Alisher Otabaev - Unleash your potential. A workbook for immediate results. Seminar "Unleash your hidden potential Unleash your potential

ATTENTION! There is only one way to solve ALL your problems
in life Quickly and Immediately ...

And it consists in finding the answer to the question

How to understand yourself, determine your TALENTS
and start living your life?

Meet me - this is me Alexey Lukyanov.

Photo taken in 2005. I have just been handed the shoulder straps of the captain of the RF Armed Forces.

But as you can see, I did not feel much joy from this.

Until a certain point, my life developed according to the standard pattern.

School, Military Institute, contract service in the RF Armed Forces.

And although in terms of support, career development and everything else, everything was very good.

But I clearly understood that this is NOT mine, this is not what I want to do, I did not get the emotions of joy and happiness,

It seemed to me that in civilian life everything would be different. And in 2007 I retired from the Army.

Thanks to military experience and 2 higher educations, I was able to immediately get a managerial position in a branch of a federal company.

The euphoria and delight from the new life, from the fact that at last he was free from the unloved military service, helped to drown out the mental pain and longing for a while.

But six months later, I again felt a spiritual emptiness and a HUGE desire to quit EVERYTHING

I clearly realized that I just changed the awl for soap.

The only thing was that I now had more freedom.

But what about this freedom? Where to go?...

And the first thing that I understood

All successful people realize and develop their talent, from which they get high and enjoy every minute they live.

That is why they became successful!

And I realized one thing - I also need to find these talents in myself and start developing them.

I have a GOAL. And with new inspiration I plunged into her achievement.

I read online articles, bought books, signed up for courses, talked to successful people ...

I even bought several books and trainings in English and then sat with a dictionary at night and translated :)

And gradually I began to feel my talents. Since then, my life has changed dramatically.

My results after defining MY TALENTS!

Phoenix Publishing House has published 2 books.

Brand Called Me Voted Best Job Search Book!

Its first edition is already sold out!

More than 6500 clients have completed my courses and trainings

Dozens of positive reviews from customers and hundreds from those
who just reads and watches me

In this video I have shown some of them. Pause if you want to read more.

Over 650,000 people watch My Youtube channel -

He began to realize himself in different areas. For example, running marathons.

AND THE MOST IMPORTANT - Now I myself determine my life
and decide what, when and with whom to do!

Here is the certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur.

But talents are talents, and you want to eat something.
And you want good!

Well, just one source of income brought me more than 13,000,000 rubles. There are others.

And in quantitative terms, my income has grown more than 10 times.

And now you can only have one question
How to find YOUR Talents and start getting from life what you have dreamed of for so long?

Personally, it took me about 5 years.

And during this time, I realized a few things.

Finding yourself is not so easy. And the more you are, the more difficult it is to do it.

Negative experiences, fears, attitudes, beliefs - all this makes it difficult to understand yourself.

Plus a lot of information on this topic. On the one hand, this is good, but ...

A clear, simple and understandable system for determining one's talent No

I have shoveled everything I can on this topic. Including paid trainings.

And it took me a tremendous effort to extract from this chaos the grains of valuable knowledge and make up of them a simple system that could lead an ordinary person to understand himself and his talents.

This system helped me. You have already seen this from my achievements.

And this system can help you

Maybe it's enough to already mark in one place
and live someone else's life?

How long can you wait and postpone, while others live happily, achieve their goals, realize themselves and their dreams to the maximum ...

Do you also want to achieve success and happiness, live in joy and make your dreams come true?

It's time to act!

And if you are ready, I am pleased to present to your attention the best training in determining your life purpose: "Unleash Your Potential 3.0"!

How Unleash Your Potential 3.0 can help you:

You will identify 2-3 of your true talents
Pick your main talent for now
Create a foundation of your talent that will allow you to develop further without disruptions and brakes
You will learn how to overcome various barriers to the development of your talents
You will gain self-confidence and high self-esteem
You will learn to control your emotions
You will get rid of bad memories
Increase your efficiency by an order of magnitude by learning to act on positive energy

What is the strength of the training program
"Unleash Your Potential 3.0":

The training is divided into clear stages and steps. You go to your destination step by step without psychological and physical overload
The training contains a large number of practical tasks, the completion of which will help determine your talent
All tasks are supported by the necessary theory, so that their completion will not cause you any difficulties
The training has already been tested for several 100 people. So you'll walk the already beaten track
You will receive the most effective and efficient methods, as I am constantly improving my training
Various types of my support are available to you depending on the option of participation
The support time starts with your first contact, which allows you to go through the entire training calmly, without haste, and then, if you have any questions, get full and comprehensive answers to them.
I am personally interested in your result and will do my best to contribute to this
All this allows you to get maximum involvement in the training, and therefore to improve the quality and level of results.

Now ask yourself:

Do I want to regain feelings of joy and happiness from life, as in childhood?

Do I want to feel inspired within myself every day?

Do I want to go all the way of finding myself competently, smoothly and calmly - without breakdowns, hysterics, despair and violence against myself?

Do I want to determine my own actions and actions in life?

Do I want financial and mental wealth while developing my talents?

If yes, Welcome to the training


How much would you give to start living the life of your dreams?

When you don't feel like going to bed, because the energy of joy and inspiration calls you to realize yourself ...

When you wake up not because you need to, but because you want to. I want to live and create, act and achieve.

I don't know about you, but at one time I was ready to give EVERYTHING that I had then.

Because YOUR life, when you realize your vocation and purpose, will give you much more.

I have spent about 5 years of my life and over $ 3500

For the purchase of books and trainings from Western and domestic coaches and self-development consultants.

I applied all of these techniques and figured out how they work.

And from this I built a clear and understandable system with simple tasks, by completing which you are guaranteed to find yourself and your talents.

Therefore, the adequate cost of training with such a level and amount of knowledge starts from 8,000 rubles.

But I want to make knowledge available to everyone and everyone, and you will not have to pay such amounts to take part in the training.

Among the options for participation, you will definitely find something that suits you perfectly.

I want to help as many people as possible find themselves.

So that you can realize your potential, be free and get joy and buzz from life.

So take action now

And these bonuses will make
your results are maximized

The total cost of bonuses MORE THAN 3,000 rubles - you get them as a gift as a client "Unleash Your Potential 3.0".

Proceed until I remove them. And while the lowest price.

Choose your participation option right now:

On my own
+ Powerful Knowledge
+ Answers to Questions
Now 987 1587 rub Now 2487 3487 rub Now 7500 RUB 9,000

+ 5 stages "Unleash Your Potential 3.0"

+ Book training

Video Training "Dream Turbo Motivation"

Audio Training "Life Upgrade - Reboot"

+ 5 stages "Unleash Your Potential 3.0"

+ Book training "How to raise vital energy by 263%"

Bonus - Audio course "15 factors of calling in life"

Bonus - Workbook "What I want to do"

Bonus - Workbook "Audit of my life"

If you need technical assistance when paying for the training or if you have any questions or doubts about participation, then fill out the technical support form - and we will contact you as soon as possible.

