Country house building cooperative. Dacha consumer cooperative pros and cons. What types of cooperation exist

In simple words, a dacha consumer cooperative is an association of individuals who own dacha plots on the same territory. Created with the help of contributions made by members of the cooperative, necessary to cover organizational costs and the maintenance of related documentation. The goal is to promote and assist in the development on the territory of the cooperativedacha economy.

What legislative acts are regulated by the KDP?

In order to understand the question of what a dacha cooperative is, it would be most correct to open the law and get acquainted with this phenomenon.

First of all, it is advisable to turn to the acts regulating the foundations of civil legal relations.

Thus, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation regulates the legal relationship arising from the formation of non-profit corporate organizations (Art. 123.1).

The Federal Law "On horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens" also contains information on the formation and existence of dacha consumer cooperatives.

Reference!Normative legal acts in this area of \u200b\u200blegal relations do not imply the possibility of permanent registration in the territory of cooperatives.

Duties of the consumer society union

As noted above, when joining a dacha consumer or dacha-building cooperative, a certain amount must be paid as a share contribution. Accordingly, these funds can be used to purchase any property. All participants can use this property. However, its owner is the cooperative itself as a legal entity.

Also, when joining a cooperative, you need to know that a certain part of the property can go into an indivisible fund.

The participants of the dacha cooperative are obliged to pay if the organization has a negative financial result. This requires additional fees.

If a legal entity owes money to someone, then the members of the cooperative will also have to pay the debt in amounts depending on their share.

Thus, the participants in the society are entrusted with great responsibility for the activities of the cooperative. However, finding a site on the territory of a dacha cooperative does not oblige anyone to join it. A summer resident has the right to join a dacha cooperative as a member or to run a dacha farm individually.

How it works?

DPK or DSK starts working from the moment of registration.
The condition for starting work is the presence of at least three participants. They deposit funds as shares.

With this money, property is purchased, which will later belong to the cooperative.

Important! He cannot conduct entrepreneurial activity during his work. Exceptions are encountered only when such an activity meets the purpose of its creation.

The cooperative issues a special book to its members to confirm their participation.

If the dacha is in a dacha cooperative, then the citizen remains its owner, so you can not be afraid to leave the membership: the dacha will not go anywhere.

DK works to solve common problems of summer residents. For example, if the house is located in the wilderness, where water for irrigation has not even been supplied, a council gathers, which decides how to resolve this issue by joint efforts. You will undoubtedly have to pay for such a pleasure, therefore, the funds received as membership fees will come in handy.

To get out of the situation, the cooperative applies to the relevant local government bodies, prepares the necessary documentation, submits an application and organizes the entire process of water supply.

Agree that it will be difficult for one individual summer resident to fight and achieve results. He will have to look for like-minded people for a long time and stubbornly, which, of course, may not be crowned with success.

Pros and cons of such a combination for a summer resident


  • Few taxes. Perhaps any citizen, even the most conscientious one, would like to pay less taxes. This is where the main advantage of the society in question lies. You won't have to pay much taxes. I must say that in the DNT the amount of tax payments will have to be transferred in a rather larger amount than in the KDP.
  • A small amount of investments. In addition, one cannot but say that, in principle, you will not have to invest a lot in such a dacha, since the buildings on such territories are already ready, which means that you will not have to build.

No matter how it seems now that such an enterprise is good, there will still be negative sides.


  • Poorly developed infrastructure. A person who has a house on the territory of such a society will have to think in advance, before arrival, what he wants to eat, drink, how he will spend his leisure time, because if he did not worry about it in advance, then it is unlikely that he will be able to buy food for himself on the spot. ...

    This is due to the fact that in such territories there are usually no shops at all, and if there are any, it is unlikely that the assortment will be able to please even the most ordinary man in the street.

    Maybe you even have to go somewhere to a neighboring village to find a store. Accordingly, there is no need to talk about any other infrastructure facilities either.

