Filling the stamp of the drawing according to GOST. Drawing up drawings according to GOST. The framework of the executive scheme for underground networks and structures

The modern industrial industry has, without a doubt, reached incredible heights. A few decades ago, the success of mankind in this area was completely insignificant in comparison with the industrial work of which scale is being carried out now. Of course, there is a whole host of factors that have enabled the industrial industry. Among them are the achievements of mankind in the field of innovative technologies, and the widespread availability of special education. The ability to competently draw up highly professional drawings is another reason why the global industrial complex has risen so high. The main inscription of the drawing is his face, the rules for filling out this field are indicated in GOST 2.104-2006.

What does this field contain?

It is important to understand that filling in the title block field is very important for design category documentation. This element is a kind of forming part. Many years of experience in the preparation of design documents made it possible to determine the optimal set of data that the described graphic element should contain. We are talking about statements of a different nature, after reading which, anyone can get information about which object is described in the design document, whether the scheme is relevant or has already been recognized as obsolete, as well as much more.

Components of a graphic item

So, within the framework of the graphic element, you must specify the following data:

  • designation of the type of drawing;
  • its name;
  • information about the industrial facility within which this design document was created and, possibly, is currently functioning;
  • the regulated weight of the structure;
  • the scales used when depicting the product and its individual parts;
  • the stage at which this development is currently located;
  • serial number of the sheet;
  • the date on which this design edition was issued;
  • data on those persons who are vested with responsibility for the document in question.

It must be understood that filling in this field cannot be ignored in any case. Otherwise, the subsequent occurrence of problems with the introduction of paper into life cannot be avoided, since the design documentation must contain this field. Actually, a diagram that either does not have at all, or has, but not a well-composed graphic element of this type, simply cannot be used in the production process. This is regulated by the state standard and is mandatory for every object of the domestic agro-industrial complex.

If you need to draw a visible contour, you should use the specially provided graphic elements.

What are the requirements of the state standard?

Within the framework of the state industrial complex, a huge number of standards operate, which contain complexes of a wide variety of requirements that relate not only to the production process directly, but also to all the stages preceding it. For example, in order to unify the system of design documentation and facilitate the cooperation of various industrial facilities, GOST 2.104-2006 was developed. Thanks to this state standard, an employee of any enterprise can get acquainted and, most importantly, understand the information contained in the project. For this, he should only need a certain level of qualification.

Correct name

So, it is obvious that the name is one of the main elements of the described field of projects. Due to its particular importance, the above-mentioned state standard puts forward certain requirements. First of all, the name of the product. It is necessary to approach its preparation with all responsibility. It is important not only to concisely formulate a name that will reflect the essence of the product, but also to use specialized technical terminology. Meanwhile, this field should not indicate either the direct functional purpose of the object, or its location.

Assigning an index

In addition to the name, it is very important to correctly assign an index to the publication. Otherwise, the design document will not be able to fully participate in the workflow and, accordingly, will not be used during the implementation of production processes. The index that will be assigned to the project in the future, as a rule, contains characters in alphabetic and digital formats. It is also important to adhere to a certain sequence of elements. Instead of a space between letters and numbers, a period is put. Using the example of a record in the format "", you can consider the components of the index:

What is littera?

If we translate the word "littera" directly from the Latin language, then it becomes clear that the term means a letter that implies that the product is at a certain stage of development. There are such variants of letters located in the "letter" field:

  • P. This is a short designation of a technical proposal.
  • E. This letter is an indicator that the draft is described in the project.
  • T. In this case, we are talking about the category of a technical project.
  • A. This letter defines the production of a batch of the category "experimental".
  • A. Setting this letter in the field means that some adjustments were made to the design document in connection with the characteristics and indicators of the experimental batch.
  • B. Such a letter traditionally means that the scheme is drawn up in accordance with the results of the production of the goods described in the document with the letter A.

It is important to understand that the letter, like the index, about the rules for writing which is written above, is a rather important and almost defining component of the main inscription. Thanks to such concise and always understandable designations, a specialist with a sufficient level of qualification only needs to look at the drawing once, and the employee will immediately determine its relevance and applicability in the production process of a particular enterprise.

Product weight indication

Another important parameter that largely illustrates the characteristics of a product is its weight. In accordance with GOST 2.104-2006, the mass can be indicated exclusively in numbers. In addition, there is no need to indicate the units of measurement, because the value in the generally accepted international system is assumed in advance. However, the estimated mass is not stamped on all pages of the drawing. The title block must contain this information before proceeding to the technical design. As practice shows, the actual mass is indicated in projects that describe the results of an experimental batch. Actually, what makes such a value actually is the way it is measured. It consists in the most ordinary weighing of a sample released as part of an experimental series. Meanwhile, if a specialist is dealing with very large technical products, the mass of which is practically impossible to determine by ordinary weighing, it becomes quite acceptable to indicate the calculated value instead of the usually required actual value. In addition, it is also possible to indicate the limits of the parameter deviation. The state standard does not put forward mandatory requirements for writing the mass in the drawings of such categories:

  • overall;
  • mounting;
  • prototype.

Additional information

It should be noted that the main inscription of the drawing assumes the presence of 34 different columns and only a few of them carry purely technical information directly about the product. Actually, only five of them relate to the structural part of the product, all the rest supplement the technical information in order to fully reflect the history of creation and the specifics of manufacturing the object.

Design Document Data

When developing the title block of a drawing, specialists indicate the scale in which the object was depicted using graphic means. The magnitude of the scale directly depends on the original dimensions of the object, be it a device, apparatus or something else. In addition to the scale, the serial number of each sheet is also indicated. If we are talking about a drawing in a single copy, then its numbering is not needed. In a special field, space is also allocated for the total number of sheets. You cannot leave empty the field intended for writing the name of the enterprise, on the basis of which the drawing was published.

