Change the procurement plan for Federal Law 223. How to place a zero purchasing plan. Coordination of procurement plans

In accordance with Part 2, 3 Article 4 of the Federal Law of July 18, 2011 N223-FZ “On the procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities” (hereinafter - Law N223-FZ) customers are required to plan their purchases and place them annually in the Unified Information System. Before commissioning the UIS, all information provided Law N223-FZ, is posted on the official website of the Russian Federation on the Internet information and telecommunications network to post information on placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services (, in accordance with paragraph 10 of Article 8 of Law No. 223 -FZ (hereinafter - OOS, official website).

The procedure for forming a plan for the procurement of goods (works, services) and the requirements for the form of such a plan are established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 17, 2012 No. 932 ( further - RF PP No. 932).

The deadlines for posting the procurement plan on the official website are established by Section III of the Regulations on the posting of procurement information on the official website, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 10, 2012 No. 908 ( further - RF PP No. 908).

The procurement plan must include all procurements planned by the customer, with the exception of procurements, information about which constitutes a state secret (provided that such information is contained in the procurement notice, procurement documentation or draft contract), as well as procurements, according to which adopted a special decision of the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with Part 16 of Article 4 of Law No. 223-FZ. At the same time, the customer retains the right to independently decide whether or not to include “small purchases” in the procurement plan, the amount of which is one hundred thousand rubles or less (and if the customer’s annual revenue for the reporting financial year is more than 5 billion rubles , - five hundred thousand rubles or less).

The customer can formulate and approve a procurement plan taking into account information such as exchange rates, stock indices and other information. When forming procurement plans, the customer can be based on programs approved by him, such as:

  • Repair program (repair plan);
  • Production program, which takes into account all purchases that form the cost estimate for the production and sale of goods (works, services);
  • Investment program, including technical re-equipment and reconstruction, including in the field of information technology, new construction;
  • Other programs.

The procurement plan must be formed for one calendar year (Part 1, Article 4 of Law No. 223-FZ), but there is one exception for customers purchasing innovative or high-tech products, as well as medicines. Such customers, in addition to annual procurement plans, must form separate long-term procurement plans (see table 1).

Table 1.

Despite the fact that procurement plans must be approved for one year, and for innovative, high-tech products and medicines for a longer period, the number of adjustments to procurement plans during the year is not limited.

Adjustments to the procurement plan can be carried out, as in the cases established by RF PP No. 932:

  • changes in the need for goods (works, services), including the timing of acquisition, the method of procurement and the deadline for execution of the contract;
  • a change of more than 10 percent in the cost of goods (works, services) planned for purchase, identified as a result of preparation for the specific procurement procedure, as a result of which it is impossible to carry out the purchase in accordance with the planned amount of funds provided for in the purchase plan;

So in other cases:

  • when there is a need to purchase goods, works, services not provided for in the procurement plans, including in connection with the involvement during the execution of a contract under which the Customer is a supplier (performer, contractor), other persons to fulfill those stipulated by the contract, other persons to fulfill those stipulated contract of obligations of the Customer;
  • if there is a need to change procurement information specified in the procurement plans;
  • in other cases established by the procurement regulations and other customer documents.

The last of the above reasons for making changes to the procurement plan should be paid close attention, since in the absence of appropriate references in the procurement regulations, it will be impossible to make changes to the procurement plan already approved by the customer in terms of, for example, corrections of OKVED codes, OKDP planned for procurement products in terms of procurement in electronic form and others.

Important! If the purchase of products is planned to be carried out through bidding (competition or auction), changes to the procurement plan must be made no later than the posting of the procurement notice and procurement documentation or changes made to them on the official website.

The procedure for posting information on changes to the procurement plan on the official website is contained in pp. 18-19 RF PP No. 908

To post information about changes to the Procurement Plan, the customer’s representative:

  1. Places a procurement plan in a closed part of the official website (hereinafter referred to as the structured type of the procurement plan) or places an electronic version of the procurement plan (i.e., an updated version of the Procurement Plan) in a closed part of the official website.
  2. If necessary, together with the structured view of the procurement plan, places the procurement plan in the form of a graphic image of its original (hereinafter referred to as the graphical view of the procurement plan).
  3. Places an electronic form of a document containing a list of changes made in accordance with clause 5 of the RF PP No. 908.

The type of document containing the list of changes made is compiled in any form in electronic form (the concept of “ ” is given in clause 9 of RF PP No. 908).

