Step-by-step instructions: how to start a freight transport company from scratch? Organization of cargo transportation - production plan. Overview section of the project

Now let's take a closer look at a specific example.

Cargo transportation is a very promising niche for starting your own business. Perhaps the main plus is that all business processes are understandable even for a novice entrepreneur. Let's look at where to start this business, how to design your business and attract your first satisfied customers.

As an example, we will consider our partners, MVA AUTO. They are engaged in cargo transportation in Minsk and its environs. The first thing to note is transport. MVA has three types of cars in service:

  • Minibus with a volume of 13 cubic meters. Its carrying capacity is 1.5 tons, and the price per hour of work is 14 rubles
  • The second minibus, with a volume of 16 "cubes" and capable of carrying 2 tons of cargo. It costs 15 rubles per hour
  • And the last car is a van of 20 cubic meters and a carrying capacity of 3 tons. Clients pay 18 rubles per hour for it

There is a good balance here that allows the company to target multiple client groups. For household moving from apartment to apartment, clients choose the smallest car. And for garbage disposal, a van most often leaves.

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We will take note that all cars have a carrying capacity below 3.5 tons, which means they fall under the category of driver's license B. This situation allows you to do without the involvement of additional drivers. Ideally, you can get by with one. At least in the early stages, until you have many clients.

For individual entrepreneurs

It's clear with machines. Now you need to choose a legal arrangement. Self-employment status is the minimum requirement that allows you to run your business completely legally.

It gives the right to conclude contracts, take loans for small businesses, participate in tenders and so on. The taxation system is much simpler and cheaper here. Therefore, it is the IP that is recommended for the start.

There are restrictions: the number of employees (now this number should not exceed 30 people), as well as the annual turnover of the enterprise. The bar is periodically changed due to the revision of the minimum calculated indicator. But it will be enough for the first few years. MVA Auto works exactly like an IP. And we can see that she can offer a team of movers, three cars, and almost any city moving and transportation services.

For the company

This refers to the opening of an LLC, a legal entity. Advantages: the recruitment capacity is seriously expanding, there is access to international supply contracts. And at tenders, legal entities look more weighty.

Cons: increased taxation, as well as the need to conduct thorough accounting. Therefore, you will have to expand your staff. For you, as an owner, LLC means that now you will receive the director's salary and a part of the profit, and not everything that the company has earned.

However, the income received is also subject to income tax. Although there are measures to reduce this load. Here you better contact a qualified lawyer for advice.

But if you just want to start, earn the first money on transportation, then it is better to choose an individual entrepreneur. Here you can deal with all taxes yourself. If anything, the tax office will advise you, as it is in their interests that you pay everything accurately and on time.

Pros and cons

Now let's talk about the pros and cons of the trucking business. Let's start with the pleasant, positive side:

  • Quite a simple business model. You got a call, you sent a team with a car, she moved, you got money
  • There is no need to attract trained qualified personnel. Yes, it is better to hire experienced movers. But strong young guys can also be attracted. You have no requirements for higher education, experience, etc. It is enough to create a balanced team: an experienced driver and a senior among the loaders, and working hands from young guys who do not have high salary requirements
  • Excellent expandability. You can buy new cars in order to enter a new niche, open branches in the suburbs, rent out your cars for a long time, transfer a franchise. In general, when the business is on the go, making more profit is not a problem.

Now about the cons:

  • Substantial start-up investment. Even if you decide to get by with one car, be it a Gazelle, you will have to buy it. Of course, you can save money by taking the aftermarket. But then there will be no guarantee from the car service. Among other things, you need a base and some marketing investments. After all, customers need to be attracted immediately
  • Competition. The niche is promising and many people have already understood this. So even if you are in a small town, chances are you are not the only carrier there. But on the other hand, the flow of customers is regular, since the services are necessary
  • Noticeable maintenance costs: refueling a car, repairing it, carrying out technical inspections, vehicle tax. Profitability can only be leveled by increasing the customer base

Nevertheless, each of the disadvantages can be leveled if you think it over carefully. You can borrow money, as banks are actively lending to this area. Competitors can be bypassed with marketing, advertising and the selection of a reliable team. Fuel costs can be reduced by becoming a wholesale buyer at the nearest fuel and lubricants base.

Where to get clients

You can start from scratch as a cargo carrier, but it all comes down to finding clients. Where to find people? Hint: They are looking for your services themselves. You just need to show yourself to them. Now the best tool in this area is the Internet. People from your city every day drive into Yandex and Google questions about those who would help them move furniture or organize an office move. Our task is to give them what they are looking for.

Client bases

Customer bases in 2018 are somewhat outdated. Previously, businessmen formed them from telephone directories, now not every family has a landline telephone at all. Here you need to decide who exactly you are looking for. If you want to cooperate with companies, help them move their offices, then you can contact directly.

Surely there is an association of entrepreneurs in your city. Their websites often publish information regarding members. See what companies are there. Perhaps one of them is growing up and is about to move out of the old office. Just call and offer your help.

The second method is direct cooperation with business centers. Office buildings lease premises. Go there, ask the administrator and propose a deal, in the spirit of "You give our number to those who are going to check in or out, and we give you 10% of the cost of our services." This may sound arrogant, but it works.

