Analysis of the assortment of the pharmacy organization of brands. Pharmacy economics organization of pharmacy activities. Pharmacy assortment structuring


Chapter 1. Marketing approaches to the study of the pharmaceutical market of medicines

1 The value of marketing research in the study of the drug market

2 Methods for analyzing a range of medicines

Chapter 2. Marketing analysis of the range of oxacillin-based drugs

1 Commodity characteristics of oxacillin (classification group taking into account various classifications, pharmacological action, use, storage and dispensing from the pharmacy)

1.2 Classification groups

1.3 Release forms

2 Analysis of the range of oxacillin-based medicinal products approved for use in the country by the number of trade names, by release form, by countries, manufacturing firms, by registration dates)


List of references

Appendix 1

marketing medicinal commodity science oxacillin


Infectious diseases have been known to mankind since ancient times, when epidemics covered vast territories, including entire states and peoples. No wonder infectious diseases are called "pestilences".

Infectious diseases are diseases that are caused and maintained by the presence in the body of a living damaging foreign agent - the pathogen. It enters into a complex biological interaction with the human body, which leads to an infectious process, then an infectious disease. The infectious process is the interaction of the pathogen and the human body under certain environmental conditions; the body responds to the effect of the pathogen with protective reactions. Concept infection means the state of infection of the organism and manifests itself in the form of a disease or carrier.

Infectious diseases are a serious global problem. According to the World Health Organization, 16 million people die from them every year. Despite the differences in the structure of the causes of mortality, this problem is acute not only for developing countries, but also for the prosperous states of Western Europe and North America, as well as Russia. As it was emphasized at the G8 summit in St. Petersburg, this dictates the need to reduce the negative impact of infectious diseases on the population, as well as on the healthcare system and the economy of various countries.

The main group of drugs used in the treatment of infectious diseases are antibiotics. The invention of antimicrobial drugs became one of the most important events in medicine of the 20th century and opened the era of antibiotic therapy, thanks to which the possibility of etiotropic therapy of infectious diseases appeared. At present, a huge number of synthetic and biosynthetic antibiotics are known to be active against various groups of microorganisms, and, therefore, various infectious diseases caused by them. The appointment of antibiotics is justified only if laboratory tests confirm the presence of a specific pathogen microorganism. Based on the results of the data obtained, the doctor selects an antibiotic based on information about the sensitivity of the identified microorganism. In the case of inadequate selection of the drug, the therapeutic effect may not only fail, but the patient's health will also be harmed. Self-medication with antibiotics is prohibited because it leads to the formation of antibiotic resistance of bacterial strains, which in turn increases mortality and also increases treatment costs.

The drugs of the antibiotic group are one of the most widely used groups of drugs (MPs) used in various fields of clinical medicine. Medicines for the treatment of infectious diseases rank fourth in the world in terms of sales. Among them, antibiotics account for a significant proportion.

The world market for antibiotics is estimated at about $ 22.5 billion and in different countries accounts for 6-21% of the total pharmaceutical market. The leading pharmacotherapeutic classes by sales volume include cephalosporins, broad-spectrum penicillins and macrolides.

Currently, the pharmaceutical market of the Russian Federation is oversaturated with drugs of antibiotic structure and their range is constantly expanding, the need for marketing research in this area, which is relevant and promising, is revealed.

One of the modern representatives of the class of antibiotics is oxacillin - it is a bactericidal antibiotic from the group of semi-synthetic penicillins, resistant to the action of penicillinase. The drug blocks the synthesis of the bacterial cell wall by disrupting the late stages of peptidoglycan synthesis (prevents the formation of peptide bonds by inhibiting transpeptidase), and causes lysis of dividing bacterial cells. Active against gram-positive microorganisms: Staphylococcus spp. (including those producing penicillinase), Streptococcus spp., incl. Streptococcus pneumoniae, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Bacillus anthracis, anaerobic spore-forming rods, gram-negative cocci (Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Neisseria meningitidis), Actinomyces spp., Treponema spp. Inactive against most gram-negative bacteria, rickettsia, viruses, protozoa, fungi. Resilience develops slowly.

The purpose of this work is to conduct a marketing analysis of the range of drugs based on the drug oxacillin.

To achieve the goal, you must complete the following tasks:

Examine the value of marketing research in the study of the drug market.

Consider the main methods for analyzing the assortment of drugs.

Carry out a merchandising characterization of drugs based on the INN drug oxacillin.

Examine the range of antibiotics based on the INN oxacillin.

Objects of research: statistical, accounting reports of pharmacies, publications of scientific journals, register of medicines, etc.


1.1 General characteristics of marketing in pharmacy

Trade, or exchange, seems to have existed throughout human history, albeit at first on a limited scale. Nevertheless, marketing as a leading force in society is a relatively new phenomenon. He could not become something really important until humanity began to produce more than is necessary to meet immediate vital needs. In different parts of the world, this happened at different times. It is for this reason that the level of understanding of the laws of marketing differs throughout the world, although the rapid development of international trade is gradually smoothing out the differences.

Marketing is the process of planning and implementing activities related to product creation, pricing, marketing and distribution of goods, services and ideas through the exchange of consumers and organizations in order to meet needs. The concept of marketing implies that the primary goal of an organization should be customer satisfaction, not profit maximization. In other words, the organization must be customer-focused, strive to understand their needs and meet them quickly and efficiently in a way that is beneficial to both the customer and the organization itself. This means that any organization should strive to obtain both information about the needs of customers and information that will help determine how these needs can be met most effectively. However, one should not forget about the financial interests of the organization itself, since in a market economy this seems impossible.

Market research is a critical part of the system that provides such data. There are two schools of marketing research: on the one hand, supporters of the formalization of research and its results, i.e., the use of quantitative assessments, the use of statistical and econometric models, etc., and, on the other, supporters of informal analysis, qualitative assessments, graphical models ... In specific marketing research, a high degree of formalization of the research process (the use of a mathematical apparatus, methods of statistical modeling, etc.) is often combined with an informal, descriptive characteristic of the phenomena and processes under study, and qualitative assessments. Marketing research methodology allows you to successfully combine both of these areas. It should be emphasized that the following statistical methods are most widely used in the list of marketing analysis methods: absolute, average and relative values; time series and distribution series; groupings; index analysis; graphic method, trend models, expert assessment methods. The choice of analysis methods is dictated by a number of factors: the essence of the processes and phenomena under study, the degree of urgency for obtaining conclusions, the structure of information, the availability or limited information, the possibilities of using computer technology, etc.

Marketing research can improve the quality of management decisions by providing relevant, accurate and timely information. Each specific decision involves the presentation of a unique need for information. The information that can be obtained as a result of marketing research contributes to the development of adequate strategies. Marketing research is the process of connecting an organization with consumers and the public through information that is used to identify marketing opportunities and challenges; generating, adjusting and evaluating marketing activities; monitoring of marketing activities; improving understanding of marketing as a process. In the course of marketing research, they receive the information necessary to solve existing problems, develop methods for collecting information, analyze it and formulate recommendations that are communicated to stakeholders. Marketing information is numbers, facts, information, estimates and other data needed to analyze and predict marketing activities. It must be up-to-date, credible, focused, complete and relevant.

The collection of information about the market, goods and services, needs and their demand, competitors and prices is carried out in the audit process - this is the name of the marketing research necessary to conduct a situational analysis of the external environment and the activities of the organization itself.

Currently, the concept of social and ethical marketing dominates the world market. The tasks of pharmaceutical marketing are quite consistent with this concept. The most complete definition of this type of marketing belongs to N. B. Dremova, according to which marketing in pharmacy is the management activity of pharmacy enterprises to optimally meet the needs of the population in goods to preserve and strengthen health, at the same time contributing to the improvement of the financial performance of a pharmacy enterprise and strengthening its market position in competitive environment. The main tasks of pharmaceutical marketing are the formation of an assortment of goods and a constant consumer audience, the organization of sales and promotion of goods, and an increase in consumer satisfaction.

As noted above, the activities of any organization are aimed both at meeting the needs of consumers and at making a profit. In this regard, it is necessary to stimulate demand, try to interest the consumer and encourage him to make a purchase. However, the demand for medicines (drugs) is quite specific and has a number of differences compared to the demand for other goods.

Stimulating drug demand through pharmaceutical marketing leads to market transparency, and attempts to manage demand by controlling information flows and restricting marketing make market mechanisms ineffective.

The free flow of information is vital to a market economy whose primary goal is to meet consumer needs. In healthcare, patients, doctors and insurance companies make their choice of goods and services based on their own goals and assessments of the economic situation. In order to make an informed choice, each of these players needs complete information about the availability, cost and quality of competing products and services.

In an efficient health product market, the supply / demand ratio is constantly changing under the influence of information that is disseminated through the marketing mix. This is the classic role of marketing in an economic system. However, it is believed that by stimulating demand for products and services, marketing increases health care costs, forcing the system to unnecessarily and in excessive amounts of drugs. However, decisions about the value of a drug are best made by consumers who know their personal needs and are able to make the right decisions about value for money if they have high-quality and truthful information.

Of course, the system is imperfect, and sometimes drugs are used for other purposes, but their poor use due to a low level of patient adherence to treatment or due to the fact that the doctor did not prescribe them is much more common and costs society much more. Compared to other treatments, medication is usually the cheapest way to get effective results, and underutilization of medication leads to higher treatment costs rather than savings.

Information about drugs is needed to ensure market transparency, so it is important that marketing practices are organized properly and the information is correct. Examples of inappropriate marketing practices by pharmaceutical companies include misinformation, unproven allegations, or bribes (hidden or obvious). Therefore, the quality of information should be controlled, but not its quantity.

It is especially important that any changes in the drug market are carefully considered and do not disrupt the market efficiency achieved by several decades of development. The biggest disadvantages of marketing in the health system relate to the fair distribution of goods and services, including medicines. Therefore, the task of politicians is to ensure the general availability of medicines without destroying the effectiveness, efficiency and innovation of the existing system.

In addition to the main activity related to the definition and satisfaction of consumer needs, marketing must perform an additional task - to prove to organizations that pay for treatment, the economic value of the product. Government, health care organizations, employers, and other health care purchasers are scrutinizing the prices and value of all therapies, including drugs.

In the 1980s, pharmaceutical companies began to respond positively to these new market needs. They began to consider technology assessments and proofs of value as the new rules of the game. Major companies began to provide cost-benefit analysis data, confident (and for good reason) that the market demand for this kind of information would increase.

Pharmaceutical companies have played a critical role in shaping, financing and improving a new field of knowledge called pharmacoeconomics. The first fruitful efforts in this area were undertaken no later than 1977 by Smith, Kline & French, which demonstrated the radical economic benefits of using cimetidine as an alternative to gastric ulcer surgery. In 1981, Duncan Neuhauser, Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health at Case Western Reserve University, reviewed the company's economic research, praised its contribution, and expressed support for conducting such an analysis "across a wide range of medical interventions."

Pharmacoeconomics has continued to evolve, and the scientific literature is now replete with comparisons of alternative drug treatments to each other, comparisons with other treatments, and estimates of the value of a drug relative to its price.

These currents have become the driving force behind market processes. The number of published evaluations of various drugs from the point of view of pharmacoeconomics has grown rapidly lately. The research covered areas such as quality of life assessment, treatment outcome measurement, and decision analysis. Companies pay particular attention to ensuring that pharmacoeconomic research is an informative and scientifically sound component of the product marketing strategy. The technologies they invented today are used as powerful decision-making tools by various bodies and government officials.

Thus, it should be noted that as Russia enters civilized market relations, realizing the role of marketing as a tool to increase the efficiency of solving various problems of society's life, the role of marketing will increase and its tools will increasingly adapt to specific market conditions and the specifics of the activities of individual organizations. including pharmaceuticals.

2 Methods for studying the range of medical and pharmaceutical products

The modern pharmaceutical market in Russia is characterized by a steady growth in the range of products. Over the past decade, there has been a significant expansion, replenishment and deepening of the range of all major groups of medical and pharmaceutical products. This trend is especially pronounced for drugs. If at the beginning of the 90s of the last century in the country it was allowed to use 1.5-2 thousand names of drugs, then in 2011 this figure was, taking into account the forms of production, over 20 thousand items.

