How to open a charity fund to help those in need. How to open a charitable foundation in russia step by step. Charity in Russia

Recently, assistance has been actively developing as a type of activity. The best way to do it is to create a charitable foundation. The areas of activity can be different: supporting a person in a difficult life situation or in case of health problems, helping victims of natural disasters, holding campaigns to protect nature, etc. The charitable foundation is designed to help people, solve important problems of the public, individuals by collecting funds ... But many potential founders do not know how to open such an organization from scratch, where to start their activities and achieve their goals. We will try to provide answers to the most pressing questions.

How to open a charitable foundation and make it successful?

Before embarking on the creation of a charitable foundation in Russia to help sick children, protect nature, or for another purpose, it is necessary to study well the legislative framework, the provisions of which will be guided by the founder - the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal laws "On charitable activities and charitable organizations ”,“ On non-profit organizations ”. The fund must have its own current account, a round seal, independently determine the directions of its activities, development strategies. It will also be necessary to keep accounting records, report on its activities to the tax authorities, and publish reports on the use of funds annually.

There are several forms of non-profit organizations:

  • public organizations (associations);
  • institutions;
  • foundations;
  • other forms provided for by federal laws (consumer cooperatives, political parties, trade unions, associations, public law companies, etc.).

The choice of the format of activity depends on the goals of the charitable foundation, the scope of its activities. It should be remembered that the principles of creating such an organization exclude the possibility of receiving and distributing profits, this is prohibited by law. The charitable foundation's activities are aimed at realizing only non-commercial goals. Its success is largely determined by the qualifications of its employees and the manager's marketing strategy. A huge plus in promoting a charitable foundation from scratch is the creation of your own Internet resource. It is also very important to find good sponsors, partners, volunteers. Much depends on the help of patrons, as well as the coherence and quality of the fund's management bodies: the board with the chairman, the executive body (collegial or sole), the board of trustees, the audit commission.

For the effective operation of a charitable foundation in Russia, it is important that as many people as possible know about it. It is also necessary to explain to them why and how important the results of the organization's work are, to whom and what benefits it will bring. In order to advertise an open fund, to attract a large number of people to participate in its activities, it is worth not only distributing flyers, posters, but also advertising the organization using more active and modern approaches:

  • organize regular flash mobs, relay races, auctions, promotions;
  • create thematic groups in social networks, sites;

It is also important to ensure the convenience of the process of receiving charitable contributions, create several ways for this, for example, via sms, donation boxes, Internet payments (including electronic money).

Many founders of successful charitable foundations in Russia started out with small businesses and eventually found opportunities to open a non-profit organization. ? You can open a profitable business using a business idea that is relevant to the region. There are a lot of options, and a large percentage of them require minimal investment: growing vegetables, berries, producing building materials in a garage, making souvenirs, custom-made jewelry, etc. It is also quite possible even in a small town with a small capital.

Creating a charitable foundation in Russia: where to start?

Before organizing a fund, it is necessary to choose the field of activity of the organization, determine its goals, come up with a name. It is very important to draw up a competent Charter that meets all the requirements of the law. After that, you need to submit documents to the territorial division of the Ministry of Justice, wait for their approval and continue the registration process by registering with the tax service, FFOMS. It takes a little money to legally organize a charitable foundation.

The procedure for formalizing activities, the algorithm for opening a charitable foundation in Russia from scratch can be studied, but without faith in what you are doing, any project will not be able to work successfully. The main goal of such an organization is to do good and help people, to carry out socially useful projects, to help the work of regional communities. The creation of a charitable foundation is an optimal mechanism for solving socially important problems. The main priorities in its work should be social support of low-income strata of the population, the development of health care, science, protection of the rights of the child and the environment. In the case of a merger between business and public organizations, it will be possible to solve many more necessary projects.

How to create a charitable foundation in Russia? Below are the basic steps that we recommend focusing on:

  1. Determination of goals and objectives, the scope of the future organization.
  2. Creation of the Charter, selection of the founder, board of the charitable foundation.
  3. Registration with the tax service, the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund.
  4. Opening a current account.
  5. Obtaining a certificate of registration, assigning an account number, providing an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (registration with extra-budgetary funds and statistical bodies is carried out automatically).

