Chocolate fountain business. How to open a chocolate production and what to choose - a full-fledged workshop or a home confectionery. Making fruits in chocolate

Any celebration, be it a birthday, wedding, anniversary, corporate event or children's party ends with a tea party. Traditionally, cake was always served at this moment, but now it is much more popular to surprise everyone present with a chocolate fountain at the end of the party. Indeed, millions of cream roses are no longer interesting. The chocolate fountain gives new impressions:

  • It allows everyone to prepare their own dessert and be at least once in the role of a pastry chef;
  • It gives you the opportunity to try new combinations of flavors, because it is not at all necessary to dip only a biscuit or fruit into flowing chocolate. You can take cheese, for example, or something more exotic;
  • Returns even adults, serious people to childhood, gives them bright emotions and real delight;
  • As for the kids themselves, they get a fairy tale in reality - chocolate rivers and a sea of ​​positivity.

How to choose a chocolate fountain?

Settings for a chocolate fountain vary. Configurations available for commercial use are designed to accommodate large quantities of chocolate loaded, typically having many tiers. In short, high-quality professional equipment. But such a setup is also not very cheap, so if you want to buy a chocolate fountain for yourself so that you can sometimes throw nice parties at home, then you simply don’t need such an instance. This option is suitable for restaurants, bars, cafes, where special events are constantly taking place, and there is a great demand for such entertainment.

For home use, there are practical, but simpler and, accordingly, cheaper modifications at a very reasonable price. Here you will be guided by the availability of funds and your personal preferences: do you want the smallest model or a little larger.

So, if you are tormented by the question of how to choose a chocolate fountain, just answer the following questions for yourself:

  • For home or commercial use, you buy the installation;
  • What height do you need and how many tiers do you want;
  • How much chocolate should the fountain hold?
  • Pay attention to the installation design;
  • And, of course, its price.

Variety of chocolate fountains from the "site"

The online store "site" will help you choose the chocolate fountain of your dreams. We offer a wide selection of installations of any price category and any configuration. You can even purchase a set of fountains, which will create a double sensation at the celebration. You will be pleased with our affordable prices, attention to your order, prompt delivery and product quality guarantees. Chocolate fountains from the site will give you taste pleasure and a great mood!

I offer an excellent and interesting business idea - making chocolate fountains for various celebrations and holidays. Such celebrations include birthdays, weddings and much more.

Chocolate fountains are a profitable business

A chocolate fountain will be a wonderful decoration for any occasion. So, what are chocolate fountains? Externally, it is a tall multi-tiered structure made of metal. This design is powered from the mains. But instead of water, delicious liquid chocolate flows in this fountain. This design is installed on a special tray with hot chocolate. Liquid chocolate is constantly circulating. This gives the room a fabulous chocolate smell.

How to organize this business? How can you make money from chocolate fountains?

First of all, you should purchase about 10-20 of these liquid chocolate fountains. And then you will look for clients and rent out similar structures for various holidays. The cost of liquid chocolate fountains depends on many characteristics: height and design. The largest fountains, two meters in size, can cost about 15-20 thousand rubles. Small models, about half a meter in size, cost about 3,000 rubles.

Where can you buy similar designs?

For example, you can look at the range of similar designs in online stores. As a rule, the largest range of fountains is presented there. In order for the fountain to work at maximum and look quite presentable at the holiday, you will have to spend from 5 to 10 kg of chocolate. Again, it all depends on the size of the structure. The customer himself chooses what kind of chocolate he likes. White liquid chocolate will look especially impressive. A white chocolate fountain is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.

For the fountain to work at full capacity, you need from five to fifteen kilograms of chocolate. Chocolate varieties are chosen by customers. For weddings, white chocolate cascades will look symbolic and more beautiful, although again this depends on the taste of the customer.

Business payback

It all depends on the region and the number of orders. Payback can range from two weeks to two months. Each fountain pays for itself in 2-3 rentals. Renting a large chocolate fountain costs 6-8 thousand rubles. Now imagine how much money you can earn from such a rental?

Business benefits

This business can be started with a small start-up investment.

Fast payback.

To organize this business you do not need to have any skills or knowledge.

