Social psychology: term papers, theses, master's theses; Topics; examples; features of writing and research. List of WRC topics in the specialty "Law and organization of social security Topics in social work


For execution and design

Final qualifying work in the direction of preparation 040400 "Social work"

(qualification (degree) "Bachelor", "Master")

For all forms of education

Compiled by:

Yu. Yu. Shurygina

S. B. Davletchina

VSGUTU publishing house

BBK U9(2)301ya73

Published by decision of the editorial and publishing council of the East Siberian State University of Technology and Management


S. Ch. Manturovadr. history sciences, prof. Department of "Social Technologies";

A. M. Kuznetsovadr. philosophy Sciences, Assoc. Department "Political Science, Philosophy and History" BF SibGUTI.

Methodical instructions are drawn up in accordance with the current Federal State Educational Standards. They formulate the basic requirements for the type, volume, structure, content, design of the final qualifying work.

These instructions are addressed to graduates of the direction "Social work", scientific supervisors, reviewers and members of the State Examination Commission in order to fulfill the uniform requirements for the WQR.

BBK U9(2)301ya73

ã Yu. Yu. Shurygina 2015

S. B. Davletchina 2015

ã ESSTUU, 2015


1. Guidelines for the preparation of final qualification works……………………………………..
1.1 General provisions………………………………………….
1.2 Stages of WRC implementation……………………………………...
1.3 Selecting a research topic………………………………...
1.4 Requirements for WRC performance…………………………..
1.5 Scope, structure and content of WRC sections………….
1.6 WRC Guidelines…………………………………………..
1.7 Responsibilities of the graduate in the course of the work…..
2. Rules for registration of work……………………………….
3. Norm control ……………………………………………..
4. Materials for VRC protection……………………………….
5. Preparation for the defense and the procedure for the defense of the WRC ....................
5.1. Pre-protection of VRC…………………………………………..
5.2. WRC protection procedure………………………………….
Designations and abbreviations…………………………………...
List of sources used…………………………
Annex A. Sample application for approval of the WRC theme……………………………………………………………..
Annex B. Sample of the title page of the WRC……………..
Annex B. Supervisor review……………...
Annex D. Sample review for the WRC…………………...
Annex E. Sample abstract for the WRC…………………
Appendix G. Approximate topics of WRC for bachelors…….
Annex H. Approximate topics of the WRC for undergraduates ... ..

General provisions

The State Final Attestation (SFA) of graduates is carried out at the university for all basic educational programs (PEP) of higher professional education that have state accreditation, and is aimed at establishing the compliance of the level of professional training of graduates with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education (FSES HPE).

The main goals of the GIA in the form of the implementation and defense of the final qualification work (WQR) are:

- assessment of the graduate's ability to solve a system (or a subsystem that is part of a more general system) of tasks of professional activity;

- assessment of the graduate's level of knowledge necessary for solving the problems of activities (covered by the WRC) in the relevant natural sciences, general professional and special disciplines, methods and algorithms for solving problems, the ability to use this knowledge;

- assessment of the graduate's readiness to participate in creative problem solving in the area of ​​social practice with which his professional activity will be connected.

A person who has successfully completed in full the development of the main educational program in the direction of preparing higher professional education, developed at the university in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education, is admitted to the GIA.

Subject to successful completion of the GIA, a university graduate is awarded an appropriate degree and a state diploma of higher professional education is issued.

Final qualifying work- a scientific research independently carried out by a graduate, summarizing the received theoretical and practical training in individual academic disciplines, having a qualifying character and intended for public defense.

Requirements for the content, volume and structure of the WQR are determined by the higher education institution.

WRCs are performed in forms corresponding to certain levels of higher professional education:

- for the qualification (degree) "bachelor" - in the form of a bachelor's thesis (BR), which can be based on a synthesis of coursework and projects completed by the student at previous stages of training and is prepared for defense in the final period of theoretical training;

- for the qualification (degree) "master" - in the form of a master's thesis (MD).

WRC implementation stages

The WRC implementation process includes the following steps:

1. choice of topic and its coordination with the supervisor;

2. successful completion of an industrial practice and collection of materials for the WRC;

3. selection and study of literature on the chosen problem;

4. registration of organizational documents and familiarization with the requirements for the design of the WRC;

5. writing work;

6. preparation for defense (thesis of the report, presentation, handout, getting a job review from the head, external review);

7. WRC protection.

The work should begin with the selection of literature on the research topic.

When writing a WRC, you should familiarize yourself with publications in periodicals related to the field of study, in particular, “Social Service Worker”, “Domestic Journal of Social Work”, “Sociological Research”, etc. Thematic indexes of articles for the year are published in the latest issues of journals . Reviews of the literature on specific topics should also be consulted.

It is strongly recommended that graduates actively use the electronic information resources of the university's scientific library, in particular, the electronic library (eLIBRARY.RU) // http: // www. elibrary. ru, materials from the website of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Buryatia // http: //, and for undergraduates - the electronic library of dissertations of the Russian State Library // and others.

As a result of collecting information on the research topic, the following information should be obtained:

– who and where (which researchers and in which scientific centers) has already worked and is working on the research topic?

– what exactly are they?

All information obtained by the graduate is recorded in the form of records of various kinds (on bibliographic cards, extracts, direct quotations, photocopies, an alphabetical catalog on the research problem, plans (simple and complex), diagram graphs, independently compiled subject indexes, annotations, theses, abstracts, informative reviews, which record the knowledge gained by the graduate about the facts already known in science, patterns, theories, explanations on the research topic).

Before compiling the review, it is necessary to define the main concepts on the research topic so that their use is unambiguous. This means that this or that concept, which can be interpreted differently by different authors (for example, education in the "broad" and "narrow" senses) should in the entire text of this work, from beginning to end, have only one, clearly defined by the author. meaning. After the definition of concepts is done, the search for their interpretations in the following sources begins:

– encyclopedias: general and special (for example, pedagogical, sociological, psychological, philosophical, etc.);

- explanatory dictionaries: general (S. Ozhegova, V. Dahl, etc.) and special (for example, pedagogical, psychological, sociological);

The found definitions of concepts are fixed on separate cards and are subjected to mental processing using the operations of analysis, comparison, induction, deduction, classification, generalization, etc.

Text No. 1 (text-reasoning). The basic concepts of the study and the logical connections between them are described, i.e. the conceptual apparatus of future work is being created.

Text No. 2 (stating). The interpretation of the main concepts by various authors is given (with footnotes), but without analysis, only their enumeration.

Text No. 3 (actually creative text). Analyzed, compared, contrasted different interpretations of the same concept. Concepts are classified according to the selected parameter. A preliminary conclusion is made about those interpretations of terms that will be taken as a basis in this study or about their own interpretations of the main concepts of the work.

It is text No. 3, as a result of work on concepts, that is included in the main part of the WRC.

As the practice of managing a WRC has shown, to write a review on a research topic, bachelors need to use at least 30-40 sources, and master students - 60-80 sources. But at the same time, it must be remembered that the quality of a WRC is determined not by the amount of materials used, but by the degree of independence elaboration of issues, validity and originality of conclusions and proposals.

Choice of research topic

The topics of the WRC should be aimed at solving professional problems: the development of methodological foundations of the theory, history and technology of social work; assessment of the state of state social policy and protection in relation to various categories of the population of the Russian Federation; analysis of the dynamics of changes in social practice in work with the least socially protected segments of the population; development of social projects for solving social problems of the individual, family, ethnic community; research of effective technologies of social work in various spheres of life and extreme situations; generalization of experience and development of innovative forms and methods of social interaction and social partnership of social protection authorities, social services, enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership; determining the place and role of social work in the prevention of socially dangerous phenomena, deviant behavior, the preservation and development of human resources; development of innovative technologies of social work, social education, training of professionals in the social sphere.

The specific subject of work must meet the following requirements:

– meet the objectives of graduate training;

- take into account the directions and problems of modern scientific research;

- to involve graduates in working on problems that are being investigated by individual teachers and the staff of the department as a whole;

– take into account the diversity of interests of graduates in the field of theory and practice.

Approximate topics of the WRC are developed at the Department of Social Technologies and brought to the attention of graduates (Appendix G-H).

When selecting the topics of the WQR, the graduating department proceeds, first of all, from the desire for the greatest continuity of the WQR with the work performed by graduates earlier or performed in the graduate course in the disciplines of the curriculum.

The general list of WRC topics is updated annually by the department as necessary (taking into account the proposals and comments of the SEC, the profile of the direction, new scientific directions, changes in requirements, etc.).

The title of the WRC topic should be short, while at the same time reflecting its goals and main content.

WRC can be of the following types:

- individual, performed by one graduate on a separate topic;

- group, performed on a single topic by several graduates of this direction; at the same time, each graduate independently solves a certain part of the task in view of the collective consideration of the main fundamental and interrelated (interdependent) issues;

- complex, carried out by a certain part of graduates of one or several areas (including different universities or faculties) on related topics, united by a common problem; each graduate is working on a separate task of this problem;

- end-to-end, based on the generalization of coursework completed by the graduate in various interrelated disciplines of the curriculum during the training in this BEP for the preparation of bachelors or masters.

WRC can be carried out on the topics of state budget or contractual research of the department, university (faculty), on topics in the field of fundamental, exploratory and applied research, as well as at the request of enterprises, institutions, organizations, other departments of the university and on the initiative topics of the department teachers and the graduates themselves. A graduate can propose his own topic for the WRC with the necessary justification for the expediency of its development and ask for its inclusion in the list of topics of the WRC.

WRC topics should reflect regional aspects.

It, on the recommendation of the graduating department, is approved by the order of the university and announced to graduates (for review) no later than six months before the start of the GIA - usually at the beginning of the graduation year or at the end of the previous year.

Topics can be defined in a variety of ways.

1. The supervisor determines the topic of the WRC. If a teacher conducts research work on a specific problem, he can involve graduates in its development by offering them a list of specific topics for creative search.

2. The graduate works on a topic that contributes to overcoming the difficulties that arose in his practical activities. As a rule, such topics are chosen by graduates who had work experience before studying at the university, or those who combine study and work.

3. The graduate works on a topic corresponding to his interests, which he developed over a number of years in the form of term papers.

If the choice of topic is carried out independently, then we can recommend:

– view analytical reviews of scientific achievements made by leading experts (at the end of such reviews, unresolved problems are often indicated);

- choose a topic that is close to the problems of previous studies, using new, more advanced methods;

- test one of the hypotheses put forward, but not tested earlier in the study;

- get acquainted with special literature and periodicals;

– consult with leading scientists to identify little-studied problems and issues of current importance.

The form and topic of the WQR, the appointment of its head is formalized by the order of the rector on the written application of the graduate, on the proposal of the faculty management, the head of the graduating department before sending him to the last (undergraduate) practice, indicating the place of its passage (Appendix A). After the WRC theme has been approved, it is not allowed to change it.

In all documents - in orders, materials (title page, review, annotation, etc.), educational card and graduate record book, diploma supplement, the title of the WRC topic should be given without distortion in exact accordance with the wording in the order.

Requirements for the implementation of WRC

The WRC should be presented in such a form that allows one to judge how fully the provisions, conclusions and recommendations contained in it are reflected and substantiated. The performance of the WRC should serve as evidence that its author has learned to independently conduct a scientific search, to see professional problems and has mastered the most common methods and techniques for solving them.

General requirements for the content and quality of the WRC:

- clarity, literacy and logical sequence of presentation of the material;

- the persuasiveness of the argument;

- brevity and accuracy of wording, excluding the possibility of subjective interpretation;

– specificity of the presentation of the results;

The quality of the WRC is enhanced if it contains sufficient illustrative material (diagrams, diagrams, tables, etc.), which can be placed both in the main text and in the appendix to the study.

In the direction 040400.62 "Social work" the WRC is carried out in the form of a bachelor's work (BR). It can be both purely theoretical and theoretical-applied in nature.

A bachelor's thesis is a completed independent research (development) or analysis (solution) of any actual problem (practical task) in the field of the chosen direction and contains systematized data on the research work performed, a description of the process or the results of socio-psychological research (experimental or theoretical orientation) or the state of the actual social, psychological, etc. Problems.

It involves a sufficient theoretical development of the topic with the choice of research areas, analysis of experiments, observations and surveys, literary and other sources of information on the issue (problem) under study, generalization and evaluation of research results, development of recommendations and initial data on the specific use of research results, assessment of social significance completed work.

The final qualifying work in the direction 040400.68 in accordance with the PEP of the magistracy is carried out in the form of a master's thesis (MD) during the period of internship and research work and is an independent and logically completed WRC, associated with solving problems of that type (s) of activity, to which prepares a master student (research, organizational and managerial, scientific and pedagogical, social design, socio-technological).

MD is an independent scientific, theoretical and applied research carried out by a graduate of the master's program under the guidance of a supervisor.

It must correspond to the modern level of science, and its theme must be relevant.

The MD presents a fundamentally new object or process, contains a description of new factors, phenomena and patterns, or a generalization of previously known provisions from other scientific positions or a completely different aspect.

The preparation and defense of the MD should demonstrate the level of scientific qualification of the graduate of the master's program and, above all, his ability to independently conduct scientific research, solve specific research problems.

It requires approbation in the form of publications. The undergraduate must have at least one published work, presented in the introduction and annotations.

When performing the WQR, students must show their ability and ability, based on the acquired in-depth knowledge, skills and formed general cultural and professional competencies, to independently solve the tasks of their professional activity at the modern level, professionally present special information, scientifically argue and defend their point of view.

In order to control the progress of the WRC preparation, as well as timely detection and elimination of possible shortcomings in it, the scientific supervisor checks it. Such checks should be provided at least three times for the entire period of preparation of the work. On the appointed day, the graduate submits all his materials on the WRC (rough and final versions, assignment, etc.), and the supervisor determines the percentage of its completion.

When checking the graduate, omissions and shortcomings in the materials under consideration are indicated. The supervisor pays special attention to the volume and content of the work performed, compliance with the standards and requirements for the quality of execution of WRC materials, and other issues.

The results of the check are entered into the screen of the preparation of the WRC as a percentage and are considered at a meeting of the department.

After the meeting of the department, information on the progress in the preparation of the WRC and proposals for lagging graduates are submitted to the dean of the faculty. If a graduate does not systematically fulfill the work plan for the WQR, then the department and the faculty management raise the question of the advisability of further work and removal of him from the preparation of the WQR with subsequent expulsion from the university.

1.5 Scope, structure and content of WRC sections

The WQR is carried out on the basis of an in-depth study of the literature in the field of study - textbooks, manuals, monographs, periodicals, journals, normative, reference literature, guidelines of the department, etc.

The total volume of the BR work is approximately 40-60 sheets of typewritten text, MD - 80-100, submitted in accordance with the rules for processing text documents.

The structure of the WRC is a reflection of the internal logic of the study and a means of interconnecting its individual elements. It focuses on the most significant fragments of the study and allows you to verify the consistency and strict logical sequence of presentation.

The effectiveness of the structure of the WRC largely depends on how its text meets the principles of integrity, consistency and coherence, as well as the criterion of proportionality of its parts.

From the point of view of the principle of integrity, the WRC structure is the unity of all its elements, and each element of the structure is a part of the work as a whole. Violation of this principle inevitably entails chaos in the presentation of the material.

The criterion of consistency requires considering WRC elements as a system formed by their interaction, which does not allow mechanical, formal association of dissimilar elements.

Connectivity is a WRC criterion, which is a prerequisite for the existence of its text as a specific structure. It is the connection that ensures the interdependence and correlation of various fragments of the text, which indicates the effectiveness of the sequence of presentation of information chosen by the author.

The criterion of proportionality assumes that the volume of this or that fragment of the text corresponds to its significance.

- title page;

– introduction;

– main text (main part);

- conclusion;

– list of sources used;

– applications.

The following requirements are imposed on the structural elements of the WRC.

Title page is the first page of the WRC and serves as the main source of information necessary for the processing and retrieval of the document. The title page of the WRC is filled in in accordance with the standard forms. (Appendix B)

Content is the most important element of the reference and accompanying apparatus, giving a general idea of ​​the structure of the WRC and its issues. It includes an introduction, the name of all sections, subsections, paragraphs (if they have a place, and their name), a conclusion, a list of sources used and the name of applications indicating the page numbers from which they begin, which makes it easy to find one or another material. . At the same time, the wording must exactly correspond to the content of the work, be concise, clear, consistently and accurately reflect the internal logic. A mandatory requirement is verbatim repetition in the headings of the content (table of contents) of the titles of the sections presented in the text, in the same sequence and subordination. As well as the headings of the structural elements of the WRC ("CONTENT", "INTRODUCTION", "CONCLUSION", etc.) should be written in capital letters in full accordance with their spelling in the text of the work itself.

The names included in the content are written in lowercase letters, starting with an uppercase letter.

Introduction. This part of the WRC forms the first impression of the work and its author. It contains a rationale for the relevance of the topic, i.e. substantiation of the need to study it, novelty, assessment of the current state of the problem under study, characteristics of the work, such as the object, subject, goal, tasks, hypothesis, structure. Introduction The MD contains research methods, types of approbation, and may reflect theoretical and practical significance, if any.

The relevance of the topic is its significance for modern society, for science, confirmed by figures and facts.

The elaboration of a topic is the coverage of this topic by other authors.

The object of the work is the basic concept of the work, arising from its title.

The subject is a specific part of the object to which this work is directed.

The purpose of the work follows from its title.

Tasks are questions that can be put to the paragraphs of the work. There are as many of them as there are paragraphs in the work.

A hypothesis is a scientific assumption that will be confirmed or refuted during the study.

The introduction should not contain definitions, tables, quotations, which is typical for the main part. It usually takes no more than 3-5 pages of computer text.

Main part includes chapters and paragraphs. They reveal the history and theory of the issue under study, provide a critical analysis of the literature, and characterize the position of the author. The following are the methods, organization and results of an independent study. In the MD, it must necessarily consist of theoretical and practical chapters.

Chapters may include tables, graphs and other illustrative materials with their obligatory description in the text. Each paragraph and chapter necessarily ends with conclusions.

This part should be presented very fully and thoroughly, as it demonstrates the author's contribution to the development of the formulated goals and objectives, and the level of research literacy of the graduate.

Conclusion. It contains the results of the work, the most important conclusions reached by the author; their practical significance, the possibility of implementing the results of the work and further prospects for researching the topic are indicated. The most important requirement for a conclusion is its brevity and thoroughness; it should not repeat the content of the introduction and the main part of the work. In general, the conclusion should answer the following questions:

- why did the graduate undertake this study;

– what has been achieved;

– what significance they have for the development of the theory and practice of social work.

List of information sources used should be placed at the end of the main text and contain information about the sources used in the performance of the work (literature, normative and other documentation). The rules for formatting links are given in the second section of the guidelines.

– tables of auxiliary digital data;

– normative and reference data;

- illustrations of an auxiliary nature, etc.

They are usually drawn up on separate sheets, and each of them must have its own thematic heading and the inscription: "Appendix" indicating the letters indicating their sequence; if there are several applications, then: "Appendix A", "Appendix B", etc.

WRC leadership

When preparing the WQR in accordance with the chosen topic, each student is assigned a supervisor. The topic of the WRC should be within the scope of his scientific interests.

The supervisor provides systematic control over the graduate's practice and writing a qualifying work.

In accordance with the form, subject and structure of the WQR, the head gives the graduate the task of studying the object of undergraduate practice and collecting materials for work, as well as its partial implementation during the period of practice. The form of assignment for practice is established by the department. A graduate can choose the place of internship independently, as well as from the list of organizations that have concluded an agreement with the university. The head of practice, as a rule, is appointed by the supervisor of the WRC.

The supervisor is neither a co-author nor an editor of the work and therefore is not obliged to correct all statistical, spelling, stylistic and other errors in the work. Responsibility for the correct development and coverage of the topic, the quality of the content and design of the work, ultimately, lies entirely with the graduate. At the first stage of preparation, the leader advises how to start considering the topic, corrects the work plan and makes recommendations on the list of literature used. In the course of further work, the supervisor acts as an opponent, pointing out to the graduate the shortcomings of argumentation, composition, style, etc., and advises how best to eliminate them.

The head of the WRC analyzes, discusses and evaluates, together with the graduate, the decisions made by the latter, can express his doubts about the correctness of the decisions made, but not replace the graduate in his creative activity.

The head of the WRC provides the graduate with scientific and methodological assistance:

- determines the direction of the graduate's WQR, issues a task for practice, based on the results of checking its implementation, forms an updated task for the preparation of the WQR, according to its structure adopted at the department;

- assists him in drawing up a calendar plan for his work for the entire period of preparation of the WRC (indicating the volumes and deadlines for the implementation of individual sections, parts) based on the general plan of the department;

- guides the graduate in the direction of searching for the necessary sources and literature on the topic, recommends to him the necessary basic and additional literature, reference and archival materials, other sources on the topic of the WRC, assists in choosing a methodology for conducting analysis;

- conducts systematic, scheduled consultations, gives answers to all questions that arise from the graduate on the essence of the work performed;

– carries out systematic control, regularly monitors the timing and quality of the work performed and, if necessary, takes measures to correct the situation;

- conducts a phased certification and informs the department about it, reports on the progress of the preparation of the graduate of the WRC at a meeting of the department;

- checks the performance of the work (in parts and as a whole) and decides on the readiness of the WRC or its revision;

- provides the necessary assistance to the graduate in preparing a report and presenting the work during its defense at a meeting of the SAC;

- gives a written review of the knowledge, skills and abilities of the graduate.

The head of the WRC every two weeks, based on the results of weekly mandatory meetings with the graduate, as well as additional (at the request of the graduate) consultations, submits to the head of the department (or the teacher responsible for the department for the GIA) information on the amount of work performed by the graduate for inclusion in a special schedule (screen) of progress WRC preparation.

After a thorough review of the completed WRC materials, its leader signs all materials.

qualifying work

The department exercises general control over the progress of the WRC. The graduate is obliged to carry out the properly planned scope of work.

He bears full responsibility for the scientific validity of the results of his research. The supervisor, if possible, should check their authenticity.

In the process of preparing the WRC, each graduate is given complete independence in the choice of methods and options for solving all issues to be developed. The head of the WRC should not replace him in search of ways to solve the tasks set, his goal is to control the implementation of the WRC and direct the work of the graduate in the case when he will take deliberately wrong ways and methods for solving the problem.

The author of the WRC is responsible for the decisions made in the WRC, the correctness and validity of all data. The signature of the leader on the WRC materials only certifies that the decisions made by the graduate are fundamentally correct and carried out by him independently.

The graduate performs the WRC independently, using the advice of the head and reporting to him as the individual parts and the work as a whole are completed. Failure to comply with the instructions of the head or failure to appear for consultations without good reason gives the latter a reason to refuse to lead the qualifying work. The supervisor informs the head of the department about all significant deviations from the deadlines for completing the work.

A graduate who has not submitted a WRC within the prescribed period is not allowed to defend.


General requirements

The requirements for the design of the WRC should be strictly observed already at the stage of preparing the "draft" version, and after preparing the final version, it is necessary to edit the text again, eliminate typographical errors.

The final (finish) execution of the materials of the completed WRC can be carried out by the graduate only after their approval and verification by the normative controller and the head.

The low culture of work design negatively affects the assessment of the work of the reviewer and members of the SEC. Careful and competent working out of the text of the WRC testifies to the responsibility of the author for the material presented, his respect for the head and members of the examination committee who evaluate the work.

The WRC must be printed on a computer using the Microsoft Word program, printed on one side of a sheet of A4 white paper and contain approximately 1800 characters per page (including spaces), Times New Roman font - regular, font (point size) - 14, line spacing - one and a half, Font color should be black, bold font is not used. It is allowed to use computer features to emphasize, for example, on certain terms, using fonts of different fonts.

The text of the work should be printed, observing the following margins: right - 10 mm, top and bottom - 20 mm, left - 30 mm. Paragraph indent (red line) - 1.25 cm. ( 8.14 Paragraphs in the text begin with an indent equal to 15 mm.)

When performing WRC, it is necessary to observe uniform density, contrast and clarity of the image. The text should contain clear, unblurred lines, letters, numbers, signs.

