Article the main elements of personnel management. Personnel management system in the organization. Methods of coordinated work of the personnel management system


State educational institution of higher professional education

Siberian State Aerospace University

named after academician M.F. Reshetnev

Department of NKPU


By discipline: "Personnel Management"

On the topic of: The main elements of the organization's personnel management system.

Performed: MZU 81

Nikonova I.V.

Checked: Kazakova A.N.

Krasnoyarsk 2010

Introduction 3 pages

1. Elements of the control system pp. 4-8

2. Personnel management system pp. 9-11

3. Principles of personnel management pp. 12-13

4. Methods of personnel management pp. 14-22

5. Features and disadvantages of management methods 23 pages.

Conclusion page 24

References 25 pages.


The relevance of this topic is that a large number of enterprises work with an outdated personnel management system, which objectively gives rise to the need for transformations that require new knowledge and skills from employees.

In this regard, the study of the problem of the personnel management system is not only relevant, but also necessary.

The topic of my test work is "The main elements of the organization's personnel management system." In the main part of my work, I revealed the elements of management, methods, principles of personnel management of the organization, as well as the features and disadvantages of management methods.

1. Elements of the control system

Any organization is a complex social system consisting of two elements - manager and managed. Being a subsystem of the organization as a whole, the control element itself is at the same time a very complex formation, which we will call the control system.

It is characterized by a certain configuration of the structure, the degree of centralization or decentralization, formalization and regulation, stability or variability, openness or closeness (susceptibility or immunity to external influences).

Structurally, the management system consists of the managing and managed subsystems (the boundaries between them are very conditional), in unity forming the subject of management, as well as the mechanism of their interaction, which includes a set of powers, principles, methods, rules, norms, procedures that regulate the procedure for implementing management actions for relation to the control object. The system approach requires considering the subject and object of management as a whole and in relationship with the external environment.

Under the control subsystem of the management system, one can understand that part of it that develops, adopts and broadcasts management decisions, ensures their implementation, and under the managed subsystem, one that perceives and implements them in practice. Under conditions of management hierarchy, most of its links, depending on the specific situation, may belong either to the controlling or to the controlled subsystem.

At the head of the control subsystem is its director (the central link), personifying the control actions. It can be individual (head) or collective (board of directors of a joint-stock company).

The composition of the control subsystem also includes the mechanisms of its influence on the controlled one - planning, control, stimulation, coordination, etc.

The controlled subsystem includes elements of the control object that perceive the control action and transform the behavior of the object in accordance with it, as well as the mechanism of interaction of these elements (personal interests, goals of employees, their relationships, etc.).

Usually the control subsystem is smaller in scale than the control one and its complexity is lower; but it is more active, dynamic. The controlled subsystem, on the contrary, has a large inertia, which usually requires considerable energy to overcome. This system refracts management decisions in accordance with its specifics, which largely determines the effectiveness of their implementation.

If management is of an official nature, then its subject is organizationally and legally formalized in the form of a position or a set of positions that form a management unit (administrative apparatus). Otherwise, the subject may be an individual, or a group of people who are not formally associated with certain positions. The main thing here is that the subject of control generates decisions that regulate the functioning of the control object.

From the subject of management it is necessary to distinguish the subjects of managerial activity - living people in whom managerial relations are personified - managers and employees of the apparatus.

In order for the interaction between the control and managed subsystems to be effective a number of conditions must be met .

First, they must match each other. If there is no such correspondence, it will be difficult for them to “join”, they will not be able to understand each other in the process of work, and, consequently, to realize their potential. It is easy to imagine, for example, such a case when a person, in himself smart and capable, becomes a leader in an area of ​​activity that he has a bad idea of. It is clear that the decisions made by him will be incomprehensible to his subordinates, and the latter will not be able to work with the necessary dedication.

Moreover, the control and managed subsystems must be compatible with each other so that their interaction does not give rise to negative consequences that could lead to the inability to perform their tasks. So, if the leader and the subordinate are not psychologically compatible, then sooner or later conflicts will begin between them, which will have the most negative impact on the results of work.

Secondly, within the framework of unity, the controlling and controlled subsystems must have relative independence. The central control link is not able to foresee all the necessary actions in specific situations due to the remoteness from the place of events, ignorance of the details, the interests of the object and its possible psychological reactions, especially in unforeseen circumstances. Therefore, the decisions made at the top cannot be optimal.

Thirdly, the controlling and controlled subsystems must carry out two-way interaction between themselves, based on the principles of feedback, reacting in a certain way to management information received from the other side. Such a reaction serves as a guideline for adjusting subsequent actions that ensure the adaptation of the subject and object of control not only to a change in the external situation, but also to the new state of each other.

Fourth, both the controlling and controlled subsystems should be interested in clear interaction; one - in the return of the commands necessary in a given situation, the other - in their timely and accurate execution. The ability of the subject to control is due to the readiness of the object to follow incoming commands.

A similar situation arises when the personal goals of the participants in the management process coincide and at the same time correspond to the goals of the management object. Therefore, the possibility of achieving their goals should be directly dependent on the degree of achievement of the goals of the management object arising from its needs.

These factors should ensure the controllability of the object, characterized by the degree of control that the control subsystem exercises in relation to it through the controlled one.

Controllability is manifested as a reaction of a subordinate, controlled object of a subject or a control system as a whole to a control action. It can take the form of fulfilling the relevant requirements, inaction, opposition, formal actions, that is, it is characterized by a readiness to fulfill the requirements of leadership and cooperation. Manageability depends on such circumstances as the knowledge and experience of the staff, the compliance of the type of management with the conditions of the internal and external situation, the sufficiency of the manager's powers, and the socio-psychological climate.

Within the control system, there are a variety of connections between its control and managed subsystems: direct and indirect; main and secondary; internal and surface; permanent and temporary; regular and random. Through these connections, the operation of the control mechanism is carried out, which is understood as a set of means and methods of influencing the controlled object in order to activate it, as well as the motives of the behavior of the personnel as its most important element (interests, values, attitudes, aspirations).