And of course, write down the contacts of everyone who was already your client. It will not be superfluous to call them after the transfer and ask if everything is fine? How did they settle down? So you will remind of yourself and you will be treated loyally.

Your site

The site in 2018 is the main business card. Here you can publish not only phone numbers and a list of services, but also reviews, descriptions of your cars, introduce visitors to the team. When a potential client already knows your loader or driver by sight, it is easier for him to make a decisive call.

Check out MVA Auto website ( What do you see? A clear offer of their services, at first glance it is clear what kind of company it is and how it will be useful to the client. Below is a story about available cars, working conditions and, most importantly, reviews. There is also a block with benefits, as well as a blog. The blog serves not only to get to know the company, but also to attract those who will search for relevant information on the Internet.

The organization should not just create a website, but make it pleasant, understandable and optimized. SEO is the art of making sure that your firm is on the first lines of the search engine, after the corresponding request. For this, contact us at VG ART.


Word of mouth is a great business promotion tool. These days, it has stretched from ordinary human recommendations to social media and online reviews. Agree, it's nice if your client posted his gratitude for the services on his Instagram. And his subscribers now know who to turn to for transportation. For this, it is not a pity to give a discount, if the client contacts you again.

Perhaps this is the best way to turn regular customers into regular ones. Discounts, promotions, involvement in your advertising. This is what we use when we promote our partners on the Internet.

Word of mouth continues to propel conventional firms into market leaders and people are willing to pay for that status. This applies both to global corporations and to ordinary entrepreneurs from small cities. So do not miss these opportunities and you will always be popular with customers.

My name is Arthur Yemelyanov. I live and work in the city of Saratov. Four years ago, he organized a transport company "Transit", which today is one of the best in the region. Before starting a cargo transportation and starting a business, I ordered a detailed business plan, researched the market, and determined the business prospects. Today, the transport of my company delivers goods throughout Russia.

The financial and organizational aspects of my business are as follows:

  • initial investment in business - from two million rubles;
  • 5 cars of three brands - "Gazelle", "DAF" and "RENAULT";
  • 10 drivers (two for each car), two operators, an accountant, a technician, a repair specialist, two managers;
  • legal entity (LLC) is registered;
  • office near the city center with an area of \u200b\u200b60 square meters. I plan to open representative offices in other cities;
  • monthly income - from 700 thousand rubles.

How to start a trucking business?

Transportation is a serious business that requires responsibility and a competent approach from you.

Pay particular attention to the following points:

1. Decide on a direction of activity. Large transport companies provide a wide range of services - railway, road, sea and air transportation, assistance in paperwork, customs services for goods and so on.

But at the initial stage, you should not grab onto all directions at once - you can organize a business of cargo transportation for gazelles within the region, and then throughout the country.

With the growing popularity of the company and higher profitability, the business can be expanded.

2. Come up with a company name.It should be simple and memorable. Naturally, the name of the transport company should be associated with transportation, for example, "MashTrans" or "Trans-auto".

3. Analyze the market.It may seem that the freight market is free. But this is not the case. There is fierce competition here, with which you will have to fight for the first 1-2 years.

At the same time, large companies take most of the freight transportation market (almost half).

20-25% goes to medium-sized companies that have been in this area of \u200b\u200bbusiness for a long time and have a solid client base.

10-15% are “narrow profile” carriers that work in one direction and with a specific product.

There are also private traders - there are about 5-10% of them. Such people have their own car, which helps to earn their bread.

The rest is casual and floating transportation.

Today, more and more often you come across reviews that cargo transportation as a business is very dangerous, and competition does not allow to develop normally. This is not true.

If you do your job well, take into account the mistakes of competitors and eliminate them, then you can become the best in this business in just a few years.

4. Solve the issue with the design. At the initial stage, IP is enough. Over time, the best option is to register an LLC.

In this case, you need to prepare the following papers:

  • the charter of the newly formed company. The document should display all the most important information about the new company, its tasks, work goals, direction of activity, nature of goods, volume of services provided, and so on;
  • institution agreement. If you are the sole founder of a business, then such paper is not necessary;
  • minutes of the meeting of founders. This document should be drawn up even before starting any action, because the head of the company (the main responsible person) is registered in it.

In addition to the listed papers, you will need a document confirming the payment of the state fee and a letter of guarantee from the lessor.

After opening a legal entity, you will have two of the most important documents - a certificate confirming the registration of the payer and a registration certificate. With these them all roads are open.

5. To organize a trans business trucking, you will need a room. The area will depend on the volume of services provided.

At the initial stage, a small control room is enough - a room of 20-30 square meters. Most of the space will be occupied by the territory of the vehicle fleet and storage facilities.

It will be very difficult to find the required area in the central part of the city. But for a transport company, distance from the center is not critical. You can find premises in the sleeping areas of the city.

At the same time, please note that when registering an LLC, the new premises will become the legal address. It will not be possible to conclude such an agreement with the sublease - you will have to look for the owner.

Average monthly rental costs start from 20 thousand rubles, but here a lot depends on the number of cars in the fleet, the number of employees and other factors.

You can study the numerous experience of other entrepreneurs who have created their own successful business with a franchise in the section of our website:

The most successful and informative case according to the editors of the Russtarup portal:

An interesting experience of creating a business under the franchising program is presented

6. Purchase vehicles and equipment.This article is one of the biggest waste. For the first time, you can take one or two Gazelles.

