Rating of the deadliest drones. Attack UAVs of the USA - the present and the future Unmanned aircraft

Nowadays, many developing countries allocate a lot of money from the budget for the improvement and development of new types of UAVs - unmanned aerial vehicles. In the theater of operations, it was not uncommon for cases when, when solving a combat or training task, the command preferred a digital machine rather than a pilot. And there were a number of good reasons for this. First, it is the continuity of work. Drones are able to perform a task for up to 24 hours without a break for rest and sleep - integral elements of human needs. Secondly, it's endurance.

The drone works almost smoothly, in conditions of high overloads, and where the human body is simply unable to withstand 9G overloads, the drone can continue to work. Well, and thirdly, this is the absence of a human factor and the performance of the task according to the program embedded in the computer complex. Only the operator who enters information to complete the mission can make a mistake - robots do not make mistakes.

History of UAV development

Man has long been visited by the idea of ​​creating such a machine, which could, without harm to oneself, be controlled from a distance. 30 years after the first flight of the Wright brothers, this idea became a reality, and in 1933 a special remote-controlled aircraft was built in the UK.

The first drone to take part in the battles was . It was a radio-controlled rocket with a jet engine. It was equipped with an autopilot, into which the German operators entered information about the upcoming flight. During the years of the Second World War, this missile successfully completed about 20,000 sorties, inflicting air strikes on important strategic and civilian targets in Great Britain.

After the end of World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union, in the course of growing mutual claims to each other, which became a springboard for the start of the Cold War, began to allocate huge amounts of money from the budget for the development of unmanned aerial vehicles.

So, during the conduct of hostilities in Vietnam, both sides actively used UAVs to solve various combat missions. Radio-controlled vehicles took aerial photographs, carried out radar reconnaissance and were used as repeaters.

In 1978, there was a real breakthrough in the history of the development of drones. IAI Scout was introduced by Israeli military representatives and became the first combat UAV in history.

And in 1982, during the war in Libya, this drone almost completely destroyed the Syrian air defense system. During the conduct of those hostilities, the Syrian army lost 19 anti-aircraft batteries and 85 aircraft were destroyed.

After these events, the Americans began to pay maximum attention to the development of drones, and in the 90s they became world leaders in the use of unmanned aerial vehicles.

Drones were actively used in 1991 during the "Desert Storm", as well as during military operations in Yugoslavia in 1999. Now the US Army is armed with about 8.5 thousand radio-controlled drones, and these are mainly small-sized UAVs for reconnaissance missions in the interests of the ground forces.

Design features

Since the invention of the target drone by the British, science has taken a huge step forward in the development of remote-controlled flying robots. Modern drones have a large range and flight speed.

This is mainly due to the rigid fixation of the wing, the power of the engine built into the robot and the fuel used, of course. There are also battery-powered drones, but they are not able to compete in range with fuel-powered ones, at least not yet.

Gliders and convertiplanes were widely used in reconnaissance operations. The first ones are quite simple to manufacture and do not require large financial investments, and in some samples the design does not provide for an engine.

A distinctive feature of the second is that its takeoff is based on helicopter thrust, while when maneuvering in the air, these drones use aircraft wings.

Tailsiggers are robots that developers have endowed with the ability to change flight profiles while directly in the air. This happens due to the rotation of either the entire or part of the structure in a vertical plane. There are also wired drones and drone piloting is carried out by transmitting control commands to its board through a connected cable.

There are drones that differ from the rest in a set of their non-standard functions or functions performed in an unusual style. These are exotic UAVs, and some of them can easily land on the water or gain a foothold on a vertical surface like a sticky fish.

UAVs based on a helicopter design also differ from each other in their functions and tasks. There are devices with both one screw and several - such drones are called quadrocopters, and they are used mainly for “civilian” purposes.

They have 2, 4, 6 or 8 screws, in pairs and symmetrically located from the longitudinal axis of the robot, and the more of them, the better the UAV is stable in the air, and it is much better controlled.

What are drones

In unmanned UAVs, a person takes part only when launching and entering flight parameters before taking off the drone. As a rule, these are low-cost drones that do not require special operator training and special landing sites for their operation.

Remotely controlled drones provide for their flight path correction, and automatic robots perform the task completely autonomously. The success of the mission here depends on the accuracy and correctness of the introduction of pre-flight parameters by the operator into a stationary computer complex located on the ground.

The weight of micro devices is no more than 10 kg, and they can stay in the air for no more than an hour, the drones of the mini group weigh up to 50 kg, and are able to perform the task for 3 ... work is 15 hours. As for heavy UAVs that weigh more than a ton, these drones can fly continuously for more than 24 hours, and some of them are capable of intercontinental flights.

Foreign drones

One of the directions in the development of UAVs is to reduce their dimensions without significant damage to the technical characteristics. The Norwegian company Prox Dynamics has developed a helicopter-type micro drone PD-100 Black Hornet.

This drone can operate for about a quarter of an hour at a distance of up to 1 km. This robot is used as an individual reconnaissance means of a soldier and is equipped with three video cameras. Used by some regular US units in Afghanistan since 2012.

The most common U.S. Army drone is the RKyu-11 Raven. It is launched from the hand of a soldier and does not require a special platform for its landing, it can fly both in automatic mode and under the control of an operator.

This light drone is used by US soldiers to solve short-range reconnaissance tasks at the company level.

Heavier UAVs of the American army are RKyu-7 Shadow and RKyu-5 Hunter. Both samples are intended for the production of reconnaissance at the brigade level.

The uninterrupted operating time in the air of these drones differs significantly from lighter samples. There are multiple modifications of them, some of which include the function of hanging small guided bombs weighing up to 5.4 kg on them.

MKyu-1 Predator is the most famous American drone. Initially, its main task, like many other samples, was reconnaissance. But soon, in 2000, manufacturers made a number of modifications to its design, allowing it to perform combat missions related to the direct destruction of targets.

In addition to suspended missiles (Hellfire-S, created specifically for this drone in 2001), three video cameras, an infrared system and its own airborne radar station are installed on board the robot. Now there are several modifications of the MKyu-1 Predator to perform tasks of a very different nature.

In 2007, another strike UAV appeared - the American MKyu-9 Reaper. Compared to the MKyu-1 Predator, its flight duration was much higher, and in addition to missiles, it could carry guided bombs on board and had more modern radio electronics.

Type of UAVMKyu-1 PredatorMKyu-9 Reaper
Length, m8.5 11
Speed, km/hup to 215up to 400
Weight, kg1030 4800
Wingspan, m15 20
Flight range, km750 5900
Power plant, enginepistonturboprop
Working time, hup to 4016-28
up to 4 Hellfire-S missilesbombs up to 1700 kg
Practical ceiling, km7.9 15

The largest UAV in the world is considered to be the RKyu-4 Global Hawk. In 1998, he took to the air for the first time and to this day performs reconnaissance missions.

This drone is the first robot in history that can use the airspace and air corridors of the United States without the permission of the air traffic control authority.

Domestic UAVs

Russian drones are conditionally divided into the following categories

The Eleon-ZSV UAV belongs to the short-range devices, it is quite simple to operate and easy to carry in a shoulder bag. The drone is launched manually with a tourniquet or compressed air from a pump.

Capable of conducting reconnaissance and transmitting information via a digital video channel at a distance of up to 25 km. Eleon-10V is similar in design and operation rules to the previous device. Their main difference is the increase in flight range up to 50 km.

The landing process of these UAVs is carried out with the help of special parachutes, which are thrown out when the drone develops its battery charge.

