How to make printed publications popular again. From newspapers to web design: what print can teach us. Create your own journal: instructions for beginners, tips and secrets

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From this article you will learn

  • How to create your own magazine
  • Why you need to create your own journal
  • What circulation to choose when creating a magazine
  • Where to order a print of the magazine

For a long time, reading was one of the most common pastimes. However, with the advent of new technologies, live newspapers and magazines have largely faded into the background. Now the Internet has become the main source of current news, knowledge on various topics, entertainment and educational materials. Yet the print media continue to exist. Some people turn to their publications when there is no access to the network, for example, while traveling by plane and train. Others simply prefer sometimes to take a break from the computer and flip through the paper pages. One way or another, the life of printed newspapers and magazines has not yet ended, and in this area you can develop your business. How to create a magazine that will be interesting to the audience and bring profit to the owner, you will learn in this article.

How to Create Your Own Journal from Scratch: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

Step 1. Decide which magazine to create.

To create your own magazine, you first need to decide on a topic. Any printed publication seeks to occupy its niche, find its audience. To do this, it must meet the interests of the selected group of readers and satisfy their needs for information. Another option is the yellow press format. There is no specific topic here, and the audience of such publications is quite wide. To create one issue of such a magazine, you need several sensational materials about the personal lives of stars with unique photographs.

A distinctive feature of the yellow press is, first of all, the absence of a criterion for the reliability of information. The question is whether the publisher plans to create a magazine about the stars and publish only real facts and photographs in it, or whether he wants to deal with "hot" materials and provocations.

  • Decide whether you are planning a single magazine or a whole series. If this is a serial publication, all issues should have a common theme.
  • The name of the journal should, one way or another, correspond to its semantic content, as well as suggest design ideas. As a rule, the name consists of one or two words (TIME, Guardian, Cosmopolitan, National Geographic).
  • What is the main message of each publication? How can you connect it with the others?
  • Each issue of the journal may have its own topic, corresponding to its focus. For example, a fashion week for a fashion magazine or organizing a wedding for a woman.
  • It is important to clearly formulate the theme of each issue or series of issues.
  • In well-known publications, there were such examples of issue names: "Swimwear" for Sports Illustrated, "Hollywood" for Vanity Fair, "September" for Vogue.

How to create a magazine so that it makes a profit? The publication has only two sources of income: proceeds from the sale of rooms and from advertising that is placed in them. Finding advertisers for a magazine starts with identifying their industry. Your audience should be interested in what you will advertise - then all parties will be successful. For example, fashion magazines rarely offer furniture or household appliances, but cosmetics, clothes and jewelry will do.

To create an effective system of interaction with advertisers, publishers hire special employees. A price list with prices for posting various messages is being developed. Of course, at first you will receive much less for publishing ads than well-known competitors. But if you manage to create a magazine that attracts attention, income will increase over time.

Step 3 Decide how you will write your journal.

To create a scientific journal, entertainment or any other publication, it is important to decide on the method of collecting and combining information. Here are some important aspects:

  • The publications created with the help of computer programs are the most familiar to people. However, you can design a magazine without using them - this is one of the fashionable print trends. Of course, this will require much more time and effort, and only a fairly experienced person can make this idea a reality.
  • You can create a log in several programs. The most popular, although quite expensive, is InDesign. In addition to it, InCopy, Quark and some other technical means are used.
  • The most economical way to create a magazine is with Office Publisher.

Step 4. Find an office and the right employees.

To create a glossy magazine, you need a working room for a team of 5 to 10 people. The advantageous location of the office is not the most important criterion, since at first you will mainly travel, and not to you. The equipment will help to arrange the workspace. For a media office, the standard set includes: desks and chairs, telephones, computers, a printer and a fax machine, and various stationery.

It does not matter whether we create a magazine about literature or about fashion, the basis of any publication is professional employees. The chief editor manages everything that happens in the office. The selection of a person for this position should be treated with special attention. He must have extensive media experience and good references.

The editor-in-chief creates and corrects the entire structure of the journal. He decides which articles and how many to place in each issue, in what order to arrange them, which headings to enter or close, which advertisers to cooperate with, etc. He is also responsible for regularly ascertaining the level of demand for the publication, polling readers about its strengths and weaknesses, and changing strategy in accordance with the results. The editor-in-chief should be well aware of modern trends, be aware of new trends and ensure that the journal keeps up with the times.

