Top ten common mistakes aspiring entrepreneurs make. Top Ten Common Mistakes for New Entrepreneurs They Don't Test Their Hypotheses

    Inconsistency of the organizational and legal form with the goals and objectives

    Many start-up entrepreneurs (limited liability company): this is supposedly more respectable than an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur). If you are a designer, private developer, photographer or your small business creative, the status of an individual entrepreneur is optimal. To work as a team, and unite on the basis of a contract.

    Today, large and serious organizations are actively resorting to outsourcing. No one will be confused by the contract with the individual entrepreneur. Many companies take copywriters and photographers out of the state and enter into contracts with them as individual entrepreneurs. But last month, the Russian Supreme Court issued a ruling recognizing cooperation with individual entrepreneurs as a tax evasion scheme.

    To register an individual entrepreneur, constituent documents, seal and authorized capital are not required. But individual entrepreneurs are prohibited from certain types of licensed activities (for example, retail trade in strong alcohol), and they are responsible for their obligations with all their property. If you want to open branches, subsidiaries or plan to merge with other companies, then register an LLC.

    Study the issue in detail and choose the optimal reporting and taxation system in order to avoid problems in the future.

  1. Incorrect definition of activities in the charter

    LLC and JSC (joint-stock company) in their charter sometimes incorrectly define the types of activities. The firm sold office supplies, and then began to provide legal services.

    For violation, liability is provided for under Art. 14.25 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation "Violation of legislation on state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs." The prosecutor's office will turn a blind eye for the first time, but for a second offense they can be disqualified for a period of one to three years.

    Children's institutions (camps, clubs, etc.) are strictly checked. If your organization is engaged in educational or medical activities without a license, there will be serious problems.

  2. Lack of license

    Sometimes entrepreneurs shift the profile of unlicensed activities and work in a related, but licensed direction. For advocacy, it is enough to obtain the appropriate status, and for detective work you need a license.

    Training sessions in a play center or children's section are educational, licensed activities. Certain IT services are licensed. Thus, Cisco received an encryption license from the FSB. Computer equipment, which cannot be operated without a license, is determined by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 313 of 04/16/2012.

    Article 12 of the federal law "On licensing certain types of activities" contains a corresponding list: production of medicines, aviation equipment, weapons, fire safety, communication services, educational and much more - more than 50 items in total.

    The activities indicated in the list without a license and causing damage to third parties are subject to a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles or arrest for up to six months (Art. 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).


  3. Confidence in your own legal competence

    Small businesses often save money on legal services. Experienced entrepreneurs believe that they do not need help and conclude contracts themselves. The result is a waste of litigation.
    Aspiring entrepreneurs do their own marketing, advertising, accounting and legal documentation to control all business processes. It is difficult to resolve all issues alone. In good companies, all processes are carried out with the participation, and sometimes under the guidance of a lawyer.

  4. Lack of attention to reporting when participating in tenders

    According to many, public procurement tenders are a direct path to enrichment. But companies whose goods and services are purchased by budgetary organizations are subject to counter tax audits. Your bookkeeping and legal documents should be in perfect condition, all taxes and fees paid, and debts to the budget closed. Otherwise, problems cannot be avoided.

  5. Failure to comply with advertising legislation

    The use of images of children is limited in advertising. If you manufacture goods and provide services for minors, you must comply with the law "On the protection of children from information that is harmful to their health and development."

    Any word in advertising must be documented, and first of all - "the most", "the best", "No. 1", "leader", "absolute", "only" and the like. In order to avoid the FAS claims, many companies add: “probably”, “possibly”. “This is probably the best coffee in the world,” is how they write.

  6. Violation of labor laws

    Companies violate the work and rest regime, wage standards, conclusion, amendment and termination of an employment contract, including upon dismissal, do not comply with the law when hiring foreign workers. Violation of the Labor Code entails not only large fines (for incorrect storage of work books - a fine of 50 thousand rubles), but also criminal liability.

    With individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs, instead of a labor contract, a civil law contract is often concluded that exempts the employer from social insurance contributions. Payment for work under such an agreement is made upon completion, basic and educational leave, sick leave, night and overtime work, etc. are not paid. The fine for such a violation can go up to 100 thousand rubles, if labor relations are proven in court.

  7. Working with an unverified partner

    Products or services can be sold on credit (sometimes without a contract). It is still necessary at the preparatory stage: to check the extract of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP on the website of the Federal Tax Service. The partner can change management or liquidate the company, which is not reflected in the register. Therefore, you need to find out from the file of arbitration cases whether the partner is bankrupt, and check the status of the company on the website of the Federal Bailiff Service.