The control mechanism must correspond to the goals and objectives of the object, the real conditions of its operation, provide for reliable, balanced with each other methods of influencing the object, and have room for improvement.

The management system must be effective, which implies: efficiency and reliability, quality of decisions made; minimization of associated time costs; savings in general costs and expenses for the maintenance of the management apparatus, improvement of the technical and economic indicators of the main activity and working conditions, the share of management employees in the entire staff of the organization.

The effectiveness of the functioning of the management system can be improved with the help of more reliable feedback, timeliness and completeness of information, taking into account the socio-psychological qualities of participants, and ensuring the optimal size of units.

2. Personnel management system

Personnel management is a multifaceted and extremely complex process, which is characterized by its specific features and patterns. Personnel management is characterized by consistency and completeness based on a comprehensive solution of problems, their reconstruction. The system approach provides for taking into account the relationship between the individual aspects of the problem to achieve the final goals, determining ways to solve them, creating an appropriate control mechanism that provides integrated planning and organization of the system.
A management system is an ordered set of interrelated elements that differ in functional goals, act autonomously, but are aimed at achieving a common goal.

The system organizationally assigns certain functions to structural units, employees, and also regulates the flow of information in the management system.

The human resource management system is constantly evolving and improving. At each stage of the development of society, it must be brought in accordance with the requirements of the development of productive forces, making adjustments to its individual elements.

Personnel management is provided by the interaction of the managing and managed systems.

The management system (subject) is a set of governing bodies and managerial employees with a certain scope of their activities, competence and specifics of performing functions. It can change under the influence of organizing and disorganizing factors. The management system is represented by line managers who develop a set of economic and organizational measures to recreate and use personnel.

A managed system (object) is a system of socio-economic relations regarding the process of recreation and use of personnel.
Personnel management is a complex system, the elements of which are directions, stages, principles, types and forms of personnel work. The main directions are the recruitment and retention of personnel, its professional training and development, the assessment of the activities of each employee in terms of achieving the goals of the organization, which makes it possible to correct his behavior.

With all the variety of organizations that exist in modern society and the types of activities they are engaged in, working with human resources solve the same tasks, regardless of their specifics.

First, each organization attracts the right number of employees. Selection methods depend on the nature and conditions of the organization.

Secondly, everyone, without exception, conducts training for their employees to explain the task and bring their skills and abilities in line with the requirements of the task.

Thirdly, organizations evaluate the performance of each employee. The forms of evaluation are varied, as are the types of organizations.

And finally, each organization rewards its employees to one degree or another, that is, it compensates for the time, energy, and intelligence that they spend to achieve their goals.

These functions exist in any organization, but they can be expressed in different forms and in different degrees of development.

Therefore, in order to develop successfully, an organization must manage the recruitment, training, evaluation, remuneration of personnel, that is, create, improve methods, procedures, programs for organizing these processes. In totality and unity, methods, procedures, programs are a system of personnel management.

The main elements of the management system are people who simultaneously act as the object and subject of management. The ability of human resources to simultaneously act as both an object and a subject of management is the main specific feature of management.
Consequently, the socio-economic system is a unity of the control and managed systems, and the control mechanism is a set of relations, forms and methods of influencing the formation, distribution and use of labor resources in the state.

The personnel management system in an organization consists of a complex of interconnected subsystems (elements).

A subsystem is a part of the system allocated for functional elements or organizational features, each of which performs, defines tasks, works autonomously, but is aimed at solving a common goal.
The system of subsystems has a multistage structure, with a large number of activities.

Traditionally, subsystems are distinguished that correspond to the main functions of human resource management.

3. Principles of personnel management

Personnel management is based on the following principles:

Science, democratic centralism, planning, unity of orders;

A combination of individual and collective approaches, centralization and decentralization, linear, functional and targeted management;

Control over the implementation of decisions.

Personnel management is a complex and integral component of the organization's management. It is difficult because people by their nature differ from other resources and require special approaches and management methods. The specificity of human resources is expressed in the fact that, firstly, people are endowed with intelligence, their reaction to management is emotional, thoughtful, and not mechanical, which means that the process of relationships is two-way; secondly, people are constantly improving and developing; thirdly, relationships are based on a long-term basis, since a person's working life can last for 30-50 years; and lastly, people come to the organization consciously, with certain goals and motives.

Human resource management should focus on the following positions:

Man is a source of income;

All activities of the organization are aimed at achieving economic results and making a profit;

Successful work is possible only if the organization is provided with a highly professional staff, the company is valuable for its people.

According to many foreign economists, the main thing in working with human resources is:

Using the individual abilities of employees in accordance with the strategic goals of the organization, first of all, to master new equipment and technologies;

Integration of desires, needs and motives of employees with the interests of the company. The essence of human resource management is to ensure the achievement of the goals of the organization through the acquisition of its production personnel with the appropriate competence. Personnel management are plans that use the opportunities of the external environment to strengthen and maintain the competitiveness of the organization with the help of its employees. People management is the backbone of an organization's management.

4. Personnel management methods

Methods of personnel management (PMP) - ways of influencing teams and individual employees in order to coordinate their activities in the process of functioning of the organization. Science and practice have developed three groups of PMN: administrative, economic and socio-psychological

Multivariate study of proposals for the formation of a personnel management system and the choice of the most rational option for specific production conditions.

The simpler the personnel management system, the better it works. Of course, this excludes the simplification of the personnel management system to the detriment of production.

The development of measures for the formation of a personnel management system should be based on the achievements of science in the field of management, taking into account changes in the laws of development of social production in market conditions.

In any vertical sections of the personnel management system, hierarchical interaction should be ensured between management links (structural divisions or departments, managers), the fundamental characteristic of which is the asymmetric transfer of information "down" (disaggregation, detailing) and "up" (aggregation) through the management system.

In any horizontal and vertical sections of the personnel management system, rational autonomy of structural units or individual managers should be ensured.

The interactions between the hierarchical links along the vertical, as well as between the relatively autonomous links of the personnel management system horizontally, should be generally consistent with the main goals of the organization and synchronized in time.