No less important employees are the authors of the articles. Your friends or acquaintances can act as them, they can also be found on ads or among students of humanitarian universities. The author must be able to create a unique text that is literate and connected, objectively highlighting the facts, but at the same time conveying the author's individuality.

It is impossible to prepare a magazine without such an employee as a designer. It is on him that the appearance of the publication depends, and hence the first impression of it. The designer must:

  • come up with a cover that can attract the attention of readers;
  • design a branded design for a magazine;
  • develop symbols, various design details, etc.

As practice shows, the ability to create a successful magazine half depends on how well the cover design is modeled.

Also, the office definitely needs a secretary, a proofreader, an advertising specialist and some other workers.

Step 5. Calculate the future circulation.

If you want to create a magazine with a circulation of less than 1000 copies, then by law you can not register it. If the circulation is higher, the publication must have a media registration certificate. To receive it, you need to send an application to Roskomnadzor containing information about the journal: title, type, circulation, distribution method, and much more. You also need a passport of the person who creates the publication, or a copy of the charter of the legal entity acting as the founder. In addition, the applicant pays the prescribed fee. The term for consideration of such an application is one month.

Step 6. Set deadlines.

It is important not only to know how to create a journal, but also when to release it. Time frames are especially important for those publications whose topics are related to news or current issues. You need to think through the stages of media preparation and understand whether your magazine will be ready at the appointed time.

Step 7. Let's start writing articles.

  • Turn to topics that concern you and other editorial staff. Maybe it will be the actual problems of your city or the whole country? Or will interviews with interesting personalities become the basis?
  • You can create a magazine that includes a literary element in the form of short stories. It doesn’t matter if they are based on real events or not, the main thing is an interesting plot and relevance in this concept.
  • Another genre is poetry. The authors can be both famous poets and the publisher himself and his friends.
  • To create a magazine that is interesting to the audience, it is reasonable to involve as many people around you as possible in the discussion of topics.

Step 8. Making illustrations.

No matter how important the text component is, it is simply impossible to create a successful publication without illustrations. Now people are increasingly perceiving information visually, and this is of great importance.

  • You can not do without thematic photos that complement the content. Also useful are photographs with neutral space to create an interesting backdrop for text.
  • If you have a good photographer on staff, they can run a whole photojournalism project. It is necessary to choose a topic that is well revealed through visual images, and publish several pictures in each issue.
  • You can also use other people's pictures with a Creative Commons license. You will not need to pay for them, however, the terms of use sometimes imply a prohibition on modification, a mandatory signature, etc.
  • How to create a magazine if you don't have the required snapshots? They can be purchased at the so-called stocks. These sites contain a huge number of images, among which you are sure to find something suitable.
  • You can also create a colorful edition with the help of author's illustrations, if you or your employees have the necessary skills.

Step 9. Preparing the cover of the magazine.

The cover should create intrigue, interest the reader so that he wants to open the publication and study the materials. There are several tricks for this.

  • Pay special attention to the title of the journal. As a rule, from room to room it is performed in the same style. The title should be understandable, original and memorable and, of course, reflect the thematic direction of the publication.
  • Traditionally, the title is placed at the top of the cover, in the most prominent place. However, you can create your own layout concept, as, for example, the publishers of Harper's Bazaar did.
  • Consider what image will be on the cover of the new issue. It should also be attractive and relevant to the proposed theme. Very often, a photo of a famous person is placed on the cover, the material about which appears in the magazine. The format can be different - from hidden shooting to a professional portrait.
  • You can also put brief explanations about the content of the issue on the cover. You can highlight just the main theme, as TIME does, or go into more detail about a few pieces, like Cosmopolitan. It is important not to go overboard with the amount of text so that the cover you create is not overloaded.

Step 10 Selecting the final look for your magazine.

How to create a magazine that has an attractive and finished look? You need to pay attention to:

  • Font. It should provide comfortable reading and not strain the eyes, as well as be combined with the overall style. It is important that all fonts used fit together.
  • paper. First of all, you need to make a choice between a glossy and matte base.
  • Colors. There are many options here. To save money, some magazines are printed in black and white or a combination of color and black and white printing. However, the most successful editions are produced exclusively in color. The choice depends on financial possibilities and on the direction of the magazine that you want to create.

Step 11. Deciding how to arrange the content.

When thinking about how to create a magazine, we must not forget about the composition. Different mutual arrangement of materials creates a different final product.