All members of the charitable foundation are not members and donate on a voluntary basis to the best of their ability. Those who work in an official job should be aware of. First, you need to determine the average daily earnings for 12 months (the amount of payments for the billing period is divided by the number of calendar days - 29.3). Then you need to compare the number of annual leave days and the number actually used by the employee. Depending on the number received, the amount of compensation will be determined. It is possible to round off the number of calendar days in calculations, but only if it is provided for in the acts of the organization (such an action is allowed only in favor of the employee).

Even without an official job, anyone can independently increase their income. How can you make money? Interesting business ideas that do not require investment and can be implemented from scratch will help in this. If desired, everyone will find a good option for themselves: writing articles to order, Internet surfing, dropshipping, creating your own Internet resource for advertising, organizing private lessons at home. Money received for work can be easily and conveniently withdrawn from electronic wallets, for example, to.

How to open a charitable foundation in Russia: the procedure for paperwork

Opening a charitable foundation from scratch, even if there is not a lot of money, can be either an individual or a legal entity. Before starting the process, it is worth clearly identifying the answer to the question about the founder and who will make the decisions and monitor the quality of their implementation. It is quite possible that the founder himself controls the activities of the board of directors, otherwise this body makes decisions independently and is guided only by the Charter and the norms of the law. Citizenship and place of residence are irrelevant when creating a non-profit organization. Using her property for personal purposes is prohibited by law. It is formed from contributions from founders, donations from participants, charitable contributions in cash or in kind, income from non-sales transactions, activities to attract resources, entrepreneurial activities, and the work of business entities.

To organize the process of opening a fund, you need to contact the territorial body of the Ministry of Justice of Russia and provide the necessary data:

  • Application (be sure to indicate the last name, first name, patronymic, place of residence, contact numbers in the form No. RN0001). It is provided in two copies: with a simple and notarized signature of the applicant. It is also necessary to attach additional sheets of the form, which will indicate information about the founder, trustee (if any), types of economic activities, receipts for obtaining certificates.
  • Constituent documents - Articles of Association (in 3 copies), memorandum of association, protocol of establishment. The charter must necessarily contain certain data: the name, goals, bodies of the foundation, its location, the procedure for appointing officials, actions in case of liquidation of the organization. In addition, it is necessary to draw up a decision on the creation of a fund, approve its documentation, provide information about the founders in two copies, the address of the current body of the fund, where you can contact the managers, pay a state fee in the amount of 4000 thousand rubles.

Advice: if the legal address of a charitable foundation in Russia is a non-residential premises, when registering papers, it is imperative to prepare a letter of guarantee from the addressee, a copy of the certificate of ownership, and in the case of sublease - papers confirming ownership from each addressee.

When using in the name of symbols protected by the laws of the Russian Federation or copyright, personal name, full name of another legal entity, you must have documentary evidence of the right to use them. Verification of papers lasts 30 days. If inconsistencies are noticed, the applicant will be summoned to the territorial division of the Ministry of Justice. Documents for opening a charitable foundation must be submitted within 3 months after the decision to create a non-profit organization in the legal form of the foundation is made.

Registration of a charitable foundation - step by step instructions

To register and open a charitable foundation, you need to contact the department for registration of non-profit organizations of the authorized territorial body or the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation with the necessary papers. They will be considered for up to 1 month. If all the norms are met, they will register a charitable foundation, this does not require a lot of money. After that, there are only a few steps left: registration with the IFTS, the Mandatory Health Insurance Fund, the Federal State Statistics Service. If difficulties arise in the opening process, then the organization of this process can be entrusted to a specialist. The cost of such a service is on average 3-10 thousand rubles. depending on the volume of work and the region. An important point is the choice of the taxation system (general, simplified, simplified tax system).

How to register a charitable foundation:

  1. Provide the necessary papers to the Office of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation:
  • application (form P11001);
  • constituent papers;
  • the decision of the founders to create a non-profit foundation;
  • a paper confirming payment of the state duty;
  • information about the founders (address, phone number, surname, name, patronymic).
  1. Open a current account.

