List of professions related to ecology. Work related to nature. Benefits of being an ecologist

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the concept of "profession"; the concept of "ecology"; professions that are in demand on the labor market today; -eco debate

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The concept of "profession" - from the Latin professio, means "public speaking".
In modern society, a profession is understood as such an occupation of a person that: - requires special training, education. practiced regularly. serves as a source of livelihood. But not every work activity is professional. It will be such if a person has a level of qualification - this is knowledge, skills, which are confirmed by documents (certificates, diplomas)

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The word "ecology" comes from the Greek words oicos - house and logos - science.

The term was first used in 1866 by Darwinist biologist Ernst Haeckel. He understood ecology as "the science of the relationship of living matter with its environment."

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10 professions in demand in the XXI century

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1. Engineering specialties.
According to experts' forecasts, engineering specialties related to industrial production will take the leading positions. Already, there is an acute shortage of professional engineers, technicians and middle managers in production.
The demand for marketing engineers and managers is growing in all industries.
A combination of technical and economic or legal education, knowledge of English or any other European language will be especially appreciated.

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2. IT and computer hardware developers.
A programmer is a specialist who creates and debugs software and maintains its performance. In the modern world, the image of the company is becoming increasingly important, and the site is nothing more than an indicator of the level and reliability of the organization.
As a consequence, web design is one of the highest paid "computer" professions. Many companies are willing to pay a lot of money, if only Internet users would pay attention to them.

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3. Nanotechnology
Nanotechnologies are technologies based on working with molecules and atoms, these are technologies that use the most hidden and valuable properties of matter. Nanotechnology is a huge field that can be divided into three parts: the production of microcircuits, nanoscale robots, and engineering at the atomic level.
According to forecasts, all specialties related to nanotechnology will be in demand. It is already clear that nanotechnologies will cover all areas: mechanical engineering, space technologies, food industry, medicine, etc. It is believed that a country that has achieved a breakthrough in the development of nanotechnology is waiting for world leadership.

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4. Specialties at the intersection of electronics and biotechnology.
Biotechnologies are technologies that use biological systems and their elements. Currently, biotechnologies are quite widely used in agriculture, where genetically modified products are obtained using genetic engineering and microbiological methods. Biotechnologies are used in molecular
Biotechnologies are used in molecular medicine, in biopharmaceutical production and in other industries.
Specialties at the intersection of electronics and biotechnology require a specialist to have deep knowledge of both electronics and bioengineering. It is likely that working biochips are a matter of the very near future.

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5. Marketing and sales.
Experts predict that in 9-10 years there will be a glut in the Russian market of goods and services. A marketer is, first of all, a company strategist. The business of a marketer is to manage a system focused on the production of various goods and the satisfaction of the interests of producers and consumers.
He conducts market research, plans the range and volume of products, determines prices, stimulates sales.
A highly qualified marketing specialist develops business plans, offers the most profitable options for investing the company's money.

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6. Specialties related to the service.
Incomes of the population are growing, the size of the middle class is growing. One of the indicators of this trend is the growing need for quality service. This is dry cleaning with a hairdresser next to the house, and a good kindergarten and much more.
Moreover, the demand for professions in the service sector, as experience shows, will increase annually, while the growth rate of demand for professions in the service sector will outpace the growth rate of needs in other professions in demand.

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7. Logistics.
"Logistics - the theory and practice of managing material and information flows in the process of goods movement." The profession of a logistician is suitable for those who are burdened by rigid frameworks in their work, do not like templates and set restrictions.
One cannot do without practical experience, as well as without deep knowledge of mathematics, technology, current legislation, and, of course, without an understanding of business principles.
To make a successful career, a logistician will need an analytical mind and systems thinking, intuition, the ability to quickly find a way out of difficult situations, communication skills, communication skills.

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8. Ecology.
The term "ecology" arose long ago, as early as 1866. And in the future, the problems of preserving the environment will occupy an increasing place. The growth of harmful emissions into the atmosphere puts environmental problems in one of the first places in the future global world
The growth of harmful emissions into the atmosphere puts environmental problems in one of the first places in the future global world.
On the one hand, the demand for professional ecologists will begin to rise, and on the other hand, the range of requirements for environmentalists will expand.
The specialty of an ecologist will require knowledge of physics, chemistry and biology, computer modeling skills, processes taking place in nature. The profession of ecologist will become one of the most important and most demanded professions.

