Popularity increases the price of a product. The best-selling product in Russia. What do they buy in the online store in my region?

The unstable economic situation has affected everyone differently: some types of businesses have suffered more, others less, and for others new prospects have opened up. Based on open statistics, you can trace the main trends and draw conclusions: in what area is it most profitable to open a business now, and what is it better to abstain from.


Crises come and go, but you always have to work. What business is in demand now, where to look for a promising niche? Despite the fact that the SME business activity index shows a decrease (Fig. 1), the number of individual entrepreneurs in Russia has increased. According to Kommersant: as of December 2015, their number was 3,643,911 versus 3,534,516 for the same period in 2014.

Figure 1. Dynamics of the entrepreneurial activity index in 2014-2015. According to the public organization SMB "Support of Russia".

The decline is mainly due to a drop in sales and investment: the share of trade in small businesses is more than 40%. You shouldn’t rely on the average “hospital temperature,” so let’s take a closer look at how the situation is developing in three areas:

Main directions in trade

The negative impact of the crisis on retail is obvious: a decrease in income, saving behavior, and the transition of buyers to cheaper goods. The last factor did not turn out to be negative for everyone. “All at one price” type networks are expanding, including actively moving into remote regions (“Fix Price” franchise); commission trade has revived. According to a study by the Magazin Shopping group, as of October last year there was stagnation in the retail sector (Fig. 2, 3).

What entrepreneurs complain about:

  1. a drop in sales is noted by 76% of respondents;
  2. 55% of retailers were forced to raise prices;
  3. Rental costs and property taxes have increased.

In general, the mood is pessimistic; a revival in consumer demand is unlikely to be expected in the near future. But by sector, for industrial goods the decline is not the same, which is clearly visible in Figure 3. For individual product items, the index position is above average.

Summary. The market for luxury consumer goods (and services) shows little change. The economy class segment is not developed. It requires a special ability to organize profits on low prices, low costs and margins, which not many have (a successful example of "Fix Price"). In recent years, trade has been most active in the middle class segment, and the greatest decline in real incomes has occurred among this part of the population.

How does the current crisis differ from previous ones? Opinion of Evgeny Butman, a serial entrepreneur since 1990 (Forbes interview). "The crises of 1998 and 2008 were instantaneous - everything fell, depreciated, froze. Ah! We looked: it’s not so scary. We picked it up, washed it, glued it up and moved on. And now, it’s completely different. Imagine putting a frog in a pan, and raise the temperature by a degree every hour. The frog will cook without noticing it. There seems to be no crisis, but this very heating is happening. We and our business are like this frog."

Paid services market

In the service sector the situation is different. According to Rosstat, there was a general decrease in consumption in price terms, but it does not look like a “collapse” (Fig. 4). As of November 2015, the share of paid services in the total expenses of the population even increased - 20.8% (in 2014 - 19.9%).

Analyzing the indicators for individual types of services (Table 1), it is easy to see that the crisis has a positive effect on citizens’ desire for sports, culture and a healthy lifestyle.

Table 1. Distribution of consumer services in 2015. According to Rosstat.

Paid services







health resorts

sports, physical education




Promising trends in the service sector

  • Tourism- on internal routes, agrotourism. In order to save money, many go on vacation on their own: it is no coincidence that the hotel industry is experiencing growth. The niche for organizing mini-hotels, catering outlets, parking lots, and hostels is expanding - along highways and in places of mass “wild” recreation.
  • Outsourcing of all types- large and medium-sized companies save on personnel, marketing, IT services, and education. Small businesses take advantage of these difficulties by offering inexpensive services, products, and services. The leader is the IT sector: mobile applications, website builders, analytics, landing pages.
  • Medical, health, sports services- There is a clear increase in demand in this market. If anyone thinks that this is too narrow a professional niche, they are mistaken. Below is an interesting example.

Sale of medical services from Germany

Alexander Bortenev and Roman Prilipko organized an online service for medical consultation by doctors from Germany. Tests, MRI and CT images are sent for examination to doctors who carry out diagnostics and recommend additional examinations and a treatment program. Results arrive within 4 days.