A charitable foundation is allowed to engage only in those activities that are not aimed at obtaining personal profit, but the organization can use the profit received from entrepreneurship if it is directed to non-commercial purposes (holding charity events, etc.). The main difference from an ordinary fund is that a charitable organization must send at least 80% of the donated funds to charitable purposes (federal law "On charitable activities and charitable organizations"). After the state registration of activities, the charitable foundation becomes a full-fledged legal entity and acquires full legal personality. This is confirmed by the issuance of a registration certificate, approval of the Charter of the foundation. If the norms of the laws, according to which it must conduct its activities, are violated, the charitable organization will be liquidated by decision of the Ministry of Justice or the court (but the founder can also do this at will).

How to create a charity fundraising site?

Creating your own charity site with the ability to make payments through it will significantly increase the efficiency of the fund. The algorithm for creating such an Internet platform does not differ from the standard procedure:

  • choice of hosting (the functionality of the free version is quite enough);
  • domain (the domain name must contain keywords by which the resource can be found);
  • choosing a template, creating an interface;
  • filling resource sections with content.

But in addition to collecting charitable funds, it is necessary to ensure the comfort of transferring money through its functionality. The best option is to conclude an agreement with a payment aggregator. Such a company will help to establish the process of making payments through the site form in different ways and using many payment systems, saving the founder from the need to conclude a separate agreement with the management of each payment system. It is also important to pay attention to promoting the resource, increasing the efficiency of its work (compliance with seo parameters, advertising, active work in social networks).

Some charitable foundations are opened by the opportunities of small businesses organized from scratch. Only those who have rapid development potential, who form new market segments, and promote innovative services or products, can help to open a non-profit organization. To create a successful startup, an entrepreneur must choose others and find a source of funding. But at the same time it is worth remembering that any project of such a plan is distinguished not only by a rapid pace of development, but also by a high risk of bankruptcy.

Advice: if the founder of a charitable foundation in Russia is a foreign citizen, then when drawing up the documentation it is necessary to prepare an extract from the register of foreign legal entities or other paper confirming the legal status of the founder. The authorized or territorial body is not entitled to require other certificates.

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Opening a charitable organization is an important and socially beneficial project. With the help of such funds, the global problems of the city and the village are solved, there is an opportunity to give a chance for a happy life to those who have poor health, to carry out reforms in the field of education and medicine. The processes of organizing a fund, approving documentation are not very complicated, but at the same time, great attention should be paid to the compliance of the provided securities with legal requirements. It is also necessary to first develop a powerful strategy for promoting your fund, Internet resources that will present it.

In contact with

Before opening a public organization or charity fund, one must understand how these forms differ from other forms of uniting people. Their main goal is to provide various kinds of assistance to one person or a group of people, animals, the surrounding nature, preservation of cultural and historical monuments, and so on.

And most importantly, the business plan of such a fund does not imply profit from its activities. That is why all income received from his work is not taxed. Income comes from sponsorship and help from patrons. But the fund can use up to 20% of donations for its needs from these funds. They should go to meet her needs. The remaining 80% should go as intended.

Normative base

About how to open a charitable foundation, you will be prompted by special regulations that regulate the opening, activities and procedure for closing such organizations.

The main regulations that must be followed in the work of a charitable organization are:

  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 01/12/96 "On non-profit organizations";
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 11.08.95 "On charitable activities and charitable organizations".

These regulations emphasize that a charitable organization cannot be created for commercial purposes. Its income is donated for the purposes for which it was organized.

Functions of a public organization

According to experts, it makes no sense to open a public organization if there is a desire to donate funds to those in need only once. In this case, it is better to do this without intermediaries.

