And we do not value what we have. What does the phrase "Having - we do not appreciate, but having lost - we cry"? Often we do not value

Have you ever heard the phrase: “We do not value what we have until we lose”? While it doesn't matter in principle, it is important that you remember this phrase for the rest of your life. I will tell you a story that made me change my attitude towards the people around me and, in particular, towards my younger twin brother, Bill. But you know, we are twins only in words. At first, people did not even consider us to be relatives. We are complete opposites of each other. We have different styles, different tastes, different social circle, different views on life. We are different in everything. Even too much and because of this, I never perceived Bill as my brother, as an equal to myself, as a person. I always thought that if I were alone, it would only be better. I wanted to be the only child in the family, so that Bill would not be born, so that he disappeared, evaporated, died in the end. I didn't need him and I always thought that I could live without him. But I was wrong ...

Tom, we will be late for the bus because of you, - putting on sneakers, Bill got me. “I don’t care, if you’re afraid to be late, then take your feet in your hands and get out,” I replied, chewing. - But Tom! - Damn, please leave me alone with my sandwich and get out of here! - I shouted, to which I heard the sound of the front door. Finally, at least we eat normally. Yes, my mother cooks excellently, once again I am convinced of this. After eating, I silently took a bag with books that had not been taken apart from yesterday, put on my shoes and went to school. The lesson has already begun, but I have one place. So at least I can walk in silence and no one will get the pier "Tom that ...", "Tom that ...", "Volume five ...", "Volume ten ...". I turn around the next turn and go my own way. - Volume! - I hear a scream and immediately grab my head from the sharp pain. What the hell? I look up in the direction of the alley where the scream was heard, and go there. But two men rush past me, and I, for some reason, go back to where they fled from. I turn and freeze. You are lying by the wall, Bill, covered in blood and unconscious. I run up to you, take you in my arms and, putting it so that I won't fall, take the phone and call the ambulance, which was supposed to arrive in ten minutes. Then I vaguely remember what happened. I remember calling my parents to tell them what happened. I remember how Bill was picked up by the ambulance and me too. He never woke up during the journey. Already in the hospital, after treating all of Bill's wounds, they put him in the ward, and they forced me to sit next to him and report if there were any changes. But they weren't. He also lay and did not move, and I began to examine him. Bill had abrasions all over his body, a broken head, on which something was well pressed. He was also raped. Personally, I don't care. He is a tenacious infection. Will not die. God will not give me such a gift. Suddenly I notice how his eyes open. I come closer to make sure and yes - I woke up. Now he was running his eyes across the board and, seeing me, stopped. “Tom,” you whisper with your lips alone. And me, what about me? Silently he turned and went out into the corridor, calling the doctor. He appeared almost immediately and immediately disappeared into the right room. I was sitting in the corridor in which my parents soon appeared. You should have seen the expression on their faces, with which they asked me about what happened. I told them everything, but the doctor distracted us. He said that Bill was fine. It's a pity. Parents immediately went into the ward and took me with them, after which they sat next to Bill's bed and talked about something with him. I also sat next to me, but I was somewhere in my thoughts, from which a touch to my hand brought me out. I look up and see Bill looking at me while holding my hand. No. I throw your hand back and stand up. I cut off all contact with you long ago. And before leaving the corner of my eye I notice tears in your eyes. I don't care brother. Does not matter. I silently leave the ward, soon from the hospital and go home. There is no need for me to stay with him any longer. At home, I immediately went to my room intending to rest, but the burning pain in the area of ​​my heart did not allow me to do it. Falling onto the bed, I gripped the blanket with force so as not to scream in pain. This continued for about twenty minutes until it ended as abruptly as it began. What is it? The ringing of the phone interrupted my thoughts and, pressing on "accept call", I heard the trembling voice of my mother. - Tom ... Bill ... He died ... - I could hear her trying not to cry, and all I did was click on "hang up". Bill died - it didn't fit in my head, but wasn't it what I wanted? Me. I got it? Yes. Should I be happy? Yes. I rejoice? No. I feel nothing but emptiness ...

