Types of paraffins. Cotton candle wick. What is paraffin?

Cosmetologists prefer dehydrated, well-purified special cosmetic paraffin, since it is he who is able to keep heat well and have a healing effect on the skin of the hands, feet, face and other parts of the body.

It is recommended to carry out paraffin therapy sessions aimed at skin rejuvenation at least once every 3 months. Over time, it will be noticeable that the skin noticeably tightened, began to look younger and fresher, and wrinkles became less noticeable.

Paraffin is a solid that melts at temperatures above 50°C.

Cosmetic paraffin is fundamentally different from the one from which candles are made. It is sold in pharmacies, salons or specialized stores.

The most inexpensive, is considered paraffin, without the addition of useful components. If you are new to this business, then start caring for your appearance with it.

But if you have the opportunity, it is better to purchase more expensive types of paraffin with various additives.

For example, with an extract of aloe and other plants, with cocoa butter, shea butter, with vitamin supplements. All of these types are great for paraffin wrapping of hands, feet, face and other parts of the body where there are no contraindications for this procedure.

It is not worth re-pressing the same paraffin, as it is saturated with the toxins of the human body and becomes unsuitable for reuse.

If you do not follow this rule, you will only get skin inflammation, but not a cosmetic effect.

Paraffinin turn is divided into different directions, depending on the goal, they determinefor whatit is needed:

Paraffin therapy - what is it? How is paraffin used in cosmetology

The procedure is the manufacture and application of a thermal compress on a separate area of ​​the body. It is based on paraffin heated to a liquid state.

If you heat hard paraffin to a temperature of 53 degrees, it turns into a warm viscous mass, which is quickly applied to the skin, without causing any discomfort or pain.

Paraffin has a positive effect on the condition of the nails, for which it is recommended to carry out the procedure on a cleaned nail plate

Do not be afraid to get burned when applying paraffin, since the dermis under the paraffin layer warms up by only 2-3 degrees. Only pleasant warmth will be felt. And during this time, the skin will rejuvenate and become healthier.

Thanks to some additives that are added by many cosmetic manufacturers, paraffin can serve as a good antiseptic and emollient.

Herefor whatapplyparaffin:

  1. Eliminates swelling, tightens pores and cleanses them.
  2. The microstimulation of the dermis is enhanced, due to this, the aging process slows down.
  3. Blood circulation increases, lymph outflow accelerates, and due to this, toxins are more intensively removed.
  4. Paraffin with essential oils has a therapeutic effect on damaged skin, strengthens the nail plates, tones the whole body, a person begins to feel better.
  5. Both the superficial layers of the skin and the deeper part of the epidermis are moisturized.
  6. Due to the greenhouse effect under the paraffin film, renewal occurs at the cellular level.
  7. Paraffin therapy can be carried out more than once a week.
  8. When cooling, the paraffin shrinks a little, while a kind of lifting effect occurs on the skin. Therefore, already after the first procedure, you can notice how fine wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin has acquired a smooth and healthy look.
  9. In relation to the hands, paraffin therapy restores their muscle tone, due to this, fatigue of the upper limbs is eliminated and pain disappears.

Paraffin therapy is a unique cosmetic procedure. It can be applied to any part of the body where there are skin problems. Most often it is the area of ​​the face, arms and legs. Often carry out anti-cellulite wrapping.

What paraffin is needed, and where to buy it?

Cosmetic paraffin is sold in pharmacies and specialized cosmetic stores.

For cosmetic purposes, it is best to purchase paraffin with various useful additives. These:

Hand paraffin therapy device

There are special devices for paraffin therapy. They are baths that themselves heat the paraffin to the desired temperature. After the product is heated, such an electronic bath sets the desired temperature and the paraffin does not cool down, remaining in the same liquid state.

Typically, such devices are used in beauty salons, but more and more they are being purchased for home use.

The most popular brands of devices for hand paraffin therapy:

  • SD-56;
  • ruNail PS-200;
  • Charisma.

Paraffin mittens

Paraffin, getting on the skin, creates a thermal effect. And the beneficial substances contained in it are able to penetrate deep into the epidermis. To preserve the thermal effect, the craftsmen use special mittens. They put them on the hands of clients over a special film that covers the applied paraffin.

Why such mittens are needed is clear, now it’s worth figuring out when and how they need to be worn when using paraffin.