Misprints, misprints and graphical inaccuracies found in the course of the work are allowed and

Size: px

Start impression from page:


1 An indicative list of topics for final qualification works in the specialty Law and organization of social security 1. The history of the emergence and development of social security law in Russia 2. International legal regulation of social security 3. The legal status of the individual in social security law 4. Implementation of the constitutional right of citizens to a decent standard of living and its characteristics in the subsistence minimum system 5. Principles and sources of social security law 6. Subjects, objects and content of social security law 7. Legal relations in social security law 8. Bodies and organizations providing social security in the Russian Federation: legal status 9. Labor (insurance) experience: legal regulation and legal significance 10. The pension system of the Russian Federation at the present stage 11. The legal status of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation 12. Labor old-age pensions in the Russian Federation 13. Early old-age pensions due to special working conditions 14. Labor pensions disability in the Russian Federation 15. Labor pensions in the event of loss of a breadwinner in the Russian Federation 16. Appointment, determination, recalculation, indexation, adjustment, payment and delivery of labor pensions 17. State pension provision in the Russian Federation 18. Social pension as a special type of social security 19. Pension provision for military personnel and their families in the Russian Federation 20. Pensions for families who have lost their breadwinner 21. Benefits as a type of social security in the Russian Federation 22. State benefits for citizens with children

2 23. Temporary disability benefit 24. Unemployment benefit 25. Employment service of the Perm region: legal status 26. Committee for social protection of the population of the administration of Perm: legal status 27. Place and role of a social worker in the system of social security of citizens: legal status 28. Compensatory payments in the Russian Federation under the law of social security 29. The institution of benefits in the law of social security of the Russian Federation 30. State social insurance as a type of social security 31. Compulsory social insurance contract as a legal mechanism for obtaining assistance in case of accidents at work and occupational diseases 32. Compensation damage in the order of compulsory social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases 33. Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation: legal status 34. Social services for the population in the Russian Federation 35. Social security for the elderly and disabled in the Russian Federation 36. Social security with family with children 37. Stationary and semi-stationary social institutions, their legal status and significance in the organization of social services for the population in the Russian Federation 38. Medical care and treatment. Drug assistance in the Russian Federation 39. Compulsory medical insurance contract as a legal mechanism for obtaining medical care 40. Maintenance of children in children's institutions in the Russian Federation 41. Compulsory medical insurance fund of the Russian Federation: legal status 42. Medical and social expertise: legal status 43. Legal significance of a unified social social security tax

3 44. Social employment contract for low-income citizens 45. Documentation support for management on the example of a social security agency 46. Legal aspects of the formation and storage of personal files of citizens who applied to the social security agency 47. Social and legal features of working with clients of social services 48. Life maintenance agreement with a dependent (on the example of the elderly or disabled) 49. Office etiquette of a lawyer in the field of social services 50. Features of business communication of lawyers (on the example of a social security agency) 51. Disability: legal and socio-psychological aspects 52. Features of financing social security in the Russian Federation . Its organizational and legal forms. 53. Legal regulation of the procedure for calculating seniority in the social security of the Russian Federation. 54. Pension reform in the Russian Federation in 2001: stages of implementation. 55. Organizational, legal and financial foundations of compulsory pension insurance in the Russian Federation. 56. Early appointment of a labor pension for passion under the legislation of the Russian Federation. 57. Pensions for long service under Russian law. 58. Social guarantees for unemployed citizens under the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 59. Benefits for temporary disability of citizens: concept, types. 60. State benefits for citizens with children and state support for families with children. 61. Compensation for damage in the form of compulsory social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases. 62. State system of compulsory medical insurance.

4 63. Legal regulation of social services for citizens under the legislation of the Russian Federation. 64. The system of social security in the Russian Federation. Benefits and measures of social support for the population. 65. History of social security legislation. 66. The concept of social risk. Protection of the population from social risks. 67. The right to material security in the system of socio-economic human rights. 68. The concept and system of social security in Russia. 69. Organizational and legal forms of exercising the constitutional right of everyone to material support. 70. Compulsory social insurance in the state system 71. State social security at the expense of the federal budget. 72. State social assistance as an organizational and legal form 73. The modern concept of social security reform in Russia. 74. Social security law as an independent branch of Russian law. 75. Subject of law 76. Characteristics of material relations that form the subject of law 77. Characteristics of procedural relations that form the subject of law 78. Method of law 79. Sources of law 80. Principles of law 81. General characteristics of legal relations in the field

5 82. Legal status of subjects of legal relations on social security. 83. The concept, types and significance of legal facts in the law of social security. 84. Objects of legal relations for social security. 85. Legal relations to ensure labor pensions. 86. Legal relations for the provision of social pensions. 87. Legal relationship to provide benefits. 88. Legal relations for social services. 89. Legal relations on compulsory medical insurance. 90. Legal relations for the provision of state social assistance. 91. Features of procedural legal relations for social security. 92. Protection of the rights of citizens in the field 93. The concept and significance of the insurance (labor) experience in the law of social security. 94. Special (professional) experience and length of service. 95. Actual problems of the social security system in the Russian Federation. 96. General characteristics of pension provision in the Russian Federation. 97. Principles of law 98. The history of the development of legislation on social security in Russia. 99. The right of citizens to a decent standard of living and its implementation in the field 100. Legal regulation of the provision of social support measures to certain categories of citizens in the Russian Federation The concept and types of social services and assistance to needy citizens in the Russian Federation State standards of social services Pension reform in the Russian Federation .

6 104. Labor pensions State pensions The concept and types of social payments in the Russian Federation The concept, types and procedure for the provision of social services in the Russian Federation Maternal (family) capital Pensions for the disabled Pensions for families who have lost their breadwinner Pensions for military personnel The role of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the pension system in the Russian Federation Participation in the pension provision of non-state pension funds Legal problems of social security for families with children The right of citizens of the Russian Federation to social security and the role of the state in the implementation of this right Individual (personalized) accounting in the system of state pension insurance Actual problems of non-state pension provision Legal regulation of social services for disabled people Social protection of large families in the Russian Federation Social protection of persons affected by radiation exposure awn concept, types, procedure for establishing Legal regulation of the payment of temporary disability benefits Unemployment benefits Compulsory health insurance Medico-social expertise: concept, legal regulation, legal significance Legal status of public service institutions of medical and social expertise.

7 127. International acts on the human right to social security and problems of the implementation of this right in Russia Problems of reforming the social security system in the Russian Federation Genesis and development of the concept of social security law as a branch of Russian law The right of citizens to a decent standard of living and its implementation in the sphere 131. Organizational and legal forms of implementing social security in Russia Problems of implementing the right to compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases Offenses in the field 134. Sources of social security law and the problem of their codification System of principles of law 136. Labor (insurance) experience, its types legal significance Monthly allowances and comprehensive payments Lump-sum social payments: types, amounts, legal basis for appointment Social security for persons discharged from military service Improving the pension system in the Russian Federation Problems of ensuring the right of citizens to social services Problems of implementing legislation on the social protection of disabled people Social security for families with children: current state and directions of development Legal foundations for compulsory health insurance: state and prospects for their improvement Measures of social support for veterans and problems of their implementation.

8 146. Ways to protect the rights of citizens on social security. Topics in the group cannot be repeated The name of the organization in the topic of the thesis is indicated

Annex 2 to the Decision of the Scientific and Methodological Council dated 22.09.2016 protocol 1 EXAMPLE TOPICS OF FINAL QUALIFICATION WORKS OF SECONDARY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Volgograd Cooperative Institute

Approximate topics of graduation qualification works in the specialty 40.02.01 Law and organization of social security for the 2016-2017 academic year 1. International acts on the human right to social security

The legal status of the individual in the law of social security. 17. Compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases as a legal mechanism to ensure




The textbook discusses the main issues of the course "Social Security Law": the concept, functions and system of social security; social security law as a branch of law and its sources; pension

PM.01 ENSURING THE RIGHTS OF CITIZENS IN THE SPHERE OF PENSION PROVISION AND SOCIAL PROTECTION Volume of academic discipline and types of academic work Direction of training 40.02.01 Law and organization of social

Considered and approved at a meeting of the Department of Labor Law on September 6, 2016 Protocol 1. V.A. Abalduev CURRICULUM OF THE DISCIPLINE "SOCIAL SECURITY LAW" GENERAL PART Topic 1. Concept, subject

Annotation of the work program of the academic discipline "Social Security Law" (PTS.B.20) 1. The objectives of mastering the academic discipline



List of topics for graduation qualification works in the specialty 40.02.01 "Law and organization of social security" PM. 01 Ensuring the implementation of the rights of citizens in the field of pensions and social

SUMMARY OF THE WORKING PROGRAM OF THE DISCIPLINE "LAW OF SOCIAL SECURITY" (B3.B.20) Direction of preparation 030900 "LAW" Qualification (degree) of the graduate bachelor 1. Goals and objectives of the discipline Goals

Annotation of the professional module ПМ.01 ENSURING THE REALIZATION OF THE RIGHTS OF CITIZENS IN THE SPHERE OF PENSION PROVISION AND SOCIAL PROTECTION 1. Scope of the program Working program of the professional module

PASSPORT OF THE WORKING PROGRAM OF THE PROFESSIONAL MODULE PM. Ensuring the implementation of the rights of citizens in the field of pensions and social protection.. Scope of the work program. Working programm

Annotation of the work program of the professional module PM.01 Ensuring the realization of the rights of citizens in the field of pension provision and social protection of the specialty of secondary vocational education 40.02.01

40.02.01 Law and organization of social security Annotations of work programs of professional modules PM.01 Ensuring the realization of the rights of citizens in the field of pensions and social protection 1.

Fund of assessment funds for the state final certification in the specialty 40.02.01 Law and organization of social security 1. General provisions The state final certification (GIA) was sent

I APPROVE CH BY UPK. K. Makarova 2018 o H / Ef and o ^ The program of the final state certification of graduates of the Novomoskovsk branch of the Private Vocational Educational Institution

PRIVATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION "ACADEMY OF SOCIAL EDUCATION" Fund of Evaluation Funds "Social Security Law" Level of higher education Bachelor's degree Direction of study

"Chelyabinsk State University" () Document version - 1 page 3 of 59 First copy COPY Contents 1. Introduction ... 1.1 Goals and objectives of mastering the academic discipline .... 1.2 Place of the educational


1 Autonomous non-profit professional educational organization "Regional College of Economics and Law" (ANPO "REPK") I APPROVE Director I.O. Surname 20 WORK PROGRAM OF PROFESSIONAL

Explanatory note Law is an independent branch of law that regulates relations arising from material, service, provision of benefits to the elderly, disabled, families

Annotations of work programs of professional modules of the professional cycle of the training program for mid-level specialists in the specialty 40.02.01 Law and organization of social security

1. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINE "Pension Law" 1. The purpose of teaching The academic discipline "Pension Law" is included in the educational and professional training program for specialists - lawyers. pension

Secondary Vocational Education G.V. Suleimanova Social Security Law Recommended by the Federal State Institution for the Development of Education

The place of the discipline in the structure of the educational program The discipline "Social insurance of personnel" is the discipline of the variable part. The work program is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Federal

CONCEPT, SUBJECT, METHOD, SYSTEM OF SOCIAL SECURITY LAW Main questions of the topic 1. The concept of social security law and the subject of the industry (1-8) 2. The method of social security law (9-17) 3. The system

"Chelyabinsk State University" () Version of the document - 1 page 3 of 53 First copy COPY Contents

ANNOTATED CONTENT OF THE PROGRAM of the discipline "Pensions" in the direction of training 080200 "Management" 1) The total labor intensity of the discipline is 3 credits, 108 academic hours.

Annotation of the program of the professional module PM 1. Ensuring the implementation of the rights of citizens in the field of pensions and social protection Scope of the program Program PM.01. based on

2 Passport of the fund of assessment funds of the State final (final) certification p / p 1 Controlled sections (disciplines) of the module State final (final) certification Code of controlled competence

The place of the discipline in the structure of the educational program The discipline "Fundamentals of Insurance" is a discipline of the variable part. The work program is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State

Eruslanova R. I., Emelyanova F. N., Kondratieva R. A. Pension provision in Russia: Textbook / Ed. ed. prof. R. I. Eruslanova. M.: Publishing and Trade Corporation "Dashkov and K", 2007. 608

LAW OF SOCIAL SECURITY Educational literature Social security law: a textbook for bachelors / otv. ed. E.G. Tuchkov. M.: Prospekt, 2017. Workshop on social security law: educational

SUMMARY OF WORKING PROGRAMS OF PROFESSIONAL MODULES of the main professional educational program of secondary vocational education of basic training in the specialty of secondary vocational

Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafin (Moscow State Law Academy)" WORKING PROGRAM OF THE DISCIPLINE SD. 03 - Social Law Department of Labor Law and Social Law Direction

1 2 SUMMARY OF WORK PROGRAMS OF PROFESSIONAL MODULES of the main professional educational program of secondary vocational education of basic training in the specialty of secondary vocational

Document version - 1 page 3 of 60 First copy COPY 1. Introductory part... 1.1 Goals and objectives of mastering the academic discipline.... 1.2 Place of the academic discipline in the structure of the educational program 1.3 List


Document version - 1 page 3 of 61 First copy COPY Contents 1. Introductory part... 4

1990 Adoption of the first Russian pension law “On State Pensions in the Russian Federation” 2002 First stage of reform 2010 Second stage of reform Since 2002, a new pension system has been formed

Moscow Institute of Economics, Management and Law Department of Civil Law Disciplines COURSE PROGRAM Social Security Law Moscow 2004 Kozhukharik D.N., PhD in Law

CONCEPT, SUBJECT, METHOD, SYSTEM OF SOCIAL SECURITY LAW The main issues of the topic 1. The concept of social security law and the subject of the industry (1-7) 2. The method of social security law (8-16) 3. The system

Passport of the Fund of Evaluation Funds of the State Final Attestation p / p 1 Controlled sections (disciplines) of the module State final attestation Code of controlled competence (or parts thereof) OK


APPROVED by the head of the department of labor law prof. S. V. Perederin 06/19/2012 WORKING PROGRAM 1. Code and name of the specialty / direction: 030501 - jurisprudence 2. Level of education: diplomaed

Non-state educational private institution Professional educational organization "College of Entrepreneurship and Social Management" Test work Social Security Law

Lecture 6. Types of payments made by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, conditions for their appointment 6.1. Types of insurance coverage provided by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation under the system of compulsory

3 CONTENTS 1. PASSPORT OF THE WORKING PROGRAM OF THE PROFESSIONAL MODULE... 4 1.1. Scope of the program ... 4 1.. Goals and objectives of the professional module requirements for the results of the development of the module ... 5 1.3.




F1: Social Security Law F2: Department of GP and PD, art. teacher, Ivanov I.I., Fadeeva A.V. F3: For the current control of knowledge (exam) of students of the direction of BU BZF, BZUF F4: Section Subsection Topic

Appendix 3 "Work programs of disciplines" to the educational program in the direction of training 400301 Law (bachelor's degree) Work program of the discipline "Law" 1. Purpose and objectives of the discipline Purpose

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education PERM STATE NATIONAL RESEARCH

1 The law and organization of social security 1. Procedural legal relations are: 2. The subjects of public relations regulated by the law of social security include: 3. Under the general seniority

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State Academy of Law"


Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Voronezh State Agrarian University named after the Emperor

Ministry of Education of the Orenburg Region State Autonomous Educational Institution "Agricultural College" of Buguruslan, Orenburg Region APPROVED Director N.I. Ryvaev 20 WORK PROGRAM PM 01. ENSURE IMPLEMENTATION

Private educational institution of higher education "First Moscow Institute of Law" APPROVED by the decision of the Academic Council of the PEI VO PMUI dated August 23, 2016 protocol 10 Rector K.V. Rebets WORK PROGRAM

CONTENT OF THE EDUCATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL COMPLEX I. Normative block.3 Annotation.3 Extract from the standard of the discipline 4 Extract from the curriculum of the discipline..5 II. Work Program 6 Rating System Rules


Principles of social security law Topic 2 Main issues of the topic 1. The concept and general characteristics of the principles of social security law 2. The content of the principles of social security law 1. The concept


1.1. Ideas of social work in historical and philosophical 3 About literature

1.2. The current state of social work as a type of 60 social activity and scientific theory

1.3. Subject-object characteristics of social work 89



2.1. Cognitive activity in the system of social work 117

2.3. Difficult life situation and social ^, 169 security as categories of social work theory



3.1. Essence of social work

3.2. Functions of social work in the modern world

3.3. The main current trends and prospects for the development of social work as a type of social activity and a branch of scientific knowledge

Recommended list of dissertations

  • Moral Values ​​of Social Work: An Ethical and Philosophical Analysis 2010, candidate of philosophical sciences Novikova, Zhanna Alexandrovna

  • Modern domestic and foreign paradigms of social work: a sociological analysis 2003, candidate of sociological sciences Yakubenko, Konstantin Yurievich

  • Formation of the system of social protection of the population of the Russian Federation in 1991 - 1995: Historical and social trends 1999, Candidate of Historical Sciences Subaeva, Olga Nikolaevna

  • Correlation of methodological and axiological determinations of historical knowledge: philosophical analysis 2004, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences Loseva, Olga Anatolyevna

  • The system of social protection of the population: Historical experience of formation and development, 90s of the XX century 2002, candidate of historical sciences Demidova, Inna Vasilievna

Introduction to the thesis (part of the abstract) on the topic "Social work as a type of social activity"

The relevance of the socio-philosophical analysis of social work is due to the dynamic development of our society and the system of social work itself, the needs of modern society in its understanding and development.

Social work is and should be recognized as one of the significant factors in the progressive development of man and society. Without the proper development of social work, the formation of a social state, which, as written in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is our country, can become, at least, problematic. Being a special type of social activity, it contributes to the creation of a space for the main directions of people's life. Therefore, as a type of activity of a person and society, the result of which in a broad sense should be the formation of a system of interaction between a person and society regarding the sociality of a person, it is intended to assist people in integrating into society with optimal quality. But for this, social work in the scientific and public consciousness must be established as an objectively necessary activity of high social significance.

As a profession, social work in our country is currently developing in specific socio-economic, cultural, spiritual and moral conditions. In the field of practice and education in social work, some progress has been made. However, the level of its scientific self-determination does not yet correspond to its place and role in society, as a result of which the process of its self-identification has not been completed.

Social work is being researched both in our country and abroad. But studies mainly contain a description, substantiation and consolidation of the experience of existing practice, which is thought of as the only possible one. It is assumed that over time, changes in socio-economic conditions and relations, the development of science and technology, it will improve, while remaining essentially unchanged.

Even I. Kant pointed out that all knowledge begins with experience, however, experience cannot give its judgments true or strict universality, it informs them only of conditional and comparative universality (through induction). empirical generality is only an arbitrary increase in the validity of a judgment from the degree in which it is valid in most cases to the degree in which it is valid in all cases. Based on this thought, we can conclude that in order to develop our own holistic theory and further develop the practice of social work, it is no longer enough to analyze the experience of social services.

In the public and professional consciousness, social work has not yet won a high status. The main reason is that the theoretical and practical aspects of social work are often researched and developed on the basis of private scientific approaches used in the system of social work and describing various aspects of its diverse practice, which leads to the existence of many “theories” of social work. This does not allow us to analyze social work in its entirety. Therefore, it is currently relevant to develop a holistic scientific theory of social work, which combines the generally valid, contained in private scientific approaches, and reveals not so much the content of the technologies used in practice, but its essence and meaning.

As noted by S.L. Frank, private scientific knowledge is aimed at a meaningful understanding of being, while philosophical knowledge answers the question: what is being and how is it in general.

1 See: I. Kant. Critique of Pure Reason. / I. Kant. Op. in 6 vols. T.Z. - M.: Thought, 1964. - S. 105-107, 337, 600602, 656. h I See: Frank S.L. Absolute. / SL. Franc. Russian worldview. - St. Petersburg: Nauka, 1996. - P. 62. In the interests of not only and not so much social work as a person and society, the essence of social work, its place and role in the life of a person and society, rooted in social life, requires the use of the potential of philosophy as methodological basis of the study, since, according to M.M. Bakhtin, it is the metalanguage of all sciences 2 and all types of cognition and consciousness).

Researchers note that in social science there is a disorderly growth of diverse analytical knowledge with insufficient scales of generalizations4

Unfortunately, social work in its entirety has not yet become the subject of study of social philosophy.

The concept of "social work", denoting mainly a specific type of professional activity, is still widely discussed by specialists in the field of theory and practice of social work. They are used as generally accepted, over twenty diverse, not contradictory and complementary definitions of social work, revealing its aspects.

A significant part of these definitions was formulated by domestic researchers "taking into account and on the basis of foreign sources in the first half of the 90s of the XX century, when social work in the modern version was legitimized in our country under this name. In that period it was not yet clear what model of practice will be

3 See: Bakhtin M.M. To the methodology of the humanities. / MM. Bakhtin. Aesthetics of verbal creativity. -M.: Art, 1979. - S.364.

4 New ideas in social philosophy. / Rev. ed. V.G. Fedotov. - M.: IF RAN, 2006. - S. 20.

5 See eg: Public Dictionary of Social Work. - Barnaul, 1991.: Stoyko N.G. Social contradictions and deviant behavior. // Interuniversity. Sat. - Krasnoyarsk, 1993.; Kozlov A.A. Paradigms of social work: theoretical constructs and principles of description. // Social work: theory, technology, education. 1995, No. 1; Theory and methodology of social work. / Ed. IN AND. Zhukov. - M.: Soyuz, 1994.; Social work. Russian encyclopedic dictionary. / Ed. IN AND. Zhukov. - M.: Soyuz, 1997; Theory of social work. / Ed. E.I. Single. - M.: Jurist, 1998.; Dictionary-reference book on social work. / Ed. E.I. Kholostova, - M.: Yurist, 1997; Philosophy of social work. / Rev. ed. IN AND. Mitrokhin. - M.: 1998; Firsov M.V., Studenova E.G. Theory of social work. -M.: Vlados, 1999; Social work. Introduction to professional activity. / Rev. ed. A.A. Kozlov. - M.: International project, 2004; Kholostova E.I. New approaches to the theory and methodology of social work - M.: 2005 and more. etc. was accepted and will be developed as a basic one, but it was already obvious that social work would be included in the group of so-called. helping professions.

Most of the definitions, unchanged or with minor adjustments, are still used by theorists and practitioners of social work, as they reveal the most important aspects and areas of practice for the activities of institutions of the social work system. It follows from them that the essence of social work as a specific type of activity is to ensure and / or restore the normal social functioning of the individual (group, society) and significantly improve their relationships, achieve harmony in the "man-environment" system, optimize social and personal relations .

At the same time, the majority of domestic authors consider as social work mainly one of its modifications related to the provision of assistance to a person who finds himself in a difficult life situation and needs professional assistance to resolve it6, i.e. professional social work or, to a lesser extent, non-professional but organized activity. Its other modifications are studied by specialists and, accordingly, are implemented in practice, it is extremely insufficient. Partial definitions of social work determines the partial use of its potential as a special type of activity and factor of social development.

A definition that fully reflects the essence of social work and reveals its meaning has not yet been developed. As a result, sometimes in ordinary and professional consciousness, both the simplest social services and relatively complex technologies that ensure a person’s full or partial return to socially normal life act as the exhaustive meaning and content of social work. Very rare social work

6 Cf.: Definitions given in the indicated editions and the main content of these editions. is considered as a type of activity aimed at providing conditions for the normal social functioning of the individual, the formation, maintenance and improvement of social relations. The simplest and most common version of social work - material and social assistance - is interpreted in the minds of the majority of the population as proper social work.

A narrowed understanding of social work and its content leads to the fact that it appears as a type of activity that has limited social significance, as a condition for the survival of a rather narrow circle of people and becomes relevant mainly during the crisis of a person and the development of the country. Limiting the object of social work to a narrow circle of those in need hinders its development, distorts the idea of ​​a place in social relations, and reduces its role in the development of society and man. At the same time, its social significance is reduced to a situational one, since social work acts as a theory and practice of helping a person who is in a crisis situation.

Indeed, social work, as practice shows, develops and is reflected in all countries initially as an activity, the main content of which is represented by various types of assistance to a person in solving his problems. This content of activity is primarily identified with social work. It is quite fully reflected in the definitions of social work developed in the previous decades by scientists from different countries. Its object is the "man-environment" system, and the center of attention is the problems of a person associated with a violation of his social functioning.

7 A number of foreign researchers still define social work as follows: it is “professional activity to help individuals, groups or communities, strengthening or reviving their ability to socially function and creating favorable social conditions for achieving these goals” and “the profession of ascetics, dealing with the relationship between people and their environment, influencing the ability of people to perform life functions, realize aspirations and values, alleviate distress, relieve discomfort and stress” (USA); “special, purposeful interpersonal assistance provided taking into account the knowledge of the methodology of social work” (Germany); “... it is a social professional activity that allows and helps individuals and groups to become aware of the difficulties of a personal, social and environmental nature, adversely

At present, countries where social work is at a higher stage of development are choosing other guidelines, since the principles of humanism are more in line with not a “catching up”, compensatory, but a “leading”, preventive type of activity. In the documents of the International Federation of Social Workers, social work is considered as an activity aimed primarily at preventing violations of the normal functioning of the individual and carrying out social transformations8. Thus, specialists in the field of social work in a number of foreign countries are now aware of the priority of activities aimed at creating conditions in which the social functioning of a person and social relations* are formed and maintained.<в пределах нормы.

Domestic approaches to the definition of social work, despite their diversity and sometimes extremely general formulations, reflect, first of all, the practice of professional social work, as it is developing in our country at the present time, i.e. help a person who is in a difficult life situation in overcoming it. This area of ​​social work is undoubtedly relevant. Its predominant types, such as material assistance and household services, are in demand by the population experiencing difficulties in their own livelihood. But the solution and prevention of such problems can be carried out using the full potential of social work that affects them. and enables them to cope with these difficulties through supportive, rehabilitative, protective or corrective action” (IFAD) - Ethics of social work: a set of principles. [Electronic resource] - IFSR: 2004. - URL: http://www.basw-ngo2 0002b.gag. (Date of access 12/23/2009). Similar definitions have been proposed before. - See for example: Boehm W.W. The Nature Social Work. NY, 1958.; Bowers S. Nature and Definition of Social Case Work. 1949; Barker R. Social Work Dictionary. London, 1982. etc.

eight . “this is a specification of activities in organizations and institutions aimed at the implementation of social tasks (including upbringing, education, healthcare) and “a type of professional activity, the purpose of which is to carry out social transformations in society as a whole and in its individual forms of development in particular” . It “...supports social well-being and responds to a wide range of human social needs by promoting equal opportunity for all ages, genders and sexual preferences, classes, disabilities, races, political persuasions. Social work is responsible for protecting the helpless and exercises power in accordance with the law ”(Ethics of social work, set of principles. - IFAD: 2004. [Electronic resource] -URL: /lihrary/basw Jibrary00026.rar (accessed 12/23/2009).