After payment, you will automatically be subscribed to a closed mailing list, in which you will receive all the training materials.

In our training, everything plays in your favor:

This is both step by step and motivation and quality content.

And bonuses :)

Perhaps now you are thinking about the fact that this training is necessary for you, but let me tell you something else that will tip the scales in favor of “taking part in the training” without even thinking.

If you find that training is not for you during the first 30 days of training, I insist that you get all your money back.

I know that the training materials work 100%. You yourself saw my results. Below are the reviews of my clients.

Therefore, everything is simple: if during the first 30 days you realize that the training is not for you, then write to me and I will return 100% of your money without any questions.

I could give you an unlimited warranty. But you're not going to look for yourself for years, are you? Life is not rubber, you need to act here and now!

I believe you are an honest person and will not benefit from my return guarantee if you really get value from the training.

Here are just a few of the thanks that I constantly receive from my students:

Thanks to the training, I found something
what I've been looking for for several years of my life!

Now I know exactly where and why I am going!

This year I will be 30 years old and, approaching this milestone, I more and more often began to think about why I live.

Despite significant achievements in life, a good place of work and reliable and understanding people around, I still felt constant anxiety that I live only for today and momentary problems, that in a global sense my actions are leading nowhere.

It's like running on the spot, and this thought made me very sad.

I re-read mountains of literature on goal setting, but the exercises there were some kind of non-folding puzzle and if they gave any results, then not for long, then again a feeling of anxiety and uncertainty appeared.

At one point, surfing the Internet, I signed up for a whole series of personal growth newsletters. But it was in Alexei Lukyanov's mailing list that I found some very sound advice, thanks to which I bought the training “Unleash Your Potential 3.0”.

At first it was difficult for me to complete the training tasks, because I thought I knew enough on this topic and therefore began to treat assignments with condescension.

But the desire to work off the money paid for the training prevailed at one point, and I promised myself to do all the tasks, as needed, honestly, efficiently and to the end.


First, I was very impressed by the metaphor about positive and negative motivation (about running). After that, for 4 hours I looked at the wall opposite, sat and analyzed my life for good and bad motivation and came to the conclusion that you need to radically reconsider your motivation.

Secondly, I created a personal hall of fame and felt that being in my apartment became more pleasant and interesting. And not only for me, but also for the guests.

And thirdly, I finally understood my goals and realized that there can be many of them and that there is more than one talent, and that both at work and on vacation you can develop in what I like.

As a result, I realized that I have a reason to live, and this thought made me happier and more positive, and most importantly, now I know exactly where and why I am going. As someone smart said: "The future cannot be predicted, the future can be planned."

I hope my story will help you to make positive changes in your life too.

Best wishes, Mikhail Leskov.

Leskovm (dog)

I got the result ... It's great ...

I got a lot of pleasure and great benefit for myself!

It's like a powerful new wave filled with the spirit of long-forgotten positive changes!

Good day!

I am 37 years old and since the age of 30 I have asked only one question:

And it's all ?

Home, work, home, work, the same events, the same holidays ....

And so many years of persistent search, trial and error have not passed since I entered this training !!!

When completing tasks, such horizons open, starting with some kind of grievances and ending with a break in stereotypes and patterns (we begin to remember and stir up our ego, which in most cases we perceive as ourselves, and not as an opinion imposed on us from the outside), which in childhood we were taught by parents, teachers, social order.

New feelings and sensations open up, emotions arise that I have not experienced for a long time, you understand in which direction you need to move in order to achieve success.

It's like a powerful new wave filled with the spirit of long-forgotten positive changes!

At work, the mood has completely changed. This is no longer a feeling of instability, but CONFIDENCE that everything will be done correctly and on time.

I, necessarily, starting from the knowledge gained, will be able to explain to the child how, without missing so many years of life, to get on the right path. And already many have thrown off the link to your training. :)

And now a little digression.

Have you ever noticed - whatever you do, and even when you achieve something, all this gives only short-term pleasure (satisfaction)?

The training is very voluminous, thoughtful, literally leads you by the hand to understanding yourself. Otherwise, without understanding yourself, you can never find your way.

Try again to think about the phrase: "The road will be mastered by the one walking."

Any person who wants the sky to always be blue, and life painted with colored paints, must definitely find his way, and this training will help you like no other.

Training "Unleash Your Potential 3.0"it reveals your essence so deeply, it is so unexpected and pleasant to understand where, why, why and who needs all this that there is only one thing left - to develop and realize your talent.

Good luck to you all and success!

Svetlana Narbutik

Lask (dog)

I discovered 2 more talents in myself!

Hello Alexey!

Thank you for the great training Unleash Your Potential 3.0!

My life changed a lot after going through it.

I overcame myself and began to write down, as you advised, all the tasks, think and analyze.

And here's the result - I decided to continue my profession, I gained new strength, because there was a period of complete disappointment in her.

Nevertheless, I discovered 2 more talents in myself, and theoretically I can retrain))

In general, I have always suspected them in myself, since childhood, but now I am 100% convinced.

Thanks to the training, I also changed internally, became more positive, active and calm.

By the way, I really like how and what you write about in your blog "100 Steps to Decent Work", which I actually do now.

A number of your other articles and blogs are also interesting.

You can take an example from you in a good way!

I wish you success in everything!

Olga Davydova

Davydovaolga8 (dog)


In our thoughts and dreams, we live a different life. Far from the current reality.

And this discrepancy destroys us from the inside, bringing us heartache and anguish.

We are afraid to admit this to ourselves and in every possible way try to get rid of these thoughts ...

But with age, they visit us more and more often, because time is running out, and we do nothing.

What if 5 years ago you had the courage to change your life in accordance with your talents and dreams.

What kind of person would you be now?

My experience and that of my clients clearly shows!

You would become more more successful, wealthy, talented and fulfilled than they are now.

This is the kind of person you could be today, if you hadn't stopped yourselfif you hadn't let fear and doubt overcome you.

And now imagine that you have met this person! What would this person tell you? What advice would you give?

Essentially between you and this person there is one very small difference- one day he made a choicewhich might not have done. He made a decision that changed his whole life.

Therefore, make the right decision right now, so as not to live later, regretting the missed opportunities.

Don't put it off until Monday. There are people who will never be known - they didn't take the next step .

If you are ready to live a rich and eventful life, realizing your life vocation, then I would like to invite you to join my training.

What's your choice?

On my own
+ Powerful Knowledge
+ Answers to Questions

+ Bonus - Audio course "15 factors of calling in life"

Bonus - Workbook "What I want to do"

Bonus - Workbook "Audit of my life"

8 of my trainings - Portable Teacher of Success, How to open a source of unlimited energy, How to find yourself and your life's work in 1 day, Life rules for 100, Slimness Forever, Dream Turbo motivation, Life Upgrade Reboot, How to find Chocolate Work in 1 day

Personal Skype consultation, where I will advise and help in solving the issues you need.

