The agricultural business is always relevant and in demand in the history of man. How to open an agricultural business from scratch

1. General characteristics of agriculture

In general, the proportion of the economically active population employed in agriculture in foreign Europe is not large (maximum in Eastern Europe). The share of agriculture in the economies of countries is also maximum in the countries of Eastern Europe.

For the main types of agricultural products, most countries fully meet their needs and are interested in selling them on foreign markets. The main type of agricultural enterprise is a large highly mechanized farm. But in Southern Europe, landownership and small-scale land use by tenant peasants still predominate. The main branches of agriculture in foreign Europe are plant growing and animal husbandry, which are ubiquitous, combined with each other.

2. Main types of agriculture

Under the influence of natural and historical conditions, three main types of agriculture have developed in the region:

  1. northern european
  2. Central European
  3. Southern European
  • The northern European type, common in Scandinavia, Finland, and also in Great Britain, is characterized by the predominance of intensive dairy farming, and in the crop production that serves it, fodder crops and gray bread.
  • The Central European type is distinguished by the predominance of dairy and dairy-meat animal husbandry, as well as pig and poultry breeding. Animal husbandry has reached a very high level in Denmark, where it has long become an industry of international specialization. This country is one of the world's largest producers and exporters of butter, milk, cheese, pork and eggs. It is often referred to as the "dairy farm" of Europe. Crop production not only satisfies the basic needs of the population for food, but also "works" for animal husbandry. A significant and sometimes predominant part of arable land is occupied by fodder crops.
  • The South European type is characterized by a significant predominance of crop production, while animal husbandry plays a secondary role. Although grain crops occupy the main place in the crops, the international specialization of Southern Europe is determined primarily by the production of fruits, citrus fruits, grapes, olives, almonds, nuts, tobacco, and essential oil crops. The Mediterranean coast is the main "garden of Europe".
    • The entire Mediterranean coast of Spain, and especially the area of ​​Valencia, is commonly referred to as a garden. Various fruits and vegetables are grown here, but most of all - oranges, which are harvested from December to March. In the export of oranges, Spain ranks first in the world.
    • Greece, Italy, Spain have over 90 million olive trees in each country. This tree has become a kind of national symbol for the Greeks. Since the time of Ancient Hellas, the olive branch has been a sign of peace.
    • Main wine producing countries: France, Italy, Spain.
  • In many cases, the specialization of agriculture acquires a narrower profile. So, France, the Netherlands and Switzerland are famous for cheese production, the Netherlands for flowers, Germany and the Czech Republic for growing barley and hops and brewing. And in terms of the production and consumption of grape wines, France, Spain, Italy, Portugal stand out not only in Europe, but throughout the world. Fishing has long been an international specialty in Norway, Denmark and especially Iceland.

Indicators of agricultural development per capita in some countries of the world.

Agriculture in Europe

Densely populated Foreign Europe, which has limited resources of agricultural land, was able to establish a highly productive agriculture that can basically meet the food needs of the population. In most European countries, animal husbandry has been predominantly developed.
Agriculture is also subordinate to him, the main branch of which was the production of fodder. Not only agricultural products are used for fodder production, but also a significant part of fishery products. European countries are exporters of soft wheat varieties, but they have to import a large amount of durum wheat. They are almost completely self-sufficient in beet sugar and almost completely in meat (because imports of overseas mutton are covered by equivalent exports of beef and pork).

Europe is the largest exporter of milk and dairy products. In addition, it has maintained its position as the world's leading producer and exporter of grape wines. Nevertheless, the level of Europe's self-sufficiency in agricultural products of its own production in the post-war period decreased somewhat. It has to import fodder and oilseeds, as well as products of tropical agriculture: fruits, coffee, cocoa, tea, etc. Some branches of agriculture in Europe fell into decay. Thus, the once significant flax production was greatly reduced by Belgium and Holland, and the production of wool in all countries, except for Great Britain and Iceland, actually ceased. But positions in floriculture have strengthened (Holland - tulips, Bulgaria - roses, rose oil). Europe is an area of ​​developed fisheries. Countries such as Iceland, Norway, Portugal are among the world's leaders in fisheries.