This is done in the following sequence:

  • The skin on the hands is processed and a disinfectant is applied to it.
  • Then the brushes are either lowered into a bath with liquid warm paraffin, or the product is applied with a special spatula.
  • Special polyethylene is put on the hands.
  • Then mittens are put on the brushes.
  • The tool is kept until cool.
  • After removing the paraffin, a moisturizer and softener is applied to the brushes.

How to melt paraffin at home

For one procedure of physiotherapy, you will need an average of 200-300 gr. paraffin. Paraffin is placed in a separate dish - ceramic, enameled or glass. Next, the container is placed in a water bath, where the paraffin is brought to a liquid state. After that, the tool can be applied.

You can purchase a ready-made apparatus for melting paraffin, which is equipped with the functions of heating and holding the desired temperature. But in the absence of a detailed opportunity, do not despair. Since improvised means can also be done well.

The use of this tool at home will greatly reduce the cost of a woman, as if she went to a beauty salon.

Paraffin therapy for hands

Manual paraffin - what it is used for is not difficult to guess. It creates a greenhouse effect and helps beneficial substances to penetrate into the deeper layers of the epidermis.

Using paraffin for hands, you can achieve the following results:

  • The skin will become firm and elastic.
  • Peeling will disappear.
  • Fights micro cracks.
  • Slows down the aging process of the skin.

Hand baths with paraffin can have a different direction, it depends on the composition of such a product. Here are some recipes.

Nutrient bath. This requires paraffin, vitamins A and E, seaweed. The latter are crushed and filled with water. During this time, the paraffin is heated and the rest of the ingredients are already added to it. The procedure is carried out once a week. Another effective effect of such a bath is the strengthening of the nail plate.

How to apply - procedure

To rejuvenate the skin of the hands, you will need paraffin, potatoes, milk and butter. Prepare mashed potatoes, and then put milk and butter in it. The paraffin is melted separately.

First, warm potatoes are applied to the hands, the hands are wrapped in polyethylene, after 2 minutes they are removed. Then the hands are rinsed with water and lubricated with cream. After the hands are lowered into paraffin up to 6 times and held for 10 seconds. Then a plastic bag is put on the hands and wrapped in a towel.

When 20 minutes have passed, the product can be removed. In order to prevent the procedure is carried out once a week. In the presence of aging or withered skin, until the complete recovery process, the procedure can be carried out every day for 5 days, but no more.

Paraffin therapy for feet

The recipe for the composition of the bath with paraffin

In a pharmacy, a composition for foot baths with paraffin is bought. The tool melts and you can lower your legs into it.

It is necessary to control that the temperature of the melted paraffin does not exceed 43-45 degrees.

How to apply - procedure

If the paraffin bath will cool down, it is necessary to turn on the heating. And sit like that for half an hour.

You can do it differently in paraffin warmed up to a liquid state, dip a wide brush and spread it on the lower limbs.

Over it is necessary to put on polyethylene and insulated socks. If desired, you can even go to bed like this, the next morning the hardened paraffin is easily removed from your feet.

Before applying paraffin, the feet are washed well, and hardened skin areas are removed from the feet. Next, the feet are dried with a towel. After paraffin therapy, the feet are washed again, dried and a nourishing agent is applied to them.

Paraffin therapy for the face

In paraffin heated to the required temperature (for which additives are needed in it, see below), from which face masks are prepared, essential oils are most often added.

Each component of such oils has its own direction. Here are just a few of the benefits of each oil:

  1. Clove oil fights acne.
  2. Ylang Ylang rejuvenates the skin.
  3. For sagging skin, anise oil is perfect.
  4. Mandarin gives the face freshness.
  5. Rosemary has a restorative effect.

Recipe composition with paraffin

With dry skin of the face, before using paraffin, the face is treated with an oil scrub. After that, a moisturizer is applied to it. A gauze is applied to the face, on top of which, paraffin cream is applied.

After that, the face is covered with a towel. Olive or almond oil is added to the melted paraffin.

How to apply - procedure

Wrinkled skin. A piece of gauze is wetted in heated paraffin and quickly applied to the problem area. All this is fixed with a bandage and heat preservation is ensured.

The face is a sensitive area on the human body. Therefore, with the heating temperature, you do not need to try too hard. To check how hot the paraffin is, you need to make a small smear on your forehead. If it does not burn, then the product can be confidently applied to the face.

