Clinical laboratory diagnostics doctor doing what. Clinical laboratory diagnostics doctor: job description. Vi. Relationships by position

OFFICIAL INSTRUCTIONS of the Head of the Department of the Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory

I. General provisions
1. A person with a higher medical education, a document certifying the title of a medical specialist and the first or highest qualification category is appointed to the position of the head of the department of the clinical diagnostic laboratory.
2. Appointment to the position of the head of the department of the clinical diagnostic laboratory and release from it is made by the order of the chief physician of the polyclinic.
3. The head of the department must know:
3.1. Laws of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on health issues.
3.2. Methods of providing drug and emergency medical care to the population.
3.3. Theoretical knowledge in the chosen specialty, in organizational, diagnostic, advisory, medical, preventive work.
3.4. Modern methods of laboratory diagnostics.
3.5. Fundamentals of quality control of medical care.
3.6. How to interact with other medical specialists, various services, institutions, including insurance companies, medical associations, etc.
3.7. Fundamentals of the functioning of budgetary insurance medicine and the provision of primary health care to the population.
3.8. Labor legislation and labor protection of the Russian Federation.
3.9. Internal labor regulations.
3.10. Rules and regulations for labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.
3.11. Normative documents on the organization of work with harmful and hazardous production factors.
3.12. The head of the department of the clinical diagnostic laboratory is directly subordinate to the deputy chief physician for the medical part.
4. During the absence of the head of the department (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the head of the institution.

II. Responsibilities Head of the Department of the Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory

Head of the Department of the Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory:
1. Organizes and ensures the timely conduct of clinical laboratory studies and the direct implementation of a number of studies. It carries out its activities on the basis of medical care standards, clinical protocols, national recommendations, other regulatory documents that determine the technology of laboratory research and the procedure for organizing laboratory control within.
2. Carries out constant control:
- execution by the staff of the department of sampling methods, conducting research of biomedical;
- maintaining medical records;
In the process of control, it uses unified rules, procedures, algorithms, methodological techniques, methods of generalization and statistical analysis.
3. Organizes and conducts laboratory quality control inside.
4. Introduces advanced forms and methods of laboratory diagnostics of diseases into the practice of the department.
5. Monthly draws up and submits for the approval of the administration a work schedule for the staff of the department; makes a vacation schedule.
6. Provides consulting assistance to attending physicians on clinical and laboratory research.
7. Develops and implements measures to prevent the influence of negative factors of the preanalytical and postanalytical stages of research on the quality of laboratory research results.
8. Carries out work with the doctors of the department to improve the level of qualifications through the analysis of complex cases of laboratory diagnostics.
9. Timely brings to the attention of laboratory technicians of the department of the corresponding orders and instructions of the administration.
10. Organizes the participation of the clinical diagnostic laboratory in the Federal quality control of laboratory research.
11. Observes and requires the staff of the department to observe labor discipline and internal labor regulations.
12. Submits reports on the work of the department in due time.
13. Requires laboratory technicians of the department to fulfill production volumes.
14. Follows the principles of medical ethics and deontology.
15. Improves his qualifications.
16. Skillfully fulfills the instructions of the deputy chief physician, chief physician.
17. Ensures the participation of doctors and nurses in the work of medical and nursing polyclinics.
18. Determines the needs of the department in equipment, reagents, consumables.
19. Carries out in the department control over the observance of sanitary-epidemiological regime by the personnel.
20. Controls the operation of laboratory equipment, the timeliness and quality of equipment repair.
21. Promotes metrological verification of equipment.
22. Provides conditions for labor protection and safety measures for employees, monitors compliance with safety regulations.
III. Rights
The head of the department of the clinical diagnostic laboratory has the right:
1. Supervise the work of the laboratory technicians subordinate to him, a nurse, medical, middle and junior medical personnel.
2. Make proposals on improving medical and social assistance.
3. To take part in meetings, scientific and practical conferences on the issues of medical and preventive care.
4. Use medical institutions to improve their qualifications.