Ideas for your business in agriculture, animal husbandry, poultry farming, etc.

In the 20th century, new technologies were mainly aimed at transcending nature or separating humanity from nature. But in the last couple of decades, most discoveries and innovations, on the contrary, are based on the use of natural processes and the combination of advanced technologies and nature to create environmentally friendly and aesthetically attractive novelties in various fields. A group of students from the University of Maribor (Slovenia), led by Professor Dušan Zidar, developed a project called Tiskaj zeleno. It combines art, design and landscape architecture, combining it all with 3D printing technology. The main idea of ​​the project is a "green" seal that creates a biological product that will grow.

New technologies have long allowed humanity to make objects familiar to us in unusual ways. 3D printing alone, with its infinitely progressive possibilities, is worth something. What can we say about growing furniture? This idea certainly sounds like science fiction, but not with the company from the UK Full Grown, which in the truest sense of the word grows furniture.

If in developed countries sms has already faded into the background, and they are resorted to in rare cases (when all other options are not available), then in developing countries things are different. The number of phone owners and the coverage area in these regions is rapidly expanding, and SMS messages are becoming a popular tool for communication and exchange of valuable advice for rural residents. This prompted the creation of iShamba, a for-profit social organization that provides advice to farmers via sms throughout Kenya.

The title of this article alone will undoubtedly make the hearts of all beekeepers beat faster, since it is difficult for the mind to believe that something like this is possible in principle. And finally, in the field of beekeeping, which has not undergone any special changes since 1852, a beehive will appear that independently collects honey. Scientists from Australia helped the progress and even created a whole trademark called Flow.


One of the most demanded areas of entrepreneurship is business in rural areas. Competition in the industry is low, there are many unclaimed land resources. You can start a business from scratch with the construction of a small agricultural farm for breeding livestock, beekeeping or growing vegetables. The prospect of business development will be the expansion and industrial processing of manufactured goods.

How to choose a direction

Ideas for creating an agricultural business are different. You need to choose, taking into account various factors:

Such areas of business have different profitability, payback period of projects, risks. The prospects of a particular idea are assessed comprehensively.

Promising areas of crop production

Starting a crop growing business from scratch is realistic with minimal investment and risk. Land is purchased or leased. Sowing seeds and tilling the soil of a small area is done manually; agricultural machinery is used in large fields. The cycle of work on growing corresponding crops in open ground is eight months. The use of greenhouses allows you to grow vegetables all year round. Promising business ideas for the development of crop production:

  • Cultivation in greenhouses of dill, parsley, coriander, lettuce, onions, radishes. The greenhouse must be made of polycarbonate, equipped with a side ventilation system. It is recommended to grow greens using the conveyor method: one ton was removed and the same amount was planted. Plants are undemanding to fertilizers and care. The most profitable season for selling greenery is from February to April.
  • Growing potatoes. Agricultural projects for processing large areas involve the use of machinery. Productivity will provide varietal healthy tubers. Culture grows well in any climate. A startup will require significant investments in planting material and equipment, but the return on business will be high. Especially in the presence of warehouses for storing products.
  • Growing berries. Installing greenhouses is where you need to start a profitable berry business. In summer, you can get a crop in open ground, but in winter, heating and lighting of seedlings is necessary. Berries have a short shelf life, but sales in the autumn-winter season provide a profitability of 200-300%.

In addition to the above business options, you can cultivate crops, root crops, cabbage, flax, grapes, fruits.

Your business in the flower industry

Ideas for starting a flower business often come around the holidays. The demand for flowers exists all year round. You can organize a business for growing flowers even in a greenhouse in the attic of your own house, which will require its glazing. The roof slope is equipped with special blinds built into the double-glazed window, along with dormer windows and a heating system. This will ensure the temperature control of the greenhouse for growing plants.

