Organization of activities of social service institutions. Institutions of social services for the population, their types and specificity of activities Russian system of social services

Types of social service institutions

The social service, which is a system, consists of specialized institutions whose task is to serve the relevant groups of the population.

Territorial centers in this system occupy an important place and carry out their activities within various administrative units of the country - region, city, microdistrict, etc.

The functions of managing social services are carried out in the subordinate territories of the social protection bodies. The divisions of social services in the structure of the centers are different and may include day care units for the elderly and disabled, home help, urgent social assistance, etc.

The social assistance of the centers is complex - psychological, legal, rehabilitation, medico-social, etc. Such a territorial service can be state, non-state, municipal, i.e. regardless of the form of its ownership.

It must be said that the network of social service enterprises is developing, new types of them appear, which means that there is an opportunity to cover a wider list of social problems of various segments of the population.

Social service institutions are funded from the budget. Their financial resources are formed by:

  • budgetary allocations of the corresponding level in the amount of 2% of the expenditure side of the budget;
  • allocation of proceeds from the fund for social support of part of the funds;
  • receipts from the federal budget for the fulfillment of statutory tasks;
  • through reallocation of funds between committees and service departments;
  • funds from the regional and local budgets to ensure targeted activities;
  • charitable donations, contributions from enterprises, public organizations, receipts from charitable actions.

Activities of social service institutions for families and children

Support and protection of the institution of the family is an important aspect of socio-economic processes.

The organization of social assistance to the family from the state, municipalities, public organizations is expressed in the fact that the family is expanding the possibilities for solving vital problems.

The family is expanding and establishing ties with organizations and social institutions that provide resources and support.

Effective and humane assistance to the family is provided, self-help is developing in the territories of the constituent entities.

The functional general scheme looks like a system of family interaction with state, public, confessional and private structures.

The tasks of implementing family policy programs in the regions are linked to plans for the development of social service institutions; horizontal structures of the system of social assistance to the family are created, taking into account the specific characteristics of the regions. It is important for organizers of social services at the district level to know the needs of the population for such services, taking into account the type of family and its acute problems and attitude towards such services.

At the same time, the experience of working with the family shows that a range of social services in the district should be provided to both children and parents.

Unlike district, regional institutions also perform scientific and methodological functions. The regional center, for example, knowing the situation on the spot, can send its recommendations to the authorities.

The state service of this type of social assistance has its own functions:

  • it is, first of all, an analytical function, the task of which is to study the problems of the contingent of families, as well as members of the team;
  • planning and organizational function, associated with the planning and organization of social services;
  • the managerial function provides contact with state bodies to solve the client's problems and achieves this solution, assesses the results of the activities carried out;
  • the information function acquaints the population with the new decisions of the state on social protection and informs about the possibilities of the service.

Remark 1

Family assistance in these services can take many forms, for example, helplines, mental health emergencies, acute mental health emergencies, and others.

The assistance provided by social institutions to the family can be direct and indirect.

The first is directly aimed at protecting the rights and interests of the client, the second type of assistance is provided through the client's social environment - family, friends, work collective, etc., as well as through government organizations and foundations.

The structure of the center for social services for the family may include various subdivisions, including the department of primary admission, information, analysis and forecasting, socio-economic, medico-social, psychological and pedagogical assistance, and prevention of child neglect.

Social services are rendered to incomplete, large, low-income families. Children and adolescents who find themselves in difficult family conditions, orphans, children with physical and mental disabilities, and people with disabilities are also in the area of ​​their attention.

Activities of social service institutions for pensioners

Remark 2

The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees the right of citizens to social security, including pension benefits in old age.

A pension is a cash benefit that citizens receive from public consumption funds.

The basis for calculating a pension is old age, loss of a breadwinner, disability, length of service.

Payments upon reaching retirement age are made monthly. Elderly people receive social services in accordance with ethical international labor principles.

Social work with this category of citizens is based on the Federal Law of 10.12.1995 "On the basics of social services for the population in the Russian Federation."

On the basis of the law, the sphere of social services includes: social welfare, socio-medical, psychological and pedagogical, social and legal services, as well as material assistance, social rehabilitation and adaptation of the elderly.

