Loose stools in a budgerigar. Budgerigar diarrhea: causes, treatment methods, reviews. Cleaning and prerequisites

Sometimes our feathered pets reduce their activity and do not look cheerful at all. The reason for this bad mood may be an upset stomach in a parrot, and as a result, diarrhea.

This condition is quite dangerous and in rare cases can cause the death of a pet. Therefore, you should carefully monitor the behavior of the parrot and carry out timely prevention of the disease.

If prevention does not help, then in order to avoid adverse consequences, it is worth showing it to a veterinarian, who can determine both the causes of the disease and prevent its further development.

In any case, the presence of too loose stools in a parrot should serve as a signal to the owner to take immediate action. What? This is discussed below.

Possible reasons

  • infectious diseases.
  • Diseases of the intestines, liver and kidneys.
  • Food poisoning: stale water, sour grain, dirty food, excess greens, rotten fruits.
  • Lack of millet grains in the diet.
  • Inflammation of the goiter.
  • Treatment with antibiotics.
  • Drafts at the location of the cell.
  • Stressful situations: fight with a cellmate, a strong fright and a change in the environment.

Actions for diarrhea in a parrot

  1. First of all, you should decide what the parrot is exposed to. These bowel movements may not be caused by diarrhea, but by polyuria. It is easy to distinguish from the feces, as with diarrhea there is a soft, shapeless mass. Whereas with polyuria, the excrement retains a solid uniform shape with some water secretions.
  2. Oddly enough, but the cause of diarrhea in a pet parrot can be a simple noise or loud music. If it is impossible to get rid of the noise, then it is worth moving its cage to a fairly quiet place, you can temporarily transport it to friends or relatives. So you can clearly see whether the noise is the root cause of the disease. If it is not possible to transport a pet or eliminate noise, then background noise can be created that will have a calming effect on the parrot. Classical music, the sounds of the sea or the cries of birds are perfect for this.
  3. The cage should be well cleaned and covered with clean paper. In no case should you save the remains of the old food, which may contain bacteria that caused diarrhea.
  4. If the pet consumed fruits, then you should reduce their amount or even remove them from the diet for a while. Perhaps the cause of diarrhea was a rotting fetus or a spoiled product, which, through negligence, got into the food of a parrot.
  5. If some time ago the parrot was treated for other diseases and antibiotics or other medicines were prescribed to him, then it was against their background that diarrhea developed.
  6. One of the most common causes of diarrhea in parrots is a lack of calcium in their bodies. If the pet refuses to peck at the calcium located in the bar, then it should be crushed and added to the feed. Some people deliberately soften eggshells in a coffee grinder and add a small amount to food and drink.
  7. Do not forget that during any illness, the parrot feels bad and often experiences chills. In order for his conditions of stay during recovery to be more comfortable, and the treatment to bring tangible benefits, it is necessary to warm up the feathered cage. To do this, you should install a not very bright lamp, with a power of no more than 60 watts, at a distance of half a meter from the cage. The lamp should be turned on for three to four hours during the day. This can not only warm the parrot, but also kill disease-causing microbes. Warming up can not be done, only in cases of blood impurities in the litter.
  8. A good healing effect for diarrhea has the drug "Gamavit". It must be added to the drinker in the amount of 0.5 milligrams of the drug per 50 milligrams of water. If you want to achieve a quick result, then you can pipette 4 drops directly into the beak. And even if all the symptoms of the disease have disappeared, it is worth finishing the course of treatment with the drug, which has 7 days.
  9. Dry bacteria that heal the intestinal microflora also have a good effect on the body of a feathered pet. The most reliable drug is Vetom 1.1. It must be given twice a day by adding one drop to the parrot's drinker. The course of treatment should be continued for seven days.
  10. When all of the above measures have not had any positive effect on the health of the pet, then you should take it to the veterinarian, who will conduct a more thorough examination and identify the real cause of diarrhea. Since in this case, the health problems of the pet can be much more serious.

Bought a budgerigar or even several? Did you bring it home and after a while discovered that your new friend was unwell? It's no secret that pets get sick too. You should not panic, although most veterinarians claim that diseases in animals arise due to improper care for them.