L.J. 1PNGTI STATE which will undoubtedly have a positive impact on its effective, social relations and the level of well-being of the individual and society.

Thus, there is a contradiction between the requirements of modern society for the efficiency and quality of social work, and the current state of its theory and practice. The aggravation of this particular scientific contradiction is largely due to the fact that the dominance of ^ ^ approaches in the absence of interdisciplinary understanding has exhausted social work; a situation has developed that can be characterized by knowledge, in the words of E.V. Ilyenkov: a contradiction is an indicator fixed in generally accepted provisions, too general, not specifically one-sided9.

To ensure the further development of the theory and practice of social work, it is necessary to use a philosophical approach, elevating the need for it. over private interests. D. Dewey wrote ^^ to consider philosophy as growing out of a conflict between your inherited institutions and incompatible requirements10. A similar thought was expressed by R. Rorty, who pointed out that a philosophical approach is necessary when the language of the past came into conflict with the needs of the future11. Indeed, at present it is necessary, relying on the traditions that have developed in social work to the theory and practice of a specific type of activity, to form an idea about it on the basis of a socio-philosophical approach. ^ the implementation of this approach, social work can acquire ^ perfect forms and guidelines for development, provide qualitatively high results, if its actual essence determines the content of practice.

The relevance of the study is also due to the needs of the development of socio-philosophical knowledge. From the methodological point of view of the problem

9 See also: Ilyenkov E.V. About idols and ideals. - M.: Politizdat, 1968. - S. 168. ^ ^

10 Dewey John. Reconstruction in Philosophy. Carbondale: SIUP, 1976 J^"^0" ~

11 Rorty. P. Philosophy and the future. // Questions of Philosophy. - 1994. - No. 6. With. - - social work with a person, its impact on the individual and society in the new economic conditions of the development of modern society are rarely considered; Research in this area is still fragmentary. Thus, the problematic situation, to which this dissertation research is aimed, lies in the contradiction between the need to move from fragmentary studies of social work, on the one hand, and the lack of a holistic and consistent socio-philosophical analysis of it, adequate to the modern needs of social development, on the other .

Therefore, the task of social philosophy is to study social work in its entirety, and on this basis to determine the degree of its influence on the functioning and development of man and society, to identify its essence and meaning, to determine its place and role in the system of social relations, and on this basis - its self-identification. as areas of knowledge and practice. In fact, the current level of understanding of social work does not take into account the diversity of its practice and does not allow laying the foundations for the subsequent development of a holistic theory of social work. This, in turn, does not allow the practice of activity to be oriented towards compliance with the actual needs of society. Therefore, the use of the methodological potential of social philosophy is necessary for the study of social work.

Not a single type of practical activity can now develop successfully without a theoretical basis. K. Popper wrote that the social sciences are successful or unsuccessful, interesting or insipid, fruitful or fruitless - in direct proportion to the value or interest that is given to the desired problem12. Unfortunately, although interest in the study of social work is great among specialists of various scientific profiles, social philosophy has not yet included it in its subject field in a comprehensive and permanent manner.

12 See also: Popper K. The logic of the social sciences. // Questions of Philosophy. - 1992. - No. 10. - S. 66.

In this study, the definition of social work is used as a starting point, which is based on the understanding of it as a special type of social activity of people, carried out in order to provide them

11 assistance in socialization and resocialization. It indirectly includes the most important result of social work - the sociality of a person, his main characteristic as a social being. At the same time, it seems that the achievement of sociality is not the ultimate goal, but only a factor in achieving a different, more significant goal. Based on such a formulation of one of the results, one can make an assumption about the essence and meaning of social work, the basic laws and patterns of its functioning and development, its social functions, process features, its place and role in social relations and life and the development of society and man.

At the same time, it is necessary to clarify the question to what extent social work can be limited within the framework of only professional activity. This question seems to be fundamental, since actions and even activities that are meaningfully identical to social work are performed by all members of society sporadically or on an ongoing basis. Finding out the true scope of social work can become a good reason for recognizing it as an activity carried out by the whole society in the interests of each individual and the whole society. At the same time, this can become the basis for recognizing social work as an immanent factor in human existence.

The theory of social work today is a fairly significant area of ​​social knowledge, but it is still predominantly empirical in nature. And since domestic practice, on the one hand, is represented mainly by one of the possible

13 See: Philosophy of social work. / Rev. ed. IN AND. Mitrokhin. - M.: Publishing house of MGSU "Soyuz", 1998. - S. 166-167. directions, help to a person in a crisis situation, and on the other hand, help is a complex action (interaction), it is not surprising that there are many approaches to explaining it and "theories" of social work. The study of the ontological foundations of social work can have a positive impact on the formation of a holistic theory of social work, to clarify the issue of its origin as a specific type of activity.

In our country, research in the field of social work has been carried out since the early 90s of the XX century. In the publications of domestic scientists devoted to the history of social work, the stages of the formation of the theory and practice of social work abroad and in Russia, the evolution of its forms and directions14 are considered. Particular attention is paid by researchers to the humanistic essence of social work and the gradual humanization of social relations, which ARE "both one of the reasons and one of the consequences of the evolution of social work. Undoubtedly, at present, humanism is one of the essential foundations of social work. There is no doubt that that social work is able to have a humanizing effect on social relations.However, it is known that this was not always and not in all cases.Help of a person to a person took place before its humanistic foundations and potential were manifested and realized, and only by humanization

14 See eg Anthology of Social Work. In 5 vols. / Comp. Firsov M.V. - M.: Svarog: NVFSPT, 1994 -1995; Badya L.V. Charity and patronage in Russia. - M.: 1993; Neshcheretny P.I. Historical roots and traditions of the development of charity in Russia. - M.: "Soyuz", 1993; Badya L.V., Demina L.I. and other Historical experience of social work in Russia. - M .: Center for social. Pedagogy, 1994; Charity yesterday and today / Ed. V.V. Menshikov. - M.: 1994; Egoshina B.H., Elfimova N.V. From the history of charity and social welfare of children in Russia. - M.: Institute of Youth, 1993; Kozlov A.A. Social work abroad: state, trends, prospects. - M.: MPSI-Flint, 1998; Kuzmin K.V., Sutyrin V.I. History of social work. - M.: Academic project, 2004; Materials on the history of social work in Russia. / Ed. Tsitkilova P.Ya. - Novocherkassk, 1996; Melnikov V.P., Kholostova E.I. History of social work in Russia. - M.: STI, 1998; Moshnyaga V.P. Social development and social work: international experience. - M.: Sotsium, 2000; Firsov M.V. History of social work in Russia. - M.: VLADOS, 1999; Firsov M.V. Social work in Russia: theory, history, social practice. - M.: Soyuz, 1996; Kholostova E.I. Genesis of social work in Russia - M.: ISR ARSS, 1995; Encyclopedia of social work, - M.: 1993-1994; Modern encyclopedia of social work. / Ed. IN AND. Zhukov. - M .: Publishing house of the RSSU, 2008 and many others. social relations to explain the phenomenon of social work and its evolution is impossible.

At the same time, the answer to the question of its sociocultural foundations has not yet been given, which does not allow us to conclude that it is rooted in human existence, and, consequently, about the patterns of appearance and naturalness of its representation in modern society. While stating and explaining the existence and evolution of forms of assistance and mutual assistance, specialists in the field of the history of social work, however, do not consider it as an integral part of the life of a person and society, one of the ways of their survival, functioning and development. Studies do not focus on the impact of social work on society in general and social relations in particular. As a result, it seems appropriate to conduct a study of the socio-cultural foundations of social work and, on this basis, determine its ontological parameters, place and role in the being and development of man and society.

The functioning and development of social work is subject to certain laws and patterns that allow it. depending on the conditions of people's life, be transformed in such a way as to ensure that the end result of the activity corresponds to the objective social order as much as possible. Some laws, patterns15 and principles for the implementation of social work have already been identified, but, nevertheless, these studies need to be continued and deepened, because. a significant part of them can be attributed rather to the activities of social services and their workers.

The human being is at the center of social work. Namely, a person is the subject and object, the goal and result of social work. Man is the root cause, and his needs and values ​​are

15 The laws of social work were first formulated by V.L. Nikitin. - See: V.A. Nikitin. Social work: problems of theory and training of specialists. - M.: MPSI, 2002. - S. 4-9; The patterns of social work are analyzed in most detail in the brochure by L.V. Topchia "An unconventional view of the formation of a system of laws of social work." - M.: 2005. One of the most important foundations of social work. Depending on the conditions of life, the level of development of social relations and consciousness, a person's need for social work can be different, so the study of the place and role of a person in the system of social work does not lose its relevance.

A lot of publications are devoted to human research in the system of social work. In these studies, a person appears, as a rule, in two of his statuses: as a subject (social worker, specialist) and as an object (social service client), and these two statuses are considered not in unity, but separately. This is partly justified4 by the fact that the interaction between a specialist and a client in most cases is not of a lifelong nature. The status of a social worker or client is far from the only one, and often not the main one in the life of an individual. His life activity cannot be reduced to participation in social work as a subject or object, since this does not reflect reality and significantly narrows the prospects for his development as a person.

However, the representation of a person in social work is not exhausted by the specialist and the client. A person - a non-client and a non-specialist, is currently practically not studied from the standpoint of social work, and the degree of his, albeit unconscious, influence on social work is not taken into account in the theory and practice of activity. However, this person, . having, it would seem, nothing to do with social work, can have a significant impact on it. This necessitates a holistic study of a person in the system of social work, expanding ideas about its subject and object, their connections and relationships, and substantiating social work as a condition for personality development.

One of the most important problems of social work, connected with the substantiation of its essence and meaning, is due to the fact that its ontological foundations have not yet been identified; research covers social work mainly from the outside. Cognition accompanies every stage and aspect of theory and practice, but, unfortunately, among the many works devoted to social work research, the problem of cognition is presented mostly fragmentary. Often everything comes down to the study of the sociological and psychological aspects of social work16, but not its essence and meaning.

Social work is a specific type of activity, as a result of which its knowledge must inevitably reflect this specificity. Reflecting on the role of philosophy, G. Rickert pointed out that, unlike individual sciences, it must develop concepts for the world-whole so that it is represented in them (individual sciences) as a unity17. The versatility of social work makes it reasonable to assume that in cognition it is impossible to reduce the methodology and tools to only one group, since this can give a result that does not fully reflect the real picture. The study of social work from a socio-philosophical position can not only substantiate its integrative-complex nature and the relationship of various elements, help reveal its essence and meaning, but also substantiate an approach to its study that is adequate to the subject.

Of great importance for obtaining a high end result in social work is the process of goal setting. Published scientific and educational publications set out the principles for the formulation of goals by a social worker when interacting with a client and accepting

18 managerial decision in administrative activities. But they do not stipulate (although to some extent it is implied) that the goals of a social worker and social work as a specific type of social activity in general can differ significantly both in scale and content. The study of goal-setting in social

16 See: Novikova S.S., Solovyov A.V. Sociological and psychological research in social work. - M.: VLADOS, 1997; The same, 2005; Spesivtseva O.V. Methods of research in social work. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2002; .Yarskaya-Smirnova E.R., Romanov P.S. Research in social work. -Saratov: SGTU, 2004, etc.

17 See G. Rickert. Philosophy of life. - Minsk: Harvest, 2000. - S. 20.

18 See: Technology of social work. / Ed. I.G. Zainyshev. - M.: VLADOS, 1998; Komarov E.I., Voitenko A.I. Social work management. - M.: VLADOS, 2008; Fidirkin C.V. etc. Management of social work. - Krasnoyarsk: KrasGU, 2003. and other work and clarifying its goals can help substantiate the place and role of social work in society as a special type of social construction.

In the modern world, for the development of the practice of activity, its adequate theoretical justification is necessary. The development of the theory of social work can have an impact not only on the development of professional activity, but also, importantly, on the development of its practice. The identification and substantiation of the structure of practical social work in all its diversity can become the basis for building its theoretical construct.

The development of social work in our country is complex and ambiguous. Partly meeting the needs of the population, it still did not fully reveal its potential, which necessitates further research. In the development of social work, contradictions are already manifesting themselves today, which, if not resolved, can, in the end, slow down its development, and real damage will be caused to society. To optimize the development of social work in our country, it is necessary to undertake a study of trends and prospects in its development from the standpoint of social philosophy.

All this determines the relevance of the research topic.

The degree of development of the research topic

At present, research in the field of theory and practice of social work is being widely carried out in our country. At the same time, despite the large number of publications, the issues of the socio-philosophical foundations of social work have not been considered enough in our country so far. Of more than a hundred dissertations defended on the problems of social work over the past decade, less than twenty works are devoted to a socio-philosophical analysis of the problems of social work (Bat-Sheva P., Vasilyeva L.G., Gefele O.F., Degtyareva V.V. ., Kononova

L.I., Ponomarev P.A., Pugin V.B., Reznichenko V.A., Rybakov R.P., Khubiev B.B. DLangareev N.A., Shriki A.A.)19.

The socio-philosophical approach to the study of social work is fragmentarily presented in paragraphs and sections of textbooks and monographs, articles. The socio-philosophical approach to the analysis of social work prevails only in a few monographs and textbooks: P.D. Pavlenka, G.P. Otyutsky, V.A. Nikitina, V.P. Shalaeva, L.I. Kononova.

Published in 1997 "Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary" contains a section "Philosophical and ethical foundations of social work", which lists the main philosophical and ethical categories and concepts. However, the articles of the "Dictionary" are of a general philosophical nature and, unfortunately, do not reflect the features of social work as a specific type of professional social activity.

Released in 1998 the monograph "Philosophy of Social Work" contains a philosophical understanding of social work, interpreted1 "as a humanistically oriented type of activity in the name and for the benefit of a person in a difficult life situation." At the same time, other author's approaches are also presented in this monograph (Nikitin V.A.), more

19 Bat-Sheva P. Social work as a factor in improving the healthcare sector in Israeli society: dis. . cand. philosophy Sciences. - M.: 2002; Vasilyeva L.G. Philosophical aspects of the social integration of a person with disabilities: dis. cand. philosophy Sciences - Cheboksary: ​​2006; Gefele O.F. Personality in a risk situation: socio-philosophical analysis: dis. . cand. philosophy Sciences. - M.: 2004; Degtyareva V.V. Socio-philosophical analysis of the social adaptation of a person with disabilities: dis. . cand. philosophy Sciences - Novosibirsk: 2008; Kononova L.I. Actualization of the creative potential of a person in the process of social work: author. dis. Doctor of Philosophy Sciences. - M.: 2005; Ponomarev P.A. Social work as a socio-cultural institution: dis. . Doctor of Philosophy Sciences. -Rostov-on-Don, 2005; Pugin V.B. Social security of the individual: regional aspect: author. dis. . cand. philosophy Sciences. - Arkhangelsk: 2003; Reznichenko V.A. Deviant behavior of a person during the transformation of social norms: the experience of Russia: socio-philosophical aspect: dis. . cand. philosophy Sciences -M.: 2009; Khubiev B.B. Family as a social value community of forms of human existence: author. dis. . Doctor of Philosophy Sciences. - Pyatigorsk: 2005; Shangareev N. A. Social technology as a factor in managing social development: author. dis. . cand. philosophy Sciences. - Cheboksary: ​​2009; Chriqui A.A. Social Welfare Policy of the State of Israel: Experience of the Bedouin Sector: Dis. . cand. philosophy Sciences. - M.: 2003.

20 Social work. Russian encyclopedic dictionary. / Ed. IN AND. Zhukov. - M.: Soyuz, 1997. -S. 204-217.

21 Philosophy of social work. / Rev. ed. Mitrokhin V.I. - M.: "Soyuz", 1998. - S. 3. fully and comprehensively reflecting the essence of social work, showing its social aspects.

In the textbook G.P. Otyutsky and M.N. Shakhov "Fundamentals of Philosophy" "" one of the lectures is devoted to the philosophy of social work. It not only presents the results of the analysis of the current state of the philosophy of social work and the existing approaches to understanding its philosophical foundations, but also formulates the tasks of its development, which seems especially important in modern Russia. These ideas were developed in the brochure Theoretical and Methodological Questions of Social Work23.

In the "Modern Encyclopedia of Social Work" the philosophy of social work is defined as the totality of the entire potential of philosophical knowledge in its history, which can provide significant assistance in theory (research, description, understanding of the essence of social "problems, their forms and trends of distribution, as well as ways, approaches to their solution) and practice (realization of this philosophical potential) of social work as a profession24.

In the textbook Shalaeva V.I. "Philosophical foundations of social work"" from the standpoint of social philosophy and synergetics, the place and role of social work in the structure of social action are determined. Social work in the modern world is considered as one of the significant factors of social security, a condition and a way for a person to realize its meaning, and therefore social work acquires the meaning of a socially necessary activity, but in general social work is interpreted as an activity aimed at helping a person in a difficult life situation.

Otyutsky G.P., Shakhov M.N. Fundamentals of philosophy. - M.: MOIU, 2005.

23 Nikitin V.A., Otyutsky G.P. Theoretical and methodological issues of social work. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 2006.

24 Modern encyclopedia of social work. / Ed. IN AND. Zhukov. - M.: Publishing house of the RSSU. 2008. - S. 367.

25 Shalaev V.P. Philosophical foundations of social work. - Yoshkar-Ola: MarGTU, 2004.

In the monograph of Kononova L.I. social work is presented as a creative activity. Her research demonstrates the possibilities of social work in actualizing the creative potential of the individual.

At the same time, other, non-philosophical, theoretical and technological aspects of social work are being studied more widely from the standpoint of other scientific disciplines. In relevant publications, social work is interpreted mainly as an activity aimed at helping a person in a difficult life situation.

So, for example, significant general scientific problems of the theory of social work are considered in the works of V.I. Zhukov, S.I. Grigoriev, L.G. Guslyakova, I.A. Zimnyaya, A.A. Kozlov, L.I. ., Nikitina V.A., Pavlenka P.D., Sorvina A.S., Topchia L.V., Kholostova E.I., Firsova M.V. and other researchers.

The historical aspects of social work are considered in the works of Anikeeva O.A., Badya L.V., Kolkov V.V., Kononova T.B., Kuzmin K.V., Nescheretny P.I., Firsov M.V., Kholostova E. .I. and others". In the data

26 Kononova L.I; Human creativity as an object of social work. - M.: Soyuz, 2002.

27 See for example: Kozlov A.A. Paradigms of social work: theoretical constructs and principles of description. // Social work: theory, technology, education. - 1995. - No. 1; Theory and methodology of social work. / ed. Zainysheva I.G. - M.: Soyuz, 1994; Guslyakova L.G. Fundamentals of social work. - Barnaul: ASU, 1994; Social work. Russian encyclopedic dictionary. / Ed. IN AND. Zhukov. - M.: Soyuz, 1997; Philosophy of social work. / Rev. ed. IN AND. Mitrokhin. - M.: Soyuz, 1998; Guslyakova L.G., Kholostova E.I. Fundamentals of the theory of social work. - M.: ISR, 1997; Theory of social work. / Ed. E.I. Single. - M.: Jurist, 1998.; Firsov M.V., Studenova E.G. Theory of social work. - M.: Vlados, 1999; Fundamentals of social work. / Ed. Pavlenka P.D. - M.: Infra-M, 1999; Lavrenenko I.M. Professional activity of a social worker: content and functions. - M.: "ACT", 2002; Social work: theory and practice. / Rev. ed. Kholostova E.I., Sorvina A.S. - M.: INFRA-M, 2003; Kholostova E.I. Fundamentals of social work. - M.: INFRA-M, 2005; Topchiy L.V. An unconventional view of the formation of a system of laws of social work. - M.: 2005; Theory and practice of social work. / Ed. Kelaseva V.I. - St. Petersburg: publishing house of St. Petersburg State University, 2005. and many others. others

28 See eg Anthology of Social Work. In 5 vols. / Comp. Firsov M.V. - M.: Svarog: NVFSPT, 1994 -1995; Badya L.V. Charity and patronage in Russia. - M.: 1993; Neshcheretny P.I. Historical roots and traditions of the development of charity in Russia. -M.: "Union", 1993; Badya L.V., Demina L.I. and other Historical experience of social work in Russia. - M .: Center for social. Pedagogy, 1994; Charity yesterday and today. / Edited by V.V. Menshikov. - M.; 1994; Egoshina V.N., Elfimova N.V. From the history of charity and social welfare of children in Russia. - M.: Institute of Youth, 1993; Kuzmin K.V., Sutyrin V.I. History of social work. - M.: Academic project, 2004; Materials on the history of social work in Russia. / Ed. Tsitkilova P.Ya. - Novocherkassk: 1996; Melnikov V.P., Kholostova E.I. History of social work in Russia: - M.: STI, 1998; Firsov M.V. History of social work in Russia. - M.: VLADOS, 1999; Firsov M.V. Social work in Russia: theory, history, social practice. - M.: Soyuz, 1996; Kholostova E.I. Genesis of social work in Russia - M.: ISR ARSS, 1995; Modern encyclopedia of social work. / Ed. IN AND. Zhukov. - M.: Publishing house of the RSSU. 2008 and many others The works dealt mainly with the evolution of forms and types of assistance to those in need.

Sociological aspects of social work are considered in the works of V.I. Zhukov, S.I. Grigoriev, L.G. Guslyakova, T.E. Demidova, Z.P. Zamaraeva, S.S. Novikova, G.I. P.D., Saralieva Z.M., Yarskaya-Smirnova E.R. and others29. The works reveal in detail the content of the main directions of social work and the corresponding research methods.

The psychological and pedagogical foundations of social work are analyzed in the works of Belicheva S.A., Bocharova V.G., Galaguzova* M.A., Galaguzova Yu.N., Gulina M.A., Mardakhaeva L.V., Nikitina V.A. ., Firsova M.V., Shapiro B.Yu., Shmeleva N.B. and others30. These works reveal the features of socio-psychological and socio-pedagogical work in the system of social work.

Various aspects of social work are considered in one of the first textbooks on social work in our country - "Theory and practice of social work: problems, forecasts, technologies"31. Some of the materials are devoted to theoretical, methodological and philosophical problems of social work. In this manual, social

29 Zhukov V.I. Russian transformations: sociology, economics, politics. 1985-2001. - M.: "Soyuz", 2002; Grigoriev S.I. Modern noosphere and social education: competence and culture-centricity in the Russian world at the beginning of the 21st century. - M.: Publishing house of RSSU, 2009; Guslyakova L.G. Sociology of social work. - Barnaul: AltGU, 1997; Demidova T.E. Modern models of social work. - M.: "Econ-Inform", 2007; Zamaraeva Z.P. The system of social protection: features of institutional analysis. // Social life of Russia: theory and practice. - M.: Publishing House of MGSU Soyuz, 2005; Novikova S.S., Solovyov V.A. Sociological and psychological research in social work. - M.: Academy, 2005; Osadchaya G.I. Sociology of the social sphere. - M.: 1997; Pavlenok P.D. Sociology of social work. - M.: 2005; Saralieva Z.M. The family is the object of social work. -N.Novgorod: NISOTS, 2003; Yarskaya-Smirnova E.R., Romanov P.S. Research in social work. -Saratov: SGTI, 2004 and others.

30 Belicheva S.A. Psychocorrection and psychorehabilitation of children and adolescents with deviant behavior. - M .: Center for social. health of Russia, 1997; Galaguzova M.A. Social work in penitentiary institutions. - M.: VLADOS, 2002; Galaguzova Yu.N., Shtinova S.A. Socio-pedagogical work. - Yekaterinburg. 2003; Gulina M.A. Psychology of social work. - St. Petersburg: 2003; Nikitin V.A. Beginnings of social pedagogy. - M.-Voronezh: MODEK, 2001; Social Pedagogy. / Ed. Mardakhaeva L.V. - M.: VLADOS, 2002; Firsov M.V., Shapiro B.Yu. Psychology of social work. - M.: Academic project, 2004; Shmeleva N.B. Theory and methodology of professional and personal development of a social worker. - Ulyanovsk: publishing house of USPU, 2003.

31 Theory "I practice of social work: problems, forecasts, technologies. / Editor-in-chief Kholostova E.M.: RGSI, 1992. work appears as an activity aimed at helping a person who finds himself in a difficult life situation.

The textbook "Theory and Methods of Social Work" ~ contains chapters that outline the main theoretical approaches to understanding social work. Social work in this manual, despite the above definition (p. 38), is presented in the text as helping a person who finds himself in a difficult life situation: The authors see its origins in charity.

