1s erp pm design organization management. Knowledge management, rationing

To calculate the full cost of implementing the ERP-system “1C: PM Project Management”, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary survey of the business processes of the automated enterprise and take a number of organizational and administrative decisions on fixing or optimizing the existing management technology. The cost of software licenses is immediately known.

License cost:

The code Name
   1C: PM Project Management. Client license for 1 workplace
   1C: PM Project Management. Client license for 5 workplaces
   1C: PM Project Management. Client license for 10 jobs
   1C: PM Project Management. Client license for 20 workplaces
   1C: PM Project Management. Client license for 50 jobs
   1C: PM Project Management. Client license for 100 jobs
   1C: PM Project Management. Client license for 300 workplaces
1 800

The composition of the product line "1C: PM Project Management"

Product "1C: Enterprise 8.PM   PROF project management "(article 4601546122681) includes:

  • Distributions:
    • configurations "PM Project Management PROF";
  • Functional configuration model "PM PROF Project Management";
  • DVD release of ITS;
  • Set of configuration documentation "PM PROF Project Management";
  • PIN code of the software protection configuration "PM PROF Project Management" for one workstation;
  • Licenses for using the "1C: Enterprise 8" system and the configuration "PM PROF Project Management" for one workstation;

Product "1C: Enterprise 8.PM   KORP project management "(article 4601546122698) includes:

  • Distributions:
    • platform "1C: Enterprise 8.3";
    • configurations "PMP Project Management CORP";
    • configuration "Application Design System";
  • Functional configuration model "PM CORPORATE Project Management";
  • DVD release of ITS;
  • A set of documentation on the platform "1C: Enterprise 8.3";
  • A set of documentation for the configuration "PM Project Management CORP";
  • A set of documentation for the configuration "Application Design System";
  • Activation envelope 1C: ITS Branch Preferential;
  • PIN code for the software protection of the platform "1C: Enterprise 8" for one workstation;
  • PIN code of the software protection configuration "PM CORPORATE Project Management" for one workstation;
  • Licenses for the use of the "1C: Enterprise 8" system and the configuration "PM KORP project management" for one workplace;
  • PIN codes for registering on the user support site.

The number of automated workplaces is expanded by purchasing client licenses for the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform (for 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 300, 500, 1000 jobs) and client licenses for 1C: PM Project Management ( for 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 300 jobs). It is planned to use the platform of PROF or CORP versions for products "1C: PM Project Management" regardless of their versions. Client licenses "1C: PM Project Management" are intended for licensing jobs that will use the functionality of the products "1C: PM Project Management", with the exception of the functions of time tracking and communication management within the project.

To use application solutions of the 1C: PM Project Management line in the client-server version, a license for the 1C: Enterprise 8 server is required.

Upgrade to the products "1C: PM PROF Project Management" and "1C: PM CORP Project Management" can be performed with the software product 4601546036568 "1C: Project Office Management" according to the general rules. On an upgrade basis, you can purchase the main deliveries "1C: PM PROF Project Management" and "1C: PM CORP Project Management". For users of “1C: PM PROF Project Management” an upgrade to “1C: PM CORP Project Management” is provided according to general rules. For users of “1C: PM PROF project management” or “1C: PM KORP project management” there is an upgrade to “1C: ERP + PM Management of the design organization 2” or to “Module 1C: PM Project management for 1C: ERP” according to the general rules .

When users switch from 1C: Project Office Management to 1C: PM PROF Project Management or 1C: PM KORP Project Management, a separate upgrade of 1C: Project Office Management client licenses to 1C client licenses is also provided: PM Project Management. " Users can transfer licenses when purchasing, respectively, new licenses according to the upgrade scheme.

The cost of the upgrade is calculated by the formula: the cost of purchased software products minus the cost of the product to be upgraded, plus 150 rubles, but not less than half the cost of the purchased set of products.

PM Management of a design organization 2 ", rev 2.4 is intended for automation of scientific, research, design and survey institutes, engineering companies, design bureaus, IT, management and investment companies, as well as for any other enterprises with a project type of production or using project management in The product is focused on supporting the management of project-oriented enterprises and organizations.

Key industry features of the program:

  • Project management;
  • Planning the content and timing of the project;
  • Planning the volume and supply of the project;
  • Planning subcontracts and material costs of the project;
  • Personnel planning and project labor costs;
  • Project and workload management;
  • Registration of actual data and project events;
  • Project finance management;
  • Dispatch of design work;
  • Actualization of the project;
  • Versioning the project;
  • Plan-factual analysis of the project;
  • Project communications management;
  • Knowledge management, rationing;
  • Project evaluation and contract pricing;
  • Management of project contracts;
  • Project document management;
  • Project risk management;
  • Portfolio and project management;
  • Resource management of the design organization.

The configuration "ERP + PM Management of the project organization 2" is developed on the basis of the typical configuration "ERP Enterprise Management 2", ed. 2.4 system of programs "1C: Enterprise 8" with preservation of all the basic capabilities and mechanisms of this standard solution. The configuration is not an independent software product; for it to work, the installed platform "1C: Enterprise 8.3" must be at least

The software product is protected and contains fragments of code that are not subject to change by the user, has protection against unauthorized use. At the same time, the principle of maximum openness of the code is implemented to ensure the possibility of adapting the product to the needs of end users.

"1C: ERP + PM Management of the design organization 2" has built-in exchange mechanisms with "1C: Document Management".

2016: 1C: ERP + PM Management of the design organization 2.2

The product was developed on the basis of the configuration "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2", version 2.2, is issued in conjunction with the company "1C".

The product "1C: ERP + PM Management of the design organization 2" is intended for automation of scientific, research, design and survey institutes, engineering companies, design bureaus, IT, management and investment companies, as well as for any other enterprises with a design type of production or using management projects in their activities. The product is focused on supporting the management of enterprises engaged in the implementation of projects, and is aimed at reducing operating and transaction costs by switching to a new version of the platform and developing functionality.

Functionality of the product "1C: ERP + PM Management of the design organization 2":

Design functionality:

  • Project management
  • Project content and project planning
  • Project volume and supply planning
  • Project subcontracting and material planning
  • Personnel Planning and Project Labor
  • Project load and time management
  • Registration of actual data and project events
  • Project Finance Management
  • Project Management
  • Project update
  • Project Versioning
  • Plan-factual analysis of the project
  • Project Communications Management
  • Knowledge management, rationing
  • Project evaluation and contract pricing
  • Project Contract Management
  • Project Document Management & nbsp;
  • Project risk management
  • Portfolio and project management
  • Project Organization Resource Management

ERP functionality:

  • Financial management
  • Budgeting
  • Monitoring and analysis of enterprise performance indicators
  • Regulated Accounting
  • HR management and payroll
  • Production Management
  • Cost Management and Costing
  • Organization of repairs
  • Sales management
  • Customer relationship management
  • Procurement management
  • Warehouse and Inventory Management
  • Implemented the ability to use the internal subsystem of working with files and integration with the configurations "Document Management" and "Enterprise Accounting".

To work with the configuration "1C: ERP + PM Management of the design organization 2", you must have the installed platform "1C: Enterprise 8.3".