  • You still have to pay.Even if you rarely come to the dacha and practically do not use common property, you will have to pay share contributions.

But the choice always remains with the person, because everyone has different needs and opportunities. One difference from the dacha non-profit partnership was mentioned here. But there are others. What are the distinguishing features of a dacha (garden) cooperative from a dacha (garden) non-profit partnership and non-profit partnership?

They are as follows:

  1. The following can be noted regarding the owners.
    • The non-profit partnership also provides for membership fees, at the expense of which property is purchased. However, being a member of such an organization, it is you who will be the owner of these values, since the participants are the owners.

      Reference! Despite this, a situation is still allowed when property is acquired at the expense of funds belonging to a special fund. Then the owner of the property will be the cooperative itself as a legal entity

    • But in a dacha non-profit partnership, under any circumstances, the property will belong to the organization.
  2. Another difference is that citizens in a partnership are not required to cover losses or pay the debts of society. This rule works in the opposite direction. Inherent in both partnership and camaraderie.

What types of cooperation exist?

The answer to this question is simple. DK itself is a kind of consumer cooperative.

Gardening, gardening, housing construction, housing, garage consumer cooperatives - these are already different organizations and legal forms of ownership, respectively, and their goals will be completely different.

Therefore, if you buy a dacha and decide to create a society, you need to decide what to open:

Thus, in order to decide whether a dacha cooperative is suitable for you, you need to properly study this issue. But this cannot be the only recommendation. Also, when purchasing a summer residence, it is important to carefully familiarize yourself with the site itself, the house, in the end, it will not hurt even to talk with the neighbors.

Land plots are called parts of the earth's surface, the boundaries of which are defined in official documents. Their legal status, area and other characteristics are recorded in the state cadastre in accordance with federal law.

Land plots are one of the types of real estate, as well as an object of civil circulation. State bodies put forward environmental requirements that are uniform for all users. Their implementation is monitored by specialized enterprises. Most often, land plots appear during the division, consolidation or redistribution of holdings that are in state, regional, municipal ownership.

Land types

The following types of land use are permitted by law:

  • Private household plots (personal subsidiary plots);
  • DNP (dacha non-profit partnership);
  • SNP, SNT, SPK (various horticultural associations);
  • KFH (peasant farm);
  • IZHS (individual housing construction).

Each allotment must be entered into the state cadastre. In this case, the cadastral number, date of entry, area, description of boundaries, address of the object, information about the cost are noted.

Personal subsidiary farm

Allotments for personal subsidiary plots can be issued within settlements. It is allowed to build capital houses on them. It is assumed that the building will be part of a subsidiary farm. If the plots are located on agricultural land, the construction of houses is prohibited. In this case, the owner of the land can only be engaged in the cultivation of useful plants.

In the case of compact development of settlements, two plots are issued for maintaining personal subsidiary plots. The smaller site is located within the settlement. It is intended for building a house. The larger plot is outside the settlement. Here the owners grow agricultural plants.

Dacha non-profit partnership

Allotments for a dacha non-profit partnership can be issued exclusively on agricultural land. Capital construction is allowed on them. In the built house, the owner can live temporarily or permanently. The registration right is not granted.

Gardening associations

Gardeners' associations are created by Russian citizens on a voluntary basis. They are intended to help members in running a dacha economy, truck farming, gardening. Gardening associations are not created for profit. However, they are not covered by the 1996 Law on Non-Commercial Organizations. There are the following types of associations:

The Gardening Non-Profit Partnership (SNP) is a legal entity. All property of its members (acquired and created) is the property of the enterprise. Members of the SNP are not responsible for the obligations of the organization.

Garden Non-Profit Partnership (SNT) is somewhat different from SNP. The difference lies in the availability of “earmarked contributions”. The property acquired with their help is not the property of the partnership.

