If everything is not how you want the swine. Alexander sviyashkak to be when everything is not as you want

"What to do when everything is not the way we want it?" - almost every inhabitant of the planet Earth asked himself this question at least once in his life. The popular Russian psychologist, Alexander Sviyash, a master of positive thinking, will try to tell you in his book how to overcome the black strip in your existence and reach its bright, sunny side.

Sometimes it seems that some have everything one can dream of, but we, as always, are not lucky in anything. Minor troubles are constantly on our heels and we do not feel happy. A recognized psychologist teaches us in his scientific work "How to be when everything is not the way you want" to discard envy and take a closer look around. Our paradox lies in the fact that we are absolutely unable to realize that we are living well. We see the sun overhead, we do not get sick. Other people are deprived of even these seemingly such simple pleasures ... We do not appreciate what has been given to us from above, therefore Life throws problems at us so that we can learn from them. However, we do not draw conclusions from the repeated tangle of failures, we continue to complain further, although in fact, you should not cry into your vest, the main thing is to act and change.

Learning to live in harmony with the environment, to accept this world with all its advantages and disadvantages - this is what Alexander Sviyash sees as the main goal of human existence. Only by putting this worldview into practice can you experience happiness. And when the Universe sees that you have discarded unnecessary negative emotions, it will begin to present you with its priceless gifts. Only by changing, by completely revising our vision of the world and the people around us, can we program our existence for a more positive program. With the help of the information gleaned from the book "How to be when everything is not the way you want", you can not only get rid of various troubles, but also heal from chronic diseases. After all, our thoughts are material and only behind us is the choice of what to pull from the outside into our life - good or evil, love or hate.

Our expectations about certain events, ideas about people who should behave in certain situations, the way we want, and the like - all this pulls us down. We are not the center of the universe. And no one is obliged to correspond to our ideas. If a certain person treats us well, rejoice. If not, don't get hung up on such things. In the psychological textbook "How to be when everything is not the way you want it", it is said that old-fashioned resentment and the like, cause irreparable harm to our body. And it is imperative to get rid of negative emotions. Alexander Sviyash, in his psychological manual, will just teach you how, with the help of theory and useful, practical exercises, to establish harmony with yourself and the world around you.

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Sep 26, 2017

What to do when everything is not the way you want Alexander Sviyash

(estimates: 1 , the average: 5,00 out of 5)

Title: How to be when everything is not as you want
Author: Alexander Sviyash
Year: 2012
Genre: Self-improvement, Psychotherapy and counseling, Personal growth

About the book "How to be when everything is not the way you want" Alexander Sviyash

If you start philosophical reasoning about fate, karma and esoterics and psychology in general. Sooner or later, any person will have a reasonable question: why is everything given to some and nothing to others? Or more generally: why do some people get everything they want in excess, while others are in constant need? In fairness, it is worth noting that this topic worries a person throughout almost the entire history of his existence. How strange it turns out that the answer to the sacramental question was found only now. Or, more accurately, it appeared in the public domain only recently. This is the well-known Law of Attraction or Secret. Even for those who are not interested in this topic, these philosophies have already met somewhere.

Indeed, a lot has already been said on this topic, books have been written, films have been made, forums and blogs are raging. However, the use of this knowledge is still difficult for most people. To a large extent, because the propagandized philosophy is alien to the psyche of modern man, and it should be noted that it has been formed over millennia. And it is very difficult for new, opposite knowledge to change the old worked-out stereotypes for new ones, which are still not entirely believed.

Alexander Sviyash, a well-known author of books in the series The Psychologist Himself, presents readers with this guide to achieving what they want - the book "How to be when everything is not as you want." The name sounds promising and it truly is. The book painstakingly, thoughtfully, in detail conveys to the reader that he actually lives in a world of abundance. There is everything that you can imagine, and in abundance. It is enough just to wish to have it and everything will materialize. The theory is given that a person once knew how to do all this, but forgot, so now it is so difficult for him to restore the most valuable knowledge. Sviyash talks about how to do this, a really working technique, in this book. Not forgetting to give your reader a short but informative introductory course on how, why and where everything started, how it developed and what we have at the moment.