In January 2015, a website was created, a month later they opened an office in Magnitogorsk, then in Chelyabinsk. In total, up to 50 orders per month are received through the offices and website, the revenue volume is up to 800,000 rubles per month. Entrepreneurs plan to recoup their investments (about 5 million rubles) within a year and a half.

Summary. People have not stopped using services, they are only making a choice in favor of cheaper ones, with children's needs being a priority. The cost reduction occurs due to the “cleaning up” of the main service: coffee breaks, bookings, and on-site consultations are excluded. Renting expensive machinery and equipment is gaining popularity: cars, bicycles, ski equipment, exercise equipment.


The manufacturing business shows the most optimistic activity index compared to other activities. Sanctions forced large manufacturers to look for replacements for imported components, materials, and products. Opportunities are opening up for small businesses to serve large enterprises. According to the portal TIU.RU (trade of machines and equipment for SMEs), in the first 9 months of 2015, the total amount of sales income exceeded the level of last year by 20%.

1 Food production.

Large retail chains: Perekrestok, Pyaterochka (Retail Group) signed new contracts with 800 suppliers in 2015. The share of Russian goods has more than doubled compared to 2014. For many product groups it reached the level of 90 - 100%. "Dixie" - imports fruits and vegetables from the south of Russia, Tula, Moscow region; 90% of dairy products are Russian and Belarusian.

Russian "Camembert"

The family enterprise Nikolaev and Sons (Krasnodar Territory) increased cheese production 10 times in 2015. The business began 4 years ago, with plans to produce Italian and French “premium” varieties. In total, the line consisted of 12 varieties. With the introduction of the embargo, the company reduced them to 4, with Camembert Lefkadia becoming the main product in demand. Blue cheese was the first to leave the shelves - retailers stood in line. Selling prices start at 1.1 thousand rubles per kg; they have not increased during the year. Supplied to retail chains: "Azbuka Vkusa", "Magnit", "Lenta", "Perekrestok", geography - more than 10 cities.

2 Innovative technologies.

Investors and large enterprises are now more willing to support Russian developments that have been lying on the shelves of research institutes for years. Scientists are poor at promoting their new products, looking for customers, and organizing the production of prototypes.

Helmet for miners and rescuers with Wi-Fi

In August 2015, NPF "Granch" (Novosibirsk) announced a new development: a helmet for rescuers and miners, equipped with a search system, a thermal imager (allows you to see through smoke), a video camera, and means of communication with the control center. While an agreement has been concluded with the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the first samples are also being supplied to neighbors - to the mining town of Kuzbass. The high-tech development has no analogues in the world; Germany has shown interest in it. Is it worth saying what a foreign contract means now?

3 Highly specialized niches.

Many large industries need components, the production of which is unprofitable and troublesome for them. They willingly outsource such tasks to small businesses. There are always unoccupied spaces in this niche.

Necessary little things

An object that slightly resembles a toy excavator is a metal sieve for crushed stone. It is produced at the Gorny Tekhsnab Holding enterprise (Elektrostal). This crushing and screening equipment is in demand in the mining industry and quarries. Production began five years ago, and in 2015 they began supplying products to Belarus and Kazakhstan. In 2016, it is planned to conclude agreements with Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Production is expanding, new equipment is being purchased.

4 Products for export.

Everything that can be produced for export must be produced and sold. What gets in the way is a lack of information and the problem of finding buyers. There are special structures where you can get advice on these issues: Russian Export Center, Excar.

The Export Insurance Agency (EXIAR) announced data for 2014. The number of exporters among small and medium-sized enterprises by the end of the year amounted to 13,500 firms, an increase of 27%. Of these, 85% are in remote regions. In the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories the growth is about 2,000%, in the Murmansk region - over 4,000%, in Moscow - 139%.

Non-standard approach.