IV. Responsibility

The head of the department of the clinical diagnostic laboratory is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their duties provided for by this job description, within the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
2. For unlawful acts or omissions that entailed damage to the health or death of the patient, other offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the framework of the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
3. For timely and high-quality execution of the approved production volumes separation.
4. For the sanitary condition of the clinical diagnostic laboratory and the fulfillment of the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological regime by the personnel when working with blood and other biological fluids.
5. For the organization and state of civil defense in the department, for the training of personnel on civil defense and emergency situations, for the readiness of the department personnel to provide the necessary amount of medical assistance to employees, patients and the population in various emergencies in peace and wartime. The head of the department organizes the implementation of the entire complex of civil defense measures, conducts special training to study the training program for doctors and middle personnel in civil defense.

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I. General provisions

    The main tasks of a laboratory assistant in a clinical diagnostic laboratory are: constant monitoring of the quality of research carried out by nurses, training of nursing personnel in research techniques, preparation of special standards and reagents, and research requiring medical competence.

    Appointment and dismissal of a laboratory assistant is carried out by the chief physician in accordance with the established procedure.

    The laboratory doctor reports to the head of the laboratory.

    In his work, a laboratory assistant is guided by:
    - a list of the mandatory minimum laboratory tests,
    - this job description,
    - guidelines for improving the quality control of the clinical diagnostic laboratory.


II. Job responsibilities

    Perform the following types of research and manipulations in a qualified manner: microscopy of blood smears, exudates and transudates, sputum; cytological examination of all types of material; reading the results of biochemical types of research; preparation of special standards and reagents.

    Learn new or proven techniques.

    Prepare monthly reports to the head of the laboratory on the work done.

    Advise doctors on laboratory diagnostics.

    Monitor the quality of research conducted by nursing staff.

    Prepare research forms and sign research results.

    Carry out systematic measures to improve the qualifications of nurses.

    Improve your theoretical level and professional qualifications, apply in practice all modern research methods.

    Monitor the personnel's compliance with safety instructions.

    Comply with internal regulations and ethical principles.



III. Rights

The doctor-laboratory assistant has the right:

    check the correctness and timeliness of all assigned studies;

    to approve and implement, with the permission of the head of the laboratory, new research methods;

    demand from the middle personnel timely and high-quality performance of their work;

    present the requirements of the administration to create the necessary conditions at the workplace, ensuring high-quality and timely research.



IV. Responsibility

A laboratory assistant with a higher education is responsible for:

    failure to comply with the requirements provided for by current legal acts, this job description;

    poor-quality, untimely research prescribed by the attending physicians.



Job description of a doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics

1. General Provisions

1. This job description defines the job duties, rights and responsibilities of a doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics.

2. A person who has a higher medical education, completed postgraduate training or specialization in the specialty "Clinical laboratory diagnostics" is appointed to the position of a doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics.

3. The doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics must know the basics of the legislation of the Russian Federation on healthcare; regulatory documents regulating the activities of healthcare institutions; the basics of organizing medical and prophylactic care in hospitals and outpatient clinics, ambulance and emergency medical care, disaster medicine service, sanitary and epidemiological service, drug provision of the population and health care facilities; theoretical foundations, principles and methods of medical examination; organizational and economic foundations of the activities of healthcare institutions and medical workers in the context of budgetary and insurance medicine; fundamentals of social hygiene, organization and economics of health care, medical ethics and deontology; legal aspects of medical practice; general principles and basic methods of clinical, instrumental and laboratory diagnostics of the functional state of organs and systems of the human body; etiology, pathogenesis, clinical symptoms, course features, principles of complex treatment of major diseases; rules for the provision of emergency medical care in a life-threatening patient's condition; bases of examination of temporary disability and medical and social examination; the basics of health education; internal labor regulations; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

In his specialty, a doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics should know the general issues of organizing laboratory services in the country; modern methods of laboratory diagnostics; content and sections of clinical laboratory diagnostics as an independent clinical discipline; tasks, organization, structure, staffing and equipment of the clinical laboratory diagnostics service; current regulatory and instructional-methodological documents in the specialty; rules for processing medical documentation; principles for planning activities and reporting laboratory services; methods and procedure for monitoring its activities.

