Job description of the head of the information and analytical department. Job description of a specialist in the analytical department. Organization of analytical work at the enterprise

Management of work: - to identify the needs of managers and specialists of the enterprise in scientific, technical and economic information necessary for researching market conditions; - to study the problems of competitiveness of the company's products; - on the development of design and technological projects; - for making technical and organizational decisions; - on the preparation of measures to improve production processes; - on the organization of labor and enterprise management. 3.2.

Job description of the head of the information department

Proposals for the automation of various control and calculation tasks. 5.2.2. Requirements for revision and changes in programs, reporting forms.
5.2.3. Applications for the purchase of technical means of information processing. 5.2.4. Requests for the repair of faulty equipment. 6 Responsibility The head of the ITU is liable in the manner established by the Russian Federation for: 6.1 Violation of the conditions established by this job description and labor contract, violation of current legislation, violation of safety rules and fire safety rules.
6.2 Untimely and poor-quality execution of orders, assignments, instructions and orders of higher managers of the enterprise. 6.3 Untimely and inaccurate provision of information to higher managers, as well as functionally related employees of divisions of the enterprise, for the latter to solve general production problems.

Job description of the head of the information and analytical department

Approximate form I approve (Surname, initials) (name of organization, enterprise, etc., his (director or other organizational and legal form) official authorized to approve the job description) "" 20 m. Job description of the head of the information department (name of organization, enterprise, etc.) "" 20
N This job description was developed and approved on the basis of an employment contract with (the name of the position of the person for whom and in accordance with this job description) the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor legal relations in the Russian Federation. I. General provisions 1.1. The head of the information department belongs to the category of managers.
He is hired and dismissed by order of the director of the enterprise upon presentation. 1.2.

Job instructions


We bring to your attention a typical example of the job description of the head of the information department, a sample of 2018. The job description of the head of the information department should include the following sections: general position, job responsibilities of the head of the information department, the rights of the head of the information department, responsibility of the head of the information department.

The job description of the head of the information department should reflect the following points: Job responsibilities of the head of the information department 1) Job responsibilities.


Organization of work using new information technologies to provide divisions of the enterprise and individual employees with specially prepared information about domestic and foreign achievements of science, technology, economics and advanced production experience in order to increase the scientific, technical and economic knowledge of workers and create the external and internal information environment of the enterprise. 3.3. Participation in solving problems of marketing the company's products.


Providing conditions for the implementation of its own marketing program for information products, preparation of analytical and advertising materials. 3.5. Management of the creation of the reference and information fund of the enterprise.

3.6. Ensuring the implementation of modern information retrieval systems. 3.7.

RF. II. Functions The head of the information department has the following functions: 2.1. Providing methodological assistance to employees of the information department, employees of other divisions on issues within its competence.


Ensuring the promotion of the achievements of domestic and foreign science and technology, advanced experience and the organization of their implementation. 2.3. Management of the information department. 2.4. Control over the use of information materials in the divisions of the enterprise.

2.5. Providing healthy and safe working conditions for subordinate performers. 2.6. Monitoring compliance by subordinate executors with the requirements of legislative and regulatory legal acts on labor protection. 2.7.

Provides the formation of benchmarks: - energy sales for business plans and planned budgets for the purchase and sale of energy; - marginal and optimal values \u200b\u200bof price bids on the wholesale electricity market, taking into account the planned amount of debt repayment, the state of the wholesale and retail energy markets. 2.3. Monitors and analyzes the implementation of the approved targets. 2.4. Organizes a study of the reasons for the decrease in revenue for the supplied energy and the number of serviced solvent subscribers, the expansion of the market of competitive energy sales organizations, the impact of new forms of contractual relations, methods of working with subscribers and energy suppliers on the economic indicators of the Organization and its position in the energy market. 2.5.

Job description of the head of the analytical department

Professionally important qualities:. (list the qualities) 2. Job responsibilities The head of the analytical department of housing and communal services is obliged to: 2.1.

Ensure the observance and protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens. 2.2. Provide effective leadership in the activities of the analytical department.


Ensure the preservation of secrets protected by law, as well as non-disclosure of information that has become known to him in connection with the performance of official duties, 2.4. To organize the observance by the employees of the department of the internal labor regulations and discipline in the performance of official duties.

that affect the privacy, honor and dignity of citizens. 2.5.