There have been qualitative changes in the assortment associated with the introduction of new drug groups in terms of the mechanism of action or chemical structure and individual original drugs. However, to a greater extent, the increase in the product range is associated with the registration on the Russian pharmaceutical market of a large number of generic drugs - generics of foreign and domestic manufacturers. This significantly increased the possibilities of choosing the necessary drugs, taking into account modern approaches to pharmacotherapy of various pathological conditions, individual characteristics of the course of diseases, consumer preferences of end consumers.

For workers of services and health care institutions organizing drug supply to the population, an urgent problem is the formation of a rational assortment policy that contributes to both meeting needs and strengthening the market position of a pharmaceutical organization. For this purpose, a detailed marketing analysis of the range of drugs registered with the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and authorized for drug circulation on the Russian pharmaceutical market is required. In this regard, we will briefly touch on the main methods of studying the range of medical and pharmaceutical goods.

The concept of marketing analysis of the range of drugs presented on the Russian pharmaceutical market, developed by the staff of Kursk State Medical University (N.B.Dremova, E.V. Reprintseva, O.V. Khorlyakova, T.A. Oleinikova), includes the stages of preparing a systematized list Medicines designed to meet the needs of target segments of the pharmaceutical market, and its analysis for a number of different items, including the names of active substances, drugs, companies and countries of origin, composition, origin, dosage forms, novelty and other characteristics. This concept has been repeatedly tested on the example of individual drug groups.

In addition, one of the main conditions for the formation of a rational assortment policy, which allows increasing the market capacity and improving drug supply to the population, is the study of the competitiveness of drugs. Dremova N.B. et al. an algorithm for assessing the competitiveness of drugs for wholesale and retail pharmaceutical organizations is proposed. A step-by-step study includes the selection of drugs for comparison, the study of competitiveness parameters, the calculation of their weights, the calculation of the integral indicator of competitiveness, taking into account the consumer and economic indices. The results of the study allow us to identify the most competitive drugs that can be recommended for inclusion in the assortment portfolio of a pharmaceutical organization.

ABC and XYZ analyzes are also applicable to form the assortment portfolio of purchases. ABC analysis is based on Pareto's law, or the 20/80 rule, which means that 80% of sales are obtained from the sale of 20% of product names. These products constitute the most valuable group - A, which requires constant and scrupulous accounting and control, since its share in the range is 20 (15)%, and in sales - 75-80%. Group B - less important goods: their share in the assortment is 30 (20)%, and in sales - 15-20%. Group C - low-value goods for the pharmacy, as their share in sales is 5-10%, and in the assortment - 50 (75)%. Thus, using this method, it is possible to identify the most important assortment items of drugs, which must necessarily be included in the procurement portfolio for sale to the population.

Currently, various modifications of the ABC-analysis method have been developed. An example is the two-factor ABC analysis according to the method of P.V. Grek, the essence of which is to bring the two-factor analysis into a convenient visual form for one index, as well as to replace the Lorentz curve, illustrating the Pareto rule, by the “Commodity loop”, which well shows the turnover of goods .analysis is an assessment of the significance of the analyzed goods depending on the frequency of consumption or variation in implementation. It allows you to structure the assortment by the factor of consumption stability and the ability to predict changes in demand. Group X includes products with occasional minor fluctuations; for them, as a rule, the sales forecast has a high accuracy (50-55% of the total number of assortment items), therefore, it is possible to create stocks. Group Y consists of consumer goods with known trends; when forecasting, the sale of goods has an average forecast accuracy (about 30% of the total assortment). Group Z includes goods without an identified pattern of consumption, therefore it is difficult or impossible to develop a forecast of their consumption (approximately 15-20% of the total assortment), so these goods are purchased as the need arises.

The analysis of the assortment of drugs can be carried out according to medical prescriptions. In this case, the analysis is carried out according to the following sources of information: prescriptions, outpatient cards, medical records. The sample can be continuous for a certain period of time (10 days, month, quarter, year) or special (for individual medical specialists, for certain types of morbidity, etc.). The information obtained can be processed using computer technology, for which the statistical characteristics of the sample, the intensity factors of prescriptions (consumption), as well as the completeness (degree) of the use of the range of drugs by pharmaco-therapeutic groups are calculated.

Sociological methods of assortment research are quite effective, allowing you to quickly obtain operational information based on public opinion. In this case, such methods of obtaining information as a questionnaire and interviewing can be used. These methods are used to study the demographic and social structure of consumers, the impact of their individual needs on the overall picture of demand. There is a mathematical algorithm that allows you to calculate the actual demand for individual goods and use them in managing the formation of the assortment.

In addition, sociological methods of assortment research use such a technique as expert assessments - obtaining and studying the opinions of specialists in a particular industry related to the drug market. The methods of questioning experts include: interviewing, correspondence questioning, mixed questionnaires and business games (a method in which questions are not asked to an expert, but his reactions to a change in the situation are recorded). To obtain expert assessments that most accurately reflect the essence of the analyzed phenomenon, it is necessary to involve highly competent specialists in this field in the examination. It should also be remembered that the accuracy of assessments depends not only on the competence of experts, but also on their interest in the results, on the conscientious attitude towards the work of both experts and organizers.

There is a method for studying the assortment of drugs, called grading. This method is a qualitative assessment of the trade nomenclature of a particular institution using attributive and alternative characteristics such as: drugs "favorable" and "unfavorable" conjuncture, "risk" group, etc. It can be carried out based on the results of statistical processing of questionnaires for expert assessment of the therapeutic efficacy of drugs. The calculated weighted average scores for drugs are grouped and rounded up within the conventional points boundaries. Based on the results of grouping the weighted average estimates, it is possible to calibrate the assortment of drugs under study. At the same time, the following groups of drugs are distinguished: with a "favorable" market environment - these are highly effective drugs that enjoy the "authority" of experts; pharmacies are recommended to increase the volume of purchases of these drugs; Drugs of the “risk” group are drugs that have certain shortcomings, their sales tend to stabilize or decrease in demand, which requires informed decisions on their procurement; Drugs with “unfavorable” market conditions are a group of drugs that are not in demand or have serious side effects; the decision to purchase such drugs should be negative; unvalued drugs are drugs that this group of experts is not familiar with; in most cases, this group includes new drugs that have appeared on the Russian pharmaceutical market in the last 3-5 years and which have not yet been available in this market segment.

As can be seen from the above, a comprehensive study of the assortment of drugs of a certain group allows you to obtain a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the range of drugs that satisfy a specific need, taking into account their classification, technological and production characteristics.

The results of the analysis are necessary for the subsequent study of the availability and use of the corresponding groups of drugs in regional and local pharmaceutical markets. On their basis, recommendations are developed for the formation of the optimal range of drugs in pharmaceutical organizations.


1 Commodity characteristics of oxacillin-based drugs

1.1 Description of pharmaceutical properties

Oxacillin is a bactericidal antibiotic from the group of semi-synthetic penicillins, resistant to the action of penicillinase. Blocks the synthesis of the bacterial cell wall by disrupting the late stages of peptidoglycan synthesis (prevents the formation of peptide bonds by inhibiting transpeptidase), causes lysis of dividing bacterial cells.

Active against gram-positive microorganisms: Staphylococcus spp. (including those producing penicillinase), Streptococcus spp., incl. Streptococcus pneumoniae, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Bacillus anthracis, anaerobic spore-forming rods, gram-negative cocci (Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Neisseria meningitidis), Actinomyces spp., Treponema spp.

Inactive against most gram-negative bacteria, rickettsia, viruses, protozoa, fungi. Resilience develops slowly.


Absorption is fast and complete. Stable in slightly acidic environments. The connection with plasma proteins is about 90%. T1 / 2 - 30 min. The time to reach Cmax after i / m administration is 1-2 hours, the concentration rapidly decreases by 4 hours. When administered parenterally, higher concentrations are achieved in the blood than when taken orally. In pleural fluid it is found in a concentration of up to 10%, synovial and ascitic fluid - 50%, bile - 5-8% in relation to its concentration in blood serum. Does not penetrate through the intact BBB, with inflammation of the meninges, penetration is enhanced. Penetrates the placental barrier and is found in breast milk. More than 40% after i / m administration is quickly excreted by the kidneys, with bile - 10%.

Indications for use:

Infectious diseases caused by gram-positive microorganisms that produce and do not produce penicillinase:





Postoperative, wound infections, infected burns;

Bacterial endocarditis;



Dosing regimen:

Adults and children over 6 years old - 2-4 g /

Children under the age of 3 months - 60-80 mg / kg /, from 3 months to 2 years - 1 g /, from 2 to 6 years - 2 g /

Newborns and premature babies - 20-40 mg / kg /

Side effect:

Allergic reactions: pruritus, urticaria, less often angioedema, bronchospasm, in rare cases anaphylactic shock, eosinophilia.

From the digestive system: dyspepsia (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea); pseudomembranous enterocolitis, oral candidiasis; hepatotoxic effect - more often develops when administered at a dose above 6 g / (hyperthermia, nausea, vomiting, yellowness of the sclera or skin, increased activity of hepatic transaminases).

From the genitourinary system: hematuria, proteinuria, interstitial nephritis, vaginal candidiasis.


Hypersensitivity, incl. to other beta-lactam antibiotics.

With caution: a history of allergic reactions and / or bronchial asthma, chronic renal failure (CRF), enterocolitis in the presence of antibiotics (in history).

With care: chronic renal failure.

Special instructions:

It is inappropriate to use for infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to benzylpenicillin.

Drug interaction:

Increases the toxicity of methotrexate (competition for tubular secretion).

Increased doses of calcium folinate (antidote to folic acid antagonists) and longer use may be required.

The combination of ampicillin or benzylpenicillin with oxacillin is rational, since the latter, by inhibiting the activity of penicillinase, thereby reduces the destruction of ampicillin and benzylpenicillin. The range of action with this combination becomes wider.

It is necessary to avoid combined use with other drugs that have a hepatotoxic effect.

Drugs that block tubular secretion increase the concentration of oxacillin in the blood.

Antacids and laxatives reduce the absorption of the drug from the gastrointestinal tract.

Pharmacy dispensing conditions:

The drug is available by prescription.

Storage conditions and terms:

List B. Keep out of the reach of children, in a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. Shelf life is 2 years.

2.1.2 Classification groups

Anatomical-therapeutic-chemical classification (ATC) - an international classification that takes into account the pharmacological group of the drug, its chemical nature and the nosology of the disease for which the drug is intended to be treated. - Antimicrobial drugs for systemic use - Antimicrobial drugs for systemic use C- Beta-lactam antibiotics - Penicillins CF - Penicillins resistant to beta-lactamases

J01CF04 - Oxacillin<#"justify">2.1.3 Forms of release

fl. oxacillin (in the form of sodium salt) 1 g.

Powder for preparation of solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration of white or almost white, hygroscopic.

Powder for preparation of solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration of white or almost white, hygroscopic.

fl. oxacillin (in the form of sodium salt) 250 mg.

Powder for preparation of solution for intramuscular injection of white or almost white color, hygroscopic.

fl. oxacillin (in the form of sodium salt) 500 mg.

500 mg tablets; 250 mg;.

2.2 Marketing research of oxacillin-based drugs in the Russian and regional pharmaceutical market

2.2.1. Research subjects and methods

In the course of the marketing analysis of the range of drugs based on oxacillin, a concept was used, the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich is a step-by-step analysis of the range according to specific characteristics: country of origin, dosage forms, registration in the Russian Federation, and also by composition.

Observation of the market situation was carried out on the basis of content analysis of official sources of information about drugs: the State Register of Medicines (2013), the Register of Medicines of Russia (2006-2010), the Vidal directory (2011), the directory of synonyms for drugs ( 2011, 2013), as well as on the basis of 11 pharmacies of the city of Kursk - pharmacy No. 6 JSC Kurskaya Pharmacy (Pavlunovskogo st., 5), pharmacy No. 122 JSC Kurskaya Pharmacy (K. Marksa st., 65 a) , pharmacy No. 3 Kurskaya Pharmacy OJSC (Internationalnaya St., 79), Avicenna Pharmacy LLC (Zapolnaya St., 47), Alla LLC (Zapolnaya St., 41), Alla LLC (st.Studencheskaya, 1), Farmakor (st.Radishcheva, 80), IE Kholyavina M.M. (Dimitrova st., 37-b), Be healthy (Lenin st., 30), Healer (Radishcheva st., 87/7), IP Kustavinov A.N. (avenue Khrushchev, 12).

