Job description of an assistant (assistant) to the general director, job duties of an assistant (assistant) to the general director, sample job description of an assistant (assistant) to the general director. Job Responsibilities of an Assistant

Assistant to the head - a responsible administrative position related to the provision of various kinds of assistance to the head of the enterprise, including economic, legal and technical.

In fact, an assistant manager is a secretary, a computer specialist, an employee of the personnel department, a lawyer and an economist all rolled into one. No manager can do without the first assistant, who is ready to help in the most unfavorable times for business, deliver forgotten documents on time, remind about an important meeting, listen and prompt in making the right decision.

Relevance and prospects for the development of this position

Due to the expanding ties between enterprises, active use in everyday life and work, the need to constantly be in touch with business partners, many entrepreneurs are forced to acquire assistants.

The position of an assistant is as relevant as possible in the modern world. Having undergone development from an ordinary secretary serving tea and answering calls, this profession is currently associated with great responsibility and the presence of certain knowledge.

Hold this position not only responsibly, but also very promising, since after the boss leaves for a promotion, there is an opportunity to get his place. The practical and theoretical experience gained in the position of an assistant will be the best recommendation for higher management and will help in the future to advance well in the service.

Advantages and disadvantages of working as an assistant

The position of assistant manager has both advantages and disadvantages.

TO positive aspects positions held include:

  • proximity to superiors;
  • constant access to up-to-date information;
  • the ability to be somewhat higher than other employees of the company;
  • the opportunity to meet interesting people, make new useful acquaintances;
  • work in a comfortable environment.

Negative sides The jobs of an assistant manager are:

  • frequent business trips;
  • irregular work schedule;
  • being in a stressful situation;
  • emotional breakdowns of the authorities;
  • the need to give up personal life for the sake of a career and work.

The assistant manager must have increased resistance to stress. Managers can not always cope with the emotions that arise after a bad day at work, because their assistants often fall under the hot hand.

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Requirements for applicants for this position

good helper should have knowledge in various fields. Most often, this position is occupied by specialists in the field of recruitment, persons with legal, economic, technical and humanitarian education.

It is extremely important for an executive assistant to have such qualities, how:

  • sociability;
  • self-confidence;
  • the ability to respond quickly to changing circumstances;
  • correct speech;
  • a certain rigidity;
  • firm life position.

In the event that we are talking about an enterprise in the construction, technological and other specific areas, the assistant manager must have special knowledge and skills. When choosing an assistant, special attention is paid to the candidate's knowledge of foreign languages ​​and skills in using computer programs.

Job Responsibilities


The position of an assistant is diverse, you can’t count on the fact that you can sit in the office and occasionally print out the necessary papers.

Rights and responsibilities

has the right to to sign documents on behalf of the head, if this relates to his authority. In addition, the person performing the duties of an assistant has the right to study documents related to his official duties, as well as receive information for their qualitative implementation. If necessary, he has the right to send requests to the relevant bodies and structures related to the receipt of working documents.

One of the most important rights of an assistant is the ability to demand that management create suitable working conditions for him:

  • providing a workplace;
  • equipping the workplace with a computer, fax, printer and scanner;
  • providing writing and other materials necessary for the work.
responsible for negligent or insufficient quality performance of their duties. In case of detection of offenses, the assistant bears administrative, criminal and civil liability. When causing material losses, the assistant is obliged to bear responsibility in accordance with the norms of the labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Features of the resume design

Applying for the position of Assistant Manager you must specify in a summary sent to the director of the organization:

When compiling a resume, it is necessary to unobtrusively indicate the presence of communicative qualities, the absence of emotions about the increased tone and readiness for an irregular working day.

Features of work in various fields of activity

In the public reception of the deputy

Deputy Assistant you just have to be extremely communicative. In addition, he must know the names, surnames and telephone numbers of all activists living in the district, district, district, of which his head is a deputy.

The deputy assistant must have their own base of voters, as well as a list of district problems that need to be addressed. The assistant should get to know as many useful people as possible, be ready to answer questions from the press and the public, conduct and organize negotiations.

An assistant to a deputy must be legally savvy, have a humanitarian education and an ability in psychology. You should prepare in advance for an irregular work schedule and the absence of days off.