Developer data

About a third of all columns in the title block are intended to describe the team working on the creation of a specific design document. For example, there is a special area for writing data about under whose supervision the developer worked. This can be the head of a bureau or a whole department. Since the drawing must be signed at least by its direct developer and the normative controller, a place is provided for their signatures within the title block. The date on which the document was signed is also indicated.

In general, the main inscription of the drawing contains 34 columns, the completion of which is mandatory. The specific requirements of the state level and the specifics of filling in individual fields can be found in the text of GOST 2.104-2006. A number of states voted for its immediate adoption.

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97Country code according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97Abbreviated name of the national standardization body
ArmeniaAMMinistry of Trade and Economic Development
BelarusBYGosstandart of the Republic of Belarus
KazakhstanKZGosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Russian FederationRUFederal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology
TurkmenistanTMMain State Service "Turkmenstandartlary"
UkraineUAState Consumer Standard of Ukraine

Drawing format

This document is produced on sheets of certain parameters. A certain format must fit the dimensions of the circuit itself and the frame.

According to GOST 2.301-68 (ST SEV 1181-78), the following options are used in practice:

A variation of the drawing formatCorresponding dimensions (cm)

The framing frame, the thickness of which is 0.7 mm, in A3 and A4 formats is applied along the contour with an indent from the edge of 5 mm, for A2, A1 and A0 it is 5-10 mm.

Fonts used in drawings

According to GOST 2.304-81, it is necessary to prescribe the letters of the specified width and height, and observe the clearly indicated distance between them. According to state standards for drawings, it is allowed to use 10 types of font sizes: 1.8, 2.5, 3.5, 5, 7, 10, 14, 20, 28, 40. Capital letters can be written evenly or with a slope of 75 degrees.

Sample Writing Drawing Fonts

The font line has a fixed thickness (d), it is equal to 0.1 * h, for capital letters - 0.6 * h.

This requirement applies to all symbols of this type with the exception of some:

Lowercase letters are 0.7 * h high and 5d wide. As with uppercase characters, there are also exceptions here:

Lower caseWidth size
a, c, m, b6 * d
t, f, w, w, u, s, u7 * d
s, s4 * d

When using fonts in drawings, certain rules must be followed:

  • the inscriptions should be done strictly by hand and as accurately as possible;
  • the height of all symbols used must not be less than 3.5 mm;
  • it is better to write letters partially. Observe the direction of movement from top to bottom or from left to right, and in rounded symbols - through the bottom to the left or right;
  • it is imperative to adhere to the standards of height, width and slope of letters, as well as maintain the required distance between them;
  • the same alphabetic characters must be performed in the same manner without visible differences.

Line types in the drawing

They differ depending on the part of the depicted structure. Conditional (closed from the eye) parts visually in the drawing differ from the visible ones, respectively, the way they are displayed does not coincide.

The types of lines are as follows:

  • solid thick. It is the main one and shows the visible outline of the product. According to GOST, the thickness (s) of this line ranges from 0.5 mm to 1.4 mm;
  • solid thin. This type is used to display cross-section hatching or set the boundaries of the dimension arrow. Its thickness varies from s / 3 to s / 2;
  • dashed. Such a line is necessary to depict a part of the detail hidden from the eye. It consists of small strokes, the length of which can be from 2 mm to 8 mm. When making a drawing, it is important to draw all lines of the same length. The distance between them is 1-2 mm. The thickness of the dashed line should be 2-3 times less than the main thick one.
  • dash-dotted thin. It is a line of dashes and dots between them. Used to indicate the center line. The distance between the strokes must be kept 3-5 mm, and the length of each of them is from 0.5 cm to 3 cm. The thickness of this line is the same as that of the dashed line;
  • dash-dotted thin with two dots. Its parameters are the same as those of the previous version. Used to display the bend position for movable structures.

GOST 2.104-2006

Unified system for design documentation


Unified system for design documentation. Basic inscriptions

Date of introduction - 2006-09-01


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions "and GOST 1.2-97" Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. The order of development, acceptance, application, updating, cancellation "

Information about the standard

1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise All-Russian Research Institute for Standardization and Certification in Mechanical Engineering (VNIINMASH), the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization Research Center of CALS Technologies "Applied Logistics" (ANO R&D Center of CALS Technologies "Applied Logistics")

2 INTRODUCED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 23 dated February 28, 2006)

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Country code according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the state construction management body



Ministry of Trade and Economic Development


Gosstandart of the Republic of Belarus


Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan




Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology




Main State Service "Turkmenstandartlary"



State Consumer Standards of Ukraine

4. By order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of June 22, 2006 No. 118-st, the interstate standard GOST 2.104-2006 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation from September 1, 2006.

5. REPLACE GOST 2.104-68

Information on the entry into force (termination) of this standard is published in the index "National standards".

Information about changes to this standard is published in the index (catalog) "National Standards", and the text of the changes - in the information indexes "National Standards". In case of revision or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding information will be published in the information index "National standards"

1 area of \u200b\u200buse
2 Normative references

3.1 Terms and definitions
3.2 Abbreviations
4 Details of the title block and additional columns
5 The order of execution of the title block and additional columns
6 The procedure for filling out the title block and additional columns
Appendix A (reference) Examples of the placement of the title block and additional columns to it
Appendix B (reference) An example of splitting a drawing field into zones

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

This standard establishes the forms, sizes, nomenclature of details and the procedure for filling in the main inscription and additional columns to it in design documents provided for by the standards of the Unified System for Design Documentation.