2.2.2 Research process

Analysis period: March - April 2014.

At the initial stage, the assortment of drugs based on oxacillin, registered in the territory of the Russian Federation at the beginning of 2014, based on official literature sources, was studied. The analysis included drugs of all dosage forms. In total, in the course of content analysis, 18 TH and 26 LP were selected, the results of systematization of which are presented in tables in absolute terms (number) and relative values \u200b\u200b(percentage of subgroups).

The structure of the assortment of the studied group of drugs, established during the marketing analysis, is presented in Appendix 1.

2.3 Marketing research of oxacillin-based drugs in the Russian pharmaceutical market

In the structure of the assortment by country - manufacturer, the share of domestic drugs predominates - 88.5% (23 drugs), foreign manufacturers account for 11.5% (3 drugs) (Table 1, Fig. 2).

Thus, the main country producing INN Oksacillin is Russia (88.5%). An analysis of the assortment in the structure of foreign manufacturing countries showed that in total, proposals from 2 countries were registered in the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Among them, in terms of the number of drugs, India is the leader - 2 drugs (7.7%), the Republic of Belarus is in second place - 1 drug (3.8%).

Table 1

Country - manufacturer K - in proposals (drugs) Share,% FirmQuantity Share,% Russia 2388.5% Biosynthesis JSC 27.7 Biochemist JSC 27.7 Synthesis JSC 1038.5 Shchelkovo Vitamin Plant JSC 13.8 Bryntsalov-A JSC 519.3 Kraspharma JSC 27.7 Akrikhin KhFK JSC 13.8 Republic of Belarus , 8% Borisov Plant of Medical Products RUE13.8India27.7% Ranbaxi Laboratories Limited27.7Total: 26100% 26100.0

Fig. 2 Countries of origin of oxacillin-based drugs (%)

Among manufacturing plants, the largest number of drugs is produced by JSC Sintez (Russia, Kurgan) - 38.5% (10 drugs), in second place is CJSC Bryntsalov-A (Russia, Moscow) - 19.3% (5 drugs) ... The third place is shared by OJSC Biosynthesis (Russia, Penza), OJSC Biochemist (Russia, Saransk), OJSC Krasfarma (Russia, Moscow) and Ranbaxi Laboratories Limited (India). Slightly more than 10% of the market for oxacillin preparations is divided among themselves by 3 manufacturers: JSC Shchelkovsky Vitamin Plant (Russia, Shchelkovo), JSC Akrikhin KhFK (Russia, Moscow Region) and RUP Borisov Plant of Medical Preparations (Republic of Belarus) (Fig. 3) ...

Fig. 3. Manufacturers of drugs based on oxacillin (%)

Analysis of drug registration numbers showed that the Russian pharmaceutical market was actively updated only in the first years of the 21st century.

table 2

Dynamics of registration of oxacillin preparations in the Russian pharmaceutical market

No. of registration Year of registration LP registered Total Share,% 1200 427.72200513.83200627.742007415.4520081350.06201027.77201127.7 Total: 26100.0

Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that half of the drugs in the territory of the Russian Federation were registered in 2008 - 50.0% (13 drugs). In 2007, 15.4% (4 drugs) were registered on the Russian pharmaceutical market, in 2004, 2006, 2010 and 2011 - 7.7% each (2 drugs). The smallest number of oxacillin-based drugs was registered in 2005 - 3.8% (1 drug) (Table 2, Fig. 4).

Calculation of the assortment renewal index for the last 5 years.

The assortment renewal index is calculated by the formula:

n - the number of offers on the market registered during the last 5 years (2007-2011); - the total number of offers on the market (see table 1 of Appendix 1).

Y \u003d 21: 26 \u003d 0.81 \u003d 0.81

Based on the calculations, we can conclude that the assortment renewal index over the past 5 years is quite high, it is 0.81.

Figure: 4. Structure of the assortment of drugs based on oxacillin by date of registration (%)

The analysis revealed that the range of medicines consists of solid dosage forms (powders, tablets and capsules). The dominant position is occupied by powders - 72.1% (19 drugs), among them in approximately equal amounts, powders for preparing a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration - 38.5% (10 drugs) and powder for preparing a solution for intramuscular administration - 34, 6% (9 preparations) (Table 3, Fig. 5). This is due to the fact that they are indispensable in emergency situations when a disease (sepsis, abscess, postoperative, wound infections, infected burns, bacterial endocarditis) can threaten human life. They are followed by capsules - 19.2% (5 drugs), and the smallest share is taken by drugs in the form of tablets - 7.7% (2 drugs). In the case of treatment on an outpatient basis (cholecystitis, cystitis, meningitis, sinusitis, etc.), the presence of solid dosage forms facilitates both the appointment of therapy and the patient's compliance with the drug regimen; they are more familiar to patients. It also enables them to be independent from medical personnel. Thus, the presence of solid dosage forms in the assortment of oxacillin-based drugs is also justified.

Table 3

Type of dosage form Number of proposals Share,% powder for preparation of solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 1038.5 powder for preparation of solution for intramuscular administration 934.6 tablets 27.7 capsules 519.2 Total: 26 100.0

Figure: 5. Structure of the assortment of oxacillin preparations by types of dosage forms (%)

Based on the data entered in Table 4, it can be concluded that the range of INN Oxacillin is represented by both combined - 61.5% (16 drugs), and monopreparations - 38.5% (10 drugs) (Fig. 6).

Table 4

Number of offers Composition Monopreparations Combined Quantity Share,% Quantity Share,% 261,038.51661.5 Total: 1038.51661.5

Figure: 6. Structure of the assortment of oxacillin preparations by composition (%)

Marketing analysis showed that the domestic pharmaceutical market has a target segment of drugs based on the drug substance oxacillin, which allows doctors, together with pharmacists and patients, to select drug therapy individually for each patient, depending on the diagnosis. Based on the results of the analysis, an assortment contour of the target segment of the Russian pharmaceutical market was developed - drugs based on oxacillin (macrocontour), which is presented in Figure 7.

Figure: 7. Macro-contour of the assortment of the target segment of the pharmaceutical market of oxacillin preparations (%)

The assortment macro has the following characteristics:

produced mainly in Russia - 88.5%;

most of the oxacillin-based drugs are produced by JSC Sintez in the city of Kurgan - 38.5%;

in composition, these are mainly combined drugs - 61.5%


on the territory of the Russian Federation, most drugs were registered in 2008 - 50.0%;

produced in the form of solid dosage forms - 100.0%, among which powders for intravenous and intramuscular administration prevail - 38.5%;

degree of assortment renewal for 2007-2011 is 80.77%

This macrocontour of the target market segment will subsequently be used for a comparative analysis of the assortment of the local market of Kursk (mesocontour).

2.3 Analysis of the market of medicines based on oxacillin on the example of pharmacies in Kursk

At the next stage, a study of the actual assortment of oxacillin-based drugs was carried out on the local pharmaceutical markets of Russia: in 11 pharmacies in Kursk: as a result, it was established that 13 TH and 19 LP are represented on the local market.

Structure of the assortment of drugs based on oxacillin by production characteristics

According to Table 5, in the structure of the assortment of the local market in Kursk, based on production, Russian drugs dominate - 94.7% (18 drugs), the rest - 5.3% (1 drug) - are imported drugs.

Of the 2 manufacturing countries whose drugs are registered with the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the local market of Kursk contains drugs from 1 country - the Republic of Belarus - 5.3% (1 drug). Oxacillin medicinal preparations manufactured in India are not represented on the regional pharmaceutical market (Table 5 and Fig. 8).

Table 5

Analysis of the assortment of drugs based on INN Oxacillin by producer countries and firms:

Country - manufacturer K - in offers (drugs) Share,% FirmQ - in Share,% Russia 1894.7% Biosynthesis OJSC 210.5 Biochemist OJSC 15.3 Sintez OJSC 736.8 Shchelkovo Vitamin Plant OJSC 15.3 Bryntsalov-A CJSC 526.3 Kraspharma OJSC 210.5 Republic of Belarus 15.3% Borisovskiy medical preparations plant RUP15.3 Total: 19100% 19100.0

Figure: 8 Countries of origin of oxacillin-based preparations (%)

Among manufacturing plants, OJSC Sintez (Russia, Kurgan) retained the leading position - 36.8% (7 drugs), followed by CJSC Bryntsalov-A (Russia, Moscow), whose share increased slightly - 26.3% (5 preparations). The third place is shared by OJSC Biosintez (Russia, Penza) and OJSC Krasfarma (Russia, Moscow) - 10.5% each (2 drugs each). The smallest number of drugs on the Kursk market is represented by 3 manufacturing plants: OJSC Biochemist (Russia, Saransk), OJSC Shchelkovsky Vitamin Plant (Russia, Shchelkovo) and RUP Borisov Plant of Medicines (Republic of Belarus) - 5.3 each % (1 drug each). Oxacillin-based preparations produced by Akrikhin KhFK OJSC and Ranbaxi Laboratories Limited are absent on the regional market (Fig. 9).

Figure: 9. Manufacturers of drugs based on oxacillin (%)

Updating the range of oxacillin-based drugs

The analysis of the registration numbers of drugs showed that the pharmaceutical market of the city of Kursk to an insignificant extent includes drugs registered in recent years (Table 6, Fig. 10).

Most of the drugs available on the pharmaceutical market of Kursk were registered in 2008 - 47.3% (9 drugs), significantly less than in 2007 - 21.1% (4 drugs). 10.5% (2 drugs each) are drugs from 2006 and 2010. The share of drugs registered in 2004 and 2005 is small - 5.3% each (1 drug each). It was found that there are no “new” drugs based on oxacillin of 2011 registration on the pharmaceutical market of Kursk.

The index of updating the assortment of the analyzed group of drugs for

the last five years amounted to 0.79 (Io \u003d 15/19), which roughly corresponds to the indicator of the Russian market.

Table 6

Dynamics of registration of oxacillin preparations on the pharmaceutical market of Kursk

No. of registration year Registered LP Total Share,% 1200415.32200515.332006210.542007421.152008947.362010210.5 Total: 19100.0

Figure: 10. Structure of the range of drugs based on oxacillin by date of registration (%)

Characteristics of the assortment of oxacillin-based drugs by types of dosage forms

Analysis of the local market in Kursk showed that the range of oxacillin-based drugs does not include all types of dosage forms registered outside the Russian Federation. The leading position is still occupied by drugs produced in the form of powders - 84.2%, however, their ratio has changed. Powders for preparing a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration and powders for preparing a solution for intramuscular administration have equal shares - 42.1% each (8 preparations each). Capsules make up the remaining 15.8% (3 drugs) (Table 7, Fig. 11). Such dosage form as tablets is not presented on the pharmaceutical market of the city of Kursk.

Table 7

Analysis of the range of drugs based on INN Oxacillin by types of dosage forms

Type of dosage form Number of proposals Share,% powder for preparation of solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 842.1 powder for preparation of solution for intramuscular administration 842.1 tablets - capsules 315.8 Total: 19100.0

Figure: 11. Structure of the assortment of oxacillin preparations by types of dosage forms (%)

Compositional characteristics of the assortment of oxacillin-based drugs

Based on the data in Table 8, we can conclude that the range of INN Oxacillin is represented by combined - 57.9% (11 drugs) and monopreparations - 42.1% (8 drugs) (Table 8, Fig. 12).

Table 8

Analysis of the range of drugs based on oxacillin by composition

Number of offers Composition Monopreparations Combined Quantity Share,% Quantity Share,% 19842.11157.9 Total: 842.11157.9

Figure: 12. Structure of the assortment of oxacillin preparations by composition (%)

Thus, the marketing analysis showed that the target segment of oxacillin preparations is present on the domestic pharmaceutical market of Kursk. Based on the results of this analysis, an assortment contour of the target segment of the pharmaceutical market in Kursk was developed - drugs based on oxacillin (mesocontour), which is shown in Figure 13.

