What is the name of the mi 35 helicopter. Improvements according to the comments of the military

The Mi-35M helicopter is an export version of the Russian Mi-24 helicopter. Both machines are developments of the Mil Design Bureau. This machine is manufactured for the Ministry of Defense and for export. The main task of the Mi35M is to destroy enemy armored vehicles, as well as to provide fire support for the ground forces. The helicopter can be used as a landing vehicle and for transporting various cargoes. Often such a device is used in rescue operations.

The name of the Mi-35M helicopter was first used to designate the Mi-24V, which has been exported overseas since 1976. There are many export modifications under the Mi-35 brand. They had their own characteristics and were designed to perform different tasks. The standard Mi-35 car had a special sight and was equipped with an engine that was manufactured at the Motor Sich plant.

There are many other devices that are equipped with equipment for special operations: a variety of weapons and special combat systems that produce aimed fire at the enemy, regardless of the time of day and visibility. As for the Mi-35M, it has three options for its design and layout. The prototype spit was made in early 1995.

The Mi-35M helicopter is a deep modernization of the Mi-24 helicopter, which has the reputation of a reliable combat vehicle. She gave reliable assistance to our fighters during combat operations, due to this the helicopter was dubbed the "Crocodile". To date, the production of the Mi-35M helicopter is carried out by the helicopter plant in Rostov, which is called Rosvertol.

There are many orders from foreign and Russian clients. At the beginning of 2010, the Ministry of Defense of our state ordered 22 combat vehicles of this class, all these vehicles are planned to be manufactured before 2015. Two years after the ministerial order, 12 cars were ready. After that, another contract was signed for the supply of 27 machines of this type. According to these contracts, all devices should be ready by the end of 2014. In addition to the Russian Federation, the Mi-34M helicopter is also used by other countries of the world. The main partners are Azerbaijan, which ordered 24 helicopters, as well as Brazil, which has been buying helicopters from our country for a long time and again placed an order for the manufacture of 12 helicopters. Venezuela is also a long-standing and reliable partner, which has agreed to supply 10 helicopters.

Design features of the Mi-35M helicopter

This machine was made to defeat enemy forces through the use of the latest technologies and developments, and this combat unit can operate around the clock and in all weather conditions. Due to the modernization of this machine, it was possible to achieve significantly better flight qualities than its predecessor. The Mi-35M retains its high flying qualities in hot climatic conditions and when flying at high altitudes.

In order for the helicopter to perform tasks throughout the day, the following systems and units were installed on it:

    a fundamentally new sighting system, which includes new optics with hydraulic stabilizers;

    computer system for sight model PrVk;

    navigation complex, which worked on the principle of electronic indication;

    night vision system.

All these systems and innovations made it possible to use the helicopter at any time of the day and for a long time. The night target detection system makes it possible to produce aimed fire in complete darkness. The helicopter is equipped with guided weapons, namely missiles of various types. Laser equipment allows you to calculate the exact distance to the target. In addition to all this, the machine is provided with mobile and fixed-type small arms. The en-route flight can be carried out using an autopilot in a semi-automatic type, this system will relieve the work of pilots and give more time for aiming and firing.

For the effective use of night vision devices, the helicopter is equipped with special lighting equipment both inside the cabin and outside. By using night vision goggles, pilots can detect objects while using minimal illumination. This device operates in a special wavelength range, namely from 640 to 900 nm.

When using a night vision system, pilots receive the following benefits:

    the ability to control the situation on the ground from a height of 50-200 meters;

    can distinguish between enemy vehicles and navigate through ground objects, such as roads or a river;

    in addition to piloting, it is possible to land and take off the car from sites that do not have lighting;

    the ability to conduct patrols or rescue operations in pitch darkness.

The designers of the Mi-35M helicopter have well thought out and improved its flight and technical characteristics. Due to the design and streamlined shape of the fuselage, the machine has excellent aerodynamic properties. A completely new and better carrier system has been developed for this machine. The main propeller has been completely redesigned and equipped with a new, more efficient airfoil. The main rotor blades are made of new composite materials, due to this, the blades have become lighter and at the same time have not lost strength and reliability. In practice, the new blades were distinguished by even greater survivability and endurance in combat conditions than the previous ones.

