Biotechnologist: the pros and cons of the profession. Biotechnology is the profession of the future. Description, pros and cons, reviews What is biotechnology and what does a biotechnologist do

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For successful employment, it is desirable to have a specialized education, as well as to possess the necessary qualities and work skills. First of all, you need to carefully study the requirements of employers in the chosen specialty, then start writing a resume.

You should not send your resume to all companies at the same time. Choose suitable vacancies based on your qualifications and work experience. Let's list the most important skills for employers that you need to successfully work as a biotechnologist in Moscow:

Top 7 Key Skills You Need to Have a Job

Also quite often in vacancies there are the following requirements: sales development, telephone calls and cold sales.

When preparing for your interview, use this information as a checklist. This will help you not only to please the recruiter, but also to get the desired job!

Analysis of vacancies in Moscow

Based on the analysis of the vacancies published on our website, the indicated starting salary, on average, is 60,000. It should be borne in mind that the figures given are statistics. The real salary for employment can vary greatly depending on many factors:
  • Your previous work experience, education
  • Employment type, work schedule
  • The size of the company, its industry, brand, etc.

Salary level depending on the work experience of the applicant

If you have received the profession of a biologist or chemist, and you are interested in where and by whom to work, then the specialty of biotechnology may well suit you. From the article you will learn about the main features of the profession, the size of the salary and the place of work.

General information

The word “biotechnologist” is of Greek origin and consists of three words: “bios” - life, “techne” - skill, art and “logos” - learning. These words fully reflect the activities of a specialist. The specialty is suitable for those people who love biology, chemistry and mathematics, because a biotechnologist combines all these professions.

Biotechnologists professionally use living organisms, their systems and processes, apply scientific methods of genetic engineering to create new varieties of plants, vitamins, drugs and improve the qualities and properties of existing species in the plant environment, resistant to adverse climatic conditions, pests and diseases. In the medical field, the biotechnologist plays an important role in the development of new drugs for the early diagnosis of diseases and their successful treatment. Biotechnology is constantly evolving and does not stand still.

Over the past ten years, science has made strides in the field of cloning. This will provide an opportunity to clone human organs that will be used for transplantation and saving human lives. Biotechnology is at the intersection of cellular and molecular biology, molecular genetics, biochemistry, and bioorganic chemistry. A distinctive feature of the development of science in the XXI century is that it affects all spheres of human life.

As a result of the development of science, the economic and social development of the country is increasing. Rational planning and management of scientific achievements helps to solve such important problems as the development of vacant territories and employment of the population. Human progress is taking place with the participation of biotechnologists. The general progress and development of mankind owes much to the achievements of biotechnology. But this also has its disadvantages, for example, such as the appearance of genetically modified organisms that are introduced into food production technologies and negatively affect the human body.


The duties of a specialist mainly depend on his place of work and sphere of employment. The main job responsibilities include:

  • development of the composition of new products and participation in the development of technologies for their manufacture;
  • testing and operation of new machinery and equipment;
  • participation in the preparation and application of approved technical and economic projects, control over already launched programs;
  • structuring the technological process of the work performed;
  • participation in scientific conferences;
  • biological treatment of contaminated areas;
  • search for ways to dispose of different types of waste;
  • keeping records of the tests carried out;
  • filling out regulatory documents.

Place of work

A biotechnologist can work as a biochemist, biologist, virologist, and microbiologist. At the beginning of their careers, people usually work as laboratory assistants in the pharmaceutical and food industries. They perform simple analyzes and tests. In the production of medicines and food additives, a person can work as a process controller. In the process of work, you will be able to make your career, increasing the level of qualifications, knowledge and bit depth.

Prospective places of work:

  • Research Center. In this organization, the work of a specialist is aimed at the implementation of developed corporate projects. Specifically, these are research and practical developments that are carried out by order of certain companies.
  • Medicine. Specialists are engaged in biochemical analyzes, developing new drugs for the treatment of various diseases.
  • State and private enterprises: pharmaceuticals, agricultural production, food industry. Work is underway on species hybridization, research with genetic engineering, bionics, biopharmacology.
  • Educational institutions. Teaching students: giving lectures, conducting seminars and workshops. The specialist is simultaneously engaged in scientific and pedagogical activities.

This is not an entire list of institutions where a biotechnologist can work. At the moment, this is a developing and promising profession, so the number of jobs will grow and problems with employment should not arise.


Education is best obtained at a state university. Both the authority of the educational institution and the level of development of the department and the quality of the acquired knowledge matter. During training, it is important to communicate with scientists, take part in scientific conferences, symposia, as well as as many practical exercises as possible. Before enrolling, learn as much as you can about faculty, faculty, and academic work.

List of the best universities in the country:

  • Moscow State University Lomonosov;
  • Research University. Pirogov;
  • RUDN;
  • SPbSU;
  • Agrarian University. Timiryazev.