Today is Bill's funeral. I did not go to them, because there is no need. And so I have to pretend that Bill was the greatest value in my life, and I don’t want to live in this world without him. "Isn't that true?" Who are you? It doesn't matter, the two are more fun. “I am your inner voice. And I did not brighten up your loneliness! " Why then? "Because you have to figure it out." Just don’t. Now everything is in place as never before. "No, Tom, and you yourself know that very well." Think what you want, but everything is more than good with me. "Is that why you haven't left your room for a week now?" I said it was a play for parents. “Do you even believe in it yourself? Tom, admit it’s hard for you without Bill. ” Nothing of the kind! “After all, this is not how you imagined life without your brother. Now nobody annoys you. Now there is no one to compete, there is no one to prove that you are better. " This is not true! “Ok, Tom. You are an egoist, but despite this, he loved you and you love him too. " Not! I did not love him and will never love him! He was always a stone pulling me to the bottom! "It was just the opposite." Not! “Yes Tom. Do you remember your heart ached? This part of your soul was dying. Think about it". I have nothing to think about! Bill was never a part of me! I do not need him! I never loved him, and he doesn't need me! “Yeah, and he just called you that when he was beaten. He just cried like that when you left him in the ward. After all, just like that, his last words were: "Tom, I love you." It was all just like that! " I ... I don't understand this kind of love. "It's called Brotherly Tom." Does not matter. “You know, this will be the last thing I tell you. Go to Bill's room and you will understand everything right away. And I hope you realize your mistakes. " Go to Bill's room? It hurts. I close my eyes and try to get lost in my thoughts, but my curiosity has already cleared up. I get out of bed, leave the room and go to my brother's room, stopping at the door. Sighing, I turned the door handle and entered a room that greeted me with daylight, but night silence. It was quite clean here, except for the table, on which there were many different notebooks and sheets of paper. I came closer to examine them. The sheets and notebooks were covered with poetry, but something else attracted my attention. Looking closely, I saw a book under the sheets, but it was not her. On the black cover, it was written in white italics: "My diary"... Did Bill keep a diary? Opening it to a random page, I started reading:

Dear diary. Yesterday my brother and I had a birthday. I told you about how we celebrated it, and now it's the second of September and the school, unfortunately, has not been canceled. There, as usual, they mocked me, but Tom protected me. He always defended me and for that I am very grateful to him. I don’t know what I would do without him.

What? This has never happened. I turn a few pages and read again:

Dear diary. Today New Year! Hooray! Preparation for it was very fun. Tom and I helped Mom cook. Although, as a "cook", we just carried food from one place to another and almost ate it before the start of the holiday. Received tyrki from mom. She chased us out of the kitchen. Until yesterday we were outside, playing snowballs and making snowmen. At half past eleven in the night they came home and already at twelve, with the last blow of the chime, everyone made wishes. I made a wish that Tom would always be there. I hope this wish will come true.

Was he making up memories for himself? What for? I did not understand, but moments from my life flashed through my memory, but from a different angle. Now I saw in them Bill, who always stood at a distance, looked at me, smiling sadly, and then left. He was happy and sad with me, only in a quiet way, as only he can. And I? Lord, I didn't even consider him a brother. You were right. It was me that was the rock that pulled him to the bottom, and not vice versa. I gradually killed that naivety in his worldview, but ... But he still saw in me that ideal brother who did not exist. He looked for support and protection in me, but I didn't care. It was ... But now it's too late. I am late. Too late I understood everything. Realized too late. Forgive me Bill. - God, please, - I fell to my knees, and tears flowed from my eyes, - give it back to me ... Give me a chance to fix everything ... Please, I'll do everything just give me a chance, - this was the last thing I said before darkness covered my consciousness. - Not…