Human Resources Department

The duties of the assistant head of human resources are to prepare, provide, print documents, answer calls received and maintain working documentation. The advantages of the position - a standardized work schedule.

Sales department

The assistant to the head of the sales department must know the basics of the trade craft, be able to find buyers and suppliers, communicate with customers and other entrepreneurs involved in the field of trade.

The main quality is sociability and stress resistance.

Artistic director

An assistant artistic director must have an artistic taste, communication skills with artists and cultural figures, the ability to handle documentation and organize presentations, exhibitions, various press releases.

The position is suitable only for people with artistic inclinations and a humanitarian mindset.

The advantages and disadvantages of working as a personal assistant to the manager are described in the following video:

Today we will consider the topic: "job description of an assistant manager", we will try to highlight the most important thing and, if necessary, an algorithm of actions. At the same time, exclusive comments of our expert are available to you. You can ask all questions in a special form after the article. Please note that before asking questions, you should carefully read the article, because most of the answers are already there.

  • The job description of an assistant manager is created to streamline labor relationships. The document outlines the functional duties, responsibilities, rights of the employee.

    The position of "assistant to the head" in different organizations can be called differently: personal assistant to the director, assistant to the head, secretary.

    Sample job description for a manager's assistant

    1. An assistant to the head is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the head of the organization.

    2. Assistant to the head reports directly to the head of the company.

    3. During the absence of the assistant head, his rights and functional duties are transferred to another official, as reported in the order for the organization.

    4. A person with a higher education and one year of similar work experience is appointed to the position of assistant manager.

    5. The assistant manager is guided in his activities by:

    • the legislation of the Russian Federation;
    • Internal labor regulations, the Charter and other regulatory acts of the company;
    • orders and directives of the management;
    • this job description.

    6. The assistant manager must know:

    • the established procedure for handling documents in the organization;
    • rules of business communication and etiquette;
    • the procedure for maintaining reporting documentation;
    • rules for the use of office equipment, means of communication;
    • the basics of working in a text editor, spreadsheets;
    • basics of office work;
    • organizational structure of the company;
    • procedure for concluding and executing contracts.

    The Assistant Manager has the following responsibilities:

    1. Planning the working day of the head: development and coordination of the schedule of meetings, visits, calls, receptions and other actions.

    2. Personal accompaniment of the head at meetings, receptions, on trips.

    3. Technical support for the work of the head: ordering tickets, transport; organization of negotiations, meetings.

    4. Keeping minutes and other documents fixing the progress and results of meetings, meetings, negotiations.

    5. Bringing to the attention of the employees of the structural divisions of the organization of instructions, orders of the management and control of their execution.

    6. Collection of information, preparation and provision of analytical, informational, reference and other reports to the management.

    7. Record keeping, receiving correspondence sent to the head.

    8. Registration of visitors for a personal appointment with the head, organization of their reception.

    9. Acceptance of documents and applications for the signature of the head, their registration, accounting and transfer to the head.

    10. Drawing up letters, requests, other documents on behalf of the management.

    11. Preparation of meetings, meetings, meetings held by the head. Collection of necessary materials, notification of participants about the time, place of their holding, agenda.

    12. Fulfillment of official instructions of the head.

    The Assistant Manager has the right to:

    1. Receive information in the amount necessary to complete the tasks.

    2. Send proposals to management to improve their work and rationalize the company's activities.

    3. Send requests to the departments of the organization (on behalf of the head or on a personal initiative) to obtain the documents necessary for the performance of his duties.

    4. Require the management of the institution to create the conditions necessary for the performance of its official duties.

    5. Make independent decisions within their competence.

    6. Have access to confidential information, in the event of a business need.

    The Assistant Manager is responsible for:

    1. Providing employees of the organization with false information.

    2. Improper performance of their official duties.

    3. Causing material damage to the organization, the state, its counterparties, employees.

    4. Violation of the deadlines for the implementation of tasks.

    5. Violation of the provisions of the organization's governing documents, decisions, ordinances.

    6. Disclosure of trade secrets, personal data, confidential information.

    7. Actions that go beyond his competence.

    8. Violation of labor discipline, safety regulations, internal labor regulations, fire protection.

    9. Violation of business etiquette, rude treatment of business partners, visitors, employees of the organization.

    Job description: requirements for the assistant manager, his powers and rights + advice on using your rights

    When forming the staff, the head of any organization must necessarily inform the hired employee about his official duties. When writing an instruction, the manager must maintain the order of its sections, the specific structure. Usually, the characteristics of the profession are described, the official position of the employee in the structure, the requirements, his rights and responsibilities are indicated. The assistant manager, like the rest of the employees of the organization, is obliged to act and comply with all the requirements of this document.