The software product is protected and contains fragments of code that cannot be changed by the user, and has software protection against unauthorized use. At the same time, the principle of maximum openness of the code is implemented to ensure the possibility of adapting the product to the needs of end users.

The configuration "1C: ERP + PM Management of the design organization 2" was developed using the functionality "1C: Library of standard subsystems 8.3".

2015: 1C: ERP + PM Management of the design organization 2.0

Organizations using software products containing the configuration "ERP Enterprise Management 2.0" will be able to purchase a separate "Module 1C: PM Project Management for 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0" and integrate it into a single information system.

In the future, it is planned to release a separate product "Module 1C: PM Project Management for 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0".

The solution is delivered as a single configuration including the functionality "1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0" (ERP-functional) and the functionality of the project module "1C: PM Project Management" (Project functionality).

A solution for managing a project-oriented organization, and can be used for:

  • Research institutes, design bureaus, research institutes;
  • Engineering factories, design bureaus;
  • Companies - system integrators, IT, consulting and engineering companies;
  • Media and advertising agencies;
  • And any organizations that use in their work such concepts as: “project”, “project program” and “project portfolio”.

The solution "1C: ERP + PM Management of the project organization 2.0" automates the following business processes:

Preliminary assessment of the cost of work on the tender (announced tender).

Assessment of the project and its cost before starting work.

Carry out a financial assessment using the methodologies of BDR (revenue and expense budgets) and BDS (cash flow budgets).

Contract management: the solution allows you to establish a relationship between the project schedule and the contract work plan and record the initial contractual relationship.

Monitoring the implementation of the KPI project and key performance indicators.

Distribution of areas of responsibility between different employees working on projects, such as: project team leader, functional manager, project manager (project manager), coordinator, etc.

A single information space in which reliable and relevant data, design, financial documents, contracts, calendar plans and other data are located.

Resource management, analysis of project priorities and allocation of resources between projects.

Deviation response management.

Management of risks. Assessment of the likelihood of impacts that could have an adverse effect on the progress of the project.

Management of work standards.

History of work. The solution allows you to collect and accumulate statistical and historical data and, thus, improve the technology of the enterprise.

Design Functionality:

Project management functions include planning the content, timelines, volumes and deliveries of the project, planning labor costs, managing the workload and time of specialists, recording project data and events, dispatching functions, managing finances and versioning. There is a plan-fact analysis, knowledge management (knowledge base), communication management, contract evaluations and calculations. For analysts and management, contract management, risk management (risk analysis), management of project programs and project portfolios, and resource management of the project organization as a whole are provided.


Includes structural decomposition and arrangement of milestones or control events. The project plan, which is a decomposition of the timing, events, resources, is entered into the system in several ways: through the control panel (manual entry), through downloading from templates, or through exchanging data with Microsoft Project. You can enter data in a combined way.

Operational planning is carried out by two methods: using the role structure of the workforce and the matrix management structure or without them. Visualization tools will allow the manager to receive information on the progress of the project in representations convenient for him: Gantt charts, data tree, maps of project milestones or in the form of a network diagram.


The project management program includes functions for planning subcontracts and additional project costs. The subcontract plan is entered into the system in the form of amounts, and can be assigned either to the start date of the project, or to the end date, or distributed according to the life cycle of the project.

Management of loading, personnel and working hours:

To facilitate the planning and management processes in the system, the role structure of the labor resources is used, and the employee within this structure is a specific individual with a position and a certain level of responsibility. The system will allow you to appoint a manager for each project task, and a manager other than the project manager as a whole can be assigned for subtasks. A workforce is a combination of human resources, skills, job responsibilities, and hardware.

Download management will allow you to analyze the loading of labor resources and the feasibility of projects, plan the load and take into account working time for projects and tasks. The project management program uses special processing “Resource Conflict Analysis”, which will allow timely detection of a possible conflict of labor resources between already completed projects and approved or planned ones. Processing allows you to distribute the hourly time of each specialist with his participation in different projects.

Closing the project milestone:

In the project management program there is a registration of completed work volumes, expended material resources and the linking of various operations to the project. For the fact of the occurrence of the control event (for example, the fulfillment of a certain amount of work), the system provides for the document “Closing the project milestone”.

Project finance management:

The project management system allows you to work with three types of budgets: project expenses, project income and funds flow using the function of automatic generation of budget elements. The workflow of the autoforming function is configured by the user of the system, and a situation is allowed where not the entire amount is distributed according to the budget items, but only a certain part of it.

The project finance management loop uses implicit linking of budget items to the project calendar. The calendar period is set in the form of rules and functions that describe the binding of budget items to the time periods of a specific task in the project. When the project deadlines are shifted, the system automatically recounts financial plans.

The system provides the user with a plan-factual analysis of budgets and an analysis of deviations between the current financial plan and the actual state of affairs in the context of tasks, articles, periods, contracts and contractors.

Visual analysis tools allow you to view and analyze budget data in a user-friendly form (graphs, charts and tables), and within one screen form you can see summary data of any budget and a comparison of income with payments.


The project manager controls the project life cycle, work planning and implementation, risk management and analyzes the results.

To increase the efficiency of the planning and control processes, a methodology is laid down in the system that defines a number of features: the work performed by the labor resource is located at the lower level of decomposition (work structure); a work can have only one performer. If it is required to attract several performers, the work needs to be divided into a number of underlying tasks and operations, or to combine performers into one labor resource. This is the cornerstone for the work control loop.

The project life cycle consists of a number of stages: preliminary planning, operational planning, acceptance for execution, work, report and completion. Project management technologies embedded in the 1C: ERP system allow non-linear passage of work on a project in stages. Tasks can be returned for completion to the executor or the task can be completed with the sign “not successful” with the transfer of the task or its copy to another executor.

The program implements an escalation mechanism by which the contractor can convey to the manager data on delays in performing work. Through the escalation, “bad news” has an impact on calendar dates and project plans.

Together with the escalation mechanism, the project update loop works.

Project update mechanism:

Based on the data on the actual implementation or failure to fulfill the design plans at the lower level of the structural decomposition, the calendar terms of all the elements included in the project are recalculated. If other projects depend on the timing of one project, their terms are also recalculated.

Version Control Mechanism:

This mechanism stores an unlimited number of versions of project plans in the project information base. The task of the system is to enable the user to maintain several parallel plans for one project. Such simultaneous maintenance may be needed for the following purposes: the project organization may be able to plan in several sections, for example, in addition to the current plan, have a backup plan, or to track the dynamics of each project and compare the plan with the fact.

Plan-fact analysis:

The project management system of the company allows you to do an analysis of changes in the project economy, make a plan-fact analysis of the volume and labor spent, analyze the use of resources, additional costs, analyze the status of project tasks, analyze the timing, control events, indicators and build an S-shaped curve of the project (planned volume accumulated total).

Knowledge management, rationing:

This circuit allows you to store templates for various projects. A template can be either a complete plan or a fragment of any project. The structure of the templates is identical to the structure of the projects, information on labor resources, finances, and so on is similar. The difference between the template and the project lies in the absence of a calendar plan in the template, and therefore the template simply describes some methodology used by this enterprise for conducting standard projects.

