For hire over. How to open your own business if you no longer have the strength to work for hire? Positive and negative aspects of an employment contract for an employer

Surely, many have thought more than once what to choose: work for hire for someone else's uncle or organize their own business? In this article I will try to compare these options and show why it is not profitable to work for hire in our country.

To begin with, let's define: for what purpose does a person actually work? Whoever said what, but there are usually only two reasons prompting us to go to work:

  • Earn the required amount of money for living here and now.
  • To ensure your future, in fact, to earn a pension and a comfortable old age.

We are accustomed to the fact that in order to achieve these goals, we must first get a decent education, and then find a good (preferably highly paid) job. However, with the collapse of the USSR, in the conditions of a market economy, an alternative option became available to us - to open our own business and do business.

To assess the possible prospects, it is necessary to consider the pros and cons of both options. This should take into account both psychological and economic aspects.

Psychological aspects

" Employment

Many people think that when they work for a large company, they are part of something big and benefit the community. This is not entirely true. Undoubtedly bring benefit to society, but do not forget that you work for someone else's uncle and bring benefit (profit) only to him. By getting a job in a company, you initially put yourself in a dependent position and, in fact, no longer belong to yourself.

At any time, the bosses can begin to dictate their conditions, load them with additional responsibilities and demand their fulfillment. And if he is not satisfied with your job, you can easily be shown the door. After all, there are more than enough people who want to take a warm place in the office.

Another motive that prompts a person to become an employee is the desire to gain some experience and climb the career ladder. But even here it is not so simple. No matter how wonderful and successful your career is, there are a number of limitations.

  • Firstly, you will never rise above your boss, since it is not profitable for him, that is, you will remain a dependent employee, following someone else's instructions.
  • Secondly, your ambitions in terms of high earnings also cannot always be satisfied, since the salary cannot grow indefinitely: at a certain moment, when it reaches the set limit, there will be nowhere to grow further.

»Work for yourself

Your business is an opportunity to work as much as you want and receive income directly proportional to the effort expended.

In this case, the amount of income depends only on you, on your capabilities and desires.

Here you will not have bosses who would indicate what, when and how to do it. However, this is where the biggest difficulty in self-organization lies — organizing yourself. Without self-discipline and self-organization, you will not be able to build your business. No one except yourself can make you work and you have to rely only on yourself. Otherwise, the business is doomed to fail.

Nevertheless, this option removes restrictions - there is no pressure from above, there is no limit to self-improvement and career growth, and your potential earnings are also unorganized.

Financial aspects

" Employment

When we get a job, we receive a guaranteed salary. And this is perhaps the only plus. The employee knows in advance his salary and the minimum amount he will receive no matter what.

However, the salary in this case is only a fraction of the money that the employer could pay you.

How much, you ask? It's very simple - taxes. Have you ever wondered how much taxes you paywhile working in an enterprise or a company? And it has long been known that employee income is the most taxable benefit of all. Don't believe me? Let's count.

Let's say the employer is ready to pay you 50,000 rubles for your work. From this amount, in any case, the state will withhold from you 13% of income tax (6,500 rubles). Those. you will have 43,500 rubles left. Everything would be fine if not for one more but!

In addition to personal income tax, your salary is subject to another 30% additional fees (according to the latest amendments to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

  • 22% must be given to the Pension Fund, which is as much as 11,000 rubles.
  • 2.9% - to the Social Insurance Fund (1450 rubles).
  • 5.1% - to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund (2550 rubles).

Those. in fact, it turns out that in addition to the wages accrued to employees, the employer must give the state another third of it. In our example, the employer will have to pay not 50,000, but all 65,000 rubles per employee.

Due to the huge tax burden, the employee will never receive the amount that the employer is willing to pay him. Since, if he can allocate only 50,000 for wages, then the employee will receive only 35,000 rubles (50,000 - 30% of contributions). At the same time, the employee will receive even less in his hands, since 13% of the income tax will be deducted from him, i.e. real wages will be 30,450 rubles.

As you can see, working for hire, a person actually loses almost half of the money earned, since we deduct 43% monthly.

Pension savings is, of course, good, but there are a lot of alternative options. But we will talk about them a little later.

