Which star wars fighter

... You can add the best pilots of the Empire to your flight, including Suntir Fel and two aces from the famous Saber Squadron.

Saber Squadron

The Saber Squadron pilots led by Baron Suntir Fel were the finest in the Empire. For the Battle of Endor, their 181st Fighter Group was based aboard the second Death Star. In the midst of the battle, the squadron was ordered to defend the Star Destroyer The Avenger and successfully dealt with it despite the Empire ultimately losing the battle.

In the game "X-wing" pilots of the "Saber" squadron will more than meet your expectations and squeeze everything out of their ships without a trace. In space combat, the TIE interceptor is like a fish in water - it has excellent maneuverability, and in its arsenal there is a new acceleration action, which we talked about in. And if there is Sunthir Fel or Turr Fennir behind the control panel, the ship turns into a real machine of destruction.

Sunthir Fel's unique skill allows him to take a Concentration token every time he receives an Overload token. This makes it easier for him to handle complex maneuvers like Coyogran's U-turn, which he can perform even at a speed of 5. In addition, Sunthir benefits greatly from various upgrade cards. For example, "Agility": an opponent attacking Fel must re-roll one attack die, and the baron receives an overload token and a focus token in addition. Thus, he can have multiple concentration tokens. Alternatively, one can be spent while attacking, and the other in defense.

Turr Fennir is the first pilot in the game who can move around the field after he has attacked. The text of his card reads: "After you have made an attack, you can take an additional action-acceleration or action-barrel." A high Pilot Mastery allows Turr to attack at the start of the Combat Phase. This means that, in theory, Fennir can fearlessly converge with the enemy at close range, attack and leave the line of fire, avoiding retaliation.

Focus on firepower

In developing the TIE interceptor, the designers at the Sinar Naval Projects equipped it with four laser cannons, one for each wing. Thanks to this, the interceptor is significantly superior in firepower to the previous models. Unlike with the attack parameter "2", the interceptor has a more deadly parameter - "3". The difference is really significant, especially if the interceptor link concentrates fire on a clumsy target like.

  • Suntir Fel (27)
    • Dodgy (2)
    • Cloaking device (3)
  • Turr Fennir (25)
    • Massive attack (2)
  • Fel's Fury (23)
  • Alpha Squadron Pilot (18)

Total points: 100

With resourcefulness and a cloaking device (expansion card from the expansion), Suntir Fel can boldly rush into battle. The TIE Interceptor's maneuver disk is full of green maneuvers, so the Baron can easily engage with an enemy at close range, perform a dodge action, attack, and, having received an Overload token, force the enemy to roll one die in the attack. After that, Sunthir will receive a Concentration token, which can be spent to exchange all [eye] results for [evasion] results. With four dice in defense and two tokens (concentration and evasion), Fel has every chance to get out of the water, dodging the enemy's attack.

Meanwhile, Turr Fennir with the Mass Attack upgrade will allow the less skilled pilot of Alpha Squadron (or Fel's Fury) to fire earlier than usual. And after the attack, Fennir uses his ability to evade return fire.

TIE Interceptors are very agile vehicles that can successfully dodge enemy attacks. The tactics of playing for the link described above is as follows: four starships at full speed rush into the battle, trying to reach close range in order to get an additional die in the attack and cover the enemy with the most dense fire.

If your opponent has a high parameter of pilot skill, he may try to shoot down one of your vehicles before it fired. If the choice falls on Fel's Fury, then the enemy will not be able to carry out his plan, because the unique ability of this pilot will allow him to make an attack, even if he should be destroyed.

Earn your scarlet stripes

The TIE Interceptor expansion opens up new strategies for Imperial players tailored for massive attack. Take command of the Saber squadron and prove yourself worthy of the scarlet stripes, which are awarded to those who managed to knock out a dozen opponents.

The text of the original article can be viewed at the link:https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2013/2/15/fly-with-the-saber-squadron/
The next article will be about the ship "Slave I", and for those who want to get acquainted with all ships of the second wave - a handy list:

Paper modeling

The (TIE Interceptor) was built with years of experience as an Imperial line fighter, taking all the best from it. The new aircraft used the same cockpit design and controls as the TIE fighter. This allowed the pilots to make an easy transition to new machines without much retraining.