You can also master the profession according to an accelerated program during the receipt of the first or second higher education. To do this, you must have a diploma of a graduate of a secondary specialized educational institution in a specialized specialty or a higher education in any specialty. You can also use a distance learning program, but they do not give the desired learning efficiency.


The average wage in the country is 20-30 thousand rubles. The size of the salary will depend on the length of service, work experience, qualifications, place of work. The minimum wage for university professors, the maximum - for the heads of scientific and research institutions, laboratories, pharmaceutical companies. Specialists who work in Moscow earn from 35 to 150 thousand rubles.

Overseas wages are also very different. The salary of a biotechnologist in different countries:

  • USA - $ 2,500;
  • Canada - $ 2,000;
  • France - 1800 euros;
  • Germany - 2,200 euros.

We hope you can quickly find a suitable place of work for yourself, enjoy it and get decent wages.

A biotechnological engineer develops various organic substances, participates in the creation of all kinds of products, feed. Higher professional education, deep knowledge in the field of chemistry and biology is important. The work will help: technical intelligence, the ability to coordinate the work process, as well as attentiveness.

A biotechnology engineer ensures the efficient organization of technological processes, controls the operation of technical systems and various automatic machines, studies the process of creating a product and monitors its quality. In addition, the specialist is engaged in improving the product in the most optimal ways, and if there are subordinates, he controls the work of employees at every stage.

Scientific research institutes and food industry enterprises are interested in such a specialist as a biotechnological engineer. In addition, a specialist can find work in the chemical-pharmaceutical, as well as chemical and other industries.

Today biotechnology in the broad sense of this concept is one of the most promising and promising areas for studying the possibilities of using living organisms. In today's world, biotechnology is actually inextricably linked with engineering (including genetic engineering), energy, medicine, agriculture, ecology and many other branches and scientific directions of thought.

At the junction of biotechnology and other scientific fields, the most interesting and unexpected solutions can be born, allowing deeper knowledge and use of the potential of a wide variety of living organisms.

Word BIOTECHNOLOGIST comes from a combination of Greek words "Bios" - a life, "Techne" - skill, art and "Logos" - teaching. This fully reflects the activities of the biotechnologist. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in physics, mathematics, chemistry and biology (see choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Biotechnology specialists skillfully use living biological organisms, their systems and processes, applying scientific methods of genetic engineering, in order to create new varieties of products, plants, vitamins, medicines, as well as improve the properties of existing species in plant and animal environments that are resistant to adverse climatic conditions, pests and diseases. In medicine, biotechnologists play an invaluable role in the creation of new drugs for early diagnosis and successful treatment of the most complex diseases.

Like any science, biotechnology is constantly developing, reaching unprecedented heights. So, in recent decades, she naturally reached the level of cloning and achieved certain success in this area. Cloning of vital human organs (liver, kidneys) gives a chance for treatment, full recovery and improving the quality of life of people all over the world.

Biotechnology as a science is at the intersection of cellular and molecular biology, molecular genetics, biochemistry and bioorganic chemistry.

A distinctive feature of the development of biotechnology in the 21st century, in addition to its rapid growth as an applied science, is that it penetrates into all spheres of human life, contributing to the effective development of all sectors of the economy. Ultimately, all this contributes to the economic and social growth of the country. Rational planning and management of biotechnology achievements can solve such important problems for Russia as the development of vacant territories and employment of the population. This will be possible if we apply the achievements of science as a tool for industrialization to create small industries in rural areas.

The general progress of humanity is largely due to the development of biotechnology. But on the other hand, it is rightly believed that if the uncontrolled spread of genetically modified products is allowed, this can contribute to the disruption of the biological balance in nature and ultimately create a threat to human health.

Features of the profession

The functional responsibilities of a biotechnologist depend on the industry in which they work.

Working in the pharmaceutical industry involves:

  • participation in the development of the composition and technology for the production of drugs or food additives;
  • participation in the introduction of new technological equipment;
  • testing new technologies in production;
  • work to improve the developed technologies;
  • participation in the selection of equipment, materials and raw materials for new technology;
  • control over the correctness of performance of auxiliary technological operations;
  • participation in the development of technical and economic indicators (TEP) for medicines;
  • revising them due to the replacement of individual components or changes in technology;
  • timely maintenance of the necessary documentation and reporting.

Research work consists of research, methodological development and discoveries in the field of genetic and cell engineering.

The work of a biotechnologist in such an important area as environmental protection involves the following responsibilities:

  • biological treatment of waste water and contaminated areas;
  • utilization of household and industrial waste.

Work in educational institutions involves teaching biological and related disciplines.

In any field, the work of a biotechnologist is creative, research and, of course, interesting and necessary for society.