    FAS also maintains a "black list" of unscrupulous service providers. Perhaps your partner showed himself negatively in government procurement. You should be alarmed by the company's zero tax reporting. In the contract with a partner, provide for interim measures: forfeit, surety, pledge, retention of the debtor's property. Then the probability of suing at least part of the debt increases.

  8. Problem solving through "trusted" people

    Many entrepreneurs turn to lawyers and to court when they have been robbed by “trusted” people. “Negotiating” is illegal, short-lived and dangerous. The prosperity of business is not built on bribes, bribery and false documents, but on the law.

  9. Ignorance of your rights and freedoms

    If inspection bodies, police, investigators come to your office - no checks without appropriate documents. The seizure of your documentation is possible on the basis of an order of the investigator, inquirer or with the approval of the court.

    According to Art. 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, no one is obliged to testify against himself. 48 of the Constitution, everyone is guaranteed the right to receive qualified legal assistance. Remember: silence is not only golden, but also your freedom.

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More than 50% of businesses are closed in the first five years. And I am sure that the main enemy of an entrepreneur is himself. Despite the fact that business owners have great motivation and desire to make a great product, entrepreneurs often make mistakes that could have been avoided.

Today we will look at 30 mistakes that entrepreneurs make and that destroy their business. Go!

They don't waste time on basic tasks.

Have you heard stories where people spend huge amounts of money to create a website that is not popular? There are plenty of such stories. And they arise when the entrepreneur did not take the time to identify a potential buyer, create the right content and make the site user-friendly.

Fundamental tasks cannot be skipped.

They expect fast results with little effort

It is in human nature to hope for quick success. However, it doesn't exist. You have a long way to go, many tasks to complete before you achieve impressive success.

They don't think long-term goals.

To be successful, you should not be distracted by small things, but focus on the goal and follow the direction towards it. Don't litter your time with unnecessary tasks that lead you astray.

Lack of a mobile version of the site

If the site looks bad on a mobile device, then it immediately scares off the audience. Nowadays, all sites must be optimized for mobile devices and look great on iPhone, iPad and any other gadget.

They believe that if they like something, they can successfully sell it.

A business needs a manager, a salesperson and someone who will provide services or produce goods. Do what you love is not always a winning mindset. Just because a person enjoys working on web design doesn't mean they will make a good studio director.

They have no support

They don't keep track of time

It is impossible to build a successful business without basic time management skills. Therefore, every entrepreneur needs to learn how to properly allocate their time and effort.

They are too focused on competitors

If an entrepreneur sees a business only in the form of his own victory, which means the defeat of competitors, then this does not lead to anything good. This behavior is always stressful.

They don't know their audience

To succeed, you need to find your niche and become the best in it. Don't try to work for everyone. Identify your ideal customer and serve them in the best possible way.

They don't ask the right questions.

Success-minded people focus on new experiences that can be gained from any situation. And they constantly ask questions that help open up new opportunities.

They don't test their hypotheses.

Before launching a new product and building a business, you need to test your hypothesis. Analyze the market, talk to potential buyers and find out how interested they are in your product or service. Otherwise it will be too late later.

They don't know how to style content

Buyers love a clear structure - readers pay attention to lists and highlights. Make sure your note is easy to read.

They think traffic will bring them customers

Some bloggers dream of increasing traffic to their resource, but questions immediately arise: Why? What for? How will this help your business?

A large number of visitors does not guarantee big sales. Therefore, before worrying about traffic, you should take care of your product and mechanics, with the help of which the visitor will be comfortable to get to know him better and purchase your product or service.

They are too focused on tools

Have you seen articles about the release of a new WordPress plugin or the emergence of a social platform that will change the world? How do you usually react to them? You shouldn't give up everything and dive into learning new tools. Focus on your current goals.

They waste energy

Successful entrepreneurs put their actions through a test called "So what?" For example:

We have 1000 new Facebook followers this month

After all, without collecting email addresses or active purchases, this indicator is almost irrelevant. Don't waste time and energy. Focus on what matters.

They avoid criticism

Successful business people know that the only way to avoid criticism is to do nothing, not compete with anyone, and be invisible. Fear should not be caused by criticism, but by the opportunity to go unnoticed.

They are waiting for permission

Nowadays, each of us has the opportunity to learn something new, start businesses and make money. And you don't have to wait for permission to do this!