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Causes of loose stools

The most common are diarrhea and constipation. Let's see, diarrhea in a parrot can begin due to various factors:

  • with a sudden change of scenery (stress);
  • with malnutrition;
  • lack of preventive measures.

You are responsible for the bird, so you will have to monitor and treat any illness of your friend. The bird may develop diarrhea, and as the treatment progresses, it turns into constipation, and vice versa from constipation to loose stools, so let's figure out what and how.

How to understand that the bird is bad? What to do if you still have diarrhea? Why exactly does diarrhea occur?

Your parrot has become lethargic, doesn't want to fly, or doesn't even touch food. If he sits at the bottom of the cage and clearly shows his displeasure in some cases. Perhaps an inflammation of the anus has formed. And if an unusual, incomprehensible, liquid droppings appear in the cage, then you will have treatment for diarrhea.

So, diarrhea in a parrot is a serious matter, and is usually a witness to diarrhea or polyuria disease. Bird diarrhea, like that of humans, is due to a disorder in the gastrointestinal tract, and the diarrhea is usually mild and vague. Polyuria is a violation of the absorption of fluid into the intestines, then the bird's stool remains in shape, but retains wateriness.

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The main reasons why diarrhea occurs are:

At the first signs of improper functioning of the bird's intestines, you need to do the following:

In some cases, in the treatment of diarrhea, the opposite situation occurs - constipation, which should pass within a day.

We analyze bird droppings by shades

Having noticed diarrhea, carefully consider it - this will help you in eradicating the cause of its occurrence and the speedy recovery of the bird. If there is spotting in loose stools, then immediately hurry to a specialist, he knows what to do next. Budgerigar liquid stool is conventionally divided into white, green and black litter.

white litter

White, beige or grayish litter, as in the photo, is found in birds that have too fatty foods in their diet. If white stool is found, it is urgent to stop giving nuts and seeds. Strictly follow a diet, if possible, refrain from milk.

When the stool is of a normal color, as if strongly diluted with white or transparent patches, consult a doctor immediately. Such litter happens with arthritis and stress. Complex treatment of the body is necessary:

  • balance nutrition;
  • improve the psychological state;
  • drink a vitamin complex.

green litter

In addition to the vitamin complex and drugs to improve the intestinal microflora, veterinarians prescribe antibiotics, Baytril is the most affordable for birds. Baytril is an antibacterial drug available in vials of 2.5%, 5% and 10%, less often in ampoules.

Methods of using the drug, dosage and contraindications

Birds are prescribed Baytril 10% orally. Less than three weeks, the drug is diluted in water, 5 ml of the drug to 10 liters of water. If the bird is older than three weeks, the calculation is made Baytril per body weight is 10 ml per 1 kg.

The drug Baytril must be taken once a day, for 3-5 days (as directed by a specialist), sometimes diluted with water and the parrot is soldered with this solution.

Be sure to read the instructions, as Baytril has contraindications:

  • incompatible with anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • not suitable for some types of birds.

Let such a disease as diarrhea, loose stools and constipation bypass your parrot. Health to your pets.

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Video "Treatment of budgerigar diseases"

Veterinarian advice on caring for a budgerigar.

Today we decided to dwell on such a delicate topic as parrot diarrhea. Why does it occur in a bird, a symptom of what serious disease can it be, and how to help your feathered pet? Let's look for answers to these questions with us ...

Often the parrot itself is also the culprit of this condition. During the walk, he feasted on your favorite houseplant, which had such an effect on his gastrointestinal tract.

In order for you to understand all these nuances, and know how to act and what to do, most importantly, you must decide what caused this condition in the bird. And secondly, you must determine what you are dealing with - with diarrhea or polyuria.

With diarrhea, bird feces are soft and formless, but with polyuria, they are watery, but retain their shape.

It is very important not to confuse these 2 types of bird stools, since the treatment of such manifestations is different.

parrot diarrhea symptoms

In addition to a visual inspection of the parrot's chair, your observations of the state of the bird will also help to figure out what is happening with your feathered pet. If she refuses to eat, becomes silent and lethargic, sits at the bottom of the cage for a long time, her cloaca is inflamed, and the feathers under the tail are dirty, then you are dealing with diarrhea in a parrot.

