What are the levels of management in pedagogical management. The essence of pedagogical management, its systemic nature. Functions of pedagogical management



Compiled by:

1. The concept of "management" ___________________________________________ 3

2. The concept of "pedagogical management" _____________________________5

3. Pedagogical management as an activity and summative system._10

4. Functions of pedagogical management.____________________________14

5. References _____________________________________________23

1. The concept of "management"

Modern pedagogical science and practice seek to comprehend the holistic pedagogical process from the standpoint of management science, to give it a strict scientifically based character. It is true that many domestic and foreign researchers assert that management is real and necessary not only in the field of technical, production processes, but also in the field of complex social systems, including pedagogical ones.

The term "management" appeared in science and practice not so long ago. The concept of "management" comes from the Old English "manage", which comes from the Latin word "manus", which means "hand". With the concept of "management" in pedagogical management, the word "leadership" is used. In modern science and practice, these concepts act as identical, interchangeable.

Under the conditions of the emerging market relations, professional educational institutions (VETs) gained greater independence, which manifested itself in the transfer of some of the main powers to them from the upper levels of management. They received the right to choose the type of institution, the specialization of education, taking into account the supply and demand for educational services, the selection and formation of a new content of education, the formation of new organizational structures and management mechanisms; to carry out experimental work on new pedagogical technologies of training and education. At the same time, in the process of development and subsequent certification, the transition of an educational institution to a new status became possible - a professional lyceum, a college, a center for continuing professional education, an integrated educational complex.

Modern pedagogical science and practice seek to comprehend the holistic pedagogical process from the standpoint of management science, to give it a strict scientifically based character.

Governed by refers to activities aimed at making decisions, organization, control, regulation of the control object in accordance with a given goal, analysis and summing up on the basis of reliable information; the function of organized systems of various nature, ensuring the preservation of their specific structure, maintaining the mode of activity, the implementation of their programs and goals.

Control objects can be biological, technical, social systems. One of the varieties of social systems is the education system, functioning on the scale of the country, region, region, city or district.

the main goal management - the effective and systematic use of forces, means, time, human resources to achieve the optimal result, as well as improving the decision-making process by those who are directly affected by them.

The essence of management education is to maintain the focus and organization of educational processes in the education system.

Obeying the general laws of social management, education management has specific features, consisting in the ways of setting and achieving socially significant goals in specific conditions.

Management within an educational institution is a purposeful, conscious interaction of the participants in the pedagogical process as a study of the objective laws of this process in order to achieve an optimal result.

His object are educational processes and the program-methodical, personnel, material and technical, regulatory, social conditions that provide them.

Subjects management of the education system in this case are the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, education departments of the territory, region or city, as well as district departments of education.
The general education school as a complex dynamic social system acts as an object of intra-school management.

Intraschool management is a purposeful, conscious interaction of participants in a holistic pedagogical process based on the knowledge of its objective patterns in order to achieve an optimal result.

One of the distinguishing features of the modern education system is the transition from state to state-public management of education. The main idea of ​​the state-public management of education is to combine the efforts of the state and society in solving the problems of education, to provide teachers, students, parents with more rights and freedoms in choosing the content, forms and methods of organizing the educational process, in choosing various types of educational institutions.

Orientation of intra-school management presupposes, first of all, the development of amateur performance and initiative of leaders, teachers, students and parents.

2. The concept of "pedagogical management"

In the context of the restructuring of management structures in our country, special attention is paid to management - the management experience of the developed countries of the world. But the transfer of management models from one socio-cultural environment to another is practically impossible, since the features of management are determined by a combination of factors, including forms of government, types of ownership, the degree of market development, etc.

In management theory, there are three fundamentally different management tools: the first is an organization, a management hierarchy, where the main tool is the impact on a person from above (using the main functions of motivation, planning, organization and control of activities, as well as the distribution of material wealth); the second is the culture of management (i.e., values, social norms, attitudes, behaviors developed and recognized by society, an educational institution, a group of people); the third is the market, market (i.e., based on the sale and purchase of products and services, on the balance of interests of the seller and the buyer) relations.

The manager-manager in his activities relies on his own respect for people and people's respect for himself, builds his relations with people in his work on the basis of trust and, himself, focusing on success, creates conditions for everyone to achieve it. In modern scientific literature, management is revealed as:

The process of setting and achieving goals through the mobilization of people's labor, their intellect, behavioral motives, as well as financial and technical resources;

Business management through filigree work with people;

A special type of managerial activity revolving around a person;

The ability of the leader to achieve the set goals, using the work, intelligence and motives of the behavior of subordinates;

An area of ​​human knowledge that helps to effectively carry out managerial functions.

In science, management is considered both in the sense of a “type of activity” and in the sense of a “field of knowledge”.

The most complete definition of management that can be used in education was given by the famous American management theorist P. Drucker. Modern management is a specific kind of managerial activity revolving around a person, with the aim of making people capable of joint action, making their efforts effective and smoothing out their inherent weaknesses, for the human ability to contribute to society depends as much on the effectiveness of enterprise management as on own efforts and the bestowal of people.

P. Drucker also defines the tasks of management:

1) To rally people around the common goals of the enterprise, otherwise you will never create a team from the crowd.

2) To develop in each employee of the enterprise his needs and, if possible, satisfy them.

3) Do not stop the development of people for a minute.

4) Since the skills and professional training of people are different, and employees perform various types of work, their activities should be based on communication between employees and on their individual responsibility.

3. Pedagogical management as an activity and summative system.

The traditional system of principles, reflecting the organizational and production side of management in education, was significantly supplemented when the ideas of pedagogical management were introduced into the practice of educational institutions.

From the standpoint of pedagogical management, the following management principles have been identified:

The principle of respect and trust in a person;

The principle of a holistic view of man;

The principle of cooperation;

The principle of social justice;

The principle of an individual approach to management;

The principle of enriching the work of a teacher;

The principle of personal stimulation;

the principle of consensus;

The principle of collective decision-making;

The principle of targeted harmonization;

The principle of horizontal connections;

The principle of autonomization of management;

The principle of constant renewal.

The principle of respect and trust in a person acts as a fundamental principle of the manager and the teaching staff, reflected in the beliefs of each teacher, motivating his behavior, and through and through the life of the teaching staff and the entire school.

The principle of a holistic view of a person is a very important position in the value system of an educational institution, when a manager considers each member of the teaching staff not just as an employee carrying out professional activities, but as a person with all her needs, motives, goals, experiences that he experiences in the process of pedagogical activities. At the same time, each teacher considers the child not just as a pupil of an educational institution or a student, but as a person.

The principle of cooperation provides for the transfer of management from a monologic to a dialogic basis, the transition from communication to communication, from subject-object to subject-subject relations.

The principle of social justice provides for such management of the teaching staff, in which each teacher is on an equal footing with others, and his interaction with the administration is based on understanding the person as the goal of management, and not its means.

The principle of an individual approach to management provides that managers take into account the individual characteristics of teachers, their level of professional training, interests, life and social experience.

The principle of enriching the work of the teacher lies in the desire of the leader to diversify the professional activities of the teacher, through the awakening of professional interest and the support of his professional confidence.

The principle of personal stimulation ensures the personal interest of the teacher in the work, contributes to the acceptance of certain obligations to the educational institution and the team. The implementation of the consensus principle will allow the leader, in the conditions of the formation of independent views and different points of view among teachers, to bring the team to agreement, to transfer people from confrontation to cooperation.

The principle of collective decision-making is one of the tools for the democratization of governance, based on the belief that people do not want to be perpetual doers.

The principle of target harmonization provides for the purposefulness, expediency of management and such work of the head with the goals, as a result of which the target integrity appears in the educational institution, i.e. such a situation when the private, personally professional goals of the members of the teaching staff correspond to the general goals of the educational institution, which is the task management of the educational system.

The principle of horizontal connections ensures the establishment of links between all members of the teaching staff, the exchange of information and experience, and does not allow the teacher to professionally stand apart in the team.

The principle of management autonomization is one of the most important tools for the democratization of management, being a necessary condition for the formation of groups of line managers (local leaders within an educational institution). Autonomization allows to decentralize control over the quality of professional activities of teachers.

The principle of constant renewal determines the transfer of an educational institution from the mode of operation to the mode of development. This principle is the main guiding principle for organizing the process of mastering new technologies and methods of training and education, changing organizational and psychological structures, and other changes in an educational institution.

The presented principles are systemic - for the implementation of effective management, each of them "works" only on condition that the rest, interconnected with it, are also executed.

4. Functions of pedagogical management.

In world practice, management acts as a science, art and activity to mobilize intellectual, material and financial resources for the effective and efficient functioning of the organization. In management, two directions are combined, as it were: commercial and economic, or, as it is also called, organizational and technical, and psychological and pedagogical, associated with managing people, with organizing a team to achieve the ultimate goal.