Importing goods from China is commonplace for many entrepreneurs. The small enterprise "Zaitsa" (Khabarovsk) has entered into contracts for the supply of the most common product - ice cream - to China and Korea. It is interesting that in the city itself, imported products from Moscow and Tomsk predominate. According to director Ilya Amirkhanov, the Chinese were very surprised by our initiative. However, 18 tons have already been exported to China, and 5 tons ($40,000) to Korea. The Chinese respect imported food products. According to surveys, more than 50% of buyers consider them to be of higher quality and are willing to pay for it.

The lower price segment of ice cream (locally produced) in China includes items up to $1.5 (per serving). About 30% of buyers choose more expensive, imported ones. The American brand "Haagen-Dazs" is sold at 2 times more expensive than in its homeland - $5-7. In 2015, the Latvian form of Food Union (after the closure of the Russian market) supplied 12 tons of product to China. The price per serving was set on the advice of the Chinese from $3 to $6. Sales figures exceeded the values ​​of European outlets by 300%.

Conclusions. There is no clear answer to the question of what business is in demand in Russia now. There are successful examples in different industries. Key positions are occupied by wholesale and retail trade in food products, inexpensive goods, food production; transport; services in the IT field, medicine, individual educational and cultural and sports projects. In any case, those leaving the market are being replaced by those who offer a new, more convenient, profitable solution.

The key point in doing business in the resale of Chinese goods is understanding the essence. It is not even the buying and selling pattern that is important here. It’s quite simple - you find a product, buy it at cost, sell it in your hometown via the Internet or newspapers. The essence of the product is important. If a housewife sells a screwdriver, then they are unlikely to believe her and trust her purchase. Just like a plumber will sell hot rollers. Trust between seller and buyer should be the basis of any sale.

The second point of such sales. Price. Many buyers know about the existence of Chinese online stores. But, they also understand that the wait for this product can last 2-3 months. Therefore, they are looking for an alternative - to buy here and now, but cheaper than in the store. Choosing a price is also a rather delicate matter. The inner worm of greed asks to set the selling price 10-20 times higher than the purchase price. But the law of the market says that sometimes it is easier to make a profit on the turnover of funds than on selling these goods at high prices. What price to put on a Chinese product is up to you. But, in any case, you should remember a simple truth - if it doesn’t sell, then you need to change it. Fortunately, changing the selling price is quite simple. You are not a store.

By the way, a question of conscience - is resale of goods from China a fraud? Again, this is your conscience and your deal with it. For example, one of my friends simply sells goods purchased in China that did not suit him. And he buys a lot of things and often. So it makes a good profit in addition to the main income. And we’ll already think about starting a large legal business.

In the meantime, you consider and think about your own capabilities. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of the most popular Chinese products by number of purchases per month. Do you know what I mean? If they sell well, then the demand for them is very high. Such goods are easy to resell in your city. In the list I will indicate the selling price for it in China. Its resale price is usually +20%...400% of the purchase price. Statistics were kindly provided by the Aliexpress trading platform.

  1. Cable cutters - $1.71,
  2. Xiaomi Redmi 4 Pro smartphone – $159.99,
  3. Scalpel with 9 interchangeable blades for cutting wood and plastic - $1.68,

Many enterprising and ambitious people are struck by the thought that it’s time to stop working for “uncle” and start their own business. And so you are full of determination, but a number of questions immediately arise - where to start, and most importantly, what direction to choose that would be in demand and popular.

Most often, the capital of a beginning entrepreneur is not so large, but taking this factor into account, there is an opportunity to choose your niche, which you will like and perhaps in the future will become one of the successful enterprises.

Today, the trade sector is developing quite successfully. In cities of all sizes, a large variety of all possible shops, supermarkets, and department stores are already well established, so finding and purchasing this or that product is not a problem. Nowadays, going to the store is a common thing that does not require much time.

There are two types of sales of goods through markets and shops.

As for markets, there is always a lot of foot traffic here, especially large crowds on weekends, and in-demand goods sell out very quickly.

In order to get a trading place at the market, you need permission from the market administration and rent a pavilion or counter from them.