If this phenomenon continues for several days, the parrot may even begin to lose weight. And, although it is difficult to determine by the feathers how thin your bird has become, you can gently pick up the parrot in your arms and feel its outgrowth on the chest. The keel bone should normally protrude slightly, but if it sticks out strongly, it means that the bird has already become dehydrated and in this state it stays for several days, or even weeks.

Cause of diarrhea in parrots

Of course, we would like to establish the reason for this state of our feathered pet.


Well, the most common cause of diarrhea in a parrot is poor quality food or sour food, stale water, or an abundance of grains in the diet. All this can lead to indigestion. By the way, not many owners know, but if there is no millet in the diet of a parrot for several days, then the feathered one starts diarrhea. So, pay attention to whether there is millet in the grain mixture that you give to your parrot.


Also, the cause of an upset stomach in a parrot can be ... a draft. Despite the fact that there is no obvious connection between drafts and the work of the gastrointestinal tract, a bird caught in a draft weakens its immunity and has a high chance of getting sick. And, in this case, a microbe or E. coli is enough for the parrot to have diarrhea. Although, if he were in comfortable conditions for his maintenance, perhaps his body would resist, and he would not have an upset stomach.


Also, the cause of diarrhea in a parrot can be stress, nervous shock, a change of scenery, the appearance of a new pet ... The bird's body reacts to such changes in its own way.

Vitamin deficiency

A lack of vitamins, and in particular calcium, can also cause diarrhea in a parrot. To prevent this cause, give the bird vitamins that will contain calcium or add eggshells to its food.

How to treat diarrhea in a parrot

What can you do

Diarrhea treatment

First of all, gently rinse the bird's feathers from contamination with feces - for this it is better to take a damp cloth and gently wipe the feathers, especially for those parrots that are afraid of water. If the parrot is loyal to water procedures (find out), you can even bathe it.

While you are engaged in the hygiene and cleanliness of the feathered one, it is not bad for someone to wash his cage, disinfect it and change the litter. However, before you put a parrot in it, the cage must be completely dry and weathered.

It should be borne in mind that during an illness, a bird does not have enough strength and energy to heat its own body, and it constantly freezes. Therefore, you must take care of the thermal comfort for her. The room should be warm and dry, the humidity should be normal, and there should be no drafts. It is also useful to turn on an infrared lamp for several hours to warm the bird. But, if you notice blood in the feces, then it is better to refuse this idea.

It is very important for us, excluding the possibility of an upset stomach in a parrot on a nervous basis, to move the cage to a quiet and peaceful place. By the way, some owners even say that it is useful for the bird to turn on calm classical music - in this way, it calms down. You can try this and tell us about your observations.

Of course, you should pay attention to the poultry feed. Check its expiration date. If everything is in order with the expiration dates, try not to feed the parrot with such a grain mixture for several days. If the diarrhea stops, then the food was the culprit.

For the time of diarrhea in a parrot, it is better to arrange a "dietary table" for him, which will include porridge without seeds, boiled rice. From fruits and greens for the duration of diarrhea should be abandoned.

In order for diarrhea to stop, you can add a solution of chamomile or St. John's wort to the parrot's drinker.

If the parrot is sick for several days, you can give it adsorbents such as smecta, enterosgel or activated charcoal. The powder can be added both to the feed and to the water in the drinker.

Parrots are quite resistant to various kinds of diseases, but diarrhea in these birds often happens. What causes diarrhea in budgerigars, what to do and how to treat it correctly? First of all, you need to establish the cause of the unpleasant phenomenon that has arisen.

Budgerigar diarrhea is accompanied by frequent liquid secretions of intestinal contents. This condition is regarded as a sign of a disease that has appeared in a bird. So, for example, parrot diarrhea can be provoked

  • infectious diseases;
  • pathologies of the intestines, liver or kidneys;
  • food poisoning - stale water, sour grain, rotten fruits or herbs;
  • inflammatory process in the area of ​​the goiter;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • the location of the cage in a draft;
  • all sorts of stressful situations - it can be a fight with relatives, climate change or fear.