Flight-D (Tu-243) is a reconnaissance and strike drone capable of carrying aircraft weapons weighing up to 1 ton. The device, produced by the Tupolev Design Bureau, made its first flight in 1987.

Since then, the drone has undergone numerous improvements, including an improved flight and navigation system, new radar reconnaissance devices, and a competitive optical system.

Irkut-200 is more of an attack drone. And in it, first of all, the high autonomy of the device and the small mass are appreciated, thanks to which flights lasting up to 12 hours can be carried out. The UAV lands on a specially equipped platform with a length of about 250 m.

Type of UAVFlight-D (Tu-243)Irkut-200
Length, m8.3 4.5
Weight, kg1400 200
Power pointturbojet engineICE with a capacity of 60 liters. With.
Speed, km/h940 210
Flight range, km360 200
Working time, h8 12
Practical ceiling, km5 5

Skat is a new generation heavy long-range UAV developed by MiG Design Bureau. This drone will be invisible to enemy radars, thanks to the hull assembly scheme, which excludes the tail.

The task of this drone is to deliver accurate missile and bomb strikes against ground targets, such as anti-aircraft batteries of the air defense forces or stationary command posts. As conceived by the developers of the UAV, the Skat will be able to perform tasks both autonomously and as part of an aircraft flight.

Length, m10,25
Speed, km/h900
Weight, t10
Wingspan, m11,5
Flight range, km4000
Power pointDouble-circuit turbojet engine
Working time, h36
Adjustable bombs 250 and 500 kg.
Practical ceiling, km12

Disadvantages of unmanned aerial vehicles

One of the drawbacks of the UAV is the difficulty in piloting it. So, an ordinary private who has not completed a course of special training and does not know certain subtleties when using the operator's computer complex cannot approach the control panel.

Another significant drawback is the difficulty of searching for drones after they land with the help of parachutes. Because some models, when the battery charge is close to critical, may give incorrect data about their location.

To this we can add the sensitivity of some models to the wind, due to the ease of construction.

Some drones can fly to high altitudes, and in some cases, occupying the height of one or another drone requires permission from the air traffic control authority, which can significantly complicate the task by a certain date, because priority in the airspace is given to ships under the control of the pilot, and not operator.

The use of UAVs for civilian purposes

Drones have found their calling not only on the battlefields or in the course of military operations. Now drones are actively used for quite peaceful purposes of citizens in urban environments, and even in some branches of agriculture they have found application.

So some courier services use helicopter-powered robots to deliver a wide variety of goods to their customers. With the help of drones, aerial photography is carried out by many photographers when organizing special events.

And also they were adopted by some detective agencies.


Unmanned aerial vehicles are a significant new word in the age of rapidly developing technologies. Robots keep up with the times, cover not only one direction, but develop in several at once.

But still, despite the models that are still far from ideal, by human standards, in the field of errors or flight ranges, UAVs have one huge and undeniable plus. Drones have saved hundreds of human lives during their use, and this is worth a lot.


Unmanned aircraft: terminology, classification, current state Fetisov Vladimir Stanislavovich

3.2. The current state of Russian unmanned aircraft

Despite the achievements of the Soviet period, now the development of UAVs in Russia lags far behind similar programs of NATO countries. The chronic underfunding (and often simply closure) of many BAS development projects in the 1990s led to the fact that many qualified specialists left the industry, and the experience gained over the years was lost. The specific technologies used in the creation of UAVs have practically not been developed (especially in the field of control systems). At the same time, the need for the development of unmanned aircraft began to be felt more and more acutely. Thus, as a result of the military conflict between Russia and Georgia in August 2008, it became obvious that the armament of the Russian army is largely outdated and, in particular, it lacks modern reconnaissance drones. The urgent measures taken to improve the situation did not give the desired result - the absence of any strategy for the development of BAS, poor funding, and simply a long neglect of the industry affected. As a result, the investment in the 2000s of budget money aimed at the development of new UAVs turned out to be very inefficient. According to reports, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation spent 5 billion rubles on the development of the UAV. On April 7, 2010, Colonel-General Vladimir Popovkin, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, told the press that these investments did not bring the desired result: "Last year we tested all the unmanned aerial vehicles presented by the Russian industry. None of them passed the test program." In this regard, in 2010, the Russian Defense Ministry ordered from the Israeli company Israel Airspace Industry 3 types of reconnaissance unmanned aircraft (small and medium class) for the needs of its army. The total number of devices is 63 units. Types of purchased UAVs:

– Bird-Eye 400;

– Searcher Mkll.

In 2011, the work of the Ministry of Defense on the acquisition of UAVs was carried out in parallel with both domestic industrial enterprises and foreign companies. For example, in Kubinka near Moscow, Israeli specialists completed the training of Russian operators and technicians (Fig. 3.18). In the fall, foreign drones were used in the large-scale operational-strategic exercises Center-2011. Israeli Searcher Mkll systems received good reviews not only from military operators, but also from a number of representatives of the domestic industry. Many experts, in particular, noted their good maturity as complexes.

Rice. 3.18. UAV Searcher Mk II in Kubinka

In parallel with the operation of Israeli UAVs in the Russian Armed Forces in 2011, a project was being implemented to organize the assembly production of these systems in our country. The corresponding agreement was signed by the leadership of the Israeli company IAI and the Russian OPK Oboronprom. The contract is valued at approximately $400 million. During the year, assembly production was deployed at the Ural Civil Aviation Plant (UZGA) in Yekaterinburg (Fig. 3.19). Already at the MAKS-2011 air show, one could see the Searcher Mkll UAV of the Russian assembly called "Forpost" (Fig. 3.20).

Rice. 3.19. Assembly of licensed UAVs in the UZGA workshop (Yekaterinburg)

Rice. 3.20. UAV Searcher Mk II "Outpost" at the air show MAKS-2011

The positive experience of entering the Russian market for IAI served as a kind of signal for other Israeli developers of unmanned systems. In particular, in 2011, BlueBird Aero Systems and Innocon opened representative offices in Russia.

The development of military-technical cooperation in the field of unmanned vehicles has not bypassed helicopter systems. Back in early 2011, it became known about the contacts of the Rostov company Horizont with the Austrian company Schiebel, which created one of the most commercially successful unmanned systems Camcopter S-100. During the Paris air show Le Bourget 2011, the head of the Horizont company, Igor Khokhlov, announced that an assembly plant for Camcopter UAVs would be created in our country. In confirmation of this, the Russian-Austrian drone could be seen on the stand and on the open area of ​​the Horizont company at the Naval Show in St. Petersburg in 2013 (Fig. 3.21). Due to its high reliability, Camcopter was certified in Russia in a fairly short period of time. The S-100 devices have been tested in real conditions on an icebreaker in the Baltic Sea and since 2012 on a Rubin-class border ship of project 22460, which showed the possibility of using a ship-based unmanned helicopter complex.

Rice. 3.21. UAV S-100, manufactured by the Horizont company (Rostov-on-Don) under the license of the Austrian company Schiebel

However, it is obvious that imported technologies cannot form the basis for the production of our unmanned aerial systems for a long time. This can only be allowed as a temporary forced solution. Therefore, in parallel with the purchase of imported equipment and the organization of licensed assembly, tenders were announced in 2009-2011, as a result of which a number of Russian firms received contracts for research and development work to create new types of purely Russian UAVs.