To organize the work and effective interaction of the department employees and direct their activities to the fulfillment of the tasks and functions assigned to the analytical department. 2.6. Monitor the implementation of the tasks assigned to the department.

Job instructions


Make suggestions for improving the work of the department subordinate to him to higher management. 3.3. To give instructions and orders only within the limits of his competence to subordinate employees, assignments on issues that are part of his functional duties.

3.4. Request and receive the necessary information and documents that relate to the activities of the analytical department of housing and communal services. 3.5. Demand senior management to help them fulfill their professional duties and exercise their rights.
3.6. For all social guarantees provided by law. 3.7. Other rights provided by labor law.
4. Responsibility The head of the analytical department of housing and communal services is responsible for: 4.1.
RESPONSIBILITY The head of the marketing and analytical department is responsible for: 4.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their duties provided for by this job description - in accordance with the current labor legislation.

For offenses committed during the implementation of their activities - in accordance with the current civil, administrative and criminal legislation. 4.3. For causing material damage - in accordance with applicable law.

4.4. For violation of the internal labor regulations, fire safety and safety rules established by the Organization. 5. WORKING CONDITIONS 5.1. The work schedule of the head of the marketing and analytical department is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established in the Organization.


Job description of the head of the information and analytical department

A person who has a higher professional education in the specialty and work experience in the specialty for at least years is appointed to the position of the head of the analytical department. The head of the analytical department must know: - the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of analytical activities; - regulatory legal acts regulating official activities; - the procedure for developing practical recommendations; - methods of collecting, evaluating and analyzing information; - fundamentals of labor organization; fundamentals of labor legislation; - labor protection rules 1.7.

He studies and analyzes the practice of applying the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the opinions of leading scientists and the experience of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on issues related to the competence of the analytical department, prepares appropriate proposals for the head of the organization. 2.11. Summarizes, analyzes information, certificates and other messages of employees of the analytical department, on their basis prepares proposals for the head of the organization on issues related to the competence of the analytical department. 2.12. Organizes effective interaction of the analytical department with other structural divisions of the organization. 3. Rights The head of the analytical department has the right to: 3.1. To represent the interests of the analytical department in relations with other structural divisions of the organization, citizens, other enterprises, institutions and organizations within their competence.
General provisions 482.1 This job description is the main regulatory and organizational document that establishes the functions, rights and obligations, responsibility of the Head of the Planning and Analysis Service, governing the organization of his activities, the procedure for business interaction with officials of structural units XXX. 482.2 This job description is a document of direct action, comes into force from the date of approval and is mandatory for the employee from the moment he is familiarized with the signature. 482.3 Renaming, liquidation of the position of the Head of Service, appointment to the position and dismissal from the position held are carried out by order of the Director General XXX. 482.4 The Head of the Service reports directly to the Head of the Procurement Department.

Job description of the head of the analytical department

Prepares recommendations for the formation of a new strategy and adjustment of the economic policy of the Organization aimed at expanding the energy sales market. 2.6. Organizes the study of the interests of the served subscribers and energy suppliers in terms of ensuring conditions for uninterrupted and high-quality power supply, timely receipt of payments, setting acceptable tariffs and the procedure for making payments for the supplied (consumed) electric and heat energy. 2.7.

Provides the development of standard terms of contracts, rational schemes (procedures) for settlements with energy suppliers and individual groups (categories) of consumers or individual energy-intensive consumers. 2.8. Forms lists of subscribers indicating for them the most acceptable forms and procedures of settlements, taking into account the peculiarities of the conditions of their financial and economic activities.

Participation in the organization of the QMS documentation management processes. 2.10. Participation in the organization of quality records management, ensuring the maintenance of a single database of quality records in paper and / or electronic form. 2.11.

Organization of work on the formation of information and software for the automated information system of the QMS. 2.12. Ensuring the calculation of rating indicators based on individual data on the activities of employees in accordance with the work plan. 2.13.

Control over the reliability of the information provided by the structural units (the basis for calculating rating indicators) .2.14 Participation in the organization and conduct of internal current audits. 2.15. Providing information and consulting support to departments in conducting self-examination, rating assessment of activities, conducting internal current audit.