Figure: 13. Meso-contour of the assortment of the target segment of the pharmaceutical market for oxacillin preparations (%)

The assortment mesocontour has the following characteristics:

produced mainly in Russia - 94.7%;

most of the oxacillin-based drugs are produced by JSC Sintez in the city of Kurgan - 36.8%;

in composition, these are mainly combined drugs - 57.9%


on the territory of the Russian Federation, the majority of drugs were registered in 2008 - 47.3%;

are produced in the form of solid dosage forms - 100.0%, among which powders for intravenous and intramuscular and powders for intramuscular administration have equal shares - 42.1% each;

degree of assortment renewal for 2007-2011 is 78.95%

2.4 Comparative characteristics of the pharmaceutical market in Russia and the local market of the city of Kursk

A study of the actual assortment of medicinal products based on oxacillin on the local market of Kursk was carried out. The analysis established the level of availability of drugs in individual countries and manufacturing plants (Table 9). Analysis of the mesocontour of the assortment in the local market by producer groups showed. In pharmacies, drugs of domestic production are mostly represented - 94.7%, which confirms the presence of the prevailing part of these drugs in the total assortment on the Russian pharmaceutical market.

Imported medicines are not widely represented - 5.3%. It should be noted that there is no supply of such a country in the regional market, India. The drug of the Republic of Belarus is presented in full on the regional market. Domestic medicines are represented quite widely - 78.3% (Table 9).

Table 9

Structure of the assortment of oxacillin preparations by country of origin (comparative analysis)

Country - manufacturer Number of LPs Market share of Kursk,% Company - manufacturer Number of LPs Market share of Kursk,% RFKurskRFKurskRussia231878.3 Biosynthesis JSC22100.0 Biochemist JSC2150.0Synthesis JSC10770.0Schelkovsky Vitamin Plant JSC11100.055100.0maras 0Akrikhin KhFK OJSC1 - Republic of Belarus11100.0 Borisov Plant of Medicines RUP11100.0India2 - Ranbaxi Laboratories Limited2 - Total: 261973.1261973.1

As noted earlier, the analysis of the registration numbers of drugs showed that the pharmaceutical market of Kursk is largely represented by not the most modern drugs based on oxacillin. The drugs of 2005-2007 and 2010 registrations are fully present on the pharmaceutical market of our city - 100.0% each. The years 2004 and 2008 are significantly less represented - 50.0% and 69.2%, respectively. It should be noted that there are no “new” drugs for 2011 (Table 10).

Table 10

Dynamics of registration of hypertensive drugs in the Russian pharmaceutical market (comparative analysis)

№ p / p Year of registration LP Market share of Kursk,% RF Kursk 120042150,02200511100,0320062 2100,04200744100,05200813969,26201022100,0720112 - Total: 261973,1

When analyzing the types of dosage forms, it was found that powder for preparing a solution for intramuscular administration (88.9%) was most fully represented, powder for preparing a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration (80.0%) was slightly inferior. Capsules account for 60.0%. There is no such dosage form as tablets at all (Table 11).

Table 11

Structure of the assortment of oxacillin drugs by types of dosage forms (comparative analysis)

Type of dosage form LPP Market share of Kursk,% RF Kursk powder for preparation of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 10880.0 powder for preparation of a solution for intramuscular administration 9888.9 tablets2 - capsules 5360.0 Total: 261973.1

Table 12

Analysis of the range of drugs based on oxacillin by composition

Composition of pharmaceutical products Market share of Kursk,% RF Kursk Monopreparations 10880.0 Combined drugs 161168.8 Total: 261973.1

A detailed analysis of the local market of the city of Kursk also revealed that single-component drugs are mostly represented in pharmacies - 80.0%. Combined drugs, despite their greater number relative to monopreparations, are presented in a smaller percentage - 68.8% (Table 12). In addition, such indicators as the assortment depth coefficient and the degree of assortment renewal were calculated: Assortment depth coefficient (KG):

KG \u003d GBaz / Gfact, where

GBaz - the number of approved drugs available in the city of Kursk

Gfact - the number of drugs registered on the territory of the Russian Federation

KG \u003d 19/26 \u003d 0.73

2) Renewal rate (Wo):

Yo \u003d m / Ao, where

M is the number of names of new drugs approved for use over the last 5 years in Kursk

Ao is the total number of drug names approved for use over the past 5 years on the Russian market

Analyzing this indicator of the assortment depth, it should be noted that the obtained value is insufficient - almost a quarter of medicinal products registered in the Russian Federation are not represented. As for the “novelty” of drugs, the picture is the same, drugs of 2011 registration in the city are not presented at all.

Analyzing these indicators, it can be noted that the pharmaceutical market of the city of Kursk presents an incomplete variety and number of dosage forms for drugs based on oxacillin - there is no most common DF - tablets, as well as the latest drugs.


In this course work, the following studies were performed:

1. The theoretical foundations of marketing research have been studied, from which it can be seen that they play an important role in pharmaceutical activities.

2. We also found out that today the main and most effective methods for analyzing the range of medicines are: ABC analysis, XYZ analysis and combined ABC / XYZ analysis.

3. Oxacillin is a bactericidal antibiotic from the group of semi-synthetic penicillins, resistant to the action of penicillinase. Active against gram-positive microorganisms. It is used for infectious diseases.

(4) An analysis of the assortment of a medicinal product based on the INN of oxacllin was carried out; the tables show that the pharmaceutical market is represented by 18 trade names (Table 1), of which 16 names (88.89%) are domestically produced and only 2 trade names (11 , 11%) imported production (table 4)

The assortment of the medicinal product was analyzed by composition and it was determined that 6 names (33.33%) are mono-drugs and 12 names (66.67%) are combined drugs (Table 2).

Further, it was determined that on the pharmaceutical market INN oxacillin is produced in the form of powders for preparing a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration, these are 6 trade names (33.33%), powder for preparing a solution for intramuscular administration is also 6 names (33.33%) , in the form of tablets 1 trade name (5.56%) and in the form of capsules - 5 trade names (27.78%). The results are shown in Table 3.

At the final stage, we calculated the index of renewal of the assortment of the medicinal product for the last 5 years, it was 0.67, which is a rather low indicator.


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Appendix 1

The range of drugs offered on the market based on INN Oxacillin:

No. Trade name Dosage Composition Dosage form Country Firm Registration number Availability in pharmacies of Kursk Mono drug Combined 1 Oxacillin 500 mg Oxacillin sodium monohydrate ______ powder for preparation of solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration Russia N_____2006 + natricillin 250 mg sodium hydroxide natricillin OAO N____2 200 + 394 mg. for the preparation of a solution for intramuscular injection preparation of solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration Russia Synthesis of OAOLSR-004808/10 05/27/2010 + 5 Oxamp sodium 333.5 mg + 166.5 mg 133.4 mg + 66.6 mg _____ Ampicillin sodium, oxacillin sodium Powder for preparation of solution for internal IV and intramuscular injection Russia Synthesis of OAO N002576 / 01 05/26/2008 + 6 Oxacillin 500 mg Oxacillin sodium salt ______ powder for preparation of a solution for intramuscular administration Russia Biochemist OAO N002184 / 01-2003 25.12.2008 + 7 Ampicillin, Oxacillin-Oksacillin-Sodium PPP + Borimpicillinum medicinal plant 125 mg. N010963 23.09.2005 + 8Oxamp125 mg + 125 mg _____ Ampicillin trihydrate, oxacillin sodium capsules Russia Synthesis OAO N002258 / 01 22.10.2008-9 Oxacillin 500 mg Oxacillin sodium salt ______ powder for preparation of solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration of OAO Rt. sodium oxacillin capsules Russia Shchelkovo Vitamin Plant OAO N003524 / 01 06/17/2004 + 11Ampiox 0.125 mg + 0.125 mg _____ Ampicillin trihydrate, sodium oxacillin capsules Russia Bryntsalov-A ZAO N003911 / 01 02.16.2010 + 1633 Ampiox + 1633.5 mg __Ampicillin sodium, oxacillin sodium powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration Russia Bryntsalov-A ZAO N000315 / 01 13.10.2008 + 133.4 mg + 66.6 mg 13 Ampiox sodium 333.5 mg + 166.5 mg _____ Ampicillin sodium, ZAO N Oksacyllin sodium for intramuscular administration R000 / 02 13.10.2008 + 133.4 mg + 66.6 mg14 Oxacillin 500 mg Oxacillin sodium ______ powder for preparation of a solution for intramuscular administration Russia Kraspharma OAO N000238 / 01 13. 08.2007 + 250 mg15Oxamp sodium 667 mg + 333 mg _____ Ampicillin sodium, oxacillin sodium Powder for preparation of a solution for intramuscular administration Russia Synthesis of OAOLSR-006432/08 11.08.2008 + 16Ampicillin + Oxacillin 125 mg + 125 mg _____ Ampicillin Sodium Ampicillin R1100-174. mg 250 mg Oxacillin sodium salt ______ powder for preparation of a solution for intramuscular administration Russia Synthesis of OAO N000067 / 01 09.11.2007 + 18 Oxacillin 1000 mg of oxacillin sodium salt ______ powder for preparation of a solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration Russia Synthesis of OAOLSR 04.2008 + 09

Tags: Marketing analysis of the range of oxacillin-based drugs Diploma Marketing

Of course, a well-formed pharmacy assortment has a positive effect on the level of profit, influences the development of the outlet, allows you to form a circle of regular customers, and increases their loyalty. Moreover, it is also part of the marketing strategy, helping to increase sales and provide an opportunity to withstand the high competition in the pharmaceutical field. Hence, if you are planning to enter this business, the product range issue is the first thing you need to learn. This article describes the five stages of assortment formation for different types of pharmacies, the basic rules for displaying goods in a pharmacy and the minimum assortment for pharmacies, pharmacy points and kiosks.

How to form a pharmacy assortment?

Of course, there are certain categories of goods that are presented in all pharmacies without exception. But newcomers still face a daunting task. If large pharmacy chains can afford to experiment with the assortment, add new types of drugs, track sales statistics, form new assortment matrices for new outlets, then novice entrepreneurs must choose the optimal assortment that will allow them to stay on the market and continue to develop their outlet. In order not to be mistaken in the most important choice, entrepreneurs should carefully read the information presented below and try to follow the recommendations presented, maintaining the correct sequence, acting clearly and in stages.

The assortment of any pharmacy includes 2000 different items of goods. It should be emphasized that in recent years new product groups have appeared in the pharmaceutical industry, for example, dietary supplements, medical cosmetics, etc., which led to the expansion of the range. Therefore, each pharmacy owner faces a difficult task - you will need to choose several thousand of the most popular items and exclude a huge number of drugs you do not need.

In general, today there are several strategies for forming the assortment of a pharmacy, but there is simply no universal concept suitable for all outlets. Of course, the best assistant in this choice is experience. You can hire an experienced pharmacist who will immediately highlight the most popular products, but after that you still have to adjust the assortment matrix, take into account the requests of your customers, add new items and get rid of unclaimed goods. It would seem that the prospect is not so daunting, but if you initially form the wrong assortment, you will have to adjust it constantly, and this, in turn, means that you will lose clients, time and incur losses.

To avoid such mistakes, first of all, it is necessary to clearly define the stages of work. Observing a clear sequence, acting thoughtfully, you can form a truly correct assortment. So, you need:

  1. Type your pharmacy according to a number of parameters.
  2. Define your target customer according to the type of outlet.
  3. Classify goods
  4. Determine the amount of inventory.
  5. Select the required items and fill in the assortment matrix.

Typification of pharmacies

First of all, entrepreneurs need to clearly define the type of pharmacy. Only after that can you really form the assortment correctly. The number of parameters that affect the type of pharmacy can range from five to twenty. Below you can find the most important ones.

1. Factors that determine the type of pharmacy and affect its range

Direction of activity

Finished preparations

They sell products purchased from manufacturers

Manufacturing pharmacy

Produce prescription drugs and sell them

Finished products + production

They buy finished products from manufacturers and sell their own medicines

Types of organizations

The type of organization is a factor that determines the range (each type of organization has the right to sell certain drugs)


Pharmacy kiosk

Pharmacy store

Types of pharmacies

Exists within the network


Private pharmacy

Pharmacy location

Pharmacy in the mall

On the first line of houses in areas with high pedestrian traffic and not far from traffic intersections

Residential area

In a residential area


In the village, village, village

At the hospital

At or in a city hospital

Product display type


All goods are placed in display cases, on shelves, etc., buyers cannot take the goods on their own


The buyer can take the goods and go to the checkout, or the pharmacy has both closed and open areas

Pharmacy type, taking into account its turnover

Revenue from 5 million rubles per month

Revenue from 2 to 5 million rubles per month

Revenue up to 2 million rubles per month

Defining the target customer

The preferences of those buyers who will visit your pharmacy most often and will be the main factor influencing the range. As a rule, the portrait of the target customer largely depends on the location of the outlet. Experts identify several main locations for pharmacies:

  • Pharmacies in the shopping center;
  • Pharmacies on busy city streets;
  • Pharmacies in residential areas.