Departments of social protection of the population identify and keep records, provide social support, offer and provide paid services.

A number of other institutions also perform the function of social protection and assistance. These institutions include: boarding homes, nursing homes for lonely people, hospital departments for people with chronically sick people, various types of hospitals, night and day homes, gerontological centers, etc.

Special houses for permanent residence of both single elderly people and married couples in need of appropriate assistance have become a new element in the system of inpatient institutions of the country.

A special house for retirees performs the following functions:

  • creates favorable conditions for living and self-service;
  • provides constant social and household and medical assistance;
  • creates the necessary conditions in order to maintain an active lifestyle and feasible work activity.

Remark 3

Experience shows that the organization of special homes for elderly couples and single elderly people is a promising solution to the problems of senior citizens.

SOCIAL SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS- organizations providing social services at home, semi-stationary social services, stationary social services (Article 23 of the Federal Law of 28.12.2013 No. 442-FZ “On the Basics of Social Services for Citizens in the Russian Federation”).

O.S.o. in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, they are created and operate taking into account the methodological recommendations for calculating the needs of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the development of the OSO network and in accordance with the rules for organizing the activities of OSO, their structural divisions.

The social service system includes:

  • - OSO, which are under the jurisdiction of federal executive bodies;
  • - OSO, which are under the jurisdiction of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  • - non-state (commercial and non-commercial) public associations, including socially oriented non-commercial organizations that provide social services;
  • - individual entrepreneurs providing social services.

State (municipal) OSO are created in the form of institutions. Federal Law No. 83-FZ 83 of 08.05.2010 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Improvement of the Legal Status of State (Municipal) Institutions” defines three types of state (municipal) institutions: state, budget and autonomous. All three types of institutions - state or municipal and differ in the degree of financial and economic independence and independence from the state.

A budgetary institution is a non-profit organization created by the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a municipal formation to perform work, provide services in order to ensure the implementation of the powers provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, respectively, of state authorities (state bodies) or local governments in the fields of science, education, health care, culture , social protection, employment of the population, physical culture and sports, as well as in other areas.

The decision to create a budgetary or state institution is made in the manner prescribed by:

  • 1) by the Government of the Russian Federation - for federal budgetary or state institutions;
  • 2) the highest executive body of state power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation - for budgetary or state institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • 3) the local administration of the municipality - for municipal budgetary or state institutions.

The founder of a budgetary or state institution is:

  • 1) the Russian Federation - in relation to a federal budgetary or state institution;
  • 2) subject of the Russian Federation - in relation to a budgetary or state institution of the subject of the Russian Federation;
  • 3) a municipal formation - in relation to a municipal budgetary or state institution.

The decision to create a non-governmental organization as a result of its establishment is taken by its founders (founder).

A budgetary institution carries out its activities in accordance with the subject and objectives of the activity, determined in accordance with federal laws, other regulatory legal acts, municipal legal acts and the charter. An exhaustive list of activities that budgetary and state institutions can carry out in accordance with the goals of their creation is determined by the constituent documents of the institutions.

A non-governmental organization can carry out one type of activity or several types of activity that are not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation and correspond to the goals of the organization's activities, which are provided for by its constituent documents.

The legislation of the Russian Federation may establish restrictions on the types of activities that non-profit organizations of certain types have the right to engage in, and in terms of institutions, including certain types.

Certain types of activities can be carried out by organizations only on the basis of special permits (licenses). The list of these types of activities is determined by law.

A budgetary institution has the right, in excess of the established state task, to perform work, provide services related to its main activity, provided for by the constituent document, to citizens and legal entities for a fee, as well as conduct other activities that are not main, only insofar as it serves to achieve goals, for which it was created.

State institutions can carry out income-generating activities, but the incomes received by them from this activity go to the corresponding budget of the budgetary system.

Financial support for the activities of social service organizations under the jurisdiction of federal executive bodies is carried out in accordance with the budgetary legislation of the Russian Federation at the expense of the federal budget, as well as at the expense of recipients of social services when providing social services for a fee or partial payment.

Financial support for the activities of the of the subject of the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with the budgetary legislation of the Russian Federation at the expense of the budget of the subject of the Russian Federation, as well as at the expense of the recipients of social services in the provision of social services for a fee or partial payment.

