How to cut a goat into portions. Rules for slaughtering sheep and goats. Canning skins Goat slaughter

It has always been considered a profitable business. These unpretentious domestic animals give milk, meat, skins. By combing out downy breeds, a sufficient amount of valuable wool is obtained. There are varieties of meat goats. They differ from dairy ones in a rounded body and low milk yield. Goat meat is very much appreciated by many gourmets, and its composition is useful. Microelements and amino acids in it are easily absorbed. Growing a goat, everyone is well aware of the storehouse of vitamins in its meat. But not everyone knows how to properly butcher an animal in order to get odorless goat meat.

Preparatory stage

A month before the slaughter of goats, various concentrates are added to the feed, such as turd, grain or cake. From their use, the meat becomes more tender. For a day, they stop feeding the goat and give it a lot of liquid to cleanse the intestines.

The preparation of tools and a place for slaughter is also an important part of the preparatory stage. Knives need to be sharpened. Among them should be long. They take several ropes of different thickness - for tying the legs and hanging the carcass. A thin rope is needed to tighten the esophagus. A place is being organized where the animal will be hung, it’s nice to have hooks like in professional slaughterhouses.

The main process of slaughter and butchering

After the preparatory measures, the goat is thrown on its side, you need to tie your legs well. It is advisable to carry out these actions together. While holding the head with one hand, the cartilage on the throat is groped with the other. A little below this cartilage, the larynx, carotid artery and blood tubes are cut with a sharp movement. Blood is collected in a separate container. The carcass is hung up and the skin begins to be skinned from the bled mass. For clarity, you can watch a video of butchering a pet.

The process of skinning is carried out in successive steps. Start with the front legs and neck. Making cuts:

  • around the hind legs and transverse between them through the anus;
  • from the joint of one front leg through the chest to a similar place in the other forelimb;
  • starting from the throat, through the abdomen to the tail, a longitudinal incision is made.

The skin is removed in layers. Gently pulls away from the body. You can help a little with a knife in places of strong ligaments. It is important not to damage the fur and not leave fat and meat on the skin. As you can see in the video, this is a whole art.

After removing the skin, it is necessary to bandage the esophagus. Then cut off the legs. The hind limbs are cut at the hock joint. The front legs are dissected at the carpal joint. Having previously cut through the muscles, the anus is taken out. After the incision of the abdominal wall, the rectum is carefully cut off by cutting the ligaments. Further, the stomach is shifted to the side, the esophagus is extended, the ligaments of the intestines are broken. Finally, the insides can be removed from the belly. They are placed in a pre-prepared clean container.

The goat carcass should be wiped well, cleaned of blood residues. Further, under the ribs, the body is divided into front and back parts (as in the video below). Depending on the further use, the rib pieces can also be cut. What remains is the spine and hind legs. After cutting off the backbone, the goat's limbs can be left intact. If necessary, they are divided into parts.

That's all. The process is over. By following the correct sequence of actions, you will get excellent healthy goat meat, and then the hostess's fantasy.

24 hours before slaughter, sheep and goats stop feeding. The carcass of an animal with full intestines is much more difficult to butcher, besides, it is poorly bled, overfilled intestines are more difficult to remove from the carcass, they often break and contaminate the meat. But water can be given to animals all the time, this will only make the meat better. Sheep and goats are slaughtered mainly in limbo. A loop of rope is placed on the hind leg and the animal is raised through the crossbar to such a height that its head is at the level of the human knees. If it is impossible to hang the animal, it is placed with its legs tied on its side, on a bench made in the form of a tray. Holding a suspended or tied animal by the head, a sharp knife is used to stab the neck near the ear, near the angle of the lower jaw. Resting the knife with the back side against the vertebrae, the blood vessels are cut across; in this way the carcass is bled. The most complete carcass is bled in a suspended position. The blood coagulating on the blood vessels must be immediately cleaned off so that the clots do not delay the release of new portions of blood. Bleeding sheep and goats lasts 5-6 minutes. The collected blood is constantly stirred so that it does not clot, then filtered for purification.