It makes sense to open a new charitable organization when, in addition to the actual transfer of funds, it will be engaged not in single-minded assistance, but in the entire cycle of work that is usually part of the responsibilities of such an organization. These include:

  • informing about the creation and work of the fund in other organizations, associations, communities, so that as many people as possible who need its help know about it;
  • collection and dissemination of information about those in need, as well as informing about the details of their bank accounts;
  • organizing the collection of the necessary funds, searching for investors, sponsors and others wishing to support the work of the organization;
  • distribution of funds among those in need on the basis of the laws of the Russian Federation.

On the one hand, you can engage in this activity without the official registration of a charitable foundation. But then all donations will be taxed as income. Therefore, those who are involved in the distribution of such funds, first of all, think about how to open a charitable foundation so as not to pay taxes on donations.

However, the work of a foundation or charitable organization is always associated with costs. At a minimum, funds will be required for:

  • office rental and equipment;
  • purchase of stationery and other goods;
  • utilities;
  • salaries to employees.

Therefore, the law is officially allowed to use 20% of the received sponsorship for the needs of the fund. The fund director is responsible for the distribution of funds. Every quarter, he signs reports on the movement of funds within the organization, which are referred to the tax office.

Organization registration

First of all, the business plan of a public organization should provide for its official registration. It is carried out by state registrars in the city or district administration of the city. That is, in the administration to which the legal address of the organization belongs. You should think over all the issues of renting or buying premises in advance in order to contact the right institution. If the documents are submitted to the wrong address, they will refuse to register you.

You can submit documents in person or by mail. In the latter case, an inventory of all sent papers must be attached to the package of documents. Whichever method of filing documents you choose, the state registrar must consider and make a decision within three days.

Constituent documents

Like any business, a charitable organization requires the preparation of constituent documents to create. First of all, include in the business plan the creation of a charter, which is the foundation of the organization. There is a certain order of its compilation. The charter should contain certain sections, provisions, reflect the essence of the organization's activities. If you make mistakes in its preparation, you may be denied registration.

So, the charter should contain the following main sections:

  1. Unique name. Despite the fact that the charitable foundation is a non-profit enterprise, its name must also be original. Multiple foundations or charitable organizations with the same or similar name are not permitted. If the name is not original, you will be refused registration.
  2. Spheres and goals of the foundation.
  3. Management bodies: their composition, responsibilities, powers, operating procedures, etc.
  4. The procedure for the election, approval or appointment of governing bodies.
  5. The procedure for making changes and amendments to the constituent documents.
  6. Sources of funds.
  7. Reporting issues, fund controllability.
  8. The procedure and grounds for the termination of the fund, as well as where and how its funds will be distributed after liquidation.

Each of these points must be present in the charter. In addition, it is important to correctly spell out all the wording in each of them. Therefore, when drawing up a business plan for the fund, include the services of a lawyer. In the future, your business will also need his services.

Registration documents

But the registration of an organization takes place on the basis of not only one charter. For official permission, a business requires a whole package of various documents. So, in addition to the charter, the state registrar will require:

  • If the foundation is created by legal entities, then their statutory documents.
  • If the foundation is created by individuals, then copies of their passports.
  • A receipt for payment of the registration service fee.
  • A registration card filled in according to all requirements.
  • Minutes of the meeting of founders, at which a decision was made to create a foundation.

Please note that if the fund's business plan provides for the participation of foreign legal entities in its creation, copies of the above documents, which are translated into the state language, are required. For example, if a foundation creates a foreign legal entity, its registration certificate from the country where it is registered will be required. Moreover, all translations must be certified by a notary.

Procedure for submitting documents

The documents can be submitted personally by the founder. In this case, the registrar will require him to present a civil passport. If the founder submits documents through a proxy, an appropriate power of attorney must be presented.

The registrar sends the answer in three days. As a rule, founders receive refusals due to errors in the charter or when drawing up other documents. If you were refused, this does not mean that your business cannot be officially registered. It is enough to eliminate the errors and submit the documents again. This can be repeated an unlimited number of times.

For more productive work in the field of charity, you can create your own charitable foundation. It will help attract more money and allocate it to more needs and other social problems.