Until 2011, the Russian Air Force had two special UAV regiments, a research squadron, and a UAV combat use center in Yegorievsk, Moscow Region. According to the instructions of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, from September 1, 2011, units and subunits of unmanned aircraft were excluded from the Air Force and transferred to the Ground Forces. Therefore, today the main consumer of this type of weapon is the Ground Forces. This does not apply to UAVs of the HALE and MALE classes, which will continue to be ordered and used by the Air Force. But so far there are practically no such devices in service.

In 2013, of the domestic UAVs in service with the Russian army were:

– Bee- 1T;

– ZALA 421-08;

- Orlan-10.

The first two of the listed UAVs are described above. The other two are short-range UAVs.

This is an ultra-small unmanned aerial vehicle. Designed for observation, target designation, fire adjustment, damage assessment. Effective in conducting aerial and video shooting at a short distance. Produced by the Izhevsk company "ZALA AERO GROUP".

The ZALA 421-08 UAV is designed according to the "flying wing" aerodynamic scheme (Fig. 3.22) and consists of a glider with an automatic control system for the autopilot, controls and a power plant, an onboard power system, a parachute landing system and removable payload units. Runs ZALA 421-08 from the hands. Landing method - automatically with a parachute.

Rice. 3.22. UAV ZALA 421-08

This easy-to-operate UAV receives and transmits in real time high-quality photo, video and thermal imaging information on the study area (Fig. 3.23). The model compares favorably with low acoustic and visual visibility, reliability and the best target loads in its class. The aircraft does not require a specially prepared runway. The small dimensions of the device reduced the time of preparing the entire complex for operation to 5 minutes. The aircraft flies day and night under various, even the most severe, weather conditions.

The performance characteristics of ZALA 421-08:

– range of video / radio channel: 15 km / 25 km;

– flight duration: 80 min;

– wingspan: 810 mm;

- maximum flight altitude: 3600 m;

– engine type: Electric pulling;

– speed: 65-120 km/h;

- maximum takeoff weight: 2.5 kg;

- mass of the target load: 300 g;

– navigation: INS with GPS/GLONASS correction, radio rangefinder;

– operating temperature range: -30°С…+40°С.

Rice. 3.23. ZALA ground station

Intelligence complex with UAV "Orlan-10"

"Orlan-10" (Fig. 3.24) is a multifunctional unmanned system designed to monitor extended and local objects in hard-to-reach areas, including during search and repair work. Developed by the enterprise "Special Technology Center" (St. Petersburg).

The complex includes operator workplaces, equipment for radio control and data transmission channels, equipment for maintenance and launch of the UAV, a 1 kW gas generator to ensure autonomous operation. The control point of the UAV "Orlan-Yu" has the ability to control up to 4 UAVs from one control point. If necessary, with the help of the complex it is possible to organize a local network of up to 30 operators to manage the payloads of simultaneously launched UAVs.

As a map, a raster image of the area with reference to several points or an electronic map is used. For the route, up to 60 points are indicated in which the height and the sign of its flight are specified: passage along the height or loitering. Route correction is carried out by radio channel. It is possible to indicate the "Home" point and the landing point, as well as behavior algorithms in emergency situations (loss of radio communication, lack of GPS signals, engine failure). The operator indicates the payload on and off points, and when using the camera, the frame overlap factor.

Rice. 3.24. UAV "Orlan-10". Launch from a catapult

Features of the complex:

– operational replacement of the payload and the composition of the onboard equipment;

- providing video and photography in combination with the registration of current parameters (coordinates, height, frame number);

- use in difficult weather conditions and from limited areas;

- placement of control and measuring equipment inside the wing consoles;

- the presence of an onboard generator allows the use of active loads throughout the flight;

– use of one UAV as a repeater for the rest.

Main characteristics:

– takeoff weight: 14 kg;

– payload mass: up to 5 kg;

- engine: internal combustion engine (gasoline A-95);

- launch method: from a collapsible catapult;

– landing method: by parachute;

– airspeed: 90-150 km/h;

– max. flight duration: 16 hours;

– max. range of application of the complex: up to 120 km from the ground control station (up to 600 km in autonomous mode);

– max. flight altitude above sea level: 5000 m;

– max. permissible wind speed at the start: 10 m/s;

– operating temperature range: -30 to +40 °C.

The last 2 types of UAVs considered and the like are just beginning to enter service. It is quite natural that both the development companies and the customer would like to speed up the process of delivering UAVs to the troops. However, putting into service new systems for the army is a rather complicated matter. It is necessary to comply with all existing formalities related to the passage of state tests through the Ministry of Defense. Unfortunately, funds for these needs are not always provided for in the budget of the military department. Accordingly, companies are forced to cover these costs at their own expense. The efforts expended are often not in vain, and the planned purchases for each of the selected complexes in the amount of the promised several dozen units are nevertheless carried out.

The experience of foreign armies shows that mini-UAVs are now becoming a traditional means of reconnaissance in subunits at the "company-platoon" level. Efficiency of deployment and independence from other sources of intelligence information makes UAVs of this class one of the most effective tools for operational intelligence. If a constructive dialogue is established between industrial enterprises and the military department in our country, the volume of purchases can amount to hundreds and even thousands of units.

Next in line is the consideration by the Russian military of the issue of acquiring heavier tactical-class UAVs, which are among the most in demand in the world. But if Russian companies offer many systems in the mini-UAV class, here the choice is much more modest. In addition to two variants of Tipchak, developed by the Luch Rybinsk design bureau, these are the Inspector-601 UAV of the Aerocon company (Zhukovsky, Moscow Region), as well as the Dozor-100 UAV of the St. Petersburg company Transas.

Device "Dozor-100"

This UAV (Fig. 3.25) is an improved version of the Dozor-85 platform in the direction of increasing the range and duration of the flight. He could well compete with Israeli counterparts Searcher 2 or Bird Eye. The elongated wing made it possible to improve the flight quality of the glider and reduce fuel consumption in cruising flight. The exhaust system is hidden inside the fuselage, which reduces thermal visibility in flight and reduces exhaust noise. The placement of the power plant in the aft part of the airframe makes it possible to rationally arrange the payload of the UAV, frees up space for the placement of antenna devices of various types. The use of a V-tail ensures the correct centering of the airframe when the engine is placed in the tail of the UAV fuselage.

The main characteristics of the UAV "DOZOR-100":

- wingspan: 5.4 m;

– length: 3 m;

– height: 1.1m;

– max. takeoff weight: 95 kg;

– max. fuel mass: 24 kg;

– payload mass: 15-32 kg;

- engine: ICE 19 hp;

– flight duration: 10 h;

– max. range: 1200 km;

– cruising speed: 120-150 km/h;

– maximum height: 4.5 km;

– operating temperature range: -50 to +40 °С;

– payload: forward-looking video camera, optoelectronic system on a turntable controlled platform (FLIR), automatic digital camera Optional: laser range finder, forward-looking radar, external load, synthetic aperture radar;

– navigation and control: an inertial system integrated with a GLONASS/GPS satellite navigation receiver and a pressure altimeter; air signal system; on-board computer; data radio links and command; ADS-B equipment (designed for flights in common airspace with other manned and unmanned aerial vehicles).

Rice. 3.25. UAV "Dozor-100" company "Transas"

Even after the conclusion of the first Russian-Israeli deal, many experts concluded that the purchased UAVs, obviously, would not cover the needs of the Russian military in the entire range of necessary systems. The geographical scale of our country, as well as the tasks facing the Armed Forces, form the need for long-duration vehicles (MALE-class). Realizing this, the Russian military also showed interest in larger IAI development systems - Heron-type devices. However, permission to sell them to Russia was never received.