Pros and cons of the profession


Biotechnology specialists are extremely in demand at the present time, and in the future they will be in demand even more, since biotechnology is a profession of the future and it will have a rapid development. In the future, the profession of biotechnologist will also be in demand in other branches of human activity that do not even exist yet or are only in the process of formation.

The advantages include the prestige of the profession and its ambiguity, that is, the possibility of employment in related professions in a variety of organizations (see places of work) as a genetic bioengineer, bioprocess engineer, lipid biotechnologist, protein biotechnologist, pharmaceutical biotechnologist, cell and tissue bioengineer.

Biotechnologists work closely with foreign research institutes. Russian scientists are in high demand, so you can make a good career abroad.


The negative attitude of the public and part of the scientific world to the products of genetic engineering is not always justified.

Place of work

  • pharmaceutical companies;
  • perfumery production;
  • food firms and companies;
  • enterprises of the agro-industrial complex;
  • research institutes and laboratories;
  • biotechnological enterprises;
  • companies in the field of astronautics and robotics.

Important qualities

  • analytical mind;
  • broad erudition;
  • curiosity;
  • thinking outside the box;
  • observation;
  • patience;
  • responsibility;
  • call of Duty;
  • purposefulness.

Biotechnology training

On this course, you can get the profession of a microbiologist in 3 months and 15,000 rubles:
- One of the most affordable prices in Russia;
- Diploma of professional retraining of the established form;
- Training in a completely remote format;
- The largest educational institution of additional prof. education in Russia.



Salary for 03/17/2020

Russia 17000-45000 ₽

Moscow 30,000—150,000 ₽

Career Steps and Prospects

Biotechnologists can work in the positions of biochemist, biologist, virologist, microbiologist. Novice specialists, as a rule, get a job as laboratory assistants for chemical analysis in pharmaceutical companies or in the food industry. In factories for the production of drugs and food additives, you can work as a production controller. A career can be made vertically, increasing the professional level and, accordingly, the capacity of the position, up to the head of production. Working in a research institute, while striving for scientific discoveries, you can make a career in the scientific world.

Famous biotechnologists

Yu.A. Ovchinnikov is one of the most famous scientists in biotechnology, a leading scientist in the field of membrane biology. Author of many scientific works (over 500), including "Bioorganic Chemistry", "Membrane-active complexones". The Society of Biotechnologists of Russia named after V.I. Yu.A. Ovchinnikova.

Transgenic Engineering News. Scientists crossed a parrot and sugarcane. Now sugar itself tells how much to put in tea.

The history of the emergence of biotechnology as a science:

In the most ancient times, people, without realizing it, used biotechnology in baking bread, in the production of wine and fermented milk products.

The scientific basis for all such processes was provided by L. Pasteur in the 19th century, proving that the fermentation process is due to microorganisms. But in its modern form, biotechnology as a science did not arise immediately, but after going through several stages:

  1. In the 40-50s of the twentieth century, as a result of the biosynthesis of penicillin, a microbiological industry was created.
  2. In the 60s and 70s, cell engineering developed.
  3. In 1972, the creation of the first in vitro hybrid DNA molecule in the United States led to the emergence of genetic engineering. After that, it became possible to deliberately change the genetic structure of living organisms. In the 70s, the term “biotechnology” itself appeared.

The phased appearance of biotechnology has led to its inextricable connection with cellular and molecular biology, biochemistry, molecular genetics and bioorganic chemistry.

Biotechnology is the past, future and present of humanity. In her competence, not only the identification of new forms of medicinal plants and the discovery of new abilities of living organisms, but also genetic engineering is one of the most difficult and controversial areas of science. If you want to become a biotechnologist, then perhaps you are the one who clones a human. Because there are no scientific barriers to this, and ethical issues will certainly be resolved in the near future. Next, we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the profession, tell you how to get it, how to build a career and achieve success.

Biotechnologist engineer - who is this

A biotechnologist is a specialist who studies biotechnology in general or in one of its varieties. Biotechnology is a science that studies the possibility of using biomaterials to solve certain technological problems, as well as to implement projects in the field of hybridization and genetic engineering. The core of the specialization is genetics, as well as key areas of biology and embryology. Biotechnology is also based on some applied disciplines, in particular on robotics.

The profession is respectable, well paid, and quite ancient. One of the first biotechnologies, by the way, was brewing. Today, the work of scientists and practitioners is concentrated on solving problems in medicine, genetics, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, industry and other industries that use their developments. Many discoveries are of a global nature and change not only the specifics and effectiveness of a particular direction, but also the life of mankind as a whole. A striking example is plant breeding and genetic modification and cloning.

