New business on March 8th. New business ideas. When to start selling and how much you can earn

At two o'clock in the morning, when March 8 had already arrived, but the country was still sleeping in anticipation of the holiday, a bell rang in our workshop.

Flower delivery? We, please, by 10 am, twenty bouquets in Ostankino! Something interesting, no more than three thousand! - the cheerful girl, not at night, spoke on the machine and called the program of the famous TV presenter.

But we are no longer accepting orders...

How? Even for him? Don't you want to earn?

We don't, I replied. And it was the pure truth. At that moment I just wanted to sleep.

Of course, how would they know in Ostankino that for my company March 8 began a week ago! That work shifts have lasted 15 hours ever since. That the owner of the company, who took the telephone receiver, did not lie down for the last two nights. That we have already made a thousand baskets and bouquets. That all together they pricked 111 fingers, cleaning 4370 roses from thorns. That they put 350 orchid flowers in extension cords with water. What revived 7750 sluggish tulips that arrived from Holland in a lethargic state. That they stuck 500 fragile greenhouse lilies of the valley into a porous green oasis ...

While I was the owner of a small online flower shop and floristic studio, on March 8, I never gave flowers to my wife Tatyana. The business I created was a family business. My wife was its director and lead florist. The main gift that she dreamed of after a week of exhausting days and nights was sleep and peace.

The week that feeds the year

March 8 - a project that provides, probably, 15% of the annual turnover of the Russian flower market. In Moscow, it starts already in the first days of March, when corporate congratulations begin. And it is born even at the time of autumn leaf fall. Wholesalers are the first to start preparing: they coordinate future deliveries with flower producers abroad and in Russia. The best conditions - low prices and a favorable assortment - are received by those who make an advance payment to suppliers or guarantee large volumes of purchases.

In November, the largest customers of floristic products wake up - the country's leading corporations that purchase goods through tenders. More or less prominent online stores and studios are invited to participate in them. And throw these letters in the trash. A powerful oil company can easily order one and a half thousand bouquets for 2.5-3 million rubles for its employees. But tender conditions are often such that it is better to shoot yourself right away. All flowers must be delivered strictly on the specified day. In order for this unthinkable number of gifts to be ready at the right time, 25 florists, like machines, must twist 30 bouquets for two days in a row. And not a penny of advance payment from the client with a minimum income from the product!

Only market leaders or adventurers risk working on such conditions. In the fat years, when gifts were not saved, the largest corporate orders and supply contracts to supermarkets were taken by companies that had cheap flowers and large warehouse space to accommodate several crews. On March days, up to a hundred florists could work here in shifts. Most are women. The rhythm of labor is worn out. There were dozens of tables in the poorly heated room, and almost no chairs. Payment at the end of the shift - from the amount done. When recruiting a brigade, the owners can promise 5,000 rubles a day, but paying only 2,000 rubles, taking into account real output and fines, is a common thing.

But there were always those who wanted to work harder: the wild intensity of labor was offset by low qualification requirements. Mass floristic order - these are simple bouquets of tulips and chrysanthemums worth several hundred rubles. To make such one is within the power of any former flower saleswoman. And there were quite a few of them, the March emergency gathered in Moscow women from different Russian cities, from Ukraine, from Belarus and Moldova.

Some enterprising guys rented a hangar, put into it a brigade of hastily trained Uzbek women. And if their unsightly bouquets were inexpensive, the customer was satisfied with the wave. Fast and cheap - the main thing that most flower buyers need on March 8th.

In companies that make more expensive bouquets, the conditions are more comfortable, but also not sugar. There are places where it is forbidden to sit while working. Nothing to relax! Violators are fined! Earnings? If we get lucky. A good freelance florist may well earn 30,000 rubles during the March week. But only if the company is fully provided with orders and appreciates its florists.

How to do everything

Our small service "Happy Bouquet", in which four people constantly worked, from the very beginning chose a different business model - high quality and expensive. We have declared ourselves as an online boutique that performs special orders: delivery of large flower baskets, wedding bouquets, lilies of the valley - all year round, peonies - in December, and corporate customer service. The last March 8 we spent was in 2015. In a week, we then gained no less than the amount that could have been obtained from the tender from the oilmen. Profitability was higher, health losses of owners and employees - lower. But it took several years to learn how to work this way.