In 1C: ERP + PM, data exchange between the Project Management and Knowledge Management circuits is implemented so that any project plan can be saved as a template. When loading a template into a project plan, the following may happen: a project plan can be replaced, supplemented, or assembled from several templates. When performing such operations in the database, the connection between the template and the project is preserved.

At the template level, you can analyze statistics on the use of templates and technologies used by the enterprise in real projects.

Management of project programs and project portfolios:

This circuit is necessary for combining projects into programs and portfolios, which may contain projects at different stages of the life cycle. At such levels, the project management system allows you to create a thematic plan for projects, and perform modeling projects included in the thematic plan for different periods. The system allows you to summarize information about control events of projects in a single view with the formation of a graphic map. The results of this analysis are used to make decisions. Key metrics can be entered manually or automatically calculated by the system.

Resource management:

The system includes three options for the management structure of the company. The matrix management structure, projects are managed by project managers, and human resources are managed by the heads of departments. The functional structure, where project plans are managed by department heads, they also manage human resources and the execution of work. And finally, the project management system, where project managers manage both project plans and resources.

The system has a role structure with two-level planning: at the first stage (preliminary planning of work), the work is distributed among specialists (roles), and then, at the stage of operational planning, it is distributed between labor resources.

The system normalizes the cost of attracting labor resources for the work performed, while for one labor resource and / or specialist (role) an unlimited number of discount rates can be stored in the system.


“1C: ERP + PM Management of the project organization 2.0” was created on the basis of the “1C: Enterprise 8.3” platform, which ensures high speed and scalability of the system. Full-fledged work with the system via the Internet, in RDP mode or through a web browser is pure using mobile devices running Android or iOS. The application interface is fully customizable for a specific user or group of users without programming.

The implementation of “1C: ERP + PM Management of the Project Organization 2.0” allows you to accelerate the pace and at the same time maintain the quality of project implementation by constantly monitoring, identifying deviations and providing the management staff with the necessary data on deviations and problems.

“1C: PM Project Management. The module for 1C: ERP ”includes all the project functionality (PM) of the solution“ 1C: ERP + PM Management of the project organization 2.0 ”and pre-configured integration tools with information systems based on“ 1C: ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 ”. Separate use of the full range of product features “1C: PM Project Management. The module for 1C: ERP "without integration with solutions containing the configuration" ERP Enterprise Management 2.0 "is not provided. Below is a description of the features of the program for May 2019.

Product Features “1C: PM Project Management. Module for 1C: ERP ":

  • Project management
  • Project Finance Management
  • Project Versioning
  • Plan-factual analysis of the project
  • Knowledge management
  • Project risk management

Let us consider in more detail the capabilities of the program in its functional blocks.

Project Management (PM)

  • Project Manager Workplace
  • Automated Functions and Project Management Areas
  • Project certification
  • Project Options
  • Project indicators
  • Project Statuses
  • Project Registration
  • Project Manager Appointment
  • Project Plan Approval
  • Start of design work
  • Stop design work
  • Project Manager Change
  • Resume Project
  • Project completion
  • Project Phase Management

The project passport allows you to record and store general information about the project in the system. The project passport displays details describing the main parameters of the project, such as the current head, current status, unit, project portfolio, project program and other parameters.

The life cycle of a project within the system consists of five stages:

  • Project initiation. At this stage, the intention is fixed to complete the project and the project manager is appointed. The project appears in the system as an object.
  • Project planning. At this stage, a preliminary project plan is developed, the composition and timing of the design work, the required labor, material and financial resources are determined.
  • Project approval. At this stage, an analysis of the principal feasibility of the project is carried out, resource conflicts with other projects are identified, adjustments are made and the basic plan of the project is approved.
  • Project implementation. At this stage, the distribution of work between labor resources is carried out, monitoring and control of work performed is carried out. Based on the actual data received from the performers, the project plan is regularly updated. If necessary, operational rescheduling is carried out. Also at this stage, data is collected on the actual costs of material and financial resources.
  • Project completion. At this stage, the fact of termination of work on the project is recorded, an analysis of the results achieved, the identification and analysis of deviations (by timing, cost, quality, etc.) are performed.

Project content and project planning

  • Project structural decomposition planning
  • Planning control events (milestones) of the project
  • Calculation of the project schedule
  • Fixing a basic project plan
  • Import and export data from / to "MS Project"

Project plan   - a set of structural decomposition of works, calendar dates, control events and data on attracted labor, material and financial resources - can be entered into the system in several ways.

  • Manual entry of relevant documents through the project control panel.
  • Loading / unloading project data from / to MS Project.
  • Loading project data from a template stored in the system.

Also, the project plan can be entered into the system in a combined way: part of the data is taken from the template, part is downloaded from the MS Project file, part of the data is entered and / or adjusted manually.
  The system supports two methods of operational planning of design work:

  • Using the role structure of the workforce and matrix management structure. In this case, the “project” manager manages the project plan, and the “functional” manager manages the work. Assignment of labor resources to specific work is carried out taking into account the roles performed.
  • Without using the role structure of the workforce and matrix management structure. In this case, the “project” manager manages both the project plan and the execution of work. Assignment of labor resources to specific work is carried out without taking into account the roles performed.

The visual tools of the system allows the manager to get information about the project in different representations: tabular representations, data tree, Gantt charts, map of design milestones, network diagram.

Project volume and supply planning

Supply planning and project volume planning - entering into the system information about the planned results of the project task. The supply plan and volumes are entered into the system in quantitative and total values. Moreover, the planned results can be attributed either to the start date of the task, or to the end date of the task, or distributed by the period of the task.

The planned results can be included in the planned revenue budget of the project task with detailing by units.

Project subcontracting and material planning

  • Planning for the use of project materials
  • Planning the use of equipment in the project
  • Planning for subcontracts and additional project costs

Planning the use of materials, equipment, subcontracts and additional costs of the project - entering into the system information about the planned costs necessary to complete the project task. The plan for the use of materials and equipment is entered into the system in quantitative and total values. The plan for the use of subcontracts and additional costs is entered into the system in total values. In this case, the planned costs can be attributed either to the start date of the task, or to the end date of the task, or distributed by the period of the task.

Planned costs can be included in the planned budget of the costs of the project task with detailing by units.

Personnel Planning and Project Labor

  • Change project manager
  • Assigning labor to a project
  • Role assignment and project task labor planning
  • Role Assignment and Labor Planning

The system allows you to appoint the head of a specific project task, and automatically its subtasks, different from the project manager as a whole. A distinctive feature of the system is the role structure of the workforce, which is aimed at facilitating the planning, management and analysis of not only the workforce, but also the project management as a whole . An employee within the system is a specific individual holding a specific position in the enterprise.

The labor resource is a unique combination of human resources and hardware, attracted as the executor of those design works that are elementary (not decomposed) within the system. The role of the labor resource is an abstract labor resource that combines skills, job responsibilities and place in the functional hierarchy of the enterprise. Human resources roles are used in the development of a project plan, analysis of project feasibility, and operational planning of workload loading.

Assigning manpower to a project - entering into the system information about which particular manpower of the enterprise is supposed to be used to carry out work within a particular project. Assigning roles and planning labor costs for a project task - entering information into the system about which roles of manpower enterprises are supposed to be used to carry out work within the framework of a specific project task. At the same time, the volume of labor and their cost are indicated. The cost of attracting labor resources can be entered either manually or using the previously set normalized cost of using resources.