At the same time, it is not necessary to buy a new car - the option with a used vehicle will do. The main thing is that the car is in good condition and without technical problems.

Another option is leasing. Recently, there have been many lucrative offers. All that is required is to pay an advance payment (from 20% of the car price) and you can use the equipment.

The advantages of leasing are that you get a new car and under warranty. If you wish, you can make a deal for 2-3 years, which will reduce monthly payments to a minimum.

When choosing a transport, consider the range of services of the company. In addition to Gazelles, you may need low-loader trawls (for the transportation of especially heavy and oversized cargo).

The total cost of buying a car and equipment is from 1-2 million rubles.

You have decided to open a transport company

7.With some staffFor the first 2-3 months, you can wait and perform the functions of a courier, dispatcher and manager yourself. It also makes no sense to hire a separate accountant - the work can be entrusted to a qualified employee of a specialized company.

On the other hand, you cannot do without a person who will take over all the operational work. With an increase in the number of orders, you will need your own staff - an accountant, secretary, courier, operators and other employees.

Labor costs - from 20 thousand rubles (at first) and from 150 thousand rubles in the future.

How to open an individual entrepreneur for cargo transportation?

If you do not have the desire or opportunity to register a legal entity, then at the initial stage you can work as an individual entrepreneur.

All that is needed is to appear at the tax inspection body and bring the following documents:

  • a statement drawn up in the form;
  • a receipt confirming the payment of the state fee;
  • copies of the main pages of the passport (as a rule, these are pages with personal data and information about the place of registration);

As a rule, the listed documents are sufficient. And the reviews about the business in cargo transportation from the gurus of their business confirm this. But! Pay special attention to the choice of OKVED codes.

For cargo transportation, the following options are suitable - 63.4 (organization of cargo transportation) and 60.2. The second code includes the activities of other land transport (in our case, this is a car).

How long does it take to open an IP?

If you have all the documents and timely contact the tax office, it takes no more than a month to complete all the papers. Moreover, the total cost of the procedure will not exceed several thousand rubles.

Table # 1. Potential consumption of services of transport companies in Russia

What should a business plan contain?

When drawing up a business plan, it is important to pay attention to the following parts:

1. Overview section.It should describe the form of the business, the future goals of the company, a brief overview of the freight market in a particular region, and so on. This section is very important - it is the rationale for the rest of the project.

2. Description of the activity.It is important to take into account the direction of the company's work, the type of cargo transported, the list of services, and so on.

3. Market analysis.This section is fully devoted to a deeper study of the chosen direction, business prospects, analysis of the shortcomings of competitors' companies, making proposals for improving the company's activities.

4. Production planshould contain sequential steps to implement a business project, taking into account all existing risks.

In addition, the section should contain a description of all resources (equipment, machinery, premises, personnel, advertising costs) that will be needed when organizing your business.

5. Project costs. This section takes into account all expenses and income of the business.

Table 2. Growth in the freight industry in Russia

How much does it cost to open a freight forwarding company?

Costs may vary. The most budgetary option is to use a gazelle for a business in cargo transportation and the reviews of experienced entrepreneurs confirm this.

In this case, the costs will be as follows:

  • small office rent - from 20 thousand rubles per month;
  • registration - from 10 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of machinery and equipment - from 500 thousand rubles (when registering a lease, you can get by with a smaller amount);
  • staff remuneration - from 80 thousand rubles (3-4 employees are quite enough);
  • advertising - from 20 thousand rubles.

Does it make sense to start a business from scratch or is it better to buy a ready-made business?

This is where you should focus on the capabilities of your wallet. If there is an amount of 2-3 million rubles, then you can buy a ready-made and completed business.

Otherwise, it is better to gradually develop yourself. Moreover, the costs are relatively small.

Any person sooner or later faces the need to transport any goods. For individuals, this type of service usually accompanies moving, buying furniture, building materials or large household appliances. Manufacturing enterprises need regular delivery of raw materials, semi-finished or finished goods, and trading companies need to fill retail stores with their goods.

Considering where to start a trucking business, you can find that this niche in large cities is practically filled, and therefore the entrepreneurs working here cannot boast of super profits. On the other hand, studies show the presence of free demand in this industry, which even the numerous proposals of transport companies cannot satisfy.

This need is associated primarily with the low quality of services and insufficient responsibility of individual market entities. It is logical to assume that an entrepreneur who successfully avoids such negative factors can provide his company with a constant high income.

Business features

The share of trucking companies accounts for about 4% of the total volume of cargo transportation in Russia. Of course, this industry cannot compete with railways in productivity, but there is simply no alternative way for citizens and small businesses to transport things, goods, equipment or raw materials over short distances.

Moreover, 80% of all road carriers are small firms and individual entrepreneurs with a fleet of three to five vehicles. This fact is explained by the availability of low-tonnage vehicles for the population: for example, a business plan for cargo transportation on the Gazelle requires an investment of only 1.1 million rubles, even when buying a new car.

When starting to organize a business, an entrepreneur must carry out some analytical work and assess the saturation of the local transport services market. The easiest way is to use local newspapers and other media: it is enough to count the number of classified ads from other organizations to imagine the scale of the upcoming competition. Then you should find out how many cars are at the disposal of companies operating nearby, find out the rates for their services and the most demanded areas of activity.

