What is a CMR waybill, what is it for and how to fill out this form correctly. CMR - what is it? CMR is a sample. International waybill (CMR) CMR waybill

International commercial carriage of goods by automobiles is governed by the provisions of a special convention of 1956 (Convention on the contract for the international carriage of goods by road, concluded in Geneva on May 19, 1956). It is adhered to by many European countries, eastern states, as well as the Russian Federation. According to the convention, when transporting goods by road, an international CMR waybill should be drawn up, without which it is impossible to transport any goods across the border.

CMR consignment note performs several functions:

  • CMR is a universal form of shipping documents, it is understandable to all trade workers living in different countries;
  • it contains a mark on the transfer of the goods to the forwarder and on its acceptance by the recipient when it is delivered. That is, it is easy to establish who is responsible for its safety and at what point in time;
  • CMR serves as a confirmation that the cargo is being moved lawfully. Lack of CMR can lead to arrest of the transported goods and vehicle by the police;
  • it is used for customs control purposes. The document is a notebook with loose leaves. If the car crosses the border, the inspector puts the appropriate marks on the CMR. After which he leaves one sheet at customs, and the car follows on. As a result, using the waybill, you can trace the entire path of the cargo;
  • issuance of CMR means that the provisions of the convention apply during transportation. They impose certain obligations on the participants in this process that may not be provided for in contracts.

The document is drawn up in three copies, signed by the consignor of the cargo, as well as by the carrier. Some countries require an additional copy. If the cargo is carried by several cars, or in one car there are several different cargoes, the number of copies is determined by the number of cars or types of cargo.

Where to get CMR (international consignment note)

In contrast to Carnet TIR (Transports International Routiers), or in Russian - TIR Carnets (international road transport), the form of which is produced by typographic method and issued by the national guaranteeing association (abbreviated ASMAP) in Russia (Customs Convention on the International Carriage of Goods under the Carnet TIR, concluded in Geneva on 11/14/1975), the CMR form can be downloaded from the Internet and printed on the printer, like any other consignment note.

CMR form (international consignment note)

In what cases is used

CMR is required when several conditions are met:

  • if a reward for transportation is provided;
  • places of loading and unloading are located in different countries;
  • The CMR Convention has been signed by at least one of the states whose residents are parties to the transaction;
  • transportation is carried out by road transport.

Filling rules

The consignor of the goods should deal with the invoice. In the required columns, he indicates the following information:

  • 1 - information about the sender;
  • 2 - recipient data;
  • 3 - destination of transportation;
  • 4 - information about the place and date of loading the goods onto the vehicle;
  • 5 - details of the documents attached to the CMR. This is an invoice and packing list. A waybill may also be attached;
  • 6 - information about the hazard class assigned to the transported goods. If it does not belong to the category of dangerous during transportation, then you do not need to write anything;
  • 7 and 8 - information on the number and type of packages;
  • 9 - the name of the transported goods. It can be left blank if different goods are transported. If the cargo is not specified, then it is considered contraband;
  • 10 - nomenclature code assigned to the cargo;
  • 11 - information about the total gross weight;
  • 12 - the number of cubic meters occupied by the transported goods;
  • 13 - on the price of the transported goods, data on the license and other information;
  • 14 - to be filled in if the goods are transported in a special container. After delivery, the container must be returned to the address indicated in this paragraph;
  • 15 - information on the terms of delivery, in accordance with Incoterms;
  • 16 - information about the carrier;
  • 18 - marks of the carrier about the accepted cargo;
  • 19 - settlements after completion of transportation;
  • 20 - special conditions of carriage that are important for the safety of the goods;
  • 21 - date of preparation of the document;
  • 22 - arrival time for loading and departure time of transport;
  • 23 - information about the driver (full name, number of the waybill). The stamp of the carrier organization is put here;
  • 24 - mark of the consignee about the acceptance of the cargo;
  • 25 and 26 - about the registration numbers of the car and trailer, as well as about the brand of the vehicle;
  • 27-29 - are intended for entering additional information on the waybill.

The driver of the car in which the cargo will be transported is given an almost completed form. It also bears the seal of the consignor and the signature of the official.

There is no clear indication of the language in which the document should be filled out. Usually the official language of the country in which the vehicle is registered is used. But if the cargo is sent to European or Asian countries, it is better to use English.

There are several mandatory stamps that must be entered in the CMR. This is, first of all, the recipient's stamp, which is put at the end of the cargo transportation. In addition, at the customs it is necessary to put a stamp at the border and during customs clearance at the place where it will be carried out. These seals indicate that the goods have entered customs and that their release from customs is authorized. There is also a place for printing delivery control, when passing through several customs, they serve to set the time of arrival of the cargo at the post.