The assignment of specific labor resources and the planning of labor costs of the project task is to enter into the system information about which specific labor resources of the enterprise are supposed to be used to perform work within the framework of a specific project task.

Project load and time management

  • Analysis of workload and feasibility of a simulated project portfolio
  • Planning the operational loading of specialists on projects
  • Project time tracking

To analyze the feasibility of a simulated portfolio of projects, the system provides processing "Analysis of resource loading", which allows you to track in time the conflict on the resources used between the approved, ongoing and planned projects of the enterprise (resource conflict).

To analyze the loading of labor resources, the system provides a corresponding report, which is intended to obtain information on the planned loading of labor resources in the context of projects, design tasks, elementary operations and time periods.

To plan the operational loading of specialists on projects, the system provides for the corresponding processing, which is intended for the operational distribution of the hourly time of specialists between tasks of different projects.

To account for the working time for projects in the system, the document “Distribution of working time for the week” is provided, which is intended to enter into the system data on the distribution of working time spent by the labor resource, during the calendar week, for project and non-project tasks, as well as for entering into the system data on lost (spent unproductively) working time.

Registration of actual data and project events

  • Registration of completed volumes
  • Registration of material costs
  • Registration of additional costs
  • Fixing the fact of a control event (milestone)
  • Linking business operations to a project

For each project task, there are plans for mastered volumes, material costs and plans for additional costs. In the process of project implementation, actual data may differ from the planned. For registration of actually fulfilled mastered volumes, expenses of material resources and additional costs, the corresponding documents are provided in the system.

To record the fact of a control event (milestone), the system provides for the document “Closing the project milestone”.

To collect and visualize information on business transactions (represented by primary documents) that were performed as part of a specific project, the system provides processing "Business operations of the project".

Project Finance Management

  • The principle of project budgeting
  • Formation of a budget for project income and expenses
  • Formation of a cash flow project budget
  • Registration of actual project budgets
  • Plan-factual analysis of project budgets

The system allows you to create, store and update plans for the three project budgets: the budget for project expenses, the budget for project income, the budget for cash flow (receipts and payments) for the project. Elements of budgets are stored in the context of project tasks, budget items, contractors and contracts (agreements with contractors).

For the budget of expenses for the project, the system provides the function of automatic generation of budget elements. The budget of expenses is formed according to the information on the costs planned to attract labor, material and financial resources to the implementation of the project task. Automatic generation is carried out on the basis of the distribution scheme of the amount planned to attract a particular resource, according to cost items. The distribution scheme is customizable by the user, and a situation is permissible when not all the planned amount is distributed among the budget items, but only some part.

A key feature of the financial management contour of the project is the implicit linking of budget items to calendar periods. When planning budgets, the period is set in the form of a set of rules that describe the binding of the budget element to the time frame of the project task. When changing the terms of the project task (including when performing the actualization of the project), the system automatically recalculates the financial plans.

Data on actual receipts and payments, as well as on the calculation of actual income and expenses, can be entered at any stage of the project life cycle, and even after the completion of the project.

At the level of project budgets, the system allows you to produce:

  • A plan-factual analysis of the budget of revenues, expenses and cash flows for the project in the context of project tasks, budget items, contractors, contracts and calendar periods.
  • Analysis of deviations between the data of the current financial plan, any version of the financial plan and the actual state of affairs, identification of deviations.

The visual toolkit of the system allows the user to receive project budget data, both in tabular and graphical representations (charts and graphs). Within a single screen form, you can get a detailed and consolidated plan of any of the budgets, a comparison of income with expenses and income with payments, a comparison of planned and actual data, etc.

Project Management

  • Project Life Cycle
  • Planning and execution of work
  • Project Timing Risk Management
  • Analysis of the results of work

The methodology inherent in the system determines for design work a number of features that increase the efficiency of planning and control processes. Namely:

  • The specific work performed within the framework of the project by the labor resource should be located at the lowest level of the structure of the decomposition of work.
  • This work can have one and only one performer. If it is required to involve several performers to perform the work, it is necessary either to decompose the work into a number of elementary operations, or to combine the performers into one labor resource. The principle of “one job - one contractor” is the cornerstone for the work control loop.

The life cycle of design work consists of the following stages:

  • Preliminary planning. At this stage, an elementary operation appears in the project plan, indicating the contractor, duration, complexity and cost of the work. As an executor, the role of the labor resource appears at this stage.
  • Operational planning. At this stage, the contractor is determined, the exact dates are determined. As a contractor, a labor resource appears at this stage.
  • Acceptance for execution. At this stage, the contractor receives information about the task assigned to him and confirms his participation in its implementation.
  • Performance. At this stage, the system periodically enters data on the time spent on the task.
  • Performance Report. At this stage, the contractor reports on the performance of the work, indicates the actual dates and his actual work.
  • Completion. At this stage, the manager confirms the completion of the work, if necessary, adjusts the actual time and labor.

Non-linear passage of the design work by stages is allowed: the task can be returned to the contractor for revision, the task can be completed with the sign “unsuccessfully” (in this case, a new copy of the task is created and transferred to another contractor), etc.

The escalation mechanism for design work implemented in the system allows the contractor to convey to the management data on the estimated delays in the execution of work. These data are used by the updating mechanism - “bad news” affects the calendar terms of the project upon their registration in the system.

At the level of design work, the system allows you to produce:

  • Collection and subsequent analysis of data on the distribution of working time of performers between design and non-project tasks, as well as data on overhead costs (losses) of working time.
  • Analysis of the accumulated statistical information on the performance of work, a plan-fact analysis of the duration, complexity and cost of the work, identifying and analyzing deviations.
  • Analysis of the accumulated statistical information on the escalation of design work, identification and analysis of the reasons for the failure to meet the deadlines, analysis of the consequences of such failures.

The visual tools of the system allows the user to conveniently receive information about the work in which he is either an executor or a manager. In the presentation of the list of tasks, color and graphic coding are actively used; it is possible to display the list of tasks in the form of a Gantt chart.

Project update

  • Updating Project Dates
  • Actualization% project readiness

The key mechanism of the project management contour is the project update mechanism: based on the data on the actual implementation (or disruption) of the design work of the lower level of decomposition, the system completely recalculates the calendar terms of all project elements. Actualization of the project, carried out regularly, allows the manager to receive reliable information about the status of work and to respond quickly to emerging problems.

Project Versioning

The system allows you to create and store in an information database an unlimited number of versions of the project plan. The main task of the versioning subsystem is to enable users of the system to simultaneously run several plans for one project. The simultaneous maintenance of several plans is necessary for the following purposes:

  • Be able to plan in several sections (for example, a basic plan, an approved plan, a current plan)
  • Have the ability to track the change history (dynamics) of each section and compare it with the fact.