Features of the assortment of pharmacies in shopping centers

Most often, a pharmacy in a shopping center is visited by people from 25 to 45 years old with an income above the average. In such pharmacies, the following product categories are much better sold:

  • Preparations for ARVI, influenza;
  • Contraceptives;
  • Antidepressants;
  • Vitamins;
  • Slimming products;
  • Cosmetics;
  • Allergy medications;
  • Sedatives;
  • Lens solutions;
  • Preparations for potency.

Of course, there are other categories of goods in such pharmacies, but these are the groups that are special, because their popularity among shopping center visitors is explained by the so-called “quality of life”. In other words, people who buy medicines in such centers have a fairly high income and can afford to buy expensive goods, but due to their age they do not yet suffer from serious or chronic diseases. It should be emphasized that it is parapharmaceutical products that are especially popular in such pharmacies. This is due to the fact that often points in a shopping center are visited not to purchase a certain drug, but simply go to one of the sections of the shopping center.

Features of the assortment of a pharmacy on a city street

Such points are usually located on the most walkable streets, where there are many shops, offices, transport interchange. These pharmacies are usually visited by different people, but the bulk of the customer base is made up of customers between the ages of 20 and 50. Of course, pensioners also appear in them, but this happens much less often. Such a portrait leaves its mark on demand: for example, prescription drugs are most often bought in such pharmacies, which, in turn, indicates that targeted purchases are made at these points.

Features of the assortment of a pharmacy in a residential area

If the pharmacy is located in a dormitory, residential area, then in comparison with other points, the assortment should focus on the following categories of goods:

  • Medicines for chronic diseases;
  • Inexpensive drugs (usually analogues), cold remedies and pain relievers;
  • Children's products.

This tendency can be easily explained - people with average incomes, pensioners and children live in residential areas (the exception is expensive, elite areas). Of course, the presence of a significant share of drugs for chronic diseases in the assortment is explained by the large number of elderly visitors, while the demand for children's products is explained by the fact that many mothers visit the pharmacy while walking with their children.

Classification of goods

In order to form an assortment, you need to classify products. It should be noted that the specialized literature describes many options for classifications according to various criteria, while a single, reference principle of grouping simply does not exist. However, one of the best classifications is the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification (ATC), according to which the assortment of drugs is divided into the following groups:

In addition to the above assortment groups, the product line may also include some additional categories, for example, medical products, dietary supplements, children's products; medical cosmetics, water, medical optics and equipment. Only after defining the classification and structure of the assortment can you start creating an assortment matrix that will take into account the specifics of your pharmacy.

Filling the assortment matrix

There are many different ways to create an assortment for a pharmacy. Undoubtedly, one of the most popular of them is the adjustment of the reference, universal pharmacy range. In other words, the owner of the new pharmacy takes a balanced assortment as a basis and adapts it to the location of the outlet, his buyer, the concept of his pharmacy, adding items for which there is a high demand. However, this method has its drawbacks. So, for example, the fact that the assortment of a pharmacy is formed simply from a list of standard products, and not taking into account various categories, can play a cruel joke with the business. Moreover, it cannot be denied that a certain product may be in demand in a reference pharmacy, while at a specific, specific point, it may simply remain on the shelves.

Traditionally, it is believed that the most correct and universal way of assortment formation is "filling the box". It allows not only creating a new, well-thought-out assortment, but also improving the old one. To use this method, you need to imagine your outlet as a large cabinet, which consists of a large number of boxes, which are product categories.

Each has its own characteristics, ranging from width and depth to consistency. The box is not limitless - it can include only a certain number of items, which must be determined in accordance with the characteristics of the pharmacy itself: more area, location, customer portrait, etc., as well as budget.

In general, each such box should contain the following items:

  • Compulsory goods;
  • The products best sold in this particular pharmacy;
  • Branded products;
  • Seasonal goods.

Moreover, such a box must contain drugs from different price categories - this will attract people with different income levels. Moreover, each product must pass a kind of check - you must answer the question: "Why exactly was it included in the pharmacy cabinet?"

Rules for displaying goods in a pharmacy

Taking into account the enormous competition, pharmacy owners strive to follow the rules of merchandising in order to attract customers and increase demand for the products on display. Much of the rules for displaying pharmacy goods were borrowed from department stores, but they still have their own, pronounced specifics. For the layout and design of a pharmacy to really benefit the business, entrepreneurs need to follow fairly simple but effective guidelines, each of which is detailed below.

  1. Divide the pharmacy space into distinct zones, including:

1) zone of seasonal goods and promotional materials;
2) a healthy lifestyle (vitamins, sports and healthy nutrition);
3) non-prescription drugs (within this area they are grouped by use);
4) area of \u200b\u200btraditional medicine;
5) maternity zone;
6) an area for business people (drugs for eyesight, massage devices, sedatives, anti-stress drugs, drugs to improve performance);
7) area of \u200b\u200bcosmetics;
8) checkout area.

  1. Try to evoke positive emotions even at the entrance to the pharmacy.Merchandisers note that the following trend is currently observed in society: people began to actively strive for a healthy lifestyle, monitor the state of their body and, of course, their appearance. This has greatly increased interest in over-the-counter health products and medical cosmetics. That is why such products can be placed in the most prominent places - shelves and racks. This will help maintain the illusion that both health and beauty are achieved not through hard work, but only with the help of a properly selected complex of vitamins and cosmetics.
  2. Pay attention to the color scheme of the pharmacy. In pharmacies, you can often see light shelves of golden hues, green and blue color accents, which are designed to evoke the most direct association with health and well-being.
  3. Try to buy light equipment, so the room will look more spacious. So, you can purchase semicircular sections that will give the impression of free movement. If you do not plan to design the sales area in this way, remember that several of these sections can be used for seasonal products.
  4. Arrange pharmacy departments and product groups in such a way as to evoke pleasant emotions. In the foreground, it is worth laying out products that promise the consumer instant, noticeable and dramatic improvements. In contrast, prescription drugs can be placed in the most discreet places. The same applies to goods of passive demand, reminders of which can spoil the mood of the visitor, including, for example, medicines for serious illnesses, care products for seriously ill people, etc.
  5. Try to make the navigation as clear as possible and the zoning obvious.
  6. Place eye-catching signs over every area of \u200b\u200bthe room and over every product group.
  7. If your pharmacy is frequented by working peoplebuying over-the-counter drugs, it is worth highlighting the section with anti-stress and sedatives. Moreover, if your point is located in the business district of the city, it makes sense to create a special, office area where funds for fatigue, colds, voice recovery, etc. will be realized.
  8. Care products can be placed in different ways, depending on their price. It is better to place expensive products in blocks, in one clearly defined place (it is desirable that it be located further from the main groups of goods). It is better to lay out cheap goods and products of the middle price category according to their intended purpose so that the visitor has a good view of the entire product range: shampoos, balms and masks, skin care products, etc.
  9. In a pharmacy, you should not blindly follow the rule of calculating the price: expensive products are above eye level, cheap ones are lower. Despite the fact that in general this rule is valid for all outlets, it should be remembered that, in general, the goods in the pharmacy are small in size. Consequently, some medicines will not be visible on the upper shelves. In this case, it is wiser to be guided by the demand for the product, its profitability. If the item is expensive but sells well, it should be placed at eye level. If you open a counter-type pharmacy, the hot items should be placed near the first-person. However, it is important not to overdo it - if you display a lot of expensive products at eye level, visitors will perceive your outlet as an expensive pharmacy.
  10. If you open a pharmaceutical market, it is better to place large, cheap goods on the lower shelves, for example, shampoos, pastes, and pads. Even if there are no similar products in your assortment, do not lay out expensive goods at the bottom - in this case, it is better to keep stock there.
  11. With an open display, price tags should not be fixed on the packaging.- they must be on the strip of the price tag, as well as in the supermarket;
  12. In pharmacies with an open display, you should also not lay out the products of the same company in one row.
  13. If space permits, use the classic duplication rule - placing several units of the same product side by side. If the area of \u200b\u200byour pharmacy is small, this rule can be omitted.
  14. If you sell cosmetics, packages of which contain inscriptions only in a foreign language, make sure that the buyer understands what kind of product he is looking at.
  15. The seasonal display should be visible from the entrance.Such products are bought impulsively, which means that it is necessary to do everything possible so that every visitor drew attention to them.

The minimum range of pharmacy

There is a list of drugs that should be in every pharmacy, as well as in every pharmacy kiosk and point - "List of vital and essential drugs" (VED). It should be emphasized that this list is updated annually, which, however, does not mean that the government will necessarily make changes to it. So, for example, the 2017 list of drugs repeats the list approved in 2016.

The assortment of any pharmacy (finished dosage forms and production) this year must necessarily include the following drugs:

  • Ranitidine;
  • Famotodin;
  • Omeprazole;
  • Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate;
  • Drotaverin;
  • Bisacodyl;
  • Sennosides A and B;
  • Loperamide;
  • Bifidobacterium bifidum;
  • Pancreatin;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Isosorbide dinitrate;
  • Isosorbide mononitrate;
  • Nitroglycerine;
  • Hydrochlorothiazide;
  • Furosemide;
  • Spironolactone;
  • Atenolol;
  • Nifedipine;
  • Verapamil;
  • Captopril;
  • Enalapril;
  • Losartan;
  • Atorvastatin;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Dexamethasone;
  • Doxycycline;
  • Chloramphenicol;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Co-trimoxazole;
  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Acyclovir;
  • Oseltamivir;
  • Kagocel;
  • Umifenovir;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Acetylsalicylic acid;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Salbutamol;
  • Beclomethasone;
  • Aminophylline;
  • Acetylcysteine;
  • Chloropyramine;
  • Loratadine;
  • Tetracycline;
  • Pilocarpine;
  • Timolol.

The assortment of licensed pharmacies, IP kiosks must include:

  • Bismuth tripotassium dicitrate;
  • Drotaverin;
  • Bisacodyl;
  • Sennosides A and B;
  • Loperamide;
  • Bifidobacterium bifidum;
  • Pancreatin;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Nitroglycerine;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Hydrocortisone;
  • Kagocel;
  • Umifenovir;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Acetylsalicylic acid;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Acetylcysteine;
  • Loratadine;
  • Tetracycline.

The text of the work is placed without images and formulas.
The full version of the work is available in the "Work files" tab in PDF format


Relevance of the topic: The product range of a pharmaceutical organization is of great socio-economic importance, since its quality determines the completeness of satisfying consumer demand and the level of trade services for market entities. A rationally formed assortment accelerates the turnover of the commodity mass and increases the efficiency of the enterprise. Thus, the product range must be studied in order to meet consumer demand, attract new customers, increase profits and increase the competitiveness of the pharmacy organization.

Currently, due to the deterioration of the environmental situation and climatic changes, the incidence of respiratory diseases in our country has increased, and as a result, the demand for intranasal drugs has increased. This group of drugs occupies a significant part of the assortment and is in high demand, especially in the autumn-winter period, when diseases such as rhinitis and ARVI are massive, that is, there is a peak in the incidence.

Thus, a well-formed assortment of intranasal drugs in a pharmacy that meets all the requirements of consumers can bring a huge profit to a pharmacy organization, which is especially important in the context of high competition between pharmacy organizations, which we are witnessing at the present time.

The general foundations for the study of assortment policy were laid by: Skripkina A.V., Kotler F., G.L. Azreva, K. Bowman, A. Vaisman, A.P. Gradov, JI.M. Putyatina and others. However, no one has yet studied consumer preferences in the Stolichka pharmacy chain, so this topic is relevant.

Purpose: optimization of the range of intranasal drugs in the Stolichki pharmacy chain.

Research objectives:

Conduct a content analysis of the literature on the analysis of the range of drugs.

Give a general description of intranasal drugs.

Study the range of intranasal drugs in the Stolichki pharmacy network.