Finally, you need to consider the pros and cons of the trucking business so that you don't miss out on the benefits and avoid potential risks.

While listing the main benefits, it should be mentioned that:

  • An entrepreneur can choose one or more of dozens of available directions and cooperate with both legal entities and individuals;
  • The business has a huge potential for development - as the fleet expands, the profitability and profit volumes of the enterprise increase;
  • Unlike the transportation of passengers, the transportation of goods in any volume does not require licensing;
  • To reduce the initial investment, equipment can be rented or issued under a lease agreement.

Of course, the transport business is also characterized by certain disadvantages, which additionally complicate the activities of an entrepreneur. So:

  • The level of competition in this market segment is quite high;
  • The operation of transport is accompanied by the need for constant repair and maintenance;
  • The carrier is responsible for any damage to the goods received during transportation.

Types of services

A beginner who is studying how to properly run a cargo transportation business should take into account that only very large companies with an extensive fleet of vehicles can afford the delivery of any type of cargo to any client. Entrepreneurs, whose financial resources are limited, at first it is better to work with some specific type of customers. They find their place in the market:
  1. Companies delivering small cargo for private clients within the same city and nearby settlements;
  2. Firms that cooperate with trade enterprises and transport various consumer goods from city to city, as well as deliver the distributor's products to retail stores and warehouses;
  3. Enterprises serving industrial or mining production, transporting various types of raw materials, semi-finished products or finished products;
  4. Intermediary companies that do not own their own fleet and use the services of third-party carriers to serve customers.

In the process of considering the issue of how to open a cargo transportation business from scratch, you need to pay attention to the fact that the main service of the company, in any case, remains the movement of any objects over short or long distances. Depending on the type of vehicle, type of cargo and distance, all activities included here can be classified as follows:

  • Transportation of goods. Includes delivery of furniture, household appliances, building materials and other goods for legal entities and private customers;
  • Carriage of passengers. This type of activity involves the maintenance of regular routes, transportation of tourists and vacationers, as well as the delivery of employees of any enterprises to the place of work and back;
  • Moving. The service is in demand among citizens and companies that transport things from one place to another - for example, to a country house, to a new apartment or to an office;
  • Garbage removal. Most often, to provide this service, special vehicles are required, however, ordinary trucks can also be used to remove industrial, construction and household waste;
  • Special transportation. Delivery of specific, oversized, perishable or dangerous goods is implied. For these purposes, tank trucks, truck cranes, refrigerators, low loader trawls, tow trucks, timber trucks, etc. are used.

You can increase the profitability of your trucking business and win the favor of your customers by providing additional services that allow customers to save money, time and resources. This includes:

  • Loading and unloading of goods by the contractor;
  • Dismantling and packing things, pieces of furniture;
  • Goods safety insurance;
  • Customs declaration for international transport.


How to start a trucking business? To work legally and safely, an entrepreneur must register his activities in the prescribed manner by contacting the local tax office. For a company with one owner, it is better to choose an individual entrepreneur, and when organizing a business with partners - LLC.

Registration is carried out on the basis of an application, in which you should indicate the passport data of the individual, the address of his registration, the desired activities according to OKVED and the preferred taxation system. After issuing the certificate, you need to open a bank account for non-cash payments, order the production of a seal for documents and register with various funds.

It is logical for any entrepreneur to want to save on tax payments. Considering the existing taxation systems and the criteria that companies applying for their use must meet, two schemes that are most loyal to freight carriers can be distinguished:

  • USN. The simplified system is used in two versions: payment of 6% of the total company income or transfer of 15% of the net profit (after deducting expenses). Since 2018, the use of the simplified tax system is allowed for enterprises whose turnover for the previous year does not exceed 120 million rubles, and the value of fixed assets is 150 million rubles;
  • UTII. There are no restrictions on turnover in this case, but the number of transport units in the enterprise should not exceed 20, and the number of employees - 100 people. The rate is calculated based on the value of the basic profitability of one car (6000 rubles) and the actual number of cars. The advantage of UTII is the ability to deduct from the tax amount of insurance premiums of individual entrepreneurs and transfers to funds for employees.

Before opening a cargo transportation business, you must also order lawyers to develop a standard contract for the provision of transportation services. When concluding an agreement with a client, this document indicates:

  1. Exact addresses of loading and unloading of goods;
  2. List of company employees involved in organizing transportation;
  3. Dimensions, weight and other parameters of the cargo;
  4. Vehicle type and characteristics;
  5. The total cost of the service and the calculation procedure;
  6. Delivery terms.

In addition, each separate transportation process requires filling out the waybill of the car, the waybill, as well as the insurance policy in case of any damage to the goods (if such a service is available).

Car park

When drawing up a business plan for cargo transportation, an entrepreneur must remember that it is hardly possible to purchase cars for all occasions. Therefore, first of all, you should determine the target audience of the company, study its needs and find out the main types of goods - for example, furniture, building materials, food, liquids, bulk substances. Based on this data, you need to select vehicles designed to solve specific problems.