Plan-factual analysis of the project

  • S-curve of the project
  • Analysis of the dynamics of the project economy
  • Plan-factual analysis of utilized volumes
  • Earned volume analysis by labor
  • Plan-factual analysis of labor costs
  • Plan-factual analysis of resource use
  • Plan-factual cost analysis of material resources
  • Plan-fact analysis of additional costs
  • Analysis of the state of design tasks
  • Plan-factual analysis of project timelines
  • Plan-fact analysis of control events (milestones) of the project
  • Analysis of the project by indicators

At the project level, the system allows you to analyze the dynamics of the project’s economy, a plan-fact analysis of the mastered volumes, an analysis of the earned volume by labor costs, a plan-fact analysis of labor costs, a plan-fact analysis of resource use, a plan-fact analysis of material resources, a plan-fact analysis of additional costs, analysis of the status of project tasks, a plan-fact analysis of project timelines, a plan-fact analysis of control events (milestones) of the project, analysis of the project by indicators, and also build an S-curve of the project.

Project Communications Management

The system allows creating and storing project tasks in the information base. Project assignments are designed to enter and record the internal work of the project office. Tasks can be tied to a project or project task or be an independent unit.

The system provides a mechanism for commenting tasks and a mechanism for managing the status of tasks.

Knowledge management, rationing

  • Project typing
  • Design Template Library
  • Rationing of design work
  • Creating a project from a template
  • Saving a project to a template
  • Comparative analysis of projects by templates
  • Updating project work standards in a template
  • Fixing design decisions

The system allows you to create and store project templates in the information base. The template can be a complete project plan, or any of the fragments of the project plan. The structure of the template data is almost completely identical to the project structure: structural decomposition of work, information on labor, material and financial resources, budgets. The main difference between the template and the project plan is that the template has no calendar dates. In fact, the project template describes the technology used by the enterprise to carry out typical projects.

The system implements the ability to exchange data between the project management and knowledge management loops. Any project plan can be saved as a template. Any of the templates can be loaded into the project plan, while the project plan can be replaced, or it can be supplemented with template data - the project plan can be assembled from several templates. When performing any data exchange operations between the knowledge management and project management loops, the information base keeps the connection between the template element and the corresponding project element.

At the level of the project template, the system allows you to produce:

  • Analysis of statistical information on the use of technologies adopted at the enterprise in real projects.
  • Analysis of deviations (in duration, complexity, cost of design work) arising in standard projects. The results of the analysis are used to identify “bottlenecks” and “best practices”, and are also used to make decisions on improving the technology for project implementation.

Project evaluation and contract pricing

  • Project Evaluation
  • Contract Pricing
  • Formation of a project plan by template and evaluation

The system provides a document that allows, based on the information on the number of man-hours for the roles required for the implementation of the contract and the amounts of other costs, to generate a report reflecting the planned cost of the contract, possible profit and profitability, and calculate the planned cost of the contract for a given% profitability.

Based on the document “Contract Pricing” and the project template, the system allows you to create a project plan.

Project Contract Management

  • Drawing up a project contract
  • The relationship between the stages of the project and the contract
  • Registration of changes to the project contract by additional agreements
  • Formation of BDS and BDR according to the stages of the project contract
  • Formation of a printed contract form by template

The system allows you to detail the composition of the contract of counterparties to the active stages, indicate the terms of payment under the contract and establish a relationship between the contract and the stages of the project.

Information on the terms of payment under the contract is used in the formation of the cash flow budget for the stages of the project.

Project Document Management

Options for working with documents:

  • Storage of documents in the information base
  • Storage of documents in "1C: Document Management"

The system allows you to use the internal subsystem of working with files or external - "1C: Document Management".

The main actions with documents - opening, capture for editing, recording a new version) are available directly from the system.

For objects of certain types (projects, design tasks, etc.), the system allows you to create, store and modify links to documents located in the 1C: Document Management repository.

Project risk management

  • Project risk identification
  • Project Risk Assessment
  • Risk Management Planning
  • Fixing risks
  • Project Risk Management Monitoring

A subsystem is being developed that will allow identifying project risks, making an assessment of project risks, planning measures to work with risks, recording risk accomplishments, and monitoring project risk management.

Portfolio and project management

  • Project Portfolios
  • Project Programs
  • Workplace of the head of the project office
  • Drawing up a thematic plan for projects
  • Project Performance Analysis
  • Analysis of projects on control events (milestones)
  • Plan-factual reporting on project portfolios and programs

The system allows you to combine projects into programs and portfolios. One portfolio and / or one project program may contain projects at different stages of the life cycle. The project portfolio and project program are additional analytical sections for all reports and analytical tools of the system, in which projects appear in one capacity or another.

At the level of the project portfolio, the system allows:

  • Drawing up a thematic plan for projects. Modeling the composition of the projects included in the thematic plan, with various indicators for the planning periods;
  • Analysis of control events of the project portfolio. Summarizing information about control events of different projects in one view. Formation of a graphic map of design milestones. In the event of an actual or potential disruption, the forecast financial sanctions are calculated. The results of the analysis are used to make decisions in the process of operational and financial control of the enterprise;
  • Analysis of the current state and dynamics of changes in key indicators of projects included in the portfolio or program. The values \u200b\u200bof key indicators can be entered manually by project managers, or they can be automatically calculated by the system, if the initial data for the calculation can be obtained in the information database.

Project Organization Resource Management

  • The structure of the labor force of the enterprise
  • Workforce capacity planning
  • Material resources of the enterprise
  • Rationing the cost of resources

The system supports three options for the enterprise management structure:

  • Project management structure. Project plans, human resources, and work are managed by project and project managers.
  • Functional management structure. Project plans, human resources and work are managed by heads of departments and departments.
  • Matrix management structure. Project plans are managed by project managers, human resources and work are managed by department heads.

The system uses the role structure of labor resources and two-level planning of design work: at the preliminary planning stage, work is planned by role (specialty), then at the operational planning stage, work is distributed among the labor resources.

The system allows normalizing the cost of attracting labor resources to perform work; for one labor resource and / or role, any number of discount rates can be stored in the system.

At the level of the pool of labor resources, the system allows you to produce:

  • Modeling resource constraints of an enterprise by entering planned capacity into the system for each of the roles (specialties). Comparison of planned and actual capacity of the roles of labor resources, identification of bottlenecks.
  • Analysis of planned and actual load of resources, identification of “overloaded” and “underloaded” labor resources.
  • Service Features
  • Verification of the project structure
  • Search for problem objects of the IS Subsystem

Technological advantages

“1C: PM Project Management for 1C: ERP” was developed on the latest version of the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 technology platform, which allows you to:

  • provide high reliability, performance and scalability of the system;
  • organize work with the system via the Internet, in the thin client or web client mode (through a regular Internet browser), including in the "cloud" mode;
  • create mobile jobs using tablets and smartphones running iOS or Android;
  • configure the interface for a specific user or group of users, taking into account the role of the user, his access rights and individual settings.

The functional options mechanism implemented in “1C: PM Project Management for 1C: ERP” allows you to “enable” or “disable” various functional parts of the application solution without programming (configuration changes).

Solution "1C: ERP + PM Management of the design organization 2.0" - a joint product of the company ITLand   and company "1C", the development of which took into account the methodology of the world's leading standards for project management and project portfolios, as well as the experience of automation of Russian project-oriented enterprises.