They handle money wrong

Successful entrepreneurs know that investing in growing their business is the right step. At the same time, they don’t waste money in vain. Try and you approach spending more consciously.

They believe they don't need to learn.

The most successful entrepreneurs are those who are constantly on the lookout for new knowledge. Therefore, always pay attention to new courses, chat with more experienced people and enjoy learning in any way.

They focus on popularity metrics

The number of Twitter followers will not help you pay off loans or salaries to employees. Focus on the metrics that really matter.

They think tactics are more important than persuasion.

If you have thought of a strategy, but are worried that something will go wrong, then it will happen. Whatever your strategy, your beliefs play an important role in business.

They don't think about the human factor

Business is people. Sellers, accountants, assistants, buyers. Each link must correctly perform its function so that everyone is satisfied and the business continues its development.

They see networking as a sport

Successful entrepreneurs know that networking is about building relationships, not just finding useful contacts. Having your business card with other people will not be successful.

They chat a lot on social media and don't pay attention to real customers.

Social media is a powerful tool. First of all, however, you must take care of your real customers.

They don't note what works and what doesn't.

Successful entrepreneurs know what they spend time and energy on and what they get in return. That is why carefully monitor the metrics and note what is good for your business, and what is better to refuse.

They don't follow their path

New opportunities are constantly coming to entrepreneurs. Some of them lead to good, others can ruin your business. Before making a decision, always ask yourself the question: "Does this correspond to my original plan?"

They listen to the wrong people

Now there are a huge number of "experts" who are ready to do everything to help your business. For a fee. And these people do not always know how to behave correctly in a given situation, deal with a crisis and increase the company's performance. Therefore, before seeking help from an outside expert, make sure that he has experience and really understands your topic.

They avoid email marketing

How many amazing sites have you seen but then couldn't remember? This is quite common. That is why, in order to build a successful business, it is necessary to periodically remind potential clients of yourself. And the best way to do this is via email newsletters.

Start collecting email addresses as early as possible to remind potential customers of yourself.

They quickly recruit and rarely fire.

Everyone got into a situation when they saw a person and believed that he would fit perfectly into the team. And then they were disappointed. In this case, it is necessary to get rid of such an employee as soon as possible. And next time take a closer look at the recruiting process.

They don't pay attention to such articles

Don't let these mistakes appear in your entrepreneurial life. Invest in yourself and your business, develop and become better.

Those who believe that the main thing in business is to start, and then everything will go by itself, are deeply mistaken. Many entrepreneurs are forced to close the business they started after a short time, since the business did not bring even the minimum income.

It’s not so bad when the business simply doesn’t generate the income you expected. It is much sadder when, due to the mistakes made by the entrepreneur at the start, the enterprise simply cannot continue to exist.

We have formulated the most common mistakes in business, which are inherent in almost any field of activity. To prevent the failure of your business, you need to know your enemy by sight!

Striving to rent premises at the lowest price

Many aspiring entrepreneurs think that in order for a business to flourish, it is necessary to strive to minimize costs in everything. It's a delusion. You need to be able to correctly prioritize and understand where you can save, and where such savings can be fatal.

If renting a more expensive premises (for an office or for placing equipment for production) will bring any advantages, then you should definitely do it.

Hiring your friends and relatives

When you are just starting your own business, especially if it is the first, it is always difficult to let strangers into your business and immediately start to trust them. In this regard, many make a big mistake - they hire their relatives, friends and acquaintances in their company, arguing that “I know these people well, I trust them, and they will not let them down”.

In some cases, this strategy may work for you. However, more often it happens otherwise, and after a while you begin to regret that the accountant in your company is your aunt, and the sales manager is a close friend. First, by opting for friends and family as your employees, you are depriving yourself of the opportunity to hire truly professional people who could bring much more value to your business.

Second, working together with your loved ones is always a potential enemy for your relationship. And when you act as the boss for your relative or friend, then the danger begins to hang over your business. After all, people with whom you have family or friendship ties are not always professionals in your business. And it is morally difficult to point out mistakes to them, and even more so to dismiss them.

Purchase of used equipment

Yes, in some areas of activity, such a step would be reasonable and justified. However, it is worth considering carefully - would you spend a lot more money on repairing and maintaining used equipment than buying new one? A well-known English proverb fits here very well: "We're not rich enough to buy cheap stuff." Apply this principle wisely in your business. Moreover, this applies not only to the purchase of used equipment, but also to the purchase of new, but cheap and low-quality equipment.