In the publications of Firsov M.V.33, the historical aspects of the formation of the theoretical foundations of social work are considered. In these works, the main provisions of the theory of social work are derived from studies of the historically established forms and types of professional and non-professional social work in Russia and in Russia, taking into account foreign theory and practice of social work. It is argued that the theory of social work is polyparadigmatic in nature.

In the textbook "Fundamentals of the Theory of Social Work" Guslyakova L.G. and Kholostova E.I.34 social aspects of social work1 are presented, although its essence is not defined. As follows from the text, the content of social work is to help a person who finds himself in a difficult life situation. - The philosophy of social work, according to the authors, “.REDUCES; first of all, to the problem of man, his essence, recognized semantic aspects” (p. 65). As a person in the system of social work, the authors consider the client and the specialist.

The textbook "Fundamentals of Social Work", published under the editorship of Pavlenok P.D.35, discloses approaches to the definition of social work.

32 Theory and methods of social work. / Ed. Zainysheva I.G. - M.: Soyuz, 1994. - S. 33-38.

33 Firsov M.V. Introduction to the specialty and the basics of professional ethics of a social worker. M.: MPA, 1993; Firsov M.V., Studenova E.G. Theory of social work. - M.: Vlados, 2000. and others.

34 Guslyakova L.G., Kholostova E.I. Fundamentals of the theory of social work. - M.: ISR, 1997. - S. 30-42 .; Guslyakova L.G. Fundamentals of social work. - Barnaul: 1994. - S. 5-18.

35 Fundamentals of social work. / Ed. P.D. Pavlenka. - M.: Infra-M, 2007. formed under the influence of her real practice. Much attention is paid by the authors to the practical aspects of social work.

In the textbook "Theory of Social Work" edited by Kholostova E.I. and other publications published with her participation or under her editorship, set out the main elements of the theoretical foundations of social work. The meaning of social work is defined as assisting the individual in the realization of social rights and compensating for existing shortcomings in functioning, and its content is defined as assistance, assistance to a person. The essence of social work in these publications is not defined36. The textbook "Social Work: Theory and Practice" does not provide a clear definition of social work, however, from the content it can be seen that social work is considered mainly as an activity aimed at helping a person (group, community) who finds himself in a difficult life situation. . In the manual "Fundamentals of Social Work" social work is considered as an activity aimed at helping to resolve problems that arise in a person in various periods of his life.

In the works of Shmeleva N.B. social work is considered as an activity aimed at helping a person who finds himself in a difficult life situation. The high importance of the formation of the personality of a specialist and especially his value orientations in the process of professional training is emphasized.

In publications on the history of social work Anikeeva O.A., Badya JI.B., Kononova T.B., Kolkov V.V., Kuzmin K.V., Nescheretny P.I., Romm T.A., Firsova M.V. , Kholostova E.I. and many others are considered in

36 Theory of social work. / Ed. Kholostovoy E.I. - M.: YURIST, 1998. - S. 31-32, 183-191; Social work: theory and practice. / Rev. ed. Kholostova E.I., Sorvina A.S. - M.: Infra-M., 2003.; Kholostova E.I. Fundamentals of social work. -M.: INFRA-M., 2003. - S. 25.

37 See for example: Shmeleva N.B. Theory and methodology of professional and personal development of a social worker. - Ulyanovsk: publishing house of the USPU, 2003.

38 See for example: Firsov M.V. History of social work. - M.: Soyuz, 1998; Firsov M.V. History of social work. - M.: Academic project, 2004; Neshcheretny P.I. Historical roots and traditions of the development of charity in Russia. - M.: "Soyuz", 1993; Badya L.V. Genesis of social work in Russia. - M.: mainly historically emerging and replacing each other forms and personalities, and partly - the main ideologemes of charity (private, public, state and their combinations), which in most cases is identified by the authors with social work. The reasons for the emergence of social work, its origins and roots are largely not considered.

As can be seen, studies of historical, sociological, psychological and other aspects of social work predominate. Accordingly, there is an increase in knowledge in the field of social work pedagogy, the psychology of social work, the history of social work, etc. But, unfortunately, this does not make it possible to understand the essence and meaning of social work, since the subject of research. its outward manifestations.

A holistic study of social1 work as a type of activity in the system of social relations is still lacking. The choice of social philosophy as the ideological basis of such a multifaceted phenomenon as social work makes it possible to study not only private (albeit very important) aspects, but essence and meaning, which is of great importance not only for the theory and practice of social work, but also for the development of society as a whole.

The object of the dissertation research is social activity as a condition and way of being of a person and society.

The subject of the study is social work as a specific type of social activity.

The aim of the study is to analyze social work as a factor in the functioning and development of a person and society.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:

STI, 1996; Kuzmin K.V., Sutyrin B.A., History of social work. - M.: Academic project, 2005; Romm T.A. History of social work. - Novosibirsk: SibGU, 2005 and many others. others

Study and justification of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of social work;

Analysis of social work as a factor in the functioning and development of society;

Studying the place and role of a person in the system of social work;

Studying the features of the processes of cognition and goal-setting in social work;

Analysis of the essence and substantiation of the main functions of social work in the context of the development of man and society;

Study of the current state of development trends, theory and practice of social work.

Theoretical and methodological base of the research.

The dissertation research is based on socio-philosophical methodology and general scientific methods of cognition, first of all, on the provisions on the relationship of social processes in society, their internal inconsistency* and interdependence, which are in constant development, in conjunction with a systematic approach to the cognition of social phenomena and processes, as well as historical, synergetic and other approaches. The most important methodological basis of the study is dialectical materialism as the basis for the study of social problems in general and social work in particular, in conjunction with the traditions of the activity-humanistic consideration of man in Russian philosophy and the progressive currents of foreign thought as a social being, a socially responsible personality and an active creative force in social development.

Dialogic approach;

historical materialism;


The ideas of the hermeneutic concept of understanding are used as a methodology of analysis, which made it possible to see aspects and connections between the objective and the subjective, the personal and the transpersonal in the problem under study.

An important place in the study is occupied by the provisions of philosophical anthropology, laid down by M. Scheler, G. Plesner, which necessitate the implementation of a holistic approach to the study of man, taking into account the principle of the unity of human life.

An important heuristic role was played by the results of research in the field of theory and practice of social work, presented in the works of Belicheva S.A., Grigoriev S.I., Guslyakova L.G., Zhukov V.I., Kozlov A.A., Kononova L.I., Lukova V.A., Nikitina V.A., Osadchey G.I., Pavlenka P.D., Platonova Yu.P., Saralieva Z.M., Topchia L.V., Firsova M.V., Khubieva B. .B., Shalaeva V.P., Shmeleva N.B., Yarskoy-Smirnova E.R. and other scientists.

Scientific novelty of the research. The author's concept of the category of social work as a special type of social activity in the system of socio-philosophical knowledge has been developed. Within its framework:

A new aspect of the study of a person has been revealed (a person in the system of social work, its subject and object, the dialectic of subject-object connections and relations);

Substantiated is the socio-philosophical concept of social work as an existential factor in the development of society, immanently represented at all stages of social existence and development;

Expanded ideas about the socio-cultural foundations of social work; the place and role of social work as a system-forming factor in the social sphere of society, a special type of social construction, are substantiated;

The dialectic of social work is shown; the main system-ontological parameters of social work are determined, including its essence and meaning as a type of social activity, the main goals and objectives, and the social functions inherent in it;

A three-level structure of social work practice is substantiated, which combines into a coherent system the main types and forms of practical activities aimed at promoting the socialization and / or resocialization of a person, a new approach to the development of general and particular theories of social work is proposed, systematizing significant approaches to its justification;

The specifics of cognitive activity in social work, including all forms and types of cognition, are revealed; carried out a socio-philosophical analysis of the basic categories of the theory of social work: "social work", "social well-being", "social goal-setting", "social security", "difficult life situation";

The specificity of modern Russian social work as a patho-oriented activity of a compensatory type is substantiated, the tendencies of its development are identified and substantiated, the main of which are humanization, systematization and professionalization.

The following main provisions of the dissertation research are submitted for defense:

Social work is a specific type of social activity, an organic immanent component of social life, a backbone factor in the social sphere of public life, due to the fact that for it the main content of the activity is the promotion of the socialization of the individual, while for other types of activities in the social sphere this content necessarily present, but regarded as secondary;

The essence of social work is a complex and multifaceted interaction of society and the individual regarding the sociality of the individual, the meaning of which is the achievement of well-being, because, contributing to the normalization of human existence, it contributes to the formation, maintenance and implementation of his sociality;

Social work as a kind of social activity is a special kind of social construction; because, performing its functions and influencing society and the individual, its social ties and habitat, it thus changes social relations and social being;

A holistic approach to understanding a person as a subject and object of social work is objectively necessary, because, regardless4 of the official status in professional social work, a person is immanently its subject and object;

Goal-setting in social work objectively has a socially determined and oriented character due to the fact that social work is a type of social activity carried out for the benefit of society and the individual;

The practice of social work has a three-level structure, including societal, sociospheric and socionomic levels, so the theory of social work can be developed as a holistic interdisciplinary multi-level (general and private) theory that reflects the structure of practical activity;

Professional social work in modern Russia has the character of a predominantly pathological activity of a compensatory type due to the fact that in practice it is carried out mainly in relation to people who find themselves in a difficult life situation;

The vector of development of professional social work is directed towards its integration with other types of activities in the social sphere, because Currently, there is an introduction of social work in non-specific areas for it - education, health care, etc.

The scientific and practical significance of the study lies in the possibility and expediency of applying its results for scientific, educational and practical purposes. The dissertation materials, provisions and conclusions made in the course of the study systematize and deepen the ideas "on the problems of social philosophy, philosophy and theory of social work. They allow you to expand the subject field of social philosophy, including social work, and enrich the idea of ​​the social sphere society and social work, man. ,

The analysis of social work as a type of social activity and the identification of its typical generic and specific characteristics gives grounds for constructing a holistic theory of social work, and on this basis for improving practice. The dissertation research does not pretend to complete work in this direction, but allows us to formulate a number of provisions underlying social work, and creates prerequisites for further research in this direction.

The research materials can serve as a basis for the development of more advanced models of the theory and practice of social work in< нашей-стране и за рубежом. Они могут быть использованы при преподавании учебных курсов «Социальная философия», «Философия социальной работы», «Теория социальной работы», «История социальной работы», «Технология социальной работы», «Профессионально-этические основы социальной работы» по образовательным направлениям и специальностям высшего профессионального образования «Социальная работа», «Организация работы с молодежью» и «Социальная педагогика», а также при подготовке учебно-методических и учебных пособий по курсам философии, теории, истории, этики и аксиологии, технологии социальной работы, при дипломном проектировании, подготовке магистерских и кандидатских диссертаций и в системе повышения квалификации и переподготовки кадров преподавателей и практических социальных работников.

Approbation of work. The dissertation was discussed at a meeting of the Department of Philosophy of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow City Pedagogical University". The main provisions of the dissertation were tested at the meetings of sections III and IV of the International Scientific Social Congress (Moscow), III, IV, VI All-Russian Scientific Social and Pedagogical Congress (Moscow), meetings of the Council of the UMO of Russian universities for education in the field of social work ( Moscow), VII and VIII Vavilov Scientific Readings (Moscow).

Yoshkar-Ola), scientific conferences of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian State Social University" (Moscow), NNOU HPE "Moscow University for the Humanities", other scientific and scientific-practical conferences. The results of the dissertation research are presented in the monographs “Axiological Aspects of Social Work”, “Trends and Problems in the Development of Social Work* as a Phenomenon of Modern Civilization”, “The Essence of Social Work: Problems of Social and Philosophical Analysis”; "Social work in the structure of modern society", brochures and articles and used in the course of teaching the academic disciplines "Theory of social work" and "Professional and ethical foundations of social work", "Social work as a sociocultural phenomenon of modernity", "Philosophical and sociological foundations, ethical and aesthetic values ​​of social work”, “Epistemological problems of social education” and are reflected in the textbooks “Ethics of social work”, “Professional and ethical foundations of social work”, “Deontology of social work”, “Professional and ethical code”.

The structure of the work is determined by the purpose and objectives of the study. The dissertation includes an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion and a list of references, numbering more than three hundred titles.

Similar theses in the specialty "Social Philosophy", 09.00.11 VAK code

  • Social activities of state bodies and public organizations of the Russian Empire to support the elderly (1890-1910): a historical study 2008, candidate of historical sciences Makarenko, Tatyana Viktorovna

  • Socio-ethical guidelines of professional social work: Essence and evolution; socio-philosophical analysis 1999, candidate of philosophical sciences Medvedeva, Galina Pavlovna

  • Professional culture of social work with the population in modern Russia: socio-philosophical analysis 2006, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Maryashin, Andrey Vladimirovich

  • Organization and formation of the social service of the Moscow metropolis in the 90s of the XX century 2002, candidate of historical sciences Shulyarenko, Elena Alexandrovna

  • The Formation of Social Work and Professional Education of Social Workers in the USA: Historical and Pedagogical Aspect 2006, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Marina Petrovna Tselykh

Dissertation conclusion on the topic "Social Philosophy", Medvedeva, Galina Pavlovna

General conclusions:

Social work has a multidimensional impact on society and a person, changing the environment of their life and activity in the interests of the individual and society, which makes it possible to define it as a type of activity on a social scale and a factor in public relations;:

The essence of social work is: it is the activity of society regarding the sociality of a person, its meaning: lies in the achievement of well-being by a person and society;

The main function (function of the first order); social; work in society is * social construction: social relations of social being;., among the functions of the second order: should we name the promotion of survival? society, sociogenetic and anthropogenetic; promotion, consolidation of society; formation and reproduction of socially approved living conditions;

Suggested theoretical; concept of social: work, fully consistent with the structure: its practice w can become, the basis? for further development of the theory of "social; work. This allows us to determine the place of social work in the total activity of society as one of the central ones;

Optimization: current trends in the development of social work is possible on the basis of the development of its theory and related disciplines and the development of the system of social education.


The study showed that social work can be recognized in the system of social philosophy as a full-fledged object of research and be studied systematically and comprehensively. The significance of social work as an object of social philosophy is determined by the presence of an adequate object1 of activity - a person and the level and quality of its influence on social relations. The functions performed by social work make it an increasingly significant factor in social relations and social development.

However, unfortunately, social philosophy has not yet included social work in its subject field systematically and on an ongoing basis. As a result, in the science of social work there is a situation similar to "other areas of social and humanitarian knowledge, since it can also be observed disordered growth of diverse analytical knowledge with insufficient generalizations380. Research in the field of social work is mostly fragmented, narrowly disciplinary nature, often of an applied nature, providing5 an increase in knowledge of various particular aspects of the theory and practice of social work.Undoubtedly, the results of such studies< имеют ценность и для теории, и для практики, однако они не могут компенсировать ни количественно, ни качественно недостаточную глубину проработки базовых структурных элементов теории социальной, работы.

As Yu.N. Corned beef; the unity of knowledge is not in its systemic nature, but in its integrity as an organic interdetermination of its parts. The socio-philosophical approach in social work seems to be the only true and justified one when it comes to "understanding it in

Cf.: New ideas in social philosophy. / Rev. ed. V.G. Fedotova. - M.: IF RAN, 2006. - S. 20.

381 Solonin Yu.N. The problem of the unity of knowledge: between consistency and integrity. // Veche. Almanac of Russian Philosophy and Culture. - 1996. - No. 6. - P. 175. in its entirety, and not its individual fragments or aspects. Its application allows us to explore the essence and meaning of social work in the context of social life, and not just the needs of one individual person or even a social group, especially the local scientific community. It is he who is able to provide a study of the essential components of social work, the laws and patterns of its functioning and development, the level * and quality of its influence - on social relations.

As I. Lakatos wrote, an approach from the point of view of the general law fixed by a philosopher can become much more important * in cases where a certain scientific tradition in her theory, because it allows us to identify such aspects of it that are not included in the subject field of private scientific disciplines, but are of great importance for the development of not only social work, but also, most importantly, a person and society, public relations. It allows you to study social work, taking into account its impact on the life of not only a person directly involved in the process of activity, but also society.

E.*V. Ilyenkov pointed out that to understand a thing means to consider in it such definitions that characterize it as an element of a given, concrete historical system of interacting things, means to see in it such properties, thanks to which it can only play a strictly defined * role within a given systems

Interaction LLP- . Social, work in the interests of society and the individual is an activity of a social scale, carried out by exerting a multidimensional influence on the individual and his environment.

382 Lakatos I. History of science and its rational reconstructions. // Structure and development of science. From Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science. - M.: publishing house "Progress", 1978. - S. 264

383 Ilyenkov E.V. Dialectics of abstract and concrete in scientific and theoretical knowledge. - M.: ROSSPEN, 1997.-S. 139. habitation and life activity. Such activity cannot but be multifaceted, multilevel; multidimensional; and consequently, multi-subject, and among the official subjects of social work, narrow specialists should also be present: highly qualified, and at the same time workers whose qualifications differ little from that; which; is required from a non-specialist, when (solving everyday "tasks of everyday life. All these subjects of social? work, must have not:; only; professional and practical, but also theoretical knowledge about social! Work; necessary and sufficient for organizing? and implementing, high-level activities ;efficiency;

The essence of "activity * in the implementation;. To realize means: to expand something to the fullness of its being; bring! to this-fullness; wrote M;

Heidegger. The study of social work allows you to evaluate and fully reveal its constructive potential as an activity in society. relation-person, and. society carried out on a societal scale. Unfortunately, this has not yet been implemented, because social work is studied either within the scientific disciplines of social work itself, or other scientific disciplines.

Mature science, according to I. Lakatos, consists of research programs; which are predicted “not only earlier: unknown: facts; but, what is especially important, new auxiliary theories are also anticipated; mature science, in; difference: from a boring* sequence* of trial and error, it has "heuristic^ power"385.

Unfortunately, as a result; research, it can be stated that the most important science of social work - its theory - has not yet become "mature"; But the "results of the study" make it clear that social work is a phenomenon more significant than

384 M Heidegger. Letter on Humanism. / M. Heidegger. Time and being. Articles and speeches. - M.: Respublika, 1993;-S. 192:

385 Lakatos I. Falsification and methodology of research programs. - M.: "Medium", 1995. -S. 56. This follows from the descriptions of its contemporary and historical practice and habitual ideas about it, set out in most published educational and scientific works. It is immanently presented in social life as an indispensable condition for a person to join and/or return to a socially approved way of life and* functioning. It is also one of the mechanisms for maintaining the human * in a person.

Social "work represents a sphere of vital interests1 of a person and society, since it is" a condition for maintaining human life. The state of its practice indicates the level of social, economic, legal and cultural development of the state and society that influence it. On the other hand, social work itself has an impact on the state of social relations.

Changing the initial conditions of being! and the state of man and society, social work becomes one-of. the most important species, social * design and construction. Being a specific species; social construction of social relations and social being, it contributes to the transformation" of the conditions of life of a person and society. It is immanently represented in social being and consciousness. Including all the structural elements of the social sphere as subjects of "activities for the formation, maintenance, restoration and implementation of sociality of a person, it is one of the system-forming and meaning-forming factors of the social sphere of society.

Being an activity for the formation, maintenance, restoration and implementation of human sociality in general and providing favorable conditions for positive social activity of a person, V it becomes a significant factor in social life and development. Facilitating not only the unification of people into society (community), but also the fulfillment of their basic social functions and roles, it thereby contributes to their adaptation in society, and therefore forms a stable foundation for the stable functioning and development of society. Ensuring the continuity of development and promoting positive social and individual creativity while maintaining all the best that was present in individual and social life, the articulation of traditional and innovative in social life and development, social work also ensures its own development. Therefore, in modern conditions, such functions of social work as the implementation of social policy and the humanization5 of social relations are of particular importance.

Unfortunately, at the moment we have to state that social work in our society is still considered! as a type of activity that affects, at best, the life of individual citizens and groups in a difficult life situation1. In this particular case, its main goal is to help a person who finds himself in a difficult life situation! and completely or partially alienated from the life of society, in the acquisition and / or restoration of social functions that ensure its normal life and full social functioning.

Currently, not only the results of scientific research, but also the objective reality itself require that the understanding of social work should be dominated by a socio-philosophical approach, and it should be considered as an activity of society aimed at promoting the socialization and / or re-socialization of a person in general, including possible special cases. . Recognition of it as a specific method of social construction will not only increase the prestige and status of social work in society, but also fully realize its creative potential.

Today, social work is already a recognized fact of science, but this suggests that there is an institutionally defined and formalized practice of activity studied by theoretical disciplines, rather than that its theoretical base has developed on a scientific basis. T.I. Oizerman, as one of the most important trends in the development of modern science, calls the ever-increasing distance from the ordinary experience of the sciences that were based on it, due to their progress386. Such a "distance" is also necessary in the sciences of social work, since the development of its theory is possible only on the basis of theoretical methods of cognition.

Social work reflects the objective quality* of the economic, social "spiritual maturity and vitality of society. Its main function is social construction.4 It actively participates in* the development of ideals and development goals, projects and programs aimed at their implementation; in the implementation of these projects and programs.The result of the implementation * of this function are new) conditions of being* of a person and society, a new person and society.

The essence and meaning of social work, in contrast to the content, remain unchanged throughout the history of mankind. depending on the conditions of human life in different eras and in different societies, its main content, forms, methods, specific goals and objectives of “subjects of activity” may vary. But, despite the variability of secondary and external features, the main goal of social work - the formation of a person as a socially positive personality and maintaining him in this state, the positive transformation of society, the achievement of its optimal homogeneity - remains unchanged. The main result of social work is always satlo society and a person as a socialized individual, a member of society - the principles of social work as a type of activity of society - reflect its essence and are a natural consequence of the official proclamation of a person as the highest value and recognition of the importance

386 Oizerman T.I. Philosophy as a history of philosophy - St. Petersburg: Aleteyya, 1999. - P. 29. Social activities of the state for the systematic, integrated and holistic implementation of this value.

In the modern world, total social work includes a professional type of activity, but the absence of social work as a profession in earlier societies does not mean that it did not exist. From the fact that in certain periods of human development it is not recognized as such and functions under other names, it does not cease to exist and perform its social functions. A modern approach to the study of social work based on a socio-philosophical approach "can make adjustments * to the understanding of the role of social" work in historical development and its own history. that in the future" research in the history of social work will offer a rationale for its historical significance-.

I. Ilyin wrote that scientific truth, if it is truth, is the same for everyone, for all times, peoples and classes; . it is proper for a scientist to desire and to achieve the knowledge of precisely this supra-national and obligatory truth. The idea of ​​"class" or "national" truth is absurd and unnatural. It is unnatural and absurd to impose on a scientist, in the form of a task, and to aim anything other than truth, one and universally obligatory. Therefore, a scientific theory of social* work cannot be a reflection of the dominant ideology or national traditions; it must be “single and obligatory”, i.e. supranational. Such a theory can be put forward and justified on the basis of the implementation of the socio-philosophical approach.

In modern conditions, the level of development of the social and human sciences gives reason to believe that social work can become one of the generally recognized types of social construction based on the justification of its place and role of the individual in society and the life of the individual. Being a sense-forming and system-forming basis

387 Ilyin I. The idea of ​​national science. // Soviet literature. - 1991. - No. 1. - P. 118. social sphere, social work, being recognized in this capacity, can have a significant impact on the level and quality of meeting the social needs of a person, the level of development of social relations.

Social work includes types* of activities in the social sphere that are not yet related to the concept of “social work”, but, nevertheless, are its structural elements, since in the process of professional activity of a doctor, lawyer, psychologist and other specialists, a decision is made problems of a person, resolution of a difficult life situation, introduction and / or return of a person to a socially approved way of life. By systematizing their activities, social work can have a positive impact on their effectiveness.

Social work is a significant and significant object of scientific research, and not only one "fundamental or applied science, but a number of them, since social work as a practice of social activity has an integrative-complex character and includes technologies and methods borrowed from other types of practical activities. However, the leading role in the knowledge of social work should belong to its own theory, since only theory can give a holistic view of the practice of social work. The methodological basis of the theory of social work, as the study showed, can be social philosophy.

Theoretical and practical aspects of social work are currently being actively researched and often developed by representatives of various fields of science and practice, mainly from the standpoint of psychology, pedagogy, and sociology. The innovative nature of professional social work makes it a topical field of study for representatives of various fields of science. Despite the large number of scientific studies in the field of social work and the undoubted value of their results, most of them are of a private scientific nature. The fact that the object of observation so far is only the most visible, although not the main, part of social work has led to the formation of several theories of social work as theories of helping a person in a crisis situation. It is in this vein that domestic practice is currently developing. A holistic theory of social work is currently lacking.

The integrative-complex nature of social work requires adequate ways and methods of cognition, which can only be done on the basis of a socio-philosophical approach that can integrate all possible particular scientific approaches that allow a deeper understanding of the individual components of social work. The holistic nature of cognition in social work, carried out by various subjects of activity at various levels of social work, determines the growing need for ranking levels of cognition and, accordingly, interpreting its results in the theory of social work.

As O.S. Anisimov, an order for theory is a condition for the transition to

388 scientific knowledge.