The price will be increased
by 33% through:


George Clooney

Academy Award Winner

Dialogue on examples of achievements, image strengthening and heritage

George Clooney is known not only for his success in the entertainment industry, but equally for his international humanitarian work.

Clooney's accomplishments as an actor and filmmaker have earned him two Academy Awards, five Golden Globes, including the Cecil B. DeMille Award, four Screen Actors Guild Awards, one British Academy of Film and Television Arts Awards, and two Critics' Choice Awards , two Emmys and four National Council of Film Critics Awards. As an Academy Award nominee for the eighth time, Clooney has earned a special place in the Oscar Book of Records. He has been nominated in more categories than anyone else in the history of the award.

Clooney recently completed filming for the miniseries Catch 22 in Italy, on which he worked with his Smokehouse Pictures partner Grant Heslov.

Production company Smokehouse Pictures also worked on the Oscar-winning Warner Bros. drama, Operation Argo, and the films Good Night and Good Luck and The Ides of March. The Ides of March - in which Clooney directed, actor and co-wrote - was nominated for a Golden Globe for Best Director, Best Screenplay and Best Film (Drama). What's more, he was also nominated by the Academy for Best Adapted Screenplay.

Before starting his film career, Clooney starred in several TV series, earning the love of television audiences mainly due to his five-year participation in the popular drama "Ambulance" on NBC. His role as Dr. Douglas Ross earned him Golden Globe nominations, Screen Actors Guild Awards, People's Choice and Emmy awards.

Clooney is a zealous supporter of the First Amendment to the US Constitution and a staunch supporter of humanitarian action. In 2006, Clooney and his father Nick visited the Darfur region of Sudan, suffering from drought, which eventually led to the actor's appeal to the UN Security Council.

George Clooney has received many awards for humanitarian action, including the 2007 Peace Summit Award from the Eighth Summit of Nobel Peace Prize winners, and the Robert F. Kennedy Ripple of Hope Human Rights Award. presented in 2010.

Clooney has produced three hours-long television programs: “The Tribute to Heroes (post 9/11)”, “Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope” (“Tsunami Aid: A Concert of Hope”) ) and “Hope for Haiti Now” (“Hope for Haiti”). The latest program raised a record $ 66 million in donations.

In December 2010, Clooney - in partnership with the UN, Harvard University and Google Corporation - launched The Satellite Sentinel Project, a satellite-based early warning system that allows private satellites to take photographs of any potential threats to civilians, locate bombs, monitor troop movements and record any other evidence of possible massive violence in North and South Sudan.

In March 2012, Clooney and his father Nick took part in a peaceful protest in front of the Sudanese Embassy in Washington, D.C. to raise international awareness of human rights abuses in the Sudan, ending with the arrest of the actor and his father.

In 2015, he founded The Sentry, which aims to track financial fraud that harms the citizens of Sudan and South Sudan through forensic accounting. He testified before the US Congress, worked with two US presidents, two secretaries of state and several dozen senators to bring about peace in South Sudan.

In August 2016, George founded The Clooney Foundation for Justice with his wife Amal. One of the foundation's first projects - an ambitious initiative to provide access to education for hundreds of thousands of refugees in Lebanon - was presented at the 2016 UN summit led by President Barack Obama and US Representative to the UN Samantha Power.


Randy Zuckerberg

Founder and CEO of Zuckerberg Media

The Difficulty Point: What I Learned from the Front End of Social Media

Randy Zuckerberg is an entrepreneur, investor, best-selling author, and renowned media and technology figure. She is the founder and CEO of Zuckerberg Media, focusing on technology development, content creation and live event streaming to shift the focus of pop culture and media to smart, tech-savvy and adventurous girls and women.

Randy is a Harvard University graduate and hosts a weekly business-focused Dot Complicated program on SiriusXM Radio. She also currently hosts two TV programs: “DOT” on NBC Universal Kids (winner of the “Kidscreen's Best New Preschool Series”) about a brave little girl who uses technology to make her everyday adventures even more interesting. and “American Dreams,” on HSN, featuring entrepreneurs from across the United States. She has published several bestselling books, Dot Complicated, Dot., And Missy President, and recently released her fourth book, Pick Three, in May 2018, which addresses erroneous ideas about a harmonious life.

Randy travels around the world talking about technology, business, Facebook's early days of social networking, key marketing activities during its early days, and surprisingly how to relax! When not busy with Facebook or writing books, she can be found in the theater - on the Tony Awards jury, as an investor in the award-winning musical Dear Evan Hansen and on the board of the American Theater Wing and Lincoln Center - or at home, at relaxed atmosphere, together with her husband and two young sons.


Steve Wozniak

The most legendary resident of Silicon Valley
Apple co-founder and inventor

Dialogue on creativity, innovation and technology

A Silicon Valley icon and philanthropist with over 30 years of experience, Steve Wozniak helped shape the computing industry by developing Apple's first line of products, the Apple I and II computers, and influencing the popular Macintosh personal computer. In 1976, Wozniak and Steve Jobs founded Apple Computer Inc., the first product of which was the Apple I personal computer developed by Wozniak. The following year, Wozniak introduced the Apple II model, equipped with a central processing unit, keyboard, color graphics display, and floppy disk drive. The Apple II computer was instrumental in launching the personal computer industry.

In 1981, he returned to the University of California at Berkeley to complete his studies and received degrees in electrical system design and computer theory. In 1985, Wozniak received the National Medal of Technology and Innovation from the President of the United States for his achievements with Apple, the highest honor given to leading American innovators.

In 2000, he was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame and received the prestigious Heinz Foundation Award for Achievement in Technology, Economics and Employment for solely developing the first personal computer and using his enduring passion for mathematics and electronics to keep elementary students interested in further education. schools and their teachers.

In 2014, he was awarded the prestigious US Hoover Medal for Engineering Achievement, for his "unsurpassed engineering contribution to the service of humanity." The award is jointly awarded by the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

Over the years, Wozniak has been involved in various business and charitable projects, mainly aimed at providing schools with computers, promoting hands-on learning and developing students' creativity. A philanthropist who invests significant resources and time in education, Wozniak sponsors Los Gatos schools, providing hands-on training for students and teachers and providing schools with free state-of-the-art equipment. He is also the founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation and sponsored the Tech Museum, Silicon Valley Ballet, and Children’s Discovery Museum of San Jose.

In September 2006, Wozniak released his New York Times bestselling autobiography titled “iWoz: From Computer Geek to Cult Icon” (Norton Publishing, translated “Unknown Steve. The First-Hand Story of Apple and Its Co-founder”). He also starred in several TV programs, including the reality show "Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List", the project "Dancing with the Stars" on the ABC channel ("Dancing with the Stars") and the series "The Big Bang Theory" (“The Big Bang Theory”).