To ensure the sustainable functioning of the personnel management system, it is necessary to provide for special “local regulators” that, in case of deviation from the organization’s set goal, put one or another employee or department at a disadvantage and encourage them to regulate the personnel management system.

Personnel management, both vertically and horizontally, can be carried out through various channels: administrative, economic, legal, etc.

The personnel management system should have a conceptual unity, contain a single accessible terminology, the activities of all departments and managers should be based on common “supporting structures” (stages, phases, functions) for personnel management processes that are different in economic content.

The personnel management system should provide maximum convenience for the creative processes of substantiation, development, adoption and implementation.

Administrative methods are based on power, discipline and punishment and are known in history as "whip methods". Economic methods are based on the correct use of economic laws and are known as "carrot methods" by the methods of influence. Socio-psychological methods come from motivation and moral influence on people and are known as "methods of persuasion".

Administrative methods are focused on such motives of behavior as the conscious need for labor discipline, a sense of duty, the desire of a person to work in a particular organization, and the culture of work activity. These methods are distinguished by the direct nature of the impact: any regulatory and administrative act is subject to mandatory execution. Administrative methods are characterized by their compliance with legal norms in force at a certain level of government, as well as acts and orders of higher authorities. Economic and socio-psychological methods are indirect in nature of managerial influence. It is impossible to count on the automatic action of these methods and it is difficult to determine the strength of their influence on the final effect.

Administrative Methods management are based on the relationship of unity of command, discipline and responsibility, are carried out in the form of organizational and administrative influence. Organizational Impact is aimed at organizing the production and management process and includes organizational regulation, organizational regulation and organizational and methodological instruction.

Organizational regulation determines what a management employee should do, and is represented by regulations on structural divisions that establish tasks, functions, rights, duties and responsibilities of divisions and services of the organization and their leaders. On the basis of the provisions, the staffing table of this unit is compiled, its daily activities are organized. The application of the provisions allows you to evaluate the results of the activities of the structural unit, make decisions on the moral and material incentives for its employees.

Organizational regulation provides for a large number of standards, including: quality and technical standards (technical conditions, standards, etc.); technological (route and technological maps, etc.); maintenance and repair (for example, preventive maintenance standards); labor standards (categories, rates, bonus scales); financial and credit (the amount of working capital, repayment of bank loans); profitability standards and relationships with the budget (deductions to the budget); material supply and transport standards (rates of consumption of materials, rates of downtime of wagons under loading and unloading, etc.); organizational and managerial standards (internal regulations, procedures for hiring, dismissal, transfer, business trips). These standards affect all aspects of the organization's activities. Of particular importance is the rationing of information, since its flow, volumes are constantly increasing. Under the conditions of functioning of an automated control system, arrays of norms and standards are organized on information carriers of a computer in an information-computing center (ICC).

Organizational and methodological instruction is carried out in the form of various instructions and instructions in force in the organization. In the acts of organizational and methodological instruction, recommendations are given for the use of certain modern management tools, and the richest experience that employees of the management apparatus have is taken into account. The acts of organizational and methodological instruction include: job descriptions that establish the rights and functional duties of managerial personnel; guidelines (recommendations) describing the implementation of work packages that are interconnected and have a common purpose; methodological instructions that determine the procedure, methods and forms of work for the implementation of a separate technical and economic task; work instructions that define the sequence of actions that make up the management process. They indicate the order of actions for the implementation of operational management processes.

The acts of organizational regulation and organizational and methodological instruction are normative. They are issued by the head of the organization, and in cases stipulated by the current legislation - jointly or in agreement with the relevant public organizations and are binding on the units, services, officials and employees to whom they are addressed.

Regulatory influence expressed in the form of an order, order or instruction, which are legal acts of a non-normative nature. They are issued to ensure compliance, enforcement and enforcement of applicable laws and other regulations, as well as to give legal force to management decisions. Orders are issued by the line manager of the organization.

Orders and instructions are issued by the head of the production unit, division, service of the organization, the head of the functional unit. An order is a written or oral requirement of a leader to solve a specific problem or perform a specific task. An order is a written or oral requirement for subordinates to resolve certain issues related to the task.

The administrative impact more often than the organizational one requires control and verification of execution, which must be clearly organized. To this end, it establishes a unified procedure for accounting, registration and control over the implementation of orders, orders and instructions.

Economic Methods- these are elements of the economic mechanism by which the progressive development of the organization is ensured. The most important economic method of personnel management is technical and economic planning, which combines and synthesizes all economic methods of management.

With the help of planning, the program of the organization's activities is determined. Once approved, the plans go to line managers to guide their implementation. Each division receives long-term and current plans for a certain range of indicators. It is necessary to apply a clear system of material incentives for finding reserves to reduce the cost of production and real results in this direction. Of great importance in the system of material incentives is the effective organization of wages in accordance with the quantity and quality of labor.

Under the conditions of a market system of management and the complex interaction of the system of prices, profits and losses, supply and demand, the role of economic management methods is increasing. They become the most important condition for creating an integral, efficient and flexible system for managing the economy of an organization that acts on the market as an equal partner of other organizations in social cooperation of labor. The economic development plan is the main form of ensuring a balance between the market demand for a product, the necessary resources and the production of products and services. The state order is transformed into a portfolio of orders of the organization, taking into account supply and demand, in which the state order no longer has a dominant value.

To achieve the goals set, it is necessary to clearly define the criteria for efficiency and the final results of production in the form of a set of indicators established in the economic development plan. Thus, the role of economic methods is to mobilize the workforce to achieve final results.

Socio-psychological methods management are based on the use of the social management mechanism (the system of relationships in the team, social needs, etc.). The specificity of these methods lies in a significant proportion of the use of informal factors, the interests of the individual, group, team in the process of personnel management. Socio-psychological methods are based on the use of laws of sociology and psychology. The object of their influence are groups of people and individuals. According to the scale and methods of influence, these methods can be divided into two main groups: sociological methods, which are aimed at groups of people and their interaction in the process of work; psychological methods that directly affect the personality of a particular person. Such a division is rather arbitrary, since in modern social production a person always acts not in an isolated world, but in a group of people with different psychology. However, the effective management of human resources, consisting of a set of highly developed personalities, requires knowledge of both sociological and psychological methods.

sociological methods play an important role in personnel management, they allow you to establish the appointment and place of employees in the team, identify leaders and provide their support, connect people's motivation with the final results of production, ensure effective communication and conflict resolution in the team.

