How long do budgerigars live at home. How many budgerigars live at home and in nature. Best friend for many years

Probably, every person, before getting a parrot, spends a lot of time studying information about these birds: feeding, living conditions, care, etc. Not the last place in the list of these subtleties is the question of how long do parrots live.

The life span of exotic parrots depends, first of all, on their species. Small parrots, for example, budgerigars, live for about 10-15 years. Medium-sized birds will please their owners for longer - their existence after birth lasts from 20 to 30 years. The real life spans of large parrots are not precisely defined: some sources indicate that they live from 50 to 120 years, others limit this figure to sixty years.

How long a parrot lives depends not only on its species. A varied and balanced diet, optimal temperature and light conditions throughout the year (use of special ultraviolet lamps that produce vitamin D in birds) spacious cage , equipped toys for parrots - all this also plays an important role in determining the life expectancy of your pet. The health and longevity of a parrot is also affected by its emotional comfort: birds can get sick from loneliness, boredom and lack of attention, a caring owner must worry about the leisure of his pet, who, like any pet, wants attention.

There are many opinions about the type of habitat that affects how how long does a parrot live. Many are sure that the natural habitat of these birds is less suitable than life in captivity, because in wild nature they are more likely to die from numerous predators, adverse weather conditions, or starvation. Proponents of the opposite point of view also have equally strong arguments: people are not always able to provide the necessary variety of food or create a comfortable environment for the full life of parrots, which leads to the emergence of various diseases, which leads to premature death. It is worth noting that many species of small parrots currently living with people are artificially bred, so captivity is still preferable for them. As a result, it turns out that the difference between the life span of parrots in nature and at home can differ quite significantly.

So, let's consider how many years parrots of popular "popular" species live:

How many years does he live budgerigar
The budgerigar is the most common Russian families representative of exotic birds. This bird is distinguished by talkativeness, sometimes they get to communicate with people. Of course, the owners of these pets are worried approximate dates life of wavy parrots. Scientists have found that in a natural habitat with its dangers, the budgerigar lives only 6-8 years. With regard to the residence of "wavy" with a person, things are different. At home (with proper care and nutrition), a budgerigar lives for about 10-15 years. There are also long-term budgerigars- some individuals live up to 20 years, the record for this parameter belongs to the 21-year-old "wavy".

How many years do cockatiel parrots live
Corellas are very bright, rather cheerful and very “loud” parrots, hard to tame and hard to learn individual words. The average lifespan of these beautiful birds is 15-18 years old.

How many years do lovebird parrots live
The lovebirds got their name because of the unusually strong attachment of the male and female to each other. These birds are so faithful to their partners that often when one parrot from a pair dies, the second can die from longing. Sometimes the opposite happens, the birds part very easily and go to another partner. But to the question “how long do lovebird parrots live?” the answer, alas, is not very pleasant - the average life expectancy of these birds is approximately 10-15 years.

How many years does he live gray
Jaco is the most common medium-sized parrot in Russia, kept at home. IN various sources contains different data on how many Jacos live. But, having compared information from a certain amount of literature, we can say that their average life span is 50-60 years. It is worth noting that from unconfirmed sources it is also known about centenarians who lived to 93 years. Jacos boast a relatively high intelligence, so they are especially susceptible to lack of attention. The lack of communication negatively affects the health of the bird, the parrot may begin to engage in self-plucking.

How many years do macaws live
Macaws are large, relatively easy to train, terribly expensive and therefore rare parrots in our country. They live an average of 30-40 years, but there is information about individuals who have lived more than 50 years. Among the documented data on how many macaw parrots live, the record holder is the inhabitant of the Antwerp Zoo - the Kea parrot, who just barely lived to be 50 years old.

How old is Kakadu
If you believe the summary data on how long Kakadu lives, the life of these large-sized parrots in captivity is on average about 30-40 years. The longest-lived individual was officially considered the Moluccan Cockatoo "King Tut", which died at 69 years old.

How many years does he live
Another prominent representative of the parrot order is the necklace parrot. These graceful and graceful birds are distinguished by their intelligence, curiosity and unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention. necklace parrots- These are medium-sized birds that can live from 20 to 30 years in captivity.

Remember, care, care and attention is what will allow your parrot to live a happy and long life. And maybe become a long-liver-record holder among his relatives.