According to statistics, meat products are considered a hot commodity on the market. Expensive, branded or exclusive goods will not be in demand on the market. As a rule, goods are offered on the market at low prices and in large quantities.

A store is another type of trade; they can be opened in hypermarkets, shopping centers, in separate premises or on the ground floors of residential buildings. The difference from the market is that a store cannot always provide high customer traffic, especially new stores that have not proven themselves. But there may be more customers in the store, since people purposefully came to your store for some product, which will contribute to an increase in sales.

There can be a wide variety of goods in stores, to suit every budget and taste. There are no restrictions or special criteria here; the product can be either expensive, exclusive, or at low prices.

It is worth noting that opening a store will require more funds for advertising. And those stores that are open in shopping centers should analyze the operating methods of their competitors and focus on pricing policies and offers.

What products are in high demand now?

Of course, for a store to be profitable and in demand, it is necessary to choose a product that will be in demand among customers, such as sporting goods, clothing and shoes, fabrics, accessories, bit chemistry, stationery, flowers.

Today, a very popular, relevant business is technology - phones, smartphones, acoustic equipment, tablets, laptops, cameras. But the complexity of this business lies in the fact that equipment is constantly updated, new models appear almost every month, and those that, for example, you have already purchased have become outdated in a short time. And also, opening such an enterprise requires a large start-up capital.

A grocery store is probably the most profitable solution, but with a well-chosen location, and also research the needs of potential customers and the offers of competitors in the vicinity of your store. this business will bring large profits all year round, especially during the holidays.

Household chemicals, such a store will be useful in every area, and the goods are in constant demand, it would be a good idea to make a grocery store and allocate a department for chemicals, but the main thing is not to store these goods together.

A shoe and clothing store, for a wide audience, you need to purchase models and sell them at low prices, in this case, customers will buy more goods, which will significantly affect profits. Elite products cost much more, but are sold less frequently and in smaller quantities.

Stationery is a necessary product and is in constant demand, and the peak of sales occurs at the beginning of the school year. And also in such stores you can provide copying services and printing of texts and photographs.

Nowadays it has become very fashionable to lead a healthy lifestyle, and accordingly, the demand for sports goods has increased, most often these are special sportswear and accessories for exercising at home, for example, dumbbells, fitness balls, jump ropes and other useful little things.

But, as for the sale of exercise equipment, this business requires large investments, well, as an option, you can create an online store of sporting goods and include exercise equipment in the list of goods, the client can familiarize himself, select and order the equipment for himself on the website, and purchase it in the store.

People who want to design their own clothes and have them sewn or made to order often turn to fabric stores. But, it is necessary to think about, in addition to a wide range of fabrics, also related products, such as threads, needles, locks, buttons and much more.

Flower shops, people shop in them all year round, both simply to please dear women, and on significant dates, anniversaries, weddings, March 8, all these and many other holidays are celebrated with flowers, which means a big profit for the entrepreneur. And the price of bouquets can be several times higher than their cost.

Whatever direction your business has been built in, you must take into account its profitability and competitiveness in your area. It is worth noting that a product that is considered popular in large cities may not be in demand in the periphery.

A professionally drawn up business plan, constant monitoring and analysis of performance indicators, competent employees, competent marketing, all of these are important criteria for the successful operation and large profits of your store.

What is profitable to sell on the Internet: realities and trends + 8 best ideas for online business.

It’s worth starting with the fact that to develop a successful business on the Internet in our time, creativity is necessary.

The period when people considered online marketing as a curiosity has already passed. What is needed now is a rigorous assessment of opportunities and the constant generation of new ideas.

If you are ready for this, welcome to the worldwide sales network.

We will look at who were the pioneers on this path, as well as 8 specific ideas for online business that are profitable to pursue.

Where did the idea of ​​selling online start?

With the development of the Internet, people began to think about selling products using it.

Entrepreneurship, sooner or later, had to spread to the world wide web.

This would allow us to reach a larger number of potential buyers and save money on selling goods, that is, it would be profitable in all respects.