The setting of social goals and criteria, the development of social standards (standard of living, wages, the need for housing, working conditions, etc.) and planned indicators, the achievement of final social results are ensured by social planning.

Sociological research methods, being scientific tools in working with personnel, provide the necessary data for the selection, evaluation, placement and training of personnel and allow you to reasonably make personnel decisions. Questioning allows you to collect the necessary information through a mass survey of people using special questionnaires. Interviewing involves preparing a script (program) before the conversation, then - in the course of a dialogue with the interlocutor - obtaining the necessary information. An interview - an ideal version of a conversation with a leader, politician or statesman - requires a high qualification of the interviewer and considerable time. The sociometric method is indispensable in the analysis of business and friendly relationships in a team, when a matrix of preferred contacts between people is built on the basis of a survey of employees, which also shows informal leaders in the team. The method of observation allows you to identify the qualities of employees, which are sometimes found only in an informal setting or extreme life situations (accident, fight, natural disaster). An interview is a common method in business negotiations, hiring, educational events, when small personnel tasks are solved in an informal conversation.

Psychological methods play an important role in working with personnel, as they are aimed at the specific personality of the worker or employee and, as a rule, are strictly personalized and individual. Their main feature is the appeal to the inner world of a person, his personality, intellect, images and behavior, in order to direct the inner potential of a person to solve specific problems of the organization.

Psychological planning is a new direction in working with personnel to form an effective psychological state of the organization's team. It proceeds from the need for the concept of the comprehensive development of the individual, the elimination of negative trends in the degradation of the backward part of the labor collective. Psychological planning involves setting development goals and performance criteria, developing psychological standards, methods for planning the psychological climate and achieving final results. It is advisable that psychological planning be carried out by a professional psychological service of the organization, consisting of social psychologists. The most important results of psychological planning include: the formation of units ("teams") based on the psychological compliance of employees; comfortable psychological climate in the team: the formation of personal motivation of people based on the philosophy of the organization; minimization of psychological conflicts (scandals, resentment, stress, irritation); development of a service career based on the psychological orientation of employees; the growth of the intellectual abilities of the members of the team and the level of their education; formation of a corporate culture based on the norms of behavior and images of ideal employees.

Personnel management methods can also be classified on the basis of belonging to management functions (rationing, organization, planning, coordination, regulation, motivation, incentives, control, analysis, accounting). A more detailed classification of personnel management methods on the basis of belonging to a specific personnel management function allows you to line them up in the technological chain of the entire cycle of work with personnel. On this basis, methods are distinguished: recruitment, selection and admission of personnel; business assessment of personnel; socialization, career guidance and labor adaptation of personnel; motivation of labor activity of personnel; organization of the personnel training system; conflict and stress management, personnel safety management, personnel work organization, business career management and professional promotion of personnel; release persona

5. Features and disadvantages of management methods

The features and disadvantages of traditional methods of personnel management include the following:

The wide variety of existing approaches in personnel management has led to the fact that there is neither a single generally recognized concept, nor a common professional ideology of this management discipline.

Personnel work has traditionally been on the periphery of the attention of corporate leaders. The main role of HR professionals was that they acted as advisors to management and were not directly responsible for the development and implementation of the organization's strategy. And financial and production considerations, as a rule, have always prevailed over the proposals of personnel workers, which are at odds with the overall strategy of the corporation.

HR specialists were inherent in the role of defenders of the interests of ordinary workers, which, according to their fellow managers, hindered the achievement of the goals of the organization.

Personnel management was interpreted as an activity that does not require special training

The lack of specialized professional training and relevant professional qualifications reduced the authority of cadre workers in the eyes of superiors and line managers.

Against the backdrop of radical changes in corporate management over the past 15 - 20 years, personnel management is experiencing a real flourishing.


Having completed this work, I learned a lot of useful information for myself, which will be useful in the future in my profession.

For myself, I realized that a well-selected workforce of the company should represent a team of like-minded people and partners who are able to understand and implement the plans of the management. The innovative nature of the activity of a modern company, the priority of service quality issues change the requirements for the employee, increase the importance of a creative attitude to work and high professionalism. This has already led to significant changes in the principles, methods and socio-psychological issues of personnel management.

The social management system is designed to ensure the efficient operation of the technical system. It is created in close relationship with it and is not transferred to the disposal of production management units. The social system includes: selection and promotion of personnel; ensuring the distribution of responsibility in the course of decision-making; an effective system of remuneration and bonuses; solving the problem of status.


1. Bazarov T.Yu. Personnel Management. - M.: UNITI, 2007. - 219 p.

2. Gorfinkel V.Ya. Entrepreneurship. - M.: UNITI - DANA, 2008. - 735 p.


4. Tsypkin Yu.A. Personnel Management. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2001. - 437 p.

Personnel management is a set of principles, methods and means of purposeful influence on personnel, ensuring the maximum use of the intellectual and physical abilities of employees in the performance of labor functions to achieve the goals of the organization.

Personnel management - development and implementation of decisions on the state and development of personnel. In connection with the ongoing economic reforms in Russia, there has been a sharp revival of the entire personnel management system at enterprises of any form of ownership. The marketing service, as the most important link in the enterprise, needs to improve and develop the personnel management mechanism. A modern marketer must know the theoretical foundations of personnel management, based on the laws and categories of a market economy, and successfully apply them in practice.

At the same time, the activities of personnel management of the marketing service should be considered as activities to ensure the functioning of the marketing system along with the organization of marketing, controlling, monitoring, and auditing. Further, it should be noted that personnel management of the marketing service has much in common with personnel management in the enterprise as a whole.

