Psychological climate in the team. What is "psychological climate"? The concept of "psychological climate of the school" can be defined as a dynamic generalized. Presentation "Favorable psychological climate of the lesson ... Factors determining socio-psychological

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"Psychological climate in the team" Seminar-workshop Prepared by: Methodist tsvr Ericheva O.S.

"A favorable moral and psychological climate in the team is the basis for effective interaction between participants in the educational process"

The objectives of the seminar: To identify the features of the development of the psychological climate To determine the ways of forming the psychological climate in the team To promote team building

What is a team? A team is a kind of social community and a set of people interacting with each other in a certain way, aware of their belonging to this community and recognized as its members from the point of view of others.

Peculiarities of teaching staff Multi-functionality Self-management Collective nature of work Collective responsibility Predominantly female

What is the psychological climate? The psychological climate is the relatively stable psychological mood of its members that prevails in the team, manifesting itself in all diverse forms of activity.

"Tree of achievements of our team"

Factors influencing the formation of the psychological climate in the team



LEADING A TEAM The style of relationships between leaders and subordinates Unity of basic aspirations Listening technique Focus on understanding Acceptance Ability to persuade

PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF TEAM MEMBERS Personal opinion, mood, behavior Motives of mutual preferences: business, emotional Temperament Character Gender Emotional state. Will, motives

Assessment of the level of conflict 1 . In the teacher's room, an argument began in raised tones. What is your reaction? a- do not take part; b- I speak briefly in defense of the side that I consider right; c- I actively intervene, than “causing fire on myself”. 2. Do you speak at meetings to criticize management? a- no; b- only if I have good reasons for this; c- I criticize for any reason not only the authorities, but also those who defend them 3. Do you often argue with colleagues? a- only if people are not touchy; b - only on fundamental issues; c- disputes are my element 4. How do you react if someone gets in bypassing the queue? a- I am indignant in my soul; b- I make a remark; c- I go forward and begin to observe the order 5. An undersalted dish was served in the dining room. What is your reaction? a- I will not raise a fuss over trifles; b- silently take the salt shaker; c- I will not refrain from caustic remarks and, perhaps, defiantly refuse food ... 6. If you accidentally stepped on your foot ... a- I will look at the offender with indignation; b- dryly make a remark; c- I will express myself without embarrassment in expressions; c - I will make a scandal 7. If someone close bought a thing that you did not like ... a- I will not say anything; b- I will limit myself to a short tactful commentary; in - arrange a scandal. 8. Bad luck in the lottery. How will you react to this? a- I will try to seem indifferent; b- I will not hide my annoyance, but I will treat what happened with humor, promising to take revenge; - losing will spoil the mood for a long time.

Let's check ourselves: for answer A - 4 points; B - 2 points; B - 0 22-32 points - tactful peace-loving personalities, deftly avoid disputes and conflicts, avoid critical situations at work and at home. The saying "Plato is my friend, but the truth is dearer!" was never their motto. 12-20 points - are conflict people. But in fact, they only conflict if there is no other way out and other means have been exhausted. They firmly defend their opinion, not thinking about how this will affect your official position or friendly relations. At the same time, they do not go beyond the limits of correctness, they do not humiliate themselves to the point of insult. All this commands respect. Up to 10 points - disputes and conflicts are "air", without which they cannot live. They like to criticize others, but if they hear comments addressed to them, that is, they can “eat alive.” It is very difficult for those who are close to them. Their intemperance and rudeness repel people. They need to try to overcome their absurd nature.


Square Hard work, diligence, the need to bring the work begun to the end, perseverance, allowing you to achieve completion of the work - this is what true Squares are busy with. Endurance, patience and methodicalness usually make the Square a highly qualified specialist in his field. A square loves a once and for all routine; everything should be in its place and happen in its time. The ideal of the Square is a planned predictable life; he does not like surprises and changes in the usual course of events.