Seismic microzoning (SMR) - determination of the seismicity of the survey site based on the materials of the initial seismicity refinement (UIS), detailed seismic zoning, taking into account the local soil conditions according to the engineering-geological survey data

Detailed seismic zoning, refinement of the initial seismicity - an assessment of the seismicity of an area or construction site without taking into account the influence of local soil conditions, can be calculated for the bedrock level, or for "reference soil" (usually soil of category II or the most common soil in the region) This stage usually precedes seismic microzoning and provides for seismotectonic and seismological studies.

Conducting seismic microzoning of construction sites for buildings and structures is provided in areas with seismicity of 7, 8 or 9 points according to a preliminary assessment based on maps of general seismic zoning and table 1 SP 14.13330.2014. Seismic microzoning is a part of complex engineering and construction surveys.

Application area

  • determination of the parameters of predicted seismic effects for the design of buildings and structures in seismically hazardous areas.
  • Normative base

  • SP 14.13330.2014. Construction in seismic areas (updated version of SNiP II-7-81);
  • SP 11-105-97. Code of practice for engineering surveys for construction. Engineering and geological surveys for construction;
  • RSN 65-87. Engineering surveys for construction. Seismic microzoning. Technical requirements for the production of works;
  • RSN 60-86. Engineering surveys for construction. Seismic microzoning. Production standards.
  • The company GEOFIZTEH conducts seismic microzoning of the area, using modern instrumental, theoretical and software developments. For the most critical objects, additional work is being carried out to clarify the initial seismicity of the construction site or detailed seismic zoning of the studied territories. GEOFIZTEKH specialists have experience and capabilities in collecting materials and building regional databases of regional seismicity parameters, zones of possible earthquake sources, selection of attenuation ratios for the dynamic parameters of predicted seismic impacts, taking into account the best international experience in the field of seismic hazard assessment.

    The complex of works on seismic microzoning includes engineering-geological and instrumental studies, theoretical calculations and special work on the selection of reference soils.

    In engineering and geological studies, we use the methods of ground engineering seismic prospecting: the method of refracted waves (MPV, KMPV), the method of analysis of surface waves (MASW), as well as methods of electrical exploration: vertical electrical sounding (VES) and its modifications, electrical profiling (EP).

    Additionally, we carry out instrumental seismological observations to register microseisms and earthquakes in the study area. To obtain the parameters of predicted seismic impacts for making design decisions at the last stage of design, special calculations are made using the method of seismic stiffness (MSR) and modeling methods with the selection of analog accelerograms.

    Stages of work

    Seismic microzoning works are carried out in 2 stages:

    Stage I. Field work.

    Stage II. Data processing and analysis using modern specialized software, reporting.

    Our advantages

    1. High qualifications and extensive experience of engineering and scientific personnel are the key to the quality of the work performed.
    2. Modern equipment and software help to increase productivity, improve quality and shorten the time of work.
    3. Large database of completed works.
    4. Transparent calculation of the cost of the work performed.

    Send a request by e-mail or contact us by phone. For the tasks of your project, within five working days, the optimal solutions will be selected with a more detailed description and cost calculation.

    CMR bill of lading (CMR) - a transport document most widely used in international carriage of goods by road. The CMR bill of lading is issued to confirm the conclusion of the contract of carriage, which defines the responsibility of the sender, carrier and recipient of the goods. Confirms that the cargo at the time of acceptance was in proper condition, in a whole package, marking and number of pieces correspond to those indicated in the waybill. At the same time, the CMR consignment note is not a document of title. The cargo is delivered to the consignee indicated in it.

    CMR bill of lading acts on the basis of the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR), which contains general data on the type, content, and rules for filling out the waybill. In accordance with the CMR, the consignment note is drawn up in at least three copies and signed by the sender and the carrier. The first copy of the waybill is handed over to the sender, the second accompanies the cargo, the third remains with the carrier. The number of other copies depends on the number of transit countries through which the cargo travels.

