As I blog in the village. “We inspired people to move to the countryside”: how a Russian family launched a blog about rural life. Family in the village

With the proliferation of Internet technologies, virtual life on the Internet is more and more like ordinary life. But of course only is like, but does not replace it in any way.

So the inhabitants of rural areas are included in the number of active inhabitants of the planet YouTube and are slowly beginning to compete with “urban” bloggers. And this is good. Those who live in the countryside, breathe clean air and eat organic food - such people think and feel differently.

Village bloggers are people who are actively filming and uploading videos with tips on life outside the city. They have real knowledge of gardening, vegetable gardens, household. Every day they are watched by thousands of people who want to learn more about village life.

Village bloggers' channels will be useful for those who are going to move out of town or want to develop in the agricultural sector. Tips are designed for both beginners and professionals. To get the most out of it, you need to know the best bloggers in this area.

To the village!

Topic: rural life, poultry, beekeeping, pig breeding.

The authors of the channel "To the village!" - Dmitry and Dina - in 2011, together with their son, they moved from the city to the countryside in the Novgorod region. They talk about their life in the village not only on the youtube channel, but also on their website.

The channel has a separate playlist on how to move from city to country. The difficulties encountered are described. Each video combines professional performance and simple presentation. People show their life as it is.

Family in the village!

Topic: subsidiary farm, everyday life.

The channel describes the life of a small family - Anton, Ali and their children - who moved to a small village. Most of the videos are related to subsidiary farming. The highlight of the channel is resource saving. The author shows how you can do a huge number of things with your own hands. He describes techniques, talks about all the nuances of village life.


Topic: poultry farming, building a house, compound feed, stories about life in the countryside.

Here you will find a detailed guide to chicken breeding. The channel's author Sergei Rozhin and his family talk about all stages of work, show their notes. They share valuable tips on how to start a farm from scratch. Videos about building a house are especially valuable, since this particular issue often turns into a routine and stretches for months.

Dmitry Yakov

Topic: fishing, hunting, picking berries and mushrooms, survival in the taiga, everyday life.

Dmitry Yakov's channel is a guide for real men. Spectators can observe the processes of hunting and fishing, the actions of the author. Part of the video focuses on cooking in the wild. Sometimes you can find different animals, including bears. Additionally, the installation of traps for small animals is shown.

Simple life: moving to the countryside

Topic: advice on moving to the countryside, agriculture and rural life.

Alexander and Julia started running their channel after moving to the village. They talk in detail about their lives and experiences. Many videos have been filmed with useful tips for farming and construction. There is a separate block - "Do it yourself". Additionally, the couple is engaged in beekeeping. They have evolved from scratch, so their videos on this topic are incredibly useful.

Moving to the village

Topic: farming, moving to the village, reflections.

This is the blog of a family who bought a piece of land near a half-empty village. Their task is to develop a farming business from scratch. There are many videos about poultry: care, feeding. The entire territory of the economy is shown. The author of the channel often describes the pros and cons of such an estate. Watching his videos helps people decide on a move. 7

Village Citizen

Topic: poultry farming, village life.

On the channel we are talking about a family who bought 30 acres of land in the village and began to actively engage in poultry farming. The plus is that the weight of the process is visible from the start, when the first chicken coop was just built. These are not individual tips, but a whole guide. Many townspeople can safely take up the farm. In the first videos, you can find out about the start-up capital and all expenses.

koZa doZa

Topic: housekeeping, daily chores, village life.

The channel features videos about the village life of a “typical former urban family”.

Forest Khutor

Topic: farming, moving to the village, rural life.

Youtube channel of the former Muscovite Ekaterina. Many years ago, Catherine left to live in the countryside. Now she lives with her daughter on a farm in Lithuania. On her channel, Ekaterina shares with the audience the details of village life, talks about the peculiarities of housekeeping.

Forest Trails

Topic: advice on building, moving to the village, farming, fishing, hiking, thinking around the fire.

The videos of Vadim Golushkin, who lives in the Perm Territory, will be useful for many of those who decide to move from city to village. Vadim talks in detail about building his house and running a household - and much more.