Compare prices for intranasal drugs used for rhinitis in Stolichki pharmacies with the price range of Moscow pharmacies.

Research methods:

Retrospective analysis


Main partChapter 1. Assortment policy of pharmacy organizations

Pharmacy assortment

The word "assortment" is borrowed from French, where assortiment comes from assortir - "to select, sort, harmonize" (from sort - "sort"). In the Russian language, the word "assortment" has become widespread since the middle of the 19th century, and became known a little earlier - at the beginning of the 19th century.

Based on the meaning of the word "assortment", we define the concept of assortment of a pharmacy organization:

The assortment of a pharmacy organization is a set of medicines and other medical (pharmacy) products, formed according to certain criteria.

Each pharmacy retailer must design its optimal range of medicines to maximize the profit from sales. She should correctly distribute her financial resources, relatively speaking she needs to choose: buy a large number of lots of a cheap drug or several packages of an expensive one.

There are several stages of working with the assortment: planning, formation and management.

Assortment planning

Assortment planning is the process of identifying promising brand names that will fill the assortment portfolio, satisfy consumer needs and keep the pharmacy business profitable.

In his article, Lysak Y. considers an integrated approach to assortment planning and indicates the following factors that should be taken into account when planning:

sales volume of each heading or a certain group of goods;

features of the organization of the work of the pharmacy itself;

features of the location;

customer needs and preferences;

Also Lysak Y. in his work indicates such a method of planning changes in the assortment, as analysis of the defect. This method allows you to identify the demand for missing drugs by fixing the demand in the accounting system or on paper. But this method has a significant drawback: the data can be distorted due to an insufficient defect tracking system.

1.2. Formation of the assortment of the pharmacy organization

The process of forming the assortment of a pharmacy organization can be divided into the following stages:

1. Conducting a market research (the level of morbidity of the population is assessed; the demand for medicines and non-drug assortment is determined; an expert assessment of medicines is carried out; consumer preferences are assessed and determined; the approximate number of beneficiary consumers is calculated; competitors are assessed);

2. Taking into account the regulatory and legal framework in force in the Russian Federation (trade rules; approved lists of drugs; categories of drug dispensing; restrictions on the dispensing of certain drugs (for example, the tightening from 2017 of dispensing a number of drugs previously dispensed without a prescription); rules of free and preferential vacation);

3. Direct formation of the assortment (the list of the main pharmacotherapeutic groups (FG) is determined; then FGs are distributed depending on demand; the number of positions in each FG is determined; a list of drugs for a particular pharmacy is developed);

4. There is a calculation of the economic indicators of the formed assortment (the specific weight of the volume of sales of individual groups and product names is calculated; the specific weight of income by pharmacotherapeutic groups is determined; the speed of movement of drugs is calculated; the indicators of commodity stocks are estimated);

5. The indicators of financial and economic activity are assessed, first of all, turnover and profit;

6. Based on the results of financial and economic activities, decisions are made on the pharmaceutical assortment (if necessary, the assortment is analyzed for its width, depth, saturation and comparability).

At first glance, it seems that it is necessary to increase the number of trade items, expand the assortment, but this is not always the case. When forming an assortment, certain factors should be taken into account.

In his article, V.V. highlights the criteria that you should pay attention to when forming the range. Among them, one can single out the criteria that a pharmacy can influence when planning and forming an assortment, and which cannot. [17]

Table 1. Criteria that are taken into account when forming the assortment.

We can influence

We cannot influence

Development trends of the pharmaceutical and pharmacy market;

Drug demand;

Economic indicators of the assortment: specific gravity of sales volume of certain pharmacotherapeutic groups and names; specific weight of income by group and by individual assortment items; speed of movement of drugs.

Mandatory minimum range of medicines for pharmacies;

List of over-the-counter medicines;

The incidence of the population (its level);

Income level (purchasing power) of consumers;

Therapeutic efficacy of drugs;

Competitiveness of medicines;

Pharmacoeconomic evaluation of drugs.

In my opinion, the most important criteria are: the demand for drugs, the speed of movement of the drug and the profitability of their sale.

Also, when starting work on the formation of an assortment, it is necessary to take into account certain factors that can influence this process.

The factors influencing the formation of the assortment are divided into general and specific.

General factors - factors that do not depend on the specific working conditions of the pharmacy organization; These include: consumer demand and production of goods.

Specific factors - factors that reflect the specific operating conditions of the pharmacy organization. These include the following factors, which can be divided into: factors that we can control when forming the assortment and which we cannot influence.

Table 2.Factors influencing the formation of the assortment.

We can influence

We cannot influence

the size of the pharmacy organization;

type and type of pharmacy;

pharmacy specialization;

terms of supply and logistics;

technical equipment of the pharmacy;

number of suppliers;

the degree of renewal of the product range;

the presence of direct competitors in the area of \u200b\u200boperation of this pharmacy, the number and composition of the population served, the qualifications of employees;

typical diseases for the area where the pharmacy operates;

the presence of medical organizations in the service area of \u200b\u200bthe pharmacy;

demography of the region;

economic factors (vital drugs, possible amounts of trade markups, tax intensity, etc.);

information circulation in the "patient-doctor-pharmacy" system.

I also think that it should be taken into account whether the pharmacy is a network or a single, and what is the form of displaying goods: open, closed or mixed.

1.3. Assortment management

Product assortment management is the activity of forming, maintaining and improving the assortment of goods in order to ensure the profitability of trade.

Marketers usually highlight the following main points of assortment management:

Assortment formation;

Establishing the level of requirements for its characteristics - breadth, depth, saturation and harmony.

Latitude is characterized by the number of assortment groups that make up the product range of the pharmacy organization. For example, if a pharmacy sells drugs and optics, then the breadth of its range is two.

1.3.1. Main characteristics of the product range

The depth is determined by the number of assortment items in each assortment group. In a pharmacy, it is characterized by a variety of dosages, concentrations, packaging of one drug name. That is, when we have in the assortment not just an ampoule solution of analgin, but in different concentrations, different packings and dosages registered in the State Register of Medicines, the depth of such an assortment is satisfactory. On the one hand, a deep assortment maximizes the satisfaction of consumers' needs and makes it possible to offer them a wide range of prices, which increases the competitiveness of a pharmacy, but on the other hand, a large amount of money is needed to maintain such an assortment, that is, a deep assortment increases the costs of a pharmaceutical organization.

Saturation is the number of positions in all assortment groups of goods. The saturation of a pharmacy organization with goods depends on the growth of demand, high profitability of goods, and the introduction of new competitive drugs and medical products on the market. At present, in connection with the state program of import substitution, the pharmaceutical market is constantly being saturated with new drugs.

Harmony is characterized by the degree of interchangeability of goods of various assortment groups in terms of their purpose, requirements for the organization of production, market promotion and use.

2. Content analysis of the Russian market of intranasal drugs used for rhinitis

Rhinitis or nasal mucosa inflammation syndrome can have an allergic or non-allergic, infectious, etiology. Bacterial or viral rhinitis affects about 50% of the adult population. An even higher incidence rate is observed in children. The prevalence of allergic rhinitis in different countries of the world is 4-32%, in Russia - 10-24%. Allergic rhinitis is often associated with bronchial asthma, 55-85% of patients with bronchial asthma have symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Currently, various groups of drugs are used in the complex therapy of rhinitis, among which a special place is occupied by selective α2-adrenomimetic drugs for intranasal administration. This pharmacological group is used to relieve the symptom of the disease, providing a local vasoconstrictor effect and relieving swelling of the nasal mucosa.

Based on statistical data, we can conclude that a fairly large number of people of different age groups are interested in buying drugs from the assortment group we are studying. It should also be noted that for the most part intranasal drugs used for rhinitis belong to OTC drugs (over-the-counter drugs), which makes them more accessible to the consumer.

Currently, there are 232 registered drugs in Russia that have α 2 -adrenomimetic activity and are used for rhinitis of various etiologies. At the same time, only 7 international non-proprietary names of this group are registered on the Russian pharmaceutical market. And only one INN is included in the VED list - xylometazoline.

Figure 1 - Structure of INN of selective α2-adrenomimetic

by the number of trade names.

The leading position in the Russian pharmaceutical market in terms of the number of registered trade names is occupied by drugs with INNs xylometazoline (57%), oxymetazoline (24%) and naphazoline (9%). The rest of INNs range from 1% to 4%. [fig. 1]

The market for α 2 -adrenomimetic drugs by the number of active ingredients in a drug is divided into mono-drugs and combined drugs:

Figure 2 - The structure of the Russian market of selective α2-adrenomimetic drugs used in the treatment of rhinitis by the number of active ingredients.

Most of the drugs belonging to the group of α 2 -adrenomimetics are mono-drugs (93%), and only 7% are combined drugs. [fig. 2]

Intranasal drugs are available in three dosage forms, drops, sprays, and nasal gels. In the diagram below, we can see what share of the pharmaceutical market is occupied by one form or another:

Figure 3 - The structure of the Russian market of selective α2-adrenomimetic drugs used in the treatment of rhinitis by dosage form.

Thus, based on the data in the diagram, we can conclude that half of the drugs included in the studied group are produced in the form of a nasal spray (50%). Slightly fewer, namely 44%, are presented in the form of nasal drops, and gels account for only 6%.

Figure 4 - The structure of the Russian market of selective α 2 -adrenomimetic drugs used in the treatment of rhinitis in the country of production.

The leader of the Russian market of intranasal drugs by countries of origin is Russia (50%). Germany ranks second (15%). The rest of the countries make up from 1 to 4%. [fig. 4]


Stolichki pharmacy belongs to social network pharmacies and is very popular among the population. The range of intranasal drugs used in rhinitis is represented by 87 trade names, which is approximately 38% of the range of the Russian market of drugs in this group. Of the 7 INNs in the pharmacy, only 5 are presented: xylometazoline, oxymetazoline, naphazoline, xylometazoline + dexapentanol and xylometazoline + ipratropium bromide. As we found out earlier, these drugs hold leading positions in the number of trade names on the Russian market.

Figure 5 - Structure of INN of selective α2-adrenomimetic

drugs used in the treatment of rhinitis

by the number of trade names in the Stolichki pharmacy chain.

The first place in the number of trade names is occupied by xylometazoline (56%), the second is naphazoline (19%), the third is oxymetazoline (15%), the fourth is the combined drug xylometazoline + ipratropium bromide (8%) and the fifth is xylometazoline + dexapentanol (2 %). [fig. five]

Intranasal drugs are presented in the Stolichki network of pharmacies in three dosage forms: drops, sprays and gels.

Figure 6 - structure of selective α2-adrenomimetic drugs used in the treatment of rhinitis in the Stolichki network of pharmacies by form of release.

More than half of the range of intranasal drugs in the Stolichki pharmacy chain is occupied by sprays (58%), slightly less - drops (40%), and gels account for only 2%. Compared to the Russian market, there are more gels registered than are present in the pharmacy's assortment. [fig.6]

Figure 7 - structure of selective α2-adrenomimetic drugs used in the treatment of rhinitis in the Stolichki network of pharmacies by country of origin.

The Stolichki pharmacy network contains drugs from 11 and 16 registered countries of manufacture. The leading position is occupied by Russia (35%), Germany is second (23%), and France is third (9%). The rest of the countries make up from 1 to 7%.

Table 3. Intranasal drugs used for rhinitis of various etiologies.


Prices in pharmacies in Moscow

Prices in the Stolichki pharmacy chain

minimum price

maximum price

minimum price

maximum price

Snoop spray called. 0.05% 15ml

Tizin Classic spray naz. 0.1% 10ml

Afrin spray naz. 0.05% 15ml

Sanorin spray naz. 0.1% 10ml

Otrivin spray naz. 0.1% 10ml

Otrivin spray naz. 0.1% 10ml (menthol-eucalyptus)

Rinostop spray naz. 0.1% 15ml

Nazivin spray called. 0.05% 10ml

For nos spray called. 0.1% 10ml

Rinonorm spray naz. 0.1% 20ml

Thus, based on the data obtained, we can conclude that the prices for intranasal drugs used in rhinitis of various etiologies are not the lowest in the Stolichki network of pharmacies, but they do not reach the maximum threshold, remaining at an average level.


After analyzing the literature on the analysis of the assortment of medicines, I came to the conclusion that each pharmacy retail organization should make its own optimal assortment of medicines, based on the factors of its planning and formation.