To find your first clients, use a variety of advertising: local newspaper, TV radio, Internet, social networks. In our country, people love to hold various celebrations and holidays noisily and expensively. Therefore, such a service will definitely find its client audience!

The chocolate fountain is another unique invention that is increasingly being used when organizing holidays and celebrations. This sweet miracle delights both children and adults. The device heats the chocolate to a liquid state, which then circulates through cascades, pouring from top to bottom - it's a real show. If you want to surprise your guests and make the holiday memorable, then a chocolate fountain is a great option..

For some, the chocolate fountain has become not just a unique product, but also a means of earning money.

Video on the topic

Business from scratch

The big advantage of such a business is the very low investment required to open it. You need to purchase equipment: several chocolate fountains; raw materials: chocolate, dishes, workwear. At this stage, it will cost no more than 30 thousand rubles. Some of the funds may be spent on training staff and paying for the services of a technologist - this is about another 10 thousand rubles. Registration of a business (an ordinary individual entrepreneur is sufficient) and other expenses will cost no more than 10 thousand rubles. Thus, to start a business it is enough to invest no more than 50 thousand rubles. This is not a lot of money that anyone can find. There would be a desire.

How much can you earn?

The price of the service depends on the number of people for whom the chocolate fountain is intended. Renting a chocolate fountain 50 cm high, designed for 50 people, will cost about 7,000 rubles for 3 hours. These are Moscow prices. In the regions, such a fountain will cost the customer approximately 4,000 rubles:

In fact, 15 clients per month will allow you to earn up to 60 thousand rubles. From this amount should be subtracted:

  • 10% - raw materials and supplies,
  • 5% - fuels and lubricants,
  • 20% - confectioner's salary,
  • 5% - other expenses.

Thus, you can count on a profit of 35–40 thousand rubles per month. But this takes into account the promotion of the business, because 15 orders per month still need to be found.

Each order, in turn, requires:

  • delivery, installation and dismantling of the fountain;
  • work of the pastry chef throughout the event;
  • provision of all consumables (napkins, dishes, skewers) free of charge;
  • special chocolate;
  • 3 hours of work (for each additional hour you can charge from 500 to 1000 rubles).

Business Features

When opening this case, you need to consider several important points:

  • city ​​population size,
  • main audience of clients,
  • ways to advertise services.

The first thing you need to pay attention to when starting a business is the size of the city's population. In small towns with up to 200 thousand inhabitants, such a business will work very poorly. No matter how hard you try, there won’t be enough clients. Therefore, the larger the city, the more solvent customers live in it, and this is very important for the “chocolate” business.

Next point. The client for this service is special and finding him is not so easy. A chocolate fountain can be offered for corporate events, anniversaries and birthdays, presentations and receptions, wedding celebrations and children's parties. The whole difficulty in attracting clients lies in the fact that this service is little known, especially in the regions.

Only active and intrusive advertising can help here. You should definitely create a group on social networks and post as many colorful photos and videos as possible. It may be useful to collaborate with holiday agencies, individuals (photographers, aero designers) and so on. Leaflets and radio advertising will not have any effect, since people will not understand what a “chocolate” fountain is.

Another budget-friendly way to advertise a service is to work with cafes and restaurants. Some hookah owners used to work on this principle. You invite the cafe management to include your service in the menu, in return you leave them a certain percentage of each order (15-25%). If the management of the establishment is accommodating, then you can print booklets and place them on each table of the establishment. The visitor, while waiting for his order, will definitely read your booklet, and perhaps become interested in such a service.

Word of mouth and reviews from those who have already tried this service will help your business develop. The main thing here is to do everything at the highest level, and clients will find you themselves.

A complex approach!

You can't make much money from one chocolate fountain. Therefore, many entrepreneurs simultaneously provide other services that fit into any celebration:

  • aerodesign;
  • mobile “cotton candy” and “popcorn” installation;
  • fountain for drinks;
  • caramel apples;
  • sweet gifts.

Of course, this will require completely different investments and hiring more employees. But such a list of services will allow you to receive orders almost weekly and will significantly increase the entrepreneur’s income.

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How to make money from chocolate fountains?