There are many benefits to life in the countryside, but you need to be prepared. Today, it is not necessary to seek help from acquaintances. You can use the knowledge of village youtubers. Their examples are delightful and encouraging.

September 19, 2019 Day 3039. September day menu. The palette of God. Fifty Shades of Autumn. For mushrooms. We warm ourselves. About the benefits of the repair. With the help of wizards

When you don't write for a long time, you can't immediately figure out where to start. Therefore, I will begin, as usual, by looking out the window. And outside the window, clouds are running and hurrying, a light breeze is stirring the sunflowers, which have grown above the roof and bend under the weight of numerous inflorescences.

The multicolored fall from the window looks modest - just a few shades of yellow and green. The richness of colors - there, in the forest, it is not visible because of the young pine undergrowth in front of the Serman road. It seems that fine days are flowing away like grains of sand in an hourglass, inexorably foreshadowing the approaching cold, bad weather, wet and gloomy days. But for now ... While we enjoy the occasionally peeping sun and daytime pluses. Cons come at night, already regularly.

Not everything has been removed from the garden yet - cabbage, carrots, beets remain. Sasha is picking up beans and pumpkins today. Tomatoes in the greenhouse are ripening with might and main, do not touch. If anything, with significant frosts, we will turn on the heater there. Yesterday Sasha started digging potatoes. Approximately half of the planted ones decided to climb, but only at the end of July, and at the beginning of August the first frosts hit. So, she did not have time to bloom - the tops were beaten by frost. Therefore, it has grown small and with a delicate skin. But delicious to the point of impossibility.

The time has come for a hustle and bustle under the slogan "be in time before ..." There is a lot of things to do, as usual. And dig up the potatoes, and disassemble, clear in the shed to prepare a place for a new batch of firewood. While they are dumped in the front garden and are not yet very wet with rains.

Then remove the beets with carrots. Cabbage will traditionally sit in the beds to the last. Mid-season cauliflower of exotic varieties (emerald and burgundy), sown as early as last fall and safely emerged in the spring, does not have time to start. Once again I am convinced that in our conditions it is necessary to plant only early-maturing varieties of everything. Of course, they are less durable, so we practically do not leave anything lying just like that - we recycle it right away. We have only potatoes in the cellar, everything else is in the freezer, dried or rolled up in jars. Moreover, I roll up quite a bit - we eat canned food badly. We also have cans of tomatoes from 2014. By the way, they opened it, amazingly tasty.

This summer, we still have grown cucumbers in edible quantities. Filmed small, every morning for a salad. I just rolled up a couple of cans. Bitter ones often came across, for the joy of smokers. Moreover, they were watered regularly, in the heat, twice a day. But it was only after the rain that they ceased to taste bitter - another confirmation that heavenly water is very different from tap water.

Curly parsley, which I sowed twice, decided to sprout closer to autumn, and even then in dismal quantities. But it was sown independently (with the same seeds), grew among the tomatoes in lush color, only had time to pull it so that the poor tomatoes had where to grow. After the first frost, the tomatoes were removed, and the parsley happily flooded into growth. Cut off the other day, we got a building bath with a slide. We sent the sliced \u200b\u200bleaves to freeze, dried some of the leaves. I looked at the stems. It is always a pity for me to throw them away, I cut them finely and freeze them, then put them in soups and all sorts of stews. But they are still harsh, sometimes they do not boil over. I decided to dry the whole stems until they crunch, then I broke and ground them on a coffee grinder. The result is parsley flour, awesomely aromatic. Now I add it everywhere.

Our diet, starting in July, has been enriched with its own tomatoes. Since they were somehow not very successful for us in the previous two years, we missed them a lot. Therefore, we are now killing them every day in indecent quantities. I keep aiming to salt at least a few cans, but so far only a couple have turned out. And we continue to gorge ourselves on fresh ones.

Our menu is well-established and, as is usually the case at this time of year, is based on our own or local agricultural products. As an example, I will tell you what we did and fed ourselves yesterday. Sasha got up, as usual, before me, fed the living creatures, fired the stove with one stuck - the house is cool by morning.