The head of the analytical department must have the skills: - possession of modern means, methods and technologies for working with information; - working with documents; - possession of the official business style of the modern Russian literary language; - organizational work; - a systematic approach to solving problems; - analytical work; - standard-setting activities; - exercising control; - systematizing and preparing information materials; - conducting business negotiations; - resolving conflicts; - mastering the techniques of building interpersonal relationships; - determining the motivation for the behavior of subordinates; - public speaking; - working on a computer at the user level with Microsoft Office programs, Outlоok Ехрреss, International Ехрлореr, with information legal systems; - on the use of telephone, facsimile communication, copying equipment. 2.
Job responsibilities As part of his job responsibilities, the head of the analytical department: 2.1. Manages the activities of the analytical department, including planning, organizing and controlling it; forecasts the development of the directions of activity of the analytical department. 2.2. Provides preparation of analytical materials and their provision to the head of the organization. 2.3. Develops and submits to the head of the organization for approval a regulation on the analytical department. 2.4. Prepares current and long-term plans for the analytical department, submits them for approval by the head of the organization and monitors the progress of implementation of the approved plans. 2.5. Prepares questions for consideration at meetings of the analytical department. 2.6.
Make decisions in accordance with job responsibilities. 3.3. To request and receive, in the prescribed manner, from the structural divisions of the organization, documents and other information in the amounts necessary for the implementation of the functions assigned to the analytical department. 3.4.

Use the communication systems, communications and information resources in the prescribed manner. 3.5. Make suggestions to the head of the organization for improving the work of the analytical department.

3.6. Distribute responsibilities between employees of the analytical department. 3.7. Introduce to the head of the organization ideas about the appointment of employees of the analytical department, about the encouragement and imposition of penalties on them. 3.8. Participate in meetings, meetings held by the organization on issues within the competence of the analytical department. 3.9. Provide clarifications on the activities of the analytical department. 3.10.

I approve
_______________________________ _________ _______________________________
(organizational and legal form, (signature) (full name, position of the head
the name of the organization, or other official,
enterprise) authorized to approve
job description)

"__" _________________ 20___

Job description

head of the analytical department

(name of organization, enterprise, etc.)

This job description was developed and approved for
on the basis of an employment contract with the head of the analytical department in
in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other
regulations governing labor relations.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The head of the analytical department belongs to the category
1.2. The head of the analytical department is appointed and
dismissed from office _____________________________________________.
(name of the position of the head of the organization)
1.3. The head of the analytical department reports directly to
(name of the position of the immediate supervisor)
1.4. During the absence of the head of the analytical department, his
replaces ________________________.
(Job title)
1.5. The head of the analytical department is appointed
person with higher professional education in the specialty
_____________________ and work experience in the specialty for at least ____ years.
1.6. The head of the analytical department should know:
- The Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional
laws, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field
implementation of analytical activities;
- regulatory legal acts regulating the service
- the procedure for developing practical recommendations;
- methods of collecting, evaluating and analyzing information;
- the basics of labor organization; fundamentals of labor legislation;
- rules for labor protection.
1.7. The head of the analytical department must have the skills:
- possession of modern means, methods and technologies of work
with information;
- work with documents;
- possession of the official business style of modern Russian
literary language;
- organizational work;
- a systematic approach to solving problems;
- analytical work;
- rule-making activity;
- implementation of control;
- systematization and preparation of information materials;
- conducting business negotiations;
- conflict resolution;
- possession of techniques for building interpersonal relationships;
- determining the motivation for the behavior of subordinates;
- public speaking;
- work on a computer at the user level with programs
Мiсrоsоft Оffice, Оutлоок Ехрреss, International Ехрлореr, with information
legal systems;
- on the use of telephone, facsimile, copying

2. Job responsibilities

As part of his job duties, the head of the analytical
2.1. Supervises the activities of the analytical department, including
plans, organizes and controls it; predicts development
areas of activity of the analytical department.
2.2. Provides preparation of analytical materials and their
provision to the head of the organization.
2.3. Develops and submits to the head of the organization for approval
regulations on the analytical department.
2.4. Prepares current and long-term work plans of the analytical
department, submits them for approval by the head of the organization and carries out
control over the progress of implementation of approved plans.
2.5. Prepares questions for consideration at meetings of the analytical
2.6. Makes proposals on the structure and states, personnel
providing the analytical department, encouraging employees of the analytical
department and the imposition of disciplinary sanctions on them.
2.7. Develops projects of job regulations for employees
analytical department, prepares proposals for the distribution of responsibilities
between them, gives them mandatory tasks, instructions,
instructions and orders, controls their execution.
2.8. Visits prepared by employees of the analytical department
materials, signs service documentation within the competence
analytical department.
2.9. Complies with and also monitors compliance
employees of the analytical department of job regulations, work procedures
with service information, working order of the organization, rules
office work.
2.10. Studies and analyzes the practice of applying the current
legislation of the Russian Federation, opinions of leading scientists and experience
subjects of the Russian Federation on issues related to the competence
analytical department, prepares relevant proposals to the head
2.11. Summarizes, analyzes information, references and other
reports of employees of the analytical department, on their basis prepares
proposals to the head of the organization on issues related to
the competence of the analytical department.
2.12. Organizes effective interaction of the analytical department with
other structural divisions of the organization.