The shape of the side panels has been changed. They were lengthened to accommodate the longer laser cannons of the newer models and shortened in height to reduce the profile. In addition, the changed shape of the panels has increased the already good view from the cockpit. New sensors were installed. Their range has not changed, but the quality of detection has increased, making it possible to detect targets with turned off sensors or with camouflage devices with slightly greater efficiency.

The TIE Interceptor, like its predecessor, was created within the existing combat concept and therefore was not equipped with a hyperdrive. Additionally, this simplified and accelerated the manufacture of new machines. However, some examples were retrofitted with hyperdrive. Such vehicles were used by senior officers or elite units.

Due to the reluctance to increase the cost of the new vehicle and complicate its design, interceptors, like fighters, were not equipped with shields. However, it is known that there were a fairly large number of serial interceptors equipped with shields. The remnants of the Empire, launched a campaign against the New Republic, faced the inexperience of new pilots, which led to heavy losses in both manpower and equipment. Wanting to reduce these losses, the command began to massively equip existing TIE Interceptors with shields, although this was not a massive phenomenon due to the increased cost of converted vehicles.

The TIE-fighter belongs to the class of light short-range fighters, therefore, like the Imperial fighter, it did not have a life support system, and the fuel supply was relatively small. Actually, this corresponded to the combat missions that were assigned to this type of machine. For other tasks, such as long-term patrols or escorting vehicles or warships, the Imperial Navy had appropriate heavy fighters.

TIE-fighter. Specifications:

NameTIE Interceptor (TIE / in Fighter)
ManufacturersSienar Fleet Systems (SFS)
Length9.6 meters
Width6.4 meters
Height4.8 meters
Crew1 pilot
Speed110 MGLT (basic version)
Maximum speedup to 125
Velocity in the atmosphere1.250 km / h
Acceleration20 MGLT / sec
Maneuverability coefficient125 DPF
Enginestwo SFS P-s5.6
Shunting enginesSFS P-w702
GeneratorSFS 1-a3b
Guidance systemSFS T-s9a
AvionicsSFS F-s4
Navigation systemSFS N-s6
SensorsSFS S-c4.1
CommunicationAE-35 subspace transceiver
Autonomy2 days
ShieldNo (in the basic version). The shield had some special modifications
  • DR 10
  • threshold ( damage threshold) 34
  • HP 90
2 laser cannons L-s9.3 ( on interceptors of the first series)
4 laser cannons L-s9.3 ( on interceptors of late series)
Additional weaponsIt is possible to install removable blocks of rocket launchers
  • Passive mode - 25 units
  • Scanning - 40 units
  • Search - 60 units
  • Focusing - 4 units
Cargo capacity75 kg
The cost120,000 credits for a new one or 75,000 for a used one.
TIE-interceptor. Specification

So, we examined the description and characteristics of the TIE-interceptor device. Next, let's move on to the models.

TIE-interceptor. Model

These are the models that others get, although these models are not made of paper, perhaps made for a film. Well done.

TIE-interceptor models Note: To enlarge and improve the quality of the image - click on it.

Unfolds of the model I collected myself: TIE-interceptor model sweeps. Your choice in what scale you will make and print. Better on a color printer, but it is possible on black and white, and better on a laser one, since this model has "fine" details and the print quality needs better, especially if done on a scale printed on A5 sheets.

A few photos of how everything was done.

For example, in this model, unlike the LED fighter, the frontal window is not just printed, but assembled from different elements. Below you can see how I cut out the porthole overlay. The knife is made from a fragment of a hacksaw blade and sharpened, the handle is made of plastic. I talked about these tools in the preface to paper modeling. Such a knife is very sharp and does not dull for a long time. Although, in any case, it must be periodically sharpened - for delicate work, the tool must always be very sharp.