My morning begins with a glass of hot boiled water (spring water, of course). For some time now I learned this habit, which, according to rumors, came to us already from Tibetan monks. Hot water in the morning starts the body well, puts all organs and systems in place. I build nonsense - oat pancakes on homemade kefir, in which a spoon of salad is wrapped. The salad yesterday consisted of tomatoes, red onions, fresh parsley and diced homemade cheese, which our neighbor Nujvar treated us to. They drank a barley drink with milk, cinnamon and a spoonful of honey. Fresh honey, deliciously delicious, from Gali Militskaya , thanks to her tremendous.

After breakfast we dispersed on business - Sasha went to the potato field to harvest, and I sat down on a bench in the yard to revive my old faithful friend - the Supra mini-oven (details will be below). A few hours later the rain drove us home. I managed to finish with the stove, and Sasha dug three rows of potatoes. We drank some milk. We take a six-liter can of milk from neighboring cows every three to four days. I got used to pasteurizing it: pour it into pots, speed up the burners to the maximum and wait for a distinctly noticeable steam to appear over the milk. I turn off the burners and leave the milk in the pans under the lids for about forty minutes. After I remove the foam, pour it into a can and Sasha takes it under the tap, where he puts it in a high basin and lets in a thin stream of cold water. Another half hour - and cold milk is sent to the refrigerator. In this form, the milk itself does not turn sour - it does not have time. In the refrigerator is a liter bottle with the remains of homemade yogurt. I fill the bottle up to the top with milk, shake it and leave it at room temperature for a day.

I cooked soup from potatoes, carrots, onions and tomatoes, plus a minimum of salt, dried herbs and favorite spices. Now I don't even fry, the soups are already delicious. We sipped with homemade rye bread. Later they drank some tea (Ivan's tea with dried mint). We ate a piece of homemade whole grain wheat, spread with plum jam of my own production, from our plums.

Sasha cut the Swiss chard leaves, I sat down at my computer to watch the TV series and at the same time prepare the leaves for freezing. I cut it, prepack it, put it in the freezer. She peeled and chopped apples for the charlotte, and crumpled one apple. I started the dough on my testicles, put the charlotte in the oven. Sasha lathered some small potatoes, set them to cook whole in a peel. We had supper with young potatoes, seasoned with savory sunflower oil, opened a can of spicy, pickled tomatoes. They took a sample from the charlotte, it turned out just amazing - an airy biscuit, sour apples inside. At night we drink a glass of homemade kefir - it ripens in time for the evening.

And so the days pass, one after another. And so the summer flew by - did not notice. And so autumn runs, accelerating more and more. I will try to recall the brightest events over the past couple of months.

I remember the last swim at the Sermansky pond. In early August, it got very cold, the leaves on the trees began to turn yellow, and it seemed that everything - the summer was over. And then the warmth returned. Not even warm - heat. I stood for thirty days for several days. And I thought: what if the water warmed up? Forecasters promised a cold snap soon, and I decided - let's go. She stepped into the pond and was simply stunned - the water is warm, like fresh milk. The day was hot and very quiet, full of calm, the surface of the pond is like a mirror. I swam, enjoying the gentle touches of the water, and next to me boats of yellow willow leaves glided along the water surface. She swam to the middle of the pond and stopped, struck by the stunning beauty of the picture. I really love this landscape when you look at the high sandy shore, steeply going up and overgrown with pine trees. An amazing combination of colors: against the background of a cornflower blue sky, there are rare boiling white clouds, dense green pine branches, amber trunks, fallen needles like coffee with milk, lime honey-colored sand, a pale green spicy willow bush at the edge of the coast and anthracite water. I looked for a long time, remembered, I really wanted to draw. True, I understand that I can hardly convey the greatness of the picture and the generosity of the palette of God - the artist.

A few weeks later I experienced another color shock. We went to Saransk on September 10th. The day was warm and sunny. It is not often possible to catch the very peak of the golden autumn on a trip - when the entire palette of colors is available, and the leaves are still firmly sitting on the branches, do not fall off. Until now, I have never seen such an exuberant variety of colors of fall foliage. Indeed, fifty shades of red, orange, yellow, green - and all this against the background of an incredibly bright blue sky ... I did not even try to stop, get out of the car and take a picture, because I realized right away: the camera could not convey anything. She will not convey the feeling of quiet delight and exultation, she will not convey the greatness of the divine plan. And I memorized with all my might, so that, perhaps, then, someday, carefully get these pictures from the storage of memory and try to reproduce them with paints. I understand that it will hardly work. But I really want to.