3. Rights

The head of the analytical department has the right:
3.1. Represent the interests of the analytical department in relations with
other structural divisions of the organization, citizens, other
enterprises, institutions and organizations within their competence.
3.2. Make decisions in accordance with job responsibilities.
3.3. Request and receive in due course from structural
divisions of the organization documents and other information in volumes,
necessary to perform the functions assigned to the analytical
3.4. Use communication systems in the prescribed manner,
communications and information resources.
3.5. Make proposals to the head of the organization on
improving the work of the analytical department.
3.6. Distribute responsibilities among employees of the analytical
3.7. Introduce an appointment to the head of the organization
employees of the analytical department, on the encouragement and imposition on them
3.8. Participate in meetings, meetings held by the organization,
on issues within the competence of the analytical department.
3.9. Provide clarifications on the activities of the analytical
3.10. Submit to the head of the organization and his deputies
proposals for improving the organization of the analytical
3.11. Exercise other rights provided for by law.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The head of the analytical department is responsible for:
4.1.1. For non-performance or improper performance of their
job duties provided for by this job
instructions, - within the limits determined by the current labor
legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.1.2. For causing material damage to the employer - in
limits defined by the current labor and civil
legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.1.3. For offenses committed in the course of implementation
their activities - within the limits determined by the current
administrative, criminal, civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. The head of the analytical department bears personal
responsibility for the implementation of tasks assigned to the analytical department.

The job description is developed in accordance with ____________________.
(name, number and
date of document)

HR manager
(initials, surname)
"__" _____________ 20__


Head of the legal department
(initials, surname)
"__" _____________ 20__

I have read the instructions:
(initials, surname)
"__" _____________ 20__

1. General Provisions

1.1. The main task of the head of the analytical department is the implementation of operational management, planning the work of the department, preparation of organizational documents.
The head of the analytical department reports directly to the head of the enterprise (institution).
1.2. The head of the analytical department is appointed and dismissed by the order of the head of the enterprise (institution).
1.3. In his activities, the head of the analytical department is guided by: the current legislative acts of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the enterprise, this job description, internal regulations, orders (instructions) and orders of the head.
1.4. During the absence of the head of the analytical department, his duties are performed by _______________________, who is endowed with the appropriate rights, duties and responsibilities for the proper performance of functional duties.

2. Functions of the head of the analytical department

2.1. Formation of the structure of the analytical department.
2.2. Implementation of operational management and planning of the analytical department. 2.3. Preparation of current work schedules and reports on them, within the approved budget of the unit.
2.4. Participation in interaction with certification bodies and consulting firms on issues related to the quality management system.
2.5. Participation in the preparation of drafts of administrative and regulatory documents for the implementation, maintenance and improvement of the QMS.
2.6. Control and direct participation in the conduct of internal audits.
2.7. Participation in the preparation of reports on the conducted audits and their submission to the management for analysis and approval.
2.8. Participation in the preparation of projects and approval of the QMS documentation; analysis of the requirements contained in it and determination of the need for updating.
2.9. Participation in the organization of the QMS documentation management processes.
2.10. Participation in the organization of quality records management, ensuring the maintenance of a single database of quality records in paper and / or electronic form.
2.11. Organization of work on the formation of information and software for the automated information system of the QMS.
2.12. Ensuring the calculation of rating indicators based on individual data on the activities of employees in accordance with the work plan.
2.13. Monitoring the reliability of the information provided by structural units (the basis for calculating rating indicators).
2.14 Participation in the organization and conduct of internal ongoing audits.
2.15. Providing information and consulting support to departments in conducting self-examination, rating assessment of activities, conducting internal current audit.
2.16. Organization and coordination of research activities focused on the development of criteria, requirements, methods and tools for rating analysis.
2.17. Monitoring labor discipline, compliance with the internal labor regulations and the culture of servicing subordinate personnel when performing work.

