How to write an article about yourself examples. Interesting things you can tell a girl about yourself: a few examples. What can you write about yourself

One of the most common interview questions is “Tell me about yourself.” It is from this story that the first impression of the candidate is formed.

In order to relieve my readers of the BOSSHUNT blog from the syndrome "I have nothing to tell about myself", in this article I give 17 examples of telling about myself for positions in the following spheres: sales, business development, marketing, finance, training, project management, jurisprudence ...

I want to draw your attention to the fact that these stories were compiled for the specific requirements of the vacancy and the tasks of the company. When writing a story about yourself, first of all, consider the job description and information about the company in which you will be interviewed.

Examples of answers to the question "Tell about yourself" for positions:

  1. Project manager
  2. Marketer
  3. Business trainer
  4. Regional Manager
  5. Sales Representative
  6. Sales coach
  7. Marketing Manager
  8. Brand Manager Assistant
  9. Internet marketer
  10. Head of Financial Department
  11. Financial Manager
  12. Marketing director
  13. Business Development Manager
  14. Head of Legal Department
  15. Senior Product Manager
  16. CFO
  17. Sales Manager

Examples of answers to the question: Tell us about yourself

1. Self-story for the position "Project manager"

“I am very grateful to you for the invitation to an interview and I am glad to have the opportunity to share my experience.
I have been working in clinical research for 10 years.For more than 6 years I have worked for ABC. She started as an administrator, then continued as a specialist, for the last 4 years she worked as a senior specialist. I was involved in various projects, both international and local: my two largest projects were related to research in the field of oncology. The duration of 1 project is about 6 years, the duration of the second project is about 4 years.I worked at all stages of the project. My main responsibilities were: selection, initiation, monitoring and closure of clinical centers, and also I was engaged in feasibility, startup, interacted with the centers on the closure of databases, and was involved in preparing documents for submission to regulatory authorities and ethics committees. I was in charge of centers in 15 cities. Conducted 4 successful audits without critical errors, as a result of which the company was able to attract an additional 3 projects from the client.
I have the required work experience: I have conducted more than 15 screening visits and more than 20 initiating visits, conducted trainings for colleagues in international projects, which allowed me to develop my presentation and training skills. I can communicate with clients and negotiate at a high level. I have a good level of English, I have good business correspondence skills. I can work on several projects at the same time, I can allocate my time, evaluate my strengths and work in multitasking mode, and set priorities. Your vacancy is very interesting for me, for me it is an opportunity to expand my area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility in a large international company. I would be very happy to join your company. "

2. A story about yourself for the position "Marketer"

“I can describe myself in three words: strategist, analyst and organizer. My life motto is: never give up! My goal right now is to get a job at your company, and I am already very close to doing it. I am sure that my five years of experience in marketing in international companies and study at one of the best universities in the country allowed me to accumulate the necessary knowledge in my professional field, which I can successfully apply to positions in your company.
I know how to make decisions and take responsibility for the obligations I have assumed and try to resolve difficult situations. Thanks to the ability to work in a team and in multitasking mode, as well as the presence of such qualities as dedication and focus on achieving high results, I will be able to make my significant contribution to the development of the company.
I independently resolve all current work issues, prevent critical situations. I can easily evaluate and interpret information, offer all possible solutions to the problem and be able to present convincing arguments.
I apply an individual approach to each client, using different methods in negotiations, depending on the characteristics of the client. "

3. Story about yourself for the position "Business coach"

“I am a business coach, performer, visionary and blitzkrieg master. Myers-Briggs Test (MBTI) - INTJ - Strategist. I am sure that in order to achieve results in work, the best team of professionals in their field is needed. A professional integrated approach to training and development of employees gives me the opportunity to get the best result in a short time. In my work, I adhere to two principles:

  1. If you don't know how to do something perfectly well, then you shouldn't do it at all. Therefore, I will teach your employees to do their job in the best possible way.
  2. Knowledge and experience are the main factors of human activity. Everything else is tools. To know how to do something means to have this skill. I own modern methods and techniques in personnel training, I know how to use resources to make it work exactly as it should. This is my strength and competitive advantage over the rest.

My work is the foundation of my life. I'm not one of those funny people who live from weekends to weekends. I live to do what I love, and that is my job. "

4. Self-introduction for the position "Regional Manager"

“I started my career at N as a sales representative and a year later got promoted to the position of 'Sales Manager' due to my proactiveness and dedication. For the last three years I have been in the position of a regional manager. During this time spent in this company, I mastered the basic sales techniques that helped me achieve high results in fulfilling sales plans and bring my region to the first place. I learned what it means to work in a team, how to interact with distributors and negotiate with company partners.
The basis of my success in the field of sales - on the one hand, is building long-term and stable relationships with clients and partners of companies, on the other hand, it is the creation of a powerful field team. As you know, success in any business is ensured by specific managers. The difference is always - be it with a sign minus or plus - only in people. The desire to lead and be a leader for my team, as well as the constant search for opportunities in order to achieve maximum results, helped me achieve high performance in my work.
My principles for achieving efficiency are the unity of efforts to achieve goals and objectives, concentration and speed, the ability to discover opportunities and constantly develop. To remain a leader, you need to adequately perceive yourself, understand your weaknesses, and, of course, constantly gain new knowledge and acquire new skills.
I am confident that my knowledge and skills will enable me to make a significant contribution to your company. "