The integrative-complex nature of cognition in social work necessitates not only the correlation between different levels of cognition, but also the multi-level nature of the theoretical constructs of social work. The theory of social work can and should be developed not as a polyparadigm (eclectic), but multi-level, but integral. This multilevelness can become a kind of response to conflicting requirements for the level and quality of training specialists for practical activities in the system of social work. At the same time, it will ensure, being the backbone of the social sphere, the qualitative interaction of its elements (subjects) to achieve the benefit of man and society. Reliance on

388 Anisimov O.S. Methodology: function, essence, formation (dynamics and connection of times). - M.: LMA, 1998.-S. 53. A multi-level, holistic theory of social work can make it possible to plan activities in the social sphere in accordance with the needs of the individual and society.

The study proved that social work in modern society has a three-level structure and includes both everyday and professional (formal and informal, specialized and non-core) activities of members of society. Thus, each of the members of the society takes part in social work, regardless of the level of understanding of this fact: The three-level nature of the practice of social work determines the three-level nature of its theoretical construct.

The proposed construct of the theory of social work, as well as its practice, can be used regardless of the specifics of national models of social work. Social work is carried out at three levels - societal, sociospheric and socionomic. These levels include both non-professional (ordinary) activities of members of society, and the activities of specialists - representatives of "helping" professions. This structure reflects the participation in social work of volunteers engaged in social work both systematically and occasionally. And a special place in the structure is occupied by the activities of professionals - specialists in the field of social work. This structure of practical social work is fully consistent with the proposed construct of the theory of social work. Both the construct of theory and the structure of practice do not have national characteristics, which allows us to consider them as supranational.

The development of a holistic multi-level theory of social work is currently not only relevant, but also possible. As I. Kant wrote, under the control of reason, our knowledge in general should not be fragments, but a system, since only in a system can they support significant

5 od goals of the mind and promote them. Such a system of knowledge can be

389. See: Kant I. Critique of Pure Reason. / I. Kant. Op. in 6 vols. T.6. - M.: Thought, 1964. - S. 680. A holistic theory of social work. A multi-level holistic theory of social work fully meets the needs of the practice of not only the activities of the system of social services and social protection, but also social practice in general.

E.V. Ilyenkov pointed out that the "concreteness" of a theory, of science, coincides with the disclosure of the totality of the internal connections of the subject of study. “Concreteness” from this side acts as a synonym for the internal interdependence of all necessary sides, lines, facets of an object, coincides with the concept of a system of interaction of all sides of an object, understood as a single developing whole390. The development on the basis of a socio-philosophical approach of a holistic multi-level theory of social work will allow both designing measures at the level of the whole society, addressed to a person in general, and developing individual measures, taking into account the characteristics of the personality of each person; to whom they are addressed.

In science, as B.C. Stepin, along with empirical rules, a special kind of knowledge is formed - a theory that allows one to obtain

391 empirical dependencies as a consequence of theoretical postulates. The development of a holistic theory of social work may mean a paradigm shift that is currently accepted. The state of scientific knowledge and practice of social work c. are currently such that a paradigm shift is objectively necessary, although this does not mean that this process will be quick and easy.

The theoretical construct of social work, developed on the basis of the implementation of an integrative-complex socio-philosophical approach to understanding its essence, will ensure not only awareness by specialists of different levels and profiles of the essence of social work and its place and role in society. It will help shape public opinion.

390 Ilyenkov E.V. Dialectics of abstract and concrete in scientific and theoretical knowledge. - M.: ROSSPEN, 1997.-S. 167.

391 Stepin B.C. theoretical knowledge. - M .: Progress-Tradition, 2003. - P. 58. about social work as an activity that is vital and important both for society as a whole and for each individual. It will allow us to explore and perceive social work as a holistic phenomenon, an immanent sphere of activity of a person and society, and not just specialized institutions. This allows us to consider such a theory as a kind of methodological guarantee of the progressive development of both knowledge and the practice of social work.

Social work as a regulated activity of the whole society has not yet acquired a pronounced systemic character, although certain steps in this direction are already being taken. This causes its insufficient effectiveness in modern conditions, especially in Russia. At the same time, an analysis of trends in the development of social work in the world and changes in its status in the public mind allows us to make an assumption about the inevitability of similar changes in Russia. Lagging behind in the organization and content of practical activities, Russian social work, however, has a significant advantage in the development of theory, since there are practically no studies of the theoretical foundations of social work abroad. Specialists in the field of social work abroad are content with generally accepted theorized descriptions and justifications for individual technological processes, without attempting to put forward and justify a holistic theory. In this situation, domestic science cannot be guided by Western models, since Russia belongs to a different civilization, it does not need

392 American and European models.

At the same time, the orientation of social work mainly towards activities in relation to the existing social pathology and deviations has not been overcome so far in our country, i.e. its traditional pathoorientation. However, available in the development of social work See Bessonov B.N. Values ​​at the turn of II and III millennia. - M. Norma, 2006 - S. 309. Tendencies towards the humanization of its content and directions convince us that pathological orientation will give way to norm orientation.

The words of A. Schweitzer, written by him more than half a century ago, are still relevant today: the humanity of the worldview today has a world-historical

393 value. The positive trends that are already manifesting themselves in the development of the theory and practice of social work demonstrate its high creative humanistic potential. Being realized, it will help social work to reasonably take in society and public consciousness the place that should belong to it in accordance with the functions it performs.

Social work as a type of practice actually has the status of not only the most important sphere of state activity in helping people who find themselves in difficult life situations, in the interests of the whole society, but also an activity that is much wider and more systemic than this particular case of it. It is part of the total activity of the whole society; aimed at achieving social well-being by the whole society and a person by specific means and methods. The fact that at present social work is perceived by the mass consciousness as a rather narrow sphere of activity is, to a certain extent, an obstacle to its development, and hence to the development of man and society.

But this obstacle can be overcome through the development of the science of social work. As I. Ilyin wrote, science is the greatest national educational force, which, precisely for this, radiated from the people's soul and concentrated in a special hearth - the hearth of thought and knowledge - in order to return to the people its concentrated * and purified, and therefore educating and ennobling power. The basis of scientific knowledge in the field of social work can only be social philosophy. AT

393 See: A. Schweitzer. Humanity. / Schweitzer A. Reverence for life. - M.: Progress, 1992. - S. 509.

394 Ilyin I. The idea of ​​national science. // Soviet literature. - 1991. - No. 1. - P. 117. Currently, the most important problem of knowledge in social work is its self-knowledge as a type of social construction. Further study of it can contribute not only to the systematization and deepening of knowledge about it, but also contribute to the transformation of the practice of activity, significantly increasing its effectiveness. Thus, assistance will be provided for the realization of the positive potential of social work in improving the social sphere, developing social relations, the individual and society.

B.C. Barulin wrote that the Russian man, Russian society is now in a state of unstable equilibrium, and the most important factor that will determine which path Russia will take is related to the measure of the Russian man's own transformation. Further, he pointed out that the most likely changes in the relationship between man and society in favor of greater self-realization of man395. Social work, being an existential factor in the life and development of society, in modern conditions contributes to the most complete realization by a person and society of their potentials.

The fate of the people, as noted by C.JI. Frank, in the last analysis, in a sense, is predetermined by the basic character and vocation of the people, the main trend of its spontaneous internal development. Humanism, science and morality must become the core of modern philosophy397. Humanism, science and morality should also become the core of modern Russian social work, because At present, social work is one of the most universal mechanisms that contribute to the development of a person as a social and spiritual being.

395 Barulin B.C. Russian people in the XX century. Losing and finding yourself. - St. Petersburg: Aleteyya, 2000. - S. 292, 294.

396 See: Frank S.L. The essence and leading motives of the Russian worldview. // Russian outlook. - St. Petersburg: Nauka, 1996. - S. 120.

397 Bessonov B.N. Social and spiritual values ​​at the turn of II and III millennia. - M.: Norma, 2006. - S. 317.

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161. Nekrasov, A.Ya. International experience of social work Text. / Nekrasov A.Ya. M.: STI, 1994. - 167p.

162. Neshcheretny, P.I. Historical roots and traditions of the development of charity in Russia. / Neshcheretny P.I. M .: "Union", 1993.-76s.

163. Nikitin, V. A. Problems of theory and education in the field of social work Text. / Nikitin V.A. - M .: Publishing house of MGSU "Soyuz", 1999. 184p.

164. Nikitin, V.A. Social work: problems of theory and training of specialists. Text. / Nikitin V.A. M.: MPSI, 2002. - 236s.

165. Nikitin, V.A. Beginnings of social pedagogy. Text. / Nikitin V.A. M.-Voronezh: MODEK, 2001. - 106s.

166. Nikitin, V.A. Theoretical and methodological issues of social work. / Nikitin V.A., Otyutsky G.P. M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 2006. -64p.

167. Nikiforov, G.S. Human self-control Text. / Nikiforov G.S. -L.: LGU. 192s.

168. Nietzsche, F. Human, all too human Text. / Nietzsche F. Works in 2 vols. T. 1.- M.: Thought, 1990. 629s.

169. Nietzsche, F. The Will to Power. Experience of reassessment of all values. Text. / Nietzsche F.: trans. with him. E. Gertsyk and others - M .: Cultural Revolution, 2005. -880s.

170. Novikova, S.S. Sociological and psychological research in social work. Text. / Novikova S.S., Solovyov A.V. M.: VLADOS, 2005.-349s.

171. New ideas in social philosophy Text. / Rev. ed. V.G. Fedotov. M.: IF RAN, 2006. - 324 p.

172. Moral teachings for noble pupils of the society of noble pupils and the Order of St. Catherine Text. St. Petersburg: 1813.

173. Ozhegov, S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language Text. / Ozhegov S.I.: ed. Shvedova N.Yu. M .: Publishing house "Russian Language", 1995. - 816s.

174. Oizerman, T.I. Philosophy as a history of philosophy. Text. / Oizerman T.I. SPb.: Aleteyya, 1999. - 448s.

175. Ortega y Gasset, X. Revolt of the Masses Text. / Ortega y Gasset X. - M.: ACT; Ermak, 2005. p. 263p.195.0sadchaya, G.I. Sociology of the social sphere Text. / Osadchaya G.I.-M.: 1997.-346s.

176. Fundamentals of social work Text. / Ed. Pavlenka P.D. - M.: Infra-M, 1999.-367p.

177. Ossovskaya, M. Knight and bourgeois. Studies in the history of morality Text. / Ossovskaya M.-M.: Progress, 1987.

178. Otyutsky G.P. Fundamentals of Philosophy Text. / Otyutsky G.P., Shakhov M.N. M.: MOIU, 2005. - 342p.

179. On the purpose of the Christian life. The conversation of the elder Seraphim of Sarov with H.A. Motovilov Text. / S. Sarovsky: processing of the manuscript and notes: priest. N. Potapov. - Sergiev Posad: 1914. 60s.

180. Pavlenok, P.D. Scientific identification of the theory of social work: its place in the system of sciences. / Pavlenok P.D. // Domestic journal of social work. 2007. - No. 3. - S. 4-8.

181. Pavlenok, P.D. Sociology of social work Text. / Pavlenok P.D.-M.: 2005.-284p.

182. Pavlenok, P.D. System approach in social work. Text. / Pavlenok P.D. // Domestic journal of social work 2005. - No. 2. -S. 8-16.

183. Panov, A.M. Social services for the population and social work abroad. / Panov A.M. M.: STI, 1994. - 204p.

184. Pareto, V. Socialist systems Text. / Pareto V. // Theoretical sociology. Anthology. At 2 h. 4.1. / Under the editorship of S. P. Bankovskaya M .: Book House "University", 2002. - 424p. - With. 180-231.

185. Parsons, T. On the structure of social action Text. / Parsons T.M.: Academic project, 2000. - 800s.

186. Plesner, X. Stages of the organic and man: Introduction to philosophical anthropology Text. / Plesner X.: Per. with him. M.: ROSSPEN, 2004. - 368 p.

187. Cognition of social reality Text. / Theory of knowledge: In 4 vols. T. 4. [Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy; ed. V.A. Lektorsky, T.I. Oizerman] -M.: Thought, 1995. -431s.

188. Ponomarev, P.A. Social work as a socio-cultural institution: dis. Doctor of Philosophy Sciences 09.00.11 Text.: / Ponomarev P.A. - Rostov-on-Don, 2005.-261s.

189. Popper, K. The logic of the social sciences Text. / Popper K. // Questions of Philosophy. 1992. - No. 10. - S. 65-75.

190. Prangishvili, I.V. System approach and system regularities. Text. / Prangishvili I.V. M.: Sinteg, 2000. - 538s.

191. Professionalism of activity: theoretical foundations and current problems: in 2 vols. T.1 Text. / Scientific. ed. Dontsov A.I. - M.: Ed. house "ECO", 2005.- 512p.

192. Pugin, V.B. Social security of the individual: Regional aspect: Abstract of the thesis. . cand. philosophy Sciences 09.00.11 Text. / Pugin V.B. -Arkhangelsk: 2003. 24p.

193. Rakitov, A.I. Philosophy of the computer revolution. / Rakitov A.I. -M.: Politizdat, 1991. 287p.

194. Russell, B. Human knowledge, its scope and boundaries Text. / Russell B. Kyiv - M.: Nika, 2001.- 522p.

195. Reznichenko, V.A. Deviant behavior of a person during the transformation of social norms: the experience of Russia: socio-philosophical aspect: dis. . cand. philosophy Sciences 09.00.11 Text. / Reznichenko V.A. - M.: 2009. 140s.

196. Reshetnikov, V.A. Essence of modern humanism. Questions of the methodology of knowledge. Text. / Reshetnikov V.A. Irkutsk: IrGU, 2004. - 357p.

197. Ricoeur, P. Man as a subject of philosophy Text. / Ricoeur P. // Questions of Philosophy. 1989. - No. 2. - S. 41-50.

198. Rickert, G. Philosophy of life Text. / Rickert G. - Minsk: Harvest, 2000. 240s.

199. Roman Stoics. Seneca, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius Text. - M.: Respublika, 1995.-463 p. pp. 14-166.

200. Rogers, K. Becoming a person: a look at psychotherapy Text. / K. Rogers M .: Eksmo-press, 2001. - 416s.

201. Rawls, J. Theory of Justice Text. / J. Rawls: Per. from English, scientific ed. and foreword. V.V. Tselishchev. Ed. 2nd. M.: Publishing House LKI, 2010. -536s.

202. Romm, T.A. History of social work Text. / Romm T.A. - Novosibirsk, SibGU, 2005. 286s.

203. Rorty. R. Philosophy and the future. Text. / Rorty R. // Questions of Philosophy, 1994, No. 6. With. 29-34.

204. Rosstat. Standard of living of the population Electronic resource. - URL: http://www.gks.rU/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat/rosstatsite/mairi/population/level/# (accessed 18.08.2011)

205. Ruzova, L.A. Social work: a systematic approach Text. / Ruzova L.A., Gorelik O.I., Volokhin S.B. Tolyatti: TGIS publishing house, 2002. - 346 p.

206. Rousseau, J.-J. Emil, or about education Text. / Rousseau J.-J. Pedagogical essays: In 2 vols. T. 1.: ed. G. N. Dzhibladze; comp. A. N. Dzhurinsky. -M.: Pedagogy, 1981. 656s.

207. Saralieva, Z.M. Family is the object of social work Text. / Saralieva Z.M. - N.Novgorod: NISOTS, 2003. - 278s.

208. Sartre J.-P. Existentialism is humanism Text. / Sartre J.-P.: Twilight of the Gods. - M.: Politizdat, 1989. - S. 319-344.

209. Sartre, J.-P. Being and nothing. Experience of Phenomenological Ontology. Text. / Sartre J.-P.: Per., foreword, note. IN AND. Kolyadko. M.: Respublika, 2004. - 639s.

210. Saint Theophan the Recluse. What is spiritual life and how to tune in to it? Text. / St. Theophan the Recluse M.: Rule of Faith, 2001.-338s.

211. Seneca, L.A. Moral letters to Lucilius Text. / Seneca L.A. Series "Literary Monuments". The publication was prepared by S.A. Osherov. Rep. ed. M.A. Gasparov. M.: Nauka, 1977. - 384 p.

212. Sechenov, I.M. Psychology of behavior Text. / Sechenov I.M. M.Voronezh: NPO MODEK, 1995. - 320p.

213. Sidorina, T.Yu. The Phenomenon of Charity and Moral Self-Consciousness. Text. / Sidorina T.Yu. // Questions of Philosophy. 2011. - No. 2. -FROM. 44-56.

214. Dictionary of the Russian language: in 4 vols. T.1. Text. / Ed. volumes A.P. Evgenieva M.: State. foreign publishing house and national dictionaries of the Institute of Linguistics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1957.-936s.

215. Dictionary-reference book on social work Text. / Ed. E.I. Kholostova, M.: Yurist, 1997. - 424 p.

216. Smirnov M.A., Nevzorov V.A. Comparative analysis of macroeconomic indicators of incomes of the population of Russia and the USA (structural aspect) Text. -M.: VTSUZH, 2002. 102s.

217. Modern encyclopedia of social work Text. / Ed. Zhukova V.I. 2nd ed., add. and reworked. - M.: Publishing house of the RSSU. 2008. - 412p.

218. Solovyov, B.C. The Form of Reason and Reason of Truth Text. / Solovyov B.C. Works in 2 vols. 2nd ed. T.1. [gen. ed. and comp. A.B. Gulygi, A.F. Losev; Note. S.L. Kravets and others] M.: Thought, 1988.-892s.-S. 814-831.

219. Solovyov, B.C. Justification of good Text. / Solovyov B.C. Works in 2 vols., 2nd ed. T.1. [gen. ed. and comp. A.B. Gulygi, A.F. Losev; Note. S.L. Kravets and others] M.: Thought, 1988. - 892s. - S. 47-548.

220. Solovyov, B.C. Spiritual foundations of life, Text.; / Solovyov B.C. Spiritual foundations of life. Selected works. Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 1998. - 416p. - S. 122-276.

221. Solonin, Yu.N. The problem of the unity of knowledge: between consistency and integrity. Text. / Solonin Yu.N. // Veche. Almanac of Russian Philosophy and Culture. 1996. - No. 6. - S. 166-175.

222. Social work: problems, forecasts, technologies Text. / Ed. I.G. Zainyshev. M.: 1993. - 246s.

223. Social work. Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary Text. / Ed. IN AND. Zhukov. M.: Soyuz, 1997. - 358s.

224. Social work. Introduction to professional activity Text. / Rev. ed. A.A. Kozlov. M.: International project, 2004. - 368s.

225. Social work: theory and practice Text. / Rev. ed. Kholostova E.I., Sorvina A.S. M.: INFRA-M., 2003. - 263s.

226. Social pedagogy Text. / Ed. Mardakhaeva L.V. - M.: VLADOS, 2004. 276s.

227. Socio-cultural nature of knowledge Text. // Theory of knowledge: In 4 vols. T. 2. [Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of Philosophy; ed. V.A. Lektorsky, T.I. Oizerman] M.: Thought, 1991. - 478s.

228. Spencer, G. Experiments scientific, political and philosophical Text. / Spencer G. [Trans. from English. ed. H.A. Rubakina] Minsk: Modern Writer, 1998. - 1408s. (Classical philosophical thought).

229. Spesivtseva, O.V. Methods of research in social work. Text. / Spesivtseva O.V. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2002. - 248s.

230. Stepin, B.C. Theoretical knowledge Text. / Stepin B.C. M.: Progress-Tradition, 2003. - 744 p.

231. Stepin, B.C. Again we are trying to catch up with the West Text. / Stepin B.C. The era of change and scenarios for the future. Selected socio-philosophical journalism. -M.: 1996. 175s. - S. 128-144.

232. Stack, A. On public charity in Russia Text. / Stack A. - St. Petersburg: 1818.

233. Stoyko, N.G. Social contradictions and deviant behavior Text. / Stoyko N.G. // Interuniversity. Sat. Krasnoyarsk: 1993. - 195s.

234. Tennis, F. Community and Society Text. / Tennis F. // Sociological journal. 1998. - No. 3/4. - S. 207-229.

235. Theory and methodology of social work Text. / Ed. IN AND. Zhukov. M.: Soyuz, 1994. - 276s.

236. Theory of social work Text. / Ed. E.I. Single. -M.: Jurist, 1998. 284 p.

237. Theory and practice of social work: domestic and foreign experience. In 2 vols. T. 1. Text. / Ed. Fomina N.I. - M.-Tula, 1991.-246s.

238. Theory and practice of social work Text. / Ed. Kelaseva V.I. St. Petersburg: publishing house of St. Petersburg State University, 2005. - 364 p.

239. Theory and practice of social work: problems, forecasts, technologies Text. / Rev. ed. Kholostova E.I. M.: RGSI, 1992. 217p.

240. Theory and practice of social work Text. M.-Tula, 1994. -312s.

241. Technology of social work Text. / Ed. I.G. Zainyshev. M.: Vlados, 1998. - 240s.

242. Tikhonova, N.E. Poverty in modern Russia: causes and prospects. / Tikhonova N.E. // Sotsis 2010 - №1. - S. 517.

243. Toynbee, A.J. Comprehension of history Text. / Toynbee, A.J. - M .: Progress, 1991. -736s.

244. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: in 4 vols. T. 1. Text. / Ed. Ushakova D.N. M.: Terra, 1996. - 824p.

245. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language with the inclusion of information about the meaning of words Text. / RAN. Institute of the Russian Language. V.V. Vinogradov. Rep. ed. N.Yu. Shvedova - M.: Ed. center Azbukovnik, 2007. -1175s.

246. Tolstoy, JI.H. Upbringing and education Text. / J.T.H. Tolstoy Collected Works in 22 vols. T. 16. M .: Fiction, 1985. -447s-S. 29-65.

247. Topchy, JI.B. An unconventional view of the formation of a system of laws of social work (report at a methodological seminar) Text. / Topchy JI.B. M.: 2005. - 27p.

248. Topchy, JI.B. Personnel of social services in Russia. / Topchiy L.V. - M.: Soyuz, 2000. 254p.

249. Topchy, L.V. Modern theoretical paradigms and models of social work: general and special, embryonic forms and content. / Topchiy L.V. // Domestic journal of social work. 2008. -№ 1.-S. 4-10.

250. Thorndike, E. Behaviorism. Anthology Text. / Thorndike E., Watson J.B.M.: ACT-LTD, 1998. - 704p.

251. Toffler, E. The future of labor Text. / Toffler E. // New technocratic wave in the West. Moscow: Progress, 1986.

252. Toffler, E. Creation of a new civilization. Third Wave Politics Text. / Toffler E., Toffler X. M.: ACT, 1999. - 784p.

253. Fedotov, G. Saints of Ancient Russia Text. / Fedotov G. M.: Moscow worker, 1990. - 269p.

254. Fedotova, V.G. Apathy in the West and in Russia. Text. / Fedotova V.G. // Questions of Philosophy. 2005. - No. 3. - S. 3-19.

255. Fedotova, V.G. Good Society Text. / Fedotova V.G. - M.: Progress Tradition, 2005 - 544s.

256. Feuerbach, JI. Essence of Christianity Text. / Feuerbach L. Selected philosophical works in 2 vols. T.2. - M.: Gospolitizdat, 1955. 596s. - S. 5-250.

257. Fidirkin, C.B. Social work management Text. / Fidirkin C.V. and others. Krasnoyarsk, KrasGU, 2003. - 205p.

258. Philosophy of social work Text. / Rev. ed. Mitrokhin V.I. -M.: Publishing house of MGSU "Soyuz", 1998.-208s.

259. Firsov, M.V. History of social work in Russia. / Firsov M.V. M .: Publishing house of MGSU "Soyuz", 1998.- 294p.

260. Firsov, M.V. Theory of social work Text. / Firsov M.V., Studenova E.G. M.: Vlados, 2000. - 432p.

261. Firsov, M.V. Social work in Russia: theory, history, social practice. Text. / Firsov M.F. - M.: Soyuz, 1996, 348s.

262. Firsov, M.V. Psychology of social work Text. / Firsov M.V., Shapiro B.Yu. M.: Academic project, 2004.- 306s.

263. Firsov, M.V. Introduction to the specialty and the basics of professional ethics of a social worker. Text. / Firsov M.V. M.: MPA, 1993.-78s.

264. Firsov M.V. Institutionalization of social work and problems of cognogenesis. // Problems of the theory and methodology of social work / Ed. E.I. Kholostova and others. M.: STI MGUS, 2000. - 376p.

265. Fichte, I.G. Several lectures on the appointment of a scientist Text. / I.G. Fichte Op. in 2 vols. T.2. Comp. and note by Vladimir Volzhsky M .: Mithril, 1993.- 798s. -p.7-65.

266. Vollmer, G. Evolutionary theory of knowledge: innate structures of knowledge in the context of biology, psychology, linguistics, philosophy and theory of science Text. / G. Vollmer: Per. with German and common. ed. A.B. Kezina. M .: Russian yard, 1998. - 256s.

267. Foley, R. Another Unique Species: Ecological Aspects of Evolution. Text. / R. Foley M.: Mir, 1990.

268. Frank, C.JI. Absolute Text. / C.J.I. Franc. Russian worldview. / Editorial board: V.M. Kamnev and others. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 1996. -738p.