Members of a horticultural consumer cooperative (HCP) are required to cover losses at the end of the year with additional contributions. The members of the organization bear subsidized liability for the obligations of the association.

Peasant farm

Peasant farming is one of the types of entrepreneurial activities associated with agriculture. After registering an enterprise, its founder receives the status of an individual entrepreneur-farmer. The property of a peasant farm is the joint property of its members.

The peasant farm belongs to private unitary organizations. However, its members have the right to create a full-fledged legal entity. In this case, the peasant farm is transformed into an organization created on the basis of property contributions of the company's members.

Individual housing construction

Individual housing construction is a way of supplying citizens with housing by building houses. Construction is carried out on the basis of personal property.

IZHS objects include detached buildings with a maximum of three floors. Moreover, only one family can live in each house. Residents are granted the right to register at their place of residence.

To obtain a permit for individual construction, it is necessary to attach the decree of the Head of Administration and the passport of the land plot to the application. If you intend to build an auxiliary use structure, you do not need to obtain permission.

Differences between SPK and SNT

We buy a land plot from a citizen in the SEC (horticultural consumer cooperative). Owned plot, certificate from the regional chamber. We read Law 66-FZ, roughly realized that common property in the SEC is created by share contributions and is the property of such a cooperative (legal entity). And yet, that the members of the SEC (in contrast to the members of the SNT) are responsible for the obligations of the SEC. There are actually four questions.

1. What advantages and disadvantages does SPK have in comparison, for example, with SNT?

2. Can the current owner (seller) collect the share contribution from the SEC?

3. Can this share be "transferred" to the buyer?

4. What should a buyer do to avoid unlawful expenses when joining an SEC?

Horticultural consumer cooperative unlike snt

What is a dacha consumer cooperative? Description of the term.

A horticultural non-profit association of citizens (a horticultural or dacha non-profit partnership, a horticultural, horticultural or dacha consumer cooperative, a horticultural, horticultural or dacha non-profit partnership) is a non-profit organization established by citizens on a voluntary basis to assist its members in solving general social and economic problems of gardening, truck farming and dacha farming (horticultural, vegetable gardening or dacha non-profit association).

See: Federal Law 66-FZ. On horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens

Consumer cooperative

In accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation (Article 11 b of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) - a voluntary association of citizens and legal entities on the basis of membership in order to satisfy the material and other needs of participants, carried out by combining property shares by its members. PC. belongs to non-profit organizations. P.'s charter to. must contain, in addition to information mandatory for the statutes of legal entities in general, conditions on the amount of shares of members of the cooperative; on the composition and procedure for making share contributions by members of the cooperative and on their liability for violation of obligations to make shares on the composition and competence of the management bodies of the cooperative and the procedure for making decisions by them, incl. on issues, decisions on which are taken unanimously or by a qualified majority; on the procedure for covering the losses incurred by the members of the cooperative.

The name Consumer cooperative must contain an indication of the main purpose of its activity, and also. the word "cooperative", or the words "consumer union", or "consumer society". Members of P. to. are obliged to cover the resulting losses by additional contributions within three months after the approval of the annual balance sheet.

If this obligation is not fulfilled, the cooperative can be liquidated in court at the request of creditors. Members of P. to. jointly bear subsidiary responsibility for its obligations within the unpaid part of the additional contribution of each of the members of the cooperative.

Country, horticultural and horticultural associations

Income received by P. to. from business activities carried out by the cooperative in accordance with the law and the charter, are distributed among its members. The legal status of P. to, as well as. the rights and obligations of their members are determined in accordance with the RF PS by laws on consumer cooperatives.

Da private non-profit partnership refers to associations of persons who have received in their possession land for a summer residence.

According to the above law, it is provided for organizing recreation of citizens with the right to erect various buildings and grow various crops.

At the same time, it is still necessary to erect buildings on a country allotment, in contrast to a garden one. It will be easier to register your residence in a house on such a site. But with the conduct of communications to the site, problems can also arise. If the dacha associations have electricity or running water, you will need to pay an annual fee for them.