After bleeding, the skin is removed from the carcass. It is cut around the head behind the ears and the head is separated from the body with a knife between the occipital bone and the first cervical vertebra. The skin is not removed from the head. The esophagus is tied with twine so that the contents of the stomach do not leak out. After that, a longitudinal incision is made along the underside of the neck, chest and in the middle of the abdomen to the anus. Then, circular incisions are made on the front legs along the carpal joints and the skin is cut along the inside of the legs through the armpits to the middle longitudinal incision on the chest (at a right angle). After skinning the front legs, underside of the neck and chest, begin to skin the hind legs. To do this, circular incisions are made along the hocks, from them - straight incisions along the inside of the legs to the groin and further towards the anus to the middle longitudinal incision on the abdomen. The lower parts of the hind legs at the hock joint are separated along with the skin. Following this, the skin is cut around the anus, and in females and around the external genitalia. With the help of a knife, the skin is removed from the remaining parts of the hind legs (without damaging the tendons), from the groins, from the abdomen, approximately 5-10 cm from the incision.

Further, skinning is continued with the help of a knife handle or a fist, from the middle of the carcass towards the shoulder blades, and then towards the hips. If the carcass lies, it is lifted. The skin is separated from the rump with a fist or a knife handle, having previously cut it and removed it from the tail; from the back and neck the skin is torn off by hand. In this case, you need to make sure that there is no meat or fat left on it. Immediately after skinning, the abdominal cavity is carefully opened and, trying not to tear the intestines, the internal organs are taken out. The gallbladder is separated from the liver and the carcass is further processed in the usual way. The removed skin is spread on the table and the cuts of meat and fat remaining on it are carefully removed with a knife. Then it is turned upside down and left for about one hour to cool. Before canning the skin, which must be carried out no later than 2 hours after removing it from the carcass, it is once again well cleaned (tied up): the remains of meat and fat, manure pollution (bulk) are removed, and the tip of the tail is cut off. Bulk is difficult to remove from sheep and goat skins. To facilitate this work, contaminated places are moistened with cold water from a watering can and, having rolled up a “fish”, i.e. skin outside, the skin, having bent the floors, is laid for 30 - 40 minutes on a clean floor. Sometimes this needs to be done twice.

The cooled skin must be preserved immediately, as it is quickly attacked by putrefactive bacteria and after 6 hours it begins to mucus - a sign of the onset of decay. The most common method of skin preservation is dry salting. For this, dry, without impurities, ordinary salt is used. For small skins, it is better to use fine-grained salt. The skin (wool down) is spread on a clean floor sprinkled with an even layer of salt, it is carefully straightened and salt is also covered on top. For every kilogram of skin weight, 300 g of salt is consumed. After the salt is thoroughly rubbed into the skin, it is rolled up in a bag with the wool outward. The folded edges of the skin are also sprinkled with salt. In bags, the skins are salted for four days. Salted skins are stored at a temperature not lower than 8 degrees Celsius. In winter, the skins must be covered with something so that they do not freeze. Along with sheep and goat skins, pig skins can also be preserved; they are salted after six days.

K. Guseva "Homestead livestock"

Goats are kept not only for the sake of obtaining delicious fatty milk. They can be raised for wool, hides and meat. Proper technological slaughter will allow you to get tasty meat and intact skin. How to slaughter a goat or a goat correctly and quickly?

You can find a variety of reviews about goat meat - from unambiguous recommendations for use to harsh criticism. Tenderness, taste and aroma of meat depend on the sex and age of the slaughtered animal:

  1. Dairy goats (4-6 weeks old) produce the most tender meat, but it turns out to be the most expensive to produce.
  2. Kids are often slaughtered at the age of 3-5 months, when their weight is 15-25 kg. Up to a year, fat practically does not accumulate, so this meat is the most dietary.
  3. One year old animals (culling from the herd)
  4. The meat of older animals will be darker and tougher, but at the same time - fragrant juicy.
  5. Goat meat is lighter in color and contains less fat than goat meat.
  6. Goat meat is more tender and better suited for cooking chops and steaks.
  7. The longer the animal has lived, the tougher the meat. The product obtained from old goats needs to be boiled or stewed for a long time. It is suitable for cooking semi-finished products or feeding other animals.

A feature of goat meat is a specific unpleasant odor. To get a product without additional "flavor":

  • animals are slaughtered before puberty;
  • goats are castrated before puberty;
  • castration is carried out 30-40 days before slaughter.

Tip: before cooking the meat of an uncastrated animal, soak it in milk or marinate - this will help remove the smell.