5. Self-story for position "Sales Representative"

“I know you need an employee with startup experience. I had a unique experience in Company X, where I got into the sales department, which had just opened. A certain area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility was assigned to me: 1/4 of the city, which had never been touched by a sales representative, and I was assigned the role of "Batman" with a fantastic task by modern standards: to build a distribution from absolute zero without any advertising and promotional support ... In the first 6 months of work, I managed to form a client base in the amount of 75 outlets. At the end of 2015, I received an award in the category "Best Sales Representative" for the maximum percentage of the sales plan fulfillment. I overfulfilled the plan by 60% and am very proud of my result. Can you find out what tasks I will have in your company? "

6. Self-story for position "Sales coach"

“I am a sales coach specializing in retail and direct selling. I have excellent analytical and strategic skills; I efficiently conduct a SWOT analysis of the company. Identify basic training needs, develop and create training programs; I provide post-training support.
I have 17 years of experience in the three largest multinational companies in the cosmetics market: Schwarzkopf & Henkel, L'Oreal, Avon, as well as experience in Russian companies: Afanasy-Pivo, Happyland, Termeks. At Schwarzkopf & Henkel, I was driven by "Passion and Will to Win", at L'Oreal - by "Striving for Excellence", at Avon - by "Luck by My Rules."
People often ask me how did you manage to work in the three largest companies in the cosmetics market? I really love parables and this one is very suitable for answering this question:
“One commander decided to attack the superior forces of the enemy. He believed in victory, but his soldiers doubted. Then he turned to one of the shrines and, referring to it, threw a coin: heads - victory, tails - defeat. The eagle fell. The inspired warriors won the battle. " But the coin had an eagle on both sides. The result depends on us, not on competitors, circumstances and, moreover, fate.
What is the secret of my success?
I became convinced that in order to become an effective sales coach, you need to have a professional sales manager background. Knowledge is the main tool of a manager in sales management, and practice is the main tool of a trainer in training. A sales coach makes a significant contribution to the development of the company's business through training and the transfer of his professional experience. I am sure that my experience and skills will help me cope with the tasks set. "

7. Self-story for position "Marketing Manager"

“I have more than 3 years of experience in marketing, trade marketing, planning and analytics. I gained valuable international experience in the FMCG sector, in the automotive and publishing business. He worked in countries such as Italy, Poland and the UK. Moreover, studying at the Department of Marketing in "XXX" gave me the necessary knowledge in the field of marketing, which I can successfully apply in your company.
I can be useful with my knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200b(I am fluent in English and also in German at an intermediate level) and knowledge of specialized computer programs: SAP, SPSS, Adobe Photoshop, Html and Google Software Analytics.
I have successful experience in conducting a presentation, developing a plan for launching a new product, analyzing business indicators (sales, stocks, prices, TM events) and organizing point-of-sales (POS) events. As well as conducting and analyzing marketing research allowed me to develop my analytical skills and ability to work with large amounts of information.
I am responsible for drawing up a promotional plan for clients. I research secondary information using reports to identify trends and key business indicators. I interact with the sales, marketing and finance departments. I have experience in launching and promoting new products. I am sure that I can quickly join the team and show excellent results. What tasks will be faced in the first three months of work in this position? "

8. Self-story for position "Assistant Brand Manager"

“The motto of my life is striving for constant development. I graduated from school with a silver medal, entered the Higher School of Economics, graduated from the bachelor's and master's degrees at the Faculty of Economics. I believe that I am a suitable candidate, because I speak English at a high level, I can translate and adapt texts, make presentations, analyze and visualize data in Excel, have relevant work experience and a great desire to develop in the beauty field, and I am very attentive to details, I love and can work with numbers and multitasking. My dream is to build a career in your company and I really want to go through all the stages to get this job. Do you think I have a chance to be the best candidate? "

9. Self-story for position "Internet marketer"

“I have been working in internet marketing for over 5 years. He started working in the company "X", where he was mainly engaged in content management. After receiving additional education, I became very interested in the field of SEO and website promotion. My responsibilities include: collecting marketing data, analyzing traffic, optimizing marketing metrics and results, monitoring and organizing SEO, conducting experiments to increase conversions, setting up analytical systems, organizing email newsletters, setting tasks and monitoring the work of contractors. These are the requirements I saw in your vacancy, so I was very interested in this position. Which candidate do you prefer? What experience? "