Brené Brown

Research Professor at the University of Houston

Brave leader

Dr. Brené Brown is a Research Professor at the University of Houston, where she is the Chair of the Named Chair of the Huffington-Brené Brown Foundation at The Graduate College of Social Work.

She has spent the past 20 years exploring the concepts of courage, vulnerability, shame and empathy and has written four New York Times bestselling books: “The Gifts of Imperfection,” “Daring Greatly,” , “Rising Strong”, and “Braving the Wilderness”. Her new book, “Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts ”, due out in October 2018.

Brené's TED talk - “The Power of Vulnerability” - ranks among the top 5 most watched TED videos in the world with over 35 million views.

Brené lives in Houston, Texas with husband Steve and children Ellen and Charlie.

How science helps us get things done on time

Daniel H. Pink is one of the most popular non-fiction authors of the past decade. More than 2 million copies of his books on work, business and behavior have been sold worldwide, translated into 35 languages.

“When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing”, released in January 2018, explores how timing affects our lives.

“To Sell is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others” # 1 on The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Bestseller List Post, winner of the Berry-AMA Book Prize of the American Marketing Association in the Marketing Book of the Year category.

"Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us" # 1 according to The New York Times. 159 weeks on The New York Times bestseller list. National bestseller in Japan and the UK.

“A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future” (not translated into Russian). 96 weeks on The New York Times bestseller list. Book of choice for freshmen at several US colleges and universities. In 2008, Oprah Winfrey donated 4,500 copies of the book to the Stanford University graduate course during her graduation speech.

“The Adventures of Johnny Bunko: The Last Career Guide You’ll Ever Need” (not translated into Russian). The first business publication in America to be released as a Japanese manga comic strip, and the only graphic novel to make it to the BusinessWeek bestseller list. Best Graphic Novel for Teenagers by the American Library Association.

"Free Agent Nation: The Future of Working for Yourself" The Washington Post bestseller. The US Department of Labor has listed the book as one of the pieces that have shaped the modern work culture of the United States over the past 100 years.

Pink was the host and co-executive producer of Crowd Control on the behavioral science channel National Geographic. He also appears frequently on NPR's Hidden Brain, PBS's NewsHour, and other TV and radio programs in the US and other countries.

Pink is a contributing editor for the monthly magazines Fast Company and Wired, and a business column for The Sunday Telegraph. His articles and essays have also appeared in The New York Times, Harvard Business Review, The New Republic and other publications. In 2007, he was a Media Fellow of the Japan Society and studied the huge Japanese comics industry in Tokyo.

Pink's TED talk on the science of motivation is one of the top 10 most watched TED videos of the project's lifetime, with over 19 million views.

His video from the RSA Animate series with ideas from the book Drive has received over 14 million views.

He currently serves on the advisory boards of Hubspot, Heleo, Betterment Institutional, and RiseSmart.

Almost 20 years ago, prior to starting his independent career, Pink held a variety of political and government positions, including Chief Speech Writer for Vice President Al Gore from 1995 to 1997.

He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Northwestern University, where he received a Truman Fellowship and was admitted to the Phi Beta Kappa undergraduate society, as well as a Juris Doctor degree from Yale Law School. He also received honorary degrees from Georgetown University, Pratt Institute, Ringlin College of Art and Design, and Westfield State University.

Pink lives in Washington, DC with his wife. They have three children in their sophomore year of college, high school, and eighth grade.


Sara Blakely

Founder and CEO of Spanx

How to find an idea for growth?

Sarah Blakely is the founder and CEO of SPANX, Inc., a dynamic women's brand that has revolutionized the industry and the way women dress around the world. The Spanx brand is known for creating hi-tech, more comfortable essentials that no woman's wardrobe is without, including bras, leggings, workout clothes, underwear, Arm Tights ™ stretch tops and, of course, the brand's famous shapewear that creates the perfect smooth shapes under clothes. Sarah was included in Time magazine's 100 Most Influential People in the World, and her photo was featured on the cover of Forbes. Seeking to inspire and empower women, Sarah founded the Spanx by Sara Blakely Foundation in 2006 and signed the Pledge of Giving Pledge in 2013 to donate half of her income to charity. Sarah lives with her family in Atlanta, Georgia. She was born in Clearwater, Florida and graduated from Florida State University.


Alex Osterwalder

One of the founders of Strategyzer

An invulnerable company: how to get rid of the innovation gap

The 21st century poses three new questions for established companies and their leaders. How can you avoid disruption to schedules, cut costs to please the market and investors, and at the same time reorganize for future growth? Dr. Alexander (Alex) Osterwalder - inventor of the business model canvas and value proposition and co-founder of the leading innovation consulting firm Strategyzer - has set himself the task of helping top managers find a profitable position to address these issues in the organization and develop an innovative culture, portfolio and related organizational structures. ...

Osterwalder developed the Business Model Canvas and Value Proposition Canvas, as well as the Culture Map and Business Portfolio Map, to give businesses practical tools to address important strategic challenges. It simplifies the strategy development process by transforming complex concepts into accessible visual models. In this way, Osterwalder creates and distributes to organizations more understandable means of recognition and transfer of value. Osterwalder's speeches on the application of these practical tools in today's marketplace consistently receive top peer reviews at international conferences. By adding humor and interactive exercises to his informative talks, Osterwalder establishes reliable direct contact with audiences of five to 5,000 or more, achieving a high level of participation, engagement and enthusiasm. In his speeches, he details how his methods of building a business model and value proposition enable companies to seize and maintain a competitive advantage in a crowded or unexplored industry.

A passionate entrepreneur, Osterwalder helped found Strategyzer in 2010, a leading innovative consulting firm that helps organizations identify growth drivers, gain better customer insights, and shape more compelling value propositions and business models. The business tool he created, the world-famous business model canvas, is trusted by more than five million entrepreneurs from the world's leading companies such as Coca-Cola, GE, Mastercard, Ericsson, Fujitsu, 3M, Intel and Microsoft. The general principles of model building are described in the international bestseller “Business Model Generation” (Wiley, 2010, translated “Building Business Models. A Handbook for Strategist and Innovator”), included in USA Today's list of 12 best books for business. His second book, “Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want” (Wiley, 2014, translated “Value Proposition Design. How to Create Products and Services Customers Want to Buy”), continues the dialogue by addressing the topic of search best match the product to the target market.

Osterwalder received the Thinkers50 Strategy Award in 2015 for advances in strategic thinking in business and is currently ranked 7th among the world's 50 most influential business thinkers. In 2013 he received an award at the inauguration of the European Innovation Luminary Award. Osterwalder travels extensively around the world, giving keynote speeches at Fortune 500 companies and discussing his ideas and strategies at leading universities including Wharton School of Business, Stanford University, UC Berkeley, IESE Business School, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Science - King Abdullah University of Technology and International Institute for Management Development. He received his PhD from the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Lausanne and is a founding member of The Constellation, an international non-profit organization dedicated to fighting HIV / AIDS and malaria.