A possible version of a document containing a list of changes made:

In accordance with clause 5 of the Regulations on posting procurement information on the official website,

"On approval of the Regulations on posting procurement information on the official website",

changes to the procurement information posted on the official website are carried out in accordance with these Regulations with the posting of a document containing a list of changes made.


(information to which the Customer makes changes is indicated)

  1. The procurement method under No. 13 “Request for price proposals” has been changed to “Request for proposals”;
  2. Purchase No. 100 is excluded from the procurement plan;

(All changes are indicated: those that were made in the form of the site, and those that were made in the attached documents in electronic form. The changes should be described in such a way that it is clearly clear what and where was replaced/added/excluded. Requirements for registration There is no file. It is possible to use tabular presentation of information.)

Information compiled using the functionality of the official website must match the information posted on the official website contained in documents in electronic form. Based on clause 9 of Part I of RF PP No. 908, in the event of a discrepancy, information compiled using the functionality of the official website is considered priority.

In accordance with clause 4 of the RF PP No. 908, changes in the procurement plan are considered to be posted on the official website properly after they are posted in the public part of the official website and the document containing the specified information is signed with a qualified certificate of the electronic signature verification key (hereinafter referred to as the electronic signature) of the person , authorized to post information on the official website on behalf of the customer (hereinafter referred to as the customer’s representative), in the closed part of the official site, access to which is carried out using an electronic signature, after registration on the official website in the manner established by the federal executive body authorized by the Government Russian Federation to maintain the official website (hereinafter referred to as the closed part of the official website, the authorized body).

Let's consider the algorithm of work on the official website:

1. In the closed part of the official website, the customer’s representative, using an electronic signature, logs into his Personal Account on the main page of the procurement site:

2. Next, you need to click on the “Register of procurement plans” link on the left side of the screen and the register of the organization’s annual procurement plans appears in the working window, hover over the context menu icon and select “Project of Changes”.

3. Filling out the “Project of Changes” tab: the basic information from the procurement plan, previously entered in the closed part of the official website when posting the procurement plan, is entered automatically. If necessary, information is updated. In manual mode, empty fields are filled in: justification for making changes (1), date of approval of the procurement plan (2). The information under the asterisk is required. After filling in all the required information, click the “Next” button (3).

Important! The date of approval of the plan implies the date of approval of changes, and it is from this date that the system calculates the period (within 10 calendar days) for posting information about changes to the plan on the official website in accordance with section 3, clause 14 of RF PP No. 908.

  1. select the path to the file (link “Browse”);
  2. upload the selected file to the website using the “Attach” button;
  3. uploaded files are included in the list of attached files;
  4. In documents from the previous version, indicate relevance;
  5. To save the changes made to the “Change Project” tab, click the “Save” button.

5. Changes are published in the “All information” tab in the “PURCHASE PLANS REGISTER” by hovering the cursor over the context menu icon (select “Publish”). At the project stage, it is also possible to edit and delete draft changes; after signing with an electronic signature (i.e. publishing on the official website), this will not be possible. After signing, it will only be possible to edit documents by creating new versions, while previous editions will be in the public domain (clause 6 of RF PP No. 908) . U Providing information from the official website is possible only on the basis of an order from the executive authority authorized to monitor compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law, or by a court decision (Part 7 of the RF PP No. 908).

It is also worth noting that on May 16, 2014, the changes made to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) by Federal Law dated May 5, 2014 N 122-FZ (hereinafter referred to as the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) came into force. Law N122-FZ). In accordance with them, administrative liability is provided for violations of the legislation on the procurement of goods (works, services) by certain types of legal entities.

The main type of administrative punishment applied when committing these violations is a fine. In some cases, disqualification is applied.

Below are the elements of administrative offenses in the field of procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities, which may be applicable within the framework of the topic we are considering, in case of violations.


Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation

Composition of an administrative offense

Subject of an administrative offense

Amount of fine

Statute of limitations for bringing to administrative liability

Violation of the terms provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities in the UIS in the field of procurement of information on the procurement of goods, works, services, the placement of which is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities, except for the cases provided for in Part 6 of Article 7.32.3


from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles.


from 10,000 to 30,000 rub.

Failure to post in the Unified Information System in the field of procurement information on the procurement of goods, works, services, the placement of which is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of procurement of goods, works, services by certain types of legal entities


from 30,000 to 50,000 rub.

1 year from the date of commission of the administrative offense


from 100,000 to 300,000 rubles.