    The main resource of any organization is its employees. They contribute to the growth and prosperity of production. Good bosses value their employees. Among other significant positions, the assistant to the head stands out in particular. Duties and importance of which is difficult to overestimate. This is the right hand and chief advisor, event organizer and meeting coordinator. Without a good assistant, it will be very difficult for a top manager to manage an enterprise.

    Distinctive features and specifics of the assistant's activity

    There is no such position that would be as controversial and ambiguous in terms of requirements as an assistant manager. The duties of employees engaged in this type of activity include quite a few items. In addition, personal assistants are often confused with secretaries or office managers. These are similar but different activities.

    Responsibilities of the Assistant Manager:

    • Ensuring the boss's working day - schedule, meetings, signing documents and business trips;
    • providing a comfortable workplace for a top manager - taking care of the microclimate, cleanliness and comfort of the premises;
    • work with documents of the head, in particular with incoming letters and calls;
    • ensuring the psychological comfort of the authorities;
    • conducting initial negotiations;
    • translation;
    • providing management with stationery, etc.

    This list is much wider than secretarial and administrative duties. However, the specifics that an employee faces in the position of "personal assistant to the manager", the duties and nuances of the activity will be different for different employers.

    It happens that this is mainly secretarial work. Or the assistant is exclusively busy providing comfort and order to the boss. Some assistants are full-fledged deputies and have subordinates of their employees.

    Professional requests of the employer to the candidate for the position of "assistant manager", duties and educational requirements

    The requirements for basic education and work experience will differ, depending on the views of management. Most often, this vacancy is considered as a start in a career. However, a serious top manager will look for a person with a certain professional and life experience as an assistant.

    The minimum requirement is a secondary specialized education related to administration or jurisprudence. In addition, employers expect the following professional qualities from applicants:

    • ability to work in all office programs;
    • high speed printing;
    • literacy;
    • knowledge of at least one foreign language, most often English;
    • knowledge of the basics of programming, and non-standard computer programs;
    • ability to conduct office work and correspondence in accordance with regulatory requirements;
    • knowledge of the basics of the current legislation;
    • well-organized speech.

    This is the minimum requirement for an applicant for the position of "personal assistant to the head." Responsibilities can also be added, depending on the scope of the organization. At some enterprises, a specialized or related education is considered a prerequisite for admission to such work. In addition, additional business education or advanced training courses are considered a big plus.

    Assistant Personality Requirements

    In addition to professional, a number of personal requirements are imposed on assistants to top managers. The specifics of the position of "assistant to the head", the duties and features of the work imply a special character warehouse.

    First of all, it is:

    • stress resistance - after all, an assistant often has to be the first to take on the wrath of his superiors and listen to the discontent of his subordinates;
    • multitasking - the ability to do several things at the same time - the most valuable quality of a good assistant;
    • positive thinking - without this character trait, the assistant manager will not be able to cope with additional responsibilities, because his activities often go beyond the scope of standard business cooperation;
    • high learning ability - the desire to learn new things and understand the workflow qualitatively should be present in every good assistant.

    These are just the basic, basic character traits that every assistant manager needs for successful professional activity. But the most important personal requirement - the temperament and behavior of the chef and assistant should not be dissonant, but ideally complement each other.

    General duties of an assistant manager

    The assistant works directly with the management of the organization, performing both personal assignments and professional duties. They usually include:

    • record keeping of the head, and in some cases the entire organization. At individual enterprises, assistants manage the secretariat of the organization;
    • coordination of management activities. Scheduling business meetings, reminding superiors about events and events of various kinds;
    • conducting correspondence on behalf of the organization;
    • receiving and redistributing incoming telephone calls;
    • providing the head with all the necessary information upon request.

    Additional Responsibilities of the Executive Assistant

    A personal assistant to the head with additional duties and functions is the most common vacancy for this field of activity. Most often, management is looking for a fairly versatile employee who is capable of expanding responsibilities.

