Compose a letter of request from the Moishchensk reinforced concrete plant. Compilation of Russian letters. How to send a letter

1. Compose an information letter from the company "Siberia" on the sale of personal computers to private and state enterprises at an agreed price and on the possibility of accepting orders for programming.

2. Compose a letter of invitation from the organizing committee of Expocentre with a proposal to visit the international specialized exhibition "Saving material and fuel and energy resources in construction and industry." The exhibition takes place in the pavilion of the exhibition complex on Krasnaya Presnya.

3. Compose a letter on the signing of the contract between the partnership "Sarni" and the partnership "Alex" for the supply of building materials.

4. Compose a letter of response from the printing house of the publishing house "Nauka" to the partnership on faith "Trinika" about the possibility of fulfilling an order for the production of accounting and reporting forms.

5. Compose a letter of response from the Sail enterprise to the request of the Artek construction and installation company to develop design estimates for the construction of a residential building in the village. Kochenevo.

6. Prepare a joint letter of response from the regional health department and the department of finance and tax policy to the administration of the Novosibirsk region on the allocation of additional appropriations from the regional budget for the provision of medical care to residents of the region.

7. Compose a letter of request from the Mochishchensky plant of reinforced concrete structures of the regional administration for the allocation of a limit for Iriska glass tiles in the amount of 50 thousand square meters. m for finishing exterior wall panels of the 135 series, which the plant begins to produce in 2000 for the Zapsibtransstroy trust.

8. Compose a letter of request from the Dovolenskaya hatchery and poultry station to the regional administration for the allocation of funds from the regional budget in the amount of 150 thousand rubles before the sale of young poultry to the population.

9. Draw up a letter of refusal from the production department of passenger transportation to the Novosibirsk production cooperative "Vector" on the issue of providing spare parts for the fleet of buses. Specify the reason for the refusal.

10. Compose a letter of request from the Novosibirsk tourist center "Sibiryak" to the committee on foreign economic activity of the regional administration with a request to issue a license to export timber to Lithuania in 2000 in the amount of 5000 cubic meters. m, since one of the conditions for the supply of furniture for the tourist complex in the Rechkunov recreation area is the counter supply of timber.

11. Compose a letter of response from the production association "Novosibirskgazifikatsiya" to the director of Khimfarmzavod and the head of department "Novosibirskgorgaz" about the monthly supply of 64 tons of liquefied gas to Khimfarmzavod during 2005. The indicated volume is taken into account in the order. The delivery will be carried out through the management of Novosibirskgorgaz.

12. Compose a letter of request from ODO "Individum" to the Committee for Foreign Economic Relations on the allocation of a quota for the export of roundwood in the amount of 10 thousand cubic meters. m.

13. Compose a letter of response from the regional department of agriculture to the chairman of the joint-stock company "Irmen" on the issue of the supply of cars for the delivered grain.

14. Draw up a letter of refusal from the Novosibirsk Energy and Electrification Production Association Novosibirskenergo to the director of the Radon special plant on issuing a free permit for the supply of electricity to residential buildings.

15. Write a letter of request from the state trading company "Olymp" to the Bulgarian company "Miave 3" for the possibility of supplying baby food to the Kirov region.

16. Compose a letter of request from the Novosibirsksnabsbyt commercial company to the French company Oxytrol to organize a meeting to establish cooperation in the supply of precision measuring equipment.

17. Compose an information letter from the Novosibirskavtodor association to the French company Oxytrol about the possibility of selling modern hydraulic cranes. The price of the crane is 5500 US dollars.

18. Write a letter from the administration of the Chelyabinsk region to the Association of Japanese-Russian Trade with a request to give a detailed list of export products.

19. Compose a letter of invitation from the Expocentre association with a proposal to take part in the Russian exhibition at the international industry-wide fair in Izmir (Turkey), which will be held from November 20 to December 10, 2005. The Izmir Fair is one of the largest trade events in the countries Middle and Near East. The text should indicate that participation in this fair allows you to widely present the export products of the organization, sell exhibits from the stand, study the features of the market, exchange scientific and technical information with other participants of the fair and conclude profitable deals.