Customers have the right to make changes to procurement plans as many times as required (if necessary, every day). In this case, you do not need to wait 10 days to place a purchase; you can publish it on the same day, unless otherwise established by the customer’s Procurement Regulations.

Thus, customers under 223-FZ can make changes to the plan in cases provided for by Government Decree 932 and the customer’s local regulations.

Reading time: 10 min

Procurements carried out by enterprises with a high share of state participation are carried out in accordance with Law No. 223-FZ. Drawing up and placing in the public domain a plan for such procurement is a necessary procedure for the customer, and the procedure for drawing up the plan depends on the initial price of the contract with the contractor, the procurement objects and the methods of its implementation.

Dear readers! Each case is individual, so check with our lawyers for more information.Calls are free.

The concept and methods of forming a procurement plan

Depending on the procurement objects, there are two main options for creating a procurement plan under 223-FZ:

  • for a period of at least one year;
  • for a period of 5 to 7 years.

For a period of 5-7 years, a plan is formed if the procurement objects are innovative or high-tech goods or services, as well as medicines. Otherwise, the minimum plan duration is one year.

The procedure for drawing up a procurement plan depends on the method of its implementation, the main methods include:

  • agreement with .

The procurement plan for a limited number of persons is not posted in the Unified Information System.

Splitting of purchases

It is important to take into account that the customer may not include purchases worth less than 100,000 rubles in the plan, and if the organization’s annual profit exceeds 5 billion rubles, then the plan may not include purchases worth up to 0.5 million rubles (Part 15, Article 4 of the Law No. 223).

In this regard, customers often split purchases, that is, divide one large purchase into several smaller ones, for each of which contracts are below 100,000 rubles, in order not to include such purchases in the plan and determine the contractor at their discretion.

Control authorities identify the following signs of fragmentation of procurement:

  • presence of several purchases one and the same ;
  • identical conditions for a number of small purchases from one customer;
  • choice of the same for several similar purchases in a non-competitive way.

Customers can justify signs of fragmentation by the need for different delivery times for one product or the monopoly of the current contractor on the market. It is important to take into account that unjustified fragmentation can lead to administrative liability in the form of a fine in the amount of 30,000 rubles (Article 7.29 of the Administrative Code).

Formation instructions

The creation and publication of a procurement plan occurs in the following order:

  1. The customer determines the volume of required goods, works or services, as well as their delivery times.
  2. Procurement regulations are being developed for the next calendar year.
  3. Based on the regulations, a procurement plan is drawn up and approved.
  4. The procurement plan is posted in.
  5. If necessary, amendments are made to the plan.

The customer must publish the plan in the Unified Information System within 10 days after signing the order approving such a plan, and the plan for the next year must be published before December 31 of the previous year (clause 14 of Resolution No. 908).

The following information must be included in the plan:

  • contact details and details;
  • plan number year to date;
  • subject of each purchase;
  • descriptions of procurement objects(goods, works or services);
  • units procurement objects;
  • delivery region;
  • procurement method and starting price(if necessary);
  • terms of the contract;
  • nature of the purchase(with or without involvement);
  • information about the presence in the list of medicinal products or innovative products;
  • information about participation in the procurement of small or.

The subject of procurement must be the provision of services, supply of goods or performance of work. Descriptions of procurement objects must allow them to be unambiguously identified; objects on the procurement portal (KTRU) or information from the All-Russian Product Classifier (OKPD 2) are used as a template for the description.

It is important to know that when creating a procurement plan for high-tech or innovative goods, as well as medicines involving small and medium-sized businesses as executors, the draft plan is checked and assessed by control authorities for compliance with legislative standards (clause 4.1 of Resolution No. 932).

The plan should be divided into periods equal to a quarter or a month. Purchases with a starting price below 100,000 rubles should be marked in the plan with zero values, indicating only the number and date of purchase.

Procedure for making changes

  • when needs change in goods or services;
  • when the required deadlines change order execution;
  • when the cost changes necessary objects by more than 10%;
  • in other cases provided for by the Procurement Regulations.

If, when preparing for the purchase and calculating the initial price, it turns out that the increase in the cost of purchased goods on the market does not allow meeting the planned expenses, the plan is adjusted in accordance with paragraphs. "b" clause 8 of Resolution No. 932.

The justification for the changes made is indicated in the plan, if provided for in the Procurement Regulations.

Changes can be published in the Unified Information System within 10 days after signing the order to adjust the plan. If the procurement is carried out in the form of a competition or auction, then changes to the plan after the publication of the final version of the procurement notice are not allowed (clause 9 of Resolution No. 932).