By investing a considerable amount in equipment at the start, you will subsequently save more than buying cheap or used equipment. Why? Because it will last you longer and will not require frequent repairs and replacement of individual parts.

Setting low prices for services or goods

Most often this is done in pursuit of a large number of customers and reasoning like this: "I will put a small price on my services or products, and customers will immediately come to me." Clients may fall (although it is also far from a fact, since an unreasonably low price raises doubts about the quality of the goods), however, with such a strategy, your business risks becoming bankrupt.

When setting a pricing policy, keep in mind that you will need to pay salaries to employees, maintain equipment operability (repair, replacement), pay rent, etc. Appreciate the cost of your product, and deliberately underestimating it is the lot of inexperienced and not very smart entrepreneurs.

Refusal of professional services and neglect of advice

Don't be happy if you managed to hire an accountant or lawyer who asked for low wages. As a rule, you will hardly wait for professional work from such an employee, and subsequently he will simply "sink" your business. The knowledge and skills possessed by true professionals in their field should be paid accordingly.

Also, if you need a one-time consultation on a business issue from an expert, it is better to use it if you feel that you are not able to solve the problem on your own. Yes, this kind of consultation can be expensive, but it can be critical to the success or failure of your business.

Denial of any loans

This issue is controversial enough. With regard to loans, a large number of both pros and cons can be cited. But imagine this situation: one businessman took out a loan for a certain amount of money for two years, and immediately invested it in the business. And another businessman decided to independently accumulate the same amount of money over the same two years. As a result, we get what? The first businessman has already started his own business and is actively developing it, winning customers, establishing relations with partners and suppliers, etc. And the second businessman will be able to do all this only in two years, and when he enters the market, he will immediately face a serious competitor who has been “in business” for two years.

Of course, getting a loan is associated with certain, but after all, no business can exist without risks. The main thing is to analyze them correctly and wisely approach everything that could potentially cause any losses.

Minimizing an ad campaign that did not provide instant profit

Undoubtedly, it is important to track the results that your ad campaign has produced and research its effectiveness. If it is ineffective, you should switch to another type of advertising or combine several types at once.

However, one should not always expect an instant result from a promotional event. You may have several clients in the very first days after the start of the advertising campaign, and in a month / six months / a year - a whole base of clients will appear.

Excessive nobility towards employees

You should treat your employees fairly - that's right. But what is justice? If you hired an employee who already in the first month does not cope with his duties, what would be more fair: dismiss him or give him another chance, since he has not yet had time to prove himself, and he has small children at home and a car loan ?

Treating people with nobility is great, but why should you turn other people's problems (in this case, the employee's problem is lack of knowledge and skills) into your own problems?

Endless adoration of your product

We will not argue that every entrepreneur should love what he does. If you don't believe in your product or service, chances are you shouldn't be doing it. But “blind” love for your product can also be a fatal business mistake. Plus, no matter how great and perfect your product is, it won't solve the problem of poor management or illiterate advertising campaigns.

Not admitting your own mistakes

Perhaps the biggest and most unforgivable mistake entrepreneurs make is that they don't learn from their own mistakes. As one seasoned businessman put it, "In sports you are a student for no more than a year, but in business you are a student all your life"... You should not assume that having played a little in the business environment, you already know everything and can do everything. Continuous improvement of yourself and your company is an indispensable condition for a successful businessman.

Individual entrepreneurship is a sphere in which the threat lies to a greater extent not in external factors, but in the entrepreneur himself, his mistakes. Novice businessmen often step on a rake that has already hit many others before them. Let's try to highlight the 10 most common mistakes that can become dangerous or even fatal for small businesses.

And a little thing can fail in a big way

Everyone makes mistakes. But in business, even small and seemingly insignificant deviations can have serious consequences. Of course, it will not be possible to conduct business completely without mistakes, but it is important to try not to admit the most common ones, which occur with many novice businessmen. You should not act rashly, they say, you cannot insure yourself from everything. Indeed, the same wrong actions for one business will create a real threat, while in another they will go unnoticed. But if an entrepreneur does not strive to minimize his mistakes, they will snowball. Business negligence is unforgivable.

Everyone will have to learn from their mistakes, but you can learn from strangers first. To do this, it is worth studying the experience of predecessors and not repeating their failures. Anyone can make mistakes, a smart one will draw conclusions from them.

Ranking of the most common mistakes aspiring entrepreneurs make

10th place

If a friend was suddenly

Partnerships are often a stumbling block for a novice businessman.