To achieve the best effect, you can apply one layer of paraffin to the face, then cover it with a cloth with pre-cut holes for the eyes and nose. Then 2-3 layers of the heated agent are applied over the gauze.

Paraffin for hair

As a rule, paraffin-based masks are not used on hair. But paraffin is part of cosmetic wax. It is required to fix the hairstyle. The presence in cosmetic wax of such a main component as natural beeswax allows you to nourish the hair, giving it a healthy look.

Paraffin for the body

Using paraffin for the body, you can overcome cellulite and body fat, remove toxins and toxins from the body.

Paraffin massage

Paraffin masks on the body strengthen and have a relaxing effect. The effect of them is like a massage. 5-6 layers of paraffin are applied to problematic skin areas, after which a polyethylene film and a dense fabric are placed on top of it. In this state, a person is 20-30 minutes.

After this procedure, it is useful to do a wellness massage to eliminate body fat.

Paraffin wrap

For paraffin wrapping, you will need gauze, melted paraffin, polyethylene film and a dense fabric. Often such a wrap is recommended for cellulite.

Gauze is moistened in paraffin, applied to the desired area, covered with a film, then with a warm cloth, and left for half an hour. Instead of gauze, paraffin can be applied with a brush, so the effect will be better, since several layers can be applied.

Before applying the wrap, you need to take a shower and cleanse the body with a scrub, then apply a nourishing cream.

Cosmetics with paraffin

There are also products on sale, the main component of which is paraffin. For what they are needed, you can find out below.

Cream Aravia Professional

The advantage of such a cream over paraffin is that it does not need to be heated. It is applied like a regular cream, but in a thicker layer. After that, a film is applied over it and covered with a cloth.

If the cream is applied to the hands, then warm mittens are put on top of the film. After 20 minutes, the remaining paraffin is removed.

Depileve cold paraffin

On the body there are areas where the vessels are located close to the surface. In this case, hot paraffin is not suitable. Therefore, cold paraffin is used - Depileve. It does not require additional heating.

In addition, the composition of the product includes vitamin A, which has a beneficial effect on the dermis. The product is used in the same way as other types of paraffin, only without preheating.

Cosmetic paraffin "Sustabin"

This remedy is used in a heated form, providing a relaxing and warming effect on the skin of the face, arms, legs and body. And also before the massage. The cream is pre-applied, so the paraffin will not stick to the skin.

Further, the procedure is standard, hands or feet are lowered into hot paraffin, whose temperature should not exceed 55-60 degrees. Then a plastic film is applied and the legs or arms are wrapped in a towel, or mittens or socks are put on. After 15-20 minutes, the paraffin is removed, and a cream is applied to the skin.

Contraindications to paraffin therapy

Not always paraffin can be beneficial. There are cases when this remedy is contraindicated:

  1. Presence of cardiovascular disease.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. lactation period.
  4. The presence of skin diseases and open wounds.
  5. The presence of rashes and ulcers.
  6. Hypertrichosis or increased hairiness.
  7. The presence of large moles and warts on the body.

Video lesson paraffin therapy for hands

The first video tells what paraffin is used for in hand care:

The second video demonstrates the benefits of paraffin in the preparation of face masks:

Today, many modern beauty salons offer services using paraffin - restorative and rejuvenating procedures. Paraffin therapy noticeably improves the condition of parched, aging, dehydrated and tired skin.

) predominantly normal structure of the composition from C 18 H 38 (octadecane) to C 35 H 72 ().

Depending on the ratio of concentrations of heavy and light hydrocarbons, paraffin can be liquid, solid and finely crystalline (ceresin).

Compound [ | ]

Paraffins are a mixture of solid hydrocarbons of the methane series with a predominantly normal structure with 18-35 carbon atoms in the molecule and a melting point of 45-65 ° C. Paraffins usually contain some isoparaffinic hydrocarbons, as well as hydrocarbons with an aromatic or naphthenic nucleus in the molecule.

GOST 23683-89 establishes 10 brands of paraffin (P1, P2, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, T1, T2, C), differing in class and form of release:

  1. grades with the P index - highly purified, intended for food production;
  2. grades with index B - highly purified with a narrower variation in the weights of the components, intended for non-food industries;
  3. grades with index T - purified technical paraffins;
  4. brand with index C - the so-called "match" paraffin, characterized by a high oil content and the lowest melting point.