4. A doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics is appointed and dismissed by the order of the chief physician of a medical facility in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. The doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics is directly subordinate to the head of the clinical diagnostic laboratory, and in his absence, to the head of the healthcare facility or his deputy.

2. Job responsibilities

Conducts laboratory research in accordance with the responsibilities assigned to him. Ensures the use of analytically and diagnostically reliable methods. Participates in the development and implementation of new research methods and equipment. Consults doctors of other specialties on laboratory diagnostics. Makes recommendations for the personnel of medical departments of medical institutions on the rules for taking and delivering biological material to the clinical diagnostic laboratory. Participates in the interpretation of laboratory test results. Carries out measures for conducting internal laboratory and external quality control of research. Analyzes his work and the work of subordinate specialists with secondary medical education. Prepares monthly reports on his work, participates in the preparation of the laboratory's annual report. He conducts classes in his specialty for specialists with secondary medical education in order to improve their qualifications. Supervises the implementation of the safety rules and sanitary-epidemic regime by the middle and junior medical personnel. Supervises the work of subordinate middle and junior medical personnel (if any). Controls the correctness of laboratory research, the operation of tools, apparatus and equipment, the rational use of reagents, the implementation of safety and labor protection rules. She plans her work and analyzes her performance indicators. Provides timely and high-quality processing of medical and other documentation in accordance with the established rules. Conducts sanitary and educational work. Observes the rules and principles of medical ethics and deontology. Skillfully and in a timely manner fulfills orders, orders and instructions of the management of the institution, as well as regulations for its activities. Complies with the internal regulations, fire safety and safety, sanitary and epidemiological regime. Promptly takes measures, including timely informing the management, to eliminate violations of safety, fire and sanitary rules that pose a threat to the activities of the healthcare institution, its employees, patients and visitors. He systematically improves his qualifications.

3. Rights

The doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics has the right to:

1. to independently carry out laboratory tests and interpret their results;

2. to make proposals to the management of the institution to improve the treatment and diagnostic process, improve the work of administrative and economic and paraclinical services, the organization and conditions of their work;

3. control the work of subordinate employees (if any), give them orders within the framework of their official duties and demand their strict implementation, make proposals to the management of the institution to encourage them or impose penalties;

4. to request, receive and use information materials and regulatory documents necessary for the performance of their official duties;

5. to take part in scientific and practical conferences and meetings, which consider issues related to its work;

6. to undergo certification in accordance with the established procedure with the right to receive the appropriate qualification category;

5. provision of statistical and other information on their activities in accordance with the established procedure;

6. Ensuring compliance with executive discipline and the performance of their duties by employees subordinate to him (if any);

7. Prompt adoption of measures, including timely notification of management, to eliminate violations of safety, fire and sanitary rules that pose a threat to the activities of the healthcare institution, its employees, patients and visitors.

For violation of labor discipline, legislative and regulatory legal acts, a doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics may be brought to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with the current legislation, depending on the severity of the offense.


I. General provisions

The main tasks of a laboratory assistant in a clinical diagnostic laboratory are: constant monitoring of the quality of research carried out by nurses, training of nursing personnel in research techniques, preparation of special standards and reagents, and research requiring medical competence. Appointment and dismissal of a laboratory assistant is carried out by the chief physician in accordance with the established procedure. The laboratory doctor reports to the head of the laboratory. In his work, a laboratory assistant is guided by:
- a list of the mandatory minimum laboratory tests,
- this job description,
- guidelines for improving the quality control of the clinical diagnostic laboratory. _________________________________________________________________. _________________________________________________________________.