We were looking for customers through an online store or through personal channels. In the early years, they took all holiday orders in a row: both private and corporate, small and large. The result is a dissipation of forces and dissatisfied people. The incidents were both comical and almost tragic. After one, we decided not to make bouquets for brides before March 8, no matter how they asked us or persuaded us.

... That ill-fated bouquet was very simple: seven white roses surrounded by gypsophila. The groom promised to pick him up at the workshop after work. The hassle seems to be minimal. But when people “thresh” for several days in a row, their attention is dulled. And the florist put six roses in the bouquet instead of seven! It turned out quite beautifully, no one, including the groom, noticed the mistake. But the bride noticed - and huddled in hysterics. Even number! Black sign! Do not be family happiness!

An hour later, the angry girl and her embarrassed betrothed were with us. We apologized and offered to add another rose to the bouquet. But the bride, cursing, exchanged the rejected bouquet for the money it was worth. Did the wedding take place? How does this couple cope with the more serious difficulties of life? Don't know. But the lesson we received turned out to be very convincing: if you want to make a good project, choose the target client and focus on it. Otherwise, even with all your efforts, business processes can go awry.

The scheme of a successful March project, which we eventually came to, was as follows: from March 1 to March 7, we deliver flower gifts to offices, and do not fulfill orders from private individuals at all. We deliver flowers to apartments only directly on the holiday and only within Moscow. To cope with the rapidly increasing volume of work, we attract five or six temporary florists and three or four couriers in our own cars. We accumulate ready-made bouquets and baskets in a refrigerator and carry the largest orders (200-250 baskets and bouquets to one address) at night in refrigerators. We give a discount to large customers, but we take a 50% prepayment in order to get working capital for large purchases from wholesalers without resorting to loans.

Overdose of adrenaline

In the described scheme, everything is logical and predictable. Except for one thing: you may not know until the last what bouquets and in what quantity you will be instructed to make and deliver even the most respected, most friendly client. For everything to go well, he must make a decision in January. And in life it turns out - mid-February. Until the authorities approve the idea of ​​congratulations, until the managers clarify the lists of women ... And the acceptance of wholesale orders two weeks before delivery ends. And without an order, you cannot buy the right flowers at the right price. And you won’t find good florists if you suddenly need additional ones at the end of February: everyone settled down. Walking on the edge!

Be sure: no matter how carefully you plan your flower project, you will still get an adrenaline rush.

The Russian greenhouse complex will supply diseased roses - and there will be no others at the same price. You will have to buy Dutch and Kenyan, which is more expensive.

The exchange rate of the ruble will jump in February, and corporate contracts signed in January at the old rate will become unprofitable.

Frost hits - and in a cold van you won’t be lucky with live gifts. Therefore, you order a warm car in advance, which puts an additional burden on the budget.

Festival of dancing prices

It would seem that when the demand for a product increases, the price should fall. But this only happens in stable markets if demand is constant. And when short-term and rush - everything is exactly the opposite. Before March 8 and directly on the holiday in different segments of the Russian market, prices increase by no less than 15-20%. Merchants and florists lay in them all the risks and expenses that go to flood the vast and cold country with flowers.

About 90% of the flower products sold in Russia are imported. In one day in late February or early March, several times more cut flowers cross the border than usual. And prices are out of balance at every level, from the wholesale auction in Holland to the last retail stall.

Photo: © Alexey Malgavko / RIA Novosti

A huge amount of perishable goods must be delivered from abroad to Russian cities as soon as possible. There are not enough seats on airplanes, there are not enough refrigerated cars, there are not enough hands and eyes at customs, at border and phytosanitary control points. All along the path of the flower there is an increase in official and unofficial tariffs. Even renting a retail space at a wholesale and retail market like Rizhsky in Moscow from March 1 to March 8 becomes twice as expensive. How much does all this affect prices? Different for different types of flowers delivered from different countries. No one thought for sure, but the entrepreneurs with whom I had to communicate claim that the cost of imports rises by 30-40% on the holidays.