Features of goat meat:

  • high content of protein and vitamins;
  • low calorie and low cholesterol;
  • fat is localized mainly in the stomach - it is not in the meat, and it is easier to digest.

Table 1. Comparative characteristics of meat of domestic animals

  • diseases of the spine - to restore connective tissue;
  • growth, sports, pregnancy and lactation - for protein;
  • liver diseases - to obtain vitamin B4;
  • weak immunity, cardiovascular diseases, a problem with pressure;
  • low-calorie diet or intolerance to the meat of other animals.

Table 2. Chemical and vitamin composition of goat meat

Componentsmg per 100 g of meat
Folic acid7,8
Vitamin B 121,9
Vitamin E0,5
Vitamin B 10,05
Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin)0,2
Vitamin B 3 (niacin)4,9
Vitamin B 4 (choline)69
Vitamin B 5 (pantothenic acid)0,5
Vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine)0,4

How to raise an animal for slaughter

It is most profitable to raise an animal in your own household from birth. Acquired even from acquaintances, it can be improperly drunk and grown.

In the first 2 weeks, the knee should receive only goat's milk from the uterus. Later, rye or wheat bran is added to the diet (they make talkers - a mixture of bran, oatmeal and warm water). At first, the percentage of liquid cereals does not exceed 20% in the diet, then it increases. From 3 weeks old, kids can eat mixed grass hay with leaves. You need to start with 50 grams and gradually increase the dose to 300 grams. At the age of 4 weeks, you can feed the kids for the first time with chopped root crops (carrots, boiled potatoes).

By 8 weeks, the goat's diet should include:

  • 200 gr of grain/compound feed;
  • 250 gr root crops and vegetables.

At this age, it is already possible to produce the first slaughter of kids for meat. But the slaughter yield will be quite low, and therefore economically inexpedient.

By 3 months, when the kids are beaten off from the uterus, they should receive 400 grams of vegetables / root crops and 300 grams of feed per day. Goats selected for breeding or milk are reared separately, and culled goats and goats are sent for fattening or fattening for subsequent slaughter. Feeding should be carried out in water meadows, and a young animal should be transferred completely to a “green” diet only from 4 months. After spring fattening, culled goats and goats aged 12-18 months are slaughtered. Young animals born in the current year are slaughtered after the autumn fattening.

Fattening is a combination of low mobility and high-calorie feeds like brewer's grains, meal, stillage, cake. Such young animals quickly gain weight in a short period, therefore, in the case when the summer is short and grazing is not possible or of poor quality, it is recommended to prefer fattening.

Sterilization of goats for slaughter for meat

Goats are best castrated at the age of 2-4 months, when the testicles begin to be felt in the scrotum. At first, the operated goat will lose weight and develop more slowly, but after a month the situation will improve. Castrated goats are best sent for slaughter at 7-8 months of age, when they work up enough weight.

It makes sense to castrate adult goats at the age of 5-7 years, six months before slaughter. Castration is bloodless and "bloody".

Options for bloodless testicle removal:

  • rubber elastators in the form of rings for clamping the scrotum;
  • clamping the cord with forceps.

Bloody methods of castration consist of cutting the scrotum and removing the testicles. The wound is sprinkled with antibiotic powder. If on the 3-4th day after the operation the goat / goat has a temperature and refuses to eat, check the wounds. In case of suppuration or swelling, the wounds should be treated with a solution of 1 gram of potassium permanganate per 10 liters of water, lubricated with iodine and powdered with a mixture of antibiotic powder and iodoform in equal proportions.

Goats may not be castrated if you can remove the testicles from the carcass without damage.

Preparing an animal for slaughter

To spend less time on work and get a product suitable for eating and selling, you need to:

You should also pay attention to the diet so that the animal gains the maximum available weight. To improve the taste of meat, the absence of an unpleasant odor and improve the condition of the skin, you need to keep both the goat and its stall clean.

For work you will need:

  • sharp knife (no shorter than two diameters of the goat's neck);
  • two long thick ropes and one thin;
  • durable X-shaped crossbar for hanging;
  • a container for collecting blood (pelvis);
  • viscera containers;
  • oilcloth tablecloth.
  • reduce the cost of space heating and feed;
  • get juicy meat;
  • remove the thick skin.

It is impossible to kill an animal and butcher a carcass in a stall - prepare a separate room for this.