In the process of realizing a business idea of \u200b\u200bcargo transportation, the question of choosing between new and used cars may arise. There is no unequivocal solution in this situation, since new models are much more expensive, and used cars require additional repair and maintenance. Nevertheless, practice shows that it is better to purchase any domestically produced transport in a showroom or at a factory, and foreign trucks at the age of no more than three years. The fleet of a logistics company may include:

  • Low-tonnage vehicles. Trucks and minibuses "Gazelle Business", "Gazelle Next", "ZIL Bychok", capable of carrying from 1.5 to 3 tons of cargo, are popular among domestic models. The cost of a new "Gazelle" - from 1,100 thousand rubles, with low mileage - from 810 thousand rubles;
  • Isothermal vans. The insulating sandwich panel body is most often installed on five-ton trucks. Such machines can be used to transport both ordinary and perishable goods. The cost of three-year-old cars "Hyundai HD65", "Hyundai HD78" belonging to this class is in the range of 1.9–2.2 million rubles;
  • Truck tractors. Designed for long distance movement of long cargo semitrailers with a lifting capacity of 20-30 tons. The cost of trucks "Scania", "Mercedes", "Volvo", "Man" starts at 4 million rubles;
  • Open body trucks. Various models "MAZ", "KamAZ", "ZIL", "FAW", "Tatra" are used for the transportation of bulk and bulky cargo - sand, earth, building materials, agricultural products. This category also includes dump trucks and vehicles with a trailer;
  • Special equipment. For the transportation of non-standard cargo, special-purpose equipment is used - food tankers, fuel trucks, refrigerators, manipulators, tow trucks, low-loader trawls, car transporters.


Doing business in the field of cargo transportation on your own is quite difficult. An entrepreneur who owns a single vehicle can still handle the administrative work, but expanding the vehicle fleet inevitably entails the need to hire additional employees, including:

  • Drivers. The number of drivers is determined by the vehicle load. For example, with a standard eight-hour working day, one person is enough for a car, for long-distance transport, two are needed, and with a 24-hour truck operation, three;
  • Mechanic. Of course, for a fleet of two cars, it is impractical to hire a mechanic, but if the number of vehicles exceeds 5-6, you need to hire an experienced specialist. His responsibilities will include routine repair and maintenance of trucks, inspection before leaving the line and other measures to prevent and eliminate technical malfunctions;
  • Dispatcher. As a business, trucking requires constant coordination of transport and monitoring of the current situation in order to process orders in a timely manner. If the number of cars exceeds 2-3, the entrepreneur will need the help of a dispatcher, whose list of duties will include accepting applications from customers and receiving information from drivers in the process of their implementation;
  • Accountant. An outsourcing specialist can do the accounting for a company that owns two trucks. If the number of vehicles exceeds five or six, it is better to hire a part-time accountant. If an entrepreneur considering how to develop a cargo transportation business plans to expand the vehicle fleet to ten units or more, he cannot avoid hiring a full-time employee;
  • Movers. A company that provides a full range of services will definitely need loaders - qualified specialists without bad habits, who know how to work quickly and accurately. To form a positive image of the enterprise, they should be issued a new uniform with corporate symbols;
  • Managers. In the early stages of organizing a trucking business, office workers can be dispensed with, but in the future, an entrepreneur should hire a sales manager to find clients and a logistics manager to design and optimize transport routes.

Production area

The provision of transport services is considered a type of activity loyal to production areas, since you can start a cargo transportation business from scratch even in your own apartment, using your home computer and phone. However, some clients negatively perceive such a company format, and therefore all entrepreneurs sooner or later realize the need to rent an office.

In this case, a large area is not needed, since a maximum of five people will be at the workplaces at the same time - a director, an accountant, managers and a dispatcher. The location also does not really matter, since the main issues are resolved by phone. You can rent such an office even in a large regional center for 230–250 rubles / m² per month.

Suppose an entrepreneur starts a trucking business from scratch and has two or three vehicles. At this stage, he will not need the help of other support personnel, except for the dispatcher: drivers and loaders will be constantly on the routes, and an outsourcing company will take care of accounting. Therefore, the office equipment can be represented as follows:

Office equipment

Name price, rub. Qty Amount, rub.
Work table 3500 2 7000
Chair 1000 4 4000
PC or laptop 18000 2 36000
Internet connection 1000 1 1000
Telephone lines 1500 2 3000
Telephone sets 1500 2 3000
Switching equipment 2000 1 2000
IFIs 11000 1 11000
Filing Cabinets 3000 1 3000
Rack 2500 1 2500
Stationery 4000
Other small inventory 5000
Total: 81500

The second important issue that must be resolved at the start of a trucking business is finding a parking space for trucks: leaving them in the yards, an entrepreneur risks causing discontent among residents, while parking for cars simply cannot accommodate vehicles of this size. The ideal option is to have your own garages, however, the search for a box with a length of more than 12 m and a height of more than 4 m, as well as its construction, is far from always possible. Therefore, businessmen rent space on the territory of motor depots or at specialized parking lots for trucks: the cost of one parking space here is in the range of 100–150 rubles per day.

Client search

As a small business, cargo transportation is of interest to many start-up entrepreneurs who have capital of the required size, as a result of which the level of competition in the transport services market remains quite high. To find a client, a business owner needs to pay constant attention to promoting and finding clients, spending a significant part of the budget on this.