  • A table of contents is often placed at the beginning of the publication. Before it, you can also place several pages with advertising information.
  • The next element is the colophon. This is information about the journal: title, volume, number, place of publication, list of employees who worked on the issue, etc.
  • It is also necessary to arrange the articles one after another correctly. Usually the most interesting is placed in the second part of the issue, so that readers can watch it to the end.
  • You can also play with the design of the back cover. As a rule, it serves as a kind of decoration for the publication: something interesting or funny is placed there, making readers smile. So you can create a memorable

Step 12 Create the layout of the magazine.

Now you know what kind of magazine you want to create in terms of content and design. The layout software will help you arrange the content on the layout. When preparing a layout, there are a few rules to keep in mind:

  • Formatting should be the same on all pages. Use a small number of matching fonts, keep borders and numbering in the same places. It is necessary to create a publication that has a holistic style.
  • Don't forget about pagination.
  • Make sure the final layout contains an even number of pages. This is important because an odd number will result in a blank sheet.
  • If you want to create a magazine without using special programs, you need to decide on a method. Whether you print it or write it by hand, how to attach photos, etc.

Step 13. Publishing the magazine.

For beginner publishers, the best way to print media is to contact a print shop. The choice of a company should be taken responsibly, because the quality of your magazine depends on the quality of its work. However, there are a few tips about the characteristics of the publication that everyone should know:

  • The most convenient for use is a medium-sized magazine. On the one hand, you can place a sufficient amount of text and illustrative materials in it. On the other hand, it will always be convenient to carry even in a small handbag.
  • Do not make the pages too bright and "glassy". Reflection of light from them makes it difficult to read the magazine and perceive images.
  • the building should not be too thick. It will be difficult for you to fill a large number of pages with interesting material, and readers will not have time to study them until the next issue.
  1. Correlate the appearance and principle of creating your media with its moral image. So, many readers are sure that the production of glossy magazines harms the environment. Accordingly, such a journal on environmental topics will raise a lot of questions. Despite the ability to perform this task without harm to the environment, it is still better to prefer matte paper.
  2. Use promotional methods such as donating copies to libraries for free. This way more people will know about you.
  3. How to create a magazine that brings a stable income? A flexible subscription strategy will help. Thanks to her, you will have a permanent group of readers and will be able to communicate with them.
  4. Quark is considered one of the most difficult programs to use, but the wide range of features it provides makes you think about learning it.
  5. To bring your magazine to a wider audience, try self-publishing it.
  6. An introductory page can be placed before the editorial column. Use it to tell about your publication, to create the right impression about how and for whom it works. Try to connect with the audience, pay attention to interesting facts, etc.
  7. Several programs can be used to create a journal. For example, Text-Edit allows you to quickly and easily prepare and edit articles. You can arrange text and illustrations on the layout using InDesign.
  8. How to create a magazine that is interesting to a large audience? It can be very difficult to achieve this goal right away. It makes more sense to start with a small group of readers whose interests are easier to calculate. It will also save you from the cost of a large circulation, which may not pay off.
  9. To create a successful magazine, you need to establish good relationships with advertisers. To do this, they are provided with a layout of the publication and a price list for advertising. Determination of prices depends on many factors, including circulation, cost of a copy, etc.
  10. Advertising is a very important element in the activities of the magazine. It is not possible to create a profitable media without promotional materials. Having decided on your target audience, you need to start looking for companies that are interested in reaching out to it. The advertised product should be of interest to those people who will buy your magazine. It is also important to understand how many pages you can give away for advertising. The publisher must know what percentage of all materials it must be in order for the sale of the circulation to be profitable.
  11. Do not believe the belief that the print media is in the decline of its existence. Despite the development of technology, many magazines are still popular among the audience. It is only important to understand what topic will be of interest to readers, what niche you can occupy. To do this, before you create a magazine, you should thoroughly study the market for print publications. It is also important to correctly relate the topic to the format, for example, digital printing or paper is suitable for it.

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The payback period is 12 months.

The initial investment will be 2 840 000 rub.

The break-even point is reached at 4 month of work.

Monthly net profit - 300 000 rub.

2. Description of the business, product or service

3. Description of the market

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Production plan

A critically important stage in the implementation of the project envisaged by this business plan is the right choice of the way to legalize the publication of a newspaper as a business.

Such registration has two components of its process.