269. Frank, C.JI. The subject of knowledge. On the foundations and limits of abstract knowledge. Text. /C.J1. Frank The subject of knowledge. The soul of man. St. Petersburg: Nauka, 1995.-653s-S. 37-418.

270. Frank, C.JI. Essence and leading motives of the Russian worldview. Text. / C.J.I. Franc. Russian worldview. Editorial staff: V.M. Kamnev and others - St. Petersburg: Nauka, 1996. -738s.

271. Frank, S.L. Incomprehensible Text. / S.L. Franc. Works. - Minsk: Narodnaya Asveta, 1996. 746s.

272. Frankl, V. Man in search of meaning Text. / Frankl V. - M.: Progress, 1990.-368s.

273. Freud, 3. Totem and taboo Text. / 3. Freud. Minsk: Potpourri LLC, 1998. - 496s.

274. Freud, 3. Introduction to psychoanalysis. Per. with him. Baryshnikova G.V. Text. / 3. Freud. M.: Nauka, 1989. - 456s.

275. Fromm, E. Anatomy of human destructiveness Text. / Fromm E. Minsk: LLC. Potpourri, 1999. - 415s.

276. Fromm, E. Escape from freedom Text. / Fromm E. Minsk, Potpourri, 1998.-672p.

277. Fromm, E. Psychoanalysis and ethics Text. / E. Fromm M.: Respublika, 1993. - 415p.

278. Fromm, E. Man for himself Text. / Fromm E. Minsk: Potpourri LLC, 1998. - 672.

279. Fukuyama, F. The end of history and the last man Text. / F. Fukuyama. M: AST, 2004. - 592s.

280. Habermas, Y. Cognition and interest Text. / Habermas Y. // Philosophical sciences. 1990. - No. 1. - S. 90-97.

281. Heidegger, M. Conversation on a country road Text. / Heidegger M.: Collection: Per. with him. Ed. A.L. Dobrokhotov. M.: Higher school, 1991.- 192p.

282. Heidegger, M. Letter on Humanism Text. / M. Heidegger. Time and being. Articles and speeches: Sost., Per. with him. and comm. V. V. Bibikhina. M.: Respublika, 1993. - 447 p. - S. 192-220.

283. Hesle, V. Crisis of individual and collective identity Text. / Hesle V. // Questions of Philosophy. 1994. - No. 10. - S. 112-123.

284. Kholostova, E.I. Genesis of social work in Russia. / Kholostova E.I. M.: 1995. - 86s.

285. Kholostova, E.I. Fundamentals of social work Text. / Kholostova E.I. M.: INFRA-M, 2005. - 576s.

286. Kholostova, E.I. New approaches to the theory and methodology of social work. / Kholostova E.I. M.: Multiplies, center of the Government of the Moscow Region, 2005. - 22s.

287. Horney, K. Neurotic personality of our time. Introspection: / Horney K.: Per. from English. V. V. Starovoitov; Tot. ed. and after. G.V. Burmenskaya [Text]. SPb.-M.: Progress - Univers, 1993. - 480s.

288. Khritinin, D.F. Pathology of the brain text. / Khritinin D.F. M.: Medicine, 1996. - 324 p.

289. Khubiev, B.B. Family as a social value community of forms of human existence: Abstract of the thesis. . Doctor of Philosophy Sciences 09.00.11 Text. -Pyatigorsk: 2005. 47s.

290. Cicero Mark Tullius. About duties Text. / Cicero Mark Tullius. M.: ACT, 2003. - 300s.

291. Chaadaev, P.Ya. Philosophical letters Text. / Chaadaev P.Ya. Complete works in 2 vols. T.1. M.: Nauka, 1991. - 800s. - P.452-477.

292. Chernyshevsky, N.G. Anthropological principle in philosophy Text. / Chernyshevsky N.G. M.: Politizdat, 1948. -112p.

293. Chorbinsky A. Practice of social work abroad Text. / Chorbinsky A. M.: 1998. - 178p.

294. Shalaev, V.P. Philosophical foundations of social work. Text. / Shalaev V.P. Yoshkar-Ola: publishing house of MarGTU, 1994. - 1 Yus.

295. Shangareev, N. A. Social technology as a factor in managing social development: Abstract of the thesis. . cand. philosophy Sciences 09.00.11 Text. / Shangareev H.A. Cheboksary: ​​2009. - 22p.

296. Chardin, Teilhard P. de. The phenomenon of man Text. / T. de Chardin: Per. from French -M: Progress, 1965.-240s.

297. Schweitzer, A. Ethics of Compassion Text. / A. Schweitzer. // "Man", 1990, No. 5, p. 126-133.

298. Schweitzer, A. Humanity Text. / Schweitzer A. Reverence for life [Trans. with it.; comp. and ate. A.A. Huseynov; total ed. A.A. Huseynov and M.G. Selezneva] M.: Progress, 1992. - 576s. - S. 508-509.

299. Scheler, M. Man and history: per. with him. Text. / Scheler M. Selected works [Trans. Denezhkina A.V., Malinkina A.N., Filippova A.F.; ed. Denezhkina A.V.] M.: Gnosis, 1994. - 490s. - S. 70-97.

300. Shmeleva, N.B. Theory and methodology of professional and personal development of a social worker. / Shmeleva N.B. - Ulyanovsk: publishing house of the USPU, 2003.-214p.

301. Schopenhauer, A. On the basis of morality Text. / A. Schopenhauer. Two main ethical issues. Aphorisms of worldly wisdom. - Minsk, Potpourri, 1997.-592c.C-157-352.

302. Chriqui, A.A. Social Welfare Policy of the State of Israel: Experience of the Bedouin Sector: Dis. . cand. philosophy of sciences 09.00.11 Text. / Shriki A.A. M.: 2003. - 130s.

303. Economic dictionary Electronic resource. (accessed 12/16/2009).

304. Encyclopedia of social work. In 3 vols. Text. Moscow: 19931994.

305. Ethics in social work, set of principles Adopted by the General Assembly of IFAD and IFSD. Adelaide, Australia, October 2004 Electronic resource. URL: http://www. (Date of access 12/23/2009).

306. Jung, K.G. Psychological types Text. / Jung K.G. - Minsk: Potpourri, 1998. 656s.

307. Jung, K.G. Psychology of the Unconscious Text. / Jung K.G. M.: Kanon, 1994.-486s.

308. Youth honest mirror Text. St. Petersburg:, 1717.

309. Yablokov, A.B. Evolutionary doctrine Text. / Yablokov A.V., Yusufov A.G. M .: Higher School, 1989. - 324 p.

310. Yavlinsky, G. Reforms and Society Text. / Yavlinsky G. // Krasnoyarskaya Pravda, December 26, 1991.

311. Yakovets, Yu.V. Globalization and interaction of civilizations. Text. / Yakovets Yu.V. M.: CJSC "Publishing House" Economics "", 2003. -441 p.

312. Yarskaya, V.N. Charity and mercy as socio-cultural values. Text. / V.N. Yarskaya // Russian Journal of Social Work. 1995. - No. 2. - S. 27-33.

313. Yarskaya-Smirnova E.R. Research in social work Text. / Yarskaya-Smirnova E.R., Romanov P.S. Saratov: SGTU, 2004. - 246p.

314. Jaspers, K. The meaning and purpose of history Text. / K. Jaspers. - M.: Politizdat, 1991.-527p.

315. Jaspers, K. Speech in memory of Max Weber Text. / K. Jaspers // M. Weber. Favorites. Society image. [Trans. from German: Comp., general ed. Ya.M. Berger, S.Ya. Levit, L.T. Milskoy] M.: Lawyer, 1994. - p. 704s. - S. 78105.

316. Jaspers K. Power of the masses Text. / Jaspers K., Baudrillard J. The ghost of the crowd. -M.: Algorithm, 2008. 272s. - S. 10-185.

317. Bahrdt, N.R. Grundformeen sozialer situationen. Eine kleine Grammatik des Alltagslebens Text. / H.P. Bahrdt München: 2006. - 252 S.

318. Barker, R. Social Work Dictionary Text. / R. Barker London: 1982.

319. Bendix, R. Max Weber: An intellectual portrait Text. / R. Bendix New York: 1962.

320. Boehm, W.W. The Nature Social Work Text., / Boehm, W.W. NY: 1958.1. Q/Ü>/7

321. Bowers, S. Nature and Definition of Social Case Work Text. / S. Bowers Montreal: 1949.

322. Cipolla, C.M. The Economic History of World Population Text. / Carlo M. Cipolla Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1996.

323. Dewey, J. Reconstruction in Philosophy Text. / J. Dewey Carbondale: SIUP, 1976-1983, vol. 12.

324. Die Sozialarbeit: eine aktuelle Theorie und Praktik Text. / M. Werner-Bonn, 2010. 190S.

325. Follesdal, Dagfinn. Understanding and Rationality Text. / Dagfinn Fo 11 esdal // Meaning and Understanding (Ed. by H. Parret and J. Bouveresse). -Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1981, p. 154-168.

326. Lee, P.R. Social Work as Cause and Function Text. /P.R. Lee. New York, 1937.

327. Malatesta, C. Z. The role of emotions in the development and organization of personality Text. / C. Z. Malatesta // Socioemotional Development. Nebraska: Symposium on Motivaty - 1990, p. 1-56.

329 Maslow, A.G. The Farther Reaches of Human Nature Text. /A.G. Maslow // The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology. - 1969. No. 1.

330. Maug, F. Animal Species and Evolution Text. / F. Mayr Cambridge (MA): Harvard University Press, 1963. 267P.

331. Nygren, A. Agape and Eros Text., / A. Nygren.- Stereotype of 1954. -Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 2008. 764P.

332. Richmond, M.E. The Social Caseworker in a Changing Word Text. /M.E. Richmond-NY: 1915.

333. Ryle, G. Ordinary Language Text., / G. Ryle // Philosophy and Ordinary Language. Urbana: 1960, pp. 108-127.

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Social psychology considers the psychological aspects of the life of groups and collectives. Personality within the framework of social psychology acts in the context of its belonging to any social community: professional, ethnic, social group, etc.

Choosing the topic of the WRC in social psychology, the student is immersed in the problems of communication, communications, conflicts. These psychological phenomena have already been studied many times. But this does not mean that it is impossible to come up with a new, non-standard topic for a diploma in social psychology. You can always compare the severity of already hackneyed socio-psychological indicators in non-standard samples or analyze the relationship of indicators that no one has done before you.

Students quite often choose topics in social psychology for writing a thesis, term paper or master's work. Perhaps because many of the problems that we face at work, in professional activities, are associated with this psychological direction.

When writing term papers, diploma and master's theses in social psychology, there are some peculiarities and nuances. This article will discuss some of them.

Coursework in social psychology

Coursework in social psychology may be related to one of the following areas:

  • psychology of conflict;
  • psychology of communication;
  • group psychology.

In a study related to conflicts, the psychological factors of the subjects' conflicts are most often studied. For example, you can study how the values ​​of teachers are related to the level of their conflict.

Topics related to strategies of behavior in conflict situations are popular. In this case, either the influence of psychological factors on the ways of behavior in a conflict is studied: "The relationship of the emotional sphere of adolescents with strategies for behavior in a conflict situation." Or the influence of ways of behaving in conflict with other psychological phenomena is studied: "Strategies of conflict behavior as determinants of successful communication of bank tellers".

In works related to communication, the psychological factors of communication success of adolescents, employees of the organization, etc. can be studied. - "Emotional intelligence as a factor in the success of high school students in the classroom."

Most coursework topics in social psychology are related to the psychological aspects of group life. This includes the following areas of research:

  • socio-psychological climate in the team;
  • interpersonal relationships in the group.

The climate in the team reflects the satisfaction of the members of the team with relationships with each other and the living conditions of the group. Course papers in social psychology can study the psychological factors of the socio-psychological climate "Social intelligence of employees of a trade organization as a factor in the socio-psychological climate." Sometimes the topic of research may be the relationship of climate with the success of the team or leadership style. When choosing a course topic related to the socio-psychological climate, it is important to understand that this psychological phenomenon characterizes the team as a whole. At the same time, each employee has his own idea of ​​the climate, and it is these ideas that are studied most often in term papers in social psychology.

Interpersonal relationships in a group are studied most often with the help of a sociometric procedure. Sociometry allows you to evaluate the popularity of each member of the group, which can be regarded as an indicator of the success of interpersonal interaction in the group. An empirical study may be associated with an analysis of the relationship between sociometric status in a group and various psychological indicators: aggressiveness, anxiety, self-esteem, etc.

Thesis in Social Psychology

Diploma papers in social psychology deal with the same problems as the course papers discussed above. At the same time, in diplomas, theoretical analysis is carried out more thoroughly, and in empirical research, more tests are used, more subjects are interviewed, and more statistical methods are used.

Diploma works in social psychology deal with the problems of communication and interaction between people. Accordingly, the focus is on communication between people, conflicts, etc. Coursework in social psychology can consider the characteristics of social groups, accentuating the belonging of the subjects to a particular group. For example, "Communication with peers in senior preschool and primary school age"; "Relationship between status in the classroom and anxiety in adolescents".

The popularity of the socio-psychological topics of the WRC is also associated with the practical significance of such key phenomena as communication and conflicts. Indeed, the ability to communicate, the ability to prevent or resolve conflicts - all these skills are important in the family, in the work team, as well as in almost any field of professional activity. These issues are especially relevant for the so-called communicative professions (teachers, doctors)

Social psychology looks at a person not so much as an individual (a being separate from others), but as a representative of a community. Therefore, in the titles of diplomas there are such terms as "employees of the organization", "ethnic communities", "youth subcultures".

It is important to note that there is no rigid distinction between sections of psychology. Therefore, for example, the subject of a coursework in psychology “Peculiarities of memory and attention among electric train drivers” is at the junction of social, engineering and general psychology. And the theme of the diploma work "Features of interethnic conflicts in a multicultural environment" combines elements of social and ethnic psychology.

Master's thesis in social psychology

In a master's thesis in social psychology, it may be necessary to develop formative and control experiments.

Within the framework of formative research, work can be carried out to develop some important socio-psychological quality: the skill of constructive behavior in conflict; peer-to-peer communication, etc.

The method of developing important and useful socio-psychological qualities is most often socio-psychological training. There are many training programs aimed at developing various psychological qualities. They have a common structure, including an introductory part, introduction, familiarization with the rules of the group. Further exercises to develop the necessary qualities and skills. The training ends with a summary.

In the control experiment, it is necessary to re-test the psychological qualities that have developed and compare with their level before the training. The positive dynamics of changes will make it possible to speak about the effectiveness of the program for the development of a socio-psychological quality or skill.

Examples and Samples of Diploma Works in Social Psychology

Examples and samples of term papers in social psychology

The following are exemplary topics of work in social psychology. They are conditionally divided between different types of WRC. At the same time, it is important to understand that the difference between coursework, diploma and master's is connected not so much with the formulation of the topic, but with its implementation. One and the same topic can be implemented both as a coursework, and as a diploma, and as a master's. Everything depends on the number of psychological tests used, on the number of groups of subjects and methods of statistical processing.

You may not find the one that suits you in the list of topics below. At the same time, the above topics will help you immerse yourself in the context of socio-psychological issues, get acquainted with the range of problems in line with which you will be able to choose your topic of work in social psychology.

Coursework Topics in Social Psychology

  1. Features of the choice of a profession (or professional self-determination) in modern conditions (on the example of a specific social group)
  2. Features of the value-semantic sphere of personality ... (representatives of various social groups).
  3. Features of interpersonal interaction of spouses (on the example of a specific type of family, length of family life, etc.)
  4. Specificity of ideas about family roles (on the example of a specific age).
  5. Socio-psychological factors in the formation of the SEC of the labor collective (on the example of a particular enterprise).
  6. Features of the formation of professional self-awareness in the learning process (indicate the specialty of students).
  7. Features of professional motivation and socio-psychological climate in the team (on the example of different professions)
  8. Relationship between communicative competence and performance efficiency (on the example of different professions)
  9. The relationship of interpersonal conflicts and the socio-psychological climate in the team (on the example of a particular team)
  10. Study of leadership style and group cohesion (specify social group)

Themes of diploma works in social psychology

  1. study of the features of communicative competence (representatives of different age and social groups).
  2. The relationship between aggressive behavior and self-esteem (on the example of a specific age)
  3. Study of the relationship between play activity and socio-psychological readiness for school.
  4. Psychological problems of marriage (on the example of a specific type of family).
  5. Study of marital conflicts (at different stages of the family life cycle).
  6. Socio-psychological ideas of young people about a modern young family (indicate a specific category of youth)
  7. Features of ideas about social success (representatives of different age and social groups)
  8. Features of social motivation (representatives of different age and social groups)
  9. Features of life satisfaction (representatives of different age and social groups)
  10. Relationship between self-concept and sociometric status (indicate the specific age group of children)

Topics of master's theses in social psychology

  1. Socio-psychological characteristics of children from large and single-child families
  2. Development of communicative competence by means of socio-psychological training (on the example of a specific social and age group)
  3. Interrelation of Meaningful Life Values ​​and Career Preferences (on the Example of a Specific Social Group)
  4. Features of self-attitude (indicate a specific social or age group) with different sociometric status
  5. Self-concept and frustration behavior (on the example of a specific social or age group)
  6. Features of communication difficulties (on the example of a specific social or age group)
  7. Features of the relationship between styles of family education and the specifics of interpersonal relations of children (indicate specific age)
  8. The study of the features of the social orientation of the individual (on the example of representatives of a particular social or age group)
  9. Relationship between social intelligence and sociometric status (on the example of representatives of a particular social or age group)
  10. Socio-psychological analysis of interpersonal relations (on the example of representatives of a particular social or age group)
  11. Social representations (indicate the category of the group) with different levels of tolerance.
  12. Comparative analysis of socio-psychological characteristics (indicate specific age or social groups)
  13. Socio-psychological characteristics (it is necessary to specify them) of active Internet users
  14. Features of coping strategies (on the example of representatives of a particular social or age group)

I hope this article will help you write a psychology paper on your own. If you need help, please contact (all types of work in psychology; statistical calculations).

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education

"Smolensk State University"

Social faculty

Department of Social Work

Final qualifying work

on the topic: "Social work with a low-income family"


student group number 63

correspondence department

specialty "Social work"

Primerova Liliya Vladimirovna

Scientific adviser:

candidate of pedagogical sciences,


Milko Lyubov Vladimirovna

The work is approved for protection

head department___________

Kremen Faina Maratovna





Chapter 1. Theoretical Foundations of the Formation of the System of Social Assistance to the Family in Russia

1.1. The history of the formation of the system of social assistance to the family in Russia………………………………………………………………………… ..........eight

1.2. State-legal foundations of social work with families in modern Russia …………………………………………………………… .....13

1.3. Forms and types of social work with a low-income family ……….26

Chapter 2 . Analysis of the activities of the Administration of the Sobolevsky rural settlement of the Monastyrshchinsky district

2.1. Analysis of activities for the provision of social assistance to a low-income family…………………………………………………………..32

2.2. Diagnosis of social problems of low-income families in Sobolevsky rural settlement………………………………………………..35

2.3. Development of a social assistance program for a low-income family……………………………………………………………………………...41





Who and how will live and work in the 21st century depends on the social well-being of the modern family, on what kind of children the family produces and how it raises them spiritually and physically.

The family - the oldest institution of human society - has passed a difficult path of development. From tribal forms of coexistence, when a person alone could not exist at all, through a large family that accommodated several generations under one roof, to a nuclear family consisting only of parents and children. The family is also a small cell of society, its elementary cell, which performs the most important social functions. In addition, the family is the main source of continuation of life and, consequently, population growth.

In the family, the upbringing of the younger generation takes place, the foundations for the formation of personality are laid. It carries a code of moral ideas and values ​​developed and accepted by society. The culture of family relations is an integral part and reflection of the general culture of society. Finally, the family is the most important link in the economic structure of society. Consumption and, above all, family consumption is the purpose and goal of social production. According to the level and structure of the benefits consumed by the family, they judge the level of well-being of society, the quality of life, and the degree of economic development. At the same time, the family farm is a significant part of production in any country.

At present, such a life situation has developed that a huge number of families and children need the effective implementation of state family policy. Incomplete families (only one earned income), families of refugees, internally displaced persons, low-income families, the unemployed, families with disabled children, large families, dysfunctional families fall into difficult living conditions. These families are characterized by problems: financial, employment, disability, medical, psychological, and so on.

Children in such families have low self-esteem, inadequate understanding of the meaning of their own personality, which can adversely affect their future fate. The family has various problems and they need to be solved in the form of state assistance to families:

Cash payments to the family for children in connection with their birth, maintenance and upbringing (pensions, benefits);

Labor, tax, housing, medical, credit and other benefits for parents and children;

Social services for families (provision of social services, counseling and other types of assistance).

It is impossible to single out the exact date of the emergence of interest in the family and family therapy, but it can be noted that already in the 20s of the twentieth century, systematic studies of the family began to be carried out by psychiatrists, clinical and social psychologists. These studies covered both the process of education and the structure of the family, the relationship between its members, leadership, family conflicts and ways to resolve them. Therapists at this time were more likely to be engaged in education, "family education", than family therapy in the modern sense of the word. But still, at all times, the family has been in the center of attention of advanced social thought, progressive politicians and scientists, from ancient philosophers to modern reformers. This is not surprising. As can be seen from the definitions, the family is a system of human social functioning, one of the main institutions of society. It is in motion, changing not only under the influence of socio-political conditions, but also due to the internal processes of its development.

We believe that the theme of the family is currently very relevant.

Every year more and more families find themselves in a difficult life situation. And since the family is a “mini-society”, it needs help in solving various problems.

The topic "Social work with low-income families" attracted and interested us at first sight. Today, the number of such families has increased dramatically. All members of such families, and especially children, need various types of assistance. Based on this, rehabilitation centers, family and child support services and other state and non-state institutions are being created that provide various types of assistance and support.

Object of study: low-income family.

Subject of study: features of social work with a low-income family.

The purpose of the study: to study the technologies of social work with the family, to determine the ways and means of social support for a low-income family.

Research objectives:

1. Studying the problem of social work with a low-income family in the theory and practice of social work;

2. Acquaintance with the main activities of a social worker in the family; with the specifics of the work of social service institutions and centers of social support for families and children;

3. Consider the forms and methods of social protection of low-income families;

4. Identification of the features of social adaptation of low-income families;

5. Experimental study of the problems of a low-income family;

6. Processing of the obtained experimental data.

Research hypothesis: support for low-income families is an actual area of ​​social protection of the population at the present time. The support system of this category is actively developing in the direction of targeting and maximum efficiency.

In accordance with the intended purpose and objectives of the study, we have identified the following methods:

    Analysis of literature and regulatory documents;


    Experimental method, including conducting an experiment, analyzing and summarizing the data obtained.

The relevance of research. Improving the well-being of the population is one of the main goals of any society striving for progress. A state that cares about its citizens must create favorable conditions for a long, safe, healthy and prosperous life for people, ensuring economic growth and social stability in society.

The problems of low-income families are considered in the works of Kholostova E.I., Firsov M.V., Pavlenok P.D., Guslova M.N. and other authors.

As a result of liberal reforms in the 90s of the XX century, our country underwent intensive processes of socio-economic transformations, which entailed a change in the established models of socio-economic behavior of the country's population. There has been a transformation of the social structure of Russian society, a deep social polarization has taken shape. The depreciation of income as a result of hyperinflation has led to a massive decline in the standard of living of Russians. Not only those who lived below the poverty line in the past, but also a huge proportion of the able-bodied, working, and until recently quite prosperous middle-income stratum of the population, found themselves in a distressed situation.

At present, a high level of unemployment, high tariffs for housing and communal services, and a low level of wages that do not correspond to the cost of living have a negative impact on the well-being of families. Low-income families are practically unable to pay for expensive education and health services, tourism and recreational services, and many other material, social and spiritual benefits. Under these conditions, the qualitative socialization of children, the realization of their potential, their spiritual and intellectual development becomes impossible.

Thus, the family is a fundamental institution, the most important social value, the fundamental basis of society. The family provides all its members with economic, social, spiritual and physical security, care for minors, the elderly and the sick; conditions for social protection of children and youth.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations for the formation of a system of social assistance to families in Russia

    1. The history of the formation of the system of social assistance to the family in Russia

The family is a community of people connected by relations of marriage, parenthood, kinship, a joint household, as the main unit of society, performs the most important social functions, plays a particularly significant role in a person’s life, his protection, the formation and satisfaction of spiritual needs.

The main purpose of the family is to satisfy social (reproduction of the population), group (social) and individual needs.

The main functions of the family are: reproductive (birth of children), existential (maintenance of children), economic, educational, communicative, phacytological (feeling of happiness), organization of leisure and recreation. The family is the only and indispensable producer of the person himself, the procreation.

A dysfunctional family is a family in which the structure is broken, the basic family functions are depreciated or ignored, there are obvious or hidden defects in education, as a result of which “difficult children” appear.

By a dysfunctional family, we mean a family in which the child experiences trouble (from the word “good”), where there is no good for the child. At the same time, the type of family (problematic, dysfunctional, etc.) does not matter. This may be a family in which either both parents, or one parent, and an economically wealthy family, and an economically insolvent one, etc. The main characteristic of a dysfunctional family is the lack of love for the child, care for him, satisfaction of his needs, protection of his rights and legitimate interests.