The most effective for attracting individuals are:

  • Contextual advertising in search and on thematic sites;
  • Advertising in social networks, maintaining your own group;
  • Service offers on the Avito service;
  • Searching for customers and publishing offers on portals;
  • Advertisements and announcements in free newspapers;
  • Posting announcements at bus stops, near building materials markets;
  • Collaboration with furniture stores, home appliances supermarkets;
  • Cooperation with intermediary companies;
  • Own site in the format of a one-page or full-fledged resource.

When working with corporate customers and other entrepreneurs in the business plan of a cargo transportation company, several other channels for organizing demand should be considered, including:

  • Participation in tenders held by large state and private companies to find contractors;
  • Cold calls to managers of enterprises potentially in need of cargo transportation or forwarding;
  • Sending commercial offers to customers indicating the list of services, price range, terms and conditions of delivery;
  • Registration on popular portals of cargo transportation.


For an enterprise that does not imply the construction of its own office building or warm garage boxes, the main investment will be associated with the purchase of cars. Below is an example of a business plan for a transport company for cargo transportation, the fleet of which consists of two cars - a one and a half ton Gazelle and a five-ton Hyundai with an insulated body. The presence of such trucks will allow the entrepreneur to provide a wider range of services in the segments of transportation of both conventional cargo and food products, as well as simultaneously work with private and corporate customers.

Initial investment

Analyzing the structure of the current expenses of the enterprise, it should be noted that many variable costs depend on the mileage of cars, while others appear at intervals of once a year. So:

  • The cost of compulsory motor third party liability insurance for cars of the specified carrying capacity is 5880 rubles. Insurance is paid annually;
  • The cost of technical inspection for cars weighing up to 3.5 tons is 1100 rubles, with a weight of up to 12 tons - 1900 rubles. Inspection is carried out annually;
  • When operating at 75% load (six hours a day), the average vehicle mileage is 120–130 kilometers per day;
  • Average fuel consumption in the combined cycle - from 12 liters per 100 kilometers, and the cost of diesel fuel - 30 rubles per liter;
  • The cost of maintenance for trucks of this class is up to 10,000 rubles per 15,000 kilometers.

Monthly expenses

Article Amount, rub.
Office rent 4600
Parking lot for two cars 6000
Maintenance and repair 4160
Fuels and lubricants 22460
Transport tax 270
Inspection 250
Car wash 1200
Salary of drivers, 2 persons 56000
Movers' salary, 2 people 32000
Dispatcher salary 12000
Insurance premiums for employees 30000
Accounting service 5000
IP insurance premiums 2300
Marketing expenses 15000
Communication, stationery 3000
Total: 195220

You can learn how to open such a company and organize its work from the video lessons of doing business in the field of cargo transportation:

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Income and profitability

Is the trucking business profitable? The profitability of an enterprise is largely determined by the effectiveness of advertising, the correct pricing policy and the quality of work. The average tariffs for the services of transport companies in large regional centers are given below:

Tariffs for company services

Let's say a company will work on a six-day schedule with a 75% load, fulfilling on average 1-2 orders per day with the provision of loading and unloading services. Thus, the effective working day for drivers will be 6 hours, for loaders - 3 hours. This data allows you to calculate the expected amount of monthly profit:

Enterprise profitability

Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that in order to increase profitability and reduce the payback period in the business plan of a transport company for cargo transportation, it is necessary to provide for an expansion of the vehicle fleet as the customer base grows and the number of orders grows: overhead costs will grow more slowly than income.


The main competitive advantages of small trucking companies are mobility, the ability to quickly respond to changes in the market situation and affordable prices: unlike large carriers, their owners do not need to maintain huge office buildings and additional staff.

Cargo transportation is a demanded service. A business in the field of cargo transportation, if properly organized, brings a stable income. Therefore, it is popular with small businesses, despite high competition. How to start a cargo transportation business? What permissions are needed? How much should you invest in the first stage? Read about this in our article.

First steps in organizing the transportation of goods

The preliminary stage is market research. Analyze the activities of large shipping companies in your area. Study the situation in this area, find out what types of cargo and vehicles are most in demand. This information will be the starting point for creating your own shipping company.

The next step is to develop a business plan in which:

  • describes the stages of the project;
  • the marketing strategy is displayed;
  • costs are calculated (including for the purchase of transport and equipment), potential profit and payback periods;
  • risks are assessed.

The business associated with the transportation of goods is quite specific, but like any other it requires compliance with the law. Organization of a forwarding company will require investment. Their size depends on financial capabilities, goals and the size of the future business.

An individual entrepreneur can start from 400 thousand rubles, a transport company invests at least 5 million.

Types of cargo transportation

Cargo transportation can be carried out by air, rail, water and road transport. A large logistics company can afford to combine different modes of transportation, providing multimodality. But small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) tend to start with road transport. This is the most affordable type in terms of organization, start-up costs and demand for such services.

According to the international consulting company KPMG, in 2017-2018, the volume of road transport in Russia is gradually recovering and by the end of this year may reach the level of 2014. Growth is driven by small and medium-sized enterprises. 73 percent of the market is occupied by the transportation of general cargo or FTL (from the English Full Truck Load), that is, ordering a fully loaded vehicle. The fastest growing sector is groupage cargo or LTL (Less Truck Load). This is a type of transportation in which one vehicle transports goods from different shippers to the warehouse (about 17 percent of the market). Dangerous and oversized cargo takes only 3 and 7 percent, respectively.