Most of all, market participants themselves do not like such dances: flowers are not a commodity for which people and companies are ready to pay any price. Therefore, in order not to lose regular customers, wholesale companies even reduce the margin on holidays - from the usual 20-30% to 15-18%. In rubles, the wholesale price, of course, is growing all the same, but disproportionately to import costs. We did the same: we raised holiday prices for corporate customers to compensate for the additional costs. Well, and if it worked out, just a little more. And cheap bouquets, whose buyers are especially sensitive to price, were excluded from the assortment in the first days of March.

60,000 for three women. Who is bigger?

A special song - VIP-orders, floral arrangements that are made for the wives and girlfriends of wealthy men, women leaders and employees of high receptions. The secretary of the minister will not notice the congratulations if you present her with just a box of chocolates. But if you put sweets in an unusually designed basket of flowers, it's another matter. And such a sign of respect is expensive: 10-15 thousand rubles for a floristic composition of rare exotic flowers is far from the limit.

Photo: © Ekaterina Chesnokova / RIA Novosti

Is it profitable to work with VIP clients? Yes. But only if everything is in place in the formula of relationships with them: the order arrives in advance + there is high-quality live material + there are experienced craftsmen who can emphasize its beauty + the client himself does not spread his fingers like a fan.

Somehow we received an order from one non-poor and loving Muscovite: on March 8, deliver three gifts to three addresses: two gorgeous bouquets for mistresses, and a giant flower basket for my wife. The result was an order for the amount of 60,000 rubles. But the client did not raise an eyebrow and threw an advance payment from the card into our account. And I forgot about it in the park, and re-issued an invoice for him to pay in cash. Everything that followed was like a cheap comedy.

Festive morning delivery of flowers to mistresses went like clockwork. Everyone was happy! By dinner, we collected tulips left in our refrigerator - 400 pieces! - and made a huge multi-colored composition. By three o'clock in the afternoon, the taxi driver Ararat, involved in a responsible task, took the order to a restaurant, where the client decided to put a festive end and congratulate his wife. But at the appointed time, the customer did not appear. He arrived only three hours later, drunk as a skunk. And when Ararat showed him a check for 60,000, he exploded: “Did you decide to cheat me?! I paid for everything!" If the man were sober, one call to our workshop, and the problem would be solved in a minute. But it was easier to teach the hare to read than to find out when and how he made the payment. I myself, after a sleepless night, was also as if drunk.

Ararat had to be saved: after waiting three hours, he was taken hostage by the raging customer and his perplexed friends. What was to be done? I gave the command to leave the basket and finish the disassembly. We didn't earn anything from this basket. And the taxi driver and florists had to be paid in full for the work.

The unpredictability of VIP clients, who cannot be refused, is the main reason for sleepless March nights. Just as your florist team completes the day's quota, the phone rings at 9:00 pm. A corporate customer reports that tomorrow's morning delivery is up by several high-priced baskets. And leading florists, having taken a hefty dose of coffee, have to stay at night.

It happens that the gift is ready, but the delivery is in jeopardy. Or by car on Moscow traffic jams in time not to be in time. Or the address where you need to issue a special pass. How do you like, say, a trip late in the evening on March 7 to the White House on Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment? It was necessary to have time to congratulate the assistant of a major government official before she left work. I grabbed a basket of favorite lilies of the valley of an important lady and rushed to the subway. Managed to do everything in just half an hour. And then ... an hour wandered around the floors and basements of the empty White House. I could not find the way to the entrance through which I entered it, and there was no one to tell me.

What "flowers" grew in a crisis

The small flower gift market is sensitive to events in the big economy. Some industry rises uphill - florists begin to carry bouquets to the corresponding industry companies. In 2009, our first major client was a well-known mobile phone sales network that was rebranding. We made her bouquets of tulips in the colors of the new brand. And with their help, she announced her new image to female partners. Then, IT companies developing systems for large organizations became the leaders in orders, and the gifts we made went to the receptions of state corporations and ministries. In 2013-2014, the arms manufacturing company became the best buyer.