Have long been pets in our apartments budgerigars. But do we know enough about them to take on such a responsibility?

How long does a budgerigar live at home? What does he like and how to take care of him? Let's try to figure it out. In general, this species is considered a native of Australia. They settled this continent everywhere. Birds prefer to live among grassy plains, but they adapt perfectly to mountainous and forest areas. The main criterion for the habitation of a budgerigar is the availability of food. Prefer feathered fruits of plants and seeds. Therefore, they, like sparrows, can often be found in a city park or garden.

Parrots live in large flocks. When night approaches, the flock leaves for the night in a suitable place. In the morning, the birds break into small groups and fly in search of food and water. Drought periods become a very difficult test for parrots. A close-knit flock is able to fly tens of kilometers in search of a stop and water.

In general, parrots are long-livers. at home? It is very difficult to answer clearly. It all depends on the proper care of the birds. The closer the conditions are to natural ones, the longer the pets live (from 5 to 20 years). Other types of pet parrots for the budgerigar are not enemies. They get along wonderfully together. This is a very friendly bird, never offending the weak.

In nature, parrots nest in hollows, sometimes in rock crevices. The courtship of the male for the female takes place in the foliage of trees, so little has been studied. The male is not very loud, it chirps melodiously and quite beautifully. After courtship, the couple looks for a place to nest, and the female settles in a new home. During the period of laying eggs (usually up to 6 pieces), the male feeds his girlfriend. When the chicks hatch, both parents feed them. They digest food and regurgitate it from the crop. At the age of 35-50 days, the babies are already able to leave the nest, and at 8-10 months they can bring their offspring.

How long a budgerigar lives at home depends on the diet. Outside, their cuisine is varied. They eat fruits and seeds of many plants, rhizomes, leaves of trees and young twigs. But they catch parrots for the love of palm juice. Catchers make an incision in the tree and collect the juice in hanging cups. In large numbers, parrots flock to such a bait, they drink the liquid and get drunk. The catchers can only collect the poor fellows who have fallen unconscious from the ground.

In captivity, birds quickly get used to "homemade" food. In addition to assorted cereals, parrots are happy to eat cottage cheese, chopped egg. But it depends on plant foods, at home. Birds love apples, carrots and beets. Give citrus fruits too. From soft food - cereals, cooked without salt, sugar and milk. The constant presence of fresh water in the cage is a must!

There is one more piece of advice to follow no matter what your pets are: big parrots, small budgerigars, canaries. Always rinse your purchased grain mix, no matter how pretty the packaging. Grain stored in warehouses is sprinkled with poison from rodents. The poison does not penetrate inside the product, but the outer shell of the grains is covered with a considerable amount of it. You will just be slowly killing your pet day by day. Remember that we are responsible for those we have tamed.

There is no single answer to the question of how many years a parrot lives. Average and maximum life expectancy is different for each parrot species. In addition, the living conditions of birds play an important role: in the wild or at home, in a nursery, zoo, reserve.

The lower and upper life span limits for a tame parrot are between 8 and 80 years, depending on the species. Infrequently, sociable exotic birds are taken from nature for keeping in apartments. The vast majority of birds are bred artificially in nurseries and sold in the same area. This means that the natural instincts of such birds are dulled, and they will not be able to live in freedom. They simply do not know how to escape and survive in the wild.

It is impossible to know in advance exactly how long a domestic parrot lives, because it is not known how the bird will adapt to a particular environment. In addition to genetic predisposition, the individual qualities of the pet and the level of stress, the owner's attitude affects the lifespan. Negligence, oversight, indifference of a person create an unfavorable atmosphere and push the bird to depression. If you want to get a true friend for many years, you should ask what types of parrots live the longest.

How long do little parrots live?

Small birds are preferable to all others for keeping in an apartment. This is due to the fact that they create less noise and debris, require little feed. They are friendly, love communication and almost do not bite. With children, little parrots live together, only now they get old pretty quickly.

The most popular for living and breeding at home. The increased interest in this bird is due to its relatively small size - the body length is rarely more than 30 cm. These pets are very sociable and trainable, their cheerful chirping helps to create an atmosphere of comfort in the house. A tame budgerigar lives on average 10 years, but under favorable circumstances, its age can reach one and a half and even two decades.