I also remember the day of the “quiet hunt”. We just went to Aunt Katya for a strawberry mustache. While planting, I felt a pungent mushroom smell. Indeed, the mushrooms grew right on the path. And they are pretty. Resolved: we must go for mushrooms. The next day, they waved and immediately realized: there was a sea of \u200b\u200bmushrooms, there were scattered oil deposits right from the road. And the people rushed en masse for natural gifts. Turning into the forest very close to the village, we were amazed: as soon as we drove away from the road - and now they, handsome men, grow in families, right next to the forest path. Surprisingly, the boletus is quite large, but among them about a third are completely clean, without a single wormhole. Collected, wandered around, drove on. After a hundred meters - stop again, again placers. We stopped, went out, collected. And so it went, we not so much went to pick mushrooms, as drove to them in a car, and they seemed to run out towards us. We found a good clearing, Sasha went out, and I decided to drive a little further to turn around. And I was stunned: the mushrooms in front grew everywhere, right where I was going to go, and at the place of the turn too. Riding mushrooms is blasphemy, so I had to go out and collect them all, and then turn around. I did not notice how I stubbed away from the car. It is interesting that I would not have dared, for example, to move away from the house for such a distance, along a flat road. And then I jump through the fallen woods, over bumps and holes - and nothing. I picked up a strong stick, tied the bucket to my belt, and I walk, leaning on two sticks, almost Nordic walking turns out. I remembered that even in Kanachak I would have been horrified by the prospect of walking through the forest for mushrooms. And now, like this, I'm not afraid, and it turns out the same (TTT)!

Having collected everything that caught our eye, they rushed to their favorite distant mushroom place, far beyond Nikolskoe. There we gathered a bunch of birch trees and a bucket of whites.

Tired, I got into the car, opened all the doors and fell into a meditative state. In general, I really love that distant forest. It seems that people are there very rarely - it is far from settlements, and the place is unremarkable. It's very quiet and blissful there. There are no traces of suffering that people drag along with them, like a train, wherever they go. That is why it is good in that forest, because it breathes differently there, that is why one wants to be and be there, filled with a feeling of amazing peace, not thinking about anything, leaving all worries far away, somewhere beyond the horizon. It is a pity that we go there so seldom, it should be more often.

We drove back through Nikolsk, ran into the store. On the counter outside the store, Grandma sells a seven-liter bucket of pretty whites. They asked how much. The grandmother said that these mushrooms are "expensive", she does not know their other name. Sells for three hundred and fifty. Near another store, a man was selling a bucket of birch trees for two hundred and fifty. By means of simple calculations, we determined that our daily race is estimated at market prices of about one and a half thousand. Not bad! There was a twenty-liter bucket of clean dry oil.

I didn’t wash them, I just carefully removed the skins from the hats together with forest debris. Cut and set to dry. They dried remarkably, retaining a delicate aroma. They dried both white and brown birches, cooked a wonderful soup from the legs of butter, stewed the white ones with potatoes in milk. Oh, and the sweetness! .. We went to pick mushrooms a couple of times, but such rich harvests were never harvested. I think we should get out again.

Volodya went to take his grandchildren to Novosibirsk, at the same time to congratulate his mother on her anniversary. We invited him on the way back to look at us, to recover from the city and the hard road. But Volodya doesn't just come to visit us. I rested for a couple of days, and got down to business - to insulate our walls. We have one and a half walls not covered with clapboard outside, a bare log. One is a deaf northern, the second is a kitchen, half of which is closed by a pantry. So he and Sasha took a couple and started. First, Volodya stuffed vertical bars onto the logs, then began to fill the lining across the bars from the bottom up, and pour foam-glass crushed stone into the cavity between the logs and the lining, which I mentioned earlier.