Currently, there are 232 registered intranasal drugs in the Russian Federation used for rhinitis of various etiologies. Most of them are mono-drugs (93%). The leader in the number of registered trade names is the drug with the INN xylometazoline (57%). The dominant dosage form is the nasal spray form (50%). Domestic drugs occupy 50% of the Russian market.

In the Stolichki network of pharmacies, the assortment of intranasal drugs used for rhinitis is represented by 87 trade names, which is approximately 38% of the range of the Russian market of drugs in this group. In terms of the number of trade names, the leading drug with the INN is xylometazoline (56%). More than half of the range of intranasal drugs is taken by drugs in the form of nasal sprays (58%). The Stolichki pharmacy chain contains drugs from 11 and 16 registered countries of manufacture, with Russia taking the leading position (35%).

The study of prices for the range of intranasal drugs used for rhinitis of various etiologies showed that the Stolichki pharmacy chains have an average price level in comparison with Moscow pharmacies.

The Stolichki pharmacy chain should expand the range of intranasal drugs by including new trade names, and it is also necessary to keep track of the novelties of the pharmaceutical market.

List of references

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State Register of Medicines [electronic resource] / Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation - Access mode: (date of access: 13.05.2018).

Lysak, Y. Management of product assortment in a pharmacy // Pharmacy, 2008, №33. S. 20-21.

Lychkovskaya MN Effective tools for the formation of an optimal assortment in pharmacy chains // Young Scientist, 2015, no. S. 374-377.

Maksimkina E. Strategy of assortment formation // Russian pharmacies, 1999, №2. S. 22-23.

Maslyaeva M. How to manage the assortment? (Part 1) // Moscow pharmacies, 2017, No. 6. S. 29-31.

Maslyaeva M. How to manage the assortment? (Part 2) // Moscow pharmacies, 2017, No. 7. S. 37-39.

Matrix BCG [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (date of access: 05/02/2018).

Mashkovsky M.D. Medicines. Moscow: Novaya Volna, 2014.1216 p.

The list of vital and essential medicines for medical use for 2018 [electronic resource]. - Access mode: (date of access - 20.05.2018)

Register of Medicines [Electronic resource] / Directory system "Register of Medicines of Russia" - Access mode: (date of access: 13.05.2018).

Russian Association of Allergologists and Clinical Immunologists. Clinical guidelines: allergic rhinitis, 2018.23 p.

V. V. Satler Specificity of assortment policy of pharmacy organizations in modern economic conditions // Proceedings of the VIII International Scientific Conference "Economics, Management, Finance". Krasnodar, 2018.S. 121-124.

Semenova A.V. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language // UNVES, 2003.704 p.

Slavich-Pristupa A.S. Formation of assortment in pharmacies // Economic Bulletin of Pharmacy, 2004, No. 9. P. 11-15.

Factors affecting the formation of the assortment of the pharmacy [Electronic resource] Access mode:

Yagudina, R. I., Arinina E. E. School of pharmacologist: rhinitis and acute respiratory viral infections // Russian pharmacies, 2010, No. 4. S. 21-23.

3.3. Marketing analysis of the assortment of the pharmacy organization.

In the process of selling medicines, pharmacy organizations pay attention to the analysis of the range of drugs sold, which is carried out periodically, taking into account such factors as: profitability; seasonality; availability of goods in stock; speed of sales; other factors.

When analyzing the assortment, the ABC analysis method is used, in which the aggregates of goods, according to the selected criteria (usually two), are classified into three groups - A, B and C. This makes it possible to highlight priority areas and drugs in the assortment, which should be addressed special attention of the sales staff. The assessment criteria can be varied and depend on the goal that the pharmacy sets for itself.

Assortment analysis criteria can be:

the volume of sales of drugs, the volume of profit on sale and the cost of promoting these drugs;

pharmacotherapeutic group of the medicinal product.

ABC analysis is one of the variants of mathematical and statistical methods of analysis used to study the frequency of certain economic phenomena and facts. Its synonyms are Initial Analysis, the 80/20 Rule and the Pareto Principle. Using this method, the existing population is classified or distributed according to the selected criteria into three groups, namely A, B and C. This classification simultaneously shows the rank and allows you to highlight the main points that are especially important for targeted management measures. Typically, two criteria are used. They can be different:

on the one hand, the number of items of medicines, pharmacies, suppliers, etc .;

on the other hand, the turnover, the cost of stocks, the volume of drug consumption, costs, income, etc.

The development of ABC analysis is its combination with XYZ analysis, based on the same principles as ABC analysis. This takes into account three criteria, one of which in most cases is determined in terms of time.

As an example, you need to find out which pharmacotherapeutic group of drugs provides the highest sales or profit. Based on the results of applying the ABC analysis method:

10% of all assortment items (group A) provide 80% of the turnover;

15% of the assortment (group B) account for 15% of the turnover;

the remaining 75% of the assortment is only 5% of the total turnover;

25% of the assortment of the company (groups A and B) provide 95% of the company's turnover.

Thus, those positions in the assortment (pharmacotherapeutic groups and dosage forms) are determined on which the main work should be concentrated and which are the main ones in training sales personnel (in addition, companies use the results of this analysis in planning production, determining the procurement strategy and optimal stocks of pharmaceutical products in stock).

VEN analysis, carried out in parallel with the ABC analysis, allows you to determine the priority groups of drugs in accordance with the division into vital (Vital, V), necessary (Essential, E) and non-essential (N).

Vital (V) - drugs (MP) necessary to save the patient's life (for example, thrombolytic drugs), constantly necessary to maintain life (insulin, glucocorticosteroids), and drugs, after the termination of which the withdrawal syndrome develops.

Essential drugs (E) are used to treat patients with less life-threatening diseases, minor drugs (N) are used to treat non-dangerous diseases with unknown efficacy and are used for symptomatic treatment.

Effective product portfolio management allows a pharmaceutical organization to:

reduce the number of sales lost due to lack of necessary goods;

accelerate turnover;

reduce surplus goods (optimize inventory);

reduce the risk of writing off goods due to the expiration date;

minimize total inventory costs.

From a logistics perspective, inventory management is a balancing act between two mutually exclusive trends: reducing the total cost of maintaining inventory and making sure that you have enough inventory to sell it smoothly. At the same time, an increase in stocks in terms of quality and quantity is advisable as long as the economic effect exceeds the cost of maintaining additional stocks and the diversion of working capital.

To implement the assortment policy, it is necessary to constantly monitor stocks. It consists in calculating the stocks available at a particular place, as well as in tracking the process of their increase or decrease. Accounting and analysis can be carried out manually or using computer technology. The main difference is speed, accuracy and cost.

In order to implement the desired inventory management policy, it is necessary to develop control procedures. They should determine the frequency of checks, inventory levels and comparisons with inventory parameters, which in turn will affect reorder times and volumes.

The development of the national pharmaceutical market shows that the majority of pharmacies, unlike wholesale pharmaceutical companies, do not implement automated accounting and analysis systems due to the relatively high cost of information technology and computer equipment for them, as well as the lack of motivation of the management and staff of pharmacies to use information systems.

The matrix projection of ABC and XYZ analyzes is nothing more than an analog model that allows you to make strategic decisions regarding the market policy of an enterprise from "as is" to "how to be." At the same time, there is a cyclical relationship between these parameters (Fig. 7).

Figure: 7. Model of strategic decision making based on integrated ABC and XYZ analysis

Application of ABC analysis is based on the anticipation that a small part of the assortment of goods constitutes a significant part of the turnover. When carrying out this analysis, the goods sold by the company for the year (or other period) are distributed in decreasing order of their cost and the share of the sale of each assortment position is calculated.

At the same time, class A can account for about 20% of the total number of assortment items, which account for 80% of the turnover. Class B accounts for almost 30% of medicines, accounting for almost 10% of the volume of goods sold. The rest of the items with low turnover form class C. It is at least 10% of the turnover and 50% of the aggregate of the analyzed items. Graphical interpretation of ABC analysis is shown in Fig. 8. It should be noted that the specified order of classification is not a dogma. Depending on the situation, you can go out of other criteria (for example, for class A, they can be as follows - 8/80, 15/80, 10/70).

Figure: 8. Graphic interpretation of ABC analysis of the assortment of goods

For ABC analysis, a different technique can be recommended. The turnover of a pharmaceutical company is divided by the total number of assortment items of the sold goods, as a result of which an indicator of the average turnover per item is obtained. After that, ranked commodity items, the total turnover of which is six times higher than the average, are assigned to group A, less than six and more than two times to group B, and less than two to group C. The mathematical and graphic implementation of this technique is as follows:

where C av - the average cost of one position of a ranked population of medicines;

The turnover of the analyzed population;

n - the number of assortment items;

VA, VB and VC - classes A, B and C, respectively.

In parallel with the ABC analysis, it is necessary to carry out an XYZ analysis, the essence of which is the structuring of the consumption of pharmaceutical products by the factor of consumption stability and the possibility of its prediction. At the same time, the consumption of drugs from group X is almost stable, the inconsistency is random (up to 20% monthly), the weekly predictability of the consumption of a certain product is over 95%. Group Y is characterized by certain consumption trends (for example, seasonality) or instabilities (volatility of consumption fluctuates between 20 and 50% monthly), weekly consumption predictability is at least 70%. Demand in group Z is stochastic, consumption volatility reaches more than 50% monthly, weekly predictability is less than 70%.

The matrix image of the integrated ABC and XYZ analysis is presented in the table. Based on its data, the most important for the purchase are composite cells with the parameters AX, AY, AZ, BX, BY and CX, since the annual or for another period the need for most of them can be foreseen with statistical reliability. In this case, the AZ field is included as an exception, due to its high cost, although it is characterized by stochastic consumption.

Table 7.

Matrix projection of the integrated ABC and XYZ analysis of the turnover of a pharmaceutical company

(high consumer value, high degree of forecast reliability due to stable consumption)

(high consumer value, medium degree of forecast reliability due to instability of consumption)

(high consumer value, low degree of forecast reliability due to stochastic consumption)

(average consumer value, high degree of forecast reliability due to consumption stability)

(average consumer value, average degree of forecast reliability due to unstable consumption)

(average consumer value, low degree of forecast reliability due to stochastic consumption)

(low consumer value, high degree of forecast reliability due to stable consumption)

(low consumer value, medium degree of forecast reliability due to consumption instability)

(low consumer value, low degree of forecast reliability due to stochastic consumption)

A similar integrated analysis is required for inventory from physical inventory. Periodic comparison of the results of ABC and XYZ analysis of turnover and inventory will enable a pharmaceutical company to optimize inventory in a volume sufficient for efficient sale, prevent excessive inventory and an increase in the risk of "freezing" working capital, as well as write-off of goods due to the expiration date.

The use of two methods of analysis allows formulary-therapeutic commissions of medical institutions to obtain the necessary data to make a decision to exclude certain drugs from the hospital formulary and supplement it with others, as well as information on the insufficient or excessive use of certain drugs.

The use of these methods is promising for both pharmacies and medical institutions, because:

1. ABC-analysis allows to revise the structure of procurement of drugs at the expense of the budget towards increasing the share of vital and necessary ones. It should be emphasized that such an analysis does not require significant financial costs and allows the medical institution to rationally use the available funds.

2. The results of the ABC analysis can be used both to determine the strategy for purchasing drugs, and to form their optimal stocks in the warehouse. For example, for a group of drugs with a high stable sales rate, a high forecast accuracy is possible, which eliminates the need for large stocks in the warehouse. For a group of drugs whose sales speed varies depending on the season, it is advisable to periodically build up stocks.

3. Firms engaged in small wholesale and retail trade, or wholesale companies focused on this group of customers, should have a fairly wide range. It should include all pharmaceutical groups of drugs. The assortment of the company, focused on medium and large wholesale, is much narrower, so it is necessary to pay more attention to obtaining favorable conditions (discounts, deferred payments, etc.) from suppliers.

Expanding the assortment entails an increase in costs and, consequently, a decrease in profits. Therefore, the use in practice of such a tool as ABC analysis will allow you to choose from the whole variety of drugs only those that are necessary for your customers.

After choosing the structure of the assortment, distribution channels for the goods and making a decision on the choice of the target customer, the company faces the task of building a distribution system for goods with which it will be possible to efficiently deliver goods to consumers. Hence,

the problem of effective inventory management arises. To manage inventory using logistics parameters, ABC analysis alone is not enough.