First, select the field of activity of your foundation. For example, helping children in need or sick, large families, soldiers, nature conservation, support for young musicians, artists, etc. Based on this, you can create a non-state pension fund, a science fund, an investment fund, an entrepreneurship support fund, etc. There can be a lot of options. Based on the goals and direction of activity, develop a charter for the foundation. If there are other founders, get together with them and create a charter. Come up with a name, logo of the organization, solve all organizational issues. Be sure to collect all the details of the other founders. Select the president of the foundation and the chairman of the board by voting. Write an order for these persons to take office.

If you have any difficulties, pay attention to two laws that regulate the creation and operation of charitable foundations: the Federal Law "On Non-Profit Organizations" and the Federal Law "On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations". Rent a room for a charitable organization. Select an object in the city center. You can choose a room in the office center building. If you do not have the funds for the premises, try writing a petition addressed to the mayor of the city asking for help in obtaining free space for charitable purposes. Carry out the necessary communications - Internet, telephone, etc.

Hire staff and attract volunteers. Do not involve too many employees - only 30% of donations can be donated to the fund for salaries. Start the copyright registration process with Rospatent. Register your charitable organization with the Federal Reserve Office of the Department of Justice. You will be asked to provide the following documents - application, original and two certified copies of the charter, information about the founders in duplicate, information about the location of the fund, two certified copies of the minutes of the constituent meeting, a letter of guarantee from the landlord, minutes of congresses and conferences (if any), a receipt on the payment of the state fee, as well as documents confirming the use of copyright. You will receive a certificate of registration no later than 30 days from the date of application. Within 5 working days, a charitable foundation must register for tax purposes, obtain a TIN certificate and a ROSSTAT certificate. After that, open a bank account for transferring funds to charity. Also, be sure to create several electronic wallets, for example, WebMoney or Yandex.Money. Thus, people will be able to make transfers from different countries or choose the most convenient method. Place smart ads. Advertise in newspapers and popular magazines in your area. Add online ads. Register groups on social networks. Be sure to create your own website and post the specific issues that the foundation deals with. Leave your details and contacts. Add activity and progress reports regularly.

Seek help in organizing the fund from famous people - parliamentarians, entrepreneurs, etc. Perhaps one of them would like to provide a monetary donation or help solve organizational issues. This approach will attract more attention and complicity to your foundation.

A charitable organization is a good opportunity to attract more people to social problems and learn how to solve them together. Develop a plan and program of activities for the future organization and start preparing documents for registration.

Charity is targeted assistance to those in need: people, objects of cultural heritage, events. And charitable foundations are the main instrument for providing charitable assistance. Their special bank accounts contain contributions of patrons, which are then transferred to those in need. The work of funds involves the possibility of using tax incentives. Let's look at how to open a charitable foundation and how such organizations work.

  • 1 Creation of a charitable foundation
  • 2 Opening and registration of a fund for raising money
  • 3 How a successful charity works
  • 4 Ways to make money on a charity fund
  • 5 Taxation of a charitable foundation
  • 6 Business plan of the charitable foundation

Creation of a charitable foundation

Before you open a fund, you need to choose a direction of activity. Foundations can help to have different specializations, among all others, you need to choose one: you cannot first assist in the reconstruction of a historical building, then help orphans or homeless children.

Cash reporting is an important part of a charitable foundation's work. It is controlled by the state. To get started, you need to enlist the financial help of patrons, donors, and other donors. They will draw up the budget of the organization: without this, the foundation cannot exist.

Once the direction of assistance has been selected and partners have been found, you can think about practice. Start with the name of the fund - it should correspond to the essence of the activity.

Next steps:

  • development and execution of statutory obligations;
  • staff recruitment;
  • creating your own website;
  • marketing;
  • search for volunteers.

Opening and registration of a fund for raising money

First of all, a charitable foundation must be registered. Basically, a public organization, foundation or institution is used as a form of registration. The founders of the fund can be either ordinary citizens (natural person) or organizations (legal entity).

A package of documents for registering a charitable foundation:

  1. Founder's statement in the form R11001.
  2. A receipt for payment of the state duty (it is 4,000 rubles).
  3. Constituent documentation.
  4. Decision on the creation of a fund.
  5. Information about the founders.
  6. A document with the address assigned to the fund.