Rectangle A temporary form of personality that can be worn by other stable figures at certain periods of life. These are people who are not satisfied with the way of life that they lead now and therefore are busy looking for a better position. Therefore, the leading qualities of the Rectangle are curiosity, inquisitiveness, a keen interest in everything that happens and courage. They are open to new ideas, values, ways of thinking and living, they easily learn everything new.

Triangle This figure symbolizes leadership. The most characteristic feature of the true Triangle is the ability to concentrate on the main goal. Triangles are energetic, unstoppable, strong personalities who set clear goals and usually achieve them. They are ambitious and pragmatic, able to present to higher management the significance of their own work and the work of their subordinates.

Circle The most benevolent of the five figures. He has a high sensitivity, developed empathy - the ability to empathize, sympathize, emotionally respond to the experiences of another person. The circle feels someone else's joy and feels someone else's pain as their own. He is happy when everyone gets along with each other. Therefore, when the Circle has a conflict with someone, it is most likely that the Circle will give in first. He seeks to find common ground even in opposing points of view.

Zigzag Figure. symbolizing creativity. Combining completely different, dissimilar ideas and creating something new, original on this basis - that's what Zigzags like. They are never content with the ways in which things are done now or have been done in the past. Zigzag is the most enthusiastic, the most excitable of the five patterns. When he has a new and interesting idea, he is ready to tell it to the whole world. Zigzags are tireless preachers of their ideas and are able to captivate many.

Blue A person who chooses blue has a need either for emotional calm, peace, harmony, or there is a physiological need for rest, relaxation and the opportunity to recuperate. Anyone who prefers blue is looking for a calm and quiet environment, devoid of trouble and unrest.

Green A person who chooses green wants to increase confidence in their worth by persistently asserting their rights, claims, their superiority, firmly holding on to their self-image or expecting recognition from other people, respect, wants to impress.

Red Red is momentum, the will to win, and all forms of life energy and strength. This is an impulse to active action, struggle, rivalry. Anyone who chooses the color red wants his activity to bring him the whole range of experiences and a sense of the fullness of being.

Yellow A person who chooses yellow speaks of a desire to be free and hope for or expectation of greater happiness and implies some minor or major conflict that needs to be dealt with. Yellow is aimed forward, towards the new, modern, developing.

Violet A person who chooses the color purple seeks approval and recognition for his charm and charm, his delightful manners and other wonderful qualities. He is impressionable and subtle in his assessments, but does not want personal relationships to burden him with excessive responsibility.

The black man, who prefers black, wants to give up everything because of a stubborn protest against the status quo, in which it seems to him that everything is not as it should be. He rebels against Doom or his destiny, and tends to act recklessly in doing so. Black is the transitional state of man.

Gray A person who chooses gray wants to fence himself off from everything with a wall in order to remain free from any obligations. Such a person is not inclined to activity, he isolates himself from direct participation in what he has to do, he does everything mechanically, mechanically.

Brown A person who chooses brown has an increased need for physical peace and sensory satisfaction, a need to get rid of a situation that causes a feeling of discomfort. Such a situation can be a danger, a real physical illness, the presence of problems that a person considers himself unable to cope with.

1. In the teacher's room, a dispute began in raised tones. What is your reaction? a- do not take part; b- I speak briefly in defense of the side that I consider right; c- I actively intervene, than “causing fire on myself”. 2. Do you speak at meetings to criticize management? a- no; b- only if I have good reasons for this; c- I criticize for any reason not only the authorities, but also those who defend them 3. Do you often argue with colleagues? a- only if people are not touchy; b - only on fundamental issues; c- disputes are my element 4. How do you react if someone gets in bypassing the queue? a- I am indignant in my soul; b- I make a remark; c- I go forward and begin to observe the order 5. An undersalted dish was served in the dining room. What is your reaction? a- I will not raise a fuss over trifles; b- silently take the salt shaker; c- I will not refrain from caustic remarks and, perhaps, defiantly refuse food ... 6. If you accidentally stepped on your foot ... a- I will look at the offender with indignation; b- dryly make a remark; c- I will express myself without embarrassment in expressions; c - I will make a scandal 7. If someone close bought a thing that you did not like ... a- I will not say anything; b- I will limit myself to a short tactful commentary; in - arrange a scandal. 8. Bad luck in the lottery. How will you react to this? a- I will try to seem indifferent; b- I will not hide my annoyance, but I will treat what happened with humor, promising to take revenge; - losing will spoil the mood for a long time.