The book “How to be when everything is not the way you want” can be called one of the most accessible, concise and easy-to-read books on this topic. It will be equally interesting for fans of esotericism, psychology, professionals who study any information about the Law of Attraction, as well as for beginners who want to study the issue in more detail. The most valuable knowledge that gives knowledge and opportunities to change your life for the better is available now as never before. Do not miss the opportunity to read the unique book by Alexander Sviyash "How to be when everything is not the way you want" and check each written sentence for yourself.

On our site about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read the online book "How to be when everything is not the way you want" Alexander Sviyash in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, find out the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary skills.

Quotes from the book "How to be when everything is not the way you want" Alexander Sviyash

If you do not succeed in any of your plans, if you have a streak of total bad luck - you are "brought up" in full. Your "store of experiences" is filled to capacity, and growing troubles await you ahead. The way out is to calculate your idealizations and erroneous beliefs and ask Life for forgiveness for giving too much importance to your plans (or other aspects of your life). It is you who overestimate their importance, because in reality the plans are not implemented and nothing terrible happens. You are alive, well, although you are experiencing a lot of emotional experiences - that is, you are doing what you should not do. So you need to treat your problems like losing the game and try to win the next round. Win against yourself, not Life. Life cannot be lost, it is satisfied with any scenario.

What is this book about? It is about the fact that we all live in a world of abundance. Our world is full of food, money, housing, cars, men and women, children, health, love, sex, fame, places to rest and everything else. The Creator created everything in abundance.
But then why is it that some people have something in abundance, while others lack it? And even if you have something in excess, for example money, then at the same time you may not have enough love or health. Or there is an abundance of love or health, but not enough money, and so on. And only rare people have everything they need, but there are very few of them. People call them the lucky ones or the lucky ones. In general, they believe that their happiness and success does not depend on them, but they are simply lucky. And they themselves sometimes think so, not even suspecting that they have created their own happiness and good luck for themselves.
Can anyone be one of those lucky ones? Can he do something so that he has everything the way he wants? Maybe if he behaves in the same way as successful people.

With love and gratitude, I forgive myself and accept myself for who I am. I apologize to myself for my thoughts and emotions towards myself. With love and gratitude, I forgive myself. "

If we want to live more calmly and consciously, we need to learn not to accumulate new experiences, that is, to close our idealization valves. And this will happen only when you stop giving excessive importance to your expectations, that is, you give up idealizations.

If a person reconsiders his attitude to life and people, ceases to attach excessive importance to his expectations or ideas, then Life no longer needs to give him lessons - he has already learned them. As a result, he can get rid of a disease of any degree of complexity, from troubles, accidents and everything else that prevents him from living.

But it is imperative to understand that when you do not even outwardly, but only inside yourself give vent to emotions, then you are in the circus arena, where you grimace along with all the other clowns.


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What is this book about? It is about the fact that we all live in a world of abundance. Our world is full of food, money, housing, cars, men and women, children, health, love, sex, fame, places to rest and everything else. The Creator created everything in abundance.

But then why is it that some people have something in abundance, while others lack it? And even if you have something in excess, for example, money, then at the same time you may not have enough love or health. Or there is an abundance of love or health, but not enough money, and so on. And only rare people have everything they need, but there are very few of them. People call them the lucky ones or the lucky ones. In general, they believe that their happiness and success does not depend on them, but they are simply lucky. And they themselves sometimes think so, not even suspecting that they have created their own happiness and good luck for themselves.

Can anyone be one of those lucky ones? Can he do something so that he has everything the way he wants? Maybe if he behaves in the same way as successful people.

It all depends on you!

The idea that you have to behave like successful people to be successful is not new. It is discussed and described in detail in many books. I will not do this again, because the authors of the recommendations described the outside of the command of successful people - how they work, how they plan their activities, how they talk, and so on. To some extent, these recommendations work - but only to the extent that the reader's inner world coincides with the inner world and the belief system of a successful person. And here, as you know, there can be a huge gap. You can endlessly identify your goals, plan your achievements, work 18 hours a day. But at the same time, if in the depths of your soul you think your boss is an idiot taking the wrong place, then the results of your efforts will be zero or even negative, that is, you will be demoted or even fired.

Or you decorate yourself and develop communication skills to get the attention of men and arrange your love life. And they, as luck would have it, completely disappear from your horizon.