20. Compose a letter of request from the production and commercial enterprise "Novosibirskpromkombyt" to the Syrian company "Dairy tex" for the supply of curtain fabric, textiles for men's, women's and children's clothing.

21. Compose a cover letter to the Department of Primary Vocational Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on sending information about working with students of vocational schools from among orphans and children left without parental care.

22. Write a letter of request to the school principal to the district education department for permission to include the boiler school in the capital repair plan. Specify additional details yourself.

23. Compose a letter of request to the regional administration from the Committee of Primary Vocational Education to submit proposals for the maintenance of orphans studying in vocational schools. There are 840 orphans studying in the schools of the region, in a number of schools there are more than 50 of them. Financing from the federal budget is carried out partially: only for food, clothing, scholarships. There are no funds to provide medicines, sanitary hygiene items, or to purchase furniture for the dormitories. There are acute issues of financing additional staff: teachers-psychologists, teachers of additional education. According to the calculations for the maintenance of these children, an additional 9664 thousand rubles are needed in 2001.

24. Compile an information letter from the Siberian Academy of Public Administration on the recruitment of students for full-time education for training in the following specialties: state and municipal management; finance and credit; jurisprudence. For admission, you need an application, a document of secondary education, six 3x4 photo cards, a passport. Applications are accepted from June 28 to July 15. Upon admission, applicants take exams in social science, mathematics, Russian, foreign languages. Phone for information: (382-2) 10-12-13.

25. Compose a letter from the chairman of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences to the administration of the Novosibirsk region about the mass spread of locust pests in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2000 and their spread to many territories of Siberia, including the Novosibirsk region. The letter proposes to take action and allocate funds for pest control.

26. Compose a letter of request from the municipal educational institution of gymnasium No. 2 in Omsk to the head of the regional administration for assistance.

27. Find errors in the following two letters: a) in the design; b) in the text.

This text is an introductory piece.

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    Financial management - financial relations between subjects, financial management at different levels, portfolio management, methods of managing the movement of financial resources - this is not a complete list of the subject " Financial management"

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5. Correspondence of business people by e-mail

From whom: John Smith

To whom

Subject: purchase

Dear Sirs!

FROM respect.

John Smith

office manager

MSG (Message) message;

JIC (Just in case) at case;

CUL (See you later) let's meet later;

often given question;

on my humble opinion;

BTW (By the way) between other;

(Grin)- grin. smirk;

BRB (Be right back) immediately come back;

GTG (Got to go) ready go;

test questions



Appendix 1.1

Appendix 1.2

Appendix 1.3

The style of a business letter sent by e-mail is no different from a regular letter. The message is devoid of emotion. Accordingly, the style should be purely working and concise. In mail correspondence, signs of attention, elements of courtesy are transmitted using external attributes. For example, using a specially prepared form, appropriate paper, design, placement of details, etc. with e-mail, these possibilities are excluded. Therefore, this "flaw" can be compensated by observing the rules of written etiquette.

E-mail does not allow red tape, delays in response. This is an emergency mail with elements of urgency. Correspondence sometimes proceeds in real time - "On-line". It requires the ability to conduct a written dialogue, as some Western document experts note, "at the speed of thought." This requires certain training, skills, ability to wield a pen.

The language in electronic correspondence is specific, brevity. It is recommended to avoid long phrases and boring standard expressions in traditional correspondence such as “please, be informed” (we inform you ...), “as per your request” (according to your request), etc. Here is one of the possible options for e-mail correspondence in connection with the purchase of office equipment for the office (translated into Russian).

From whom: John Smith

To whom: RBM Manufacturing Company, Inc.

Subject: purchase

Dear Sirs!

We intend to purchase a new copier for the office by the end of this financial year. We would like to explore the possibility of purchasing an RBM copier and are wondering if you have a suitable model.

Our office is small and only three secretarial workers will use the new copier. We make about 3,000 copies per month and would like to have a machine that runs on standard paper. We also need a sorting and sorting (laying out) machine, but we rarely process more than 25 copies at the same time.

We would also like to receive information about warranty and repair services.

Considering that our financial year ends on December 15, 2005, please expedite your response.

FROM respect.

John Smith

office manager

In private informal e-mail correspondence, the use of so-called Emoticons is allowed. We are talking about using a schematic representation of a human face to convey emotions in electronic texts. They are designed to spice up the dry and concise language of E-mail.