Types of biotechnology and the scope of responsibilities of a specialist

The work instructions of a biotechnologist engineer depend not only on the specialization, but also on the specific place of work. A university teacher focuses on pedagogy, a breeder - on improving the qualities of plants, a genetic engineer - on the study of, say, mutations or the same cloning. The range of responsibilities also depends on the type of biotechnology that the specialist is engaged in. Key areas:

  • Bioengineering - is aimed, in particular, at solving medical problems and at improving the protection of human health.
  • Biomedicine Is one of the theoretical branches of medicine that studies the human body, pathologies and methods of their treatment.
  • Biopharmacology - works in the interests of pharmacology, studying the characteristics and properties of substances of biological origin.
  • Bioinformatics - de facto it is the application of mathematical technologies and computer analysis in biology.
  • Bionics - applied science based on the application of the features of living organisms and the principles of living nature in technology.
  • Cloning - the implementation of asexual reproduction, obtaining organisms identical in the genome (remember the female sheep Dolly).
  • Hybridization - creation of hybrids by combining genes of different cells into one.
  • Genetic Engineering - is aimed at studying, copying and changing the genome, in particular, DNA transformation.

The tasks of the biotechnologist include the study of the object, research and implementation of projects. The facility usually depends on the direction of biotechnology in which the specialist works. Accordingly, the range of tasks varies depending on the place of work and the project that the engineer or scientist is working on.

Where to study to be a biotechnologist

Compulsory in the university and best of all in the state. The authority of the educational institution does not play a special role, the level of the department and the opportunities that the educational institution provides to students in the learning process are important.

You must have the opportunity to practice, contact the scientific community, you must have the necessary resources (laboratories, practice sites, and so on).

Try to learn as much as possible about the faculty of the chosen university. Especially assess the level of the teaching staff, in particular the practical achievements of the professors.

The TOP 5 best universities in Russia where biotechnologists are taught include:

  1. Moscow State University Lomonosov.
  2. Research University. Pirogov.
  3. RUDN.
  4. SPbSU.
  5. Agrarian University. Timiryazev.

You can also get a profession through an accelerated program in the first or second higher education. To do this, you must have a diploma of a graduate of a secondary specialized educational institution in a specialized specialty, or a higher education in any specialty. Several distance learning programs are also being implemented, but their effectiveness raises reasonable doubts among experts.

What personal qualities you need to have

First of all, it is perseverance. Behind the most important discoveries are years of hard, difficult and not very dynamic work in the laboratory or in the office. A scientist can spend a lot of time and energy on a project that ultimately fails. It is necessary to have iron nerves and determination, it is important to believe in yourself even when everything turns against you.

At the same time, you need to have a developed intellect and logical thinking, to be open to continuous learning and advanced training. Another important personal quality of a potential biotechnologist is sociability. It is important to maintain contact with the scientific community and be able to work in a team, find a common language with project leaders and sponsors, and competently build communication with subordinates.

Where do biotechnologists work

Research centers... Here the work of a biotechnologist is aimed at implementing projects of global importance. This is serious research and practical development that is carried out by order of companies or in the name of science. Here, new abilities and properties of living organisms are revealed, the genome is studied, DNA is transformed, and so on.

Medicine... Biotechnology is inseparable from medicine. As part of the research of specialists, methods of treating many diseases were found, the features of genetics, human anatomy were studied, and methods of rehabilitation were created. The developments of biotechnologists are used in almost all areas of medicine - from plastic surgery to bone marrow transplantation.

Production... Pharmaceuticals, agricultural production, food industry - biotechnology is inseparable from the activities of companies that work with living organisms. Hybridization, genetic engineering, bionics and biopharmacology play special roles here.

Educational institutions... Often specialists stay to work in the same universities where they received their education. They receive additional pedagogical education and become teachers, or develop their scientific potential. According to statistics, at least 30% of university graduates remain to work in universities, institutes and academies.

It is important to note that this is not a complete list of areas in which biotechnologists work. This is a demanded, relevant profession - vacancies are open for specialists in hundreds of enterprises, research companies and industries. It is simply impossible to cover all possible places of employment in an overview.

Pros and cons of the profession

The key advantage of the biotechnology specialty lies in its relevance - this area not only does not become obsolete, but also takes on new forms.

In particular, it integrates into robotics and the rapidly changing food production. Therefore, you do not have to worry about the profession becoming obsolete.

Others pros biotechnology profession:

  • Respectability and possible recognition.
  • Decent wages for qualified specialists.
  • Unlimited career prospects.
  • A huge variety of areas of work and areas for employment.
  • An opportunity to make discoveries that will change the life of humanity.

At the same time, it is important to note and limitations specialties. Thus, university graduates should not count on high salaries in the first 2-3 years of building a career. Moreover, this is a difficult, extremely demanding job. Too much depends on the place of work and even banal luck. If your manager is engaged, and the sponsor is frankly incompetent, problems with the implementation of the project cannot be avoided.


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