Financial support for the provision of social services by non-governmental organizations, individual entrepreneurs engaged in social services, and socially-oriented non-profit organizations providing social services is carried out through the provision of subsidies from the corresponding budget of the budget system of the Russian Federation in accordance with the budget legislation of the Russian Federation, procurement of social services in accordance with the legislation RF on the contractual system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs, as well as at the expense of recipients of social services in the provision of social services for a fee or partial payment.

The property of a budgetary institution is assigned to it on the basis of the right of operational management in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The owner of the property of a budgetary institution is the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a municipal entity, respectively.

The land plot necessary for the budget institution to fulfill its statutory tasks is provided to it on the basis of the right of permanent (unlimited) use.

An autonomous institution, in contrast to state and budgetary institutions, has the right to open not only personal accounts in the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury (financial bodies), but also accounts in credit institutions. In addition, institutions of this type are allowed to place funds on deposits with credit institutions and make transactions with securities.

A budgetary institution, like an autonomous institution, is responsible for its obligations with the property that it has on the right of operational management (with the exception of immovable and especially valuable movable).

State institutions are responsible for their obligations with the funds at their disposal. In case of insufficient funds, the owner of the property bears subsidiary responsibility for the obligations of state institutions.

In state OSO. boards of trustees are being created. The structure, formation procedure, term of office, competence of the board of trustees and the procedure for making decisions are determined by the charter of the OSO. in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the basis of the approximate regulation on the board of trustees of a social service organization.

Coordination of activities and general methodological support for an independent assessment of the quality of the provision of services by organizations in the field of social services are carried out by the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of social protection of the population, in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation ( Federal Law of July 21, 2014 No. 256-FZ).

N.N. Strelnikova, L.I. Kononov

Lit .: Federal Law dated 28.12.2013 No. 442-FZ "On the Basics of Social Services for Citizens in the Russian Federation", Federal Law dated 08.05.2010 No. 83-FZ "On Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with Improving the Legal Status of State (Municipal ) institutions ”; Federal Law of July 21, 2014 No. 256-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Issues of an Independent Assessment of the Quality of Services Rendered by Organizations in the Sphere of Culture, Social Services, Health and Education”; Topchiy L.V. Organization of social services for the population. M., 2008; Management in Social Work: A Textbook for Bachelors / Ed. E.I. Kholostova, E.I. Komarova, O. G. Prokhorova. M .: ITK “Dashkov i K °”, 2014.

Elderly people and disabled people in the Russian Federation enjoy the full range of socio-economic and personal rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the constitutions of the republics that are part of it, and other legislative acts. However, the change in the social status of a person in old age and a disabled person associated with the termination or restriction of labor and social activities; transformation of values, lifestyle and communication; the test of difficulties in social, household and psychological adaptation to new conditions, gives rise to serious social problems.

The most acute problem is the limitation of the vital activity of the elderly and the disabled. Restriction of life is understood as a complete or partial lack of a person's ability or ability to carry out self-service, movement, orientation, communication, control over their behavior, as well as to engage in work. In solving this problem, it is of paramount importance to improve the system of social rehabilitation and social assistance to the elderly and disabled.

Social rehabilitation is a complex of socio-economic, medical, legal, professional and other measures aimed at ensuring the necessary conditions and returning these population groups to a full-blooded life in society. At the present stage, an integral element of social protection for the elderly and disabled is provision of social assistance i.e. collateral in cash and in kind, in the form of services or benefits, provided taking into account the social guarantees of social security established by the state. It has, as a rule, the character of periodic and one-time supplements to pensions and benefits, in-kind payments and services in order to provide targeted, differentiated social support for these categories, to eliminate or neutralize critical life situations caused by unfavorable socio-economic

Thus, along with the provision of traditional forms of social security: cash payments (pensions, benefits); natural support; services and benefits; stationary and non-stationary types of services - great importance is attached to new forms of emergency social assistance to disabled, urgently needed citizens of the Russian Federation.