Surgut State Pedagogical University

Department of Developmental Psychology

Socio-psychological climate in the group


Fedchenko Tatiana,

group 343, FIA


Mishankina N.A.,


Surgut 2005


The concept of "socio-psychological climate"……………………….3

The essence of the socio-psychological climate……………………...5

Factors in the formation of the socio-psychological climate……...8

Indicators of the socio-psychological climate…………………...10

Used literature……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

The concept of "socio-psychological climate".

A favorable socio-psychological climate is a condition for increasing labor productivity, employee satisfaction with work and the team. The socio-psychological climate arises spontaneously. But a good climate is not a simple consequence of the proclaimed mottos and efforts of individual leaders. It is the result of systematic educational work with team members, the implementation of special events aimed at organizing relations between leaders and subordinates. The formation and improvement of the socio-psychological climate is a constant practical task for leaders of any rank. Creating a favorable climate is not only a responsible, but also a creative matter, requiring knowledge of its nature and means of regulation, the ability to foresee probable situations in the relationships between members of the team. The formation of a good socio-psychological climate requires, especially from leaders and psychologists, an understanding of the psychology of people, their emotional state, mood, emotional experiences, worries, relationships with each other.

In psychology, the concept of "climate" came from meteorology and geography. Now it is an established concept that characterizes the invisible, subtle, delicate, psychological side of relationships between people. In domestic social psychology, for the first time, the term "psychological climate" was used by N.S. Mansurov, who studied production teams. One of the first to reveal the content of the socio-psychological climate V.M. Shepel. Psychological climate- this is the emotional coloring of the psychological ties of the members of the team, arising on the basis of their closeness, sympathy, coincidence of characters, interests, inclinations. He believed that the climate of relations between people consists of three climatic zones. First climate zone- the social climate, which is determined by the extent to which the goals and objectives of society are realized in this team, how much the observance of all constitutional rights and obligations of workers as citizens is guaranteed here. Second climate zone- the moral climate, which is determined by what moral values ​​in this team are accepted. The third climatic zone is the psychological climate, those informal relationships that develop between workers who are in direct contact with each other. The psychological climate is the climate, the zone of action of which is much more local than the social and moral climate.

In general, this phenomenon is usually called the socio-psychological climate of the team. When studying it, the attention of scientists focuses on three main questions:

what is the essence of the socio-psychological climate?

What factors influence its formation?

What indicators can be used to assess the state of the climate?

The essence of the socio-psychological climate.

In domestic psychology, there have been 4 main approaches to understanding the nature of the socio-psychological climate.

Representatives of the first approach (L.P. Bueva, E.S. Kuzmin) consider climate as a socio-psychological phenomenon, as a state of collective consciousness. Climate is a reflection in the minds of people of a complex of phenomena related to their relationships, working conditions, and methods of stimulating it. Under the socio-psychological climate it is necessary to understand such a socio-psychological state of the primary labor collective, which reflects the nature, content and direction of the real psychology of the members of the collective.

Proponents of the second approach (A.A. Rusalinova, A.N. Lutoshkin) emphasize that the essential characteristic of the socio-psychological climate is the general emotional and psychological mood of the team. Climate is the mood of a group of people.

The authors of the third approach (V.M. Shepel, V.A. Pokrovsky) analyze the socio-psychological climate through the style of relationships between people who are in direct contact with each other. In the process of climate formation, a system of interpersonal relations is formed that determines the social and psychological well-being of each member of the team.

The creators of the fourth approach (V.V. Kosolapov, A.N. Shcherban) define the climate in terms of social and psychological compatibility of team members, their moral and psychological unity, cohesion, the presence of common opinions, customs and traditions.