Start a business alone? It is difficult - as a rule, there are not enough funds, and the experience of like-minded friends is useful: who will support in difficult times, keep you from hasty decisions, stand shoulder to shoulder? And then, would future counterparties not think that the single founder suffers from a lack of trust, since no one supports him in his activities? In a word, this path is possible only for very narrowly targeted market niches. Any development and advancement will require the sharing of powers. Sometimes the way out is in the family business.

Do business on an equal footing? It would seem that 50% shares are a fair decision, but this is only at first glance. Partners with equal rights will not always be able to come to an agreement on some sensitive issues, and they will arise sooner or later. It is important that someone has the legal final vote, otherwise conflicts are inevitable and even, perhaps, the division of the business. And this is the end of joint activities.

The way out is in such a distribution of shares so that one participant has a "controlling stake" of at least 51%, which will provide the required point in controversial issues.

9th place

Don't be formal

Any business starts with papers. First, the activity needs to be registered, and already at this stage, many annoying mistakes are often made that can greatly harm the case:

  • constituent documentation "from the Internet", and not drawn up for a specific case with spelled out important nuances and controversial points;
  • inconsistency of OKVED codes with real activities; everything you do must be noted in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, and new activities must be entered there in the prescribed manner, otherwise the counterparty may consider you unreliable;
  • work without a license in the kind of activity where it is necessary according to Art. 12 Federal Law No. 99 of May 04, 2011, is unacceptable, this must be carefully monitored, especially by slightly changing the profile of the work - it may just fall into the licensed area;
  • careless storage of documents: the lack of the necessary paper in a disputable situation can be fatal.

8th place

Ignorance of the laws does not absolve from responsibility

The most important thing is to respect the Labor Code. Unregistered or incorrectly executed employees, personnel inconsistencies, wage standards, work and rest hours and other moments that a labor inspector can catch are fraught with serious troubles: monetary fines, suspension of activities, additional checks.

Many entrepreneurs stumble upon advertising laws: sending out advertising messages, incorrect comparisons with competitors, logos and trademarks similar to existing ones, signs - all this requires legal compliance, which will have to be studied or consulted by specialists.

7th place

Do you know the rights? You're wrong!

In any business, checks and unwanted contacts are inevitable. A businessman who does not know his rights is practically doomed. All types of inspections should not go beyond the legislative framework, but often frightened and inexperienced entrepreneurs themselves provoke inspectors for violation of their powers or allow them to do so. Which premises and documentation can be shown and which are optional? What information to give, and what information you and your employees are not allowed to ask? What do the inspectors have sanction for, and what is outside their authority? The entrepreneur must know all this himself and instruct his subordinates.

6th place

“Who am I working for? And for yourself! "

An entrepreneur cannot just “do business” without caring about the target audience and presenting it poorly. Even if he produces a product of high quality or performs a service, it means nothing if there is no one to buy it. You should study the target audience before you think about starting your own business: these are the basics of marketing, without which the business is dead. Focus on the needs of this category of people when promoting your products.

An even more dangerous mistake is that it is not enough to research the market in which one has to act: the ratio of supply and demand, prices for similar products, the presence of competitors, etc. This data is key in organizing any business.

5th place

Do you have a plan?

This does not necessarily mean a real business plan required for lending or investment, but at least an approximate vision of the near future. How do you start a business? What points should be considered? How much should you invest in it? How long will it take for a business to become self-sufficient? This is just an incomplete list of questions that must be answered before starting a business. Acting at random in business can be very expensive.

4th place

Don't be overly trusting

You are an honest entrepreneur, but by no means all of your future partners have the same moral principles. Sometimes the goal of partners and organizations is deception, profit, sometimes you can be set up or let down, not always on purpose. In business, you have to figure out who you are dealing with. It is better to check the possible unreliability of partners before concluding agreements with them, and not unexpectedly find out afterwards, along with unpleasant surprises in the form of disrupted supplies, not provided services, poor quality of products, as well as the refusal of the tax authority to deduct VAT. Services and other opportunities for due diligence are abound today.

3rd place

Incorrect choice

This is the first danger that awaits a person who decides to start a business. What should I do? He asks himself. What activity he chooses will determine his further strategy. To reduce the risks of choice, it is necessary to first study the market and target audience (see clause 6).

It is also important to remember about competitors. Your product should be relevant to customers, but also unique in some way. Let the competition not scare you: it is a stimulus for development and insurance against bad faith. If you choose a narrow area with no competitors at all, it means that few people need it.