Why, after all, outwardly, you did everything that a successful person should do, and suddenly such a defeat?

And the point here is that in addition to the external aspects of behavior, there are some very important internal rules that each person must follow in the process of interacting with other people. They are quite simple, but no one tells us about them. And if we violate them - and this is constantly done by millions of people, then Life will give us its lessons... She will teach us, and these lessons are not very pleasant - like a bad mark for an unfulfilled lesson at school. If we do not understand these lessons, then Life will block most of our efforts on the way to the desired goals. And then, no matter how energetic you are, no matter what efforts you make on the way to your goal, the desired result will be closed to you. You will not be the favorite of Life, you will be a laggard, a failure.

Conversely, if you understand her simple lessons, do not violate some of her requirements, then you will become her favorite. And to be the favorite of Life is very pleasant, as you know. Most of your goals will be achieved by themselves. You will live in inner harmony, joy. Fear of the future will leave you - will Life allow you to do something bad to your pet?

It looks like a miracle, but it is a reality. And this miracle can become your constant companion, that is, you can easily go into the category of those people who are called the lucky ones. It now depends only on you!

I do not know exactly how this happens and who exactly helps a person who observes some simple rules of living in our world. People call this invisible and caring patron God, Angels, Higher powers, or something else, as they are accustomed to. Our method is non-religious, so we will just use the concept of Life, and you can put in it any interpretation that is convenient for you, corresponding to your belief system.

Since readers are usually interested in the personality of the author, I'll tell you a little about myself. I was born in Russia in a simple family, went to school, worked, received two higher educations.

In my life there were no huge failures and huge achievements that can be read about in other books. That is, I did not bring my body to a fatal disease, so that later I could be cured by heroic efforts. I was not in prison, I was not bankrupt, I was not on the verge of suicide, I was not pursued by the KGB. Of course, I had difficulties at work, conflicts with management, sometimes reaching the point of dismissal. I had great difficulties in my family life, which eventually led to a divorce, and now I have a second marriage. That is, I lived an ordinary life, which millions of people live.

The only thing that I have always been different is the increased inquisitiveness of the mind and always tried to understand: why is everything happening this way? And how can you create something new and useful? I studied a lot and am learning now. All my efforts were aimed at understanding the patterns that govern our lives. If most people are told: “do this”, they do it and they are quite happy with it, then it never suited me, and I always asked: “Why exactly this way and not in another way?”. If no explanation was given to me, I looked for it myself. That is, for me there are no authorities, except for the Truth, which I seek in all ways available to me. And this process, as you know, is endless.

At first, my efforts were directed towards the realm of technology - I tried to understand how technical inventions are created. As a result, I became an inventor, co-author of the book "The Birth of an Invention", and received a degree.

Later, I became very interested in psychology, and then mysticism, esotericism, spiritual practices, which created a feeling of limitless possibilities and limitless power. For several years I have been intensively engaged in the development of superpowers - clairvoyance, the ability to read information from photography, vision of the aura, astral travel. In principle, each person has innate superpowers, you just need to develop them, but this takes many years. Later I realized that in our real life there is no use for these hidden talents. Technology has completely replaced almost all superpowers, and they have faded away from people as unnecessary. In our world, superpowers can be used either in healing, or you need to show tricks. None of these areas of activity fascinated me, and I stopped doing it.

More precisely, I began to look for how a person can use the enormous hidden opportunities given to him from birth in the ordinary life that he lives. That is, how to become a magician and wizard without engaging in many hours of special meditations, repeating mantras or prayers, without changing your usual rhythm of life.

Everything that I found, I experienced on myself, and then told other people about it in books, at lectures and trainings.

As a result, today I am the head of several enterprises - the Center for Positive Psychology “Reasonable Way” (Moscow) and the American Academy of Success “Reasonable Way” (Boston), editor-in-chief of the magazine “Reasonable World”. I am the author of nine books with a circulation of over 5 million copies and translated into several languages. I am a candidate of sciences, a full member of one of the Academies, the author of several inventions. I have a wonderful wife, I travel with lectures and trainings all over the world - in general, I have created for myself the kind of life I wished for.

You can achieve anything

And no one bothers you to achieve any desired success, except for yourself. Many people in the world have already applied the recommendations offered here, and their lives have changed in the most wonderful way. In support of this, I quote extracts from letters received from my readers.