Under the influence of the mentioned disease states, the smooth muscles of the parrot's intestines begin to contract faster and push the food eaten through the intestines. The liquid component does not have time to dissolve and the litter becomes liquid. The fact that a parrot has diarrhea can be recognized by the following external signs:

  • the bird is disheveled and sits motionless at the bottom of the cage;
  • cracks and growths are noticeable on the beak;
  • breathing short and heavy;
  • the parrot's eyes are closed;
  • refuses to eat;
  • does not chirp or sing;
  • makes strange coughing sounds;
  • feathers become dull;
  • there are bouts of vomiting;
  • litter becomes green and liquid consistency;
  • the feathers near the cloaca stuck together and became dirty.

If diarrhea in a budgerigar is not treated on time, noticing the first signs of a pathological condition, the bird may die. It is dangerous if diarrhea lasts more than one day. With frequent and abundant emptying, the muscles of the cloaca are stretched and it falls out. The dropped element dries up, itches and creates considerable discomfort for the bird.

A serious danger to a parrot is a significant loss of fluid during loose stools. Severe dehydration causes the blood to thicken and increases the risk of clogged blood vessels. In this case, the parrot may die due to circulatory failure.

If you suspect diarrhea in a parrot, inspect the bird completely, follow the frequency of the stool and the shade of the litter. Vomiting in a female can be quite natural during the mating and nesting period - this is how she expresses her readiness for procreation.

What to do first

Diarrhea in a parrot is not an easy situation. An accurate diagnosis of the condition involves finding out the cause. This disease, like many others, is very fleeting in these birds and the pet can die in a short period of time. In this case, the best option would be to consult a doctor. But there are a number of activities that any caring owner can do.

  1. First of all, you need to clean the feathers of the bird from pollution.
  2. Clean out the home of the sick parrot and replace the bedding.
  3. Close the windows - the bird does not like drafts.
  4. A sick bird can freeze, so it is worth putting a lamp with infrared light near the cage to warm the pet. The temperature around the cage should be around 25 degrees.
  5. Examine the pet's litter. If it contains red spots, it is impossible to heat the bird.
  6. Keep quiet in the room where the cage is. Maybe diarrhea is triggered by stress and the bird just needs to calm down.
  7. It is better to pour fresh and high-quality food into the feeder.
  8. With diarrhea, a parrot will help rice boiled in water and without salt.
  9. During the disease of the parrot, it is not recommended to feed fruits and herbs.
  10. In water for drinking, you can add decoctions of chamomile and St. John's wort - these herbs have a bonding effect. But these decoctions should always be fresh, they should be changed every 2-3 hours.
  11. It is important to monitor the purity of water and bird feed - droppings can get into the feeders.
  12. In the first two days from the onset of the disease, the parrot is recommended to give an adsorbent at the rate of 0.1 g of the agent per 100 g of bird weight. The drug is given three times a day with an interval between doses of about 2 hours.

Having discovered a disease in a parrot, think about how the situation around the bird has changed. Maybe you have dramatically changed your pet's diet and fed him a new food? It is possible that it was this new component that caused the disorder.

When treating a parrot, you should not use medicines that are used by people. Drugs that do not have a veterinary purpose can poison the bird, which will only worsen its condition.

The drugs that can be given to the bird include smecta, polypefan, filtrum, enterosgel, enterodes and activated charcoal. If these remedies do not help, consult a specialist.

From food, a sick wavy can be given millet, rice and its decoctions, decoctions of chamomile, St. John's wort or wild rose. Do not forget to pour fresh boiled or purified water into the drinker, you can - with the addition of a certain amount of potassium permanganate.

In 90% of cases, diseases in parrots, including diarrhea, occur due to the fault of the owner of the bird: incorrectly selected food for the parrot, insufficient hygiene in the cage and in the room as a whole, improper keeping conditions (for example, violation of the light regime) are some of the main reasons for the weakening of the bird's immunity, which contribute to the emergence and development of disease states.

parrot has diarrhea

Parrot diarrhea is one of the most common diseases that bird owners face.