The second - the land for DNT and DNP was allocated for gardening. That is, dacha and horticultural associations practically did not differ.

By the way, dacha associations both existed and continue to exist (Federal Law No. 217). Only now everything that has the definition of "summer cottage" is now automatically considered "gardening".

Where can you build a house, and where not?

Today, only two organizational forms remain - ONT and SNT. It is prohibited to build residential buildings on the territory of ONT, only sheds for storing inventory. This is the main difference.

Pros and cons of SNT, ONT, DNT and SNK, ONK, DNA, as well as SNP, SNP, DNP

Relations arising in connection with the conduct of gardening, truck farming and dacha farming by citizens are regulated by the Federal Law of 15.04.1998 No. 66-FZ "On horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations of citizens", hereinafter referred to as the Law. Based on the norms of a number of branches of law - civil, land, administrative, tax and others, it also establishes the legal status, the procedure for the creation, operation, reorganization and liquidation of such associations, the rights and obligations of their members.

Art. 4З of the Law indicates three organizational and legal forms of existence of horticultural, vegetable gardening and dacha non-profit associations: partnership, consumer cooperative and non-profit partnership, giving citizens a free choice of any of them. Membership in these organizations is voluntary, therefore, there is an alternative - the establishment of an individual garden, vegetable garden or country house on the territory of the association. The above organizational forms are extremely similar, but, nevertheless, there are a number of fundamental differences between them.

The first difference is the subject composition of the members of a non-profit association and the mandatory requirements for them.

The second difference concerns the form of ownership of property in common use, acquired or created by one or another non-profit association. This refers to the acquisition or creation of common property at the expense of the members of the association. The composition of the common property is defined in Art. 1 of the Law: “property (including land plots) intended to provide within the territory of a horticultural, vegetable gardening or suburban non-profit association the needs of the members of such a non-profit association in the passage, passage, water supply and drainage, power supply, gas supply, heat supply, security, recreation and other needs (roads, water towers, common gates and fences, boiler rooms, playgrounds and sports grounds, waste collection grounds, fire-prevention structures, etc.) "

Law firm "Legal Bureau" TRIBUNE ". All rights reserved.

Features of suburban non-profit associations: in which village is it better to buy a land plot

The management of a suburban village can be carried out with the help of the services of a management company or through an association created by the owners of the land plots themselves. Such associations can be in the form:

  • SNT, ONT or DNT - a garden, horticultural and suburban non-profit partnership;
  • ONP, SNP and DNP - truck farming, gardening and dacha non-profit partnership;
  • OPK, SPK and DPK - a horticultural, garden and dacha consumer cooperative.

Their activities are regulated by the Federal Law "ON GARDENING, OGORODNICHESKYE AND DACENT NON-PROFIT ASSOCIATIONS OF CITIZENS" No. 66-FZ dated April 15, 1998.

The main differences between these associations are in the legal regime of public property, as well as in the responsibility of the members for the obligations of the legal entity.

Having decided to change the city smog for clean country air, not all citizens can afford to buy an elite suburban real estate, and as an option, move to the country... The comfort of living in the country is provided by the presence of basic amenities such as water, gas, electricity and communication channels. But it is not always possible to conduct these communications to your site independently. In such cases, a dacha consumer cooperative is created by the community of residents.

What is a dacha consumer cooperative

The very concept of a cooperative implies uniting people based on membership, the main purpose of which is to satisfy general economic and social goals related to the achievement of the economic or other needs of the members. A dacha consumer cooperative is an association of owners of dacha plots or other buildings in a horticultural area. Usually such a community is created on a voluntary basisif it is necessary to achieve any general goals for the construction, improvement or cleaning of the territory on which the summer cottages are located, as well as to achieve other material goals of the community members. The goals for this organization are usually set those that are difficult to achieve on their own.