The oil content in paraffin is standardized (0.8% for grade P2; 0.45% for all grades, excluding technical grades; over 1% for technical grades). The chemical composition of paraffins is indirectly normalized according to the melting point and microhardness (for paraffins of grades with the letter B, produced in the form of ingots).

Properties [ | ]

Paraffin is a white substance with a molecular weight of 300-450, in the molten state it has a low viscosity.

Paraffins are inert to most chemicals. They are oxidized by nitric acid, atmospheric oxygen (at 140 °C and above) and some other oxidizing agents to form various fatty acids, similar to those found in vegetable and animal fats. Synthetic fatty acids, obtained by the oxidation of paraffin, are used instead of fats of vegetable and animal origin in the perfume industry, in the production of lubricants, detergents, and food products.

Receipt [ | ]

Paraffins can also be isolated from other products, such as ozokerite. Depending on the fractional composition, melting point and structure, paraffins are divided into liquid (t pl ≤ 27 ° C), solid (t pl = 28-70 ° C) and microcrystalline (t pl > 60-80 ° C) - ceresins. At the same melting point, ceresins differ from paraffins in their greater molecular weight, density, and viscosity. Ceresins react vigorously with fuming sulfuric acid, while paraffins react weakly with it. During the distillation of oil, ceresins are concentrated in the sediment, and paraffin is distilled with distillate. Ceresins, which are concentrated in the residue after the distillation of fuel oil, are a mixture of cycloalkanes and, in a smaller amount, solid arenes and alkanes. There are relatively few isoalkanes in ceresin.

According to the degree of purification, paraffins are divided into the following types:

Depending on the depth of cleaning, they are white (highly refined and refined grades) or slightly yellowish and from light yellow to light brown (crude paraffins). Purified paraffin has a density of 881-905 kg/m³. Ceresins are a mixture of hydrocarbons with the number of carbon atoms in the molecule from 36 to 55 (from C 36 to C 55). They are extracted from natural raw materials (natural ozocerite, as well as the remains of highly paraffinic grades of oil obtained during its processing). Melting point 65-88 °C, molecular weight 500-700. Paraffins are widely used in electrical, food (deep cleaning paraffins; t pl = 50-54 ° C; oil content 0.5-2.3% by weight), perfumery and other industries. On the basis of ceresin, various compositions are made in household chemicals, vaselines; they are also used as thickeners in the production of greases, insulating materials in electrical and radio engineering and wax mixtures.

Raw solid paraffins are produced by the following methods:

The crude paraffins are then refined (refined) using acid-base, adsorption (contact or percolation) or hydrogenation refining (to remove unstable substances that stain and smell). Liquid paraffins are isolated from diesel fractions by dewaxing using selective solvents (a mixture of acetone, benzene and toluene), urea dewaxing (in the production of low-solidification diesel fuel) and adsorption on molecular sieves (isolation of liquid paraffins C 10 -C 18 using a porous synthetic zeolite).

Application [ | ]

In radio engineering:

The threat of "paraffin poisoning" and its elimination[ | ]

In summer types of diesel fuel, a high content of paraffins is often found. At temperatures below -5 °C, this causes paraffin crystallization in the tank, as well as in all parts of the HE from the tank to the injectors, which leads to diesel failure. To eliminate this, sometimes you have to clean the entire TA.

To prevent crystallization,

Paraffin- a wax-like mixture of saturated hydrocarbons (alkanes) of composition from C18H38 (octadecane) to C35H72 (petnatriocontane).
The name comes from lat. parum - "little" and affinis - "kindred" because of its low susceptibility to most reagents.
mp 40-65 °C; density 0.880-0.915 g/cm³ (15 °C). Obtained mainly from oil.