    The main points of the CMR bill of lading (CMR):
    1) To be completed by the shipper (Items 1-15, 21, 22).
    Item 1. Specify the data of the consignor (name, country, address, telephones). If the shipment is on behalf of a third party - it is added - “on behalf” and the legal name of this third party is indicated.
    Item 2. Data of the consignee (name, country, address, telephones).
    Item 3. Country and exact address of unloading - the point of delivery of the goods.
    Clause 4. Time of loading, country and exact address - points of departure.
    Clause 5. List of documents for the goods that come with the CMR consignment note: TIR Carnet number, invoice, packing list, if the goods are of industrial origin - a quality certificate, if the goods are of animal origin - a veterinary certificate; if the goods are of plant origin - a quarantine certificate; country of origin certificate.
    Item 6. Signs and numbers indicating the class, subclass of transported goods, including dangerous, classified under the European Agreement on the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods (ADR).
    Item 7. Number of seats.
    Clause 8. Description of the packaging of the cargo (pallets, boxes, boxes, etc.).
    Clause 9. Name of the cargo.
    Clause 10. TN VED code.
    Clause 11. Gross weight.
    Item 12. Volume.
    Clause 13. Address of customs clearance of cargo.
    Clause 15. Terms of delivery according to Incoterms.
    Clause 21. Date and place of filling the CMR.
    Clause 22. Actual time and date of arrival for loading and departure from under loading.
    The data is certified by the sender with a signature (with a decryption) and a stamp.
    2) To be completed by the carrier. (16-19, 23, 25-29).
    Clause 16. Data of the carrier (name, country, address, telephones). Certified by the seal of the carrier.
    Clause 17. Details of all carriers involved in the transportation.
    Clause 18. Reservations of the carrier about the external condition of the cargo, the condition of the packaging and the quality of fastening If the CMR waybill does not contain special reservations of the carrier, then according to the CMR - it is considered that, at the time of acceptance of the goods by the carrier, the goods and their packaging were outwardly in proper condition, the number of marking and numbering of packages coincides with those indicated in the waybill.
    Clause 19, 27, 28, 29. The carrier fills in at the end of the carriage.
    Clause 20. Additionally agreed conditions of carriage (temperature conditions of cargo, speed limits, special conditions for the carriage of dangerous and oversized cargo, etc.).
    Clause 23. Signature of the driver - freight forwarder who accepted the cargo for transportation. Stamp and signature of the carrier. 3) To be completed by the consignee after receiving the goods.
    Clause 24. The date and exact time of arrival of the vehicle for unloading, and the date and time of departure after unloading are indicated. The signature and stamp of the consignee is put, which confirms the fact of acceptance of the goods.
    Clauses 25, 26. Registration numbers of the tractor and trailer.

    For road freight transportation abroad at customs, in addition to the general package of documents, a CMR consignment note is additionally required, in which all the basic data from other papers are recorded: information from invoices, packing lists, various certificates and certificates, etc. This paper is the most significant, it confirms the agreement between the sender, the recipient and the forwarder. In order to avoid legal problems, it is extremely important to be able to fill it out correctly.

    general information

    CMR invoice - what is it and how is it deciphered, what information does it include, how is it drawn up and why is it needed?

    The abbreviation CMR itself is taken from the name of the convention in French. In Russia it is translated as CMR - the convention on the contract for the international carriage of goods by road. The convention was held in the city of Geneva in 1956, the agreements themselves gained importance in 1958.

    The consignment note (TTN) serves as a proof document confirming the conclusion of an agreement for the carriage of goods by road. The invoice form has a single unified form, it is drawn up when moving values \u200b\u200busing transport.

    The use of this document pursues several purposes, indicating the supplier's rights to sell goods, the buyer's rights to register them as property and replace the contract for the provision of cargo transportation services or be used as an addition to this agreement. The CMR waybill is only relevant for the transportation of goods abroad. It must be drawn up strictly according to legal rules.

    Features of the CMR consignment note

    The importance of construction and installation work can hardly be overestimated. The information that can be obtained from the CMP document is:

    • The number of product units.
    • Transportation route.
    • Who transported the products.
    • Information about the accompanying documentation.
    • Name of addressee and sender.
    • Transportation period.
    • Customs information.
    • Product condition.
    • Date of loading and unloading.

    TTN CMR - what is it? The CMP form contains information from all accompanying documents. It is imperative that all this data overlaps with each other and that all information matches. The presence of different information in the DEM and other papers (for example, a packing list or invoice) is fraught with a lot of complications.

    The carrier may suffer the most. In order to avoid subsequent problems, the freight forwarder must pedantic, carefully and scrupulously check and verify all forms of documents.

    If the cargo is not indicated in the SMR consignment note, then this product is considered contraband.

    In the construction and installation work, two groups of information must be prescribed:

    1. Basic information containing the basic data required for the subsequent transportation of the cargo.
    2. Seals, signatures, marks, remarks about the transportation process are another rather significant category.

    Each CMP invoice must have a specific number.

    Terms of use of the CMP form

    For the Convention to apply in a contract of carriage, it is necessary that the agreement meets certain conditions:

    • transportation is paid;
    • transportation of goods from one state to another is carried out;
    • road transport is used for transportation;
    • one of the countries has signed the IDA Convention.

    Only in this case the CMR waybill will be used for the transportation of goods.

    Who needs CMR instances?

    The CMR form itself is written on several pages. Each of its columns is duplicated twice: in Russian and in a foreign language. If there are several consignees, each of them requires a separate CMR-sample. Therefore, for each vehicle, at least one CMR document is required.

    The construction and installation consignment note must be drawn up in several copies in order to avoid problems during transportation.

    1. The first copy remains with the sender.
    2. Another copy is given to the buyer of the goods.
    3. The carrier of the cargo itself also needs forms; two copies must be issued for it. The first of them is an addition to the waybill. The second document confirms the delivery of the delivery service itself, which is extremely important for subsequent payment and settlement.
    4. The customs authorities require the presentation of at least three copies.