Jeff Bezos - this name will forever remain at the origins of business on the Internet.

He was the first to begin building his Amazon “empire” on the still unstable and empty global network.

1994 - Jeff Bezos founded Amazon.com. At that time, the online store had not yet been opened, but the foundation for entrepreneurial activity had already been laid.

July 16, 1995 – Amazon's first online store opens. The first product sold online was a book.

This is very symbolic, because, based on the opinion of many ordinary people, it was the Internet that became the killer of the book market.

By 2000, the Amazon online store was able to sell $4 billion worth of products per year!

At one time, this method of selling goods became a curiosity and forced many people to reconsider their attitude to the Internet.

Over the past 10–12 years, Internet business has undergone a qualitative transformation, and competition has increased significantly.

The Internet has become an integral part of life. It is impossible to imagine the modern market without online commerce. She took her absolutely rightful place.

What is profitable to sell on the Internet: realities and trends

The Russian market, as well as the global one, is being filled with new online markets so rapidly that if you sell banal clothes, it will not be able to attract new customers.

To better demonstrate the situation, it is necessary to analyze the diagram below.

So, what is profitable to sell online at the moment?

Based on the data in the diagram, you can determine the main areas of business that have already moved online.

The leading position is occupied by equipment and clothing. This is easily explained by the fact that such goods are easy to transport and do not require special storage conditions.

But the Internet market is also open to new solutions.

What will be profitable to sell in the future?

The trends have not changed for many years.

But we cannot help but remember the new trends that are conquering the market in tiny steps.

These include food sales, online consulting, hand-made products and many others.

Aspiring online businessmen understand that breaking through the wall of competition is not so easy. You can find your way in new business trends. Don't dwell on trivial decisions.

The future of online business lies in the originality and versatility of ideas!

8 business ideas that will tell you what is profitable to sell online

In this section you can choose your path among an “ocean” of options. Below we have selected only the most unusual business ideas that are profitable to sell on the Internet.

1. Freelancing - how to use it profitably?

Everyone has already repeatedly heard about freelancing. But most understand this as independently completing assigned tasks.

What if you become an intermediary between the camp of customers and performers?

Freelance exchanges are very profitable if you consider them as a business.

Having a huge base of customers, as well as performers, you can establish constant work for all participants + keep a percentage of financial transactions.

The best examples of how to profitably engage in online mediation on the Internet:

  • https://www.fl.ru/
  • https://www.weblancer.net/
  • http://1clancer.ru/
  • https://joby.su/
  • http://devhuman.com/
  • https://freelansim.ru/

These online resources occupy leading positions in the RuNet space.

Why is freelancing a business for active people?

To achieve profit, you need to acquire a huge number of exchange clients.

The process of website promotion takes a lot of time, money, and effort. Therefore, you cannot do without high activity and dedication!

2. Healthy lifestyle market on the Internet

Have you often thought about going to the gym and eating right? The trend of our time is a healthy body.

Many people are ready to invest money in their physical fitness, and you just need to take advantage of this!

The idea of ​​an online store for a healthy lifestyle is to implement a whole range of online services on one portal:

  • drawing up a training plan;
  • provision of sports nutrition;
  • organizing sports activities for resource clients;
  • motivational work with subscribers;
  • online trainer service.

The essence of the idea is an integrated approach. After all, there are already many services that provide sports nutrition.

You need to attract a potential client to your networks by the volume of services, as well as their quality.

In the twenty-first century, society is moving towards selling not goods, but a way of life. Given this fact, the idea is worthy of attention and is doomed to success.

3. Restaurant on the Internet

You can sell food not only in a restaurant or cafe.

If you have great ideas for preparing unique dishes, but the high cost of organizing your own establishment makes you forget about your dream, an online restaurant is profitable.

