Electronic library aldebaran old version. Aldebaran - Russian electronic library. Electronic Library of the Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences

One of the first and most popular Russian-language electronic libraries, it opened in 1994. Authors and readers add to the library on a daily basis on a voluntary basis. The service does not take money, you can read absolutely everything for free. The only negative is that you cannot download the book.

2. Aldebaran

11. Bookland.com

The Bookland e-book store also offers a collection of free e-books in convenient formats in 18 languages.

12. Library club

The electronic library and online store "Biblioclub" offers interesting conditions: by purchasing 10 books, you can become the owner of the "Bookman" status and get half of the store's content for free use. The platform also provides the "Genius" status - this is when you have free access to all the books on the site. A good option, especially if you are interested in literature on business and self-development, educational collections.

13. "Russian science fiction"

The bookshelf of the Russian Science Fiction website contains over 10,000 texts by 180 authors.

14. Project Gutenberg

The electronic library "Project Gutenberg" will delight those who like to read in foreign languages. This is more than 46 thousand e-books, the predominant language is English.

15. ThankYou.ru

ThankYou.ru - portal of music and literature provided free of charge. A good selection of books in electronic format fb2, as well as the opportunity for novice authors to publish their book for free.

16. Library of Foreign Literature. Rudomino

Library of Foreign Literature Rudomino has digitized part of her funds. These are mostly rare books.

17. "Bookcase"

The cozy children's library “Bookcase” has digitized many good children's books, but in 2009 it was hacked and lost almost all of its assets. But something has survived. You can read children's works by clicking on the book icon in the drawn cabinet.

18. Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology

The Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology shares its profile books in PDF format on its bookshelf. The sample is assessed by professionals as excellent.

19. Coffee room

"Magazine Hall" is an electronic library of modern literary magazines of Russia. Here you can find the latest issues of the most famous Russian "thick magazines". The database is growing quite quickly, and reading is interesting, because many great works are first published here, and then migrated into separate books.

20. Electronic Library of the Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences

At the end of 2015 on the website of the Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences appeared the section "Electronic Library" Now it contains about 400 scanned scientific publications, divided by directions for the convenience of users. These are "Theory of Literature", "Russian Literature", "Literature of the Peoples of Russia and the CIS Countries", "Foreign Literature", "Folkloristics" and others. The library is being replenished, on the site it is possible not to register.

Yuri Olesha


A company was sitting on the bench: a young man and a certain learned old man. It was a summer morning. Over. there stood a mighty tree with a hollow. There was a slight mustiness in the hollow. The old man remembered the children's penetrations into the cellar.

The young man said:

I'm free all day today.

Me too - said the learned old man.

The young man worked as a machinist on a Buffalo rammer. He rolled asphalt pavements. He was a Latvian by the name of Tsvibol. Sasha Tsvibol.

A gypsy girl the size of a broom came up.

She offered lilies.

Get out - said the learned old man.

Sasha Tsvibol was indignant.

Here's how - - the old man was surprised - - it touches you - Strange from the lips ...

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Walk us to the bus, ”the girl said. They went, She walked one step ahead. Bohemsky looked at her back and thought:

No, this is not love. This is lust. Cowardly senile lust. I want to eat you. Do you hear? I would eat you, starting from the back, from the subscapularis.

What a beautiful! - said Zvibol.

He spoke these enthusiastic words with an accent. And it sounded courageous. From enthusiasm, adjusted for masculinity, shy passion turned out, And the old man envied.

Katya, your beloved looks like a Roman! he shouted to the girl.

I'm from Riga, - said Zvibol.

Well what then? It's the same style. Warriors. Order of the Templars.

Now there is no Khamovnikov, - Katya said over her shoulder, - now it is called the Frunzensky District.

They came to a stop.

What if it rains? - said Bohemian,

It won't work, - said Zvibol.

They looked up. The sky was clear. Blue sky.

Rain is the enemy of lovers, said the old man: he drives them out of the gardens. The evil guardian of morality.

A bus came up.

They did not have time to say goodbye to the learned old man.

He saw Katya being carried away on the step. She entered the door. Blown by the wind of movement, it has acquired a resemblance to a hyacinth.

Bohemian went in an uncertain direction.

He was tall and slender. He walked like a youth. A black cape flew on him. A black hat was on her gray curls. He was the pedestrian that dogs are afraid of. He's coming. A dog running towards him suddenly stops, looks for a second at the walker and runs across to the other side. There he runs under the wall, stops when the pedestrian is already far ahead, and looks after the pedestrian.

Bohemian walked and reflected on the girl. "A first-class girl. She is a first-class girl and does not know her worth. Under other objective conditions, she would have played with history." He began to reflect on the age of enlightened absolutism. Duchess du Barry. Salons. And much more. Directories. Varras. The rise of Bonaparte. Madame Recamier. The women spoke Latin. Game of the mind. The threads of politics in a little pen. Georges Sand. Chopin. Ida Rubinstein.

Let's start our tour of the libraries with a visit to the Aldebaran electronic library. You can get to the library page if you enter the email address lib.aldebaran.ru in the browser address bar.

On the left side of the page there is a menu, each command of which opens a section of the library, where works by genres, types and authors are collected. By clicking on a section of the menu, you can go to the corresponding section, where you can already select a book by author or title. In addition, you can search for the book you need using the search bar at the top of the page. Enter the title of the book or the name of the author in the search box, click the Search button, and you will receive a list of works available in the library at your request.

  • Click on the menu item that interests you, for example Home and Family. The page with the list of authors of the books in this section will be displayed.
  • Click on the line with the author's name. A page with a list of all available works of the author you selected will be displayed.

  • Select a piece and click on it with the mouse. A page with information about the selected book will open.

  • On the page you can see the name of the author and the title of the work, a brief annotation to it. You can also see information about where you can buy such a book, and at the bottom of the page you can read the readers' reviews of the work. In addition, at the bottom of the page, in the Download Book group, you can see links to download this book in various formats.
  • In the Download book group, select the format in which you want to download the book to your computer hard drive, and click on it. The download of the file will begin.
    Download the book to your computer hard drive in fb2.zip and rtf.zip formats. These files will come in handy when we talk about e-book readers in the next section.
    You can also read the selected book directly on the site, on the pages of the Aldebaran electronic library.
  • Click on the link with the title of the book in the Read Book section. A page with a work for reading will open directly in the electronic library.

By clicking on the page numbers in the Contents section, you can view the book.

We talked about the electronic library Aldebaran and about the opportunities that it provides to its readers. Below we will briefly talk about several more libraries that can be recommended for visiting.


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