The use of hidden opportunities by people of risky professions. The most dangerous jobs: list of professions, description, risks. Soldier

There are many different professions in the world, most of which do not pose a danger to life. Of course, work takes the lion's share of time, often ruffles nerves and spoils health. But there are people who are forced to work in conditions that are dangerous not only for the nervous system, but for life in general. 10 most dangerous jobs in the world- this is what will become the topic of our conversation today, perhaps after it many will take a different look at their work and stop considering it the worst in the world ...

1. Miner

According to many ratings, the profession of a miner is considered one of the most dangerous in the world. Judge for yourself: in the news every now and then flash stories about collapses in mines, about methane explosions, and all these incidents take thousands of lives every year. And how difficult is the work of a miner itself ?! To wield a heavy hammer underground, cut rock in a limited space and a minimum amount of air, oh, how difficult it is! And the very realization that there are tons of rock above you, that every minute of life can be the last, does not give optimism.

The hardest hit are miners from Russia, Ukraine and China. In these countries, the mines use outdated, sometimes obsolete equipment and neglect safety in order to increase productivity.


Minesweeper or explosive ordnance disposal specialist also ranks at the top of the lists of the most dangerous professions in the world. Especially such people are in demand in places of warfare, where the lives of hundreds of people depend on the correctness and accuracy of their actions. It is not for nothing that they say that a sapper is mistaken only once - representatives of this profession simply do not have a second chance. Although technologies have emerged in recent years that allow remote mine clearance using robots, their effectiveness is only 80 percent. As for the manual method, it is 99.6 percent effective, however, those remaining 0.4 percent are the lives of sapper heroes who died in the line of duty.


People of this profession, rightfully considered one of the most dangerous in the world, are called differently: lumberjacks, lumberjacks, fellers, etc. But no matter how they are called, the fact remains: the risk of fatal injury at work is very high. Lumberjacks die from the fall of huge trees weighing several tons on them, and from the equipment used in the process of logging. And their working conditions are far from comfortable - wilderness, often - wild animals, lack of basic amenities. Hard many hours of physical labor without rest and respite is exhausting, causes serious illnesses and often leads to disability.


Working under voltage, constantly risking a fatal electric shock - this is the fate of electricians, representatives of another dangerous profession. Statistics show that there are 33 fatal accidents per 100,000 workers, and this is a very high figure. Worst of all are people dealing with the installation and repair of high-voltage power lines, since, among other things, they work at height. In addition, electricians are forced to perform their duties in any weather: in summer heat, in thunderstorms, and under snowfall.

5. Policemen

Law enforcement officers, police officers and military personnel are another of the most dangerous professions in the world. Saving others, they often put themselves under attack, and often such heroism ends very badly. Shootouts and chases, extreme situations and the stresses provoked by them - all this does not contribute to good health and longevity, and does not look as romantic as it is shown in detective films. Risking their lives, the police, military, special forces save the lives of thousands of people, and for them this is not heroism, but a direct duty.

6. Fishermen

It would seem that this profession is dangerous - he went to sea, threw the nets, and then pulled them out with a rich catch and made a profit. In fact, everything is not so simple, and fishing is considered one of the most dangerous jobs in the world.
Water to this day is an element alien to man, every now and then testing him for strength. Both sailors in general, and fishermen in particular, have to spend most of their time at sea, use complex, often life-threatening equipment, survive storms and other manifestations of the nature of Mother Nature. Even staying on the icy deck and not falling overboard is not an easy task! All the same dry statistics says: there are 117 deaths per 100 thousand representatives of the fishing industry, accidents in this business are, unfortunately, a common occurrence.


Being an airplane pilot means devoting your life to the most romantic, but also the most dangerous profession in the world. Despite the fact that air travel is considered a safe form of transportation, pilots in this profession have a hard time. Every day they have to take responsibility for the lives of hundreds of passengers on board, while risking their own health and life. The dangerous profession of a pilot is considered due to the minimal chance of surviving in the event of a disaster.


Oil and gas production is a serious, complex and very dangerous business. Representatives of this profession are forced to work with flammable substances characterized by ultra-high temperatures. That is why the profession of a driller is one of the ten most dangerous professions in the world. Work in this area requires the use of oversized traumatic equipment and work away from civilization, in areas with severe weather conditions. Many drilling rigs are located in the open ocean. Even in the event of an emergency, getting to the hospital and getting the care you need is often very difficult.