    The most common additional duties are:

    • translation from a foreign language, including during negotiations. It is not always possible for management to fully trust third-party workers, and knowledge of at least English is very useful here;
    • organization of trips of the head and accompaniment on trips. Such activity assumes that the assistant will take care of all everyday moments: movement, ordering a taxi and hotels, catering and paperwork;
    • accompaniment of superiors to protocol events;
    • household services.

    This list is far from complete. Most often, it is quite difficult to unequivocally answer the question of what is the responsibility of an assistant manager? This activity is very diverse. Each boss makes his own demands, the main thing is to make sure that all of them are within the law.

    Working hours of the personal assistant

    One of the main features of this activity is the dependence of the employee's working hours on the management. Of course, the standard working day is eight hours. In fact, the assistants compare their regime with the authorities.

    This “blurring” of working hours, and the need to always keep in touch with management, often deters graduates from these vacancies. In fact, you have to work no more than in any other place. It's just that the time of rest and work becomes fickle.

    Job description assistant manager

    The structure of the position "assistant to the head", duties, requirements for education and work experience should be spelled out in the job description. This is a document that provides transparency of management requirements and easy control over the performance of employee duties.

    The job description is of a normative nature and is mandatory for execution. This document spells out all the subtleties of the work of an assistant manager. It's practically a guide to action. The document includes not only duties, but also rights, responsibilities and features of resolving labor disputes.

    In connection with the specifics of the activity of the assistant manager, the preparation of his job description should be treated with special attention. Be sure to prescribe the features of work, the nuances of organizing work and rest time, compensation for overtime.

    It is necessary to distinguish the job description of an assistant from the same document for the position of "assistant project manager". The duties of the latter are often temporary, like the work itself.

    In addition, the title of the position should be clearly stated in the job description. Most often they indicate "secretary", "secretary-referent", "direction manager". Please ensure that this entry complies with current regulations and is up to date.

    What to include in an executive assistant resume

    The position of personal assistant is a great start for a graduate career. Thus, you can get your first job and get an incomparable professional experience. However, for applicants with experience, this vacancy may seem interesting. Especially if you are planning to change the field of activity.

    Knowing the main duties of an assistant manager, it is not difficult to write a resume. This document assumes that you have read the theoretical part of the question and are ready to get started. Carefully study the requirements for the applicant and start writing the text.

    Information that must be indicated in the resume for the vacancy of "assistant" or "personal assistant to the head":

    1. Full name, surname and patronymic, only the first two are allowed in a resume for a foreign company.
    2. Family status. This is a mandatory item - the position of an assistant often involves irregular working hours. You need to be sure that such a schedule will not adversely affect family responsibilities.
    3. Education. Listed in chronological order. If you are still studying, be sure to make a note of how long it will take to complete. Often, employers take final-year students as assistants, with subsequent career advancement. Here, indicate the knowledge of a foreign language and the level of proficiency in it.
    4. Work experience. Point from the last. If you don't already have one, please list your volunteer projects, participation in social activities or trade union organizations, training practices and other relevant activities. If you can’t provide anything, take a testimonial from the graduating department and write that you are ready to provide it.
    5. Personal characteristics. Give yourself the most honest assessment possible. Describe the character from the point of view of classical psychology and be sure to note your strengths and weaknesses.
    6. Additional information. Here you should write why the employer should choose you from other applicants. In addition, be sure to include additional skills, such as having a driver's license. Even at this point it will be useful to write about the availability of additional education, advanced training courses, business education.
    7. Contacts. Leave as many ways as possible to contact you: cell and home phone, email address, Skype, a link to a page on a social network. Provide only up-to-date information.

    A well-written resume will not go unnoticed by the employer.

    Responsibilities of the Assistant Department Manager

    Typically, job seekers are looking for a job as a personal assistant to an executive. But it is easier to start promotion in this career niche, from the position of "assistant to the head of sales." The duties of this employee are not so voluminous, but the experience and prospects are incomparably greater.

    The main difference between the assistants to the heads of departments is their more specific and narrowly focused activities. They perform work related to a particular area of ​​production or management. This experience is invaluable for further career advancement.

    The duties of an assistant to the head of the department include everything the same as those of the head of the enterprise. But there is also a special feature:

    • the need to thoroughly know the essence of the production, management or sales process of the unit;
    • communicate with assistants from other departments and the assistant general director;
    • Maintain departmental documentation.