Aratings are positive and friendly birds, they are even called "stickers", they are so attached to a person. In terms of the brightness of the iridescent plumage, they can compete with the spectacular macaw parrots. Only their body weight is about 110 g, their height from the beak to the tip of the tail is 16 - 35 cm. These indicators are often decisive when choosing a pet, because caring for a small bird is not difficult. Aratingas in captivity live from 15 to 20 years.

They are interesting in that the male and female create a strong couple, like a human union. Their loyalty to each other is so strong that after the death of one bird, the partner longs for a long time and does not want to communicate with other members of the species. The life expectancy of a domesticated lovebird is not so great - only 15 years with proper care of the owner. There are also centenarians who die of extreme old age at 35 years old.

How long do medium parrots live?

It is noticed that the size of the bird not least affects the duration of its life. Not the largest parrot is able to live more than a third of a human century. Information about how many years representatives of medium-sized species of parrots live on average can be considered using the example of Jaco and Corella.

Parrots of the species have high intelligence and outstanding abilities for onomatopoeia. Memorizes and pronounces up to 1500 words. A smart bird is open to communication, easy to train, can identify objects by their name. Taking such a pet into your family, you need to be ready to give maximum attention, otherwise the feathered one will lose interest in life. Zhako lives next to a person for 25 - 30 and even 50 years. Some record holders outlive their owners and are inherited.

Not so big: adult representatives reach a size of 30 - 33 cm with a wingspan of 30 cm. However, they are classified as medium parrots. Beautiful crested cockatiels in captivity live 16 - 18 years. If all the rules of care are followed, a cheerful bird will delight the owner with its presence for 25 to 30 years.

How long do large parrots live?

It is very interesting in theory how many years large parrots live, because not everyone dares to keep a powerful bird at home. In addition to the fact that large individuals are incredibly noisy and aggressive, they require considerable maintenance costs. And the initial cost of the giants is too high. And you can buy such a rare bird only in a big city.

Large predator birds kea, similar to kites, originally from New Zealand. The difficult conditions of the mountainous terrain make it necessary to survive by all available means. When talking about kea parrots, there is an association with hunting for sheep: in search of food, predators lay in wait for a lost animal and attacked it. Angry farmers staged a brutal extermination of parrots, now this species is listed in the Red Book. It is difficult to keep a bird 40–46 cm in size in an apartment, so they are mainly bred for zoos. Kea can live up to 50 years.

- a beautiful, smart and expensive parrot. Bright plumage makes it look like a fabulous firebird. The length of the body together with the tail reaches 95 cm, the wingspan is 80 cm. Most often, zoos and circuses become their habitat. These handsome men live 30 - 40 years, but among them there are also old men at the age of half a century. As a result, it is not known exactly how many decades a large parrot lives: the actual spread is from three to five.

Factors affecting life expectancy

A pet needs comfortable living conditions. Only with proper care and care does the age of a parrot reach the limit for a particular species. Features of the environment and other factors that determine how long the bird will live:

  1. Home furnishing. This is a well-chosen cage, and regular cleaning, and the necessary equipment. The location of the cage in the kitchen or near the working household appliances can adversely affect the behavior and health of the bird;
  2. Air parameters. Humidity, temperature, gas contamination, illumination - all these indicators must be brought to acceptable standards. It is necessary to take care of the absence of drafts and compliance with the regime of day and night;
  3. Complete nutrition. The bird needs a balanced diet consisting of a grain mixture, fruits and vegetables, and animal protein. It is unacceptable to offer food from a common table to a bird, it is harmful and dangerous;
  4. Physical activity. The parrot needs to play a lot and fly often. Walking around the apartment required condition for the prevention of obesity and depression. Just do not leave the bird unattended while she walks;
  5. hereditary predisposition to disease. Closely related crossing weakens the offspring, such chicks are often sick, sad and do not live long. The changed behavior of the bird should be the reason for a visit to the veterinarian or ornithologist.
  6. One of the main conditions for the longevity of chatty birds is communication. The friendly attitude of the owner determines how many years his parrot lives happily. busy with work or just a taciturn owner unintentionally shortens their pet's age.