For several years now, I have been reading and trying to apply psychology literature. But your book "How to be ..." shocked me with its stateliness, accuracy and informational content. She will replace

Therefore, in this book we will actively use the concept of Life (it is also the Upper Forces, God, the Creator), meaning by it those really existing invisible forces that influence our reality. Who it is - we do not know. There are many religious, philosophical, or esoteric models for the structure of the unmanifest world. Any one suits us. In our methodology there are no prayers or calls to perform specific religious rituals - in this respect, it is more like a completely materialistic psychological theory. But we are considering ways of practical interaction with the unmanifest world - in this our method is not materialistic at all. Therefore, both believers and atheists calmly use it.

In general, it is compatible with any religion, since it stands outside of religion. You can calmly perform the rituals of your religion and use this technique, there are no contradictions here.

Application area

The information presented in this book explains well no more than 80% of negative events occurring in the world. There are another 20% of cases that can be safely attributed to special ones that require separate research and explanation. We mean non-standard people, whose life is very different from the life of the majority. These are very rich people, prominent politicians, film and pop superstars, pathological criminals, maniacs, and disabled children. But their life, their problems are purely individual and fundamentally different from the problems of most people. Therefore, we excluded them from consideration.

Also, we will not consider cases of death of people in mass catastrophes, terrorist attacks and other disasters - this is outside the proposed methodology.

We will consider the possible reasons for the appearance typical negative situationsfound in the lives of most people. These are illnesses, setbacks, troubles in personal life, accidents, etc. Our experience shows that the approach proposed in the book allows you to quickly and permanently get rid of such problems. And get rid of the problems yourself, without resorting to outside help. And since the problems leave you, then only the joy of a pleasant and successful life will remain.

No special requirements

One of the advantages of the proposed technique is that it is maximally adapted to the rhythm of life of a modern person. To use it, you do not need special abilities, special time, a separate room, etc. It can be used at any free moment of time that you have. Our exercises can be used when you are traveling in a car or on a train, when you are waiting for someone or you have a minute of free time. It is very convenient because you do not need to change the usual rhythm of life.

Using the pronoun "we"

In the future, in the text of the book, I will conduct a presentation using the pronoun "we" instead of "I". This is because here I am speaking both on my own behalf and on behalf of the team of my assistants and colleagues, who have been developing and promoting this system of views with me for many years. I sincerely thank them for their help and participation in the development of the methodology.

This edition is a shortened version of the complete methodology for Intelligent Life.

This book is the fourth revision of a manuscript written back in 1998. Many years have passed since then, but a lot of people still do not live the way they want. They are not favorites, but life's stepchildren. But they have a real opportunity to make their life more harmonious and successful, you just need to reconsider some of their beliefs and attitudes. Therefore, the book is needed by many more people.

This book contains the main ideas that we call the methodology of the Intelligent Life. In recent years, it has received great development in many countries. We have accumulated many recommendations and examples of how this approach can be applied in various areas of life - in personal and family life, in business and at work, in relation to our health. All this is summarized under the general name Technique (or Technology) of Reasonable Life, and it is fully described in books, on the website www.sviyash.ru or on the blog www.sviyashA.ru

Many people in many countries of the world are already using this technique, and their lives have changed dramatically for the better, goals that were previously inaccessible have become an everyday reality for them.

If you like what you read on the pages of this book, then you can familiarize yourself with the rest of the materials of our Intelligent Life technology and use them to achieve the goals you need. The Center for Positive Psychology "Reasonable Way" will help you on this path with its trainings and personal consultations of our specialists.

So I invite you to make your life a little more conscious and happy! Good luck along the way!

Best regards, Alexander Sviyash.

Chapter 1. How to Understand the Lessons of Life

In the first part of the book, we will learn to understand what Life wants from us, what lessons it gives us and how to become its favorite. In the chapters that follow, we will talk about what you will need to draw from these lessons and how to properly use the fact that you have become a favorite of Life.

Different strategies for achieving the goal

How can Life influence human behavior? Very simple - it either helps or hinders on the way to his goals and aspirations.

