Rating of the most expensive Russian companies. Ria rating. The leader in terms of capitalization has changed again

In February 2017, the agency "RIA Rating" released another rating of the 100 most expensive Russian companies... Their total capitalization in 2016 was $ 635 billion, which is 58% ($ 233 billion) higher than in 2015. At the same time, the value of all Russian companies that got into the top 100 corresponds to the capitalization of Apple alone (630 billion dollars). However, the potential of many companies is not fully revealed and their shares on the market may still skyrocket in value.

Top 10 most expensive public companies in Russia in 2017

10. VTB Bank

Capitalization - 15,827 million dollars.

The main shareholders of this bank are state structures - the Federal Property Management Agency and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. They own 60.9% of the voting shares. In terms of authorized capital, VTB Bank ranks first among the country's credit institutions, and second in terms of assets. In 2016, VTB Bank and Russian Post entered into an agreement to establish Post Bank. Dmitry Rudenko became its head, who intends to increase the bank's loan portfolio to 4 billion rubles by 2023.

9. Gazprom Neft

Capitalization - $ 16,888 million.

The company was founded in 1995 by order of B. Yeltsin and was then called the Siberian Oil Company. In 2005, its controlling stake was bought by Gazprom. Gazprom Neft was the first company to start producing oil on the Russian Arctic shelf. By 2020, the company plans to increase its total oil production to 100 million tons of oil equivalent per year.

8. Magnet

Capitalization - 17,005 million dollars.

Almost all Russian cities are covered by the "magnetic" network. The total number of Magnit stores as of July 2016 reached 12.9 thousand. The first of the "Magnets" was opened in 1998 in Krasnodar and initially sold household chemicals there. And the development of the hypermarket chain began in 2006. In 2007, the first of them was also opened in Krasnodar. Apparently, this is a happy city for the owners of "Magnet".

7. Surgutneftegaz

Capitalization - 18,217 million dollars.

The largest enterprise in the city of Surgut and one of the largest players in the Russian oil market. For the entire 2016, Surgutneftegas produced 61 million 848.6 thousand tons of oil and produced 9 billion 663 million cubic meters of gas. And NPF under the brand of the same name has become one of the most profitable in.

6. MMC Norilsk Nickel

Capitalization - $ 26,201 million.

The Russian mining and metallurgical giant, which produces 100% platinum on the Russian market, 96% nickel, 95% cobalt and 55% copper. MMC accounts for 1.9% of Russia's GDP. Vladimir Potanin, who holds the post of general director of Norilsk Nickel, at a meeting with Vladimir Putin said that he intends to invest about 1 trillion rubles in the development of production by 2023. This will allow the company to rejuvenate its capacities and make them the largest in the world.


Capitalization - 39,220 million dollars.

Ranks second in Russia in terms of gas production. Together with such companies as Rosneft, Gazprombank and Vnesheconombank, it is included in the US sanctions list. This means that NOVATEK cannot borrow on the American market for more than three months.


Capitalization - $ 48,076 million.

Until 2007, LUKOIL was the leader in terms of oil production in Russia, but then ceded this title to Rosneft. In 2017, the company produced its first millionth ton of oil in the Caspian Sea, at the field named after I. V. Filanovsky. And in 2016, LUKOIL ranked fourth in the annual rating of the environmental performance of Russian oil and gas companies according to the World Wildlife Fund and second in.

3. Gazprom

Capitalization - 59,932 million dollars.

The corporation whose dreams come true occupies the third line of the list of the most expensive companies in the Russian Federation in 2017. Her interests include not only geological exploration and gas production, but also its transportation, storage and sale. Since December 2013, Gazprom retained the right to export pipeline gas, until that time the corporation had the right to export any gas from the Russian Federation.

2. Sberbank

Capitalization - $ 61,159 million.

According to the Central Bank Sberbank -. There is no need to worry about the deposits placed there, the Central Bank is unlikely to revoke the license from Sberbank in the foreseeable future. And in terms of accessibility, Sberbank occupies the highest step on the banking pedestal - it has almost 17.5 thousand divisions and 14 regional banks in 83 regions of Russia.

1. Oil Company "Rosneft"

Capitalization - 69,907 million dollars.

The controlling stake in Rosneft is owned by Rosneftegaz, and Igor Sechin is the executive director of the corporation. In 2016, the Glencore consortium and the Qatar Investment Authority fund acquired a 19.5% stake in Rosneft for 10.2 billion euros. However, Rosneft still has 50% + 1 share. Last year, Rosneft was mentioned in the press in connection with the high-profile arrest of the head of the Ministry of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukayev. He is suspected of threatening and extorting a bribe in the amount of two million dollars from a representative of Rosneft. Ulyukaev estimated this amount as a positive assessment, which allows Rosneft to acquire the state block of shares in Bashneft.