A firefighter is the most dangerous profession in the world, because it involves the risk of being burned alive or poisoned by fumes while on duty. Representatives of the profession work in conditions of colossal physical and emotional stress, the lives of other people depend on them. The vast majority of firefighters suffer from serious respiratory diseases, which they have "acquired" in a dangerous but honorable job.

10. Truckers

Avid travelers will agree with me that truck drivers are people who have to face a lot of trouble at work. They have to overcome huge distances while driving, in a state of great emotional stress, for many hours in a row, at any time of the day and under any weather conditions. In addition, truckers are responsible for the transported cargo, which in itself is often dangerous. Wild fatigue, poor road surface conditions, high crime rates in many countries - all this leaves its mark and makes the trucker profession one of the most dangerous in the world.

Mining is the most dangerous profession in the world. Big report

9.06.2015 at 13:21 · Johnny · 20 110

The most dangerous professions in the world

We all have to go to work every day to secure a piece of bread. Work takes the time of our lives, sometimes badly affects health and is a source of frequent stress. For many of us, work is a very boring and long-boring activity that has to be done only because of necessity. There are very few happy people who enjoy their work. They can only be envied.

But how would you react to the prospect of one day dying in the workplace? Leave for work in the morning and never come back in the evening. There are dozens of specialties and professions in the world that expose people to real danger and constant risk. And this is not only the work of a policeman or a rescuer.

You will be greatly surprised to learn that the work of an electrician is several times more dangerous than the work of a policeman, and the death rate among miners is higher than among the military. However, that doesn't stop anyone. People, daily risking their lives, descend into the mines and go out to sea. Perhaps they constantly need adrenaline to live a full life? Perhaps without risk, life seems insipid to them? We have compiled a list for you, which includes the most dangerous professions in the world. After studying it, you will somewhat change your mind about some professions.


Surprisingly, this profession is really dangerous. Although, of course, it depends on the specific person who is engaged in journalistic work. If, for example, you write about breeding pets or about new trends in hairdressing, then you face only one danger - to die of boredom.

However, there is also other journalism. Many of the members of this profession are engaged in their own investigations, which are sometimes more effective than the work of law enforcement. If you unearth facts of corruption among politicians or high officials, then you may be in serious danger. Especially a lot of journalists die in third world countries, usually in them corruption is unusually developed.

A large number of reporters work in countries where there are hostilities. Very often, in pursuit of spectacular shots, these people are right in the thick of the conflict, risking their own lives. Many journalists die in the war. The bullet does not make out what is in the hands of a person: a machine gun or a camera.


Modern firefighters have the best outfit and equipment, they are carefully trained and prepared. But, despite this, this profession is very dangerous. Thousands of firefighters die every year around the world.

Fire is a very dangerous and unpredictable element, and it takes great courage and the highest training to fight it.


Between 1996 and 2002, more than 500 people died in mine action. Minesweeper is wrong only once in his life - this is the absolute truth and does not even need proof. People in this profession constantly deal with items that are designed to kill as efficiently as possible. Destroying them is extremely dangerous.

There are millions of mines in the world, and innocent people are blown up on them every year. There are areas on the planet where mines were planted decades ago, but they continue to harvest a bloody harvest every year. They are still to be defused.


Extraction of oil and gas is a very dangerous business. People who practice this craft are constantly dealing with very hot substances. In addition, in their work they have to use complex and extremely traumatic equipment.

It can also be added that drillers often work in remote areas where it is difficult to count on qualified medical care. Sometimes their place of work is in the open ocean, a hundred kilometers from the nearest settlement. It is very dangerous. This specialty is chosen by really harsh guys.


Fishing is a very dangerous business. Despite the fact that human technology has stepped far forward, the sea remains a foreign element for humans and, like hundreds of years ago, it continues to take human lives. Not only fishing is dangerous, the profession of a sailor carries a high risk to life. For most of us, fishing is a quiet river, a break from the bustle of the city in a cheerful company of friends. But for those who make a living from this trade, the picture looks slightly different.

They regularly have to go to sea, use bulky and dangerous equipment, and fight unpredictable elements. The death rate among representatives of this profession is 117 deaths per 100 thousand people. All professions associated with the sea carry an increased risk.


These people protect public order and fight against crime. Naturally, their lives are very often endangered. Rescuing other people, the police often risk their own lives. Chases, shootouts, extreme situations - this is not an invention of screenwriters who come up with detective stories, but a cruel reality.

The work of a law enforcement officer is full of stress. Not to mention the injuries or injuries they may receive. Although, in this work there is a share of romance.