Causes of early death

The life span allowed by nature to a parrot is sometimes reduced due to illiterate human behavior. How long a parrot lives in captivity, and how to help him reach old age, the owner decides. Why does a feathered baby die in his prime? There are many explanations for this:

  • poisoning with household chemicals or suffocation with a swallowed object;
  • drowning in an aquarium, a pot of soup, a bowl of water;
  • electric shock through a damaged electrical wire;
  • inhalation of toxic fumes;
  • cold or overheating;
  • attack by a cat or dog;
  • hitting a mirror or double-glazed window;
  • trauma inflicted by a small child;
  • disease;
  • strong fright.

After the foregoing, the conclusion suggests itself: if you want the parrot to live happily ever after, do not kill it.

How long do parrots live in the wild?

A parrot needs a lot of luck to increase its lifespan in nature. The natural habitat, although familiar to flocking birds, is full of dangers. Predators lie in wait for bright birds at every step, epidemic diseases significantly reduce the number of flocks, lean years and dry periods give rise to death from hunger and thirst. Forest fires do not give birds a single chance to escape, entire populations disappear.

How old is a parrot in human terms?

Newborn chicks develop faster than babies. After the first two months, the young individual is independent and separates from its parents. Having reached the age of one year, the bird has already experienced molting and color change, it is ready to create a family and breed. It is generally accepted that by the beginning of the first laying, the age of a parrot is determined by human standards, as one year to ten. In the future, the bird does not grow so actively, and in the middle of its life it corresponds to a mature person of forty years.

There is a pattern: what larger bird the longer she lives. A person who wants to meet old age next to his pet should choose a large parrot and keep a close eye on his needs.

Probably, before every person who acquires a feathered pet, such questions arise: “How to maintain? What to feed? How many years do they live? Budgerigars are very popular with residents of city apartments, so we will talk about this type of exotic birds.

Budgerigars: general description

Budgerigars are liked by adults and children, because they are small cute birds that can conquer any person. They do not take up so much space in the apartment, and even a child can handle their care.

It's amazing that these parrots weigh only about 40 grams! But how much joy they bring to their owners. Watching budgerigars is a pleasure, however, as well as communicating with them. They are able to imitate different sounds, sing beautifully, talk and even perform simple acrobatic stunts. You will definitely not get bored with such a pet.

The lifespan of budgerigars is primarily due to their species. Usually small varieties do not live as long as larger representatives, such as macaws, cockatoos or grays. But it will be more difficult to take care of them.

How many years do budgerigars live in the wild?

Ornithologists have noticed that in the wild budgerigars usually live up to 3-5 years, some individuals manage to become "long-livers" at the age of 8-10 years. But this is far from old age. This short lifespan is due to the peculiarities of living conditions. These little birds constantly have to get their own food and look for a place to sleep, fleeing from numerous predators and bad weather. In addition, how many years budgerigars live is also affected by such a factor as illness. And these tiny birds have a lot of them. All these aggressive living conditions in the wild kill quite a few young parrots.

How long do budgerigars live at home?

In an apartment for a budgerigar, in principle, it is much more comfortable to live, if, of course, its owner takes care of it properly. There is no need to get food - the owner pours it into the feeder every day. There are no predators in the apartment, except for cats and dogs. By the way, they pose no less danger to budgerigars than other predators in the wild. There are many cases when a cat ate a bird or scared it to heart failure. Dogs may not hunt parrots, but they can accidentally crush them with their paws or injure them with their teeth in the game. Therefore, it is worth thinking a hundred times before bringing a bird home if you already have large pets.

When all conditions are created for a favorable existence, the life span is much longer. By the way, this applies not only to feathered pets. So, in apartment conditions, the life expectancy of budgerigars is 10-15 years. But sometimes there are long-lived birds that die of old age at the age of 20-22 years.

What determines the life span of a budgerigar?

Some of the reasons for the short life of budgerigars have already been mentioned above. We list additional factors that will prolong the life of your feathered pet:

  • correct cell;
  • lack of sources of stress;
  • day length.

Proper nutrition is the key to the health of a budgerigar

Some owners say that their feathered pet eats everything: cookies, sausage, rolls, paper - and everything is fine with him. But this is wrong. If nothing is happening to the parrot now, this does not mean that in the near future this will not negatively affect his health. Some die immediately, others a little later.