Not! - I shouted, tossing myself out of bed and breathing heavily. - What the hell? - I ran my gaze around the room, my room. - Tom, - I look up and look at the frightened Bill, who sat down next to him on the bed. - What happened? I could not believe my eyes, because the one whom I could lose was now sitting next to me and looking at me worriedly. Lord, thanks for giving it back to me. “Billy,” I whisper and hug my brother to my chest. “I thought I’d never see you again.” - Tom, what's the matter with you? - pulls back and looks into my eyes. - Did you cry? - I nod, and Bill just wipes my tears with the pads of his fingers. - I had a nightmare, - again a whisper. “This is just a dream, never mind,” says the brother, smiling, and my soul felt so warm that I could not resist and hugged him again. - Sorry to wake you up, - I whisper, to which I get a quiet sleepy "uh-huh." - Are you lying with me? - then the twin looked at me in surprise. - Can i? - the place of the answer, I knocked us both on the bed and covered with a blanket, and Bill had already settled comfortably at my side. - Bill, forgive me. - Why should I forgive you? - For all. For what a bastard I was. For the way I treated you. For not being a real brother to you. “I have nothing to forgive you for,” and before I had time to say anything, he kissed me on the cheek and soon sniffed into two holes, and I lay there for a long time and just watched this angel sleeping. Here it is, real happiness.

I told you this story because it changed me. I understood the true meaning of the phrase: "We do not value what we have until we lose." I realized what is really important in this life. Look around! After all, the people around you are priceless. Appreciate them. Protect their friendship. After all, you cannot replace them. After all, they are the greatest happiness in life.

More work by this author

Fly in Russia 2 "Only a dog will never betray you ..." 22

Fandom: Tokio Hotel Paring and characters: Alex / Bill, Bill / Sarah, Tom / Ria, Andrew / Sam, David, Tom Kaulitz, Bill Kaulitz Rating: PG-13- fanfiction that may describe kissing romance and / or may contain hints of violence and other difficult moments. "> PG-13 Genres: Romance
- fic about tender and romantic relationships. Usually has a happy ending. "> Romance, Humor
- humorous fanfiction. "> Humor Warnings: Weapons of mass destruction- An original male character appearing in the canon world (most often as one of the main characters). "> WMD, Ozhp- An original female character appearing in the canon world (most often as one of the main characters). "> OGP Size: Midi- average fanfic. Approximate size: 20 to 70 typewritten pages. "> Midi, 25 pages, 8 parts Status: frozen

Five years later, our heroes meet again and under very interesting circumstances. Having met, everyone remembers all over again everything that they tried to forget during these years. But if during the meeting only memories woke up, then after a while the old feelings will also wake up.

More on the Tokio Hotel fan

Specter 32

Fandom: Tokio Hotel Paring and characters: Tom Kaulitz, Bill Kaulitz, Tom, Bill, Georg, Gustav, Simone and others Rating: G- fanfiction that can be read by any audience. "> G Genres: Mystic- stories about the paranormal, spirits or ghosts. "> Mysticism, Mythical creatures- the text mentions vampires, elves, werewolves, demons or other mythical creatures. "> Mythical creatures Size: Drabble- an excerpt that may or may not become a real fanfiction. Often just a scene, a sketch, a character description. "> Drabble, 5 pages, 1 part Status: finished finished, action- fanfic, full of action, battles, chases. Emphasis on action, not dialogue and relationships. "> Action, Warnings: BDSM- (Bondage, Domination / Discipline, Sado-Masochism) - Sexual practice involving voluntary exchange of power between partners and elements of sadomasochism. "> BDSM, Violence- a description of violent (usually non-sexual) actions. "> Violence, Rape- sexual interaction without the full and voluntary consent of one of the parties. "> Rape Size: Midi- average fanfic. Approximate size: 20 to 70 typewritten pages. "> Midi, 32 pages, 10 parts Status: Completed

How would you react if you were in the den of a dangerous killer? Alice also did not know what to do for a while. But then I realized what a German man needs. No, he did not need rough, unbridled sex, although he tried to pass it off as the truth, he needed sincere and pure love. For a long time, the stubborn guy did not want to reproach his heart, in every possible way limiting even thoughts about it. But still, this strange feeling won ...