For transportation of small-sized cargoes weighing up to 3.5 tons, the following are most often used:

  • GAZ-3302,
  • "Gazelle Next",
  • Gazelle Business,
  • Ford transit,
  • Volkswagen Crafter,
  • "ZIL goby".

Such machines are in demand when transporting goods related to the spheres of construction, catering, trade and small-scale production. For bulk cargo and agricultural products, there is a separate category - trucks with an open body (models "MAZ", "ZIL", compact dump trucks).

Medium-sized cargo up to 5 tons is transported on vehicles with isometric vans of different capacities (for example, Hyundai HD78). Oversized cargo is transported over long distances, as a rule, in euro trucks. Depending on the type of cargo, the semitrailer is changed by car. It can be tilt, isometric or all-metal.

Registration of a business in the field of cargo transportation

Register as an individual entrepreneur or create a legal entity? All aspiring entrepreneurs ask themselves this question.

If we are talking about a small company, registration of an individual entrepreneur has advantages over an LLC. First, there is an opportunity to work under one of the special tax regimes, such as the simplified taxation system popular with small and medium-sized businesses (you can change it in the process). Secondly, there is no need for complex accounting reporting.

But there is a downside to the coin:

  • if the company develops (a significant increase in staff, the purchase of equipment, an increase in income), it will be necessary to open an LLC;
  • an individual entrepreneur, in contrast to a legal entity, is responsible for a debt to a client or bank with his own property.

As practice shows, the majority of small private traders working in the field of cargo transportation prefer individual entrepreneurs. When registering, you must select the OKVED codes from the all-Russian classifier. The following activity codes will be needed as the main ones: 49.4 "Activities of road freight transport and transportation services", 49.41 "Activities of road freight transport" and 63.4 "Organization of cargo transportation".

After the completion of the IP registration, permits will be needed. A license is not required for SMEs transporting small volumes within the city. The exception is the transportation of dangerous goods and air transportation. A complete list of licensed activities is contained in the law N99-FZ. You can read about what types of activities an individual entrepreneur can engage in.

Trucking over a distance of more than 50 kilometers requires the driver to have the following documents:

  • waybill,
  • insurance,
  • waybill,
  • acceptance certificate,
  • contract for services.

Should I buy a truck?

Car purchases are the most expensive part of the shipping business. The entrepreneur chooses the number of cars, their carrying capacity and other characteristics based on the type of cargo and the size of the start-up capital. Individual entrepreneurs usually start by buying several cars. The car fleet is expanded if the business generates sufficient income.

Purchase or rental of trucks

One of the options for starting a trucking business is to rent a car or lease. Leasing is gaining popularity in Russia due to acceptable conditions and is optimal for those who are not confident in their abilities. Equipment leasing is a long-term lease with the option to purchase it at its residual value. This scheme is convenient, first of all, because you do not need to immediately pay for the cost of the truck. When buying automotive equipment, it is better to focus on new vehicles.

The estimated cost of some models, the cost of trucks is shown in the table:

Requirements for the safety of transportation of goods and drivers

The entrepreneur is obliged to ensure safe conditions during the transportation of goods. The main requirements are approved by order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation N7 dated 01/15/2014. In particular, these rules provide that:

  • the permissible weight of the cargo should not exceed the value specified in the TCP;
  • the weight of the cargo must be distributed evenly in compliance with the weight and overall parameters of the machine;
  • each type of cargo must have special packaging;
  • it is necessary to draw up a scheme for placing the cargo.

The driver must know the structure of the truck, be able to handle operating materials and fill out the relevant documents. A mandatory requirement is the presence of Russian citizenship.

Profitability of a cargo transportation business

The profitability of a business in the field of cargo transportation can be calculated using the formula: P \u003d D minus C (where D is income, C is the cost of transportation).

The prime cost of the cargo delivery service consists of direct costs (rental and maintenance of equipment, payment for fuel and lubricants, driver's salary) and indirect (overhead costs, including driver's meals, communications, managers' salaries).

The result obtained for the reporting period (month, quarter, year) is compared with the previous one. Based on such a simple analysis, it can be concluded how profitable or, on the contrary, unprofitable the selected type of transportation. Income must be at least one third higher than the cost.

The average payback period for a business in the field of cargo transportation ranges from three months to several years.

Three months of accounting, personnel records and legal support for FREE. Hurry up, the offer is limited.

Starting your own business is a great opportunity to become independent from the employer, work for yourself and make good profits. But not everyone knows where to start a business, how to calculate the possible profitability of a business. This article reveals the issues related to organizing your own business for the transport of goods on the Gazelle.

Any business should start with a business plan. The further process includes several points:

  1. Development of a step-by-step transportation plan, taking into account the nature of the goods transported, the type of vehicle and other important conditions.
  2. Preparation of the necessary documents, contracts.
  3. Buying a car or repairing an existing vehicle.
  4. or at the tax authority.
  5. If necessary - office space rental.
  6. Hiring workers (locksmiths, loaders, drivers) - if necessary.
  7. Promotion of services through advertising.