Abroad, management in education or school management is defined as "focusing on the process of making the most important decisions in the school." The main idea of ​​school management, for example, in the United States is based on the decentralization of management in the education system - in its context, a school teacher should be empowered to participate in the development and adoption of the most important decisions for his school.

In our country, the leader (principal of a school, head of a kindergarten, etc.) has so far been appointed to a position on the basis of an assessment of his professional readiness to perform the functions of a teacher, educator. As a result, he became the organizer of the activities of production units (schools, kindergartens, etc.), the head of production activities. The manager is the organizer of people and must have, in addition to professional, special training in the art of managing people.

The introduction of pedagogical management into the practice of a modern educational institution is caused by the need to implement adequate management in the conditions of reforming Russian education, when educational institutions are moving away from uniformity, provide the population with varied educational services, develop on the basis of democratization, and participate in innovative processes. But such a significant change in the object of management - a school, a preschool educational institution, etc. - requires a change in the subject of management.

Pedagogical management in the works of some modern authors acts as a set of principles, methods, organizational forms and technological methods for managing educational systems, aimed at improving their efficiency.

Pedagogical management has its own specifics and laws inherent only to it. Professional knowledge of management leads education managers to be aware of three different management tools:

1) organizations, management hierarchies, the main means - influence on a person from above with the help of motivation, planning, organization, control, stimulation, etc.;

2) culture of management, i.e., values, social norms and attitudes, and behavioral patterns developed and recognized by society, an organization, a group of people.

5. Essence and structure of pedagogical activity.

The essence and structure of pedagogical activity, as well as the productivity associated with them, is one of the most pressing issues of pedagogical science and practice. Usually, the scientific analysis of these important phenomena is replaced by general discussions about pedagogical art. The work of a teacher is unique, it is the same high art as the work of a composer and artist - and perhaps much more complex.

“There is no education universally suitable for the whole human race; moreover, there is no society where different pedagogical systems do not exist and function in parallel. E. Durkheim.

The analysis of pedagogical activity pays tribute to the uniqueness of the creative method of each teacher, but he himself is built not on descriptions, but on the principles of comparative research, qualitative and quantitative analysis. Particularly promising is considered to be the direction associated with the application of the principles of a systematic approach to the analysis and construction of models pedagogical activity.

As emphasized, the idea of ​​a systematic approach is not new. The systems approach is a general scientific method for solving theoretical and practical problems. In psychological and pedagogical research, this method has been used relatively recently. The development of the theory of functional systems, undertaken, made it possible to use a systematic approach in pedagogy, and then in psychology. In the early 1970s, advocated the need for system-structural research in the field of pedagogy.

A system is a set of many interconnected elements that form a certain integrity and interact with each other.

A system is a set of many interconnected elements that form a certain integrity. It necessarily involves the interaction of elements.

From the point of view, interaction as such cannot form a system of many elements. Developing the theory of functional systems, he emphasizes that only such a complex of selective involvement of components can be called a system, where interaction and relationship acquire the character of interaction of components aimed at obtaining a focused useful result.

In pedagogy, there are numerous options for applying general systems theory to the analysis of pedagogical activity. , introducing the concept of the pedagogical system, highlights not only its structural components, but also the functional components of pedagogical activity. Within the framework of this model, five structural components are distinguished: 1) the subject of pedagogical influence; 2) the object of pedagogical influence; 3) the subject of their joint activities; 4) learning objectives and 5) means of pedagogical communication. These components make up the system. If one of the components is removed, the pedagogical system will immediately fall apart. None of the components can be replaced. To single out a structural component does not yet mean a complete description of the system. In order to define a system, it is necessary not only to identify its elements, but also to determine the set of relationships between them. In this case, all structural components of the pedagogical system are both in direct and inverse relationship. The central scientific task of pedagogy and educational psychology is to describe exactly how the components of the system depend on each other. Developing the problem of pedagogical activity, N. V. Kuzmina determined the structure of the teacher's activity.

This model identifies five functional components: 1) gnostic; 2) design; 3) constructive; 4) organizational and 5) communicative.

1. Gnostic component (from Greek gnosis- cognition) refers to the area of ​​knowledge of the teacher. It is not only about knowing your subject, but also about knowing the methods of pedagogical communication, the psychological characteristics of students, as well as self-knowledge (one's own personality and activities).

2. Design Component includes ideas about the promising tasks of training and education, as well as strategies and ways to achieve them.

3. Structural component - these are the features of the teacher's design of his own activity and the activity of students, taking into account the immediate goals of training and education (lesson, lesson, cycle of classes).

4. Communicative component - these are the features of the teacher's communicative activity, the specifics of his interaction with students. The emphasis is placed on the relationship of communication with the effectiveness of pedagogical activity aimed at achieving didactic (educational and educational) goals.

5. Organizing component - This is a system of teacher skills to organize their own activities, as well as the activity of students.

All components of this model are often described through a system of corresponding teacher skills. The presented components are not only interconnected, but also overlap to a large extent.

For example, when thinking over the structure and course of a lesson, the teacher must also keep in mind what lesson his students will come to this lesson from (after physical education, it is usually difficult for students to calm down and concentrate). It is necessary to take into account the nature and personal problems of each of them (you should not call a child upset by domestic troubles to the board, and a fable read in half with laughter by the funniest of the class can disrupt the lesson). This is how the Gnostic and organizational components are connected.

According to the opinion, which also offers a systemic model, four functional components can be distinguished in pedagogical activity: presentative, incentive, corrective and diagnosing.

1. The presentation function consists in presenting the content of the material to students. The allocation of this function is based on abstraction from specific forms of learning. It focuses on the very fact of presenting educational material.

2. The incentive function is to arouse students' interest in learning information. Its implementation is associated with the formulation of questions, the evaluation of answers.

3. The corrective function is associated with the correction and comparison of the results of the activities of the students themselves.

4. Diagnostic function provides feedback.

The predominance of one or another function in the activity of the teacher indicates that the activity of students has a certain type, since a certain teaching method is implemented.

The original concept of the teacher's activity was developed in the works. In the structure of the teacher's work, she distinguishes the following components: 1) professional, psychological and pedagogical knowledge; 2) professional pedagogical skills; 3) professional psychological positions and attitudes of the teacher; 4) personal characteristics that ensure the mastery of professional knowledge and skills. Within the framework of the concept (1993) he identifies and describes ten groups of pedagogical skills.

First group includes the following range of pedagogical skills. The teacher must be able to:

To see the problem in the pedagogical situation and formulate it in the form of pedagogical tasks; when setting the pedagogical task, focus on the student as an active participant in the educational process; study and transform the pedagogical situation;

Concretize pedagogical tasks, make the best decision in any situation that has arisen, foresee the near and long-term results of solving such problems.

The second group of pedagogical skills are:

Work with the content of educational material;

Ability for pedagogical interpretation of information;

Formation of schoolchildren's educational and social skills and abilities, the implementation of interdisciplinary communications;

Studying the state of mental functions of students, taking into account the educational opportunities of schoolchildren, foreseeing typical difficulties of students;

The ability to proceed from the motivation of students when planning and organizing the educational process;

The ability to use combinations of forms of education and upbringing, to take into account the expenditure of effort and time of students and teachers.

The third group of pedagogical skills refers to the field of psychological and pedagogical knowledge and their practical application. The teacher should:

Correlate students' difficulties with shortcomings in their work;

The fourth group of skills - these are techniques that allow you to set a variety of communicative tasks, of which the most important are the creation of conditions for psychological safety in communication and the realization of the internal reserves of a communication partner.

Fifth group of skills includes techniques that contribute to the achievement of a high level of communication. These include:

The ability to understand the position of another in communication, show interest in his personality, focus on the development of the student's personality;

The ability to take the student's point of view and create an atmosphere of trust in communicating with another person (the student must feel like a unique full-fledged personality);

Possession of rhetoric techniques;

The use of organizing influences in comparison with evaluating and especially disciplining ones;

The predominance of a democratic style in the teaching process, the ability to treat certain aspects of the pedagogical situation with humor.

The sixth group of skills. This is the ability to maintain a stable professional position of a teacher who understands the importance of his profession, that is, the implementation and development of pedagogical abilities; the ability to manage one's emotional state, giving it a constructive, not destructive character; awareness of their own positive capabilities and the capabilities of students, contributing to the strengthening of their positive self-concept.

Seventh group of skills is understood as an awareness of the prospects of one's own professional development, the definition of an individual style, the maximum use of natural intellectual data.

Eighth group of skills is a definition of the characteristics of knowledge acquired by students during the school year; the ability to determine the state of activity, skills, types of self-control and self-assessment in educational activities at the beginning and at the end of the year; the ability to identify individual indicators of learning; the ability to stimulate readiness for self-learning and continuous education.