10. Self-story for position "Financial Director"

“My professional experience in the financial sector is over 22 years in various fields of business: investments, banks, construction, logistics. I have experience in tax and business planning of foreign companies with a turnover of 8 billion rubles or more. in year.
I know how to choose the best lending programs, to adapt accounting to Russian standards. High level of knowledge of tax planning, budgeting; tax and accounting, legislative and regulatory legal acts that regulate the activities of the enterprise. I have practical knowledge in the development and implementation of methodology, processes and procedures for planning and accounting.
I can negotiate with financial organizations, defend the interests of the taxpayer in the tax authorities and the Arbitration Court.
I have successful experience in passing tax audits (office and field), audits of conducting several legal entities. Accompanied the division of assets between owners.
I managed to win the case in the Arbitration Court and return more than 200 million rubles. overpaid taxes and fees
I am able to make decisions and make commitments, work in multitasking and tight deadlines with a large amount of information, professionally argue my opinion, can independently solve complex problems and lead several projects at the same time.
Thanks to my organizational skills and leadership qualities, I am able to organize the work of my employees, effectively set and control the implementation of tasks, and delegate tasks. I also have the skills to develop personnel motivation systems.
My strengths: analytical thinking, active life position, systematic approach to problem solving, independence, perseverance, ambition. "

11. Self-introduction for position "Financial Manager"

“I have over 16 years of experience in the financial sector in large Western companies in the following areas: wholesale, IT services, manufacturing.
I have knowledge in the following areas: international financial reporting standards, financial analysis, cash flow management, cost optimization and tax burden.
I have skills: management a team of five people, preparing the annual budget, automating the budget process, negotiating with credit institutions, passing audits (Big 4), developing and implementing internal procedures, including Due diligence.
Here are some examples of problem solving.
The company changed its CEO and some of its employees decided to leave, including the CFO. Taking advantage of the difficult situation, he did not complete the transfer of cases in full. I independently figured out the reporting formats according to US GAAP standards, contacted the auditors, restored the historical entries and submitted the reports on time.
Another example. The employee forgot to enter the amount of the next tranche into the loan repayment schedule. It turned out randomly, the day before the payment, while the employee himself was on vacation. Measures were taken to return accounts receivable and attract factoring. The next tranche was received by the bank on time. As a result of the well-coordinated work of the team, we have maintained a positive credit history.
I believe that my main achievement is that in 2016 our division was recognized as the best foreign division in the XXX Group of Companies based on financial results.

12. Self-story for position "Marketing director"

“My professional experience in marketing is over 10 years in various business areas.
I know how to choose the optimal strategy for promoting products on the market, adapting Western strategies to Russian standards. High level of knowledge in pricing, budgeting; knowledge of the basics of working with agencies and partners. I have a working knowledge of product development and market launch, planning and accounting processes and procedures. The FMCG market is a priority in our work.
I can assess the potential of a company in the market in terms of: price, positioning, advertising opportunities, demand, identify strengths and weaknesses, propose a development strategy. Develop advertising activities, calculate efficiency.
I solve problems of low demand, poor awareness, lack of communication with distributors or departments.
The latest successful achievement in the work was the holding of loyalty campaigns without the agency of agencies with an increase in turnover by 45%.
I am successful at work, thanks to my organizational skills and leadership qualities, calm, balanced attitude to the current situation and daily movement towards improvement in work.
My strengths: I can make decisions and take on commitments, work in multitasking and tight deadlines with a large amount of information, professionally argue my opinion, can independently solve complex problems and manage several projects at the same time. "

13. Self-introduction for position "Business Development Manager"

“Thank you again for the opportunity to share your experience.
I have 8 years of experience in sales, of which 5 years in the B2B market.
My experience in retail (b2c) started in a large mobile retailer. In this company, I managed to build a career from a sales coach to the position of a store manager. I was responsible for achieving the planned indicators of the retail outlets entrusted to me, as well as for the development of personnel. My responsibilities included: building an effective sales system, managing the sales department, staff training. This experience helped me develop team management skills, sales strategy building, leadership qualities and teamwork skills. I regularly exceeded the company's targets, which gave me the opportunity to manage some of the best salons in Russia, including the largest and most significant salon.
Given the opportunity for career growth in the company "X", at that moment I realized for myself that I would like to try to gain new experience and understand the b2b market. The main reason was that this market was interesting, there were acquaintances, and most importantly, that the IT sphere is connected with my higher education.
Before leaving for this market, I decided to go to a business school to improve my qualifications and entered the MBA. I was preparing, and as soon as I entered successfully, I found a job in this area in an international company that I wanted. I think this job was a good start in the b2b market.
In the YYY company, I got 3 years of experience in the IT field. It is a German international IT company that is one of the world's leading leaders in the IT industry. In this company, I served as the lead manager for work with key clients. My experience in the company gave me the opportunity to gain negotiation skills, the ability to create optimal commercial conditions and represent the interests of the company at the C-levels. I managed to sell a new development of the company to the largest bank in Russia. I also developed an effective script for attracting new customers, which allowed us to increase sales by 35%.
At the moment I am in search of a job, due to the reduction of freelancers. I was attracted by your company and the functionality described in the vacancy. If you have any questions from my experience, I will be happy to answer them. "