We speak on Skype, and you can see how young he is - the rector of a temple destroyed by a missile and a parish that went through the war. He says that the cause of wars and revolutions is the atheism of the whole people: God's longsuffering ends, and the Lord sheds His wrath; casually tells how he and his mother, during the shelling, covered their children, sitting in a corner of the house, which “did not shoot through,” and sometimes asks such questions: “We were in the Debaltseve cauldron. Have you heard about Debaltseve? " And he becomes a little ashamed of his calm life and of the constant dissatisfaction with it.

- I just wanted to ask if you felt the help of your saint.

The help, of course, was enormous. In the Ioannovsky monastery there is a senior priest, Father Nikolai Belyaev, he was able to organize the so-called “John's family”.

And here are all the parishes, schools, charitable foundations and the gymnasiums dedicated to John of Kronstadt responded to our trouble. There is also such a priest, Father Gennady Belovolov, - he looks behind the apartment-museum of John of Kronstadt in St. Petersburg, - he also responded; a little later, an icon of John of Kronstadt was painted for us, we pray in front of this icon, it hangs in our altar. One of the parishes of the city of Kazan responded, they helped us a lot, sent us food, medicines, and funds.

And so we completed this building, there are now two floors in it, on the first there is a church, and on the second, as planned, there are two classrooms, because the war is a war, and there are many children, children cannot be abandoned, we will miss it now - then it will be bad.

Moreover, with God's help, they managed to reach their patronal feast day: on January 2, 2015, they served in this room. It was, of course, unfinished, the walls were not plastered, the floors were rough screed, everything was in a repair condition. But the main thing is that we built it in four months. With God's help, I can't even imagine how this could have been done: in 2014 there were very strong battles, both Donetsk and Horlivka remained under the DPR, and Kirovsky was surrounded by the Ukrainian army. And we drove some kind of goat paths, made our way with trucks, transported materials - not one after all. hardware store he did not work for us in Kirovsk, and to buy a kilogram of nails, one had to go 70 km to Donetsk. The war, all the bases are closed ... Even in Donetsk, everything was closed. But the Lord judged in such a way that we needed this building, and with God's help we were able to build it.

- And what is happening with you now?

Now there is peace in Kirovskoye, thank God. If you have heard about the Debaltseve cauldron, then we were in the very depths of this cauldron, two kilometers - and the Ukrainian positions, the city was constantly fired upon. When the Debaltsevsky boiler was completely closed, the front moved away from us by twenty kilometers. By our standards, this is very far away.

Our mine, thank God, started working - this is a city-forming enterprise, the nurse of the whole city, it was very heavily shelled, but, thank God, it was very good director, he saved this enterprise, lived in his office, did not leave anywhere, through his efforts the enterprise remained alive, and therefore, our entire city remained alive. There is light, there is gas, there is work, kindergartens are working, schools are working, this is already good.

- While the war was going on, you constantly helped people - we read about it in the news.

When the fighting was still going on in Slavyansk, we sent food there. When the war came to us, we made such a center for the distribution of humanitarian aid and food. One of our parishioners left for Russia because of the war, he is a businessman, he had the opportunity and funds, he bought a lot of medicines, gave them to us, we distributed them to people. We even had an agreement with the hospital: when doctors wrote prescriptions, they wrote them for us. People came and received medicines from us. We are still distributing clothes, a lot of them come.

We have collected a database of those who need help: families with many children, single mothers, disabled people, bedridden grandparents, and a volunteer movement has been created. Every day we prepare food and our volunteers carry it around the city.