The screw hub was replaced with a more progressive and reliable one, which had an elastomeric hinge. This sleeve design does not require constant lubrication, it is made of titanium. The tail rotor has a two-tier placement and consists of four blades, which are controlled by a torsion system. The new tail rotor also requires less lubricant than previous machines.

This type of propellers and the materials used increased the flight performance of the machine, namely, the maneuverability of the device increased, and at the same time the helicopter became quieter during flight. The blades of the main propeller are so high quality and durable that they make it possible to continue flying even after being hit by a projectile that has a caliber of 30 mm. Both propellers are equipped with a heating system, which prevents them from icing.

The power plant of the helicopter is manufactured using the latest technologies and developments in the industry. The Mi-35M is equipped with two reinforced VK-2500 engines. They make it possible to fly at high altitudes and to land and take off in such conditions. The resource of the Mi-35M power plant is very large and reaches 60,000 flight hours. This engine can also be used at high air temperatures. Even if one of the two engines fails, you can continue to fly safely on one working one.

In the manufacture of the power plant, the designers used heat-resistant materials. The engine is controlled by an automatic system. The compressor disk has been strengthened, which has led to its greater endurance. All these innovations led to the fact that the gas in front of the turbine became warmer, which, in turn, increased the speed of the turbocharger. In case of an unforeseen or emergency situation, the engine has special operating modes that allow you to safely operate the machine even if one of the power plant units breaks down.

Mi-35M differs from its predecessor by shortened wings, on which weapon holders are placed. On the wings, you can install APU-type launchers, which serve to mount missiles. The short wings of the machine allow you to carry loads that are attached specifically to the wings of the device. In addition, the wings are equipped with systems that can lift loads.

This machine has systems that reduce the load on the entire body of the machine during takeoff and landing. Due to the controlled front strut, the Mi-35M helicopter can carry out independently controlled movement on the ground and change the clearance angle when loading. The landing gear of the helicopter is not retractable, which gives the machine greater safety when flying at low altitudes, as well as during emergency landings.

As a result, we can say that the combat helicopter of the Mi-35M model is a very high-quality and reliable machine. All this was achieved through the tremendous work of experienced designers and the use of the latest advances in technology and electronics.

Specifications Mi-38M

    Crew: 2 (3)

    Passenger capacity: 8

    Load capacity: 2400 kg

    Length: 17.49 m

    Main rotor diameter: 17.2 m

    Tail rotor diameter: 3.84 m

    Height: 4.16 m

    Empty weight: 8360 kg

    Normal takeoff weight: 10900 kg

    Maximum takeoff weight: 11500 kg

    Power plant: 2 × TVAD "Klimov" VK-2500-02

    Power: 2 × 2200 hp (takeoff mode); 2 × 1500 hp (cruising)

Flight characteristics of the Mi-38M

    Maximum speed: 300 km/h

    Cruise speed: 260 km/h

    Combat radius: 450 km

    Ferry range: up to 1000 km with external tanks

    Static ceiling: 3150 m

    Dynamic ceiling: 5100 m

Armament Mi-38M

    Shooting and cannon: non-removable mobile gun mount NPPU-24 with a double-barreled gun GSh-23L caliber 23 mm

    Suspension points: 4

    Weapon options (depending on the task):

    Anti-tank missiles: Shturm-V or Ataka-M

    Unguided missiles: 2 or 4 blocks B8V20-A with S-8 rockets of 80-mm caliber

    Suspended cannon armament: 2 UPK-23-250 containers with GSh-23L cannons

Within the framework of the international military-technical forum "Army-2018", which takes place from August 21 to 26 in Kubinka near Moscow, Rostec State Corporation for the first time presented the upgraded attack helicopters Mi-35M and Mi-35P. Guests and participants of the forum can get acquainted with the machines at the static exposition of the forum. Helicopters are distinguished by a significantly updated composition of on-board radio-electronic equipment and new combat equipment.

“The Mi-24 multi-purpose military transport helicopter (export version - Mi-35) has become the first domestic helicopter specially designed for combat operations. The design turned out to be so successful that now it is one of the most sought-after vehicles on the world market, the high efficiency of which has been repeatedly proven in combat conditions. We expect that new modifications of the helicopter with improved combat capabilities will be in high demand among customers in many countries,” said Anatoly Serdyukov, Industrial Director of the Rostec Aviation Cluster.