Obviously, therefore, in the fall of 2011, the Russian Ministry of Defense held a tender for medium-altitude UAVs of long flight duration and dimensions close to the American Predator and Reaper devices. The decision to compete was not easy. It is symptomatic that the Ministry of Defense refused the former "favorites": the Vega concern, which had the status of the head enterprise for UAV systems in Russia, but did not receive the best reviews in this area from the military, as well as the Tupolev company, which in our country has the most long experience in the field of unmanned systems, but is now in a very difficult personnel and technological situation. The MiG company, which several years ago proposed the concept of a promising strike UAV, did not receive the desired order either. The military gave preference to enterprises that have shown themselves positively in a market economy. This is the developer of high-tech electronic systems "Transas", which was entrusted with the creation of the smaller of the two MALE-class drones, and one of the main suppliers of aerial targets for the Russian Ministry of Defense is the Kazan company "Sokol" (Kazan), which will build the Russian analogue of the Reaper UAV.

Thus, in recent years, the customer of military UAVs represented by the Ministry of Defense has been demonstrating a rather balanced and pragmatic approach, combining the order of Russian UAVs available on the market with the import of those types of UAVs that are not in the product lines of Russian companies. And if the first and second are impossible, an order is made for the development of appropriate systems according to the requirements of the customer.

In general, today the situation with the development and production of UAVs in Russia looks somewhat better than a few years ago. A number of necessary prerequisites have been created for further more active equipping of the Russian Armed Forces with modern reconnaissance and reconnaissance-strike systems based on UAVs.

In 2014, the State Center for Unmanned Aviation of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation was formed. It has already begun training operators of unmanned aerial systems.

In February 2014, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, during a meeting with students of the Siberian Federal University in Krasnoyarsk, said that almost 320 billion rubles would be spent on the program to equip the Russian Armed Forces with unmanned aerial vehicles, calculated until 2020. At present, he said, the Russian army already "has almost 500 unmanned aerial vehicles that are operational," performing reconnaissance, communications, signal relay and combat missions.

Non-military UAS

(based on materials)

Non-military UAS in Russia, as well as throughout the world, have their own specific development trends. In such areas as remote sensing of the earth, control of communications and borders, relaying of signals, they reduce the cost of services by an order of magnitude and even more compared to traditional space or aviation systems. The progress of non-military systems is facilitated by the miniaturization and cheapening of the electronic components of on-board equipment. However, there are three obstacles to the development of unmanned vehicles for civil use.

The technical problem is that potential customers are not interested in UAVs, albeit with unique characteristics, but in full-fledged systems that perform a specific function and do not require qualified maintenance. The second problem is related to the first and is structural in nature. Most commercial customers would like to buy not unmanned systems, but services (for example, flight hours) from specialized companies. Obviously, both the first and second barriers can be overcome as large industrial companies with the appropriate resources and experience begin to deal with civilian UAS. The situation is worse when it comes to overcoming the third barrier, which commercial UAS have not been able to overcome so far. We are talking about the need to create a regulatory framework for the certification of UAVs and their integration into the existing air traffic control system. This problem has not been comprehensively solved anywhere in the world, despite significant efforts.

There are currently two alternative concepts for integrating UAS into airspace. One involves the extension of all existing standards to unmanned systems, including, for example, equipping with identification and collision avoidance systems. The second concept proposes to allocate special zones for UAV flights. Japan has already taken this path, where Yamaha mass-produces thousands of specialized remotely piloted helicopters for processing farmland and has already established their export to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. The victory, according to experts, is likely to be won by the first point of view, which will complicate the life of the industry.

Today, Russia is practically not represented in international non-governmental organizations, where the concepts of certification, standardization and regulation of unmanned vehicles flights are created in discussions. Of the Russian companies, only Irkut is a member of one of the leading such structures - UVS International. This situation threatens to repeat the sad experience of the struggle of our civil aviation with the ICAO environmental standards, which, at least in part, can be regarded as non-tariff barriers to domestic aircraft.

Without waiting for the creation of a regulatory framework, unmanned systems, apparently, will be procured by structures with special powers. Unmanned vehicles are actively purchased by the FSB (for special forces and border guards) and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, that is, departments that solve critical tasks with the help of UAS. The technical policy of non-military customers has its own specific features. As a rule, they seek to acquire systems that are simple and cheap to operate. Therefore, customers do not always choose Russian devices. It all depends on the ratio of price and technical characteristics.

Russian industry quickly responded to demand from state non-military customers. A number of firms in recent years have developed projects for relatively simple and inexpensive to operate unmanned systems. Among them: the Kazan Design Bureau Sokol, which has been developing UAVs since Soviet times; CJSC "ENIKS" (also located in Kazan), which focused on small devices; "Novik XXI century", the core of which was the developers of the "Stroy-P" complex, and a number of other companies or even groups of enthusiasts. Many of these teams have been successful. So, the Design Bureau "Iskatel" of the Moscow Aviation Institute developed an unmanned helicopter "Voron" for the FSB. "Novik XXI century" has created a number of mini-UAVs, which are distinguished by rational aerodynamic and system engineering solutions. ENIKS has developed a two-kilogram Eleron UAV with an electric motor.

Most of the mentioned companies are implementing an innovative business model and do not have sufficient financial and administrative resources to bring their products to the market. Accordingly, demonstrating their capabilities, they are looking not so much for a customer as for an investor. Almost no one can do this. The military does not want to use imported components. State structures such as the border service or the Ministry of Emergency Situations do not have the necessary resources. Commercial customers are deterred by the lack of a regulatory framework. Apparently, the situation can be corrected by competent policy decisions at the level of government and departmental structures, as well as more active participation of large companies in the development and production of commercial UAS.

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From the book Europe at the Turn of the 20th-21st Centuries: Economic Problems author Chernikov Gennady Petrovich


Chapter 3. Brief history and current state of development and production of UAVs in

From the book Unmanned Aviation: terminology, classification, current state author Fetisov Vladimir Stanislavovich

3.1. The history of the development of unmanned aircraft in the army of the USSR and Russia (based on materials) The USSR back in the 70s and 80s was one of the leaders in the production of UAVs. About 950 copies of the Tu-143 alone were produced. And in 1988 he performed an unmanned space flight

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation signed a contract for the development of an aircraft with the Simonov Design Bureau. According to RIA Novosti, citing sources in the military-industrial complex, the drone will accelerate to 950 km/h and will be equipped with a turbojet engine.

To take bombs and missiles under their wing, UAVs will be made heavy enough. According to preliminary data, the weight of the drone will be about 4-5 tons. Experts are already comparing the future Russian drone with the American Avenger.

This device is able to spend more than 20 hours at an altitude of 18 km and accelerate to 740 km / h. And a fighter can envy its weapons: AGM-114 air-to-surface missiles, guided aerial bombs and even the HELLADS laser system, which already now shoots down enemy missiles and light aircraft. A number of analysts predict a great future for the "Avenger" (so translated into Russian Avenger), so it is not surprising that in Russia they wanted to create a similar one.

It is assumed that the drone will even replace the F-16, F-15 fighters, and after modernization, possibly the stealthy F-35. Of course, drones will not be able to completely replace people, but partially - completely. In the US Air Force, many pilots are wary of the "avengers", as they fear that the new strategy will lead to a reduction in the number of pilots. And this seems to be true.