Select parameter ARPU BV / share CAPEX CAPEX / Revenue EBITDA EPS EV EV / EBITDA FCF FCF / share Free Float Loan-to-deposit ratio P / B P / BV P / E P / S R & D / CAPEX ROA ROE Act. subscribers Assets Balance cost Internal price of coal Electricity generation Revenue Freight turnover Goodwill Deposits of individuals Deposits of legal entities Div income, joint-stock company Div income, ap Div.output Dividend Dividend up Dividends / profit Diamond mining Gas mining Gold mining None coking coal mining Copper mining Mining of palladium Mining of platinum Mining of energy. of coal Debt Debt / EBITDA Share of mortgage transactions Share of export sales Market share Val. total capital Adequate capital stock FCF profitability Securities income Capacity utilization Capacity utilization Passenger seat occupancy Insider ownership of ICUF Capitalization Commission income Sales contracts m Sales contracts RUB Loan portfolio Loans to individuals Loans to legal entities R&D Cash Non-material assets Non-performing loans New areas for sale Ore processing Common. area of \u200b\u200bshops Sales volume of pipes Opera. expenses New stores opened Heating energy supply Electricity supply to consumers from the network Internal passenger traffic Total passenger traffic Oil refining Personnel Production of diamonds Sales of PDS Auto sales Auto sales export Sales of aluminum Sales of real estate Steel sales Labor productivity Auto production Production aluminum Steel production Overdue loans, NPL Length of power lines Interest expenses Personnel costs Expenses / person / year Capacity sales Coal sales Provisions for depreciation EBITDA margin Bank profitability Cost of aluminum Cost of aluminum Cost of gold Cost of slab Content of diamonds Creation of reserves Write-off. bad loans Avg. selling price of electricity Average selling price of gold Average ticket Average price per square meter Average price of coal Cost of risk Transformer capacity Inst. warm capacity Installed capacity Share price ao Share price ap Price of aluminum Gas price for export Met / prod price Price / capacity Flight hours Number of shares JSC Number of shares up Number of stores Number of aircraft Net. percent income Net profit Net profit n / a Net interest margin Net profit Net assets Net debt Net operating income Gas export Coal export price

Moscow, January 31 - “Vesti. Economy". The total market capitalization of the 100 most expensive Russian public companies at the end of 2017 increased by 1.3% to $ 643 billion.

Below are the ten most expensive Russian companies.

The leading position in the rating is now occupied by Sberbank, whose capitalization over the past year has grown by almost 40% to $ 84 billion. The share of market capitalization attributable to companies in the financial sector rose to 16.9% over the year against 15.8% in the previous rating, and their market value approached $ 110 billion.

According to the results of the past year, the long-term leader Gazprom with a capitalization of $ 53.35 billion is on the second line. The capitalization of Gazprom fell by 11%, but this still allowed it to slightly overtake Rosneft (by only $ 45 million).

3. Rosneft

Rosneft, which in 2016 removed its long-term leader, Gazprom, from the pedestal, could not stay in first place in 2017 and took third place at the end of the past year. This is due to the decrease in the capitalization of Rosneft by 24% over the year, to $ 53.3 billion.

Among the 100 most valuable companies, market capitalization in 2017 increased for 55, which is significantly less than last year's result (91 companies). In general, the capitalization growth of five companies in 2017 was multiple, which in most cases was due to additional issues. For comparison, in 2016, 25 companies showed a multiple increase in capitalization, which was most often determined by the dynamics of shares.

The minimum market capitalization required to enter the top 10, on the contrary, became less during the year - $ 15.3 billion against $ 15.9 billion a year earlier.

According to RIA Rating experts, in 2018, the growth of quotations for most companies, which began in mid-2017, is likely to continue. At the same time, for many of them the effect of a low base has already been exhausted and growth should not be very strong.

As before, the largest contribution to the total value of the most expensive companies in 2017 was made by corporations associated with oil and gas production and oil refining. They account for 39.9% of the total capitalization of the Top 100 most expensive companies in Russia, which is 4.2 percentage points less than a year earlier. The decrease in the share is due to the negative dynamics of the value of a number of the largest companies from this sector.

The number of the ten largest Russian companies in terms of capitalization, the retailer Magnit and VTB, have left. VTB moved from tenth place at the end of 2016 to 14th place at the beginning of 2018, which is due to a decrease in capitalization by 33%. Over the past year, the retail chain “Magnit” has decreased even more - by 39%, or by $ 6.6 billion, which led to the loss of eight places in the rating, and now this company is in 16th place.