3. Responsibility of the head of the analytical department

The head of the analytical department is responsible for:
3.1. For poor quality and untimely fulfillment of tasks and obligations provided for in this instruction.
3.2. For non-use and / or unlawful use of the rights granted by this Instruction.
3.3. For non-compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, instructions, orders, orders, rules and other documents governing the work of the head of the analytical department.
3.4. For non-observance of the internal labor regulations, safety measures and fire safety.
3.5. For damage or negligence in storage and use, theft of property.
3.6. For a rude, tactless attitude (behavior) when communicating with staff and visitors of the management.
3.7. For providing direct management with false or distorted reporting and other documentation (information).

4.Rights of the head of the analytical department

The head of the analytical department has the right:
4.1. Submit competent and substantiated proposals for improving working conditions, other rational proposals for consideration to the immediate supervisor.
4.2. Submit for the manager's consideration proposals for stimulating (including material) employees of the analytical department and / or employees of other departments who have made a special contribution to the process of developing the implementation and continuous improvement of the quality management system.
4.3. Participate in the discussion of the department's budget.
4.4. Demand the provision of normal working conditions (premises, workplace, means of work).
4.5. Use the approved instructions, orders, instructions, rules and other documents regulating the work of the head of the analytical department.
4.6. Inform the immediate management about the shortcomings in the work identified in the process of performing their duties.
4.7. Request personally or on behalf of the management from the heads of structural divisions and other employees for information and documents necessary to fulfill their official duties.

5. Qualification requirements of the head of the analytical department

General requirements:
5.1. Possession of methods of statistical information processing;
5.2. Knowledge of the basics of systems theory and systems analysis;
5.3. Computer skills at the level of an experienced user;
5.4. Work experience in the specialty for at least 3 years.
5.5. The head of the analytical department should know:
- laws and regulations related to the regulation of the scope of their activities;
- international quality standards in the field of QMS;
- prospects and directions of development of technologies in the QMS;
- methods of analysis, planning and forecasting the development of information processes;
- technology of conducting and methods of assessing qualitative and quantitative sociological research;
- methods and means of forming and using the organization's own database;
- fundamentals of labor legislation; labor protection rules.

Analytical work at the enterprise is associated with the processing of a large array of data, documents, information on the Internet. Special analytical skills allow you to form a list of recommendations and an assessment for the current activities of the enterprise.

All these nuances should be taken into account when developing and approving the job description of a specialist and head of the analytical department.

About document

To streamline labor relations at the enterprise, an agreement is concluded with each employee and a job description is drawn up. The provisions of the CI will differ significantly for individual specialists, since they perform completely different functional duties. When drawing up the job descriptions of a specialist and the head of the analytical department, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  • the basis for the development and approval of the instruction will be an order to hire a new specialist or to transfer him to a new position;
  • if an analytical department has been created at the enterprise, within this structural unit it is necessary to accurately delineate the composition of job responsibilities between specific specialists;
  • for specialists and the head of the analytical department, different levels of subordination will be assigned - for example, the boss will be responsible to the superior, while simultaneously exercising control over the activities of subordinates.

Functional responsibilities will be delineated in a similar way. The head of the department will assign instructions directly from the management of the enterprise and bring them to the subordinates.

Essence and purpose

The purpose of formalizing job descriptions is to determine the list of rights and responsibilities that each specialist and head of the analytical department is vested with. The composition of positions included in the structure of the analytical department is approved by or. The essence and content of the instructions will be defined as follows:

  • the content of the instruction defines the rights and obligations that the specialist or the head of the department will perform in the course of work;
  • the instruction defines the list of requirements for education, work experience, professional and personal qualities of specialists;
  • based on the content of the MD, the proper performance of duties will be monitored;
  • violation or non-observance of the instructions will be the basis for the application of disciplinary measures (reprimand, warning, dismissal on the initiative of management).

If the head of the enterprise entrusts an employee with the performance of duties not provided for by the content of the job description, this is considered a violation of labor rights. Such additional work is subject to increased payment, and if the specialist refuses to perform additional duties, disciplinary measures cannot be applied to him.