Drones are seriously interested in aircraft carriers. The wings of the Avenger are foldable, making it very easy to store on deck. In addition, the device is equipped with a stern hook - especially for boarding ships.

It's no secret that landing and taking off from an aircraft carrier is very technically difficult, and there is always a risk that a car worth tens of millions of dollars will sink. The drone is much cheaper. In addition, during non-vertical takeoff and landing on the deck, the pilot experiences large overloads, which adversely affects his health. UAV could solve this problem.

Russia has only one aircraft carrier. Therefore, most likely, the new drone will be useful at ground airfields, and possibly at Arctic bases. UAVs can be armed with X-38 missiles or KAB-500 guided bombs, which have proven themselves well in Syria. Almost certainly, stealth technologies will be used in the creation of the drone, since the device, in fact, will duplicate a combat aircraft.

UAV "Altair". Photo: wikipedia.org

According to experts, while we are talking about a preliminary project. But if the military likes the UAV, the developer may receive an additional contract for the manufacture of several vehicles already - everything will depend on funding.

The Kazan Design Bureau is currently promoting another heavy drone, the Altair reconnaissance and strike drone, the Russian answer to the American MQ-9 Reaper. But the low-speed UAV has completely different tasks - reconnaissance and destruction of the target by an unprotected air defense system. Therefore, the jet drone project will develop in parallel.

However, given that the program for creating robotic combat systems in Russia is classified, it is quite possible that publicity in the media was not needed, because, perhaps, combat tests of promising models of robotics were carried out.

Let's try to analyze open information about what combat robots Russia currently has. Let's start the first part of the article with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).

Ka-37 is a Russian unmanned aerial vehicle (unmanned helicopter) designed for aerial photography, broadcasting and relaying television and radio signals, conducting environmental experiments, delivering medicines, food and mail when providing emergency assistance in the process of eliminating accidents and disasters in hard-to-reach and dangerous for humans places.


  • Multipurpose unmanned helicopter
  • First flight: 1993


  • Main rotor diameter: 4.8 m
  • Fuselage length: 3.14m
  • Height with rotation screws: 1.8 m
  • Weight Max. takeoff 250 kg
  • Engine: P-037 (2x24.6 kW)
  • Cruise speed: 110 km/h
  • Max. speed: 145 km/h
  • Range: 20 km
  • Flight range: ~100 km
  • Practical ceiling: 3800 m

Ka-137- reconnaissance UAV (helicopter). The first flight was made in 1999. Developed by: OKB Kamov. The unmanned helicopter Ka-137 is made according to a coaxial scheme. The chassis is four-bearing. The body has a spherical shape with a diameter of 1.3 m.

Equipped with a satellite navigation system and a digital autopilot, the Ka-137 moves automatically along a pre-planned route and goes to a predetermined place with an accuracy of 60 m. On the Internet, it received the unofficial nickname "Pepelats" by analogy with the aircraft from the movie "Kin-dza-dza!" .


  • Main propeller diameter: 5.30 m
  • Length: 1.88 m
  • Width: 1.88 m
  • Height: 2.30 m
  • Weight:
    • empty: 200 kg
    • maximum takeoff: 280 kg
  • Engine type 1 PD Hirht 2706 R05
  • Power: 65 HP With.
  • Speed:
    • maximum: 175 km/h
    • cruising: 145 km/h
  • Practical range: 530 km
  • Flight duration: 4 hours
  • Ceiling:
    • practical: 5000 m
    • static: 2900 m
  • maximum: 80 kg

PS-01 Komar - operational unmanned aircraft, remotely piloted vehicle.

The first flight was made in 1980, it was developed at OSKBES MAI (Special Design Bureau of the MAI). Three samples of the apparatus were built. On the device, a scheme of an annular plumage with a pusher propeller and rudders placed inside the ring was developed, which was subsequently applied to create a serial complex of the Bumblebee-1 type.

The design features of the RPV are the use of folding wings and the modular design of the fuselage. The wings of the apparatus were folded in such a way that in the assembled (transport) form the aircraft was placed in a container 2.2x1x0.8 m. .

The RPV fuselage had a detachable head module with three quick-release locks, which ensured a simple change of modules. This reduced the time to replace the module with the target load, the time to load the aircraft with pesticides or biological protection of agricultural areas.


  • Normal takeoff weight, kg 90
  • Maximum ground speed, km/h 180
  • Practical flight range with load, km 100
  • Aircraft length, m 2.15
  • Wingspan, m 2.12

Reconnaissance UAV. The first flight was made in 1983. Work on the creation of a mini-UAV has begun at the OKB. A. S. Yakovlev in 1982 based on the experience of studying the combat use of Israeli UAVs in the 1982 war. In 1985, the development of the Bumblebee-1 UAV with a four-bearing chassis began. Flight tests of the Shmel-1 UAV in the version equipped with television and IR equipment began in 1989. The device is designed for 10 launches, is stored and transported folded in a fiberglass container. Equipped with interchangeable sets of reconnaissance equipment, which include a television camera, a thermal imaging camera, mounted on a gyro-stabilized ventral platform. Parachute landing method.


  • Wingspan, m 3.25
  • Length, m 2.78
  • Height, m ​​1.10
  • Weight, kg 130
  • Engine type 1 PD
  • Power, hp 1 x 32
  • Cruise speed, km/h 140
  • Flight duration, h 2
  • Practical ceiling, m 3000
  • Minimum flight altitude, m 100

"Bumblebee-1" served as a prototype for a more advanced machine "Pchela-1T" with which it is practically indistinguishable from the outside.


Pchela-1T- Soviet and Russian reconnaissance UAV. With the help of the complex, operational interaction is carried out with the means of fire destruction of the MLRS "Smerch", "Grad", cannon artillery, attack helicopters in the conditions of fire and electronic countermeasures.

The launch is carried out using two solid-propellant boosters with a short guide placed on the tracked chassis of the airborne combat vehicle. Landing is carried out on a parachute with a shock-absorbing inflatable bag, which reduces shock overloads. The Pchela-1 RPV uses a P-032 two-stroke two-cylinder internal combustion engine as a power plant. The Stroy-P complex with the Pchela-1T RPV, created in 1990 by A.S. Yakovlev, is designed for round-the-clock observation of objects and transmission of their television or thermal imaging images in real time to a ground control point. In 1997, the complex was adopted by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Resource: 5 sorties.


  • Wingspan, m: 3.30
  • Length, m: 2.80
  • Height, m: 1.12
  • Weight, kg: 138
  • Engine type: piston
  • Power, hp: 1 x 32
  • The range of the complex, km: 60
  • Flight altitude range above sea level, m: 100-2500
  • Flight speed, km/h: 120-180
  • RPV takeoff weight, kg: up to 138
  • Control way:
    • automatic flight according to the program
    • remote manual control
  • RPV coordinate measurement error:
    • in range, m: no more than 150
    • in azimuth, degrees: no more than 1
  • Start altitude above sea level, m: up to 2,000
  • Height range of optimal reconnaissance above the underlying surface, m: 100-1000
  • RPV turn rate, deg/s: not less than 3
  • Complex deployment time, min: 20
  • TV camera field of view in pitch, deg: 5 - −65
  • Flight duration, h: 2
  • Number of takeoffs and landings (applications for each RPV): 5
  • Operating temperature range of the complex, °С: -30 - +50
  • Service personnel training time, h: 200
  • Wind at RPV launch, m/s: no more than 10
  • Wind during RPV landing, m/s: no more than 8

Tu-143 "Reis" - reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)

Designed for conducting tactical reconnaissance in the front line by means of photo and telereconnaissance of area targets and individual routes, as well as monitoring the radiation situation along the flight route. It is part of the VR-3 complex. At the end of the flight, the Tu-143 turned around according to the program and returned back to the landing zone, where, after stopping the engine and the “hill” maneuver, landing was carried out using a parachute-reactive system and landing gear.