Under the very top clapboard, where there is no way to pour insulation, Volodya filled the voids with ordinary polyurethane foam. And that's all. It turned out both warm and beautiful. Now we have the most beautiful walls looking into the yard and the neighboring fence. The work was not as quick and easy as it seemed in theory. Instead of one or two days, it took a week. The most difficult and labor-intensive was unexpectedly the filling of rubble. And, of course, I had to jump pretty much up and down the stairs. Thank you very much Volodya for your help, we together with Sasha, perhaps, could have coped, but with what efforts - it's scary to think. And so I’m in the kitchen, consider myself, I sat out - I prepared all sorts of sweets for men.

We felt the effect right away, when the blank wall was only half closed: the house became better to keep warm. When both walls were closed, we began to have enough heat from the electric stove and a bread machine so that the temperature in the house would rise from twenty to twenty-five degrees during the day. The sensations have changed a lot, the air movement in the house has changed. No wonder: in the process, through slots were found in some of the logs.

While the men worked, in between kitchen chores, I did what I wanted. Suddenly I felt an irresistible urge to fix it. First, I put a funny patch on the stretch sheet, which, after six years of operation, rubbed itself into a hole. Then she took up the famous linen pants, which she renewed, lying in a ditch and contemplating the sky of Kanachak. Both of their legs at the back have long turned into a sieve. I have already put patches on them from the same flax several times. They also rubbed off over time. This time the decision was radical: she cut out patches from thick coarse linen, almost burlap, only very dense. It is much darker in color, but I don't really care, since I don't plan to wear these pants to people, only around the house. So they are insanely comfortable, and when it's hot in a denim overalls, or it's a pity to get it dirty, linen pants are the best fit.

While I was repairing it with inspiration, I asked Volodya about any tattered, patched and other cracked and broken things. Every first one writes that according to all sorts of feng shui it is impossible to keep leaky and broken things in the house. They say that the energy from them is bad, you must throw it away without pity. I suspected that there was a catch in this postulate and an undisguised interest of the merchants. Volodya confirmed: all this is garbage. If you like the thing and feel comfortable, then its appearance does not matter. Moreover, it is very good to fix, patch, patch, glue what is convenient for you in everyday life. Applying patches, you mend your soul, heal your mental wounds. Pancake! I immediately remembered the episode when in Kanachak I really wanted to put patches on the famous ottoman. Then, as best I could, I quickly patched up the spiritual wound inflicted on me by the treacherous assistant Vova (kingdom of heaven). That's how it is! Live and learn. And once again I was convinced: we often intuitively find the most correct solutions.

Returning to the Supra stove. Why did I refuse her services at one time and bought a new Schaub Lorenz stove? Because a) the heating of the burners was not regulated at the Supra, and this fact tired me a lot, b) it began to rust wildly and peel off the paint. By the way, the coating of the old oven is very similar to the insides of a new bread machine, which began to rust intensively immediately after the start of operation. "Supra" was moved to the senki, and Sasha used it to cook porridge for animals. However, I liked her oven very much in terms of functionality. And with "Lorenz" she suffered a lot, and did not adapt - either does not bake, or burns. Sometimes both together.

And so, inspired by the information about the benefits of mending my favorite things, I decided to revive the Supra and install it in a place of honor in the kitchen in order to use it like an oven. But she looks just awful. Therefore, I bought heat-resistant paint (although only white was available in the store), armed myself with a rust solvent, white spirit, masking tape, emery, cloths and started. First, I cleaned the surfaces of peeling paint with the help of metal brushes, then walked with sandpaper, fought with rust, washed off with water that washed off, degreased, dried with rags and covered surfaces that were not subject to painting with masking tape. She sprinkled paint from a balloon, and immediately it turned out that she did not want to go to bed. I had to protamp the surfaces and paint the stove in the “winter camouflage” tone. It turned out funny, but in the end it is still better than it was - looking at the stove is no longer scary.

Having spent a long time preparing, Sasha dashingly, valiantly cleaned the hog and cleaned the chimney channels in the stove. I removed half a bucket of soot from the upper channel only. But this time he did everything very quickly - literally in a couple of hours, and neatly - even the soot on the household utensils almost didn't settle, not like last year.