Each person has some desires and goals in life - to get an education or a favorite job, make a lot of money, start a family, raise children, be successful in some business, and so on. Everyone goes to their goals, and most sooner or later achieve them. But for some it turns out quickly and easily, while for others it is long and difficult. Let's think about why this happens.

In theory, two different strategies are possible to achieve any desired goal.

The first option is the path of strength, struggle, overcoming difficulties... In the animal kingdom, the analogue is the behavior of a bison or a wild boar, which are not afraid of anyone and demolish all obstacles on the way to their goal. Some people act in this way in life, persistently and with passion overcoming numerous obstacles. We can say that their whole life is devoted to the struggle. They even like obstacles, because they allow them to experience life in its entirety - as long as health is enough, of course.

It is clear that to achieve success on this path requires a lot of courage, inner confidence in victory, great energy, innate leadership qualities. Not every person has such a set of qualities.

The second option is the path of calm and confident achievement of your goal., practically excluding participation in conflicts, struggle, overcoming great difficulties. This is the path of a sage who does not waste his energy on fighting people who are not aware of what they are doing.

In the animal kingdom, for example, a wild horse can behave this way. She is also strong enough, but prefers to listen to external sounds and look around to see if there is any threat. This allows her not to enter into a fight unnecessarily.

The second path is suitable for a significantly larger number of people who do not have innate outstanding leadership abilities. We will consider it exactly. That is, we will learn to go to the desired goal, listening to the signals that Life constantly sends us. And she interacts with us all the time, only we are not used to listening to her prompts and giving her the right orders. Nobody taught us this, so we have to make many mistakes, which are the reason that our desires do not come true.

What prevents

The main conclusion of our research of problems with achieving the set goals was the following. The main reason for the poor realization of desires is that a person is in external or internal conflict with the outside world or with himself... And one of the most important conditions for receiving practical help from Life is the ability accept the world around as it is, despite its obvious, from our point of view, imperfection.

© Sviyash A.

© Astrel Publishing House LLC

* * *


The time for miracles has passed, and we
You have to find reasons
Everything that happens in the world.

W. Shakespeare

So, dear reader, you are holding this book in your hands. Why this one? Maybe your choice was unconscious? Or were you attracted to the name? Or maybe you are already familiar with my other works and they left some kind of mark on your soul?

In any case, we are glad to welcome you on the pages of this book and we hope that you will have the strength and patience not only to read it to the end, but also put into practice the ideas and recommendations outlined in it.

We are confident that this will bring you tangible benefits.

What is our book about?

Let's answer this question right away so that you understand whether it is worth reading such a voluminous work or it will be a waste of time.

It is human nature to strive for something. A successful career, prosperity, love, family, children, education, recreation, creativity, health - this is not a complete list of our everyday needs. I want everything to be good.

Unfortunately, most of us live in a world of problems and experiences (mostly negative ones). Why is all this happening?

And is it possible to make sure that problems are solved easily and quickly, the necessary goals are achieved, and life gives you only pleasure? How to learn to live calmly and happily, without unnecessary worries?

If these and similar questions have visited your head, then our book is for you.

The first step into the Sane World

To begin with, let us explain what an unreasonable, or irrational, world is.

This is the world most of us live in. This is a world in which people are dissatisfied with life and each other. They are constantly striving somewhere, often without realizing where. They want something all the time, but most of their goals remain pipe dreams.

Our book will give you a chance to get out of this irrational world and take a step into the Intelligent world. A world in which you can make informed decisions because you know the causes and consequences of certain events.

If you don't succeed, you will know why. If you want something, you will know how to achieve it.


Is all this possible? We claim that it is available to almost anyone. In any case, for those who do not consider it difficult to read our book to the end.

Key ideas

All of the provisions of this book are based on several basic ideas.

We can say that the Reasonable World is a belief system according to which:

- any person is born for joy and spiritual development;

- any person potentially has unlimited possibilities for creating his life.

but in most cases uses them in the strangest way;

- the situation in which each of us is located is the best that we have managed to create for ourselves today. this is the result of only our efforts, so we need to start enjoying it now. you need to rejoice right now, and not later, when something very important happens (a husband, work, money, housing, etc., etc.);

- there is no one but us who creates problems for us. we ourselves are responsible for everything;

- each person can change their situation for the better at any time. to do this, he only needs to realize how he created problems for himself, and change his attitude towards this situation;

- our consciousness and subconsciousness in the form of explicit and hidden thoughts and attitudes determines our actions, and our actions form the being that we are unhappy with. then, by changing our thoughts, we will change our actions and our reality.