The bird will not be able to eat a balanced diet on its own, and it doesn’t matter if it is a wild or domestic budgerigar. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is to purchase quality food. The norm for one wavy is 1.5-2 teaspoons per day. But one grain will not be enough for proper nutrition. Parrots still need vitamins in the form of fruits and vegetables. It is very useful to sometimes give germinated food - a storehouse of vitamin E. About how much, how and what to feed budgerigars, it is worth studying thematic forums, they contain a lot of useful information.

My home is my castle

Parrots don't care where they live. Therefore, take care of your bird's house in advance. The more spacious the cage, the better. When choosing, pay attention to the length and width, which should be enough so that the parrot can freely spread its wings and fly from one perch to another. Of course, flying around the room should not be neglected either, especially if you bought a cage that is not big enough.

Remember once and for all - a round cage is not suitable for keeping birds. They are poorly oriented. Think for yourself, would you be comfortable if you were forced to live in a round room in which you could not find a cozy corner? And it is better to place the cage against the wall so that the bird can cuddle up to it if something scares it.

If you have plans not only for a male, but also for a female budgerigar, then the cage should be even larger. The minimum dimensions of a house for one bird are 40 x 25 x 30 cm (length, width, height). For a pair of parrots, these figures should be slightly larger - 60 x 30 x 40 cm. But if your cage is larger, the better for the life of your feathered friend.

Light is the source of life for the budgerigar

In their natural habitat, budgerigars wake up at dawn and fall asleep at sunrise, so they get a sufficient dose of sunlight.

Lighting plays a huge role in the life of birds. If you stay awake at night, this can adversely affect the lifespan of your feathered pet. In winter, daylight hours should be 10-12 hours, and in summer - 12-14 hours. If you still have budgerigar chicks, then the lighting should be on for 14-16 hours. Shops sell special lamps that mimic the natural light necessary for the normal development of birds.

Stress has a negative effect on budgies

Budgerigars are flocking birds, they constantly communicate with each other. If you are planning a single content, then only you will become a companion for your feathered friend. Therefore, if you are constantly not at home, and you do not pay due attention to the parrot, he may simply get bored.

Loneliness is stressful for a small sociable bird. And extra excitement has a bad effect on life expectancy. The parrot may begin to pluck itself, lose its plumage, or become aggressive.

In fact, there are many sources of stress. For example, living side by side with an unfriendly cat, constantly turning the lights on and off throughout the day, even you can scare the poor bird if you persistently try to make friends with a new pet. How many years do you think budgerigars live if you keep them in constant fear? Perhaps the answer is obvious. Very, very little. Some parrots can become so frightened that they will have a heart attack. Therefore, try to provide your feathered friend with a calm and happy life.

As you can see, there are many factors that affect the life span of parrots. Therefore, how long your pet will stay with you depends only on you. Provide all the conditions for the normal existence of a parrot - and then it will delight you for a very long time.

When buying any pet for ourselves, we always hope that he will live as long as possible, but we do not always know how to ensure his longevity. Meanwhile, a lot depends on the care and attentiveness of the owners. And here it is important to know how many years budgerigars live in general, and also what affects this figure.

How long do budgerigars live

The lifespan of these bright ones can be different, depending on the size of the bird, the environment of existence and the presence of genetic abnormalities. Of course, the period of life of domestic parrots is many times higher than their counterparts in the wild.

In nature

In the natural environment, it is much more difficult for these small birds to survive than at home. Usually, the life span of these birds in the wild does not exceed 10 years.. Basically it is 4-8 years old. In the wild, birds have a lot of problems - who strive to dine with them, disease epidemics, food and water shortages. All this causes stress in the birds, which reduces the duration of their existence.

At home

The life expectancy of budgerigars at home is an order of magnitude higher. Small specimens can live up to 10-15 years, and the birds are larger, although very rare, but still live up to 20 years. However, this is under ideal conditions of existence, which not everyone succeeds in creating, even with a strong desire.

Did you know?Budgerigars are able to fly in search of food at a speed of 120 km / h.

Extending life: factors affecting the duration

People often think that nothing threatens a feathered pet within four walls, but this is not so. There are many factors that reduce the life span of budgerigars at home.