For the first time, seasonal washing was taken in automatic mode: we bought a long hose, made a drain from the machine through the window directly into the "sewer" pipe leading to the drain pit. We chose warm dry days for washing, washed everything to the skin. True, the machine became capricious, stopped squeezing normally in the "cotton, 40 degrees" mode. I tried to persuade her anyway, and so, I tried other modes, I switched on the spin separately - everything is not radical, the laundry is wet. She turned on Uri Geller's audio file without sound - "technique, work." After a while, I cautiously tried to turn on the machine again to the synthetic, 40 degrees mode. And she, my dear (TTT), like a bunny, blurs normally. So she worked, the sun is mine, until the textiles in the house ran out. The said file was also listened to by our printer, which had recently refused to turn on. I tried to turn it on - nope, it doesn't work. When Volodya arrived, I told him that the printer did not turn on. He tried to turn it on - it works. So we live, shamelessly using the help of wizards.

Volodya taught me how to bake real bread, which is made only from flour and water. Rye and wheat flour in a ratio of two to one. True, sourdough is first made from water and rye flour, it ripens for about four days. Then the dough is put on it, then the dough itself. It is better to bake flat bread, not baked bread, otherwise it will not bake very well. It turns out sour for my taste, but still surprisingly tasty. Sasha sat down on him sharply. But most of all I was struck by the cats, our fussy cats, raised on chicken liver, ate this bread, like victims, no matter how hard you give it, as if they had never been fed anything tastier in their life! It remains for me to debug the production technology. In order for the sauerkraut to rise well, it must be very warm in the house, otherwise it will acidify without really rising. While experimenting and really hope for the Supra oven, because Lorenz stubbornly burns this bread.

In Saransk, we visited the editor Polina. We talked about various topics, including the theoretically possible publication of a journal version of my novel “68 Days”. But only theoretically, because the processing of a novel into a magazine form is a long, difficult and bloody work, since a lot will have to be reduced. They brought in a couple of stories for publication, I gave them "The Balka" and "Requiem for Summer Rains". At some point, it seemed that they could go together, like a dilogy about the same thing - about the self-destruction of a man, man and woman. Polina hasn’t responded yet. But she made me an order for journalism - a new essay on an editorial assignment, and again about our life. While I think. And Polina also donated magazines with our publications, including the very precious copy with “Someone else's bread

It's not a shame to dream of a village. Even if you are an urban dandy who drinks latte macchiato in the morning, plows in the office during the day and relieves stress in the shopping mall in the evenings. Moreover, in the heat, city delights like fast food lose value faster than Irina Gorbacheva gathers followers on Instagram. We've put together five posts about the exciting life in the countryside that will inspire at least a visit to Babulin's garden plot.

The Katkov family
We have been living in the countryside since spring 2013

6961 subscriber

Rustic style
All about rustic style!

5642 subscriber

The hostess of the public is also from the once city. In a new place, she managed to mix two of her passions - a craving for comfort and beauty with rural romance and simplicity. This resulted in a blog about a rustic interior. Rustic is about burlap tablecloths, antique wood cabinets, teapots with a scratched spout, sweets in craft paper and about natural forms. The author of the blog not only posts inspiring pictures, but also shows his life. There are cows, and wooden crafts, and kids, and giant tomatoes in the beds, and potato pies for dinner for the whole family.

We are from the forest ... Tales of the winds ...
We publish the book “Tales of the Owl Stream. Book of magic recipes "

4842 subscriber

The author of the blog, Yasna Chernichenko, seems to be from a Russian folk tale. She collects flowers in a basket, rides her son on horses, breaks picnics on bedspreads using the patchwork technique and does it all in her own outfits! And these are not banal T-shirts and pants, but dresses, skirts and sundresses in the spirit of Alenushki and Nastenek from our children's fairy tales. It seems that her life is much richer and happier than the everyday life of a successful manager, who has everything by city standards. Yasna strokes sheep with her son, collects grass, puts all the young girls of the village on handicrafts, takes pictures of nature and even publishes books.

Viewers may wonder how you decide what will be interesting to subscribers and what will not. How do you select materials for your blog?

Anton: If there are any banal topics - go straight to the furnace. And if interesting ... for us there will be a practical interest.

Alevtina: We just shoot what we love to do, but taking into account the opinion of the subscribers. Here they write: “We would like to see everyday life more,” which means we are filming everyday life. Someone wants to see more animals. This means that the next video (or through the video) is done with animals.