We have chosen for ourselves such a category of people as bedridden patients - either abandoned by their relatives, or those who simply do not have them. Not those to whom you can bring food and they will cook it themselves, namely lying ones. We have grandmothers who even crawl around the apartment to the toilet, their legs no longer work. And so we took them upon ourselves, we pull them, we walk every day.

Some old people died, we find new ones. For these people, what we bring is the only opportunity to eat. Therefore, we must not abandon them even in peacetime: war, not war, but the Church is not only for the healthy, it is for everyone, and we must be with people, we must be Orthodox. So we work.

- Do you think about building a new church?

This is our main urgent problem and trouble. When we serve in this room on big holidays, about 150 people are packed, they literally stand on each other's heads. We have a big Sunday school - there are 50 kids, so we don't even let them into the service, because if the kids come in, the adults won't fit there anymore. Therefore, children come to confession and then to communion.

The issue of building our church is very acute. The project is ready, but there is no funding, no funds

Therefore, the issue of building our church is very acute for us. All soil studies are ready, the project is ready, the only thing we are missing is funding. In modern conditions, no one will give us money here - neither our local government, nor our entrepreneurs, because all of them are now barely surviving.

In the summer it was easier: we opened the windows, and people stood on the street and heard the service, but now it is getting cold, we close the windows, people either stand so that they cannot push through, or they will stay a little - especially those who find it hard to stand, grandmothers - and leave because there is no physical ability to pray. Nowhere to fit.

And what could you, having gone through all this, tell us, people who have an ordinary calm life, but they think that everything is bad with them, complain and suffer?

A murmur is generally a thankless task: murmur, do not murmur, it will not get better. What's the use of me complaining? Even here, during the battles: I can moan and cry, but this will not result in fewer shells flying in.

Our biggest problem is that we do not value what God has given us.

We do not value our life, we do not value what the Lord gives us our relatives and friends. We do not pay any attention to this.

We look at where to rest, where to go, how to earn more, which car to buy, which one to make repairs at home or in the country, and so on.

Now that the war has come, it doesn't matter what kind of house you have, because a shell can fly both into a luxurious mansion and into the most falling shack. He does not look at what kind of repair you have, whether it is there or not. The same thing, for example, with the car: a shell flew in, it was cut by fragments, all the beauty was gone. There is no sense in this.

In our vanity we forget about God and only constantly want something from Him. If we take a critical look at why we come to church and what we talk about in our prayers, then it can be reduced to this: Lord, give me health, give me abundance, give me peace - give something all the time.

We forget to say thank you to God for waking up, alive, that loved ones are near. But this is a gift from God

At the same time, we forget to say thank you to God for waking up, I am alive. And my children, my wife or, conversely, my husband, next to me, they are also alive and well. And this is not my achievement, not the achievement of doctors, not the achievement of my money that I am in good conditions I contain them - no, it is given by God. This is such a gift.

We forget to thank God for these things. For this joy.

We forget that God does not need our funds, we do not need us to occupy an important position. He does not need anything earthly.

The only thing He needs is our pure heart.

The heart that He once gave us - after all, we once came into this world as children, were pure, bright, without anger, without hatred, without irritation. And now we make ourselves callous and angry, and then we begin to grumble at ourselves. And everything turns out to be very simple: you just need to return to that state.

To have the right to ask God for something, you need to give something to God. So we must give our pure hearts, our repentance, our humility. And their absence is the beginning of any destructive process, be it war or revolution. This is the center where everything starts. At the very beginning of all this lies godlessness. And the atheism is not only of those who are at the head of the revolution, but the atheism of most of the entire people. Every drop of our sins drips into this cup, and God's longsuffering is exhausted. This cup is not bottomless, and sins overflow.

Therefore, I would like to wish you - those who live peacefully, calmly - the most important thing: in order to preserve this calmness, you must come to God. And in no other way it will work.