    Personal Assistant Career Opportunity

    Young people see this position as a career start. However, it is necessary to distinguish what kind of promotion you want. Horizontal or vertical? At this enterprise, or is this just the beginning of a future resume? The answers to these questions also determine the strategy for further action.

    Management appreciates good assistants, and this, unfortunately, has a bad effect on their career growth. The boss does not want to let go of the ideal employee, agrees to raise wages and gives additional benefits - this is a variant of a horizontal career. Most common among personal assistants.

    The easiest way to move up the career ladder in a particular organization is from the position of assistant to the head of the department. Such positions are often taken with the prospect of getting to know the employee better and training. If you want a vertical career, then this is your path.

    The position of assistant manager is not visible to the outside, but very significant for the organization. A competent assistant is able to improve the performance of the authorities and thus ensure more profit for the enterprise.

    Job description assistant manager - a document that clearly defines the specifics of the tasks performed by the employee in the relevant position, since it can include a wide range of duties. What to look for when compiling instructions, we will tell in our article.

    What is an Assistant Manager

    The position of "assistant to the CEO" can involve very different job functions. An employee of the company occupying it, in practice, can be:

    • the actual deputy head of the company for certain groups of issues (for example, legal);
    • director's personal secretary.

    Let's study the features of the instructions for each of the positions in more detail.

    Job description of Assistant General Director (Deputy)

    In the instructions of the assistant director for a certain group of issues, it is first of all recorded that this employee:

    • belongs to the category of leaders;
    • reports directly to the CEO.

    In terms of his powers, such a specialist is actually equal to the deputy head of the company. This employee is subject to fairly high qualification requirements:

    • the presence of higher education in the profile of special issues (for example, legal);
    • long-term work experience - 3 years or more.

    In addition, the instructions for this specialist indicate a list of sources that he should be guided by. As a rule, this is a very complex set of documents: it may include regulatory legal acts related to both general and special legislation in the field of the company's activities, local acts, methodological, educational materials, sources reflecting law enforcement practice.

    The assistant director for a special group of issues often has other employees subordinate, has a lot of authority to organize business events, issue orders and instructions, and monitor the work of various departments of the company.

    Personal assistant director's manual

    The position of assistant manager may also correspond to the position of a secretary who performs work in the reception.

    IN assistant manager job description, which performs this function, it can be fixed that it:

    • belongs to the category of specialists;
    • reports not only to the general director, but also to the head of the service responsible for personnel management, in terms of secretarial functions.

    Thus, an assistant director in the status of a secretary has disproportionately less authority than a specialist who, in terms of his labor functions, corresponds to a deputy general director. This predetermines significantly less stringent qualification requirements for this employee. As a rule, to occupy a position, it is enough for him to have a secondary education, and the requirements for work experience for a secretary may not be established in principle.

    The list of sources that the secretary should be guided by is also significantly narrower than in the case of the actual deputy director. As a rule, we are talking about general legal norms, as well as local acts that directly regulate the work of the secretary.

    The assistant to the general director of the company, who performs the labor function of a secretary, most often does not have other employees subordinate to him. However, he may be empowered to send requests and orders to other employees, if necessary for the performance of his labor functions.

    Where to download a sample assistant director job description

    Since in practice an assistant to the head of a company can be understood as either his deputy or secretary (2 positions that are dissimilar in terms of labor functions and powers), we provide sample instructions for employees holding each of these positions.

    In the article, we will consider the job responsibilities of a personal assistant. We will tell you what qualities are necessary to successfully cope with this job.

    Related materials:

    Who is a personal assistant to the head

    The position of assistant manager in the Russian labor market arose relatively recently. Based on job responsibilities, it can be summarized that personal assistant - the same secretary of the head but with extended responsibilities.

    The fact is that the work of a personal assistant is not limited only to the duties of a secretary: they are also added, for example, to the duties of planning the manager’s schedule, organizing events, and conducting telephone conversations. We can say that the main duty of a personal assistant is to relieve the head. That is, it is the personal employee who does most of the work of the manager. The scope, of course, each boss determines individually. There are even cases when the assistant manager, in fact, replaces the boss. In most cases, the scope of duties of a personal assistant, enshrined in the job description, is much less than in practice.