The development of a restaurant on the Internet proceeds in several stages. Each of them has its own characteristics:

Creation of a restaurant websiteIf a professional web studio is involved in solving the problem, the process may take a month.
Organization of working conditionsAt the second stage, it is necessary to design a work area (kitchen), rent a room, purchase equipment, hire employees (a few cooks and delivery people are quite enough).
Aggressive MarketingWebsite promotion on the Internet + attracting the maximum number of customers.

If you doubt the profitability of a business, consider one important detail: a person has several basic desires.

The desire to eat deliciously is one of them. The opportunity to order your favorite dish online and have it delivered to your home will not leave anyone indifferent!

4. Is it profitable to be a psychologist on the Internet?

Selling knowledge and skills is a twenty-first century approach.

Business activity on the Internet can be built not only by selling goods or engaging in financial transactions.

Developing your own psychological support center on the Internet is an excellent, and most importantly, promising idea.

All you need in the first stages is your own website, a good webcam + a lot of time to work.

Modern living conditions provoke constant moral breakdowns and chronic fatigue. Lack of communication gives rise to complexes.

The task of an online psychological center is not to prescribe medication to patients.

First and foremost, a consultant must listen to people's problems and have a lot of life experience to give advice.

5. Hand-made market on the Internet

Do you know how to make exclusive things with your own hands?

Start making a living from this. Open a shop on the Internet where you can profitably sell your own creations.

The idea is not new, but very popular. Ordering a small detail that will decorate the interior of any room is the desire of many potential clients.

What are the advantages of a handmade shop on the Internet:

  • Free schedule, putting your hobby into practice.
  • Work from home or in your personal workshop.
  • Working in your own format – no strict boundaries.

Considering all the positive aspects, starting your own small business will not be a big problem.

If you are a brave and skilled craftsman, make your dream come true - make money on the Internet doing something that brings you pleasure (and is also profitable).

6. Library of documentation forms - profitable and useful

For any beginning entrepreneur, finding the current suitable form of a particular document is quite problematic.

Organize your own service, the main task of which will be to collect package documentation for legal processes.

For example, registering a business activity is a complex process.

Offer the client a ready-made package of documents on the Internet, which only needs to be filled in with data.

Naturally, for a fee.

Paperwork requires experience and care + constant updating of information.

Work in this format is suitable for people with higher legal education. And, whatever one may say, such a business is profitable.

7. Remote technical support is a profitable idea

Do you know how many people cannot turn on their laptop after removing the battery?

Help in such situations will seem ridiculous for experienced system administrators or experienced users.

But even this can make money!

Plan for organizing online support service:

  • Design and development of your own website.
  • Promoting the resource, searching for a client base.
  • Work on organizing qualified assistance online.

To operate such a service, 2-3 qualified employees are enough.

Their task is to constantly support clients, solve their problems, by providing clear guidance for action.

You will also learn how to find a product for sale on the world wide web from the video:

8. Is it profitable to sell furniture online?

You say that this is trivial? In general, you will be absolutely right.

But even this type of activity can be presented from an advantageous side. Take your competitors' platitudes as an opportunity to beat them.

The main idea is to finalize and implement furniture designs created by clients. You will need your own furniture design application.

Yes, initially this is not the cheapest option. But you gain superiority over other market players, and find yourself in the top industry of modern Internet business.

Furniture will always be in demand. The main thing is to provide the consumer with the opportunity to design a design and an extensive selection of materials.

What is profitable to sell on the Internet?? Literally anything if you can find the right marketing approach.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to create even an ordinary bedside table.

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The most popular business - factors that determine the demand for a business + 9 ideas.

Let's be honest - almost any person does not want to work “for his uncle” all his life, and then at one fine moment the understanding comes that it is time to start his own business.

But even during periods of economic prosperity, no one wants to discover an idea that will obviously fail.

What then can we say about times of crisis, when the slightest mistake can lead to losses.

Therefore, any entrepreneurial activity must begin with the search and selection of an idea.

And if you are reading this article, you probably want to know which the most popular business.

Let's try to answer your question.

How is business demand determined?

It’s impossible to say which business is in demand and which is not.

Remember the expression: “For every product there is a buyer”?