14. Self-story for position "Head of the Legal Department"

“I have 15 years of experience in the legal field, I have worked for about 10 years in the field of construction and about 5 years in the field of renting non-residential premises.
He started at the XXX company, which carries out specialized work at state facilities of particular importance as a legal adviser in the singular. He was engaged in contractual work, namely, their preparation, proofreading of contracts received from contractors; claim, judicial work; opening / closing of separate subdivisions in other regions; worked with constituent documents, which require amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
Here I learned how to draw up contracts, manage paperwork, court work and legal writing skills.
Then I moved to YYY, which specializes in the rental and management of commercial real estate, as the head of the legal department. Here I worked with contracts for the lease of non-residential premises, judicial, corporate, and was engaged in legal support of purchase and sale transactions. He mastered the skills of transactions for the alienation of shares in the authorized capital of a company, and transactions for the purchase and sale of land plots.
I gained my key experience in the company "BBB", specializing in the reconstruction and construction of various objects, in which I started as a leading legal adviser and later became the head of the department. He was responsible for the organization and control of the work of the legal department in the amount of 8 people. My responsibilities included: legal examination of contracts, government contracts, development of a legal position in court cases, consulting management and employees.
In this company, I got the skills to appeal against the decisions of the GATI on an administrative offense, the skills of reorganization and transactions with bills.
At the moment I am looking for a job due to the downsizing of the department. I will be glad to answer your questions. "

15. Self-story for position "Senior Product Manager"

“I would like to thank you once again for the opportunity to tell about myself and my professional experience.
I have over 12 years of experience in pharmaceutical marketing.
I started to build my career in marketing from the position of marketing coordinator in the international company "XXX". After working with the company for 5 years, I decided to get a brand manager position in order to gain experience in planning, organizing and controlling the entire process of new product launches and market launch.
I passed the competition to the "YYY" company. This is where I gained my core expertise in the pharmaceutical industry. I was responsible for the following tasks: implementation of the product promotion strategy; development and implementation of marketing programs to promote a new product; managing the budget for promoting the products assigned to me.
After 3 years of work in this company, I did not see for myself the prospect of moving to a new position, and when my former colleague made me an offer to move to the AAA company for the position of a marketing manager with interesting tasks and expanding the functionality, I accepted him sentence. At this company, I am proud of the optimization of the market monitoring reports and KPIs for marketing activities.
Unfortunately, this year the flow of new projects with confirmed financing has dropped by half, large companies have begun to cut budgets for marketing services, and the company plans to leave the Russian market. So I started looking for work. I am interested in your vacancy and I would be very happy to pass the competition in your company. "

16. Self-introduction for position "Financial Director"

“Thank you for inviting me for an interview.
In the field of finance, I have been working for over 16 years, including in large industrial holdings - in machine building, the industry of providing complex engineering services, food as a financial director.
I started my career at XXX from the position of chief accountant, then as the company and my functions developed, I took the position of chief accountant with the functions of a financial director.
The field of activity of the company is very similar to the field of activity of your company - professional engineering solutions in the field of design. We had 7 branches in the Russian Federation.
In the company "XXX" I acquired good skills in setting and regulating budget management in a company with a developed network of branches and areas of activity, automating key business processes, analyzing the profitability of transactions, areas, tax planning.
After working for 6 years, I moved to the position of financial director at the YYY diversified production holding, where I gained my key work experience.
I was responsible for 4 main blocks:

  1. Management of the financial department, treasury and accounting (subordinate to 50 people).
  2. Financial planning and strategic construction of financial business models.
  3. Accounting and audit (development of an effective accounting policy, accounting methodology, internal regulations and procedures, interaction with auditors and tax authorities).
  4. Analysis of investment projects, incl. structuring transactions in tax and financial aspects.

Currently, due to family reasons, I have decided to move to Moscow and am looking for a job in Moscow. Now I am interested in your vacancy and would like to pass the competition for the position of financial director ”.

17. Self-story for position "Sales Manager"

“I have 15 years of experience in an international corporation and experience in business development in the Russian market from zero, including in times of economic crises.
I have deep knowledge of the B2B market. I know how to develop and implement commercial and marketing strategies. I am able to build partnerships with distributors. I also have an active customer base.
The main part of my life is work. Therefore, it is important for me in my work to see clear and precise goals for achieving commercial indicators, achieving sales volumes and implementing the company's strategy in the market. I am also close to the corporate policy and values \u200b\u200bof your company and the possibility of applying the accumulated experience and knowledge.
I am sure that my experience will allow the company to quickly take a stable position in the market. In 3-5 years a full-scale trade office will function in Russia. "

Case "Minute of Glory"

In 1968, Andy Warhol stated that "in the future everyone will be world famous for 15 minutes." You will still have time to get 15 minutes of fame during the entire interview, and in the story about yourself one minute will be enough to make the first favorable impression on the interviewer.

I suggest you complete the "Minute of Glory" case.

Description of the case. Imagine you only have one minute to describe yourself as the ideal candidate. Prepare answers to questions and write a story about yourself.

Task number 1. Answer the questions:

1. Beginning. Introduction. Introduce yourself.

  • What is your profession?
  • What experience and in what areas do you have?

2. The main part. Please provide evidence of your professional competence.

  • What do you know?
  • What can you do?
  • What problems did you solve?
  • What is your biggest achievement?
  • How did you manage to achieve success / advancement in your career?