The use of the complex was practiced in the 4th Center for Combat Use of the Air Force. In the 1970s and 1980s, 950 pieces were produced. In April 2014, the Armed Forces of Ukraine reactivated the drones left over from the USSR and tested them, after which their combat use began on the territory of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

  • Tu-143 modification
  • Wingspan, m 2.24
  • Length, m 8.06
  • Height, m ​​1.545
  • Wing area, m2 2.90
  • Weight, kg 1230
  • Engine type TRD TRZ-117
  • Thrust, kgf 1 x 640
  • Accelerator SPRD-251
  • Maximum speed, km/h
  • Cruise speed, km/h 950
  • Practical range, km 180
  • Flight time, min 13
  • Practical ceiling, m 1000
  • Minimum flight altitude, m 10

Skat is a reconnaissance and attack unmanned aerial vehicle developed by the Mikoyan and Gurevich Design Bureau and Klimov OJSC. It was first presented at the MAKS-2007 air show as a full-size mock-up intended for testing design and layout solutions.

According to the Director General of RAC "MIG" Sergey Korotkov, the development of the unmanned attack aerial vehicle "Skat" has been stopped. According to the decision of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, according to the results of the corresponding tender, the Sukhoi AHC was chosen as the lead developer of a promising strike UAV. However, the groundwork for "Skat" will be used in the development of the "family" of the Sukhoi UAV, and RAC "MIG" will take part in these works. The project was suspended due to lack of funding. On December 22, 2015, in an interview (Vedomosti newspaper) with the General Director of the RAC MiG, Serey Korotkov, it was said that work on Skat was ongoing. The work is carried out jointly with TsAGI. The development is financed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.


  • Conducting reconnaissance
  • Attacking ground targets with aerial bombs and guided missiles (X-59)
  • Destruction of radar systems by missiles (X-31).


  • Length: 10.25 m
  • Wingspan: 11.50 m
  • Height: 2.7 m
  • Chassis: tricycle
  • Maximum takeoff weight: 20000 kg
  • Engine: 1 × turbofan RD-5000B with a flat nozzle
  • Thrust: without afterburner: 1 × 5040 kgf
  • Thrust-to-weight ratio: at maximum takeoff weight: 0.25 kgf / kg

Flight characteristics

  • Maximum speed at high altitude: 850 km/h (0.8 M)
  • Flight range: 4000 km
  • Combat radius: 1200 km
  • Practical ceiling: 15000 m


  • Hardpoints: 4, in internal bomb bays
  • Suspension options:
  • 2 × X-31A air-to-surface
  • 2 × Kh-31P "air-radar"
  • 2 × KAB -250 (250 kg)
  • 2 × KAB-500 (500 kg)
  • Designed for observation, target designation, fire adjustment, damage assessment. Effective in conducting aerial photography and video shooting at a short distance. Produced by the Izhevsk company "ZALA AERO GROUP" under the leadership of Zakharov A.V.

    The unmanned aerial vehicle is designed according to the “flying wing” aerodynamic configuration and consists of a glider with an automatic control system for the autopilot, controls and a power plant, an onboard power system, a parachute landing system and removable payload units. To ensure that the aircraft does not get lost late in the day, miniature LED lamps are installed on the body, requiring low power consumption. Runs ZALA 421-08 from the hands. Landing method - automatically with a parachute.


    • Range of video/radio channel 15 km / 25 km
    • Flight duration 80 min
    • UAV wingspan 810 mm
    • UAV length 425 mm
    • Maximum flight altitude 3600 m
    • Launch for the body of the UAV or catapult
    • Landing - parachute / net
    • Engine type - electric pulling
    • Speed ​​65-130 km/h
    • Maximum takeoff weight 2.5 kg
    • Target load mass 300 g
    • Navigation INS with GPS/GLONASS correction, radio range finder
    • Target loads Type "08"
    • Glider - one-piece wing
    • Battery – 10000 mAh 4S
    • Maximum allowable wind speed 20 m/s
    • Operating temperature range -30°C…+40°C
    • (5 votes, average: 5,00 out of 5)

    Now Russia is making up for lost time in unmanned aircraft. It was recently introduced, but Israel undoubtedly remains the leader in this industry.

    Although the Israeli Air Force today has the largest number of manned combat aircraft in the West, after the United States, it is Israel that today is leading the "unmanned revolution" that promises radical changes in military affairs in the near future.

    Already today, in the Israeli Air Force, drones make more sorties than manned aircraft - they are on alert 24 hours a day.

    According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Israel has a monopoly in the global drone market - Israeli aircraft companies account for 41% of drone sales in the global market (to more than fifty countries).

    Here How did the “unmanned revolution” begin?

    The first experiences of the Israelis with the combat use of drones began in 1969. Then, during the "War of Attrition" on the Suez Canal, Israeli aviation suffered losses from the action of Soviet anti-aircraft missile systems. To solve this problem, Firebee radio-controlled jets were purchased from the United States. These were bulky (weighing 1.5 tons) devices that were previously used only as training targets.

    The Israelis used them as decoy aircraft to break through the Soviet air defense system - Soviet air defense systems unmasked themselves by opening fire on radio-controlled aircraft, after which Israeli aircraft launched missile and bomb attacks on identified targets. A division was formed in the Israeli Air Force to control these drones.

    Subsequently, the Israelis equipped the Firebee aircraft with aerial photography equipment. The trap worked - during the 1973 Yom Kippur War, enemy air defense systems carried out 43 missile launches on radio-controlled aircraft.

    However, the Israelis were dissatisfied with the use of radio-controlled Firebee aircraft - they were expensive, heavy and bulky, but the experience gained soon came in handy.

    In 1974, two young officers, Lieutenants Yehuda Mazi and Alvin Ellis, who served in the Firebee division, were demobilized from the army and created the Eirmeko company. Based on the experience of the Yom Kippur War, they suggested that a small simple drone, stuffed with the most modern Israeli electronic equipment and equipped with a TV camera, would be much more suitable for real combat missions than the radio-controlled jet giant Firebee.

    The prototype of the first drone, called "Mastiff", was assembled in 1974 in the garage of one of the enthusiasts. However, the Israeli aircraft corporation Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI), which at that time was engaged in the development and production of jet fighter-bombers, did not arouse interest in the first drone.

    Young aircraft engineers were unexpectedly supported by the Tadiran company, which was engaged in the production of military communications equipment - it concluded an agreement with them for the production of a prototype.

    From "Mastiff" to "Eitan"

    After flight tests, the project was transferred to the Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI) corporation, which began developing the Scout drones. "Mastiff" and "Scout" became the first examples of world drone building.

    The first drones looked extremely unsightly against the backdrop of the achievements of jet aviation: despite their electronic filling, they had a piston engine with a pusher propeller, their cruising speed was slightly more than 100 km / h, the altitude ceiling was only 4.5 km, and the range was limited to a hundred kilometers . And the fuel reserves were enough for only a few hours of flight.

    However, it soon became clear that such a slow-moving vehicle met the requirements of aerial reconnaissance and targeting - the small size and the fiberglass body, which is transparent to RF radiation, made the drone invisible to enemy radars.