TIE-interceptor. Manufacturing process

Assembly of the cockpit and pylons to the wings. A match for evaluating the actual dimensions of the parts. If you are calm and balanced, then everything is done quickly and accurately. Of course, this model is more complex and interesting than the previous one, you can also make a TIE fighter from a combination of sweeps from this model and from it. There is a very quality model of LED fighter. Especially his cockpit, the porthole.

: No (40 SBD when installing a generator)

Armor: 15 RU

Armament: 2 laser or 2 ion cannons

Autonomy: 2 days

Carrying capacity: 65 kilograms

Additionally: 1 universal module for installing beam weapons

Detailed information:

The TIE Linear Fighter, developed by Seinar Fleet Systems, also referred to as the TIE Fighter, was one of the first flat-winged vehicles that served as the basis for other TIE vehicles and was used throughout most of the Galactic Civil War.

The TIE Fighter is a reasonably efficient maneuverable single-seat fighter with a small spherical cockpit anchored between two huge solar-powered wings.

The machine is set in motion, originally created for the car, which received the designation S.I.D. Advanced dual ion thruster (LED) for high speed. The engine uses very little fuel, but provides the vehicle with unrivaled speed and agility, allowing it to outrun most rebel fighters, with the exception of.

Also, the fighter can enter the atmosphere and develop in it a speed of up to 1200 kilometers per hour (contrary to rumors, the car does not fall apart from entering the atmosphere, especially under normal combat conditions).

Armed with only a couple of standard laser cannons, the production TIE Fighter has to rely on speed and superior numbers to overwhelm the enemy. Since the focus is on speed, each design element is designed to reduce the weight of the machine. Therefore, heavy generators and thick armor plates were not used (like all cars of the LED family, it has a titanium alloy body and wings with solar panels from an alloy of steel and quadanium). This makes the TIE Fighter extremely vulnerable to enemy fire, but at the same time, the ship's small cockpit and high mobility make it an extremely difficult target. A bulky and life support system was also sacrificed for speed.

Nearly all sources indicate that the TIE Fighters had solar-powered hexagonal wings (making them look like a CNS in profile), however the Bacta War says they were octagonal.

A TIE Fighter pilot, considered suicidal by other Imperial pilots, is content with a meager two-day combat ration. Also, pilots are forced to put on sealed flight suits, with a separate oxygen source and an atmospheric converter. The TIE Fighter itself has very little fuel left and requires refueling within a few hours. These restrictions make the TIE Fighter an extremely short-range vehicle. A Star Destroyer, orbiting space station, or planetary base must be located near this fighter.

The power consumption of the LED Fighter is balanced: it does not consume more than the extremely efficient generators can provide. The massive wings also convert sunlight into energy and transfer it to generators, which account for most of the fighter's mass. These generators literally girdled the entire car. Separate generators produced power, which powered a pair of front mounted laser cannons.

The cockpit interior is spartan yet elegant in its simplicity. The pilot was strapped into a small gravity-compensating seat and additionally protected from overloads by a crude repulsor anti-gravity system and emergency belts. The pilot's legs were inserted into control pedals, with the help of which speed was gained and maneuvers were made. Located directly in front of the pilot, the helm controls the machine's laser cannons, navigation computer and guidance computer. The steering wheel can also be used to change the speed and direction of travel.

Since TIE Fighters are very sensitive to the impacts on the steering wheel and pedals, inexperienced pilots can easily lose control of the vehicle during difficult maneuvers and find themselves speeding somewhere in space. In addition, novice pilots often cannot simultaneously use the steering wheel for maneuvering and firing, but veterans, in the end, begin to control the car to the limit of its capabilities.

Contrary to popular belief, TIE Fighters were equipped with ejection seats, but the war in space dictated its own conditions: disabled pilots preferred to go to the ram to die quickly, rather than slowly from the cold and lack of oxygen.

The TIE Fighter did not have any landing devices and therefore could only land in specially equipped hangars.

The Imperials used TIE Fighters everywhere, putting pressure on their opponents and claiming that every pilot downed would be replaced by a thousand others.

TIE Fighters have been stationed on virtually every Imperial base, from small planetary strongholds to massive space stations. seventy-two of these fighters are on board, and the hangars of the first Death Star could hold up to seven thousand of these machines.