3. Conclusion. Describe yourself from the best side. Don't be humble.

  • What are your strengths?
  • What qualities help you in your work?

Task number 2. Now combine everything that has turned out into one text.

Task number 3. Check the length of your story over time. If necessary, reduce the time to introduce yourself to one minute.

So, your story about yourself is ready. That's it - it's time to get down to business - to train! Take your interview speech as seriously and responsibly as if you were asked to give a speech in front of a large audience. Practice, practice, and only practice will help you present yourself in the best possible way.

Lifehacks: How to write a selling story about yourself

Adapt your story to the job and the company

There are many examples, but none of them will help you in creating your selling story. Use examples as a basis, and remember to include exactly the experiences and skills that will interest your potential employer.

Create a story about yourself using 3 strategies

  • Five-point program
  • 60 seconds
  • Aristotle's structure.

Acquaintance is an important stage in human relationships. It is often said that already at the first meeting, many conclusions can be drawn about what a given person is. In this article, we will consider several options for how you can tell about yourself with humor.


Every normal acquaintance begins with a performance. However, just to say: “Hi, I'm Anya (Petya, Sasha)” - it's not very interesting and original. So, you can try more skillfully. The first option is a poetic form. Here you need to choose a rhyme for your own name and use it if you need to recommend yourself. As an option - Tanya the jumpy (if the person Natasha is your joy (if the person radiates positive), and so on. However, this phrase should be at least a little true. By the same principle, you can recommend yourself in prose, simply by adding something to your name. something characteristic that defines a person's personality. This is if you need to tell briefly about yourself with humor. So, for example, you can tell about your profession: "Hello, I am Sasha, I like to torture children" (if you are a teacher). It should be noted that even if such an acquaintance will not end with friendship, it will definitely be remembered by a person forever.

A little bit about yourself

If the acquaintance is not limited to the presentation of people, but proceeds further in a warm and friendly atmosphere, you can just as cheerfully talk about yourself. So, this does not always have to be true. Why not just try to make your surroundings laugh with a little fantasy? So, you can come up with a story about yourself that will be similar to the truth, and in this way amuse the company. However, it is original to tell the truth about yourself with humor. Interesting phrases that will help with this: "I was born (was) secretly from my parents ...", "Childhood was just wonderful, who doesn't like twirling the tails of cows?" etc. The main thing in this business is to look at the reaction of people, because not always such an attitude towards the company may please everyone present. In a humorous tone, you can just say a couple of phrases or even make up a whole story and tell it to others.


You can tell a lot about yourself with humor. So, for example, why not talk about your hobby? A very funny phrase: "My hobby is an abnormal squint." It seems that the person answered the question, but also try to understand what he wanted to say by that. By the same principle, you can answer: “I love music. Favorite singer - Lenin. " And the people will laugh, and the new comrade will be remembered for a long time. I must say that there can be a huge number of such trifles. About favorite things - “I love playing snowballs for undressing”, about life position - “I believe in all the colors of the rainbow”, etc.


What else can you tell about yourself with humor? So why not describe your looks in a fun way? This is suitable if a person is getting to know each other blindly: via the Internet or by phone. You can highlight your special features and present them in a fun way. For example, if you are too tall or too small, promise the person to grow or shrink. In the event that someone has big ears, we can say that this is in order to better hear others (as in the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood"), etc. It is important to just show your imagination and not be afraid to make a little joke on yourself.


What else can a girl tell about herself with humor? For example, if she can drive a car, you can say that she does it better than a monkey gets along with a grenade (this is a saying that everyone knows). By the same principle, it is easy to highlight your achievements. Indeed, for some people such information is very important, but very few people want to immediately reveal all the cards when they first meet. You can try to joke about this topic. For example, to say that life, like everyone else's - a striped zebra, there are both ease and difficulty. When it comes to work or study, you can fantasize something ("I am the president of a large international bank" or "I am a secret agent of the security service") and present everything with a serious air.


Talking a little about yourself with humor, why not focus on your shortcomings? So, we can say that all of them have already lined up in a queue for correction, but they will not wait yet. In this case, you need to smile a lot. It will be, as they say, "in the subject." Considering something separately, why not highlight the most common characteristics? You can have fun talking about your laziness (especially if the person is a workaholic) or gluttony (this story will be especially fun from the lips of a lady weighing 50 kg).

Application form

Very often today a person, if he wants to register on a particular site, must fill out a short questionnaire. In such a situation, you can also joke. The questionnaire can be a little funny or even funny. It's easy to tell about yourself with humor here. However, you must first think about whether they will understand the person correctly, because joking is not always possible. So, for example, if you register on a dating site, you only need to hint at what is inherent. After all, a completely humorous questionnaire can be taken by potential gentlemen or brides simply for a mockery, and the real goal - to find your soul mate - will, alas, not be achieved. However, a person who can laugh at himself or make others smile is always liked by people, because it is often easy and simple to communicate with such persons. Without restrictions, humorously fill out small annotations about yourself on various sites of interest, where real information is not of great importance.