Four ways to kill a goat

Properly killing the goat saves the goat unnecessary suffering and makes the butchering process easier. The most popular slaughter methods:

  • with stun;
  • with preliminary suspension;
  • with horizontal fixation;
  • with seating.

Stunning is a simple method and is considered the most humane. The animal is stunned with a hammer, a butt or the blunt side of an ax, and then the throat is cut. If you do not calculate the force, the goat can be killed immediately - this will make it difficult to bleed the carcass.

When pre-suspension, you need:

  • tie the hind legs of the goat with a thick rope;
  • hang it at a height convenient for further cutting;
  • place a container under the carcass for draining blood;
  • cut or pierce the throat.

This method allows you to quickly release blood from the carcass.

Horizontal fixation - the usual binding of the front and hind legs of the animal. The goat is laid on its side on a flat, level surface at a short distance from the ground. The head and neck extend beyond the edge of the board, a blood collection basin is placed underneath, and the animal's throat is cut.

When saddling, you need to sit on the back of a goat, place its head between your knees. Then - raise your head by the horns or chin. When the throat is sufficiently open, it is cut.

This is interesting: in the United States, many goats are bred for meat, using another method for slaughter. The animal is shot in the head - it is believed that this is a more humane way than others.

Slaughter features

For the first time, it is not recommended to kill the animal yourself - for this it is better to call a specialist. If you fix or cut the throat of an animal incorrectly, it may begin to twitch and even begin to run around the territory. A shallow incision will not lead to a quick death - the goat will suffer, scream, splatter blood for a sufficiently large distance, etc.

  • consult an experienced miner;
  • purchase a special knife (long and thin);
  • cut the throat quickly, capturing the arteries;
  • hold the animal's head during bleeding.

After the descent of blood, you need to prepare the carcass for cutting. For this:

  • wait for the agony to end;
  • find the esophagus and make a circular notch on it;
  • tie the esophagus with a thin rope.

In order to better remove the skin, some pet owners recommend pumping air into the carcass. Would need:

  • incise the skin on the inner surface of the lower leg;
  • make a channel between the skin and tissues of about 10 cm using a flat sharp instrument;
  • insert the pump hose into the channel and start pumping air.

The more air enters the carcass, the easier it will peel off the skin. You can hang the carcass before slaughter, before skinning or before cutting, the standard comfortable height for work is 1-1.5 m.

Attention! It is inhumane and long to chop an animal with an ax - this method is not recommended.

Video - How to slaughter a goat so that the meat does not smell

How to butcher a goat carcass

After slaughter, the first step is to remove the skin from the goat carcass. For this you need to prepare:

  • a very sharp knife of a convenient length for you;
  • a whetstone for sharpening if the knife becomes dull;
  • two basins for the insides;
  • a bucket of clean water for washing hands and a knife.

First of all, hang the carcass to a height convenient for your height by the hind legs. Make loops below the joints - then the carcass will not slip out and fall to the ground.

  • cut the skin at the wound on the neck to separate the head without damaging the skin;
  • make circular incisions around the legs above the hock;
  • dissect the skin on the abdomen along a light line from the neck to the anus;
  • bandage the esophagus so that its contents do not stain the meat;
  • free the scrotum (if you killed an uncastrated goat);
  • cut the penis at the base as carefully as possible;
  • cut off the anus by passing a knife under the skin.

After that, the skin must be removed from the carcass - pull with both hands from top to bottom. Sometimes it will be necessary to trim the interfering tendons, so it is better that 2-3 people are engaged in skinning and cutting the carcass. Sometimes you have to make incisions along the spine - look at the situation.

Removing the insides is the most responsible process. It is necessary to take out the intestines, urinary and gallbladder very carefully so as not to damage them and not to stain the meat with their contents. Otherwise, the meat will smell bad even after soaking. After cutting the ligaments at the spine, take out the rectum and everything related to the digestive tract. The heart and lungs are taken out last.

First, all the taken out insides can be put in one basin, and then disassembled - the edible liver, heart, lungs and kidneys can be put in another basin. The interior fat, which is deposited on the intestines and other internal organs, will also go there - it is melted and used for colds. Inedible entrails are recommended to be buried deep in the ground.

The carcass must be wiped inside with a clean, dry cloth (you can use an old T-shirt or towel) from blood and mucus and leave for 1-2 hours to cool.