That's all, actually. Although there are many practical recommendations on how to implement it all.

This book is the rules of movement for life

Perhaps our book will become for you something like the rules of the road - only traffic in life. In it you will find those unspoken laws and rules that our whole life is subject to. These are the very traffic lights, signs and signs that people often do not notice or do not want to notice. We will try to make them visible and understandable to you.

How you dispose of the information received is your own business - a person has a lot of freedom of choice. You can, of course, rush at a red light. You can go where the "brick" hangs. Take risks if you have health!

But if you want to remain safe and sound, then you cannot do without following the rules. Moreover, if you do not make typical mistakes, you can count on the help of Life to achieve your goals. Sounds tempting, doesn't it?

Who suits

The Intelligent Life technology is not suitable for everyone. For whom can it be effective?

- For those who are tired of fighting Life for their ideals or goals and would like to live a calmer and more successful life.

- For someone who is ready to take responsibility for the events taking place with him.

- For those who do not want to build their own experience of mistakes and are ready to take into account other people's achievements.

- For those who are ready to work on themselves. Do not just read a book and wait for a miracle, but work, that is, make certain efforts.

- For someone who has a certain intellect, since the proposed system of views requires that a person first think and then act. Most people act first and think later.

- For someone who is able to rationally (logically) think and act in accordance with consciously made decisions.

Who is not suitable

This technology cannot be used by:

- Those who look for the guilty everywhere and blame everyone except themselves for their misfortunes: “I am good, but my husband is guilty of my problems (wife, parents, children, government, karma, evil eyes, enemies, etc.). The position of the victim has certain hidden benefits, so many people unknowingly choose it and do not want to change anything;

- People who are overly emotional, who first cry or swear for three hours, and then begin to think;

- People are super-instinctive (highly primative), who are guided in their actions by instincts, and not reason;

- People who consider themselves insignificant, worthless, mediocre, looking for idols and instructions from some "enlightened" personalities. This is also a convenient position with hidden benefits, and many people unknowingly choose it;

- People not burdened with intelligence.

As you can see, there are very few of those left who can use the proposed Intelligent Life technology.

But if you are already holding this book in your hands, then maybe it suits you?

What is this technique not?

The Reasonable Way method is not divine revelations, contact information, or a message from above. This is a synthesis of various knowledge accumulated in the course of human development and the results of an analysis of typical mistakes that many people make in their lives.

This is not a religious and mystical teaching. There are no gods, rituals and other attributes of religious teaching here.

This is not a theory of karma, which was created many millennia ago, to force rather wild and poorly educated people to live according to the laws of society under the threat of retribution.

Today, many people live without breaking these laws completely voluntarily and do not feel the desire to do nasty things to other people. They need a reasonable way.

This is not a set of recommendations like "do it and everything will be in oil." This is not management and not self-management in its purest form, since it tells not only, how to dobut also explained why do you need to do this.

This is not psychotherapy, although its elements are clearly present here.

This is not an NLP technique, which is a set of tricks for quite hard programming people in the way you want, which is actively used by politicians and advertisers.

We invite you to find peace in your soul yourself and increase your efficiency.

This is not a miraculous book that you just need to attach to a sore spot or put under a pillow, and everything will be miraculously fulfilled.

Will not come true need to work.

This is not a philosophical doctrine, since it has a completely applied orientation.

What, then, what is the Reasonable Way?

it the technology of a conscious and successful life, life in harmony with oneself and the outside world. A technology that requires a person, albeit small, but constant efforts to improve himself and understand himself.

Who might need this technique

Theoretically, it can be needed by everyone who seeks to achieve something in this life. For example:

- adults who are tired of experiences - to calm down and start enjoying life and themselves;

- teenagers - to stop judging parents, teachers, friends;

- young - so as not to make the mistakes that billions of people have already made before them;

- older people - to remove claims to youth and life in general;

- employees - in order to achieve the desired promotion or increase in their salary;

- businessmen - to understand the laws governing our world, and become more successful in the business they are doing;

- to housewives - to remove explicit or hidden claims to their husbands;

- lonely - to understand how they have created loneliness for themselves, and to change the situation if they admit that it is necessary;

- married or married - to stop remodeling your loved ones and understand why they appeared near you;

- to parents - to calm down and stop fighting with their children;

- politicians and public figures - to understand that people are different and they will never become the way they want,

What does it consist of

The book has five parts.

