction object and separate work areas);

7) carries out incoming control of the quality and volume (quantity) of supplied material and technical resources, construction equipment, machines and mechanisms, resources supplied through external engineering networks;

8) monitors the spending of funds for the material and technical support of construction production.

3.1.3. As part of the labor function, the operational management of construction production at the construction site:

1) carries out consolidated operational planning and control of the implementation of construction production processes at the construction site;

2) coordinates the processes of construction production at the construction site;

3) carries out the development, planning and control of the implementation of operational measures aimed at correcting defects in the results of construction work on the construction site;

4) maintains current and executive documentation on the production activities of the construction site.

3.1.4. As part of the labor function, acceptance and quality control of the results of the types and stages of construction work performed on the construction site:

1) carries out planning and control of the performance of work and construction control measures;

2) carries out the development, planning and control of the implementation of measures aimed at preventing and eliminating the causes of deviations in the results of construction work from the requirements of regulatory technical, technological and design documentation;

3) carries out acceptance control of completed types and stages of construction work (capital construction objects, elements, structures and parts of capital construction objects, engineering networks);

4) maintains established reporting on the types and stages of construction work performed;

5) introduces and improves the quality management system of construction production.

3.1.5. As part of the labor function, delivery of the results of construction work to the customer:

1) carries out planning and control of the performance of work and measures to prepare for the delivery of the customer the results of construction work (completed capital construction projects, stages (complexes) of work, conservation of unfinished capital construction projects);

2) brings the results of construction work in accordance with the requirements of regulatory technical documents and the terms of the construction contract;

3) prepares executive and technical documentation to be submitted to the acceptance committees;

4) submits the results of construction work to the acceptance commissions.

3.1.6. As part of the labor function, the implementation of a quality management system at the construction site:

1) carries out planning and control of the execution of works and measures for the implementation of the quality management system of construction production;

2) analyzes and evaluates the effectiveness of the implementation of the quality management system for construction production;

3) optimizes construction production based on the requirements and recommendations of the quality management system.

3.1.7. As part of the labor function, the development of measures to improve the efficiency of production and economic activities at the construction site:

1) determines the basic reserves of construction production, plans and monitors the implementation of measures to improve the efficiency of production and economic activities and labor productivity at the construction site;

2) carries out planning and control of the execution of works and measures for the introduction of new technologies in construction production, ensuring an increase in the efficiency of production and economic activities at the construction site;

3) evaluates the results of work and measures aimed at improving the efficiency of production and economic activities at the construction site.

3.1.8. As part of the labor function, ensuring compliance with the rules and regulations on labor protection, fire safety and environmental protection at the construction site:

1) carry out planning and control over the implementation of work to bring the construction site into compliance with labor protection rules, fire safety and environmental protection requirements;

2) monitors the implementation of measures at the construction site for instructing and observing the rules for labor protection, fire safety and environmental protection requirements by employees;

3) carries out planning and control of the preparation of production areas, work sites and workplaces for a special assessment of working conditions.

3.1.10. As part of the labor function of supervising subordinate employees:

1) distributes labor functions, service tasks between subordinate employees and monitors their implementation;

2) provides subordinate employees with advisory support, gives explanations and instructions in the framework of the performance of labor functions by subordinate employees;

3) ensure, in relation to subordinate employees, compliance with labor legislation and labor protection legislation, the creation of working conditions that meet the established requirements;

4) resolves conflict situations between subordinate employees;

5) submits for consideration ……… (name of the manager's position) ideas on the admission, relocation and dismissal of employees; proposals for their encouragement or for imposing penalties on them;

6) ……… (other duties)

3.1.11. As part of the performance of their labor functions:

1) fulfills the instructions of his immediate supervisor;

2) undergoes periodic medical examinations (examinations), as well as extraordinary medical examinations (examinations) in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.1.12. ……… (other duties)

3.2. ……… (other provisions on job responsibilities)

4. Rights

The site manager has the right:

4.1. Participate in the discussion of draft decisions of the organization's management, in meetings on their preparation and implementation.

4.2. Sign and endorse ……… (types of documents)

4.3. Initiate and conduct meetings on procurement management and oversight.

4.4. Request and receive the necessary information and documents from structural divisions, specialists.

4.5. Conduct quality checks and timely execution of orders.

4.6. Demand the termination (suspension) of work (in case of violations, non-compliance with established requirements, etc.), compliance with established norms; give instructions for correcting deficiencies and eliminating violations.

4.7. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management regarding the function performed by him, with the documents defining his rights and obligations in the position held, the criteria for assessing the quality of the performance of his labor functions.

4.8. Participate in the discussion of issues related to the duties performed by him.

4.9. Require the management of the organization to assist in the performance of his official duties and rights.

4.10. ……… (other rights)

5. Responsibility

5.1. The site manager is held accountable:

For improper performance or non-performance of their duties provided for by this job description - in the manner prescribed by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

For offenses and crimes committed in the course of their activities - in the manner prescribed by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

For causing damage to the organization - in the manner prescribed by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. ……… (other liability provisions)

6. Final provisions

6.1. This job description was developed on the basis of the Professional standard "Organizer of construction production", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated November 21, 2014 N 930n, taking into account ……… (details of the organization's local regulations)

6.2. Familiarization of the employee with this job description is carried out when hiring (before signing an employment contract).

The fact of familiarization of the employee with this job description is confirmed by ……… (signature on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of this manual (in the job description familiarization log); in a copy of the job description kept by the employer; in another way)

6.3. ……… (other final provisions).


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