You can find out how to butcher a ram by reading on our website.

Video - All the secrets of cutting goat carcasses

What to do with goat skin

While the carcass is cooling, take care of the preservation of the removed skin. Remember: after 6 hours, the process of decay will begin, after which it will be almost impossible to get a high-quality skin. How to preserve the skin:

  • spread it on a clean table sprinkled with salt;
  • scrape off the remaining fat with a sharp thin knife;
  • sprinkle thoroughly or rub with table salt;
  • straighten the folded edges of the skin and rub with salt;
  • fold the skin in half and leave it like that for 3-4 days;
  • unfold and look - the inside should be bronze in color;
  • sprinkle with salt again and fold it in a “package” so that the inside is inward;
  • after 7 days of storage in a “package”, the skin is thawed for dressing or sold.

In the cold season, the skin can freeze and begin to burst. To prevent this from happening, store them at a temperature not lower than +8°C.

Important! Do not leave the skin near light sources, heating devices and in direct sunlight.

How to butcher a goat carcass for meat

Butchering the carcass begins after you have completed the first stage of preservation of the skin. How to cut a goat for meat? The step by step instructions are simple:

  • cut the carcass into 4 parts along the spine and under the 13th rib;
  • chop off the legs and then cut according to the varietal classification.

Goat carcass cuts are divided into 3 grades, of which the 1st grade is the most valuable for food. It includes the scapular part (20% of the carcass weight), as well as the dorsal and pelvic-lumbar. Grade 2 - this is the neck, brisket and flank. Grade 3 - notch, back shank and knuckle with forearm.

  1. Blade part consists of the bones of the shoulder, scapula, 5 initial thoracic vertebrae and 2 final vertebrae her.
  2. dorsal part consists of ribs joining the last 8 thoracic vertebrae, up to the 12th rib from the patella.
  3. pelvis make up the vertebrae of the lower back and tail, sacrum, thigh, pelvic bones, upper part of the tibia.
  4. Brisket starts near the bottom of the first rib, passes through the bottom of the 12th rib, includes the sternum.

You can also cut according to dishes:

  • the ribs are separated from the backbone and chopped for pilaf;
  • the spine and neck are chopped to the size of a soup pot;
  • boneless meat from the shoulder blade, ham and drumstick is cut off and goes for frying or stewing;
  • giblets and legs can be used in broth;
  • bones can be used to cook broth or jelly;
  • small trimmings, pieces with a film, flank, peritoneum, offal are used for minced meat;
  • cleaned and rinsed intestines and stomach go to the sausage casing from offal.

If you will freeze meat, this should be done immediately after cutting. Freezing should be deep and without temperature changes.

Raising goats is quite profitable. This business was profitable in the past and remains so to this day. Such a pet is quite unpretentious in content. From them you can get milk, meat and skins. If you breed and comb out breeds of downy direction, you can also get quite a lot of valuable wool. It is worth noting that there are also types of animals that are used exclusively to get meat. They are different from other types of goats. The difference is mainly in the round body structure, as well as a small amount of milk during milking.

The meat product of animals is highly valued among gourmets, in addition, it is very useful in its composition. The meat contains a sufficient amount of amino acids and elements that are very easily absorbed in the human body. Those who are engaged in goat breeding know very well that their meat has valuable vitamins. But not all people know what cutting methods there are and how to properly butcher a goat in order to get a product without a specific smell.

This article will provide detailed information on this issue.

Before you slaughter an animal, you will need to cook a goat. To do this, a month before slaughter, a variety of concentrates should be added to the diet. For example, shit, grain. You can also give and cake. From the use of such products, the meat begins to become more tender.

Immediately before slaughter, 24 hours before, you should stop feeding the animal, but it is necessary to provide plenty of fluids. Thus, the intestines will be cleansed.

An equally important aspect is the preparation of the tool for slaughter. To do this, you will need to sharpen all the knives. In addition, the knives must be of different lengths. You will also need to prepare several ropes of different thicknesses. With their help, it will be possible to tie the goat's legs, and also hang the carcass. To tighten the esophagus, you will need a thin rope. It is also recommended to use hooks, as in specialized slaughterhouses.