    Israeli UAVs: drone Scout

    The first case of a jet fighter being “downed” in the history of drones is associated with Scout. On May 14, 1981, when the Scout drone was performing a routine reconnaissance flight, it was attacked by a Syrian MiG-21. While chasing the drone, the MiG-21 pilot lost control and crashed into the ground. The Scout returned safely to its base, where grinning aircraft technicians drew a "kill mark" on the aircraft's side - a sign of victory in a dogfight.

    Fight check. Operation "Artsav"

    A true understanding of the role of drones in modern warfare came to many after the “baptism of fire” of new technology: in June 1982, the largest air battle since the Second World War unfolded in the sky over Lebanon, in which the Israeli army for the first time and successfully used drones to destroy enemy air defenses .

    The grouping of Syrian troops in Lebanon included four air defense brigades equipped with Soviet anti-aircraft missile systems (SAM) Kvadrat, S-75M Volga and S-125M Pechora. On the night of June 10, 1982, the 82nd mixed anti-aircraft missile brigade and three anti-aircraft artillery regiments were additionally introduced into Lebanese territory.

    Now there were 24 Syrian anti-aircraft missile battalions in Lebanon, deployed in a dense battle formation 30 km long along the front and 28 km in depth. According to Soviet military experts, there was no such dense concentration of air defense missile and artillery forces anywhere in the world. The main purpose of these forces was to cover the Syrian troops in the Lebanese Bekaa Valley, where at least 600 tanks were concentrated.

    Operation "Artsav" to destroy enemy air defense systems began at 4 am on June 9, 1982. 4 hours before the first strike, the Israeli Air Force increased the conduct of all types of reconnaissance (electronic, radar, television) with tactical aircraft, electronic reconnaissance aircraft and early warning radar (AWACS) and AQM-34, Mastiff and Scout drones.

    Drones were assigned serious tasks:

    — Battlefield reconnaissance and surveillance. To accomplish this task, some modifications of the drones were equipped with a TV camera and a communication system capable of transmitting a continuous stream of images. This allowed Israeli commanders at all levels to have a visual representation of the real situation on the battlefield and coordinate the joint actions of the ground forces and the Air Force.

    - Identification of the operating frequencies of radar stations (RLS) and guidance equipment for Syrian missile systems. The drones intercepted and analyzed the enemy radar radiation and relayed them to ground stations or aircraft in the air.

    - Simulators of RF radiation that reflected radar radiation of such intensity as if they were attack aircraft.

    - Target designation. The drones were equipped with laser and infrared range finders to illuminate targets intended for attack by laser and infrared guided missiles.

    — False targets and jammers. Drones "Shimshon" were used as decoys. They called on themselves the fire of the Syrian air defense systems and thereby diverted it from attack aircraft. On June 9, dozens of such decoys were dropped. On the radar screen, they create a mark of a full-size aircraft.

    As soon as the drone detected the air defense system battery and transmitted its image to the ground command, two more UAVs took off into the air: one as a decoy that imitated an attacking aircraft in order to force the enemy air defense system battery to turn on the radiation, the second one was equipped with equipment to intercept the radiation of the radar station ( radar) SAM.

    The received information about the radiation parameters was processed by the on-board computers of the E-2C Hawkeye AWACS aircraft, which provided data for guiding anti-radar missiles at identified targets.

    Destroyed antenna post SNR-125.

    An hour before the strike, the Israelis began setting up passive electronic jamming on a front of 150-200 km; in 12 minutes - intense interference to communication systems and control of air defense systems; in 5-7 minutes - high-power active interference that suppressed the enemy's radar reconnaissance means.

    Then began the total destruction of Syrian air defense systems. Attacks on Syrian positions were carried out by surface-to-surface missiles, long-range and rocket artillery, using ball and cluster munitions with the ability to aim at a target using an infrared and laser beam.

    Israeli UAVs: Ermes180 drone equipped with a laser designator to illuminate targets intended for attack by laser-guided missiles.

    When the Syrians, trying to withdraw the air defense system from the impact of anti-radar missiles, turned off their radars, the Israelis lifted drones with a laser target designator into the air, and then attack aircraft armed with AGM-65 Maverick missiles with a laser homing head attacked the blinded air defense systems. After 10-12 minutes after a missile attack on Syrian positions, about 100 aircraft were attacked. Israeli aviation operated in groups of 2-6 fighter-bombers. Skyhawks, Kfirs (Israeli-made aircraft), Phantoms and F-16s attacked with conventional, cluster, ball and cumulative bombs, as well as guided and homing missiles, specially modified to match the operating frequencies of the Syrian radar.

    Thus, during the day of Operation Artsav, the Israelis destroyed 19 Syrian anti-aircraft missile battalions.

    Israeli Air Force aircraft involved in the air battle:

    Fighter-bomber Phantom

    At the same time, the largest air battle was unfolding in the skies of Lebanon. On both sides, about 350 aircraft participated in it, and at the same time 120-200 aircraft fought in air battles. The battle turned into a real massacre: the Israelis shot down about 90 MiG-21, MiG-23 and Su-22 aircraft in air battles on June 7-11, without losing a single aircraft.

    The use of unmanned aerial vehicles during the operation "Artsav" made it possible to solve a whole range of tasks of all types of reconnaissance, electronic warfare, targeting. Israeli commanders at all levels received real-time information from the battlefield. For the first time, questions of the tactics of using drones and coordinating the joint actions of drones, ground forces and the Air Force were worked out.

    From "Ghost" to "Eitan"

    The successful experience of using UAVs in combat, gained during Operation Artsav, had a decisive influence on the rapid development of unmanned aircraft in subsequent years. After the Lebanese war, the IDF command did not spare money for drones. In the 1980s and 1990s, the Israeli drone industry began to rise. One after another, new firms were created, aircraft building corporations opened special divisions for the development and production of drones for various purposes.

    Fighter "Lavi"

    The development of unmanned aircraft was also significantly influenced by such a factor as the closure of the Lavi fighter project, which was the pride of the Israeli aviation industry. The goal of Israeli aircraft designers was to create a fighter aircraft that would outperform the American counterpart, the F-16A/B fighter, in terms of performance. The goal was achieved, which was proved by the test flights of the Israeli aircraft.

    In the US, they realized that they were dealing with a dangerous competitor. Under the pretext of protecting their own aviation industry, the Americans began to seek a complete cessation of the Lavi program. Under American pressure, Israel was forced to curtail this project in 1987.

    Multipurpose single-seat fighter J-10A.

    However, the developments of Israeli aircraft designers were not in vain - the Israeli project of the Lavi fighter was embodied in the Chinese fighter Chengdu J-10 "Swift Dragon".

    These dramatic events brought a galaxy of talented aeronautical engineers previously employed on the Lavi project into unmanned aviation, which only contributed to the rapid development of the Israeli drone industry.

    Israeli unmanned aircraft (including advanced developments) is a long list of aircraft for various purposes - from tiny, weighing 300 grams Ghost drones, capable of being launched by hand and armed with reconnaissance and infantry companies (the latest developments have already surpassed these parameters), to the largest in the world of the Eitan drone, whose wingspan reaches 35 meters and weighs 4 tons.

    The main purpose of "Eitan" is called long-range reconnaissance, search and destruction of ballistic missile installations. The machine can “hang” for about 50 hours at an altitude of up to 10 km above controlled areas, it is planned to equip it with an air refueling system.