The TIE Fighter is cheap to manufacture and maintain. During the heyday of the Empire, Sienar Fleet Systems mass-produced TIE Fighters on a staggering scale: thousands of starships a year. This makes it one of the most notable vehicles in the Empire's navy, even decades later, when the TIE Fighter was already obsolete and had to give way to newer and more expensive models.

Cadets graduating from various Imperial Academies were vigorously pursued by recruiters and eventually took up seats in the TIE Fighter's cockpit. Many of them ended up there.

TIE Fighters were considered consumable by Imperial tacticians, and therefore the missions for these vehicles included attacks on rebel ships, as well as raids against pirates, other enemy ships, space stations and other objects. Often assigned to escort services, TIE Fighters were ordered to defend cruisers or planetary bases from rebel forces. Their secondary task is to accompany and assist them in attacking planetary bases. Typically, TIE Fighters are assembled into squadrons of twelve vehicles. The air wing consists of six squadrons or seventy-two aircraft.

The success of the serial LED Fighter is a feat for Sienar Fleet Systems to expand the range and release various modifications of this vehicle to fulfill specific tasks. Among the most successful models are the successor to the TIE Fighter -.

But there were other projects as well. For example, the TIE Reconnaissance, which is shaped like a regular TIE Fighter, but equipped with numerous advanced sensors and communication devices for use as a scout. It was succeeded by the more efficient TIE Scout and later by TIE Vanguard. Another model, the Spotting TIE, helps in targeting large ships. Another modification of the TIE Fighter was an impromptu attack aircraft, which became the predecessor and even more powerful. During development, Sienar Fleet Systems designed the vehicle that Darth Vader flew during the Battle of.

Shortly before the destruction of the second Death Star, Sienar Fleet Systems presented a new vehicle -. This fighter had three solar-powered wings, numerous armaments, and a decent one. About six years after the battle, the company showed a fully automated, first series fighter that was completely computer controlled. Also, the designers of the TIE Fighter did not limit themselves to the creation of aircraft and built the TIE-Crawler - a small tank, recognizable thanks to its spherical cockpit, which took part in ground operations.

The New Republic made limited use of captured and equipped TIEs in sectors where TIE Fighter was not considered an Imperial symbol. The most famous operation in which TIEs were used by the New Republic was the Battle of Adumar.

By the time the peace treaty was signed, the Imperials (the Empire had become the Shard by that time) began to export fighters manufactured by other companies (a prime example is the "Bird of Prey" corporation SoroSuub), since they simply did not have enough production capacity for permanent construction new TIE Fighters.

The TIE Fighter is equipped with the following systems:

Navigation computer: Seinar Fleet Systems N-s6

Guidance System: Seinar Fleet Systems T-s8

Avionics: Seinar Fleet Systems F-s3.2

Solar Ionization Reactor: Seinar Fleet Systems I-a2b

Twin Ion Engine: Seinar Fleet Systems P-s4

2 shunting nozzles: Seinar Fleet Systems P-W401

2 laser cannons: Seinar Fleet Systems L-s1

Translation: Lexx

Deadly Imperial Space Fighter.

The TIE fighter is the most common symbol of the Imperial Space Fleet that controls space. The TIE (Twin Ion Engine) fighter is aboard even the smallest cruisers and in spaceports and garrison bases throughout the galaxy. The TIE fighter is a small ship that features a pair of hexagonal wings - solar reflectors on either side of the small spherical cockpit. The ship has a small profile, which, coupled with great maneuverability, makes it a difficult target in combat.

TIE fighters are short-range ships and lack hyperdrive to maintain weight and increase maneuverability. They are dependent on the carriers - the base or the Imperial cruiser. They must be serviced every two days and refueled after a few hours of combat, but their sheer number makes up for all design shortcomings. Fighters are used to protect planets and cruisers from attacks by rebels, pirates and alien ships. They also accompany heavily armed TIE bombers during attacks on planetary facilities.

Each TIE has a pair of frontal bladed laser cannons. Powerful generators for lasers are installed in the bow, which are also connected to power generators and batteries. The fighter receives a lot of energy from solar radiation collected by reflectors on the wings.