Stomach diseases in parrots can be caused by the following reasons: spraying aerosols in the room, poor-quality food, and even some houseplants.

Diarrhea can be caused by two very similar diseases, either diarrhea or polyuria. In polyuria, the feces are very watery, but they retain their shape, and in diarrhea, the feces are a soft, shapeless mass.

With any disease of the bird, a change in the condition of the bird is immediately noticeable. She may refuse to eat, become lethargic and silent.

During diarrhea, the parrot sits at the bottom of the cage for a long time, refuses to eat. Large blotches of green color, sometimes even blood, can come across in the excrement of a bird. Also, the discharge may turn gray. Due to diarrhea, the feathers under the tail (around the cloaca) become dirty in the parrot. And the cloaca itself becomes inflamed and painful.

If diarrhea continues for a long time, then the parrot begins to lose weight. Behind the feathers, it is difficult to determine exactly how much weight the bird has lost. It is best to feel it; in a healthy bird, the keel bone (an outgrowth on the chest) should be slightly palpable. If the keel sticks out strongly, then the bird has been sick for a long time.

Cause of diarrhea in parrots

One of the main causes of diarrhea is bad food: a sour, wet grain mixture, stale water, contaminated food, rotting fruit, or an excessive amount of greens. Because of this, the bird has an upset stomach.

It is very important that millet is present in the parrot's diet, if it is not there, at least for a few days, the likelihood of diarrhea is very high. Also, diarrhea in a parrot can cause drafts.

parrot diarrhea treatment

First, wash the bird's feathers from dirt. Clean the cage and change the bedding.

During an illness, the parrot will not have enough strength to keep itself warm, and it will constantly freeze. Create ideal conditions for keeping birds - optimal temperature, humidity, complete absence of drafts. Also, to heat the bird, put an infrared lamp for 2-3 hours a day. However, if you notice blood in the litter, this should not be done.

Move the parrot's cage to a quiet area. Noise can cause diarrhea. Try to create a soothing background noise (for example, play soft classical music in the room).

Change the food you are using. It is poor quality food that most often causes diarrhea. It is advisable to completely eliminate the grain mixture that you feed your parrot and buy a new one.

Start feeding your parrot seedless cereals. It is best to feed with rice boiled in water without the addition of milk, salt or any other fats. Completely exclude any fruits and greens from the parrot's diet.

As a strengthening agent, you can give the bird decoctions of chamomile and St. John's wort. And also give the adsorbent in small quantities 3 times a day for two days. As an adsorbent, you can use: smecta, polyphepan, filtrum, enterodez, enterosgel or simple activated or charcoal. A tablet of coal should be crushed into powder and one half sprinkled on moistened food, and the other half of the powder added to the drinker.

Diarrhea may occur due to calcium deficiency. Therefore, adding calcium to food can solve the problem. You can buy it at a pharmacy, or grind a clean eggshell in a coffee grinder. The powder should be added to food.

You can treat diarrhea in a parrot with various drugs. For example, adding the immunomodulatory agent "Gamavit" to the drinker - ½ ml per 50 ml of drinking water. Often it is simply instilled in the beak, four to five drops daily. The entire course of treatment with Gamavit is approximately seven days.

You can try using dry bacteria, which are sold in veterinary pharmacies. For example, Vetom 1.1 is a good tool. Give the drug to the parrot twice a day, adding one drop to drinking water. The course is seven days long.

Help from a specialist

If, after the measures taken, the situation does not stabilize, then the parrot should be shown to the veterinarian. If diarrhea continues for several days, it may be a sign of a serious health problem.

You should carefully study the nature of bird droppings - how liquid it is and what color it has. If possible, take a photo and go for a consultation with a specialist. You need to describe in great detail the possible causes of the onset of the disease and outline the symptoms.

Good advice or a doctor's recommendation can be obtained on specialized Internet forums. If they suspect something serious or cannot help you in absentia, they will definitely tell you where and to whom to contact. However, it is better not to self-medicate. You should contact a specialist in a veterinary clinic.

Before treating diarrhea in a parrot, a specialist will do tests. Only a doctor can establish the correct diagnosis based on the combination of symptoms and prescribe the right treatment!


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