    "Eitan" is equipped with satellite navigation systems, tracking and target detection equipment in the optical, infrared and radio ranges, fire control and strike systems. With a cruising speed of 296 km / h (maximum - 460 km / h), it can theoretically fly 14.8 thousand km. The Eitan payload weight, depending on the flight range, can reach 1.8 tons.

    Despite the expanding production of multifunctional UAVs, Israeli designers do not disregard small tactical drones, the so-called short-range reconnaissance ones. The Israeli army has adopted small drones "Skylark" and "Seagull".


    Designed to perform tasks at the platoon-company level, both drones have a range of 5-10 km and can be launched from the hand. They can be equipped with a video camera and infrared vision sensors. "Skylark" can stay in the air for more than two hours, "Seagull" - more than six hours.

    During the operation in Gaza, for the first time in the world, close scouts solved combat missions on a par with tanks and infantry.

    After the Israeli troops crossed the Gaza border, the UAVs were in front of the infantry and tank units at a distance of about 500 meters. Drone operators were in constant contact with combat units, coordinating their actions and suggesting the safest routes, as well as warning of danger.

    UAV Firebird 2001 is specially designed to control the fire situation in large forests.

    In addition, according to the Israeli military, the drones helped them to carry out humanitarian tasks - to detect the wounded in time, provide them with the necessary assistance and deliver them to safe regions. In general, the combat units were completely satisfied with the interaction with the UAV units.

    Aerostar drones, developed by Aeronautics Defense Systems, are being successfully used by the Israeli traffic police to detect and arrest traffic offenders.

    An increasing number of drones are being developed for dual purposes - military and civilian. Israel has become the first country in the world to use drones to save lives. A helicopter with a body length of 8 meters, a width of 3 meters, and a height of 1.5 meters was created here. The car will be able to pick up speed up to 150 km / h and soar at an altitude of up to 3 kilometers.

    After landing on the battlefield or in hard-to-reach terrain, four victims can be loaded into the aircraft, after which it will head back - towards the hospital or field hospital. The rescue drone helicopter is equipped with medical equipment, as well as systems that protect it from enemy missiles.

    The unmanned passenger aircraft was first introduced by Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI). At this stage, we are talking about a four-seat aircraft. While there are no technological barriers to creating an unmanned passenger aircraft, there is a significant psychological challenge that needs to be overcome. “Passengers are still afraid to fly on an aircraft that does not have a pilot,” explains Zvi Arazi, director of the IAI engineering center.

    Another IAI development is an unmanned aircraft powered by solar energy. According to project director Idan Regev, the new aircraft can stay in the air for as long as necessary, since the solar energy accumulated during the day is enough to fly during the night. To store energy, solar panels are located on the wings of the aircraft.

    killer drones

    Recently, there have been many reports about the so-called flying killers - strike UAVs, not only collecting information, but also capable of carrying missile weapons and delivering fire strikes.

    We are talking about the use of such devices by the Israeli army during anti-terrorist operations and during the war in Lebanon. Israeli drones have already carried out countless strikes, according to Palestinian sources.

    The drone has become a symbol of targeted liquidations. As an example, on October 2, 2004, during Operation Days of Repentance, according to Palestinian media, a missile was fired from an Israeli drone at a group of Islamic Jihad militants. Six militants were killed. Israeli security sources declined to comment on this information.

    On March 26, 2009, international media reported that Israeli drones attacked an Iranian convoy with weapons intended for Hamas, thousands of kilometers from Israeli borders - in Sudan. During the attack, 37 trucks with Iranian Fajar-3 missiles were destroyed and 39 people were killed.

    However, these are just assumptions: the IDF never comments on reports of the use of unmanned vehicles in combat operations. Even when it comes to targeted killings in the Gaza Strip, and local residents claim to have seen UAVs in the air, the IDF press office refuses to confirm that drones were used to carry out the combat mission.

    Israeli UAVs: Hunter drone

    The US military is more talkative. As Airforce Times magazine reported, the Americans successfully used Israeli Hunter drones in Iraq to eliminate militants. On September 1, 2007, the US military spotted two gunmen planting an explosive device. The Hunter headed towards them, dropping a laser-guided bomb on the terrorists. As a result of the explosion, both terrorists were destroyed. Colonel Don Heiselwood, head of the UAV project in the US Army, told the publication that this was the first time that terrorists were eliminated using an unmanned aircraft.

    The “drone revolution” is just beginning

    Reserve General Ofir Shaham, who heads the research department of the Israeli Ministry of Defense, believes that the world is now facing a real "unmanned revolution" that will completely overturn traditional ideas about the role and place of man in war and in everyday life.

    There is a real "drone race", in which 76 countries are participating today. According to Israeli experts, the volume of the global UAV market, which was only $5.1 billion in 2009, will grow to $50 billion in 2020. as well as manned aircraft. In the short term, the use of drones in civilian industries will grow - the next step is the arrival of unmanned aircraft not only in the military sphere, but also in cargo and passenger air transportation.

    However, one can also find approximately the same opinion that was expressed by nerhnerh :

    the story of "invisible aircraft" is repeated.

    First, enthusiastic advertising, the promise of an early "breakthrough in all military affairs," and then the quiet dying of the topic. More recently, a Russian general, speaking about the possible reaction of the Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria to "unidentified flying objects", put an end to the issue of "stealth aircraft", who are interested, listen and see the source.

    Same with drones. They were created and had an advantage only under strictly defined conditions, outside of which they, like "stealth aircraft", are ordinary air targets.

    The conditions under which "drones", "stealth aircraft" and other similar equipment have UNDISPUTABLE advantages and allow solving REAL tasks is only one thing: the enemy should not have at least ELEMENTARY means of dealing with them, the enemy should not have ABSOLUTELY any means of counteraction .

    If we are talking about "stealth aircraft", then the enemy should have only single-frequency narrow-band radars of old generations, because only when using such radars there is such a thing as "reducing the EPR", which is the essence of obtaining this very "invisibility", but in fact - reducing visibility at certain frequencies. As soon as broadband and multi-band radars appeared, the "invisibility effect" disappeared, and forever .. It should be noted that similar airborne radars appeared, ground-based ones have existed for a long time ...

    So it is with drones. They have a "weak link" - radio communication and navigation channels. The suppression of these channels turns them into an ordinary slow-moving projectile with a relatively short range.
    Moreover, no one is going to "open the code sequences" of the control system, "replace the navigation data from satellites" and engage in other cinematic nonsense.
    Dumb barrage directional interference in the widest possible frequency range and our "drone" loses external control, it is impossible to get information from it ..
    Any talk about "flying according to the program", "artificial intelligence", "noise-correcting coding", etc. premature, they turn the topic into a conversation about "cruise missiles", but not about combat unmanned vehicles.

    Interference transmitters are a relatively simple and not expensive thing, but it works on the principle of "no reception against scrap".

    That is why all the "successes" of the Israeli army refer only to the time of the past and well-known enemy, who is armed with home-made missiles ...

    If anyone disagrees, answer the question: where and when was the "indisputable advantage of stealth aircraft" realized? The answer is simple: nowhere and never. Same with drones.

    But: I must say a big thank you to the American and Israeli engineers: with their work, they in practice reveal dead-end directions in the development of military and not only technology.
    We recall again "space shuttles", "invisible aircraft", now "drones" - it is the presence of a dimensionless dough that allows them to come all the way from enthusiastic advertising and expectations of a "revolution in military affairs" to bitter disappointments and the concept of REAL possibilities. Gondoloplane, and here there is still an opinion that


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