Social services and welfare for the elderly includes pensions and various benefits; maintenance and service of the elderly and disabled in special institutions of social welfare agencies; prosthetics; benefits for people with disabilities; helping the homeless. Social security is carried out by state bodies, enterprises, individuals, at the expense of contributions (deductions from wages) of workers. In the latter case, the payment from the funds is not determined
labor contribution and experience, and the size of contributions. This practice is very common in Western countries. In 1995, in the social protection system of our country, there were 959 inpatient institutions for the elderly and disabled, more than 700 social service centers, 900 departments of social assistance at home, as well as a number of other social assistance institutions (psychological and pedagogical, emergency psychological assistance and etc.).

One of the primary tasks of the activities of the departments of social assistance at home is the active identification of disabled citizens in need of home-based services. The urgent social assistance service of the Social Service Center provides a wide range of services: one-time provision of free hot meals or food sets to those in dire need; provision of clothing, footwear and basic necessities; one-time provision of material assistance; assistance in obtaining temporary housing; provision of emergency psychological assistance, including through the "hotline": provision of legal assistance within the limits of their competence;
provision of other types and forms of assistance due to regional and other characteristics.

In a crisis situation in Russia, targeted social protection of the elderly is of great importance. First of all, it turns out to be the most needy: lonely pensioners, disabled people, elderly people over 80 years old. Sociological studies in our country have shown that the main directions of ensuring the well-being of the elderly (in their opinion) are: increasing pensions, improving pension provision, developing services for caring for them at home, increasing the number of nursing homes and improving living conditions in them.

Improving pension provision is one of the most important areas of social security in modern states. It is necessary to pay attention to social services for the elderly. It is important to provide here, taking into account the loss of the ability to self-service, the provision of special comfortable shoes, clothes, various devices and devices that would make it easier for old people to move along the street, do housework, and perform some hygienic procedures. To solve these problems, architects, designers, gerontologists have long identified promising directions for the development and production of appropriate household appliances.

These proposals boil down to the creation of: - automated kitchen complexes that allow programming operations for cooking; - lift systems for caring for bedridden patients and providing them with sanitary and hygienic assistance; - special furniture and mechanisms for cleaning premises, taking into account the age specifics of the elderly, etc., as well as a number of simple, but very necessary devices and devices that create convenience for elderly people and increase the safety of household operations; - a system of handrails and support brackets for taking a bath by an old person; - special supports to facilitate putting on shoes; - gently sloping ramps instead of thresholds, etc. The proposals are good, however, unfortunately, in our country they are being implemented extremely unsatisfactorily.

Since 1986, the so-called Centers of social services for pensioners began to be created in our country, which, in addition to departments of social assistance at home, included completely new structural divisions - day care departments. The purpose of organizing such departments was to create a kind of leisure centers for the elderly, regardless of whether they live in families or single. It was envisaged that people would come to such departments in the morning and return home in the evening; during the day, they will have the opportunity to be in a cozy atmosphere, communicate, spend time meaningfully, participate in various cultural events, receive one-time hot meals and, if necessary, pre-hospital medical care.

The main task of the activities of such departments is to help older people overcome loneliness, a closed lifestyle, fill their existence with new meaning, form an active lifestyle, partially lost in connection with retirement. Initially, such Centers were created at nursing homes for the elderly, since these institutions have such a material and technical base that could provide an appropriate area for the department, its equipment, and provide visitors with hot meals. The branches were designed for 25-50 visitors a day. The period of visits during the first period of operation of the branches was not limited. Payment for food was collected from the visitors of the department, differentiation, depending on the amount of the received pension. When the first centers were created, there was no provision for the rotation of visitors to day-care departments after a certain time.

However, the positive experience of these institutions made them popular among the population of retirement age, and found a large number of people willing to use the services of the day care unit. In this regard, taking into account the number of pensioners living in the service area of ​​the Center and the number of applicants to visit the department, in many territories, the time frame for which one group should be recruited was calculated, so that during the year everyone could visit the center two and more times. The department enrolls pensioners and disabled people, regardless of their marital status, who have retained the ability to self-service and active movement, on the basis of a personal statement and a certificate from a medical institution that there are no contraindications for admission to the department. In the department, premises are allocated for an office of first-aid medical care, club work, a library, workshops, etc.

Thus, the considered issues of creating and developing a social assistance service for disabled citizens in Russia give grounds to predict their further improvement, in which effective
a new cadre of specialists in social work, whose training is currently receiving the most serious attention, will take part.