    The documents must be signed and sealed by the sender and the carrier. When accepting the goods, the carrier must, in the prescribed manner, inspect the number of product units, its condition, marking and type of container, and mark the conformity / non-conformity of the goods with the specified requirements.

    Registration procedure

    The documents must be completed by the shipper. If the form is drawn up incorrectly, all the consequences will fall on his shoulders, the carrier is not responsible for these errors.

    To fill out the document promptly, it is important to follow a certain procedure for filling out the TTN SRM - this is the following sequence of actions:

    1. The sender should pay attention to subparagraphs 1-15, 21-22.
    2. The carrier draws up columns 16-19, 23, 25-29.
    3. The consignee signs and puts a stamp in box 24.

    Let's take a closer look at these subsections. The procedure for filling them out is specified in the Letter of the Russian Federation of 2012 “On the direction of information”.

    A guide to the CMR form and its correct completion is provided below.

    Clearance by the sender

    The first paragraph contains all information about the sender, including:

    • Name.
    • Address and country.
    • Contact phone number of the person in charge of transportation.
    • Responsible person's initials.

    The second column should contain information about the recipient, namely:

    • Name of company.
    • Country and address.
    • Full name and contact number of the contact person.

    The third subparagraph indicates to which country and where exactly the cargo is sent.

    In the fourth column, the date and time of loading the goods, as well as the point of departure, are prescribed.

    In the fifth column, it is necessary to indicate data on the accompanying documentation by listing all the attached papers. What exactly should be attributed to construction and installation work? These can be, for example, such documents as certificates, packing list, invoice, certificates, TIR (which is sometimes supplemented by a cargo manifest with a more detailed description of the units of production), etc.

    The sixth paragraph indicates the degree of danger of the transported cargo.

    In the seventh subsection, the number of places for each product is recorded with an indication of the total.

    The eighth paragraph describes the type of container.

    Column 9 contains the name of the transported goods.

    Item 10 indicates the product code taken from the TN VED CU.

    Column 11 contains the gross mass of each product (weight including packaging) and their total mass.

    Columns 7 - 11 represent a single block, for any of them the rule works: each product in each sub-item must be indicated separately, since it is problematic to obtain this information from other documents. Therefore, it is important to fill in these sections correctly.

    The volume of all products in cubic meters is recorded in the twelfth paragraph.

    The thirteenth column contains all information about the customs authority that will conduct the inspection. These data are not indicated in other documents. Therefore, it is advisable that the forwarder and the customer negotiate the address of the customs office in advance and record this in the CPM document. If there is an error in the indication of the destination, the forwarding procedure will be very exhausting and quite complicated, up to the fact that you will have to rewrite the TIR Carnet.

    In this item, you can also enter, if necessary, information about the cost of products in the invoice currency.

    In the fourteenth paragraph, the trailer number is written.

    All information about payment for the goods must be registered in the fifteenth column.

    In the twenty-first section, the locality is indicated - the place of registration of the CMR form.

    Arrival for loading and departure is permissible to issue stamps in the twenty-second column. According to article 5 of the CMR, if the sender does not have a seal, then only a signature can be put, formally this will not be considered a violation.

    Filling by the forwarder

    The carrier also draws up a CMR (international consignment note), a sample of which, already partially completed, is provided to him by the sender.

    In the sixteenth column, all information is indicated by the carrier, sometimes it is enough to put a stamp for this.

    In the seventeenth paragraph, the remaining carriers are indicated, if there are several of them.

    In the eighteenth column, the forwarder's remarks about the commodity condition of the cargo being transported are written: lack of packaging, spoilage of goods, presence of a seal, non-compliance of containers with requirements, etc.

    The nineteenth section is issued only after the delivery has been made.

    The twenty-third column contains all data on drivers, waybills and a stamp with the signature of the forwarder.

    The twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth subparagraphs describe the make, model and license plate of road transport (in particular, a trailer and a tractor unit).

    Receiver's marks

    In the twenty-fourth column, information on arrival and departure for unloading is indicated. Additionally, the consignee puts his signature and seal. In the CMP form, the values \u200b\u200bof the remaining columns are filled in by the forwarder after delivery of the goods to the required place.

    CMP stamps

    The stamp of the sender is indicated in column 22, it is put by the company specified in the first subparagraph.

    The forwarder's stamp is placed in 23 and 16 sub-clauses. In case of a change of carrier, the new forwarder puts a stamp in 17 subparagraph.

    The buyer marks the receipt of the goods with a stamp in column 24.

    At the customs, the number of the transit declaration must be confirmed by the personal numbered seal of the customs officer. Also in the construction and installation work a stamp of customs control of delivery is put. Each new customs post puts its own marks. The presence of the stamps "Goods arrived" and "Export allowed" is also required.

    Construction and installation works insurance

    What is CMR insurance?

    Any freight forwarder can insure his civil liability during the carriage of goods. Thus, he is able to protect himself in the event of damage to goods during transportation.