Staff- this is the personnel of the organization, including all employees, as well as working owners and co-owners. Main signs of personnel are:

  • the presence of his labor relationship with the employer, drawn up by an employment contract;
  • possession of certain qualitative characteristics (profession, specialty, qualification, competence, etc.), the presence of which determines the employee's activity in a particular position or workplace;
  • target orientation of personnel activities, i.e. creation of conditions for the employee to achieve the goals of the enterprise.

Providing a single and comprehensive impact on the personnel of the enterprise as a whole, personnel management performs the following functions:

  • integrates into the overall enterprise management system, linking it with strategic settings and corporate culture, as well as planning research, production, marketing, quality improvement, etc.;
  • includes a detailed system of permanent and program measures for the regulation of employment, job planning, organization of selection, placement and training of personnel, forecasting the content of work, etc.;
  • involves careful consideration of the qualities and professional characteristics of employees, as well as an assessment of their activities;
  • centralizes labor management in the hands of one of the managers of the enterprise, and also takes measures to improve the mechanism of personnel work.

The construction of a personnel management system is based on certain principles that are implemented in interaction: complexity, efficiency, scientific character, specialization, rhythm, etc.

Personnel management methods are divided into three groups:

  • administrative (formation of the personnel management structure, recruitment and selection of personnel, etc.);
  • economic (material incentives and the establishment of material subsidies, the establishment of economic norms and standards, etc.);
  • socio-psychological (social-psychological analysis of the employees of the team, moral stimulation of the staff, etc.).

With their help, methods of influencing teams and individual workers are developed to carry out their activities.

The main elements of the personnel management system are:
1) the personnel policy of an enterprise as a system of theoretical views, requirements, principles that determine the main directions of work with personnel, as well as the methods of this work, which allow creating a highly productive cohesive team;
2) personnel planning of employees as a solution to the problem of determining the needs of an enterprise for personnel of the required number and quality;
3) recruitment and selection of personnel as a process of recruitment and selection of personnel, consisting of several stages:

  • search for candidates to fill vacancies;
  • detailing the requirements for a candidate to fill a vacancy;
  • selection;
  • recruitment;

4) adaptation of new employees as familiarization of a new employee with the enterprise, its policies, working conditions, labor protection, safety, etc. By orientation, adaptation can be professional, psychophysiological and socio-psychological;
5) professional training and development of personnel, including several types of professional training and development of personnel in the enterprise:

  • on the job in specialized institutions;
  • with a break from production in specialized institutions;
  • at work;
  • self-education;

6) assessment of employees in the form of traditional certification. The purpose of appraisal is to periodically evaluate and critically review the potential capabilities of personnel;
7) management of personnel behavior, understanding that the behavior of personnel is a form of interaction of an individual with the surrounding production environment. An important element of managing the behavior of employees is the ability to manage conflicts in the enterprise;
8) personnel office work in the form of a number of works united by the concept of office work.

Management theory considers an enterprise as a set of connected and in a certain way ordered parts that have integrity and form a unity when interacting with the external environment. Management always involves two main parts:

the object (subject) of control, to which the control action is directed for its implementation;

the subject (body) of management, which develops the control action and controls its execution.

If the combination of these two parts forms a stable integrity in the process of their interaction, then it is called a control system.

Everything that is not included in this integrity is considered as an external environment. Sometimes the subject of control is called the control subsystem, and the object is called the controlled subsystem. To study or develop these subsystems, they can be considered as independent systems.

Management is the process of influence of the subject of management on the object of management in order to ensure the latter's effective functioning and development. Personnel management determines and establishes the nature of the relationship and ways of their implementation between the subject - the leader and the object, which can be an individual or a work team. Communication of the main parts of the management system, their relationships are characterized through information that reflects material flows and production processes.

The review of educational and reference literature made it possible to single out the main approaches to the conceptual apparatus. The concept of a personnel management system is interpreted by various authors in different ways. According to some sources, these are methods, procedures, methods of influencing the organization on its employees in order to maximize their potential to achieve organizational development goals. The personnel management system implies professional selection, placement, rotation of personnel, certification and formation of a personnel reserve, training and advanced training of employees, development of motivation and incentives, analysis of working conditions and remuneration, management style, control features.

"The personnel management system is a set of methods, procedures and techniques, by implementing and improving which the organization provides itself with the required level of personnel and influences their behavior in order to achieve organizational goals."

The personnel management system is traditionally defined as an integral system for managing the personnel direction of an enterprise, focused on solving three strategic tasks:

prompt and complete satisfaction of the needs of the enterprise in the labor resources of the necessary specialization and skill level;

formation and maintenance of a complex of organizational, economic, as well as socio-psychological conditions conducive to the most effective performance by employees of the functions assigned to them;

ensuring the necessary level of interconnection between personnel management and other areas of the organization's management.

One of the approaches is based on the opinion that the personnel management system includes two main elements: personnel policy and personnel strategy.

Personnel policy is a system of rules and norms (which must be understood and formulated in a certain way) that bring the human resource in line with the company's strategy (hence, all activities for working with personnel must be planned in advance and consistent with the general understanding of the goals and objectives of the organization). The main goal of the personnel policy is the timely provision of the organization with personnel of the required professional level and the required number. Personnel policy is inextricably linked with the methodology and concept of personnel management, proceeds from their theoretical requirements, integrates managerial knowledge, accumulated past and present domestic and foreign practical experience in working with personnel.

Personnel strategy - a specific set of personnel activities, basic principles, rules and objectives of working with personnel, specified taking into account the types of organizational strategy, organizational personnel potential, type of personnel policy and formalized into a single system to achieve the goals. The main goal of the personnel strategy is to develop interrelated mechanisms for working with personnel, which allow increasing and activating the labor potential of employees in accordance with the needs of the organization and the requirements coming from outside.

According to Kibanov A.Ya. “The personnel management system of an organization is a system in which the functions of personnel management are implemented. It includes a subsystem of line management, as well as a number of functional subsystems specializing in the performance of homogeneous functions.