You need to know how to kill. It is recommended that during the initial slaughter, ask the master who will show how everything happens. Also, a master will be required if the breeder is very attached to the goat and cannot slaughter himself. Among the slaughter, there are several methods:

  1. You can squeeze the goat between your legs so that the head is pointing forward. With one hand, you will need to raise your head, holding the horns or the lower part of the head. With the other hand, you will need to make a powerful movement of the knife along the throat in order to cut it. It will be necessary not to let go of the animal until the body goes limp and the blood runs out. The video below shows how this is approximately done.
  2. Another method is to use a loop in which the goat is hung by its hind legs. In this state, the blood will run away faster. You can also tie your legs and put the animal on any prepared surface.

Regardless of the methods, it is better to clean off the remnants of blood from the neck, this will make it easier to drain. Blood from a goat leaves quickly enough, about 5 minutes.

After the animal is killed, it should be hung in such a way that the legs are wide enough apart. This condition allows the rest of the blood to escape. After that, you will need to cut off the head, and then remove the skin.

Cutting and skinning

To remove the skin, you will need to resort to the instructions given, which allows you to facilitate the process and do everything right. You will need to start from the front of the animal. Namely, from the legs and neck, where the incisions are made:

  1. Next, you should cut the hind legs in a circle and make a transverse incision, bypassing the anus between them. This work must be done carefully so as not to damage the internal organs;
  2. After that, it is necessary to make an incision from the joint of the front paw through the entire chest part to the same part of the other paw;
  3. Now from the throat, passing the belly to the tail, an incision is also made.

The skin must be removed with the whole layer, gradually and carefully pulling it off the body. Sometimes you can help with a knife. Especially where there are strong ligaments. At this stage, it is very important not to damage the fur cover, and also not to leave pieces of meat and fat on the skin.

As you can see in the video, the matter is not simple and can be compared with a whole art.

Further, when the skin is removed, you will need to bandage the esophagus. Then the legs are cut off. Some prefer to roast them and leave them, while others simply feed their legs to dogs. The limbs are cut off at the joints. After that, you will need to cut the muscles completely and get the anus.

When cutting the abdominal part, you will need to be very careful not to damage the rectum. After cutting the belly, the intestine is removed. After that, the stomach must be moved a little to the side and the esophagus removed. Further, the ligaments of the intestines break off. Only now can all other organs and entrails be removed from the abdominal cavity. By the way, for them you will need to prepare a bowl or another convenient container.

Then the carcass is wiped with a towel and the remains of blood are removed from the meat. Under the ribs, cuts must be made so that the body can be divided into anterior and posterior. The cutting process is shown in detail in the video.

Depending on how the rib part will be used further, it can be left in its original form or chopped into the desired parts. Then only the vertebrae and hind legs remain. The spine is cut into pieces at the joints, and the hind legs can be cut into pieces or left whole. That's the whole process of cutting goat carcasses. If you follow the technology and the sequence of work, then you can butcher the carcass quickly enough and get high-quality meat, without foreign smell.

  1. Goats are best slaughtered in cold weather. Cold will avoid possible problems with the safety of the product. In addition, it is in winter that goat meat will be tastier and fatter.
  2. Before slaughtering yourself, it is better to use the services of a master. This will allow you to visually familiarize yourself with the slaughter process from an experienced person. Thus, you can remember the main features of the process, and then you can kill and butcher animals yourself. If there is little experience and knowledge, then the work will be difficult, and the animal may die for a long time and in agony. Also, with improper slaughter, the meat can take on an unpleasant odor, and its taste will be spoiled.

Cooking goat meat

Goat meat dishes are not very common in our country. And in vain, because 70% of all red meat eaten by people around the world is goat meat. Such popularity around the world of goat meat can be explained by two factors: goats are very easy to breed and feed, and goat meat can be eaten by Jews and Muslims who do not eat pork, and Hindus who do not eat beef. Goat meat tastes a bit like lamb, and the nutritional properties of goat meat are almost as good as beef.

The meat of young domestic goats is considered the most valuable. Such meat is rich in vitamins A and B, has a very delicate, incomparable taste, and there is absolutely no specific smell that scares away some gourmets.

Goat meat, even non-dairy, can be cooked so tasty that it will become a signature dish on any holiday table. And if you managed to get the meat of a dairy goat, then you will never forget the most delicate taste of such a dish.

The kid can be cooked whole, but most often, before cooking, it is divided into portions. Our advice will help you understand this issue.


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