The organization must have at least 15 individuals and 5 legal entities, each of which has the right to vote. KDP is registered as a non-profit organization, but has the right to conduct commercial activities if it helps to achieve common goals, and to establish various organizations or a business company for this.

KDP acts on the basis Of the Charter, which prescribes the size of the total contributions, the conditions for payment and responsibility in case of non-compliance with the terms and conditions. After registration, the organization has its own bank account in the Russian Federation, its own stamp and emblem. All activities are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, in particular by the law 66-FZ "On horticultural, vegetable garden and suburban non-profit associations of citizens." The difference between a dacha consumer cooperative and a garden or horticultural cooperative lies in the fact that on the territory of the dacha association is meant construction of houses and their registration, while others prioritize the development of a vegetable garden. Another distinctive feature of the KDP is that the property for common use, which is the property of the organization, is acquired for the share contributions of the participants.

Benefits of creating a WPC

The main advantages of creating and participating in a dacha consumer cooperative include:

  • Plots under the KDP are usually at a price order lowerthan plots intended for individual housing construction.
  • Subject to a number of requirements, it is possible registration of registration on the land of the KDP.
  • Shares are not very burdensome, however, with the correct and rational management of the organization, the results are quite large... For example, it is possible to stretch water and gas to remote areas only by making joint efforts. Also, cleaning and landscaping is under constant control of the governing body of the association.
  • Plot taxes are lower than for individual housing construction, since society is formed mainly outside the city on the farmland zone.
  • Interests of citizens who joined the dacha consumer cooperative represented by the chairman, that is, problems that have arisen on the site, if, for example, a pipe has broken or the electricity is cut off, are solved together.
  • The profit received by the enterprise is divided among its participants according to the efforts, taking into account the personal contribution of each. Property is distributed in the same way in case of liquidation of the community.
  • Tariffs for utilities in the KDP are lower than those within the city.
  • If the site is planned to be used only for a summer residence, without the possibility of further registration, a building permit is not required.

Disadvantages of the dacha consumer cooperative

  • KDP is quite difficult to create... Participation of at least 15 individuals and 5 legal entities is required.
  • After the annual balance sheet of the organization is summed up, the resulting loss must be covered by all members of the cooperative within 3 months.
  • Difficulty with registration... You can register on the territory of the KDP only if: prove that this is the only home of the owner; with the help of an examination, prove that it is suitable for living; receive a positive court decision and register the dacha as a place of permanent residence.
  • Since the KDP is often located far from the city, there are difficulties with infrastructure and improvement.
  • All decisions are members of the association jointly, by voting at meetings and counting votes, very often a simple human factor interferes with making reasonable decisions. The same goes for the choice of the governing body. Each member of the cooperative has the right to vote.
  • All members of the dacha consumer cooperative equally responsible for any actions of the organization, therefore, and are equally subject to material costs.
  • Cooperative funds are formed from entrance and share contributions... In the event of a withdrawal from the cooperative or the death of a shareholder, the entry fee is usually not refundable, the shares can be received by the heirs, but they will be able to participate in the general meeting only after joining the cooperative.


To join a dacha consumer cooperative or not, everyone decides for himself... You can evaluate the performance of the organization by contacting the chairman of the cooperative... If the site is planned to be used only in summer for a summer residence, then the WPC is convenient for a comfortable life in the country. And in the winter, again by the cooperative, the site is supervised, since very often guards are hired by a common decision.

All issues with utilities are resolved through the chairman, which significantly saves the time and effort of the owners. If you wish, your participation in the KDP can be limited only to annual contributions, but do not forget that, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the general meeting of the cooperative can exclude the shareholder from the members of the cooperative if he does not fulfill his obligations without good reason, or carries out activities that damage the cooperative.

If it is planned to build a residential building on the site, then you should take into account a lot, from the possibility of permanent registration to the convenience of location, transport accessibility and the availability of basic life support facilities.