Metallurgy became the third industry in terms of total capitalization. Steel companies account for 13.9% of the market value of the largest Russian companies in terms of capitalization. On the whole, 2017 can be called the “year of metallurgists”, since, following the prices of steel and coal, the quotes of their shares showed rapid positive dynamics.

MOSCOW, Jan 30 - PRIME. The RIA Rating agency has prepared another rating of the 100 most expensive Russian companies. The composition of the top three most capitalized companies has not changed, but the leader has changed, which became Sberbank in 2018.

In economic terms, the past 2017 turned out to be quite successful for Russian companies. Macroeconomic statistics were moderately positive, consumer spending began to rise, and oil prices for most of the year were at a relatively high and comfortable level for the Russian economy. However, this did not have a significant positive impact on the Russian stock market - most companies showed a decline in the first half of the year, which was not offset by the growth that began in June 2017. The main ruble index (Moscow Exchange) dropped 5.5% over the year, while the dollar index (RTS) rose only 0.2%. Nevertheless, despite the decline in the index, among the largest companies in terms of capitalization, most of them showed an increase in quotations in 2017.

To assess the changes that have occurred among Russian issuers and on the Russian stock market as a whole, the experts of the RIA Rating agency have prepared the next annual, fifth in a row, Rating of the 100 most expensive public companies in Russia as of the beginning of 2018. According to the rating, the total capitalization of the TOP-100 Russian companies over the past year increased by 1.3% or by $ 8.4 billion to $ 643 billion as of December 29, 2017. For comparison, in 2016 the growth was much higher - + 58% or + 233 billion dollars.

Over the past year, the list of the 100 largest public companies in Russia has not changed much. At the end of 2017, 9 new companies were able to get into this list, including five companies through IPO and SPO (En + Group, Detsky Mir, Lenenergo, INGRAD and Pharmacy Chain 36.6). At the same time, the majority of newcomer companies managed to show a result that placed them in the lower part of the rating, and only one company out of nine new ones immediately occupied a position in the upper part of the rating of the 100 most expensive companies in Russia - this is En + Group, which was not previously public, which took 21 place with a capitalization of $ 7.8 billion.

The median capitalization of 100 Russian public companies has not changed and amounted to $ 1.8-1.9 billion. In turn, the minimum capitalization with which it was possible to get into the TOP-100 of the most expensive companies at the end of 2017 was $ 318 million, against $ 267 million in the last year's rating and 157 as of December 31, 2015. (Thus, the bottom bar for joining the top 100 most expensive companies in Russia has doubled in two years.

The leader in terms of capitalization has changed again

The composition of the top three most expensive companies in Russia, as in 2016, has not changed, however, all three companies have changed places. Rosneft, which in 2016 moved the long-term leader (Gazprom) off the pedestal, was unable to stay in first place in 2017 and took the third line by the end of the past year. This is due to the decrease in Rosneft's capitalization by 24% over the year to $ 53.30 billion. The leading position in the rating is now occupied by Sberbank, whose capitalization over the past year has grown by almost 40% to $ 84 billion. According to the results of the past year, the long-term leader - Gazprom with a capitalization of $ 53.35 billion - is on the second line. At the end of 2017, the capitalization of Gazprom decreased by 11%, which allowed it to slightly overtake Rosneft (all by $ 45 million).

The top ten also includes LUKOIL, NOVATEK, Norilsk Nickel, Gazprom Neft, Tatneft, Surgutneftegaz and NLMK. It is worth noting that two companies at once left the TOP-10 at the end of the year, and accordingly there are two newcomers in the top ten.

Magnit and VTB Bank have left the ten largest companies in Russia by capitalization. VTB Bank lost 4 places in the rating (moved from 10th place at the end of 2016 to 14th place at the beginning of 2018), which is due to a decrease in capitalization by 33%. Over the past year, the retail network Manit has decreased even more - by 39% or by $ 6.6 billion, which led to the loss of 8 places in the rating, and now this company is in 16 place. In terms of the absolute volume of capitalization reduction, Magnit showed the second result, yielding only to Rosneft, and in terms of relative reduction it became the third in the TOP-100 after AFK Sistema (-44.6%) and FG Future (-52.3%).

Instead of the retired companies, Tatneft (8th place, capitalization growth for the year by 19%) and NLMK (10th place, + 36%) entered the TOP-10. In addition, among the top ten companies in the country, Gazprom Neft improved its positions, moving from 9th to 7th place due to a 19% growth in capitalization over the year. At the same time, Surgutneftegas lost two places in the rating by capitalization in 2017 and is now in 9th position, which is associated with a decrease in its capitalization by 5.6% or by $ 1 billion.