When studying the climate, it is necessary to keep in mind 2 of its levels:

The first level is static, relatively constant. This is a stable relationship between team members, their interest in work and work colleagues. At this level, the socio-psychological climate is understood as a stable, fairly stable state of the team, which, once formed, is able not to collapse for a long time and retain its essence, despite the difficulties that the team faces. From this point of view, it is rather difficult to form a favorable climate in teams, but at the same time it is easier to maintain it at a certain level, already formed earlier.

The second level is dynamic, changing, fluctuating. This is the daily mood of workers in the process of work, their psychological mood. This level is described by the concept of "psychological atmosphere". In contrast to the socio-psychological climate, the psychological atmosphere is characterized by faster temporal changes and is less recognized by people. Changes in the psychological atmosphere affect the mood and performance of the individual during the working day. Climate change is always more pronounced, noticeable, they are realized and experienced by people more acutely; most often a person manages to adapt to them.

Many psychologists argue that the socio-psychological climate is the state of the psychology of the work collective as a whole, which integrates private group states. Climate is not the sum of group states, but their integral.

Factors in the formation of the socio-psychological climate.

The formation of the socio-psychological climate is influenced by a number of factors of the macro- and microenvironment.

Macro environmental factors- this is the social background on which people's relations are built and developed. These factors include: the socio-political situation in the country, the economic situation in society, the standard of living of the population, the organization of life of the population, socio-demographic factors, regional factors and ethnic factors.

Microenvironment factors - it is the material and spiritual environment of the individual in the work collective. Microfactors include:

objective - a complex of technical, sanitary and hygienic, organizational elements.

subjective - the nature of official and organizational ties between members of the team, the presence of friendly contacts, cooperation, mutual assistance, leadership style.

A favorable climate is experienced by every person as a state of satisfaction with relationships with workmates, managers, their work, its process and results. This improves the mood of a person, his creative potential, positively affects the desire to work in this team, to use their creative and physical powers for the benefit of people around them.

An unfavorable climate is individually experienced as dissatisfaction with relationships in the team, with leaders, conditions and content of work. This affects the mood of a person, his performance and activity, his health.

Indicators of the socio-psychological climate.

The socio-psychological climate as an integral state of the team includes a whole range of different characteristics. Therefore, it cannot be measured by any one indicator. A certain system of indicators has been developed, on the basis of which it is possible to assess the level and state of the socio-psychological climate.

Characteristics of a favorable socio-psychological climate:

The team is dominated by a cheerful, cheerful tone of relationships between employees, optimism in the mood; relations are based on the principles of cooperation, mutual assistance, goodwill; team members like to participate in joint activities, spend their free time together; approval and support prevail in relations, criticism is expressed with good wishes.

There are norms of a fair and respectful attitude towards all its members in the team, here they always support the weak, advocate for them, help newcomers.

The team highly appreciates such personality traits as adherence to principles, honesty, diligence and disinterestedness.

The members of the team are active, full of energy, they quickly respond if it is necessary to do something useful for everyone, and achieve high performance in work and professional activities.

The successes or failures of individual members of the team cause empathy and sincere participation of all members of the team.

In relations between groupings within the team there is mutual disposition, understanding, cooperation.

Characteristics of an unfavorable socio-psychological climate:

The team is dominated by a depressed mood, pessimism, there are conflicts, aggressiveness, antipathy of people to each other, there is rivalry; members of the team show a negative attitude towards a closer relationship with each other; critical remarks are in the nature of explicit or hidden attacks, people allow themselves to belittle the personality of another, everyone considers his own tz. main and intolerant of the opinions of others.

There are no norms of justice and equality in relationships in the team, it is noticeably divided into “privileged” and “neglected”, here the weak are contemptuously treated, they are often ridiculed, newcomers feel superfluous, strangers, they are often hostile.

Such personality traits as adherence to principles, honesty, diligence, disinterestedness, are not held in high esteem.

The members of the collective are inert, passive, some tend to isolate themselves from the rest, it is impossible to raise the collective to a common cause.

The successes or failures of one leave the other members of the team indifferent, and sometimes cause unhealthy envy or gloating.

