Rostec procurement platform. Electronic trading platform ETPRF. Working with the ETPRF trading platform

ETPRF is the official electronic platform of Rostec and PJSC Transneft. To start working on it, you need to go through three stages: get an EDS, set up a workplace and register.

In this article:

Accreditation for ETPRF

To register, go to the main page of the electronic platform, then in the top menu click on the "Registration" link. If all the computer settings are in order, you can fill out the form. The first step is to select the digital certificate of the authorized user of the organization. The system will check the correctness of the EDS key and the authority of its owner.

To continue registration, select the role of the company (customer or supplier) and proceed to filling out the information. Please note that you can go directly to accelerated accreditation on the ETPRF electronic trading platform. To do this, check the “Expedited request for accreditation” checkbox and attach a payment order with the bank's mark on the payment of the accelerated procedure. In this case, the verification of the application will take about an hour instead of several days.

In the "Requisites" section, indicate the payment details of the organization to which the operator will return the money for securing the application. After filling in the information about the company, go to the "Files" section and attach the documents for accreditation. After attaching all the required papers, the red text will disappear.

To register you will need:

  • copy of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • copies of constituent documents;
  • copies of documents confirming the authority of the company representative;
  • power of attorney;
  • copies of documents confirming the authority of the head;
  • a decision to approve or complete a major transaction.

Next, go to the "User identification data" tab, where you should enter your login and password. After completing the remaining required forms, press the "Submit for review" button. When the operator verifies the application, he will send a notification.

Site rates

The cost of work on the Rostec electronic trading platform depends on the initial order amount. The operator can change the form of payment, the amount of the subscription cost and / or the amount of the commission for individual purchases. For example, with an initial contract price of up to 150 thousand rubles. work on the electronic trading platform will be free, from 1 million to 1.5 million - 6 thousand rubles. etc.


In the personal account of the electronic trading platform "Russian Technologies", customers can generate reports on the results of the purchase. To create a document, click the "Add" button, a general report form will open. After clicking on the "Start editing" button in this form, you can select the required type of reporting and attach a document. All contracts are kept in a separate register at the site. In the section "Register of contracts", the customer can add information about the execution, termination of the document, about the subcontractor, and make some changes.

For example, to report on the performance of the contract, open the document card and click on the button "Add performance of the contract". A form for filling out will open. In the "General information" tab, set the values \u200b\u200bin the fields "The execution of the contract is completed" and "During the execution of the contract, penalties (fines, penalties) were charged." In the "Information on the execution of the contract" tab, click on the "Add" button and fill in the appropriate form. At the end click on "Save" and "Submit for Review".

How to work for a customer

Let's consider how to work at the Rostec tender site. To create a universal purchase, in your personal account in the navigation panel, select the section "Universal purchase" and click on the button "Create notification based on". After choosing one of the templates, an electronic notification form will open. Click on the "Start Editing" button and fill in all the tabs marked with exclamation marks.

The first section is "General Information". Here the customer specifies information about the short name of the purchase, chooses the need to integrate the notification into the Unified Information System. The tab "Organizer Details" contains information about the procurement organization. Then go to the tab "Stages of the procurement" and specify the timing of the procurement and the date of summing up.

Next section - "Subject of the lot". Here the customer places information about the subject of the lot (agreement), information about the NMC, requirements for securing the application for participation and securing the execution of the contract. In the "Documents" tab, place the documents for purchase. To attach a document, click on the "Add file" button. There is also a tab "Invited participants", it serves to invite potential participants.

How to find and invite a participant to the ETPRF? In the notice, include a list of suppliers. After the document is published, an automatic invitation will be sent to the participants on this tab. If the customer wants to invite companies from the register of qualifying selection (KO), he should click on the button "Add participants from the register of KO". To save the completed notification, click on the "Save" button at the top of the electronic notification card.

How to work on the ETP

Oksana Balandina, Chief Editor of the State Order System

Each site has an open and closed area. The open part is available to everyone. The closed part is a personal account, into which the customer enters by login and password or using an electronic signature.

The government has established uniform and additional requirements for all sites where purchases take place under 44-FZ. Each of the eight sites, without exception, must comply with the requirements. Therefore, in terms of government requirements, all sites are equal, there is no better or worse. For example, each new ETP, which is accredited by the Government, is obliged to provide more than 10 thousand electronic procedures per day and the ability to submit 1000 proposals at the contract price per second.

The ETPRF (Electronic Trading Platform) platform was formed in 2011 to conduct trades for legal entities in accordance with 223-FZ.

The main organizers of the auction are OJSC AK Transneft, GK Rostec and their subsidiaries (more than 500 organizations in the country), JSC Rosselkhozbank.

All types of trading are held on the ETPRF trading floor:

  • contests
  • auctions
  • requests for quotations
  • requests for proposals
  • purchases from a single supplier
  • competitive negotiations

Here, a unified database of non-state secrets transactions made by Rostec State Corporation is being formed.