The organizers try to make everything as interesting as possible and in such a way that the guests are satisfied. Surely those people who often attend such events have noticed that almost every one has a chocolate fountain and that it is extremely popular among guests; a crowd of people usually always lives around it.
Chocolate- this is, first of all, a very tasty delicacy that almost everyone loves, in addition, its benefits have been proven relatively recently, so all people can easily consume it, but, of course, in limited quantities, and at events it would be a sin not to treat yourself to something - it's delicious.
Chocolate fountains have long been popular in Europe and they look very impressive, because instead of water, delicious chocolate pours into the fountain.
A chocolate fountain can be rented out, in principle, this is how you can make money, especially since renting a fountain does not cost a penny, as many might think, but a completely normal amount of money.

Decoration of chocolate fountains

Fountains are designed in completely different ways, so they can fit into absolutely any event. Most often, chopped fruits are placed on skewers next to the fountain, which are then immersed in this fountain. The combination of fruit and chocolate is simply divine.
The chocolate fountain looks like a metal structure of three tiers, it works directly from the electrical network, a special container drowns the chocolate, which then flows directly down the tiers like a fountain.
Usually, for such a fountain, chocolate is used, which contains about fifty-three percent cocoa; it is considered that it is the most suitable, since the percentage of cocoa content is quite large, but the chocolate will not be too bitter.
Having decided to engage in this business, you naturally need to purchase such a fountain somewhere, and preferably more than one; production is in different countries, so the entrepreneur himself can find the most suitable option for him both in terms of transportation and cost. Also, fountains come in different sizes, but most often they choose those whose height does not exceed one and a half meters.

Chocolate fountain advertising

In such a business, advertising is important, thanks to which customers learn that such a service has become available. It is best to place fountains in well-known restaurants or hotel lobbies, where they can be noticed and where there will be people willing to rent them.
For transportation, you will need to search for clients on your own, this will allow you to quickly recoup all investments, and in general, in no business you should just sit and wait, you always need to act.
The fountains look very impressive, so many will probably want to get them for their own event, the main thing is to lure the client, provide a tempting discount or give a gift, in a word, use various cunning marketing techniques that have already proven their effectiveness in practice.

In Russia, the chocolate market is developing rapidly. From 2013 to 2019, chocolate consumption increased from 6 to 8 kg per person per year. Despite the trends towards proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, people continue to buy sweets and candies: for themselves and their families, as holiday gifts. The chocolate production business pays for itself in a matter of months and brings stable profits to the owners.

Chocolate making business ideas

There are two models for organizing the technological process: home or industrial chocolate production.

By choosing the first option, you can start a business at home in the kitchen, investing a minimum of money in equipment. But it will not be possible to officially register such a business, so the responsibility for working without registering with the Federal Tax Service and paying taxes will fall on you.

In the second case, you will have to comply with the requirements of inspection authorities, rent and prepare a workshop, hire employees and establish a stream production of chocolate products.

Making handmade chocolate

“Chocolate boutique” is a concept that came to Russia in 2016. The boutique sells elite handmade chocolate made according to home recipes. The owners of such establishments rely on the uniqueness of their products, inferior to large workshops in production volumes.

The assortment of the chocolate boutique includes:

  • dark, white and milk chocolate bars;
  • chocolate with fruit and berry fillings;
  • truffles;
  • candies with non-standard fillings;
  • gift sets of different types of chocolate.

Customers can order personalized sets, chocolate fountains and even engraved chocolates.

The fashionable trend of gourmet boutiques is the combination of incompatible tastes. Luxury chocolate manufacturers offer ginger, chili peppers, candied fruits and even bacon as fillings. They sell flavored candies exclusively in original packaging.

Handmade chocolate is a delight for gourmets, so it will always find its buyer

Making fruits in chocolate

Strawberries, apples and bananas are fruits that are in demand all year round. In combination with chocolate they form a unique delicacy. The advantage of the chocolate-covered fruit business is minimal competition on the Russian market. The disadvantage is the pronounced seasonality. In winter, the cost of fruit increases, and consumer demand decreases.

A possible way out of the situation is to rent space in a city shopping center in order to work even in the cold season, in a place with maximum traffic. Advertising can focus on the vitamin content of products.

There is nothing tastier than chocolate-covered fruit: neither children nor adults can resist this delicacy.