Based on this standard, it is allowed, if necessary, to develop standards that reflect the specifics of specifying details and attributes when drawing up design documents, taking into account their specifics.

GOST 2.053-2006 Unified system for design documentation. Electronic structure of the product. General Provisions

GOST 2.102-68 Unified system for design documentation. Types and completeness of design documents

GOST 2.105-95 Unified system for design documentation. General requirements for text documents

GOST 2.109-73 Unified system for design documentation. Basic requirements for drawings

GOST 2.201-80 Unified system for design documentation. Designation of products and design documents

GOST 2.301-68 Unified system for design documentation. Formats

GOST 2.302-68 Unified system for design documentation. The scale

GOST 2.303-68 Unified system for design documentation. Lines

GOST 2.305-68 Unified system for design documentation. Images-views, sections, sections

GOST 2.501-88 Unified system for design documentation. Accounting and storage rules

GOST 2.502-68 Unified system for design documentation. Duplication rules

GOST 2.503-90 Unified system for design documentation. Change rules

GOST 2.601-2006 Unified system for design documentation. Operational documents

GOST 2.602-95 Unified system for design documentation. Repair documents

GOST 2.701-84 Unified system for design documentation. Schemes. Types and types. General requirements for implementation

Note- When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards according to the index "National Standards" compiled as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the relevant information signs published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard, the replaced (modified) standard should be followed. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which the reference to it is given applies to the extent that this reference is not affected.

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations
3.1 Terms and definitions

The following terms are used in this standard with the corresponding definitions:

3.1.1 document details: A document decoration element containing information about it.

Note- As a rule, a props consists of attributes (compound props).

3.1.2 document attribute: An identified (named) characteristic of a part of a props.

3.1.3 paperwork: Putting down the necessary details and attributes established by the documentation rules.

3.1.4 signature: The requisite of the document, which is the handwritten signature of the authorized official.

Note - For electronic documents, an analogue of a handwritten signature is used - an electronic digital signature.

3.2 Abbreviations

The following abbreviations are adopted in this standard:

DE - electronic design document,

EDS - electronic digital signature,

ESI - electronic structure of a product,

Computer - an electronic computer.

4 Details of the title block and additional columns

4.1 The nomenclature of details and attributes of the title block and additional columns in design documents must correspond to that specified in Table 1.

Table 1


Name of a props or attribute (fields of a props or attribute)


Column number




· 1)

product name

Title of the document

Document designation and code

· 1)

Document designation

Columns 2 and 26

Document code

Material designation

Product weight

Sequential sheet number

Total number of document sheets

Organization name or code

Document signing information

· 1)

The nature of the work performed by the person signing the document

Name of the person who signed the document

Signature of the person whose surname appears in 9.2

· 2)

Date of signing the document

· 3)

Document change information

· 1)

Change serial number

Instructions for changing a sheet

Document number on the basis of which the change is made

Signature of the person who made the change

· 2)

Date of the change

· 3)

Designation of the zone in which the variable part of the product is located

Original inventory number

Information about the acceptance of the original in the technical documentation service

· 1)

Signature of the person who accepted the original

· 2)

Acceptance date

· 3)

Inventory number of the original, instead of which the original was issued

Inventory number of the duplicate

Information about the acceptance of a duplicate to the technical documentation service

· 1)

Signature of the person who accepted the duplicate

· 2)

Date of acceptance of the duplicate

· 3)

Identification of the document instead of or on the basis of which this document is issued

Identification of the corresponding document in which this document was first recorded

Customer's sign

Documentation Approval Information


Solution number

Year of approval

Document Approval Information

· 1)

Solution number

Year of approval of documentation

Customer index

Signature of the person who copied the document


Sheet format designation

Document version

Box 355)

Document confidentiality level


Information on document approval

o 1), 4)

Official signature

· 2)

Information about the endorsement of the original or original document on paper is placed on the filing field of the first or title sheet of the document

Full name


Date of sighting

· 3)

unit of measurement

Box 365)

Projection method

Box 375)

Document file name

Box 385)

Sign of an authentic document

Box 395)

Additional document type code in accordance with GOST 2.102

Additional code for ESI type in accordance with GOST 2.053

Props of only electronic document

Document code depending on the nature of use

Box 405)

Designation of a document of a similar product for which technological equipment was previously manufactured



· - the requisite (attribute) is required.

o - the need for a props (attribute) is set by the developer.

1) Composite props.

2) All details and / or their attributes, the value of which is the signature, in the DE is performed in the form of an EDS.

3) In the value of the calendar date for electronic documents, the year is indicated with four digits.

4) If required attributes are specified for an optional variable, then they must be specified when using it.

5) The location and size of the graphs on paper are set by the developer.

6) The requisites are filled in in the prescribed manner.

4.2 For the purposes of document management in document flow processes, it is allowed to enter additional details that are not displayed on documents in paper form. The nomenclature of such details and the execution rules are established by the regulatory documents of the organization. For documentation for products developed by order of the Ministry of Defense, the nomenclature of additional details of the documents shall be agreed with the customer (customer office).

(Amendment, IUS 4-2007).

5 The order of execution of the title block and additional columns

It is allowed to use Form 2a for subsequent sheets of drawings and diagrams.

5.2 The main inscription, additional columns to it and the frames are performed with solid main and solid thin lines in accordance with GOST 2.303.

5.3 The main inscription is located in the lower right corner of the design documents.

On A4 sheets in accordance with GOST 2.301, the main inscription is placed along the short side of the sheet.