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9. Medical specialties related to the search for means of life extension.
Medicine successfully uses advances in the field of electronics, biotechnologies, which are only being created today, are being researched, and in 10 years, for sure, will enter into practice, will become a common practice in medicine.
It is clear that in a decade these will still be very expensive technologies. Active work will begin to make them accessible to many. And here you will need the appropriate specialists.

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10. Chemistry.
Specialists in the field of chemistry will be especially in demand in the energy sector. Although, as is known, there will be enough oil reserves for the next 10 years, humanity is already working on the development of alternative energy sources.
By 2016, developments and research in the field of alternative, environmentally friendly energy sources will reach their peak - and chemists will not do here at all.

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Top 10 highest paid and most demanded professions of the future:
Bild Your New Live
*Engineers (especially construction-smart homes, smart roads, smart and clean environment, 3D printing designer) *IT-specialists and computer hardware developers (robotics) *Nanotechnology specialists. *Ecologists (Cosmobiology and Cosmogeology) *Medicals (IT genetics consultants, cyber implants and cyber prosthetics in surgery, pharmacology, molecular nutrition) *Chemists and engineers in the field of energy (alternative energy sources) *Biologists (biotechnology-genetic engineering) *Marketers -* Specialists associated with the service *Logistics

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Let's draw conclusions:
6 out of 10 presented professions with an environmental focus And this future is already in 8-10 years and will become our present ... New professions will appear and old ones will disappear.

The concept of "ecologist" is quite loose - most often it means any person working in the field of ecology. However, the professions in this area are very diverse.

Ecologist - profession of the future

Environmentalists are studying the reasons why reservoirs dry up, the state of water and air deteriorates, the degree of impact on nature and wildlife of humans and industrial production. They easily reveal the degree of pollution of the surrounding world, as well as what impact nuclear or missile tests have on the ecological situation as a whole.

Profession engineer - environmentalist

Environmental engineers are engaged in the development and approval of documents confirming the environmental safety of some projects and industrial production. Experts in this industry in laboratories conduct analyzes of soil, water, air and determine the degree of their pollution.

During the construction of buildings and structures, it is necessary to conduct an environmental review, the positive results of which will approve the start of construction work. In every large industrial enterprise there is a position of an environmentalist who oversees the production processes.

Professional requirements for the profession of environmentalist

To become an ecologist you need:

Have a good understanding of environmental legislation, as well as an understanding of generally accepted norms and standards;

Be sure to know physics, biology, chemistry;

Understand how environmental due diligence is carried out;

Knowledge of at least one foreign language (preferably English);

Be able to write reports;

Have an idea about the processes occurring in the environment;

Master the methods of environmental monitoring and computer modeling skills.

In addition, the ecologist must possess certain qualities of character, such as


Stress resistance,



Skill to work in team,


Analytical mind.

Benefits of being an ecologist:

Great satisfaction from the work done;

High demand among employers;

Good career growth;

Opportunity to work abroad;

Frequent trips to different cities.

Disadvantages of being an ecologist:

Relatively low salary (on average 20,000-40,000 depending on the region);

The need to work with toxic substances;

Work in life-threatening conditions.

The choice of a profession directly depends on the interests of a person. The profession of an ecologist is suitable for those who like to benefit others and travel a lot.

The scope of this type of profession is mainly agriculture ( veterinary medicine, zootechnics, agronomy, plant growing, animal husbandry).

Specialists who have chosen professions of the "man-nature" type must have a broad outlook and knowledge in the field of crop production, microbiology, animal husbandry, chemistry, etc. The requirements for possessing other skills are varied, a specialist in this type of profession must have - from drawing skills (draw microscope) to the management of equipment, the use of tools. In some situations, careful handling is required (with young animals, planting seeds), in some - the use of physical force with the use of tools (when harvesting, planting plants).