It is realistic to grow 100 daisies, 30 tulips, 25 daffodils, 27 hyacinths per 1 m2 of greenhouse. It is possible to convert an attic with an area of ​​80 m2 into a greenhouse for about 150 thousand rubles. Approximately 2 thousand tulips will grow on such an area. The implementation of flowers will pay off the costs of a startup in a year and a half. It is realistic to get a profitable flower business in 2 years. As an expansion of entrepreneurship, you can open a flower shop.

mushroom cultivation

The mushroom business is highly profitable, however, to open a mushroom greenhouse, investments in equipment, ventilation and heating systems will be required. Cultivation of mushrooms takes place under certain conditions, and champignons are more demanding than oyster mushrooms. Before you start implementing the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a mushroom business, you need to find a suitable premises.

To grow mushrooms, you need a substrate in which mycelium, a kind of mushroom seeds, is sown. Mushrooms grow in cultivation chambers, where an optimal microclimate and carbon dioxide level in the air are provided. The moisture level of the substrate is controlled by the irrigation system. The agricultural mushroom growing business has a low labor requirement. The process is partially automated.

Agricultural goods are sold through food markets and chain stores. The profitability of the mushroom business is more than 40%.

Attractive areas of animal husbandry

The volumes of consumption of meat and dairy agricultural products are constantly growing, which ensures uninterrupted sales by livestock farms. Product prices increase faster than the annual rate of inflation. All this makes animal husbandry a popular area for small and medium-sized businesses, and ensures the profitability of agricultural entrepreneurship.

An animal husbandry startup can be in one of the following areas:

To increase the profitability of the livestock business, it is recommended to open a feed production line or workshop.

poultry farming

The idea of ​​breeding birds is based on obtaining meat and eggs. On poultry farms they grow: chickens, ducks, geese, pheasants, partridges, quails. On small farms, the free-range method is used. Large agricultural enterprises breed poultry without walking, so weight gain occurs faster. To start a poultry business from scratch, you need to purchase healthy young birds. Subsequently, it can be grown from eggs. It is realistic to sell products through your own outlet or by selling goods to wholesale buyers. The profitability of the business will depend on the place and price of sales of agricultural products.

A chicken breeding startup will require an initial investment of about 400,000 rubles if it has its own land for a farm and a poultry facility. The costs of entrepreneurship with a population of more than a thousand units of poultry will pay off in the second year or later.


Successful implementation of the idea of ​​creating a beekeeping enterprise is possible if you have knowledge in this area. In addition to purchasing hives and bee colonies, it is necessary to provide proper care and take care of striped pets. Income is received from the sale of waste products of bees and additional products: honey, propolis, perga, wax, royal jelly.

The business becomes profitable when the content of more than 100 bee families. To create an apiary, beehives are purchased. The price depends on the design of the product and ranges from 2800 to 5000 rubles. To collect nectar, bees need agricultural land with flowering honey plants. Such plantations can be sown independently. Renting one hectare of agricultural land will cost 200-550 thousand rubles.

The business has a seasonality: in winter, the bees need to provide a warm wintering place, for which they build a special shed. In winter, you can open an apicenter and receive a stable income from entrepreneurship. Sales of these products are carried out through shops and markets, medical and cosmetic enterprises. The profitability of the beekeeping business is 15-27%, depending on the weather conditions, the technologies used.

In any direction of agriculture, you can organize a profitable business. It is only necessary to draw up a plan, assess risks, provide options for their reduction and calculate the break-even level of entrepreneurship.

The new financial year promises to be difficult for the entire economy, business in particular. It is hard to deny that in 2015 business will face a whole host of new and previously unknown challenges. Now it is difficult to predict how the situation will develop, experts and specialists talk about very bad and simply bad options. If only six months ago only independent economists and financiers spoke about the negative trend (with the exception of the head of Sberbank), today they are echoed by the state ones. But no matter how it was, life continues in any case, and current needs and desires do not disappear. From my point of view, on the contrary, it is now more than ever worth thinking about creating your own business, although external factors have significantly narrowed the directions for creating your own business.

Why is it worth considering starting your own business in 2015?

The answer is quite simple, there are no other options, stable, high incomes for the population have sunk into oblivion, this fact is recognized even by officials. That same fall in the dollar has just begun to spread to price tags in stores, and most importantly, this is not the limit. You can talk a lot about whether or not the dollar is needed, but imports make up a huge part of consumer goods, so inflation is inevitable. The second factor that has not yet reached the price tags is the fall in oil and gas prices. Their prices have fallen, but there is no foreign exchange earnings for the country yet, and with a fall in earnings, there may again be fluctuations in the exchange rate. Thus, the state's ability to index income to the level of real inflation (real consumer basket) is very small, as a conclusion, in order to ensure at least the same standard of living, it is necessary to look for new sources of income, which can be your own small business.