    If you carefully read the international conventions, you can see information according to which the carrier must compensate for the damage. The forwarder bears financial responsibility in the event of loss or damage to the cargo, delay in delivery and other costs.

    Having an insurance policy allows you to shift all responsibility to the insurance company.

    Insurance benefits

    The benefits of insurance include:

    1. Guaranteed receipt of insurance compensation in case of oversight of the goods. This is especially true for forwarders, whose real estate costs several times less than the transported cargo.
    2. For the consignor of the cargo, the presence of an insurance policy from the carrier becomes evidence of the honesty and legal capacity of the forwarder.

    Cons of taking out an insurance policy

    In addition to the advantages, the presence of insurance is accompanied by certain disadvantages. These include the following disadvantages of construction and installation insurance - these are the facts listed below:

    1. If the cargo was damaged by an unauthorized person, the insurance company may refuse to pay compensation.
    2. To receive compensation for damage, you need to spend a lot of time preparing the required package of documents.
    3. Sometimes the carrier's liability may be limited by the specifics of legislation and certain limits.


    ТТН СМР is an important document used when crossing an international border using a motor vehicle. Its form is unified and is uniform and approved in many countries. During the crediting of taxes on products, the CMP form is used in the first place.

    When filling out this document, care and accuracy must be observed. It is imperative that information from all documents is consistent with each other. Design errors can lead to many problems.

    A foreign trade document is a document containing information on various aspects of activities in the field of foreign trade.

    Filling CMR

    Drawing up a CMR waybill in accordance with the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR)

    Drawing up a CMR waybill confirms the conclusion of a contract for the international carriage of goods by road. The CMR waybill form consists of ten (fourteen) pages with blank columns, printed on self-copying paper, has an accounting series and number that are the same for all pages. Entries are entered into it without the use of carbon paper, which requires the carriers to handle the form carefully. In no case should any documents be drawn up on the CMR waybill (waybills, tachograms, etc.), since the waybill will be damaged.
    In accordance with Resolution No. 23, the CMR waybill is issued by the sender in at least four copies (on four pages). However, in practice, it is recommended that the invoice be issued in seven copies.

    The first four pages of the CMR consignment note have their own names (typed):
    • the first page is "1 Instance for Sender";
    • second page - "2 Instance for recipient";
    • third page - "3 Copy for the carrier";
    • fourth page a- "4 For calculations".

    Sender's 1 Instance Pageremains with the sender and is intended to confirm the fact of shipment and settlements.
    The second - fourth pages must be certified by the signatures and seals (stamps) of the sender, signatures of the carrier's representative (driver, freight forwarder).

    2 Instance for Recipient Pageaccompanies the cargo and is handed over by the driver (freight forwarder) to the consignee. It serves as confirmation of the fact of receipt (delivery) of the cargo.

    Pages "3 Instance for the carrier" and "4 - for payments", certified by signatures and seals (stamps) of the consignee, are sent to the carrier. The carrier attaches the fourth page of the CMR waybill to the invoice for carriage and sends it to the paying customer of the carriage (sender, consignee, forwarder), and the third page is attached to the waybill (it is the basis for recording the provided transport services and calculating wages to the driver).

    All subsequent pages of the CMR waybill, certified by the signatures and seals (stamps) of the sender and the signatures of the carrier (driver, forwarder), are intended to be filled in by customs (at least three pages during customs clearance) and other authorities. The number of additional pages of the CMR waybill is determined by the conditions of carriage.
    When transporting goods to several consignees, the CMR waybill is filled in for each consignee.

    There is no difference between filling out a CMR invoice for import or export. If we are talking about filling out the CMR for the export (export) of goods from Russia, then you can fill out the CMR in the language of the country of export (in Russian) or in one of the European languages \u200b\u200b(English, German, Italian, etc.). However, one should not forget that the Russian customs authority will definitely have to provide a version of the CMR with a translation into Russian.
    There is no need to issue a CMR for the carriage of goods within Russia, the transportation can be carried out using the TTN.

    Count, number



    indicated full name of the sender cargo (if the cargo is sent on behalf of another company, then after the name of the consignor, the name of the guarantor is indicated: "by order", "on behalf"). One of the items must be indicated on the invoice (due to the fact that the seller of the goods can be both the consignor and the guarantor)... Also indicated full legal address of the sender.


    indicated full name of the consignee and postal or legal address and TIN... In the case of sending the goods to the address of the customs broker, a note is made "for the company ________"

    Place of unloading of cargo

    indicated delivery address of the goods after customs clearance... In the presence of a completed column 3, the carrier, regardless of the country of origin, is allowed to move throughout the territory of Russia without any other shipping documents, it is not allowed to move with cargo to another address not indicated in this column.

    Place and date of loading the cargo

    indicated city, country and date of loading.