The most necessary personal quality of such a specialist is accuracy and care in relation to living organisms. When performing such work, it is important to be able to wait patiently, watching living processes, and to take into account the natural course of development.

Professions of the "man-nature" type are: master livestock breeder, seed grower, livestock specialist, cynologist, agronomist, laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis.

Nature related jobs include:

landscape designer Designers are mainly engaged in lawns, installation of garden furniture, landscape gardening paths and sanitary pruning of shrubs and trees.

Forestry specialist or ranger To work as a forester, higher education is not required. In almost every city there are special services that work with forest pests. This could be, for example, a green space protection station.

Land registry specialist or surveyorkeeps records of the quality and quantity of land, that is, it evaluates their fertility and location. The surveyor is the same land surveyor. The main task of the surveyor is to study the slopes of the earth in order to correctly plan the placement of the supporting structures of buildings and columns.

Veterinarian and Livestock Technician treats animals. The most common veterinary services: vaccination, castration, and microchipping of animals

Entomologist - this is a person who studies insects, a specialist of the highest level of qualification in the field of biological sciences.

Like any specialist in any other profession, an entomologist performs various tasks assigned to him, for example: to study the structure and life of insects of one type or another, to study the historical and individual development of insects, and also to analyze their distribution on our planet, to find out which then there are species of insects of one type or another, how insects interact with our environment, and so on. The profession of an entomologist, like any other, also has its pros and cons.

Department of Ecology, Nature Management, Land Management and Life Safety FGBOUVO "Astrakhan State University" (ASU)

Training of specialists at the department of ecology, nature management, land management and BC includes the study of the history of nature management, types, forms and structure of modern nature management, socio-economic aspects of the development of regions and industries, expertise, management and audit in nature management, the role of GIS technologies in nature management, opportunities for optimizing environmental management for sustainable development and much more.

Hydrobiology and General Ecology (GOE) Astrakhan State Technical University

The department has a good material and technical base. The department has specialized rooms: hydrobiology, histology, cytology and embryology, water toxicology, physiology and biophysics.

In order to improve the quality of education through the use of new knowledge and achievements of science and technology in the educational process, the implementation of the research principle of education and the expansion of the scientific component of the educational process, as well as the staffing of scientific research, the basic department "Environmental Monitoring" was created on the scientific and production base of the Caspian Scientific and research center (KaspNITS).

The ecological misfortune of a person lies in the fact that, despite the fact that most of us think about the quality of the air, food and water that we use, but at the same time do not take any action to improve, or rather, restore, the ecological state of our planets. That's what ecologists do.

They carry out the most complex analyzes and calculations of the state of water, land and air, as a result of which new laws and strict environmental standards are introduced. It is they who control the work of industrial enterprises, preventing the excess of certain pollution standards. They prove time after time to all mankind that this can destroy the entire planet. Not only people suffer from this, but also animals and plants.

Professions related to ecology are engaged in the study and research of sources of pollution of water bodies, the atmosphere, and soil. Their responsibilities include the development of methods for controlling pollution of the natural environment, reducing and eliminating technological objects of pollution. They must be able to assess the impact of atmospheric industrial emissions on nature, monitor compliance with rules and regulations for environmental protection, as well as conduct industrial water treatment and prevent environmental pollution.

People of these professions should be engaged in the organization and planning of the most rational and optimal environmental management at enterprises and in the region. Ecologists must assess the economic damage from environmental pollution, as well as take measures to protect the environment. They take part in checking the compliance of technical equipment with all environmental protection requirements and take measures to introduce new equipment, taking into account all environmental requirements. And the most important, perhaps, is the work on developing ways to combat the environmental crisis.

Any person associated with this profession must be responsible, proactive, independent, conscientious, observant, accurate and emotionally stable. In addition, he must have analytical and mathematical abilities, logical thinking, good mnemonic abilities, mental flexibility and the ability to endure prolonged physical and mental stress in various weather conditions.

The highest paid job for an ecologist is expert work in various private companies. It is they who create the opportunity to certify manufactured products, without which it is impossible to engage in sales, and besides this, they eliminate the shortcomings of various projects and technologies in production.

