Positive attitude: advice from a psychologist. How to Attract Good Luck and Success

How to set yourself up for positive. Proven tips to change your life by increasing your positive attitude and positive thinking. Hi everybody. This article is all about the positive. 9 powerful tips that will help you set yourself up for positive, cheer up and charge you with positive energy. Tips that work and that I use to make everything even better for me.

The life of a modern person is filled with various worries and experiences. He daily reinforces negative thoughts with his fears, experiences increasing stress and negative emotions. All this can lead to the development of depression and mental disorders. Well, if you constantly experience negative emotions, disappointments, depressive states, and nothing works out for you. So it's time to seriously think about changing your life and set yourself up for positive.

Find out if you are a positive enough person by taking the 16-question quiz

How positive are you?

The test will help analyze your attitude towards life during a difficult period. A positive outlook on life disposes people, a negative one creates difficulties. The test was developed by British psychologists. By honestly answering these questions for yourself, you will get a reliable result.

Everything seems to be clear, be positive and that's it. But not everyone succeeds. I will give you 9 powerful tips on how to set yourself up for positive.

1. Remember only the good.

The ability to think correctly is the first step to a good mood and a fulfilling life. Try to remember all the good deeds and positive moments of the day, write down your joyful thoughts in a notebook or post them on social networks.

It is the memories of your positive moments in life that can greatly lift your mood. And as a result, negative memories and emotions will replace. Keep a diary of your positive moments in life, I'm sure you have something to remember. Remember that optimism is a life position, not a temporary state.

2. Be grateful for everything you have in life.

Before getting upset over minor setbacks, think about those who are now several times worse. Catastrophes, hostilities and epidemics of dangerous diseases often occur in the world. Mentally thank fate for the opportunity to live and work in a calm environment. Surprisingly, many people do not notice how happy they are! I communicate with many people, and I know that many have problems in life. More precisely, they have constant problems. Not everyone has what they wanted or would like to have. There is always something to thank God, the universe, the whole world for. especially if you're doing great.

3. Hope it works out

Optimists always hope for success in any life situations. If plans fail for any reason, don't blame yourself. Just think about your desires. Do not indulge in despondency, because thoughts are material. It is necessary to work on yourself, and then all dreams will certainly come true. You will succeed, you have to believe in it. And faith and confidence in yourself and your own strength will give you more energy and as a result you will experience positive emotions from the anticipation of a quick and positive result.

4. Use affirmations

It is known that a person who is tuned in to positive is able to achieve a lot. Our thoughts manifest in real life, so constant complaining only exacerbates the problems. How to set yourself up for positive? A simple and understandable exercise is an affirmation that allows you to fix the desired setting in the mind of a person. A short phrase, when repeated many times, stimulates positive changes in life and evokes the corresponding emotions. For example, inspire yourself with the idea that life is filled with exceptionally pleasant events. Start repeating the affirmation right now and the result will not be long in coming. I have a whole series of installations that make my life easier. If possible, I constantly pronounce them to myself or aloud and everything works out.

5. Focus on the future

Don't live with past experiences and hurts. This is meaningless, because the past cannot be changed, you can only extract useful knowledge from it. The mistake most people make is that they can't plan for a happy future because of past hurts. Envy also brings nothing but harm to health. It is necessary to learn to feel joy for another person and wish him well. Achieve your goals, focus on the future and your future achievements.

6. Think about your dream

How else to set yourself up for positive? Every person has a dream. It can be a new place of residence, a car, a trip to an exotic country. How to implement it? In your free time, imagine yourself as the owner of the desired car or a satisfied tourist in interesting places in another country. So, thanks to the abundance of positive emotions, you can achieve your goal. Dreams Come True. Positive and positive reality will accelerate the realization of your dreams. This is how our universe works.

7. Listen to positive music

On the way to work and in transport, try to listen to pleasant music with headphones. Good music will help get rid of negative thoughts and tune in to the positive. Get positive energy from rhythmic music. When I clean the house, I often listen to my favorite music which gives me a lot of energy.

8. Hang out with optimists.

It is very important for a person and a good environment. Communication with cheerful and friendly people will certainly bring joy and help you tune in to success. It is better to exclude pessimists from the social circle. In no case should you pick up someone else's bad mood! Also, do not take criticism seriously, which is not always helpful. Learn to take criticism the right way. I am also criticized, but I go step by step towards my goal and every day my life becomes even better.

9. Praise yourself for success.

Don't forget to praise yourself for your success. For women, a new hairstyle, manicure or chocolate bar will be an excellent gift to yourself. Any achievement, any victory is an opportunity to praise yourself for the work done, for the new skill, for the improvement in your life. So, the principles of positive thinking include the ability to benefit from any situation in life, creating a clear image of the desired result, and reinforcing positive thoughts with good deeds.