A charitable foundation is usually a non-profit organization, so registration information must be submitted to the Ministry of Justice, and not to the tax office. It is Justice that oversees the work of non-profit institutions.

However, the foundation can also engage in entrepreneurship on the basis of the charter of a commercial organization and permission of the Federal Law "On Charitable Activities" You can create an OJSC or LLC. But the possibilities of earning income are still limited - 80% of the income will be transferred to financial assistance to those in need. The decision to register a commercial charitable foundation is made by the tax office.

The legislation insists on the creation of two bodies in a charitable organization: executive and collegial, and the charter should clearly distinguish between their responsibilities.

The distribution of donations to the fund's account is carried out by the board of trustees. It consists of permanent partners, benefactors, founders and other people interested in the work of the fund. Often in the boards of trustees you can see the names of famous actors, singers, show business figures.

How a successful charity works

The foundation will bring real help only on condition that it employs professional staff.

Charity fund staff:

  1. Director. His responsibilities include developing the strategy and mission of the enterprise. The director is also responsible for budgeting and oversees the activities of the fund as a whole.
  2. Project Manager. This person should look for benefactors, sponsors. He also develops the concept of this or that charity event, negotiates its holding, and implements everything. The project manager is responsible for the estimate, selection of contractors and props.
  3. Chief Accountant. Expense reports, accounting of collected money, control of targeted distribution of funds are his duties.
  4. Social worker. Obliged to accept applications for assistance, check their accuracy.
  5. Marketer. Invents and distributes advertisements about the work of the fund, checks the effectiveness of activities, cooperates with contractors.
  6. Lawyer. Valuable employee for a charitable foundation. Draws up and verifies all documents on the collection and investment of the fund.

Accountants, copywriters, site administrators, lawyers can work in the fund on outsourcing terms. When starting an organization, only a few specialists can be officially included in the staff, the rest can be hired under a contract, and over time, a stable team can be formed.

To make the fund's work successful, you need to invite as many sponsors as possible to cooperate. It is worth looking for them first of all among friends. Think about who might be interested in your initiative.

The format of assistance to the fund can be not only monetary - it can be materials, things, furniture, vouchers, etc. This can be volunteer help - personal participation in the work.

The charitable foundation must also be promoted through a marketing campaign. First of all, you need to create a website for the organization. The more people know about you, the easier it is to find information about the fund, the more funds you can get. In order to make a website, you don't have to pay a specialist. Using the constructor, you can create it yourself.

Be sure to register in social networks. A huge number of people learn about you and your work, and there may also be sponsors among them.

Prepare a short but detailed message on the flyers, indicating your line of business and your contacts. Leave them at the reception at sports schools, cinema, continuing education institutions, etc.

The main thing when looking for like-minded people is to be honest: in conversation, in video messages, in the media. Sincere interest and desire to help will resonate in the hearts of your interlocutors.

All funds received to the fund's account should be spent in two directions - providing assistance for which it was created (80%) and own needs: salaries to employees, renovation of premises, etc. (20%).

Ways to make money on a charity fund

The fund's methods of earning money are divided into fair and gray schemes. All donations to the fund are targeted and non-targeted. The fund can legally take 20% of non-earmarked fees to pay for its own needs. Also, the fund can organize some kind of activity on which you can earn money - for example, sewing toys for children. The difference between the prime cost and the selling price is the earnings of the fund, a part of which the fund can also take. Sometimes charitable foundations go to "gray" schemes, indicating incorrect numbers in official reports and receiving the difference in an envelope as a "kickback".

Participation in social projects helps the foundation to earn money. The easiest way to attract more people to charity and get a direct economic effect is considered to be social events, they also increase the percentage of profitability. Let's say a chain of toy stores can hold an action to help orphanages. To participate in it, you need to buy goods for babies and leave them in special containers at the checkout.

Hanging orders are becoming very popular. These are the ones that are paid for in a cafe or coffee shop and are left to the next visitor, some specific or random. Any services of various leisure or sports centers can be “suspended”.