The ninth group of skills - this is the teacher's assessment of the upbringing and upbringing of schoolchildren; the ability to recognize the consistency of moral norms and beliefs of schoolchildren by the behavior of students; the teacher's ability to see the student's personality as a whole, the relationship of his thoughts and actions, the ability to create conditions for stimulating underdeveloped personality traits.

Tenth group of skills is associated with the integral, inalienable ability of the teacher to evaluate his work as a whole. We are talking about the ability to see the cause-and-effect relationships between its tasks, goals, methods, means, conditions, results. The teacher needs to move from assessing individual pedagogical skills to assessing his professionalism, the effectiveness of his activities, from the particular to the whole.

It should be noted that the fourth and fifth groups of skills are included in the scope of problems of pedagogical communication. The sixth and seventh groups are associated with the problems of the socio-pedagogical psychology of the individual (teacher and student). The second, ninth and tenth groups of skills are associated with the area of ​​pedagogical, the ninth and tenth groups of skills are associated with the area of ​​social perception, socio-pedagogical perception, or, more precisely, with social-cognitive (social-cognitive) pedagogical psychology (). The tenth group of skills correlates mainly with the problems of self-knowledge, self-reflection in the personality and activities of the teacher, which, as will be shown below, is directly related to the issues of the teacher's knowledge of the student's personality.

In modern didactic literature, the idea of ​​modeling as one of the teaching methods is widespread. As a scientific method, modeling has been known for a very long time.

The model definition by contains four characteristics:

1) model - a mentally represented or materially implemented system;

2) it reflects the object of study;

3) it is capable of replacing the object;

4) its study provides new information about the object.

Modeling is the process of building and researching models. When defining the concept of “learning model”, the emphasis is on the fact that the characteristics of the model should be easier to perceive didactically than similar or identical characteristics in the object itself. The structure of the didactic model contains fewer elements than the object itself. Research confirms that the use of simulation as a teaching method leads to a significant increase in the effectiveness of training.

The use of this method has its own characteristics, the neglect of which entails negative consequences. So, -Gerke showed that the lack of a clear distinction between real objects and mathematical models used to study the latter leads to the formation of a distorted scientific worldview of students, which is expressed in significant difficulties in the process of theoretical development of the course and, especially, in its practical application. The teacher's choice of teaching methods is one of the most important aspects of the problem of productive pedagogical activity. The complexity of this issue lies in the conditionality of the choice of teaching method by an extremely large number of factors.

suggests that when choosing a teaching method, take into account six main parameters, which include the whole variety of factors: regularities and principles of teaching; goals and objectives of training; the content of the subject; educational opportunities for schoolchildren; features of external conditions; opportunities for teachers themselves.

There are two types of results of pedagogical activity. One of them refers to the functional products of activity (lesson, lesson, method, technique). The other (and main) involves the psychological products of activity (psychic neoplasms in the personality of students). In other words, the main and final result of pedagogical activity is the student himself, the development of his personality, abilities and competence. Since each student is objectively unique as a person, effective pedagogical activity is necessarily creative, already according to the most stringent criteria.


1. Babansky organization of educational activities // Selected. ped. works. - M, 2007. - 327 p.

2. Principles of training and its organization. - M, 2006. - 317 p.

3. I, Management of educational systems. M.: Ed. Center "Academy", 2006, pp. 11-74

4. Petrov management of pedagogical systems. Rostov-on-Don: Ed. "Phoenix", 200s.

5. Simonenko and professional pedagogy. Textbook for students of pedagogical universities. M.: Ed. Center "Ventana-Graf", 2006 p. 450 p.

6. Yakovlev and pedagogy of a manager. - M, 2008. - 244 p.

7. Open electronic library http://orel. *****

8. Educational Federation Internet http://www. *****

Federal Agency for Education
State educational institution
higher professional education
"Kovrov State Technological Academy"

Them. V.A. Degtyarev

Department of Management

Course work

in the discipline "Management"

on the topic "Pedagogical activity of a manager"

Head: Kulikova T.A.

Artist: Kaliganova E.E.

Art. gr. ZMN(2)-110

Kovrov 2010.

1. Introduction. 3

2. Pedagogical management.

2.1 Essence and characteristics of the main backbone elements of pedagogical management. 6

2.2. Goals and objectives of pedagogical management. 8

2.3. Functions of pedagogical management. eleven

2.4. Principles of pedagogical management. fourteen

2.5. Methods of pedagogical management. 15

2.6. Factors that determine the effectiveness of pedagogical management 17

2.7. The results of the activities of the subjects of pedagogical management. eighteen

3. Conclusion. 19

4. List of references. twenty


The current level of development of production and large-scale changes in the economic and social spheres of society place increased demands on a person in his professional activities. The significance of the social consequences of human decisions is growing. The change in the socio-economic situation required a significant restructuring of the strategy, tactics and psychology of management. The choice by the manager of the optimal forms of communication with subordinates and methods of influencing them should be based on knowledge of the peculiarities of people's perception of each other.

The relevance of this problem is due to the fact that the nature of vertical relationships is largely determined by the ability of the leader to take into account in practice the dynamics of perception, understanding and attitude of the subordinate team towards him.

To do this, it is necessary to form in the head a reflective reflection of the perception by subordinates of his main qualities, without which business and interpersonal communication will be ineffective, at the same time, managerial decisions will suffer from some one-sidedness.

In horizontal relations, the perception of the leader is associated with the formation of intra-group norms. At the same time, it is important how the characteristics of the leader are perceived by the majority of the team members and set the standards of the prevailing attitude towards him. The general assessment formed by the team can enhance the effectiveness of managerial influences, or slow them down due to the standard of the team's attitude towards the leader developed in perceptual experience.

The emotional component of the leader's group assessments affects the atmosphere of interaction in management, and, consequently, the socio-psychological climate of the team.

Acting in a complex, this has an impact on the formation of the authority of the leader, labor activity and the interest of team members in the effectiveness of activities.

The special structure of the leader's personality includes 4 main substructures:

· Professional competence;

· Organizational skills;

· Pedagogical qualities;

moral and ethical.

Pedagogical qualities of a leader.

The essential functional components of managerial activity are the training and education of subordinates. The effective performance of these functions places high demands on the pedagogical qualities of managers. In the literature on management psychology, pedagogical qualities are usually not singled out as a separate substructure of the leader's personality, but are automatically included in the group of organizational qualities.

Such an inclusion seems to be insufficiently justified. There is no doubt that organizational skills and pedagogical qualities are interconnected. But, nevertheless, in the activities of the head of the production team, independent tasks for organization, training and education are clearly distinguished. Such situations may well arise when, within the framework of a fairly well-organized production, educational work with subordinates is poorly established. Therefore, proceeding from the structural and functional organization of managerial activity, in the structure of the leader's personality, it is necessary to single out a special substructure of pedagogical qualities.

According to N.V. Kuzmina, a person's pedagogical abilities are revealed in "how quickly he masters pedagogical skills and abilities, how he analyzes and generalizes his own activity, its advantages and disadvantages, and how he knows how to rebuild it in accordance with the goals that he faces." The structure of pedagogical abilities corresponds to the structure of pedagogical activity. In pedagogical science, constructive, organizational, communicative, and gnostic components of pedagogical activity and abilities are distinguished. The success of the management of the production team will depend on their formation and development.

2.1. The essence and characteristics of the main backbone elements of pedagogical management.

The search for a new philosophy of social management, due to the changes in economic relations, state-political structure, public consciousness, values ​​and orientations taking place in our country, is carried out both through rethinking and reassessing one's managerial experience, and through studying, analyzing, evaluating and adapting to our conditions. world management experience. This global management experience at the level of an organization (factory, firm, company, association, school, etc.) is expressed in the general concept of "management".

In the book by M.Kh. Mescona, M. Alberta, F. Hedouri "Fundamentals of Management" management is considered in several meanings as "the ability to achieve goals using labor, intelligence, motives for the behavior of other people", as "management, function, type of activity to guide people in a wide variety of organizations" and as "a field of human knowledge that helps to carry out this function." Thus, the word management, translated from English as "management", is considered in the meaning of the type of activity, and in the meaning of the field of knowledge. In addition, in numerous sources, management is considered not only as a science (field of knowledge) of management, but also as the art of management, based on the common sense and intuition of the manager (management), manifested in the non-standard and originality of his decisions, quick reaction and improvisation of actions.

Pedagogical management as an activity (first of all) and summative system simultaneously has its own structure and system-forming factors, which can be conditionally represented in the following form.