I have noticed more than once that the more chances to successfully do something, the more persistently people are taken to its implementation. Still, when an idea seems impossible, excuses often appear in our head. So what do you do in such situations? Yes, just...

You need to set yourself up for success. It can be confused with motivation, but the attitude to success is just the belief that you will reach the end. And this is not self-confidence, as many might think. By the way, I already wrote about that, I advise you to look.

We will really increase the possibility of a positive outcome of your actions - achieving the goal. And let us convince your inner consciousness of this. It doesn't matter what you want to achieve - write a book, make a million, lose weight or redecorate your apartment. These methods are suitable for anyone, in absolutely any situation.

I have collected 7 simple but very effective ways on how to set yourself up for success. You can apply them all, or maybe the first one will bring a tangible result. But these tricks really work.

1. Get support

You can ask for support from your friends, relatives or colleagues. Remember how before some difficult exam they asked you to keep your fists for you? So why not do the same in other situations?

Direct assistance is also possible. For example, if you want to make repairs in an apartment, you can ask friends to come to help. I think if they don't have some important things to do, they will really agree.

Another option is indirect assistance. That is, they seem to take away some of the cases that weigh on you at the time of achieving the result. Parents, for example, can babysit while you finish a chapter in your book. Or your wife takes care of household chores while you write your business plan.

2. Save more money

No matter how trite it may sound, but the more money we have in reserve, the more secure we feel, and, therefore, more confident. And we just need to achieve absolute confidence that we can reach the end. Even if your goal does not involve any financial expenses, then saving is still a good idea.

You will know that even if the crisis deprives you of your last assets, you will always have some amount left to allow your plans to develop further. In addition, this money will help you achieve other goals that will appear later. And this is an additional mood for success.

If every week you save 300 rubles, then in a year you will have about 15,000 at your disposal. With this money you can buy some kind of equipment or create a profitable website. I use the method that I read on the Neverlex `a blog. Namely, I just put all the little things that are stored in my pockets into the piggy bank, every time I come home. And also 10% of monthly earnings also go to the piggy bank.

3. Start taking care of your body

Taking care of the body is the key to stability. What happens if you suddenly get sick during an apartment renovation? Live for two weeks in a half-dismantled house? Not a bad prospect, yes… So start taking care of your body today. Are you reading material on how to set yourself up for success for a reason?

Many imagine this concern as exhausting workouts, from which you fall off your feet every evening (this has its own charm). However, for normal support of physical condition, it is enough to spend only 10-20 minutes daily. These can be regular exercises and walking, but they must be done. I bet that soon you will get the taste and you will want to diversify your workouts. You can read about.

It is also very important to eat healthy food. Avoid junk food and junk food. Watch your sleep. Don't let yourself sleep too little or too much. In this blog, I have already written a lot on this topic. I advise you to look at the following posts:,.

4. Be positive

Many people think very negatively and skeptically. They constantly criticize something and are always dissatisfied with something. This is an extreme form, but it can also manifest itself in ordinary people. If you constantly hear objections in your head like “Yes, this is just nonsense”, “Real stupidity, this is impossible”, “You will not succeed”, then it's time to become more positive.

Just block out all negative thoughts. Yes, just take and delete them permanently. If you start thinking negatively, just close your eyes and say out loud (preferably) or to yourself, “La la la, I can’t hear you” and immediately think of something good. For example, "how I skillfully pasted this wallpaper" or "How damn well I came up with the image of the main character."

5. Reminders

If you are going to do something for a long time (and most often these are the main goals), then try to make yourself constant reminders. You can write down your goal on a sticker and hang it on your monitor. Draw a picture and stick it on a mirror or door. You can use tricks from the material "".

I also advise you to write a list of all your goals on a piece of paper and keep it in your pocket. Every time you have a free moment, reread them and imagine yourself as if you have already achieved them. First of all, it's very motivating. Secondly, it increases your chances of a positive result and you no longer have to be interested in how to tune in to success, because you will be literally immersed in it.

I also advise you to comply with all deadlines. In general, there is an excellent post on this topic "", where everything is very (even too) detailed.

6. Break it down into small steps

Surely your goal is not so small that it can be achieved in one day or at least in one week. For example, I won't be able to run a 7 o'clock race right away. I need to prepare long and hard. You can't write a book in one evening either. Every day you need to slowly increase the pages.

Often such goals lead to discouragement very quickly, because we do not see the real result. It's like a newbie who just got a new job and wants to be a director right away. And as soon as he realizes that for this you need to work for years, they immediately discard this idea.