So this phrase clearly demonstrates the fact that all people are different, and what one needs will be absolutely useless for another.

In general, whether a business is in demand or not is influenced by the following factors:

  • country and regions within it;
  • purchasing power of the population;
  • season and fashion.

What does this mean?

For example, in Ecuador no one needs fur coats or down jackets, and in winter in the north of Russia they will only buy a swimsuit on sale.

Therefore, the choice of business idea should be approached taking into account the above.

So that you can determine the demand for a business, study the following points:

  • the presence and dynamics of demand for goods and services;
  • availability of necessary raw materials and materials;
  • presence of competitors and their pricing policy;
  • short payback periods.

Thus, you just need to study the market and understand what the population of a particular country and locality needs.

For example, in a big city there will always be a demand for a business selling fresh vegetables and fruits, while in a village almost everyone has their own garden, and its residents buy only those products that they cannot grow in their garden beds.

What is required from an entrepreneur for his business to become in demand?

When starting a business, you should not rely only on luck.

Success depends not only on the influence of external factors; the entrepreneur himself must make every effort to be noticed.

  • First, to determine whether a business is in demand or not, you need to select several ideas and analyze the demand for them.
  • Secondly, the entrepreneur must convey to the consumer the importance of his goods or services, and prove that his business will really be in demand.

    This is especially true for some new products on the market.

    To do this, you need to conduct a competent and active advertising campaign.

  • Thirdly, you will need to hire qualified personnel who can find an approach to each client and convince him that he needs a product or service.

The most popular business in various fields

As has already become clear, there is no single “recipe” for business that can be called the most popular, if only because human needs are multifaceted.

Basically, three areas of business activity can be distinguished:

  • trade;
  • production;

Let's give examples of different types of business ideas that will be in demand among the population.

The most popular business in the trade sector

We will not give examples in the form of opening stores with food or clothing.

Regardless of the income of the population in a given period, these goods will still be in demand among the population, people will simply try to save.

Still, I would like to pay attention to more interesting ideas for in-demand business in modern times.

1. Thrift store.

“Business is the art of extracting money from someone else’s pocket without resorting to violence.”
Max Amsterdam

This popular business is especially relevant during times of crisis, both for entrepreneurs and for buyers.

At such a time, not every person can afford expensive new clothes, so they are looking for cheaper options to dress.

You can open regular, children's or elite.

And investments to implement such an idea will be minimal, since you will need to invest in paperwork and renting premises.

Although even the second costs can be eliminated if you create an online store in the form of a VK or Instagram page.

At first, you don’t even need to hire anyone, so the entrepreneur himself can take on the responsibilities of the seller.

The idea of ​​a consignment store is that people bring in their clothes and set their own price for them, and you are required to sell them and take your commission.

When you open an IM, you will simply post information about the goods you sell online and give buyers the seller’s contacts.

2. Selling organic and healthy food.

In the last few years, one can notice a trend of increasing popularity in the field of fitness and proper nutrition.

In addition, more and more people are beginning to take care of their health and are studying the composition of food products, which may even consist of half of various food additives and preservatives.

But to open an eco-store that is truly in demand among the population, you will have to invest quite large sums of money, advertise your business well, and also find suppliers who specialize in the production of healthy food.

So you can sell:

  • organic fruits and vegetables;
  • cereals and grains;
  • bakery;
  • natural sugar substitutes;
  • vegetable and butter;
  • dairy products;
  • fresh meat without stabilizers;
  • natural sweets;
  • tea and coffee;
  • dried fruits and more.

You can also open your own online store and sell through it non-perishable products that can be sent by mail.

3. Opening a pharmacy.

Of course, it’s not as simple as a food kiosk, but if you want and have the funds, this is a great idea for a truly in-demand business.

The purchase of medicines and medicines is carried out every day, because people, unfortunately, do not stop getting sick.

To work in this area, an entrepreneur will need to collect a number of permits, obtain a license and hire workers with higher pharmaceutical education.