Paraffins are a mixture of solid hydrocarbons of the methane series with a predominantly normal structure with 18-35 carbon atoms in the molecule and a melting point of 45-65 ° C. Paraffins usually contain some isoparaffinic hydrocarbons, as well as hydrocarbons with an aromatic or naphthenic nucleus in the molecule.
Paraffin is a white substance with a molecular weight of 300-450, in the molten state it has a low viscosity.
Paraffins are inert to most chemicals. They are oxidized by nitric acid, atmospheric oxygen (at 140 °C and above) and some other oxidizing agents to form various fatty acids similar to those found in vegetable and animal fats. Synthetic fatty acids obtained by the oxidation of paraffin are used instead of fats of vegetable and animal origin in the perfume industry, in the production of lubricants, detergents and other products.
Paraffins can also be isolated from other products, such as ozokerite. Depending on the fractional composition, melting temperature and structure, paraffins are divided into liquid (tmelt ≤ 27 °C), solid (tmelt = 28–70 °C) and microcrystalline (tmelt > 60–80 °C) ceresins. At the same melting point, ceresins differ from paraffins in their greater molecular weight, density, and viscosity. Ceresins react vigorously with fuming sulfuric acid, while paraffins react weakly with it. During the distillation of oil, ceresins are concentrated in the sediment, and paraffin is distilled with distillate. Ceresins, which are concentrated in the residue after the distillation of fuel oil, are a mixture of cycloalkanes and in a smaller amount of solid arenes and alkanes. There are relatively few isoalkanes in ceresin.
According to the degree of purification, paraffins are divided into gachas (petrolatums), which contain up to 30% (wt.) of oils; crude paraffins (ceresins) with oil content up to 6% (wt.); purified and highly purified paraffins (ceresins). Depending on the depth of cleaning, they are white (highly refined and refined grades) or slightly yellowish and from light yellow to light brown (crude paraffins). Purified paraffin has a density of 881-905 kg/m³. Ceresins are a mixture of hydrocarbons with the number of carbon atoms in the molecule from 36 to 55 (from C36 to C55). They are extracted from natural raw materials (natural ozokerite, as well as residues of highly paraffinic grades of oil obtained during its processing). Melting point 65-88 °C, molecular weight 500-700. Paraffins are widely used in electrical, food (deep cleaning paraffins; t_melt = 50-54 ° C; oil content 0.5-2.3% by weight), perfumery and other industries. On the basis of ceresin, various compositions are made in household chemicals, vaseline; they are also used as thickeners in the production of greases, insulating materials in electrical and radio engineering and wax mixtures.
Crude solid paraffins are produced by the following methods: 1) deoiling slack and petrolatum - by-products of the production (dewaxing) of oils using solvents (mixtures of ketone, benzene and toluene, dichloroethane), while obtaining crude paraffins (from slack) and ceresins (from petrolatum); 2) isolation and deoiling of paraffin from distillates of highly paraffinic oils with a mixture of ketone, benzene and toluene; 3) precipitation of solid paraffins without the use of solvents (by cooling in crystallizers and filter pressing). The crude paraffins are then refined (refined) using acid-base, adsorption (contact or percolation) or hydrogenation refining (to remove unstable substances that stain and smell). Liquid paraffins are isolated from diesel fractions by dewaxing using selective solvents (a mixture of acetone, benzene and toluene), urea dewaxing (in the production of low-solidification diesel fuel) and adsorption on molecular sieves (isolation of liquid C10-C18 paraffins using a porous synthetic zeolite).

candles for lighting;
lubricant for rubbing wooden parts (drawer guides, pencil cases, etc.);
in a mixture with gasoline - anti-corrosion coating (flammable!);
in cosmetics for the production of vaseline;
paraffins are registered as food additives E905x;
used for paraffin treatment in medicine;
lubrication for cross-country skiing, alpine skiing and snowboarding;
in nuclear physics, technology: effective neutron moderator and proton "generator".
In radio engineering.
For the impregnation of electrical paper used in the manufacture of capacitors and winding transformers. Sometimes they also impregnate the cardboard used for the manufacture of circuit boards using the surface mounting method.
For casting frameless inductors, to protect them from vibrations and microphone effect. Often used, for example, in VHF radios. Sometimes the entire volume of the microassembly is poured.
In other cases, where high dielectric strength, low AC losses, low cost and the ability to easily release from pouring by simple heating are required.


Paraffins are a mixture of solid hydrocarbons of the methane series with a predominantly normal structure with 18-35 carbon atoms in the molecule and a melting point of 45-65 ° C. Paraffins usually contain some isoparaffinic hydrocarbons, as well as hydrocarbons with an aromatic or naphthenic nucleus in the molecule.


Paraffin is a white substance with a molecular weight of 300-450, in the molten state it has a low viscosity.