This includes Smileys (smiles, giggles) and Acronyms (words formed from the first letters of a phrase).

Of course, Smileys only applies to personal communication and is hardly applicable to serious and responsible correspondence that touches on important business issues.

Acronyms are much more common in business correspondence than Smileys. Moreover, they are used not only in emails, but also in regular correspondence. Below are a few of the most common Acronyms:

ASAP (As soon as possible) - as soon as possible;

MSG (Message) message;

JIC (Just in case) at case;

CUL (See you later) let's meet later;

FAQ (Frequently asked question) - often given question;

IMHO (In my humble opinion) - on my humble opinion;

BTW (By the way) between other;

(Grin)- grin. smirk;

BRB (Be right back) immediately come back;

GTG (Got to go) ready go;

LOL (Laugh out loud) - deserves a loud laugh;

WTG (Way to go) - where to go, direction;

OIC (Oh, l see) - I understand everything;

TTUL (Talk to you later) - I'll talk to you later.

These recommendations, taken from the Western literature on business correspondence, clearly show how seriously modern document specialists take e-mail correspondence. They consider it as the most promising of the methods of communication adopted today and predict its nucleon growth in the future. This is due to the speed in the transfer of information and the simplicity of the operation when using it. However, many business letters do not "fit" into the framework of e-mail, and their path to the addressee lies through traditional mail or fax. For example, a claim letter, when it is required to state the essence of the complaint in detail and in detail, is best sent in the “old” classic format. In this case (and there are many of them in business practice), it is not speed that is required, but convincing argumentation, a detailed presentation of the facts. In addition, often in the preparation of correspondence (for example, primary, informational), form, ritual, is in the foreground. The letter plays the role of a business card, and it is required to state it on the official letterhead of the company with the involvement of all the required details. Western document experts warn that e-mail is very transparent, and if desired, anyone with a computer connected to the Web can see the content of your letters.

Therefore, they propose to refrain from sending documents containing trade secrets, confidential information by E-mail. For sending and coordinating contacts, commercial transactions, it is better to use proven reliable communication channels.

Among the mistakes that are made in the use of e-mail, one is the misjudgment that the communication channel is supposedly less formal, conducive to "simplicity of communication." With written contact, even if it is correspondence by e-mail, you must not forget about the language and style. This largely concerns our entrepreneurs, who believe that after an initial meeting or an answer received, one can switch to “you” and neglect the “excessive” protocol. In the West, they are in no hurry to transfer, etc., industrial relations into the category of friendly and personal ones. They always try to keep the station, etc. Therefore, in electronic correspondence, as in regular correspondence, it is necessary to remain at the level of business, business relations. Be accurate, accurate in wordings, expressions, etc. Despite its simplicity, E-mail remains a means of official correspondence for a businessman. It is necessary to monitor literacy, grammar, spelling. With all the speed of correspondence, mistakes must be avoided. They can not only negatively affect the formation of the company's image, but also harm relations with a partner or client.

Western document experts recommend not to replace telephone conversations with electronic correspondence. Given the speed of E-mail, such a desire appears constantly, because telephone conversations and e-mail cannot replace each other, but when used skillfully, they complement and help each other. And one more underwater reef, found in correspondence by E-mail. The information coming from the addressee is not always pleasant, and sometimes, causing negative emotions, it pushes to sharpness, the desire to answer “as it should be”. It is better to leave a disliked message unanswered than to respond to it with an indignant and impolite letter.

test questions

1. What details are included in the sample form of a business letter?

2. How are the details on the forms of service letters? Name the details on the form.

3. What type of service letter does the requisite “mark about the presence of an application” have and how is it drawn up?

4. How are the details drawn up: "addressee" and "address"?

6. Who signs the letter? In what cases are two signatures put on a letter?

7. Do all service letters have a heading before the text?

8. For what purposes is the requisite “mark about the performer” drawn up in official letters? How is it formatted?

9. How are joint letters of organizations drawn up?

10. What is the structure of the request letter, request letter, response letter, cover letter?


1. Compose an information letter from the company "Siberia" on the sale of personal computers to private and state enterprises at an agreed price and on the possibility of accepting orders for programming.