The table of changes in the title block, if necessary, can continue up or to the left of the title block (if column 33 is present, to the left of it).

When the change table is located to the left of the title block, columns 14-18 are repeated.

The location of additional columns is shown in Appendix A.

5.4 To quickly find a component part of the product or its element on the drawing (diagram), it is recommended to split the drawing (diagram) field into zones. The marks dividing the drawing (diagram) into zones are recommended to be applied at a distance equal to one of the A4 sides (Figures B.1 and B.2 of Appendix B).

Marks are applied:

horizontally - in Arabic numerals from right to left;

vertically - in capital letters of the Latin alphabet from bottom to top.

Zones are designated by a combination of numbers and letters, for example: 1A, 2A, 3A, 1B, 2B, 3B, etc.

5.5 In drawings (diagrams) with one designation, made on several sheets, the numbering of zones horizontally should be continuous within all sheets.

6 The procedure for filling out the title block and additional columns

6.1 In the columns of the title block and additional columns (the numbers of the columns on the forms are shown in parentheses) indicate the values \u200b\u200bof the corresponding details or attributes in accordance with Table 1:

in column 1 - the name of the product and the name of the document, if a code has been assigned to this document. For products of national economic purpose, it is allowed not to indicate the name of the document if its code is defined by GOST 2.102, GOST 2.601, GOST 2.602, GOST 2.701. The name of the product should correspond to the accepted terminology and be as short as possible. The name of the product is written in the nominative singular. In a name consisting of several words, a noun is placed in the first place, for example: "Toothed wheel". As a rule, the product name does not include information about the purpose of the product and its location;

(Amendment, IUS 12-2006).
(Amendment, IUS 4-2007).

in column 2 - the designation of the document in accordance with GOST 2.201 and the code, if its code is defined by GOST 2.102, GOST 2.601, GOST 2.602, GOST 2.701. It is allowed to use the previously adopted document designation system;

in column 3 - designation of the material of the part (the column is filled only in the drawings of the parts);

in column 4 - the letter assigned to this document (on a document in paper form, the column is filled in sequentially, starting from the leftmost cell).

It is allowed in the working design documentation to affix the letter only in the specifications and technical conditions.

For products developed by order of the Ministry of Defense, the list of design documents, on which the letter must be affixed, is agreed with the customer (customer office);

in column 5 - product weight in accordance with GOST 2.109;

in column 6 - scale (stated in accordance with GOST 2.302 and GOST 2.109);

in column 7 - the serial number of the sheet (on documents consisting of one sheet, the column is not filled out);

in column 8 - the total number of sheets of the document (indicate only on the first sheet);

in column 9 - the name or code of the organization issuing the document (the column is not filled out if the code is contained in the designation of the document);

(Amendment, IUS 4-2007).

in column 10 - the nature of the work performed by the person signing the document in accordance with Forms 1 and 2. The free line is filled in at the discretion of the developer, for example: "Head of department", "Head of laboratory", "Calculated".
The organization sets the valid values \u200b\u200bfor the attribute;
in column 11 - the names of the persons who signed the document;
in column 12 - signatures of persons whose names are indicated in column 11.
The signatures of the persons who developed this document and those responsible for regulatory control are required.
In the absence of a title page, the signature of the person who approved the document is allowed to be placed on the free margin of the first or title page of the document in the manner prescribed for title pages in accordance with GOST 2.105;
in column 13 - the date of signing the document;
in columns 14-18 - information about the changes that are filled in in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.503;
in column 19 - the inventory number of the original in accordance with GOST 2.501;
in column 20 - information about the acceptance of the original by the technical documentation service (signature and date of acceptance);
in column 21 - the inventory number of the original, which was replaced by this original in accordance with GOST 2.503;
in column 22 - the inventory number of the duplicate in accordance with GOST 2.502;
in column 23 - information about the acceptance of the duplicate to the technical documentation service (signature and date of acceptance);
in column 24 - designation of the document instead of or on the basis of which this document was issued;
in column 25 - the designation of the corresponding document in which this document was first recorded. Mandatory requisite for all documents borrowed from the documentation of other products;
in column 26 - document designation rotated by 180 ° for A4 size and for formats larger than A4 when the title block is located along the long side of the sheet and 90 ° for formats larger than A4 when the title block is located along the short side of the sheet;
in column 27 - a sign installed by the customer in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents and affixed by the customer or the customer's representative office;
in column 28 - the number of the decision and the year of approval of the documentation of the corresponding letter. The year of approval is indicated in four digits;
in column 29 - the number of the decision and the year of approval of the documentation. The year of approval is indicated in four digits;
in column 30 - the customer's index in accordance with the regulatory documentation;
in column 31 - the signature of the person who copied the document. When copying an electronic document, a required requisite;
in column 32 - designation of the sheet format according to GOST 2.301. For an electronic document, indicate the sheet format on which the scale indicated in column 6 will correspond;
in column 33 - designation of the zone in which the variable part of the product is located;
in column 34-numbers of copyright certificates for inventions used in this product;
in column 35 - the version number of the document in electronic form from which the document in paper form was received on the computer output devices. The column is filled out only for documents produced using a computer;
in column 36 - the unit of measurement (metric or inch);
in column 37 - the projection method. A way of positioning projections of a part in a drawing. Mandatory if projection does not comply with GOST 2.305;
in column 38 - the name of the file containing the document in electronic form. The column is filled out only for documents produced using a computer;
in column 39 - a sign of an authentic document (mandatory for authentic documents);
in column 40 - the document code, depending on the nature of its use.
For electronic documents in accordance with GOST 2.102 (table 2), the following codes are used:
1 - original,
2 - original,
3 - duplicate,
4 - copy.
in column 41 - Designation of a document of a similar product for which the technological equipment necessary for this product was previously manufactured. For documents executed only on paper, it is allowed to use column 24.
(Amendment, IUS 4-2007).