Paraffins are inert to most chemicals. They are oxidized by nitric acid, atmospheric oxygen (at 140 °C and above) and some other oxidizing agents to form various fatty acids, similar to those found in vegetable and animal fats. Synthetic fatty acids, obtained by the oxidation of paraffin, are used instead of fats of vegetable and animal origin in the perfume industry, in the production of lubricants, detergents and other products.


Paraffins can also be isolated from other products, for example, from ozokerite. Depending on the fractional composition, melting point and structure, paraffins are divided into liquid (t pl ≤ 27 ° C), solid (t pl = 28 - 70 ° C) and microcrystalline (t pl > 60-80 ° C) - ceresins. At the same melting point, ceresins differ from paraffins in their greater molecular weight, density, and viscosity. Ceresins react vigorously with fuming sulfuric acid, while paraffins react weakly with it. During the distillation of oil, ceresins are concentrated in the sediment, and paraffin is distilled with distillate. Ceresins, which are concentrated in the residue after the distillation of fuel oil, are a mixture of cycloalkanes and in a smaller amount of solid arenes and alkanes. There are relatively few isoalkanes in ceresin.

According to the degree of purification, paraffins are divided into gachas (petrolatums), which contain up to 30% (wt.) of oils; crude paraffins (ceresins) with oil content up to 6% (wt.); purified and highly purified paraffins (ceresins). Depending on the depth of cleaning, they are white (highly refined and refined grades) or slightly yellowish and from light yellow to light brown (crude paraffins). Purified paraffin has a density of 881-905 kg/m³. Ceresins are a mixture of hydrocarbons with the number of carbon atoms in the molecule from 36 to 55 (from C 36 to C 55). They are extracted from natural raw materials (natural ozocerite, as well as the remains of highly paraffinic grades of oil obtained during its processing). Melting point 65-88 °C, molecular weight 500-700. Paraffins are widely used in electrical, food (deep cleaning paraffins; t_melt = 50-54 ° C; oil content 0.5-2.3% by weight), perfumery and other industries. On the basis of ceresin, various compositions are made in household chemicals, vaselines; they are also used as thickeners in the production of greases, insulating materials in electrical and radio engineering and wax mixtures.

Crude solid paraffins are produced by the following methods: 1) deoiling slack and petrolatum - by-products of the production (dewaxing) of oils using solvents (mixtures of ketone, benzene and toluene, dichloroethane), while obtaining crude paraffins (from slack) and ceresins (from petrolatum); 2) isolation and deoiling of paraffin from distillates of highly paraffinic oils with a mixture of ketone, benzene and toluene; 3) precipitation of solid paraffins without the use of solvents (by cooling in crystallizers and filter pressing). The crude paraffins are then refined (refined) using acid-base, adsorption (contact or percolation) or hydrogenation refining (to remove unstable substances that stain and smell). Liquid paraffins are isolated from diesel fractions by dewaxing using selective solvents (a mixture of acetone, benzene and toluene), urea dewaxing (in the production of low-solidification diesel fuel) and adsorption on molecular sieves (isolation of liquid paraffins C 10 -C 18 using a porous synthetic zeolite).


In radio engineering.

  • For the impregnation of electrical paper used in the manufacture of capacitors and winding transformers. Sometimes they also impregnate the cardboard used for the manufacture of circuit boards using the surface mounting method.
  • For casting frameless inductors, to protect them from vibrations and microphone effect. Often used, for example, in VHF radios. Sometimes the entire volume of the microassembly is poured.
  • In other cases, where high dielectric strength, low AC losses, low cost and the ability to easily release from pouring by simple heating are required.

see also


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See what "Paraffin" is in other dictionaries:

    - (Greek). A white fatty substance, tasteless and odorless, used in the manufacture of candles; extracted from peat and tarry shale. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. PARAFFIN white waxy body, melting ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    PARAFFIN- solid (FUN), Paraffinum solidum, ceresin, is a dense mass consisting of saturated and cyclic hydrocarbons obtained from different grades of oil by further distillation of oil residues, as well as by dry distillation of brown coal, ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

    Petroleum product, hexane, heptane, homosexual, gach Dictionary of Russian synonyms. paraffin noun, number of synonyms: 14 belmontine (1) ... Synonym dictionary

    paraffin- a, m. paraffine f., German. Paraffin lat. parum little affinus akin. A white, waxy, fusible substance extracted from petroleum, which is a mixture of hydrocarbons. BAS 1. Derived from petroleum; used in the food industry. in… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Paraffin- - a mixture of solid high-molecular saturated hydrocarbons of a normal structure. [GOST 26098 84] Paraffin is a mixture of solid high molecular weight saturated hydrocarbons of normal structure. [Terminological dictionary for concrete and ... ... Encyclopedia of terms, definitions and explanations of building materials