2. Compose a letter of invitation from the organizing committee of Expocentre with a proposal to visit the international specialized exhibition "Saving material and fuel and energy resources in construction and industry." The exhibition takes place in the pavilion of the exhibition complex on Krasnaya Presnya.

3. Compose a letter on the signing of the contract between the partnership "Sarni" and the partnership "Alex" for the supply of building materials.

4. Compose a letter of response from the printing house of the publishing house "Nauka" to the partnership on faith "Trinika" about the possibility of fulfilling an order for the production of accounting and reporting forms.

5. Compose a letter of response from the Sail enterprise to the request of the Artek construction and installation company to develop design estimates for the construction of a residential building in the village. Kochenevo.

6. Compose a joint letter of response from the regional health department and the department of finance and tax policy to the administration of the Novosibirsk region on the allocation of additional appropriations from the regional budget for the provision of medical care to residents of the region.

7. Compose a letter of request from the Mochishchensky plant of reinforced concrete structures of the regional administration for the allocation of a limit for Iriska glass tiles in the amount of 50 thousand square meters. m for finishing exterior wall panels of the 135 series, which the plant begins to produce in 2000 for the Zapsibtransstroy trust.

8. Compose a letter of request from the Dovolenskaya hatchery and poultry station to the regional administration for the allocation of funds from the regional budget in the amount of 150 thousand rubles before the sale of young poultry to the population.

9. Draw up a letter of refusal from the production department of passenger transportation to the Novosibirsk production cooperative "Vector" on the issue of providing spare parts for the fleet of buses. Specify the reason for the refusal.

10. Compose a letter of request from the Novosibirsk tourist center "Sibiryak" to the committee on foreign economic activity of the regional administration with a request to issue a license to export timber to Lithuania in 2000 in the amount of 5000 cubic meters. m, since one of the conditions for the supply of furniture for the tourist complex in the Rechkunov recreation area is the counter supply of timber.

11. Compose a letter of response from the production association "Novosibirskgazifikatsiya" to the director of Khimfarmzavod and the head of department "Novosibirskgorgaz" about the monthly supply of 64 tons of liquefied gas to Khimfarmzavod during 2005. The indicated volume is taken into account in the order. The delivery will be carried out through the management of Novosibirskgorgaz.

12. Compose a letter of request from ODO "Individum" to the Committee for Foreign Economic Relations on the allocation of a quota for the export of roundwood in the amount of 10 thousand cubic meters. m.

13. Compose a letter of response from the regional department of agriculture to the chairman of the joint-stock company "Irmen" on the issue of the supply of cars for the delivered grain.

14. Draw up a letter of refusal from the Novosibirsk Energy and Electrification Production Association Novosibirskenergo to the director of the Radon special plant on issuing a free permit for the supply of electricity to residential buildings.

15. Write a letter of request from the state trading company "Olymp" to the Bulgarian company "Miave 3" for the possibility of supplying baby food to the Kirov region.

16. Compose a letter of request from the Novosibirsksnabsbyt commercial company to the French company Oxytrol to organize a meeting to establish cooperation in the supply of precision measuring equipment.

17. Compose an information letter from the Novosibirskavtodor association to the French company Oxytrol about the possibility of selling modern hydraulic cranes. The price of the crane is 5500 US dollars.

18. Write a letter from the administration of the Chelyabinsk region to the Association of Japanese-Russian Trade with a request to give a detailed list of export products.

19. Compose a letter of invitation from the Expocentre association with a proposal to take part in the Russian exhibition at the international industry-wide fair in Izmir (Turkey), which will be held from November 20 to December 10, 2005. The Izmir Fair is one of the largest trade events in the countries Middle and Near East. The text should indicate that participation in this fair allows you to widely present the export products of the organization, sell exhibits from the stand, study the features of the market, exchange scientific and technical information with other participants of the fair and conclude profitable deals.

20. Compose a letter of request from the production and commercial enterprise "Novosibirskpromkombyt" to the Syrian company "Dairy tex" for the supply of curtain fabric, textiles for men's, women's and children's clothing.

21. Compose a cover letter to the Department of Primary Vocational Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on sending information about working with students of vocational schools from among orphans and children left without parental care.