1. The essence and characteristics of the main backbone elements of pedagogical management as an activity system.

2. Goals of pedagogical management.

3. The main tasks facing the manager of the educational process.

4. Principles of pedagogical management.

4.1. General principles of management.

4.2. Principles of scientific organization of pedagogical and managerial work.

4.3. Principles of analytical activity of the manager of the educational process.

5. Functions (main functional components) of pedagogical management.

6. Methods of management (methods of pedagogical management).

7. The result of the activity of management subjects.

7.1. Efficiency as a characteristic of the process of joint activity of the teacher and students.

7.2. Quality as a characteristic of the final result.

Pedagogical management as an activity system includes the following structural and functional components and system-forming factors:

the purpose of the activity (planned, expected result);

· subject of activity (director, his deputies, teachers, pupils, students, etc.);

the object of activity (it is also the second subject) - the executor of the orders of the head (student, student, teacher, deputy director, etc.);

· methods of activity (methods and style of interaction between a teacher and students, a leader with a teacher and students, etc.).

2.2. Goals and objectives of pedagogical management.

The second component of the basis of the management of pedagogical systems are the goals of the activities of the subjects of pedagogical management.

The purpose of the activity is planned, predicted, expected result (goal - result model).

The purpose of the classes(lesson) a realistically achievable result of the joint activities of the teacher and students; the degree of learning to which the teacher plans to bring the majority of students during training sessions (what he plans to teach to determine, calculate, measure, analyze, find, solve, etc.).

Purpose of attending classes(lesson) - the type and result of the activity of the teacher and students, which is necessarily monitored at each training session and can be verbally and quantitatively assessed.

Thus, the problem of determining the main goals of education in modern society is highlighted. I.F. Kharlamov, following Kh.I. Leimetsom believes that education can be understood as a process of managing the development of an individual.

At the present stage of development of society, the following can be proposed as the main goals of education.

1. comprehensive development of personality.

2. education of a patriotic citizen.

3. avoiding the extremes of collectivism and individualism.

4. sustainable development of society as a self-developing and purposeful system.

5. rapid adaptation of the individual to the real conditions of a particular society.

The selection and placement, training and education of personnel is a complex socio-psychological and psychological-pedagogical task that requires the manager to have certain abilities and personal qualities, knowledge, skills and abilities. In this case, the tasks of the leader include:

1. selection of personnel, their initial assessment and placement;

2. training of personnel, including retraining, advanced training, organization of continuous education;

3. personnel assessment, which involves:

a) current assessment of employees and the results of their activities,

b) periodic certification of managers, specialists and employees;

4. placement of personnel, involving:

a) the distribution of employees to jobs,

b) formation, training and promotion of a reserve of leading personnel,

c) orientational and methodological support for elections and competitions for filling positions of managers and specialists;

5. Improving the structure of the team and increasing its sustainability, including:

a) studying the needs and interests of various teachers and the dynamics of changes in the structure of the team,

b) study of the causes of staff turnover and violations of labor discipline, improvement of the social and pedagogical climate of the team.

Main tasks of pedagogical management :

1. reflect the frequency and sequence of both individual actions of the performer, and all activities in general;

2. provide for the methodology and rules for the performance of certain types of work for a specific period of time;

3. determine the requirements for the quality of the result of the activity and the effectiveness of the ways to achieve the intended goals, taking into account the optimality of the efforts, funds and time expended;

4. establish requirements for the composition and qualifications of performers determined for a specific activity (in accordance with their functional duties);

5. determine the amount of necessary information and its main sources, taking into account the optimality (necessity and insufficiency);

6. determine and provide for the basic rules for monitoring and accounting for the progress and results of the activities of executors.

2.3. Functions of pedagogical management.

An important concept of pedagogical management is the concept of its functions, which reflect the main content of managerial activity, or rather, a complete cycle of certain actions in total and constituting managerial activity as a whole. In other words, function- this is the relationship between the control system and the managed object, requiring the control system to perform a certain action to ensure the purposefulness or organization of the controlled processes.

Based on the theory of management and analysis of the practice of managing secondary educational institutions, the following main functions of pedagogical management can be distinguished.

Function of planning, or decision making(instructions, orders, recommendations, plans, decisions of the council, decisions of the teachers' council, etc.). Planning the educational process is the first main component (function) of pedagogical management, implemented through the definition of the main types of activities and events, indicating specific performers, deadlines, taking into account the actual time budget available to this subject. There is no doubt that any managerial impact is the result of a certain managerial decision made by the manager of a particular level of management. At the same time, the management decision must satisfy a number of requirements. Analysis of management theory and study of practice shows that the decision should:

· have a target orientation, i.е. fully comply with the goal of pedagogical management;

· be justified, targeted (who will implement it and be responsible for its effective implementation) and competent;

be consistent, i.e. reflect the unity and consistency with the overall system of management decisions;

· meet the condition of specificity in terms of the time of its implementation and provide for criteria for the effectiveness of its implementation, taking into account the optimality of the expended forces, means and time;

be up-to-date and up-to-date;

be complete, concise and clear.

The function of organizing the implementation of decisions made and plans include:

bringing the decision (plan) to the executor;

logistical support for the possibility of implementing this decision (plan);

harmonization of this decision (plan) with the settings and needs of the personality of the performer (the second subject of management).

The organization of the implementation of the decisions and plans made is the second basic component (second function) of pedagogical management, the basis of which are the principles of the scientific organization of labor (SOT).

function of motivation. Members of the organization must perform their work in accordance with the duties delegated to them. Managers have always performed the function of motivation, sometimes even without realizing it.

Function of preliminary, current, delayed and final control. Preliminary control involves checking plans, other types of control - coordinating the activities of performers based on information obtained during this control, accounting for the results of activities, analyzing and evaluating its effectiveness based on the results of this control.

Based on the functions of pedagogical management, there may be different levels or roles of management, namely:

1) the role of the chief leader, involving participation in events when the position requires it;

2) the role of a leader responsible for motivating and activating subordinates, selecting and placing personnel;

3) the role of the link. It involves the implementation of correspondence, participation in meetings on the side, i.e. consists in establishing external contacts with organizations and individuals;

4) receiver of information. The essence of the work is to find and obtain the necessary information. At the same time, the manager processes all mail, makes contacts in order to obtain information;

5) distributor of information. The manager transfers information received from external sources to the members of his organization, organizes the distribution of mail to organizations in order to disseminate information;

6) entrepreneur. In this role, the manager develops and launches “improvement projects” that bring change;

7) eliminating violations. The manager takes corrective action in cases where a crisis is brewing in the organization and problems arise;

8) resource distributor. The role implies responsibility for the allocation of various resources of the organization, which in fact comes down to making or approving all significant decisions;

9) the negotiator. The manager is responsible for representing the organization in all significant and important negotiations.

2.4. Principles of pedagogical management.

Principles of pedagogical management- the basic rules of behavior of the subject of management in its interaction with managed subjects (objects). These include the principles humanization And optimality .

Principles of analytical activity of the subject of management- the basic rules that a manager must adhere to when observing, analyzing and evaluating performance.

The most important principle of pedagogical management is goal-setting principle or purposefulness principle, as the basis of planning and control, i.e. the basis of the content of all activities of a manager at any level of management. In general, the principle of purposefulness of pedagogical management reflects the requirement to set goals taking into account their optimality and reality, social significance and prospects.

The principle of cooperation and division of labor reflects the most important requirement for the managerial activity of a manager of any level. It is unacceptable for the leader to strive to do everything himself: to draw up a work plan, organize its implementation, single-handedly control and coordinate the activities of all performers.

A clear implementation of the main ideas of pedagogical management in practice is impossible without the implementation principle of functional approach. The implementation of this principle is also a condition for continuous development, improvement of management activities on the basis of constant updating, clarification and concretization of the functions of performers.

The principle of complexity involves a combination of target, functional and linear management. System management is unthinkable outside the complex of scientifically substantiated subject-subject management influences, and this principle is its essence.

2.5. Methods of pedagogical management.

The development of the scientific foundations of pedagogical management actualizes the issue of management methods, which act as ways to achieve the goals of pedagogical management and implement its main functions. There are four groups of pedagogical management methods:

· the first group - economic methods, or methods of economic stimulation;

the second group - organizational and managerial, or administrative methods;

the third group - methods of psychological and pedagogical influence;

the fourth group - methods of public influence.

Depending on the tasks of personnel work, these methods can be systematized as follows (Table 1.1.)

Table 1.1.

Application of methods of psychological and pedagogical influence depending on the tasks of personnel work.