Taxation of a charitable foundation

The charitable foundation must be tax-registered. The tax office registers the charter of the fund, provides a number and an extract from the state register within seven days. Next, the founder of the fund needs to issue a power of attorney from the IFTS, select a servicing bank and open a special account with it.

The peculiarity of the taxation of charity is the narrowed base. This means that contributions are not included in it - you need correct and competent accounting. Therefore, it is worth making sure that a competent accountant with experience works in the fund.

If, according to the charter, a charitable foundation is a commercial organization, you can register it in the form of an individual entrepreneur and choose a simplified taxation system. To do this, an application is submitted to the tax office with a selected tax rate of 6% of total income or 15% - the difference between income and costs.

Then it will be necessary to register an individual entrepreneur with the statistical agency, the social insurance fund and the pension fund. If you are a non-profit organization, reporting will be much easier: no submission of documents to the pension fund and with zero taxes.

Charity fund business plan

Briefly about the business planning of a charitable foundation, we can say that it can be opened with minimal investment. We will talk about this in the comments to the table.

Charitable Foundation (BF) is an NGO, that is, a non-profit organization that is created to help children, disabled people and others in need. It can be public or private. Today we will figure out how a charitable foundation works, how to create, develop and make it successful.

What is a charitable foundation and how does it work

BF works to collect voluntary donations and transfer them to those who need these funds. The fund pays for its work from its own money, so a certain part of all donations goes to pay for further work.

A charitable foundation also has the right to engage in entrepreneurship, but only if it is associated with the main purpose of the work, and the profit received from it goes only for the purposes of the foundation itself.

Laws regulating the work of the CF:

  • ФЗ 135 ‘On charity and volunteering.
  • Part 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation of November 30, 1994 N 51-FZ

Typically, a foundation is created through voluntary donations from its members and other sponsors. The property of the foundation is transferred to it by the founders as contributions, the goals are prescribed in the charter, and the main body is the board of trustees.

The principle of the charitable foundation is simple. The BF announces a collection of funds to help, for example, victims of floods left without housing in one of the regions of the country. Money comes to the specified details, which goes to the general "storage". Part of the material aid remains in the fund for further payment of its work, since it has no other sources of funding. The rest of the money is transferred to the above-mentioned group of the population - that is, to the curators of a public organization located in their region.

A step-by-step plan on how to create a charity foundation

To register your BF, stick to the following plan:

  1. Fill out an application for registration in the form RN0001

You can get an application from the administration of your city. You will need to fill it out in two parts, and one of them will need to be certified by a notary.

  1. Document the creation of constituent documents, that is, the charter and details of the founders

Three copies of the charter and two copies of the document on the founders will need to be submitted to the authorized body for managing charitable foundations.

  1. Pay the state fee

Now the fee is just over four thousand rubles. Attach the payment receipt to the rest of the documents.

  1. Collect data on the physical and legal addresses of your foundation

They will also need to be printed and submitted with other papers to the city administration.

  1. Submit a title deed to the premises where the foundation will actually be located

According to the law, you are not allowed to operate the foundation in a rented premises. Therefore, in the authorized body, you will need to confirm that the premises really belong to you.

After submitting all the documents, you need to wait 14 working days before making a decision on opening a charity fund. After this period, you will receive a certificate of registration and a certified charter of your charitable foundation. If your documents did not fit, you may be refused without giving a reason, or asked to collect missing certificates.

How to legally open a fund to raise money - legal nuances

The person opening a new CF can be physical or legal.

The fund can be opened in partnership with someone; this does not contradict the law and sometimes simplifies the procedure for creating a foundation. For example, a legal entity may be responsible for financing, and an individual may be responsible for owning the premises where the fund's management is located.

To find out which department in your city is engaged in charitable initiatives, contact the administration. To organize the activities of the fund, you do not need to confirm your income or provide other certificates.

The fund strictly reports to the state on all its expenses. But reporting to sponsors and its members is voluntary. But usually foundations provide free access to their reporting - the more openness in this matter, the more confidence in the charitable foundation.