This kind of activity is more dangerous than the work of a policeman. According to American statistics, the death rate among representatives of these professions is 33 deaths per 100,000 workers. This is a pretty high level.

The work of people who deal with high-voltage lines is especially dangerous. They have to deal with a monstrous voltage of electric current, they also work at high altitude, which is fraught with dangerous injuries. I will say more, I have to work in any weather conditions: in rain, wind and during snowfalls.


People who carry out any work at high altitude are at great risk. These are roofers, and builders, and people who serve high-rise buildings.

Humanity creates ever higher buildings. It's cost effective. But carrying out the necessary work at high altitude is a mortal risk. People who have such professions are real heroes.


This profession is now called differently: lumberjack, feller, but different names do not change the obvious fact - this is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. In this work, it is very easy to get injured from a fallen multi-ton tree. Sometimes lethal. No less dangerous is the equipment that is used in logging.

In addition, this work is often carried out in very difficult conditions, in the wilderness, far from civilization. Therefore, really tough guys go to work as lumberjacks.


The most dangerous job in the world. We constantly hear about accidents at mines, which sometimes take hundreds of human lives. Just imagine how hard it is to cut the rock underground with a heavy jackhammer, feeling that there are hundreds of meters of rock above you. The work of a miner is often performed with a lack of air, in cramped space, with outdated equipment. 40 3

All professions are important, all professions are needed. It's just that some are relatively harmless to health, while others can bring even the strongest person to the grave in a short time. The degree of harmfulness of work is different.

Some are afraid of contact with potentially dangerous objects and substances, others make you constantly under stress. Be that as it may, we should have even greater respect for people who daily risk life and health. What professions are considered the most dangerous?

1. Radiologist

Representatives of this profession are forced to constantly contact with X-rays and radioactive materials, which is seriously harmful to health.

2. Employees of hot shops at rolling mills

One awkward movement, one slightest mistake, and a person can suffer from high temperatures and molten red-hot metal.

3. Embalmer

The treatment of the bodies of the dead is carried out with the help of chemicals, contact with which is highly undesirable.

4. Lifters

These people are engaged in the installation and repair of elevator cabins and mechanisms and daily deal with very complex structures.

5. Employees of the nuclear medicine laboratory

They are engaged in the preparation of radioactive isotopes for use in diagnostic procedures.

6. Installers and repairers of refrigerators

Dealing with complex industrial and commercial refrigeration systems is also fraught with trouble.

7. Resuscitation nurse

Working in the intensive care unit is not sugar in itself. It is even more difficult for nurses, on whose shoulders all the rough work falls.

8. Gas transmission system operator

Responsible for the health of the equipment and the correct operation of the fuel production system.

9. Process plant operator at a chemical plant

Not only does he have to monitor the health of all installations and systems, he also needs to constantly contact chemicals.

10. Mining machine operator

Responsible for the serviceability and correct operation of machines and mechanisms intended for the exploration and development of various mineral deposits.

11. Ambulance Paramedics

Saving human lives every day is not an easy task, not everyone can do it.

12. Masters involved in the repair of industrial refractory equipment

They repair furnaces, boilers, heaters and other equipment.

13. Collectors of household waste

Every day, representatives of this profession have to deal with garbage - sort it, transfer it, load it into containers.

14. Specialist in organizing the technical operation of nuclear equipment

A very responsible mission is entrusted to the shoulders of this person, and he has no right to make a mistake.

15. Manufacturers of medical equipment

Their responsibilities include the manufacture, sterilization, installation and maintenance of equipment.

16. Pilots, assistant pilots, aircraft technicians

They are responsible for the lives of passengers and the safety of the transported cargo.

17. Drilling rig operator

Representatives of this profession operate drilling equipment and personally control the processes of mining.

18. Employee of the veterinary laboratory

Conducts medical tests and research, prepares vaccines and sera, and diagnoses diseases.

19. Medical laboratory worker

Engaged in laboratory research for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of various diseases.

20. Surgical technologist

He is present during operations, helps anesthetists, surgeons and all other team members. It is also the responsibility of the surgical technologist to keep the operating room clean.

21. Boiler house operators

Serve the equipment of boiler rooms and are responsible for its correct operation.

22. Assistant surgeon

Assistants help surgeons in everything during operations.

23. Water treatment facility operator

These people control the cleaning processes, examine the quality of water and wastewater.

24. Veterinarian

Diagnose animal diseases and treat them.