Functional subsystems

Figure 1 - Personnel management subsystems

In the textbook under the guidance of Marchenko O.I. the personnel management system includes the following elements of personnel work, shown in the figure

Figure 1 - Elements of the enterprise personnel management system

The list of elements is not “frozen”, it can be supplemented and modified.

The personnel management system of an enterprise can be represented in terms of resource provision. The composition includes: regulatory and methodological support; organizational support; information, documentation, tool support; financial security. Regulatory and methodological support is considered as a set of external and internal regulations, as well as other documents that:

establish external requirements and restrictions in the activities of business entities in the personnel direction (for example, labor legislation);

determine the internal regulations of personnel management, independently established by the enterprise based on its own needs and having a regulatory nature for all its divisions and employees (for example, job descriptions, regulations on remuneration);

explains, comments and offers various options for solving specific management tasks within the system.

Organizational support includes a set of requirements and conditions that determine the organizational aspects of the functioning of personnel management (formalized requirements for specific positions, personnel selection criteria, resource provision of jobs).

Information support is defined as a formalized set of initial data for making specific personnel decisions and is differentiated into two areas: external information that improves the efficiency of work with personnel and information on all issues related to the organization's personnel management system. A number of requirements are imposed on the development of information support for the personnel management service:

rational integration of information processing with minimal duplication of information in the information base, reduction in the number of document forms;

the possibility of machine processing of information contained in documents and in the intramachine sphere;

the necessary redundancy of information support, allowing users of different levels to receive information with varying degrees of detail.

The results of the application of information technologies in the organization's personnel management are:

improving the efficiency of enterprise management as a whole through the rational use of human resources;

use of up-to-date and reliable information in the decision-making process;

increase in labor productivity by accelerating the workflow of personnel;

intensification of analytical activities due to the automation of routine operations and reducing the labor intensity of personnel records;

automated preparation of all forms of reporting (pension fund, tax office, statistical authorities);

streamlining HR processes;

operational control over the implementation of management decisions;

a general increase in the culture of working with employees of the organization.

One of the important areas that provide the functions of personnel management is documentation support. Personnel documentation is a wide range of documents containing information about the employees of the enterprise and the activities of the personnel service. This includes personal and accounting documents, planning and reporting and statistical, as well as organizational and administrative documents.

The material and technical support of the personnel management system provides for the allocation of certain material and technical means for the implementation of work with personnel.

A number of requirements of a general methodological nature are imposed on the management system of small and medium-sized businesses, the violation of which can lead to negative consequences for the enterprise as a whole. Experience in this area allows us to formulate the following most significant requirements:

When forming the system, it is necessary to take into account the specific features of small business and the features of the personnel system of the enterprise.

The functioning of the system should be ensured at all levels of enterprise management.

The system should be developed in accordance with a predetermined concept of the strategic development of the enterprise, that is, reflect its long-term needs and objectives.

At the system development stage, a rational combination, on the one hand, of the required level of stability of its elements, and on the other hand, a high degree of their adaptability to predictable changes in the external and internal environment in which small businesses operate, should be ensured.

The system should ensure, as far as possible, the multifaceted nature of the impact on the direct object of management, that is, include the widest possible range of administrative, economic and socio-psychological methods.

A necessary element of the personnel management system should be a formalized process of its practical implementation, operation and subsequent development.

Thus, the personnel management system involves the formation of goals, functions, organizational structure of personnel management, vertical and horizontal functional relationships of managers and specialists in the process of justification, development, adoption and implementation of management decisions. If we consider the management of the organization as a single balanced system, then the personnel management system is on the same level with such areas of activity as strategic management, project management, quality management, day-to-day management and marketing.

Control questions

What are the main elements of the personnel management system? Learn how to design a management system the right way to ensure sustainable development and economic stability of the company.

From the article you will learn:

What elements of the personnel management system underlie the effective operation of the company

Elements of the personnel management system are developed taking into account the specifics of the company's activities. Managers take into account that in the process of functioning the organization is faced with the need to solve typical and particular issues. Changes in the sphere of market relations and the economy require prompt replacement and improvement of existing management systems. The development of elements of subsystems allows you to effectively cope with the current and strategic tasks without changing all the elements of the interconnected system.

The main elements of the personnel management system are based on the following sequential actions:

In choosing and setting the order of interaction between employees

Helps to create an effective interaction process, systematize all company activities

In setting the order and sequence of functions performed

  • managment structure, based on the development of a system of relationships between the main subjects of management;
  • management process, based on the inclusion of such functions as the development and implementation of management decisions, the formation of communication systems, information support;
  • control technology includes systems of organizational tools, document management programs.

The main elements of the personnel management system consist of:

  1. methods, or methods of influencing personnel;
  2. setting tasks and options for finding appropriate solutions;
  3. goals, when the task is aimed at achieving the desired, necessary and possible;
  4. laws with the creation of relationships between existing phenomena;
  5. communications based on the processes of interaction or opposition through the transfer of information;
  6. decisions made;
  7. operating functions;
  8. developed principles.

How to develop the main elements of a personnel management system

The elements of the organization's personnel management system are a set of tools, principles and methods that help to purposefully influence the personnel. In the process of management, methods are being worked out with the help of which it is possible to ensure the most efficient use of the intellectual and physical abilities of employees. This is aimed at the qualitative performance of labor functions, which in turn helps to achieve the goals set by the organization.

When developing guidance systems at the same time, decisions are being made on the long-term design of the systematic development of personnel. Changing market and economic conditions dictate the need to pay increased attention to the development of employees. Improvement is the main stage of successful implementation of the set goals. Modern theoretical and practical foundations of management are based on taking into account the requirements of a market economy in the relevant areas of production activity.

The development of elements of the personnel management system is carried out taking into account the basics of marketing, monitoring, audit and control. Personnel includes all employees who have entered into an employment relationship with the employer. A certain set of characteristics, such as: profession, level of education, work experience, qualifications, competence, allows you to perform an appropriate labor function aimed at strengthening the economic situation, ensuring competitiveness and development of the organization. As the foundations of the entire management system, they consider the creation of conditions for labor activity, ensuring development to achieve the goals set.