    Attached documents

    the documents attached to the CMR are indicated (only those that accompany the cargo):

    • invoice (here - invoice);
    • shipping specification;
    • quality certificate if the goods are of industrial origin;
    • a veterinary certificate if the goods are of animal origin;
    • a quarantine certificate if the goods are of plant origin;
    • certificate of origin;
    • act of loading.

    indicated the number of packages, the name of the cargo and the type of packaging.
    All data in this section must exactly match the data indicated on the invoice and packing slip.
    With a large number of names, it is possible to indicate the combined name with the link "see the decoding in the invoice".
    In the presence of a large number of items, indicate the decoding of the weight for each HS code.
    For container and other transit transportations with a change of transport, the number of transport spaces must correspond to the data specified in the original transport document *

    Statistical code

    indicated tN VED codes for each group of goods

    Gross weight

    indicated gross weight declared in the invoice - according to the export declaration.
    For container shipping, this column must correspond to the data specified in the sea bill of lading.


    usually filled in in the case of groupage cargo transportation. In other cases, it is optional.

    Sender's instructions

    complete details of the customs terminal to which the goods must be delivered for customs clearance.

    At the bottom of clause 13, the declared value of the cargo is indicated.


    to be filled in for container shipping. The address of the container depot is indicated, where should the container be returned after unloading the cargo.

    Terms of payment

    indicated basis of delivery of goods, for example, terms of delivery for INCOTERMS


    complete details of the transport company the owner of the vehicle is stamped or carrier stamp

    Subsequent carrier

    to be filled in if the carriage is carried out with reloading from one vehicle to another. Usually, the details of the agent (freight forwarder) who control this transportation are indicated. The seal is being put

    Carrier's reservations and remarks

    any remarks or clarifications of the carrier regarding the cargo (quality of packaging, temperature conditions, etc.) can be indicated. **

    This column can only be completed by the settlement department after the completion of the transportation. However, currently the amount of freight is set on a contractual basis and therefore, as a rule, clause 19 is not filled out.

    Special agreed conditions

    • payments that the sender is obliged to make;
    • the amount to be paid upon delivery of the goods;
    • the sender's instructions to the carrier regarding cargo insurance;
    • the agreed period during which the carriage must be carried out.

    The parties to the contract of carriage (sender, carrier) can enter in this column any other data that they consider necessary, for example:

    indicates the temperature in the refrigerator compartment at which the perishable cargo must be delivered;

    the speed limit is indicated when transporting oversized, heavy and explosive goods, as well as the prohibition of overloading and washing the semitrailer.

    indicates the name of the settlement where the CMR was drawn up, and the date of filling

    Arrival for loading

    the exact time and date of arrival of the vehicle for loading and departure from under loading are indicated stamp or seal of the Sender and his signature.

    the number of the waybill, the surname of the driver and the stamp of the carrier's company are indicated. Carrier's stamp and signature.

    Arrival for unloading

    the exact time and date of arrival of the vehicle for unloading and departure from unloading are indicated. Recipient's stamp and signature after unloading.

    The receipt of the cargo is noted on the third and fourth copies of the CMR.

    indicated numbers of the tractor and semitrailer that loaded the cargo

    the brands and models of the tractor and the semi-trailer that loaded the cargo are indicated

    are issued upon transfer of CMR to the forwarder's settlement department

    1. Sender

    Indicate the company - the sender, its full address, country, city, postal code, street, house number.
    If the goods are sent to Russia on behalf of the contract holder by a third company, then the name of this company is indicated and a postscript is made: "on behalf of".

    CONTRACT No., data:

    2. Recipient

    The name of the recipient company, its full address, country, city, postal code, street, house number are indicated. INN (Recipient's INN)

    16. Carrier

    3. Place of unloading

    Final unloading address warehouse of the consignee.

    17. Subsequent carrier

    Indicate the name of the carrier, his address. In this column, the carrier puts his stamp

    4. Place and date of loading

    The address of the place of loading the goods and the date of loading.

    18. Reservations and remarks of the carrier

    5. Attached documents

    The numbers of invoices (invoices, invoices - proforma), the number of the TIR Carnet (TIR) \u200b\u200bare entered, if there are certificate numbers (veterinary, phytosanitary, compliance, etc.)

    INVOCE No.

    6. Rooms 7. Seats 8. Pack. 9. Name

    Hazard classes are indicated if there are quantities of loaded individual places (and / or pallets), type of packaging, name of goods

    10. Stat No.

    tN VED codes

    11. Gross

    gross weight

    13. Customs processing

    Name of the customs post and customs code
    Legal name of temporary storage warehouse and its address
    License number and date of issue

    14. Return

    15. Terms of payment Delivery basis

    for example, terms of delivery for "INCOTERMS"

    20.For recipient marks. Date of receipt of the cargo, its seal

    21. Date of filling the CMR

    22. Seal Sender

    23. Seal of the Carrier

    24. Seal of the Recipient

    after unloading

    25. Tractor registration number Trailer registration number

    * In column 6, signs and numbers are entered that indicate the class, subclass of dangerous goods transported, classified under the ADR Convention.