1 In columns 13, 18, 20, 23, when indicating the calendar date on paper, the year is indicated with the last two digits.

2 Column 26 on Form 2a is mandatory only for drawings and diagrams.

3 Columns made by dashed lines are entered if necessary. Columns 27 - 30 are mandatory for documents approved by the customer.

4 When used for subsequent sheets of drawings and diagrams of Form 1, columns 1, 3 - 6, 9 are not filled.

Form 1

Title block and additional columns for drawings and diagrams

Form 2

Title block and additional columns for text design documents (first or title page)

Form 2a

Main inscription and additional columns for drawings (diagrams) and text design documents (subsequent sheets)

Form 2b

Main inscription and additional columns for text design documents for double-sided photocopying (subsequent sheets)

Odd page number

Even page number

Appendix A

Examples of placement of the title block and additional columns to it

1 - main inscription; 2 - additional columns

Appendix B

An example of splitting a drawing field into zones

Figure B.1

Figure B.2

Keywords: design documentation, title block, electronic design document, document execution, document details, electronic digital signature

All drawings must be carried out in accordance with the ESKD standards, be distinguished by clear and accurate execution.


Test drawings are made on sheets of standard sizes. Standard sizes of sheet formats are determined by GOST 2.301–68. The sizes of the formats along the outer frame are shown in table 1.

Sizes of formats according to GOST 2.301-68 Table 1


Sizes of format sides, mm

Control tasks should be performed on A4 and A3 format.

In accordance with GOST 2.301-68, the drawing has a frame at a distance of 20 mm from the left border of the format, and 5 mm from the other three sides (Fig. 1). The outer frame of the format is made with a solid thin line, the inner frame is applied with a solid main line.

The margin on the left side is intended for filing and stitching drawings into an album.

The drawing is accompanied by a title block in accordance with GOST 2.104–68. On an A4 sheet, the title block is placed only along the short side

Figure: 1. Location of the title block on the sheet

Main inscription

Fig. 2.a. Title block shape

Fig.2.b. Sample filling the title block UCH

Font size, mm

Drawing name

Document designation in accordance with GOST 2.201-80

Product material designation

Drawing letter "y" tutorial drawing

Product weight

Sequential sheet number

Total number of sheets

School name and group code

The nature of the work performed by the person signing the document

Surnames of persons who signed the document

Signatures of persons whose names are indicated in column 11

Date of signing the document

Change table columns

    Column 2: IG - discipline code,

    851 - group number,

    002 - variant number,

    001 is the drawing number.

    Column 9 VGKS - the name of the educational institution,

    TE851 - 22 - group number and student code.

The scale

When making drawings, the scales of images are used, which are selected from the following row in accordance with GOST 2.302-68:

    reduction scale: 1: 2; 1: 2.5; 1: 4; 1: 5; 1:10; 1:15; 1:20; 1:25; 1:40; 1:50; 1:75; 1: 100; 1: 200; 1: 400; 1: 500; 1: 800; 1: 1000;

    magnification scale: 2: 1; 2.5: 1; 4: 1; 5: 1; 10: 1; 20: 1; 40: 1; 50: 1; 100: 1.

The preferred scale for instructional drawings is 1: 1 (life size image).

In the main inscription in column 6, the scale is entered in the form of 1: 1 or 2: 1. In the drawings, it should be designated as M 1: 1 or M 2: 1, etc.


The thickness of the lines must strictly comply with GOST 2.303–68. The name, style, line thickness in relation to the thickness of the main line and their main purposes are given in table 3.

Drawing lines Table 3

Drawing work plan:

    Drawing basic images in order to evenly fill the drawing field, while all lines are thin so that they can be easily removed.

    Then draw axes of symmetry, center lines.

    Contour lines are drawn and individual image elements (grooves, holes, etc.) are drawn.

    The outline of the drawing is carried out with a wide front.

    extra lines that cannot be outlined are removed.

Using lines in AutoCAD:

1 - solid main thick (outline) - 0.60 mm;

2 - main thin - 0.20 mm;

3 - axial (dash-dotted thin) - 0.25 mm;

4 - dashed line (invisible outline) - 0.3 mm;

5 - dash-dotted thin with two points (fold lines on the scan) - ACAD ISO 12W100 - 0.25 mm.


All inscriptions on drawings and other technical documents of all industries and construction are carried out in a standard font.

GOST 2.304-81 establishes two types of fonts: type A and type B, with and without inclination. Figure 3 shows a type B font.

It is recommended to study the construction of writing letters of the drawing font not in alphabetical order, but breaking them into groups according to the uniformity of writing. As a basis, you can take the principle of placing letter elements relative to the auxiliary grid, which is shown in Figure 3 a.

In these guidelines, the font of type B with an inclination of 75º and the parameters given in table 4 is considered in detail.

The font size h defines (height in mm) uppercase letters. The height of lowercase letters c (without branches) is determined from the ratio of their height to the font size (for example, c \u003d 7/10 h) /. In relation to the height of capital letters, all other font parameters are determined: g - letter width; d - font line thickness (d \u003d 1/10 h); a is the distance between letters; b is the minimum line spacing (the height of the auxiliary grid); e is the minimum distance between words.