There are 2 types of dysfunctional families:

1. Conflict families - where there is an intra-family conflict (between parents, parents and children, etc.);

2. Disorganized families - where there is tension in family relations; the absence of common interests and mutual understanding among spouses is very often complemented by a violation of value orientations that meet social requirements and norms.

Serious interpersonal, intra-family relationships, as a rule, lead to deformation of the psyche of children. The negative consequences of trouble in the family manifest themselves quite quickly and often irreversibly - mental defects, the difficult nature of the child, social maladjustment and deviant behavior, because of which not only families suffer, but society as a whole.

A "risk group" family is a dysfunctional family in which there are two types of risk. The first type of risk is associated with danger to society. Such a family poses a danger to society with its values, norms, rules, a special direction in raising children, most often asocial. The second type of risk is associated with difficulties in the socialization of family members, especially children who cannot develop normally, since there are no conditions in the family for the normal mental and physical development of the child.

Family at risk - a type of family in which there is some deviation from the norms, which does not allow it to be defined as prosperous. Deviations have not become a maladaptive factor, but are complicated by other negative characteristics. Non-compliance with social standards is not recognized by family members as an important problem that can disrupt the life of such a family. Families of the “risk group” occupy an intermediate position between prosperous and dysfunctional families. These families include low-income families.

low-income family- this is a family that, for valid reasons or reasons beyond its control, has an average monthly total income below the subsistence level for the family.

Social relations throughout history form different forms of communication between men and women, the diversity of which makes up the history of the family. A family is a real relationship between spouses, parents and children. In the history of mankind there was no society that would not regulate the relationship between the sexes, would not impose on them certain forms and norms of sexual intercourse.

Gradually, with the development of the government structure of the state, departments arise that take on the functions of “protection and order”, that is, that transmission link between the “will of the prince” and an act, an action that is aimed at helping and supporting those in need, is manifested. Orders as a civil support system is becoming the leading form of assistance and protection, control over church life. So under IvanIVa tradition is laid, according to which the supreme power begins to control the church. The task was to identify all lepers and the elderly in all cities, to build men's and women's almshouses for them in each city and keep them there, providing them with clothes and food at the expense of the treasury.

The government officially legalized the institution of begging, as the monasteries could not solve this problem.

The state also regulates the price of bread during the period of mass famine. In 1603, a decree appears that allows working families to be “released” during a famine to feed them without issuing leave.

Rethinking is also taking place in the approach to widows and children. The treasury takes care of those widows and children whose husbands and fathers died in public service. This "pension" right was expressed in the form of the distribution of "land for subsistence".

You can note,XIXcentury also continues to develop assistance to those in need, but has not yet been singled out as a separate category of assistance to the family. At this time, material assistance included assistance in kind: the distribution of clothes, food, tuition fees, and the provision of cheap meals.

By March 1918, the main directions in the field of social assistance were gradually taking shape: the issuance of rations, the provision of asylum to those injured in the war, the appointment of pensions, and the supervision of educational institutions of state charity.

In April 1918, the People's Commissariat for Social Security was formed. A class approach is beginning to take shape in the provision of various types of assistance.

The new legislation established the main areas of social work: medical assistance, the issuance of benefits and pensions, the protection of motherhood and infancy, work in orphanages and with juvenile delinquency, the issuance of food rations.

Social assistance and protection during the Great Patriotic War is associated with the problems of helping the families of front-line soldiers, so since the end of June 1941 a number of decrees have been issued that served as the basis for the social security of their families, and the procedure for paying benefits is regulated.

Social work as a professional activity begins to take shape in the early 1990s. This was facilitated by the economic crisis and the growth of social problems in society: a decline in living standards, unemployment, a drop in the birth rate, forced migration, the collapse of the institution of family and marriage. Therefore, it was necessary to identify priority groups of the population that needed support in the first place: children, pensioners, disabled refugees, the poor, military personnel transferred to the reserve.

In the 90s. Territorial social centers find their development as institutions of assistance to those in need, so by the end of 1995 there were 991 social service institutions for the family. The main types of assistance are: material, in-kind, employment, humanitarian.

Thus, in general, we can distinguish such features of people from low-income families as:

lack of initiative, passivity;

transferring responsibility to others;

inability to set goals to achieve them;

fear of risk

The desire to blame others for their troubles.

At the same time, there are such specific features of a low-income family that are objective and do not depend on the desires or personal characteristics of its members, for example, the inability of a mother, for economic reasons, to leave the sphere of social work and focus her attention on the problems of the family and children.

Thus, social work in Russia has a long and rich history. And at each stage, the state needs more and more attention and support for this vulnerable category.

    1. State-legal foundations of social work with families in modern Russia

Of decisive importance in ensuring the life of the family is the state, economic and social policy, on which the employment of the population in the spheres of social labor, the well-being and income of the family depend. In particular, the social protection of the family is a multi-level system of predominantly state measures to ensure minimum social guarantees, rights, benefits and freedoms of a normally functioning family in a risk situation in the interests of the harmonious development of the family, individual and society. An important role in the social protection of the family is assigned to the family itself: strengthening parental ties; the formation of a stable rejection of the propaganda of sex, drugs, violence, aggressive behavior; maintaining normal psychological health of the family; interaction with the school and industry, social services; teaching children about housekeeping, etc.

The social security of the family is formed through the differentiation of projects and programs for the development of various categories of families, the creation of diversified centers for social assistance to families and children, the development of a network of specialties and specializations of social workers, the improvement of the psychological, pedagogical, medical, social and legal literacy of families in the system of parental universal education, the network advice points, etc.

A special place in it is occupied by the social protection of childhood, which includes the prevention of pedagogical injuries and emotional rejection, the prevention of intra-family (parental) violence, career guidance for children and adolescents, the democratization of relations between adults and children, the regulation of adolescent labor, etc.

At present, Russia has four main forms of social protection for families with children: cash payments to the family for children in connection with the birth, maintenance and upbringing of children (allowances and pensions); labor, tax, housing, credit, medical and other benefits for families with children, parents and children; legal, medical, psychological, pedagogical and economic consulting, general education for parents, scientific and practical conferences and congresses; free distribution to families and children of baby food, medicine, clothing and footwear, food for pregnant women, etc.; federal, regional, targeted social programs such as "Family Planning", "Children of Russia", etc.

Social work is a meaningful activity that can give a person satisfaction with their significance, the opportunity to express themselves and contribute to solving family problems, constant communication with different people. It generates elevated, positive feelings, which are an important source of his motivation.

Family work can be carried out in various areas of social work, including health care, mental health, child welfare, gerontology, the legal system, employment and, of course, family agencies, services.

The attention of any of the spheres of social work is focused on the person, the family. And whatever problems arise for family members (psychological-pedagogical, social, legal or other properties), they affect the whole family, form various social and psychological phenomena that either strengthen it or, most often, destroy it. A necessary prerequisite for successfully solving the main problems of the family is a deep understanding of the psychological and pedagogical patterns of social work with it.

The activities of social work specialists, whether they are social educators or social workers, are multifaceted: in one case they consult young spouses, in another they develop a common line of raising a teenager together with parents, in a third they solve the problems of an incomplete or large family, in a fourth they are engaged in family psychotherapy, support, etc. In principle, these multifaceted contacts of a social worker with families, generated by the needs of joint activities, are a kind of manifestation of the general patterns of social work with families.

Social services are organized to work with the family.

Socio-pedagogical service. It is created by public education bodies and cultural and sports institutions; should have the following range of responsibilities: diagnoses the social - pedagogical and psychological situation in the family, at the place of residence, provides psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents in raising children, in improving the conditions of family education; organizes family leisure, family, teenage clubs, pedagogical universities for parents and other persons involved in education, sports facilities, etc.; carries out organizational and pedagogical measures aimed at creating an educational environment at the place of residence of families and children; organization of family and neighborhood communities, inclusion of various social institutions in the process of raising children, provision of social assistance to children and families at risk.

Socio-legal service. It should be created and implemented by law enforcement agencies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, justice, and the prosecutor's office. It provides social control and social protection of minors from the criminal environment, special attention to criminal families. The task of the social and legal function includes social control and social and legal assistance to families, the implementation of measures for social rehabilitation. Another important area of ​​activity is the creation of legal consultations, family and childhood advocacy, whose task is to protect the rights and benefits of women and children.

Social service. Created by the bodies of social security and trade, communal services, should be created by the following things: identify the elderly, lonely, disabled, including disabled children who need social and household assistance, help in purchasing food and medicine, in acquiring the necessary disability devices and prostheses; provide social and legal assistance to the disabled, the elderly, lonely, as well as families with disabilities and other socially unprotected segments of the population, provide social and psychological support and assistance in social adaptation and rehabilitation of disabled people, etc.

Socio-medical service, which should be created by the health authorities: provides medical social patronage for families with young children, the disabled, the elderly and lonely, involving, as necessary, departments of social protection of families and children, law enforcement agencies to work with families - social risk groups ; organizes family planning centers, medical-genetic, medical-psychological consultations for spouses and those who are getting married, as well as “Health and Ecology” centers; creates medical and psychological services involved in psychoprophylaxis. Promoting a healthy lifestyle among the population, and primarily among children, adolescents, youth, as well as families with minor children; ensures the participation of psychoneurologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists in the work of rehabilitation centers for minors with deviations in mental and social development; provide social assistance to families with sick children, parents with disabilities, chronically.

A democratic society is interested in the family becoming a powerful factor in its stabilization and strengthening. For this, marriage and family relations, the life of the family, its dialogue with society must be based on a solid legislative framework. The general strategy of legislative acts is laid down by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which states that the family, motherhood and childhood are under the protection of the state, which creates socio-economic and legal prerequisites for the normal development, upbringing and education of children.

The norms of marriage and family legislation in Russia are based on the norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation:

Equal rights of men and women in the sphere of family relations (rights and obligations during marriage, common property, mutual maintenance, in connection with the dissolution of marriage, equal rights and obligations for a child, regardless of whether he was born in wedlock or out of wedlock);

Freedom of behavior of participants in family relations, ensuring the unimpeded exercise of their rights by family members is the main democratic value.

Quite an important document is the Family Code of the Russian Federation. The Code is the result of a large-scale work on the creation of new progressive legal norms, the regulation of intra-family relations, which should form the most important part of family legislation. The Code establishes the conditions and procedure for entering into marriage, termination of marriage and its recognition as invalid, regulates personal non-property and property relations between family members. The moral values ​​traditional for Russian society are legally confirmed: the voluntary nature of marriage based on mutual trust, respect and love and mutual support, monogamy, equality of spouses in the family. The main principle of domestic legislation is the priority of family education of children, the protection of their rights and interests.

Specific articles of the Family Code define ways to protect family rights:

Inadmissibility of outside interference in family affairs;

Priority of the interests of the child and disabled family members;

Priority of family education;

Inadmissibility of arbitrary restriction of family rights;

The right to family protection.

The most important document in the system of social services is the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation” dated December 10, 1995 No. 195-FZ, since it defines important concepts, points out the principles of social services, defines the rights of citizens, and so on.

Social services are the activities of social services for social support, the provision of social, social, medical, psychological, pedagogical, social and legal services and material assistance, social adaptation and rehabilitation of citizens in difficult situations.

The following basic concepts are used in this Federal Law:

Social services - enterprises and institutions, regardless of ownership, providing social services, as well as citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities for social services to the population without forming a legal entity;

A client of a social service is a citizen who is in a difficult life situation, who, in connection with this, is provided with social services;

Social services - actions to provide certain categories of citizens in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, to the client of the social assistance service provided for by this Federal Law;

Difficult life situation - a situation that objectively disrupts the life of a citizen (disability, inability to self-service due to old age, illness, orphanhood, neglect, low income, unemployment, lack of a fixed place of residence, conflicts and abuse in the family, loneliness, etc.), which he cannot overcome on his own.

If we turn to the Federal Law “On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation”, we will see that new concepts appear here, such as the subsistence minimum, the average per capita family income, and others.

So, the cost of living is the valuation of the consumer basket, as well as mandatory payments and fees.

The average per capita income of a family (a citizen living alone) is the total amount of income of each family member (a citizen living alone) divided by the number of all family members.

The next significant law in the field of social assistance, in particular assistance to a low-income family, is the Federal Law “On State Social Assistance” dated July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ. This document establishes the legal and organizational framework for the provision of state social assistance to low-income families, low-income citizens living alone and other categories of citizens.

The following basic concepts are used in the Federal Law:

state social assistance - the provision of social benefits, social supplements to pensions, subsidies, social services and vital goods to low-income families, low-income citizens living alone, as well as other categories of citizens specified in this Federal Law;

social allowance - gratuitous provision to citizens of a certain amount of money at the expense of the relevant budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation;

subsidy - having a designated purpose, full or partial payment for social services provided to citizens;

compensation-reimbursement to citizens of their expenses, established by law;

a set of social services - a list of social services provided to certain categories of citizens in accordance with this Federal Law.

State social assistance is assigned on the basis of a written application of a citizen on behalf of his family to the social protection authorities at the place of residence, indicating information about the composition of the family, income and property belonging to the family for the right of ownership. The information provided by the applicant can be confirmed by an act of examination of material and living conditions conducted by the social protection authorities.

This Federal Law determines the procedure for the provision of social services, the categories of citizens eligible for state social assistance, the types of state social assistance and the amount, etc.

In 1992, the Government of the Russian Federation adopts a resolution "On Priority Measures to Create a State System of Social Assistance to the Family", which includes economic, legal, medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance. This resolution was aimed at implementing the state policy of the family and children. The new social policy in the country regarding the family and children is manifested in the payment of child benefits, the creation of new social service institutions that are focused on families and children. This was manifested in the organization of various social service institutions that provided assistance to the family, orphans, difficult teenagers, the organization of family holidays, family clubs, where both adults and children spend their holidays with the whole family. Local authorities set up various centers that provide assistance to families in a crisis situation.

It is also possible to note the importance in the system of social assistance to the family Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 14, 1996 No. 712 “On the main directions of state family policy”.

In it, the main directions of state family policy are:

    providing conditions for overcoming negative trends and stabilizing the financial situation of Russian families, reducing poverty and increasing assistance to disabled family members;

    providing employees with children with favorable conditions for combining work with family responsibilities;

    fundamental improvement in family health;

    strengthening assistance to the family in the upbringing of children.

To receive social assistance, you must submit an application to the social protection authority at the place of residence, indicating in it:

Family composition (confirmed by the child's birth certificate, marriage certificate);

Income (confirmed by certificates of salary, scholarships, allowances, pensions, etc.);

Property owned by the family (confirmed by a certificate of state registration of ownership of real estate;

Information about receiving state assistance in the form of social services. A limited circle of persons has the right to this, for example, war invalids, participants in the Great Patriotic War and other persons listed in Art. 6.1 of the Law on Social Assistance.

Note that the right to certain types of state support for low-income families should be formalized in other authorized bodies, where additional documents may be required. For example, in order to receive a subsidy for paying for housing, you need to contact the executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and submit, among other things, documents confirming the absence of rent arrears. In order to receive free legal assistance, as well as benefits provided for by the legislation on education and the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, one should contact the relevant organizations or state authorities by submitting documents confirming the status of a low-income family.

Regional laws and programs on targeted social assistance have one common feature: they combine the principle of categorization and the principle of targeting. Laws on targeted assistance are focused on certain categories of the population (as a rule, pensioners, the disabled, single-parent families and large families) and those in need are already selected from them.

The adoption of regulations on targeted assistance, establishing the principle of targeted payment of child benefits even before the adoption of the relevant federal law, was due to a lack of funds for the payment of benefits in full and an increase in debt on them. Unfortunately, in order to implement the principle of targeting, aid is often provided in kind, based on the belief that only those in need will apply for in-kind assistance. Of course, the accumulation of arrears in the payment of benefits, the issuance of them in kind do not contribute to the transparency of the payment mechanism.

All regional laws and programs on targeted social assistance have one common feature: they combine the principle of categorization and the principle of targeting. Laws on targeted assistance are focused on certain categories of the population (as a rule, pensioners, the disabled, single-parent families and large families) and those in need are already selected from them.

To define the concept of targeted social support for the population, Russia has so far only limited itself to a declaration on a welfare state. Many social guarantees of rights and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation are either not provided or operate in a truncated version.

In the traditional understanding, the essence of social policy comes down to support, primarily material, of the poorest segments of the population or to the redistribution of social wealth in favor of the least well-to-do strata in order to limit property differentiation. However, social policy should be interpreted somewhat more broadly, and its main goal should be not so much the “treatment of social diseases”, but, above all, their prevention and prevention. This is the essence of social policy - a concentrated expression of all other types of policy, and above all - economic.

Targeted social support of the population occupies an important place in the structure of social management in general and local government in particular. The organization of optimal targeted social support for the population involves not only the study of laws and other regulations that establish its criteria within the framework of relations between the state - the person - the law - social protection, but also the ability to locally determine the permissible boundaries of actions in relations with other subjects and develop their own versions of models targeted social support.

Thus, we see that Russian legislation is directly aimed at helping vulnerable categories of citizens, especially families, low-income families. A large number of legislative acts are aimed at ensuring the normal existence of citizens with children, stabilizing incomes and in every possible way achieving a favorable existence for families.

We can once again note the measures of state support for low-income families provided at the federal level:

1) The Housing Code of the Russian Federation establishes the right of certain categories of citizens to receive benefits for paying for housing and utilities. The housing subsidy is provided for a period of 6 months.

2) Low-income families are given a tax break in relation to the amounts they receive from the state. In particular, lump-sum payments (including material assistance) that poor citizens receive in the form of targeted social assistance provided at the expense of the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets and extra-budgetary funds are exempted from personal income tax. It should be emphasized that this exemption applies only to assistance received in accordance with programs that are annually approved by the relevant state bodies.

3) The Law on Free Legal Aid, which came into force in January 2012, provides low-income families with the right to receive free legal assistance from professional lawyers. Such families can not only receive oral or written advice, but also count on representation of their interests in court or other state bodies. It is also extremely important that within the framework of this law, professional legal advice can be given, including on the provision of state social assistance to low-income citizens. Thus, this in-kind support (in the form of free services) may contribute to other benefits and benefits.

1.3. Forms and types of social work with a low-income family

The federal law “On State Social Assistance” that came into force determined “the legal and organizational framework for the provision of state social assistance to low-income families or low-income citizens living alone.” In accordance with this federal law, the recipients of state social assistance may be low-income families and low-income citizens living alone, whose average per capita income, for reasons beyond their control, is below the subsistence level.

From this document, we know the main types of state social assistance, these are:

Cash payments (social benefits, subsidies and other payments);

In-kind assistance (fuel, food, clothing, footwear, medicines and other types of in-kind assistance).

A subsidy is understood as the intended purpose of payment for material goods or services provided to citizens. Compensation is understood as compensation to citizens for the expenses they have incurred, established by law. In addition to monetary payments, the Law provides for the possibility of its provision in kind. The Law "On State Social Assistance" gives the executive authorities the broadest powers: they have the right to provide assistance, both in the form of cash payments and in kind. This provision allows us to assert that in case of a lack of funds, local authorities, as a rule, always have the opportunity to help with fuel, food, clothing, footwear, medicines, etc.

Social protection as a social institution, which is a set of legal norms designed to solve certain social and economic problems. In an international context, it usually deals with categories of citizens established by law who, due to disability, lack of work, or for other reasons, do not have sufficient funds to meet their vital needs and the needs of disabled family members. Within the framework of social protection systems, such citizens are provided with compensatory assistance in cash and in kind, as well as in the form of various types of services, in the event of adverse events established by law. In addition, social protection systems implement preventive measures aimed at preventing adverse events. Social protection is carried out in various organizational and legal forms, including such as the individual responsibility of employers, insurance, social insurance, targeted social assistance, state social security, etc. The use of certain organizational and legal forms of social protection can have various social and economic consequences which must be taken into account in the management of this industry.

The main method of protecting the most vulnerable categories of the population is the targeted provision of social assistance only to those citizens whose actual consumption is below the subsistence level. The concept of "targeting" in this context means limiting the circle of recipients of social assistance to a specific target group, depending on the priorities of the state's social policy. Strengthening the targeting of social assistance involves the implementation of legislative and organizational measures to limit the circle of recipients of social assistance to low-income families and low-income citizens living alone.

In addition, when determining the status of a low-income family, it can count on receiving increased subsidy limits for housing and basic utility services. In some cases, the family can receive tax benefits (to be clarified with the fiscal authorities at the place of residence), as well as free legal assistance from lawyers.

It can also be noted that if a low-income family is officially recognized as needing housing, it can join the queue for an apartment for the poor and, when the queue comes up, receive free housing from the state under a social contract.

The housing program for low-income families also provides for the possibility of acquiring housing on the terms of a social mortgage. Unlike the terms of a commercial mortgage, social mortgage lending implies a preferential price for residential real estate, as well as the provision of additional social guarantees.

Help families are also provided in the form of tax benefits in relation to the amounts they receive from the state. In particular, lump-sum payments (including material assistance) paid to low-income citizens as targeted social assistance are exempted from personal income tax.

It can also be said that a low-income family can count on help not only from the state, but also from charitable organizations, in particular Orthodox charitable organizations. Often, such organizations provide food to those in need, accommodation, and provide psychological support.

Low-income families can receive material support, both at the federal and regional levels.

Regional measures of social assistance are diverse and differ depending on the subject of the Russian Federation in which the family lives. The most important are: the provision of free or preferential services (in health care, transport, public services, etc.), unemployment benefits, child benefits, pensions, etc.

It should be noted that low-income families do not lose the rights inherent in all families with children. Therefore, they can count on receiving lump-sum payments and monthly benefits related to pregnancy, childbirth and raising children, maternity capital funds, as well as compensation for paying for kindergartens.

It can also be said that children from low-income families can exercise the right to enter out of competition in state and municipal higher educational institutions, subject to the following conditions:

    there is only one parent in the family, and he has not lower than group I;

    the child who decided to become a student is under 20 years old;

    the future student has successfully passed the entrance examinations, having scored a pre-established minimum passing score (as part of the Unified State Examination or entrance exams).

Social programs to support low-income categories of the population also provide for a social service to provide children with vouchers to sanatoriums and dispensaries if there are medical indications. This service is provided no more than once a year.

The main directions for the implementation of family policy include the creation of a system of social and psychological and pedagogical assistance to the family, the protection of the health of mother and child, the improvement of the material conditions of the family, support for low-income families, the improvement of the professional and social status of women, the prevention of juvenile delinquency, ideological, propaganda and cultural - educational work, training of workers of social services.

The main functions of a social worker are:

    diagnostic (studying the characteristics of the family, identifying its potential);

    security and protection (legal support for the family);


    prognostic (modeling of situations and development of targeted assistance programs);


Thus, we see that social work with a low-income family is currently in great demand. A very large number of such families need support from the state. Material, legal assistance, assistance in obtaining housing - these are just small areas of assistance to such a family.

Based on this, three main problems in providing state support to low-income families can be identified:

1) low awareness of low-income families about government support programs.

2) little popularization of assistance to children from low-income families.

3) low level of social work with low-income families.

In light of the problems identified, the following recommendations can be made:

1) Dissemination of information about government programs for low-income families. Implementation is possible through the media, social advertising, special seminars, distribution of booklets, newspapers, etc. Low-income families should know that they have every right to receive state assistance, and should not be afraid to apply for it.

2) Increasing the popularization of assistance to children from low-income families. Implementation is possible through the opening of free sections for children, career guidance. The opening of sports, dance and technical sections will help attract children from low-income families to creative activities, bring them closer to other children, and allow them to choose an activity “to their liking”. The organization of career guidance will help the child decide on the choice of a future profession, help him choose a direction that will help him in later life.

3) Distribution of social works, by attracting volunteers. Social assistance is necessary for low-income families, because, as a result of economic, they also have social problems. The work of volunteers must be organized in every district of the city. Members of low-income families will know who they can turn to, volunteers will always be ready to provide this or that assistance to the family, guide them, tell them about existing programs. This can also be done through advertising, social videos, specially held actions on the streets and in organizations.

The suggested recommendations are not the only possible ones. But these ways of solving problems will make it possible to achieve a definitely positive result in helping low-income families, will make it possible to achieve a positive result in the distribution of state support, in the distribution of a loyal attitude towards such families, in the distribution of social work. The implementation of these recommendations will help low-income families "get back on their feet", feel like a full-fledged unit of society, and most importantly, save their families.

Chapter 2

2.1. Analysis of activities to provide social assistance to a low-income family

Analyzing the activities of the Administration of the Sobolevsky rural settlement as a whole, I would like to note that assistance to various categories of families is provided on an individual basis.

First of all, work is underway to identify and register families in need of support, and especially children.

Such work is carried out jointly with the representative of the village administration, responsible for working with low-income families, and also with the school administration.

Patronage of low-income families is carried out in order to identify the conditions of life and education. Financial assistance is provided (according to social indications, the results of examinations and patronages):

grocery sets;

Clothes, shoes;

Free meals in schools during the school year;

All school supplies and uniforms by the beginning of the school year.

Consultations on the upbringing of children, taking into account their age and psychological characteristics. Legal assistance is provided: free legal advice in filing claims, petitions, etc.; assistance in obtaining child benefits; in the preparation of documents for material assistance, etc.