In general, at the end of 2017, the capitalization of the top ten companies increased by 2.6%. Thus, the leaders, on average, grew somewhat faster than the rest of the company. At the same time, the minimum volume of market capitalization, which is required to get into the TOP-10, became, on the contrary, less during the year - $ 15.3 billion as of December 29, 2017 against $ 15.9 billion as of December 31, 2016. In many respects, the good overall dynamics of the TOP-10 companies is explained by the result of the leader of the rating - Sberbank. Its capitalization increased by $ 23 billion over the year, and without its result, all other companies from the TOP-10 showed a total decrease in capitalization.

The sectoral composition of the top ten has become even more homogeneous over the year, although earlier the diversity was not very great. Seven of the ten most expensive companies represent the oil and gas sector (a year earlier there were 6), one bank is also represented in the top ten (previously there were two), and two metallurgical companies (at the end of 2016, there was one metallurgical company in the top ten).

Additional issues and SPOs ensured multiple growth in capitalization

Among the 100 most valuable companies, market capitalization in 2017 increased for 55, which is significantly less than last year's result (91 companies). But in previous years, companies with positive dynamics were replaced less - in 2015 and 2014 there were only 45 and 12 such companies, respectively. The leader in terms of market capitalization growth among the TOP-100 companies in the rating in 2017 was the development company Ingrad. The capitalization of this company has increased more than 8 times during the year. Such a significant increase in capitalization was the result of an increase in quotations and an additional issue of shares in the amount of about 26 billion rubles as part of the merger of OPIN and Ingard. The second company in terms of growth rates was Lenenergo, whose capitalization grew 4.7 times, which is also mainly related to the additional issue. In general, the capitalization growth of 5 companies in 2017 was multiple, which in most cases was due to additional issues. For comparison, in 2016, 25 companies showed a multiple increase in capitalization, which was most often determined by the dynamics of shares.

The largest decrease in capitalization in 2016 among the companies included in the rating was demonstrated by the financial sector company FG "Future". Its capitalization has more than halved over the year. According to RIA Rating experts, the main reason for the decline in capitalization was significant problems with other financial companies (Otkritie, BIN and Promsvyazbank). FG "Future" incurred losses in this regard, which led to a decrease in its quotations. Among the companies with a significant decrease in market capitalization were also - AFK Sistema, Magnit, Bashneft, VTB Bank, Nizhnekamskneftekhim, Lenta, Chelyabinsk zinc plant, Rusagro, Uralkali and Polyus. According to RIA Rating analysts, the decline in capitalization among the leaders in terms of negative dynamics was mainly due to individual reasons.

In 2017, there were two relatively large IPOs, as a result of which new names were added to the list of the largest Russian companies. First, the IPO was carried out by En + Group, the holding company of Oleg Deripaska's assets. Its capitalization is mainly determined by the value of RUSAL (48% of the shares are owned by En + Group) and energy assets. In the ranking, En + Group is in 21st place with a capitalization of $ 7.8 billion. Another major placement was carried out by the Detsky Mir retail chain (capitalization at the beginning of 2018 was $ 1.2 billion, 61st in the ranking). We can say that in 2017 the placements were quite successful, however, according to experts from RIA Rating, there are probably no prerequisites for a radical expansion of geography, industry diversity and, in general, the list of public companies.

Industry concentration remains high

As before, the largest contribution to the total value of the most expensive companies in 2017 was made by corporations associated with oil and gas production and oil refining. They account for 39.9% of the total capitalization of the TOP-100 most expensive companies in Russia, which is 4.2 percentage points less than a year earlier. The decrease in the share is due to the negative dynamics of the value of a number of the largest companies from this sector.

The share of market capitalization attributable to companies in the financial sector rose to 16.9% over the year against 15.8% in the previous rating, and their market value approached $ 110 billion (+ 8.7% compared to the previous year). Metallurgy became the third industry in terms of total capitalization. Steel companies account for 13.9% of the total market value of the largest Russian companies in terms of capitalization (11.6%). On the whole, 2017 can be called the “year of metallurgists”, since, following the prices of steel and coal, the quotes of their shares showed rapid positive dynamics.