Block I

Fundamentals of organizational and administrative activities of social institutions

Lecture number 1: The experience of administrative activities of institutions in the system of social services and directions of its development

1. Features of the activities of social service institutions in the system of social services

2. General rules of organization and principles of activity of social institutions

3. Organization of social services for the population at the municipal (district) level

Features of the activities of social service institutions in the system of social services

In accordance with the Federal Law of 10.12.1995. № 195-FZ "On the basics of social services for the population in the Russian Federation" " State system of social services- a system consisting of state-owned enterprises and social service institutions owned by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and under the jurisdiction of the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. "

Social services can also be carried out by enterprises and institutions of other forms of ownership or by citizens engaged in pedagogical activities in social services to the population without forming a legal entity.

The system of social services includes the following institutions:

1. Centers of social services for the population;

2. Comprehensive centers of social services for the population;

3. Territorial centers of social assistance to families and children;

4. Social rehabilitation centers for minors;

5. Centers for helping children without parental care;

6. Social shelters for children and adolescents;

7. Centers for psychological and pedagogical assistance to the population;

8. Centers for emergency psychological assistance by telephone;

9. Rehabilitation centers for disabled people4

10. Rehabilitation centers for children with disabilities;

11. Houses for overnight stay;

12. Specialized homes for lonely elderly people;

13. Gerontological centers;

14. Other institutions providing social services.

According to GOST R 52498-2005, social service institutions are classified according to the following main criteria (criteria):

· Form of ownership of institutions;

· Types of institutions;

· Types of institutions;

By the form of ownership, institutions are subdivided into state and other forms of ownership (non-state).

State institutions are institutions that are the property of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and are under the jurisdiction of the state authorities of these constituent entities.

Institutions of other forms of ownership (non-state) are institutions founded by charitable, public, religious and other organizations or individual citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities in social services to the population without forming a legal entity.

Depending on the conditions in which social services are provided to the population, institutions are divided into the following types:

· Stationary;

· Semi-stationary;

· Non-stationary;

· Complex;

· Institutions of social services at home;

· Institutions of urgent social services;

· Institutions of urgent social consulting assistance.

The system of social institutions on the territory of the administrative unit of the Russian Federation should be built according to schemes that allow all citizens to ensure the availability of social services and the provision of these services in accordance with the requirements of state standards that provide a regulatory framework for the practical activities of these institutions:

1. GOST R 52142-2003 “Social services for the population. The quality of social services. General Provisions ";

2. GOST R 52143-2003 “Social services for the population. Basic types of social services ";

3. GOST R 52495-2005 “Social services for the population. Terms and Definitions";

4. GOST R 52496-2005 “Social services for the population. Quality control of social services. Basic Provisions ";

5. GOST R 52497-2005 “Social services for the population. The quality system of social service institutions ”;

6. GOST R 52498-2005 “Social services for the population. Classification of social service institutions ";

7. GOST R 52880-2007 “Social services for the population. Types of social service institutions for elderly and disabled citizens ”;

8. GOST R 52881-2007 “Social services for the population. Types of social service institutions for families and children ”;

9. GOST R 52882-2007 “Social services for the population. Special technical equipment of social service institutions ";

10. GOST R 52883-2007 “Social services for the population. Requirements for the personnel of social service institutions ";

11. GOST R 52884-2007 “Social services for the population. The procedure and conditions for the provision of social services to elderly citizens and the disabled ”;

12. GOST R 52885-2007 “Social services for the population. Social services for the family ";

13. GOST R 52886-2007 “Social services for the population. Social services for women ”.

The state standard of social services for the population is a state standard established by the national standard, an example of various aspects of the activities of social services for social services to citizens in difficult life situations.