The dacha located on the territory of the KDP remains the property of the owner, even if he decides not to join the community, but the owner will have to deal with all the problems on his own.

DACHNO - CONSTRUCTION COOPERATIVE (DSK) - an association of citizens with the aim of building summer cottages at their own expense and subsequent economic operation and management of summer cottages. The members of the cooperative can be citizens who have reached the age of 18. Organizations cannot be members of a cooperative. A member of a dacha-building cooperative cannot simultaneously be a member of another dacha-building cooperative.
For the formation of a dacha-building cooperative, an association of at least 10 citizens (founders of the cooperative) is required initially. They develop the charter of the cooperative (in accordance with the Model Charter approved by the government), as well as an indicative plan (volume and type) of construction and submit the charter for registration to the housing administration of the Council of Workers' Deputies of the city where the founders live. From the time of registration of the charter in the housing department, members of the DSK make entrance and share fees; the cooperative has the right to acquire property, open bank accounts, conclude contracts, that is, it has the rights of an independent organization (it is a legal entity). He also has the right: a) to receive land plots in a place allotted by the executive committee of the city (district, regional) Council of Working People's Deputies for dacha construction; b) carry out work on the improvement and gardening of these areas; c) conduct, in accordance with the approved construction project, work on the construction of summer cottages and outbuildings, as well as the necessary administrative buildings; d) conclude all kinds of contracts necessary for the construction and operation of summer cottages; e) organize areas for sports, games, etc.
The number, type and size of dachas erected by the cooperative, as well as the construction timeframe, are established by the general meeting of the cooperative members and are included in the act on the allotment of the plot for free and unlimited use of the cooperative.
A land plot for construction can be assigned to a cooperative upon depositing at least 50% of the cost of construction projected by the cooperative into its bank account. The procedure for making share contributions is determined by the general meeting of the members of the cooperative, which has the right to establish both uniform terms for all members of the cooperative, and different terms for different categories of members of the cooperative. The cost of personal work is also included in the account of shares. The personal labor of the members of the cooperative on construction is carried out in agreement with the board of the cooperative in accordance with the schedule of construction work and must be taken into account by the manufacturer of the work in the general order. The construction of summer cottages should be carried out by the cooperative and not by individual members of the cooperative. Therefore, the actions of those dacha cooperatives that, instead of building dachas, allocate dacha plots to members of the cooperative and allow them to build dachas on an individual basis, with the subsequent crediting of the cost of construction at the expense of unit accumulations of a member of the cooperative, are wrong, violating the Model Charter. Each member of the cooperative must be provided with a dacha or part of a dacha in accordance with his share. A member of the cooperative with his family has the right to use the summer cottage provided to him by the cooperative during the entire existence of the cooperative. With the consent of the board of the cooperative, he has the right to rent the cottage or part of it to outsiders for a fee not exceeding the rates established for the summer cottages of the local Council. In relation to the violator of the charter, disciplinary measures can be taken, up to and including expulsion from the cooperative. The expelled from the cooperative is subject to eviction from the dacha in court without providing him with another dacha premises. The vacant premises in this case are provided to another member of the cooperative who is in need of a larger premises due to the growth of the family, or to a newly adopted person. The excluded shareholder is refunded his share at book value no later than 3 months upon approval by the general meeting of the annual report for the year during which the shareholder was excluded from the cooperative.
In the event of the death of a member of the cooperative, his share goes to his heirs. The family members of the deceased who used the summer cottage assigned to him have the preferential right to further use this cottage, subject to the entry of one of them into the cooperative. Voluntary withdrawal of a member of a cooperative from its membership is allowed provided that he transfers his share (at book value) to another person and accepts this person as a member of the cooperative instead of the retired one. By agreement with the cooperative, the retiring shareholder can transfer his share to the cooperative itself. The overhaul of the dachas is carried out by the board of the cooperative at the expense of operating costs.