The electronic procurement plan reflects basic information about the number of items the customer needs, their characteristics and delivery time. You can avoid errors when placing a procurement plan by providing a detailed description of all items in the standard form of the plan, taking into account the requirements of procurement legislation.

In accordance with the requirements of procurement legislation, the customer is obliged to timely post information about tenders planned for holding next year. It does not matter under which federal law it works: No. 44 or No. 223. Violation of the deadlines for posting the PP and schedules may entail administrative liability for the organization and officials.

However, in practice situations may arise where orders are not planned. This situation may occur, for example, in cases where:

  • the organization purchases in accordance with Law No. 223 from extra-budgetary funds, grants, etc. (Article 15 of Law No. 44-FZ), but in the planned year there are no such funds and, accordingly, purchases will not be carried out;
  • the customer plans only orders up to 100,000 rubles, which he has the right not to place in the Unified Information System and not to include in the PP;
  • the customer was not provided with funding for the next financial year.

A similar situation also arises for customers who do not purchase innovative and high-tech products, but, in accordance with Art. 4 of Law No. 223-FZ, are required to post a plan for such public procurement.

So, is it necessary to place planning documents in the Unified Information System in these cases?

Failure to post may be qualified by inspection authorities as a violation by the customer of the established procedure for planning and posting information. Responsibility for non-placement is provided for in Articles 7.29.3, 7.32.3 of the Administrative Code. The absence of this information in the UIS does not indicate the absence of government procurement. The way out of this situation would be to place a so-called zero PZ. In this way, the planning procedure established by law will be observed and information about the absence of tenders will be formally communicated to an indefinite number of people.

Placing a zero procurement plan under 223-FZ

Let's consider step by step how to place a zero procurement plan under 223-FZ.

Step 1. Draw up a document in paper form. We put dashes in the columns.

Step 2. We approve the document with the head of the organization or an authorized person.

Step 3. Place it in the EIS. We select the type, enter information about the planning period, the date of approval by the manager.

Step 4. If the system requires you to fill out information about government procurement, you can add dashes and zeros.

Step 5. Attach a graphic form of the document - a prepared document in Excel or Word format (not a scan).

Step 6. Sign using digital signature.

Information must be posted in the Unified Information System no later than 10 days from the date of approval by the manager. It is necessary to have time to approve and post the document before December 31 of the current year.

Sample zero procurement plan according to 223-FZ

How to place a zero procurement plan for innovative products

The PP of innovative products is formed by customers working under Law No. 223-FZ for a period of 5 to 7 years. Information must be uploaded to the EIS by December 31 of the current year.

The procedure for preparation and placement is similar to that for placing a PP:

  • prepare the document in paper form, put dashes in the appropriate columns;
  • we approve the document in paper form with the head of the organization;
  • in the “Type of procurement plan” column, select “Purchase plan for innovative products”;

  • We enter information about the planning period, approval date;
  • if necessary, fill out a structured form in the UIS (put dashes and zeros);
  • attach a graphical view of the document;
  • we sign using an electronic signature and place it in the UIS.

Customers working under the Procurement Law by certain types of legal entities must plan their procurement activities. In this material, see step-by-step instructions for preparing and posting a procurement plan under 223-FZ for 2019.

Procurement plan under 223-FZ for 2019: instructions

How to fill out a procurement plan under 223-FZ is stated in Government Decree No. 932 dated September 17, 2012. This regulatory legal act contains the requirements for plans, the necessary items that should be included in them, as well as the approved form of these documents .

Include in your plan:

  • information about the customer - name, address, contacts;
  • a serial number that is sequentially assigned to each purchase in chronological order;
  • subject of the contract;
  • procurement code indicating the section, class and subclass in accordance with OKVED 2 and OKPD 2;
  • requirements for the product set by the customer (functional, technical and quality characteristics can be indicated here);
  • data on the quantity of products and units of measurement;
  • the region in which deliveries are made, work is performed or services are provided;
  • contract price;
  • date of publication of procurement documentation in the Unified Information System;
  • contract time;
  • procurement method;
  • an indication of the form in which the procurement is carried out (electronic or not).

In addition, data on purchases from small and medium-sized businesses is entered, as well as on purchases of innovative, high-tech products and medicines.

How to create a procurement plan under 223-FZ: step-by-step instructions

To view information about procurement plans in your EIS personal account, log in and in the “Purchasing Planning” section, select “Purchasing Plans”. Next, we will give instructions on creating a procurement plan under 223-FZ for 2019.