Participation cost, tariffs

ETPRF has no subscription and registration fees. You pay only for participation in specific tenders.

Payment for services is carried out depending on the initial purchase price.

  • from 0 to 50,000 rubles - free
  • from 50,000 to 100,000 - 500 rubles
  • from 100,000 to 300,000 - 2,500 rubles
  • from 300,000 to 500,000 - 3,000 rubles

How to order an electronic signature for the ETPRF

To participate in electronic procurement on the ETPRF trading platform, you need a qualified electronic signature.

To get it, please send the following application.

After submitting the application, a certification center specialist will contact you within 30 minutes. He will clarify all the questions and send the contract and invoice to the digital signature.

EDS cost for the "Electronic Trading Platform"

EDS price for participation on the ETPRF ETP - 4500 rubles.

You may also need (if you are participating in electronic trading for the first time):

  • license for the CryptoPro CSP program (1200 rubles)
  • Copy-protected USB token (flash drive), on which an electronic signature is written (1200 rubles)

EDS is issued and valid for 1 year from the date of production.

You can also work with this electronic signature in other commercial procurement systems.

Bidder registration

  1. To register on the electronic platform of the ETPRF, you must go to the tab "Login to the ETP" - "Registration".
  2. The next step is to automatically configure the workplace by running the script.
  3. After setting up the computer, you should click on the "Continue registration" button and fill out the accreditation request form that opens.
  4. This request must be signed with your EDS and sent. The operator of the ETPRF.RU site can carry out accelerated accreditation within 1 working hour (the cost of the service is 4500 rubles).

A package of necessary documents for accreditation:

  • order or decision to appoint a director
  • if the EDS is issued for an employee, and not for the director, it is necessary to attach a power of attorney for this employee according to the sample

Documents to be uploaded to the section "Copies of documents confirming the authority of a person to obtain accreditation on behalf of a participant in an order placement":

  • if the EDS belongs to the director, then you should download the "Decision of the general meeting on the appointment of the head to the position", or "Order of appointment"
  • if the EDS belongs to the employee, then the "Power of Attorney" for this employee

Site features

At all large electronic platforms, all procedures are fairly standardized, and at the legislative level. Therefore, all the differences lie in additional services provided to the customer.

Integration with the site

One of these additional services is the deep integration of the ETPRF ETP with customers under 223-FZ do not even need to create a personal account on All actions for organizing purchases in the electronic platform ETPRF are automatically broadcast to

Checking counterparties

During the preparation of the protocol on the site, the customer has the opportunity to obtain information about the supplier from the database of tax authorities, about his legal proceedings. The service is free and incorporated into the site's functionality.

Also available are microcredit services, procurement notification services, auction training, statistics - all of which are also free.

Site instructions

For all questions, you can also contact the multichannel phone 8 800 7000 369 and Email [email protected].

Site statistics ETPRF.RU

At the moment on the site:

  • placed 223,000 purchases
  • 200,000 registered suppliers
  • 76,000 registered customers.

For 2013, more than 90 thousand purchases were made for more than 104 billion rubles.

A struggle broke out between the Ministry of Economic Development, Rostec and electronic trading platforms for government orders for the right to create a catalog of goods.Its creation should make life easier for government customers, state-owned companies, suppliers and controllers

The catalog of goods was conceived as a mechanism that would make life easier for government customers, state-owned companies, suppliers and controllers. It solves one of the purchasing problems when the same product is named differently and the choice of name is unpredictable. The existing purchasing system without a catalog is like going to a store blindfolded, illustrated by Evgeny Vdovin, Managing Partner of Price and Contract Solutions.

The catalog should become part of the Unified Information System (EIS) of the state order; from 2017, the procurement object will have to be indicated by the catalog, according to the law on public procurement. The catalog must be compiled and maintained according to the law of the Ministry of Economic Development. But how to maintain and use the directory will be determined by the government. The Ministry of Economic Development is preparing a draft decree on temporary rules for the catalog (Vedomosti got acquainted with the text, a federal official confirmed its authenticity). The project proposes to take as a basis the data that is already in the Moscow catalog, and instruct the Higher School of Economics to help with the development of templates for the all-Russian catalog (includes the name of the product, the code in the catalog, characteristics). According to the project, the ministry will create templates, as well as decide which goods to include in the catalog, in agreement with the Federal Antimonopoly Service, having previously reviewed it at the expert council on the catalog.

It was proposed to charge suppliers for the inclusion of goods in the catalog, when this was considered as an additional service of the information system.

In September, Rostec got interested in creating a procurement catalog. His participation in the creation of the catalog was discussed at a meeting with First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov. Rostec was included in the group for the preparation of a roadmap for the drug procurement monitoring system, recalled an employee of the press service of the state corporation. But he does not comment on plans to extend the system to other products.