The upgraded Mi-35P received the OPS-24N-1L surveillance and sighting system with a third-generation long-wave thermal imager, a television camera and a laser rangefinder. The new digital flight system based on the PKV-8 autopilot will improve the controllability, increase the stability of the helicopter, automate piloting, simplifying the pilot's actions, and the upgraded computer-sighting system will increase the accuracy of hitting targets.

On the updated Mi-35M, in turn, the options for equipping the helicopter have been significantly expanded. It is possible to refine the combat vehicle for the use of Igla-S air-to-air guided missiles, as well as the President-S airborne defense system with a laser station for suppressing thermal homing heads of MANPADS missiles. In addition, VOR / ILS equipment, as well as a radio range finder for measuring the distance between the helicopter and ground radio beacons, can be installed on the helicopter as additional equipment.

“Mi-24/35 type helicopters are among the most belligerent in the world; the history of their combat use includes more than 30 wars and military conflicts. Such rich experience allowed us to bring this platform to perfection, and now we are systematically working to equip it with the latest weapons and onboard equipment. As soon as all the changes prove their effectiveness during the tests, the updated aircraft will be put into mass production,” said Andrey Boginsky, General Director of Russian Helicopters.

The Mi-35 transport and combat helicopter is designed to destroy armored vehicles and fire support for ground forces. It is equipped with modern high-precision weapons and is capable of performing combat missions around the clock in various weather conditions. One of the most important features of the Mi-35 is the ability to transport personnel with weapons, transport up to three wounded from the battlefield, as well as cargo inside the cabin or on an external sling.

Mi-24 VM, which is a modification of the famous Soviet rotary-wing machine. Soviet pilots called it a "flying tank" by analogy with the Il-2 attack aircraft known during the Second World War. The unofficial nickname of the combat vehicle was "Crocodile" because of the typical helicopter camouflage scheme.

When did the predecessor of the Mi-35M appear?

In the early 1960s, it became clear to Soviet designer Mikhail Mil that the trend towards ever-increasing combat mobility would lead to the creation of flying infantry support combat vehicles that could be used for both combat and transport tasks. The first model of the B-24 helicopter expressing this concept, developed under the direction of Mil, was presented in 1966 in the experimental workshop of the Ministry of Aviation Industry. The concept of this product was based on another project - the B-22 utility helicopter, which never flew independently. The B-24 had a central cargo bay that could accommodate eight people seated back to back, and small wings capable of carrying up to six missiles and located in the upper rear of the helicopter, as well as a twin-barreled cannon.

Making a decision to start development

Mil offered his design to the leaders of the Soviet armed forces. While she received the support of a number of military leaders, others felt that the development of conventional weapons would be the best use of resources. Despite opposition, Mil managed to convince the First Deputy Minister of Defense, Marshal Andrei Grechko, to convene experts to study this issue. Ultimately, Mil's proposal won out, and the Ministry of Defense's request to develop a helicopter for infantry support was issued. This is how the Mi-35M combat helicopter began its long journey of development. The history of its development took place against the backdrop of the development and use of combat and attack helicopters by the US Army during the practice of their use convinced the Soviet leadership of the advantages of an armed helicopter and contributed to supporting the development of the Mi-24 project, which in our time has turned into a helicopter (Mil) Mi- 35M.

Development progress

At first, Mil Design Bureau engineers prepared two main design options: a 7-ton single-engine and a 10.5-ton twin-engine. On May 6, 1968, a directive was issued to proceed with the development of the second option. The work was directed by Mil until his death in 1970. Design work began in August 1968. A full-scale model of the helicopter was reviewed and approved in February 1969. Flight tests of the prototype, which later turned into the Mi-35M helicopter, began on September 15, 1969 with the binding of the guidance system, and four days later the first free flight was carried out. Soon a second copy was built, and then a trial batch of ten helicopters was released.