II. Job responsibilities

Perform the following types of research and manipulations in a qualified manner: microscopy of blood smears, exudates and transudates, sputum; cytological examination of all types of material; reading the results of biochemical types of research; preparation of special standards and reagents. Learn new or proven techniques. Prepare monthly reports to the head of the laboratory on the work done. Advise doctors on laboratory diagnostics. Monitor the quality of research conducted by nursing staff. Prepare research forms and sign research results. Carry out systematic measures to improve the qualifications of nurses. Improve your theoretical level and professional qualifications, apply in practice all modern research methods. Monitor the personnel's compliance with safety instructions. Comply with internal regulations and ethical principles. _________________________________________________________________. _________________________________________________________________.

III. Rights

The doctor-laboratory assistant has the right:

Check the correctness and timeliness of all assigned studies; to approve and implement, with the permission of the head of the laboratory, new research methods; demand from the middle personnel timely and high-quality performance of their work; present the requirements of the administration to create the necessary conditions at the workplace, ensuring high-quality and timely research. _________________________________________________________________. _________________________________________________________________.

IV. Responsibility

A laboratory assistant with a higher education is responsible for:

Failure to comply with the requirements provided for by current legal acts, this job description; poor-quality, untimely research prescribed by the attending physicians. _________________________________________________________________. _________________________________________________________________.

Who is a KLD doctor

A laboratory physician is a doctor engaged in clinical laboratory diagnostics (CLD), performing the duties of a laboratory assistant in a biochemical, clinical, microbiological, immunological, virological, histological and other laboratory in a medical institution of various types.

Competence of a physician-laboratory assistant

Today, medicine cannot do without laboratory tests, without which it is impossible to make a correct diagnosis for a patient and prescribe an effective treatment. The laboratory doctor conducts laboratory analysis of biological products and fluids of human waste products.

Also, the laboratory assistant conducts laboratory tests to determine the physical and chemical characteristics and composition of materials and maintains laboratory equipment, monitoring its preparation, serviceability and performing adjustment work.

The laboratory assistant participates in experiments, provides training, conducts observation, takes readings of instruments and fills out work logs. The doctor-laboratory assistant provides employees with the necessary equipment, reagents and materials. In accordance with the methodological documents processes, draws up, systematizes the results of analyzes, measurements, tests and keeps records.

The subordinate medical laboratory assistant is the junior medical personnel (nurses and laboratory assistants). He teaches them how to work with reagents and instruments and how to comply with safety regulations in the workplace.

Medical laboratory profession by type

The KLD doctor is trained in the specialty:

  • Clinical laboratory diagnostics (in medical schools).
  • Laboratory genetics at biological faculties of universities and universities.

Pros and cons of the profession of a KLD doctor

Pros. The work of a laboratory assistant is not associated with strenuous physical labor, calm and measured. Working hours - part-time. Work in this specialty can always be found (there are vacancies in medical institutions).

  • an unpleasant moment associated with analyzes of human excretory organs (feces, urine);
  • work with radioactive sources (fluorography, X-ray), where it is necessary to follow safety rules;
  • there is a risk of contracting hepatitis, tuberculosis, AIDS;
  • low wages.

With higher education and participation in research and experiments, a laboratory doctor can reach the heights of a doctor of science and an academician.

When working in tuberculosis dispensaries and similar types of medical institutions, a laboratory doctor receives a salary increase of 15%.

Where does the laboratory doctor work?

Place of work of a doctor-laboratory assistant:

  • Hospitals from district to republican.
  • Polyclinics, laboratories of medical universities and colleges.
  • Centers for standardization and metrology.
  • Blood transfusion stations.
  • Sanitary and Epidemiological Service.

What qualities should a laboratory assistant have?

The KLD doctor should be:

  • Observant and with a good memory.
  • Be able to concentrate.
  • Have good fine hand motor skills and coordination.
  • Be well organized and tidy.
  • Be considerate and responsible.
  • Be disciplined and scrupulous.
  • Know and strictly apply safety techniques.


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