High technologies and actual business for 2015

If you think that I will start talking about the Internet business, then you are deeply mistaken, alas, the relevance of such a business in 2015 has sharply decreased. Runet works according to the laws of the Russian economy, and if the latter is not very good, then the Russian part of the Internet space will be tight. I strongly do not recommend starting such projects, you should pay attention to others startup ideas - mobile applications.

Today, there are a number of designers that allow you to develop and implement a variety of mobile applications, and special knowledge from the developer is no longer needed. At one time, this is how simple "teapots" began to create sites (as your humble servant actually). Actually, all that is needed is an interesting idea, and there are a lot of ways to monetize the development.

Actual business ideas - land and money in 2015

Next promising the direction is small farms, or rather. Why is it beneficial?

  • - fall of the ruble. A huge amount of food was imported, the Russians themselves are used to eating apples, garlic from Poland, tomatoes, cucumbers from Israel, cheese from Holland, and so on. Of course, we can recall the sanctions, but by and large they only raised prices, but did not cause a real shortage (remember the Belarusian shrimp). Another thing is the depreciation, in fact, all imported goods have become twice as expensive. Such a devaluation plays into the hands of small businesses, because it actualizes the implementation and launch of those same small farming projects. The most interesting thing is that it makes almost all types of cultivation profitable, and, up to garlic with (just imagine how much a fur coat made of such fur will cost).
  • - Ukrainian question. No matter how the issues of relations with Ukraine are politicized, it has always been a great channel for the supply of agricultural products, alas, today the situation is changing. It is impossible to talk about a complete stop of such supplies, but an even deeper devaluation of the hryvnia makes Ukrainian products attractive to foreign markets (Asia, the EU). Plus, let's not forget the issue of Crimea, which has de facto turned from an agricultural region into a consumer of products (which is almost 2.5 million people).

This is not about a shortage, but about the growth of profitability, the prospects in this segment can be safely declared.

Production for 2015

A significant rise in the cost of imported goods, including Chinese ones, will have a rather good effect on the prospects of small mini-shops. First of all, we are talking about:

  • - casting of metal products (door handles, jewelry, locks, plaques, etc.) such directions were discussed.
  • - tailoring. Sewing workshops, workshops will get a second wind, and with them everything related to leather goods, about other accessories, has already been told.
  • - molding plastic. Given the rising cost of Chinese goods and the wide opportunities for the use of recycled materials in the production of plastic products, this area looks very attractive.

At least these directions will again come out in a big plus.

Topical trading ideas in 2015.

Forecasts for retail trade are quite pessimistic, stores will have a hard time, perhaps the only ones who can earn and develop successfully will be online stores selling Chinese goods. The main secret of success will be direct deliveries with the ability to negotiate discounts. This will require at least a trip to China and look for business partners there. It is troublesome, difficult, but the use of old proven schemes of work through their online stores ceases to be profitable, the Chinese are also learning, successfully Russifying their resources.

Video presentations and blogs

A separate line is worth mentioning about the video. The market is becoming more competitive for the buyer and as a result, the need for advertising, and non-standard, is growing. The latest trend is the development of viral ones, but along with the fall in revenue, advertising budgets also fall, so it is small amateur videos that become in demand. For 200-300 dollars a serious studio will not work, but for a private trader this is quite an acceptable price. Additionally, it is worth mentioning video blogs of an educational nature, with a correct approach, video content has no boundaries, and its monetization on the Internet brings a very large income.

On this we draw a line, the article turned out to be large. In the next issues we will talk about those areas of our business where money is not worth investing yet, do not forget to subscribe. And now a little video on how you can use plastic bottles to get full lighting

Interesting on this topic

As usual, all the latest business trends and new business ideas can be found on our website.

Below is our review article for 2015.

The material is quite voluminous, a lot of text, so you can immediately select the item of interest to you in the content.