The first examines in detail the mistakes that people make on the way to their goals, creating insurmountable barriers between themselves and the desired result. Detailed recommendations are given on how to remove these barriers from your consciousness.

The second part of the book is devoted to how to correctly build your thoughts and actions on the way to the stated goals.

An incorrectly formulated goal can lead to the most unexpected results. In addition, you may not have any internal barriers, but if you just lie on the couch and do nothing, then your desires will remain unfulfilled dreams.

It is necessary to act, but there are certain rules that it is advisable not to violate.

The third part of the book is devoted to the practical application of ideas from the first two parts of the book to the field of money, work, business.

The fourth part is to apply ideas from the first two parts to the sphere of personal and family life.

The fifth part is devoted to the application of ideas to such an important area of \u200b\u200bour life as health.

More detailed attachments available

In this book you will find all the basic ideas of the Intelligent Life methodology. However, the technology of Intelligent Life has been developing for many years and has been "overgrown" with special applications in various areas of our life. These are stand-alone books on specific topics.

In particular, the book "What prevents you from being rich" discusses the application of this technique to the sphere of work, money, business. There this topic is covered more widely than in the fourth part of the book.

The book "Tips for Marriages, Culls and Eager to Cull" broadens the ideas of the Intelligent Life in relation to the theme of love and family life.

In the book “Do you want to be healthy? Be it! " describes in detail how we create our own diseases and how we can get rid of them.

In preparing this book, the materials of the above books were partially used.

Third edition

You are holding a third edition of the book. If you have read previous versions of the book, you will notice that the element of mysticism has been reduced here, it has become more psychological than esoteric. The list of internal obstacles that stand between a person and his goals has been expanded. The aspect of a person's dependence on external factors (karma, educational processes) has been reduced, and the role of a person as the Master of his Life is shown to a greater extent. A master who does not know what he is doing.

The issues of achieving their goals in the field of work and business are more fully considered, elements of planning their activities to achieve the set goals are introduced. These are very important points for people looking to improve their performance.

Have to work hard

Don't expect metaphysical miracles from this book. You don't need to put it on sore spots or put it under your pillow - this is unlikely to help. Unless the hard cover of the book under the pillow will make you wake up more often at night and give you the opportunity to think without fuss about the causes of your problems.

Miracles do happen, but, unfortunately, they don't just fall out of the sky. You can create in your life everything that is now perceived only as a miracle. But precisely to create, and not to receive by chance, by someone's incomprehensible will.

Everything in your life happens only by your will, although you may not guess about it. So do not expect a miracle, but work to make it your reality.

Even in fairy tales, miracles do not appear in the lives of heroes immediately, but as a result of certain efforts.

Cinderella worked hard and hard and had a positive mindset until a miracle happened in her life. The old man threw the net into the sea many times before catching the goldfish.

So you do not need to wait for a miracle lying on the couch. A miracle appears when you take certain actions on the way to a desired goal. And how to perform these actions correctly and remove barriers on the way to the desired goals, you will learn from this book.

It contains many trainings, exercises, rules, examples. Therefore, it can be used both as entertaining reading material and as a teaching aid to increase personal success and create a Reasonable life, without excessive anxiety and worries.

If you apply the ideas outlined in the book, your life will become a little less emotional, but much more calm and predictable. You will learn to understand the reasons for what is happening to you. And you will consciously order for yourself those events that you really need.

And they will definitely happen - this is how the proposed method of shaping the events of your life works.

And if something doesn't work out, then you can easily understand why this is happening. Therefore, you will have no reason to worry too much. And worrying a little is not harmful at all - otherwise life may lose its taste and aroma.


Our sponsors are Alexey Kuptsov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of LLC TEKOservice, Boris Medvedev (Riga) and Pavel Loskutov (Krasnoyarsk). Thanks a lot for your support of the Smart Way ideas!


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