The first moment is related to the registration of the newspaper publishing house as a commercial business, stipulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In this case, it is supposed to make a choice in favor of registering a publishing house in the LLC format. There are several reasons for this:

  • Firstly, the status of LLC is the most suitable for a newspaper whose main target audience is the class of people belonging to the most active part of the population - these are entrepreneurs, creative and scientific intelligentsia, young professionals, as well as citizens with a certain material wealth.
  • Secondly, having the legal form of "LLC", the newspaper publishing house has the opportunity to more effectively interact with various state and municipal structures interested in placing any materials on the pages of the newspaper, participate in various municipal or state programs to support regional media.
  • Thirdly, with the help of the authorized capital of "LLC", its shares, it is possible to attract various investors to finance the newspaper project, which is very difficult to implement, having only the status of an individual entrepreneur.

As for the registration procedure for "LLC", it has a standard form. Registration can be done independently - by submitting an application and relevant documents (charter, minutes of the constituent assembly, etc.) to the Federal Tax Service. This can also be done using the services of law firms specializing in business registration. The optimal registration period is approximately 30 days. The total amount of expenses required to complete the entire registration process is about 30–50 thousand rubles.

When submitting an application, it is also necessary to indicate the relevant OKVED codes, which include:

  • 58.1 "Publishing of books, periodicals and other publishing activities."
  • 58.13.1 "Publishing newspapers in printed form".

In addition to the general registration scheme, a contract or an agreement with the printing house is required, which will be used to print the circulation of the newspaper.

The second part of the legal registration of the newspaper consists in obtaining the appropriate permission from state bodies, namely, from the Roskomnadzor service (its full name is the Federal Service for Supervision of Compliance with Legislation in the Sphere of Mass Communications and the Protection of Cultural Heritage).

Registration of such a permit (in fact, a license for publishing) is mandatory for all print media whose monthly circulation exceeds the established limit of 1,000 copies. This norm is established by Federal Law No. 2124-1 "On the Mass Media" of December 27, 1991 (current version of July 2, 2013).

It should be specially noted here that violation of this legislative norm is punishable by a fine of 1,000 to 30,000 rubles. according to the norms of Article 13.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

To pass such registration in the regional divisions of Roskomnadzor, the following documents are required:

  • receipt of payment of the state fee, the minimum amount of which is 500 rubles;
  • copies of passports of the founders of the newspaper certified by a notary;
  • a certified copy of the constituent documents of the "LLC" - the Charter, a certificate of state registration, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, a tax certificate.
  • for the same procedure of registration of the Internet site of the newspaper, you will need a certificate of registration of a domain name.

Based on Russian practice, the process of obtaining a license to create print media through Roskomnadzor may take at least 1-2 months.

In addition to the obligatory forms of registration of a newspaper publication, it will be necessary to conclude lease agreements for the office premises of the editorial office, contacts with distributors (for example, Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post or a local retail chain of newsstands).

6. Organizational structure

The full calculation of the payroll for 24 months, taking into account the bonus part and insurance premiums, is presented in the financial model.

graduate student of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University named after M.V. M.A. Sholokhov,
Correspondent of the newspaper "Vuzovsky Bulletin".

The article deals with the problem of the transition of a printed publication to an electronic format. The author compares the features of print and online publications and formulates recommendations for the organic transition of the Vuzovsky Vestnik newspaper to the Internet format.
Online publication, electronic format, printed version, audience.

T.I. Alexeeva,
undergraduate of Faculty of Journalism of Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities,
"VuzovskiyVestnik" newspapercorrespondent.
e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.
Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities

This arcticle is about the problem of the transition publication in online format. The author compares the features of print and online publications and formulates recommendations for the transition of "Vuzovskiyvestnik" newspaper to the online format.
Network edition, online version, publicizing, the audience.

Modern print media are gradually losing their audience, moving to the Internet space. In our opinion, this is primarily due to affordability. The spread of the WI-FI network and the growth in the number of Internet service providers undoubtedly had an impact. Computer technology has taken a leading place in the market of necessary goods. Access to the virtual space today is carried out not only from a desktop computer and laptop, but also from a tablet, smartphone, player, e-book and TV. According to TNS-Russia, the Internet audience grew by six percent over the year. Today, more than 61 million Russians regularly go online, preferring to get information from news agencies and publications, which are so widely and diversely represented on the net.