Specialists carefully consider all requests from visitors in order not only to provide support, but also to identify problems of a spiritual and psychological nature.

According to material security, they are classified into families: with high material prosperity, with very high material prosperity, with average material prosperity, with low material prosperity, those in need (below the poverty line). We track families with low material income, or we call them low-income families, that is, families that are registered with social security.

A large number of residents means a large number of people in need of social assistance. These are elderly and large families, families raising a child with a disability, dysfunctional families and, of course, low-income families.

In its activities, the Administration sets the following tasks to provide low-income citizens and families:

Providing poor citizens living in a rural settlement and in need of housing with living quarters, organizing the construction and maintenance of municipal housing stock, creating conditions for housing construction, exercising municipal housing control, as well as other powers of local governments in accordance with housing legislation;

Organization and implementation of activities to work with families and children in a rural settlement;

Material aid;

Assistance in the provision of rehabilitation services to needy families and their referral to sanatorium-and-spa treatment;

Providing qualified advice;

Providing legal assistance and assistance in obtaining social support measures established by law;

Assistance in preparing documents for sending children and adolescents (if necessary) to social service institutions for temporary stay;

Leisure organization.

Unlike assistance in cash and in kind, local benefits in the rural population expand or supplement the benefits provided by federal law.

Today, more than ever, a family needs social assistance and protection, and this assistance is not one-time, but permanent, guaranteed, targeted, based on balanced social programs that take into account socio-economic opportunities, the specifics of families of various socio-demographic types.

A clear algorithm for identifying early family problems has been developed:

Stage 1. Acquaintance with the family, examination of the living conditions of the family, identification

problems in the family.

Stage 2. Identification and analysis of the causes of the social ill-being of the family, its features, personal qualities of the family.

Stage 3. Development of specific, individual goals, tasks for working with a dysfunctional family.

Stage 4. Summing up the work with the family.

Stage 5 Development of further plans for working with the family.

Thus, social assistance to families and children at present is social service and support for family members who find themselves in a difficult life situation, the provision of a range of social services to them.

The most important task of the system of social services for families and children is to ensure the implementation of social rights and guarantees of the family, the solution of emerging problems through the provision of social and legal, social and medical, social, social and educational services and consultations.

2.2. Diagnosis of social problems of low-income families in the territory of the Sobolevsky rural settlement

The study was conducted on the basis of the Administration of the Sobolevsky rural settlement of the Monastyrshchinsky district of the Smolensk region.

24 low-income families live on the territory of the settlement. Our work was carried out with 5 families, which we took on patronage and conducted a parental attitude test questionnaire.

The purpose of the study: diagnosis of the situation in the family.

We used a test - a questionnaire of parental attitudes (A. Ya. Varga, V. V. Stolin) (see Appendix)

The Parental Attitude Test Questionnaire is a psychodiagnostic tool aimed at identifying parental attitudes in persons seeking psychological help in raising children and communicating with them.

Parental attitude is understood as a system of various feelings towards the child, behavioral stereotypes practiced in communication with him, features of perception and understanding of the nature and personality of the child, his actions.

Patronage of families, observation of family members during patronage and conversation with them, testing of parents revealed the following:

1. The Medvedev family.

Incomplete family. Mother alone brings up her son for 14 years, works as a librarian.

Testing showed that the mother had a pronounced positive attitude towards the child (high scores on the scale "Acceptance / Refutation" - 26 points). However, high scores on the “Symbiosis” scale (6 points) allow us to conclude that this adult does not establish a psychological distance between himself and the child, tries to always be closer to him, satisfy his basic reasonable needs, and protect him from troubles. Low scores on the “Control” scale (2 points) indicate that there is practically no control over the actions of the child by an adult.

Thus, the mother takes care of her son, loves him, but does not control her son enough, does not make proper demands on him, justifies him in everything, which was also shown by conversation and observation.

The main problem of the family, in addition to low income, is the unwillingness of the son to study, although the teenager has the ability to study, according to teachers. At the same time, the son helps his mother with the housework, take care of her. The child receives free meals, during the summer holidays he will go on a social ticket to a sanatorium, the mother receives an allowance for the child, a subsidy for utility bills.

The living conditions of the family are satisfactory, the house is clean.

A conversation was held with a teenager and his mother about how a teenager can find a job in the summer.

A social work specialist, together with teachers, a psychologist, should work with a teenager to change his attitude to learning, to motivate him to study.

2. Warski family.

The family is complete. A 13-year-old teenager is brought up in the family. The mother works as a cleaner, the father does not work, is not registered with the Employment Service, and abuses alcohol.

The father refused to talk, the mother refused to take part in the testing, she agreed to talk, but with reluctance. A 13-year-old teenager was not at home. According to his mother, he often does not sleep at home. The teenager is seen in the use of alcohol, petty theft. He often misses school. Not registered with CPN yet.

The family lives in a council house that needs ongoing repairs, the house is dirty.

The family does not receive child allowance and subsidies, since the father cannot provide an income certificate. The child receives free meals at school.

The family does not want to cooperate with the school.

It is necessary to work together with a social work specialist, a social pedagogue, teachers with the involvement of law enforcement agencies in order to influence the parents of a teenager (especially a father) and convince them of the need to raise a child (possibly with sanctions). It is also necessary to influence the teenager himself, who needs to prove how destructive the path he has chosen is for him, to show him possible development prospects.

3. The Petrov family.

The family is complete, brings up one child - a girl of 12 years old. Mother works as an accountant. The father is disabled and does not work.

The mother took part in the testing, the father was treated in the hospital.

Testing showed a pronounced positive attitude towards the child (high scores on the scale "Acceptance / Rejection" - 27 points). An adult in this case accepts the child as he is, respects and recognizes his individuality, approves his interests, supports plans, spends a lot of time with him and does not regret it.

High scores on the “Cooperation” scale (7 points) are a sign that an adult shows a sincere interest in what the child is interested in, highly appreciates the child’s abilities, encourages the child’s independence and initiative, and tries to be equal with him.

Low scores on the “Attitude towards the failures of the child” scale (2 points) indicate that the adult considers the failures of the child to be accidental and believes in him. Such an adult is likely to become a good teacher and educator.

Thus, the mother, according to the test results, is a loving parent and a good educator.

The girl studies normally, participates in public life, however, starting from adolescence, the child has problems in communicating with peers who tease the girl for not having fashionable things, etc.

The family lives in a dilapidated house and is on the waiting list for housing improvements. Child benefit is paid. The family also receives a subsidy for utility bills, the girl eats for free at school.

A social work specialist advised the mother to contact a school psychologist to diagnose the level of development of the child's communication skills, the characteristics of interpersonal relations in the class where the girl studies, and to provide the child with psychological assistance.

A social work specialist also needs to control how the local administration decides on the relocation of a family from emergency housing, whether the promised resettlement deadlines will be met.

4. The Smirnov family.

A large family with 4 children, including one teenager, one child in elementary school and two twins who are not even a year old.

The mother is on parental leave, the father has recently lost his job and is registered as unemployed. However, he says that he was promised a job in the near future.

A teenager of 12 years old, brought up in a family, has problems in his studies, because he simply has no time to study and nowhere to do his homework. He helps his mother and father with the housework, takes care of the younger ones.

The father agreed to be tested, the mother was busy with the children.

High scores on the “Control” scale (7 points) indicate that an adult behaves too authoritatively towards a child, demanding unconditional obedience from him and setting him a strict disciplinary framework. He imposes his will on the child in almost everything. Such an adult can not always be useful as a teacher for children.

The family lives in their own house and needs to improve their living conditions, as the house is very crowded. Maternity capital, which parents will soon receive. They plan to spend on home improvements. The family receives all benefits and benefits due to large families.

A social work specialist talked with the father about the fact that a child should help his parents not at the expense of his studies. It was not a choice of a teenager, but of parents - to have many children. The interests of the child in this situation should not suffer. The father was also advised to consult a psychologist for a consultation on the problems of child-parent relationships.

The specialist also needs to control how the issue of the father’s employment is being resolved, with the improvement of the family’s living conditions, how the recommendations for raising a teenager are being implemented, whether they are overloading them at home with work to the detriment of their studies.

5. The Ivanov family.

The family has two children: a 15-year-old girl and a 9-year-old boy. The family is incomplete as a result of the loss of a breadwinner. After the death of her husband, her mother drinks, works as a dishwasher, but often skips work, she is not yet fired only out of pity. I was unable to speak with a social worker. There is dirt in the house, strangers men and women drink in the kitchen. A teenage girl skips school, does not come home to sleep, leads a promiscuous sex life. The social work specialist turned to the CPN and the guardianship authorities to resolve the issue of depriving the mother of parental rights and temporarily placing the children in a rehabilitation center, since the conversations with the woman were held repeatedly, but she is not going to take up her mind.

Such families were identified, after which observation was carried out, their condition, needs, specifics of raising children and intra-family relationships were studied.

The socialhelp: free legal consultations; one-time financial assistance, free food packages, work is also underway to organize summer holidays for children;

Training and control patronage of families, joint raids on families with the administration of the Sobolevsky rural settlement were carried out.

An action was organized to collect books, clothes, toys.

In this way, patronage of families, conversations with family members, monitoring them, testing them revealed various problems of low-income families that need to be addressed through the cooperation of a social pedagogue with various services.Experimental - experimental work has shown that a social work specialist in activities with children - adolescents from low-income families takes into account the characteristics of adolescence; takes into account the characteristics of a low-income family; organizes cooperation with teachers, psychologists, representatives of the public.

2.3. Development of a social assistance program for a low-income family

During the internship, we developed a program of social assistance to a low-income family.

The social assistance program is our vision of solving this problem, helping family members.

Many families who have had a bad experience of improving their difficult situation are afraid to put themselves at risk again. Instead, they prefer to be in a state of rage and rejection of the world around them. The state of crisis eventually becomes the norm for them, they cease to show their own initiative. Families learn to defend themselves in their own way when faced with difficulties. The paradox lies in the fact that excitement, rage bring them a certain comfort as proof that nothing can be done and therefore their state is natural.

In many cases of work in families at risk who are experiencing financial difficulties, specialists and public organizations that come to the family to provide assistance play the role of a “worker”. This consists in the fact that family members shift care for each other, for children, to specialists from outside, since they cannot live without outside control, taking a passive position and giving specialists the right to find a way out of the difficult situation of their family. This leads to dependency, the desire to blame society for their troubles, while masking the real state of affairs in the family and their own doing nothing.

The object of the program is a low-income family.

The subject is a social work specialist.

The purpose of the program is to create a system for organizing work with low-income families.






Terms and conditions:

work is carried out at the place of residence, in a general education school and in a cultural institution.

The social worker organizes visits to families in order to examine the material and living conditions, at the conclusion of which the family may be asked to contact the KCSO or any other organization in order to receive the necessary social assistance.

The main forms of work with low-income families:

1. Social and household:

Provision of temporary residence

Providing free meals

Provision of clothing and footwear for the season

Teaching children self-care skills

Provision of soft inventory and stationery;

2. Socio-medical:

Carrying out primary medical examination and primary sanitization

Organization of medical and recreational activities

Assistance in the provision of rehabilitation services to needy families and their referral to sanatorium-and-spa treatment

Assistance in the provision of medical care in the scope of the basic program of compulsory medical insurance within the framework of medical guarantee programs, the provision of free medical care in state and municipal medical institutions

Providing qualified advice

Assistance in the provision of medicines and medical products upon the conclusion of doctors

Assistance in hospitalization, accompaniment of those in need to medical institutions

3. Socio-psychological:

Socio-psychological and psychological counseling

Psychotherapeutic help

Psychological trainings

Emergency psychological help

Socio-psychological patronage;

4. Socio-legal:

Providing legal assistance and assistance in obtaining social support measures established by law

Assistance in preparing documents for sending children and adolescents (if necessary) to social service institutions for temporary stay

Providing legal assistance in the protection and observance of rights.

5. Socio-pedagogical:

Socio-pedagogical counseling

Organization of education for children and adolescents according to the school curriculum

Leisure organization

Organization of vocational guidance, vocational training and employment.

We have noticed that in working with low-income families there is no system of measures aimed at assisting in solving family problems, at increasing the activity and initiative of all family members in improving their financial situation on their own.

You can also highlight the types of possible work with low-income families:

Identification of such families, observation, study of their condition, needs, specifics of raising children and intra-family relationships;

Provision of legal assistance: defending the interests of members of such families, assistance in the provision of possible services, protection of rights, etc.;

Referral, if necessary, to a psychological assistance service;

Organization of leisure and recreation for children together with trade union committees and the administration of enterprises and organizations located in the given territory;

Providing parents with assistance in finding employment, facilitating placement in free courses, in centers for vocational training or retraining;

Employment of minors;

Assistance in organizing joint leisure communication, etc.

The main forms and methods of work with a low-income family: the provision of material assistance; individual conversations, consultations, lectures for children and parents; social patronage; group forms of work with family (families) - trainings.

Thus, it is possible to single out 3 main blocks of work with a low-income family:

Psychological block - the provision of psychological assistance and support. It involves consultations, trainings, conversations with family members;

Material block - assistance in obtaining and obtaining benefits, subsidies, material assistance;

Social block-organization of free excursions, events.

Work with low-income families is mainly carried out by social protection agencies, as well as educational institutions, where the contingent of students is studied, children from families of this category are identified and they are provided with timely various kinds of assistance. The introduction of this technology involves the timely identification of needy families and the provision of the necessary support to them.


Currently, the most acute problem in the Russian Federation is the problem of poverty, which is increasingly developing into a problem of poverty. The number of people below the poverty line is steadily growing, the country has seen a gradual increase in the stratification of the population in terms of income and material security, which is spontaneous in nature, since until recently the impact on it from the state was hardly noticeable.

In modern conditions in our country, social security of a person is achieved, first of all, thanks to state forms of social support and assistance. Chief among them is protection from poverty. The social policy of the state is aimed at creating conditions for every able-bodied person, allowing him to provide for the maintenance of his family with his work. But as we have seen, not always wages, pensions or other income can ensure the well-being of the family. Therefore, the state is called upon to provide assistance to the most vulnerable categories of the population on the basis of a targeted approach to solving existing problems, to the development of various kinds of social services.

At present, the state social policy is being implemented at a high pace in the Russian Federation, aimed primarily at overcoming the extreme degree of social inequality in modern Russian society, and providing state assistance to the most vulnerable groups of the population, namely poor families and poor citizens living alone.

The starting point for poverty is the subsistence minimum. According to the Federal Law "On the subsistence level of the Russian Federation" (1997), it is calculated based on the cost of the consumer basket, taking into account the amount spent on mandatory payments and fees. Consumer basket - a minimum set of food products, non-food products and services necessary to maintain human health and ensure its vital activity.

A family (a citizen living alone) whose average per capita income is lower than the subsistence minimum established in the relevant subject of the Russian Federation is considered poor (low-income) and has the right to receive state social assistance.

Consequently, the main goal of state social assistance is to support poor groups of the population: families and single citizens who currently live below the poverty line and cannot provide themselves and their family members with the most necessary things.

The second goal of providing state social assistance is the targeted and rational use of budgetary funds.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that at present the state social policy is being carried out at a high pace in the Russian Federation, aimed primarily at overcoming the extreme degree of social inequality in modern Russian society, and providing state assistance to the most vulnerable groups of the population, namely poor families and poor people living alone.

The desire and attempts of the family to adapt to new phenomena and constant changes taking place in society predetermine changes in the very institution of the family. The presence of an ideological and moral vacuum in society, the loss of historical self-consciousness, patriotism, a sharp change in spiritual and moral interests for material ones became the main reason for the unstable situation of society in general, and the family in particular. Therefore, today the scientific rethinking of the problems of the family is a necessary condition for the effective solution of the problems of family policy. The state, public organizations, religious associations, entrepreneurs, scientists, journalists must do everything to provide support to the family. Without taking into account the interests of the family, the state policy aimed at the revival of Russia will never be realized. The family will raise children, confidently looking to the future, in love and harmony, educating young people in high spirituality, pride in their homeland and responsibility for its fate.

Targeted social support is the most important direction of the social policy of our state.

The targeting of social protection, taking into account the individual difficult life situation of a particular person, is a means of ensuring social justice and a factor in activating its internal potential. Thanks to the principles of social work, it is possible to achieve the main thing - to help people who find themselves in a difficult life situation, to encourage and support their social initiative, their desire to independently resolve the problems that have arisen.

The problem of improving the quality of life is not solved by the modern system of social protection of the population. Maintaining in difficult times the standard of living on the verge of survival, this assistance allows a person to survive in a difficult life situation. However, it is necessary to find ways out of this situation by increasing the level of self-sufficiency and the ability to self-help. In order to overcome poverty among families and strengthen state support for this category of families, it is necessary to:

Continue the implementation of measures to ensure real incomes of the population through an increase in the minimum wage, growth in real wages, pensions, benefits and other social benefits;

Strengthen the targeted approach of providing social assistance to families with children based on the restructuring of the system of social benefits and payments using the whole variety of forms of social support;

Keep records of families in difficult situations.

Thus, the federal government is faced with the task, through interbudgetary equalization, of helping to improve the efficiency of the system of social protection of the population and reduce social differentiation in the interests of poverty reduction. It is necessary to increase the regulatory and methodological role of executive authorities, and above all, the Ministry of Labor of Russia, which is responsible for developing and bringing to the regions standard methods for targeted provision of social assistance, and assisting local administrations in their practical application.

From all that has been said, we can conclude that such a problem as poverty, in particular, the poverty of families, can and should be considered, analyzed from all sides. Poverty and social inequality have been considered since ancient times, and it will take more than one decade, and maybe a century, to solve such an acute problem that is in our society. And one can only hope that someday in society there will not be more than one family that was on the verge of poverty and needed support ...


1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation (adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993) // ATP "Consultant Plus"
2. Convention on the Rights of the Child of November 20, 1989 / / ATP "Consultant Plus"

3. Tax Code of the Russian Federation dated July 31, 1998 No. 146-FZ

4. Family Code of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 1995 No. 223-FZ

5. Housing Code of the Russian Federation dated 29.12. 2004 No. 188-FZ
6. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 10, 1995 No. 195-FZ "On the basics of social services for the population in the Russian Federation" // SPS "Consultant Plus"

7. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 24, 1998 No. 124-FZ “On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation” // ATP “Consultant Plus”
8. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ "On the basics of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation" // ATP "Consultant Plus"
9. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 No. 278 "On Education in the Russian Federation" // SPS "Consultant Plus"
10. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of October 24, 1997 No. 134-FZ “On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation” // ATP “Consultant Plus”

11. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ “On State Social Assistance in the Russian Federation” // ATP “Consultant Plus”

12. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ “On State Benefits for Citizens with Children” // ATP “Consultant Plus”

13. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of November 21, 2011 No. 324-FZ “On Free Legal Aid in the Russian Federation”//SPS Consultant Plus

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Parenting Questionnaire
(A.Ya. Varga, V.V. Stolin)

The Parental Attitude Test Questionnaire (ORA) is a psychodiagnostic tool aimed at identifying parental attitudes in individuals seeking psychological help in raising children and communicating with them. Parental attitude is understood as a system of various feelings in relation to the child, behavioral stereotypes practiced in communication with him, features of perception and understanding of the nature of the child's personality, his actions.

Questionnaire structure

The questionnaire consists of 5 scales:

    "Acceptance-rejection". The scale reflects the integral emotional attitude towards the child. The content of one pole of the scale: the parent likes the child the way he is. The parent respects the individuality of the child, sympathizes with him. The parent seeks to spend a lot of time with the child, approves of his interests and plans. On the other end of the scale; the parent perceives his child as bad, unfit, unlucky. It seems to him that the child will not succeed in life because of low abilities, a small mind, bad inclinations. For the most part, the parent experiences anger, annoyance, irritation, resentment towards the child. He does not trust the child and does not respect him.

    "Cooperation" is a socially desirable image of a parental relationship. In terms of content, this scale is revealed as follows: the parent is interested in the affairs and plans of the child, tries to help the child in everything, sympathizes with him. The parent highly appreciates the intellectual and creative abilities of the child, feels a sense of pride in him. He encourages the initiative and independence of the child, erased to be with him on an equal footing. The parent trusts the child, tries to take his point of view and controversial issues.

    "Symbiosis" - the scale reflects the interpersonal distance in communication with the child. With high scores on this scale, it can be considered that the parent seeks a symbiotic relationship with the child. Substantially, this tendency is described as follows - the parent feels himself a single whole with the child, seeks to satisfy all the needs of the child, to protect him from the difficulties and troubles of life. The parent constantly feels anxiety for the child, the child seems to him small and defenseless. The parent's anxiety rises when the child begins to autonomize due to circumstances, since the parent of his own will never gives the child independence.

    "Authoritarian hypersocialization" - reflects the form and direction of control over the child's behavior. With a high score on this scale and the parental attitude of this parent, authoritarianism is clearly visible. The parent demands unconditional obedience and discipline from the child. He tries to impose his will on the child in everything, unable to take his point of view. For manifestations of self-will, the child is severely punished. The parent closely monitors the social achievements of the child, his individual characteristics, habits, thoughts, feelings.

    "Little loser" - reflects the characteristics of the perception and understanding of the child by the parent. With high values ​​on this scale, in the parental attitude of this parent, there is a desire to infantilize the child, to ascribe to him personal and social failure. The parent sees the child as younger than their actual age. The interests, hobbies, thoughts and feelings of the child seem to the parent childish, frivolous. The child appears to be unfit, unsuccessful, open to bad influences. The parent does not trust his child, is annoyed at his failure and ineptitude. In this regard, the parent tries to protect the child from the difficulties of life and strictly control his actions.

Questionnaire text

    I always sympathize with my child.

    I consider it my duty to know everything that my child thinks.

    I respect my child.

    It seems to me that my child's behavior deviates significantly from the norm.

    You need to keep the child away from real life problems longer if they hurt him.

    I have a feeling for the child.

    Good parents protect the child from the difficulties of life.

    My child is often unpleasant to me.

    I always try to help my child.

    There are times when a bullying attitude towards a child is of great benefit to him.

    I feel annoyed with my child.

    My child will not achieve anything in life.

    It seems to me that children make fun of my child.

    My child often does things that, apart from contempt, are worth nothing.

    For his age, my child is a little immature.

    My child is behaving badly on purpose to annoy me.

    My child absorbs everything bad like a "sponge".

    My child is difficult to teach good manners with all the effort.

    The child should be kept within strict limits, then a decent person will grow out of him.

    I love it when my child's friends come to our house.

    I take part in my child.

    Everything bad "sticks" to my child.

    My child will not succeed in life.

    When people talk about children in the company of acquaintances, I am a little ashamed that my child is not as smart and capable as I would like.

    I pity my child.

    When I compare my child with peers, they seem to me more mature both in behavior and in judgment.

    I enjoy spending all my free time with my child.

    I often regret that my child grows and matures, and fondly remember him as a child.

    I often find myself hostile to a child.

    I dream that my child will achieve everything that I did not succeed in life.

    Parents should adapt to the child, and not just demand it from him.

    I try to fulfill all the requests of my child.

    When making family decisions, the opinion of the child should be taken into account.

    I am very interested in my child's life.

    In a conflict with a child, I can often admit that he is right in his own way.

    Children learn early that parents can make mistakes.

    I always consider the child.

    I have friendly feelings for the child.

    The main reason for my child's whims is selfishness, stubbornness and laziness.

    It is impossible to have a normal rest if you spend a vacation with a child.

    The most important thing is that the child had a calm and carefree childhood.

    Sometimes it seems to me that my child is not capable of anything good.

    I share my child's hobbies.

    My child can piss off anyone.

    I understand my child's frustrations.

    My child often annoys me.

    Raising a child is sheer stress.

    Strict discipline in childhood develops a strong character.

    I don't trust my child.

    For strict upbringing, children thank later.

    Sometimes I feel like I hate my child.

    My child has more faults than virtues.

    I share the interests of my child.

    My child is not able to do anything on his own, and if he does, it is definitely not right.

    My child will grow up not adapted to life.

    My child likes me the way he is.

    I carefully monitor the health of my child.

    Often I admire my child.

    The child should not have secrets from the parents.

    I do not have a high opinion of my child's abilities and do not hide it from him.

    It is highly desirable that the child be friends with those children that his parents like.

Keys to the questionnaire

    Acceptance-rejection: 3, 4, 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 24, 26, 27, 29, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 52, 53, 55, 56, 60.

    Image of social desirability of behavior: 6, 9, 21, 25, 31, 34, 35, 36.

    Symbiosis: 1, 5, 7, 28, 32, 41, 58.

    Authoritarian hypersocialization: 2, 19, 30.48, 50, 57, 59.

    "Little Loser": 9, 11, 13, 17, 22, 28, 54, 61.

The procedure for calculating test scores

When calculating test scores on all scales, the answer "true" is taken into account. A high test score on the relevant scales is interpreted as:
- rejection
- social desirability
- symbiosis,
- hypersocialization,
- infantilization (disability).
Test norms are carried out in the form of tables of percentile ranks of test scores on the appropriate scales = 160

1 scale: "acceptance-rejection"

2 scale 3 scale 4 scale 5 scale


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