The solution is the development of the software product "1C: Management of the design organization." During development, special attention was paid to the implementation of the functional capabilities demanded by large enterprises of various lines of activity. This approach allowed us to significantly expand the capabilities and scope of the new ERP-solution in comparison with the "1C: Project Organization Management" version 1.3.

The solution is intended for:

  • Research, design, research institutes
  • Engineering enterprises, design bureaus
  • Engineering, IT and consulting companies, system integrators
  • Project media business (organization of exhibition activities, media, advertising agencies)
  • Any other organizations that use the concepts in their work: "project", "project portfolio" and "project program"

Key business processesautomated using "1C: ERP + PM Management of the design organization 2.0":

  • Estimation of the cost of the project before the start of work. Preliminary assessment of the cost of work on the announced tender (tender).
  • Organization of effective financial management of the company using project budgeting technology, using BDSD (cash flow budgets) and BDR (income and expense budgets).
  • . Fixing the conditions of the initial contractual relationship, fixing changes and additional agreements. Establishing links between the contract work schedule and the design work schedule. Creating income and expense budgets and a cash flow budget for the project based on the terms of the contract.
  • Project monitoring by key performance indicators. Providing operational data on key indicators to achieve strategic and tactical (operational) goals.
  • Ensuring effective management of a company with various organizational structures (functional, design, matrix structure). Separation of areas of responsibility between project managers, project team leaders and functional managers in the planning of work and control over their implementation.
  • Providing communications and effective interaction between the design and functional services of the organization.
  • Prompt provision of the company's management staff with relevant and reliable information through access to a single information space, design, financial, primary documents and data.
  • Efficient allocation of resources between projects. An objective analysis of project priorities and assessing the degree of influence of deviations on the implementation of design work.
  • Improving the pace and quality of project implementation. Constant monitoring of the progress of the project, identification of deviations at the earliest stages of the project. Providing the company's management personnel with the necessary information about emerging problems and violations of plans.
  • Timely response to deviations arising in the course of design work.
  • Management of risks. Increasing the probability of occurrence and impact of favorable events and reducing the likelihood of occurrence and impact of adverse events for the project.
  • Collection and analysis of the history of work on projects, improvement of enterprise technologies. Accumulation and analysis of historical and statistical data, highlighting "Best Practices". Fixing design solutions for the possibility of their use on subsequent projects. Definition of standards for each type of design work.

Design Functionality (PM):

  • Project management
  • Project Finance Management
  • Project Versioning
  • Plan-factual analysis of the project
  • Knowledge management
  • Project Contract Management
  • Project risk management
  • Project Organization Resource Management

ERP functionality:

  • Production Management
  • Cost Management and Costing
  • Financial management
  • Budgeting
  • Monitoring and analysis of enterprise performance indicators
  • Regulated Accounting
  • HR management and payroll
  • Sales management
  • Customer relationship management
  • Procurement management
  • Warehouse and Inventory Management
  • Organization of repairs

The solution works in managed application mode. Implemented integration with the 1C: Document Management system.


Project Management (PM)

  • Project Manager Workplace
  • Automated Functions and Project Management Areas
  • Project certification
  • Project Options
  • Project indicators
  • Project Statuses
  • Project Registration
  • Project Manager Appointment
  • Project Plan Approval
  • Start of design work
  • Stop design work
  • Project Manager Change
  • Resume Project
  • Project completion
  • Project Phase Management

The project passport allows you to record and store general information about the project in the system. The project passport displays details describing the main parameters of the project, such as the current head, current status, unit, project portfolio, project program and other parameters.

The life cycle of a project within the system consists of five stages:

  • Project initiation. At this stage, the intention is fixed to complete the project and the project manager is appointed. The project appears in the system as an object.
  • Project planning. At this stage, a preliminary project plan is developed, the composition and timing of the design work, the required labor, material and financial resources are determined.
  • Project approval. At this stage, an analysis of the principal feasibility of the project is carried out, resource conflicts with other projects are identified, adjustments are made and the basic plan of the project is approved.
  • Project implementation. At this stage, the distribution of work between labor resources is carried out, monitoring and control of work performed is carried out. Based on the actual data received from the performers, the project plan is regularly updated. If necessary, operational rescheduling is carried out. Also at this stage, data is collected on the actual costs of material and financial resources.
  • Project completion. At this stage, the fact of termination of work on the project is recorded, an analysis of the results achieved, the identification and analysis of deviations (by timing, cost, quality, etc.) are performed.

Project content and project planning

  • Project structural decomposition planning
  • Planning control events (milestones) of the project
  • Calculation of the project schedule
  • Fixing a basic project plan
  • Import and export data from / to "MS Project"

Project plan   - a set of structural decomposition of works, calendar dates, control events and data on attracted labor, material and financial resources - can be entered into the system in several ways.

  • Manual entry of relevant documents through the project control panel.
  • Loading / unloading project data from / to MS Project.
  • Loading project data from a template stored in the system.

Also, the project plan can be entered into the system in a combined way: part of the data is taken from the template, part is downloaded from the MS Project file, part of the data is entered and / or adjusted manually.
  The system supports two methods of operational planning of design work:

  • Using the role structure of the workforce and matrix management structure. In this case, the "project" manager manages the project plan, and the "functional" manager manages the work. Assignment of labor resources to specific work is carried out taking into account the roles performed.
  • Without using the role structure of the workforce and matrix management structure. In this case, the “project” manager manages both the project plan and the execution of work. Assignment of labor resources to specific work is carried out without taking into account the roles performed.

The visual tools of the system allows the manager to get information about the project in different representations: tabular representations, data tree, Gantt charts, map of design milestones, network diagram.

Project volume and supply planning

  • Project Supply Planning
  • Project Scheduling

Supply planning and project volume planning - entering into the system information about the planned results of the project task. The supply plan and volumes are entered into the system in quantitative and total values. Moreover, the planned results can be attributed either to the start date of the task, or to the end date of the task, or distributed by the period of the task.

The planned results can be included in the planned revenue budget of the project task with detailing by units.

Project subcontracting and material planning

  • Planning for the use of project materials
  • Planning the use of equipment in the project
  • Planning for subcontracts and additional project costs

Planning the use of materials, equipment, subcontracts and additional costs of the project - entering into the system information about the planned costs necessary to complete the project task. The plan for the use of materials and equipment is entered into the system in quantitative and total values. The plan for the use of subcontracts and additional costs is entered into the system in total values. In this case, the planned costs can be attributed either to the start date of the task, or to the end date of the task, or distributed by the period of the task.

Planned costs can be included in the planned budget of the costs of the project task with detailing by units.

Personnel Planning and Project Labor

  • Change project manager
  • Assigning labor to a project
  • Role assignment and project task labor planning
  • Role Assignment and Labor Planning

The system allows you to appoint the head of a specific project task, and automatically its subtasks, different from the project manager as a whole. A distinctive feature of the system is the role structure of the workforce, which is aimed at facilitating the planning, management and analysis of not only the workforce, but also the project management as a whole . An employee within the system is a specific individual holding a specific position in the enterprise.

The labor resource is a unique combination of human resources and hardware, attracted as the executor of those design works that are elementary (not decomposed) within the system. The role of the labor resource is an abstract labor resource that combines skills, job responsibilities and place in the functional hierarchy of the enterprise. Human resources roles are used in the development of a project plan, analysis of project feasibility, and operational planning of workload loading.