I recommend that you simply break down your goal into smaller sub-goals. That is, if your goal is to earn 1,000,000 rubles. Then, for starters, you can set yourself the task: “register as an individual entrepreneur”, then “successfully complete the first order”, and so on. It is much easier to achieve such goals and you will have a desire to move on, because you have already felt the mood for success.

7. Don't try to do too much

In the wake of motivation, we tend to set ourselves too many tasks. You need to keep a blog, and translate texts, and draw designs, and do taekwondo, and get a Nobel Prize in chemistry, and feed the parrots ...

It is, of course, good that you have so many aspirations, but it is ineffective. That is, you cannot be successful in all areas at once. It is much better to focus on 1-2, maximum 3 tasks and do them as well and efficiently as possible. Then you can definitely enjoy the taste of success.

I'll finish with this. Maybe you have some of your own ways to tune in to success? Feel free to write them in the comments, if they are worth it, I will add them to the material indicating the author. If you have any questions - ask there. And do not forget that you can receive new posts in your mail or Reader if

Good luck, like bad luck, appears in the life of every person only because we ourselves allow it. People who want to succeed, but do not believe in their own strength and that everything can work out, subconsciously set themselves up for negativity and failure. For this reason, it is necessary to learn to set yourself up for a positive ending, good luck and luck.

Often this problem occurs in people with low self-esteem, who are afraid to start something and change in their lives, they first need to learn to love themselves and be ready for new changes. To set yourself up for good luck, you should follow and adhere to some rules and actions.

Actionable tips to help set yourself up for good luck, success and positive

  • Waking up early in the morning, rejoice in the upcoming day, which allows you to accomplish new things and which will bring you closer to. Do not lose heart and give in to a bad mood, even if there are clouds outside the window, and the temperature is below zero, because nature does not have bad weather. Be happy that life has given you a new day.
  • A wonderful way to set yourself up for positive and success is. Such expressions instill hope in a person, increase self-esteem, fill him with strength and energy, and motivate him to action. Affirmations need to be said several times a day, and especially in those moments when you have a negative mood or problems that are difficult to cope with. Stay alone and say memorized sentences like: “I can do everything”, “I can do everything”, “I am the best and most beautiful”, and so on.
  • Never dwell on the shortcomings of your appearance, this will only lower your self-esteem and reduce. Remember that there are no perfect people, everyone is unique in their own way. You are charming in your own way and this is the most important thing.
  • When any trouble arises, you should not think that luck has turned away from you. Think of it as just a small obstacle that you need to get through in order to achieve more. Do not give up, start all over again, only in a different way, and everything will work out. All great and successful people did not immediately achieve their success, they also overcame many difficulties until they achieved what they wanted, because they worked hard and went towards their desires and goals.
  • Make a wish card, which should depict all your goals, dreams and desires. It can be a beautiful house, an ocean shore, snowy mountains, a favorite job, a hobby, a safe deposit box, and so on. Looking regularly at the map, you kind of send impulses to your subconscious that you need to move forward and achieve what you want.

Meditation exercise for good luck and positive in life

Many do not immediately manage to tune in to good luck and positive, because they are dominated by the fear that nothing will work out in the future. In such cases, meditation exercises will be useful, which will allow you not only to tune in to the fulfillment of desires, but also help you relax.

  1. Lie down on the couch, relax and close your eyes. Imagine that you are a big magnet that attracts fortune in big waves. Create in your mind various images of good luck that are directed and surround you.
  2. During the day, take a break from work and concentrate, imagine that your goal is a target and you are a sharp arrow. Concentrate all your attention on the arrow, and not on what is around. Fill yourself with desire and release an arrow that hits the very center of the target.

I have already said that our attitudes play an important, and practically the main role in shaping our lives and moods. If you are used to constantly suffering and complaining, then you have such an attitude, you focus your attention on the negative. And if you believe in the best and enjoy every day, then you have a positive attitude.

positive attitude plays a very important role, with its help you can completely change your life, you just need to learn how to catch yourself on negative, bad thoughts, erase them and replace them with positive ones.

It is important to always maintain an excellent mood - make it a rule for yourself! Yes, people are not robots, and we cannot laugh and smile all the time. But it is also not worth constantly worrying, getting angry and worrying. If you learn to charge yourself with a good mood in the morning, believe me, your life will become easier and more joyful. I have tried everything on myself personally, and I know from my own experience the importance of the correct setting for the day. Today I want to give you some useful tips on how to create such a setup for yourself.