22. Write a letter of request to the school principal to the district education department for permission to include the boiler school in the capital repair plan. Specify additional details yourself.

23. Compose a letter of request to the regional administration from the Committee of Primary Vocational Education to submit proposals for the maintenance of orphans studying in vocational schools. There are 840 orphans studying in the schools of the region, in a number of schools there are more than 50 of them. Financing from the federal budget is carried out partially: only for food, clothing, scholarships. There are no funds to provide medicines, sanitary hygiene items, or to purchase furniture for the dormitories. There are acute issues of financing additional staff: teachers-psychologists, teachers of additional education. According to the calculations for the maintenance of these children, an additional 9664 thousand rubles are needed in 2001.

24. Compile an information letter from the Siberian Academy of Public Administration on the recruitment of students for full-time education for training in the following specialties: state and municipal administration; finance and credit; jurisprudence. For admission, you need an application, a document of secondary education, six 3x4 photo cards, a passport. Applications are accepted from June 28 to July 15. Upon admission, applicants take exams in social science, mathematics, Russian, foreign languages. Phone for information: (382-2) 10-12-13.

25. Compose a letter from the chairman of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences to the administration of the Novosibirsk region about the mass spread of locust pests in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2000 and their spread to many territories of Siberia, including the Novosibirsk region. The letter proposes to take action and allocate funds for pest control.

26. Compose a letter of request from the municipal educational institution of gymnasium No. 2 in Omsk to the head of the regional administration for assistance.

27. Find errors in the following two letters: a) in the design; b) in the text.


Appendix 1.1

Example of a first person singular letter

Appendix 1.2

Example of a first person plural letter

Appendix 1.3

Example of a third person singular letter

© 2001-2013 site. All rights reserved. Materials on this site may only be used with a link to this site.

    Compose a letter of notification from Novosibirsk CJSC "Ecosan" to Kemerovo CJSC "Partner" about the reasons for the delay in the supply of machinery and equipment.

    Write an information letter about the sale of personal computers to private and public enterprises at a contractual cost and about the possibility of accepting orders for programming.

    Compose an invitation letter from the organizing committee of Expocentre with a proposal to visit the international specialized exhibition "Saving material and fuel and energy resources in construction and industry." The exhibition takes place in the pavilion of the exhibition complex on Krasnaya Presnya.

    Compose a letter from Stroytrest LLC to the Department of Labor and Employment of the Novosibirsk Region on the allocation of a quota for attracting foreign workers to work.

    Compose a letter of response from the printing house of the publishing house "Nauka" to the partnership on faith "Trinika" about the possibility of fulfilling an order for the production of accounting and reporting forms.

    Compose a letter of response from the Sail enterprise to the request of the construction and installation company Alt to develop design estimates for the construction of a residential building in the village. Kochenevo.

    Compose a letter of response from the Novosibirskkhleboprodukt association to the Sarabalyksky open joint-stock company on the allocation of the UAZ-469 car by OJSC for the delivery in 200_-200_. corn.

    Compose a letter of request from the Mochishchensky plant of reinforced concrete structures of the regional administration for the allocation of a limit on glass tiles in the amount of 50 thousand square meters. m for finishing exterior wall panels of the 135 series, which the plant begins to produce from 200_ g for the Zapsibtransstroy trust.

    Draw up a letter of refusal from the production department of passenger transportation to the Novosibirsk production cooperative "Vector" on the issue of providing spare parts for the fleet of buses. Specify the reason for the refusal.

    Write a letter from the Sibintek association to the Committee for Foreign Economic Relations of the Russian Federation on the directions of its activities and with a request for an export quota in 200_.

    Compose a letter of response from the Novosibirskgazifikatsiya production association to the director of Khimfarmzavod and the head of the Novosibirskgorgaz department about the monthly supply of 64 tons of liquefied gas to Khimfarmzavod during 200_. The indicated volume is taken into account in the order. The delivery will be carried out through the management of Novosibirskgorgaz.

    Compose a letter of request from JSC "Individum" to the Committee for Foreign Economic Relations on the allocation of a quota for the export of roundwood in the amount of 10 thousand cubic meters. m.

    Compose a letter of response from the regional department of agriculture to the chairman of the joint-stock company "Irmen" on the issue of the supply of cars for the delivered grain.