Who signed

EETP General Director Anton Emelyanov, Sberbank-AST General Director Nikolai Andreev, Tatarstan Agency General Director Yakov Geller, ETS General Director Evgeny Ellinsky and President of the St. Petersburg Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange Alexei Rybnikov. In the near future, ready to sign the chairman of the board of directors of B2B Alexander Boyko, general director of "" Sergey Gabestro.

On Monday, electronic trading platforms also announced their desire to participate in the creation of the catalog (they account for more than 50% of the total government order). This is one of the points of the first joint agreement of intent (see sidebar). The platforms are ready to participate in the development of the catalog methodology and create the catalog itself, and in addition - the Unified analytical price system, using the data of their trades accumulated over five years, said Anton Yemelyanov, General Director of the Unified Electronic Trading Platform. This will allow you to see what was purchased and for how much, he explained, as well as create a benchmark for new purchases. This is an ideologically fundamentally different approach - if the state purchaser only ticks the box and chooses what he will order from the catalog available to him, then the government will not have to rack its brains about rationing, the system will automatically leave him a choice of Zhiguli or Ford Focus, explained the CEO of the Agency for state order of Tatarstan Yakov Geller.

This cooperation is not against someone, said Alexei Rybnikov, President of the St. Petersburg Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange. According to him, the creation of such a catalog can be free for the state.

The Tatarstan Agency made the catalog itself, it contains about 7000 items, the costs are 3-5 million rubles, Geller said. The B2B Center site (the largest commissioned by state-owned companies) has an electronic store with a catalog of 1 million items, said Alexander Boyko, chairman of the B2B board of directors. He does not undertake to evaluate the entire amount spent on its creation, but only the creation of an algorithm for embedding ready-made lists of names from the company into the general system cost $ 10 million, according to him. Sites may indeed agree to make a catalog without public funds, since its appearance should increase the number of positions in their catalogs and, therefore, profits, Boyko explained.

Representatives of the sites have already participated in meetings in the government to create a catalog, he noted general Director of RTS-Tender Viktor Stepanov... There were several meetings about developments with IT specialists, said Nikolai Andreev, general director of Sberbank-AST. But a representative of the Ministry of Economic Development said that "the sites will not be involved." All the data for the catalog is there, he says, the ministry collects and structures data in the EIS.

The electronic trading platform ETPRF is the trading platform of the State Corporation of the limited liability company AK Transneft and Rostec. The ETP email address is It is designed to carry out trade and procurement procedures, ensuring the possibility of constant interaction between the customer and the contractor.

To register on this site, you must enter all your reliable data to ensure constant access to all ongoing trades. After fulfilling all the conditions, you will be able to participate in profitable transactions for the purchase or sale of goods.

The activity of the ETP "ETPRF" is carried out on the basis of the following documents:

  • Of the Charter,
  • State Registration Certificate,
  • Registration certificates,
  • Regulations.

The trading platform specializes in trade and procurement procedures for legal entities.

Working with the ETPRF trading platform

The operator of the ETP is any legal entity that owns the software necessary for the operation and ensures that purchases are carried out exclusively in electronic form.

To work on the site, you must first register by creating an individual account in the automation system. Also, each user should familiarize himself with the established requirements and rules of the electronic trading platform for trading in the system.

All conditions have been created on the site for the successful work of participants in transactions that are made using an electronic document management system. Communication of participants is carried out through electronic messages (notifications), which are sent to e-mail or to the user's personal account.

Main provisions of the ETP Regulation ETPRF

The document regulating the activities of the electronic site determines the process of conducting electronic procurement, which include:

  • reduction,
  • auction,
  • request for quotes,
  • competitive negotiations in electronic form,
  • electronic tender,
  • request for proposals,
  • qualifying selection,
  • competitive negotiations (electronic),
  • purchase from a single supplier, etc.

How to use electronic documents on an electronic platform

All operations on the site are performed in the form of electronic documents signed by an EDS or by technical means of the operator. The listed documents have the same legal force as ordinary paper documents.

Documents sent as an electronic version are signed with an electronic signature (ES) of the participant who has the right to act by proxy or on behalf of the relevant organization. Electronic documents are stored - 3 years.

The operator conducting the auction on the ETP is obliged:

  • maintain the efficiency, the operation of the site in strict accordance with the law,
  • provide participants with access to procurement.

Rules for working with an electronic platform

When forming his notice, each Customer is obliged to establish a list of participants who were accredited on the trading floor. They will then be asked to participate in the selection when this notice is posted. In each case, published notices must be signed by the customer's personal electronic signature.

Moreover, each accredited participant of the system has the opportunity to send a request to the Site Operator to clarify the provisions of the documentation. He has the opportunity to attach the necessary electronic documents to this request. The application of each participant without fail requires his electronic signature.

For ETPRF site matches the key "National Treasure"


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