Brief encyclopedia of the household. - M .: Great Soviet Encyclopedia. Ed. A.F. Akhabadze, A.L. Grekulova. 1976 .

See what "HOUSING - BUILDING COOPERATIVE" is in other dictionaries:

    Consumer cooperative - A consumer cooperative is one of the varieties of cooperatives. A consumer cooperative is a voluntary association of citizens and legal entities on the basis of membership in order to meet their own needs for goods and ... ... Wikipedia


    consumer cooperative - according to the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, a voluntary association of citizens and legal entities on the basis of membership in order to satisfy the material and other needs of the participants, carried out by combining property shares by its members ... ... Big Law Dictionary

    DPK - Democratic Party of Kosovo Kosovo, polit. WPC wood processing plant organization

In accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation (Article 11 b of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) - a voluntary association of citizens and legal entities on the basis of membership in order to satisfy the material and other needs of participants, carried out by combining property shares by its members. PC. belongs to non-profit organizations. P.'s charter to. must contain, in addition to information mandatory for the statutes of legal entities in general, conditions on the amount of shares of members of the cooperative; on the composition and procedure for making share contributions by members of the cooperative and on their liability for violation of obligations to make shares on the composition and competence of the management bodies of the cooperative and the procedure for making decisions by them, incl. on issues, decisions on which are taken unanimously or by a qualified majority; on the procedure for covering the losses incurred by the members of the cooperative.

The name Consumer cooperative must contain an indication of the main purpose of its activity, and also. the word "cooperative", or the words "consumer union", or "consumer society". Members of P. to. are obliged to cover the resulting losses by additional contributions within three months after the approval of the annual balance sheet.

What are cooperatives? Types and features of cooperatives

After the passage of the Cooperative Act in 1926, farmers' associations such as cooperatives became widespread in the United States. The Farmers Cooperative Service explained to farmers what cooperation is, what advantages it provides. The beginning of the twenty-first century confirmed the vitality of the cooperative movement. Today, half of the farmers belong to cooperatives.

Another sign is democratic principles. Democracy in the management of a cooperative is manifested in the fact that only the general meeting of shareholder members has the functions of the supreme governing body. Intermediate structural divisions are elected at the meeting and report to it. The equality of the members of the cooperative is to own one vote, regardless of the number of shares.


CONSUMER COOPERATIVE - according to the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, a voluntary association of citizens and legal entities on the basis of membership in order to satisfy the material and other needs of the participants, carried out by combining property shares by its members ... ... Legal Dictionary

Consumer cooperative - A consumer cooperative is one of the varieties of cooperatives. A consumer cooperative is a voluntary association of citizens and legal entities on the basis of membership in order to meet their own needs for goods and ... ... Wikipedia

What are the features of joining a dacha consumer cooperative and what is it

  • Few taxes. Perhaps any citizen, even the most conscientious one, would like to pay less taxes. This is where the main advantage of the society in question lies. You won't have to pay much taxes. I must say that in the DNT the amount of tax payments will have to be transferred in a rather larger amount than in the KDP.
  • A small amount of investments. In addition, one cannot but say that, in principle, you will not have to invest a lot in such a dacha, since the buildings on such territories are already ready, which means that you will not have to build.

Maybe you even have to go somewhere to a neighboring village to find a store. Accordingly, there is no need to talk about any other infrastructure facilities either.

  • You still have to pay. Even if you rarely come to the dacha and practically do not use common property, you will have to pay share contributions.
  • Dacha consumer cooperative

    horticultural consumer cooperative

    horticultural consumer cooperative - a horticultural non-profit association of citizens (a horticultural or dacha non-profit partnership, a horticultural, horticultural or dacha consumer cooperative, a horticultural, horticultural or dacha non-profit partnership) ... ... Construction dictionary

    Charter of a horticultural (vegetable gardening, dacha) consumer cooperative

    5.21. Membership fee - funds periodically contributed by the members of the Cooperative to cover the costs of maintaining the common property of the Cooperative and the costs of conducting the economic activities of the Cooperative: payment of taxes, fees and other payments established by current legislation; expenses for salaries, accounting and other expenses provided for by the estimate approved by the General Meeting of the members of the Cooperative.