In the registry, click on the hyperlink “Create a procurement plan”, it is located under the search block. In the “Type” field, check the box depending on the type of procurement plan: “Procurement plan for goods, works, services” or “Purchase plan for innovative products, high-tech products, medicines.” Also select the period for which the document is being created.

Check that the customer information in the “Customer Organization Information” field is correct. It loads automatically. The “Planning period” field is also filled in automatically. Complete the required Approval Date tab. Click on the "Next" button. The system will check the data and report if it finds errors.

You can add procedures on the “Procurement Plan Items” tab. To do this, click on the hyperlink "Add position". It is important to know that if you have an original posted procurement plan (for example, for 2018) with a long-term position (for example, with a contract year of 2020), when you create a document for 2019, the long-term position from the original posted plan is automatically copied into it.

Question from practice

Should a newly created autonomous institution publish a procurement plan for 2019 at the end of 2018, if the original procurement plan was published for the period from April 2018 to April 2019?

There is no obligation. Neither Law No. 223-FZ, nor Government Decree No. 932 dated September 17, 2012 contain a requirement to draw up a procurement plan within a calendar or financial year.
In this case, the customer determines the deadline for preparing the procurement plan, as well as the procedure for preparing the draft plan. Therefore, the customer can create a procurement plan in 2019 until December 31, 2020, and then switch to the plan within the calendar year. The conclusion follows from Part 2 of Article 4 of Law No. 223-FZ, paragraph 10 of the Rules from Resolution No. 932.

See more recommendations and answers to questions in the article “Planning under 223-FZ: how to create and place procurement plans in the UIS”

We proceed to filling out information about each purchase. The “Customer” field is filled in automatically. In the “Procurement type” field, check the box: “Planned” or “Actually placed”. For the “Actually posted” value, the “Notice” field is additionally displayed. Only notifications with the status “Posted” and the stages “Submission of applications”, “Work of the commission”, “Purchase completed” are available for selection, in which the organization specified in the “Customer” field appears as a customer or participant in the joint purchase of the notification lot. After selecting a purchase notice, the “Lot” field is displayed. From the drop-down list, select the required lot of the notice selected in the “Notice” field. To continue generating the procurement plan item, click on the “Continue” button.

The “Information about the procurement plan position” tab is filled in automatically by the system. In the fields “Date of posting of notice” and “Term of execution of the contract”, set the required periods. In field "Procurement method" Select the type of procedure from the drop-down list. If necessary, check the boxes “Purchase, the participants of which are only small and medium-sized businesses”, “Purchase of goods, works, services that meet the criteria for being classified as innovative products, high-tech products”.

Next, fill out the fields in the “Information about the subject of the agreement” section. In the “Information about purchased goods, works, services” block in the “Method of specifying the region of delivery” field, check one of two fields: “Single for all goods, works, services” or “Separate for each product, work, service” in depending on how you need to specify the delivery region method.

In the “Add position” block in the fields "OKPD 2" and "OKVED 2" Select the required codes from the directories. It is necessary to enter at least the first three digits of the OKPD2 code or at least four characters of the OKPD2 position name in order for the search to begin in the database. Select the required value and click on the “Add” hyperlink located to the right of the field. The selected value is displayed in the “OKPD2” field.

Fill in the “Quantity (volume)” and “Unit of measurement” fields. If necessary, check the “Unable to determine quantity (volume)” box.

After filling out the fields in the “Add Position” block, click on the “Add Position to Table” hyperlink. The added information is displayed in the “Goods, works, services” table.

After adding the required number of plan items on the “Procurement Plan Items” tab, click on the “Next” button. You will be taken to the “Documents” tab.

To attach a document, click on the “Browse” button, select the document, enter a file description in the appropriate input field and click on the “Attach” button.

If you need to discard unsaved data, click the “Undo recent changes” button. To complete the formation of the procurement plan, click on the button "Complete". The created procurement plan item is displayed in the list of register entries on the “Purchase Plans” page.

How to publish a procurement plan under 223-FZ on the EIS website: instructions

Let's move on to posting the procurement plan under 223-FZ for 2019. Before publication, the document must be prepared. To do this, select “Prepare for placement” in the context menu. The system checks the data and if any shortcomings are detected, warns the user. If there are no problems, you will be transferred to the “On placement” tab, where the status “Ready for placement” will appear.