In the team there are conflicting groups that refuse to participate in joint activities.

In difficult cases, the team is not able to unite, confusion, quarrels, mutual accusations arise; the collective is closed and does not seek to cooperate with other collectives.

To study the psychological climate in the group, certain techniques are used aimed at:

determination of the informal structure of the group, identification of the leader and his role in the group;

determination of the level of development of the group, socio-psychological correction of group processes and states;

determination of the causes of conflicts in the group and the use of socio-psychological methods for their constructive resolution;

correction of the formal and informal structure of the group (for example, through the re-election of a formal leader);

socio-psychological correction of relationships in the team (conducting socio-psychological trainings and psychological consultations).

So, it can be concluded that socio-psychological climate is the integral of more particular group states. It does not arise spontaneously, but is the result of the efforts of many people - leaders and members of the team.


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Kolominsky Ya.L. Psychology of relationships in small groups: Proc. allowance - 2nd ed., add. - Minsk: TetraSystems, 2000.

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Favorable psychological climate of the lesson as a condition for the successful assimilation of knowledge and the formation of students' skills and abilities Kuklina L.I., educational psychologist, MBOU "Secondary School No. 29", Norilsk The participating states take all necessary measures to ensure that school discipline is maintained with using methods that respect the human dignity of the child and in accordance with this Convention. Clause 2.1 The availability of quality education means state guarantees: education in conditions that guarantee the protection of the rights of the individual student in the educational process, his psychological and physical safety. Criteria of psychological safety Safe environment Atmosphere of psychological comfort, which is both developing and psycho-correctional, because barriers disappear in this atmosphere, psychological protection is removed, energy is spent not on anxiety or struggle, but on learning activities, on producing ideas, on creativity (including including the successful formation of knowledge, skills and abilities). K - O -M -F -O -R -T - support, strengthening (N.M. Shansky's dictionary) Household amenities (Ozhegov's dictionary) Living conditions under which the child feels calm, without the need to defend himself (dictionary of psychological terms) Rationale topics In today's world, the child does not feel safe and comfortable Which means: is constantly in a protective position; Substantiation of the topic 2. Negative trends in the educational process are intensifying: a drop in interest in knowledge, a decrease in cognitive activity, skipping lessons by students, which can adversely affect the assimilation of knowledge and the formation of skills and abilities of students Substantiation of the topic 3. The constant state of increased anxiety of students in the classroom and, as a result, their nervous breakdowns can negatively affect the assimilation of knowledge and the formation of students' skills. Substantiation of the topic 4. Problem: in the absence of a favorable psychological climate, the school will not be able to successfully solve the tasks set and fulfill its mission (in particular, the formation of ZUNs). Substantiation of the topic What is the state of the psychological climate in the classroom today? What can we do to ensure that the school successfully forms the ZUN of students? Psychological climate In the pedagogical literature, the psychological climate of a lesson is understood as: Friendly unity in the “teacher-student” system Manifestation of inner, confident calmness, constant cheerfulness of children, their readiness for action. The presence of self-esteem in each student; Security of all members of the student team. Not a single student should feel isolated and defenseless; Reasonable and useful activity of everyone in the lesson; The ability to be restrained in movements, words. Research in Russian schools Research has shown that the teacher's position in the lesson, his behavior and communication style seriously affect the climate of the lesson, the attitude of students to the subject being studied. The word of the teacher is of particular importance. More A.S. Makarenko said, addressing the teachers: "... You need to be able to say so that they (students) in your word feel your will, your culture, your personality." At the same time, he noted that this should be learned. Mastering the culture of the word is an integral component of teacher training and his professional development. This aspect of teaching is the most difficult, and requires a sober self-assessment from the teacher. Research in Russian schools A survey of three thousand teenagers showed that only 42% of students in a situation of choice would remain in their educational institution; 48% answered that they do not care where to study. Every tenth responded that he would gladly change the educational institution. The data obtained indicate that less than half of the students experience psychological comfort in the learning process, more