    Job Responsibilities

    The duties of the assistant manager are regulated by the professional standard. This document contains a list of duties for such employees as the assistant secretary and the secretary of the head. It is known that compliance with the professional standard in companies that are not municipal and state-owned is not mandatory. However, the recommendations in this documentation are reflected in the job definitions of secretaries in private companies.

    Job description of an assistant manager, taking into account the requirements of the professional standard

    Download full document

    The professional standard does not contain such a profession as a personal assistant. However, his job responsibilities are most fully reflected in the professional standard for the secretary of the head. First of all, they are divided into 2 parts:

    1. Organizational support for the activities of the head.
    2. Documentation of the activities of the head of the organization.

    Organizational support consists of:

    • formation of a working day plan for the secretary of the head;
    • organization of receiving calls from the head;
    • preparation and servicing of various events: meetings, business meetings, meetings;
    • control over the execution of orders;
    • organizing and maintaining a functional workspace in the reception area and manager's office.

    These functions of an executive assistant are also known as administrative support, because when they are performed, the secretary actually performs administrative work.

    Mind map of the organization of the business trip of the head

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    Documentation support includes the preparation and execution of:

    • organizational documents;
    • management documentation;
    • organization of work with documents;
    • processing cases for later storage.

    Note that the assistant manager, whose duties coincide with the above, is often forced to perform a number of personal assignments. This range of responsibilities is recommended to be determined directly when applying for a job.

    Personal qualities of an assistant manager

    The tasks of an assistant manager are not easy. Therefore, the employee must be as prepared as possible for their implementation, both morally and physically. Let's look at the most important personal qualities that a personal assistant should have.

    Stress resistance. This quality is mandatory due to the large amount of work and duties of a personal assistant. Only a cold mind and the ability not to react to external stimuli or an emergency mode of work will help a personal assistant not to lose his strength at the very beginning of the working day.

    Sociability. It is known that in the waiting room of the head it is never quiet: there are always visitors waiting there, or the phone rings. And it is the assistant manager who is forced to communicate with every person who wants to get an audience with the leader. At the same time, everyone who wants to have different questions, goals and moods, you need to find a common language for all of them and win their trust. Rest assured, your manager is unlikely to be pleased if an angry client gets into his office. Therefore, in this case, the task of a personal assistant will be to prevent such situations, which is impossible in the absence of communication skills. The main thing is that sociability does not flow into talkativeness.

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    Attentiveness. This quality is of great importance in working with documents. A personal assistant should be able to assess at a glance the correctness of the design and preparation of a particular document. Moreover, the main cause of errors in documents is just inattention.

    Memory. It is known that working with documents is associated with a large number of regulations and laws, which a personal assistant must know. In addition, the reception receives a large number of calls every day, which should not be forgotten. It is also necessary to remember the names of all important partners, information about the current state of affairs, etc. All this requires the secretary to have a good memory and the ability to quickly work with information.

    What qualities are important for assistants: from the point of view of managers and assistants themselves

    What assistants and secretaries are waiting for leaders

    In addition, an effective assistant must be proactive and have developed emotional intelligence. Low emotional intelligence for an assistant manager is a contraindication for this job. Therefore, you just need to understand your emotions and be able to manage them, as well as understand the emotions of others.

    Check if you have developed emotional intelligence

    One of the important qualities for a leader in an assistant is proactivity. Such an assistant takes the initiative. He calculates one step ahead, prepares backup options, clarifies additional information and details, asks questions, makes decisions. A proactive assistant has three important skills: curiosity, responsibility, and creativity.

    Check how curious you are

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    Professional qualities of an assistant manager

    The professional qualities required in the work of a personal assistant to the head make up an impressive list. To determine them, you can also use the professional standard, which clearly displays what skills are required to perform certain job duties. So, in order to carry out organizational support for the activities of the head, a personal assistant must have many professional qualities.

    1. Understand the specifics of the production activities of the organization:
      • industry specifics;
      • patterns of interaction between the organization and the external environment.
    2. Be able to communicate with the management of the organization and its departments.
    3. Know the methods of scientific organization of labor;
      • self-management functions;
      • principles and rules of working time planning;
    4. Know how to set goals. Fundamentals of planning.
    5. Know the principles of prioritization.

    How to prioritize your development


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