Almost all Russian publications are looking for a place on the Internet, creating electronic versions, setting up pages on social networks, mastering mobile applications. This is explained by a number of advantages of the electronic format. First, from an economic point of view, it is more profitable to offer information through electronic publications. No need to invest in printing, paper, ink, distribution services. Secondly, the absolute accessibility of the publication. Today, on the Internet, almost all mass, business and other publications are in the public domain. The question is, is all the information published in print publications available on the Internet? In the case of a positive answer, the meaning of printed publications is lost. Nevertheless, they persist, find financial support and retain the audience. Let's try to explain it. The audience that prefers the printed version of newspapers is aged, most often they are conservative people who are used to the newspaper at breakfast or in the subway. They do not use electronic means, and, accordingly, the Internet. Such readers need the smell of ink and the crunch of newsprint somewhat more than the content. But for more advanced users or those wishing to join them, there is an opportunity to read all the articles on the electronic pages of the publication.

Yakov Grabar says that "publications do not need to get rid of the printed format, but in a special way supplement it with new tools that allow the printed press to keep up with the times."

Let us dwell on the printed edition of the all-Russian information and analytical newspaper Vuzovsky Vestnik and analyze the possibilities of its digitization in the conditions of virtualization of the information environment.

Based on the typological features of online publications proposed by A.I. Akopov in the article of the same name, we will make an attempt to compare them with the signs of printed publications. “Some of the features inherent in print periodicals or characterizing them are no different from the same features in online media. However, some differ significantly .

When a printed publication changes to an electronic format, the following characteristics remain unchanged: publisher, purpose of the publication, internal structure, genres and authors. It should be said about each sign separately.

The publisher, in this case, remains A.B. Sholokhov, editor-in-chief of the Vuzovsky Vestnik newspaper.

The purpose of the publication also could not change. The primary task of the media is to inform, as well as popularize knowledge, educate the population, propagate ideas and views, etc.

The internal structure of the online edition differs little from the structure of the printed edition, this is due to the unity of goals and the traditional approach of publishers who create online magazines and newspapers “in the image and likeness” of traditional paper, while maintaining themes, headings.
The genre composition of the online edition also repeats the printed version, the only difference is that the online edition is dominated by short informational messages.

According to A. Akopov, an author in an online periodical is a completely new category of journalists - an online journalist. In the case of Vuzovsky Bulletin and its interpretation in the electronic edition of Vuzvest, the authors are unchanged, they are only added from completely different, new publications.

Let's take a closer look at the typological features that have undergone changes during the transition from print to online publication.

First of all, it is the reader. In addition to the audience declared by Vuzovsky Vestnik, consisting of rectors, vice-rectors, teachers, graduate students, students and applicants, that is, an interested audience, a stream of random readers appears on the Internet for one reason or another who ended up on the page of Vuzvest. Among such casual users of electronic networks, most likely there will be a young person, a resident of a large city, where access to the Internet is provided quite widely. The transition to an electronic publication makes it possible to advertise a new format free of charge and effectively on the Internet using social networks, blogs, microblogs. Following the example of such publications as "Moskovsky Komsomolets", "Kommersant", the publication "Vuzovsky Vestnik" should also create its own page in today's popular social networks: "VKontakte", "Facebook", "Google+". Feedback with the reader can be established by conducting surveys on the pages of the electronic edition. These can be both questions: “Who would you like to read an interview with on the pages of our newspaper?”, And deeper, problematic ones, “How do you evaluate the new law“ On Education ”?”.

The design of the electronic edition differs significantly from the printed edition due to the emergence of new technical capabilities: placement of better quality photos and more, sound and video files.

Periodicity is one of the important and controversial typological features of the online publication. The electronic "Vuzvest" does not have a strict periodicity and therefore is updated as materials become interesting, in the opinion of the editor-in-chief. Volume is also a controversial characteristic and, in fact, is not limited by anything.

The difficulty lies in determining the circulation, one of the typological features. The only way to do this is to install a counter on the server or website of the publication. The hit counter makes it possible to keep track of the number of unique users and people who repeatedly visit the site.

Thus, the need for the transition of the printed edition to the Internet format is obvious. This step will significantly expand and update our audience, will enable the printed publication to offer its articles in a completely new format, using multimedia technologies.

List of sources:

  2. Akopov A.I. Typological features of online publications // Philological Bulletin of the Rostov State University. - 2000. - No. 1. - p.43
  3. Yakov Grabar "The Future of the Print Media: Circulations Are Falling, Online Editions Are Growing" [Electronic resource] // RBC. – 2013 – URL:

How to open a new magazine and not burn out. The monthly publication should bring in a profit of $100,000. A tempting result, but it is not easy to achieve. Why only 300 out of 13 thousand registered journals actually come out and how to become one of them.