    9.7. The minutes of the General meetings of the members of the Cooperative are drawn up within three days and signed by the Chairman of the meeting and the secretary, certified by the signature of the Chairman and the seal of the Cooperative and kept in the affairs of the Cooperative constantly. The minutes of the meetings and certified extracts from them must be provided to the member of the Cooperative at his request.

    Creation and registration of a consumer cooperative

    It should be noted that a list of members of the consumer cooperative must be attached to the charter, indicating the last name, first name, patronymic, place of residence and data of the identity document of the citizen, as well as the name, location and bank details of the organization, if a member of the consumer cooperative is a legal entity.

    Nevertheless, in order not to violate the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, it is necessary to rely on the requirements of the Law "On non-profit organizations", since the consumer cooperative is a non-profit organization and, therefore, the requirements of this Law apply to it.

    Pros and cons of a dacha consumer cooperative

    Dacha consumer cooperatives are created in order to achieve common goals for the construction, improvement and maintenance of the territory on which the houses of the members of these associations will be located. These organizations are created exclusively on a voluntary basis. The purpose of creating dacha consumer cooperatives may also be to provide a village or several houses with the necessary infrastructure - roads, gas, water supply. Also, dacha consumer cooperatives can be created in order to ensure cleaning of the territory, garbage disposal and for other needs. The goals for this organization are mainly set those that are impossible or extremely difficult to achieve on their own.

    The time has come to properly understand what dacha cooperatives are, how and why they are created, and also to reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of such associations. In this article we will try to answer all these questions and bring them to a common denominator.

    Charter of the dacha consumer cooperative - Aleshkino

    1. landscaping and gardening of the territory, maintaining it in a state that meets modern cultural and aesthetic requirements;
    2. purchase and delivery in the interests of members of the Cooperative of planting material, garden and other equipment, construction materials, fertilizers, pesticides, and other necessary goods;
    3. creation of a favorable ecological environment on the territory, appropriate conditions for gardening (truck farming, dacha farming);
    4. creation and development of engineering and technical and social infrastructure of the territory, property and other public facilities;
    5. repair and maintenance of engineering networks, roads and other public facilities at the expense of the Cooperative, both by the Cooperative's own forces and by the forces of contractors and individual entrepreneurs involved for these purposes on the basis of civil law contracts;
    6. ensuring, in the event of creation, the working condition of water supply, power supply, sewerage systems within the houses and land plots of the members of the Cooperative, their emergency and current repair;
    7. attraction on a contractual basis of specialized organizations and individuals to ensure law and order in the territory, protect the property of the Cooperative and the property of its members;
    8. organization of construction or construction by own forces on the land plots allocated in the established manner of buildings, structures, structures necessary to achieve the goals of the Cooperative;
    9. providing members of the Cooperative with trade, social, household, repair and other services.

    9.4. The chairman of the board of the Cooperative may be assigned other duties necessary to ensure the normal operation of the Cooperative, on the basis of internal regulations, regulations and instructions developed and approved by the board and the general meeting of members of the Cooperative in accordance with the Charter, with the exception of the duties assigned by the charter to the general meeting of the Cooperative ...

    What is a dacha cooperative

    Cooperative - (cooperative) 1. Worker cooperative. A type of entrepreneurial organization common in labor-intensive industries such as agriculture and often associated with socialist countries. Creating ... ... Glossary of Business Terms

    COOPERATIVE - (from lat. cooperatio cooperation) an organization based on the principle of individual membership in order to work together or to meet other needs of a material economic nature. The legislation of the Russian Federation distinguishes between commercial K. ... ... Legal Dictionary



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