    Compose a letter of refusal from the Novosibirsk Energy and Electrification Production Association Novosibirskenergo to the director of the Radon special plant on issuing a free permit for the supply of electricity to residential buildings.

    Compose a letter of request from the State Trading Company "Sibtorg" to the Moscow company "Miave" for the possibility of supplying organic baby food to the Novosibirsk Region.

    Compose a letter of request from the Novosibirsksnabsbyt commercial company to the French company Oxytrol to organize a meeting to establish cooperation in the supply of precision measuring equipment

    Compose an information letter from the Novosibirskavtodor association to the French company Oxytrol about the possibility of selling modern hydraulic cranes. The price of the crane is 5500 US dollars.

    Compose a letter from the administration of the Novosibirsk Region to the Japanese-Russian Trade Association with a request for a detailed list of export products.

    Compose an invitation letter for the Expocentre association with a proposal to take part in the Russian exhibition at the international III industry-wide fair in Izmir (Turkey), which will be held from November 20 to December 10, 200_. The Izmir Fair is one of the largest trade events in the countries of the Middle and the Middle East. The text should indicate that participation in this fair allows you to widely present the export products of the organization, sell exhibits from the stand, study the features of the market, exchange scientific and technical information with other participants of the fair and conclude profitable deals.

    Compose a letter of request from the production and commercial enterprise "Novosibirskpromkombyt" to the Syrian company "Deiriteks" for the supply of curtain fabric, textiles for sewing men's, women's and children's clothing.

Compilation of Russian letters

Target: learn how to create and design a modern business letter.

Result: as a result of the work, students will acquire the skills to create and design modern business letters using MS Word.

The task: compose and format a business letter according to the option. Write a report on the work done.

Variants of individual tasks

Write an information letter about the sale of personal computers to private and public enterprises at a contract price and about the possibility of accepting orders for programming.

Compose a letter of request from the Mochishchensky plant of reinforced concrete structures of the regional administration for the allocation of a limit on Iskra glass tiles in the amount of 50 thousand square meters. m. For finishing exterior wall panels of the 135 series, which the plant begins to produce in 2000. for the trust "Zapsibtransstroy".

Compose a letter - a request from ODO "Individum" to the Committee on Foreign Economic Relations for the allocation of a quota for the export of roundwood in the amount of 10 thousand cubic meters. m.

Compose a letter - a request from the State Trading Company "Sibtorg" to the Bulgarian company "Miave 3" about the possibility of supplying environmentally friendly baby food to the Novosibirsk region.

Compose a letter - a request from the commercial company "Novosibirsksnabsbyt" to the French company "Oxytrol" to organize a meeting to establish cooperation in the supply of precision measuring equipment.

Compose an information letter from the Novosibirskavtodor association to the French company Oxytrol about the possibility of selling modern hydraulic cranes. The price of the crane is 5500 US dollars.

Compose a letter of invitation from the Expocentre association with a proposal to take part in the Russian exhibition at the international industry fair in Izmir (Turkey), which will be held from November 20 to December 10, 2002. The Izmir Fair is one of the largest trade events in the countries of the Middle and Near East. The text should indicate that participation in this fair allows you to widely present the export products of organizations, sell exhibits from the stand, study the features of the market, exchange scientific and technical information with other participants of the fair and conclude profitable deals.

Compose a letter of request from the production and commercial enterprise "Novosibirskpromkombyt" to the Syrian company "Dairy tex" for the supply of curtain fabric, textiles for sewing men's, women's and children's clothing.

Compose a letter of notification from the Novosibirsk small enterprise "Ekosan" to the Kemerovo enterprise "Partner" about the reasons for the delay in the supply of machinery and equipment.

Compose an invitation letter from the Expocentre Organizing Committee with a proposal to visit the international specialized exhibition "Saving material and fuel and energy resources in construction and industry." The exhibition takes place in the pavilion of the exhibition complex on Krasnaya Presnya.

Draw up a letter of guarantee from the small enterprise "Ecosan" to the plant "Progress" on the provision of technical assistance in the development of working drawings of the pumping station. SE "Ekosan" asks to carry out this work directly on the site.