»Work for yourself

Working for yourself, you depend on a variety of circumstances. You do not have a fixed salary, and the amount of earnings depends only on yourself: on the number of clients, your professional qualities and the ability to sell yourself, your services or goods. At the same time, as mentioned above, income is practically unlimited, and there is an incentive to develop and increase your income.

In addition, the tax burden on private entrepreneurs is significantly lower than on an employee. Each individual entrepreneur working on the simplified tax system (simplified taxation system) pays 6% from the income received (or 15% of the amount of income minus expenses). At the same time, in 2012, according to the latest amendments to the Tax Code, social contributions were reduced to 20% of the income received (last year, contributions accounted for 26%).

That is, if an entrepreneur earned 50,000 rubles, he is obliged to pay the state 3,000 rubles of the Single Tax ( 6% ) and about 10,000 rubles of contributions to the Pension Fund (20%).

And even then, this amount will be less. Since ~ 10,000 rubles is an annual amount. If you break it down into 12 months, you get a monthly deduction in favor of the pension fund of about 830 rubles.

Thus, he will have about 46,000 rubles. And this is noticeably more than 30,000 for an employee.

But an individual entrepreneur has one more thing in this regard. advantageous advantage... The Tax Code allows you to reduce the amount of tax by the amount of contributions paid to the Pension Fund.

For example, as an entrepreneur, you earned a million rubles in a year. In this case, the tax that you will have to pay will be 60,000 rubles. Imagine that the sum of contributions to the pension fund for the year was 10,000 rubles (I am not writing the exact amount, since it changes every year), then you can subtract the data 10,000 rubles from the accrued tax amount, i.e. of 60,000 rubles and thus the total tax amount will be only 50,000 rubles.

As for the pension, working for yourself, you also make payments to the Pension Fund and have the right to receive it from the state in the manner established for all citizens. In addition, working for oneself and receiving a large salary, a person has the opportunity to independently save for old age.

There is even a monthly saving of 10% -30% of your income and, having accumulated a certain amount, invest in some financial instruments, a person can earn a certain amount of capital by retirement. Even the simplest method - in 20-30 years or more, with regular replenishment will allow you to make very impressive savings.

For more risky investors, there are many other options: non-state Pension funds, etc. There are actually a lot of options, and everyone can choose the most suitable one for themselves.

By the way, if the above words seem difficult for you, I recommend studying the course ““, which will explain the essence of these financial instruments in a simple and accessible form, help you create your own and get a much more tangible income than investing in bank deposits.

Summing up

For advocates of employment, main argument in favor of this option - a guaranteed salary and confidence in the future. Nevertheless, no one guarantees you a lifelong job, situations develop in different ways: you can be fired, laid off, reduced wages, etc. So, upon closer examination, it turns out that guarantees and stability are illusory, since a person does not belong to himself.

At the same time, your business, with the right approach to development, after a certain time, brings good returns. Yes, your business requires constant attention, control and action. It's like giving birth to a small child. If you do not work, no one will pay you, but you get self-satisfaction from the fact that your work is appreciated, and this is a good incentive for further development.

The main advantages of working for yourself:

1) Freedom and flexible working hours... You are free to choose when to work. There is no boss behind your back who demands the impossible from you. You yourself choose with whom to work, what kind of work to take on, and who not to work. However, if you are serious about the business and want a good income, then you will have to work a lot. The fact that you can play the fool and do nothing, but money will be paid for it - these are fairy tales.

2) Growth of income. If a person works for hire, then the increase in salary depends solely on the decision of the boss (at best, it will be indexed 1-2 times a year). When a person works for himself, the level of income depends only on him. That is, I worked a lot - I got a lot, I worked a little - I got a little. But you don't have to blame anyone but yourself. You can decide how much you want to work and earn. Based on this, you set specific goals for yourself and move towards them.

3) Professional growth. Working for yourself, you yourself are responsible for the result of the work. This is a stimulus for development, increasing productivity and quality of their work. And following the quality, income also grows.

Of course, your own business has some drawbacks. The main one - all responsibility lies with you. And at first you will have to fulfill a lot of responsibilities. Oftentimes, a business will take much more time and energy from you than a job.

It's up to you to choose! However, the advantages of private enterprise are obvious, and they far outweigh the disadvantages. You are the masters of your life. If you are ready to take on this responsibility and start your own business, go for it.