And then the crisis came, imports rose in price by 30-40%, and the demand for everything flower fell sharply. How much? No one can say for sure: the market is not transparent. But if we evaluate the officially declared volume in pieces, it turns out that in 2016, 22% less cut flowers were imported into Russia than two years before. And only in 2017 there was a new growth: +6%. Familiar exotic importers testify that the most noticeable drop in sales occurred in the middle and medium-low segments of premium floristry. People who could previously afford exquisite bouquets began to deny themselves such pleasure. The structure of their demand has changed in favor of services and goods that cannot be refused: medicine, education, useful gadgets.

Most noticeably cut spending on flowers, which are purchased for their own employees. HR departments are increasingly replacing them with something more useful - certificates for cosmetics or candy. And those who follow the tradition often order tulips or hyacinths without packaging: they themselves then peel them and put them in plastic bags. A flower compliment costs in Moscow floristic companies from 350 rubles (five tulips in cellophane) to 800 rubles (three gerberas with mimosa in a flowerpot). You can't do it cheaper. Few people buy more expensive for intracorporate congratulations.

VIP-orders - superbouquets - have not become less: you cannot give a certificate to the deputy chairman of the bank. But some VIP congratulations, even very expensive ones, do not make the difference. For a floristic company to be successful, it must be able to earn consistently, and not just on big holidays. To do this, it is not enough to collect beautiful bouquets and burn at work. It is important to create a balanced business model focused on "your" type of customers and provide it with all the necessary resources. But no matter what model of flower business you take, for all participants of the project "March 8" is a holiday with lack of sleep in front of your eyes. Avral is avral.

The flower business is often run by families. After the crisis began, Tatyana and I decided not to take any more risks and sold our online boutique to another married couple. Business is over. But now I again give my wife flowers on Women's Day. The mystery of the holiday is back.

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Cover photo: Anadolu Agency / Getty Images

Hi people! Asked to tell how to earn millions? I am ripe for the transfer of experience. Understand what is needed for a flower business and start acting!

How did the flower business develop?

The hottest time in terms of trade in natural flowers is at the beginning of spring. We prepared for this in advance: I borrowed 100 thousand rubles on the security of the car, and the partner invested about 200 thousand. To implement the idea of ​​selling tulips in bulk by March 8, we had to attract investors in the form of friends and relatives.

Part of the goods was sold by us in large quantities, the rest of the flowers were kept for resale.

Why tulips and not roses? 2 factors were decisive:

  1. Rose is a year-round flower, more expensive and capricious. Tulips are associated with spring.
  2. The partner has greenhouses near Novosibirsk, where his mother grows up to 100,000 tulips.

Where to look for suppliers of fresh flowers

Finding suppliers can take a long time. Among the hundreds of outbids on the Internet, you need to find those who will lead directly to the greenhouses. It was easier for us because of the partner's mother's greenhouse, but the number of flowers growing there was insufficient. To make the flower business as profitable as possible by March 8, you need a lot of tulips.

Try to negotiate with the supplier about installments. We did it like this:

  1. We signed an agreement with investors, and they gave us money to buy flowers.
  2. We agreed with the owners of greenhouses on the minimum price and that it would not suddenly increase before the final settlement.
  3. Made 50% advance payment.
  4. Paid the rest after the shipment and sale of part of the goods.

We have been working with our suppliers for more than a year, there have been no overlaps since the beginning of cooperation.

How is the sale of goods

We buy the first batch every year on February 12th. Valentine's Day is also captured. Take note, deciding how to make money on flowers on February 14th.

We advertise on Avito, Yulia and similar free bulletin boards on the Internet. Ours works well. People see not nouns, but an active online community, so they are loyal and willing to order flowers.

I will share a notable fail. We created a website, and incoming orders for tulips were sent to spam. We learned about this on the eve of International Women's Day. How much money has been lost… Advice: trust professionals to set up and launch the site.