Having chosen the type of activity, correctly enter its OKVED code when registering a business.

2nd place

Money, it all comes down to money!

There is never a lot of money. But are they enough to start and run a business? If a future businessman does not know how and does not learn to count and distribute funds, he will not see any profit.

Some people think that starting even a small business requires a lot of initial capital. But for many types of work, it is not necessary to rent an office, purchase equipment or spend money on a beautiful sign and business cards. It is often possible to get by with the bare minimum, gradually improving resources as profit becomes available. In a word, we need a primary plan (see item 5).

Others, having received the first money, rejoice and seek to spend it on themselves, and not on business, taking them out of business ahead of time, which does not have a financial "safety cushion" for unforeseen expenses. And they, as a rule, are right there.

Finally, with all due respect to money, you cannot do business solely for it. The main goal is nevertheless to bring certain benefits to people in the form of a quality service or a product they need, for which they are ready to pay, otherwise what is called the ugly word "vparivanie" will turn out: such a business will not last long.

1 place

Rely on others, but do not make a mistake yourself

When creating his own business, a person expects that it will work for him, and seeks to delegate as much authority as possible to third-party performers, sometimes not delving too much into the essence and content, demanding only results. Small business, especially at first, cannot work “automatically” without the strong and active participation of its creator, no matter what the advertising of consulting services promises. At first, the matter will require dedication, investment not only of funds, but also of its personal component. Otherwise, it will work for the person to whom you delegate this responsibility. Any brainchild in a young age needs a selfless parent.

But the second extreme is also dangerous - "Only I know how it should be!" There are specific industries in business that require education and relevant experience, for example, legal support, accounting. You can’t do what you don’t know how to do with quality by just reading the instructions on the Web. In the same way, it is impossible to control everything and everyone.

SO! On the first place in importance is an error, which can be formulated as an incorrect distribution of responsibilities and priorities.

The most important thing is that after making a mistake, do not give up, strive to correct it and not repeat it. The secret of survival of any business lies in the perseverance of an entrepreneur: even if he gets burned, he goes forward, gains experience and skills and ultimately achieves success.

Toilet paper, pasta, canned food, soap are just a few of the items that are quickly disappearing from supermarket shelves in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak. Let's call a spade a spade: these are not out-of-necessity purchases, but panic purchases. And although this is a completely understandable reaction of people to an uncertain situation, it does not affect the lives of others in the best way.

The level of self-esteem in one way or another affects a person's actions. A person constantly underestimates his capabilities, as a result, "life prizes" go to others. If your self-esteem goes lower and lower, then there are 20 tips in this article to help you. By starting to apply them in your life, you can increase your self-esteem and become a confident person.

Many will agree that, from time to time, they are overcome by unwanted thoughts that cannot be eliminated. They are so strong that even doing an interesting job does not help at all. This is accompanied by negative emotions that add excruciating sensations. Sometimes it seems that it is not possible to defeat such thoughts, but if you look at the problem from different points of view, you can find the right solution.

We are killing our happiness with our own hands. The negative that we carry in ourselves to others, destructive thoughts, envy, anger, resentment - this list is endless. Review your life, release unpleasant memories, get rid of people, activities and things that poison your mind. Tune in to goodness and positiveness. Do something nice, something you've dreamed of for a long time.

A person's life changes with age, desires and priorities change. This is a completely normal process, although each of us is different. If you want to make the most of your life after 30 years, the following 9 tips will help you.

Fighting complexes is often very difficult due to lack of motivation. And in order to achieve the maximum effect in the fight against complexes, it is necessary to develop for yourself the tactics of finding the necessary motivation and further actions. It is on this joint work that the principle of working on oneself is built.

Happiness - no matter what anyone says, the goal of every person's life. But is it so difficult to achieve this goal? People strive to become happy, but they neglect the simple joys, which together can give this feeling. Here are some ways to help you feel happier.

Do you want to become a healthy person? If you follow the advice given in this article, then it is safe to say that you will become healthier than you were before. At first glance, they seem simple, but start doing them, and you will be amazed at the real changes in your health and condition.

Touchiness is not an incorrigible, pathological character trait, it can and should be corrected. Resentment is a person's reaction to not meeting their expectations. It can be anything: a word, an act, or a sharp glance. Frequent grievances lead to bodily illness, psychological problems and an inability to build harmonious relationships with others. Do you want to stop being offended and learn to understand your offenses? Then let's see how you can do it.


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