Donald Miller

StoryBrand CEO

How strong examples can help your business grow

Donald Miller is the CEO of StoryBrand and every year he helps more than 3,000 executives get their brand message across. In total, Don's books have been on the New York Times bestseller list for over a year. Several books by the author: “Blue Like Jazz” (“Christian jazz. Non-religious reflections on the themes of Christian spirituality”), “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years” (not translated into Russian) and “Scary Close” (not translated into Russian). He also co-wrote the serious film "Blue Like Jazz", which debuted at the SXSW Film Festival and was named one of the four best films to help you survive your first year of college according to USA Today. He was part of the President's Task Force on Paternity and Healthy Family Climate, a joint government-private sector program to address single parent families in the United States.

Many agree that Don's performances are some of the most engaging and informative in the world. He invites his audience to immerse themselves in their own experiences, develop creatively, independently create their team's history, and strive to understand their clients' experiences in order to do the job with pleasure. Don’s insights into using examples have greatly influenced the executives and employees of Pantene, Ford / Lincoln, Zaxby’s, Chick-fil-A, Steelcase, Intel, Prime Lending, and thousands of others.

Don lives in Nashville, Tennessee with his wife Batsy and a chocolate labrador named Lucy.


Juliet Funt

CEO WhiteSpace at Work

Strategic pause

Juliet Funt is the CEO of WhiteSpace at Work, a consulting firm that offers a variety of training for executives and employees to turn the mind around business and return to creativity, productivity and motivation. With thought-provoking materials and instant tools, Fant is able to become the national expert on survival in the age of overload that we all live and work in.

Participants in Juliet's trainings learn to understand the key difference between activity and productivity. She teaches them a simple method of personal improvement, which in turn helps them develop creativity and motivation. Together with board members, managers and teams, Juliet seeks an answer to the critical question "What deserves my close attention today?"

She constantly amazes audiences with her spectacular and energetic performances. However, more broadly, its mission is to demonstrate to organizations how WhiteSpace techniques can change negative patterns and habits that prevent optimal results. Her clients include a range of Fortune 100 companies across a broad spectrum of industries, from finance to technology to military manufacturing, and the scale of work ranges from small executive training to 7,000 audiences.

Juliet has incredible intuition and successfully combines material adaptation with a clear understanding of client needs in her consulting work and training programs. A unique combination of charisma, humor and a tough but fair approach has given her an incredible ability to connect with people at all levels, prompting them to make real and lasting change. However, serious assets do not prevent her from being an open and sincere person. An in-demand speaker, corporate consultant, entrepreneur, wife and mother of three sons, Juliet puts the concepts of WhiteSpace into practice every day, which she shares with her clients.

Juliet Pound is a force that can bring change to organizations in any country in the world, help them find their "free space", inspire people and restore their interest in work.


Costas Markides

Professor at London Business School

Innovation as a springboard for success

Costas Markides is Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at the London Business School (LBS), where he chairs the Robert P. Bauman Chair of Strategic Governance. He also heads the Faculty of Leadership Education at LBS. He is ranked among the world's leading experts in the fields of business strategy and strategic innovation and has been named one of the world's largest experts in management by the Thinkers50 rating agency several times. Markides has authored and co-authored several business bestsellers, including All the Right Moves (1999, All Right Moves), Fast Second (2004, The Art of Second) and Game Changing Strategies (2008, New business model. Strategies for painless innovation ").

Costas Markides graduated from Harvard Business School and Boston University, and before joining London Business School in 1990, worked as an associate analyst at the Cyprus Development Bank and as a research assistant at Harvard Business School. Costas has acted as an instructor on a range of corporate training programs and serves on the editorial board of several academic journals. He also serves on the Board of Directors of the Society for Strategic Management (SMS) and the Scientific Council of the Cyprus International Institute of Management (CIIM).

In his books, Costas Markides addresses a range of business issues, including strategic innovation, corporate reorganization, innovative business models, and international transactions. His articles have been published in many academic journals and leading management publications such as Harvard Business Review and Sloan Management Review. Costas also sits on the editorial board of a number of management and strategy journals: Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Perspectives, Journal of Strategy and Management, and Sloan Management Review. He is a member of the Academy of Management and the Strategic Management Society and has also participated in the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland in 1999-2003 and 2012-2013.

Several books written by Costas Markides: “Game-Changing strategies: How to Create New Market Space in Established Industries by Breaking the Rules”, “Diversification, Refocusing and Economic Performance” and “All the Right Moves: A Guide to Crafting Breakthrough Strategy ”. He has also co-authored several books, including Strategic Thinking for the Next Economy and Fast Second: How Smart Companies Bypass Radical Innovation to Enter and Dominate New Markets. ), shortlisted for the 2005 Financial Times / Goldman Sachs' Management Book of the Year Award.

For over a decade, Harris has served on the senior management team of the Wealth Management Syndicate and has undertaken IPOs for UPS, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, Ariba, Redback, General Motors division of Delphi Automotive, as well as an IPO of 3. The $ 2 billion Immunex Corporation is one of the largest biotech share placements in US history. Karla Harris was recently named one of Fortune Magazine's 50 Most Influential Black Executives in Corporate America. She was also named among the 25 Most Powerful Women in the Financial Sector by the US Banking Association (2009, 2010, 2011), the 75 Most Powerful Women in Business (2010) and the 75 Most Powerful African American on Wall Street (2006 - 2011) by Black Enterprise magazine, 50 Women Shaping the World by Essence Magazine, Ebony's 100 Most Influential and 15 Corporate Women, and was named Woman of the Year in 2004 at Harvard the African American Forum and, in 2011, the Yale African American Forum.

Harris began her career at Morgan Stanley in M&A in 1987. Prior to joining Morgan Stanley, Karla earned her MBA from Harvard Business School, graduating with honors, and her BA from Harvard University, with the Magna Cum Laude award. Karla also received honorary degrees in Law, Liberal Arts, and Business from Mary Mount Manhattan College, Bloomfield College, Jacksonville University, Simmons College, New Rochelle College, St. Thomas Aquinas and Fisk University. Karla takes an active part in the life of her community and sincerely believes that "we have been given a blessing to bring it to others."

She is the previous chairman of the Morgan Stanley Foundation and serves on the board of directors of The Executive Leadership Council, The Toigo Foundation, the non-profit sponsoring organization Sponsors for Educational Opportunity, A Better Chance, Inc., St. Vincent Hospital Association and Xavier University. and is also an active member of the choir of St. Carlo Borromeo in the Catholic Church of St. Carl Borromeo and the Mark Howell Singers Choir. Karla Harris is the Acting Co-Chair of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated National Social Welfare Committee, and was previously a board member of the University Resources Curators Committee at Harvard University. She was inducted into the New Jersey Hall of Fame (2015) and received the Bert King Award from the Harvard Business School African American Alumni Association, the Women's Professional Achievement Award from Harvard University (2005), the Pierre Toussaint Medal from the African American Parish of the Diocese of New York. the Women of Power Award from the National Urban League; the Women of Influence Award from The Links, Incorporated, and many other awards. In her other life, Carla is a singer who has already released her third gospel album “Unceasing Praise” (2011). Her second gospel album, Joy Is Waiting, featured on the BET Nightly News, and her first CD, Carla's First Christmas, became a bestseller on Amazon New York and record stores, and was included in the "American Dream" is an evening news program with Dan Rather on CBS. For Carla's five concerts at Carnegie Hall, all tickets were sold out. Karla has also written several books: Strategize to Win (2014) and Expect to Win (2009) (Hudson Press).