    Column 7 contains the number of cargo items. As a rule, up to 90% of all goods transported by cars are on pallets and it is most acceptable for the carrier if the number of pallets is indicated in paragraph 7. This number is easy to check by determining the number of rows of pallets and multiplying by two (in the load compartment, two pallets become a row).

    Column 8 indicates the type of packaging of the cargo (cardboard boxes, wooden boxes, metal or plastic barrels, canvas or plastic bags, etc.).

    The name of the cargo is indicated in column 9.

    ** Compared to the conditions for international carriage of goods in the CIS countries, a new and mandatory requirement is to provide the carrier with the right to enter into the consignment note reservations regarding the external condition of the goods and their packagingThese reservations are entered in box 18 of the consignment note and, for the sake of consistency, the following wording is proposed as a recommendation:

    by vehicle:

    A) a car without an awning;
    B) as agreed with the sender;

    by packing:

    A) cargo without packaging;
    B) the packaging is damaged;
    C) the packaging does not meet the requirements;

    by quantity, marking of packages:

    It is impossible to check for the reason:
    A) loading is performed by the sender;
    B) a large number of places;
    C) the container is sealed;

    for accepted cargo:

    A) the cargo is clearly in poor condition;
    B) the cargo is damaged;
    C) the cargo is tarnished;
    D) the cargo is frozen;
    E) the cargo is not protected from weather conditions and is transported in this condition under the responsibility of the sender;

    for handling, loading, safety, unloading:

    Processing, loading is carried out:

    ... at the request of the sender.

    The unloading took place:
    ... by the recipient;
    ... by a driver in atmospheric conditions that cause damage to the cargo;
    ... at the request of the recipient.

    If the consignment note does not contain special reservations of the carrier, then, until proof otherwise, it is assumed that the cargo and its packaging were outwardly in proper condition at the time of acceptance of the cargo by the carrier and that the number of packages, as well as their marking and numbering of places, corresponded to that indicated in the consignment note. The convention does not specify that the carrier's reservations must be certified by the shipper.
    The carrier's clauses must be entered in the first copy remaining with the shipper, and since the CMR pages are made of self-copy paper, the disclaimer will be printed on all pages. In no case should reservations be entered into the remaining copies if the carrier did not make them in the first copy left by the shipper. In the event of a claim, the shipper will easily prove the carrier's dishonesty by presenting the first copy of the CMR with a clean box 18.

    Filling in the CMR waybill for the parties to the Contract of carriage.


    Fills in columns 1-15, 21, 22. These columns contain the following data.

    Column 1 "Sender (name, address, country)",
    Column 2 "Recipient (name, address, country)" - names, addresses, telephones and countries of location of the organizations that ship and receive the cargo, respectively.
    Column 3 "Place of unloading of cargo" - country and place (address) of delivery of the cargo.
    Column 4 "Place and date of loading the cargo" - country, place (address) and date of acceptance of the cargo for transportation.
    Column 5 "Attached documents" - a list of attached documents. In this case, the driver must check whether the indicated document numbers match their actual numbers.
    Column 6 "Signs and numbers" - signs and numbers indicating the class, subclass of transported goods, including dangerous, classified under the European Agreement on the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods (ADR). The container transported on the road site refers to equipment (packaging) for the carriage of goods, therefore the container number is indicated in column 6 CMR "Signs and numbers".
    Column 7 "Number of pieces" - the number of pieces of cargo. The driver must check that it matches the actual quantity.
    Column 8 "Type of packaging" - the type of cargo packaging (cardboard boxes, wooden boxes, metal or plastic barrels, canvas or plastic bags, etc.). The type of container may be indicated in abbreviated form.
    Column 9 "Name of the cargo" - the name of the cargo.
    Column 10 "Stat. No." - product code (at least four characters) in accordance with the Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the Republic.
    Column 11 "Gross weight, kg" - gross weight (weight of cargo with packaging) in kilograms.
    Column 12 "Volume, cubic meters" - the volume occupied by the cargo, in cubic meters.
    With a large list of goods to be sent, which is not possible to place in the CMR waybill form, it is allowed to attach a list of these goods with the data on them entered in columns 6-12 to the CMR waybill. In this case, in columns 6-12 of the CMR consignment note, the names, numbers and dates of the attached documents should be recorded, and the attached documents should contain a link to the CMR consignment note indicating its number and date of preparation.
    Column 13 "Sender's instructions (customs and other processing)" - the name, address and other details of the customs office, where the customs clearance of the goods will take place. The following must be indicated: the code of the customs post and the number of the valid license. The instructions of the Sender may also be indicated here, for example, about the need to place the goods in a transit warehouse and other instructions for handling the goods.
    In the lower part of column 13, the declared value of the goods may be indicated. The carrier needs to know that if the sender declares the value of the goods above the limit established by Part 3 of Art. 23 of the CMR Convention, the declared value replaces the limit of the carrier's liability established by the Convention (25 francs per kilogram of missing gross weight. A franc means a gold franc weighing 10/31 g of 900 gold). In this case, the sender is obliged to pay the carrier a surcharge to the carriage charge determined by the agreement of the parties.
    In addition, if by virtue of Art. 26 of the CMR Convention, the consignor will establish the additional value of the cargo in case of its loss, damage or failure to deliver within the agreed period, he must also pay a surcharge to the carriage charge.
    Column 14 "Return" - the state number of a semi-trailer or container in case of export from abroad after a temporary stay there.
    Column 15 "Terms of payment" - the terms of payment for the goods under the contract of sale in accordance with the International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms (INCOTERMS) as amended.
    Column 21 "Drawn up in" - the name of the settlement where the CMR invoice was drawn up, and the date of its completion.
    Column 22 "Arrival for loading. Departure" - the actual time and date of arrival for loading and departure from under loading. The sender certifies this information with a signature (with a decryption) and a stamp.