Fundamental rules

Before telling something about yourself with a grain of humor, you need to learn a few simple rules. The first of them: it is possible, and even necessary, to speak, not always the truth. In such a situation, lying is a sweet thing. Why not, the main thing is that the interlocutor has fun. Next tip: you need to know where and with whom you can joke. Talking about yourself with humor during an interview for a serious position in a large company is the height of frivolity. In addition, such a person will most likely be treated like a clown and tactfully asked to leave. You can joke at parties, with people of your own circle and with friends. However, it should be remembered that uncomfortable situations occur here too. So, the following rule emerges from this: look at the reaction of the interlocutor. If a person decides to talk about himself in a cheerful tone, you need to start with something easy and simple. And watch the reaction of others. If the joke is over, you can continue in the same spirit. If not, then it is better to leave this venture, the company, most likely, got caught more seriously than expected. What else do you need to remember? So, you should not openly ridicule your own or other people's shortcomings. Few people like it, and it betrays a person who is not very confident in himself and tries to hide behind such behavior. Humor should be light, but not derisive. And, probably, one of the main rules: to speak with a beautiful clear speech, not to use it or Such behavior will give out a person of a low level of culture and general development, and few people will like it.

What to talk about and what to avoid?

It is also important to know what to talk about when you first meet, and what is better to keep silent and not joke about. So, you can tell everything about yourself and your life, starting even from childhood. Moreover, such stories will be really funny, because while a person is young at heart, he has a lot of interesting, unforgettable and just funny events and situations. You can also tell a lot about your immediate environment. But what is not worth talking about, even in a joking tone, is the secrets and secrets of loved ones. There is no need to stoop to the level of the "yellow press". It is better to keep silent about this. It will most likely be even interesting to those around you, but later on it will leave an unpleasant "aftertaste" about the person. Women also have to hide something. You can tell a lot about yourself with humor, but at the beginning of your acquaintance it is best to keep silent about the intimate side of life. It is advisable not to admit it even as a joke. By the way, this also applies to men, because it is better if personal life remains with a person and does not become public. And people who immediately reveal all the cards will seem to most simply frivolous.

Often, when hiring, applying for training, passing certification, the need to join a club or community on social networks, an applicant is required to provide a short story about himself. It can be in the format of an autobiography or resume. There are no strict rules for writing, most often these documents are created in free form. And, although on the Internet you can often find typical letterheads that tell you point by point, nevertheless, it is the creative, creative approach that is more appreciated.

How to write a biography about yourself and what is important not to miss

Biography - a short story about yourself, designed to characterize a person, tell about the main events of his life, successes and achievements. It is necessary to mention in it the strong or weak character traits, hobbies, even dreams and hopes.

  • Biography begins with a performance... You should give your last name, first name and patronymic, indicate the year of birth. It is not worth writing the place of birth, but the place of permanent residence is mandatory. Also, it is necessary to mention marital status, indicate the age of children.
  • The next item is education... It is not necessary to indicate in detail how and how successfully you studied at school, it is enough to mention which school you graduated from. For the employer, vocational education will be of primary importance. At this point, mention should be made of the educational institution, the specialty received, and the years of studenthood. Another important point - here you should indicate the courses, trainings, seminars that helped you improve your qualifications, as well as the dates of their passage.
  • Job, professional experience - an important moment in the biography. Here you should indicate all the places of work where you had to work, years, positions, responsibilities, general experience. It is useful to indicate your achievements, successes, awards, gratitude here.
  • In the last two points, a big plus will be indication of their achievements in the educational and work fields, and not just a simple listing of dates and facts. So, what can you write about yourself in this vein? Anything you want: about being the best student in a particular subject, taking sessions with only the highest marks several times in a row, becoming the best employee of the year, participating in conferences, being an activist, etc. A biography is a free story about yourself, where you can present yourself in the best, favorable light).
  • You must specify and personal qualities... Since the set of characteristics for each person is huge, mention should be made of those that will help you join the team. So, if you are applying for a job, then we describe professional qualities, as well as outline the communicative, organizational character traits. If you want to become a volunteer, then compassion, humanity, love for people will be appreciated.

It's important not to make the most common biography mistakes

Don't overload your biography with dates and numbers. These are boring statistics that no one is interested in and that no one will remember. Another mistake is writing untruths. We all love to embellish ourselves, exposing the best features and hiding the bad ones, but you should not write a deliberate lie, because it will definitely be revealed. A common mistake is to indicate absolutely all facts and data about yourself in your biography. From such a biography it is difficult to understand what its author wants, what he claims, because based on it he is a Swiss, and a reaper, and a gamer.

What to write about yourself in a biography sample

I, Volkova Maria Konstantinovna, was born on September 4, 1984, in the town of Gryazi, Lipetsk region.

In 1990 she entered the 1st grade of secondary school №16 in Gryazi, Lipetsk region, and in 2001 she successfully graduated from school. 2001 to 2006 studied at the Rostov State Economic University, at the Faculty of Industrial Management, which she graduated with a degree in Economics and Human Resources.

In 2006, she was hired by LLC Projekt as HR Manager, where I work to this day. My responsibilities include managing personnel production, recruiting staff, maintaining records and personnel documentation.