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Unleash Your Potential

A workbook for immediate results

Alisher Otabaev

© Alisher Otabaev, 2017

© Vera Filatova, cover design, 2017

Stenographer Irina Reutova

ISBN 978-5-4474-4963-6

Powered by Ridero Intelligent Publishing System

Otabaev Alisher - Certified coach and business consultant, expert in the formation of monetary thinking.

- Thinking in a Million

- Unleash your potential

- 50 crushing blows to poverty

Leading specialization in the program for launching a business of Andrey Parabellum, "Start 2".

Co-host of Brian Tracy's 800-person live business seminar.

Marketing director of the publishing house ELITA.

Companies with which he has already worked: Brian Tracy Academy, KazKommertsbank, Megafon, Z-analytics, bizmotiv, Infobusiness2, Marina Korpan Slimming Center, ELITA Publishing House, American School, Jeans cafe, Free Market Center, Ege Studio, etc.

Words of gratitude

I want to sincerely thank the people who inspire me, help me achieve my goals and support me. Which greatly influence my personality and the decisions I make.

Thanks to my parents, especially my mother Otaboeva Lola, who by her persistence shows that you can achieve everything, the main thing is not to stand still. She is an indicator of true hard work and courage. It is an honor for me to be the son of such a mother.

Thanks to my beloved soul mate Nastenka, who supports me, believes in me, helps me move forward. When I look into her eyes full of happiness and faith in myself, I myself begin to believe in myself even more. It inspires me a lot. "I love you"

Thanks to Irina Reutova, who helps me write books and is also my editor, without her this book would not have appeared.

Thanks to all my partners, friends, clients and mentors. They all help me grow through their trust and development assistance. Without you, everything would be meaningless!

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To receive an activation code, write a letter to the postal address and you will receive an activation code for your bonuses within 48 hours

And you will get access to the accompanying materials for the book, or to be more precise:

- audio version of the book (more precisely, the caste of my master group, which became the basis of the book)

- 3 video tutorials on cash flow control to help you increase your income by controlling money

- a ready-made list of negative beliefs so that you do not dig into yourself

- 30% discount on all programs of our project within 3 months

- 1 month free membership in the Financial Growth Club

For those who fully complete all the tasks of this book and send a report in their personal account, they will receive an incredible gift worth more than 300,000 rubles

Instead of introducing

I have known Alisher for over a year, from the time of joint training and selection to the international association of Russian-speaking coaches.

Even then I saw that he is a person who has a completely different approach to business and to communication with people. He has a mania to help other people. During those 2 weeks of active work, he tried to give great value to everyone with whom he contacted and that is why it was difficult not to remember him as a kind and open person.

And I would like to write about this book with pleasure.

I can safely call it a handbook-guide for those who strive not only for material freedom, but to develop comprehensively! It is read in one breath. Honest stories from Alisher's life inspire and motivate to achieve goals.

The book was written by a real person who does not stand still, but constantly improves and applies his knowledge in practice, and also helps other people to rise higher.

To gain your own power and strength, you need a special state of mind, high concentration and willpower. You need strong faith and a solid environment. Then takeoff is possible. A clear vision and self-confidence are essential elements of self-motivation. And the most important thing is to love money and use it with gratitude.

All this is included in the concept of millionaire thinking. Learn to take risks and make the right decisions. Help others 10 times more than they expect from you and then you can have a universal moment of monetary compensation. In the book, you will find all the necessary recommendations on how to do this and where to turn for help if you have any questions. Do not read this book if you are satisfied with your life and you are not in a hurry to change something in it.

Irina Fotland, Coach and NLP Trainer, I help people become richer!

It all starts with a decision

The most important thing that everyone needs to do at the very beginning of the journey. You need to make a clear decision, no matter what, to change your life and become financially free.

Many people say that they want to become rich, want to achieve something, but they do not make a clear decision that they will do it. This is what prevents them from getting results. If you want to change your life, you need to make a decision right now that no matter what, for laziness, disasters, etc., you will not stop in your development, you will change your life for the better. Only after such a decision will you begin to magically attract all the best events. The whole world will begin to help you achieve the most magical results.

It will not be your "want", "maybe", "someday". No, you decided that you will do it and it will be so. It is with this approach that you can change your life, no other approach will help you. Your task is now to make this decision.

Therefore, your assignment, write right now that you have decided to become rich and will do everything possible to achieve this goal:



And be sure to do it on paper!

This is important because when you write information on paper, it travels through your nervous system directly to your brain. If you want great results, you need to write down your goals, decisions, answers to questions, ideas, brainstorming.

It is then that your thinking will change at a phenomenal rate and you will attract into your life as many values, opportunities as you cannot even think of. You need to take and use these gifts of humanity, just look at the result.

You need to take responsibility for your life. It may seem strange, stupid, hackneyed, but I will not stop repeating, you need to take responsibility for yourself. This means that in no case do you ever accuse anyone in your life, neither the country, nor other people, nor circumstances. Because everything that happens in your life is your fault.

No matter how scary you are, you are the person who creates your life. You control it or you don’t control it. Every time you do something or not, you make a decision. That is why if you do not take action, that is also the solution. So you made a decision not to do it, sit in front of the TV, and you are to blame for your results.

What separates successful people from unsuccessful people?

People who are more successful, who make more money, take on a lot more responsibility than poor people. They take responsibility for themselves, for their business, for other people, employees of this business. So reconsider your life, what decisions did you make? What are you taking responsibility for? Ponder and be aware of this.

You are developing yourself or degrading. You need to analyze how your development is going. And from now on, promise that you will never blame circumstances or other people.

Now write a list of what you take responsibility for and it is very important that the list includes both positive and negative aspects of your life. For example, your income level, family quarrels, misunderstanding of people, illness, life circumstances, etc.




I take responsibility for:




- Why unleash your potential
- Why are you still not using your potential?
- 5 ways to unleash your capabilities
- How to reveal your inner talent?

When a person comes to this Earth, he necessarily has some goal. Someone calls it a destination, someone - a mission. And he certainly has a set of properties that will help him achieve his goal. These can be certain talents, certain character traits, a unique view of the world and events in it. The difficulty is that all of this is hidden. This is the potential that was originally given to us. I.e !