Making chocolate figures

The technology for making chocolate figurines is simple - hot chocolate is poured into molds, then cooled until hardened and the halves are removed. The edges of each are carefully heated and glued together. Figures are used to decorate cakes and pastries and are given as gifts for children and adults on holidays.

To prepare a chocolate butterfly or openwork lace you need:

  • melted chocolate;
  • glass bowl for heating;
  • Silicone forms.

Instead of molds, you can use any objects: cups, shot glasses, spoons, paper sheets and others. By combining different types of chocolate and adding food coloring, confectioners give the figures a unique design. Show your imagination and an unprecedented result will not keep you waiting.

Chocolate figurines are ordered to decorate wedding and anniversary cakes

Where to start: business registration

Chocolate production belongs to the food industry, so be prepared for numerous inspections by the SES and Rospotrebnadzor. Register your business before starting work by choosing one of the forms - LLC or Individual Entrepreneur.

Advantages of being an individual entrepreneur:

  • registration 5 working days in advance;
  • minimum state duty when registering a business;
  • minimum documents.

The main disadvantage of an individual entrepreneur is liability to creditors with all property. If you own an apartment and have accumulated debts in your business, be prepared for the property to be put up for sale.

Pros of opening an LLC:

  • financial responsibility within the authorized capital;
  • a participant in a legal entity can leave it by alienating the company’s share;
  • the company can be sold or donated if necessary;
  • in case of suspension of activities, the organization does not transfer contributions to pension and insurance funds.

The disadvantages of an LLC are a complicated registration procedure and the need to contribute an authorized capital of 10 thousand rubles, as well as a state fee of 4 thousand rubles. for registration of a company.

When registering, select a tax system that is comfortable for you. Small businesses should consider a simplified regime (STS 6 or 15%). When planning to open a large-scale production facility, think about UTII (flat tax on imputed income). The amount and procedure for paying taxes depends on the chosen system.

Table: comparison of tax regimes

Tax regime Limits
Revenue Average number of employees Average annual cost of funds Kind of activity Capital structure
BASIC No limits
Unified agricultural tax No limits No limits No limits Agriculture No limits
UTII No limits 100 people No limits The share of participation of other organizations is no more than 25%
USNO 6% 60 million rub. 100 million rub. Except for some activities
simplified taxation system 15%
PSN 60 million rub. 15 people No limits There is a list of activities Only for individual entrepreneurs

Obtain permits from Rospotrebnadzor and Pozhnadzor, as well as a conclusion from the SES on the possibility of starting work. Get a health certificate, even if you make candy in minimal quantities.

Organization of home chocolate production

An exclusive home confectionery can compete with large-scale production due to the quality of its products, the use of natural ingredients and proven chocolate recipes. When working independently, pay close attention to the quality of the product. Experiment with combinations of flavors and offer customers a variety of products. The disadvantage of doing business at home is the inability to officially register the company. This is due to the fact that the kitchen area must be removed from the housing stock in order to organize food production in it. In this case, you take on all the risks associated with unofficial entrepreneurship.

Recipe and manufacturing technology

Follow the recipe and technological process when making chocolate - the taste and shelf life of the finished product depend on this.

The simplest chocolate recipe at home:

  1. Mix 5 tbsp. spoons of cocoa, 7 tbsp. spoons of sugar and 150 ml of milk in a bowl. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, stirring continuously.
  2. Gradually add 1 teaspoon of flour and 50 g of butter. Continue stirring the mixture until smooth.
  3. Pour hot chocolate into molds, after pouring the filling into it (wafer crumbs, nuts, raisins).

When choosing chocolate, customers first of all pay attention to appearance and taste.

Once the chocolate has cooled, it is ready to eat. Homemade sweets can be stored for 2–6 months at temperatures up to 17 degrees. Transporting chocolate is only permitted in vehicles equipped with cooling systems.

The weight of the candy should not exceed 3–6 g so that the client can put it whole in his mouth and taste it without biting.

Premises requirements

Technical conditions for chocolate production are determined by GOST 31721–2012. In the document you will find information on the quantity of ingredients for the manufacture of different types of cocoa-based products, as well as requirements for equipment and workshop. Despite the lack of registration and inspections, try to comply with the maximum requirements of the standard. The room must be ventilated, with artificial temperature conditions and low humidity levels. The optimal temperature for storing chocolate is up to 17 degrees.