As a result, ⅔ of the clients came from ad sites, and the rest from the VK group.

Retail sold from cars. We put our own cars in a passable place where it is convenient to park. Usually crossroads were chosen. From a permanent point in a residential area, the partner managed to sell up to 2500 tulips.

What varieties of tulips are better to take for sale

To reduce the risk of burnout, we take 4-5 flower varieties. The main part of our clients sells tulips from cars, there is not enough assortment. Therefore, we take what is available in the warehouse from the supplier. Here is the answer to the question, which flowers are best sold on March 8.

Over 50% of the batch was a red tulip, the rest of the flowers were of a different color. An extra-class variety measuring 40-70 cm in length, and a bud - from 3 to 6 centimeters. In order not to be left with one variety of tulips, when reselling, they tried to give 500 red flowers for every 1000.

Possible risks of sellers when trading flowers

No business is without risk, and selling flowers is no exception. What we had to deal with:

  • one client did not like the flowers bought from us in the amount of 10 thousand pieces, and he returned them back. They gave the money, but did not remain in the loser, reselling it with a profit of 80 thousand rubles;
  • the supplier did not have white tulips. The flowers did not have time to ripen, and there were a lot of people who wanted to buy them. I had to pick up in a nearby town.

Our friends, who also sell flowers in bulk, did not have time to sell about 5,000 tulips during the holidays. They managed to sell part of the remnants to flower shops, and the rest dispersed after the holiday. People bought as a gift for their bosses and just wanting to please their loved ones.

Do I need a permit to trade from the city administration

I will say right away that we did not apply for permission to sell flowers. So that the police do not guess, it is better not to mark the cars with price tags. Our girls walked around with posters, and tulips stood on the roof in boxes. Only a test purchase can reveal such a scheme.

For all the time of trading, they only received a fine once, and that one for parking in the wrong place. Why did it happen? If fined for illegal trade, you need to confiscate the goods. Perishable flowers cannot be preserved, and they do not want to get involved with this. Although now they have taken seriously entrepreneurs. they can reach out.

Additional channels for selling tulips

Until now, it has been possible to manage wholesale and direct sales. But considering flowers for March 8 as a business, it is better to try more channels. We did not have enough time to deliver tulips, and applications were received regularly. Let's decide something.

You can get a good margin by calling companies where a lot of women work - beauty salons, fitness clubs and the like.

They did not deliver to other cities. but customers came from there themselves and bought flowers from us.

Future plans based on sales this year

We will look for more suppliers and attract additional investors. The purchased flowers ended on the evening of March 7, at the same time unprocessed applications were found in spam on the site. They could earn 200-300 thousand more, but there was no time to search for new tulips.

Next year we are negotiating with suppliers from Moscow, where the flower is of good quality and cheaper than anywhere else. I have moved to the capital and am working on local channels for buying and selling flowers. Then the tulips will go in two directions - Yakutia and Novosibirsk.

I'll start with personal memories.

The scheme there is simple: you buy flowers in bulk somewhere, and then from your car on the street you sell flowers twice as expensive.

But this year I wanted to increase turnover and earn more, and in some other way.

And the idea came to me: “why not wholesale flowers?” The idea is cool, but my brain began to resist the unknown. After all, I have no office, no money, not to mention the tulips themselves.

I got stuck.

I called my friends, no one knows where to get flowers, and no one has that much money either.

I thought “well, figs with these flowers, so there are plenty of things to do” and with a clear conscience I forgot about them ”

Until one fine day, when I got a call on the phone, and the man asked: “Do you sell tulips? Will you have 10 thousand tulips? I'm ready to buy tomorrow

It turned out that my ads have been indexed since last year and are among the first in Yandex for the key queries “buy tulips in bulk”.

From that moment on, I started looking for flowers, I called a bunch of suppliers, everywhere you first need to make an advance payment in order to book flowers. And this is logical.

I came up with a solution: First, I take an advance payment from the client at a higher price, then I give it to the supplier and earn on the price difference. A good scheme, but there are pitfalls here, namely, buyers are afraid to give such large sums of money to no one knows where.