Father, I am sure that our readers will want to help in the restoration of the church, they will want to support your community, their Christian brothers. How can they do this?

We opened an account with the Rostov branch of Sberbank of Russia. A corporate card is attached to this account, so funds can be transferred either through the card or at the bank to the account.

Sberbank of Russia card number : 4276 5211 7911 0089 Yuri Tsyganov

Bank details:

Name of the field of the settlement document

Payee's bank: South-West Bank PJSC "Sberbank of Russia" Rostov-on-Don
BIK of the beneficiary's Bank: 046015602
Count. Beneficiary's bank number: 30101810600000000602
Count. Recipient #: 40807810852090071189
Beneficiary's INN: 9909453477

Temple contacts:

We didn't appreciate what we had
And only having lost forever
Could understand - in fact,
The trouble is completely different for us.

They could understand that there was happiness,
In the simple - the usual around us.
In that, invisible and dear to us,
What this hour cannot give us.

The world fell apart overnight
Everything in him became not that - alien.
And ours is happiness dear to us,
Dispelled the wind of evil like smoke.

And many of us are in a new world,
There is only a place at the bottom - at the bottom.
AND old world we can again,
See only in a sweet dream.

But life ...

Appreciate, my friend, living poets,
Stone has no soul.
The granite poet will not answer,
Pray for him in silence.

Why are those who have departed this glory ?!
They are glorified for centuries!
During their lifetime they were valued little,
Now the stones are all in colors.

Love a poet, a poetess,
Find them in your city,
You will find many interests
Poems will set you on fire.

Stretch out your hand to the poet
He needs friends now.
Heed my advice
I ask for all the poets.

Taras Tymoshenko

Appreciate a woman that is dear, beloved,
The one with a pure soul.
Appreciate a woman who is indivisible with you,
Follows your heart, slowly.

Appreciate a woman who wakes you up with affection.
The one that hugs, kisses and forgives.
Appreciate a woman, you will not have this,
That a man's temper will tame with his love.

Appreciate the woman for setting the table for you.
The one that gives you warm words.
Appreciate a woman who will understand and reassure you.
A wife's neck is like a head.

Appreciate the woman whose heart is so beautiful.

Do I appreciate everything? is it necessary? is it all for the good? or
to the detriment? granted by fate?
- Is it true / false? and noise / scream? and silence /
forgetting evidence? to the court all together, not
variably, dizzy from captivity or
freedom on the wings, murmur or be silent in
rag, do not comprehend everything? and that girl?
kings cannot be measured alas, let them fight and
they will answer for that, for ours, and who will
it says that you are not there, the cooled trail is valuable
Zura rubs his hands or grieves? why those
flour? piitu, sinful like everyone else, (depression
promise il happiness ...

Appreciate every moment in life -
Sunsets, sunrises, eclipses ...
Happy YES and bitter NO,
Destruction and someone's salvation.

Look and breathe in the scent of vanity
Let this light hurt your eyes ...
Take the fruits into your own hands, -
Appreciate EVERY moment in your life.


You never know what kiss will be the last, what reproach will never be made, what conversation will never take place again, with whom you will never argue and where you will never return. You never know how the next story in your life will end. But while it lasts, you need to appreciate every moment, every second, every moment!


We often don't value what we have.
We regret later. We live as best we can.
But only when someone leaves forever,
Wisdom and regret comes to us.

So rarely "I love you" we repeat
And, it seems, we manage our lives.
Kissing in a hurry, rushing things
Not realizing that they might not be.

How often do we have, without appreciating,
And we appreciate only what we do not have.
We envy others, we feel sorry for ourselves,

We often don't appreciate what we have.

We often don't appreciate what we have.
And we ourselves do not know that we are losing much.
Sometimes, like a miracle, we are waiting for something,
Having completely forgotten about his own, about his own.

We, directing our hopes-dreams into the distance,
We often don’t believe that we are not needed there.
How bitter, annoying it is sometimes,
With the unfulfilled dream we say goodbye.