What regulations governed by

To develop the provisions of job descriptions, the following regulatory or by-laws can be applied:

  • general and specific rules of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which will allow to observe the interests of both parties to labor relations;
  • norms of local acts of the enterprise - instructions, regulations, agreements, etc .;
  • specialized regulations and by-laws in certain areas of activity - for example, for specialists of the analytical department of a budgetary institution, orders of relevant ministries and departments will be applied.

The unified form of the job description for the specialist and the head of the analytical department is not approved by legislative acts. Therefore, the enterprise can approve in advance the standard forms of ID for all categories of employees, or draw up them on an individual basis.


Depending on the direction of the enterprise and the specifics of the analytical work, the job descriptions of a specialist and the head of this structural unit may differ significantly. Let us highlight the most common types of ID that may be encountered by participants in labor relations:

  • instructions for specialists from financial and analytical departments - these employees are engaged in the generalization of indicators of financial and economic activity, analysis of the current state and development prospects, preparation of recommendations on the most effective options for action;
  • production and analytical department instruction - generate reports on the results of production activities, errors and shortcomings of the current state, options for their elimination and increase in production efficiency;
  • instructions from analytical departments in the field of marketing - are engaged in the development of promotions and marketing activities based on the analysis of the work done.

The main task of the analytical department is to analyze the current state of the enterprise and develop recommendations for the management staff of the enterprise. Taking these recommendations into account is the right, not the responsibility of the management, and the conclusions of the analyst will be used by other structural divisions in the enterprise.

Who is it and where is it used

The execution of job descriptions is carried out by employees of the personnel department of the enterprise (, etc.) or another person authorized by management, for example, and. As a rule, the ID is drawn up in the form of an annex to the employment contract, and each specialist is obliged to put a personal signature on familiarization with the content of the instructions. After signing, one copy of the document is transferred to the employee, and the second will be included in the personal file of the personnel service.

The job description is used as follows:

  • in the performance of the main functional duties of a specialist and head of the analytical department;
  • when delimiting responsibilities and powers between related positions of one or more departments;
  • when considering the issue of applying disciplinary measures to specialists - in case of violation of labor discipline or improper performance of duties.

The job description of the head of the analytical department can fix a list of actions and activities that will be carried out without additional permission or approval from the company's management.

The content of the job description of the specialist and the head of the analytical department will differ in the regulated level of subordination at the enterprise and the limits of responsibility:

  • an ordinary specialist of the analytical department will report to the immediate superior;
  • the head of the analytical department controls the work of subordinates and implements the instructions of the higher management;
  • the head of the department is subordinate to the head of the company or his deputy for certain areas of activity (it is possible that the head of the department will be included in the management positions of the enterprise).

When compiling a CI for specific specialists of the analytical department, a list of their rights, duties and powers will be taken into account. Only with a precise delineation of the specified rights and obligations is it possible to monitor their proper execution and take measures of a stimulating or punitive nature.


  • date and place of registration of the document;
  • detailed details of the employer (, etc.) and personal data of the employee;
  • the exact name of the position and structural unit;
  • a list of functional responsibilities assigned to a specialist;
  • the scope of the rights and powers of the specialist and the head of the analytical department that they can use in their work;
  • list of qualification requirements and conditions - education, work experience, availability of special professional and personal qualities, skills in working with analytical software applications;
  • the level of subordination of the specialist and the head of the department, the procedure for the implementation of guidelines and control over their implementation;
  • limits of responsibility in the performance of labor functions;
  • the composition of the documentation that employees of the analytical department must draw up in the course of their work;
  • incentive and disciplinary measures that can be applied to a specialist.

The video below will tell you about the work of the analytical department employees:


The analytical work of specialists is associated with the processing and systematization of a certain amount of documents, information and data. This may require special skills in software systems and applications. Such a requirement may be a prerequisite for hiring a new employee.

Working with analytical data of the enterprise requires compliance with the rules of confidentiality, service or commercial secrets. If the specified modes are introduced at the enterprise, the corresponding item must be indicated in the content of the job description. Failure to comply with confidentiality requirements will result in the application of disciplinary measures, including termination of the employment contract.

If the specialist of the analytical department is subsequently transferred to the position of the head of the structural unit, a new instruction will be issued. Any changes in the ID related to changes in essential working conditions can be made only with the consent of the employee.

You can download the CI of the head of the JSC, the specialist -.

CI of the head of JSC (sample)


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