At the same time, the results of the current rating indicate that the Russian financial sector has sharply reduced its representation in the rating, although last year it was the leader in the largest number of issuers in the rating. At the beginning of 2018, only 10 companies from this sector were represented in the TOP-100 of the most expensive companies in Russia, against 16 at the end of 2016. Thus, financial companies became only the fourth in terms of representation among all industries. Such dynamics in the number of public financial companies is associated with the reorganization of three large Russian banking groups, as RIA Rating wrote about in detail in an article devoted to analyzing the results of the banking sector in 2017. http://riarating.ru/banks/20171227/630079927.html

It should be noted that, despite the sharp decline in the number of financial institutions, the share of the three largest industries in terms of capitalization still exceeds 70% of the total capitalization of the TOP-100 companies in the rating. Thus, industry concentration remains relatively high.

At the same time, the leading industry in terms of capitalization growth in the rating was the Information Technologies industry, whose share increased by 1.6 percentage points over the year to 2.6% of the total market capitalization. This became possible due to the growth of the market capitalization of companies representing this industry by more than 1.6 times. The worst dynamics in 2017 was demonstrated by companies representing such industries as "Agro-Industrial Complex and Food Industry" and "Trade".

According to RIA Rating experts, in 2018, the growth of quotations for most companies, which began in mid-2017, is likely to continue. At the same time, for many of them the effect of a low base has already been exhausted and growth should not be very strong. It is noteworthy that external risks remain high, in particular, a strong tightening of sanctions by the United States is possible, which could become a “black swan” for the Russian stock market. At the same time, a number of sectors and companies from them will continue to benefit from the stabilization of the economy, lower inflation and easing of monetary policy.

To assess the changes that have taken place among Russian issuers and on the Russian stock market as a whole, experts of the RIA Rating agency have prepared the next annual, fifth in a row, Rating of the 100 most expensive public companies in Russia as of the beginning of 2018.

The main ruble index (Moscow Exchange) dropped 5.5% over the year, while the dollar index (RTS) rose only 0.2%. Nevertheless, despite the decline in the index, among the largest companies in terms of capitalization, most of them showed an increase in quotations in 2017. According to the rating, the total capitalization of the TOP-100 Russian companies over the past year increased by 1.3% or by $ 8.4 billion to $ 643 billion as of December 29, 2017. For comparison, in 2016 the growth was much higher - + 58% or + 233 billion dollars. The median capitalization of 100 Russian public companies has not changed and amounted to $ 1.8-1.9 billion. In turn, the minimum capitalization with which it was possible to get into the TOP-100 of the most expensive companies at the end of 2017 was $ 318 million, against $ 267 million in the last year's rating and 157 as of December 31, 2015. (Thus, the bottom bar for joining the top 100 most expensive companies in Russia has doubled in two years.

According to the rating, the following companies are also in the top ten: Sberbank, Gazprom, Rosneft, LUKOIL, NOVATEK, Norilsk Nickel, Gazprom Neft, Tatneft, Surgutneftegaz and NLMK. It is worth noting that two companies at once left the TOP-10 at the end of the year, and, accordingly, there are two newcomer companies in the top ten. Magnit and VTB Bank have left the ten largest companies in Russia by capitalization.

Among the 100 most expensive companies, market capitalization in 2017 increased for 55, which is significantly less than last year's result (91 companies). The leader in terms of market capitalization growth among the TOP-100 companies in the rating in 2017 was the development company Ingrad. The capitalization of this company has increased more than 8 times during the year. The second company in terms of growth rates was Lenenergo, whose capitalization grew 4.7 times, which is also mainly related to the additional issue. In general, the capitalization growth of 5 companies in 2017 was multiple, which in most cases was due to additional issues. For comparison, in 2016, 25 companies showed a multiple increase in capitalization, which was most often determined by the dynamics of shares.

The largest decrease in capitalization in 2017 among the companies included in the rating was demonstrated by the financial sector FG Future. Among the companies with a significant decrease in market capitalization were also AFK Sistema, Magnit, Bashneft, VTB Bank, Nizhnekamskneftekhim, Lenta, Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant, Rusagro, Uralkali and Polyus.

RIA Rating is a universal media group rating agency MIA "Russia Today", specializing in assessing the socio-economic situation of the regions of the Russian Federation, the economic condition of companies, banks, sectors of the economy, countries. The main activities of the agency are: creation of ratings of regions of the Russian Federation, banks, enterprises, municipalities, insurance companies, securities, and other economic objects; comprehensive economic research in the financial, corporate and public sectors.

MIA "Russia Today" - an international media group whose mission is to provide prompt, balanced and objective coverage of events in the world, informing the audience about different views on key events. RIA Rating as part of MIA "Russia Today" is included in the line of information resources of the agency, which also include: RIA News , R-Sport , RIA Real Estate , Prime , Inosmi ... MIA Rossiya Segodnya is the leader in citation among the Russian media and is increasing the citation of its brands abroad. The agency also holds a leading position in terms of citations in Russian social networks and the blogosphere.


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