Fig. 3. Font type B with a slant in accordance with GOST 2.304-81

Fig. 3.a Building a type B font on the auxiliary grid

Type B font parameters Table 4


The size of the depicted product and its elements in the drawings is determined by the dimensions, the total number of which should be minimal, but sufficient for manufacturing and its control. Linear dimensions are indicated in millimeters without designation of units, in other units, the dimensional number is accompanied by the designation of this unit. Angular dimensions are indicated in the drawing in degrees, minutes and seconds.

Dimensioning rules are established by GOST 2.307–68. Dimensions in the drawings are indicated by dimension lines. Dimension lines are limited by arrows that touch extension lines, contour lines, center lines. The extension line protrudes 1 - 5 mm beyond the arrow. The dimension line is drawn parallel to the segment, the size of which is indicated, if possible, outside the contour of the image. The minimum distance between parallel dimension lines is 7 - 10 mm, and between the dimension and the contour line is 10 mm (they are chosen depending on the size of the image and the saturation of the drawing). Dimension lines should not intersect with extension lines.

Dimensions in the drawings are applied only to the visible elements of the product. It is allowed to apply dimensions of invisible surfaces when these surfaces are not shown anywhere in the drawing.

Some examples of dimensioning are shown in Figures 4 (a - h).

a) Shape and size of arrows

b) Rules for drawing dimension lines

c) Applying angular dimensions

d) Dimensioning on flat drawings

e) Location of dimension lines

e) Chamfer dimensions g) Radius and diameter symbols

h) Cases of breaking the dimension line and drawing dimensions with a lack of space

Fig. 4a - 4h. Dimensioning rules according to GOST 2.307-68

It is not allowed to use contour lines, axial, center, extension lines as dimensions. Each size is indicated only once. Dimension numbers are applied above the dimension line as close to its middle as possible. To designate the diameter and radius, signs are applied in front of the dimension number (see Fig. 4g). The dimension line when indicating the magnitude of the angles is drawn in the form of an arc with a center at the apex of the angle (see Fig. 4 c).

It is not recommended to apply the dimension in the shaded area. Dimensional numbers in this case indicate horizontal shelving lines. It is not allowed to break the contour line to apply the dimension number, other lines are allowed. With parallel dimension lines, dimension numbers are staggered. If there is not enough space for the arrow, the lines near it are interrupted. Dimension lines at different slopes determine the position of dimension numbers. If there are duplicate elements, indicate their number. The rules for indicating dimensions in the drawings are extensive, they should be studied in accordance with GOST 2.307–68.

GOST 21.101-97






Official edition





1 DEVELOPED by the State Enterprise - the Center for Methodology, Regulation and Standardization in Construction (SE TsNS) of the Gosstroy of Russia

INTRODUCED by the Department for the Development of Scientific and Technical Policy and Design and Survey Works of the Gosstroy of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan

Ministry of Urban Development of the Republic of Armenia

Agency for Construction and Architectural and Urban Planning Control of the Ministry of Economy and Trade of the Republic Kazakhstan

3 General requirements for the composition of the documentation .................................. .. ...... 2

4 General requirements for completing documentation ........................... 2

5 General rules for the execution of documentation

........................... 7

Images (sections, sections, views , fragments) ......................... 8

Main inscriptions ................................................ .............................................eleven

6 Rules for the implementation of specifications on drawings ............................... 11

7 Rules for making changes to the working documentation issued to the customer ........................................ .................................................. ........12

7.4 Permission to amend ........................................ 12

7.5 Introduction of changes ............................................... ................12

8 Rules for linking working documentation .......................................... 16

9 Rules for registration of bound documentation ....................... 17

Appendix A Marks of the main sets of working drawings ............ 18

Appendix B Forms 1 and 2 - General data sheets for working drawings ..................................... .................................................. ..........20

Appendix C The list of ESKD standards to be taken into account when performing graphic and textual documentation for construction .................................. .................. 22

Appendix D List of acceptable word abbreviations (addition to GOST 2.316) ...................................... .................................................. ..... 24

Appendix E of Forms 3-6 - Main inscriptions and additional columns to it .................................... .................................................. ........ 26

Appendix E Location of the main inscription, additional columns to it and dimensional frames on sheets ......................... 30

Appendix G Forms 7 and 8 - Specifications .................................. 31

Appendix I Form 9 - Authorization to Change ...........32

Appendix K Form 10 - Table of registration of changes ............. 34

Appendix L Form 11 - Stamp of cancellation (replacement) of sheets of the original document ..................................... ..................................... 35

f) general instructions;

g) other data provided by the relevant standards SPDS.

Forms 1 and 2 with instructions on how to fill them out are given in Appendix B.

4.2.6 The list of working drawings of the main set contains a sequential list of sheets of the main set.

4.2.7 The list of reference and attached documents is divided into sections:

a) reference documents;

The section "Reference documents" indicates the documents that are referenced in the working drawings, including:

  • In the presence of several basic sets of working drawings of the same brand, make up a statement kits of this brand in form 2 of Appendix B, which is given in the general data sheet for each of these sets.

    * Perform as needed.

    ** The main set of working drawings as the leading brand is appointed by the general designer.

    c) a record of the results of inspections for patentability and patent purity of technological processes, equipment, devices, structures, materials and de liy, as well as the numbers of copyright certificates and applications for which decisions were made to issue copyright certificates for inventions used in the working documentation;

    d) a record that the working drawings are developed in accordance with applicable rules, regulations and standards;

    e) a list of types of work for which it is necessary to draw up certificates of inspection of hidden work;

    f) information about who owns this intellectual property (if necessary);

    g) other necessary instructions.