The Tie Line Fighter (Tie / Ln) developed by Sienar Fleet Systems was used by the Empire throughout the Civil War. It is one of the most efficient fighters ever produced. Tie / Ln uses a Twin Ion Engine. This gave the fighter his name. The engine configuration requires very little fuel, but achieves tremendous speed and maneuverability.

Tie Fighter relies on its speed, so the design of the fighter is completely speed oriented. For this reason, the ship lacks a protective field generator and thick armor. Tie Fighter is very vulnerable, but due to its speed and small silhouette, it is very difficult to hit the ship.

In pursuit of weight reduction, engineers sacrificed a hyperdrive and life support system. The pilot can exist on self-support for about 2 days, and the fuel is only enough for a few hours. For these reasons, the Tie Fighter is a short-range fighter dependent on a Star Destroyer or base. Tie Fighter pilots wear heavy spacesuits that have their own oxygen and energy reserves.

The ship's propulsion system is designed for maximum efficiency. Generators and batteries make up the bulk of the ship. Each of the two laser cannons is powered by a separate generator.

The inside of the cab is very simple. The pilot is in a special compensating seat surrounded by a repulsor field. The pilot's feet are on the pedals with which he controls the speed and course of the ship. The helm also controls course and speed, but also contains buttons to control the lasers, navigation, and target search. Tie Fighter is very sensitive to steering wheel movements and young pilots often lose control of the ship. Also, beginners find it difficult to control and aim at the same time using only the buttons on the steering wheel. But experienced pilots can squeeze out of Tie Fighter "and everything that he is capable of.

When using Tie Fighters, Imperial forces always rely on numerical superiority over the enemy. It is sometimes said that instead of one shot down Tie Fighter, the Empire produces a thousand. Tie Fighters can be found all over the galaxy, from a small base in the Outer Territories to the Emperor's Palace on Coruscant. A standard Star Destroyer carries 36 of these machines, the first Death Star had around 7,000. To make up for the Empire's losses, Sienar Fleet Systems produced over 1,000 Tie Fighters a year.

Tie Fighters can solve a wide range of different tasks: attacking fighters, escorting convoys, patrolling, protecting ships and bases. Tie Fighters are organized in squadrons of 12 fighters. A full squadron has 72 fighters and consists of 6 squadrons.

Following the success of Tie Fighter, Sienar Fleet System continued to develop ships of the Tie series, which led to the creation of a large number of modifications and new ships.


Name: TIE / rc Fighter (Short Range Reconnaissance Fighter)
Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
The size: 6.3 meters.
Speed: 90 MGLT
Crew: 1 person
Cargo: 65 kg
Armament: 1 SFS L-s1 laser cannon
Tie / rc is a modification of TIe / ln with an additional sensor package and communication equipment. The ship is used for close reconnaissance.

Name: TIE / gs Fighter (Short Range Ground Superiority Fighter)
Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
The size: 6.3 meters.
Speed: 111 MGLT
Crew: 1 person
Cargo: 45 Kg
Armament: 2 heavy blaster cannons
Protection: titanium reinforced cladding (9 RU)
The Tie / gs are sometimes referred to as the Tie Extended Fighter. This ship is designed for combat in the atmosphere of the planet. Tie / gs can also fight in space, provided the pilot is wearing a special spacesuit. At the rear of the ship there is a repulsor accelerator giving Tie / gs excellent speed and maneuverability in the atmosphere, comparable to the Tie Interceptor.

Name: TIE / gt Fighter (Short Range Ground Targeting Support Fighter)
Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
The size: 6.3 meters.
Speed: 90 MGLT
Crew: 1 person
Cargo: 65 kg
Armament: 1 SFS L-s1 laser cannon, 1 rocket launcher and 1 bomb dropper
Protection: titanium reinforced cladding (9 RU)
Tie / gt is the first attempt by the Empire to create a bomber jacket based on the Tie ships. Tie / gt is a Tie / ln modification with an additional launcher at the bottom of the ship. Due to the additional mass, the ship turned out to be less maneuverable and less fast than its predecessor, but it had powerful offensive qualities. After several years of production of this ship, Sienar Fleet Systems began production of the Tie Bomber, which completely replaced the Tie / gt.