What is in you can not only help you fulfill your dreams. Most importantly, all this should help the world to become a better place. The world needs your potential. Unleash your potential. Then you can understand yourself and make your life happy. But then it will already be possible to give happiness to other people. Because we can only share what we ourselves are rich in.

Despite the fact that a person received the highest gift - freedom of choice, he still bears responsibility for personal development and for how much he reveals his potential.

If he does not do this, lives a life that is not determined by his goal, then he somehow pays for the choice made. He pays with an unhappy life, his health, loneliness ... All these are the results of his wrong choice of life path.

There is an interesting phrase: “The world is a big supermarket.
You can take everything, but do not forget that there is a cash desk ahead. "
That's how it is in life. Everyone can choose their own path. But the Universe still checks how correctly a person lives, whether he knows how to use the gifts that fate gave him.

- Why are you still not using your potential?

Each of us has certain talents and abilities. Successful people implement them in life, use their strengths. And people who have not yet achieved their goals cannot open up and allow themselves to express themselves. Their potential is hidden and there are several reasons for this. Here they are:

1) Lack of motivation.
If you do not know why you need to reveal your potential, then you do not really want to open it. Motivation is needed in any business. This is the key to success.
How to motivate yourself?

Imagine the result, what you are striving for. Use visualization for inspiration. Imagine a picture of your happy life every day. What will the realization of your talents give you? What can you achieve in life?

2) There is no faith in yourself.
If you think that you are a failure, then you will fail. You kill the desire to act in yourself and do not allow your talents to manifest.
What to do?

Raise self-esteem and self-confidence using self-hypnosis methods. For example, praise yourself for any victories and achievements every day in front of the mirror, or read self-hypnosis formulas. Tell yourself that you are talented, capable, and smart.

3) Laziness.
If you prefer to lie on the couch and watch TV, or do other things that are not related to your purpose, then stop behaving this way. Let go of feelings of laziness, only activity and determination can help you.

4) There are no clear guidelines.
One of the secrets to achieving success is knowing the goal. And there is no need to scatter. To unleash your potential, choose a direction and follow it.

How to do it?

Take pen and paper and write your PURPOSE. Think about what is most important to you? What do you want? In what area of \u200b\u200blife? Write down your answer. Then go for it, go to the end.

5) There is no desire to leave the comfort zone.
If you are comfortable in life now, then there is no desire to change anything. This is bad. Successful people are constantly evolving. And you must want it too. In order for your potential to unfold, you need to take risks and do something new.
How to put it into practice?

You have already chosen a target. They wrote it down on paper. Now think, what can you do that you haven't done yet? Do it.

- 5 ways to unleash your capabilities

1) Look for motivation.
If you want to reach your potential, you must make a conscious choice towards personal growth. Telling yourself that you are ready to change and develop will help you grow rapidly towards your goal. For additional motivation, you can read a variety of books and attend self-improvement workshops or connect with like-minded people.

2) Set goals.
Developing potential without a specific goal is pointless. Focus your attention on something very meaningful to you, things that you want to achieve in the near future. Perhaps you want to be a successful businessman or famous sportsman. Remember, however, that each person is a unique person, there are no universal ways to unleash potential. Look for goals that are truly interesting to you, important to you at the moment, and achievable in the long term.

3) Do not give up and work in a planned manner.
The goal you have set for yourself may seem elusive. You may have doubts about the reality of achieving them. Your task is to fight against such thoughts and move forward, solving all the tasks before you. By doing so, you will prove to yourself that you are capable of solving the most difficult problems. For example, if you decide to go to the gym, you may have doubts that you will ever be able to lift a barbell weighing 100 kg. Your task is to start small, turn the exercise into a simple routine, and then move on, gradually increasing the weight. In this way, step by step, you will unleash your potential.

4) Record achievements.
Self-doubt, as well as lack of motivation, often appear due to the fact that a person does not see the dynamics of changes in his own achievements. Create a blog or blog on the internet. Write down all your successes, no matter how significant they were. For example, "Did 50 push-ups", "Attracted the first 10 customers" or "Lost 10 kg", etc. Whenever you have doubts about the correctness of your actions, re-read your notes, remind yourself that you have already achieved great results.

5) Take yourself as a benchmark.
When reaching your potential, never compare yourself to other people. It doesn't make sense because there will always be those who are very successful in the same business, as there will be those who lag behind you. Focus on your own abilities, set new goals and keep growing without looking back at others.

- How to reveal your inner talent?

The answer is simple enough. You need to live Here and Now.

Drop the past and the future. This is all an illusion. The only reality is to be Here and Now. Live now. Moreover, it does not matter how you manage to achieve this state. It doesn't matter if you are rich or poor, your age doesn't matter. Only one thing is important - life here and now.

If you constantly ask yourself the question of how to reveal your inner potential, cast aside doubts and fill yourself with the confidence that you have unlimited inner potential already here and now. You already have everything you need. We are all created in the image and likeness of God. Our task is to manifest in ourselves the inner power of potential.

You can show strength in yourself and understand how to unleash your potential with the help of the internal resources that are given to you at birth: special talents, knowledge, skills, strength, confidence, love, as well as positive thinking and a positive attitude, which are acquired by working on yourself ...

Work on yourself should be daily, every minute, every second. Define your mission and start building your life in accordance with your life purpose.

Remember that the main purpose of a person is to create, to create something that benefits people. For the sake of creativity, we come to this world.

Realize, remember your innermost dream, it is your dream that will give you the strength to act when the question arises of how to unleash your potential.

Remember what you dreamed about in childhood or adolescence, what you loved to do. Decide what kind of business you would be engaged in if you had everything you need for life, that is, you would not have to work for money.

Begin to confidently act in accordance with your life goals and plan. And your inner potential will unfold quickly and easily. When a person does what he loves, his potential expands more and more. At the same time, take 100% responsibility for your life, realizing that you are the Creator of your life.

If you really want to "grow" all your life, improve and develop, revealing your inner potential, then learn to be inquisitive, like children. Cultivate your curiosity. It is not difficult for curious people to understand how to reveal their inner potential. They quickly find something to do and enjoy their lives.

Sometimes it happens that it is difficult for a person to cope independently with questions concerning his potential. In this case, you need to ask for help from a person who is at a higher level of development of consciousness, who has passed this path and knows how to help you to reveal your potential.

Alternatively, you can stick to the following rule: "If what you are doing does not work, do something else." Change your behavior. Be flexible. Remember that talented and successful people have so many ways to react to situations. The more internal strategies you have, the better your chances of success. You have all the resources you need for.

Material prepared by Dilyara specially for the site

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1. Successful "losers"

Just returned with my wife from Tony Robbins' four-day Unleash the Power Within (UPW) seminar - "Unleash Your Hidden Potential", which took place in London from April 27-30.

The scale of this event is striking: ten thousand five hundred people from sixty-seven countries, one thousand two hundred people from Russia (last year there were three hundred and sixty), four days of full immersion and work on oneself from early morning until late at night.