HR task Object of study Research method
Recruitment 1. Orientation of personality 1. Conversation, observation, tests, bibliographic method
2. The level of development of general and special abilities 2. Tests of general and special abilities
3. Individual psychological and personal characteristics of teachers 3. Personality tests
Personnel training 1. Professionally necessary knowledge, skills, abilities 1. Expert assessments, surveys, conversations
2. The effectiveness of methods of psychological and pedagogical influence on students 2. Analysis of specific situations, business games, socio-psychological training
3. Effectiveness of professional training forms 3. Various psychological and pedagogical methods
Evaluation and placement of personnel 1. Compliance of the employee with the work performed 1. Questionnaires, tests, questionnaires
2. Possibility of further use of the employee 2. Group personality assessment (GOL)
3. Results of labor activity 3. Observation, conversation, analysis of the results of labor activity
4. The place of the teacher in the system of intra-collective relations 4. Sociometry
Rational use of personnel 1. Causes of turnover and violations of labor discipline 1. Sociometry and referentometry, tests of interpersonal relationships
2. The state of the socio-psychological climate of the team 2. Questionnaires, questionnaires, tests
3. Efficiency of personnel work 3. Document analysis, leadership style research, observation

Methods of pedagogical management must be systematized according to the levels of managerial activity. There are three such levels:

1. personal (individual) - the micro level at which the tasks of matching an employee to a specific workplace are solved;

2. group (socio-psychological) - the meso-level, within which the optimal placement of workers in the team is carried out;

3. sociological - the macro level, at which the social mechanisms for creating "elite groups" of management (leading employees of various levels) are formed.

2.6. Factors that determine the effectiveness of pedagogical management.

The basis for the effectiveness of the organization of management of pedagogical systems is the prevention and overcoming of elements of formalism in the educational process in secondary educational institutions. The main basic concepts of this sphere of pedagogical management.

Formalism in pedagogical management- Preference of paperwork to a living thing, violation of a systematic, integrated approach to planning, organizing, monitoring, analyzing and evaluating the effectiveness of the performers.

Formalism in teaching- the desire to fetish the mechanical, mindless memorization of rules, laws, definitions to the detriment of their understanding and conscious application in practice.

Formalism in education- preference for verbal methods in education (rather than visual and practical), mass forms of work (rather than an individual approach), certain areas in education (rather than an integrated approach), suppression of the initiative and independence of pupils (directive education).

Formalism in planning the educational process- a large number of planned activities without taking into account the actual accounting of time, the real capabilities of the performers, the relevance and expediency of the planned activities.

Formalism in the organization of educational and cognitive activity of students lies primarily in ignoring the principle of the connection between education and upbringing with life, the psychological and physiological requirements for the organization of mental work.

Formalism in the control of the educational process- the desire to put the form over the content of the activity, one-time quantitative indicators - over the qualitative ones, outdated norms and instructions - over the real and expedient actions of the inspected.

2.7. The results of the activities of the subjects of pedagogical management.

The result of the educational activities of management subjects is an extremely important and complex component of the basic concepts of the theory, methodology and practice of pedagogical management. It includes a number of very relevant concepts and definitions.

The quality of students' knowledge- the strength, depth and consistency of this knowledge and their conscious application in practice.

Student's degree of learning- the level of successive indicators of mastering the material by students in the learning process.

In general, the successful achievement of the goals and objectives of the head of pedagogical management is predetermined by a number of important factors. They can be divided into four groups:

1) the personal factor of the manager (the degree of his preparedness and professionalism, his goals, value orientations and needs);

2) moral and psychological climate in the system of subjective relations (the degree of interaction and the degree of interest in learning);

3) temporal characteristics as a factor of rationalization and scientific organization of the educational process;

4) spatial characteristics as a factor in the effective activity of interacting subjects in which the activity takes place.


For the professional activities of a manager in the field of teaching, the following most important aspects are important:

scientific qualification;

pedagogical abilities;

Experience in practical leadership of teams of people.

It should be noted that all three aspects of training are desirable for successful teaching, but scientific qualifications and pedagogical abilities are crucial. Historical experience shows that top university professors tend to be leaders in management research. The profession of a management teacher has its own characteristics in comparison with the professions of a practical leader (manager-practitioner) and a research worker specializing in the field of management (manager-scientist). These features stem from the fact that a management teacher should not only have knowledge in the field of management, but also be able to transfer this knowledge to his students (listeners), instill in them practical skills and abilities in the field of organization management. In this regard, many of the professional knowledge, skills and abilities of a management teacher meet the requirements for the teaching profession.


1. Karpov A.V.

Psychology of Management: Textbook. - M.: Gardariki, 2006. - 584 p.: ill.

2. Avdulova T.P.

Psychology of management: a textbook for students. avg. prof. textbook establishments. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2003. - 256 p.

3. Pryazhnikov N.S.

Motivation of labor activity: textbook. allowance for students. higher textbook institutions / N.S. Pryazhnikov. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2008 - 368s.

4. Goncharov M.A.

Fundamentals of management in education: study guide / M.A. Goncharov. - 2nd ed., erased. – M.: KNORUS, 2008-480s.

Pedagogical management as an applied science arose on the basis of two disciplines - pedagogy and management. Term "pedagogy" originated in ancient Greece. Translated into Russian, it means childbirth. Teachers were called mentors who raised the children of aristocrats. Pedagogy is a science that studies the essence, patterns, principles, methods and forms of organization of the pedagogical process as a factor and means of human development throughout his life.

The subject of pedagogy as a science is the pedagogical process, i.e. the process of teaching and educating a person as a special function of society, implemented in the conditions of certain pedagogical systems. The pedagogical process is a specially organized interaction of teachers and students in order to transfer them the social experience necessary for life and work in society. Pedagogy as a humanities is a body of knowledge that underlies the description, analysis, forecasting, design and organization of the pedagogical process, as well as the search for effective pedagogical systems for the development, education and preparation of a person for life in society.

Management is understood as a scientific and practical direction, focused on ensuring the effective life (functioning) of organizations in the market conditions of economic relations.

In modern scientific literature management viewed as:

The process of setting and achieving goals through the mobilization of people's labor, their intellect, behavioral motives, as well as financial and technical resources;

Business management through the effective organization of the work of members of the enterprise;

A special type of human-oriented management activity;

The ability of the leader to achieve the set goals, using the work, intelligence and motives of the behavior of subordinates;

Function, type of activity for managing people in a variety of organizations;

A field of knowledge that helps to effectively carry out managerial functions.

Thus, in science, management is considered both in the meaning of “type of activity” and in the meaning of “field of knowledge”. In world practice, management acts as a science, art and activity to mobilize intellectual, material and financial resources for the effective and efficient functioning of the organization. It combines, as it were, two directions: commercial and economic, or organizational and technical, and psychological and pedagogical, associated with managing people, organizing a team to achieve the ultimate goal. The manager is the organizer of the professional activities of the employees of the organization.

The subject of management is the management processes in organizations. Control - the function of organized systems of various nature (biological, social, technical), ensuring the preservation of their specific structure, maintaining the mode of activity, the implementation of their programs and goals. Social management is a purposeful impact on any social system for its streamlining, preservation, improvement and development. Management is one of the most important functions of any organized system, without which this system cannot exist - it inevitably dies. Social management includes the processes of collecting and analyzing data on the functioning, organization and activities of the team, the development and implementation of decisions, the processes of monitoring the implementation of decisions made and evaluating the results and motivation of the employees of the organization. All these processes are based on the knowledge and practical experience of leaders and are implemented with the help of thinking, memory, perception, attention, communication, speech, volitional efforts, etc. In other words, management is a mental process of interaction between the leader and subordinates in the preparation and implementation of organizational decisions. The ultimate goal of management is to optimize the functioning of the system, to obtain the greatest possible beneficial effect at the least effort and cost.

The main stages of the management process: collection and processing of information; its analysis, diagnosis of the state of the control object, forecast of its further change (development); goal setting; development of a solution aimed at achieving the goal; consistent specification of the overall solution in the form of planning, design, programming; development of specific (private) management decisions; organizing activities to implement decisions; control over this activity; collection and processing of information on the results of activities (then the cycle is repeated).

Pedagogical management - a set of principles, methods and organizational forms for managing the education system and the educational and cognitive process aimed at increasing their effectiveness. The subject of pedagogical management is the processes, phenomena and problems associated with the peculiarities of the managerial activities of managers and teachers in educational institutions. The most complete definition of management that can be used in education was given by the famous American management theorist P. Drucker (119). He believed that modern management is a specific type of human-oriented management activity, with the goal of making people capable of joint action, giving their efforts effectiveness and smoothing out their inherent weaknesses, because the human ability to contribute to society is just as dependent on the effectiveness of enterprise management. , as well as from their own efforts and the bestowal of people. Based on this, P. Drucker also defines the tasks of management:

To rally people around the common goals of the enterprise in order to create a team;

To develop in each employee of the enterprise his needs and, if possible, satisfy them;

Not for a moment stop the development of people;

Build production activities on the basis of communication between employees and on their individual responsibility, since the skills and professional training of people working in the enterprise are different, and employees perform various types of work;

Develop comprehensive methods and tools for assessing the effectiveness of the enterprise.

1. The concept of pedagogical management

2. Principles of pedagogical management

3. Functions of pedagogical management

1. The concept of "pedagogical management"

The English word "management" has three semantic aspects:

a set of persons engaged in managerial work in the field of private and public business;

· a social and economic institution that influences entrepreneurial activity, lifestyle and politics of modern society;

· a scientific discipline that studies the technical, organizational, social aspects of production management and other areas of public life.