Purchase of equipment and raw materials

You can open a home confectionery shop with minimal investment if you work to order and use kitchen equipment. Purchase raw materials for chocolate production:

  • chocolate mass or cocoa;
  • cacao butter;
  • sugar;
  • vanilla;
  • emulsifiers;
  • milk or cream.

Buy quality ingredients. To save money, replacing cocoa butter with palm oil and cocoa with carob, you risk the taste of the future chocolate.

At home, use a coffee grinder to grind cocoa beans into powder.

As your business develops, start purchasing professional equipment:

  • high power juicer for cocoa butter;
  • grinding machine to remove excess moisture;
  • tempera for quick crystallization of chocolate;
  • various shapes and stencils.

The cost of a home kit for the production of elite sweets does not exceed 150 thousand rubles.

Sales and advertising company

At first, sell candies directly to customers. To do this, create groups on social networks, take attractive photos of products and post advertisements. Invite friends and acquaintances to groups, set up targeted advertising for members of competing groups.

When you develop your business and open a kitchen outside your home, having received permission from the SES, negotiate with retail chains and coffee shops that do not have a kitchen, and supply candies for sale. The main thing is to comply with the conditions of delivery and storage of goods.

Financial calculations

Home production does not require special expenses and pays off within a few months.

Table: costs of starting a business

Table: systematic costs

Planned income

The cost of one bar of exclusive handmade chocolate is 200 rubles, the cost of its production is 25–35 rubles, depending on the filling. On average, you can sell 200 tiles per month, the final income is 40 thousand rubles. Net profit per month is 15 thousand rubles, payback period for a home business is 5 months.

Business plan for producing chocolate on an industrial scale

Industrial production is different from home production. You will not be able to cope with the volume of production alone; you will need to involve employees. Equipment for a full-fledged workshop costs tens of times more, and the manufacturing technology is more complex than at home.

First of all, hire a technologist for your enterprise. He will be responsible for the process of making chocolate and working on recipes. Purchase raw materials only after working out each recipe.

To obtain chocolate, cocoa beans are roasted, ground and mixed with the remaining ingredients in a conche machine, and then cooled and formed into bars.

The process of making chocolate in the workshop is automated and includes the following steps:

  • dosing of components;
  • initial mixing;
  • mixing in a conche machine for up to 3 days;
  • heating the chocolate mass to 50 degrees;
  • pouring into molds;
  • cooling to 33 degrees and holding for 40 minutes;

The production of different types of chocolate differs in the initial set of ingredients and technology adjustments. To prepare aerated chocolate, it is enough to add air when loading the raw materials for conching, but for bitter chocolate you will have to use more cocoa powder.

Selecting a room

To organize a chocolate workshop, a room with an area of ​​60 square meters is sufficient. m. Requirements for the workshop:

  • is not part of the housing stock;
  • equipped with ventilation;
  • there are sinks with cold and hot water;
  • the walls are tiled up to 1.5 m from the floor;
  • the rest of the walls are painted.

To make bars and candies perfectly even, buy a molding machine for your workshop

Indoors, equip a space for storing products with optimal temperature, as well as an office and a workshop with equipment.

Purchase of equipment

The cost of purchasing equipment ranges from 1 to 10 million rubles. Industrial equipment for a chocolate workshop:

  • ball mill for mixing ingredients;
  • boiler for melting butter;
  • conche mixing machine;
  • refrigeration equipment;
  • tempera for crystallization of chocolate.

In conche machines, the chocolate mass is kept with constant stirring for 24–72 hours

Auxiliary equipment:

  • conveyors;
  • ventilation system;
  • thermostats;
  • planetary pumps;
  • hoods;
  • molding equipment;
  • packaging unit;
  • printing press for making wrappers.

Purchase of raw materials

Chocolate is made from cocoa beans, which can be purchased in Africa, Australia, and Asia. There are three types of beans suitable for chocolate production:

  • “Creole” - selected premium beans;
  • "Stranger" - average quality;
  • "Pumpkin" - low-grade beans.