Now the majority, both domestic and foreign, of higher educational institutions offer environmental faculties to applicants. Learning from them is not only useful, but also extremely interesting. More and more applicants are concerned about the ecological state of their beloved and only planet. It is the graduates of these specialties who are fighting for the preservation of the nature that surrounds us. Will you become one of them? The above requirements for people in this profession will help answer this question.

In science fiction films, the planet and its inhabitants are saved by superheroes, but in real life - by ordinary people. Most often we do not even notice them, but this does not prevent them from doing their daily work. In fact, if you look closely, you can see a whole army of those who daily maintain the balance of the global ecology. This professional area has its own division into “influence groups”. So who is on the team of environmental heroes?

1. Work related to the study of the problem

Take care of state of the environment can be different. The struggle for the environment is a kind of military action, because here some "fighters" stand on the front line and repel the threat, while others identify such a threat.

Hero #1: Bioecologist

In science, there is an interesting term "biota", which means all living organisms (this includes animals, plants, and even viruses). All of them are defenseless both against human influence and against natural disasters. To help the biota develop harmoniously, a profession was created.

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It would seem that what can be heroic in the study of an ecosystem? It turns out that it can! Without a study and assessment by a bioecologist, we will not be able to understand what the ecological situation is on our planet now, and whether there is a threat to all living things.

In addition, without the research of a bioecologist, people will not have any scientific basis and accurate predictions to combat harmful effects. This indispensable specialist studies the ecosystem in detail, assesses the level of human pollution, creates a special database and conducts continuous biological monitoring.

Hero No. 2: Laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis

Every day we eat a wide variety of foods. Most of us do not even know what useful or harmful substances they contain. But just not laboratory assistant for chemical and bacteriological analysis. This man knows everything about the microworld! In the test tubes or on the object glass of his powerful microscope, such “experimental” ones often fall that can cause irreparable harm to a living organism.

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The main task of such a laboratory assistant is to find a dangerous substance, study it (if it is of an unknown nature) and prevent the harmful ingredient from spreading. Before conducting an analysis, you need to prepare for it. To do this, a specialist takes samples of the necessary raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products or drinking water, or even sets up equipment and proceeds to analysis. Not a single analysis is complete without recording the results, and the laboratory assistant takes them as seriously as he does experiments, because these data decide the future fate of raw materials or finished products.

Hero #3: Medical Ecologist

Why do certain epidemics break out on earth, viruses mutate and chronic diseases quietly accumulate? What are the reasons for this "bacteriological" war, and is it possible to trace and neutralize the hidden enemy? Medical ecologists know where they came from and why so many human diseases are developing so actively, so they are constantly studying them and developing ways to deal with them.

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When scientists began to conduct research, they found that many diseases do not occur by chance, and each of them has its own reason for the appearance. Through comprehensive analysis, it was discovered that some diseases appear only in one climate or depending on the characteristics of any locality.

2. Work related to disaster prevention

This group includes those environmentalists who do not sit in the laboratory, do not take samples and do not engage in biochemical analysis. Moreover, some receive a ready-made result of the study from the hands of laboratory assistants. But in the fight against environmental threats, their professions are no less important.

Hero #4: Environmental Manager

The ability to plan and analytical mind is the main weapon environmental manager, although this is not the whole set of his personal qualities. Typically, such managers work in specialized firms and industries, where their main task is to organize environmental safety.

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What dangers can await in a factory or in an ordinary office? Believe me, there were many emergencies, and therefore there was a need to develop a strategy to prevent them. It is always better to prevent a problem than to solve it later!

An environmental manager calculates all possible options for the occurrence of threats, and then develops special programs to prevent them. The main areas of his work are the reconstruction of old enterprises, the storage, transportation and disposal of waste (or the creation of waste-free production), as well as the development of a program for the moderate use of natural resources.

Hero #5: Environmental Designer

During its existence, the human race not only actively settled around the world, but also almost completely changed its appearance. Over the centuries, cities have been created, roads have been laid everywhere, and even in water basins, changes have already taken place. Over time, mankind realized that it is impossible to live completely without natural landscapes, and there was a need for

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Before creating a particular project, you need to prepare for it: check the compatibility of the idea with the possibility of its implementation, evaluate the supply of resources and energy. Naturally, this position is filled by a person who knows the analytics and the basics of the project strategy very well.