How to create a positive attitude

The mood for the whole day is created in the morning. Yes, in the morning you really don’t want to get up and go to work, you want to sleep and oppressive and unpleasant thoughts come into your head that you have been tired of this work for a long time, that today you have a hard day ahead, that today you have a lot to do, and you are tired and you don't feel well, and so on and so forth. Tell yourself "Stop!" and stop this stream of thoughts. It is very important to catch yourself in the first minutes after waking up, stretch sweetly and, feeling warmth and love in your heart (you can read how this is done), say mentally or out loud: “Today I have a wonderful day and many pleasant surprises!”. Just be sure to feel it with your heart, you can say, breathe it in with your heart (inhale love and exhale it into your space). Then, get out of bed with the word "Easy!" (that is, you should say it when you lower your legs and get out of bed).

Our physical well-being should also be at a good level. Morning exercises help to recharge your batteries, so do not be too lazy to stretch your muscles for at least 10-15 minutes. It is advisable to do energy charging. The principle is this:

Deep breath in through the heart - exhale into the ground.

A deep breath from the earth, a delay in the heart, exhale through the top of the head into the sky.

Take a deep breath through the crown, hold in the heart, exhale into the ground, and back.

So you can breathe 3-5 times. Such breathing saturates the cells with oxygen and directs energy flows in the right direction. By doing this breathing every day, you will feel better, if there are problems with sleep, then they will disappear, you will become calmer and more joyful. At first, dizziness is possible due to an excess of oxygen and energy, but then all this will pass.

Another important tip is to learn to relax and unwind. Do not take work home, do not bring your work problems home, do not try to do everything and be in time, as you know, “you cannot redo all the work and you will not earn all the money.” If you do not have time to do something at work, review your work schedule. Learn to separate home and work, personal and business. Your home is your fortress, it's your rear, it's your rest area, it's your personal world. Stop stealing this rest and your personal time from yourself, learn to distribute your strength, your time and your energy. Everything has its time and its place. We did not come here to "plow like horses" or "spin like a squirrel in a wheel." We came here to learn how to love and be happy.

Learn to do everything with pleasure - both work and rest, and never lose courage!

And finally, a few secrets:

Don't worry about what others think of you - The Secret of Freedom.
Not judging or criticizing yourself and others is the Secret of Friendship.
To love and accept your body is the Secret of Beauty.
Giving Love and not remaking the Beloved is the Secret of Love.
Any thought necessarily materializes - the Secret of the Creation of the Necessary Reality.
Giving first, then receiving is the Secret of Wealth.
Less thinking, more love and joy - The Secret of Happiness.

Happiness to you, love and peace of mind!

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They say that a person is programmed for 120 years of life. That the aging process in our body should begin no earlier than 60 years, proceed very slowly, smoothly and not bring us practically any physical and moral suffering. But for some reason the "program" fails...

Maybe because we do not know how to love, care for and cherish ourselves for real, as nature requires of us? Well, you must admit, few of us are seriously concerned with our health and appearance - either there is no time, then there is no strength, or else both of them combined.

In addition, from the outside, we are affected by many negative factors that provoke premature aging: disgusting ecology, malnutrition, crazy rhythm of life, stress. So it turns out that we don’t begin to grow old at all at 60, and we don’t die at 120. Everything happens somehow earlier and sadder.

What if we try to start taking care of ourselves for real? Yes, it will take time, it will require effort, but the results will pay off all our costs with a vengeance!

Probably every woman remembers the cherished formula from everyone's favorite movie: "I am the most charming and attractive!" Very true and capacious formula. Indeed, a woman is always as beautiful as she feels beautiful herself.

And, by and large, not appearance, but our internal state is reflected in the mirror; and this reflection is transmitted to others. You must like yourself! This is the key to health, to a good mood, to success, finally.

And our fictional or exaggerated shortcomings by ourselves can obscure even our most obvious virtues. And it costs us dearly: loss of self-esteem, chronic dissatisfaction with ourselves, envy of others. These negative emotions and states, in turn, attract illness and trouble to us.

You will say: you can’t deceive nature, how can you feel beautiful if my figure, face, hair are far from perfect, if I am not even a beauty at all. But ugly women in nature simply do not exist!

Psychologists believe that a woman cannot be beautiful or ugly, they offer a different scale of female attractiveness: "optimistic women" and "pessimistic women". "Pessimistic women" never notice the merits of their appearance, but they know all their shortcomings.

"Optimistic" really evaluate their appearance, they know that they have both advantages and disadvantages. But they know how to emphasize those features of their appearance that are really advantageous. They do not complain that they are ugly, they create their own attractiveness. And others consider them charming and attractive.

Let's be optimistic women and love ourselves for who we are. After all, self-satisfaction comes only with a positive self-perception: "Yes, I look exactly like that! I am me! And I like myself!"


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