1. How to come up with your own business ideas

Without a clear understanding of how small business ideas are generated, it is impossible to take the next step. Namely, to “give birth” in your head something that will help you earn money for a comfortable old age.

Many believe that it is imperative to get some kind of brilliant or unique idea that no one has ever voiced at all. This is how you make your first million. We can upset you. Most likely you will never do this. And, to be more precise, 99.9% of the country's population will not be able to write their name into the annals of history.

But we don't need fame. We need money and we will go the other way.

We will sketch out a rough plan for you on how to act (this is just one of the working options tested in practice) in order to create your own business that will not die in a couple of months.

The points:

a) define your target audience (CA);

b) put forward a working hypothesis on how to improve what the target audience does;

in) we analyze and look for ready-made solutions on the market;

G) we are trying to sell the found solution to our target audience;

e) scaling to a working business.

Now a little more.

a) Many are mistaken right on this point and incorrectly define their target audience. The target audience is people who perform some real physical actions that will be noticeable from the outside.

Correct target audience: woman trains soup in the kitchen; human going down in the subway after work; loader unloads truck pulled up to the store.

Wrong target audience: student who wants buy yourself an expensive car; human, sitting TV at home woman who loves cycling on weekends.

The target audience must perform PHYSICAL actions that are understandable and visible from the outside. Not processes in a person's head, not his desires and desires, not his political views, but physical actions. This should characterize your target audience.

b) Look at the actions of your target audience and start thinking about how to improve each specific action. You can work in several areas:

  • reduce the time a person spends performing activities;
  • to do more, that is, for the same time a person must do so many percent more;
  • do it cheaper.

Choose a few hypotheses and start testing them, moving on to the next item.

in) Everything has been thought of before us. Therefore, when they say that a business idea, they say, has no analogues, you can immediately relax. If there are no analogues, then no one needs it and there is no way to earn money there. Analogue can be found ALWAYS.

Another thing is that the analog can be crooked, oblique, malfunction, but it should be.

You can search for solutions to the problems of your target audience on the Internet, in specialized magazines, or ask experts in the field. It will be necessary to spend time and effort looking for a working analogue, and not rush into the pool headlong with cries of “I will do everything from scratch”.

It is better to spend a week and realize that the wheel has already been invented than to spend a couple of years of your life creating a working prototype and in the end realize that no one needs it.

As seasoned startups say, it’s better to fail your startup quickly and move on to the next one than to pull a obviously not working model for years and end up bankrupt.

G) After you have identified your target audience, learned how to improve this or that type of activity and found a working solution, then try to sell it. Take your sample solution and go sell or implement it to understand that your working hypothesis is viable and manages to sell it.

If you are selling a product, then try to sell about 100 samples (unless, of course, these are matches), if you are trying to improve some working system, then implement it somewhere to get the REAL improvements that were mentioned in paragraph (b).

At this stage, you do not have a business, but a business project. Business at the testing stage. A kind of test drive that will show whether your idea for a business will withstand pressure or turn out to be zilch.

e) In the last paragraph, we begin to scale and already build our business.

You can connect budgets and spend them on the purchase of equipment, on advertising, on production and on other events, without which we cannot imagine a classic business.

Already at this stage, you can start working on improving your product. It is at this stage, and not at the one where you are trying to sell an analogue already operating on the market (this was in paragraph ( G). Many people make the mistake of sculpting their IDEAL product early on in the journey. And then, for some reason, no one buys it, although it took time and money to develop it.

And one moment. An idea for a business should be characterized by two important criteria:

1. Mass character;

2. Availability.

Your product (here we mean a product or service, we hope this is clear) should not be of interest to only two or three of your friends. There should be good mass demand for it. Otherwise, there is no point in doing it.

Well, accessibility. For example, you want to sell your product to the directors of waste processing plants and make a business out of it. But do you know at least 10-20 directors with whom you can discuss this issue? If not, then you shouldn't be doing it. It's all ephemeral.

When testing a business idea, you should rely on those people and companies that you can reach with your hand without showing any supernatural efforts.

That's when it would make some sense.