Name: TIE / ts Fighter (Short Range Trainer / Shuttle Fighter)
Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
The size: 6.3 meters.
Speed: 80 MGLT
Crew: 1 person, 1 passenger
Cargo: 45 kg (+100 kg in the absence of a passenger)
Armament: 1 SFS L-s1 laser cannon
Protection: titanium reinforced cladding (9 RU)
Despite the fact that most of the training takes place in simulators, pilots need real drills. Tie / ts uses the Tie / gt fuselage extended by 21 cm. By removing the launcher, the engineers were able to install a second instructor seat. The ship also serves as a short-distance shuttle.

Name: TIE / rc Vanguard Fighter (Short Range Reconnaissance Fighter)
Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
The size: 6.3 meters.
Speed: 80 MGLT
Crew: 1 person
Cargo: 65 kg
Armament: 1 SFS L-s1 laser cannon
Protection: titanium reinforced casing (9 RU), shields (20 SBD)
This short-range scout was created to collect information about the movement of enemy ships in space. Tie Vanguard is based on the standard Tie / ln design, although it differs more from it than Tie / rc from Tie / ln. The tops of the side panels are shortened and tilted to the side. A large number of scanner antennas are located in the center of the ship. Tie Vanguard has a small protective field generator for the great safety of the collected information.

Name: TIE / sr Lone Scout-A (Stock Scout / Reconnaissance Vessel)
Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
The size: 24 meters.
Speed: 70 MGLT, hyperdrive
Crew: 1 pilot, 3 technicians
Cargo: 150 metric tons
Armament: 1 SFS L-s1 laser cannon (Lone Scoute-B has 2 SFS L-s1 laser cannons)
Protection: titanium reinforced casing (42 RU), shields (20 SBD)
This long-range scout was used by the Empire to explore and map the galaxy. The fuselage is much thicker and longer than the standard one. The ship is capable of landing on planets and does not need special platforms.


TIE Fighter

An agile fighter for one pilot, a small ball-shaped cockpit suspended between two enormous solar panels. The TIE fighters, powered by advanced twin ion engines, were designed with a focus on speed. To lighten the ship, it was decided not to equip it with a power supply system, protective fields and a hyperdrive. Armed with only two standard laser cannons, TIE fighters are forced to overwhelm the enemy in numbers, but they are produced in such quantities that they can afford it.

Full title: the TIE / Ln space fighter of the Sienar Fleet.

The size: 6.3 meters long.

Speed:100 MGLT, or 1200 km / h in the atmosphere; there is no hyperdrive.

Capacity: 1 pilot and 65 kg of cargo.

Armament: 2 laser cannons "SFS L-s1".

Protection: Titanium alloy body and Quadanium armored solar panels.

Detailed description

Developed by the Sienar Fleet and adopted by the Empire during the Galactic Civil War, the TIE / Ln space fighter is one of the most agile and frighteningly efficient starships ever built. The TIE / Ln is powered by the Sienar's advanced Twin Ion Engine (TIE) that gave the fighter its name. This engine uses very little fuel, but allows the TIE to achieve incredible speed and maneuverability, surpassing most Rebel ships, with the exception of the A-wing fighters, in these parameters.

Since speed is central to TIE fighters, everything possible was done to reduce its mass during its development. In particular, they abandoned the use of bulky protective field generators and powerful armor. This makes TIE fighters very vulnerable. However, due to their small size and extreme mobility, they are very difficult to get into.

Continuing to facilitate TIE, the developers removed the hyperdrive and life support system from the project. The fighter has a very meager supply of food, water and air, which is sufficient for no more than 2 days; fuel is also quite limited. During battle, TIEs must refill every few hours. Because of these restrictions, TIE fighters have a short range and are permanently tied to a base - a Star Destroyer, an orbiting space station, or a hangar on the planet's surface. In addition, TIE pilots (other Imperials consider them suicides) are forced to wear a sealed suit with an oxygen supply and an air processing system.