Investments in opening a pharmacy are really large, and we are not talking about expensive rent and paying decent salaries to employees, but about the purchase of goods - medicines of various types, medicinal cosmetics and other related products.

Popular business in manufacturing

The manufacturing industry is quite diverse and touches various areas of life, and anyone who wants to have their own business will be able to find an idea for a sought-after business.

1. Processing industries.

Our planet increasingly resembles a warehouse of used things, this problem is especially relevant in post-Soviet countries where the recycling industry is poorly developed.

This area includes the idea of ​​rubber tires, glass containers, plastic, paper.

The profitability of such a business lies in the low cost of raw materials and the presence of a small number of competitors, as well as the demand for processed products on the market.

To open such a truly relevant and in-demand business, you need to:

  • decide on the direction of activity;
  • study the production process;
  • rent a production facility outside the city;
  • purchase appropriate equipment;
  • hire staff;
  • find those who need processed products.

2. Production of building materials.

Even during a crisis, cities continue to be built, and people make repairs in their homes.

And for this you need various building materials - wood, dry building mixtures, bricks, metal profiles, tiles and much more.

Therefore, if you open even a small production of building materials, you can be sure that you will have a sought-after business.

If you have a small start-up capital, then choose one direction and work on its development at first.

At first, you can sell finished goods to small hardware stores.

But as your business expands, don’t be afraid to enter the regional and then state markets.

But for you to succeed, produce only high-quality building materials, and then you will always have buyers.

3. Charcoal production.

The scope of application of charcoal is quite wide.

It is used in the construction industry - for the production of varnishes, construction powders, in production - as fuel, in everyday life - for starting fires in fireplaces and barbecues.

Thus, this production can be classified as a sought-after business, since it has diverse consumers.

To implement this idea, you do not need to rent a large room and buy expensive equipment.

To begin with, you can limit yourself to 20 sq.m. and a stove costing 350-450 thousand rubles.

In-demand service business

The service industry is especially attractive to those who like to communicate with people.

This includes entertainment, catering, household, financial, legal, insurance, hotel, postal and other services.

So, you will know the “kitchen” of the business from the inside, which will make your life much easier.

1. Delivery service.

The demand for business in this service sector is associated with the constant increase in the number of online stores and the number of orders.

You can provide large goods, small parcels, prepared food, correspondence.

At the initial stage, you can engage in such business at the city level, that is, work with local online stores, catering establishments, offices and the general public.

To begin with, you will need an office space and a car - an easy one for the delivery of small parcels and correspondence and a cargo one for large parcels.

Also, franchising is highly developed in this business, so if you don’t want to start from scratch, you can buy a franchise.

2. Consulting: accounting, auditing and legal services.

This is truly the most popular business, as various individual entrepreneurs and companies are constantly opening.

But not everyone understands accounting and jurisprudence issues.

Firstly, many do not want to risk their money and are ready to entrust these matters to specialists; secondly, there is no need to hire individual workers, it is enough to conclude contracts with such companies.

The business of providing consulting services is carried out by those who have appropriate education and experience in this field.

Here you can act alone, or you can find the same specialists who will also be interested in their independence.

3. Website development.

Any self-respecting company or firm should have its own website.

But not everyone understands how to create it, so they resort to the services of webmasters.

Therefore, website development services are a truly in-demand business, especially in modern times.

But still, the market is experiencing a shortage of competent and creative specialists, since most of them often offer to work according to a standard scheme.

In addition, most companies that have been operating for a long time have their own websites, but they need to be improved and constantly developed.

This once again confirms the fact that having knowledge in this area, you can safely start your own business.

You can act alone, but it’s still better to team up with other webmasters and open a company.

Firstly, you will reduce costs significantly, and secondly, you will work in a team.

Current business ideas for 2017 are collected in the video:

The proposed ideas are just a part of what can be discovered the most popular business.

This also includes sewing/repairing clothes and shoes, construction and repair work, PR, maintenance of electronic equipment and much more that the population needs.

Think about what you would like to do, choose a field, analyze your idea, and start acting.

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