And how hard it is to come back again -
Bad omen, you will not be happy.
But you have to live and get up from your knees,
Give everything to those who are with you in bad weather.

Give warmth to those who are next to you,
Do not chase a ghostly bright dream.
A dream is like a star: flash, shine and went out ...
Keep the love that has not yet faded away!

Keep love, what is still so beautiful!
Save it, do not consider it in vain.
Your imp-tempter has been exiled ...
You really are not an angel, but you are a winner!

Do not forgive cheating! Any betrayal is a comparison, a search for something better than you have. He who seeks the best will never appreciate what he has.

We often don't appreciate what we have.

We often don’t appreciate what we have until we lose it.
We do not appreciate what is near, but when we lose we cry.
We want to forget about everything, cross it out crosswise.
We say goodbye, hoping to meet again someday.
We erase the address, phone number, but never erase it from memory.
We want to find the best, knowing that the best is in the past.
We say no, but the heart screams yes.
We say goodbye, but the soul screams “don't let go”.
We know we love, but we won't be the first to say it.
We say what we think, but we already know the answer.
We want to be loved, but we pretend that we do not love, not realizing that the greatest happiness on earth is to be needed by someone.
Love pushes a person to any action, no matter what.
Love is fragile, like crystal, it is very easy to break it, hard to save, but even harder to glue the pieces back together.

Appreciate what you have

When you don't want, but you have -
You have it without appreciating it.
When you lose, you understand:
Without this, it is already impossible.

Waking up late, you regret ...
You wish you had noticed.
Appreciate what you have
Love until you lose it!

We cry because of our quarrels with our parents, and some have no parents at all. We complain about our work, and some do not have it at all. We hate ourselves for overeating, and someone dreams of a normal diet. We are angry with our loved one, and someone lost him and will never return. We do not like our mess in the apartment, we dream of moving into a huge house, and someone dreams of 9 square meters in a communal apartment. We need to appreciate everything that we have at the moment and be grateful to fate.

Only by losing ...

Only when we lose, we understand that we loved.
Only when we lose do we beg to forgive us.
Only having lost, we blame ourselves for not appreciating.
Only by losing, we learn to love!

Only after losing does the blood boil in the heart.
Only after losing, the soul knocks on the alarm.
Only when we are lost do we find a way to keep warm,
Get your star back as soon as possible!

Only having lost, not believing in the law of fate,
We wash our face with tears.
Only having lost, we knock on all doors,
But the tram left and we are not destined!

Only when we lose do we break the rails
And let the train go straight down the slope.
We build a road to a wounded heart
But to improve feelings is not given seriously!

Only after losing, we light candles
For your love and tenderness.
Forgetting that the cold crippled the heart,
Candles won't help him to be kind!

People are lovely, so become wiser,
Take care of your love!
Light a fire in your heart as soon as possible
Let the soul remain in the ranks!

Do not play with feelings of others,
Remember: love is always pure!
The pain will overtake, the days will be dashing -
And the soul wants tenderness!

When it's no longer possible without each other

We seek, we meet, we find, we lose.
Having - we do not appreciate, when we meet - we give up.
Attempt and torture. Came together, scattered ...
They did not have time to live and parted again.

But where is love, so that forever and without an edge?
Or maybe this one, or maybe another?
Faces, bodies and smiles change
But the search only multiplies the errors.

Falling in love, affection, passion - whatever,
We play freely with ourselves and others.
When love is not difficult to guess, -
When it's no longer possible without each other ...

How often do we have without appreciating

Julie Woers

They looked for love and did not find,
Love was lost and not taken care of.
"Love does not exist" - people said
And they themselves died without love.

Everything is over. And they won't come back again
Those meetings that I waited and avoided
Those thoughts and the closeness that scared,
And sweet hopes for love.

How often do we have, without appreciating,
And we appreciate only what we do not have,
We envy others, we feel sorry for ourselves,
Blame others for their problems.