In Russia, a successful magazine published once a month must generate a profit of at least $100,000. There are two ways to achieve such an excellent result: by purchasing a license for a foreign publication or by promoting a domestic brand.


There are 37,000 registered publications in Russia, of which almost 13,000 are journals. A huge amount, which is difficult to digest even for the “most reading” country in the world. For comparison, about 2,000 magazines are published in Germany, and about 8,000 in the USA. True, the overwhelming majority of publications registered with the Ministry of Press are not published. Only every third journal can be considered conditionally alive, and no more than 300 journals actually work.

The rest are either already bankrupt or ready to go bankrupt. This is a clear evidence that, in order to maintain viability, it is not enough for a print publication to form a staff of journalists and photographers, it also needs to be able to profitably sell the fruits of its creative work.

As you know, many people prefer to learn from their own mistakes, which is probably why several new magazines appear on the Russian market every year, hoping to take their place under the sun. Most of the new ones are glossy monthly magazines, which today belong to the dynamically developing segment of the mass media.

In the overcrowded segment of business weeklies and any newspapers, all the places have long been occupied, but it is quite possible to organize a new monthly magazine, and with the right approach, a magazine can be profitable.

Yours among strangers

About a quarter of all Russian journals are published under foreign licenses. This means that the name, concept, part of the materials in the journal is a tracing paper of a foreign counterpart. It is foreign women's glossy magazines that occupy the niche of the most profitable ones. These publications always have an abundance of advertising and large circulations.

Readers are happy to buy such magazines, and this is not surprising - the high quality of workmanship and a consistent concept make this product in demand. Advertisers are attracted by a well-known brand on the market. Of the Russian magazines, only Caravan of History can be attributed to the glossy leaders.

Foreign "gloss" in Russia is represented by Independent Media publishing houses (Cosmopolitan, Men's Health, FHM, Harpers Bazar, Home Hearth, Yes), Conde Nast Publishing House (Vogue, GQ), Burda Publishing House (Playboy), Publishing House AFS (Elle), Gruner + Jahr (Geo).

There are 2.5 times more domestic magazines on the market than Western ones, but only a few can withstand competition with foreign brands. Domestic brands are represented by the publishing houses 7 Days, April, Orbita Media Service, Za Rulem and some others.


Originally domestic projects pay off much longer than licensed media, which explains their very modest presence on the market. Even the most famous Russian magazines had to make their way with considerable effort, spending large sums on advertising. Cosmopolitan, Vogue, MensHealth were able to climb to the top of the rankings much faster.

The timing factor cannot be discounted. Cosmopolitan at one time managed to become profitable already from the third issue, largely because it was the first women's glossy magazine in Russia. Today, even licensed publications have difficulty launching.

The main international brands are already represented on the Russian market, and one should not expect the appearance of any completely new leaders. Western novelties in the vast majority are simply clones of already popular publications. Russian journals don't have problems with oversaturation of the information space, but they have another problem - the lack of initial capital.

The main source of income for the glossy magazine is advertising revenue (up to 80%). When working with a licensed magazine, the publisher receives an advertising budget. Large advertisers, when working in the local market, use the money of parent companies located abroad for advertising. It would be problematic to justify the cost of advertising in an unknown magazine at the head office, so licensed branded publications become an advertising platform.

The obvious and unavoidable disadvantage of a licensed business is the obligation to pay royalties to the brand owner. The size of these deductions ranges from 10 to 25% from advertising and sales. If we are talking about a super popular publication, royalties can be six figures.

Domestic journals do not have such problems at all. The task of "our" magazines is to wait for profits and not "stretch their legs" ahead of time. According to various estimates, the project can pay off in the best case three years after launch.


From 20 to 30% of the monthly profits come from the right choice and expansion of the magazine's distribution area. Many publishers know that the way to the counter is through the entry fee to the wholesaler.

According to gossip, in order to enter the Moscow market, you need to pay $40-50 thousand, excluding the advertising campaign. In the regions, the process of entering the market is much cheaper, but there are no less problems. From the provinces, you can not wait for money at all, and it can be difficult to return the circulation.