    The list of ESKD standards to be taken into account when performing graphic and textual documentation for construction is given in Appendix B.

    5.6 The sequence of digital and letter designations of the coordination axes is taken according to the plan from left to right and from bottom to top (Figure 1 and) or as shown in pictures 1 b, c.

    5.7 The designation of the coordinate axes, as a rule, is applied to the left and lower sides of the building and structure plan.

    If the coordination axes of the opposite sides of the plan do not coincide, the designations of these axes at the points of divergence are additionally applied on the upper and / or right sides.

    5.8 For individual elements located between the coordination axes of the main supporting structures, additional axes are applied and denoted as a fraction:

    above the line indicate the designation of the previous coordination axis;

    below the line - an additional serial number within the area between adjacent coordination axes in accordance with Figure 1 g.

    Picture 1

    It is allowed to assign digital and letter designations to the coordination axes of half-timbered columns in the continuation of the designations of the axes of the main columns without an additional number.

    5.9 In the image of a repeating element tied to several coordination axes, the coordination axes are designated in accordance with Figure 2:

    "A" - when the number of coordination axes is not more than 3;

    "B" -"" "" More than 3;

    "in" - for all alphabetic and digital coordination axes.

    On the plans of residential buildings, composed of block sec qi d, mark the extreme coordination axes of the block of sections indicate without an index in conformity with picture 3.

    Figure 3

    Dimensioning, slopes, marks, inscriptions

    5.11 The dimension line at its intersection with extension lines, contour lines or center lines is limited by serifs in the form of thick main lines 2-4 mm long, drawn with an inclination to the right at an angle of 45 (to the dimension line, while the dimension lines should protrude beyond the extreme extension lines by 1-3 mm.

    When drawing the dimension of the diameter or degree inside the circle, as well as the angular dimension, the dimension line is limited by arrows. Arrows are also used when dimensioning radii and internal fillets.

    Picture 4 Picture 5 Picture 6

    It is allowed, if necessary, to indicate the slope value in ppm, as a decimal fraction up to the third decimal place. In the drawings and diagrams, before the dimension number that determines magnitude slope a, apply the sign "(, the acute angle of which should be directed towards the slope.

    The slope designation is applied directly above the line of the line on the shelf of the leader line.

    5.20 Fragments of plans, sections, facades, as a rule, are marked with a curly brace in accordance with

    figure 13.

    Under the curly brace, as well as above the corresponding fragment, the name and serial number of the fragment are applied. If a fragment is marked on another sheet, then a link is given to this sheet.

    Picture 12 Picture 13

    5.21 Images up to the axis of symmetry of symmetric plans and facades of buildings and structures, schemes location design elements qi th, floats of location of technological, power, sanitary and other equipment are not allowed.

    5.24 In the names of floor plans of a building and structure, the elevation of the finished floor or the number of the floor, or the designation of the corresponding secant plane and is indicated.

    d) on the subsequent sheets of drawings of construction products, text documents and sketch drawings of general views (according to Form 6.

    It is allowed on the first page of the drawing of a linen product to carry out the main inscription according to Form 5.

    5.29 In the reporting technical documentation based on the results of engineering surveys, the main inscription is drawn up:

    a) on sheets of graphic documents used in design as a background - in form 3;

    b) on the first sheets of other graphic and text documents - according to Form 5, on subsequent sheets - according to Form 6.

    7.5.6 About each change, including about a change corrected by erasure (washout), outside the image, a change designation is applied in a parallelogram in accordance with Figure 15.

    Figure 15

    A thin line is drawn from the parallelogram to the altered area.

    7.5.7 Closely spaced from each other modified measures, words, signs, inscriptions, etc., are indicated with pl Oshny thin line forming a closed loop, without striking out in accordance with Figure 16.

    If one or more sheets of the original are replaced or added, then the inventory number assigned by the linnik is retained on them.

    When making subsequent changes (additionally successive numbers of changes, separating them from previous semicolon.

    EXAMPLE: Rev. 1; 2; 3;

    d) on additional sheets with the change number ((New

    7.5.14 If additional sheets are included in the main set of working drawings, then successive ordinal numbers are assigned to them and recorded in the continuation of the list of working drawings of the corresponding main set.

    If there is not enough space in the list of workers for writing additional sheets, the continuation of the list is transferred to the first of the additional sheets. At the same time, at the end of the list of working drawings, placed in the "General data", they make an entry: "For the continuation of the list, see the sheet (sheet number )", and above the list on an additional sheet, place the title: "List of working drawings of the main set (Continued)

    e) in the column "Sign." - signature of the person responsible for the correctness of the amendment (signature of the person responsible for norm control, put on the field for hemming ki sheet)

    f) in the "Date" column - the date of the amendment.

    a) replacement of all or individual sheets of the document;


    Table A.1

    Name of the main set of working drawings


    Production technology

    Technological communications

    Architectural solutions


    Reinforced concrete structures

    Wooden structures

    Architectural and construction solutions

    Metal detailing structures

    Plumbing and sewerage

    Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

    Thermal mechanical solutions for boiler rooms

    Air supply

    Dust extraction

    Cold supply

    Gas supply (internal devices)

    Power equipment

    Electric lighting (interior)

    Communication systems

    Radio communication, radio broadcasting and television


    Fire alarm

    Security and burglar-fire alarms

    Hydraulic solutions

    Automation ...

    Integrated automation

    Anti-corrosion protection of structures, structures

    Anti-corrosion protection of technological devices, gas ducts and pipelines

    Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines

    External water supply networks

    External sewerage networks

    External water supply and sewerage networks

    Thermal mechanical solutions for heating networks

    Outdoor gas pipelines

    Outdoor electric lighting

    Power supply.