For these purposes, you need an office in which people work and the impression of a full-fledged company is created. I don't have it. You can not immediately take money from the client, but then you have to pay for the advance payment yourself, and the buyer can change his mind and buy elsewhere.

Again a hopeless situation.

I asked myself the questions “How to find a solution? What should be done?" I began to look for investments so that I could buy flowers and then sell them at a higher price. I found people who have a lot of money, but they are not interested in investing big money in such a risky business.

After several days of reflection, I met with my good friend - Cyril, I explained the situation to him, and together in the dining room we began to think about what to do.

It turned out that he just has an acquaintance Vadim, who has his own large holding. There are no accidents, I thought, and together we went to Vadim's office to negotiate.

Vadim turned out to be a kind person with an open soul. He let us use part of his office and loaned us money for working capital without further ado. And in an instant, we destroyed all the barriers that were previously insurmountable.

On March 4, we started our activities as Agrocomplex of Novosibirsk 😀 Then I placed additional ads and an incredible number of people began to call my phone, I redirected them all to the office.

A crowd of people began to gather near the office doors, we could no longer cope with all this flow of people.

Nerves were on edge. People came, demanded flowers, we could not keep up with all the promises. It was some kind of chaos.

The first time I celebrated my birthday was in the refrigerator of a cargo van: we spent most of the day loading flowers and the longest thing we had to do was cut the labels from the flowers, because it was impossible to let the wholesale buyers know where we get the flowers.

For several nights I could not sleep, I close my eyes, and the brain continues to think, before my eyes there are tulips and a van where they need to be loaded. Many times in my head there were thoughts to quit the whole idea and stop. But I did not do this, because the amount of 25,000 thousand rubles was constantly spinning in my head, this was my minimum goal.

This all continued until March 7, we fulfilled all the obligations that we assumed. However, the clients refused part of the flower, and before March 8, we had about 1600 tulips in our hands, not in the best shape and a pale lilac color that no one liked.

It turned out that, in fact, all these days we worked to earn money for these flowers, and now all our net profit hangs in them.

There were about 200 flowers left, which we then presented.

A friend of mine started with this mini. There is such a day in the year - March 8th. On this day, half the country like crazy buy flowers, alcohol and sweets. And the other part of the people thinks how to make money on it.

It is extremely difficult not to sell flowers on this day.

A few days before the holiday, you need to find flower shops on the Internet. Draw a rough map of the city. Determine where there are "empty" places. There will most likely be no empty places at all, you need to choose places where there are fewer flower shops, there will certainly be queues, and people really don’t like to stand in lines ... It’s also worth looking at places with high traffic: near large supermarkets, in the center cities, near markets.

When the seats are selected, you need to see them with your own eyes, try on where you can stand. In almost every city there are “illegal mini markets”, places where some people just stand regularly without any licenses and fees for a trading place. Most often, these are grandmothers: they sell clothes, seeds, flowers, honey ... Give preference to just such places, people in this area have already developed the habit of “buying here”.

Determine how much money you are willing to put into this business.

Select at least 10 flower shops, call them and find out at what price they are ready to give you flowers if you immediately take a batch from them for the amount of money available to you. Here it is worth being impudent, asking to throw off even more. Even if they refuse to shell out more, they certainly won't change their minds about selling at the regular price. Remember, they are actually very interested in selling as much as possible.

Then you need to find a small table that will serve as your counter. On day X we go to the intended place. From lunch to sunset there will be hands-on sales training.

The average retail price of a bouquet of flowers in Moscow is 500-1000 rubles. Let's say you manage to sell 10 bouquets with a markup of 100 rubles. Then your daily income will be 10,000 rubles. How much do you earn per day now?

You can dedicate your plans to friends who are also interested in the topic “own business”.

Together you can buy more flowers, which means you can get a big discount from the supplier. Earned money can go to other business projects.

The special charm of this real business idea is that one person will definitely be happy that day, it is a win-win. Either you will be satisfied with calculating the profit, or in the evening fill up your soulmate with unsold goods!