    PARAFFIN, wax-like substance, mixture of saturated hydrocarbons, mp 40 65shC. They are used for the manufacture of candles, impregnation of paper, wood in the match and pencil industries, for finishing fabrics, paraffin treatment, etc. Modern Encyclopedia

    Wax-like substance, a mixture of saturated hydrocarbons of composition С18Н38 С35Н72. mp 40 65 .С; density 0.880 0.915 g/cm³ (15.C). Obtained mainly from oil. Used for the preparation of paraffin paper, impregnation of wood in ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    PARAFFIN, a white, translucent waxy substance, consisting of a mixture of solid ALKANEs obtained by solvent extraction. It is used to make candles, waxed paper, polishes, and in the production of ... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    PARAFFIN, paraffin, pl. no. husband. (from lat. parum affinis little touching) (chem., tech.). White, waxy, fusible substance, which is a mixture of hydrocarbons and is extracted from oil. Paraffin candles. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    PARAFFIN, a, husband. Wax-like light fusible substance obtained advantageously. from oil, used in industry and medicine. | adj. paraffin, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Husband. natural: fossil wax; | made: distillation of wood, peat, animal remains. Paraffin candles are not worse than spermaceti. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Including such an important, used in a variety of industries, as paraffin. Candles are made from it, paraffin derivatives are included in cosmetic products, in chewing gum, and are used in the manufacture of matches.

What is paraffin, its properties

It consists of a mixture of several saturated hydrocarbons of the methane series. Hydrocarbons related to paraffins can differ greatly in their properties, both chemical and physical. The entire class of compounds is usually divided into paraffins and ceresins (isoparaffins).

Paraffins are solid and liquid, the molecules have almost no branches. Chemically inert, melt at temperatures up to +27 degrees C (liquid) and +50-70 degrees C (solid). There is no exact value, because paraffin is a mixture of several compounds.

Highly purified, medical, technically purified paraffin is a white solid mass, odorless, greasy to the touch, melts at a temperature not lower than +50 ° C (for match paraffin, melting t can be reduced to +42 ° C), liquid in molten form. The oil content is standardized and should be no more than 0.6-2.3%, depending on the brand (for a match, up to 5% is allowed). Poorly purified paraffin can be yellowish and even brown; it darkens in the light.

Ceresins are compounds with large molecules, with a large number of side chains. The compounds have a fine-grained structure, are thicker and more viscous than paraffins, melt at a temperature of 65-88 degrees. In addition, they are chemically more active than paraffins.

Purified paraffin is chemically inert under normal conditions, but its activity increases when heated. The oxidation reaction with oxygen produces synthetic higher fatty acids and alcohols, which are often used in cosmetology instead of natural products obtained from fats and oils of vegetable and animal origin.

Paraffins are not water-soluble and do not dissolve in ethyl alcohol, but they dissolve well in most other organic solvents, as well as in mineral oils. Fire hazard, burn at temperatures above +160°C.

The use of paraffin and its derivatives

Most of the paraffins are obtained from oil with a paraffin content of more than 2%. A small part, about 10%, is obtained from ozocerite, distillation of wood resin, peat, brown coal, bituminous shale, dry distillation of wood, as well as the chemical reaction of CO reduction with hydrogen (pure synthetic paraffin).

Paraffins are used:

For finishing fabrics;
. in nuclear physics;
. for paper impregnation;
. in match production;
. for obtaining synthetic fats for perfumery and cosmetic industry;
. as a coating against corrosion;
. to obtain surfactants - surface-active substances;
. as an additive in lubricating oils;
. for the manufacture of candles;
. to get vaseline;
. for paraffin therapy in medicine and cosmetology;
. as a food additive E905c, for coating fruits, cheeses and food packaging;
. in radio electronics and electrical engineering as an insulating material;
. in lubricants for skis and snowboards.

Do you need a good, with favorable prices, a wide range and excellent service, a chemical reagents store in Moscow and the Moscow region? You found it, it's Prime Chemicals Group, where you can buy paraffin and many other chemicals, as well as all the necessary laboratory glassware, various


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