Improvements according to the comments of the military

The prototypes of the current Mi-35M - Mi-24 helicopters - began in June 1970, lasting for 18 months. Design changes were made to increase structural strength, eliminate fatigue and reduce vibration levels. In addition, a negative 12-degree slope was introduced in the wings in order to eliminate the tendency of the helicopter to yaw from side to side at speeds over 200 km / h, and the missile pylons of the Falanga-M complex were moved from the fuselage to the wingtips. The tail rotor was moved from the right to the left side of the tail, and the direction of rotation was reversed. A number of other design changes were made prior to the start of production of the first version of the Mi-24A in 1970. Having received confirmation of its performance in 1971, it was officially put into service a year later.

General overview of the design

It was mainly borrowed from the Mi-8 helicopter (NATO designation "Hip") with two overhead turbo engines, a five-bladed main rotor and a three-bladed tail rotor. The configuration of the engines gave the Mi-35M helicopter its distinctive air intakes on both sides of the fuselage. The original versions have a tandem cockpit layout: the gunner is placed in front, and the pilot sits above him and somewhat behind him.

The fuselage of the Mi-24 was heavily armored and could withstand impact from 12.7 mm bullets from all directions. The titanium blades are also resistant to 12.7mm ammo. The cabin is protected by armored windshields and a titanium-reinforced pallet. The pressurized flight deck is pressurized to protect the crew from radioactive contamination.

Flight characteristics

Considerable attention was paid to giving the Mi-24 the highest possible speed. The fuselage was streamlined and equipped with a retractable undercarriage to reduce drag. At high speed, the wings provide significant lift (up to a quarter of its total value). The main propeller is tilted 2.5° to the right of the fuselage to compensate for the tendency to skew when stationary. The landing gear is also tilted to the left, which deflects the entire Mi-35 attack helicopter to the same side when it is on the ground. In this case, the main screw is in the horizontal plane. The tail is also asymmetrical, which creates a lateral force on it at speed, thus unloading the tail rotor.

Modifications of the main model

The Mi-24A became the first mass-produced helicopter since 1971. He did not yet have a tandem cockpit, and his tail rotor was initially located on the right. After transferring the screw to the left side, it remains there on all subsequent models.

The next helicopter that went into series since 1973 was the Mi-24D model. A tandem cab appears on it for the first time.

Since 1976, the Mi-24V model has gone into serial production, on which anti-tank missiles of the Shturm-V system appear for the first time. Until 1986, only 4 were installed, and then their number increased to 16.

The pinnacle of the Soviet stage in the development of the Mi-24 brand was the Mi-24 VP model, produced since 1989. In addition to anti-tank missiles, the Mi-24 VP was equipped with air-to-air missiles and Igla-S anti-aircraft missiles. Thus, he could hit both ground armored and air targets (helicopters, attack aircraft, drones). Its American analogue AH-64A Apache was significantly inferior to it in speed and combat capabilities. security.

Russian stage of brand modernization

With the collapse of the USSR, the development of the famous family of "Milevsky" attack helicopters was interrupted for more than 20 years. The Mi-24 VP model was produced in only 30 copies.

Finally, in the second half of the 2000s, a purely Russian Mi-24VM appeared. It has a fixed landing gear and can carry the following types of missiles: air-to-air anti-tank missiles and Igla-V anti-aircraft missiles. To protect against ground-based MANPADS, induced by thermal radiation, it is equipped with a protective infrared interference system.

The Mi-24VM helicopter is exported under the designation Mi-35M. What does he look like? Photos of real combat vehicles cannot always convey all the design features. The plastic model of the Mi-35M (1:72) Zvezda helicopter, which is widely distributed among Russian and foreign aviation enthusiasts and shown in the photo below, very clearly conveys them.

Flight speed records on the Mi-24V

He was the most common model of this combat vehicle. The Mi-24V set several world records for flight speed and climb time to a given altitude. The helicopter was modified to reduce its weight as much as possible - one of the improvements was the removal of wing plugs.

Several official records in various categories for the Mi-24V were set by the female crew of Galina Rastorguyeva and Lyudmila Polyanskaya in the 70s of the last century. So on July 16, 1975, they reached a speed of 341.32 km / h when flying in a straight line at a distance of 15/25 km, and on July 18, 1975, a speed record of 334.46 km / h was set when moving in a circle of 100 km . On August 1, 1975, when flying in a circle of 500 km, this value was 331.02 km / h, and on August 13, 1975, when moving without a payload along a closed trajectory 1000 km long, the helicopter accelerated to 332.65 km / h. These records are held to this day.