In management theory, a special place is occupied by pedagogical management, including, at first glance, polar groups - teaching and learning.

Although management originated in business, today it is widely believed in the West that management is not only the management of a firm, corporation, etc. - many of its postulates and theoretical positions are suitable for management activities in any field, including education.

All in all, management- this social organization management. In many contexts, the concepts social management" And " management' are practically the same.

Management- this is management based on a human-centric approach, which implies not a straightforward impact, but the creation of conditions for comfortable cooperation between the leader and the subordinate in the effective achievement of the goals of joint activities.

manager-manager in his activity he relies on his own respect for people and people's respect for himself, builds his relations with people in his work activity on the basis of trust and, focusing on success himself, creates conditions for its achievement by all.

In modern scientific literature management opens up as:

The process of setting and achieving goals through the mobilization of people's labor, their intellect, behavioral motives, as well as financial and technical resources;

Business management through filigree work with people;

A special type of managerial activity revolving around a person;

The ability of the leader to achieve the set goals, using the work, intelligence and motives of the behavior of subordinates;

Function, type of activity for managing people in a wide variety of organizations;

An area of ​​human knowledge that helps to effectively carry out managerial functions.

From the above definitions, we can conclude that in science management considered in the meaning of type of activity", and in the meaning of" areas of knowledge ».

The most appropriate and complete definition of management, which can be used in the non-profit sphere (for example, in education), was given by the famous American management theorist P. Drucker, who believed that modern management is a specific type of management activity revolving around a person, with the aim of making people able to work together, to make their efforts effective and to mitigate their inherent weaknesses, for the human ability to contribute to society depends as much on the effectiveness of the management of the enterprise as on their own efforts and the dedication of people. Based on this, P. Drucker also defines the tasks of management:

1) To rally people around the common goals of the enterprise - otherwise you will never create a team from the crowd).

2) To develop in each employee of the enterprise his needs and, if possible, satisfy them.

3) Do not stop the development of people for a minute.

4) Since the skills and professional training of people working in the enterprise are different, and employees perform various types of work, their production activities should be based on communication between employees and on their individual responsibility.

5) An enterprise cannot be judged only by the volume of output and basic production lines. In this respect, the enterprise is similar to a person: just as it needs a variety of tools to assess health and performance, the same variety of tools are required to assess the functioning of the enterprise.

2. Principles of pedagogical management

The traditional system of principles, reflecting the organizational and production side of management in education, was significantly supplemented when the ideas of pedagogical management were introduced into the practice of educational institutions.

From the standpoint of pedagogical management, Yu.A. Konarzhevsky identified the following managerial principles :

The principle of respect and trust in a person;

The principle of a holistic view of man;

The principle of cooperation;

The principle of social justice;

The principle of an individual approach to management;

The principle of enriching the work of a teacher;

The principle of personal stimulation;

the principle of consensus;

The principle of collective decision-making;

The principle of targeted harmonization;

The principle of horizontal connections;

The principle of autonomization of management;

The principle of constant renewal.

Let's take a closer look at each of the above principles.

Principle respect and trust in people acts as a fundamental principle of the manager and the teaching staff, reflected in the beliefs of each teacher, motivating his behavior, and through and through the life of the teaching staff and the entire school.

Requirements of this principle:

respect the personal dignity of a person, recognize the corresponding rights and opportunities for a person;

respect the person in yourself and respect the person in others; take care of the person in yourself because the person is also present in others;

give the individual, whenever possible, freedom of choice;

trust the person; its potential possibilities are inexhaustible;

create an atmosphere of trust based on mutual respect;

respect the person, but be quite demanding of him;

create an environment in which a person can express himself, reveal his capabilities;

maximize initiative, creativity, the ability to find yourself in a team;

encourage the achievements and personal contribution of everyone to the affairs of the educational institution;

guarantee each teacher and child personal security in the team.

The principle of a holistic view of man- the second very important position in the value system of an educational institution, when the manager considers each member of the teaching staff not just as an employee carrying out professional activities, but as a person with all its needs, motives, goals, experiences that he experiences in the process of pedagogical activity. At the same time, each teacher considers the child not just as a pupil of a preschool educational institution or a student, but as a person in all the diversity of its qualities and manifestations. A number of specific requirements also follow from this principle:

build your relationship with the teacher not as an official with a subordinate, but as a person with a person;

do not limit relations with teachers only to official duties, delve into their life, spiritual world and aspirations, otherwise every teacher will inevitably feel alienated;

remember that the life of a teacher and a child is not limited only to the hours spent in an educational institution - it is much wider and richer;

when communicating with a teacher, never forget that his work is a big part of his life - do everything possible so that the hours, days, years spent at work are bright and joyful for the teacher;

the manager must be involved in the way of life of the members of the teaching staff, he must understand what their common needs are;

meet with teachers not only in a formally official setting, but also in one where you can just chat, “talk heart to heart”.

The principle of cooperation provides for the transfer of control from a monologic to a dialogic basis, the transition from communication to communication, from subject-object to subject-subject relations. Here are some of its requirements:

consider a person as an active factor, and not as a passive element of the pedagogical system;

know and take into account the personal qualities of teachers and, on the basis of this, form optimal social and pedagogical relations between them, creating a highly productive working atmosphere in an educational institution;

value in the teacher a humane attitude towards children, competence, initiative, responsibility. Always remember that you do not need a subordinate, but co worker, business man;

create an atmosphere not only of laying responsibility on the teacher, but also of his awareness of the role and the need to participate in the process of managing an educational institution;

take care of the manifestation of any pedagogical expedient initiative on the part of your deputies and demand the same from them in relation to teachers;

the main passwords for the joint activity of the leader and the teaching staff should be: humanity, conscious discipline, initiative, pedagogically expedient work. Initiative first, work later, humanity and conscious discipline always;

first - close attention, analysis, diagnosis, then - decision making - this is the basis of cooperation.

N. Witke believed that the whole essence of administrative work is to create an atmosphere of friendly collective cooperation, with a combination of the recognized business and moral authority of the administration with the manifestation of the broadest initiative of the institution's employees.

The principle of social justice provides for such management of the teaching staff, in which each teacher is on an equal footing with others, and his interaction with the administration is based on understanding the person as the goal of management, and not its means. Some of the requirements arising from this principle are:

strive to evenly distribute not only the educational, but also the social load among teachers, carefully and gradually including them in the social structure;

create conditions and prerequisites that make it possible to show their professional and other abilities not only to "pedagogical stars", but to all teachers;

encourage, evaluate the activities of teachers without bias, objectively, on the basis of providing them with equal "starting" opportunities;

always, when evaluating the work of a teacher, bring into line his labor achievements and their public recognition;

remember that one of the guarantees of social justice in the teaching staff is publicity, systematic coverage in the team of all the activities of the management apparatus;

the leader must take into account that the level of social justice is always reflected in public opinion, which evaluates it in general and in terms of individual parameters;

a feeling of injustice arises when a person admits that the ratio of his labor contribution and result is estimated lower (unfairly) compared to the ratio of the contribution and result of other participants in the activity. This is where conflicts arise.

The principle of an individual approach to management provides for the consideration by managers of the individual characteristics of teachers, the level of their professional training, interests, life and social experience. Some of the requirements of this principle are formulated as follows:

remember that an individual approach can only be based on a deep study of the system of work of each teacher and his personality;

on the basis of this study, individualize the volume, frequency and forms of communication with the teacher, the level of his independence, didactic and methodological freedom, encouraging some and expanding the requirements for others;

in the course of individual work with the teacher, help him to strengthen those positive professional qualities and qualities that he possesses. Give him professional confidence. Remember that encouraging desirable individual behaviors is always more fruitful than suppressing undesirable ones. Relying on strengths brings more benefits than endless "analysis" of weaknesses;

one of the main tasks of an individual approach in the management of an educational institution is the task of leveling the professional skills of teachers, gradually bringing those who are lagging behind to the level of advanced ones;

define for each teacher his individual goals and the boundaries of their achievement - this will provide him with a path to success.

The principle of enriching the work of a teacher consists in the desire of the leader to diversify the professional activities of the teacher, through the awakening of professional interest and the support of his professional confidence. Some specific requirements of this principle are:

consult with educators about their current and future professional needs;

create conditions for the inclusion of teachers in innovative activities;

organize visits to lessons (classes with children) of creatively working teachers in their own and other educational institutions;

conduct seminars, "round tables" on the problems of methods of educational activity;

monitor the professional development of teachers.