In 2011 she graduated from the courses "HR administration" at the consulting center "Careerist".

She is married and has a daughter, Julia, 6 years old.

I am fond of tennis, tourism, weaving macrame, floriculture. An active user of thematic social networks. I have many friends, I am sociable. I love animals, I have a pet dog Jane.

What to write about yourself when filling out a resume

The resume and biography have a lot in common. Therefore, if you know how to write a biography about yourself, then write a resume with ease. However, there are some differences:

  • After the autobiographical data, you should indicate your contact details: email, skype, phone, address.
  • work experience Is the most important section on a resume. Here, not only the years of work and the positions held are indicated, but also a detailed list of projects that had to be worked on. Each project should be characterized, indicate the tools with which it was necessary to work, successes and achievements in the project (only if this data is of interest to the employer). Also, it is necessary to indicate (if any) the availability of computer skills, proficiency in programs, foreign languages. A big plus is the availability of completed courses, trainings, training seminars or mastering a related profession.
  • Personal information is indicated in minimum resume about yourself... You should not focus on your everyday habits or events that are not related to work. Here you can mention your hobbies: sports, tourism and other active leisure activities (it is better not to mention the fact that you love beer with friends).
  • The summary indicates and traits... It is necessary to list those that will help to better perform work duties: purposefulness, communication skills, stress resistance, organization, an adequate attitude to criticism, etc.
  • If you wish, you can include a clause on the proposed job, on wishes about working conditions, wages.

Sample resume

A suitable vacancy has been found, an appointment with the employer has been made. How to behave in an interview to get hired? What to tell about yourself? A few examples of a story about yourself at a job interview, this story will help you write your own text, and it is better to prepare it in advance, before coming to the interview.

Work is the most important part of our life. Scientists estimate that an average person spends 99,117 hours in the workplace. Of course, everyone wants to go to work with joy and enthusiasm. For this, it is necessary that work brings not only material, but also moral satisfaction. Only by finding a job that suits in all respects, a person can feel fulfilled and successful.

Before conducting an interview, the applicant will have to fill out.

How do I prepare for an interview?

In order for the interview to be successful and the applicant to be hired, you need to carefully prepare for it. Here you can advise to go through the following steps:

  1. Find out the main directions of the company and the specifics of the desired vacancy.
    "Even a turkey can be taught to climb trees, but it is better to hire a squirrel for this purpose!" - this statement by K. Dyson perfectly describes the need to always meet the requirements of a particular employer.
  2. If the company specializes in retail sales, focus on your experience in various positions in this area, for example, promoter, sales assistant.
  3. Clarify what results you have achieved, do not hesitate to talk about your successes and achievements.
  4. Emphasize your qualities such as activity, communication skills, focus on results, that is, those that will be useful in this particular position.

The next thing to do is to think over the story about yourself and your skills, experience - this is an important part of the interview. Each employer starts evaluating the employee with his story. In this case, a resume, thought out and correctly designed in advance, can also help -?

What other questions might you ask in an interview? We offer.

What to tell the employer about yourself at the interview

Prepare a small self-presentation (story about yourself), emphasizing your professional and your strengths. Don't tell a potential employer what you sometimes sing in the shower or what type of coffee you prefer. It's better to focus on your education and career achievements. Many recruiters advise to rehearse speech at home in front of a mirror, while paying attention to your facial expressions and gestures.

In order for the listener to better perceive information, you should not talk about your life and experience for too long. 3 minutes is enough, it is during this time that you can successfully hold the recruiter's attention. For easy reading, the story should be divided into semantic blocks, each for 30-40 seconds.

Examples of a story about yourself

A sample story about yourself at a job interview:

“My name is Elena Smirnova, I'm 26 years old. Single. Graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the State University in Kaluga. I want to work in your company, as you are a leader in the professional field, with which I associate my further career. The proposed position of a marketer combines the opportunity to directly participate in product promotion and apply knowledge of foreign languages, which is very important for me.

I think I am a good fit for this position, as I have experience in this field and possess such qualities as dedication, responsibility and creativity.

At the previous place of work, I managed to achieve… due to the marketing research I carried out.

Further, the story about oneself includes specific achievements, expressed in numbers, facts, and events. The main thing that you do not need to include in your speech is lies, blunders and shortcomings. It is better to just keep silent about the latter, and the deception can be easily checked, the employer's trust will immediately fall if he finds out some kind of deception, even the most insignificant and petty.

How to say?

When talking about yourself in your job interview, be kind and confident.

Any employer wants to see an open, sociable and friendly person in their team. There is no room for snobbery and arrogance in the interview. Don't forget the good manners! Bad manners and hypocrisy can alienate an applicant even with a good resume.
You should also not be too withdrawn and modest. Answer questions with confidence and dignity.

What not to do when applying for a job?

Most jobseekers make a number of avoidable mistakes in job interviews. The most common ones are:

  • Inappropriate comments about the previous place of work, colleagues or bosses. You should not speak badly about your past work, because you took it on your own, and not "by the will of fate" or under the pressure of insurmountable circumstances. A potential employer may decide that you will not say anything good either about his company or about him personally.
  • An overly detailed description of your personal life and things that are not related to work. You can talk about nature, weather and oil prices during your lunch break if you are hired.
  • Doubt about their abilities and professional qualities. If you yourself doubt yourself, how can a future employer appreciate you?