Ideas on how to open a BF and make it successful

First you need to choose the direction of the fund's work. For example, you can start a fund to help orphans. In this case, money should be delivered to baby homes, orphanages and other places, children who have lost their parents are kept.

To find the right niche for your fund, check out this market. What attracts the attention of benefactors? Which funds are considered the most reliable?

Then describe how your foundation will differ from the existing ones and what initiatives it is going to support. In this way, you will formulate the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fund.

Foundations are often opened by well-known businessmen, actors, athletes - alone or in a group of several people. For example, the Konstantin Khabensky charitable foundation is well known in Russia. But sometimes ordinary people stand behind foundations who want to help others.

The largest charitable foundations in the Russian Federation

According to 2018 data, the amount of funds received by non-profit organizations in the Russian Federation amounted to 15 billion 813 million rubles.53% of these funds were collected by the TOP-10 largest charitable foundations. TOP-3 largest funds collected 33% of the total.

  1. "Gift a life"
    The amount of funds raised in 2018 is more than 2 billion rubles. Fit has been operating since 2006, its founders are actresses Ch. Khamatova and D. Korzun. Volunteers and doctors work with the foundation. The main direction is the fight against oncohematological diseases.
  2. Rusfond
    In 1996, the foundation created the Kommersant Publishing House. In 2018, he raised over 1.8 billion rubles. Collecting money for the needs of the fund is carried out on the pages of the Kommersant newspaper, in partner media and on Channel One.
  3. WorldVita
    Has been working since 2009. In 2018, more than 1 billion rubles were raised. The main direction is the treatment of children with oncology.

Taxation of a charitable foundation

The BF should keep accounting and reporting, and its annual report should be publicly available.

Tax system BF is general, but you can switch to special mode. There are no tax concessions here, and the fund pays the same taxes on all income as any commercial organization. The money going to charity is accounted for separately, that is, the accounting of all income and expenses for charity is separated from the similar accounting of all cash flows for the business activities of the Charity Fund.

Only twenty percent of the total amount of inappropriate donations received by the charitable foundation can be taken for the internal needs of the foundation. This money needs to be spent on paying for the fund's work and wageshis staff.

In the event that a certain amount of money remains from the collected funds, they can either be reserved within the fund in order to be used on next initiatives, or spent on internal activities. This is not prohibited by law.

A mandatory requirement is to use the funds received by the fund strictly within the specified period, prepare documentation on their implementation in a timely manner and keep separate records of income and expenses that fit into the target income.

How to make a business plan for a charitable foundation

There is practically no need for a business plan to organize a charitable foundation, since the foundation cannot be viewed as an exclusively business project. You can prescribe the definition of your fund, its purpose, population groups for which funds will be collected.

  • Description of the fund and its structure.
  • Why was the foundation created and who does it help, who are its founders, what charter.
  • A selection of documents for opening a fund and inspections by supervisory authorities.

Conclude all the white papers in one collection, which will allow you to easily navigate the general documentation of the foundation.

  • List of financial sources

Who will be the main financial source of the fund and how much funds are received from partners?

How to make money on a charity fund

You have several opportunities to earn money through a charity initiative. First, you can appoint yourself as a fund manager, which will mean getting paid. A qualified manager is one of the mostpromising professions... In this case, you can set yourself the amount of payments for organizing the fund's activities.

The second method is shadow deductions, which is illegal and not recommended to any of the readers.

In addition to donations from caring people, charitable foundations can exist on contributions from their own members - legal entities and individuals. Targeted monetary donations from benefactors to the foundation can only be spent on what they donate to. But from non-targeted, you can take ⅕ part to pay salaries or administrative costs. Also, many people provide volunteer assistance to foundations.

By definition, founders of charitable foundations cannot make a profit, but in most cases, such an initiative can make money - especially if the foundation has support from the state. In this case, payment comes from government deductions for the work of the fund, and not from the money that was collected to help a particular person.

Be careful when signing any documents related to the foundation in one way or another. In some cases, unscrupulous partners may try to turn a charitable foundation into a vehicle for money laundering. Consult with an independent lawyer each time before signing a new document.


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