The principle of personal stimulation ensures the personal interest of the teacher in the work, contributes to the adoption of certain obligations to the educational institution and the team. This is evidenced by some of the requirements arising from this principle:

each leader must have a well-thought-out system of incentives, including material and moral incentives. In addition, it must be remembered that courtesy, a smile, an attentive and sensitive attitude of the leader are also quite effective incentives for subordinates;

all the work of a leader with teachers should be based on stimulating their activities: creating conditions for work, creating an atmosphere of mutual satisfaction, creating a system of creative activity, creating conditions for self-education, etc.

Implementation consensus principle will allow the leader, in the conditions of the formation of independent views and different points of view among teachers, to bring the team to agreement, to transfer people from confrontation to cooperation. Here are some requirements of this principle:

consensus should be based on an objective assessment of the points of view of team members when discussing a problem or making a decision;

the leader must especially clearly and logically argue his point of view so that it is accepted by the “critical majority” in the team;

the main tool of the leader should be the logical analysis of erroneous judgments. He must be able to uncover contradictions in the opinions of colleagues, to achieve their awareness of these contradictions and to revise their point of view, when necessary;

know how to make mutual concessions, but not to the detriment of the cause.

The principle of collective decision-making is one of the tools for the democratization of governance, based on the belief that people do not want to be perpetual doers. Some requirements of the principle:

Not every decision should be made collectively (this applies to operational situations, routine, repetitive cases). Collectively, decisions are made that play a significant role in the life of an educational institution (adoption of its Charter, determination of the mode of operation, adoption of the Development Program, etc.), concerning almost every member of the team;

information on the basis of which such a decision will be made should be familiar to each member of the team;

the decision will only be actively supported by a part of the team if the teachers actively participated in its preparation;

we must always remember that where a decision is made by the majority, there is also a minority that does not agree with it. With this minority, it is necessary to continue to work with it, involving it in the process of implementing the decision.

The principle of targeted harmonization provides for the purposefulness, expediency of management and such work of the leader with goals, as a result of which target integrity appears in the educational institution, i.e. a situation where the private, personally professional goals of the members of the teaching staff correspond to the general goals of the educational institution, which is the task of managing the educational system. Some principles that follow from this principle are:

whatever is done in an educational institution, everything should be done on the basis of a meaningful, previously formulated, pedagogically expedient goal;

target integrity in an educational institution is not formed immediately, it is the result of a long and painstaking work of a manager with personnel;

commitment to the goals of the educational institution is associated with the beliefs of the teacher, with his commitment to the core values ​​of the educational institution and its culture.

The principle of horizontal connections ensures the establishment of links between all members of the teaching staff, the exchange of information, experience, does not allow the teacher to professionally stand apart in the team. Here are some requirements of the principle:

the principle is implemented in the process of delegating authority to teachers, collective decision-making, establishing a single status for all employees, etc.;

horizontal connections must be formed expediently, having a program for a long time;

when forming such a system of relations, it is necessary to take into account informal, friendly relations between teachers, on the one hand, they will improve the quality of work, on the other hand, they can become a source of opposition to the administration and the goals of the educational institution.

The principle of control autonomy is one of the most important tools for the democratization of management, being a necessary condition for the formation of groups of line managers (local leaders within an educational institution). Autonomization allows to decentralize control over the quality of professional activities of teachers. Some requirements for the implementation of the principle:

autonomous areas of management must be headed by highly qualified teachers who have expressed a desire to engage in managerial activities;

it is desirable that teachers who lead specific areas of management (methodological association, diagnostic support team, educational software team, child pedagogical support team, etc.) are selected or approved at a meeting of the entire teaching staff;

all teachers who have become the head of autonomous units must undergo appropriate training.

The principle of constant renewal causes the transfer of an educational institution from the mode of operation to the mode of development. This principle is the main guiding principle for organizing the process of mastering new technologies and methods of training and education, changing organizational and psychological structures, and other changes in an educational institution. Some requirements for its implementation:

any major changes must be prepared in advance, creating a certain psychological mood in the team;

changes should be based on a detailed plan (project) and calculation, which will certainly lead to success - if there is no certainty of success, it is better not to carry them out;

the team must be ready theoretically and practically for the implementation of changes;

resistance to change was, is and will be, given this, it is necessary to seek consensus and persuade people to the idea of ​​the inevitability and validity of changes;

the process of change in an educational institution is, first of all, a process of change in the teacher himself, in his personality.

The principles presented above are systemic - for the implementation of effective management, each of them "works" only on condition that the rest, interconnected with it, are also executed.

3. Functions of pedagogical management

In world practice management acts as the science, art And activity on the mobilization of intellectual, material and financial resources for the effective and efficient functioning of the organization. In management, two directions are combined, as it were: commercial and economic, or, as it is also called, organizational and technical, and psychological and pedagogical, associated with managing people, with organizing a team to achieve the ultimate goal.

Abroad management in education or school management is defined as “focusing on the process of making the most important decisions in the school”. The main idea of ​​school management, for example, in the United States is based on the decentralization of management in the education system - in its context, a school teacher should be empowered to participate in the development and adoption of the most important decisions for his school.

In our country, a manager (a shop manager, a factory director, a hospital chief doctor, a school director, a kindergarten head, etc.) has so far been appointed to a position based on an assessment of his professional readiness to perform the functions of an engineer, doctor, teacher, educator. As a result, he became the organizer of the activities of production units(workshops, factories, departments, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, etc.), head of production activities. The manager is people organizer and must have, in addition to professional, special training in the art of managing people.

Implementation pedagogical management into the practice of a modern educational institution is caused by the need to implement adequate management in the conditions of reforming Russian education, when educational institutions are moving away from uniformity, provide the population with varied educational services, develop on the basis of democratization, and participate in innovative processes. But such a significant change in the object of management - a school, a preschool educational institution, etc. - requires a change in the subject of management.

Pedagogical management in the works of some modern authors appears as a set of principles, methods, organizational forms and technological methods for managing educational systems, aimed at improving their efficiency .

1. Pedagogical management has its own specifics and patterns inherent only to it. Professional knowledge in management determines the awareness by managers associated with education of three different management tools: 1) organizations, management hierarchies, the main means here is the impact on a person from above with the help of motivation, planning, organization, control, stimulation, etc.; 2) management culture, i.e. developed and recognized by society, organization, group of people values, social norms and attitudes, behavior; 3) market, market relations, i.e. relations based on the purchase and sale of products and services, on the balance of interests of the seller and the buyer.

Two human inventions

management and the art of education.

I. Kant

Under the conditions of the emerging market relations, professional educational institutions (VETs) gained greater independence, which manifested itself in the transfer of some of the main powers to them from the upper levels of management. They received the right to choose the type of institution, the specialization of education, taking into account the supply and demand for educational services, the selection and formation of a new content of education, the formation of new organizational structures and management mechanisms; to carry out experimental work on new pedagogical technologies of training and education. At the same time, in the process of development and subsequent certification, the transition of an educational institution to a new status became possible - a professional lyceum, a college, a center for continuing professional education, an integrated educational complex.

Modern pedagogical science and practice seek to comprehend the holistic pedagogical process from the standpoint of management science, to give it a strict scientifically based character.

Under management generally understood as activities aimed at making decisions, organizing, controlling, regulating the object of management in accordance with a given goal, analyzing and summing up on the basis of reliable information; the function of organized systems of various nature, ensuring the preservation of their specific structure, maintaining the mode of activity, the implementation of their programs and goals.

Control objects can be biological, technical, social systems. One of the varieties of social systems is the education system.

the main goal management - the effective and systematic use of forces, means, time, human resources to achieve the optimal result, as well as improving the decision-making process by those who are directly affected by them.

In the context of the restructuring of management structures in our country, special attention is paid to management – managerial experience of the developed countries of the world. But the transfer of management models from one socio-cultural environment to another is almost impossible, since the features of management are determined by a combination of factors, including forms of government, types of ownership, the degree of market development, etc. In management theory, three fundamentally different management tools are distinguished: the first is organization , the management hierarchy, where the main means is the impact on a person from above (using the main functions of motivation, planning, organization and control of activities, as well as the distribution of material wealth); the second is the culture of management (i.e., values, social norms, attitudes, behaviors developed and recognized by society, an educational institution, a group of people); the third is the market, market (i.e. based on the sale and purchase of products and services, on the balance of interests of the seller and the buyer) relations.

In social and economic systems, these three components always coexist, and the shape of the socio-economic organization of society is determined by which of these tools is given preference.

The general trend in management is manifested in the desire for informal, democratic, flexible ways and methods of management. Management is used not so much as a system of power in the form of a hierarchical pyramid, but as a resource for the development of a horizontal organizational system.

Modern POU is considered as an open pedagogical system and as a special socio-economic organization of society. Updating the management system of the SOE can only take place on the basis of new technologies for managing its development.