Compose a contractual letter on the signing of the partnership agreement "Sarny" with the private company "Alex" for the supply.

Compose a letter of response from the printing house of the publishing house "Nauka" to the small enterprise "Trinika" about the possibility of fulfilling an order for the production of accounting and reporting forms

Compose a letter from the administration of the Amur Region to the Japanese-Russian Trade Association with a request for a detailed list of export products.

Compose an invitation letter to VSUES to participate in a round table to discuss the problems of employment of young professionals

test questions

1. Describe the purpose of a business letter.

2. List the main details of the Russian letter.

3. Describe what the Addressee attribute consists of.

4. List the differences between a notification letter and an invitation letter.

5. List the differences between a letter of guarantee and an information letter.

  • 1. What details are included in the sample form of a business letter?
  • 2. How are the details on the forms of service letters? Name the details on the form.
  • 3. What type of service letter does the requisite “mark about the presence of an application” have and how is it drawn up?
  • 4. How are the requisites drawn up: “addressee” and “address”?
  • 5. Who can be the author of the letter?
  • 6. Who signs the letter? In what cases are two signatures put on a letter?
  • 7. Do all service letters have a heading before the text?
  • 8. For what purposes is the requisite “mark about the performer” drawn up in official letters? How is it formatted?
  • 9. How are joint letters of organizations drawn up?
  • 10. What is the structure of the request letter, request letter, response letter, cover letter?


  • 1. Compose an information letter from the company "Siberia" on the sale of personal computers to private and state enterprises at an agreed price and on the possibility of accepting orders for programming.
  • 2. Compose a letter of invitation from the organizing committee of Expocentre with a proposal to visit the international specialized exhibition "Saving material and fuel and energy resources in construction and industry." The exhibition takes place in the pavilion of the exhibition complex on Krasnaya Presnya.
  • 3. Compose a letter on the signing of the contract between the partnership "Sarni" and the partnership "Alex" for the supply of building materials.
  • 4. Compose a letter of response from the printing house of the publishing house "Nauka" to the partnership on faith "Trinika" about the possibility of fulfilling an order for the production of accounting and reporting forms.
  • 5. Compose a letter of response from the Sail enterprise to the request of the Artek construction and installation company to develop design estimates for the construction of a residential building in the village. Ko-chenvo.
  • 6. Prepare a joint letter of response from the regional health department and the department of finance and tax policy to the administration of the Novosibirsk region on the allocation of additional appropriations from the regional budget for the provision of medical care to residents of the region.
  • 7. Compose a letter of request from the Mochishchensky plant of reinforced concrete structures of the regional administration for the allocation of a limit for Iriska glass tiles in the amount of 50 thousand square meters. m for finishing exterior wall panels of the 135 series, which the plant begins to produce in 2000 for the Zapsibtransstroy trust.
  • 8. Compose a letter of request from the Dovolenskaya hatchery and poultry station to the regional administration for the allocation of funds from the regional budget in the amount of 150 thousand rubles before the sale of young poultry to the population.
  • 9. Draw up a letter of refusal from the production department of passenger transportation to the Novosibirsk production cooperative "Vector" on the issue of providing spare parts for the fleet of buses. Specify the reason for the refusal.
  • 10. Compose a letter of request from the Novosibirsk tourist center "Sibiryak" to the committee on foreign economic activity of the regional administration with a request to issue a license to export timber to Lithuania in 2000 in the amount of 5000 cubic meters. m, since one of the conditions for the supply of furniture for the tourist complex in the Rechkunov recreation area is the counter supply of timber.
  • 11. Compose a letter of response from the production association "Novosibirskgazifikatsiya" to the director of Khimfarmzavod and the head of department "Novosibirskgorgaz" about the monthly supply of 64 tons of liquefied gas to Khimfarmzavod during 2005. The indicated volume is taken into account in the order. The delivery will be carried out through the management of Novosibirskgorgaz.
  • 12. Compose a letter of request from ODO "Individum" to the Committee for Foreign Economic Relations on the allocation of a quota for the export of roundwood in the amount of 10 thousand cubic meters. m.
  • 13. Compose a letter of response from the regional department of agriculture to the chairman of the joint-stock company "Irmen" on the issue of the supply of cars for the delivered grain.
  • 14. Draw up a letter of refusal from the Novosibirsk Energy and Electrification Production Association Novosibirskenergo to the director of the Radon special plant on issuing a free permit for the supply of electricity to residential buildings.
  • 15. Write a letter of request from the state trading company "Olymp" to the Bulgarian company "Miave 3" for the possibility of supplying baby food to the Kirov region.
  • 16. Compose a letter of request from the commercial company "Novosibirsksnabsbyt" to the French company "Oxytrol" to organize a meeting to establish cooperation in the supply of precision measuring equipment.
  • 17. Compose an information letter from the Novo-Sibirskavtodor Association to the French company Oxytrol about the possibility of selling modern hydraulic cranes. The price of the crane is 5500 US dollars.
  • 18. Write a letter from the administration of the Chelyabinsk region to the Association of Japanese-Russian Trade with a request to give a detailed list of export products.
  • 19. Compose a letter of invitation from the Expocentre association with a proposal to take part in the Russian exhibition at the international industry-wide fair in Izmir (Turkey), which will be held from November 20 to December 10, 2005. The Izmir Fair is one of the largest trade events in the countries Middle and Near East. The text should indicate that participation in this fair allows you to widely present the export products of the organization, sell exhibits from the stand, study the features of the market, exchange scientific and technical information with other participants of the fair and conclude profitable deals.
  • 20. Compose a letter of request from the production and commercial enterprise "Novosibirskpromkombyt" to the Syrian company "Dairy tex" for the supply of curtain fabric, textiles for men's, women's and children's clothing.
  • 21. Compose a cover letter to the Department of Primary Vocational Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on sending information about working with students of vocational schools from among orphans and children left without parental care.
  • 22. Write a letter of request to the school principal to the district education department for permission to include the boiler school in the capital repair plan. Specify additional details yourself.
  • 23. Write a letter of request to the regional administration from