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When developing elements of a personnel management system, attention should be paid to the functions:

Integration of all systems into a single holistic management model

Linkage is carried out with strategic objectives, corporate culture, planning of all elements of production activities

An expanded system of program activities

Jobs are planned, selection and hiring of applicants are organized, placement and training of personnel is carried out

Accounting for professional and personal qualities

A systematic assessment is carried out, certification

Centralized work management

Structuring the HR system

What elements of the organization's personnel management system can be distinguished

The elements of the personnel management system are methods that allow you to create complexity, efficiency, rhythm, scientific character and specialization of all management options. It must be taken into account that the methods of managing the organization and the team are divided. But it is worth using administrative elements moderately and only in organizations where the specifics of production activities imply authoritarian leadership.

Today, most companies opt for socio-psychological methods. According to statistics, the team works more smoothly and productively if administrative methods not used or used very rarely in emergency situations.

The elements of the personnel management system include:

  1. personnel policy of the organization. It is based on the whole system of theoretical views, relevant requirements, principles that determine the direction of effective work with personnel, the methods of this work, allowing to form a highly productive cohesive team;
  2. personnel planning. Problem solving is carried out by the method of determining the organization's needs for personnel, taking into account the required number and corresponding qualities;
  3. recruitment and selection of personnel. The process consists of several stages: search for candidates, specification of requirements, direct selection;
  4. adaptation of new employees. A method of familiarizing new employees with the enterprise, current policies, working conditions, labor protection, safety measures. Professional, psycho-physiological and socio-psychological adaptation is faster if all elements of the management system are worked out;
  5. staff training and development a. Traditionally, several types of vocational training and development are used: on-the-job, carried out in specialized institutions, on-the-job and at the workplace; recently, self-education methods have been increasingly used;
  6. employee assessment, certification. Periodic assessment helps to identify the degree of professionalism of the staff, as well as to determine whether additional training, training, and advanced training are needed;
  7. personnel behavior management. The main element in the management of the behavior of employees are the methods of conflict management and their rapid resolution;
  8. personnel office work. A number of works that are united by the general concept of "office work".


The personnel policy of the organization is determined by a number of factors that can be divided into internal and external. Internal factors include the structure and goals of the organization, territorial distribution, financial condition, internal corporate culture, moral and psychological climate. External factors are labor legislation, relations with the trade union, prospects for the development of the labor market.

The personnel policy is documented, which makes it possible to express the views of the organization's management on improving the personnel management system. The implementation of personnel policy is a system of plans, norms and regulations, administrative, economic, social and other measures aimed at solving personnel issues.

HR planning solves the problems of providing the organization with personnel of the required number and quality. Personnel planning determines how many workers, what qualifications, when and where will be needed; what requirements apply to certain categories of workers; how to attract the right and reduce unnecessary staff; how to use staff according to their potential; how to ensure the development of this potential, improve the skills of employees; how to ensure fair wages, staff motivation and solve its social problems; what costs will be incurred by the activities.

Recruitment (selection and selection) of personnel and its adaptation of several stages, which are shown in Fig. 1.6.1. Personnel management: textbook / V.M. Maslova. - M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2011. - 488 p. - Series: Fundamentals of Sciences.

Rice. 1.6.1. Recruitment and selection process

The requirements that apply to a candidate for a vacant position are reflected in the job description. Job description- This is a document that describes the basic requirements, functions, responsibilities and rights of the employee holding this position. Having determined the requirements for the candidate, you can proceed to the next stage - selection.

Both internal and external sources are used to attract candidates. External sources:

Selection with the help of employees;

self-proclaimed candidates;

Announcements in the media;

Departure to various educational institutions;

Applications to public employment services;

Applications to private recruitment agencies;


Internal sources - is the movement of personnel within an organization. Practice shows that there is no optimal source of recruitment, so a set of techniques should be used to attract staff, depending on the specific task.

The selection stage involves:

Initial acquaintance with applicants (interview);

Collection and processing of information;

Evaluation of qualities and drawing up a definite opinion;


Comparison of the actual qualities of candidates and requirements for the position;

Career guidance (if necessary);

Interviewing the candidate with the prospective line manager;

Comparison of candidates for one position and selection of the one that best meets the requirements for a vacant position;

The conclusion of an employment contract with him and the appointment of orders.

Worker adaptation- the process of adapting the employee to the content and conditions of work and to the social environment. According to the level, they distinguish between primary (for persons who do not have work experience) and secondary adaptation, and according to their orientation - professional, psychophysiological and socio-psychological, as well as adaptation of work to a person.

Professional adaptation consists in the active development of the profession, its subtleties, specifics, necessary skills, techniques, methods of decision-making. Psychological adaptation- this is an adaptation to working conditions, the mode of work and rest, to the characteristics of working conditions. Socio-psychological adaptation- this is an adaptation to the team and its norms, to management and colleagues. Adaptation of work to the person involves the organization of workplaces in accordance with the requirements of ergonomics, the regulation of the rhythm and duration of working time, the distribution of labor functions, based on the personal characteristics of the employee.

Release control stands out in the personnel management system as an independent type of personnel work, which consists in observing legal norms when dismissing personnel. The purpose of this work is to part with the dismissed employees with dignity.

Management of motivation and stimulation of labor allows contribute to improving the performance of each employee and the efficiency of the entire production, ensuring systematic professional growth and increasing staff loyalty to their organization.

Personnel training and development is a process of preparation for the implementation of new production functions, the occupation of new positions. Activities for the professional development of personnel are various types of training.

There are several types of training:

On the job in specialized institutions;

With a break from production in specialized institutions;

Through an external study with attestation in specialized institutions;

Self-education without attestation;

Corporate training.

business career- these are subjectively conscious own ideas of a person about his labor future, the expected ways of self-expression and satisfaction with his labor activity. This is a progressive promotion up the career ladder, a change in skills, abilities, qualifications and remuneration associated with the employee's activities.