80% of the audience are business owners, top managers, established and very successful people. I met Andrei Parabellum there, who had a training in Japan a couple of weeks ago, noticed the guys from Business of Youth. All these people came to make another breakthrough in their business and their lives, to reach new heights.

A friend of mine once expressed the idea that Tony Robbins is a charlatan, and such self-development seminars are a wiring for insecure losers who are not capable of anything, and who lack their own internal motivation for success. (The acquaintance himself, by the way, did not particularly succeed in life).

This is an interesting point of view if you count world stars, billionaires and politicians like Anthony Hopkins, Mother Teresa, Serena Williams, Andre Agassi, Leonardo DiCaprio, Nelson Mandela, Hugh Jackman, Larry King, Mike Tyson, Bill Clinton and dozens of others who are coached Tony Robbins, losers. Hard to believe, right?

It seems, nevertheless, that losers are those who lie with beer on the couch in front of the TV set, complain about life and at the same time spit saliva about how bad and dangerous everything around is, and that it is better not to make sudden movements, not to take risks, because that the one who takes the risk can lose everything, "and in our country it is definitely impossible to take risks - I know!" "Oh, how scary, citizens, to live ..." (c).

At this seminar, observing its participants, I was finally convinced that success and joy await them in life, because they found the strength and courage to believe in what the majority of people deny: we can change our lives, and we can reach whatever, If only really let us want it, and we will use our mind not as a limiter, but as an accelerator. The question is not not to take risks, but to take risks in a smart way, take risks listening to your inner voice.

2.UPW vs.DWD

Last December I was at another Tony's Date with Destiny (DWD) seminar - "Date with Destiny" (you can read about this in post # 9), and now I was interested in comparing the two seminars.

What is the main difference? DWD is a more thoughtful, more painstaking seminar, the study there goes on a deeper level than at UPW. UPW is shorter (four days instead of six) and more energetic. UPW is pure energy, this is drive, this is a Big Bang, from which a completely new person can turn out, with a new history and a new destiny. DWD, on the other hand, is polishing and cutting, it is bringing to perfection. Conditional perfection, of course, because the process of working on yourself should never stop. Perfection is not a result, but a process.

DWD also has a lot of work with the audience, a lot of real stories and cases, UPW simply doesn't have time for that. But this does not mean that UPW is worse, it is different. There were practices that gave a lot of insights and drive. What is just walking on coals! This practice just perfectly demonstrated how our mind can deceive us, and limit our movements and development.

On the very first day, Taya told me: “I will not go over the coals. I AM i can not understand, how can you not get burned at a temperature of a thousand degrees! It's impossible". But it turned out to be possible. True, only in a certain state of charge and confidence, which Tony helps to achieve.

As a result, both I and Taya passed, and all 10,000 people, after that the joy, adrenaline and drive just went off scale. I have not seen this kind of energy at any event in my life (by the way, this is another reason why I like Tony's seminars).

Conclusion: not everything in this life needs to be understood, analyzed and put on the shelves. There are things you just have to believe and let them happen.

3. How I went to my own hell

For four days there were many practices (a thick notebook was filled up), many meditations, many crazy dances and discos, but there was one exercise that surpassed all others in its depth and intensity, and which was very important for me personally. It was called "The Dickens Process" and took several hours, including preparation.

The meaning of the exercise is to identify your negative beliefs and attitudes in life, clearly see their impact on your life, understand where they will lead you, get rid of them and replace them with other, positive beliefs.

As you can imagine, everyone has their own set of cockroaches in their heads. I will share mine 🙂

My top three negative beliefs in life were:

1. Do not do business in our country. Is it dangerous. In our country impossible achieve business success. If you want to normal life, you must be content with being employed.

2. I have no talents and there is nothing that could interest other people in me.

3. Life is hard. Life is pain and suffering. Life is always stress first and foremost.

Cool, isn't it? A very interesting "soup set" with which I lived for 37 years. Where would this “bouquet” lead me in 20 years? I would have at least a chance to become happy? Could i at least try be realized? Could I achieve freedom? Would I be able to achieve financial independence? The answer is obvious.

By the way, many people with whom we later worked in pairs noted this attitude in life: "I am ordinary" instead of "I am unique", although each person in fact unique and no two people are identical.

Note that I did not formulate these beliefs before the workshop. They were always with me and controlled me, I subconsciously felt them, but I never formulated, did not clearly realize. Tony helps to articulate them with his exercises. It was easier for me to do this after all the prep work I did at DWD in December.

Then, through meditation, Tony plunges you into a future state and makes you very intensely feel what will happen to your life, first in 5, then in 10, then in 20 years. During this exercise, children are taken out of the hall, because this is not a sight for the faint of heart: ten thousand people are standing with their eyes closed in almost complete darkness and howling, moaning, cursing, screaming in pain. People get physically hurt, someone bends over from the weight of the "seen" future, someone holds on to their stomach, someone to their heart, tears are pouring down their cheeks. I think this is what hell looks like. It lasts about 20 minutes, but it seems like an eternity.

This is followed by rewriting these beliefs, replacing them with others, positive and productive, testing them in the future state and recording them into the body (voice, movements, facial expressions), working with a partner, working in groups. Tony, it's over, just an NLP virtuoso! To be fair, I note that Dickens is the darkest exercise, the rest of the workshop is much more positive and life-affirming.

4. Goodbye Tony ?! Hi Tony!

In my opinion, I already wrote about this in an earlier post, but I'll make a reservation again: everyone leaves this seminar with their own script, in which there is nothing from Tony Robbins... Not a word. And that's why Tony Robbins is not a sect, not a cult, or a religion. Tony doesn't teach you anything and doesn't tell you what to do, he just gives you the tools so that you yourself understand what you need and how to get there. This is a classic coaching, masterly performed by a master for ten thousand people at the same time, mixed with a disco, a get-together, humor, stories and positive. An incomparable experience.

A lot of people drive Tony regularly. At first I did not understand what the joke was and asked myself the question: will I go again? It seems that he arrived, sorted out his beliefs and fears (there are several practices separately for working with fears), recharged, and why go else? But now I know for sure that I will go again and again, not every year, of course, but regularly. There are several reasons for this.

Our development should not stop for a second. And in a year, two, five, twenty, I will be completely different. In addition, life goes on as usual, the situation is changing in career, and in finances, and in health, and in relationships. Therefore, from time to time you need to work with a coach in order to understand: am I going there? Do I like my life? Am I happy? What do I want and can change?

You can find the answer to these questions at the seminar, and at the same time recharge your energy, communicate with like-minded people, grow both emotionally and intellectually, and, of course, learn from the Master those exercises and coaching techniques that change people's lives.

P.S. I want to say a special THANKS and respect to the guys from Meet Partners, who organized the group's departure from Russia and the CIS! Gil and Katya Petersil and the whole-all-whole team: You are just Fire! I sincerely admire your work. Grow three and a half times in a year - it's cool! Great job!


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