In our country, for milestones of people, March 8 is a women's holiday. However, there are people who manage on this day not only to congratulate their mother and wife, but also find ways to make good money. That is why we want to present to you today a few ideas regarding this last question.

Everyone probably knows that on this day the biggest rise is observed in flower sellers. Someone, perhaps, will not buy a gift, but he will definitely take flowers with him. What can you do, it's a tradition. And female psychology.

So let's start with flowers.

If you have decided to make money on a women's holiday, then you can fit in just in this niche. Despite the fact that the competition in the sale of flowers is simply huge, the probability of being left without income is extremely low. The fastest and most profitable option would be to place a couple of sellers along the entire length of the city.

You will not need to buy any special trays for this and hire professional sellers. I suggest you limit yourself to a few plastic buckets and a couple of retired grandmothers. They gladly agree to temporary jobs, and for little money. You can buy flowers from wholesalers, but if you take the flower business quite seriously and in advance, you can grow tulips in your basement or greenhouse. Well, this is the case if there is both a place and a time for this.

In addition to flowers, on the eve of the women's holiday, goods are in high demand, let's call them so, the women's group. What is included? Perfumes, cosmetics, personal care products, jewelry and bijouterie. But here, simply buying and selling is not a very interesting option. It takes a new, creative approach to an old business.

Any firm, enterprise, and even public catering necessarily congratulates its employees on the spring holiday - March 8th. For such an action, a strong part of the team, the director, or the administration allocates the necessary funds, appoints a person responsible for all operations. This person selects everything, purchases, packs and delivers gifts to work.

I doubt that it can bring a lot of pleasure to someone. In addition, often men are simply not very versed in what to give to their beloved women, well, but about not loved ones, I’d rather not say anything. Collective gifts sometimes turn out to be not only useless, but also stupid.

Take and put together several options for gift sets in various price categories. Include hygiene and beauty products for women in gifts. Well, for example, shower gel, shampoo, moisturizer for the skin. Absolutely every woman should use these funds. So such a gift would be appropriate for everyone without exception.

Create a beautiful color price list with descriptions and pictures. However, it would be better to make a purchase, make sets, and pack them beautifully. Use paper gift bags or transparent film for packaging. Visual familiarization is much more effective. Now act. Take the gifts you have prepared, think about a quality presentation and go to offices, businesses and firms to offer your services. You will already be guided by the place, with whom it would be better for you to cooperate - with the director or administrator.

Please note that all this must be done in advance, that is, in the month of February. Offer competent set-up, delivery on time, as well as an individual approach. You can also add postcards to gift sets, or, even better, make them personalized (Dear Galina Mikhailovna! Congratulations ...). Make 3-5 sets in different price ranges, as everyone has different needs and funding for such events. The success of such an idea will depend on your
diligence, business and oratory skills.

If you have acquired customers, then you should take care to fulfill and deliver their orders on time, in the exact quantity and according to the option they have chosen. If you provide quality services, you can count on further cooperation.

If you are not yet a cosmetics consultant for any firm, then become one. Often, it is either completely free or costs very little. In this way, you will have the opportunity to offer products to choose from catalogs. With the right approach - not just promoting the product, but also offering the same compilation of gift sets, you can make a good profit.

Now let's move on to packaging and balloons.

You can come up with a large number of options on the topic of making money on March 8 and other holidays, and with the right approach to them, it will be quite possible to earn money and not as difficult as it might seem. I suggest you create a gift wrapping point. Floral wrapping paper is beautiful on its own, but it is standard for all holidays except New Year's. You can also create a separate themed paper by March 8th.

You can use it at your packing point, or you can sell it to the same existing gift wrapping points. You can even print a photo on it under the order.

My beloved man congratulated one of my girlfriends on March 8, not like everyone else, with flowers, but with a beautiful bouquet of balloons. And she was satisfied and delighted. Congratulating a woman with balloons is unusual, cute, and most importantly, impressive. Well, what if these are not just balloons, but each one will have a congratulation, a compliment, or a declaration of love, huh?

I believe that the most pleasant method of making money is making money on human happiness and, of course, joy!


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