The business plan can be roughly divided into the following points:

  • Determination of the nature of the transported goods.
  • Organizational component.
  • Financial component.
  • Marketing.
  • Risk analysis.

What kind of cargo can you carry?

First, you need to decide what is planned to be transported to the Gazelle and based on this, purchase a car. So, what can be transported using this vehicle:

  • Delivery of various food and grocery products. A van is ideal for this purpose.
  • Transportation of household goods, as well as various building materials, furniture. For this, it is best to choose a car with an awning.
  • Transportation of various goods for trade in the countryside. In many remote villages where there are no shops, this activity can be very popular.

Of all the above options for using the Gazelle, one of the most affordable and having a good payback is the transportation of furniture. This business can be started from scratch; for this type of activity, a Gazelle with a long platform covered with an awning is best suited.

Organizational plan

  1. Market analysis... At this stage, it is important to examine the local structure of freight services. Most often, this market has a fairly tough competition. The lion's share of transportation is carried out by large companies (usually about 50%), 20-25% of the market is accounted for by medium-sized firms, 10-15% are carried out in narrow-range transportation, 5-10% are private traders with a private car. The internet and local print media can be used to research the local market.
  2. Registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC and the choice of a taxation system... At the initial stage of registration of an individual entrepreneur, it will be enough, but over time, it is most often more expedient to register an LLC. To register a company, you will need a decision on establishment (or an agreement on establishment, if there are 2 or more founders), minutes of the meeting, a receipt for payment of state fees and an application in the prescribed form. To register an individual entrepreneur, a passport and a receipt for payment of the fee will be enough.
  3. Room selection for a control room; and buying or renting a garage for a car. If the delivered goods are supposed to be stored for some time, then it is necessary to consider the issue of renting a warehouse.
  4. Purchase of a working vehicle... This is most often the most expensive part of the cost. To reduce costs, you can look at used cars, while the car must be in working order and not have serious problems. A good option is vehicle leasing. Leasing terms usually imply the payment of 20% of the cost of the car with its further redemption.
  5. Staff recruitment... At the initial stage, you can independently take orders, be a driver and a loader, but in the future there will be a need to hire employees.

For information on where to start such a business, see the following video:

Financial part

This part of the business plan may look like this:


  • Vehicle purchase. If it is planned to purchase two vehicles (this is the best option to establish continuous operation), then this item of expenses will be approximately 1,000,000 rubles.
  • Rent of office space - prices vary depending on the region and location relative to the city center. The approximate amount for a small room is 15-30 thousand rubles per month.
  • Rent of boxes - about 10,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of fuels and lubricants - with continuous operation, this amount is about 40,000 rubles a month.
  • Expenses for car repairs (to a greater extent, this item should be paid attention to by owners of used cars).
  • Advertising - at least 10,000 rubles per month.
  • Other expenses - about 20,000 rubles.
  • Labor costs at the initial stage - about 30,000 rubles.

As a result, we get an amount of about 1,120,000 rubles... This is the start-up capital that you need to have when opening a business.


Approximately monthly income will be 150 thousand rubles, of which about 50 thousand are net profit. Thus, business can pay off in 2 years... If the vehicle is rented, then the payback period is from 3 months to six months.

It is important to take into account that at the initial stage, most likely there will be few orders. It takes about 2-3 months to build a customer base and have permanent orders.

Marketing part and advertising

This part is very important when starting any business. In fact, all entrepreneurs should do marketing research even before starting a business, in order to understand the state of the market for certain goods and services, and whether it is worth doing this activity.

When marketing research, it is important to get answers to these questions:

  • Which organizations are the main competitors.
  • What vehicles are used by competitors for transportation.
  • What are the prices of competitors.

Only after a thorough study of the market situation is it worth making a decision to open a business.

After the organization has already been created, the car has been bought, and the employees are hired, you can start advertising services.


In the case of cargo transportation, the most effective actions will be to attract customers in two ways:

  • Active ad serving.
  • Interaction with partners.

Advertisements can be posted in the form of ads, submitted to local media, placed on the Internet. From time to time it is necessary to change the methods of advertising delivery to expand the client base.

How does collaboration work? Everything is pretty simple here. If you have one car, then sometimes you simply cannot fulfill all orders. Cooperating with the same private trader, you can give orders to him. And he, in turn, will transfer orders to you when he cannot fulfill them.


When developing a business plan, it is very important to include possible risks in it. Let's list their main types that may arise when providing cargo transportation services:

  • Risks that may arise from the use of vehicles in poor technical condition. With frequent breakdowns, additional funds will have to be allocated to repair the vehicle. In addition, machine downtime increases, which prevents profitability.
  • Organizational risks are associated with issues of approach to finding and serving customers. A well-thought-out advertising campaign, discount systems and the conclusion of contracts with regular customers ensure a constant influx of customers. If something is done wrong, there will be few orders and profitability will be low.
  • Competition and dumping risks. It is important to know that large companies can sometimes afford to significantly reduce prices for services for a while, organize promotions, while a private entrepreneur cannot afford it.
  • Risks associated with the selection of personnel. Don't think that a good employee is easy to find. Quite often, you can face situations of periodic refusal to go to work for various reasons, work on third-party orders using your car and other troubles. To avoid unpleasant situations, it is good to have several free drivers and loaders who can replace each other.


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