Cocoa beans go through three stages before turning into powder:

  • frying at a temperature of 150 degrees;
  • separation of liquid and husk;
  • grinding into powder.

In addition to the powder, purchase cocoa butter, sugar and milk, as well as ingredients for fillings if you plan to make candies.

Don’t skimp on ingredients: the more natural ingredients, the higher the quality of the chocolate.


For the normal functioning of the workshop, hire employees. Make sure everyone has valid health records.

Composition of employees:

  • manager;
  • accountant;
  • technologist;
  • confectioners;
  • driver;
  • cleaner.

Enter into non-disclosure agreements with your employees regarding the company’s recipes.

Formation of assortment

Large confectionery factories use a similar recipe, and their production volumes do not allow them to produce exclusive chocolate in small batches. In a small workshop you can make chocolate according to original recipes, varying the composition of ingredients and filling.

Together with the technologist, evaluate production capabilities and calculate the expected production volumes. Develop your own specifications. Based on the planned purchases of raw materials, create a menu. Complete them and post them on the company website or in a group on social networks.

A high-end chocolate boutique's selection typically includes handmade chocolates and cakes, as well as beautifully packaged gift sets.

Possible distribution channels and advertising

Chocolate lovers (82%) buy their favorite product in supermarkets at the same time as purchasing other goods. At the same time, 21% of them are ready to specifically go to the store for chocolate. Milk bars are chosen more often than others, bitter ones less often. Only 4% of buyers like white chocolate. “Chocolate boutiques” with exclusive varieties of your favorite product are gaining momentum.

Probable distribution channels for products:

  • supermarkets;
  • non-chain grocery stores;
  • stalls, tents;
  • coffee shops, cafes;
  • fairs, exhibitions.
  • shops, coffee shops;
  • Internet, social networks;
  • city ​​magazines;
  • release of own catalogs;
  • sponsoring events.

To ensure that your product does not get lost on store shelves, do not skimp on original packaging and memorable advertising

Business settlements

Calculations are given using the example of a workshop with an area of ​​60 square meters. m., equipped with everything necessary and operating under a license.

Table: opening costs

Table: regular costs

Expected income

The cost of one chocolate bar is 100 rubles, the cost of its production is 20–35 rubles. On average, only through retail chains you can sell 5,200 tiles per month, the final income is 520 thousand rubles. Net profit per month is 260 thousand rubles, the payback period for a home business is 2 years.

Business profitability reaches 200% even when using natural ingredients. If you replace cocoa powder and cocoa butter with cheap analogues, it will increase by another 1.5 times.

Franchise or own brand

You will need significant capital to start your chocolate business from scratch. There is an exit. If you doubt your abilities, buy a franchise. Famous chocolate factories operating under franchising:

  • "Chantimel";
  • Podarilli;
  • Frade.

Franchise benefits:

  • work under a well-known brand;
  • proven production technology;
  • opportunity to buy equipment at a discount/leasing;
  • consulting assistance;
  • mechanics of doing business;
  • feeling of working as a team.

Disadvantages of franchising:

  • the need to pay the franchise seller a monthly fee - royalty;
  • high cost of business;
  • excessive demands on the incoming partner;
  • the need to comply with the franchisor's conditions.

A franchise buyer always runs the risk of running into an unscrupulous company that, instead of existing mechanisms for effective work, only gives a couple of instructions on how to conduct business.

The Konfael franchise allows you to ensure stable turnover and makes it possible to obtain higher profitability compared to a business created from scratch

Newbie mistakes

Beginners in the chocolate business often make mistakes. The key problem is underestimating consumer demands. Manufacturers in small towns are especially guilty of this. They rely on the uniqueness of the product, without paying attention to consumer qualities. As a result, the client receives an exclusive candy in expensive packaging, but it tastes obscene. Naturally, the client does not come again. In general, in provincial cities, people place inflated demands on the quality of food products, compliance with which is the key task of an entrepreneur.

If you decide to start a chocolate production business and have enough funds, don’t hesitate. Assess the market in your city, analyze the demand of potential buyers. Calculate expenses and income and get started. If you doubt your abilities, choose a popular franchise and follow the proven methods of professionals.

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