2. Business ideas in trade

Trade is a very versatile area. Let's take a look at margined commodities.

“Buy low, sell high” is an ageless classic that worked 10 years ago and will work in another 25 years.

Everyone wants to sell with maximum margin and minimum effort. So there is a constant search for goods and services, the cost of which is cheap, and you can sell them with a markup of 200-300% (minimum, yeah).

What can sell at the highest markup?


Coffee is one of the most marginal drinks. In popular coffee shops, the markup can reach 1000% or more. Maybe for someone it will be a shock, but a cup of good cappuccino, from which you will not spit, has a cost of 20-30 rubles. And they sell it most often not cheaper than 100 rubles. In “branded” establishments, you can pay more than 300 rubles for a cappuccino.

How to make money on it? Coffee-to-go coffee shops have become very popular now. They take up little space, but very quickly become profitable. You can also look in the direction of mobile coffee shops, we wrote about them.

2. Sports nutrition

In large cities, there is now a fashion for sports. People have finally started going to gyms to "work with iron". Everyone wants to be beautiful, healthy and successful. Such people can sell sports nutrition.

Ideally, you need to buy in bulk in the United States. But if this is not possible, then there are companies that sell wholesale sports nutrition in Moscow. In retail, the margin goes from 10 to 50%.

The advantage of this business is that having formed a customer base, you can constantly offer them your products. If you take, for example, a can of protein or a gainer, then on average it lasts for 2 months. If your prices are competitive, then every 2 months your customer will be marked with a purchase.

3. intimate goods

Yes, yes, there is a good mark-up on all kinds of sexual toys. Here, for example, is part of one of the advertisements for the sale of an online store of intimate goods.

High margin business. The average markup on goods is about 150%. The product is small, light and very easy to trade. No problems with returns within 14 days, warranty period, delivery.

For erotic lingerie, the margin can reach up to 200%. Sometimes this is the minimum.

Like it or not, most home businesses . Actually, people got a more or less interesting opportunity to earn money from home only when the Internet became available in almost every home.

You can set up your own home production and sell your products not only to your neighbor, but to other cities and, if the quality of the product is at its best, to other countries.

Since your house \ apartment is still not a very large room, it is almost impossible to scale your home business to a serious scale. Roughly speaking, this is not even a business, but handicraft. You do everything yourself, with your own hands.

The bad news: if your hands are growing out of the wrong place, you can forget about organizing your business at home.

What can you do at home?

Once upon a time, home soap making, tutoring, and perhaps some kind of needlework were popular, but now few people can be surprised by this. Social networks are full of messages about hand made products.

The trend is exclusive and stylish things, and it is in this direction that you can direct the business that you want to organize at home.

For example, we once interviewed Nikita Trofimov, who in a small room (quite high quality) and sell them throughout Russia.

Bad news number 2: if you don't have any favorite hobby, it will be very difficult to organize something in your apartment / house that could somehow positively affect income.

Almost any hobby can be monetized in one way or another. And although rarely anyone manages to grow a real business out of this, you can still get a small increase in salary.

In summary: it is not easy to take and apply someone else's idea for a home business. To open your own business, at least, you need direct hands and dedication. Two factors without which you can't go far.

4. Business in small towns

According to Wikipedia, a small city is a city with a population of approximately 50,000 people. Large retail chains are not very willing to go to such cities, so there is every chance to open some kind of small business of your own and not be left with nothing.

In 2015, we would advise you to turn your attention to the network of pizzerias "Dodo Pizza".

Where can I get money to start my own business? This is the problem faced by 95% of new entrepreneurs! In the article, we have revealed the most relevant ways of obtaining start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

In one of our articles, we wrote about a media virus that . This is a dynamically developing network of pizzerias in the "people's pizzeria" format.

Here is a small report for August 2014, which was published in the blog of Fedor Ovchinnikov.

The total cost estimate for the launch of Dodo Pizza in the format of a "folk pizzeria" is 3-4 million rubles. The revenue of the "people's pizzeria" reaches 2-2.5 million rubles, profitability - 15-25%, payback - 1-2 years. Such a pizzeria can work in very small cities. For example, the population of Ezhva is less than 60 thousand people. In August, the revenue of "Dodo Pizza" in Ezhva amounted to 2.3 million rubles, the "people's pizzeria" in Sarapul - 2.28 million rubles. We are sure that soon the turnover of some "folk pizzerias" will exceed 3 million rubles.