    Cargo carrier

    Fills in columns 16-19, 23, 25-29, where the following data is entered.

    Column 16 "Carrier (name, address, country)" - details of the carrier (name, address, telephone, fax, etc.).
    Column 17 "Subsequent carrier (name, address, country)" - details of the subsequent carrier in case of transportation by several carriers.
    Column 18 "Reservations and remarks of the carrier" - reservations concerning the external condition of the cargo and its packaging.
    According to the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road, if the CMR waybill does not contain special clauses of the carrier, then, until the contrary is proved, it is assumed that at the time of acceptance of the goods by the carrier, the goods and their packaging were outwardly in good condition, and the number of packages, their marking and numbering corresponded to those specified in the CMR invoice.
    The presence or absence of the carrier's reservations in this column acquires special significance when the goods are handed over to the consignee and any discrepancies between the actual state of the goods and the information specified about it in the consignment note are revealed. As you know, the carrier is responsible for the complete or partial loss or damage to the cargo that occurred in the time between its acceptance for transportation and delivery. However, the carrier is released from his responsibility if the loss or damage to the cargo is caused by the absence, damage to the packaging, or insufficient, unsatisfactory marking or numbering of packages. Therefore, depending on the reservations made by the carrier's representative in column 18, the issue of the carrier's liability is decided in the future.
    Reservations may relate to:
    * motor vehicle (car without awning, as agreed with the sender);
    * packaging (cargo without packaging, packaging is damaged, packaging does not meet the requirements);
    * quantities, markings of packages (it is impossible to check due to:
    a) loading by the sender;
    b) weather conditions;
    c) a large number of places;
    d) sealing the container;
    * accepted cargo (the cargo is clearly in poor condition, the cargo is damaged, the cargo is tarnished, the cargo is frozen, the cargo is not protected from weather conditions and is transported in this condition under the responsibility of the applicant);
    * processing, loading, safety, unloading:
    a) processing, loading, safety are carried out:
    - by the sender;
    - by the driver in atmospheric conditions that contribute to damage to the cargo at the request of the sender;
    b) unloading is carried out:
    - by the recipient;
    - by a driver in atmospheric conditions with possible damage to the cargo, at the request of the recipient.
    The carrier's clauses fit into the first page of the CMR waybill, on the remaining pages they are copies from the first page.
    Column 23 - the date and number of the waybill according to which the cargo is transported, the names of the drivers performing the transportation, the stamp of the carrier's organization and, to confirm the fact of acceptance of the goods for transportation from the sender - the signature of the driver (forwarder) who accepted the cargo (with a decrypted signature). If the CMR waybill for the shipped cargo was prepared by the sender before the arrival of the carrier, then in column 23, instead of the carrier's stamp, its name is written (that is, the carrier's stamp is not necessary).
    Column 25 "Registration number" - state numbers of the tractor and semitrailer carrying out transportation.
    Column 26 "Brand" - brands and models of the tractor and semi-trailer.
    Columns 19, 27-29 - information on the applicable tariff (piece rate, contractual), as well as the cost of transportation according to tariff distances and additionally paid services (use of special vehicles, loading and unloading operations, etc.). When carrying out transportation on a contractual basis, when the amount of freight is not previously established, the indicated columns are not filled in.
    The driver should start transportation only after the sender has signed the international waybill. Otherwise, he should contact his representative or refuse to perform transportation.

    Cargo receiver

    After delivery of the cargo, the driver presents to the recipient the second, third and fourth pages of the CMR waybill. The recipient is obliged to fill in column 24 "Cargo received" on all pages: indicate the date of receipt of the cargo, the time of arrival of the car for unloading and departure after its completion in hours and minutes.

    The financially responsible person of the consignee puts his signature (with decoding) and seal (stamp) (required!), Which certify the fact of acceptance of the goods.

    The page of the CMR waybill "2 Copy for the consignee" remains with the consignee, and the third and fourth ("3 Copy for the carrier", "4 For settlements") are returned to the carrier.


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