If any violations are detected, the procurement plan goes to the “On placement” tab in the “Preparation for placement” status. To confirm the publication of the plan, click on the “Post” button. The system displays a printed form of procurement plan information. Click on the “Sign” button, after which all information will be successfully posted. The placement status will change to “Posted”.

How to make changes to the procurement plan under 223-FZ: step-by-step instructions

To make changes, select the procurement plan and click on the “Create draft changes” tab in the menu. Make edits and provide reasons for making changes. The further procedure is similar to that described above. In the required field “Reason for changes”, check the current reason.

When selecting the line “Other case established by the procurement regulations and other customer documents”, the required field “Rationale for changes” is additionally displayed, which must be filled out. After making changes, click on the “Finish” button. The position will change to the “Changed” status.

Procurement plan under 223-FZ: placement dates for 2019

The customer determines the deadline for preparing the procurement plan independently, taking into account the requirements of his position, as well as regulatory legal acts. It is important to comply with the periods established by law: place the plan in the Unified Information System within 10 days from the date of approval by management, but no later than December 31.

Attached files

  • Procurement plan form according to 223-FZ.docx

The form of the procurement plan is established by Government Decree No. 932 of September 17, 2012 “On approval of the rules for the formation of a plan for the procurement of goods (works, services) and requirements for the form of such a plan.” IN procurement plan must contain the necessary information about procurement for the customer. So the procurement plan 223 Federal Law 2013 must contain a list of the following information:

  1. Customer details
  • Name
  • Address
  • Telephone
  • Email
  • Plan serial number
  • Subject of the contract with OKDP and OKVED codes
  • Requirements for purchased goods (works, services)
  • Unit of measurement of goods (works, services) according to OKEI code
  • Volume of goods (works, services)
  • Region of receipt of goods, works, services by OKATO code
  • Lot price
  • Planned publication date of the procurement notice
  • Duration of the contract
  • Purchasing method
  • Indicate whether the purchase is a type of electronic trading
  • Not included in the procurement plan under Federal Law 223:

    • Procurement determined by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation
    • Procurements constituting state secrets

    It is worth noting that the plan may not include purchases whose cost is up to 100 thousand rubles. / 500 thousand rub.

    According to government decree No. 908 of September 10, 2012 “On approval of the Regulations on the posting of procurement information on the official website,” the placement of a procurement plan or information on adjusting the plan is carried out on the CAB within 10 days from the date of approval of the document. The procurement plan must be developed and posted by the customer on the OOC by December 31 of the following year.

    Procurement plan under 223 Federal Law

    The procurement plan must include a quarterly and monthly breakdown. The plan itself should not display the order of delivery; only information about the planned month for concluding the contract should be entered there, even if the delivery will take place over the course of a year or several years. If the purchase is long-term, then the plan indicates the month in which the contract will be concluded, and the corresponding period is indicated in the contract duration column. This is necessary so that in matters of public procurement the work is correctly and clearly organized and streamlined; moreover, this approach will help to avoid possible mistakes and misunderstandings.

    Urgent purchases, for example, contract/subcontract agreements that cannot be planned, are a good basis for adjusting the procurement plan along with a change in the customer’s need for goods (services, works), a change in the price of goods by more than 10% and others approved in the regulations about procurement. The plan can be adjusted as many times as necessary if the procurement regulations themselves do not contain information about such actions. Absolutely any change in this area should be immediately reflected in the documentation. Otherwise, problems may arise again if the changes that have occurred are not indicated in time.

    Features of the procurement plan 223 laws

    After the entry into force of Federal Law 223 on procurement, the most difficult issue in the work of customers will be the formation, or rather, the subsequent change of the procurement plan, since all changes in procurement must be immediately included in the corresponding plan and added to the official website. Posting all the necessary information on the website is a way to make government auctions open, fair and accessible. And this, as you know, is the most important thing in this matter, since it is precisely the part of state trade that accounts for the largest number of all kinds of fraud.

    In turn, changes to the procurement plan (purchase plan 223 Federal Law 2013) must be agreed upon and also approved by the company’s management. Since the public sector currently hosts a huge number of procurement procedures every day, the number of changes indicated in the procurement plan will be quite large. Otherwise, mistakes and misunderstandings cannot be avoided. The structure of public procurement is a complex mechanism that includes a huge number of organizations and enterprises, and the outcome of the entire procedure depends on the work of each of them. Therefore, before you start cooperating with government customers, soberly assess your strengths, because you will have to work hard if you want to make a profit.


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