Distinguish professional and intraorganizational career. Professional career It is characterized by the fact that a particular employee in the course of his professional activity goes through various stages of development: training, employment, professional growth, support for individual professional abilities, retirement. An employee can go through these stages sequentially in different organizations. Intraorganizational career- this is a sequential change in the stages of development of an employee within the same organization. Intraorganizational career can be realized in the following directions:

Vertical - rise to a higher level of the structural hierarchy;

Horizontal - moving to another functional area of ​​activity;

Centripetal - promotion to the leadership of the organization.

Career planning refers to the actions that an employee takes to implement his plan, and most often through the organization's personnel management. Very little attention is paid to this function of personnel management in Russian organizations.

Personnel reserve - this is a potentially active and trained part of the company's personnel, capable of filling higher positions, as well as part of the personnel undergoing systematic training for positions of higher qualification. The formation of a reserve of personnel is carried out on the basis of their professional selection, the results of personnel attestation, the study of personal files of employees, career plans of employees.

Distinguish between a reserve for promotion and a reserve of leaders. The reserve for promotion is a group of employees of the team, each of which, based on the results of their activities, has established themselves as capable and deserving of further promotion through the ranks. Leadership pool - a group of employees of the company with the potential for leadership positions in the future and selected as a result of a formal selection process. The organization conducts purposeful work on the development and training of employees included in this group to occupy new positions.

The presence of a reserve allows in advance, on a planned, scientifically and practically substantiated program, to prepare candidates for newly created and vacant positions to be filled, effectively organize training and internships for specialists included in the reserve, and rationally use them in various areas and levels in the management system.

Corporate culture plays an important role in the personnel management system. It is impossible to achieve coordinated work of the team if individual employees have a different understanding of the goals and values ​​of the organization.

Corporate culture- this is a set of the most important provisions adopted by the members of the company and expressed in the values ​​declared by the organization, which give people guidelines for behavior and actions. Creates a corporate culture, as a rule, the formal leader 9 head of the company), but in any case, its spokesman is the entire staff of the organization. The organizers of the work on the formation and development of corporate culture are usually specialists in personnel management together with the public relations service.

Corporate culture is diverse: how many organizations operate, so many corporate cultures exist. Features of corporate culture are often determined by the field of activity. For example, in the financial sector, it is more defined, strict, the behavior of employees is clearly defined, the style of communication is more formal. In the trade sphere, it is diverse, original, more variations in behavior, communication are allowed, the style is more democratic.

Only if each employee of the organization accepts the position on corporate culture, it will be actually implemented.

Public Relations in Human Resources is the use of communication opportunities to motivate and increase the level of loyalty of your staff. Creating a positive image of the organization in the eyes of the staff affects its image in the outside world through relations with the media; creation of internal corporate publications; organizing and holding various events (conferences, round tables, speeches by leaders, competitions, etc.).

Performance evaluation personnel is a system that allows you to measure the results of work and the level of professional competence of employees, as well as their potential in the development of the enterprise. Traditionally, in organizations, personnel assessment is understood as certification of employees. Evaluation is a broader concept than personnel appraisal. Evaluation is a broader concept than personnel appraisal. Evaluation can be carried out both regularly and irregularly, depending on the specific needs of the organization. When assessing, there is not a comparison of employees among themselves, but a comparison of "employee - work standard". You can only compare how one worker more or less meets the standard of work than another.

The objectives of the assessment can be different: assessing the suitability of the position held, the result of work, personal characteristics that affect the result of work, the personnel reserve, the potential of employees, etc.

An organization may be faced with the question of choosing an assessment method. It depends on its compliance with business objectives and the corporate culture of the organization, as well as on the literacy of implementation. Assessment methods may change depending on the stage of development and the needs of the organization.

In the assessment system of one organization, several methods can be combined. For example, for workers - attestation; engineering and technical workers - performance management; managers - the 360 ​​degree method.

The traditional method of personnel assessment in Russian organizations is attestation. Certification- this is a procedure for a systematic formalized assessment of the compliance of the activities of a particular employee with the standard of work performance at a given workplace in a given position. It accumulates the results of the work of a particular employee for a specific period. Each organization must have its own Regulations on the certification of personnel, approved in the prescribed manner. It should describe the procedure and the procedure for its implementation.

In the 1990s large Western firms began to appear on the domestic market. They brought new corporate management standards, and with them new methods of personnel assessment for our organizations, such as:

Goal management;

Performance management - the "360 degree" method; assessment center.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the quality of personnel management- this is an analysis of the existing system of personnel management of the organization. It is carried out in the following areas.

1. Evaluation of personnel policy.

2. Assessment of the quality of the main documents regulating the work of the personnel and employees department.

3. Evaluation of the main elements of the corporate culture of the organization.

4. Evaluation of indicators characterizing the quality of personnel management.

HR audit aims to assess and conclude the compliance of the ongoing personnel work with the intended goals and objectives, identify existing problems and ways to solve them. It is recommended to invite a third-party specialist to conduct an audit of personnel management.

When conducting an audit of personnel management, they analyze indicators that characterize the activities of the service in all areas, such as the cost of recruitment per one hired employee; training costs per employee trained; time to fill one vacancy; staff turnover rate; personnel qualification factor; personnel profitability, etc. Based on the results of the audit, a written report is prepared, which is discussed at a meeting of the organization's management.

HR records management- this is a full cycle of processing and movement of documents from the moment they are created by personnel officers or received by them until completion of execution and transfer to other departments. The main functions of personnel records management are: timely processing of incoming and transmitted documentation; bringing documentation to the relevant employees of the personnel management system for execution; printing of documents on personnel functions; registration, accounting and storage of personnel documents; formation of cases in accordance with the nomenclature approved for this company, copying and reproduction of documents on personnel matters; control over the execution of documents; transfer of documentation on vertical and horizontal communications, etc.

The most important factor is the normative and methodological support of the personnel management system. It consists in the development and application of personnel documents. The most important of them are: Internal labor regulations, collective agreement, Regulations on the subdivision, job description, employment contract, personal card, work book, etc.


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