Analysis of the speed of drug implementation.

In the pharmacy assortment, the share of goods with different sales rates varies:

Group I - goods with a high rate of sale are 12–35% (on average 22%);

Group II - with a moderate implementation rate - 25–45%;

Group III - with a low and unpredictable implementation rate - 40%.

Group III goods will be sold only partially, and the remainder must be paid for from the pharmacy's own reserves, if any. In the absence of financial reserves, payment of the unrealized mass of goods becomes impossible, which can lead to an increase in debt and refusals from suppliers in the future in an interest-free commodity loan. The lower efficiency of the pharmacy when selling goods purchased on a loan does not require special evidence. However, even when purchasing goods only on a prepayment basis, a pharmacy may not provide high efficiency in using its own working capital.

Therefore, it is necessary to consider alternative technologies for the formation of commodity stocks and management of the pharmacy range, which would provide a more profitable mode of operation of the enterprise.
Many managers of pharmacies, especially municipal ones, explain their adherence to the formation of a pharmacy assortment on the basis of deferred payments by the deficit of their own working capital, which in some cases prompts them to use a bank loan in addition to a commodity loan, and this further complicates the financial situation of the enterprise.

The other side of the problem is to understand the deficit of own working capital. It is necessary to note the absoluteness and relativity of this concept.

Any organization can constantly refer to the lack of funds. The needs of the enterprise, as well as the needs of the individual, are always ahead of its capabilities. If today a pharmacy does not have debts to creditors, then it may lack funds for the technical re-equipment of the enterprise (purchase of new equipment for the production department, office equipment for automated accounting, analysis of financial and economic activities, automated accounting of the movement of goods within the pharmacy, etc.). ) or further expansion of the assortment, service sector, etc.

This is the absoluteness of the concept of “deficit of own circulating assets”. It is obvious that the economic subjects of the market, like people, have lived, live and will always live in conditions of objectively limited opportunities, including financial ones. The absolute limited (insufficient) resources for the simultaneous satisfaction of all the needs of the enterprise are constantly noted. At the same time, any enterprise also has some opportunities, some more, others less, allowing it to free up or find funds (including on credit terms) for certain production and technological programs. It is important to make their involvement profitable and, when using them, to obtain the greatest economic effect. With limited financial resources, the problem of their effective use is especially acute. Therefore, the concept and essence of the deficit of own circulating assets are relative, since resources may be sufficient to solve certain problems.

The main activity that generates income for a pharmacy enterprise is to provide the population and medical institutions with home-made pharmacy goods or finished products. Due to the complete satisfaction of the demand of the population and medical and preventive institutions with goods of the pharmacy range, the social function of the pharmacy is realized, and making a profit that covers all costs and ensures its development (survival) is a commercial task.

The main components of the financial success of a pharmacy's business can be identified:

Effective use of own and borrowed circulating assets and increasing their turnover;

Increased trade overlays while maintaining competitive prices;

Reducing enterprise costs.

The revenue side of the pharmacy budget is almost entirely related to the efficient use of funds for the formation of the pharmacy assortment, inventory and sales of goods.

On the other hand, minimizing the costs of maintaining inventory, eliminating defects, increasing turnover and profitability of funds spent are the basis for the successful operation of a pharmacy enterprise.

It is impossible to significantly increase the turnover of funds invested in the entire commodity mass of a pharmacy. However, it is possible to increase the turnover of funds invested in fast-selling goods, while reasonably reducing inventories. At the same time, it is impossible to accelerate the turnover of funds when selling the names of the pharmacy assortment sold in the amount of 1-3 packs per month. But this does not mean that they should not be included in the assortment, since the sale of even one package of expensive drugs can significantly affect the turnover and profit of the pharmacy.
For the effective use of own and borrowed working capital, a differentiated approach to the management of the pharmacy assortment and the rationing of commodity stocks, as well as clear ideas about what goods or services they are invested in and what kind of return are needed. For this it is necessary to structure the pharmacy assortment, and invest in those names that provide the greatest benefit.

Pharmacy assortment structuring.

ABC analysis allows each pharmacy organization to single out the names of goods, the sale of which most depends on the turnover and, accordingly, the gross profit. So, using the example of the activities of 14 pharmacies in Kursk and Belgorod, it was found that 23% of the total number of items give 75% of the turnover, but if this mass is divided into 3 equal parts by the effect on the turnover, then the first 23% of the turnover (group A1 ) provide 1.5-2% of the pharmacy assortment names, the second 25% of the turnover already provide 6-8% and the third - 15-18% of the pharmacy assortment names (NAA).

Group B, which also consists of 23% of NAA, provides 15% of the turnover, while Group C, which includes up to 50% of NAA, only 10% of the turnover.
Thus, it is necessary to highlight the names of the pharmacy assortment that have the greatest impact on the turnover. The attention of managers should be focused on the effective maintenance, first of all, of the names of groups A1, A2 and A3, since their absence can significantly affect the turnover, gross profit and the final indicators of financial and economic activity.

ABC analysis also allows a differentiated approach to pricing, since the gross profit and financial success of a pharmacy to a decisive extent depends on trade imposition on Group A drugs. Reduced trade imposition on Group A drugs will result in a significant decrease in gross margins.

Among the drugs of group A have:

The implementation rate is high - 25-30%;

Moderate - 40-50%;

Slow and unpredictable - 25–35%.

In group B, only 2% of items have a high and 30–40% moderate sales speed.

For group C, high and moderate sales rates are typical for 2–3% and 15–25% of NAA, respectively, and the overwhelming majority of goods (75%) have a slow and unpredictable sales rate.
The efficiency of using working capital (EIOS) also depends on the amount of inventory for individual items, since an increase in inventory leads to an increase in funds taken out of circulation, and a decrease in inventory naturally increases their turnover and contributes to saving funds invested in them.

Data on the impact of the structure of the NAA on the turnover and their speed of implementation can contribute to the targeted and effective use of own and borrowed working capital.

* Prices are taken according to Protek price list. Let us analyze the assortment using the example of five items from the assortment that have different prices, share in turnover, different sales rates, elasticity of demand and, therefore, marketing potential:

But - shpa;

Mezim forte;


Which of these items can give a great return on investment and what possible losses will a pharmacy have in the event of a temporary or long-term absence of them in the range?

By the formula for the formation of commodity stocks, we mean how many days the stock is formed and with what reserve. For example, with the 2 + 1 or 3 + 1 formula, stocks are built for 3 and 4 days, with a one-day reserve and restocking every 2 or 3 days.

To assess the possible (estimated) financial result from the investment of working capital, the coefficient of efficiency of using working capital (Keios) can be used, which is calculated by referring the gross profit received from the sale of specific items to the amount of working capital raised for its purchase (the cost of inventories).

Let's consider a specific example.

No-shpa - the share in the turnover is 1.2%, that is, it belongs to the A1 group in terms of the impact on the turnover; implementation speed - 0.18 (sold at a moderate speed - more than one package per week). At the same time, this item can be sold in quantities of one to three packs per day, and then it can be unclaimed for one to two weeks or more. This item should be characterized as having a highly predictable demand (having a high elasticity of demand). Taking into account a significant share in the sales volume, the absence of this drug can significantly affect the pharmacy's turnover, therefore, it is advisable to form the stock according to the formula 6 + 6, i.e. 0.18 packs / day 6 days \u003d 1.08 packs.

The stock should be at least two packs to minimize rejections and lost sales. Based on the speed of sales (0.18 packs / day), it can be expected that a pharmacy will sell 5.4 packs per month on average. Mezim forte (TB. No. 20) - the share in the turnover is 0.61%, the speed of realization is 7.54 packs / day. Thus, the drug mezim forte is included in group A1 in terms of its effect on trade turnover and belongs to group I in terms of speed of sale, has a consistently high demand (low elasticity of demand). When forming stocks, you can use the 2 + 1 or 3 + 1 formula, then 662 rubles will be required to purchase mezima forte for 3 days. With a 25% mark-up on the sale of each package, the pharmacy will receive a gross profit of 7.31 rubles, and for a month - 1654 rubles. (7.54 packs x 30 days x 7.31 rubles).

In this case, Keios will be 2.49 (1653: 662 rubles). Using the example of mezima forte, we will present the efficiency of using working capital, depending on the formula for the formation of reserves.

When forming stocks according to the 3 + 1 formula, this coefficient will be lower, since 882 rubles will already be required to purchase the drug for 4 days, and the gross profit will remain the same. When dividing the gross profit from the sale of mezima forte for the month - 1653 rubles. for the initially attracted amount - we get the coefficient 1.87 (1653: 882). It will turn out to be even lower when forming inventory according to the formulas 7 + 1 and 14 + 2 (1764 rubles is the amount required to purchase the drug for 8 days (7 days plus a safety stock for one day), Kios \u003d 1653: 1764 \u003d 0, 94. When forming commodity stocks for 2 weeks and plus a safety stock for 2 days, the gross profit remains the same, but the purchase will require 3528 rubles, and Kios with this formula will be equal to 0.47, that is, half of with the formula 7 + 1, and, respectively, 4 and 5.3 times lower than with the formulas 3 + 1 and 2 + 1. It follows from this that a decrease in stocks can significantly reduce the funds spent on the formation of the commodity mass, and significantly increase efficiency use of working capital.

Enap - the share in the turnover is 0.04%, the speed of sale is 1.93, therefore, in terms of its impact on the turnover, the drug belongs to group A3, and in terms of speed of sale - to group I (high speed of sale).

Cases of defect formation

Let's try to calculate the lost turnover and profit in cases of defective goods for the analyzed items. It was found that from the moment the defect was discovered until the moment the goods were received and received by the sales department, on average, it took about a day. Therefore, we calculate losses due to defective products by multiplying the number of packages sold per day by their price. If some item is sold less than one package per day, we consider that the losses are related to the failure of only one package. If, due to absence, we refused the buyer to purchase one package of the supersystem-six, then we accordingly lost 2419 rubles. in turnover and 484 rubles. in profit (with a 25% margin).

If there is a defect in Mezim Forte preparations, it is possible to close it within 24 hours; in this case, turnover may be lost, respectively, in the amount of 276; 17

Thus, the losses in turnover and profits associated with refusals are incomparable in the sale of these drugs. If we also calculate the operating costs associated with the acceptance of goods, conducting pricing operations, accounting in accounting entries, placing the goods and their release, then the advantages of selling these drugs are obvious.

However, when referring the earned profit to the initially spent funds, the advantages of quick-selling goods are obvious. In this regard, it is necessary to ensure a defect-free supply of the names of expensive goods in the pharmacy range, but if there is a shortage of own circulating assets, it is desirable to receive them in the form of a commodity loan for a period close to the average speed of sale.

The use to assess the possible financial result from investing in a certain group or a separate name of the goods of the pharmacy assortment of Canos, which largely depends on the speed of sale and, in this regard, on the formula for the formation of commodity stocks and with a markup for goods, allows us to give some recommendations on the formation pharmacy inventory. It should be considered inappropriate to order goods from a wholesaler:

All on the terms of a commodity loan or all on a prepayment basis;

For the same period (3, 7, 14 days, etc.)

Receiving goods on the terms of a commodity loan makes the pharmacy dependent on creditors. The purchase of all goods on a prepayment basis does not allow getting the greatest return on investment, ensuring their highest turnover.

It is necessary to order and receive goods from the supplier in a differentiated manner: quick-selling items - for 2, 3, 4 days, replenishing stocks daily, every other day or every 3 days.

It is advisable to order goods with a moderate speed of sale (group II) according to the formula 7 + 1 (7 + 2), ie, order initially for 8-9 days, replenishing them weekly. Products sold slowly, as well as those sold unpredictably (group III) should be ordered for 2–4 weeks. With the transition to such technologies, it is necessary to change the stereotypes of working with suppliers, which requires separate consideration.
Thus, the analysis of the efficiency of the use of working capital invested in various NAA indicates significant differences in the final results. A pharmacy can get the greatest return on investment from fast-selling goods if inventory is reduced to 2-3 days and the maximum possible trade overlaps are made. When selling items that have a significant impact on the turnover, but have an unpredictable demand (high elasticity), the return on investment is much less than that obtained from fast-selling items.

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