Its main task is to reduce negative impact on the environment. What exactly is the protection of the environment here? The ecologist-designer calculates which construction will be effective for the environment, and which will be harmful. If the future building violates the natural balance, then they are looking for a more suitable place for it.

Hero #6: Environmental Education Specialist

Caring for the environment is not only the creation of strategies and laboratory research, but also a course in educational work. Ecological and pedagogical work is carried out everywhere and it covers not only children, but also adults. Often environmental education specialists can be found in museums, special centers, various traveling exhibitions and other public places.

Image Source: Park Season

Moreover, he conducts not only educational work, but also actively participates in landscaping the area. For example, it improves ecological trails and sightseeing routes for tourists. The enlightenment of people is connected with the careful preparation of thematic lectures and conversations, which should be not only meaningful, but also able to captivate the listener.

Such a specialist cooperates with the media, environmental organizations, publishing houses, through which he can distribute posters about upcoming events.

3. Work related to the elimination of disasters

Ecologists, which will be discussed here, not only prevent the onset of a catastrophe at the cost of their own lives, but also eliminate it if it does occur. Of course, the work of any ecologist is associated with danger, but those that will be discussed further are doubly at risk.

Hero #7: Firefighter

The profession is in one of the first positions in the ranking of the most dangerous, because these people have to risk their health around the clock to save people and nature. Work is most often associated with constant inconvenience and difficult conditions, but all these difficulties are nothing compared to the important mission that they perform.

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People enter this profession only by vocation. According to statistics, not only buildings of residential buildings, retail and industrial areas are burning, but also forests, so the firefighter has enough work. Now, when fires occur so often, our world is simply unthinkable without this profession.

In addition to participating in rescue operations, firefighters conduct regular drills, demonstrations and organize safety briefings in schools.

Hero #8: Diver

If you think that you only find lost things underwater or carry out repairs there, then you still don’t know everything about these brave guys! Environmental pollution- this is a layer of sewage not only on the surface of the land, but also under the water column, where various garbage is quite often found. And, therefore, the help of an ecologist is also required here.

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Not all people understand that their health depends on the cleanliness of the planet, so so often divers have to go down to the bottom of reservoirs and clean them of debris.

Working in special equipment is not so easy, because you need to be in a confined space for a long time. In addition, there is a risk of damaging the suit or not calculating the oxygen supply. But professionals are not afraid of this alignment, because they understand the environmental importance of their mission.

Hero #9: Zoologist

There are dozens of professions in the world related to the support of ecology, and one of the most important among them is, since not only the plant world and water depths, but also the animal kingdom needs help.

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As you know, in biology there is the concept of "food chain", the links of which - animals and plants - are directly dependent on each other. Take the example of pandas: if the eucalyptus tree disappears, these beautiful animals will not exist either. At the same time, there is a vital connection between the animals themselves, and it must not be violated either.

Therefore, zoologists regularly monitor the health of animals and the population of individual species. Control over the "smaller brothers" is carried out not only in zoo nurseries, but also in the wild. Over the past decades, zoologists have saved pandas, reindeer, polar bears or, for example, Indian rhinos from extinction.

Today, the environmental situation is not entirely favorable, so there are many different professions in nature protection. Now the specialty "Ecology and nature management" is in demand. Whom to work and where to study in this direction? This is discussed in the article.

A little about the specialty

Ecologists study the relationship of living beings, both with nature and with each other. The main task of specialists in this field is the regulation and reduction of environmental pollution, control over changes that can cause negative consequences.

Often ecologists have to go on different expeditions to carry out research and analysis of nature, to detect threats. Knowledge of such sciences as biology, geography, chemistry, mathematics will help to cope with this work.


It is necessary to study for 4-5 years to get an education in the specialty "Ecology and Nature Management". What items to donate? For admission, you need to successfully pass the Russian language and geography. Universities also establish a third subject. These include mathematics, chemistry, biology.