The theory of pedagogical management opens up inexhaustible reserves for the leaders and teachers of PEI, as it has the following capabilities:

· Firstly, allows you to move from a vertical command-administrative management system to a horizontal system of professional cooperation, which is based on a corporate management style that takes into account the natural qualities of each person and a person-oriented approach to his activities to achieve maximum results;

· Secondly, provides an opportunity for the development of each personality, coordination of the motivational orientation of managers and teachers, creating conditions for developing and developing POU;

· third, creates a comfortable psychological and pedagogical climate for all participants in the educational process.

Pedagogical management has its own specifics, as it is associated with the creative activity of people. In the work of V.P. Simonova "Pedagogical management: 50 know-how in the field of educational process management" pedagogical management characterized as a theory, methodology and technology of effective management of the educational process. Management in general can be understood as the ability of a leader to achieve goals using the work, intellect and behavioral motives of other people, and as a fusion of the science and art of managing people and social processes.

In the projection on the educational process, pedagogical management is a set of principles, methods, organizational forms and technological methods of management aimed at improving the efficiency of the educational process. Within the framework of this definition, it can be noted that any teacher is, in fact, the manager of the educational and cognitive process (as the subject of its management), and the head of the POU is the manager of the educational process as a whole.

Pedagogical management has its own specifics and laws inherent only to it. This specificity is expressed in the originality of the object, product, tool and result of the manager's work.

The subject of the manager's work educational process is the activity of a controlled subject, product of labor- information, the tool of labor - language, word, speech. The result of the work of the manager of the educational process is the degree of education, upbringing and development of the object of management - students.

Control theory. Basic concepts

Control Theories

No winner believes in chance.

F. Nietzsche

The definition of the educational system as a social institution makes it possible to use the approaches of the theory of social management to solve problems related to the problem of managing such systems. Within the framework of this theory, the concept of management characterizes the impact of the subject on the object of management and implies the optimization of processes during the purposeful transition of social systems from one state to another. In the development of the theory of social systems management, it is advisable to consider five main approaches that are of particular interest for organizing the management of educational systems: selection of schools in management, process, system, program-target, situational approaches .

According to the first approach, there are several scientific schools in management that consider management from different points of view: the school of scientific management, administrative management, human relations, behavioral sciences, as well as the school of management science or the quantitative method.

Founder schools of scientific management , widely known in the world as a "scientific organization of labor", was the American engineer F. Taylor (1856 - 1915). The main idea of ​​the concept of this school is the construction of management on the basis of scientific research aimed at improving the efficiency of work. The scientific management developed using this approach was intended for implementation only in industrial production.

The greatest contribution to development classical, or administrative schools of management introduced the French scientist A. Fayol. Representatives of this school tried to create universal principles of management, which affected two aspects. The first is the development of a rational system for managing the organization, the second is the construction of the structure of the organization and the management of employees.

If the strategy of scientific management is associated with the application of scientific approaches to various aspects of the production process, then in the classical theory of management, for the first time, management activity itself and methods for the rational organization of management systems were studied.

The theories considered by the representatives of this school and the principles formulated by them still have not lost their relevance.

With the development of psychological science, the formation schools of human relations in management, behavioral approach to management . Representatives of this school (M. Follet, England; E. Mayo, USA, 1930–1950s) believed that if management increases concern for its employees, then the level of employee satisfaction should increase, which will inevitably lead to increased productivity. The main emphasis was placed on the social aspect of management. The approaches to management developed by this school were intended to compensate for the shortcomings of the classical approach, in which the human factor was not recognized as an element of the effectiveness of the organization.

School of Behavioral Sciences significantly departed from the school of human relations. According to this approach, the employee should be assisted in understanding his own capabilities through the application of the concepts of the behavioral sciences to the management of organizations. The main goal of this school is to increase the efficiency of an organization by increasing the efficiency of its human resources by studying various aspects of social interaction, motivation, the nature of power and authority, organizational structure, communication, changing the content of work and the quality of working life.

School of management science, or quantitative method is based on the use of exact sciences (mathematics, statistics, engineering, cybernetics) in data management and involves the active use of modeling and computer technology. The use of models greatly simplifies the consideration of complex management tasks and reduces the number of variables to be taken into account to a manageable amount. Realizing the benefits of quantitative measurements (quantitative approach) provides the ability to compare, analyze and predict the behavior of the model. Distinctive features of the science of managing social systems are: the use of the scientific method, system orientation, modeling. The scientific method involves the use of observation, the formulation of a hypothesis and verification (confirmation of the hypothesis). System orientation provides the ability to view the organization as an open system. Modeling allows you to make objective management decisions when using models created for these purposes.

Separate ideas of this method are in demand for solving the problems of managing educational systems: the use of modern information tools and technologies in management, the adoption of managerial decisions only on the basis of the results of quantitative measurements.

Another approach, whose developers have made a great contribution to control theory, is called situational approach . The essence of this approach lies in the fact that the most effective method of management is the one that best suits the current situation, since the situation, i.e. particular circumstances have a significant impact on the organization at that particular time. The situational approach is not a simple set of prescribed recommendations, it is a way of thinking about organizational problems and their solutions. Using it, managers can better understand which techniques are most conducive to achieving the goals of the organization in a particular situation.

Application of systems theory in management in the late 1950s. was the most important contribution of the school of management science and, in particular, the American scientist J. Paul Getty. According to this theory, a system is a kind of integrity, consisting of interdependent parts, each of which contributes to the characteristics of the whole. At systems approach The organization is considered as a set of interdependent elements, such as people, structure, tasks and technology, which are focused on achieving different goals in a changing environment.

Under the influence of a systematic approach, the formation program-targeted approach (program approach, target management), which contains three main procedures: the definition of goals and their ordering in the appropriate hierarchical system ("tree of goals"); development of comprehensive programs for the development of organizational-separate complexes of social activity; formation of specific organizational structures.

Currently widely used process approach . It was first proposed by representatives of the school of administrative management, who tried to describe the functions of a manager. According to this approach, management is viewed as a process of continuous, interrelated actions (functions), each of which, in turn, also consists of several interrelated actions. They are united by communication and decision-making processes. At the same time, management is considered as an independent activity. It implies the possibility of influencing employees in such a way that they work towards achieving goals.

The main approaches to management discussed above, having certain advantages and complementing each other, develop the theory of management of social systems. Therefore, when solving the problems of managing educational systems, it is advisable, depending on the type and complexity of the tasks being solved, to use them in a complex way, as the most general theoretical basis.

Until the 1970s–80s The basis of management in the field of domestic education was school science, which was mainly limited to summarizing the experience of the best school leaders and preparing, on this basis, practical recommendations for organizing school affairs. The gradual transition from traditional school studies to the development of the scientific foundations of intra-school management, the theoretical understanding of the processes and phenomena observed in the practice of education is due to the spread of the ideas of the theory of social management, which significantly intensified research and development in the field of education management.

Many domestic researchers have made a significant contribution to the development of the theoretical foundations of management. Among them, M.K. Bocharov (general control theory), V.G. Afanasiev. V.A. Zverev (social management), Yu.V. Vasiliev, Yu.A. Konarzhevsky, M.I. Kondakov, M.M. Potashnik, T.I. Shamova, P.V. Khudominsky, V.A. Yakunin (management of educational systems), S.Ya. Batyshev, A.P. Belyaeva, A.G. Sokolov, R.Kh. Shakurov (professional education management).

The implementation of the ideas of a systematic approach laid the foundation for the application of new methods of managing public education and educational institutions. From the standpoint of a systemic approach, education is viewed as a complex social system that has its own substructures, phenomena, processes, between which there are various connections and relationships.

Like any open system, the school has an input, transformation processes and an output. The input refers to students, material, technical, software, methodological and other means and restrictions (goals and objectives, regulatory requirements). At the same time, the internal environment of the school is made up of a system of values ​​(philosophy of the school), a graduate model as a school target, as well as educational, innovative and support subsystems. The output of the "school" system is the results of education.

Recently, education management has developed concepts of management by objectives and results .

essence target management is to deploy activities in the name of achieving clearly defined goals, agreed upon at various levels of the educational system and developed jointly with subordinates decisions on the means to achieve them. In this case, the goal, performing motivational, managerial and backbone functions, becomes the main criterion for selecting the content, methods, forms and means of the educational process.

Unlike target management, where the main emphasis is on planning activities in accordance with the goal, in results-based management attention is more focused on the state of the real management process, motivation and qualifications of managers. The process of predicting results begins with an analysis of the mission of the organization, the influence of external and internal situational factors. Results that are consistent with the aspirations of the organization are expressed in the form of defined end goals, strategies, key results and intermediate goals. In general, this concept implements the ideas of the procedural approach to the management of social systems.

Currently, an approach focused on management of not only the functioning, but also the development of an educational institution(T.I. Shamova, M.M. Potashnik, P.I. Tretyakov and others).

Educational institutions should be a single system that functions taking into account the individual typological characteristics of a single personality developing in this system.


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