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"... Employment is work in which a person enters into explicit (written or oral) or implied, guaranteeing him a basic remuneration (in money or in kind), which does not directly depend on the income of the unit where the person works., Some or all tools that a person uses in the labor process may belong to others. The activities of an employee may be carried out under the direct control of the owner or persons designated by the owner and employed by him ... "


Rosstat Order of December 21, 2010 N 452 "On Approval of Methodological Provisions for Conducting Sample Surveys of the Population on Employment Problems (Labor Force Surveys)"

Official terminology... 2012.

See what "Employment" is in other dictionaries:

    JAZZ: Employment - JAZZ: Work for Hire Developer Game Factory Interactive Publisher Russsobit M Release Date November 2 ... Wikipedia

    JAZZ: Employment - Developer Game Factory Interactive Publisher Russobit M Release Date November 2007 Platform ... Wikipedia

    Jazz: Work for Employment - JAZZ: Employment Developer Game Factory Interactive Publisher Russsobit M Release Date November 2007 Platform ... Wikipedia

    work done for hire - a work made for hire A legal principle that defines the legal ownership of works created by employees or contracted service providers. [Department of Language Services ... ... Technical translator's guide

    Working from home (scam) - The ad promises $ 2,000 part-time and $ 6,000 full-time. Not to be confused with working from home is a legal way to earn money. Work at home scheme ch ... Wikipedia

    JOB - Herculean work (labor). Book. Work that requires incredible effort. / i\u003e Goes back to ancient Greek mythology. BMS 1998, 454. Egyptian work (labor). Book. Very hard, exhausting work. BMS 1998, 485; DP, 513; SHZF 2001, 72; BTS, 294 ... A large dictionary of Russian sayings

    Alpha: anti-terror. Male work - Developer МиСТ land YUG Publisher GFI / Russobit М Release date December 7, 2005 Genre Strategy Platform ... Wikipedia

    Shift work - (shift work) one of the types of work schedule, in which the working hours during the day on different working days may differ. It is used in continuous production or to ensure a more complete load of equipment, ... ... Wikipedia

    Remote work - in the park This term has other meanings, see Work from home (disambiguation). Remote work or work from home (also teleworking, teleworking; ... Wikipedia

    Overtime work - in labor law, work in excess of the established (normal) duration of working hours, performed at the initiative of the employer (as opposed to part-time work, when work is performed at the initiative of the employee). Contents ... Wikipedia


  • Business for bohemians. How to make money doing what you love, Hodgkinson Tom. This book by Tom Hodgkinson, author of the best-selling book "How to be Idle" and founder of Idler Academ ... Buy for 958 rubles
  • How to start a business without investors. Creation of start-up capital on the job. Pocket guide, Suprun Vladimir Petrovich. How to open your own business and quit your job? Where to start and where to get money? If you have an idea and are looking for ...

Work for yourself, you can't plow for uncle

You can't work for yourself, plow for uncle

Surprisingly, one trick in the right place - and the meaning of the whole sentence changes dramatically. So, one subtlety in understanding the essence can radically change both your life and your path to.

In this article I will share the arguments from personal experience, the pros and cons of working for yourself or working for hire.

In general, I often come across categorical statements: if you want to succeed - work only for yourself, or stable operation is reliability ... and many, many other statements in favor of this or that way of earning and financial well-being.

It is curious that those people who can earn themselves, earn good money, do not want to leave their long-term employment. And those who have never been involved in entrepreneurial activity are sure that this is the path to a personal Eldorado (mostly young people think so, the older generation often "idolize" traditional employment in production).



Stable and predictable income. Perhaps this is the most compelling argument. The employer is legally obligated to pay and pay on time.

There is always a lot of work. Even if there is no work in the specialty, modern business is arranged in such a way that there will always be more work in general than unique ideas for your business.

Capital is always with me. Your hands, abilities - this is the necessary working capital, so that after a month of its use - to receive the corresponding monetary reward. In your business, you may not see income for several years.

Low responsibility. As a plus - because about your, discipline, and increasing the level and efficiency of work - another person will think for you, not you personally. You only need to match the employee template set by the boss. The templates are generally simple (work, don't be smart, agree).

Psychological factors. (A blurred factor - it can be different for each person).

Well, you do not like to command and that's it. You like it when the other person solves all your problems for you.

Your business is associated with movement contrary to others and your weaknesses, you often need a very strong will, a passive person will never simply be able to succeed in his business, but as an employee for an uncle, he can be excellent.