A common problem for almost everyone is the banal lack of space on the counters of kiosks and stalls. The abundance of magazines simply does not allow placing a new edition in such a way that it will be noticed. As a result, only clear favorites, like Cosmo or "Caravan of stories", are actively sold, which buyers ask about without trying to find them on the counter.

If the publisher believes that the reader will not be able to remain indifferent to the artistic merits of the magazine, and this is quite enough to fall in love with the public, he is deeply mistaken. First of all, you need to interest a potential reader, and only then support his attachment to the magazine with meaningful materials and good design.

Licensed Readers

Along with a well-known name, licensees get access to the archives of the owner. The eternal problem of glossy publishers is the selection of highly professional photographs. To a lesser extent, this applies to articles. Gloss without materials about Western stars will not be able to survive.

Especially the lack of interesting and informative materials is felt in fashion magazines, which cannot be imagined without acquaintance with haute couture collections and interviews with leading designers. The fashion community is so closed off that a local brand has no chance of infiltrating it.

The right to use the "bins" of the brand is granted to the publisher upon signing a license agreement that strictly regulates the existence of the brand on the market. Violation of these rules will result in license revocation.

The main problem of foreign gloss is an adequate translation, or rather, the conversion of the product. Neither the structure nor the demands of our audience yet correspond to the structure of Western society, under which the concepts are fitted. The domestic reader, out of habit, considers the magazine an entertainment tool, and not a pass to a social circle in which it is customary to wear socks of a certain manufacturer and drive cars of recognized brands.

Let's see how the Russian version of Playboy magazine differs from the original? We reviewed the filings of the American and our magazine in one year. Here are a few observations in different headings.

"Girl of the Month"

The American ideal is a blonde with half-open glossy lips. An overgrown schoolgirl in a uniform plaid skirt, like Britney Spears. The image of Britney Spears, who has matured by 10 years, is slightly inferior - a blonde in candid poses. Russian "Girl of the Month" is always a slender young lady without silicone. The obvious excess of cosmetics is the fruit of the efforts of diligent makeup artists.

"Hero of the room"

Americans usually have singers, for example, Fred Durst. The main theme is creativity and sex. The style is akin to lyrics: “She slept with my friend, but she was only with me because of the money. She took my heart and threw it in a blender because I'm an idiot. I put up with it all for sex."

In the Russian version, the characters are talking to a mature reader. “My ambitions are satisfied. I have nothing to prove to my woman, because she loves me and is devoted to me. To finally assert myself, I need to take risks. For example, I started filming a new movie.”

In the world there is a huge number of different publications. They can be printed, or they can function exclusively in the virtual space. They are in very different demand, some boast millions of subscribers, while others have only a few readers. The topics of these publications also differ. One is about politics and economics, and the other is about things like hallway furniture and bathroom furniture. By the way, if you need furniture for the hallway or furniture for the bathroom, then you can find them quite inexpensively in .

One way or another, but every creator of a magazine always dreams that his brainchild will gain maximum popularity. But here is what needs to be done for this, sometimes he does not know.

So, first of all, you need to decide on the subject of your publication. Sometimes too narrowly specialized magazines do not find a great response from readers, but general publications, in turn, are lost among the huge number of their own kind. Therefore, you need to think very carefully about this issue in order to make a really competent decision.

Then you need to take care of the regular filling of your journal with materials on the relevant topics. At first, you can handle this on your own, but over time, you will need the help of other people. In other words, you will have to take care of a staff of experienced and competent journalists. It is very important that they have at least an approximate idea of ​​the industry in which they should work. For example, if your magazine is about things like hallway and bathroom furniture, then your employees should know as much as possible about cabinets, chairs, and sofas. By the way, if you need furniture for the hallway or furniture for the bathroom, then you can find them quite inexpensively at .

The next thing to pay attention to is the design of the magazine. We are talking about fonts, page layout, pictures, titles and more. Particular attention should be paid to the cover. A good designer will help you properly design your publication. By the way, finding a decent designer is not at all difficult. In fact, you don’t even need to conduct a long interview with him. All you need to do is look at examples of his previous work.

If you are working on a print edition, then consider the circulation in advance, and also discuss with the printer what paper to print your magazine on. Here it is necessary to correctly draw the line between expensive and high-quality paper, so as not to overpay for what you do not need, but also not to get a product of an unpresentable appearance as a result.

Thus, making your publication popular is not at all so difficult. All that is needed for this is just to make the necessary efforts.


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