Comparison with Western helicopters

How is the Mi-35M helicopter different? Its characteristics combine the qualities of an armored combat vehicle and it has no direct analogue in the armies of NATO countries. It is known that UH-1 ("Huey") helicopters were used during the Vietnam War either for the transfer of troops or as combat vehicles, but they were not able to perform both of these tasks in parallel. Converting the UH-1 into a combat helicopter meant clearing the entire passenger compartment for additional fuel and ammunition, and as a result, losing the ability to use it as a vehicle. The Mi-24 and all its subsequent modifications, including the Mi-35M, was designed to perform both tasks, and its capabilities were confirmed during the war in Afghanistan in 1980-1989.

The closest Western equivalent was the Sikorsky S-67 Blackhawk, which used many of the same design principles and was built as a high-speed, highly manoeuvrable attack helicopter with limited transport capabilities and many components from the earlier Sikorsky S-61. The S-67, however, was not accepted into service. The Mi-24 has been called the world's only "assault helicopter" due to its combination of firepower and troop transport capability.

As a combat strike machine, it is widely known throughout the world. This modernized version of the helicopter received new engines, modern anti-tank weapons and satellite navigation equipment and is capable of not only effectively destroying the enemy, but delivering troops and transporting the wounded.

Features of the military helicopter Mi 35

The first export deliveries went abroad under the designation, and in the 90s at the Moscow plant named after. M.L. Mile released a modernized series by index and variant.

The upgraded version of this machine was equipped with a new main rotor with blades made of composite materials, elastomer bearings and an advanced swashplate design were mounted on a “maintenance-free” hub. The X-shaped tail rotor had a low noise level.

The helicopter's wing span was shortened, the end pylons on the consoles were removed, the landing gear was equipped with a shock-absorbing structure and made non-retractable. New larger outboard fuel tanks made it possible to carry out long-range flights and more efficiently use the new VK-2500 power plants with more powerful thrust.

The cockpit lighting equipment has been significantly improved, providing flights at any time of the day with a new high-precision satellite navigation system with electronic indicators.

The gunnery and missile armament of the helicopter, based on an avionics complex with a gyro-stabilized aiming system and night vision goggles, allows the systems to be used around the clock in adverse weather conditions.

Flight performance of the attack helicopter Mi 35

  • Fuselage length - 17.51 ​​m
  • Rotor diameter - 17.3 m
  • Weight of an empty helicopter - 8620 kg
  • Maximum takeoff weight - 11500 kg
  • Fuel supply - 1500 kg + 1000 in PTB
  • Power plant - 2 x VK-2500
  • Thrust at takeoff power - 2 x 2400 kg
  • Maximum speed - 340 km / h
  • Cruise speed - 280 km / h
  • Combat radius of action - 450 km
  • Ferry range with PTB - 1000 km
  • Dynamic ceiling - 4500 m
  • Armament - double-barreled gun GSh-23 in the installation NPPU-24
  • Suspension points - 4
  • Crew - 2 people

Combat use of the Mi 35

Back in March 2014, these army helicopters were used for air patrols of the border zone in Crimea. With the annexation of Crimea to Russia, every year in June, tactical flight exercises are held at the Opuk aviation training ground, in which modernized helicopters are involved together with and.

The helicopter crews were tasked with detecting low-flying and low-speed air targets with subsequent destruction at a distance of 5 km to 500 meters.

Russian-made helicopters in service with the Iraqi army participated in the defeat of ISIS militants. Taking advantage of the unstable situation in the Al-Anbar province on the border with Syria, the terrorists decided to create an Islamic emirate there. Iraqi troops, with the assistance, destroyed dozens of militants, including leaders of bandit formations.

The Mi-35M is a deep modernization of a well-proven transport and combat aircraft, which received the nickname "Crocodile" in the troops. Currently, the Mi-35M is produced both for export and for the needs of the Russian army. The helicopter is designed to destroy enemy armored vehicles, fire support for ground forces on the battlefield, landing and evacuation of the wounded. In addition, it can be used to transport various goods in the cab and on an external sling. The production of the helicopter is carried out by the Rosvertol JSC enterprise located in Rostov-on-Don.