committee of primary vocational education on making proposals for the maintenance of orphans studying in vocational schools. There are 840 orphans studying in the schools of the region, in a number of schools there are more than 50 of them. Financing from the federal budget is carried out partially: only for food, clothing, scholarships. There are no funds to provide medicines, sanitary hygiene items, or to purchase furniture for the dormitories. There are acute issues of financing additional staff: teachers -

psychologists, teachers of additional education. According to the calculations for the maintenance of these children, an additional 9664 thousand rubles are needed in 2001.

  • 24. Compile an information letter from the Siberian Academy of Public Administration on the recruitment of students for full-time education for training in the following specialties: state and municipal management; finance and credit; jurisprudence. For admission, you need an application, a document of secondary education, six 3x4 photo cards, a passport. Applications are accepted from June 28 to July 15. Upon admission, applicants take exams in social science, mathematics, Russian, foreign languages. Phone for information: (382-2) 10-12-13.
  • 25. Compose a letter from the chairman of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences to the administration of the Novosibirsk region about the mass spread of locust pests in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2000 and their spread to many territories of Siberia, including the Novosibirsk region. The letter proposes to take action and allocate funds for pest control.
  • 26. Compose a letter of request from the municipal educational institution of gymnasium No. 2 in Omsk to the head of the regional administration for assistance.
  • 27. Find errors in the following two letters: a) in the design; b) in the text.

Ministry of Education and Science

To the head of the Kirov Regional District Directorate Petrov G.A.

Municipal educational institution - secondary school No. 12 of the Kirovsky district of Omsk

The administration of school No. 12, represented by director I.V. Sidorova, earnestly asks for your permission to pay off the debt to the Kirov SES (disinfection department in the amount of 2,200,000 rubles).


Disinfection was not carried out during the year, as payment was not made.

Head teacher: Signature Tushmanakova Zh.V.


Administration Head of Administration


Department of Culture Shevchenko O.I.

Having considered the letter No. 7202/1 dated August 15, 2005 on assistance in the repair of the building _state circus,

The Committee for Culture informs that it is currently not possible to resolve this issue solely by the committee due to lack of funds.

However, given the importance of the _

state circus for the city and region, the Committee for Culture considers it appropriate to provide a one-time assistance in the amount of 300.0 thousand rubles. The remaining 300 thousand rubles are taken over by the city administration


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