- Are there staged scenes in your videos? When you come up with some interesting plot in advance ...

Anton: Rarely. But in general, when we are going to shoot something, we think a little about how it will look later.

- Do you film discussions, conflicts, children's whims? Share your personal with subscribers?

Alevtina: We do not share too personal, but in general terms we talk about our life. We have a section on the channel "Answers to Questions". In it, subscribers ask: "Tell us about that, about this." And we share. Not to everyone, of course, but to those that we deem necessary.

- What will never make it to your blog?

Anton: How we quarrel - exactly. Or how children misbehave.

Alevtina: Profanity. We do not use these words, and therefore they will never make it to our blog.

- Why do you think so many people are watching you? How did you hook them?

Alevtina: Most likely because we just don't have a video of the script. People are interested in this simplicity and non-playfulness. As it is, it is so.

Anton: Yes, simplicity plays a big role. And I once watched such blogs, I was interested in how other people live. Then I thought: maybe they will watch us too.

- Have you noticed if there are more villagers or city dwellers among your spectators?

Anton: Approximately 50 to 50. Somehow even more urban. Rather, they just miss this life ...

- What, in your opinion, drives the viewers more: a passion for peeping or an interest in agriculture?

Anton: More like peeping. Although many will learn something useful from our blog. They write: "I looked at how you do it, I will do that too."

It happened that we inspired people to move to the village: “We looked at you, decided to do the same. Please advise what to buy, what to take there to start with. " They also start blogs.

- You probably also came across negative comments. Did the audience write anything insulting to you?

Anton: There have already been so many comments!

For example: "You are drunks, drinking there in your village." Or: "Your wife is an alcoholic and you beat her."

It happens that people who are tired, do not get enough sleep early in the morning, write ... Well, we don't drink at all. Recently they called my wife some kind of bad Tatar ...

- And how do you react to such things?

Anton: Recently, nothing: either we delete the comment, or just leave it. And at first it was really catchy. And my wife said: "Let's leave the blog, which is constantly discussed there."

Alevtina: For me personally, the most unpleasant comments were those related to the move: many people, when they found out that we were going to move to my homeland, to the Volgograd Region, began to splash out their negativity on me. They wrote that I was pulling Anton to me, removing him from the family ... It was our deliberate decision. But the subscribers did not understand this. This is the most offensive thing.

- Did the criticism concern the children?

Alevtina: I touched. They write that the children are spoiled, that we are raising them incorrectly. And we believe that children are children, they can indulge and play. But people, apparently, do not understand this.

- Has it ever happened that criticism turned out to be useful? Maybe subscribers helped you with practical advice ...

Anton: Often. Many useful little things. The last time, for example, when I made a pumping station, there were a lot of advice on wiring and expansion tanks ... On animal husbandry too.

Alevtina: We even sometimes ask for advice ourselves, because we know a lot, but not everything. Then subscribers tell us.

- Are you friends with other “village bloggers”?

Alevtina: We communicate, discuss the channel, working moments. And just to be friends - no.

- Our film touches on the financial side of the issue. You said that with your blog you earn on average $ 1,000 per month ...

Anton: About that. Now even less. Maybe because other bloggers appear and we become uninteresting to someone.

Alevtina: Perhaps because other, more interesting channels are being created, and viewers are moving there. We have the specificity of the channel, mainly livestock - cows. Probably, someone is interested in looking at other animals, and they switch to channels where there are those they like. Perhaps because autumn had come, the children went to school. Many children are watching us. And now they have classes.

- You can earn this money through views on YouTube, right?

They offer everything: electronics (even ordinary TVs, microwave ovens), some pictures that they paint themselves ... Or blinds, for example.

Approximately 10-15, and sometimes 20 proposals a day are received. But we agree to only three or four proposals a month. And we always say that this is advertising.

- How much is one mention of a product or service on your blog if it's not barter?

Anton: The cheapest is 4 thousand.

- Not bad. And what about the dream of opening your own farm, which you talked about in your blog?

Alevtina: It is in the plans. But it will probably not be fulfilled yet. For a farm, you have to build a lot, buy a lot of everything. So ... We go slowly to our dream.


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