Now is the time (if you have investments) to get into pizza, because Dodo Pizza is launching its Start project. This is a franchise. The guys invest in young and talented entrepreneurs who want to fully focus on this kind of business.

People in small towns are not spoiled by the quality of the services provided, so almost any business that will provide a high level of service will be in a good plus. Word of mouth has not been canceled, rather quickly (ideally) you can form a customer base.

Nuance: if you are planning to open your own business in a very small city, then we do not recommend looking towards such business ideas as a nightclub or strip bar. Of course, in the first days people will come to see your project, but it will not be very popular.

People in small towns are quite conservative, so you should not shock the respectable public with a business that “does not collect stadiums” in the city either.

The main condition is that your business should be understandable to potential buyers. It won't be like in a city of a million people: "Hey, let's try this new thing, just for fun!". A provincial resident does not spend money on exotics; to get it, he can roll into the nearest big city once every six months.

Examples of understandable ideas that have already been successfully implemented in many provincial cities:

— a small cozy family cafe (ice cream, pizza, sushi and other products);

— hookah (where you can sell alcohol);

– a small gym with a personal trainer (to start with used equipment, later you can update and expand if it goes well);

— repair of clothes / shoes;

– passenger transportation (people without a personal car often ride to big cities);

- dismantling of buildings;

– sale of honey;

– growing and selling vegetables

5. Business ideas for beginners in 2015

First, we recommend watching a video from Vladimir Dovgan, who, in his characteristic emotional manner, talks about how to start your business from scratch and gives explanations about parallel issues. Of course, he is a peculiar character, but a sensible thought “slips in places”. Worth a look just to be charged with its energy.

Secondly, if you don’t have a penny or practical thoughts in your soul, then first learn how to correctly generate and create test business projects, about this we

Thirdly, at the very beginning, everyone wants to minimize risks as much as possible. Get involved, which, in turn, was described below.

If you ask us about which franchise to choose, then for 2015 we would advise you to look at the following offers:

First, pay attention to the Like holding. The guys are developing very dynamically, we even published.

Thirdly, the direction in the entertainment business is very fashionable now - this is the Claustrophobia game, we wrote about it. A very cool project and if your city is not yet covered by a "phobia", then you can try to contact the organizers and buy a franchise from them.

8. Where to analyze and discuss your business idea

Perhaps you already have some interesting business idea of ​​your own that you have been hatching for long days and nights. And you think that it is she who can make you rich and famous. That is why you do not disclose information about what you want to earn to anyone.

We hasten to upset you. An idea without implementation is nothing. It's just "zilch", which is not worth a damn.

Creating a working business project that has proven to be effective is where you should focus your efforts.

You can crash test your unique (in your opinion) business idea in ours. This is a kind of community forum where our visitors discuss each other's ideas and help with advice on business promotion.

This is, one might say, the real experience of thousands of people who have probably already tried your idea before you and filled themselves with bumps.

All recent discussions can be viewed.

9. If nothing worked

It is clear that it is very difficult to quit your job and start your own business. Someone does not need a business at all and the salary that they manage to earn by working for someone is enough.

Well, if you still decided, but are completely at a loss even after reading everything that we recommended above, then we have the last pill. Like in the matrix. Red or blue?

Inside our magazine there is a special project that includes . There we collect the coolest trainings, audio courses, video courses and step-by-step instructions for starting your business.

There are a lot of materials and they are very diversely scattered in all kinds of activities: from the sale of goods to the provision of any services.

Constantly there are new courses from the best business coaches + a variety of information about the development of your business.

For those who are interested, the contents of the knowledge base can be viewed. Suddenly someone will come in handy what we collect.

That's probably all for 2015. You can monitor everything on our main page.

10. What kind of business to do under sanctions

2015 is expected to be quite difficult due to the tense political situation in the world. It is not our concern to find out what is there and how, but we can suggest how to act and what to expect in 2015 in the field of business.


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