The main types of social services include:

1. Financial assistance

2. Social patronage

3. Social services in stationary conditions

4. Provision of temporary shelter

5. Organization of day care in social service institutions

6. Advice

7. Rehabilitation services

The main functions of social services, implemented within the framework of the work of social service institutions and, in fact, serving as the basis of their mission, are:

1. Function of social assistance

2. Consulting function

3. Function of social design and rehabilitation

4. The function of informing the population, studying and forecasting social needs, within which three relatively independent directions can be distinguished:

5. The function of participation in the implementation of measures to overcome the consequences of natural disasters and social conflicts

Social services are provided on the basis of an appeal of a citizen, his guardian, trustee, another legal representative, a state authority, a local government body or a public association to the relevant bodies or institutions of social protection of the population (including institutions of other forms of ownership), which accept according to this an appeal a decision on the provision of the requested services.

When receiving social services, citizens should have the right to:

· The choice of the institution and the form of service in the manner established by the federal body for social protection of the population and the bodies of social protection of the population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

· Information about their rights, obligations and conditions for the provision of social services;

· Respectful and humane attitude on the part of employees of social service institutions;

Confidentiality of personal information that has become known to an employee of a social service institution when providing social services

Protection of their rights and legitimate interests, including in court

Refusal of social services

Summing up the lecture, it is worth concluding that the activities of social institutions in the system of social services of the Russian Federation are regulated and are undergoing state standardization of both the types of institutions and the quality of social services provided.

The foundations of the system of social services for various categories of the population in our country are laid down in a number of laws, federal and regional programs. First of all - in the law "On the fundamentals of social services for the population of the Russian Federation" (1995) and the law "On social services for elderly and disabled citizens" (1995), in the federal programs "Children of Russia", "Children with disabilities", "Development of social services for families and children ”and others.

Now we can already state that new professions have taken root in our country - social work and social pedagogy, and a new system of social service institutions for the population. The main place among social service institutions is occupied by institutions of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation:

Family social service institutions;

Social service institutions for the elderly and disabled;

Departments of social assistance at home;

Urgent social assistance services;

Territorial social centers.

Among the listed institutions, in terms of their importance (not in number), territorial social centers come out on top as comprehensive institutions to provide assistance to those in need (first of all, pensioners, disabled people, low-income families). Moreover, there is a tendency, which is expressed in the desire of each primary territorial-administrative unit (district, small city) to have its own center of social services.

The real number of such centers depends, first of all, on the material and financial capabilities of local authorities. A feature of the territorial centers of social services is that by the nature of their activities, they are institutions of a complex type, in their composition various types of services and departments performing specific functions can be organized. So, according to the Model Regulations on the Center for Social Services, approved by the Ministry of Social Protection of Russia (1993), the following departments and services can be opened in the center of social services:

Day care department (created to serve at least 30 people);

Department of social assistance at home (created to serve at least 60 pensioners and disabled people living in rural areas, and at least 120 pensioners and disabled people in urban areas);

Urgent social assistance service (designed to provide emergency assistance of a one-time nature).

In the day care department, the following positions are provided: head of the department, nurse, cultural organizer (with the performance of the duties of a librarian), an instructor in occupational therapy (if there are workshops or subsidiary farming), a hostess sister, a barman and others.

In the department of social assistance at home - the head of the department, social worker (specialist in social work) - 1.0 rate for 8 people served in urban areas and 1.0 for 4 people. - in rural areas, a car driver (if there is a car).

In the urgent social assistance service - the head of the service, psychologist, lawyer, social work specialist (2 units), social worker (1 unit), car driver (if there is a car).

Of course, specialized departments or services can be created in addition to social service centers, directly by the social protection authorities. Many of these services or branches were opened even before territorial social service centers began to function in a particular area.

Along with the institutions of social services of the system of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, there are institutions of other departments (branch, trade union, youth, etc.). So, for example, in every region of Russia there are social services for youth.

Various specialized (non-profit) social service centers are being organized on the territory of local authorities. These can be centers for the provision of social and legal services for employment (founders: a municipal (territorial) body and several commercial organizations), and rehabilitation centers for the disabled and orphans (founders: a territorial body, a committee for family and youth affairs, public and commercial organizations ) and etc.

It should be emphasized that permission to conduct social protection activities on their territory by various departments and commercial structures is given by the relevant bodies of social protection and local self-government. At the same time, a municipal body, as a legal entity that gives permission for social protection activities on its territory, can act in several persons: both as one of the co-founders of a social institution, organized on the initiative of various departments and public associations, and as the initiator and coordinator of the majority socio-cultural actions in the subordinate territory.


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