Good choice of chick

If you want the bird to please you for a long time and not get sick, then you need to take a very responsible approach to choosing a chick. The younger and healthier the individual is, the longer the bird will live with you. In young chicks, the eyes are completely black, and there is a black spot on the beak. But with age, only the pupils remain black, and the spot on the beak disappears.

By the way, the sex of a parrot has absolutely no effect on life expectancy. Do not listen to sellers who say that the chick cannot fly yet - they start flying very early, as soon as they acquire flight feathers. If the parrot has a short tail, then this is a sign of either molting or illness.

Important!Evenduring the molting period, birds do not lose activity and appetite. Therefore, do not believe the sellers who explain the passivity of the bird by molting.

A healthy chick will not drop feathers and will be talkative and cheerful.


Home parrot spends most of his time in the cage, so it should be spacious. The cage should have ladders and toys so that the parrot can play and exercise. Also in the house there should be a bathing tank, because parrots love water procedures. All parts of the parrot house must be made of environmentally friendly materials, not have an unpleasant odor, which may indicate the presence of toxic substances.

It is necessary to maintain order and regularly remove garbage, as parrots do not tolerate mess. It is necessary to clean the cage in the morning and in the evening without any chemicals just wipe with warm water. Once a month, disinfection can be carried out with a decoction of wormwood.

Temperature conditions

One of important factors affecting how long budgerigars live at home is the constancy of the temperature in the room. Wavy beauties do not tolerate a sharp temperature drop and do not like drafts.

It is better to determine a permanent place for the cell and not allow the temperature to change by more than 5 marks. Also, you can not put the cage next to heaters and batteries. The most favorable temperature for a bird is + 20-25 ° С. When airing the apartment, be sure to remove the cage from the draft.

Water and nutrition

The majority of your pet's diet should be a grain mixture, which includes herbs, shelled oats, and millet. It must be hermetically sealed and from a trusted manufacturer. It is also useful to give your pet vegetables and fruits: carrots, apples, cucumber. In summer, birds should be given greens - lettuce, dandelion, arugula, carrot tops.

Important!Parrots should not be given mangoes, persimmons, papaya, avocados.

It is useful to include sprouted grains in the diet, in particular, millet - it is either bought in a store or germinated on its own. The bird's water should always be fresh, and the drinker should be thoroughly washed. Better to use filtered water. The health and longevity of your pet depends on a quality and balanced diet.

Psychological comfort

The emotional state of a feathered pet directly affects its life expectancy. Stress factors include:

  • presence in the house or;
  • proximity to the TV cage;
  • loud screams, music;
  • sleep disturbance - parrots go to bed as soon as it gets dark, and wake up at dawn.

Physical exercise

Birds need to regularly fly around the room - for them this is a vital physical education. While the parrot is outside the cage, all vents and windows must be closed, otherwise the bird will fly away to freedom. It is also necessary to ensure that there are no indoor plants with seeds in the room, and in general that the robber does not peck flowers, as they may be poisonous to him.

Determining the age of a parrot by appearance

Determining the age of a parrot is not so simple. This can be done reliably before the first molt, which occurs at about 3-3.5 months. After molting, it is almost impossible to determine the age of a bird. Some parrots molt at 6 months, but this is rare. There are a number of signs that help determine the age of a bird:

  1. The black mark on the beak of the parrot remains, as a rule, up to 2 months of age, however, in parrots of light colors, it disappears even in 20-25 days.
  2. In young birds, the outfit of feathers is less contrasting and bright, and only after 6 months the bird changes its outfit to “adult”.
  3. A bright yellow mask appears in parrots after 6 months.
  4. If the bird has already shed, the age can still be determined by the wax - in young males it is pale purple, and in adults it is bright blue.

Long-lived parrots

Relatives of budgerigars can live much longer - the larger the individual, the longer its lifespan. Real centenarians among parrots are cockatoo who can live up to 70 years.

Did you know? In 1937, the Nosy Cockatoo, which was 85 years old, was obtained by the London Zoo. He lived there for another 21 years. This is a real record not only for a bird, but also for a person.

In second place in terms of life expectancy are macaw who live up to 50 years of age. Amazons they also live on average 50 years, but there were individuals who lived up to 70 years.

How long budgerigars live at home depends on genetics and the living conditions that a person can create for his pet. These cheerful, cheerful birds, of course, require a lot of care, but they can also bring great joy to the house.


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