In 2010, the RF Ministry of Defense ordered 22 Mi-35M helicopters for delivery in 2010-2015. As of August 2012, there were 12 Mi-35M helicopters in the Russian army. Later, another additional contract was signed for the supply of 27 helicopters for a period up to 2014. In addition to Russia, the operators of this helicopter are Venezuela - an order for 10 helicopters (designation Mi-35M2 Caribe), Brazil - an order for 12 helicopters (designation AH-2 Saber), Azerbaijan - an order for 24 helicopters.

Thanks to the modernization program, the new Mi-35M helicopter has become a multi-purpose attack vehicle capable of performing combat missions around the clock, even in the most difficult weather conditions. The helicopter is equipped with a mobile double-barreled gun mount GSh-23L of 23 mm caliber and armed with anti-tank guided missiles of the Shturm type.

One of the design features of the Mi-35M was the use of shortened wings and a lightweight non-retractable landing gear, which had a positive effect on the weight of the helicopter. The X-shaped tail rotor has also been changed, which now provides the helicopter with greater controllability while reducing noise levels. The car also received more powerful engines, which made it possible to increase the flight altitude.

Mi-35M Brazilian Air Force

The Mi-35M multi-purpose attack helicopter is equipped with an upgraded OPS-24N surveillance and sighting system, which is compatible with the night vision system, avionics and can be used both in day and night conditions. The helicopter received a thermal imaging surveillance system, as well as night vision devices, which makes it possible to detect and recognize targets at a distance of several kilometers at any time of the day. In addition, the helicopter is equipped with a modern satellite navigation system, which is connected to the on-board computer of the helicopter. This makes it possible to reduce the time for calculating the route, determining navigation parameters, and displaying the route on the screen of the helicopter commander's monitor by more than 2 times.

In addition to the combat version, the helicopter can be used in the role of: landing, cargo and ambulance. In the amphibious version, the helicopter can transport up to 8 paratroopers with personal weapons in the cargo compartment. In the transport version, the helicopter is capable of carrying up to 1,500 kg. ammunition or other cargo inside the cargo compartment. At the same time, the Mi-35M helicopter is equipped with an external suspension system and can carry cargo with a total weight of up to 2,400 kg outside the cargo compartment. In the sanitary version, the Mi-35M can transport 2 lying and 2 seated wounded or sick, accompanied by one medical worker.

Features of the Mi-35M helicopter

The modernized Mi-35M helicopter was created on the basis of the export version of the Mi-24 (Mi-35) helicopter for the use of more advanced weapons around the clock. The purpose of the undertaken modernization of the helicopter is to significantly improve its flight performance, as well as to ensure more efficient use of all possible types of weapons (including high-precision weapons) around the clock and in a wide variety of physical and geographical conditions. Including the use of the machine in hot climates and highlands.

Mi-35M Venezuelan Air Force

To ensure the round-the-clock performance of combat missions, the Mi-35M was equipped with:
- a new surveillance and sighting system OPS-24N, which includes a gyro-stabilized optoelectronic station GOES-342;
- sighting and computing complex PrVK-24;
- navigation and electronic indication complex KNEI-24;
- lighting equipment adapted to the use of night vision goggles.

The installation of these systems on a helicopter made it possible:
- provide the machine with round-the-clock detection and recognition of both ground and surface targets;
- to carry out guidance of guided missiles;
- determine the distance to the object of attack using a laser range finder;
- to carry out more accurate aiming when using small arms and cannon mobile and fixed weapons, as well as unguided missiles;
- to ensure the implementation of the flight along a given route in a semi-automatic mode;
- reduce the physical load on the helicopter crew in the process of controlling the machine and using the available weapons.

The use of night vision goggles (NVG) led to the fact that the external and internal lighting equipment of the Mi-35M was specially adapted for them. The use of NVD makes it possible to detect objects under illumination of at least 5 × 10-4 lux. ONV operate in the wavelength range from 640 to 900 nm. The use of night vision devices provides the helicopter:

- the possibility of piloting at altitudes from 50 to 200 m with visual control over the underlying surface;
- detection of targets such as "armored vehicles", "power line mast", "road", etc.;
— performance of takeoff, landing, flight and landing approach, as well as performance of touchdown landings on unlit and unequipped areas;
- performing various kinds of search and rescue operations, as well as monitoring the area at night.