    When combining working drawings of all technological



    GOST 2.102 (68 ESKD. Types and completeness of design documents

    GOST 2.105-95 ESKD. General requirements for text documents

    GOST 2.303 (68 ESKD. Lines

    GOST 2.308 (79 ESKD. Indication on the drawings of releases of shapes and location of surfaces

    GOST 2.310 (68 ESKD. Application on drawings of designations of coatings, heat and other types of treatment

    GOST 2.311 (68 ESKD. Thread image

    Taking into account the requirements of GOST 21.501 related to the implementation of drawings of building products

    List of acceptable word abbreviations

    (addition to GOST 2.316)

    Table D.1

    Full name



    Anti-seismic seam


    Asphalt concrete

    Concrete, concrete

    Ventilation chamber

    Ventilation chamber

    Chief Engineer

    Ch. Ing. (*)

    Chief engineer (architect) of the project

    GUI (HAP) (*)

    Chief Specialist

    Ch. specialist. (*)

    Expansion joint




    unit of measurement

    Unit rev. (t)

    Cap. (c, t)


    Reinforced concrete, reinforced concrete


    Insulation, insulating





    Staircase, staircase

    Workshop (in design organizations)


    materials (t)


    norms. load



GOST 2.104 - 68

The title block, which forms part of the graphic document called " drawing". The title block contains the necessary information such as: designation of the drawing, name of the drawing, information about the company that developed the drawing, weight of the product, scale of the displayed part, stage of development, sheet number, date of issue of the drawing, as well as information about the persons responsible for this document. Drawing without a title block is not considered as a standard element of documentation and cannot be transferred to production. The content of the title block, its location and dimensions are regulated by the standard. The graphic elements of the title block are made with the lines provided for drawing a visible contour, all other lines are thin.

Title blocks, title and subsequent sheets

1 - the name of the product should correspond to technical terminology and be stated as briefly as possible. The name of the product is written in the nominative singular. In cases where the name is composed of several words, the noun takes the first ordinal place, for example: “ Cogwheel". The purpose of the product and its location are not indicated in the title.

2 - designation of the document with conventional written characters. The designation of the document consists of numbers and letters written in a specific order. Each document is assigned a designation consisting of characters separated by dots. The product index can be written in letters or in a digital equivalent, for example:


  • 202 - index set by the developer
  • 10 - serial number of the assembly unit included in the product
  • 06 - assembly unit number
  • 01 - part numbering

Title block for subsequent sheets of drawings,
diagrams and text documents

3 - a column for designating the material from which the part is made. Filling is carried out only on drawings of parts, for example:

Steel 08kp GOST 1050 - 88

4 - letters are written here, which are called " Letter"From the Latin word" littera»Which means a letter. The letter indicates at what stage of development the document is:

  • P - Technical Proposal
  • E - indicates a draft design
  • T - means that this is a technical project
  • ABOUT - production of a pilot batch
  • AND - corrected document based on the results of the experimental batch
  • B - this letter is assigned to the document, based on the results of the manufacture of the product, made according to the drawing with the letter - A

Title page title block
for processing text documents

5 - Product weight - indicated only in numbers without measurement designation. It is allowed to indicate the units of measurement in the case, for example: 0.25 t, 15 t. The calculated mass is put on the drawings up to the technical design. The actual mass is indicated on the documents, starting with the experimental batch. The actual weight should be understood as the value determined by weighing the product. On the drawings of single large-sized products, the mass of which is difficult to determine by mechanical weighing, it is allowed to indicate the calculated value. It is allowed to indicate the maximum deviations of the mass in the technical requirements. The mass is allowed not to be indicated on the drawings of prototypes, dimensional and assembly drawings.

Title block location
on A4 sheet format

Positioning the title block along the long side
for sizes larger than A4

Location of the title block along the short side for formats larger than A4

6 - scale of the graphic representation of the object in the drawing. The scale is chosen depending on the overall parameters of the depicted part and should be drawn in full size or to scale.

7 - column for indicating the sheet number.
A single copy of the document is not numbered.

8 - the number of sheets in total.
The number of documents is indicated only on the first sheet.

9 - the name of the company that issued the document

10 is an additional line.
An additional line is filled in by the developer depending on the situation, for example: “ Head of department», « Head Office».

11 - surnames of persons signing the document.

12 - places for signatures in accordance with official duties. The document must be signed at least by the developer and the person responsible for the regulation without fail.

13 - indication of the date of signing the document.

14 - 18 - columns are intended for making changes.

19 - inventory number of the original.
For accounting and storage, each original document is assigned one inventory number, excluding the number of sheets. Such an accounting identifier is applied to each sheet if the document consists of several sheets.

20 - column for the signature of the person who accepted the document to the technical department with the date.

21 - the additional inventory number of the original is set instead of the previous number of the document when changes are made to it. The original document number is retained.

22 - inventory number of the duplicate.
Regardless of the number of sheets, duplicates are assigned one inventory number and installed on all sheets.

23 - column for the signature of the person who accepted the duplicate to the technical department with the date.

24 - the designation of the document is written here, instead of the sheet on which it was issued.

25 - this column indicates the document where it was first recorded.

26 - a cell in which the document designation code is indicated, rotated relative to the working field of the drawing by 180 °.

27 - a sign is installed in this cell according to the normative and technical documentation provided by the customer.

28 - number and date of approval of the documentation of the corresponding letter.

29 - number and date of approval of the documentation.

31 - document copier

32 - specifying the sheet size

33 - definition of the zone where the modified part of the product is located


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