Work for others if you don't want to stand out and be a black sheep.

Work for hire - matches your personal desires. For example, a scientific podium. (All my life I dreamed of working at the hadron collider, for yourself, you are unlikely to build such a businessman).


Fixed salary. There is a ceiling that you can't jump over with all your desires.

Do what you need to do, not what you want.

You need to adjust under someone else's rules, schedules, to be a faceless gear in a gigantic structure.

Work only for yourself


Self-realization. This is a very significant factor in overall success. Working and creating your own business is a huge field for applying your talents, a great opportunity for self-realization, ambitions (if, of course, you have them).

There is no money ceiling. It is worth clarifying - business is not a business. But if you have taken the path of entrepreneurship - what prevents you from directing the business in the direction that is either closer to you in spirit, or more profitable?

Psychological factors. As in the case of hiring, the individual factors of the person must be taken into account. I will highlight those key factors in personality traits that are necessary and essential in choosing a job. This is a strong will, great self-discipline, a free-thinking personality that does not tolerate restrictions, an innate leader (with such personal "parameters" - you will be out of place at any other's work, and you only need your own business).


Freedom? In fact, according to the reason - you will adapt to the authorities, and to yourself - you will adjust to the tax, customers, suppliers, laws. Yes, there is more choice in business - but there are also more rules to play by.

I do what I want? Oh, is it? Unlike an employee - who spent his 40 hours at work, you will watch your business twice as long without sleep and rest, seven days a week.

I'm the boss. Subordinates are such creatures that they like to relieve themselves of responsibility and, in addition, create additional problems on your head. Will your ambitions withstand all those problems that will appear in a flurry from everywhere? (especially when you least expect it)

Self-realization. Well, just fine, you have the opportunity to self-actualize in accounting, in the technological process from A to Z, in the psychology of a just tyrant, in worshiping local boyars…. (a very long list ....)

Verdict: to work like this for yourself or still work for hire?

In general, this topic is very complex. My experience (I was both an employee and an employer, and on my own, now I combine) - says that a comprehensive analysis is needed in making a decision.

Simple practical advice: you probably have acquaintances in this or that activity - see how they do. I know successful satisfied wage earners and eternal losers, would-be businessmen. I would by no means be categorical in offering you one definite path - without knowing your personality ...

In general, only you can give the most correct answer to this question. In difficult questions, I do this: I take a sheet of blank paper, write down the question competently and, depending on the question itself, give the appropriate markup (pluses, minuses, severity, like it or not like it ...). (You need to write only by hand and so that it is easy for you to understand what you mean - about the "magic" properties of this approach.)

Do not believe if someone convinced you for a couple of suggestions (all various scammers, marketers, forex, pyramids) - that it's cool to work for yourself ... You will be left without the last shirt.

The answer should be well thought out - your whole future life depends on it ... and not only yours (think about others too, about those who depend on you).

: work for yourself or be an employee.

Most of the articles on my blog promote self-employment. In this regard, many readers may get the opinion that I dislike hired employees and in every possible way discourage people from making money in the traditional way. This is actually not true.

In one of my posts I gave a list of reasons why. I will now correct myself and provide a similar list of the pros for being employed. There are many positive aspects in working for an employer, and a person who has not passed such a stage in his life will not be able to appreciate the benefits of his business.

1. Labor legislation

Whatever one may say, but a person who works for hire is protected by law and the state by an order of magnitude better than any entrepreneur. He accumulates a pension, sick leave and vacations are paid, he cannot be fired without reason, and even in the event of bankruptcy of the enterprise, he will receive compensation.

2. Guaranteed salary

The salary of an employee is accrued regardless of whether the company is making a profit at the current time or is suffering losses. Bonuses may be cut, but what is stipulated in the labor contract will be paid.

3. The possibility of change

Quit your own business and switch to something new and challenging. But changing jobs and even profession is not difficult. All that keeps you is 14 days of work stipulated by the law. Found the required vacancy, for example, at, wrote 2 applications (for dismissal and admission) and are enjoying a new job.

4. Professional experience

The profession obtained in an educational institution rarely meets the real requirements for a specialty in the labor market. And employment allows us to fill the gap between academic education and the real qualifications of a specialist.