The correct story about your skills, experience and achievement is, of course, good. But to create an overall positive picture for the employer, it is important not only to convey the meaning of the text to the recruiter, but also to behave correctly in this case.

You need to talk about yourself with a smile and confidence in what you say. Do not sprawl on a chair, do not cross your legs, do not cross your arms. Only talk about what is interesting to the employer. Do not include too much praise about yourself in your story, do not exaggerate your achievements and skills - and you will achieve a result.

Good-natured and businesslike behavior, self-confidence, and the correct story about your personality are important ingredients for success in a job interview.

Video lesson - preparing a story about yourself when applying for a job correctly

“You will not have a second chance to make a first impression” - said the legendary Coco Chanel about the appearance.

The catch phrase also applies to self-presentation.

By inviting you for an interview, the employer provides the only chance to convince him to give the coveted position to you.

What to say for an interview when applying for a job, how to present yourself to the employer competently? Good self-presentation requires preliminary preparation and does not tolerate impromptu. Think in advance about what to tell about yourself during the interview, make a plan for the story and rehearse in front of the mirror, controlling facial expressions and gestures.

Important! The employer pays attention not only to your speech, but also to your appearance.

Remember the 30 second rule - you have half a minute to please the employer, do not drag out your story, speak briefly and to the point. The main rule is a little, but to the point. Stick to the plan, but do not memorize the text, otherwise it will not be interesting to listen to you. You will find examples of what to tell about yourself in an interview later in the article.

Why do you need self-presentation?

The employer has already made his opinion about you in absentia, based on the data of the resume and the questionnaire. It would seem, what else does he want to know? Why do you need a self-presentation in an interview?

The employer wants to hear first of all that you have exactly the qualities and professional skills that he is looking for.

For example, to say that you are a cheerful and sociable shirt-guy, applying for the position of a personnel specialist, is not the best idea.

In this case, it is more expedient to characterize yourself as a responsible and sociable person.

It has long become customary that interviews are asked to tell about yourself. During your story, the employer will evaluate the manner of behavior and storytelling, the ability to convey the most useful information to the listener in a short time.

Read more about what to say at the interview, when asked to tell about yourself and what you need to say at the interview in order to be hired, later in the article.

Telling about yourself at an interview: an example and an algorithm

Before heading off for an interview, it's a good idea to find out more about the company. Search the internet for information, read reviews. Read what, according to employers, the qualities a specialist should have. This data will help you identify the employer's needs and use them as the basis for the story.

There is no uniform presentation form for all organizations, only the general structure is highlighted, which you can change depending on the specifics of the company's work.

How to properly tell about yourself? The story can be conditionally divided into several points:

Reference! This structure is the basis of the presentation, it can be supplemented and changed at your discretion!

It is up to you how to answer the interview questions. Remember, there is no need for lengthy explanations, it is enough to make a short story about yourself.

So, self-presentation at an interview is an example or sample of a story about yourself at an interview. Elena Sokolova will go to the Focus company for an interview as a sales representative.

My name is Elena, my specialty is an active sales manager.

I am 31 years old, married, I have a son - a schoolboy, 10 years old.

In 2007 she graduated from the Orenburg State University, Faculty of Management. Working in her specialty, she was repeatedly noted by the management as the best employee of active sales.

I speak English at a conversational level and have a driving experience of 8 years. She attended trainings: "Hard Selling", "Consumer Psychology", as well as trainings for personal growth. With a computer for you.

In my work, I aim to achieve optimal performance, not content with mediocre results. Interested in professional development and growth.

I can describe myself as a purposeful, strong-willed person, capable of quickly and effectively solving the tasks set by the leadership. Sales work is impossible without communication, stress resistance and responsibility, which I am not deprived of.

I like to spend my free time with benefit: I ride a bike, read, relax with my family and friends.

I think that this is all that I would like to tell you about. Thank.

Reference! Please note that for clarity in Elena's story, each structural point is highlighted in a separate paragraph!

What shouldn't be said in an interview? There are several points that are best kept quiet in your story.

First, do not speak badly about management and colleagues from your previous job.

Second, do not tell the employer about your mistakes and failures in the professional field.

Your story should not contain any doubt about your own abilities and professionalism.

Be confident and don't underestimate your own merits, but don't overdo it with self-praise. Find a suitable example of how to tell about yourself in an interview in advance and customize it for yourself. Remember that everything is good in moderation.

How is the response analyzed?

The employer, analyzing your answer, pays attention not only to the information content, but also to other factors:

Even if you have clearly decided what needs to be said at the interview and what not, observe the “golden mean” in everything and in no case lie to the employer.

Useful video

Self-presentation at an interview - more in the video below:

Preliminary preparation and the right attitude will lead you to the desired goal and open new horizons for you. Moreover, now you know what to answer the question: "Tell us about yourself?" Good luck in your professional field!


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