Without thinking how easy it is to lose
All that fate has given us
We destroy happiness with our own hand
And we try to pick up the fragments.

We act bolder and dumber -
Separation will not give pleasure ...
We do not lose feelings, but calmness,
At the same time making yourself more painful.

Easy to advise others, easy to judge -
Someone else's life passes by ...
Its own - fog, where it is cold alone.
But, despite this, you need to live.

I want you to forget me.
I pray about it like a miracle.
Then I didn't have enough strength
To tell you that "us" will not be.

You know it hurts to leave
When just a little bit, but you love.
I really want to forget
But can you forget those feelings?

And the meeting - trembling on the back,
Heart beat, palms cold.
What are you talking about? Come on, the words are empty
They are just an excuse

Hold for a moment
Look in the eyes ... What if everything will return ?!
And everything that is long gone
Alarming pain will stir up. ☸ ڿڰۣ-

Friends, good health to all.

You've probably noticed that I haven't written a blog post for a long time. Yes it is. And there are some reasons for this. I answered the comments. Or rather, I forced myself to answer. Through force. After all, people are waiting, but you cannot let people, friends, brothers of beekeepers down.

I would like to immediately ask you not to leave comments on this article. Hope you can hear me.

Now the time has come when I can say: "What we have we do not value ..."

Maybe I would not have written this article, I would not have dared ... but apparently the time has come and you, my regular readers, should read it. Occasional, stray guests may not understand, but those who already know me a little will understand.

The article is not related to beekeeping. The article, rather, a cry from the heart, has to do with the world outlook, philosophy, and the meaning of our being with you. If you are not interested, close the page. If you are interested, read it to the end.

Some time ago an event happened in my life that makes me think about a lot. Think about the meaning of life, about why we came to this world.

But really why? What is the meaning of life?

You know, as one old man said in some film: "Life, which is life, is the head of a dead cat."

Just recently, I remembered this and realized that really life is not worth a dime. A person lives, lives, makes plans, rejoices, experiences, like everyone else and, suddenly, on you ...

Where's the justice? Where? And there is no it. As long as I have lived, 27 years old, I suffer all the time (perhaps I am exaggerating) from a heightened sense of justice. There is no truth in life ... Nature (yes, it is nature) puts everything in its place. Tough, cynical, unceremonious. Not ready to accept the truth of nature - get out. I’m not ready yet ... I admit it .. For me, somehow this is all very cruel ...

I understand everything with my head and my brains. We are part of the chain. We are the same creatures of God, like all living beings. But ... Do you know what is our greatest happiness and greatest sorrow at the same time? ... we have a mind ... If they were brainless, everything would be much simpler. Griboyedov was right: woe from wit ...

This short article comes to an end.

I have one request for you, dear reader. Just one request that can change a lot.

About two hundred people pass through my blog a day. Now, if at least half of those who come to the day will do what I will say now, then the world, our world with you, is common !!! will become happier! The sun will begin to shine brighter, the birds will begin to sing louder and more beautifully, the music of nature will sound everywhere and we will all hear it together, everyone will become a little happier ...

I beg: call your parents !!!

Call no matter what! Give it up, put everything aside. Grief, joy, resentment, pride, disappointment - call. Those who still have these holy people who gave, gave you life - call. Shove your grievances, your negativity to yourself deeper in one place and call ...

Say you love them, ask about their health and ask for forgiveness. Even if there is nothing to ask for - just ask ... You will see immediately how it will become easier to breathe ... And it will become easier for them ... It's so simple. Five minutes of time and a few rubles spent on the phone. Call us!

This is the main goal of my article.

It is a pity that the understanding of all this comes too, too late, when our mother nature has already launched an irreversible process and it is useless to argue with her ...

Do not write comments on this article, do not. Better share the article in social networks by clicking on the button below. Let's try together to make our world a little happier ...


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