25. Histologists

These specialists are engaged in a detailed study of the structure, life and development of tissues of various living organisms.

26. Immigration and Customs Inspectors

They check people who are going to cross the borders of the state. The task of the inspector is to find violations of immigration and customs laws or confirm their absence.

27. Podiatrist

Representatives of the profession specialize in the study and treatment of diseases of the human feet.

28. Anesthesiologist assistant

Monitors the patient's condition and provides care for him during the surgical operation.

29. Anesthesiologist

This is a doctor who studies methods of protecting the body from surgical injuries and their consequences.

30. Flight Attendant

Ensures the safety and comfort of passengers during the flight. Flight attendants also check tickets, deliver food and answer all questions from the airline's customers.

31. Orthopedic dentist

He is engaged in the manufacture of dentures and other structures that will help in restoring the basic functions of the jaw and improving its appearance.

32. Nurse anesthetist

Controls all vital processes in the patient's body, monitors the patient's condition during anesthesia and after its termination.

33. Dental assistant

Dentists' assistants prepare equipment, prepare patients, make appointments with a doctor.

34. Dental technician

Fabricates and repairs dentures. Unlike dentists, dental technicians never interact with patients.

35. Veterinary Assistant

Representatives of this profession feed, water animals, check them for injuries or diseases.

36. Dentist

Physician in direct contact with patients. He treats or removes teeth, puts fillings - in general, he does all the work that visitors to dental offices are so afraid of.

37. Dental hygienist

It removes tartar and harmful deposits, polishes the teeth, and, if necessary, covers them with a special strengthening enamel.

Many people complain about their work. This sounds especially funny from the lips of office workers who sit in a warm office all day and sort through papers! No, of course we understand that any work is work, and mental work is no less difficult, but let's stop crying for a moment and look at people who risk their lives, perform vile, dangerous and really terrible assignments! The most dangerous and harmful work in the world and photos of the people who do it. Good to see for many!

The most dangerous professions in the world

All professions are important, all professions are needed! Let's look at the most dangerous professions in the world, where you definitely do not want to get a job.

Do you close the window because you are afraid that you will be blown out in the office? Then look at these electricians who are not afraid of anything!

Tired of paperwork? Then you can work as a loader and carry boxes like this guy.

Well, who if not him? Surely this tow truck has an iron heart and balls of steel!

The guys are just doing their job. They have everything under control, despite the terrible cold weather and high humidity ...

Think animals are so easy and fun to work with? Ask this woman what she saw.

Thanks to research by the International Labor Organization in all spheres of human labor activity, some of the most dangerous professions in the world have been named. These are, first of all, professions associated with a risk to life. In the first place unconditionally stands. Severe and very dangerous working conditions, high nervous tension are constant companions of this profession. The risk here is incredibly high.

Despite the high risk, the work of a miner is usually highly paid.

The second most dangerous profession associated with a risk to life is the profession of the head of state.

The main danger for heads of state lies in the possibility of their physical elimination. They expose their lives to professional risks almost daily, and even high salaries do not compensate for this risk. An analysis of the biography of presidents and heads of state who lived in the twentieth century showed that many of them never saw a peaceful old age.

The third place in terms of the danger of professional activity belongs to professions related to law enforcement agencies. This work belongs to the category of professions associated with the risk to life. The statistics of victims of the sphere related to the activities of law enforcement agencies always has a high rate.

It also applies to a profession with special risk. The process of creating the next story or report is very often associated with a real danger to life, especially if it is sent to a hot spot. The level of earnings of a journalist depends almost entirely on the uniqueness of his report or article. According to unofficial statistics, about half of journalists have received external threats at least once in their entire creative activity.

Associated with special-risk professions is the fact that every day in the world, almost six thousand people die from various injuries and injuries associated with a particular professional activity. Moreover, about 90% of all victims are representatives of the stronger sex.

Direct research revealed an interesting fact that the injury rate of an employee in an enterprise directly depends on the size of the company. The optimal size of such an enterprise in terms of injuries would be the size of a company with a staff of two dozen people.

According to the research results, the professions of a nanny, teacher, builder, doctor, entrepreneur, politician and many others were classified as high-risk professions.

Occupational diseases also often threaten the health of industrial workers and the healthcare system. In support of all the above arguments, you can see the list of the ten most dangerous professions in the United States. According to the Washington ProFile magazine, the most dangerous jobs in the United States include: fishermen, lumberjacks, flight engineers and civil aviation pilots, steelworkers, recycling workers, farmers, electricians, farm workers and construction workers.


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