than half experience indifference to the educational institution, and a tenth of them feel discomfort. Analysis of the psychological comfort of students The teacher is friendly, tactful, attentive to all students. The teacher is fair and objective in assessing the knowledge and skills of students. The student feels support from the teacher, his respect for himself. The teacher creates an atmosphere of trust, psychological safety in the classroom. flexible in communication, easily notices and resolves problems, is capable of compromise. The teacher is always calm, proceeds from the value of the personality of each student, respects the dignity of the student, is supportive. Analysis of the psychological comfort of students If you fully agree with the statement, then put the number 5. If you are not quite sure, i. think that “this is most likely true”, put the number 4. If you find it difficult to answer, put the number 3. If you think that “this is most likely not so”, put the number 2. If you do not agree with with the statement, put the number 1. Analysis of the psychological comfort of students in grades 10-11 * * Conflict is a clash of oppositely directed goals, interests, positions, opinions and views of people. At the heart of any conflict is a situation that includes either conflicting positions of the parties on any occasion, or opposite goals and means of achieving them in given circumstances, or a mismatch of interests and desires of partners. * All pedagogical conflicts can be divided into three groups: Motivational Associated with shortcomings in the organization of training Interaction conflict Emotional burnout Causes of "emotional burnout" 1. Excessive overload, too much work, excessive responsibility.2. Attitude to business: excessive demands on oneself, fear of making a mistake, not meeting the requirements.3. The feeling that we are underestimated and the inability to change the state of affairs.4. Communication only with colleagues at work, both at work and outside it.5. Detachment from the social life of the team. Factors contributing to a favorable psychological climate: A favorable climate in the classroom depends on many factors: The teacher must enter the class with a good cheerful mood and be able to set himself up for a cheerful parallel with children. In general, the teacher should have an inherent desire and desire to communicate with children in a benevolent form. It must be remembered that any emotional state can be expressed in a delicate form. The teacher must be well aware of the age-related psychological characteristics of students, and also develop pedagogical or any other situation in the classroom. Factors contributing to a favorable psychological climate: Excessive reward or punishment is harmful. Approval and encouragement are perceived differently by different students Education and upbringing should be built without punishment and shouts call. Make sure everything is ready for the lesson. Strive for an organized start to the lesson. Factors contributing to a favorable psychological climate: Do not waste time looking for a page of your subject in a magazine, bookmark it in advance. Start the lesson vigorously. Don't ask questions about someone who didn't do their homework. Lead the lesson in such a way that each student is busy from the beginning to the end. Engage students in the content of the material, control the pace of the lesson, help the "weak" believe in themselves. Keep an eye on the whole group. Especially watch out for those whose attention is unstable. Prevent immediately attempts to break the working rhythm. Address more often with questions to those who can be distracted in the lesson. Motivate the assessment of knowledge. The student should know what else he needs to work on. This will teach disciplined work. He will get used to the fact that the instructions of the teacher must be followed. Factors contributing to a favorable psychological climate: Finish the lesson with a general assessment of the work of the group and individual children. Let everyone experience a sense of satisfaction from the results of labor in the lesson. Try to notice the positive in the work of unruly children, but do it not too often. End the lesson with a bell. Refrain from unnecessary remarks. Do not allow conflicts with the class, and if it arises, do not drag it out, look for reasonable ways to resolve it. Remember the words of N.A. Dobrolyubov that a fair teacher is a teacher whose actions are justified in the eyes of students. Psychological comfort Will not teach me anything That which pokes, talks, bugsBoris Slutsky Personal approach in education The student is the main object of the teacher's careEducation and teaching without respect for the student is suppressionA school is good if it is good for every student From the set of teachers' rules Smile! Manage to be happy and beautiful! Be patient! Inspire everyone to believe in yourself. Learn to create a situation of success. Teach the guys to give joy to people, give a piece of their heart to every business. Experience the joy of learning together, and make failures a start for new work. Appreciate every moment of being together. Together with children, rejoice in beauty: sunrise and sunset, the artist’s painting, the voices of birds, be amazed at the happiness of the gift of life. Thank you dear teacher!!! We know and we can!!! We are successful!!!

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