5. Teamwork experience

Real work differs from ideal work in that it is influenced by the human factor. Teamwork experience allows you to learn the skills of interacting with other people and learn to look for approaches to different types of individuals.

6. Leadership experience

If you plan to start your own business in the future, the ability to organize work and manage a team will be your most valuable skill. It is possible to gain such experience in your business, but it can cost a lot of money. As an employee, you can learn everything at the expense of your employer.

7. Useful links

Many things in our life are decided by acquaintances and connections. A large list of useful contacts will allow you to quickly and easily resolve many issues in the future. It is enough to call the right person. This element will be especially useful when you plan to start your own business in the same field in which you work for hire.

8. Authority

When you have your own employees, it will be much easier for you to find a common language with them if they see you as their person. Even if you are the boss now, but you started the same way as they did, did the same as they did and, therefore, you understand their problems and correctly assess the possibilities.

Before becoming an entrepreneur, I myself went through the path of an employee. I had a chance to twist the nuts and work with papers and guide people. The experience gained helps me to this day, if it were not for it, who knows how my business would have developed.

What is work for hire?

Everyone knows the phrases "Work for hire" and "Hired worker".

Moreover, most of us know them, if I may say so from the inside.

Most of the population in this way earns its bread!

This is the most common, most accessible and, to be honest, the most difficult and unpromising method to organize your financial affairs.


In order to answer this question, I will give you all the pros and cons of this type of making money, and you yourself will compare and draw conclusions.

I have already casually touched on this topic in the article, but here we will consider all the pros and cons in a more thorough way!

Positive aspects, "pluses" of employment.

A huge number of options for work in a wide variety of areas of human activity;

More or less guaranteed employment and wages;

- "social package." (paid sick leave, accident insurance, sometimes life insurance, pension);

Paid vacation (the most pleasant plus);

- "career prospects";

In addition to fulfilling your official duties, you do not need to strain anything especially.

I could no longer find a single positive moment in hired work, although I worked in this sector for more than eight years!

If anyone knows more pros, share them in the comments!

Negative sides, "cons" of employment.

In most cases, the level of salary does not depend much on whether you have worked 3 times better this month than in the past, or whether your performance has remained at the same level. Even if your salary is raised or an additional bonus is given, you are unlikely to receive as many times as much money as you did;

It turns out that it is very easy to withdraw the bonus from you and you will receive salaries for this month much less than you planned and expected! Plus, firing you is as easy as removing your bonus;

When you change your place of work, there is a high probability that you will lose your "social. Package.", Because the fact is that all these social programs are corporate, in other words, they operate only in relation to employees of a particular organization. If you have ceased to be its employee, then your social protection from this company stops;

You can be called from vacation at any time;

In any company, there is competition between employees. The larger the company and the more significant the position, the more intense and fierce the competition around that job. Moreover, having received the desired increase, in addition to a certain increase in salary and status, you get so many additional duties, hassles, headaches and responsibilities that if you carry out all this volume of affairs while running your own business, you would become a millionaire in a few years;

You cannot and do not have the right to interfere with the management of the company, determine the direction of movement, development, etc. You carry out someone else's will, someone else's orders, "pulling hot chestnuts out of the fire for someone else's uncle", you are not a free person, you work for someone, share with him your achievements, victories and successes, and he receives most of them, and not You!

As you can see, there are plenty of cons. I specifically printed only those that are, as it were, direct opposites of the pluses, although there are much more negative sides! If you want to add your own "minuses" - you are welcome to leave them and discuss them on the page for comments.

Hopefully now you have a general idea of \u200b\u200bwhat constitutes a job for hire.

Choosing it or abandoning the fate of an employee is everyone's personal business.

And here there is no knowingly correct choice for everyone.

To each his own!

The main thing is that what you are doing, in addition to material satisfaction, brings spiritual satisfaction!

There is a wonderful and very simple way to check if you are doing your own thing.

To do this, it is enough to answer two questions:

1. On Monday, do you enjoy going to work and, if the opportunity arises, work with joy and pleasure on weekends?

2. Friday (the last working day of the week) is a holiday for you and you are looking forward to the weekend so that you can safely drop everything until Monday?

If you answered:

1. Yes!

2. No!

i am sincerely glad for you and congratulate you, you have found YOUR BUSINESS!

I wish you successful career growth!

Tell your friends and acquaintances about the article, let them express their opinion about what has been written.


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