Assigning manpower to a project - entering into the system information about which particular manpower of the enterprise is supposed to be used to carry out work within a particular project. Assigning roles and planning labor costs for a project task - entering information into the system about which roles of manpower enterprises are supposed to be used to perform work within the framework of a specific project task. At the same time, the volume of labor and their cost are indicated. The cost of attracting labor resources can be entered either manually or using the previously set normalized cost of using resources.

The assignment of specific labor resources and the planning of labor costs of the project task is to enter into the system information about which specific labor resources of the enterprise are supposed to be used to perform work within the framework of a specific project task.

Project load and time management

  • Analysis of workload and feasibility of a simulated project portfolio
  • Planning the operational loading of specialists on projects
  • Project time tracking

To analyze the feasibility of the simulated portfolio of projects, the system provides processing "Analysis of resource loading", which allows you to track in time the conflict on the resources used between the approved, ongoing and planned projects of the enterprise (resource conflict).

To analyze the loading of labor resources, the system provides a corresponding report, which is intended to obtain information on the planned loading of labor resources in the context of projects, design tasks, elementary operations and time periods.

To plan the operational loading of specialists on projects, the system provides for the corresponding processing, which is intended for the operational distribution of the hourly time of specialists between tasks of different projects.

To account for the working time for projects in the system, the document “Distribution of working time for the week” is provided, which is intended for entering into the system data on the distribution of working time spent by the labor resource, during the calendar week, for project and non-project tasks, as well as for entering into the system data on lost (spent unproductively) working time.

Registration of actual data and project events

  • Registration of completed volumes
  • Registration of material costs
  • Registration of additional costs
  • Fixing the fact of a control event (milestone)
  • Linking business operations to a project

For each project task, there are plans for mastered volumes, material costs and plans for additional costs. In the process of project implementation, actual data may differ from the planned. For registration of actually fulfilled mastered volumes, expenses of material resources and additional costs, the corresponding documents are provided in the system.

To record the fact of a control event (milestone), the system provides for the document "Closing the design milestone".

To collect and visualize information on business transactions (represented by primary documents) that were performed as part of a specific project, the system provides processing "Business operations of the project".

Project Finance Management

  • The principle of project budgeting
  • Formation of a budget for project income and expenses
  • Formation of a cash flow project budget
  • Registration of actual project budgets
  • Plan-factual analysis of project budgets

The system allows you to create, store and update plans for the three project budgets: the budget for project expenses, the budget for project income, the budget for cash flow (receipts and payments) for the project. Elements of budgets are stored in the context of project tasks, budget items, contractors and contracts (agreements with contractors).

For the budget of expenses for the project, the system provides the function of automatic generation of budget elements. The budget of expenses is formed according to the information on the costs planned to attract labor, material and financial resources to the implementation of the project task. Automatic generation is carried out on the basis of the distribution scheme of the amount planned to attract a particular resource, according to cost items. The distribution scheme is customizable by the user, and a situation is permissible when not all the planned amount is distributed among the budget items, but only some part.

A key feature of the financial management contour of the project is the implicit linking of budget items to calendar periods. When planning budgets, the period is set in the form of a set of rules that describe the binding of the budget element to the time frame of the project task. When changing the terms of the project task (including when performing the actualization of the project), the system automatically recalculates the financial plans.

Data on actual receipts and payments, as well as on the calculation of actual income and expenses, can be entered at any stage of the project life cycle, and even after the completion of the project.

At the level of project budgets, the system allows you to produce:

  • A plan-factual analysis of the budget of revenues, expenses and cash flows for the project in the context of project tasks, budget items, contractors, contracts and calendar periods.
  • Analysis of deviations between the data of the current financial plan, any version of the financial plan and the actual state of affairs, identification of deviations.

The visual toolkit of the system allows the user to receive project budget data, both in tabular and graphical representations (charts and graphs). Within a single screen form, you can get a detailed and consolidated plan of any of the budgets, a comparison of income with expenses and income with payments, a comparison of planned and actual data, etc.

Project Management

  • Project Life Cycle
  • Planning and execution of work
  • Project Timing Risk Management
  • Analysis of the results of work

The methodology inherent in the system determines for design work a number of features that increase the efficiency of planning and control processes. Namely:

  • The specific work performed within the framework of the project by the labor resource should be located at the lowest level of the structure of the decomposition of work.
  • This work can have one and only one performer. If it is required to involve several performers to perform the work, it is necessary either to decompose the work into a number of elementary operations, or to combine the performers into one labor resource. The principle of "one job - one performer" is the cornerstone for the work management loop.

The life cycle of design work consists of the following stages:

  • Preliminary planning. At this stage, an elementary operation appears in the project plan, indicating the contractor, duration, complexity and cost of the work. As an executor, the role of the labor resource appears at this stage.
  • Operational planning. At this stage, the contractor is determined, the exact dates are determined. As a contractor, a labor resource appears at this stage.
  • Acceptance for execution. At this stage, the contractor receives information about the task assigned to him and confirms his participation in its implementation.
  • Performance. At this stage, the system periodically enters data on the time spent on the task.
  • Performance Report. At this stage, the contractor reports on the performance of the work, indicates the actual dates and his actual work.
  • Completion. At this stage, the manager confirms the completion of the work, if necessary, adjusts the actual time and labor.

Non-linear passage of the design work by stages is allowed: the task can be returned to the contractor for revision, the task can be completed with the sign “unsuccessfully” (in this case, a new copy of the task is created and transferred to another contractor), etc.

The escalation mechanism for design work implemented in the system allows the contractor to convey to the management data on the estimated delays in the execution of work. These data are used by the updating mechanism - “bad news” affects the calendar terms of the project upon their registration in the system.

At the level of design work, the system allows you to produce:

  • Collection and subsequent analysis of data on the distribution of working time of performers between design and non-project tasks, as well as data on overhead costs (losses) of working time.
  • Analysis of the accumulated statistical information on the performance of work, a plan-fact analysis of the duration, complexity and cost of the work, identifying and analyzing deviations.
  • Analysis of the accumulated statistical information on the escalation of design work, identification and analysis of the reasons for the failure to meet the deadlines, analysis of the consequences of such failures.

The visual tools of the system allows the user to conveniently receive information about the work in which he is either an executor or a manager. In the presentation of the list of tasks, color and graphic coding are actively used; it is possible to display the list of tasks in the form of a Gantt chart.

Project update

  • Updating Project Dates
  • Actualization% project readiness

The key mechanism of the project management contour is the project update mechanism: based on the data on the actual implementation (or disruption) of the design work of the lower level of decomposition, the system completely recalculates the calendar terms of all project elements. Actualization of the project, carried out regularly, allows the manager to receive reliable information about the status of work and to respond quickly to emerging problems.

Project Versioning

The system allows you to create and store in an information database an unlimited number of versions of the project plan. The main task of the versioning subsystem is to enable users of the system to simultaneously run several plans for one project. The simultaneous maintenance of several plans is necessary for the following purposes:

  • Be able to plan in several sections (for example, a basic plan, an approved plan, a current plan)
  • Have the ability to track the change history (dynamics) of each section and compare it with the fact.