Ecology involves the study of the formation and functioning of populations, biogeocenoses and ecosystems. The discipline deals with the relationship of living beings between themselves and the environment. To successfully complete training, you need to understand such disciplines as biology, geography, soil science, geology, landscape science. A specialist needs to be knowledgeable in environmental law and design, monitoring, expertise, and marketing.


In many institutions you can get education in ecology and nature management. Universities in different regions offer to study with a diploma. But the most sought after are:

  1. Moscow University. Lomonosov.
  2. Russian State University of Oil and Gas. Gubkin.
  3. State University for Land Management.
  4. MGIMO.
  5. Moscow Aviation Institute.
  6. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
  7. Russian State Geological Prospecting University. Ordzhonikidze.

Whichever institution is chosen in the direction of "Ecology and Nature Management", universities include compulsory practice for students. They test their knowledge on field training, off-season practices, in industry organizations related to the use of natural resources. Industry organizations, departments and laboratories of universities are assigned for practice. At the end of the training, there is a defense of the bachelor's work and a state exam.

Subjects studied

In the direction of "Ecology and nature management" you will have to study many subjects. The main ones include general ecology, hydrosphere, social ecology, geoecology, geoinformation systems. Successful assimilation of disciplines will allow you to become a professional in your field.

There is also general education. These include history, jurisprudence, Russian language, chemistry, biology. Studying physics and mathematics.

What are they teaching?

After training in the specialty "Ecology and Nature Management", the bachelor receives many useful skills. The specialist can:

  1. Participate in expeditions.
  2. Create recommendations for saving the environment.
  3. Assess the degree of influence of factors.
  4. Carry out audit work.
  5. Collect and process documentation.
  6. Create regional development projects.
  7. Design and implement activities for the protection of nature.
  8. Teach in specialized disciplines.
  9. Ensure environmental safety.


If you received an education in the direction of "Ecology and Nature Management", who will work after that? Typically, specialists are required at industrial enterprises that deal with the ecological state of nature. Typically, such organizations prevent the deterioration of the environment. The average salary is 30-40 thousand rubles per month, depending on the position.

If you graduated from the Faculty of Ecology and Nature Management, where else can you work? Specialists are needed in environmental firms, laboratories, research institutes and expert groups. Graduates can work in ministries, for example, natural resources, as well as in administrative institutions, educational institutions and companies related to the environmental field.

Many cities have a department of ecology and nature management, which also requires specialists. This organization is engaged in improving the state of the environment, preventing many adverse consequences. There is an inspectorate for ecology and nature management, where university graduates can find a job.


If you have completed your education in ecology and nature management, who should you work with? Graduates are offered the following positions:

  1. Agroecologist.
  2. Geoecologist.
  3. Environmental inspector.
  4. Scientific editor.
  5. Bioecologist.
  6. Engineer.
  7. Ecologist.

Graduates have the opportunity to get a job as an environmental engineer, as well as an ecologist-user of nature, a hydroecologist and a trainee researcher in the field of ecology. If you graduate from the magistracy and gain rich experience, then there is the possibility of transferring to high positions. Such a person will be in demand as a worker with a higher education.


Several personal qualities are needed to work in the direction of "Ecology and Nature Management". Whomever you have to work, you must have:

  1. Diplomacy.
  2. internal discipline.
  3. Stress resistance.
  4. Responsibility.
  5. Accuracy.
  6. Analytical mindset.
  7. Working capacity.

Pros and cons of the profession

The benefits include:

  1. Moral satisfaction from the work done, because you have to work in the field of improving the state of the environment.
  2. Demanded profession in many enterprises.
  3. Graduates have the opportunity to practice in production, which leads to the acquisition of useful contacts.
  4. Environmental engineers work in the petrochemical, construction and energy sectors.
  5. The profession is considered international, so you can work in another country.
  6. You have to travel often.

Among the shortcomings are:

  1. Insufficient income.
  2. Often you have to work in extreme situations.
  3. Danger from working with harmful substances.

Thus, the specialty allows you to work in various enterprises. The profession is important because employees in this field work to improve the environment.


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