The TIE fighter jet's power generation and consumption processes have also been refined for efficiency. The wings of the ship absorb solar radiation and transmit energy to powerful generators that make up most of the fighter's mass, as well as numerous batteries installed throughout the starship. Two synchronized forward-firing laser cannons are powered by separate generators located at the bottom of the cockpit.

The cockpit interior is elegantly minimalist. The pilot is strapped to a shock absorber seat, in case of a collision, he is protected by an anti-gravity field and seat belts. His feet are on pedals that allow him to change his flight speed and turn. In the very center of the control panel there is a trigger that controls the laser cannons, the targeting computer and the navigation computer. It also allows you to adjust the speed or direction of travel. TIE fighters are extremely sensitive to pilot actions. Inexperienced pilots can easily lose control while completing complex shapes and fly far into space. In addition, it is often difficult for beginners to maneuver and fire at the same time using a single trigger, although seasoned TIE pilots know how to squeeze the best out of a fighter.

The empire counted on the numerical superiority of the TIE fighters over the enemy. It was said that in place of every downed TIE, a thousand new ones would rise. TIE fighters were present on almost every Imperial base, from small planetary ones to huge space stations. The Star Destroyers were manned by seventy-two TIEs, and the first Death Star was home to seven thousand of these starships. During the heyday of the Empire, the Sienar Naval Industry produced TIE fighters in astonishing numbers, many thousands annually. Graduates of various military schools of the Empire, having passed through the hands of recruiters, sat at the control panel of the TIE fighter, and many lost their lives there.

Imperial warlords treated TIE fighters as single-use troops and sent them to rebel ships, pirate starships, Alien ships, space stations, and other objects. Frequent missions were to convoy and defend cruisers or planetary bases from rebel forces. A secondary function was to accompany the TIE bombers on their raids on planetary bases. TIE fighters were grouped in squadrons of 12 ships. The wing consisted of six squadrons, or 72 fighters.

In the wake of the success of the TIE fighter, the Sienar Fleet has developed many of its variants for special missions. Some of the most successful models were the TIE bomber and the TIE interceptor. Another variation was the TIE / rc, which differed from the TIE fighter by more advanced sensors and communication devices for use in reconnaissance; this model was followed by the TIE scout (TIE scout), and finally the TIE vanguard, a highly defended vanguard. Another model, the TIE / fc, coordinated firing and artillery guidance systems on large ships, and the TIE / gt was an intermediate version of the planetary assault ship that later evolved into the TIE bomber and the even more powerful Scimitar assault bomber. While developing the TIE interceptor, Sienar engineers created the TIE Advanced x1 Prototype, which Darth Vader flew at the Battle of Yavin.

Not long before the destruction of the second Death Star, Sienar presented a brand new model - the TIE Defender. This fighter had three solar-powered wings, numerous weapons, and a full-fledged hyperdrive. About six years after the Battle of Endor, the company released the fully automated TIE / D, the first fighter to be fully droid controlled. The TIE developers even produced ground combat vehicles, the most widely known is the TIE crawler, a small tank with a typical TIE cockpit.

Behind the scenes

Like most of the starships in the Star Wars trilogy, TIE fighters appear on screen thanks to detailed models captured against a blue background. The TIE models made for A New Hope were 43cm tall, while those appearing in The Empire Strikes Back are slightly larger at 48cm.

The early TIE fighters had much thinner connections between the wings and the cockpit. However, because of this, when the models were hung from the poles, the wings began to vibrate. The vibrations only disappeared when the connections were strengthened.

Models with a blue tint were made for "Empire", but during filming they were lost against the background of a blue screen, and the fighters were repainted completely black.

Special models were made for the numerous explosions of TIE fighters. For example, in The Empire Strikes Back, the TIE fighter, in pursuit of the Millennium Falcon, hits an asteroid and goes into a tailspin. To simulate this, a TIE was made with a broken wing. Then the model was twisted around the axis on which it was held.

When creating a special edition of the trilogy, special attention was paid to the TIE fighters. In particular, the initially gusty movements of fighters were leveled at ILM, making their flight smoother. Also updated TIE laser shots.


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