Plan-factual analysis of the project

  • S-curve of the project
  • Analysis of the dynamics of the project economy
  • Plan-factual analysis of utilized volumes
  • Earned volume analysis by labor
  • Plan-factual analysis of labor costs
  • Plan-factual analysis of resource use
  • Plan-factual cost analysis of material resources
  • Plan-fact analysis of additional costs
  • Analysis of the state of design tasks
  • Plan-factual analysis of project timelines
  • Plan-fact analysis of control events (milestones) of the project
  • Analysis of the project by indicators

At the project level, the system allows you to analyze the dynamics of the project’s economy, a plan-fact analysis of the mastered volumes, an analysis of the earned volume by labor costs, a plan-fact analysis of labor costs, a plan-fact analysis of resource use, a plan-fact analysis of material resources, a plan-fact analysis of additional costs, analysis of the status of project tasks, a plan-fact analysis of project timelines, a plan-fact analysis of control events (milestones) of the project, analysis of the project by indicators, and also build an S-curve of the project.

Project Communications Management

The system allows creating and storing project tasks in the information base. Project assignments are designed to enter and record the internal work of the project office. Tasks can be tied to a project or project task or be an independent unit.

The system provides a mechanism for commenting tasks and a mechanism for managing the status of tasks.

Knowledge management, rationing

  • Project typing
  • Design Template Library
  • Rationing of design work
  • Creating a project from a template
  • Saving a project to a template
  • Comparative analysis of projects by templates
  • Updating project work standards in a template
  • Fixing design decisions

The system allows you to create and store project templates in the information base. The template can be a complete project plan, or any of the fragments of the project plan. The structure of the template data is almost completely identical to the project structure: structural decomposition of work, information on labor, material and financial resources, budgets. The main difference between the template and the project plan is that the template has no calendar dates. In fact, the project template describes the technology used by the enterprise to carry out typical projects.

The system implements the ability to exchange data between the project management and knowledge management loops. Any project plan can be saved as a template. Any of the templates can be loaded into the project plan, while the project plan can be replaced, or it can be supplemented with template data - the project plan can be assembled from several templates. When performing any data exchange operations between the knowledge management and project management loops, the information base keeps the connection between the template element and the corresponding project element.

At the level of the project template, the system allows you to produce:

  • Analysis of statistical information on the use of technologies adopted at the enterprise in real projects.
  • Analysis of deviations (in duration, complexity, cost of design work) arising in standard projects. The results of the analysis are used to identify “bottlenecks” and “best practices”, and are also used to make decisions on improving the technology for project implementation.

Project evaluation and contract pricing

  • Project Evaluation
  • Contract Pricing
  • Formation of a project plan by template and evaluation

The system provides a document that allows, based on the information on the number of man-hours for the roles required for the implementation of the contract and the amounts of other costs, to generate a report reflecting the planned cost of the contract, possible profit and profitability, and calculate the planned cost of the contract for a given% profitability.

Based on the document “Contract Pricing" and the project template, the system allows you to create a project plan.

Project Contract Management

  • Drawing up a project contract
  • The relationship between the stages of the project and the contract
  • Registration of changes to the project contract by additional agreements
  • Formation of BDS and BDR according to the stages of the project contract
  • Formation of a printed contract form by template

The system allows you to detail the composition of the contract of counterparties to the active stages, indicate the terms of payment under the contract and establish a relationship between the contract and the stages of the project.

Information on the terms of payment under the contract is used in the formation of the cash flow budget for the stages of the project.

Project Document Management

Options for working with documents:

  • Storage of documents in the information base
  • Storage of documents in "1C: Document Management"

The system allows you to use the internal subsystem of working with files or external - "1C: Document Management".

The main actions with documents - opening, capture for editing, recording a new version) are available directly from the system.

For objects of certain types (projects, design tasks, etc.), the system allows you to create, store and modify links to documents located in the repository "1C: Document Management".

Project risk management

  • Project risk identification
  • Project Risk Assessment
  • Risk Management Planning
  • Fixing risks
  • Project Risk Management Monitoring

A subsystem is being developed that will allow identifying project risks, making an assessment of project risks, planning measures to work with risks, recording risk accomplishments, and monitoring project risk management.

Portfolio and project management

  • Project Portfolios
  • Project Programs
  • Workplace of the head of the project office
  • Drawing up a thematic plan for projects
  • Project Performance Analysis
  • Analysis of projects on control events (milestones)
  • Plan-factual reporting on project portfolios and programs

The system allows you to combine projects into programs and portfolios. One portfolio and / or one project program may contain projects at different stages of the life cycle. The project portfolio and project program are additional analytical sections for all reports and analytical tools of the system, in which projects appear in one capacity or another.

At the level of the project portfolio, the system allows:

  • Drawing up a thematic plan for projects. Modeling the composition of the projects included in the thematic plan, with various indicators for the planning periods;
  • Analysis of control events of the project portfolio. Summarizing information about control events of different projects in one view. Formation of a graphic map of design milestones. In the event of an actual or potential disruption, the forecast financial sanctions are calculated. The results of the analysis are used to make decisions in the process of operational and financial control of the enterprise;
  • Analysis of the current state and dynamics of changes in key indicators of projects included in the portfolio or program. The values \u200b\u200bof key indicators can be entered manually by project managers, or they can be automatically calculated by the system, if the initial data for the calculation can be obtained in the information database.

Project Organization Resource Management

  • The structure of the labor force of the enterprise
  • Workforce capacity planning
  • Material resources of the enterprise
  • Rationing the cost of resources

The system supports three options for the enterprise management structure:

  • Project management structure. Project plans, human resources, and work are managed by project and project managers.
  • Functional management structure. Project plans, human resources and work are managed by heads of departments and departments.
  • Matrix management structure. Project plans are managed by project managers, human resources and work are managed by department heads.

The system uses the role structure of labor resources and two-level planning of design work: at the preliminary planning stage, work is planned by role (specialty), then at the operational planning stage, work is distributed among the labor resources.

The system allows normalizing the cost of attracting labor resources to perform work; for one labor resource and / or role, any number of discount rates can be stored in the system.

At the level of the pool of labor resources, the system allows you to produce:

  • Modeling resource constraints of an enterprise by entering planned capacity into the system for each of the roles (specialties). Comparison of planned and actual capacity of the roles of labor resources, identification of bottlenecks.
  • Analysis of planned and actual load of resources, identification of "overloaded" and "underloaded" labor resources.
  • Service Features
  • Verification of the project structure
  • Search for problem objects of the IS Subsystem

Technological advantages

"1C: ERP + PM Management of the design organization 2.0" was developed on the latest version of the technological platform "1C: Enterprise 8.3", which allows you to:

  • provide high reliability, performance and scalability of the system;
  • organize work with the system via the Internet, in the thin client or web client mode (through a regular Internet browser), including in the "cloud" mode;
  • create mobile jobs using tablets and smartphones running iOS or Android;
  • configure the interface for a specific user or group of users, taking into account the role of the user, his access rights and individual settings.

The mechanism of functional options implemented in "1C: ERP + PM Management of the design organization 2.0" allows you to "enable" or "disable" the various functional parts of the application solution without programming (configuration changes).


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