Mi-35M Russian Air Force

The Mi-35M helicopter is armed with NPPU-23 - a fixed, mobile cannon mount with a GSh-23L (double-barreled) cannon. Depending on the weapon variant, the helicopter can be the carrier of the following types of weapons:
- anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM) "Ataka-M" and "Shturm-V" up to 8 pieces, equipped with various types of warheads, depending on the type of targets;
- 2 or 4 blocks B8V20-A with NAR type S-8 (unguided aircraft missile of 80 mm caliber);
- suspended cannon armament, which consists of 2 containers UPK-23-250, equipped with guns "GSh-23L".

To improve the technical characteristics, flight performance, as well as the aerodynamic qualities of the Mi-35M helicopter, a new carrier system was mounted on it. It includes a new main rotor, the blades of which are made of composite materials, the screw has a new aerodynamic profile. The propeller blades have less weight and increased technical resource. Their survivability during combat damage has been increased.

In addition, the helicopter uses a new main rotor hub with elastomeric hinges that do not require lubrication, the main parts of the hub are made of titanium alloys. The steering four-blade propeller with two-tier X-shaped blades is also made from composite materials and was equipped with a torsion bar suspension. In addition, the number of lubrication points for the tail rotor hub of the helicopter has been reduced.

The new carrier system of the helicopter provides the machine with: high maneuverability characteristics, low acoustic visibility, as well as increased combat survivability. The main rotor blades installed on the Mi-35M, made of composite materials, make it possible to maintain their performance until the end of the flight, even in the event of being hit by artillery shells of up to 30 mm caliber. At the same time, the composite blades of both propellers (main and steering) are equipped with an electrothermal anti-icing system.

In addition, the Mi-35M helicopter was equipped with modern VK-2500-02 engines of increased power, which are a further development of the engines of the TV3-117 family. The use of new VK-2500-02 engines, which have an increased altitude and a longer resource (up to 60,000 hours) compared to the TV3-117 engines, makes it possible to effectively use the helicopter in conditions of high mountains and high temperatures, and also ensures the safety of the flight and landing of the Mi- 35M with one idle engine.

Mi-35M Russian Air Force

In the design of the turbine of the VK-2500-02 engines, modern heat-resistant materials, an electronic-mechanical engine control system were used, and the disk of the first stage of the compressor was reinforced. All this made it possible to increase the temperature of the gases in front of the compressor turbine and the free turbine, increasing the speed of the turbocharger. The flight modes "maximum" and "emergency" were implemented on the engine, which are used in the case of flight with only 1 working engine.

The Mi-35M helicopter received a new shortened wing, equipped with DBZ-UV beam holders, which allow the installation of APU-8/4-U multi-seat launchers used to mount guided missiles on the helicopter. In addition, a shortened wing with new holders made it possible to increase the manufacturability of the Mi-35M equipment with various special cargo using a mechanism installed in the wing for lifting it.

He received a helicopter and new takeoff and landing devices, which are designed to absorb and absorb loads during takeoff, landing and taxiing the car on the ground, as well as changing the height of the helicopter in the parking lot. Also, the machine is equipped with a non-retractable landing gear, which ensures the safety of the helicopter at extremely low altitudes or in the event of an emergency landing.

Thus, it can be argued that the Mi-35M helicopter, thanks to being equipped with a digital computer system and modern avionics, night vision goggles of the 3rd generation, has become a round-the-clock, all-weather helicopter with an expanded range of combat missions to be solved.

Flight performance characteristics of the Mi-35M:
- rotor diameter - 17.2 m,
- tail rotor diameter - 3.84 m,
- length - 17.49 m,
- height - 4.16 m.
Empty weight - 8360 kg, normal - 10900 kg, maximum takeoff - 11500 kg.
Engine type - 2 VK-2500-02, 2x2200 hp
Max Speed:
- near the ground - 300 km / h,
- cruising - 260 km / h.
Practical range - 450 km (without PTB) and 1000 km (with PTB).
Static ceiling - 3150 m, dynamic - 5100 m.
Crew - 2 people.
Armament: 2x23-mm installation NPPU-23 (450 rounds), up to 8 ATGMs "Shturm-V", "Ataka-M", 2 or 4 NAR S-8 units, etc.


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